1. It's got wings and it can fly, but it isn't a bird. It eats leaves and it lives in the forest. It isn't amphibious and it's very
2. It isn't a mammal. It lives in the sea and it's dangerous. It eats fish, penguins...and sometimes humans, too!
3. This animal lives in the mountains or on the farm. It's got four legs and a small tail. It can climb rocks and jump. It
eats grass. It has sometimes got horns.
4. This animal lives in cold environments. It's big and strong but it isn't dangerous and it can't kill people. It's got horns
and long hair.
5. It has got ten legs, but you can only see eight. It hasn't got wings or fur, and it eats plants and other animals. It lives
near the sea, and it can walk under the water.
6. It's a wild animal. It lives in a warm climate. It's got wings but it can't fly. It is tall and it can run very fast. It doesn't eat
7. It lives all around the world, in warm climates and cold environments. It doesn't eat fruit and it has got fur. It can swim
but it can't climb trees.
8. It lives in North America. It lives in the forest and it eats nuts and berries. It has got fur and a long tail with stripes. It
can climb trees and jump.
IT ISN’T_____________________________________________________________________________________
IT’S GOT____________________________________________________________________________________
IT HASN’T GOT_______________________________________________________________________________
IT CAN______________________________________________________________________________________
IT CAN’T_____________________________________________________________________________________
IT LIVES IN___________________________________________________________________________________
IT EATS______________________________________________________________________________________
IT DOESN’T EAT_______________________________________________________________________________