21st Agri Unifest Handbook - UASB
21st Agri Unifest Handbook - UASB
21st Agri Unifest Handbook - UASB
18-22 January 2023, University of Agricultural Sciences, Bangalore, GKVK, Bengaluru- 560 065
Welcome Message from the Vice-Chancellor
Dr. S. V. Suresha
Vice Chancellor
UAS, Bangalore
The event : Agri Unifest
All India Inter-Agricultural Universities Youth Festival
was conceptualized and introduced by the Indian
Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) during 1999-
2000, with a vision of integrating Indian agriculture by
way of connecting different cultures of India, to harness
talents among the youth of Agricultural Universities
and to depict the beauty of Indian cultural diversity.
This festival is annually celebrated jointly by the state
as well as central agricultural Universities. The
prestigious Agri-Unifest, a five days cultural
extravaganza, would bring together over 2000 talented
youth from different parts of the country. Students
from 74 State Agricultural Universities/ Deemed
Universities/ Central Universities showcase their skills in
music, dance, literary, theatre and fine arts events. The
hallmark of the Agri-Unifest is a unique blend of many
cultures. University of Agricultural Sciences, Bangalore,
the first Agricultural University of Karnataka, is
hosting the 21 Agri-Unifest for the third time in 24
a) "ICAR" means Indian Council of Agricultural Research (Bharatiya Krishi Anusandhan Parishat).
b) "Cultural Committee" means the Committee of Youth Affairs created under the ICAR Directorate of
c) "University" means the State/Central Agricultural University/Institutions under ICAR.
d) "Youth Festival" means all Indian Inter State Agricultural Universities Youth Festival/Cultural
e) "Organising Committee" means the committee constituted by Organising University to conduct and
manage the Inter State Agricultural University Youth Festival allotted to it.
f) "Organising University" means the Agricultural University/Institute for which the Youth Festival is
allotted by the ICAR
g) "Organising Secretary" means the Secretary designated by the Organising University of the Organising
The Inter Agricultural University Youth Festival shall be organised annually by the Youth Affairs
Committee of the ICAR Directorate of Education.
The Inter Agricultural Universities Youth Festival shall be held for a period of five days, preferably during
February - March or as designed by ICAR and the hosting University.
1. Only bonafide, full time student who is enrolled for a degree or post - graduate degree or a diploma
course which is of a minimum duration of one academic year and whose examination is conducted by
the University, subsequent by passing 12th Class examination under 10+2 pattern conducted by the
recognised Board or any equivalent examinations shall be eligible to participate in the Inter
Agricultural Youth Festival.
2. Students enrolled in Open Universities, Correspondence Course, students pursuing bridge courses or
doing part-time course are not eligible.
3. All students participating in the Inter Agricultural Universities Youth Festival shall fulfil the following
a. Not more than six years should have elapsed since a student has passed the
examination qualifying oneself for first admission to a degree or diploma
programme in the Agricultural University.
i. For the purpose of completing year of eligibility, one year will cover the academic year in which
the Youth festival is held irrespective of whether the students result is declared or not.
ii. The restriction of participation in Inter Agricultural Universities Youth Festival to a period of
one year more than the duration of academic course, means that the student pursuing a four
year degree programme B.Sc. (Agri.,) Home Science, Horticulture, Ag. Engg., Ag. Marketing,
Fisheries, Forestry, etc) can participate for five years while students pursuing a five year degree
programme such a B.V.Sc. can participate for six years.
b. Only students who are less than 27 years of age as of 1st Sept. of the academic year in which
the Youth Festival is held can participate (only for this year).
All Participating Universities shall nominate a whole time employed, responsible staff (teaching/non-
teaching) to be the Team Manager. A female Team Manager is preferred for a female contingent.
1. All participating Universities shall need the documents dully signed by Dean/ Director of Student's
welfare to the Organising Secretary before the stipulated time.
2. If the participating team contains more number of participants than the maximum number
permissible under the rule, such a team shall not be allowed to participate in the Youth Festival.
Whenever a tie arises for any position in individual events, both teams will be awarded full points in their
respective position. If a tie arises for the Overall Championship or Runners-up positions, both teams shall
be declared as the joint winners, and a provision shall be made for separate trophies.
1. Maximum strength of contingent shall be 27, including participants (22), accompanists (3) and Team
Manager/s (2). A maximum of 2 assistants (other than participants/accompanists) may be allowed
outside the contingent strength for the maintenance of property etc.
2. Every member of the team participating in Inter Agricultural Universities Youth Festival shall carry
identity card which shall bear the following:
a. Photograph of the participant and his/her signature.
b. Attestation of the photograph by the Head of the Institution / Dean/ Director of
Student Welfare. The attestation must be on the photograph.
c. A separate Festival Identity card shall be issued with Chest number on one side and particulars of
the participant along with a stamp size photo on the other side, duly signed by the Organising
d. A student not possessing the identity card as defined above shall not be allowed to participate in
the Youth Festival.
e. Any identity card bearing unauthorised overwriting/tampered shall not be accepted as valid by
the Organising University. Holder of such identity card shall not be permitted to participate.
f. A copy of Aadhar is to be attached without fail.
3. For Fine Arts events, a participant is permitted to participate in maximum of 3 events.
4. Accompanists would preferably be students who will give participation certificates. However, hired
accompanists are not eligible for any certificates/medal.
5. Same participants can take part in the Inter Agricultural Youth Festival for a maximum of two times.
6. Item presented by a participating University shall not be repeated in the Youth Festivals for subsequent
two years.
• Every University undertaking to conduct a Youth Festival on behalf of the ICAR shall be responsible
for its organisation, supervision and conduct of all events.
• The Vice-Chancellor of the host University shall appoint an Organising Committee. One of the
members of the Organising Committee shall be designated as the Organising Secretary. The
Organising Committee shall function under his supervision.
• The responsibility of organising the Youth Festival according to the rules shall be that of the Vice-
Chancellor of the host University. He shall set up various sub-committees to look after the various
affairs of the Youth Festival. He shall constitute a Steering Committee comprising of the Officers of
the University to oversee all the arrangements being made for conducting the Youth Festival.
• It shall be the duty of the Organising Committee to ensure that the rules and regulations laid-down
by the ICAR for the Inter Agricultural Universities Youth Festival are complied with. In case of any
infringement of the rules, the Organising Committee shall have the powers to take appropriate action.
If any team includes an ineligible participant/s (as defined by the rules), after due verification, such
team shall be scratched from the Youth Festival and shall be debarred from participation in the next
year's Youth Festival.
• In case of any misconduct by any individual participant of a team, the Organising University shall have
the powers to scratch the team/disqualify the individual participant/s from participation in the Youth
• The Organising Committee shall hoist the flags of the ICAR, the Host University and the participating
Universities for the entire duration of the Youth Festival.
• To facilitate this, all participating Universities should submit two of their University flags to the
Organising University at the time of registration.
• It shall be the duty of the Organising Secretary to keep the ICAR fully informed of the entries received,
the date of the events and their respective venues.
• The Organising University shall provide free and clean lodging facilities, adequately equipped with
light, drinking water, toilets etc. to the participating teams. Hostels/Class rooms available in the
nearby colleges can also be utilized for lodging purposes. Separate lodging facilities with adequate
security shall be provided to the lady participants. Separate lodging facilities shall be provided for
the team managers. The lodging arrangements shall be as per the convenience to the satisfaction of
the participants. Separate practicing rooms may be provided for participating teams close to their
place of lodging.
• The auditorium, halls, lighting, sound system and other equipment used for the Inter Agricultural
Universities Youth Festivals must conform to the national standards. For theatre and dance events, a
minimum of 30 feet x 20 feet of free space shall be provided with sound systems and lighting facilities.
A minimum of 6 Flood lights, 2 Spot lights, 4 Ray lights, 1 light in front of the curtain, 2 dimmer stats,
2 multi-coloured disc lights and 3 high catch mikes shall be provided.
• Only basic infrastructure facilities shall be provided by the Organising University. the participating
Universities shall make their own arrangements for stage props, musical instruments, makeup
materials and special light/sound effects as required by them.
• The Organising University of Inter Agricultural Universities Youth Festival shall intimate well in
advance about the date, venue and details of the programs to all the Universities.
• If the Organising University fails to conduct the Youth Festival allotted to it to the full satisfaction of
ICAR, such University shall not be assigned any Youth Festival for a period of two years or until their
infrastructural facilities are improved.
• No participant or an official of a participating team shall interfere with the conduct of Youth Festival
or any event of the Youth Festival. they shall not enter into argument with the supervising or
organising officials, not shall they question the decision of the judge/s.
• However, the team manager of the participating team has the right to lodge a written protest on
any point on which it feels aggrieved. No protest is admitted against judgment. For this purpose,
the Organising University shall constitute a Protest Committee and a Jury of Appeals.
• No official/participant of any team shall go to the press or Court of law on any controversial issues.
Violation of this clause shall be liable for disciplinary action, which may be to the extent of debarring
the official/participant of the University concerned from participation in the Youth Festivals for a
period of two to three years as may be determined by the ICAR Committee of Youth Festivals.
• Any official not complying with the rules laid down for the Inter Agricultural Universities Youth
Festival shall render himself/herself liable to disciplinary action. Such misbehaviour shall be brought
to the notice of the authorities of the University concerned for necessary disciplinary action as they
deem fit to take against him/her. Such an official shall be debarred from participating in the Inter
Agricultural Universities Youth Festival by the ICAR for a period ranging from 2 to 3 years depending
upon the magnitude of offence committed.
• When a team holding any of the positions is scratched after Youth Festival is over, the position of
the scratched shall remain unfilled and the position of remaining teams shall remain as such. The
merit certificates and medals shall not be issued to the scratched team and same shall be reported
to the University concerned.
• The participating University shall bear the travelling and incidental expenses of its own team. The
Host University shall bear the expenses pertaining to boarding and lodging of the participating
teams, local transport, hospitality, local infrastructural facilities for Youth Festival events etc., under
normal conditions.
• Only one team per University is allowed.
• Maximum number of singers in a group shall be six. Maximum numbers of accompanists per
group shall be three.
• Patriotic songs should be of Indian origin and can be of any regional language.
• No film songs shall be presented as patriotic songs.
• Maximum time allowed per team is six minutes which does not include setting time. The setting
time per team shall not exceed four minutes.
• Judging of this item shall be based on quality of singing only and not on the costumes, makeup
and actions of the team.
• No pre-recorded music is allowed.
• Separate time of one minute shall be allotted for reading the synopsis, if presented in regional
language, outside the specified time. The synopsis shall be read by the Organising University.
• Only one participant team per University is allowed.
• The maximum number of singers in a group shall be six.
• The team may consist of all boys, all girls, or a mixture of both.
• The maximum number of accompanists in a group playing instruments shall be three.
• Group songs shall be other than patriotic songs.
• Any song sung under Patriotic Song item shall not be repeated in Group Song.
• Two group songs shall be presented by the same team out of which one will compulsorily be a
folk song.
• The group songs should be of Indian origin which can be any regional language.
• Film songs shall not be presented as group songs.
• Maximum time allowed for the group song is ten minutes which does not include setting time.
The setting time for a group shall not exceed four minutes.
• Separate time of one minute shall be allotted for reading the synopsis, if presented in regional
language, outside the specified time. The synopsis shall be read by the Organising University.
• Judgement shall be based on the quality of singing only and not on the makeup, costumes and
action of the team.
• Only one team per University is allowed. Each team shall consist of two participants.
• There shall be a written preliminary round and teams will be selected for the final round.
• Finals shall consist of both oral and audio-visual questions.
• Specific rules regarding time to reply to a question, type of rounds and evaluation procedure shall
be framed by the Quiz Master/Organising University and be announced well before the actual
start of the quiz competition.
• Each University shall be represented by one participant.
• Medium of expression shall be English.
• Each speaker shall be allowed to speak for a maximum of five minutes.
• The topic shall be announced 24 hrs. before the competition.
• Any form of written matter as aid shall not be allowed. Violation shall be liable for disqualification.
• Judgement will be based on qualities like' subject coverage, language, diction and general
• Each University shall have two participants, one will speak "for" while the another will speak
"against" the proposition.
• Medium of expression shall be English or Hindi
• Topic of the debate shall be announced 24 hours in advance.
• Each debater shall be allowed to speak for a maximum of five minutes.
• Any form of written matter as aid shall not be allowed. Violation shall be liable for disqualification.
• Judgement will be based on qualities like coverage, language, diction and general impression,
• Best debater shall be identified based on the individual score. However, no points are awarded.
• Each University shall be represented by one participant.
• Topic for extempore shall be put in a "fish pond" from which the participant shall pick.
• Each participant shall be given two minutes for preparation after picking up the topic and
maximum of five minutes for presentation.
• Medium of expression shall be English or Hindi.
• Judgement will be based on qualities like subject coverage, diction and general impression.
10. SKIT
• Only one team per University will be allowed.
• Maximum number of participants shall be six and accompanists shall be three.
• Maximum time allotted for each team shall be ten minutes.
• Language of presentation shall be in English, Hindi or any regional language of India.
• Separate time shall be provided for reading the synopsis which is maximum of one minute outside
the time specified. The synopsis shall be read by the Organising University.
• Use of makeup, drapery and background recorded music is allowed.
• Empty stage to empty stage shall be strictly followed.
• Judgement will be based on qualities like theme, acting, stage craft, design and general
11. MIME
• Only one entry per University is allowed.
• Maximum number of participants shall be six and accompanists shall be two only.
• Judgement will be based on qualities like idea, creativity of presentation, use of makeup, music
and general impression.
• The costume shall be black and the gloves & socks shall be white.
• Host University shall provide white background on the stage.
• Maximum time allotted for each team shall be five minutes.
• No team shall announce the theme.
• No light adjustment is allowed. Only floodlights are to be used.
• Each University shall be represented by one participant
• The theme for mono - acting shall be announced 24 hours in advance
• Duration shall not exceed five minutes
• Judgement will be based on qualities, light, creativity of presentation, use of makeup and general
• Each University shall be represented by one participant.
• Theme for the competition shall be announced on the spot before the commencement of the
• Collage to be done on the spot chosen by the Organising University.
• Duration shall not exceed two hours and 30 minutes.
• A 2 cm border shall be maintained on all sides.
• Only a drawing sheet, copies of the same magazines, colour paper shall be provided by the
Organising University
• Participants are to bring their own materials like scissors, glue, etc.
• This art is known differently in various regions as Mandana, Alpana, Alekhan, Kolam, Rangoli etc.
• Each University shall be represented by one participant.
• Medium and form for expression can be free hand, pictorial, descriptive.
• Only coloured powder, flower petals, grains and seed are to be used.
• Duration shall not exceed 2 hours and 30 minutes.
• Item shall be done on the spot chosen by the Organising University.
• Participants shall bring their own materials.
• Size of the Rangoli shall be maximum of 2.5 x 2.5 feet.
• Judgement shall be based on intricacy; colour combination, complexity and not based on the
The decision of the judges appointed by the Organising University for various events shall be final. All
participating Universities are expected to honour the judgements. In case of any dissatisfaction the matter
may be referred to the Jury of Appeals.
The written protest if any, shall be lodged by the Team Manager/s with the Protest Committee (consisting
of Organising Secretary, Convenor/Chairman of Programme Committee) within one hour of the end of
that competition. The Protest Committee shall verify the written protest. If the protest is valid, the protest
is referred to Jury of Appeals. No protest shall be entertained on matters of judgement. Protest relating
to the violation of rules or improper conduct of competition can be entertained. There shall be a protest
fee of Rs. 200/- (Rupees Two Hundred only) which is to be paid when it is referred to Jury of Appeals. This
fee shall be constituted by the Vice-chancellor, as Chairman, of the Organising University in consultation
with Organising Secretary, who would be the convenor before the commencement of festival.
Any point not directly covered by these aforesaid rules, shall be decided on the basis of the rules most
nearly applicable and in accordance with the general spirit of above rules.
Subject: Participation in 21st All India Inter Agricultural Universities Youth Festival – reg.
in 21st All India Inter Agricultural Universities Youth Festival being organized by University of
Agricultural Sciences, Bangalore from 18th to 22nd January 2023 is hereby confirmed.
Thanking you,
Yours sincerely
Note: Duly filled in Proforma should reach the Dean of Student Welfare &
Organizing Secretary latest by 05th January 2023.
Note: Duly filled in Proforma should reach to the Dean of Student Welfare and Organizing Secretary
latest by 05th January 2023.
* Maximum Contingent strength shall be 30 i.e., 22 Participants, three Accompanists, two Assistants,
two Team Managers and one Official either DSW/ Cultural Coordinator.
21st All India Inter Agricultural Universities Youth Festival 2022-23
Affix recent
Certified that particulars mentioned above are correct to the best of my knowledge and belief
Signature of the
Date: Participant / Accompanist
Countersigned by:
The Dean / Dean of Student Welfare
[[ Note: 1) Each Participant / Accompanist is required to submit two copies of this certificate duly
countersigned by the Dean / Dean of Student Welfare.
2) Duly filled Proforma should reach to The Dean of Student Welfare & Organizing Secretary,
latest by 05th January 2023
Detailed Entry Proforma
21stAll India Inter Agricultural Universities Youth Festival
18th – 22nd January 2023
Name of the University: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________
participated in Youth
Extempore Speeches
Clay Modelling
Poster Making
Patriotic Song
Name of the Participants
Mono Acting
No. of times
No. Birth
The above participants are bonafide students of our University and they fulfil the eligibility and other criteria laid by ICAR, it is understood that any misbehaviour, misconduct by any
member of our contingent will be liable for disciplinary action
participated in Youth
Extempore Speeches
Clay Modelling
Poster Making
Patriotic Song
Name of the Participants
Mono Acting
No. of times
No. Birth
1 (Student/Professional)
2 (Student/Professional)
3 (Student/Professional)
The above participants are bonafide students of our University and they fulfil the eligibility and other criteria laid by ICAR, it is understood that any misbehaviour, misconduct by any
member of our contingent will be liable for disciplinary action
Certified that the above item / event has not been presented in the earlier Agri Unifest
Date: Signature of the Team Manager
Date: Signature of the Team Manager