Silkprinting Grade 6 Q3
Silkprinting Grade 6 Q3
Silkprinting Grade 6 Q3
Content Standards Demonstrates understanding of shapes, colors, values, and the principles of emphasis, contrast, and harmony in printmaking and photography using new
Performance Creates simple printmaking (silkscreen) designs on t-shirts and posters.
Learning Competencies Explain the truism that design principles still apply for any new design (contrast of colors, shapes and lines produces harmony) whether done by hand or
machine (computer). A6ELllla
Apply concepts in the steps/procedure in silk screen painting. A6PR-lllc
Produce our own prints from original design to silk printing so as to convey a message or statement.
Other References Enjoying Life through Music, Arts, Physical Education and Health 6
making silkscreen
4. What are the
difficulties you
encounter during
your activity
The teacher will ask some questions to the learners:
1. What can you say about your activity?
2. Are you satisfied to the result of your activity?
3. Did you enjoy making silkscreen printing?
4. What are the difficulties you encounter during your