JCLP Owe 2022
JCLP Owe 2022
JCLP Owe 2022
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3 authors:
Shambhu Sajith
University of Petroleum & Energy Studies
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Handling editor: Kathleen Aviso Offshore wind energy is an essential component of the climate system and plays a crucial role in addressing
climate change. India has a coastline of seven thousand kilometres and a National offshore wind energy policy;
Keywords: however, the installed capacity of offshore wind energy is yet to start, signalling the existence of significant
Barriers barriers. The specific objective of this study is to develop a framework for identifying and categorizing the
Offshore wind energy
barriers to the growth of offshore wind energy in India. The study prioritizes these barriers using a multi-criteria
Fuzzy AHP
decision-making approach and sensitivity analysis for robustness. Barriers listed in the technical category
emerged through analysis as the significant barriers to the growth of offshore wind energy in India, which in
cludes grid-connection challenges, inadequate technology, lack of servicing and maintenance facilities, inade
quate testing and commissioning, cable installation challenges, lack of energy storage, and lack of offshore wind
zones. Financial barriers are categorized as the second most crucial barrier: initial capital, credit accessibility,
inadequate subsidies, power pricing scheme, immature offshore engineering market, insurance, and imperfect
feed-in tariff mechanism. It is followed by social, institutional, geographical, and supply chain barriers. Regu
latory and political barriers stand on the last rank and have the most negligible influence on offshore wind energy
in India.
1. Introduction Gujarat coasts. The Government of India (GoI) notified the “National
offshore wind energy policy” as per the Gazette Notification October
The role of wind energy in renewable energy (henceforth RE) has 2015, the installed capacity of OWE is yet to start, signalling the exis
received increased attention across several disciplines in recent years tence of significant barriers (Kumar et al., 2021). Previous studies
(Kandpal and Dhingra, 2021). Recent developments in offshore wind demonstrate a consistent and robust presence of challenges or barriers in
energy (now OWE) have led to a renewed focus on the relationship taking OWE in India (Mani and Dhingra, 2013a). It has been argued that
between renewable energy and climate change (Mello et al., 2020). there are significant barriers to OWE growth, but most of those studies
OWE is an essential component of the climate system and plays a crucial have been done in part, so there is no comprehensive study (Aswani
role in addressing climate change (Browning and Lenox, 2020). The past et al., 2021). One study by Govindan & Shankar (Govindan and Shankar,
decade has seen the rapid development of OWE in installation and 2016), although old, investigated the barriers of OWE in India. Still, it
research (Lu et al., 2020). The total global OWE capacity was at 35.5 GW was carried out at the onset of the ‘National offshore wind energy policy’
as of 2020. United Kingdom dominated this with 10.42 GW (29%), by GOI. It found only 12 barriers in the literature, although the extant
China with 9.99 GW (28%), and Germany with 7.68 GW (22%). The top literature suggests seven categories of barriers, including 46 sub bar
three countries form more than 75% of global OWE installed capacity, riers. Therefore, what we know about OWE’s barriers is (in large part)
followed by the Netherlands, Belgium, and Denmark, contributing 2.61 based on an outdated study, no study or listing of various barriers here
GW, 2.26 GW, and 1.70 GW, respectively (Lee and Zhao, 2021). and there, but no in-depth study is available (Umoh and Lemon, 2020).
India has a coastline of 7516.6 km, 5422.6 km of coastline around In the literature on OWE, the relative importance of growth (installed
the mainland, and 1197 km of Indian islands. Preliminary assessments capacity) of OWE has been subject to considerable discussion (Wu et al.,
have indicated prospects of development of OWE in Tamil Nadu and 2018). However, there has been little agreement on what constitutes
* Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: tarun.dhingra@fiib.edu.in (T. Dhingra), asengar@ddn.upes.ac.in (A. Sengar), ssajith@ddn.upes.ac.in (S. Sajith).
Received 13 July 2021; Received in revised form 21 February 2022; Accepted 22 February 2022
Available online 28 February 2022
0959-6526/© 2022 Published by Elsevier Ltd.
T. Dhingra et al. Journal of Cleaner Production 345 (2022) 131111
T. Dhingra et al. Journal of Cleaner Production 345 (2022) 131111
T. Dhingra et al. Journal of Cleaner Production 345 (2022) 131111
(LCOE), driven by the competitive installed costs and advanced tech handling between the production and installation phases. OWT comes
nology in areas with excellent natural wind resources (Yao et al., 2021). across as onshore transportation, port handling, and shipping
On the other hand, India has high LCOE is a critical indicator for policy consuming considerable energy and cost (Hrouga and Bostel, 2021).
and decision-makers to compare actual costs of OWE with conventional There is a need for supply chain projects to be designed specifically to
energy generation and draft policies to improve the growth of the sector meet the offshore environment’s demands (Wu et al., 2019).
(Ram et al., 2018). The risks that affect OWE have amplified; the Offshore wind energy maintenance and operation incurs a consid
availability of insurance against catastrophe, business interruption, and erable cost, poor accessibility, and reduced reliability of OWE systems
technical failures give the investors an active risk mitigation technique (Li et al., 2020). These challenges require a sizeable skilled workforce
(Gatzert and Kosub, 2016). along with turbine technicians (Kandrot et al., 2020). Installation of
offshore wind turbines comprises massive challenges arising from the
2.3. Regulatory and political dynamic marine environment affecting the logistical process (Beinke
et al., 2020). The role of communication plays a vital part in maintaining
Effective governance is vital for developing OWE, especially in its cost-efficiency and building coordination between partners involved in
early stages. There is a need for inter-ministerial collaboration and re OWE supply chain (Akbari et al., 2017). Blockchain is a new technology
lations between relevant agencies for the progress of OWE through deployed in OWE supply chain to gain coordination among the suppliers
policies (Sunila et al., 2019). Institutional issues have influenced the (Keivanpour et al., 2019).
industry in defining the role of offshore transmission owners and sharing
costs and benefits within the network. In India, the contestation around 2.6. Institutional barriers
wind power developers and the local activists’ protestors has signifi
cantly influenced the political commitment process towards sustainable There exists a lack of coordination among the national and interna
energy (Lakhanpal, 2019). Political commitment towards restructuring tional authorities in inspection, energy regulations, and maritime reg
the electricity sector to integrate wind energy into the energy mix can ulations in India, challenging the establishment of OWE sector (Charles
diminish since it calls for political and economic institutions (Sunila Rajesh Kumar et al., 2021). The uneven nature of the institutional
et al., 2019). A significant roadblock in accessing bureaucratic permits apparatus of the power sector serves as a significant challenge in energy
in the grid and turbine development, distribution, and space acquisition policy-making in India (Tagotra, 2018). India’s investment in institu
have affected the growth of wind energy in India (Satpute and Kumar, tional capacity can overcome the backlog of infrastructure re
2021). quirements, and this should be accompanied by adequate technology
Policy variables, Feed-in tariffs (FIT), Power Purchase Agreements transfer and diffusion (Dutta et al., 2016). Advanced offshore in
(PPA), and Renewable Purchase Obligation (RPO), appeared to be sig frastructures such as meshed grids (interconnected power grids to
nificant factors that affect the growth of wind energy in India (Thapar several countries) are recommended to optimize the grid and integrate
et al., 2018). To increase offshore wind deployment in resource-rich OWE (Sunila et al., 2019). For offshore wind energy to play a significant
Indian coast would require policy instruments suiting their energy re role in green transformation, the energy sector needs to upscale its
sources, economic profile, and power market (Mani and Dhingra, infrastructure. However, the challenge is the time required for scaling
2013b). Along with FIT, PPA, and RPO, wind energy needs specific up; India needs to improve decision-making and practices (Willsteed
policies that would encourage its growth in India (Das et al., 2020). et al., 2018).
Wind turbine-specific policies will act as a crucial ingredient in India’s OWE sector faces the challenge of a lack of trained personnel
improving the investments in the offshore wind sector with the wide in fundamental technical capabilities, turbine foundation construction,
variety of OWT technology (Monopile, jackets, advanced jacket, and specialization to design, installation of the turbine, operations and
floating OWT) available to meet the testing marine conditions (Wu et al., maintenance, and maintenance of submarine electrical cables (Charles
2019). Rajesh Kumar et al., 2021). Previous studies have also proved that
corruption in India leads to environmental degradation by reducing the
2.4. Social barriers development and consumption of energy from renewable sources (Sinha
et al., 2019). Mitigating the corruption risks can tackle the challenges of
In a developing country, onshore wind energy is preferred over new technology adoption like OWE (Lee et al., 2020).
offshore due to the legal system’s cost, legal system, and public aware
ness (Ubay, 2021). Awareness and certainty of impacts are the most 2.7. Geographical barriers
significant drivers of support level, followed by perceived impacts
(Gonyo et al., 2021). The quest for energy independence has changed The zoning of OWF will help reduce the conflict and identify the best
the public opposition in Europe for OWE to support (Firestone et al., suitable location with an assessment of conflict based on factors like
2012). shipping density, distance from shore, and local concerns regarding
Offshore wind farms significantly impact the environment; cable, seascape (Obane et al., 2021). Offshore wind farms (OWF) significantly
platforms, turbines, grids, substations, and dredging impact underwater impact risk to marine species during migration and breeding periods
flora and fauna (Kaldellis and Apostolou, 2017). At the same time, the (Pfeiffer et al., 2021). It is vital to keep OWF away from marine pro
impact of visual and noise impacts on the local community is limited for tected regions since the installation, construction, operation, mainte
OWE compared to onshore wind farms. The offshore wind farms (OWF) nance, and decommission of OWT can affect the marine ecosystem with
should be farther away from the shore, diminishing visual and noise sound waves, electromagnetic field effect from power cables, changes in
impacts in the quest for better wind resources (Thompson et al., 2013). water quality, and changes to ocean dynamics due to energy modifica
tions (Oh et al., 2018).
2.5. Supply chain barriers The increase in OWF in European waters has resulted in the loss of
space for the fisheries sector. Mitigating the loss for the fisheries sector is
The high cost of using state-of-the-art technology in various stages of a crucial co-location solution for marine spatial planning (Hooper et al.,
the life cycle of bottom fixed OWT (installation, maintenance, and 2015). However, the ecosystem maturity is expected to increase after the
decommission) is a barrier for investors. The scarcity of OWT installa functioning of OWE (Raoux et al., 2019), while the fishing communities
tion equipment in the North Sea region forces the investors to look for will end up having a diminished catch due to the loss of space to OWFs
safe and less costly (Gudmestad, 2020). The large wind turbines with a (Stelzenmüller et al., 2021). The selection of the OWT foundation is
height of 150 m and a diameter of 120 m can challenge logistics and based on the depth of the sea, seabed surface, and topography (Kim and
T. Dhingra et al. Journal of Cleaner Production 345 (2022) 131111
Lim, 2017). In the fuzzy AHP method, data collection is done through a ques
tionnaire having pairwise comparison using a triangular fuzzy conver
3. Research methodology sion shown in Table 3. In-depth interviews were conducted for data
collection. The context and objective of the study, along with the details
The research methodology used for this study that identifies and of barriers and their categories were explained to all the respondents
prioritizes the critical barriers to OWE is presented in Fig. 1. before data collection using a questionnaire (Lam and Zhao, 1998). The
AHP surveys use a small sample size because it leads to inconsistencies
• Step 1: Identification and categorization of barriers to OWE by re when a large sample size is involved (Cheng and Li, 2002). Hence, based
view of literature on the judgemental sampling, forty-nine experts were contacted for the
data collection. However, interviews could be performed only with
The major barriers to OWE are identified using an extensive litera forty-four experts due to their unavailability. To ensure a wider
ture review in the global context. response, responses from a mixed population of regulators, developers,
consultants, researchers, and top professionals of wind energy firms in
• Step 2: Exploratory interviews with mix population of regulators, India were collected. Judgemental sampling was used in this study
developers, consultants, researchers, and top professionals of wind because it chooses the most suitable and potential candidate to answer
energy firms in India to finalize barriers identified in the above step the research question (Marshall, 1996).
followed by preparation of a hierarchy model for prioritization
• Step 4: Analysis using FAHP technique
These barriers are further verified in this step and made suitable for
the Indian context by conducting exploratory interviews with pro The FAHP technique which is a multi-criteria decision-making
fessionals in wind energy firms, regulators, consultants, wind farm de approach reduces the fuzziness of the data involved in identifying the
velopers, and academic researchers in India. key barriers to OWE in India. In this technique, weights of all the indi
Exploratory interviews are flexible and involve talking with re vidual barriers and barrier categories were calculated using triangular
spondents in their natural settings to explore issues, as the situation fuzzy numbers assigned by the respondents. These weights specify the
requires (Kotler and Armstrong, 1987). The study conducted thirty-six relative importance of each barrier among the individual barriers and
interviews with mix population of regulators, developers, consultants, barrier categories.
researchers, and top professionals of wind energy firms in India. In
terviews were conducted to finalize and validate the barriers identified
in Step 1. It was then followed the preparation of hierarchy model for
prioritization. Data collection was done during April, May in the year Table 3
Assessment scale.
Interviews identified 46 barriers categorized into seven criteria. Semantic attributes Triangular fuzzy number
These criteria are technical, financial, regulatory and political, social, Absolute (4, 5, 6)
supply chain, institutional and geographical. Very Strong (3, 4, 5)
Fairly Strong (2, 3, 4)
Weak (1, 2, 3)
• Step 3: Questionnaire development and data collection Just equal (1, 1, 1)
T. Dhingra et al. Journal of Cleaner Production 345 (2022) 131111
with -∞ < a ≤ b ≤ c ≤ ∞.
3.1. FAHP methodology
• Steps in the Fuzzy AHP process, as explained by Chang’s extent
AHP is a multi-criterion decision-making tool that uses both quan
analysis (Chang, 1996), are as follows:
titative as well as qualitative aspects of decision-making. It significantly
• Step 1: Calculation of Fuzzy synthetic extent value w.r.t. ith object
reduces the subjectivity of both interviewees and the researcher (Saaty,
(Zhu et al., 1999):
1990). The AHP technique reduces the complexity of decision-making
( )− 1
by breaking a problem into sub-problems and then comparing them ∑m ∑n ∑ m
barriers, allocating resources, and cost-benefit analysis (Solangi et al., Where x and y represent membership values.
2019; Yang et al., 2019). Several authors have used this framework in
diverse areas, proving robust in many studies (Prakash and Barua, 2015, • Step 3: For each barrier category, define the minimum degree of
2016). However, there are various limitations associated with this possibility of superiority and calculate the weight vector.
technique since it uses absolute scale numbers for judgments and pri
orities and does not consider uncertainties associated with mapping a A convex fuzzy number is defined as follows,
respondent’s perception into numerical values (Sengar et al., 2014,
2020). Therefore, this technique is unsuitable for uncertain V (FN ≥ FN1, FN2 …FNK) = minV (FN ≥ FNi), i = 1, 2, … … k (5).
decision-making problems (Chan et al., 2008). To handle this problem of
data vagueness, fuzzy logic is used. The fuzzy set theory helps deal with
the imprecision and uncertainties involved in the decision-making
process since it can handle data fuzziness (Fullér, 1991).
If (a, b, c) represents a triangular fuzzy number M and (μm (w)) Weights, WB,i of the factors are
represents the membership function, then a fuzzy number is represented ( ′ )
′ ′ ′
WB a ( WB1 , WB2 , ….., WBn ) T
Studies by authors such as Buckley (1985), Zadeh (1965), and Klir
and Yuan (1995) provide a detailed explanation of the concepts of fuzzy
numbers, fuzzy sets, and fuzzy operations.
T. Dhingra et al. Journal of Cleaner Production 345 (2022) 131111
Table 4
Comparison matrix of barrier categories.
TB (1, 1,1) (1, 1,1) (0.25, 0.33, 0.5) (1, 1,1) (0.25, 0.33, 0.5) (0.33, 0.5, 1) (1, 2, 3)
FB (1, 1,1) (1, 1, 1) (0.25, 0.33, 0.5) (1, 2, 3) (0.25, 0.33, 0.5) (0.33, 0.5, 1) (1, 2, 3)
RPB (2, 3, 4) (2, 3, 4) (1, 1, 1) (2, 3, 4) (2, 3, 4) (0.33, 0.5, 1) (0.33, 0.5, 1)
SB (1, 1,1) (0.33, 0.5, 1) (0.25, 0.33, 0.5) (1, 1, 1) (1, 2, 3) (1, 2, 3) (0.25, 0.33, 0.5)
SCB (2, 3, 4) (2, 3, 4) (0.25, 0.33, 0.5) (0.33, 0.5, 1) (1, 1, 1) (2, 3, 4) (1, 1,1)
IB (1, 2, 3) (1, 2, 3) (1, 2, 3) (0.33, 0.5, 1) (0.25, 0.33, 0.5) (1, 1, 1) (1, 2, 3)
GB (0.33, 0.5, 1) (0.33, 0.5, 1) (1, 2, 3) (2, 3, 4) (1, 1,1) (0.33, 0.5, 1) (1, 1, 1)
barriers and categories were calculated. technology choice as turbine sizes are evolving ranks highest locally.
Calculation of extent value of each barrier category (using equation The uncertain emergence of future OWE technology, lack of service fa
(2)): cility and absence of offshore zones by GOI is essential. Inadequate
FN(TB) = (3.50, 3.66, 4.00) ⊗ (89.00, 64.64, 44.30) − 1 = (0.04, 0.06, testing, commissioning, and inadequate technology challenge occupy
0.09) the following ranks in the technical barrier category. Due to specialized
FN(FB) = (3.50, 4.66, 6.00) ⊗ (89.00, 64.64, 44.30) − 1 = (0.04, 0.07, testing, commissioning, and inadequate technology, project cost esca
0.14) lates. It is a significant hurdle for OWE projects as, generally, testing and
FN(RPB) = (9.00, 13.00, 17.00) ⊗ (89.00, 64.64, 44.30) − 1 = (0.10, commissioning are done in rugged terrain, and inadequate technology
0.20, 0.38) adds to the problem. The other technical barrier ranked next in this
FN(SB) = (3.58, 4.83, 6.50) ⊗ (89.00, 64.64, 44.30) − 1 = (0.04, 0.07, category is lack of energy storage. The future of OWE is significantly
0.15) linked with battery storage as this combination has the potential to
FN(SCB) = (5.58, 7.83, 10.50) ⊗ (89.00, 64.64, 44.30) − 1 = (0.06, stabilize the power and prices of OWE (Fan et al., 2016).
0.12, 0.24) Grid-connection challenges are ranked next. It is still a burning issue
FN(IB) = (3.58, 6.83, 10.50) ⊗ (89.00, 64.64, 44.30) − 1 = (0.04, with OWE developer as large turbines, big wind farms and a significant
0.11, 0.24) distance from power system poses the obstacle. The cable installation
FN(GB) = (4.66, 7.00, 10.00) ⊗ (89.00, 64.64, 44.30) − 1 = (0.05, challenge is at the lowest order rank in technical barriers. It gets its
0.11, 0.23) importance from installing subsea cables, which are technically complex
Calculation of minimum value of each barrier category is calculated and need expensive monitoring, and could often be unusable by inhos
(using equations (6) and (7)): pitable conditions. Although technical barriers are the highest-ranked
barrier having eight sub-barriers, captivatingly none of these sub bar
m(TB) = minV(FN1 ≥ FNk) = 1 riers occupy the top seven global ranks except lack of servicing and
Similarly, m(FB) = 0.7671, m(RPB) = 0.2100, m(SB) = 0.7344, m maintenance facilities with a global rank of eight. So out of a total of 46
(SCB) = 0.2996, m(IB) = 0.5051, m(GB) = 0.4233 barriers, only one barrier under technical barriers falls into global rank
WBV = (1, 0.7671, 0.2100, 0.7344, 0.2996, 0.5051, 0.4233) T Financial barriers: It contains all the cash flow & credit-related
factors, which determine the financial feasibility and development of
Normalized weights of all barrier categories are mentioned as
OWE projects. The individual analysis puts economic barriers at the
second rank on overall barriers classification, and it plays a significant
WB = (0.2538, 0.1947, 0.0533, 0.1864, 0.0760, 0.1282, 0.1075) part in making the project viable. Local rank shows that high initial
capital is at the first position followed by the immature offshore engi
Similarly, the weights of all barriers classified under various barrier neering market because of rugged terrain & environment in creating
categories are calculated (shown in Table 5). The global weight of each OWE structure inside the sea. Comparatively, erecting the OWE project’s
barrier is calculated by multiplying its local weights with the weight of foundation and installation cost is significantly higher than the onshore
its respective category. wind energy. Interestingly, initial capital & immature offshore engi
neering market as major factors are ranked globally first and fourth.
4. Results and discussions Thus, these two combined mark their significant importance and add to
the development of OWE in India. The following barriers in the category
The first two questions aimed to answer different barriers and their are the high Levelized Cost of Electricity followed by inadequate sub
classification to OWE growth in India. Table 1 displays an overview of sidies. These two again make OWE a bit more unattractive as compared
various barrier and their classification like Technical, Financial, Regu to onshore wind energy (Ubay, 2021). The levelized Cost of Electricity
latory and Political, Social, Supply chain, Institutional and Geograph for OWE is 2–2.5 times more than the onshore, making it uncompetitive
ical. It is apparent from the table that the extant literature suggests seven (Aswani et al., 2021). Next in the rankings is the Power pricing scheme
categories of barriers, including 46 sub barriers. What stands out in this and insurance. The lack of a developed market for OWE makes the
table is the wide range of barriers available, categorized into seven power pricing scheme look relatively immature and negatively weighs
broad categories. the project’s feasibility. The increasing frequency of natural disasters
Barriers listed in the technical and financial category emerged also makes insurance a pivotal factor to cover the cost. Imperfect feed-in
through analysis as the significant barriers to the growth of the OWE in tariff mechanism and credit accessibility are found at least two ranking
India. It is followed by Regulatory and Political, Social, Supply chain, factors. All these factors contribute significantly to disturbing the
Institutional and Geographical barriers. Table 5 depicts the ranking of feasibility calculation of OWE project. Interestingly, apart from high
barriers to OWE, global Ranking, and local Ranking of all the individual initial capital and immature offshore engineering market, none of the
barriers across categories. factors under economic barriers falls into the top ten global ranked
Technical Barriers: Technical barriers are the top most significant barriers. The NOWE policy encourages Foreign Direct Investment (FDI)
barriers in establishing OWE as it poses the biggest challenges. Intra participation, international collaborations, and Public-Private Partner
technical barriers like Lack of servicing and maintenance facilities, Lack ship to support the development of OWE in India. The policy also states
of Offshore wind Zones, and uncertainties on future foundation extension of fiscal and financial incentives to OWE which are already
T. Dhingra et al. Journal of Cleaner Production 345 (2022) 131111
Table 5
Ranking of barriers to OWE.
Barriers Relative preference weight Relative rank Local weights Relative Ranking Global weights Global Ranking
1 TB 0.2538 1
TB1 0.0996 7 0.02529 17
TB2 0.1352 5 0.03432 12
TB3 0.1655 1 0.04199 8
TB4 0.1399 4 0.03552 11
TB5 0.0401 8 0.01019 32
TB6 0.1002 6 0.02542 16
TB7 0.1616 2 0.04102 9
TB8 0.1579 3 0.04007 10
2 FB 0.1947 2
FB1 0.3427 1 0.06673 1
FB2 0.0230 8 0.00447 42
FB3 0.1028 4 0.02001 21
FB4 0.0804 5 0.01565 27
FB5 0.2305 2 0.04488 4
FB6 0.0695 6 0.01353 30
FB7 0.0387 7 0.00753 38
FB8 0.1125 3 0.02190 20
3 RPB 0.0533 7
RPB1 0.1223 5 0.00652 40
RPB2 0.1087 6 0.00580 41
RPB3 0.0273 9 0.00145 46
RPB4 0.2217 1 0.01182 31
RPB5 0.1563 3 0.00833 37
RPB6 0.0413 7 0.00220 43
RPB7 0.0402 8 0.00214 44
RPB8 0.1241 4 0.00662 39
RPB9 0.158127 2 0.00843 36
4 SB 0.1864 3
SB1 0.2261 3 0.04215 6
SB2 0.2939 1 0.05478 2
SB3 0.2433 2 0.04536 3
SB4 0.0106 4 0.00197 45
SB5 0.2261 3 0.04215 7
5 SCB 0.0760 6
SCB1 0.1151 5 0.00875 34
SCB2 0.1151 5 0.00875 35
SCB3 0.1173 4 0.00892 33
SCB4 0.2096 2 0.01594 26
SCB5 0.1986 3 0.01510 28
SCB6 0.2444 1 0.01859 22
6 IB 0.1282 4
IB1 0.3495 1 0.04482 5
IB2 0.1325 4 0.01699 25
IB3 0.1983 3 0.02543 15
IB4 0.2120 2 0.02719 13
IB5 0.1076 5 0.01380 29
7 GB 0.1075 5
GB1 0.1612 5 0.01732 24
GB2 0.1639 4 0.01761 23
GB3 0.2175 2 0.02338 18
GB4 0.2096 3 0.02252 19
GB5 0.2478 1 0.02662 14
available for onshore wind to bring the cost down (NMRE, 2015). Our project. Another highlight is that public awareness and lack of experi
results emphasize the need to include effective financial incentives to ence and practice have the same weightage, sharing the third rank in
drive the cost down since initial capital is still acting as a major barrier to social barriers. Environmental protection has a minor influence on OWE
the growth of OWE in India. Our result complements the report by the in social barriers. These two have a global rank of sixth and seventh,
Global Wind Energy Council (GWEC) indicating the Gujarat OWE respectively, making social barriers have the highest global rank
project hasn’t progressed after 2018 largely due to the high initial contribution. All but one sub barriers out of five falls into the top ten
capital and the lack of financial support (GWEC, 2021). global ranks marking the rising role of social acceptance of the project in
Social barriers: Social barriers stand in third place, hindering the modern times. However, social barriers were given limited preferences
growth of OWE, and it majorly includes the human and environmental in the NOWE policy. The state governments may monitor the develop
dimension of the OWE project acceptability. Social acceptance has a ment along the coast and are encouraged to add grid infrastructure and
vital role in the growth of any new technology-based projects involving planning of logistics to their State Action Plan (NMRE, 2015). Adding
people’s acceptance, availability of experience and practice, and envi solutions to tackle social barriers would diminish the uncertainty sur
ronmental impact related to it (Gonyo et al., 2021). Out of five social sub rounding OWE operation in India.
barriers, social acceptance stands at first rank, followed by visual and Institutional Barriers: Institutional barriers that gathered the
noise impacts. What emerges out outstandingly is that these two occupy fourth rank primarily comprises the availability of institutions providing
a global rank second and third, emphasizing the vital role social a smooth supply of human resources, infrastructure, capacity, coordi
acceptance, including voice and noise, can play in the success of a nation, and corruption-free project clearance and execution. Lack of
T. Dhingra et al. Journal of Cleaner Production 345 (2022) 131111
skilled human resources followed by lack of infrastructure is ranked first constraint. Enabling business models (PPA) and Institutional regulatory
and second, respectively contributing to the institutional barriers. The framework is placed in the next subsequent local rank. Power Purchase
creation of skilled manpower and employment in OWE sector is one of Agreement (PPA) between generators and state governments emerged as
the main objectives of NOWE policy (NMRE, 2015). Our results signify an important milestone for the development of Renewable energy in
the need to further direct resources to build skilled manpower for India’s India, but it is largely absent in the case of OWE. Due to continuous
OWE sector. These two are responsible for stumbling the growth of OWE reduction of RE prices due to technology up gradation, players and
in India and the lack of skilled HR even rank fifth in global rank, reverse auction participation had created a situation when the state
underlining the importance of well-equipped human resources as an government rescinded the PPA. Lack of inter-ministerial collaboration
essential aspect of OWE. Lack of Institutional capacity and coordination and coordination between appropriate agencies thwart the progress of
gets the rank third and fourth, respectively, placing the role of institu OWE. Political commitment and widespread consensus integration of
tional linkage and capacity for smooth conduct of OWE business. The wind energy into the energy mix call for political commitment to
least influencing sub barrier is bureaucratic red tape and corruption that restructuring the electricity sector. Since the present Modi Government
can dent the flow of initiative, zeal, and capital towards large complex has taken ambitious goals and Steps to do that thus, it is having a lower
OWE projects. rank (sixth). Insufficient financial policy support and inadequate wind-
Geographical Barriers: As occupying the fifth rank affects the OWE, targeted policies come next. The system of e-reverse auctions has
natural disaster is first. Naturally, OWE, owing to its geographic loca accentuated discovering the lowest tariff as it hits the project’s financial
tion, is significantly prone to natural disasters and extreme climatic viability. Inadequate targeted policies related to a variety of OWE
events like cyclones, earthquakes. It exacerbates the assessment of technologies create obstacles in attracting investment. Bureaucratic
windstorm risk to OWF developers and brings attention to insurance for permit procedures least influence the OWE in this category. All sub-
mitigating the risk. Fishing lines and depth of the ocean and uneven barriers of this category also occupy the least global rank, making this
topography follows natural disaster as rank two and three respectively. category the least influencing category.
The NOWE policy takes into consideration the impact of the project on
the livelihood of fishing communities and efforts are taken to keep out of 5. Sensitivity analysis
the fishing grounds (NMRE, 2015). The fisheries sector and OWE have
traded off relationships with each other as policies favouring one lead to Sensitivity analysis is used in this study to validate the proposed
the loss of others. The depth of the ocean and uneven topography dic framework and the technique’s robustness. As shown in Table 5, the
tates the selection of the OWT foundation as the depth of the sea, seabed technical barrier has the highest ranking with the highest weight among
surface, and topography influence the structural decision. The other all the barrier categories. Any change in the technical barrier can impact
geographical barrier ranked next in this category is a protected marine the ranking of other barriers as well. Sensitivity analysis is used to
region. OWE has a significant influence on marine ecosystems, and it measure the impact of technical barriers on the other barrier categories,
poses a risk to marine species during migration and breeding periods due also the barriers listed in those categories. As shown in Table 6, the
to sound & electromagnetic waves. Recently there is an increasing weight of the technical barrier was varied from 0.1 to 0.9. An impact was
concern about the marine ecosystem being influenced by OWE (Deveci also seen on other barrier categories. The sensitivity run shows that the
et al., 2020). financial barrier has the highest impact on varying the value of technical
Supply chain barriers: These barriers are next on the priority to barriers. This analysis was also done to see the impact on the 46 barriers
OWE generation augmented by the availability of tools, physical & port listed under seven barrier categories. When the value of TB is 0.1, 0.2,
facilities, lack of field assembly & maintenance, unreliable trans and 0.3, FB1 acquired the first rank, SB2 was on the second rank,
portation facilities, and unavailability of heavy-duty supply chain whereas RPB3 on the 46th rank. When the value of TB was 0.4, TB3
technology. Tooling and facilities at the yards are not aligned to serial acquired first rank, TB7 on second, and TB8 on the third rank (see
production of large monopiles & jacket foundations are at local rank Table 7, Fig. 3).
one. This problem is significant, as it is feasible for floating turbines at Interestingly, RPB3 and SB4 maintained the last and second last rank
present (Collu et al., 2014). Average port facilities for component as and had no impact on the technical barrier’s value. Therefore, it can be
sembly and lack of facility for pre-assembly are respectively ranked next concluded that technical barriers are one of the most critical barriers to
locally. Dynamic and turbulent marine environments affect the logistical OWE among all seven important barrier categories and hence require a
process of component assembly. Pre-assembly of components for tur particular focus on them by companies while initiating any project based
bines can reduce the cost and time, but lack of facility hampers it. Field on offshore wind energy. The current NOWE policy fails to provide a
assembly, maintenance, and operations, suppliers, which is at the local clear framework for planning and delivering OWE grid infrastructure
rank fourth largely, determine cost, accessibility, and reliability of OWE (NMRE, 2015). Addressing technical barriers should be prioritized in the
systems and depends upon the availability of skilled workforce and policy mix for eliminating barriers and enabling the growth of OWE in
technicians. Last in the category are unreliable transportation facilities India. Government should also focus on these barriers, which affect and
and the unavailability of heavy-duty supply chain technology, which hamper the energy generation using offshore wind energy, which could
share the local rank five. Large wind turbines pose supply chain prob have a more significant impact on the environment and societies, and
lems as it requires specialized treatment from production to installation the world as a whole.
phase. Heavy-duty supply chain technology as the state of the art
technology is a costly affair. Incidentally, out of six sub-barriers of the 6. Conclusion and implications
supply chain, none falls into the top 20 global ranks.
Regulatory and Political barriers: Regulatory and Political bar India has a massive renewable energy target of 450 GW of installed
riers stand in seventh place and are having the slightest influence on renewable energy capacity by 2030, but despite an extensive coastline
OWE growth. Entry barriers, which are at the local rank first, if reduced, and existing policies to promote OWE, it is yet to see the deployment of
may be a significant force to reckon with for making more participation OWE. During this investigation, the aim was to assess barriers from the
of small players. Technology emerged as the most significant entry extant literature and then categorize and prioritize them. This study has
barrier. Electricity suppliers’ compliance with the renewable obligation identified 46 barriers from the extant literature and categorized those
and imperfect relevant standards ranks next in this category. The low into seven broad categories through literature review and interviews
supply of Renewable Obligation Certificates creates a problem as OWE with experts to support policymakers and researchers. It also aimed to
in India is yet to take off in a big way. The absence of mandatory stan attempt to organize the fragmented literature. To emphasize it, further
dards as a policy instrument hinders the OWE as it is a major technical authors used a multi-criteria decision-making approach (Fuzzy AHP) to
T. Dhingra et al. Journal of Cleaner Production 345 (2022) 131111
Table 6
Influence of technological barriers on other barriers.
Barrier’s Categories Weights of categories
FB 0.19471 0.23485 0.20876 0.18266 0.15657 0.13047 0.10438 0.07828 0.05219 0.02609
RPB 0.05333 0.06432 0.05717 0.05002 0.04288 0.03573 0.02859 0.02144 0.01429 0.00715
SB 0.18642 0.22485 0.19987 0.17488 0.14990 0.12492 0.09993 0.07495 0.04997 0.02498
TB 0.25382 0.10000 0.20000 0.30000 0.40000 0.50000 0.60000 0.70000 0.80000 0.90000
SCB 0.07605 0.09172 0.08153 0.07134 0.06115 0.05096 0.04077 0.03057 0.02038 0.01019
IB 0.12822 0.15466 0.13747 0.12029 0.10310 0.08592 0.06874 0.05155 0.03437 0.01718
GB 0.10745 0.12960 0.11520 0.10080 0.08640 0.07200 0.05760 0.04320 0.02880 0.01440
Total 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Table 7
Ranking of barriers using sensitivity analysis when the value of technological barrier varies.
Barriers Technological barrier used for sensitivity analysis
0.1 0.2 Normalized (0.25382) 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9
FB1 1 1 1 1 6 8 8 9 9 9
FB2 41 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42
FB3 14 19 21 21 21 22 22 22 22 22
FB4 20 27 27 27 28 28 28 28 28 28
FB5 4 4 4 7 11 11 12 12 12 12
FB6 24 30 30 30 31 31 31 31 31 31
FB7 37 37 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38
FB8 13 18 20 20 20 21 21 21 21 21
GB1 17 24 24 24 25 25 25 25 25 25
GB2 16 23 23 23 24 24 24 24 24 24
GB3 11 16 18 18 18 19 19 19 19 19
GB4 12 17 19 19 19 20 20 20 20 20
GB5 9 12 14 16 16 17 17 17 17 17
IB1 5 5 5 8 12 12 13 13 13 13
IB2 18 25 25 25 26 26 26 26 26 26
IB3 10 14 15 17 17 18 18 18 18 18
IB4 8 11 13 15 15 16 16 16 16 16
IB5 22 29 29 29 30 30 30 30 30 30
RPB1 39 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40
RPB2 40 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41
RPB3 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46
RPB4 27 31 31 32 32 32 32 32 32 32
RPB5 34 36 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37
RPB6 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43
RPB7 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44
RPB8 38 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39
RPB9 33 35 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36
SB1 6 6 6 11 13 13 14 14 14 14
SB2 2 2 2 2 7 9 9 10 10 10
SB3 3 3 3 6 10 10 10 11 11 11
SB4 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45
SB5 7 7 7 12 14 14 15 15 15 15
SCB1 31 33 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34
SCB2 32 34 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35
SCB3 30 32 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33
SCB4 19 26 26 26 27 27 27 27 27 27
SCB5 21 28 28 28 29 29 29 29 29 29
SCB6 15 21 22 22 23 23 23 23 23 23
TB1 36 22 17 14 9 7 7 7 7 7
TB2 29 15 12 10 5 5 5 5 5 5
TB3 23 8 8 3 1 1 1 1 1 1
TB4 28 13 11 9 4 4 4 4 4 4
TB5 42 38 32 31 22 15 11 8 8 8
TB6 35 20 16 13 8 6 6 6 6 6
TB7 25 9 9 4 2 2 2 2 2 2
TB8 26 10 10 5 3 3 3 3 3 3
categorize and prioritize these barriers. To overcome the limitation of a to assess criteria weightage, triangular fuzzy numbers were employed to
clear-cut definition of the barriers and assign subjective weights before deal with uncertainties in the data to arrive at criteria value. Technical
analysis, Fuzzy AHP was used to categorize and prioritize these barriers and financial barriers emerge as the most significant, and Supply chain
from most influencing to the least influencing sequentially. The findings barriers and Regulatory & Political barriers are the least significant
of this research provide insights into seven categories of barriers obstacle hindering the growth of OWE in India.
responsible for hindering OWE growth in India. These are Technical At global rank, the top four barriers are an initial capital requirement
Barriers, Financial barriers, Social barriers, Institutional barriers, (financial), lack of social acceptance & visual, noise impacts (social),
Geographical barriers, Supply chain barriers, and Regulatory & Political and immature offshore engineering market (financial). The least sig
barriers. Data collected from the experts through questionnaire was used nificant barrier in the global ranking is bureaucratic permit procedures
T. Dhingra et al. Journal of Cleaner Production 345 (2022) 131111
T. Dhingra et al. Journal of Cleaner Production 345 (2022) 131111
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