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Chen W (1) .L - Discrete Mathematics Super Cool Notes

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W W L Chen, 1982.

This work is available free, in the hope that it will be useful. Any part of this work may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or any information storage and retrieval system, with or without permission from the author.

Chapter 1



In this section, we look at sentences, their truth or falsity, and ways of combining or connecting sentences to produce new sentences. A sentence (or proposition) is an expression which is either true or false. The sentence 2 + 2 = 4 is true, while the sentence is rational is false. It is, however, not the task of logic to decide whether any particular sentence is true or false. In fact, there are many sentences whose truth or falsity nobody has yet managed to establish; for example, the famous Goldbach conjecture that every even number greater than 2 is a sum of two primes. There is a defect in our denition. It is sometimes very dicult, under our denition, to determine whether or not a given expression is a sentence. Consider, for example, the expression I am telling a lie; am I? Since there are expressions which are sentences under our denition, we proceed to discuss ways of connecting sentences to form new sentences. Let p and q denote sentences. Definition. (CONJUNCTION) We say that the sentence p q (p and q) is true if the two sentences p, q are both true, and is false otherwise. Example 1.1.1. Example 1.1.2. The sentence 2 + 2 = 4 and 2 + 3 = 5 is true. The sentence 2 + 2 = 4 and is rational is false.

Definition. (DISJUNCTION) We say that the sentence p q (p or q) is true if at least one of two sentences p, q is true, and is false otherwise. Example 1.1.3. The sentence 2 + 2 = 2 or 1 + 3 = 5 is false.

This chapter was rst used in lectures given by the author at Imperial College, University of London, in 1982.


W W L Chen : Discrete Mathematics

Example 1.1.4.

The sentence 2 + 2 = 4 or is rational is true.

Remark. To prove that a sentence p q is true, we may assume that the sentence p is false and use this to deduce that the sentence q is true in this case. For if the sentence p is true, our argument is already complete, never mind the truth or falsity of the sentence q. Definition. (NEGATION) We say that the sentence p (not p) is true if the sentence p is false, and is false if the sentence p is true. Example 1.1.5. Example 1.1.6. The negation of the sentence 2 + 2 = 4 is the sentence 2 + 2 = 4. The negation of the sentence is rational is the sentence is irrational.

Definition. (CONDITIONAL) We say that the sentence p q (if p, then q) is true if the sentence p is false or if the sentence q is true or both, and is false otherwise. Remark. It is convenient to realize that the sentence p q is false precisely when the sentence p is true and the sentence q is false. To understand this, note that if we draw a false conclusion from a true assumption, then our argument must be faulty. On the other hand, if our assumption is false or if our conclusion is true, then our argument may still be acceptable. Example 1.1.7. is false. Example 1.1.8. Example 1.1.9. The sentence if 2 + 2 = 2, then 1 + 3 = 5 is true, because the sentence 2 + 2 = 2 The sentence if 2 + 2 = 4, then is rational is false. The sentence if is rational, then 2 + 2 = 4 is true.

Definition. (DOUBLE CONDITIONAL) We say that the sentence p q (p if and only if q) is true if the two sentences p, q are both true or both false, and is false otherwise. Example 1.1.10. Example 1.1.11. The sentence 2 + 2 = 4 if and only if is irrational is true. The sentence 2 + 2 = 4 if and only if is rational is also true.

If we use the letter T to denote true and the letter F to denote false, then the above ve denitions can be summarized in the following truth table: p T T F F q T F T F pq T F F F pq T T T F p F F T T pq T F T T pq T F F T

Remark. Note that in logic, or can mean both. If you ask a logician whether he likes tea or coee, do not be surprised if he wants both! Example 1.1.12. The sentence (p q) (p q) is true if exactly one of the two sentences p, q is true, and is false otherwise; we have the following truth table: p T T F F q T F T F pq T F F F pq T T T F pq F T T T (p q) (p q) F T T F

Chapter 1 : Logic and Sets



Tautologies and Logical Equivalence A tautology is a sentence which is true on logical ground only.


Example 1.2.1. The sentences (p (q r)) ((p q) r) and (p q) (q p) are both tautologies. This enables us to generalize the denition of conjunction to more than two sentences, and write, for example, p q r without causing any ambiguity. Example 1.2.2. The sentences (p (q r)) ((p q) r) and (p q) (q p) are both tautologies. This enables us to generalize the denition of disjunction to more than two sentences, and write, for example, p q r without causing any ambiguity. Example 1.2.3. Example 1.2.4. Example 1.2.5. Example 1.2.6. table: p T T F F q T F T F The sentence p p is a tautology. The sentence (p q) (q p) is a tautology. The sentence (p q) (p q) is a tautology. The sentence (p q) ((p q) (p q)) is a tautology; we have the following truth pq T F F T (p q) F T T F (p q) (p q) F T T F (p q) ((p q) (p q)) T T T T

The following are tautologies which are commonly used. Let p, q and r denote sentences. DISTRIBUTIVE LAW. The following sentences are tautologies: (a) (p (q r)) ((p q) (p r)); (b) (p (q r)) ((p q) (p r)). DE MORGAN LAW. The following sentences are tautologies: (a) (p q) (p q); (b) (p q) (p q). INFERENCE LAW. The following sentences are tautologies: (a) (MODUS PONENS) (p (p q)) q; (b) (MODUS TOLLENS) ((p q) q) p; (c) (LAW OF SYLLOGISM) ((p q) (q r)) (p r). These tautologies can all be demonstrated by truth tables. However, let us try to prove the rst Distributive law here. Suppose rst of all that the sentence p (q r) is true. Then the two sentences p, q r are both true. Since the sentence q r is true, at least one of the two sentences q, r is true. Without loss of generality, assume that the sentence q is true. Then the sentence pq is true. It follows that the sentence (p q) (p r) is true. Suppose now that the sentence (p q) (p r) is true. Then at least one of the two sentences (p q), (p r) is true. Without loss of generality, assume that the sentence p q is true. Then the two sentences p, q are both true. It follows that the sentence q r is true, and so the sentence p (q r) is true. It now follows that the two sentences p (q r) and (p q) (p r) are either both true or both false, as the truth of one implies the truth of the other. It follows that the double conditional (p (q r)) ((p q) (p r)) is a tautology.


W W L Chen : Discrete Mathematics

Definition. tautology.

We say that two sentences p and q are logically equivalent if the sentence p q is a

Example 1.2.7. The sentences p q and q p are logically equivalent. The latter is known as the contrapositive of the former. Remark. The sentences p q and q p are not logically equivalent. The latter is known as the converse of the former.


Sentential Functions and Sets

In many instances, we have sentences, such as x is even, which contains one or more variables. We shall call them sentential functions (or propositional functions). Let us concentrate on our example x is even. This sentence is true for certain values of x, and is false for others. Various questions arise: (1) What values of x do we permit? (2) Is the statement true for all such values of x in question? (3) Is the statement true for some such values of x in question? To answer the rst of these questions, we need the notion of a universe. We therefore need to consider sets. We shall treat the word set as a word whose meaning everybody knows. Sometimes we use the synonyms class or collection. However, note that in some books, these words may have dierent meanings! The important thing about a set is what it contains. In other words, what are its members? Does it have any? If P is a set and x is an element of P , we write x P . A set is usually described in one of the two following ways: (1) by enumeration, e.g. {1, 2, 3} denotes the set consisting of the numbers 1, 2, 3 and nothing else; (2) by a dening property (sentential function) p(x). Here it is important to dene a universe U to which all the x have to belong. We then write P = {x : x U and p(x) is true} or, simply, P = {x : p(x)}. The set with no elements is called the empty set and denoted by . Example 1.3.1. Example 1.3.2. Example 1.3.3. Example 1.3.4. Example 1.3.5. N = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, ...} is called the set of natural numbers. Z = {. . . , 2, 1, 0, 1, 2, . . .} is called the set of integers. {x : x N and 2 < x < 2} = {1}. {x : x Z and 2 < x < 2} = {1, 0, 1}. {x : x N and 1 < x < 1} = .


Set Functions

Suppose that the sentential functions p(x), q(x) are related to sets P , Q with respect to a given universe, i.e. P = {x : p(x)} and Q = {x : q(x)}. We dene (1) the intersection P Q = {x : p(x) q(x)}; (2) the union P Q = {x : p(x) q(x)}; (3) the complement P = {x : p(x)}; and (4) the dierence P \ Q = {x : p(x) q(x)}.

Chapter 1 : Logic and Sets


The above are also sets. It is not dicult to see that (1) P Q = {x : x P and x Q}; (2) P Q = {x : x P or x Q}; (3) P = {x : x P }; and (4) P \ Q = {x : x P and x Q}. We say that the set P is a subset of the set Q, denoted by P Q or by Q P , if every element of P is an element of Q. In other words, if we have P = {x : p(x)} and Q = {x : q(x)} with respect to some universe U , then we have P Q if and only if the sentence p(x) q(x) is true for all x U . We say that two sets P and Q are equal, denoted by P = Q, if they contain the same elements, i.e. if each is a subset of the other, i.e. if P Q and Q P . Furthermore, we say that P is a proper subset of Q, denoted by P Q or by Q P , if P Q and P = Q. The following results on set functions can be deduced from their analogues in logic. DISTRIBUTIVE LAW. If P, Q, R are sets, then (a) P (Q R) = (P Q) (P R); (b) P (Q R) = (P Q) (P R). DE MORGAN LAW. If P, Q are sets, then with respect to a universe U , (a) (P Q) = P Q; (b) (P Q) = P Q. We now try to deduce the rst Distributive law for set functions from the rst Distributive law for sentential functions. Suppose that the sentential functions p(x), q(x), r(x) are related to sets P , Q, R with respect to a given universe, i.e. P = {x : p(x)}, Q = {x : q(x)} and R = {x : r(x)}. Then P (Q R) = {x : p(x) (q(x) r(x))} and (P Q) (P R) = {x : (p(x) q(x)) (p(x) r(x))}. Suppose that x P (Q R). Then p(x) (q(x) r(x)) is true. By the rst Distributive law for sentential functions, we have that (p(x) (q(x) r(x))) ((p(x) q(x)) (p(x) r(x))) is a tautology. It follows that (p(x) q(x)) (p(x) r(x)) is true, so that x (P Q) (P R). This gives P (Q R) (P Q) (P R). (1) Suppose now that x (P Q) (P R). Then (p(x) q(x)) (p(x) r(x)) is true. It follows from the rst Distributive law for sentential functions that p(x) (q(x) r(x)) is true, so that x P (Q R). This gives (P Q) (P R) P (Q R). (2) The result now follows on combining (1) and (2).


Quantier Logic

Let us return to the example x is even at the beginning of Section 1.3. Suppose now that we restrict x to lie in the set Z of all integers. Then the sentence x is even is only true for some x in Z. It follows that the sentence some x Z are even is true, while the sentence all x Z are even is false.


W W L Chen : Discrete Mathematics

In general, consider a sentential function of the form p(x), where the variable x lies in some clearly stated set. We can then consider the following two sentences: (1) x, p(x) (for all x, p(x) is true); and (2) x, p(x) (for some x, p(x) is true). Definition. The symbols (for all) and (for some) are called the universal quantier and the existential quantier respectively. Note that the variable x is a dummy variable. There is no dierence between writing x, p(x) or y, p(y). Example 1.5.1. (LAGRANGES THEOREM) Every natural number is the sum of the squares of four integers. This can be written, in logical notation, as n N, a, b, c, d Z, n = a2 + b2 + c2 + d2 .

Example 1.5.2. (GOLDBACH CONJECTURE) Every even natural number greater than 2 is the sum of two primes. This can be written, in logical notation, as n N \ {1}, p, q prime, 2n = p + q. It is not yet known whether this is true or not. This is one of the greatest unsolved problems in mathematics.



Our main concern is to develop a rule for negating sentences with quantiers. Let me start by saying that you are all fools. Naturally, you will disagree, and some of you will complain. So it is natural to suspect that the negation of the sentence x, p(x) is the sentence x, p(x). There is another way to look at this. Let U be the universe for all the x. Let P = {x : p(x)}. Suppose rst of all that the sentence x, p(x) is true. Then P = U , so P = . But P = {x : p(x)}, so that if the sentence x, p(x) were true, then P = , a contradiction. On the other hand, suppose now that the sentence x, p(x) is false. Then P = U , so that P = . It follows that the sentence x, p(x) is true. Now let me moderate a bit and say that some of you are fools. You will still complain, so perhaps none of you are fools. It is then natural to suspect that the negation of the sentence x, p(x) is the sentence x, p(x). To summarize, we simply change the quantier to the other type and negate the sentential function. Suppose now that we have something more complicated. Let us apply bit by bit our simple rule. For example, the negation of x, y, z, w, p(x, y, z, w) is x, (y, z, w, p(x, y, z, w)), which is x, y, (z, w, p(x, y, z, w)), which is x, y, z, (w, p(x, y, z, w)), which is x, y, z, w, p(x, y, z, w).

Chapter 1 : Logic and Sets


It is clear that the rule is the following: Keep the variables in their original order. Then, alter all the quantiers. Finally, negate the sentential function. Example 1.6.1. The negation of the Goldbach conjecture is, in logical notation, n N \ {1}, p, q prime, 2n = p + q. In other words, there is an even natural number greater than 2 which is not the sum of two primes. In summary, to disprove the Goldbach conjecture, we simply need one counterexample!

Problems for Chapter 1 1. Using truth tables or otherwise, check that each of the following is a tautology: a) p (p q) b) ((p q) q) (p q) c) p (q p) d) (p (p q)) p e) (p q) (q p) 2. Decide (and justify) whether each of the following is a tautology: a) (p q) (q (p q)) b) (p (q r)) ((p q) (p r)) c) ((p q) r) (p (q r)) d) (p q r) (s t) e) (p q) (p q) f) p q (p q) g) (p q r) (p q (p r)) h) ((r s) (p q)) (p (q (r s))) i) p (q (r s)) j) (p q (r s)) (t u) l) (p q) (q p). k) (p q) r ((p q) r) m) (p (q (r s))) ((p q) (p r s)) 3. For each of the following, decide whether the statement is true or false, and justify your assertion: a) If p is true and q is false, then p q is true. b) If p is true, q is false and r is false, then p (q r) is true. c) The sentence (p q) (q p) is a tautology. d) The sentences p (q r) and (p q) (p r) are logically equivalent. 4. List a) c) e) the elements of each of the following sets: {x N : x2 < 45} {x R : x2 + 2x = 0} {x Z : x4 = 1} b) {x Z : x2 < 45} d) {x Q : x2 + 4 = 6} f) {x N : x4 = 1}

5. How many elements are there in each of the following sets? Are the sets all dierent? a) b) {} c) {{}} d) {, {}} e) {, } 6. Let U = {a, b, c, d}, P = {a, b} and Q = {a, c, d}. Write down the elements of the following sets: a) P Q b) P Q c) P d) Q 7. Let U = R, A = {x R : x > 0}, B = {x R : x > 1} and C = {x R : x < 2}. Find each of the following sets: a) A B b) A C c) B C d) A B e) A C f) B C g) A h) B i) C j) A \ B k) B \ C 8. List all the subsets of the set {1, 2, 3}. How many subsets are there? 9. A, B, C, D are sets such that A B = C D, and both A B and C D are empty. a) Show by examples that A C and B D can be empty. b) Show that if C A, then B D.


W W L Chen : Discrete Mathematics

10. Suppose that P , Q and R are subsets of N. For each of the following, state whether or not the statement is true, and justify your assertion by studying the analogous sentences in logic: a) P (Q R) = (P Q) (P R). b) P Q if and only if Q P . c) If P Q and Q R, then P R. 11. For each of the following sentences, write down the sentence in logical notation, negate the sentence, and say whether the sentence or its negation is true: a) Given any integer, there is a larger integer. b) There is an integer greater than all other integers. c) Every even number is a sum of two odd numbers. d) Every odd number is a sum of two even numbers. e) The distance between any two complex numbers is positive. f) All natural numbers divisible by 2 and by 3 are divisible by 6. [Notation: Write x | y if x divides y.] g) Every integer is a sum of the squares of two integers. h) There is no greatest natural number. 12. For each of the following sentences, express the sentence in words, negate the sentence, and say whether the sentence or its negation is true: a) z N, z 2 N b) x Z, y Z, z Z, z 2 = x2 + y 2 c) x Z, y Z, (x > y) (x = y) d) x, y, z R, w R, x2 + y 2 + z 2 = 8w 13. Let p(x, y) be a sentential function with variables x and y. Discuss whether each of the following is true on logical grounds only: a) (x, y, p(x, y)) (y, x, p(x, y)) b) (y, x, p(x, y)) (x, y, p(x, y))

W W L Chen, 1982.

This work is available free, in the hope that it will be useful. Any part of this work may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or any information storage and retrieval system, with or without permission from the author.

Chapter 2



We start by considering a simple example. Let S denote the set of all students at Macquarie University, and let T denote the set of all teaching sta here. For every student s S and every teaching sta t T , exactly one of the following is true: (1) s has attended a lecture given by t; or (2) s has not attended a lecture given by t. We now dene a relation R as follows. Let s S and t T . We say that sRt if s has attended a lecture given by t. If we now look at all possible pairs (s, t) of students and teaching sta, then some of these pairs will satisfy the relation while other pairs may not. To put it in a slightly dierent way, we can say that the relation R can be represented by the collection of all pairs (s, t) where sRt. This is a subcollection of the set of all possible pairs (s, t). Definition. Let A and B be sets. The set A B = {(a, b) : a A and b B} is called the cartesian product of the sets A and B. In other words, A B is the set of all ordered pairs (a, b), where a A and b B. Definition. Let A and B be sets. By a relation R on A and B, we mean a subset of the cartesian product A B. Remark. There are many instances when A = B. Then by a relation R on A, we mean a subset of the cartesian product A A. Example 2.1.1. Let A = {1, 2, 3, 4}. Dene a relation R on A by writing (x, y) R if x < y. Then R = {(1, 2), (1, 3), (1, 4), (2, 3), (2, 4), (3, 4)}.
This chapter was rst used in lectures given by the author at Imperial College, University of London, in 1982.


W W L Chen : Discrete Mathematics

Example 2.1.2. Let A be the power set of the set {1, 2}; in other words, A = {, {1}, {2}, {1, 2}} is the set of subsets of the set {1, 2}. Then it is not too dicult to see that R = {(, {1}), (, {2}), (, {1, 2}), ({1}, {1, 2}), ({2}, {1, 2})} is a relation on A where (P, Q) R if P Q.


Equivalence Relations

We begin by considering a familiar example. Example 2.2.1. A rational number is a number of the form p/q, where p Z and q N. This can also be viewed as an ordered pair (p, q), where p Z and q N. Let A = {(p, q) : p Z and q N}. We can dene a relation R on A by writing ((p1 , q1 ), (p2 , q2 )) R if p1 q2 = p2 q1 , i.e. if p1 /q1 = p2 /q2 . This relation R has some rather interesting properties: (1) ((p, q), (p, q)) R for all (p, q) A; (2) whenever ((p1 , q1 ), (p2 , q2 )) R, we have ((p2 , q2 ), (p1 , q1 )) R; and (3) whenever ((p1 , q1 ), (p2 , q2 )) R and ((p2 , q2 ), (p3 , q3 )) R, we have ((p1 , q1 ), (p3 , q3 )) R. This is usually known as the equivalence of fractions. We now investigate these properties in a more general setting. Let R be a relation on a set A. Definition. Suppose that for all a A, (a, a) R. Then we say that R is reexive. The relation R dened on the set Z by (a, b) R if a b is reexive. The relation R dened on the set Z by (a, b) R if a < b is not reexive.

Example 2.2.2. Example 2.2.3. Definition. symmetric.

Suppose that for all a, b A, (b, a) R whenever (a, b) R. Then we say that R is

Example 2.2.4. Let A = {1, 2, 3}. (1) The relation R = {(1, 2), (2, 1)} is symmetric but not reexive. (2) The relation R = {(1, 1), (2, 2), (3, 3)} is reexive and symmetric. (3) The relation R = {(1, 1), (2, 2), (3, 3), (1, 2)} is reexive but not symmetric. Definition. Suppose that for all a, b, c A, (a, c) R whenever (a, b) R and (b, c) R. Then we say that R is transitive. Example 2.2.5. Let A = {1, 2, 3}. (1) The relation R = {(1, 2), (2, 1), (1, 1), (2, 2)} is symmetric and transitive but not reexive. (2) The relation R = {(1, 1), (2, 2), (3, 3)} is reexive, symmetric and transitive. (3) The relation R = {(1, 1), (2, 2), (3, 3), (1, 2)} is reexive and transitive but not symmetric. Definition. Suppose that a relation R on a set A is reexive, symmetric and transitive. Then we say that R is an equivalence relation. Example 2.2.6. Dene a relation R on Z by writing (a, b) R if the integer a b is a multiple of 3. Then R is an equivalence relation on Z. To see this, note that for every a Z, a a = 0 is clearly a multiple of 3, so that (a, a) R. It follows that R is reexive. Suppose now that a, b Z. If (a, b) R, then a b is a multiple of 3. In other words, a b = 3k for some k Z, so that b a = 3(k). Hence b a is a multiple of 3, so that (b, a) R. It follows that R is symmetric. Suppose now that a, b, c Z. If (a, b), (b, c) R, then a b and b c are both multiples of 3. In other words, a b = 3k and b c = 3m for some k, m Z, so that a c = 3(k + m). Hence a c is a multiple of 3, so that (a, c) R. It follows that R is transitive.

Chapter 2 : Relations and Functions



Equivalence Classes

Let us examine more carefully our last example, where the relation R, where (a, b) R if the integer a b is a multiple of 3, is an equivalence relation on Z. Note that the elements in the set {. . . , 9, 6, 3, 0, 3, 6, 9, . . .} are all related to each other, but not related to any integer outside this set. The same phenomenon applies to the sets {. . . , 8, 5, 2, 1, 4, 7, . . .} and {. . . , 7, 4, 1, 2, 5, 8, . . .}.

In other words, the relation R has split the set Z into three disjoint parts. In general, let R denote an equivalence relation on a set A. Definition. For every a A, the set [a] = {b A : (a, b) R} is called the equivalence class of A containing a. LEMMA 2A. Suppose that R is an equivalence relation on a set A, and that a, b A. Then b [a] if and only if [a] = [b]. Proof. () Suppose that b [a]. Then (a, b) R. We shall show that [a] = [b] by showing that (1) [b] [a] and (2) [a] [b]. To show (1), let c [b]. Then (b, c) R. It now follows from the transitive property that (a, c) R, so that c [a]. (1) follows. To show (2), let c [a]. Then (a, c) R. Since (a, b) R, it follows from the symmetric property that (b, a) R. It now follows from the transitive property that (b, c) R, so that c [b]. (2) follows. () Suppose that [a] = [b]. By the reexive property, (b, b) R, so that b [b], so that b [a]. LEMMA 2B. Suppose that R is an equivalence relation on a set A, and that a, b A. Then either [a] [b] = or [a] = [b]. Proof. Suppose that [a] [b] = . Let c [a] [b]. Then it follows from Lemma 2A that [c] = [a] and [c] = [b], so that [a] = [b]. We have therefore proved THEOREM 2C. Suppose that R is an equivalence relation on a set A. Then A is the disjoint union of its distinct equivalence classes. Example 2.3.1. Let m N. Dene a relation on Z by writing x y (mod m) if x y is a multiple of m. It is not dicult to check that this is an equivalence relation, and that Z is partitioned into the equivalence classes [0], [1], . . . , [m 1]. These are called the residue (or congruence) classes modulo m, and the set of these m residue classes is denoted by Zm .



Let A and B be sets. A function (or mapping) f from A to B assigns to each x A an element f (x) in B. We write f : A B : x f (x) or simply f : A B. A is called the domain of f , and B is called the codomain of f . The element f (x) is called the image of x under f . Furthermore, the set f (B) = {y B : y = f (x) for some x A} is called the range or image of f . Two functions f : A B and g : A B are said to be equal, denoted by f = g, if f (x) = g(x) for every x A.


W W L Chen : Discrete Mathematics

It is sometimes convenient to express a function by its graph G. This is dened by G = {(x, f (x)) : x A} = {(x, y) : x A and y = f (x) B}.

Example 2.4.1. Consider the function f : N N dened by f (x) = 2x for every x N. Then the domain and codomain of f are N, while the range of f is the set of all even natural numbers. Example 2.4.2. Consider the function f : Z Z : x |x|. Then the domain and codomain of f are Z, while the range of f is the set of all non-negative integers. Example 2.4.3. There are four functions from {a, b} to {1, 2}.

Example 2.4.4. Suppose that A and B are nite sets, with n and m elements respectively. An interesting question is to determine the number of dierent functions f : A B that can be dened. Without loss of generality, let A = {1, 2, . . . , n}. Then there are m dierent ways of choosing a value for f (1) from the elements of B. For each such choice of f (1), there are again m dierent ways of choosing a value for f (2) from the elements of B. For each such choice of f (1) and f (2), there are again m dierent ways of choosing a value for f (3) from the elements of B. And so on. It follows that the number of dierent functions f : A B that can be dened is equal to the number of ways of choosing (f (1), . . . , f (n)). The number of such ways is clearly m ...

m = mn .

Example 2.4.2 shows that a function can map dierent elements of the domain to the same element in the codomain. Also, the range of a function may not be all of the codomain. Definition. Definition. f (x) = y. We say that a function f : A B is one-to-one if x1 = x2 whenever f (x1 ) = f (x2 ). We say that a function f : A B is onto if for every y B, there exists x A such that

Remarks. (1) If a function f : A B is one-to-one and onto, then an inverse function exists. To see this, take any y B. Since the function f : A B is onto, it follows that there exists x A such that f (x) = y. Suppose now that z A satises f (z) = y. Then since the function f : A B is one-to-one, it follows that we must have z = x. In other words, there is precisely one x A such that f (x) = y. We can therefore dene an inverse function f 1 : B A by writing f 1 (y) = x, where x A is the unique solution of f (x) = y. (2) Consider a function f : A B. Then f is onto if and only if for every y B, there is at least one x A such that f (x) = y. On the other hand, f is one-to-one if and only if for every y B, there is at most one x A such that f (x) = y. Example 2.4.5. Example 2.4.6. Example 2.4.7. Consider the function f : N N : x x. This is one-to-one and onto. Consider the function f : N Z : x x. This is one-to-one but not onto. Consider the function f : Z N {0} : x |x|. This is onto but not one-to-one.

Example 2.4.8. Consider the function f : R R : x x/2. This is one-to-one and onto. Also, it is easy to see that f 1 : R R : x 2x.

Chapter 2 : Relations and Functions


Example 2.4.9. Find whether the following yield functions from N to N, and if so, whether they are one-to-one, onto or both. Find also the inverse function if the function is one-to-one and onto: (1) y = 2x + 3; (2) y = 2x 3; (3) y = x2 ; (4) y = x + 1 if x is odd, y = x 1 if x is even. Suppose that A, B and C are sets and that f : A B and g : B C are functions. We dene the composition function g f : A C by writing (g f )(x) = g(f (x)) for every x A. ASSOCIATIVE LAW. Suppose that A, B, C and D are sets, and that f : A B, g : B C and h : C D are functions. Then h (g f ) = (h g) f .

Problems for Chapter 2 1. The power set P(A) of a set A is the set of all subsets of A. Suppose that A = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}. a) How many elements are there in P(A)? b) How many elements are there in P(A P(A)) A? c) How many elements are there in P(A P(A)) A? 2. For each of the following relations R on Z, determine whether the relation is reexive, symmetric or transitive, and specify the equivalence classses if R is an equivalence relation on Z: a) (a, b) R if a divides b b) (a, b) R if a + b is even c) (a, b) R if a + b is odd d) (a, b) R if a b e) (a, b) R if a2 = b2 f) (a, b) R if a < b 3. For each of the following relations R on N, determine whether the relation is reexive, symmetric or transitive, and specify the equivalence classses if R is an equivalence relation on N: a) (a, b) R if a < 3b b) (a, b) R if 3a 2b c) (a, b) R if a b = 0 d) (a, b) R if 7 divides 3a + 4b 4. Consider the set A = {1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 9}. Dene a relation R on A by writing (x, y) R if and only if x y is a multiple of 3. a) Describe R as a subset of A A. b) Show that R is an equivalence relation on A. c) What are the equivalence classes of R? 5. Let A = {1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 11, 13}. Dene a relation R on A by writing (x, y) R if and only if x y is a multiple of 3. a) Show that R is an equivalence relation on A. b) How many equivalence classes of R are there? 6. Dene a relation R on Z by writing (x, y) R if and only if x y is a multiple of 2 as well as a multiple of 3. a) Show that R is an equivalence relation on Z. b) How many equivalence classes of R are there? 7. Dene a relation R on N by writing (x, y) R if and only if x y is a multiple of 2 or a multiple of 3. a) Is R reexive? Is R symmetric? Is R transitive? b) Find a subset A of N such that a relation R dened in a similar way on A is an equivalence relation.


W W L Chen : Discrete Mathematics

8. Let A = {1, 2} and B = {a, b, c}. For each of the following cases, decide whether the set represents the graph of a function f : A B; if so, write down f (1) and f (2), and determine whether f is one-to-one and whether f is onto: a) {(1, a), (2, b)} b) {(1, b), (2, b)} c) {(1, a), (1, b), (2, c)} 9. Let f , g and h be functions from N to N dened by f (x) = 1 2 (x > 100), (x 100),

g(x) = x2 + 1 and h(x) = 2x + 1 for every x N. a) Determine whether each function is one-to-one or onto. b) Find h (g f ) and (h g) f , and verify the Associative law for composition of functions. 10. Consider the function f : N N, given by f (x) = x + 1 for every x N. a) What is the domain of this function? b) What is the range of this function? c) Is the function one-to-one? d) Is the function onto? 11. Let f : A B and g : B C be functions. Prove each of the following: a) If f and g are one-to-one, then g f is one-to-one. b) If g f is one-to-one, then f is one-to-one. c) If f is onto and g f is one-to-one, then g is one-to-one. d) If f and g are onto, then g f is onto. e) If g f is onto, then g is onto. f) If g f is onto and g is one-to-one, then f is onto. 12. a) Give an example of functions f : A B and g : B C such that g f is one-to-one, but g is not. b) Give an example of functions f : A B and g : B C such that g f is onto, but f is not.

13. Suppose that f : A B, g : B A and h : A B C are functions, and that the function k : A B C is dened by k(x, y) = h(g(y), f (x)) for every x A and y B. a) Show that if f , g and h are all one-to-one, then k is one-to-one. b) Show that if f , g and h are all onto, then k is onto. 14. Suppose that the set A contains 5 elements and the set B contains 2 elements. a) How many dierent functions f : A B can one dene? b) How many of the functions in part (a) are not onto? c) How many of the functions in part (a) are not one-to-one? 15. Suppose that the set A contains 2 elements and the set B contains 5 elements. a) How many of the functions f : A B are not onto? b) How many of the functions f : A B are not one-to-one? 16. Suppose that A, B, C and D are nite sets, and that f : A B, g : B C and h : C D are functions. Suppose further that the following four conditions are satised: B, C and D have the same number of elements. f : A B is one-to-one and onto. g : B C is onto. h : C D is one-to-one. Prove that the composition function h (g f ) : A D is one-to-one and onto.

Chapter 2 : Relations and Functions


17. Let A = {1, 2} and B = {2, 3, 4, 5}. Write down the number of elements in each of the following sets: a) A A b) the set of functions from A to B c) the set of one-to-one functions from A to B d) the set of onto functions from A to B e) the set of relations on B f) the set of equivalence relations on B for which there are exactly two equivalence classes g) the set of all equivalence relations on B h) the set of one-to-one functions from B to A i) the set of onto functions from B to A j) the set of one-to-one and onto functions from B to B 18. Dene a relation R on N N by (a, b)R(c, d) if and only if a + b = c + d. a) Prove that R is an equivalence relation on N N. b) Let S denote the set of equivalence classes of R. Show that there is a one-to-one and onto function from S to N. 19. Suppose that R is a relation dened on N by (a, b) R if and only if [4/a] = [4/b]. Here for every x R, [x] denotes the integer n satisfying n x < n + 1. a) Show that R is an equivalence relation on N. b) Let S denote the set of all equivalence classes of R. Show that there is a one-to-one and onto function from S to {1, 2, 3, 4}.

W W L Chen, 1982.

This work is available free, in the hope that it will be useful. Any part of this work may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or any information storage and retrieval system, with or without permission from the author.

Chapter 3



The set of natural numbers is usually given by N = {1, 2, 3, . . .}. However, this denition does not bring out some of the main properties of the set N in a natural way. The following more complicated denition is therefore sometimes preferred. Definition. The set N of all natural numbers is dened by the following four conditions: (N1) 1 N. (N2) If n N, then the number n + 1, called the successor of n, also belongs to N. (N3) Every n N other than 1 is the successor of some number in N. (WO) Every non-empty subset of N has a least element. The condition (WO) is called the Well-ordering principle. To explain the signicance of each of these four requirements, note that the conditions (N1) and (N2) together imply that N contains 1, 2, 3, . . . . However, these two conditions alone are insucient to exclude from N numbers such as 5.5. Now, if N contained 5.5, then by condition (N3), N must also contain 4.5, 3.5, 2.5, 1.5, 0.5, 0.5, 1.5, 2.5, . . . , and so would not have a least element. We therefore exclude this possibility by stipulating that N has a least element. This is achieved by the condition (WO).



It can be shown that the condition (WO) implies the Principle of induction. The following two forms of the Principle of induction are particularly useful.
This chapter was rst used in lectures given by the author at Imperial College, University of London, in 1982.


W W L Chen : Discrete Mathematics

PRINCIPLE OF INDUCTION (WEAK FORM). Suppose that the statement p(.) satises the following conditions: (PIW1) p(1) is true; and (PIW2) p(n + 1) is true whenever p(n) is true. Then p(n) is true for every n N. Proof. Suppose that the conclusion does not hold. Then the subset S = {n N : p(n) is false} of N is non-empty. By (WO), S has a least element, n0 say. If n0 = 1, then clearly (PIW1) does not hold. If n0 > 1, then p(n0 1) is true but p(n0 ) is false, contradicting (PIW2). PRINCIPLE OF INDUCTION (STRONG FORM). Suppose that the statement p(.) satises the following conditions: (PIS1) p(1) is true; and (PIS2) p(n + 1) is true whenever p(m) is true for all m n. Then p(n) is true for every n N. Proof. Suppose that the conclusion does not hold. Then the subset S = {n N : p(n) is false} of N is non-empty. By (WO), S has a least element, n0 say. If n0 = 1, then clearly (PIS1) does not hold. If n0 > 1, then p(m) is true for all m n0 1 but p(n0 ) is false, contradicting (PIS2). In the examples below, we shall illustrate some basic ideas involved in proof by induction. Example 3.2.1. We shall prove by induction that 1 + 2 + 3 + ... + n = n(n + 1) 2 (1)

for every n N. To do so, let p(n) denote the statement (1). Then clearly p(1) is true. Suppose now that p(n) is true, so that n(n + 1) 1 + 2 + 3 + ... + n = . 2 Then n(n + 1) (n + 1)(n + 2) 1 + 2 + 3 + . . . + n + (n + 1) = + (n + 1) = , 2 2 so that p(n + 1) is true. It now follows from the Principle of induction (Weak form) that (1) holds for every n N. Example 3.2.2. We shall prove by induction that 12 + 22 + 32 + . . . + n2 = n(n + 1)(2n + 1) 6 (2)

for every n N. To do so, let p(n) denote the statement (2). Then clearly p(1) is true. Suppose now that p(n) is true, so that n(n + 1)(2n + 1) 12 + 22 + 32 + . . . + n2 = . 6 Then 12 + 22 + 32 + . . . + n2 + (n + 1)2 = n(n + 1)(2n + 1) (n + 1)(n(2n + 1) + 6(n + 1)) + (n + 1)2 = 6 6 (n + 1)(2n2 + 7n + 6) (n + 1)(n + 2)(2n + 3) = = , 6 6

so that p(n + 1) is true. It now follows from the Principle of induction (Weak form) that (2) holds for every n N.

Chapter 3 : The Natural Numbers


Example 3.2.3. the statement

We shall prove by induction that 3n > n3 for every n > 3. To do so, let p(n) denote (n 3) (3n > n3 ).

Then clearly p(1), p(2), p(3), p(4) are all true. Suppose now that n > 3 and p(n) is true. Then 3n > n3 . It follows that 3n+1 > 3n3 = n3 + 2n3 > n3 + 6n2 = n3 + 3n2 + 3n2 > n3 + 3n2 + 6n = n3 + 3n2 + 3n + 3n > n3 + 3n2 + 3n + 1 = (n + 1)3 (note that we are aiming for (n + 1)3 = n3 + 3n2 + 3n + 1 all the way), so that p(n + 1) is true. It now follows from the Principle of induction (Weak form) that 3n > n3 holds for every n > 3. Example 3.2.4. We shall prove by induction the famous De Moivre theorem that (cos + i sin )n = cos n + i sin n (3)

for every R and every n N. To do so, let R be xed, and let p(n) denote the statement (3). Then clearly p(1) is true. Suppose now that p(n) is true, so that (cos + i sin )n = cos n + i sin n. Then (cos + i sin )n+1 = (cos n + i sin n)(cos + i sin ) = (cos n cos sin n sin ) + i(sin n cos + cos n sin ) = cos(n + 1) + i sin(n + 1), so that p(n + 1) is true. It now follows from the Principle of induction (Weak form) that (3) holds for every n N. Example 3.2.5. Consider the sequence x1 , x2 , x3 , . . . , given by x1 = 5, x2 = 11 and xn+1 5xn + 6xn1 = 0 We shall prove by induction that xn = 2n+1 + 3n1 (5) for every n N. To do so, let p(n) denote the statement (5). Then clearly p(1), p(2) are both true. Suppose now that n 2 and p(m) is true for every m n, so that xm = 2m+1 + 3m1 for every m n. Then xn+1 = 5xn 6xn1 = 5(2n+1 + 3n1 ) 6(2n1+1 + 3n11 ) = 2n (10 6) + 3n2 (15 6) = 2n+2 + 3n , so that p(n + 1) is true. It now follows from the Principle of induction (Strong form) that (5) holds for every n N. (n 2). (4)

Problems for Chapter 3 1. Prove by induction each of the following identities, where n N:

k=1 n

(2k 1)2 =

n(2n 1)(2n + 1) 3

k=1 n

k(k + 2) =

n(n + 1)(2n + 7) 6


k 3 = (1 + 2 + 3 + . . . + n)2


1 n = k(k + 1) n+1


W W L Chen : Discrete Mathematics

2. Suppose that x = 1. Prove by induction that


xk = 1 + x + x2 + . . . + xn =

1 xn+1 . 1x

3. Find the smallest m N such that m! 2m . Prove that n! 2n for every n N satisfying n m. 4. Consider a 2n 2n chessboard with one arbitrarily chosen square removed, as shown in the picture below (for n = 4):

Prove by induction that any such chessboard can be tiled without gaps or overlaps by L-shapes consisting of 3 squares each as shown. 5. The sequence an is dened recursively for n N by a1 = 3, a2 = 5 and an = 3an1 2an2 for n 3. Prove that an = 2n + 1 for every n N. 6. For every n N and every k = 0, 1, 2, . . . , n, the binomial coecient n k = n! , k!(n k)!

with the convention that 0! = 1. a) Show from the denition and without using induction that for every k = 1, 2, . . . , n, we have n n + k k1 = n+1 . k

b) Use part (a) and the Principle of induction to prove the Binomial theorem, that for every n N, we have n n nk k (a + b)n = a b . k

Chapter 3 : The Natural Numbers


7. The theorem below is clearly absurd. Find the mistake in the proof. Theorem: Let 1 , 2 , . . . , n be n 2 distinct lines on the plane, no two of which are parallel. Then all these lines have a point in common. Proof: For n = 2, the statement is clearly true, since any 2 non-parallel lines on the plane intersect. Assume now that the statement holds for n = k, and let us now have k + 1 lines 1 , 2 , . . . , k1 , k , k+1 . By the inductive hypothesis, the k lines 1 , 2 , . . . , k (omitting the line k+1 ) have a point in common; let us denote this point by x. Again by the inductive hypothesis, the k lines 1 , 2 , . . . , k1 , k+1 (omitting the line k ) have a point in common; let us denote this point by y. The line 1 lies in both collections, so it contains both points x and y. The line k1 also lies in both collections, so it also contains both points x and y. Now the lines 1 and k1 intersect at one point only, so we must have x = y. Therefore the k + 1 lines 1 , 2 , . . . , k1 , k , k+1 have a point in common, namely the point x. The result now follows from the Principle of induction.

W W L Chen, 1981.

This work is available free, in the hope that it will be useful. Any part of this work may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or any information storage and retrieval system, with or without permission from the author.

Chapter 4



Definition. Suppose that a, b Z and a = 0. Then we say that a divides b, denoted by a | b, if there exists c Z such that b = ac. In this case, we also say that a is a divisor of b, or that b is a multiple of a. Example 4.1.1. Example 4.1.2. For every a Z \ {0}, a | a and a | a. For every a Z, 1 | a and 1 | a.

Example 4.1.3. If a | b and b | c, then a | c. To see this, note that if a | b and b | c, then there exist m, n Z such that b = am and c = bn, so that c = amn. Clearly mn Z. Example 4.1.4. If a | b and a | c, then for every x, y Z, a | (bx+cy). To see this, note that if a | b and a | c, then there exist m, n Z such that b = am and c = an, so that bx+cy = amx+ any = a(mx+ny). Clearly mx + ny Z. THEOREM 4A. Suppose that a N and b Z. Then there exist unique q, r Z such that b = aq +r and 0 r < a. Proof. We shall rst of all show the existence of such numbers q, r Z. Consider the set S = {b as 0 : s Z}. Then it is easy to see that S is a non-empty subset of N {0}. It follows from the Wellordering principle that S has a smallest element. Let r be the smallest element of S, and let q Z such that b aq = r. Clearly r 0, so it remains to show that r < a. Suppose on the contrary that r a. Then
This chapter was rst used in lectures given by the author at Imperial College, University of London, in 1981.


W W L Chen : Discrete Mathematics

b a(q + 1) = (b aq) a = r a 0, so that b a(q + 1) S. Clearly b a(q + 1) < r, contradicting that r is the smallest element of S. Next we show that such numbers q, r Z are unique. Suppose that b = aq1 + r1 = aq2 + r2 with 0 r1 < a and 0 r2 < a. Then a|q1 q2 | = |r2 r1 | < a. Since |q1 q2 | N {0}, we must have |q1 q2 | = 0, so that q1 = q2 and so r1 = r2 also. Definition. Suppose that a N and a > 1. Then we say that a is prime if it has exactly two positive divisors, namely 1 and a. We also say that a is composite if it is not prime. Remark. Note that 1 is neither prime nor composite. There is a good reason for not including 1 as a prime. See the remark following Theorem 4D. Throughout this chapter, the symbol p, with or without suces, denotes a prime. THEOREM 4B. Suppose that a, b Z, and that p N is a prime. If p | ab, then p | a or p | b. Proof. If a = 0 or b = 0, then the result is trivial. We may also assume, without loss of generality, that a > 0 and b > 0. Suppose that p a. Let S = {b N : p | ab and p b}. Clearly it is sucient to show that S = . Suppose, on the contrary, that S = . Then since S N, it follows from the Wellordering principle that S has a smallest element. Let c N be the smallest element of S. Then in particular, p | ac and p c. Since p a, we must have c > 1. On the other hand, we must have c < p; for if c p, then c > p, and since p | ac, we must have p | a(c p), so that c p S, a contradiction. Hence 1 < c < p. By Theorem 4A, there exist q, r Z such that p = cq + r and 0 r < c. Since p is a prime, we must have r 1, so that 1 r < c. However, ar = ap acq, so that p | ar. We now have p | ar and p r.

But r < c and r N, contradicting that c is the smallest element of S. Using Theorem 4B a nite number of times, we have THEOREM 4C. Suppose that a1 , . . . , ak Z, and that p N is a prime. If p | a1 . . . ak , then p | aj for some j = 1, . . . , k.



We remarked earlier that we do not include 1 as a prime. The following theorem is one justication. THEOREM 4D. (FUNDAMENTAL THEOREM OF ARITHMETIC) Suppose that n N and n > 1. Then n is representable as a product of primes, uniquely up to the order of factors. Remark. If 1 were to be included as a prime, then we would have to rephrase the Fundamental theorem of arithmetic to allow for dierent representations like 6 = 2 3 = 1 2 3. Note also then that the number of prime factors of 6 would not be unique.

Chapter 4 : Division and Factorization


Proof of Theorem 4D. We shall rst of all show by induction that every integer n 2 is representable as a product of primes. Clearly 2 is a product of primes. Assume now that n > 2 and that every m N satisfying 2 m < n is representable as a product of primes. If n is a prime, then it is obviously representable as a product of primes. If n is not a prime, then there exist n1 , n2 N satisfying 2 n1 < n and 2 n2 < n such that n = n1 n2 . By our induction hypothesis, both n1 and n2 are representable as products of primes, so that n must be representable as a product of primes. Next we shall show uniqueness. Suppose that n = p1 . . . pr = p1 . . . ps , (1)

where p1 . . . pr and p1 . . . ps are primes. Now p1 | p1 . . . ps , so it follows from Theorem 4C that p1 | pj for some j = 1, . . . , s. Since p1 and pj are both primes, we must then have p1 = pj . On the other hand, p1 | p1 . . . pr , so again it follows from Theorem 4C that p1 | pi for some i = 1, . . . , r, so again we must have p1 = pi . It now follows that p1 = pj p1 = pi p1 , so that p1 = p1 . It now follows from (1) that p2 . . . pr = p2 . . . ps . Repeating this argument a nite number of times, we conclude that r = s and pi = pi for every i = 1, . . . , r. Grouping together equal primes, we can reformulate Theorem 4D as follows. THEOREM 4E. Suppose that n N and n > 1. Then n is representable uniquely in the form n = pm1 . . . pmr , r 1 where p1 < . . . < pr are primes, and where mj N for every j = 1, . . . , r. Definition. The representation (2) is called the canonical decomposition of n. (2)


Greatest Common Divisor

THEOREM 4F. Suppose that a, b N. Then there exists a unique d N such that (a) d | a and d | b; and (b) if x N and x | a and x | b, then x | d. Definition. The number d is called the greatest common divisor (GCD) of a and b, and is denoted by d = (a, b). Proof of Theorem 4F. If a = 1 or b = 1, then take d = 1. Suppose now that a > 1 and b > 1. Let p1 < . . . < pr be all the distinct prime factors of a and b. Then by Theorem 4E, we can write a = pu1 . . . pur r 1 and b = pv1 . . . pvr , r 1 (3)

where u1 , . . . , ur , v1 , . . . , vr N {0}. Note that in the representations (3), when pj is not a prime factor of a (resp. b), then the corresponding exponent uj (resp. vj ) is zero. Now write



min{uj ,vj }


Clearly d | a and d | b. Suppose now that x N and x | a and x | b. Then x = pw1 . . . pwr , where r 1 0 wj uj and 0 wj vj for every j = 1, . . . , r. Clearly x | d. Finally, note that the representations (3) are unique in view of Theorem 4E, so that d is uniquely dened.


W W L Chen : Discrete Mathematics

Similarly we can prove THEOREM 4G. Suppose that a, b N. Then there exists a unique m N such that (a) a | m and b | m; and (b) if x N and a | x and b | x, then m | x. Definition. m = [a, b]. The number m is called the least common multiple (LCM) of a and b, and is denoted by

THEOREM 4H. Suppose that a, b N. Then there exist x, y Z such that (a, b) = ax + by. Proof. Consider the set S = {ax + by > 0 : x, y Z}. Then it is easy to see that S is a non-empty subset of N. It follows from the Wellordering principle that S has a smallest element. Let d0 be the smallest element of S, and let x0 , y0 Z such that d0 = ax0 +by0 . We shall rst show that d0 | (ax + by) for every x, y Z. (5) Suppose on the contrary that (5) is false. Then there exist x1 , y1 Z such that d0 (ax1 + by1 ). By Theorem 4A, there exist q, r Z such that ax1 + by1 = d0 q + r and 1 r < d0 . Then r = (ax1 + by1 ) (ax0 + by0 )q = a(x1 x0 q) + b(y1 y0 q) S, contradicting that d0 is the smallest element of S. It now remains to show that d0 = (a, b). Taking x = 1 and y = 0 in (5), we clearly have d0 | a. Taking x = 0 and y = 1 in (5), we clearly have d0 | b. It follows from Theorem 4F that d0 | (a, b). On the other hand, (a, b) | a and (a, b) | b, so that (a, b) | (ax0 + by0 ) = d0 . It follows that d0 = (a, b). Definition. We say that the numbers a, b N are said to be coprime (or relatively prime) if (a, b) = 1.

It follows immediately from Theorem 4H that THEOREM 4J. Suppose that a, b N are coprime. Then there exist x, y Z such that ax + by = 1. Naturally, if we are given two numbers a, b N, we can follow the proof of Theorem 4F to nd the greatest common divisor (a, b). However, this may be an unpleasant task if the numbers a and b are large and contain large prime factors. A much easier way is given by the following result. THEOREM 4K. (EUCLIDS ALGORITHM) Suppose that a, b N, and that a > b. Suppose further that q1 , . . . , qn+1 Z and r1 , . . . , rn N satisfy 0 < rn < rn1 < . . . < r1 < b and a = bq1 + r1 , b = r1 q 2 + r2 , r1 = r2 q 3 + r3 , . . . rn2 = rn1 qn + rn , rn1 = rn qn+1 . Then (a, b) = rn .

Chapter 4 : Division and Factorization


Proof. We shall rst of all prove that (a, b) = (b, r1 ). (6)

Note that (a, b) | b and (a, b) | (a bq1 ) = r1 , so that (a, b) | (b, r1 ). On the other hand, (b, r1 ) | b and (b, r1 ) | (bq1 + r1 ) = a, so that (b, r1 ) | (a, b). (6) follows. Similarly (b, r1 ) = (r1 , r2 ) = (r2 , r3 ) = . . . = (rn1 , rn ). Note now that (rn1 , rn ) = (rn qn+1 , rn ) = rn . The result follows on combining (6)(8). Example 4.3.1. Consider (589, 5111). In our notation, we let a = 5111 and b = 589. Then we have 5111 = 589 8 + 399, 589 = 399 1 + 190, 399 = 190 2 + 19, 190 = 19 10. It follows that (589, 5111) = 19. On the other hand, 19 = 399 190 2 = 399 (589 399 1) 2 = 589 (2) + 399 3 = 589 (2) + (5111 589 8) 3 = 5111 3 + 589 (26). It follows that x = 26 and y = 3 satisfy 589x + 5111y = (589, 5111). (8) (7)


An Elementary Property of Primes

There are many consequences of the Fundamental theorem of arithmetic. The following is one which concerns primes. THEOREM 4L. (EUCLID) There are innitely many primes. Proof. Suppose on the contrary that p1 < . . . < pr are all the primes. Let n = p1 . . . pr + 1. Then n N and n > 1. It follows from the Fundamental theorem of arithmetic that pj | n for some j = 1, . . . , r, so that pj | (n p1 . . . pr ) = 1, a contradiction.

Problems for Chapter 4 1. Consider the two integers 125 and 962. a) Write down the prime decomposition of each of the two numbers. b) Find their greatest common divisor. c) Find their least common multiple. 2. Factorize the number 6469693230.


W W L Chen : Discrete Mathematics

3. Find (210, 858). Determine integers x and y such that (210, 858) = 210x + 858y. Hence give the general solution of the equation in integers x and y. 4. Find (182, 247). Determine integers x and y such that (182, 247) = 182x + 247y. Hence give the general solution of the equation in integers x and y. 5. It is well-known that every multiple of 2 must end with the digit 0, 2, 4, 6 or 8, and that every multiple of 5 must end with the digit 0 or 5. Prove the equally well-known rule that a natural number is a multiple of 3 if and only if the sum of the digits is a multiple of 3 by taking the following steps. Consider a kdigit natural number x, expressed as a string x1 x2 . . . xk , where the digits x1 , x2 , . . . , xk {0, 1, 2, . . . , 9}. a) Calculate the value of x in terms of the digits x1 , x2 , . . . , xk . b) Calculate the dierence between x and the sum of the digits. c) Show that this dierence is divisible by 3. d) Complete the proof. 6. Let x, y, m, n, a, b, c, d Z satisfy m = ax + by and n = cx + dy with ad bc = 1. Prove that (m, n) = (x, y).

W W L Chen and Macquarie University, 1991.

This work is available free, in the hope that it will be useful. Any part of this work may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or any information storage and retrieval system, with or without permission from the author.

Chapter 5



Most modern computer programmes are represented by nite sequences of characters. We therefore need to develop an algebraic way for handling such nite sequences. In this chapter, we shall study the concept of languages in a systematic way. However, before we do so, let us look at ordinary languages, and let us concentrate on the languages using the ordinary alphabet. We start with the 26 characters A to Z (forget umlauts, etc.), and string them together to form words. A language will therefore consist of a collection of such words. A dierent language may consist of a dierent such collection. We also put words together to form sentences. Let A be a non-empty nite set (usually known as the alphabet). By a string of A (word), we mean a nite sequence of elements of A juxtaposed together; in other words, a1 . . . an , where a1 , . . . , an A. Definition. Definition. The length of the string w = a1 . . . an is dened to be n, and is denoted by w = n. The null string is the unique string of length 0 and is denoted by .

Definition. Suppose that w = a1 . . . an and v = b1 . . . bm are strings of A. By the product of the two strings, we mean the string wv = a1 . . . an b1 . . . bm , and this operation is known as concatenation. The following results are simple. PROPOSITION 5A. Suppose that w, v and u are strings of A. Then (a) (wv)u = w(vu); (b) w = w = w; and (c) wv = w + v .
This chapter was written at Macquarie University in 1991.


W W L Chen : Discrete Mathematics

Definition. For every n N, we write An = {a1 . . . an : a1 , . . . , an A}; in other words, An denotes the set of all strings of A of length n. We also write A0 = {}. Furthermore, we write

A+ =



A = A+ A 0 =

An .

Definition. By a language L on the set A, we mean a (nite or innite) subset of the set A . In other words, a language on A is a (nite or innite) set of strings of A. Definition. Suppose that L A is a language on A. We write L0 = {}. For every n N, we write Ln = {w1 . . . wn : w1 , . . . , wn L}. Furthermore, we write

L+ =



L = L+ L0 =

Ln .

The set L+ is known as the positive closure of L, while the set L is known as the Kleene closure of L. Definition. Suppose that L, M A are languages on A. We denote by L M their intersection, and denote by L + M their union. Furthermore, we write LM = {wv : w L and v M }. Example 5.1.1. Let A = {1, 2, 3}. (1) A2 = {11, 12, 13, 21, 22, 23, 31, 32, 33} and A4 has 34 = 81 elements. A+ is the collection of all strings of length at least 1 and consisting of 1s, 2s and 3s. (2) The set L = {21, 213, 1, 2222, 3} is a language on A. The element 213222213 L4 L5 , since 213, 2222, 1, 3 L and 21, 3, 2222, 1, 3 L. On the other hand, 213222213 A9 . (3) The set M = {2, 13, 222} is also a language on A. Note that 213222213 L4 L5 M 5 M 7 . Note also that L M = . PROPOSITION 5B. Suppose that L, M A are languages on A. Then (a) L + M (L + M ) ; (b) (L M ) L M ; (c) LL = L L = L+ ; and (d) L = LL + {}. Remarks. (1) Equality does not hold in (a). To see this, let A = {a, b, c}, L = {a} and M = {b}. Then L + M = {a, b}. Note now that aab (L + M ) , but clearly aab L and aab M . (2) Equality does not hold in (b) either. Again let A = {a, b, c}. Now let L = {a, b} and M = {ab}. Then L M = , so (L M ) = {}. On the other hand, we clearly have ababab L and ababab M . Proof of Proposition 5B. (a) Hence L =

Clearly L L + M , so that Ln (L + M )n for every n N {0}.

n=0 n=0

(L + M )n = (L + M ) .

Similarly M (L + M ) . It follows that L + M (L + M ) . (b) Clearly L M L, so that (L M ) L . Similarly, (L M ) M . It follows that (L M ) L M . (c) Suppose that x LL . Then x = w0 y, where w0 L and y L . It follows that either y L0 or y = w1 . . . wn Ln for some w1 , . . . , wn L and where n N. Therefore x = w0 or x = w0 w1 . . . wn , so that x L+ . Hence LL L+ . On the other hand, if x L+ , then x = w1 . . . wn for some n N and w1 , . . . , wn L. If n = 1, then x = w1 y, where w1 L and y L0 . If n > 1, then x = w1 y, where w1 L and y Ln1 . Clearly x LL . Hence L+ LL . It follows that LL = L+ . A similar argument gives L L = L+ . (d) By denition, L = L+ L0 . The result now follows from (c).

Chapter 5 : Languages



Regular Languages

Let A be a non-empty nite set. We say that a language L A on A is regular if it is empty or can be built up from elements of A by using only concatenation and the operations + and . One of the main computing problems for any given language is to nd a programme which can decide whether a given string belongs to the language. Regular languages are precisely those for which it is possible to write such a programme where the memory required during calculation is independent of the length of the string. We shall study this question in Chapter 7. We shall look at a few examples of regular languages. It is convenient to abuse notation by omitting the set symbols { and }. Example 5.2.1. Binary natural numbers can be represented by 1(0 + 1) . Note that any such number must start with a 1, followed by a string of 0s and 1s which may be null. Example 5.2.2. Let m and p denote respectively the minus sign and the decimal point. If we write d = 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 + 7 + 8 + 9, then ecimal numbers can be represented by 0 + ( + m)d(0 + d) + ( + m)(0 + (d(0 + d) ))p(0 + d) d. Note that any integer must belong to 0 + ( + m)d(0 + d) . On the other hand, any non-integer may start with a minus sign, must have an integral part, followed by a decimal point, and some extra digits, the last of which must be non-zero. Example 5.2.3. Binary strings in which every consecutive block of 1s has even length can be represented by (0 + 11) . Example 5.2.4. Binary strings containing the substring 1011 can be represented by (0+1) 1011(0+1) .

Example 5.2.5. Binary strings containing the substring 1011 and in which every consecutive block of 1s has even length can be represented by (0 + 11) 11011(0 + 11) . Note that 1011 must be immediately preceded by an odd number of 1s. Note that the language in Example 5.2.5 is the intersection of the languages in Examples 5.2.3 and 5.2.4. In fact, the regularity is a special case of the following result which is far from obvious. THEOREM 5C. Suppose that L and M are regular languages on a set A. Then LM is also regular. THEOREM 5D. Suppose that L is a regular language on a set A. Then the complement language L is also regular. This is again far from obvious. However, the following is obvious. PROPOSITION 5E. Suppose that L is a language on a set A, and that L is nite. Then L is regular.

Problems for Chapter 5 1. Suppose that A = {1, 2, 3, 4}. Suppose further that L, M A are given by L = {12, 4} and M = {, 3}. Determine each of the following: d) L2 M 2 a) LM b) M L c) L2 M 2 + + e) LM L f) M g) LM h) M 2. Let A = {1, 2, 3, 4}. a) How many elements does A3 have? b) How many elements does A0 have? c) How many elements of A4 start with the substring 22?


W W L Chen : Discrete Mathematics

3. Let A = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}. a) How many elements does A4 have? b) How many elements does A0 + A2 have? c) How many elements of A6 start with the substring 22 and end with the substring 1? 4. Let A = {1, 2, 3, 4}. a) What is A2 ? b) Let n N. How many elements does the set An have? c) How many strings are there in A+ with length at most 5? d) How many strings are there in A with length at most 5? e) How many strings are there in A starting with 12 and with length at most 5? 5. Let A be a nite set with 7 elements, and let L be a nite language on A with 9 elements such that L. a) How many elements does A3 have? b) Explain why L2 has at most 73 elements. 6. Let A = {0, 1, 2}. For each of the following, decide whether the string belongs to the language (0 + 1) 2(0 + 1) 22(0 + 1) : a) 120120210 b) 1222011 c) 22210101 7. Let A = {0, 1, 2, 3}. For each of the following, decide whether the string belongs to the language (0 + 1) 2(0 + 1)+ 22(0 + 1 + 3) : a) 120122 b) 1222011 c) 3202210101 8. Let A = {0, 1, 2}. For each of the following, decide whether the string belongs to the language (0 + 1) (102)(1 + 2) : a) 012102112 b) 1110221212 c) 10211111 d) 102 e) 001102102 9. Suppose that A = {0, 1, 2, 3}. Describe each of the following languages in A : a) All strings in A containing the digit 2 once. b) All strings in A containing the digit 2 three times. c) All strings in A containing the digit 2. d) All strings in A containing the substring 2112. e) All strings in A in which every block of 2s has length a multiple of 3. f) All strings in A containing the substring 2112 and in which every block of 2s has length a multiple of 3. g) All strings in A containing the substring 2112 and in which every block of 2s has length a multiple of 3 and every block of 1s has length a multiple of 2. h) All strings in A containing the substring 2112 and in which every block of 2s has length a multiple of 3 and every block of 1s has length a multiple of 3. 10. Suppose that A = {0, 1}. Describe each of the following languages in A : a) All strings containing at least two 1s. b) All strings containing an even number of 0s. c) All strings containing at least two 1s and an even number of 0s. d) All strings starting with 1101 and having an even number of 1s and exactly three 0s. e) All strings starting with 111 and not containing the substring 000. 11. Let A be an alphabet, and let L A be a non-empty language such that L2 = L. a) Suppose that L has exactly one element. Prove that this element is . b) Suppose that L has more than one element. Show that there is an element w L such that (i) w = ; and (ii) every element v L such that v = satises v w . Deduce that L. c) Prove that L = L.

Chapter 5 : Languages


12. Let L be an innite language on the alphabet A such that the following two conditions are satised: Whenever = L, then L. In other words, L contains all the initial segments of its elements. = for all , L. Prove that L = for some A by following the steps below: a) Explain why there is a unique element L with shortest positive length 1 (so that A). b) Prove by induction on n that every element of L of length at most n must be of the form k for some non-negative integer k n. c) Prove the converse, that n L for every non-negative integer n.

W W L Chen and Macquarie University, 1991.

This work is available free, in the hope that it will be useful. Any part of this work may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or any information storage and retrieval system, with or without permission from the author.

Chapter 6



Example 6.1.1. Imagine that we have a very simple machine which will perform addition and multiplication of numbers from the set {1, 2} and give us the answer, and suppose that we ask the machine to calculate 1 + 2. The table below gives an indication of the order of events: TIME STATE INPUT OUTPUT t1 (1) s1 (2) (3) 1 nothing t2 (4) s2 (5) 2 (6) nothing [1] t3 (7) s3 (8) (9) + 3 [1, 2] t4 (10) s1

Here t1 < t2 < t3 < t4 denotes time. We explain the table a little further: (1) The machine is in a state s1 of readiness. (2) We input the number 1. (3) There is as yet no output. (4) The machine is in a state s2 (it has stored the number 1). (5) We input the number 2. (6) There is as yet no output. (7) The machine is in a state s3 (it has stored the numbers 1 and 2). (8) We input the operation +. (9) The machine gives the answer 3. (10) The machine returns to the state s1 of readiness. Note that this machine has only a nite number of possible states. It is either in the state s1 of readiness, or in a state where it has some, but not all, of the necessary information for it to perform its task. On the other hand, there are only a nite number of possible inputs, namely the numbers 1, 2 and the
This chapter was written at Macquarie University in 1991.


W W L Chen : Discrete Mathematics

operations + and . Also, there are only a nite number of outputs, namely nothing, junk (when incorrect input is made) or the right answers. If we investigate this simple machine a little further, then we will note that there are two little tasks that it performs every time we input some information: Depending on the state of the machine and the input, the machine gives an output. Depending on the state of the machine and the input, the machine moves to the next state. Definition. A nite state machine is a 6-tuple M = (S, I, O, , , s1 ), where (a) S is the nite set of states for M ; (b) I is the nite input alphabet for M ; (c) O is the nite output alphabet for M ; (d) : S I O is the output function; (e) : S I S is the next-state function; and (f) s1 S is the starting state. Example 6.1.2. Consider again our simple nite state machine described earlier. Suppose that when the machine recognizes incorrect input (e.g. three numbers or two operations), it gives the output junk and then returns to the initial state s1 . It is clear that I = {1, 2, +, } and O = {j, n, 1, 2, 3, 4}, where j denotes the output junk and n denotes no output. We can see that S = {s1 , [1], [2], [+], [], [1, 1], [1, 2], [1, +], [1, ], [2, 2], [2, +], [2, ]}, where s1 denotes the initial state of readiness and the entries between the signs [ and ] denote the information in memory. The output function and the next-state function can be represented by the transition table below: 1 s1 [1] [2] [+] [] [1, 1] [1, 2] [1, +] [1, ] [2, 2] [2, +] [2, ] n n n n n j j 2 1 j 3 2 output 2 + n n n n n j j 3 2 j 4 4 n n n j j 2 3 j j 4 j j n n n j j 1 2 j j 4 j j 1 [1] [1, 1] [1, 2] [1, +] [1, ] s1 s1 s1 s1 s1 s1 s1 next state 2 + [2] [1, 2] [2, 2] [2, +] [2, ] s1 s1 s1 s1 s1 s1 s1 [+] [1, +] [2, +] s1 s1 s1 s1 s1 s1 s1 s1 s1 [] [1, ] [2, ] s1 s1 s1 s1 s1 s1 s1 s1 s1

Another way to describe a nite state machine is by means of a state diagram instead of a transition table. However, state diagrams can get very complicated very easily, so we shall illustrate this by a very simple example. Example 6.1.3. Consider a simple nite state machine M = (S, I, O, , , s1 ) with S = {s1 , s2 , s3 }, I = {0, 1}, O = {0, 1} and where the functions : S I O and : S I S are described by the transition table below: 0 1 0 1 +s1 + s2 s3 0 0 0 0 0 1 s1 s3 s1 s2 s2 s2

Chapter 6 : Finite State Machines


Here we have indicated that s1 is the starting state. If we use the diagram si

/ sj

to describe (si , x) = y and (si , x) = sj , then we can draw the state diagram below:




/ s1

1,0 / s2 `AA O AA AA A 1,1 0,0 0,0 AA AA A s3

Suppose that we have an input string 00110101, i.e. we input 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1 successively, while starting at state s1 . After the rst input 0, we get output 0 and return to state s1 . After the second input 0, we again get output 0 and return to state s1 . After the third input 1, we get output 0 and move to state s2 . And so on. It is not dicult to see that we end up with the output string 00000101 and in state s2 . Note that the input string 00110101 is in I , the Kleene closure of I, and that the output string 00000101 is in O , the Kleene closure of O. We conclude this section by going ever so slightly upmarket. Example 6.1.4. Let us attempt to add two numbers in binary notation together, for example a = 01011 and b = 00101. Note that the extra 0s are there to make sure that the two numbers have the same number of digits and that the sum of them has no extra digits. This would normally be done in the following way: a 0 1 0 1 1 + b + 0 0 1 0 1 c 1 0 0 0 0 Let us write a = a5 a4 a3 a2 a1 and b = b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 , and write xj = (aj , bj ) for every j = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. We can now think of the input string as x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 and the output string as c1 c2 c3 c4 c5 , where c = c5 c4 c3 c2 c1 . Note, however, that when we perform each addition, we have to see whether there is a carry from the previous addition, so that are two possible states at the start of each addition. Let us call them s0 (no carry) and s1 (carry). Then S = {s0 , s1 }, I = {(0, 0), (0, 1), (1, 0), (1, 1)} and O = {0, 1}. The functions : S I O and : S I S can be represented by the following transition table: (0, 0) +s0 + s1 0 1 output (0, 1) (1, 0) 1 0 1 0 (1, 1) 0 1 (0, 0) s0 s0 next state (0, 1) (1, 0) s0 s1 s0 s1 (1, 1) s1 s1

Clearly s0 is the starting state.


Pattern Recognition Machines

In this section, we study examples of nite state machines that are designed to recognize given patterns. As there is essentially no standard way of constructing such machines, we shall illustrate the underlying ideas by examples. The questions in this section will get progressively harder. Remark. In the examples that follow, we shall use words like passive and excited to describe the various states of the nite state machines that we are attempting to construct. These words play no role in serious mathematics, and should not be used in exercises or in any examination. It is hoped that by using such words here, the exposition will be a little more light-hearted and, hopefully, a little clearer.


W W L Chen : Discrete Mathematics

Example 6.2.1. Suppose that I = O = {0, 1}, and that we want to design a nite state machine that recognizes the sequence pattern 11 in the input string x I . An example of an input string x I and its corresponding output string y O is shown below: x = 10111010101111110101 y = 00011000000111110000 Note that the output digit is 0 when the sequence pattern 11 is not detected and 1 when the sequence pattern 11 is detected. In order to achieve this, we must ensure that the nite state machine has at least two states, a passive state when the previous entry is 0 (or when no entry has yet been made), and an excited state when the previous entry is 1. Furthermore, the nite state machine has to observe the following and take the corresponding actions: (1) If it is in its passive state and the next entry is 0, it gives an output 0 and remains in its passive state. (2) If it is in its passive state and the next entry is 1, it gives an output 0 and switches to its excited state. (3) If it is in its excited state and the next entry is 0, it gives an output 0 and switches to its passive state. (4) If it is in its excited state and the next entry is 1, it gives an output 1 and remains in its excited state. It follows that if we denote by s1 the passive state and by s2 the excited state, then we have the state diagram below:


start We then have the corresponding transition table:

/ s1 o

1,0 0,0

#" /s o!
1,1 2

0 +s1 + s2 0 0 1 0 1 0 s1 s1

1 s2 s2

Example 6.2.2. Suppose again that I = O = {0, 1}, and that we want to design a nite state machine that recognizes the sequence pattern 111 in the input string x I . An example of the same input string x I and its corresponding output string y O is shown below: x = 10111010101111110101 y = 00001000000011110000 In order to achieve this, the nite state machine must now have at least three states, a passive state when the previous entry is 0 (or when no entry has yet been made), an expectant state when the previous two entries are 01 (or when only one entry has so far been made and it is 1), and an excited state when the previous two entries are 11. Furthermore, the nite state machine has to observe the following and take the corresponding actions: (1) If it is in its passive state and the next entry is 0, it gives an output 0 and remains in its passive state. (2) If it is in its passive state and the next entry is 1, it gives an output 0 and switches to its expectant state. (3) If it is in its expectant state and the next entry is 0, it gives an output 0 and switches to its passive state. (4) If it is in its expectant state and the next entry is 1, it gives an output 0 and switches to its excited state.

Chapter 6 : Finite State Machines


(5) If it is in its excited state and the next entry is 0, it gives an output 0 and switches to its passive state. (6) If it is in its excited state and the next entry is 1, it gives an output 1 and remains in its excited state. If we now denote by s1 the passive state, by s2 the expectant state and by s3 the excited state, then we have the state diagram below:



/s / s1 o 2 `AA 0,0 AA AA A 1,0 0,0 AA AA A s3 o



" !

We then have the corresponding transition table: 0 +s1 + s2 s3 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 s1 s1 s1 1 s2 s3 s3

Example 6.2.3. Suppose again that I = O = {0, 1}, and that we want to design a nite state machine that recognizes the sequence pattern 111 in the input string x I , but only when the third 1 in the sequence pattern 111 occurs at a position that is a multiple of 3. An example of the same input string x I and its corresponding output string y O is shown below: x = 10111010101111110101 y = 00000000000000100000 In order to achieve this, the nite state machine must as before have at least three states, a passive state when the previous entry is 0 (or when no entry has yet been made), an expectant state when the previous two entries are 01 (or when only one entry has so far been made and it is 1), and an excited state when the previous two entries are 11. However, this is not enough, as we also need to keep track of the entries to ensure that the position of the rst 1 in the sequence pattern 111 occurs at a position immediately after a multiple of 3. It follows that if we permit the machine to be at its passive state only either at the start or after 3k entries, where k N, then it is necessary to have two further states to cater for the possibilities of 0 in at least one of the two entries after a passive state and to then delay the return to this passive state. We can have the state diagram below: sO3 }} }} 0,0 }} 1,0 } 1,1 }} } ~}} 1,0 / s1 / s2 `AA AA AA 0,0 A 0,0 0,0 1,0 AA AA A 0,0 / s5 s4



W W L Chen : Discrete Mathematics

We then have the corresponding transition table: 0 +s1 + s2 s3 s4 s5 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 s4 s5 s1 s5 s1 1 s2 s3 s1 s5 s1

Example 6.2.4. Suppose again that I = O = {0, 1}, and that we want to design a nite state machine that recognizes the sequence pattern 0101 in the input string x I . An example of the same input string x I and its corresponding output string y O is shown below: x = 10111010101111110101 y = 00000000101000000001 In order to achieve this, the nite state machine must have at least four states, a passive state when the previous two entries are 11 (or when no entry has yet been made), an expectant state when the previous three entries are 000 or 100 or 110 (or when only one entry has so far been made and it is 0), an excited state when the previous two entries are 01, and a cannot-wait state when the previous three entries are 010. Furthermore, the nite state machine has to observe the following and take the corresponding actions: (1) If it is in its passive state and the next entry is 0, it gives an output 0 and switches to its expectant state. (2) If it is in its passive state and the next entry is 1, it gives an output 0 and remains in its passive state. (3) If it is in its expectant state and the next entry is 0, it gives an output 0 and remains in its expectant state. (4) If it is in its expectant state and the next entry is 1, it gives an output 0 and switches to its excited state. (5) If it is in its excited state and the next entry is 0, it gives an output 0 and switches to its cannot-wait state. (6) If it is in its excited state and the next entry is 1, it gives an output 0 and switches to its passive state. (7) If it is in its cannot-wait state and the next entry is 0, it gives an output 0 and switches to its expectant state. (8) If it is in its cannot-wait state and the next entry is 1, it gives an output 1 and switches to its excited state. It follows that if we denote by s1 the passive state, by s2 the expectant state, by s3 the excited state and by s4 the cannot-wait state, then we have the state diagram below:


0,0 0,0


/ s2 O }} } } 1,0 }} 1,0 0,0 } }} } ~}} 0,0 /s s3 o 4


/ s1 O

Chapter 6 : Finite State Machines


We then have the corresponding transition table: 0 +s1 + s2 s3 s4 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 s2 s2 s4 s2 1 s1 s3 s1 s3

Example 6.2.5. Suppose again that I = O = {0, 1}, and that we want to design a nite state machine that recognizes the sequence pattern 0101 in the input string x I , but only when the last 1 in the sequence pattern 0101 occurs at a position that is a multiple of 3. An example of the same input string x I and its corresponding output string y O is shown below: x = 10111010101111110101 y = 00000000100000000000 In order to achieve this, the nite state machine must have at least four states s3 , s4 , s5 and s6 , corresponding to the four states before. We need two further states for delaying purposes. If we denote these two states by s1 and s2 , then we can have the state diagram as below: s32 eL E rr 22LLL rr r 22 LLLL rr LL 1,0 rr 0,0 1,0 22 0,0 LL r 1,0 LL 22 rr r LL rr 22 LL r L rr 0,0 0,0 1,0 / s1 yr / s2 o /s s4 eLL 1,0 E r 5 LL rr LL r LL rr LL rr 0,0 L rr 1,1 LLL rr 0,0 LL rr LL rr L yrrr s6


We then have the corresponding transition table: 0 +s1 + s2 s3 s4 s5 s6 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 s2 s3 s4 s2 s6 s4 1 s2 s3 s1 s5 s3 s1


An Optimistic Approach

We now describe an approach which helps greatly in the construction of pattern recognition machines. The idea is extremely simple. We construct rst of all the part of the machine to take care of the situation when the required pattern occurs repeatly and without interruption. We then complete the machine by studying the situation when the wrong input is made at each state.


W W L Chen : Discrete Mathematics

We shall illustrate this approach by looking the same ve examples in the previous section. Example 6.3.1. Suppose that I = O = {0, 1}, and that we want to design a nite state machine that recognizes the sequence pattern 11 in the input string x I . Consider rst of all the situation when the required pattern occurs repeatly and without interruption. In other words, consider the situation when the input string is 111111 . . . . To describe this situation, we have the following incomplete state diagram: / s1


#" /s o!
1,1 2

It now remains to study the situation when we have the wrong input at each state. Naturally, with a wrong input, the output is always 0, so the only unresolved question is to determine the next state. Note that whenever we get an input 0, the process starts all over again; in other words, we must return to state s1 . We therefore obtain the state diagram as in Example 6.2.1. Example 6.3.2. Suppose again that I = O = {0, 1}, and that we want to design a nite state machine that recognizes the sequence pattern 111 in the input string x I . Consider rst of all the situation when the required pattern occurs repeatly and without interruption. In other words, consider the situation when the input string is 111111 . . . . To describe this situation, we have the following incomplete state diagram: start / s1

/ s2

s3 o


" !

It now remains to study the situation when we have the wrong input at each state. As before, with a wrong input, the output is always 0, so the only unresolved question is to determine the next state. Note that whenever we get an input 0, the process starts all over again; in other words, we must return to state s1 . We therefore obtain the state diagram as Example 6.2.2. Example 6.3.3. Suppose again that I = O = {0, 1}, and that we want to design a nite state machine that recognizes the sequence pattern 111 in the input string x I , but only when the third 1 in the sequence pattern 111 occurs at a position that is a multiple of 3. Consider rst of all the situation when the required pattern occurs repeatly and without interruption. In other words, consider the situation when the input string is 111111 . . . . To describe this situation, we have the following incomplete state diagram: sO3 }} }} }} 1,0 } 1,1 }} } ~}} 1,0 / s1 / s2 start It now remains to study the situation when we have the wrong input at each state. As before, with a wrong input, the output is always 0, so the only unresolved question is to determine the next state. Suppose that the machine is at state s3 , and the wrong input 0 is made. We note that if the next three entries are 111, then that pattern should be recognized. It follows that (s3 , 0) = s1 . We now have the

Chapter 6 : Finite State Machines


following incomplete state diagram: sO3 }} }} 0,0 }} 1,0 } 1,1 }} } ~}} 1,0 / s1 / s2


Suppose that the machine is at state s1 , and the wrong input 0 is made. We note that the next two inputs cannot contribute to any pattern, so we need to delay by two steps before returning to s1 . We now have the following incomplete state diagram: sO3 }} }} 0,0 }} 1,0 } 1,1 }} } ~}} 1,0 / s1 / s2 `AA AA AA 0,0 A 0,0 1,0 AA AA A 0,0 / s5 s4


Finally, it remains to examine (s2 , 0). We therefore obtain the state diagram as Example 6.2.3. Note that in Example 6.3.3, in dealing with the input 0 at state s1 , we have actually introduced the extra states s4 and s5 . These extra states are not actually involved with positive identication of the desired pattern, but are essential in delaying the return to one of the states already present. It follows that at these extra states, the output should always be 0. However, we have to investigate the situation for input 0 and 1. In the next two examples, we do not include all the details. Readers are advised to look carefully at the argument and ensure that they understand the underlying arguments. The main question is to recognize that with a wrong input, we may still be able to recover part of a pattern. For example, if the pattern we want is 01011 but we got 01010, where the fth input is incorrect, then the last three inputs in 01010 can still possibly form the rst three inputs of the pattern 01011. If one is optimistic, one might hope that the rst seven inputs are 0101011. Example 6.3.4. Suppose again that I = O = {0, 1}, and that we want to design a nite state machine that recognizes the sequence pattern 0101 in the input string x I . Consider rst of all the situation when the required pattern occurs repeatly and without interruption. In other words, consider the situation when the input string is 010101 . . . . To describe this situation, we have the following incomplete state diagram: 0,0 / s1 / s2 start } } }} 1,0 }} } }} } ~}} 0,0 /s s3 o 4

It now remains to study the situation when we have the wrong input at each state. As before, with a wrong input, the output is always 0, so the only unresolved question is to determine the next state. Recognizing that (s1 , 1) = s1 , (s2 , 0) = s2 , (s3 , 1) = s1 and (s4 , 0) = s2 , we therefore obtain the state diagram as Example 6.2.4.


W W L Chen : Discrete Mathematics

Example 6.3.5. Suppose again that I = O = {0, 1}, and that we want to design a nite state machine that recognizes the sequence pattern 0101 in the input string x I , but only when the last 1 in the sequence pattern 0101 occurs at a position that is a multiple of 3. Consider rst of all the situation when the required pattern occurs repeatly and without interruption. Note that the rst two inputs do not contribute to any pattern, so we consider the situation when the input string is x1 x2 0101 . . . , where x1 , x2 {0, 1}. To describe this situation, we have the following incomplete state diagram: s32 E 2 22 22 0,0 22 1,0 22 2 s4



0,0 / s1 eL / s2 LL 1,0 LL LL LL LL 1,1 LLL LL LL L


r rr rr r rr rr rr 0,0 rr rr r yrr


/ s5

It now remains to study the situation when we have the wrong input at each state. As before, with a wrong input, the output is always 0, so the only unresolved question is to determine the next state. Recognizing that (s3 , 1) = s1 , (s4 , 0) = s2 , (s5 , 1) = s3 and (s6 , 0) = s4 , we therefore obtain the state diagram as Example 6.2.5.


Delay Machines

We now consider a type of nite state machines that is useful in the design of digital devices. These are called k-unit delay machines, where k N. Corresponding to the input x = x1 x2 x3 . . ., the machine will give the output y = 0 . . . 0 x1 x2 x3 . . . ;

in other words, it adds k 0s at the front of the string. An important point to note is that if we want to add k 0s at the front of the string, then the same result can be obtained by feeding the string into a 1-unit delay machine, then feeding the output obtained into the same machine, and repeating this process. It follows that we need only investigate 1-unit delay machines. Example 6.4.1. diagram below: Suppose that I = {0, 1}. Then a 1-unit delay machine can be described by the state



7/ s2 O ppp 0,0 pp p p ppp / s1 p 0,1 1,0 NNN NNN N 1,0 NNN N' / s3


Note that (si , 0) = s2 and (s2 , x) = 0; also (si , 1) = s3 and (s3 , x) = 1. It follows that at both states s2 and s3 , the output is always the previous input.

Chapter 6 : Finite State Machines


In general, I may contain more than 2 elements. Any attempt to construct a 1-unit delay machine by state diagram is likely to end up in a mess. We therefore seek to understand the ideas behind such a machine, and hope that it will help us in our attempt to construct it. Example 6.4.2. Suppose that I = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5}. Necessarily, there must be a starting state s1 which will add the 0 to the front of the string. It follows that (s1 , x) = 0 for every x I. The next question is to study (s1 , x) for every x I. However, we shall postpone this until towards the end of our argument. At this point, we are not interested in designing a machine with the least possible number of states. We simply want a 1-unit delay machine, and we are not concerned if the number of states is more than this minimum. We now let s2 be a state that will delay the input 0. To be precise, we want the state s2 to satisfy the following requirements: (1) For every state s S, we have (s, 0) = s2 . (2) For every state s S and every input x I \ {0}, we have (s, x) = s2 . (3) For every input x I, we have (s2 , x) = 0. Next, we let s3 be a state that will delay the input 1. To be precise, we want the state s3 to satisfy the following requirements: (1) For every state s S, we have (s, 1) = s3 . (2) For every state s S and every input x I \ {1}, we have (s, x) = s3 . (3) For every input x I, we have (s3 , x) = 1. Similarly, we let s4 , s5 , s6 and s7 be the states that will delay the inputs 2, 3, 4 and 5 respectively. Let us look more closely at the state s2 . By requirements (1) and (2) above, the machine arrives at state s2 precisely when the previous input is 0; by requirement (3), the next output is 0. This means that the previous input must be the same as the next output, which is precisely what we are looking for. Now all these requirements are summarized in the table below: 0 +s1 + s2 s3 s4 s5 s6 s7 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 1 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 2 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 3 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 4 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 5 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 0 s2 s2 s2 s2 s2 s2 1 s3 s3 s3 s3 s3 s3 2 s4 s4 s4 s4 s4 s4 3 s5 s5 s5 s5 s5 s5 4 s6 s6 s6 s6 s6 s6 5 s7 s7 s7 s7 s7 s7

Finally, we study (s1 , x) for every x I. It is clear that if the rst input is 0, then the next state must delay this 0. It follows that (s1 , 0) = s2 . Similarly, (s1 , 1) = s3 , and so on. We therefore have the following transition table: 0 +s1 + s2 s3 s4 s5 s6 s7 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 1 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 2 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 3 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 4 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 5 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 0 s2 s2 s2 s2 s2 s2 s2 1 s3 s3 s3 s3 s3 s3 s3 2 s4 s4 s4 s4 s4 s4 s4 3 s5 s5 s5 s5 s5 s5 s5 4 s6 s6 s6 s6 s6 s6 s6 5 s7 s7 s7 s7 s7 s7 s7


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Equivalence of States

Occasionally, we may nd that two nite state machines perform the same tasks, i.e. give the same output strings for the same input string, but contain dierent numbers of states. The question arises that some of the states are essentially redundant. We may wish to nd a process to reduce the number of states. In other words, we would like to simplify the nite state machine. The answer to this question is given by the Minimization process. However, to describe this process, we must rst study the equivalence of states in a nite state machine. Suppose that M = (S, I, O, , , s1 ) is a nite state machine. Definition. We say that two states si , sj S are 1-equivalent, denoted by si 1 sj , if (si , x) = = (sj , x) for every x I. Similarly, for every k N, we say that two states si , sj S are k-equivalent, denoted by si k sj , if (si , x) = (sj , x) for every x I k (here (si , x1 . . . xk ) denotes the output = string corresponding to the input string x1 . . . xk , starting at state si ). Furthermore, we say that two states si , sj S are equivalent, denoted by si sj , if si k sj for every k N. = = The ideas that underpin the Minimization process are summarized in the following result. PROPOSITION 6A. (a) For every k N, the relation k is an equivalence relation on S. = (b) Suppose that si , sj S, k N and k 2, and that si k sj . Then si k1 sj . In other words, = = k-equivalence implies (k 1)-equivalence. (c) Suppose that si , sj S and k N. Then si k+1 sj if and only if si k sj and (si , x) k (sj , x) = = = for every x I. Proof. (a) The proof is simple and is left as an exercise. (b) Suppose that si k1 sj . Then there exists x = x1 x2 . . . xk1 I k1 such that, writing = (si , x) = y1 y2 . . . yk1 and (sj , x) = y1 y2 . . . yk1 , we have that y1 y2 . . . yk1 = y1 y2 . . . yk1 . Suppose now that u I. Then clearly there exist z , z O such that (si , xu) = y1 y2 . . . yk1 z = y1 y2 . . . yk1 z = (sj , xu). Note now that xu I k . It follows that si k sj . = (c) Suppose that si k sj and (si , x) k (sj , x) for every x I. Let x1 x2 . . . xk+1 I k+1 . = = Clearly (si , x1 x2 . . . xk+1 ) = (si , x1 )((si , x1 ), x2 . . . xk+1 ). (1) Similarly (sj , x1 x2 . . . xk+1 ) = (sj , x1 )((sj , x1 ), x2 . . . xk+1 ). Since si k sj , it follows from (b) that = (si , x1 ) = (sj , x1 ). On the other hand, since (si , x1 ) k (sj , x1 ), it follows that = ((si , x1 ), x2 . . . xk+1 ) = ((sj , x1 ), x2 . . . xk+1 ). On combining (1)(4), we obtain (si , x1 x2 . . . xk+1 ) = (sj , x1 x2 . . . xk+1 ). (5) (4) (3) (2)

Note now that (5) holds for every x1 x2 . . . xk+1 I k+1 . Hence si k+1 sj . The proof of the converse is = left as an exercise.

Chapter 6 : Finite State Machines



The Minimization Process

In our earlier discussion concerning the design of nite state machines, we have not taken any care to ensure that the nite state machine that we obtain has the smallest number of states possible. Indeed, it is not necessary to design such a nite state machine with the minimal number of states, as any other nite state machine that performs the same task can be minimized. THE MINIMIZATION PROCESS. (1) Start with k = 1. By examining the rows of the transition table, determine 1-equivalent states. Denote by P1 the set of 1-equivalence classes of S (induced by 1 ). = (2) Let Pk denote the set of k-equivalence classes of S (induced by k ). In view of Proposition 6A(b), we = now examine all the states in each k-equivalence class of S, and use Proposition 6A(c) to determine Pk+1 , the set of all (k + 1)-equivalence classes of S (induced by k+1 ). = (3) If Pk+1 = Pk , then increase k by 1 and repeat (2). (4) If Pk+1 = Pk , then the process is complete. We select one state from each equivalence class. Example 6.6.1. table below: Suppose that I = O = {0, 1}. Consider a nite state machine with the transition 0 s1 s2 s3 s4 s5 s6 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 s4 s5 s2 s5 s2 s1 1 s3 s2 s4 s3 s5 s6

For the time being, we do not indicate which state is the starting state. Clearly P1 = {{s1 }, {s2 , s5 , s6 }, {s3 , s4 }}. We now examine the 1-equivalence classes {s2 , s5 , s6 } and {s3 , s4 } separately to determine the possibility of 2-equivalence. Note at this point that two states from dierent 1-equivalence classes cannot be 2equivalent, in view of Proposition 6A(b). Consider rst {s2 , s5 , s6 }. Note that (s2 , 0) = s5 1 s2 = (s5 , 0) = and (s2 , 1) = s2 1 s5 = (s5 , 1). =

It follows from Proposition 6A(c) that s2 2 s5 . On the other hand, = (s2 , 0) = s5 1 s1 = (s6 , 0). = It follows that s2 2 s6 , and hence s5 2 s6 also. Consider now {s3 , s4 }. Note that = = (s3 , 0) = s2 1 s5 = (s4 , 0) = It follows that s3 2 s4 . Hence = P2 = {{s1 }, {s2 , s5 }, {s3 , s4 }, {s6 }}. We now examine the 2-equivalence classes {s2 , s5 } and {s3 , s4 } separately to determine the possibility of 3-equivalence. Consider rst {s2 , s5 }. Note that (s2 , 0) = s5 2 s2 = (s5 , 0) = and (s2 , 1) = s2 2 s5 = (s5 , 1). = and (s3 , 1) = s4 1 s3 = (s4 , 1). =

It follows from Proposition 6A(c) that s2 3 s5 . On the other hand, = (s3 , 0) = s2 2 s5 = (s4 , 0) = and (s3 , 1) = s4 2 s3 = (s4 , 1). =


W W L Chen : Discrete Mathematics

It follows that s3 3 s4 . Hence = P3 = {{s1 }, {s2 , s5 }, {s3 , s4 }, {s6 }}. Clearly P2 = P3 . It follows that the process ends. We now choose one state from each equivalence class to obtain the following simplied transition table: 0 s1 s2 s3 s6 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 s3 s2 s2 s1 1 s3 s2 s3 s6

Next, we repeat the entire process in a more ecient form. We observe easily from the transition table that P1 = {{s1 }, {s2 , s5 , s6 }, {s3 , s4 }}. Let us label these three 1-equivalence classes by A, B, C respectively. We now attach an extra column to the right hand side of the transition table where each state has been replaced by the 1-equivalence class it belongs to. 0 s1 s2 s3 s4 s5 s6 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 s4 s5 s2 s5 s2 s1 1 s3 s2 s4 s3 s5 s6 1 = A B C C B B

Next, we repeat the information on the next-state function, again where each state has been replaced by the 1-equivalence class it belongs to. 0 s1 s2 s3 s4 s5 s6 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 s4 s5 s2 s5 s2 s1 1 s3 s2 s4 s3 s5 s6 0 C B B B B A 1 C B C C B B

1 = A B C C B B

Recall that to get 2-equivalence, two states must be 1-equivalent, and their next states must also be 1-equivalent. In other words, if we inspect the new columns of our table, two states are 2-equivalent precisely when the patterns are the same. Indeed, P2 = {{s1 }, {s2 , s5 }, {s3 , s4 }, {s6 }}. Let us label these four 2-equivalence classes by A, B, C, D respectively. We now attach an extra column to the right hand side of the transition table where each state has been replaced by the 2-equivalence

Chapter 6 : Finite State Machines


class it belongs to. 0 s1 s2 s3 s4 s5 s6 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 s4 s5 s2 s5 s2 s1 1 s3 s2 s4 s3 s5 s6 1 = A B C C B B 0 C B B B B A 1 C B C C B B 2 = A B C C B D

Next, we repeat the information on the next-state function, again where each state has been replaced by the 2-equivalence class it belongs to. 0 s1 s2 s3 s4 s5 s6 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 s4 s5 s2 s5 s2 s1 1 s3 s2 s4 s3 s5 s6 0 C B B B B A 1 C B C C B B 0 1 C C B B B C B C B B A D

1 = A B C C B B

2 = A B C C B D

Recall that to get 3-equivalence, two states must be 2-equivalent, and their next states must also be 2-equivalent. In other words, if we inspect the new columns of our table, two states are 3-equivalent precisely when the patterns are the same. Indeed, P3 = {{s1 }, {s2 , s5 }, {s3 , s4 }, {s6 }}. Let us label these four 3-equivalence classes by A, B, C, D respectively. We now attach an extra column to the right hand side of the transition table where each state has been replaced by the 3-equivalence class it belongs to. 0 s1 s2 s3 s4 s5 s6 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 s4 s5 s2 s5 s2 s1 1 s3 s2 s4 s3 s5 s6 0 C B B B B A 1 C B C C B B 0 1 C C B B B C B C B B A D

1 = A B C C B B

2 = A B C C B D

3 = A B C C B D

It follows that the process ends. We now choose one state from each equivalence class to obtain the simplied transition table as earlier.


Unreachable States

There may be a further step following minimization, as it may not be possible to reach some of the states of a nite state machine. Such states can be eliminated without aecting the nite state machine. We shall illustrate this point by considering an example.


W W L Chen : Discrete Mathematics

Example 6.7.1. Note that in Example 6.6.1, we have not included any information on the starting state. If s1 is the starting state, then the original nite state machine can be described by the following state diagram:



1,1 / s1 / s3 O AA O AA AA A 1,0 1,0 0,1 0,0 AA AA A / s6 s4


/ s2 O
0,1 0,1



#/s !
5 1,0

After minimization, the nite state machine can be described by the following state diagram:


/ s1 O

0,0 1,1

#/s !
3 1,0


#" #/s !
1,0 2 0,1

#/s !
6 1,0

It is clear that in both cases, if we start at state s1 , then it is impossible to reach state s6 . It follows that state s6 is essentially redundant, and we may omit it. As a result, we obtain a nite state machine described by the transition table 0 +s1 + s2 s3 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 s3 s2 s2 1 s3 s2 s3

or the following state diagram:


/ s1

0,0 1,1

#/s !
3 1,0


#" #/s !
1,0 2 0,1

States such as s6 in Example 6.7.1 are said to be unreachable from the starting state, and can therefore be removed without aecting the nite state machine, provided that we do not alter the starting state. Such unreachable states may be removed prior to the Minimization process, or afterwards if they still remain at the end of the process. However, if we design our nite state machines with care, then such states should normally not arise.

Chapter 6 : Finite State Machines


Problems for Chapter 6 1. Consider the nite state machine M = (S, I, O, , , s1 ), where I = O = {0, 1}, described by the state diagram below:



0,0 1,0 1,1


1,0 / s1 Y22 22 22 0,0 22 22 2 s4 o

/ s2

/ s3 E



" !



a) b) c) d)

What is the output string for the input string 110111? What is the last transition state? Repeat part (a) by changing the starting state to s2 , s3 , s4 and s5 . Construct the transition table for this machine. Find an input string x I of minimal length and which satises (s5 , x) = s2 .

2. Suppose that |S| = 3, |I| = 5 and |O| = 2. a) How many elements does the set S I have? b) How many dierent functions : S I O can one dene? c) How many dierent functions : S I S can one dene? d) How many dierent nite state machines M = (S, I, O, , , s1 ) can one construct? 3. Consider the nite state machine M = (S, I, O, , , s1 ), where I = O = {0, 1}, described by the transition table below: 0 1 0 1 s1 s2 0 1 0 1 s1 s1 s2 s2

a) Construct the state diagram for this machine. b) Determine the output strings for the input strings 111, 1010 and 00011. 4. Consider the nite state machine M = (S, I, O, , , s1 ), where I = O = {0, 1}, described by the state diagram below:


0,0 1,0

0,0 1,0


/ s1 O

/ s2

/ s3

s6 o


" !


s5 o


" !


s4 o


" !

a) b) c) d)

Find the output string for the input string 0110111011010111101. Construct the transition table for this machine. Determine all possible input strings which give the output string 0000001. Describe in words what this machine does.


W W L Chen : Discrete Mathematics

5. Suppose that I = O = {0, 1}. Apply the Minimization process to each of the machines described by the following transition tables: 0 s1 s2 s3 s4 s5 s6 s7 s8 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 s6 s2 s6 s5 s4 s2 s3 s2 1 s3 s3 s4 s2 s2 s6 s8 s7 s1 s2 s3 s4 s5 s6 s7 s8 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 s6 s3 s2 s7 s6 s5 s4 s2 1 s3 s1 s4 s4 s7 s2 s1 s4

6. Consider the nite state machine M = (S, I, O, , , s1 ), where I = O = {0, 1}, described by the transition table below: 0 s1 s2 s3 s4 s5 s6 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 s2 s4 s3 s1 s5 s1 1 s1 s6 s5 s2 s3 s2

a) Find the output string corresponding to the input string 010011000111. b) Construct the state diagram corresponding to the machine. c) Use the Minimization process to simplify the machine. Explain each step carefully, and describe your result in the form of a transition table. 7. Consider the nite state machine M = (S, I, O, , , s1 ), where I = O = {0, 1}, described by the transition table below: 0 s1 s2 s3 s4 s5 s6 s7 s8 s9 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 s2 s4 s3 s1 s5 s1 s1 s5 s1 1 s1 s6 s5 s2 s3 s2 s2 s3 s2

a) Find the output string corresponding to the input string 011011001011. b) Construct the state diagram corresponding to the machine. c) Use the Minimization process to simplify the machine. Explain each step carefully, and describe your result in the form of a transition table.

Chapter 6 : Finite State Machines


8. Consider the nite state machine M = (S, I, O, , , s1 ), where I = O = {0, 1}, described by the state diagram below:


1,0 1,1


0,0 / s4 / s7 > } } O }} }} }} }} 1,1 1,1 0,1 }} }} 0,0 0,1 }} }} } } }} ~}} / s8 sO2 o sO5 0,1 1,0 } }} }} 0,0 0,1 }} 1,0 }} }} ~} 1,1 / s6 o s3 1,0

/ s1 O

" !

a) b) c) d)

Write down the output string corresponding to the input string 001100110011. Write down the transition table for the machine. Apply the Minimization process to the machine. Can we further reduce the number of states of the machine? If so, which states can we remove?

9. Suppose that I = O = {0, 1}. a) Design a nite state machine that will recognize the 2-nd, 4-th, 6-th, etc, occurrences of 1s in the input string (e.g. 0101101110). b) Design a nite state machine that will recognize the rst 1 in the input string, as well as the 2-nd, 4-th, 6-th, etc, occurrences of 1s in the input string (e.g. 0101101110). c) Design a nite state machine that will recognize the pattern 011 in the input string. d) Design a nite state machine that will recognize the rst two occurrences of the pattern 011 in the input string. e) Design a nite state machine that will recognize the rst two occurrences of the pattern 101 in the input string, with the convention that 10101 counts as two occurrences. f) Design a nite state machine that will recognize the rst two occurrences of the pattern 0100 in the input string, with the convention that 0100100 counts as two occurrences. 10. Suppose that I = O = {0, 1}. a) Design a nite state machine that will recognize the pattern 10010. b) Design a nite state machine that will recognize the pattern 10010, but only when the last 0 in the sequence pattern occurs at a position that is a multiple of 5. c) Design a nite state machine that will recognize the pattern 10010, but only when the last 0 in the sequence pattern occurs at a position that is a multiple of 7. 11. Suppose that I = {0, 1, 2} and O = {0, 1}. a) Design a nite state machine that will recognize the 2-nd, 4-th, 6-th, etc, occurrences of 1s in the input string. b) Design a nite state machine that will recognize the pattern 1021. 12. Suppose that I = O = {0, 1, 2}. a) Design a nite state machine which gives the output string x1 x1 x2 x3 . . . xk1 every input string x1 . . . xk in I k . Describe your result in the form of a state b) Design a nite state machine which gives the output string x1 x2 x2 x3 . . . xk1 every input string x1 . . . xk in I k . Describe your result in the form of a state

corresponding to diagram. corresponding to diagram.


W W L Chen : Discrete Mathematics

13. Suppose that I = O = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5}. a) Design a nite state machine which inserts the digit 0 at the beginning of any string beginning with 0, 2 or 4, and which inserts the digit 1 at the beginning of any string beginning with 1, 3 or 5. Describe your result in the form of a transition table. b) Design a nite state machine which replaces the rst digit of any input string beginning with 0, 2 or 4 by the digit 3. Describe your result in the form of a transition table.

W W L Chen and Macquarie University, 1997.

This work is available free, in the hope that it will be useful. Any part of this work may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or any information storage and retrieval system, with or without permission from the author.

Chapter 7


Deterministic Finite State Automata

In this chapter, we discuss a slightly dierent version of nite state machines which is closely related to regular languages. We begin by an example which helps to illustrate the changes. Example 7.1.1. Consider a nite state machine which will recognize the input string 101 and nothing else. This machine can be described by the following state diagram: start / s1
1,0 0,0 / s2 / s3 AA AA }} AA }} 0,0 }} AA 1,0 1,1 } 0,0 AA }} AA } ~}} 0,0 # / s o " s4 1,0 0,0


We now make the following observations. At the end of a nite input string, the machine is at state s4 if and only if the input string is 101. In other words, the input string 101 will send the machine to the state s4 at the end of the process, while any other nite input string will send the machine to a state dierent from s4 at the end of the process. The fact that the machine is at state s4 at the end of the process is therefore conrmation that the input string has been 101. On the other hand, the fact that the machine is not at state s4 at the end of the process is therefore conrmation that the input string has not been 101. It is therefore not necessary to use the information from the output string at all if we give state s4 special status. The state s can be considered a dump. The machine will go to this state at the moment it is clear that the input string has not been 101. Once the machine reaches this state,
This chapter was written at Macquarie University in 1997.


W W L Chen : Discrete Mathematics

it can never escape from this state. We can exclude the state s from the state diagram, and further simplify the state diagram by stipulating that if (si , x) is not indicated, then it is understood that (si , x) = s . If we implement all of the above, then we obtain the following simplied state diagram, with the indication that s4 has special status and that s1 is the starting state: start / s1

/ s2

/ s3

/ s4

We can also describe the same information in the following transition table: 0 +s1 + s2 s3 s4 s s s3 s s s 1 s2 s s4 s s

We now modify our denition of a nite state machine accordingly. Definition. A deterministic nite state automaton is a 5-tuple A = (S, I, , T , s1 ), where (a) S is the nite set of states for A; (b) I is the nite input alphabet for A; (c) : S I S is the next-state function; (d) T is a non-empty subset of S; and (e) s1 S is the starting state. Remarks. (1) The states in T are usually called the accepting states. (2) If not indicated otherwise, we shall always take state s1 as the starting state. Example 7.1.2. We shall construct a deterministic nite state automaton which will recognize the input strings 101 and 100(01) and nothing else. This automaton can be described by the following state diagram: start / s1

/ s2

/ s3

/ s5 o

0 1


s4 We can also describe the same information in the following transition table: 0 +s1 + s2 s3 s4 s5 s6 s s s3 s5 s s6 s s 1 s2 s s4 s s s5 s

Chapter 7 : Finite State Automata


Example 7.1.3. We shall construct a deterministic nite state automaton which will recognize the input strings 1(01) 1(001) (0 + 1)1 and nothing else. This automaton can be described by the following state diagram: start / s1

/ s2 O
1 0


1 / s4 o sO6 AA AA AA A 1 0 0 AA AA A s7 s5

s8 We can also describe the same information in the following transition table: 0 +s1 + s2 s3 s4 s5 s6 s7 s8 s9 s s s3 s s5 s6 s s s s s 1 s2 s4 s2 s7 s9 s4 s8 s s s



Equivalance of States and Minimization

Note that in Example 7.1.3, we can take (s5 , 1) = s8 and save a state s9 . As is in the case of nite state machines, there is a reduction process based on the idea of equivalence of states. Suppose that A = (S, I, , T , s1 ) is a deterministic nite state automaton. Definition. We say that two states si , sj S are 0-equivalent, denoted by si 0 sj , if either both = si , sj T or both si , sj T . For every k N, we say that two states si , sj S are k-equivalent, denoted by si k sj , if si 0 sj and for every m = 1, . . . , k and every x I m , we have (si , x) 0 (sj , x) (here = = = (si , x) = (si , x1 . . . xm ) denotes the state of the automaton after the input string x = x1 . . . xm , starting at state si ). Furthermore, we say that two states si , sj S are equivalent, denoted by si sj , = if si k sj for every k N {0}. = Remark. Recall that for a nite state machine, two states si , sj S are k-equivalent if (si , x1 x2 . . . xk ) = (sj , x1 x2 . . . xk )


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for every x = x1 x2 . . . xk I k . For a deterministic nite state automaton, there is no output function. However, we can adopt a hypothetical output function : S I {0, 1} by stipulating that for every x I, (si , x) = 1 if and only if (si , x) T . Suppose that (si , x1 x2 . . . xk ) = y1 y2 . . . yk and (sj , x1 x2 . . . xk ) = y1 y2 . . . yk . Then the condition (si , x1 x2 . . . xk ) = (sj , x1 x2 . . . xk ) is equivalent to the conditions y1 = y1 , y2 = y2 , . . . , yk = yk which are equivalent to the conditions (si , x1 ), (sj , x1 ) T (si , x1 x2 ), (sj , x1 x2 ) T (si , x1 x2 . . . xk ), (sj , x1 x2 . . . xk ) T This motivates our denition for k-equivalence. Corresponding to Proposition 6A, we have the following result. The proof is reasonably obvious if we use the hypothetical output function just described. PROPOSITION 7A. (a) For every k N {0}, the relation k is an equivalence relation on S. = (b) Suppose that si , sj S and k N, and that si k sj . Then si k1 sj . Hence k-equivalence = = implies (k 1)-equivalence. (c) Suppose that si , sj S and k N {0}. Then si k+1 sj if and only if si k sj and (si , x) k = = = (sj , x) for every x I. THE MINIMIZATION PROCESS. (1) Start with k = 0. Clearly the states in T are 0-equivalent to each other, and the states in S \T are 0equivalent to each other. Denote by P0 the set of 0-equivalence classes of S. Clearly P0 = {T , S \T }. (2) Let Pk denote the set of k-equivalence classes of S (induced by k ). In view of Proposition 7A(b), we = now examine all the states in each k-equivalence class of S, and use Proposition 7A(c) to determine Pk+1 , the set of all (k + 1)-equivalence classes of S (induced by k+1 ). = (3) If Pk+1 = Pk , then increase k by 1 and repeat (2). (4) If Pk+1 = Pk , then the process is complete. We select one state from each equivalence class. Example 7.2.1. Let us apply the Minimization process to the deterministic nite state automaton discussed in Example 7.1.3. We have the following: 0 +s1 + s2 s3 s4 s5 s6 s7 s8 s9 s s s3 s s5 s6 s s s s s 1 s2 s4 s2 s7 s9 s4 s8 s s s 0 A A A A A A A A A A 1 A A A A B A B A A A 0 1 A A A A A A B B A C A A A C A A A A A A 0 A A A C A A A A A A 1 A B A C D B D A A A or or . . . or (si , x1 ), (sj , x1 ) T , (si , x1 x2 ), (sj , x1 x2 ) T , (si , x1 x2 . . . xk ), (sj , x1 x2 . . . xk ) T .

0 = A A A A A A A B B A

1 = A A A A B A B C C A

2 = A A A B C A C D D A

3 = A B A C D B D E E A

Chapter 7 : Finite State Automata


Continuing this process, we obtain the following: 0 +s1 + s2 s3 s4 s5 s6 s7 s8 s9 s s s3 s s5 s6 s s s s s 1 s2 s4 s2 s7 s9 s4 s8 s s s 3 = A B A C D B D E E A 0 A A A D B A A A A A 1 B C B D E C E A A A 4 = A B A C D B E F F G 0 G A G D B G G G G G 1 B C B E F C F G G G 5 = A B A C D E F G G H 0 H A H D E H H H H H 1 B C B F G C G H H H 6 = A B A C D E F G G H

Choosing s1 and s8 and discarding s3 and s9 , we have the following minimized transition table: 0 +s1 + s2 s4 s5 s6 s7 s8 s s s1 s5 s6 s s s s 1 s2 s4 s7 s8 s4 s8 s s

Note that any reference to the removed state s9 is now taken over by the state s8 . We also have the following state diagram of the minimized automaton: start / s1 o
1 0


1 / s4 o sO6 AA AA AA A 1 0 0 AA AA A s7 s5 ~~ ~ ~~ 1 ~~1 ~~ ~~ s8

Remark. As is in the case of nite state machines, we can further remove any state which is unreachable from the starting state s1 if any such state exists. Indeed, such states can be removed before or after the application of the Minimization process.


Non-Deterministic Finite State Automata

To motivate our discussion in this section, we consider a very simple example.


W W L Chen : Discrete Mathematics

Example 7.3.1.

Consider the following state diagram: start / t1 o

1 1 0


(1) / t4


Suppose that at state t1 and with input 1, the automaton has equal probability of moving to state t2 or to state t3 . Then with input string 10, the automaton may end up at state t1 (via state t2 ) or state t4 (via state t3 ). On the other hand, with input string 1010, the automaton may end up at state t1 (via states t2 , t1 and t2 ), state t4 (via states t2 , t1 and t3 ) or the dumping state t (via states t3 and t4 ). Note that t4 is an accepting state while the other states are not. This is an example of a non-deterministic nite state automaton. Any string in the regular language 10(10) may send the automaton to the accepting state t4 or to some non-accepting state. The important point is that there is a chance that the automaton may end up at an accepting state. On the other hand, this non-deterministic nite state automaton can be described by the following transition table: 0 +t1 + t2 t3 t4 t1 t4 1 t2 , t3

Here it is convenient not to include any reference to the dumping state t . Note also that we can think of (ti , x) as a subset of S. Our goal in this chapter is to show that for any regular language with alphabet 0 and 1, it is possible to design a deterministic nite state automaton that will recognize precisely that language. Our technique is to do this by rst constructing a non-deterministic nite state automaton and then converting it to a deterministic nite state automaton. The reason for this approach is that non-deterministic nite state automata are easier to design; indeed, the technique involved is very systematic. On the other hand, the conversion process to deterministic nite state automata is rather easy to implement. In this section, we shall consider non-deterministic nite state automata. In Section 7.4, we shall consider their relationship to regular languages. We shall then discuss in Section 7.5 a process which will convert non-deterministic nite state automata to deterministic nite state automata. Definition. A non-deterministic nite state automaton is a 5-tuple A = (S, I, , T , t1 ), where (a) S is the nite set of states for A; (b) I is the nite input alphabet for A; (c) : S I P (S) is the next-state function, where P (S) is the collection of all subsets of S; (d) T is a non-empty subset of S; and (e) t1 S is the starting state. Remarks. (1) The states in T are usually called the accepting states. (2) If not indicated otherwise, we shall always take state t1 as the starting state. (3) For convenience, we do not make reference to the dumping state t . Indeed, the conversion process in Section 7.5 will be much clearer if we do not include t in S and simply leave entries blank in the transition table.

Chapter 7 : Finite State Automata


For practical convenience, we shall modify our approach slightly by introducing null transitions. These are useful in the early stages in the design of a non-deterministic nite state automaton and can be removed later on. To motivate this, we elaborate on our earlier example. Example 7.3.2. Let denote the null string. Then the non-deterministic nite state automaton described by the state diagram (1) can be represented by the following state diagram: start
} }} } }} } } }} ~}}

/ t1 o

1 0



/ t3

/ t4

In this case, the input string 1010 can be interpreted as 1010 and so will be accepted. On the other hand, the same input string 1010 can be interpreted as 1010 and so the automaton will end up at state t1 (via states t2 , t1 and t2 ). However, the same input string 1010 can also be interpreted as 1010 and so the automaton will end up at the dumping state t (via states t5 , t3 and t4 ). We have the following transition table: 0 1 +t1 + t2 t3 t4 t5 t2 t1 t4 t3 t5

Remarks. (1) While null transitions are useful in the early stages in the design of a non-deterministic nite state automaton, we have to remove them later on. (2) We can think of null transitions as free transitions. They can be removed provided that for every state ti and every input x = , we take (ti , x) to denote the collection of all the states that can be reached from state ti by input x with the help of null transitions. (3) If the collection (ti , ) contains an accepting state, then the state ti should also be considered an accepting state, even if it is not explicitly given as such. (4) Theoretically, (ti , ) contains ti . However, this piece of useless information can be ignored in view of (2) above. (5) Again, in view of (2) above, it is convenient not to refer to t or to include it in S. It is very convenient to represent by a blank entry in the transition table the fact that (ti , x) does not contain any state. In practice, we may not need to use transition tables where null transitions are involved. We may design a non-deterministic nite state automaton by drawing a state diagram with null transitions. We then produce from this state diagram a transition table for the automaton without null transitions. We illustrate this technique through the use of two examples. Example 7.3.3. state diagram: Consider the non-deterministic nite state automaton described earlier by following start
} }} } }} } } }} ~}}

/ t1 o

1 0



/ t3

/ t4


W W L Chen : Discrete Mathematics

It is clear that (t1 , 0) is empty, while (t1 , 1) contains states t2 and t3 (the latter via state t5 with the help of a null transition) but not states t1 , t4 and t5 . We therefore have the following partial transition table: 0 1 +t1 + t2 t3 t4 t5 t 2 , t3

Next, it is clear that (t2 , 0) contains states t1 and t5 (the latter via state t1 with the help of a null transition) but not states t2 , t3 and t4 , while (t2 , 1) is empty. We therefore have the following partial transition table: 0 1 +t1 + t2 t3 t4 t5 t2 , t3 t1 , t5

With similar arguments, we can complete the transition table as follows: 0 +t1 + t2 t3 t4 t5 Example 7.3.4. diagram: t1 , t5 t4 t3 1 t2 , t3

Consider the non-deterministic nite state automaton described by following state start
1 / t1 / t2 O ?? O ?? ?? 1 1 ?? ?? ?

/ t3

t4 o


/ t6

It is clear that (t1 , 0) contains states t3 and t4 (both via state t5 with the help of a null transition) as well as t6 (via states t5 , t2 and t3 with the help of three null transitions), but not states t1 , t2 and t5 . On the other hand, (t1 , 1) contains states t2 and t4 as well as t3 (via state t2 with the help of a null transition) and t6 (via state t5 with the help of a null transition), but not states t1 and t5 . We therefore have the following partial transition table: 0 +t1 + t2 t3 t4 t5 t6 t3 , t4 , t6 1 t2 , t3 , t4 , t6

Chapter 7 : Finite State Automata


With similar arguments, we can complete the entries of the transition table as follows: 0 +t1 + t2 t3 t4 t5 t6 t3 , t4 , t6 t6 t6 t3 , t4 , t6 1 t2 , t3 , t4 , t6

t1 , t2 , t3 , t5 t6

Finally, note that since t3 is an accepting state, and can be reached from states t1 , t2 and t5 with the help of null transitions. Hence these three states should also be considered accepting states. We therefore have the following transition table: 0 +t1 t2 t3 t4 t5 t6 t3 , t4 , t6 t6 t6 t3 , t4 , t6 1 t2 , t3 , t4 , t6

t1 , t2 , t3 , t5 t6

It is possible to remove the null transitions in a more systematic way. We rst illustrate the ideas by considering two examples. Example 7.3.5. diagram: Consider the non-deterministic nite state automaton described by following state start / t1
1 /t o /t / t2 o 3 ?? ? 4 O O 1 1 ?? ;; ; ?? ;; ? 1 0 0 ? ;;1 ?? ;; ? ;; / t6 t5

This can be represented by the following transition table with null transitions: 1 t2 t5 t2 t3 t 3 , t4 t4 t3 t4 t6

0 +t1 + t2 t3 t4 t5 t6

We shall modify this (partial) transition table step by step, removing the column of null transitions at the end.


W W L Chen : Discrete Mathematics


Let us list all the null transitions described in the transition table: t 2 t3 t3 t4 t5 t6

We shall refer to this list in step (2) below. (2) We consider attaching extra null transitions at the end of an input. For example, the inputs 0, 0, 0, . . . are the same. Consider now the rst null transition on our list, the null transition from state t2 to state t3 . Clearly if we arrive at state t2 , we can move on to state t3 via the null transition, as illustrated below: ? ? t2 t3 Consequently, whenever state t2 is listed in the (partial) transition table, we can freely add state t3 to it. Implementing this, we modify the (partial) transition table as follows: 1 t 2 , t3 t5 t 2 , t3 t3 t 3 , t4 t4 t3 t4 t6

0 +t1 + t2 t3 t4 t5 t6

Consider next the second null transition on our list, the null transition from state t3 to state t4 . Clearly if we arrive at state t3 , we can move on to state t4 via the null transition. Consequently, whenever state t3 is listed in the (partial) transition table, we can freely add state t4 to it. Implementing this, we modify the (partial) transition table as follows: 0 +t1 + t2 t3 t4 t5 t6 t5 t2 , t3 , t4 t3 , t4 t3 , t4 t4 1 t2 , t3 , t4 t3 , t4 t4 t6

Consider nally the third null transition on our list, the null transition from state t5 to state t6 . Clearly if we arrive at state t5 , we can move on to state t6 via the null transition. Consequently, whenever state t5 is listed in the (partial) transition table, we can freely add state t6 to it. Implementing this, we modify the (partial) transition table as follows: 1 t2 , t3 , t4 t5 , t6 t2 , t3 , t4 t 3 , t4 t 3 , t4 t4 t3 , t4 t4 t6

0 +t1 + t2 t3 t4 t5 t6

Chapter 7 : Finite State Automata


We now repeat the same process with the three null transitions on our list, and observe that there are no further modications to the (partial) transition table. If we examine the column for null transitions, we note that it is possible to arrive at one of the accepting states t3 or t5 from state t2 via null transitions. It follows that the accepting states are now states t2 , t3 and t5 . Implementing this, we modify the (partial) transition table as follows: 0 1 +t1 + t2 t3 t4 t5 t6 t2 , t3 , t4 t5 , t6 t2 , t3 , t4 t 3 , t4 t 3 , t4 t4 t3 , t4 t4 t6

We may ask here why we repeat the process of going through all the null transitions on the list. We shall discuss this point in the next example. (3) We now update our list of null transitions in step (1) in view of extra information obtained in step (2). Using the column of null transitions in the (partial) transition table, we list all the null transitions: t2 t3 , t4 t3 t4 t5 t6 We shall refer to this list in step (4) below. (4) We consider attaching extra null transitions before an input. For example, the inputs 0, 0, 0, . . . are the same. Consider now the rst null transitions on our updated list, the null transitions from state t2 to states t3 and t4 . Clearly if we depart from state t3 or t4 , we can imagine that we have rst arrived from state t2 via a null transition, as illustrated below: t 2 t3 ? t 2 t4 ? Consequently, any destination from state t3 or t4 can also be considered a destination from state t2 with the same input. It follows that we can add rows 3 and 4 to row 2. Implementing this, we modify the (partial) transition table as follows: 1 t2 , t3 , t4 t2 , t3 , t4 t2 , t3 , t4 t 3 , t4 t 3 , t4
? ?

0 +t1 + t2 t3 t4 t5 t6 t5 , t6

t3 , t4 t4 t6


Consider next the second null transition on our updated list, the null transition from state t3 to state t4 . Clearly if we depart from state t4 , we can imagine that we have rst arrived from state t3 via a null transition. Consequently, any destination from state t4 can also be considered a destination from state t3 with the same input. It follows that we can add row 4 to row 3. Implementing this, we realize that there is no change to the (partial) transition table. Consider nally the third null transition on our updated list, the null transition from state t5 to state t6 . Clearly if we depart from state t6 , we can


W W L Chen : Discrete Mathematics

imagine that we have rst arrived from state t5 via a null transition. Consequently, any destination from state t6 can also be considered a destination from state t5 with the same input. It follows that we can add row 6 to row 5. Implementing this, we modify the (partial) transition table as follows: 1 t2 , t3 , t4 t2 , t3 , t4 t2 , t3 , t4 t 3 , t4 t 3 , t4

0 +t1 + t2 t3 t4 t5 t6 (5) t5 , t6

t3 , t4 t4 t6

t4 t4

We can now remove the column of null transitions to obtain the transition table below: 0 +t1 + t2 t3 t4 t5 t6 t5 , t6 1 t2 , t3 , t4 t2 , t3 , t4 t2 , t3 , t4 t3 , t4 t3 , t4

t4 t4

We consider one more example where repeating part (2) of the process yields extra modications to the (partial) transition table. Example 7.3.6. diagram: Consider the non-deterministic nite state automaton described by following state start / t1 O
1 1 / t2 X11 11 11 11 11 1 t6 o

/ t3

/ t4

t5 o


This can be represented by the following transition table with null transitions: 1 t2 t4 t7 t1 t5 t6 t2 t3 t6

0 +t1 + t2 t3 t4 t5 t6 t7

We shall modify this (partial) transition table step by step, removing the column of null transitions at the end.

Chapter 7 : Finite State Automata



Let us list all the null transitions described in the transition table: t2 t 3 t3 t6 t6 t2

We shall refer to this list in step (2) below. (2) We consider attaching extra null transitions at the end of an input. In view of the rst null transition from state t2 to state t3 , whenever state t2 is listed in the (partial) transition table, we can freely add state t3 to it. We now implement this. Next, in view of the second null transition from state t3 to state t6 , whenever state t3 is listed in the (partial) transition table, we can freely add state t6 to it. We now implement this. Finally, in view of the third null transition from state t6 to state t2 , whenever state t6 is listed in the (partial) transition table, we can freely add state t2 to it. We now implement this. We should obtain the following modied (partial) transition table: 0 +t1 + t2 t3 t4 t5 t6 t7 1 t2 , t3 , t6 t4 t7 t1 t5 t2 , t6 t2 , t3 , t6 t2 , t3 , t6 t2 , t6

We now repeat the same process with the three null transitions on our list, and obtain the following modied (partial) transition table: 0 +t1 + t2 t3 t4 t5 t6 t7 1 t2 , t3 , t6 t4 t7 t1 t5 t2 , t3 , t6 t2 , t3 , t6 t2 , t3 , t6 t2 , t3 , t6

Observe that the repetition here gives extra information like the following: t 7 t3 We see from the state diagram that this is achieved by the following: t 7 t 6 t2 t3 If we do not have the repetition, then we may possibly be restricting ourselves to only one use of a null transition, and will only get as far as the following: t 7 t6 t2 We now repeat the same process with the three null transitions on our list one more time, and observe that there are no further modications to the (partial) transition table. This means that we cannot
0 0 0


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attach any extra null transitions at the end. If we examine the column for null transitions, we note that it is possible to arrive at one of the accepting states t6 or t7 from states t2 or t3 via null transitions. It follows that the accepting states are now states t2 , t3 , t6 and t7 . Implementing this, we modify the (partial) transition table as follows: 0 +t1 + t2 t3 t4 t5 t6 t7 1 t2 , t3 , t6 t4 t7 t1 t5 t2 , t3 , t6 t2 , t3 , t6 t2 , t3 , t6 t2 , t3 , t6

(3) We now update our list of null transitions in step (1) in view of extra information obtained in step (2). Using the column of null transitions in the (partial) transition table, we list all the null transitions: t2 t2 , t3 , t6 t3 t2 , t3 , t6 t6 t2 , t3 , t6 We shall refer to this list in step (4) below. (4) We consider attaching extra null transitions before an input. In view of the rst null transitions from state t2 to states t2 , t3 and t6 , we can add rows 2, 3 and 6 to row 2. We now implement this. Next, in view of the second null transitions from state t3 to states t2 , t3 and t6 , we can add rows 2, 3 and 6 to row 3. We now implement this. Finally, in view of the third null transitions from state t6 to states t2 , t3 and t6 , we can add rows 2, 3 and 6 to row 6. We now implement this. We should obtain the following modied (partial) transition table: 0 +t1 + t2 t3 t4 t5 t6 t7 (5) t4 , t5 t4 , t5 t7 t1 t4 , t5 t2 , t3 , t6 t2 , t3 , t6 1 t2 , t3 , t6 t2 , t3 , t6 t2 , t3 , t6

We can now remove the column of null transitions to obtain the transition table below: 0 +t1 + t2 t3 t4 t5 t6 t7 t4 , t5 t4 , t5 t7 t1 t4 , t5 t2 , t3 , t6 1 t2 , t3 , t6

Chapter 7 : Finite State Automata


ALGORITHM FOR REMOVING NULL TRANSITIONS. (1) Start with a (partial) transition table of the non-deterministic nite state automaton which includes information for every transition shown on the state diagram. Write down the list of all null transitions shown in this table. (2) Follow the list of null transitions in step (1) one by one. For any null transition ti t j on the list, freely add state tj to any occurrence of state ti in the (partial) transition table. After completing this task for the whole list of null transitions, repeat the entire process again and again, until a full repetition yields no further changes to the (partial) transition table. We then examine the column of null transitions to determine from which states it is possible to arrive at an accepting state via null transitions only. We include these extra states as accepting states. (3) Update the list of null transitions in step (1) in view of extra information obtained in step (2). Using the column of null transitions in the (partial) transition table, we list all the null transitions originating from all states. (4) Follow the list of null transitions in step (3) originating from each state. For any null transitions ti tj1 , . . . , tjk on the list, add rows j1 , . . . , jk to row i. (5) Remove the column of null transitions to obtain the full transition table without null transitions. Remarks. (1) It is important to repeat step (2) until a full repetition yields no further modications. Then we have analyzed the network of null transitions fully. (2) There is no need for repetition in step (4), as we are using the full network of null transitions obtained in step (2). (3) The network of null transitions can be analyzed by using Warshalls algorithm on directed graphs. See Section 20.1.


Regular Languages

Recall that a regular language on the alphabet I is either empty or can be built up from elements of I by using only concatenation and the operations + (union) and (Kleene closure). It is well known that a language L with the alphabet I is regular if and only if there exists a nite state automaton with inputs in I that accepts precisely the strings in L. Here we shall concentrate on the task of showing that for any regular language L on the alphabet 0 and 1, we can construct a nite state automaton that accepts precisely the strings in L. This will follow from the following result. PROPOSITION 7B. Consider languages with alphabet 0 and 1. (a) For each of the languages L = , , 0, 1, there exists a nite state automaton that accepts precisely the strings in L. (b) Suppose that the nite state automata A and B accept precisely the strings in the languages L and M respectively. Then there exists a nite state automaton AB that accepts precisely the strings in the language LM . (c) Suppose that the nite state automata A and B accept precisely the strings in the languages L and M respectively. Then there exists a nite state automaton A + B that accepts precisely the strings in the language L + M . (d) Suppose that the nite state automaton A accepts precisely the strings in the language L. Then there exists a nite state automaton A that accepts precisely the strings in the language L . Note that parts (b), (c) and (d) deal with concatenation, union and Kleene closure respectively.


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For the remainder of this section, we shall use non-deterministic nite state automata with null transitions. Recall that null transitions can be removed; see Section 7.3. We shall also show in Section 7.5 how we may convert a non-deterministic nite state automaton into a deterministic one. Part (a) is easily proved. The nite state automata start / t1 and start / t1

accept precisely the languages and respectively. On the other hand, the nite state automata start / t1

/ t2



/ t1

/ t2

accept precisely the languages 0 and 1 respectively. CONCATENATION. Suppose that the nite state automata A and B accept precisely the strings in the languages L and M respectively. Then the nite state automaton AB constructed as follows accepts precisely the strings in the language LM : (1) We label the states of A and B all dierently. The states of AB are the states of A and B combined. (2) The starting state of AB is taken to be the starting state of A. (3) The accepting states of AB are taken to be the accepting states of B. (4) In addition to all the existing transitions in A and B, we introduce extra null transitions from each of the accepting states of A to the starting state of B. Example 7.4.1. start The nite state automata / t1 o
0 0

/t 2



/ t3 o

1 1

/t 4

accept precisely the strings of the languages 0(00) and 1(11) respectively. The nite state automaton start / t1 o
0 0


/ t3 o

1 1

/t 4

accepts precisely the strings of the language 0(00) 1(11) . Remark. It is important to keep the two parts of the automaton AB apart by a null transition in one direction only. Suppose, instead, that we combine the accepting state t2 of the rst automaton with the starting state t3 of the second automaton. Then the nite state automaton start / t1 o
0 0

/t o 2

1 1

/t 4

accepts the string 011001 which is not in the language 0(00) 1(11) . UNION. Suppose that the nite state automata A and B accept precisely the strings in the languages L and M respectively. Then the nite state automaton A + B constructed as follows accepts precisely the strings in the language L + M : (1) We label the states of A and B all dierently. The states of A + B are the states of A and B combined plus an extra state t1 . (2) The starting state of A + B is taken to be the state t1 . (3) The accepting states of A + B are taken to be the accepting states of A and B combined. (4) In addition to all the existing transitions in A and B, we introduce extra null transitions from t1 to the starting state of A and from t1 to the starting state of B. Example 7.4.2. start The nite state automata / t2 o
0 0

/t 3



/ t4 o

1 1

/t 5

Chapter 7 : Finite State Automata


accept precisely the strings of the languages 0(00) and 1(11) respectively. The nite state automaton 8 t2 o qq qq q q qq qq q / t1 M MM MM MM MMM M& t4 o
0 0

/t 3


1 1

/t 5

accepts precisely the strings of the language 0(00) + 1(11) , while the nite state automaton 8 t2 o qq qq q q qq qq q / t1 M MM MM MM MMM M& t4 o
0 0



1 1


MM MM MM MM MM M& q8 t 6 o qq qq q qq qq q

0 0

/t 7

accepts precisely the strings of the language (0(00) + 1(11) )0(00) . KLEENE CLOSURE. Suppose that the nite state automaton A accepts precisely the strings in the language L. Then the nite state automaton A constructed as follows accepts precisely the strings in the language L : (1) The states of A are the states of A. (2) The starting state of A is taken to be the starting state of A. (3) In addition to all the existing transitions in A, we introduce extra null transitions from each of the accepting states of A to the starting state of A. (4) The accepting state of A is taken to be the starting state of A. Remark. Of course, each of the accepting states of A are also accepting states of A since it is possible to reach A via a null transition. However, it is not important to worry about this at this stage. Example 7.4.3. It follows from our last example that the nite state automaton t2 o O
0 0



/ t1 _?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ? 1 /t t o
4 1

accepts precisely the strings of the language (0(00) + 1(11) ) .


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Example 7.4.4.

The nite state automaton start

1 / t2 o t4 ?? O ?? ?? ? 0 1 ? ?? ? t3

accepts precisely the strings of the language 1(011) . The nite state automaton start / t5

/ t6

/ t7

accepts precisely the strings of the language 01. The nite state automaton start / t8

/ t9

accepts precisely the strings of the language 1. It follows that the nite state automaton
1 o t4 ? t2 ?? O ?? ?? 0 ? 1 ? ?? ?


/ t1

/ t5 t3 ;? ??? ; ?? ;; ? ; 0 ?? ;; ?? ;; ? ;; o t7 t6 t8 1

/ t9

accepts precisely the strings of the language (1(011) + (01) )1.


Conversion to Deterministic Finite State Automata

In this section, we describe a technique which enables us to convert a non-deterministic nite state automaton without null transitions to a deterministic nite state automaton. Recall that we have already discussed in Section 7.3 how we may remove null transitions and obtain the transition table of a non-deterministic nite state automaton. Hence our starting point in this section is such a transition table. Suppose that A = (S, I, , T , t1 ) is a non-deterministic nite state automaton, and that the dumping state t is not included in S. Our idea is to consider a deterministic nite state automaton where the states are subsets of S. It follows that if our non-deterministic nite state automaton has n states, then we may end up with a deterministic nite state automaton with 2n states, where 2n is the number of dierent subsets of S. However, many of these states may be unreachable from the starting state, and so we have no reason to include them. We shall therefore describe an algorithm where we shall eliminate all such unreachable states in the process.

Chapter 7 : Finite State Automata


We shall illustrate the Conversion process with two examples, the rst one complete with running commentary. The condent reader who gets the idea of the technique quickly may read only part of this long example before going on to the second example which must be studied carefully. Example 7.5.1. transition table: Consider the non-deterministic nite state automaton described by the following 0 +t1 + t2 t3 t4 t5 t2 , t3 t5 t2 t5 1 t1 , t4 t2 t3 t5 t1

Here S = {t1 , t2 , t3 , t4 , t5 }. We begin with a state s1 representing the subset {t1 } of S. To calculate (s1 , 0), we note that (t1 , 0) = {t2 , t3 }. We now let s2 denote the subset {t2 , t3 } of S, and write (s1 , 0) = s2 . To calculate (s1 , 1), we note that (t1 , 1) = {t1 , t4 }. We now let s3 denote the subset {t1 , t4 } of S, and write (s1 , 1) = s3 . We have the following partial transition table: 0 +s1 + s2 s3 s2 1 s3 t1 t2 , t3 t1 , t4

Next, note that s2 = {t2 , t3 }. To calculate (s2 , 0), we note that (t2 , 0) (t3 , 0) = {t2 , t5 }. We now let s4 denote the subset {t2 , t5 } of S, and write (s2 , 0) = s4 . To calculate (s2 , 1), we note that (t2 , 1) (t3 , 1) = {t2 , t3 } = s2 , so (s2 , 1) = s2 . We have the following partial transition table: 0 +s1 + s2 s3 s4 s2 s4 1 s3 s2 t1 t2 , t3 t1 , t4 t2 , t5

Next, note that s3 = {t1 , t4 }. To calculate (s3 , 0), we note that (t1 , 0) (t4 , 0) = {t2 , t3 } = s2 , so (s3 , 0) = s2 . To calculate (s3 , 1), we note that (t1 , 1) (t4 , 1) = {t1 , t4 , t5 }.


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We now let s5 denote the subset {t1 , t4 , t5 } of S, and write (s3 , 1) = s5 . We have the following partial transition table: 0 1 +s1 + s2 s3 s4 s5 s2 s4 s2 s3 s2 s5 t1 t2 , t3 t1 , t4 t2 , t5 t1 , t4 , t5

Next, note that s4 = {t2 , t5 }. To calculate (s4 , 0), we note that (t2 , 0) (t5 , 0) = {t5 }. We now let s6 denote the subset {t5 } of S, and write (s4 , 0) = s6 . To calculate (s4 , 1), we note that (t2 , 1) (t5 , 1) = {t1 , t2 }. We now let s7 denote the subset {t1 , t2 } of S, and write (s4 , 1) = s7 . We have the following partial transition table: 0 1 +s1 + s2 s3 s4 s5 s6 s7 s2 s4 s2 s6 s3 s2 s5 s7 t1 t2 , t3 t1 , t4 t2 , t5 t1 , t4 , t5 t5 t1 , t2

Next, note that s5 = {t1 , t4 , t5 }. To calculate (s5 , 0), we note that (t1 , 0) (t4 , 0) (t5 , 0) = {t2 , t3 , t5 }. We now let s8 denote the subset {t2 , t3 , t5 } of S, and write (s5 , 0) = s8 . To calculate (s5 , 1), we note that (t1 , 1) (t4 , 1) (t5 , 1) = {t1 , t4 , t5 } = s5 , so (s5 , 1) = s5 . We have the following partial transition table: 0 +s1 + s2 s3 s4 s5 s6 s7 s8 s2 s4 s2 s6 s8 1 s3 s2 s5 s7 s5 t1 t2 , t3 t1 , t4 t2 , t5 t1 , t4 , t5 t5 t1 , t2 t2 , t3 , t5

Next, note that s6 = {t5 }. To calculate (s6 , 0), we note that (t5 , 0) = {t5 } = s6 ,

Chapter 7 : Finite State Automata


so (s6 , 0) = s6 . To calculate (s6 , 1), we note that (t5 , 1) = {t1 } = s1 , so (s6 , 1) = s1 . We have the following partial transition table: 0 +s1 + s2 s3 s4 s5 s6 s7 s8 s2 s4 s2 s6 s8 s6 1 s3 s2 s5 s7 s5 s1 t1 t2 , t3 t1 , t4 t2 , t5 t1 , t4 , t5 t5 t1 , t2 t2 , t3 , t5

Next, note that s7 = {t1 , t2 }. To calculate (s7 , 0), we note that (t1 , 0) (t2 , 0) = {t2 , t3 , t5 } = s8 , so (s7 , 0) = s8 . To calculate (s7 , 1), we note that (t1 , 1) (t2 , 1) = {t1 , t2 , t4 }. We now let s9 denote the subset {t1 , t2 , t4 } of S, and write (s7 , 1) = s9 . We have the following partial transition table: 0 1 +s1 + s2 s3 s4 s5 s6 s7 s8 s9 s2 s4 s2 s6 s8 s6 s8 s3 s2 s5 s7 s5 s1 s9 t1 t2 , t3 t1 , t4 t2 , t5 t1 , t4 , t5 t5 t1 , t2 t2 , t3 , t5 t1 , t2 , t4

Next, note that s8 = {t2 , t3 , t5 }. To calculate (s8 , 0), we note that (t2 , 0) (t3 , 0) (t5 , 0) = {t2 , t5 } = s4 , so (s8 , 0) = s4 . To calculate (s8 , 1), we note that (t2 , 1) (t3 , 1) (t5 , 1) = {t1 , t2 , t3 }. We now let s10 denote the subset {t1 , t2 , t3 } of S, and write (s8 , 1) = s10 . We have the following partial transition table: 0 1 +s1 + s2 s3 s4 s5 s6 s7 s8 s9 s10 s2 s4 s2 s6 s8 s6 s8 s4 s3 s2 s5 s7 s5 s1 s9 s10 t1 t2 , t3 t1 , t4 t2 , t5 t1 , t4 , t5 t5 t1 , t2 t2 , t3 , t5 t1 , t2 , t4 t1 , t2 , t3


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Next, note that s9 = {t1 , t2 , t4 }. To calculate (s9 , 0), we note that (t1 , 0) (t2 , 0) (t4 , 0) = {t2 , t3 , t5 } = s8 , so (s9 , 0) = s8 . To calculate (s9 , 1), we note that (t1 , 1) (t2 , 1) (t4 , 1) = {t1 , t2 , t4 , t5 }. We now let s11 denote the subset {t1 , t2 , t4 , t5 } of S, and write (s9 , 1) = s11 . We have the following partial transition table: 0 1 +s1 + s2 s3 s4 s5 s6 s7 s8 s9 s10 s11 s2 s4 s2 s6 s8 s6 s8 s4 s8 s3 s2 s5 s7 s5 s1 s9 s10 s11 t1 t2 , t3 t1 , t4 t2 , t5 t1 , t4 , t5 t5 t1 , t2 t2 , t3 , t5 t1 , t2 , t4 t1 , t2 , t3 t1 , t2 , t4 , t5

Next, note that s10 = {t1 , t2 , t3 }. To calculate (s10 , 0), we note that (t1 , 0) (t2 , 0) (t3 , 0) = {t2 , t3 , t5 } = s8 , so (s10 , 0) = s8 . To calculate (s10 , 1), we note that (t1 , 1) (t2 , 1) (t3 , 1) = {t1 , t2 , t3 , t4 }. We now let s12 denote the subset {t1 , t2 , t3 , t4 } of S, and write (s10 , 1) = s12 . We have the following partial transition table: 0 1 +s1 + s2 s3 s4 s5 s6 s7 s8 s9 s10 s11 s12 s2 s4 s2 s6 s8 s6 s8 s4 s8 s8 s3 s2 s5 s7 s5 s1 s9 s10 s11 s12 t1 t2 , t3 t1 , t4 t2 , t5 t1 , t4 , t5 t5 t1 , t2 t2 , t3 , t5 t1 , t2 , t4 t1 , t2 , t3 t1 , t2 , t4 , t5 t1 , t2 , t3 , t4

Next, note that s11 = {t1 , t2 , t4 , t5 }. To calculate (s11 , 0), we note that (t1 , 0) (t2 , 0) (t4 , 0) (t5 , 0) = {t2 , t3 , t5 } = s8 , so (s11 , 0) = s8 . To calculate (s11 , 1), we note that (t1 , 1) (t2 , 1) (t4 , 1) (t5 , 1) = {t1 , t2 , t4 , t5 } = s11 ,

Chapter 7 : Finite State Automata


so (s11 , 1) = s11 . We have the following partial transition table: 0 +s1 + s2 s3 s4 s5 s6 s7 s8 s9 s10 s11 s12 s2 s4 s2 s6 s8 s6 s8 s4 s8 s8 s8 1 s3 s2 s5 s7 s5 s1 s9 s10 s11 s12 s11 t1 t2 , t3 t1 , t4 t2 , t5 t1 , t4 , t5 t5 t1 , t2 t2 , t3 , t5 t1 , t2 , t4 t1 , t2 , t3 t1 , t2 , t4 , t5 t1 , t2 , t3 , t4

Next, note that s12 = {t1 , t2 , t3 , t4 }. To calculate (s12 , 0), we note that (t1 , 0) (t2 , 0) (t3 , 0) (t4 , 0) = {t2 , t3 , t5 } = s8 , so (s12 , 0) = s8 . To calculate (s12 , 1), we note that (t1 , 1) (t2 , 1) (t3 , 1) (t4 , 1) = {t1 , t2 , t3 , t4 , t5 }. We now let s13 denote the subset {t1 , t2 , t3 , t4 , t5 } of S, and write (s12 , 1) = s13 . We have the following partial transition table: 0 +s1 + s2 s3 s4 s5 s6 s7 s8 s9 s10 s11 s12 s13 s2 s4 s2 s6 s8 s6 s8 s4 s8 s8 s8 s8 1 s3 s2 s5 s7 s5 s1 s9 s10 s11 s12 s11 s13 t1 t2 , t3 t1 , t4 t2 , t5 t1 , t4 , t5 t5 t1 , t2 t2 , t3 , t5 t1 , t2 , t4 t1 , t2 , t3 t1 , t2 , t4 , t5 t1 , t2 , t3 , t4 t1 , t2 , t3 , t4 , t5

Next, note that s13 = {t1 , t2 , t3 , t4 , t5 }. To calculate (s13 , 0), we note that (t1 , 0) (t2 , 0) (t3 , 0) (t4 , 0) (t5 , 0) = {t2 , t3 , t5 } = s8 , so (s13 , 0) = s8 . To calculate (s13 , 1), we note that (t1 , 1) (t2 , 1) (t3 , 1) (t4 , 1) (t5 , 1) = {t1 , t2 , t3 , t4 , t5 } = s13 ,


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so (s13 , 1) = s13 . We have the following partial transition table: 0 +s1 + s2 s3 s4 s5 s6 s7 s8 s9 s10 s11 s12 s13 s2 s4 s2 s6 s8 s6 s8 s4 s8 s8 s8 s8 s8 1 s3 s2 s5 s7 s5 s1 s9 s10 s11 s12 s11 s13 s13

This completes the entries of the transition table. In this nal transition table, we have also indicated all the accepting states. Note that t3 is the accepting state in the original non-deterministic nite state automaton, and that it is contained in states s2 , s8 , s10 , s12 and s13 . These are the accepting states of the deterministic nite state automaton. Example 7.5.2. transition table: Consider the non-deterministic nite state automaton described by the following 0 +t1 + t2 t3 t4 t3 1 t2 t1 , t2 t4

Here S = {t1 , t2 , t3 , t4 }. We begin with a state s1 representing the subset {t1 } of S. The reader should check that we should arrive at the following partial transition table: 0 +s1 + s2 s3 s2 1 s3 t1 t3 t2

Next, note that s2 = {t3 }. To calculate (s2 , 0), we note that (t3 , 0) = . Hence we write (s2 , 0) = s , the dumping state. This dumping state s has transitions (s , 0) = (s , 1) = s . To calculate (s2 , 1), we note that (t3 , 1) = {t1 , t2 }. We now let s4 denote the subset {t1 , t2 } of S, and write (s2 , 1) = s4 . We have the following partial transition table: 0 +s1 + s2 s3 s4 s s2 s s 1 s3 s4 t1 t3 t2 t1 , t2

Chapter 7 : Finite State Automata


The reader should try to complete the entries of the transition table: 0 +s1 + s2 s3 s4 s s2 s s s2 s 1 s3 s4 s s3 s t1 t3 t2 t1 , t2

On the other hand, note that t2 is the accepting state in the original non-deterministic nite state automaton, and that it is contained in states s3 and s4 . These are the accepting states of the deterministic nite state automaton. Inserting this information and deleting the right hand column gives the following complete transition table: 0 +s1 + s2 s3 s4 s s2 s s s2 s 1 s3 s4 s s3 s


A Complete Example

In this last section, we shall design from scratch the deterministic nite state automaton which will accept precisely the strings in the language 1(01) 1(001) (0 + 1)1. Recall that this has been discussed in Examples 7.1.3 and 7.2.1. The reader is advised that it is extremely important to ll in all the missing details in the discussion here. We start with non-deterministic nite state automata with null transitions, and break the language into six parts: 1, (01) , 1, (001) , (0 + 1) and 1. These six parts are joined together by concatenation. Clearly the three automata start / t1 / t5 / t13

/ t2 / t6 / t14



are the same and accept precisely the strings of the language 1. On the other hand, the automaton start / t3 o
0 1



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accepts precisely the strings of the language (01) , and the automaton start
0 / t7 / t8 _?? ?? ?? 0 ? 1 ? ?? ?

t9 accepts precisely the strings of the language (001) . Note that we have slightly simplied the construction here by removing null transitions. Finally, the automaton t11 ;? ;; ;; 0; ;; ;; ;; / t10 / t12 start 1 accepts precisely the strings of the language (0 + 1). Again, we have slightly simplied the construction here by removing null transitions. Combining the six parts, we obtain the following state diagram of a non-deterministic nite state automaton with null transitions that accepts precisely the strings of the language 1(01) 1(001) (0 + 1)1: start / t1
1 1 / t6 t9 O > t5 } } ~~ }} ~~ }} 1 ~ 0 } ~~ }} ~~ }} ~~~ /t } / t8 t11 t7 3 0 ~ `@@@ @@ ~~ @@ ~~ ~ 0 @@ ~ ~ @@ ~ ~ @ ~~~ o o t13 t12 t10 1

/ t2

t4 o

1 0

t14 o

Removing null transitions, we obtain the following transition table of a non-deterministic nite state automaton without null transitions that accepts precisely the strings of 1(01) 1(001) (0 + 1)1: 0 t1 t2 t3 t4 t5 t6 t7 t8 t9 t10 t11 t12 t13 t14 t4 t4 1 t2 , t3 , t5 t6 , t7 , t10 t6 , t7 , t10 t3 , t5 t6 , t7 , t10 t12 , t13 t12 , t13 t7 , t10 t12 , t13 t14 t14 t14

t8 , t11 , t13 t8 , t11 , t13 t9 t11 , t13

Chapter 7 : Finite State Automata


Applying the conversion process, we obtain the following deterministic nite state automaton corresponding to the original non-deterministic nite state automaton: 0 +s1 + s2 s3 s4 s5 s6 s7 s8 s9 s10 s s s3 s s6 s3 s8 s s s s6 s 1 s2 s4 s5 s7 s4 s9 s9 s10 s s7 s t1 t2 , t3 , t5 t4 t6 , t7 , t10 t3 , t5 t8 , t11 , t13 t12 , t13 t9 t14 t7 , t10

Removing the last column and applying the Minimization process, we have the following table which represents the rst few steps: 0 +s1 + s2 s3 s4 s5 s6 s7 s8 s9 s10 s 1 s s2 s3 s4 s s5 s6 s7 s3 s4 s8 s9 s s9 s s10 s s s6 s7 s s 0 A A A A A A A A A A A 1 A A A A A B B A A A A 0 1 A A A A A A B B A A A C A C A A A A B B A A 0 A A A C A A A A A C A 1 A B A C B D D B A C A

0 = A A A A A A A A B A A

1 = A A A A A B B A C A A

2 = A A A B A C C A D B A

3 = A B A C B D D B E C A

Unfortunately, the process here is going to be rather long, but let us continue nevertheless. Continuing this process, we obtain the following: 0 +s1 + s2 s3 s4 s5 s6 s7 s8 s9 s10 s 1 s s2 s3 s4 s s5 s6 s7 s3 s4 s8 s9 s s9 s s10 s s s6 s7 s s 0 A A A D A B A A A D A 1 B C B D C E E C A D A 0 G A G D A B G G G D G 1 B C B E C F F C G E G 0 H A H D A F H H H D H 1 B C B E C G G C H E H

3 = A B A C B D D B E C A

4 = A B A C B D E B F C G

5 = A B A C B D E F G C H

6 = A B A C B D E F G C H


W W L Chen : Discrete Mathematics

Choosing s1 , s2 and s4 and discarding s3 , s5 and s10 , we have the following minimized transition table: 0 +s1 + s2 s4 s6 s7 s8 s9 s s s1 s6 s8 s s s s /s 1 s2 s4 s7 s9 s9 s4 s s

This can be described by the following state diagram: start / s1 o

1 0 2 1 1 / s4 o sO8 AA AA AA A 1 0 0 AA AA A s7 s6 ~~ ~ ~~ 1 ~~1 ~~ ~~ s9

Problems for Chapter 7 1. Suppose that I = {0, 1}. Consider the following deterministic nite state automaton: 0 +s1 + s2 s3 Decide which of the following strings are accepted: a) 101 b) 10101 e) 10101111 f) 011010111 s2 s3 s1 1 s3 s2 s3 d) 0100010 h) 1100111010011

c) 11100 g) 00011000011

2. Consider the deterministic nite state automaton A = (S, I, , T , s1 ), where I = {0, 1}, described by the following state diagram: start / s1
1 1 / s2 / s3 _@@ _@@ @@ @@ @@ @@ @ @@ 0 1 0 0 @@ @@ @@ @ @ / s5 s4 1

a) How many states does the automaton A have? b) Construct the transition table for this automaton. c) Apply the Minimization process to this automaton and show that no state can be removed.

Chapter 7 : Finite State Automata


3. Suppose that I = {0, 1}. Consider the following deterministic nite state automaton: 0 +s1 s2 s3 s4 s5 s6 s2 s5 s5 s4 s3 s1 1 s5 s3 s2 s6 s5 s4

a) Draw a state diagram for the automaton. b) Apply the Minimization process to the automaton. 4. Suppose that I = {0, 1}. Consider the following deterministic nite state automaton: 0 +s1 + s2 s3 s4 s5 s6 s7 s s2 s s s7 s7 s5 s5 s 1 s3 s4 s6 s6 s s4 s s

a) Draw a state diagram for the automaton. b) Apply the Minimization process to the automaton. 5. Let I = {0, 1}. a) Design a nite state automaton to accept all strings which contain exactly two 1s and which start and nish with the same symbol. b) Design a nite state automaton to accept all strings where all the 0s precede all the 1s. c) Design a nite state automaton to accept all strings of length at least 1 and where the sum of the rst digit and the length of the string is even. 6. Consider the following non-deterministic nite state automaton A = (S, I, , T , t1 ) without null transitions, where I = {0, 1}:
1 1 /t ! 0 / t2 o 3 ?? ?? O 1 ?? ?? ?? ?? 1 0 0 ?? ?? 0 ?? ?? ? ? 1 /t # /t o 4 0


/ t1

a) Describe the automaton by a transition table. b) Convert to a deterministic nite state automaton. c) Minimize the number of states.


W W L Chen : Discrete Mathematics

7. Consider the following non-deterministic nite state automaton A = (S, I, , T , t1 ) with null transitions, where I = {0, 1}: start / t1 o _>> >> 1 >>
1 0

; ;; ; ;; t5 o

1 1

/t 2 ;? ; 0; ; ;; 0

/ t4 o "

/t 6

a) Remove the null transitions, and describe the resulting automaton by a transition table. b) Convert to a deterministic nite state automaton. c) Minimize the number of states. 8. Consider the following non-deterministic nite state automaton A = (S, I, , T , t4 ) with null transitions, where I = {0, 1}:
#0" #1"

/ t1 o ]

0 0

! t2 o > _>>> >>> >0 >> 1 >>


/ t4 o


;; ;; 1 ;;

t3 o


a) Remove the null transitions, and describe the resulting automaton by a transition table. b) Convert to a deterministic nite state automaton. c) Minimize the number of states. 9. Consider the following non-deterministic nite state automaton A = (S, I, , T , t1 ) with null transitions, where I = {0, 1}:


/ t1

/ t3 ~? ~ ~~ 0 ~ 0 1 1 ~~ ~ ~ ~~ 1 0 / t6 / t7 o t5 _? O ?? ~ ~ ?? ~~ ?? 0 ~~ 0 ? 1 ?? ~~ ~ ? ~~ t9

/ t2 ?

/ t4


a) Remove the null transitions, and describe the resulting automaton by a transition table. b) Convert to a deterministic nite state automaton. c) Minimize the number of states.

Chapter 7 : Finite State Automata


10. Consider the following non-deterministic nite state automaton A = (S, I, , T , t4 t6 ) with null transitions, where I = {0, 1}:




t1 o ? t2 ? _? ? _??? ?? ?? ??? ?? ??? ? ?0 ?1 ?? ??? 1 ?? ? 1 ? ? 0 ? ? ?? ??? ?? ? ?? /t o / t4 o t3 5 O 1 _?? 1 ?? ?? 1 ? 1 ? ?? ? / t6 / t7 0

" !

a) Remove the null transitions, and describe the resulting automaton by a transition table. b) Convert to a deterministic nite state automaton. c) How many states does the deterministic nite state automaton have on minimization? 11. Prove that the set of all binary strings in which there are exactly as many 0s as 1s is not a regular language. 12. For each of the following regular languages with alphabet 0 and 1, design a non-deterministic nite state automaton with null transitions that accepts precisely all the strings of the language. Remove the null transitions and describe your result in a transition table. Convert it to a deterministic nite state automaton, apply the Minimization process and describe your result in a state diagram. a) (01) (0 + 1)(011 + 10) b) (100 + 01)(011 + 1) (100 + 01) c) ( + 01)1(010 + (01) )01

W W L Chen and Macquarie University, 1991.

This work is available free, in the hope that it will be useful. Any part of this work may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or any information storage and retrieval system, with or without permission from the author.

Chapter 8



A Turing machine is a machine that exists only in the mind. It can be thought of as an extended and modied version of a nite state machine. Imagine a machine which moves along an innitely long tape which has been divided into boxes, each marked with an element of a nite alphabet A. Also, at any stage, the machine can be in any of a nite number of states, while at the same time positioned at one of the boxes. Now, depending on the element of A in the box and depending on the state of the machine, we have the following: (1) The machine either leaves the element of A in the box unchanged, or replaces it with another element of A. (2) The machine then moves to one of the two neighbouring boxes. (3) The machine either remains in the same state, or changes to one of the other states. The behaviour of the machine is usually described by a table. Example 8.1.1. Suppose that A = {0, 1, 2, 3}, and that we have the situation below: 5 . . . 003211 . . . Here the diagram denotes that the Turing machine is positioned at the box with entry 3 and that it is in state 5. We can now study the table which describes the bahaviour of the machine. In the table below, the column on the left represents the possible states of the Turing machine, while the row at the top
This chapter was written at Macquarie University in 1991.


W W L Chen : Discrete Mathematics

represents the alphabet (i.e. the entries in the boxes): 0 . . . 5 . . . 1 2 3


The information 1L2 can be interpreted in the following way: The machine replaces the digit 3 by the digit 1 in the box, moves one position to the left, and changes to state 2. We now have the following situation: 2 . . . 001211 . . . We may now ask when the machine will halt. The simple answer is that the machine may not halt at all. However, we can halt it by sending it to a non-existent state. Example 8.1.2. Suppose that A = {0, 1}, and that we have the situation below: 2 . . . 001011 . . . Suppose further that the behaviour of the Turing machine is described by the table below: 0 0 1 2 3 Then the following happens successively: 3 . . . 011011 . . . 2 . . . 011011 . . . 1 . . . 011011 . . . 0 . . . 010011 . . . 1R0 0R3 1R3 0L1 1 1R4 0R0 1R1 1L2

Chapter 8 : Turing Machines


0 . . . 010111 . . . 4 . . . 010111 . . . The Turing machine now halts. On the other hand, suppose that we start from the situation below: 3 . . . 001011 . . . If the behaviour of the machine is described by the same table above, then the following happens successively: 1 . . . 001011 . . . 3 . . . 001011 . . . The behaviour now repeats, and the machine does not halt.


Design of Turing Machines

We shall adopt the following convention: (1) The states of a k-state Turing machine will be represented by the numbers 0, 1, . . . , k 1, while the non-existent state, denoted by k, will denote the halting state. (2) We shall use the alphabet A = {0, 1}, and represent natural numbers in the unary system. In other words, a tape consisting entirely of 0s will represent the integer 0, while a string of n 1s will represent the integer n. Numbers are also interspaced by single 0s. For example, the string . . . 01111110111111111101001111110101110 . . . will represent the sequence . . . , 6, 10, 1, 0, 6, 1, 3, . . .. Note that there are two successive zeros in the string above. They denote the number 0 in between. (3) We also adopt the convention that if the tape does not consist entirely of 0s, then the Turing machine starts at the left-most 1. (4) The Turing machine starts at state 0. Example 8.2.1. We wish to design a Turing machine to compute the function f (n) = 1 for every n N {0}. We therefore wish to turn the situation 01




W W L Chen : Discrete Mathematics

to the situation 010 (here the vertical arrow denotes the position of the Turing machine). This can be achieved if the Turing machine is designed to change 1s to 0s as it moves towards the right; stop when it encounters the digit 0, replacing it with a single digit 1; and then correctly positioning itself and move on to the halting state. This can be achieved by the table below: 0 0 1 1L1 0R2 1 0R0

Note that the blank denotes a combination that is never reached. Example 8.2.2. We wish to design a Turing machine to compute the function f (n) = n + 1 for every n N {0}. We therefore wish to turn the situation 01 to the situation 01 ...




(i.e. we wish to add an extra 1). This can be achieved if the Turing machine is designed to move towards the right, keeping 1s as 1s; stop when it encounters the digit 0, replacing it with a digit 1; move towards the left to correctly position itself at the rst 1; and then move on to the halting state. This can be achieved by the table below: 0 1 0 1 1L1 0R2 1R0 1L1

Example 8.2.3. We wish to design a Turing machine to compute the function f (n, m) = n + m for every n, m N. We therefore wish to turn the situation 01 to the situation 01









(i.e. we wish to remove the 0 in the middle). This can be achieved if the Turing machine is designed to move towards the right, keeping 1s as 1s; stop when it encounters the digit 0, replacing it with a digit

Chapter 8 : Turing Machines


1; move towards the left and replace the left-most 1 by 0; move one position to the right; and then move on to the halting state. This can be achieved by the table below: 0 0 1 2 1L1 0R2 1 1R0 1L1 0R3

The same result can be achieved if the Turing machine is designed to change the rst 1 to 0; move to the right, keeping 1s as 1s; change the rst 0 it encounters to 1; move to the left to position itself at the left-most 1 remaining; and then move to the halting state. This can be achieved by the table below: 0 0 1 2 1L2 0R3 1 0R1 1R1 1L2

Example 8.2.4. We wish to design a Turing machine to compute the function f (n) = (n, n) for every n N. We therefore wish to turn the situation 01 to the situation 01







(i.e. put down an extra string of 1s of equal length). This turns out to be rather complicated. However, the ideas are rather simple. We shall turn the situation 01 to the situation 01 ...



10 1



by splitting this up further by the inductive step of turning the situation 11

01 to the situation






01 ...







W W L Chen : Discrete Mathematics

(i.e. adding a 1 on the right-hand block and moving the machine one position to the right). This can be achieved by the table below: 0 1 0 1 2 3 4 0R2 1L3 0L4 1R0 0R1 1R1 1R2 1L3 1L4

Note that this is a loop. Note also that we have turned the rst 1 to a 0 to use it as a marker, and then turn it back to 1 later on. It remains to turn the situation 10 1

01 to the situation 01








(i.e. move the Turing machine to its nal position). This can be achieved by the table below (note that we begin this last part at state 0): 0 1 0 5 0L5 0R6 1L5

It now follows that the whole procedure can be achieved by the table below: 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 0L5 0R2 1L3 0L4 1R0 0R6 1 0R1 1R1 1R2 1L3 1L4 1L5


Combining Turing Machines

Example 8.2.4 can be thought of as a situation of having combined two Turing machines using the same alphabet, while carefully labelling the dierent states. This can be made more precise. Suppose that two Turing machines M1 and M2 have k1 and k2 states respectively. We can denote the states of M1 in the usual way by 0, 1, . . . , k1 1, with k1 representing the halting state. We can also change the notation in M2 by denoting the states by k1 , k1 + 1, . . . , k1 + k2 1, with k1 and k1 + k2 representing respectively the starting state and halting state of M2 . Then the composition M1 M2 of the two Turing machines (rst M1 then M2 ) can be described by placing the table for M2 below the table for M1 . Example 8.3.1. We wish to design a Turing machine to compute the function f (n) = 2n for every n N. We can rst use the Turing machine in Example 8.2.4 to obtain the pair (n, n) and then use

Chapter 8 : Turing Machines


the Turing machine in Example 8.2.3 to add n and n. We therefore conclude that either table below is appropriate: 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 0L5 0R2 1L3 0L4 1R0 0R6 1L7 0R8 1 0R1 1R1 1R2 1L3 1L4 1L5 1R6 1L7 0R9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 0 0L5 0R2 1L3 0L4 1R0 0R6 1L8 0R9 1 0R1 1R1 1R2 1L3 1L4 1L5 0R7 1R7 1L8


The Busy Beaver Problem

There are clearly Turing machines that do not halt if we start from a blank tape. For example, those Turing machines that do not contain a halting state will go on for ever. On the other hand, there are also clearly Turing machines which halt if we start from a blank tape. For example, any Turing machine where the next state in every instruction sends the Turing machine to a halting state will halt after one step. For any positive integer n N, consider the collection Tn of all binary Turing machines of n states. It is easy to see that there are 2n instructions of the type aDb, where a {0, 1}, D {L, R} and b {0, 1, . . . , n}, with the convention that state n represents the halting state. The number of choices for any particular instruction is therefore 4(n + 1). It follows that there are at most (4(n + 1))2n dierent Turing machines of n states, so that Tn is a nite collection. Consider now the subcollection Hn of all Turing machines in Tn which will halt if we start from a blank tape. Clearly Hn is a nite collection. It is therefore theoretically possible to count exactly how many steps each Turing machine in Hn takes before it halts, having started from a blank tape. We now let (n) denote the largest count among all Turing machines in Hn . To be more precise, for any Turing machine M which halts when starting from a blank tape, let B(M ) denote the number of steps M takes before it halts. Then (n) = max B(M ).
M Hn

The function : N N is known as the busy beaver function. Our problem is to determine whether there is a computing programme which will give the value (n) for every n N. It turns out that it is logically impossible to have such a computing programme. In other words, the function : N N is non-computable. Note that we are not saying that we cannot compute (n) for any particular n N. What we are saying is that there cannot exist one computing programme that will give (n) for every n N. We shall only attempt to sketch the proof here. The rst step is to observe that the function : N N is strictly increasing. To see that, we shall show that (n + 1) > (n) for every n N. Suppose that M Hn satises B(M ) = (n). We shall use this Turing machine M to construct a Turing machine M Hn+1 . If state n is the halting state of M , then all we need to do to construct M is to add some extra instruction like n 1L(n + 1) 1L(n + 1)

to the Turing machine M . If n + 1 denotes the halting state of M , then clearly M halts, and B(M ) = (n) + 1. On the other hand, we must have B(M ) (n + 1). The inequality (n + 1) > (n) follows immediately.


W W L Chen : Discrete Mathematics

The second step is to observe that any computing programme on any computer can be described in terms of a Turing machine, so it suces to show that no Turing machine can exist to calculate (n) for every n N. The third step is to create a collection of Turing machines as follows: (1) Following Example 8.2.2, we have a Turing machine M1 to compute the function f (n) = n + 1 for every n N {0}, where M1 has 2 states. (2) Following Example 8.3.1, we have a Turing machine M2 to compute the function f (n) = 2n for every n N, where M2 has 9 states. (3) Suppose on the contrary that a Turing machine M exists to compute the function (n) for every n N, and that M has k states. i (4) We then create a Turing machine Si = M1 M2 M ; in other words, the Turing machine Si is obtained by starting with M1 , followed by i copies of M2 and then by M . The Turing machine Si , when started with a blank tape, will clearly halt with the value (2i ); in other words, with (2i ) successive 1s on the tape. This will take at least (2i ) steps to achieve. However, what we have constructed is a Turing machine Si with 2 + 9i + k states and which will halt only after at least (2i ) steps. It follows that (2i ) (2 + 9i + k). (1)

However, the expression 2 + 9i + k is linear in i, so that 2i > 2 + 9i + k for all suciently large i. It follows that (1) contradicts our earlier observation that the function : N N is strictly increasing. The contradiction arises from the assumption that a Turing machine of the type M exists.


The Halting Problem

Related to the busy beaver problem above is the halting problem. Is there a computing programme which can determine, given any Turing machine and any input, whether the Turing machine will halt? Again, it turns out that it is logically impossible to have such a computing programme. As before, it suces to show that no Turing machine can exist to undertake this task. We shall conne our discussion to sketching a proof. Suppose on the contrary that such a Turing machine S exists. Then given any n N, we can use S to examine the nitely many Turing machines in Tn and determine all those which will halt when started with a blank tape. These will then form the subcollection Hn . We can then simulate the running of each of these Turing machines in Hn to determine the value of (n). In short, the existence of the Turing machine S will imply the existence of a computing programme to calculate (n) for every n N. It therefore follows from our observation in the last section that S cannot possibly exist.

Problems for Chapter 8 1. Design a Turing machine to compute the function f (n) = n 3 for every n {4, 5, 6, . . .}. 2. Design a Turing machine to compute the function f (n, m) = (n + m, 1) for every n, m N {0}. 3. Design a Turing machine to compute the function f (n) = 3n for every n N. 4. Design a Turing machine to compute the function f (n1 , . . . , nk ) = n1 + . . . + nk + k for every k, n1 , . . . , nk N.

Chapter 8 : Turing Machines


5. Let k N be xed. Design a Turing machine to compute the function f (n1 , . . . , nk ) = n1 +. . .+nk +k for every n1 , . . . , nk N {0}.

W W L Chen and Macquarie University, 1991.

This work is available free, in the hope that it will be useful. Any part of this work may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or any information storage and retrieval system, with or without permission from the author.

Chapter 9


Addition Groups of Integers

Example 9.1.1. Consider the set Z5 = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4}, together with addition modulo 5. We have the following addition table: + 0 1 2 3 4 0 1 2 3 4 It is easy (1) (2) (3) (4) 0 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 0 2 3 4 0 1 3 4 0 1 2 4 0 1 2 3

to see that the following hold: For every x, y Z5 , we have x + y Z5 . For every x, y, z Z5 , we have (x + y) + z = x + (y + z). For every x Z5 , we have x + 0 = 0 + x = x. For every x Z5 , there exists x Z5 such that x + x = x + x = 0.

Definition. A set G, together with a binary operation , is said to form a group, denoted by (G, ), if the following properties are satised: (G1) (CLOSURE) For every x, y G, we have x y G. (G2) (ASSOCIATIVITY) For every x, y, z G, we have (x y) z = x (y z). (G3) (IDENTITY) There exists e G such that x e = e x = x for every x G. (G4) (INVERSE) For every x G, there exists an element x G such that x x = x x = e.
This chapter was written at Macquarie University in 1991.


W W L Chen : Discrete Mathematics

Here, we are not interested in studying groups in general. Instead, we shall only concentrate on groups that arise from sets of the form Zk = {0, 1, . . . , k 1} and their subsets, under addition or multiplication modulo k. It is not dicult to see that for every k N, the set Zk forms a group under addition modulo k. Conditions (G1) and (G2) follow from the corresponding conditions for ordinary addition and results on congruences modulo k. The identity is clearly 0. Furthermore, 0 is its own inverse, while every x = 0 clearly has inverse k x. PROPOSITION 9A. For every k N, the set Zk forms a group under addition modulo k.

We shall now concentrate on the group Z2 under addition modulo 2. Clearly we have 0+0=1+1=0 and 0 + 1 = 1 + 0 = 1.

In coding theory, messages will normally be sent as nite strings of 0s and 1s. It is therefore convenient to use the digit 1 to denote an error, since adding 1 modulo 2 changes the number, and adding another 1 modulo 2 has the eect of undoing this change. On the other hand, we also need to consider nitely many copies of Z2 . Suppose that n N is xed. Consider the cartesian product Zn = Z2 . . . Z2 2

of n copies of Z2 . We can dene addition in Zn by coordinate-wise addition modulo 2. In other words, 2 for every (x1 , . . . , xn ), (y1 , . . . , yn ) Zn , we have 2 (x1 , . . . , xn ) + (y1 , . . . , yn ) = (x1 + y1 , . . . , xn + yn ). It is an easy exercise to prove the following result. PROPOSITION 9B. modulo 2. For every n N, the set Zn forms a group under coordinate-wise addition 2


Multiplication Groups of Integers

Example 9.2.1. Consider the set Z4 = {0, 1, 2, 3}, together with multiplication modulo 4. We have the following multiplication table: 0 1 2 3 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 2 3 2 0 2 0 2 3 0 3 2 1

It is clear that we cannot have a group. The number 1 is the only possible identity, but then the numbers 0 and 2 have no inverse. Example 9.2.2. Consider the set Zk = {0, 1 . . . , k 1}, together with multiplication modulo k. Again it is clear that we cannot have a group. The number 1 is the only possible identity, but then the number 0 has no inverse. Also, any proper divisor of k has no inverse.

Chapter 9 : Groups and Modulo Arithmetic


It follows that if we consider any group under multiplication modulo k, then we must at least remove every element of Zk which does not have a multiplicative inverse modulo k. We then end up with the subset Z = {x Zk : xu = 1 for some u Zk }. k Example 9.2.3. Consider the subset Z = {1, 3, 7, 9} of Z10 . It is fairly easy to check that Z , 10 10 together with multiplication modulo 10, forms a group of 4 elements. In fact, we have the following group table: 1 3 7 9 1 3 7 9 1 3 7 9 3 9 1 7 7 1 9 3 9 7 3 1

PROPOSITION 9C. For every k N, the set Z forms a group under multiplication modulo k. k Proof. Condition (G2) follows from the corresponding condition for ordinary multiplication and results on congruences modulo k. The identity is clearly 1. Inverses exist by denition. It remains to prove (G1). Suppose that x, y Z . Then there exist u, v Zk such that xu = yv = 1. Clearly (xy)(uv) = 1 k and uv Zk . Hence xy Z . k PROPOSITION 9D. For every k N, we have Z = {x Zk : (x, k) = 1}. k Proof. Recall Theorem 4H. There exist u, v Z such that (x, k) = xu+kv. It follows that if (x, k) = 1, then xu = 1 modulo k, so that x Z . On the other hand, if (x, k) = m > 1, then for any u Zk , we k have xu {0, m, 2m, . . . , k m}, so that xu = 1 modulo k, whence x Z . k


Group Homomorphism

In coding theory, we often consider functions of the form : Zm Zn , where m, n N and n > m. 2 2 Here, we think of Zm and Zn as groups described by Proposition 9B. In particular, we are interested in 2 2 the special case when the range C = (Zm ) forms a group under coordinate-wise addition modulo 2 in 2 Zn . Instead of checking whether this is a group, we often check whether the function : Zm Zn is a 2 2 2 group homomorphism. Essentially, a group homomorphism carries some of the group structure from its domain to its range, enough to show that its range is a group. To motivate this idea, we consider the following example. Example 9.3.1. If we compare the additive group (Z4 , +) and the multiplicative group (Z10 , ), then there does not seem to be any similarity between the group tables: + 0 1 2 3 0 0 1 2 3 1 1 2 3 0 2 2 3 0 1 3 3 0 1 2 1 3 7 9 1 1 3 7 9 3 3 9 1 7 7 7 1 9 3 9 9 7 3 1


W W L Chen : Discrete Mathematics

However, if we alter the order in which we list the elements of Z , then we have the following: 10 + 0 1 2 3 0 0 1 2 3 1 1 2 3 0 2 2 3 0 1 3 3 0 1 2 1 7 9 3 1 1 7 9 3 7 7 9 3 1 9 9 3 1 7 3 3 1 7 9

They share the common group table (with identity e) below: e a b c e e a b c a a b c e b b c e a c c e a b

We therefore conclude that (Z4 , +) and (Z , ) have a great deal in common. Indeed, we can imagine 10 that a function : Z4 Z , dened by 10 (0) = 1, may have some nice properties. Definition. Suppose that (G, ) and (H, ) are groups. A function : G H is said to be a group homomorphism if the following condition is satised: (HOM) For every x, y G, we have (x y) = (x) (y). Definition. Suppose that (G, ) and (H, ) are groups. A function : G H is said to be a group isomorphism if the following conditions are satised: (IS1) : G H is a group homomorphism. (IS2) : G H is one-to-one. (IS3) : G H is onto. Definition. : G H. We say that two groups G and H are isomorphic if there exists a group isomorphism The groups (Z4 , +) and (Z , ) are isomorphic. 10 (1) = 7, (2) = 9, (3) = 3,

Example 9.3.2.

Example 9.3.3. The groups (Z2 , +) and ({1}, ) are isomorphic. Simply dene : Z2 {1} by (0) = 1 and (1) = 1. Example 9.3.4. Consider the groups (Z, +) and (Z4 , +). Dene : Z Z4 in the following way. For each x Z, let (x) Z4 satisfy (x) x (mod 4), when (x) is interpreted as an element of Z. It is not dicult to check that : Z Z4 is a group homomorphism. This is called reduction modulo 4. We state without proof the following result which is crucial in coding theory. THEOREM 9E. Suppose that : Zm Zn is a group homomorphism. Then C = (Zm ) forms a 2 2 2 group under coordinate-wise addition modulo 2 in Zn . 2 Remark. The general form of Theorem 9E is the following: Suppose that (G, ) and (H, ) are groups, and that : G H is a group homomorphism. Then the range (G) = {(x) : x G} forms a group under the operation of H.

Chapter 9 : Groups and Modulo Arithmetic


Problems for Chapter 9 1. Suppose that : G H and : H K are group homomorphisms. Prove that : G K is a group homomorphism. 2. Prove Theorem 9E.

W W L Chen and Macquarie University, 1991.

This work is available free, in the hope that it will be useful. Any part of this work may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or any information storage and retrieval system, with or without permission from the author.

Chapter 10



The purpose of this chapter and the next two is to give an introduction to algebraic coding theory, which was inspired by the work of Golay and Hamming. The study will involve elements of algebra, probability and combinatorics. Consider the transmission of a message in the form of a string of 0s and 1s. There may be interference (noise), and a dierent message may be received, so we need to address the problem of accuracy. On the other hand, certain information may be extremely sensitive, so we need to address the problem of security. We shall be concerned with the problem of accuracy in this chapter and the next. In Chapter 12, we shall discuss a simple version of a security code. Here we begin by looking at an example. Example 10.1.1. Suppose that we send the string w = 0101100. Then we can identify this string with the element w = (0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0) of the cartesian product Z7 = Z2 . . . Z2 . 2

Suppose now that the message received is the string v = 0111101. We can now identify this string with the element v = (0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1) Z7 . Also, we can think of the error as e = (0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1) Z7 , 2 2 where an entry 1 will indicate an error in transmission (so we know that the 3rd and 7th entries have been incorrectly received while all other entries have been correctly received). Note that if we interpret w, v and e as elements of the group Z7 with coordinate-wise addition modulo 2, then we have 2 w + v = e, w + e = v, v + e = w.
This chapter was written at Macquarie University in 1991.


W W L Chen : Discrete Mathematics

Suppose now that for each digit of w, there is a probability p of incorrect transmission. Suppose we also assume that the transmission of any signal does not in any way depend on the transmission of prior signals. Then the probability of having the error e = (0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1) is (1 p)2 p(1 p)3 p = p2 (1 p)5 . We now formalize the above. Suppose that we send the string w = w1 . . . wn {0, 1}n . We identify this string with the element w = (w1 , . . . , wn ) of the cartesian product Zn = Z2 . . . Z2 . 2

Suppose now that the message received is the string v = v1 . . . vn {0, 1}n . We identify this string with the element v = (v1 , . . . , vn ) Zn . Then the error e = (e1 , . . . , en ) Zn is dened by 2 2 e=w+v if we interpret w, v and e as elements of the group Zn with coordinate-wise addition modulo 2. Note 2 also that w + e = v and v + e = w. We shall make no distinction between the strings w, v, e {0, 1}n and their corresponding elements w, v, e Zn , and shall henceforth abuse notation and write w, v, e Zn and e = w + v to mean 2 2 w, v, e Zn and e = w + v respectively. 2 PROPOSITION 10A. Suppose that w Zn . Suppose further that for each digit of w, there is a 2 probability p of incorrect transmission, and that the transmission of any signal does not in any way depend on the transmission of prior signals. (a) The probability of the string e Zn having a particular pattern which consists of k 1s and (n k) 2 0s is pk (1 p)nk . (b) The probability of the string e Zn having exactly k 1s is 2 n k p (1 p)nk . k Proof. (a) The probability of the k xed positions all having entries 1 is pk , and the probability of the remaining positions all having entries 0 is (1 p)nk . The result follows. (b) Note that there are exactly n patterns of the string e Zn with exactly k 1s. 2 k Note now that if p is small, then the probability of having 2 errors in the received signal is negligible compared to the probability of having 1 error in the received signal.


Improvement to Accuracy

One way to decrease the possibility of error is to use extra digits. Suppose that m N, and that we wish to transmit strings in Zm , of length m. 2 (1) We shall rst of all add, or concatenate, extra digits to each string in Zm in order to make 2 it a string in Zn , of length n. This process is known as encoding and is represented by a function 2 : Zm Zn . The set C = (Zm ) is called the code, and its elements are called the code words. 2 2 2 (2) To ensure that dierent strings do not end up the same during encoding, we must ensure that the function : Zm Zn is one-to-one. 2 2 (3) Suppose now that w Zm , and that c = (w) Zn . Suppose further that during transmission, 2 2 the string c Zn is received as (c). As errors may occur during transmission, is not a function. 2

Chapter 10 : Introduction to Coding Theory


(4) On receipt of the transmission, we now want to decode the message (c) (in the hope that it is actually c) to recover w. This is known as the decoding process, and is represented by a function : Zn Zm . 2 2 (5) Ideally the composition should be the identity function. As this cannot be achieved, we hope to nd two functions : Zm Zn and : Zn Zm so that ( )(w) = w or the error 2 2 2 2 (c) = c can be detected with a high probability. (6) This scheme is known as the (n, m) block code. The ratio m/n is known as the rate of the code, and measures the eciency of our scheme. Naturally, we hope that it will not be necessary to add too many digits during encoding. Example 10.2.1. Consider an (8, 7) block code. Dene the encoding function : Z7 Z8 in the 2 2 following way: For each string w = w1 . . . w7 Z7 , let (w) = w1 . . . w7 w8 , where the extra digit 2 w8 = w1 + . . . + w7 (mod 2). It is easy to see that for every w Z7 , the string (w) always contains an 2 even number of 1s. It follows that a single error in transmission will always be detected. Note, however, that while an error may be detected, we have no way to correct it. Example 10.2.2. Consider next a (21, 7) block code. Dene the encoding function : Z7 Z21 2 2 in the following way. For each string w = w1 . . . w7 Z7 , let c = (w) = w1 . . . w7 w1 . . . w7 w1 . . . w7 ; 2 in other words, we repeat the string two more times. After transmission, suppose that the string (c) = v1 . . . v7 v1 . . . v7 v1 . . . v7 . We now use the decoding function : Z21 Z7 , where 2 2 (v1 . . . v7 v1 . . . v7 v1 . . . v7 ) = u1 . . . u7 , and where, for every j = 1, . . . , 7, the digit uj is equal to the majority of the three entries vj , vj and vj . It follows that if at most one entry among vj , vj and vj is dierent from wj , then we still have uj = wj .


The Hamming Metric

In this section, we discuss some ideas due to Hamming. Throughout this section, we have n N. Definition. Suppose that x = x1 . . . xn Zn . Then the weight of x is given by 2 (x) = |{j = 1, . . . , n : xj = 1}|; in other words, (x) denotes the number of non-zero entries among the digits of x. Definition. Suppose that x = x1 . . . xn Zn and y = y1 . . . yn Zn . Then the distance between x 2 2 and y is given by (x, y) = |{j = 1, . . . , n : xj = yj }|; in other words, (x, y) denotes the number of pairs of corresponding entries of x and y which are dierent. PROPOSITION 10B. Suppose that x, y Zn . Then (x, y) = (x + y). 2

Proof. Note simply that xj = yj if and only if xj + yj = 1. PROPOSITION 10C. Suppose that x, y Zn . Then (x + y) (x) + (y). 2 Proof. Suppose that x = x1 . . . xn and y = y1 . . . yn . Let x + y = z1 . . . zn . It is easy to check that for every j = 1, . . . , n, we have zj xj + yj , (1) where the addition + on the right-hand side of (1) is ordinary addition. The required result follows easily.


W W L Chen : Discrete Mathematics

PROPOSITION 10D. The distance function : Zn Zn N{0} satises the following conditions. 2 2 For every x, y, z Zn , 2 (a) (x, y) 0; (b) (x, y) = 0 if and only if x = y; (c) (x, y) = (y, x); and (d) (x, z) (x, y) + (y, z). Proof. The proof of (a)(c) is straightforward. To prove (d), note that in Zn , we have y + y = 0. It 2 follows that (x + z) = (x + y + y + z) (x + y) + (y + z). (d) follows on noting Proposition 10C. Remark. The pair (Zn , ) is an example of a metric space, and the function is usually called the 2 Hamming metric. Definition. Suppose that k N, and that x Zn . Then the set 2 B(x, k) = {y Zn : (x, y) k} 2 is called the closed ball with centre x and radius k. Example 10.3.1. Suppose that n = 5 and k = 1. Then B(10101, 1) = {10101, 00101, 11101, 10001, 10111, 10100}.

The key ideas in this section are summarized by the following result. THEOREM 10E. Suppose that m, n N and n > m. Consider an encoding function : Zm Zn , 2 2 and let C = (Zm ). 2 (a) Suppose that (x, y) > k for all strings x, y C with x = y. Then a transmission with (c, (c)) k can always be detected; in other words, a transmission with at most k errors can always be detected. (b) Suppose that (x, y) > 2k for all strings x, y C with x = y. Then a transmission with (c, (c)) k can always be detected and corrected; in other words, a transmission with at most k errors can always be detected and corrected. Proof. (a) Since (x, y) > k for all strings x, y C with x = y, it follows that for every c C, we must have B(c, k) C = {c}. It follows that with a transmission with at least 1 and at most k errors, we must have (c) = c and (c) B(c, k). It follows that (c) C. (b) In view of (a), clearly any transmission with at least 1 and at most k errors can be detected. On the other hand, for any x C with x = c, we have 2k < (c, x) (c, (c)) + ( (c), x). Since (c, (c)) k, we must have, for any x C with x = c, that (x, (c)) > k, so that (c) B(x, k). Hence we know precisely which element of C has given rise to (c).

Problems for Chapter 10 1. Consider the (8, 7) block code discussed in Section 10.2. Check the following messages for possible errors: a) 10110101 b) 01010101 c) 11111101 2. Consider the (21, 7) block code discussed in Section 10.2. Decode the strings below: a) 101011010101101010110 b) 110010111001111110101 c) 011110101111110111101

Chapter 10 : Introduction to Coding Theory


3. For each of the following encoding functions, nd the minimum distance between code words. Discuss also the error-detecting and error-correcting capabilities of each code: a) : Z2 Z24 b) : Z3 Z7 2 2 2 2 00 000000000000000000000000 000 0001110 001 0010011 01 111111111111000000000000 010 0100101 011 0111000 10 000000000000111111111111 100 1001001 101 1010101 11 111111111111111111111111 110 1100010 111 1110000

W W L Chen and Macquarie University, 1991.

This work is available free, in the hope that it will be useful. Any part of this work may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or any information storage and retrieval system, with or without permission from the author.

Chapter 11



In this section, we investigate how elementary group theory enables us to study coding theory more easily. Throughout this section, we assume that m, n N with n > m. Definition. Suppose that : Zm Zn is an encoding function. Then we say that C = (Zm ) is a 2 2 2 group code if C forms a group under coordinate-wise addition modulo 2 in Zn . 2 We denote by 0 the identity element of the group Zn . Clearly 0 is the string of n 0s in Zn . 2 2 THEOREM 11A. Suppose that : Zm Zn is an encoding function, and that C = (Zm ) is a 2 2 2 group code. Then min{(x, y) : x, y C and x = y} = min{(x) : x C and x = 0}; in other words, the minimum distance between strings in C is equal to the minimum weight of non-zero strings in C. Proof. Suppose that a, b, c C satisfy (a, b) = min{(x, y) : x, y C and x = y} and (c) = min{(x) : x C and x = 0}.

We shall prove that (a, b) = (c) by showing that (a) (a, b) (c); and (b) (a, b) (c). (a) Since C is a group, the identity element 0 C. It follows that (c) = (c, 0) {(x, y) : x, y C and x = y}, so (c) (a, b).
This chapter was written at Macquarie University in 1991.


W W L Chen : Discrete Mathematics


Note that (a, b) = (a + b), and that a + b C since C is a group and a, b C. Hence (a, b) = (a + b) {(x) : x C and x = 0},

so (a, b) (c). Note that in view of Theorem 11A, we need at most (|C| 1) calculations in order to calculate the minimum distance between code words in C, compared to |C| calculations. It is therefore clearly of 2 benet to ensure that C is a group. This can be achieved with relative ease if we recall Theorem 9E which we restate below in a slightly dierent form. THEOREM 11B. Suppose that : Zm Zn is an encoding function. Then the code C = (Zm ) is 2 2 2 a group code if : Zm Zn is a group homomorphism. 2 2


Matrix Codes An Example string w Z3 by (w) = wG, where w is 2 0 1. 1

Consider an encoding function : Z3 Z6 , given for each 2 2 considered as a row vector and where 1 0 0 1 1 G = 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 Since


Z3 = {000, 001, 010, 011, 100, 101, 110, 111}, 2 it follows that C = (Z3 ) = {000000, 001101, 010011, 011110, 100110, 101011, 110101, 111000}. 2 Note that (x, y) > 2 for all strings x, y C with x = y. It follows from Theorem 10E that any transmission with single error can always be detected and corrected. Note that if w = w1 w2 w3 , then 1 0 0 1 1 0 (w) = ( w1 w2 w3 ) 0 1 0 0 1 1 = ( w1 w2 w3 w4 w5 w6 ) , 0 0 1 1 0 1 where w4 = w1 + w3 , w5 = w1 + w2 , w6 = w2 + w3 . Since 1 + 1 = 0 in Z2 , the system (2) can be rewritten in the form w1 + w3 + w4 = 0, w1 + w2 + w5 = 0, w2 + w3 + w6 = 0; or, in matrix notation, 1 1 0 0 0 ( w1 1 0 w6 ) = 0 . 0


0 1 1

1 0 1

1 0 0

0 1 0






Chapter 11 : Group Codes



1 H = 1 0

0 1 1

1 0 1

1 0 0

0 1 0

0 0. 1

Then the matrices G and H are related in the following way. If we write G = (I3 |A) and H = (B|I3 ),

then the matrices A and B are transposes of each other; in other words, B = At . Note now that if c = c1 c2 c3 c4 c5 c6 C, then 0 Hct = 0 . 0


Note, however, that (4) does not imply that c C. Consider next the situation when the message (c) = 101110 is received instead of the message c = 100110, so that there is an error in the third digit. Then 1 H( (c))t = 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0(1 1 1 t 0) = 0. 1


Note that H( (c))t is exactly the third column of the matrix H. Note also that (c) = c + e, where e = 001000. It follows that H( (c))t = H(c + e)t = H(ct + et ) = Hct + Het 0 t = 0 + H(0 0 1 0 0 0) . 0 Hence (5) is not a coincidence. Note now that if we change the third digit of (c), then we recover c. However, this method, while eective if the transmission contains at most one error, ceases to be eective if the transmission contains two or more errors. Consider the string v = 101110. Then writing c = 100110 and c = 011110, we have e = v + c = 001000 and e = v + c = 110000. Hence if the transmission contains possibly two errors, then we may have v = (c ) or v = (c ); we shall not be able to decide which is the case. Our method will give c but not c .


Matrix Codes The General Case

We now summarize the ideas behind the example in the last section. Suppose that m, n N, and that n > m. Consider an encoding function : Zm Zn , given for each string w Zm by (w) = wG, 2 2 2 where w is considered as a row vector and where, corresponding to (1) above, G is an m n matrix over Z2 . The matrix G is called the generator matrix for the code C, and has the form G = (Im |A), where A is an m (n m) matrix over Z2 . The code is given by C = (Zm ) Zn . 2 2 We also consider the (n m) n matrix H = (B|Inm ),


W W L Chen : Discrete Mathematics

where B = At . This is known as the parity check matrix. Note that if w = w1 . . . wm Zm , then 2 (w) = w1 . . . wm wm+1 . . . wn , where, corresponding to (3) above, H ( w1 ... wm wm+1 ... wn ) = 0,

with 0 denoting the (n m)-dimensional column zero vector. THEOREM 11C. In the notation of this section, consider a generator matrix G and its associated parity check matrix H. Suppose that the following two conditions are satised: (a) The matrix H does not contain a column of 0s. (b) The matrix H does not contain two identical columns. Then the distance (x, y) > 2 for all strings x, y C with x = y. In other words, (w G, w G) > 2 for every w , w Zm with w = w . In particular, single errors in transmission can be corrected. 2 Proof. It is sucient to show that the minimum distance between dierent strings in C is not 1 or 2. (a) Suppose that the minimum distance is 1. Let x, y C be strings such that (x, y) = 1. Then y = x + e, where the string e has weight w(e) = 1, so that 0 = Hy t = Hxt + Het = Het , a column of H. But H has no zero column. (b) Suppose now that the minimum distance is 2. Let x and y be strings such that (x, y) = 2. Then there exist distinct strings e and e with w(e ) = w(e ) = 1 and x + e = y + e , so that H(e )t = Hxt + H(e )t = Hy t + H(e )t = H(e )t . The left-hand side and right-hand side represent dierent columns of H. But no two columns of H are the same. The result now follows from the case k = 1 of Theorem 10E(b). We then proceed in the following way. DECODING ALGORITHM. Suppose that the string v Zn is received. 2 (1) If Hv t = 0, then we feel that the transmission is correct. The decoded message consists of the rst m digits of the string v. (2) If Hv t is identical to the j-th column of H, then we feel that there is a single error in the transmission and alter the j-th digit of the string v. The decoded message consists of the rst m digits of the altered string v. (3) If cases (1) and (2) do not apply, then we feel that there are at least two errors in the transmission. We have no reliable way of decoding the string v. We conclude this section by showing that the encoding functions obtained by generator matrices G discussed in this section give rise to group codes. PROPOSITION 11D. Suppose that : Zm Zn is an encoding function given by a generator 2 2 matrix G = (Im |A), where A is an m (n m) matrix over Z2 . Then : Zm Zn is a group 2 2 homomorphism and C = (Zm ) is a group code. 2 Proof. For every x, y Zm , we clearly have 2 (x + y) = (x + y)G = xG + yG = (x) + (y), so that : Zm Zn is a group homomorphism. The result now follows from Theorem 11B. 2 2

Chapter 11 : Group Codes



Hamming Codes 0 0. 1

Consider the matrix

1 H = 1 1

1 1 0

0 1 1

1 0 1

1 0 0

0 1 0

Note that no non-zero column can be added without resulting in two identical columns. It follows that the number of columns is maximal if H is to be the associated parity check matrix of some generator matrix G. The matrix H here is in fact the associated parity check matrix of the generator matrix 1 0 G= 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 1

of an encoding function : Z4 Z7 , giving rise to a (7, 4) group code. On the other hand, H is 2 2 determined by 3 parity check equations. Let us alter our viewpoint somewhat from before. Suppose that k N and k 3, and that we start with k parity check equations. Then the parity check matrix H has k rows. The maximal number of columns of the matrix H without having a column of 0s or having two identical columns is 2k 1. Then H = (B|Ik ), where the matrix B is a k (2k 1 k) matrix. Hence H is the associated parity check matrix of G = (Im |A), where m = 2k 1 k and where A = B t is an m k matrix. It is easy to see that G gives rise to a (2k 1, 2k 1 k) group code; this code is known as a Hamming code. The matrix H is known as a Hamming matrix. Note that the rate of the code is 2k 1 k k =1 k 1 k 1 2 2 1 With k = 4, a possible Hamming matrix is 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 . 0 1 as k .

Example 11.4.1.

With k = 5, a possible Hamming matrix is 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0. 0 1

The rate of the two codes are 11/15 and 26/31 respectively. In view of Theorem 11C, it is clear that for a Hamming code, the minimum distance between code words is at least 3. We shall now show that for any Hamming code, the minimum distance between code words is exactly 3. THEOREM 11E. In the notation of this section, suppose that k N and k 3, and consider a Hamming code given by generator matrix G and its associated parity check matrix H. Then there exist strings x, y C such that (x, y) = 3.


W W L Chen : Discrete Mathematics

Proof. With given k, let m = 2k 1 k and n = 2k 1. Then the Hamming code has an encoding function of the type : Zm Nn . It follows that the elements of the code C are strings of length n. 2 2 Let x C. Then there are exactly n strings z Zn satisfying (x, z) = 1. It follows that the closed 2 ball B(x, 1) has exactly n + 1 = 2k elements. Suppose now that x, y C are dierent code words. Let z B(x, 1) and let u B(y, 1). Then it follows from Proposition 10D(d) that 3 (x, y) (x, z) + (z, u) + (u, y) 1 + (z, u) + 1, so that (z, u) 1, and so z = u. It follows that B(x, 1) B(y, 1) = . Note now that for each x C, we have B(x, 1) Zn . On the other hand, C has 2m elements, so that the union 2 B(x, 1)

has 2m 2k = 2n elements. It follows that B(x, 1) = Zn . 2



Now choose any x C, and let e Zn satisfy (e) = 2, and consider the element z = x + e. Since 2 (x, z) = 2, it follows that z C. In view of (6), there exists y C such that z B(y, 1). We therefore must have (z, y) = 1. Finally it follows from Proposition 10D(d) that (x, y) (x, z) + (z, y) = 3. The result follows on noting that we also have (x, y) 3. It now follows that for a Hamming code, the minimum distance between code words is exactly 3. Furthermore, the decoding algorithm guarantees that any message containing exactly one error can be corrected. However, it also guarantees that any message containing exactly two errors will be decoded wrongly!


Polynomials in Z2 [X] We denote by Z2 [X] the set of all polynomials of the form (k N {0} and p0 , . . . , pk Z2 );


p(X) = pk X k + pk1 X k1 + . . . + p1 X + p0

in other words, Z2 [X] denotes the set of all polynomials in variable X and with coecients in Z2 . Suppose further that pk = 1. Then X k is called the leading term of the polynomial p(X), and k is called the degree of the polynomial p(X). In this case, we write k = deg p(X). Remark. We have dened the degree of any non-zero constant polynomial to be 0. Note, however, that we have not dened the degree of the constant polynomial 0. The reason for this will become clear from Proposition 11F. Definition. Suppose that p(X) = pk X k + pk1 X k1 + . . . + p1 X + p0 and q(X) = qm X m + qm1 X m1 + . . . + q1 X + q0 are two polynomials in Z2 [X]. Then we write p(X) + q(X) = (pn + qn )X n + (pn1 + qn1 )X n1 + . . . + (p1 + q1 )X + (p0 + q0 ), (7)

Chapter 11 : Group Codes


where n = max{k, m}. Furthermore, we write p(X)q(X) = rk+m X k+m + rk+m1 X k+m1 + . . . + r1 X + r0 , where, for every s = 0, 1, . . . , k + m, rs =
j=0 s


pj qsj .


Here, we adopt the convention that addition and multiplication is carried out modulo 2, and pj = 0 for every j > k and qj = 0 for every j > m. Example 11.5.1. Suppose that p(X) = X 2 + 1 and q(X) = X 3 + X + 1. Note that k = 2, p0 = 1, p1 = 0 and p2 = 1. Note also that m = 3, q0 = 1, q1 = 1, q2 = 0 and q3 = 1. If we adopt the convention, then k + m = 5 and p3 = p4 = p5 = q4 = q5 = 0. Now p(X) + q(X) = (0 + 1)X 3 + (1 + 0)X 2 + (0 + 1)X + (1 + 1) = X 3 + X 2 + X. On the other hand, r5 = p0 q5 + p1 q4 + p2 q3 + p3 q2 + p4 q1 + p5 q0 = p2 q3 = 1, r4 = p0 q4 + p1 q3 + p2 q2 + p3 q1 + p4 q0 = p1 q3 + p2 q2 = 0 + 0 = 0, r3 = p0 q3 + p1 q2 + p2 q1 + p3 q0 = p0 q3 + p1 q2 + p2 q1 = 1 + 0 + 1 = 0, r2 = p0 q2 + p1 q1 + p2 q0 = 0 + 0 + 1 = 1, r1 = p0 q1 + p1 q0 = 1 + 0 = 1, r0 = p0 q0 = 1, so that p(X)q(X) = X 5 + X 2 + X + 1. Note that our technique for multiplication is really just a more formal version of the usual technique involving distribution, as p(X)q(X) = (X 2 + 1)(X 3 + X + 1) = (X 2 + 1)X 3 + (X 2 + 1)X + (X 2 + 1) = (X 5 + X 3 ) + (X 3 + X) + (X 2 + 1) = X 5 + X 2 + X + 1. The following result follows immediately from the denitions. For technical reasons, we dene deg 0 = , where 0 represents the constant zero polynomial. PROPOSITION 11F. Suppose that p(X) = pk X k + pk1 X k1 + . . . + p1 X + p0 and q(X) = qm X m + qm1 X m1 + . . . + q1 X + q0 are two polynomials in Z2 [X]. Suppose that pk = 1 and qm = 1, so that deg p(X) = k and deg q(X) = m. Then (a) deg p(X)q(X) = k + m; and (b) deg(p(X) + q(X)) max{k, m}. Proof. (a) It follows from (8) and (9) that the leading term of p(X)q(X) is rk+m X k+m , where rk+m = p0 qk+m + . . . + pk1 qm+1 + pk qm + pk+1 qm1 + . . . + pk+m q0 = pk qm = 1. Hence deg p(X)q(X) = k + m.


W W L Chen : Discrete Mathematics

(b) Recall (7) and that n = max{k, m}. If pn + qn = 1, then deg(p(X) + q(X)) = n = max{k, m}. If pn + qn = 0 and p(X) + q(X) is non-zero, then there is a largest j < n such that pj + qj = 1, so that deg(p(X) + q(X)) = j < n = max{k, m}. On the other hand, if pn + qn = 0 and p(X) + q(X) is the zero polynomial 0, then deg(p(X) + q(X)) = < max{k, m}. Remark. If p(X) is the zero polynomial, then p(X)q(X) is also the zero polynomial. Note now that deg p(X)q(X) = = + deg q(X) = deg p(X) + deg q(X). A similar argument applies if q(X) is the zero polynomial. Recall Theorem 4A, that it is possible to divide an integer b by a positive integer a to get a main term q and remainder r, where 0 r < a. In other words, we can nd q, r Z such that b = aq + r and 0 r < a. In fact, q and r are uniquely determined by a and b. Note that what governs the remainder r is the restriction 0 r < a; in other words, the size of r. If one is to propose a theory of division in Z2 [X], then one needs to nd some way to measure the size of polynomials. This role is played by the degree. Let us now see what we can do. Example 11.5.2. Let us attempt to divide the polynomial b(X) = X 4 + X 3 + X 2 + 1 by the non-zero polynomial a(X) = X 2 + 1. Then we can perform long division in a way similar to long division for integers. X 2+ X X 2 + 0X+ 1 ) X 4 + X 3 + X 2 + 0X+ X 4 +0X 3+ X 2 X 3 +0X 2+ 0X X 3 +0X 2+ X X+ 1

If we now write q(X) = X 2 + X and r(X) = X + 1, then b(X) = a(X)q(X) + r(X). Note that deg r(X) < deg a(X). We can therefore think of q(X) as the main term and r(X) as the remainder. If we think of the degree as a measure of size, then the remainder r(X) is clearly smaller than a(X). In general, we have the following important result. PROPOSITION 11G. Suppose that a(X), b(X) Z2 [X], and that a(X) = 0. Then there exist unique polynomials q(X), r(X) Z2 [X] such that b(X) = a(X)q(X) + r(X), where either r(X) = 0 or deg r(X) < deg a(X). Proof. Consider all polynomials of the form b(X) a(X)Q(X), where Q(X) Z2 [X]. If there exists q(X) Z2 [X] such that b(X) a(X)q(X) = 0, our proof is complete. Suppose now that b(X) a(X)Q(X) = 0 for any Q(X) Z2 [X]. Then among all polynomials of the form b(X)a(X)Q(X), where Q(X) Z2 [X], there must be one with smallest degree. More precisely, m = min{deg(b(X) a(X)Q(X)) : Q(X) Z2 [X]} exists. Let q(X) Z2 [X] satisfy deg(b(X) a(X)q(X)) = m, and let r(X) = b(X) a(X)q(X). Then deg r(X) < deg a(X), for otherwise, writing a(X) = X n + . . . + a1 x + a0 and r(X) = X m + . . . + r1 x + r0 , where m n and noting that an = rm = 1, we have r(X) X mn a(X) = b(X) a(X) q(X) + X mn Z2 [X]. Clearly deg(r(X) X mn a(X)) < deg r(X), contradicting the minimality of m. On the other hand, suppose that q1 (X), q2 (X) Z2 [X] satisfy deg(b(X) a(X)q1 (X)) = m and deg(b(X) a(X)q2 (X)) = m.

Chapter 11 : Group Codes


Let r1 (X) = b(X) a(X)q1 (X) and r2 (X) = b(X) a(X)q2 (X). Then r1 (X) r2 (X) = a(X)(q2 (X) q1 (X)). If q1 (X) = q2 (X), then deg(a(X)(q2 (X) q1 (X))) deg a(X), while deg(r1 (X) r2 (X)) < deg a(X), a contradiction. It follows that q(X), and hence r(X), is unique.


Polynomial Codes

Suppose that m, n N and n > m. We shall dene an encoding function : Zm Zn in the following 2 2 way: For every w = w1 . . . wm Zm , let 2 w(X) = w1 + w2 X + . . . + wm X m1 Z2 [X]. (10)

Suppose now that g(X) Z2 [X] is xed and of degree n m. Then w(X)g(X) Z2 [X] is of degree at most n 1. We can therefore write w(X)g(X) = c1 + c2 X + . . . + cn X n1 , where c1 , . . . , cn Z2 . Now let (w) = c1 . . . cn Zn . 2 (11)


PROPOSITION 11H. Suppose that m, n N and n > m. Suppose further that g(X) Z2 [X] is xed and of degree n m, and that the encoding function : Zm Zn is dened such that for every 2 2 w = w1 . . . wm Zm , the image (w) is given by (10)(12). Then C = (Zm ) is a group code. 2 2 Proof. Suppose that w = w1 . . . wm Zm and z = z1 . . . zm Zm . Then clearly (w + z)(X) = 2 2 w(X) + z(X), so that (w + z)(X)g(X) = w(X)g(X) + z(X)g(X), whence (w + z) = (w) + (z). It follows that : Zm Zn is a group homomorphism. 2 2 Remark. The polynomial g(X) in Propsoition 11H is sometimes known as the multiplier polynomial.

Let us now turn to the question of decoding. Suppose that the string v = v1 . . . vn Zn is received. 2 We consider the polynomial v(X) = v1 + v2 X + . . . + vn X n1 . If g(X) divides v(X) in Z2 [X], then clearly v C. This is the analogue of part (1) of the Decoding algorithm for matrix codes. Corresponding to part (2) of the Decoding algorithm for matrix codes, we have the following result. PROPOSITION 11J. In the notation of Proposition 11H, for every c C and every element e = 0 . . . 0 1 0 . . . 0 Zn , 2
j1 nj

the remainder on dividing the polynomial (c + e)(X) by the polynomial g(X) is equal to the remainder on dividing the polynomial X j1 by the polynomial g(X). Proof. Note that (c + e)(X) = c(X) + X j1 . The result follows immediately on noting that g(X) divides c(X) in Z2 [X]. Suppose that we know that single errors can be corrected. Then we proceed in the following way.


W W L Chen : Discrete Mathematics

DECODING ALGORITHM. Suppose that the string v Zn is received. 2 (1) If g(X) divides v(X) in Z2 [X], then we feel that the transmission is correct. The decoded message is the string q Zm where v(X) = g(X)q(X) in Z2 [X]. 2 (2) If g(X) does not divide v(X) in Z2 [X] and the remainder is the same as the remainder on dividing X j1 by g(X), then we add X j1 to v(X). The decoded message is the string q Zm where 2 v(X) + X j1 = g(X)q(X) in Z2 [X]. (3) If g(X) does not divide v(X) in Z2 [X] and the remainder is dierent from the remainder on dividing X j1 by g(X) for any j = 1, . . . , n, then we conclude that more than one error has occurred. We may have no reliable way of correcting the transmission. Example 11.6.1. Consider the cyclic code with encoding function : Z4 Z7 given by the multiplier 2 2 polynomial 1 + X + X 3 . Let w = 1011 Z4 . Then w(X) = 1 + X 2 + X 3 , so that c(X) = w(X)g(X) = 2 1 + X + X 2 + X 3 + X 4 + X 5 + X 6 , giving rise to the code word 1111111 C. Suppose that v = 1110111 is received, so that there is one error. Then v(X) = 1 + X + X 2 + X 4 + X 5 + X 6 = g(X)(X 2 + X 3 ) + (X + 1). On the other hand, X 3 = g(X) + (X + 1). It follows that if we add X 3 to v(X) and then divide by g(X), we recover w(X). Suppose next that v = 1010111 is received, so that there are two errors. Then v(X) = 1 + X 2 + X 4 + X 5 + X 6 = g(X)(X 2 + X 3 ) + 1. On the other hand, 1 = g(X)0 + 1. It follows that if we add 1 to v(X) and then divide by g(X), we get X 2 + X 3 , corresponding to w = 0011 Z4 . Hence our decoding process gives the wrong answer in this case. 2

Problems for Chapter 11 1. Consider the code discussed in Section 11.2. Use the parity check matrix H to decode the following strings: a) 101010 b) 001001 c) 101000 d) 011011 2. The encoding function : Z2 Z5 is given by the generator matrix 2 2 G= a) b) c) d) 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 .

Determine all the code words. Discuss the error-detecting and error-correcting capabilities of the code. Find the associated parity check matrix H. Use the parity check matrix H to decode the messages 11011, 10101, 11101 and 00111. by the generator matrix 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0. 0 1 0 1 1

3. The encoding function : Z3 Z6 is given 2 2 1 G = 0 0

a) How many elements does the code C = (Z3 ) have? Justify your assertion. 2 b) Explain why C is a group code.

Chapter 11 : Group Codes


c) d) e) f) g)

What is the parity check matrix H of this code? Explain carefully why the minimum distance between code words is not equal to 1. Explain carefully why the minimum distance between code words is not equal to 2. Explain why single errors in transmission can always be corrected. Can the message 011000 be decoded? Justify carefully your conclusion.

4. The encoding function : Z3 Z6 is given by the parity check matrix 2 2 1 H = 1 1 a) Determine all the code words. b) Can all single errors be detected? 5. Consider a code given by the parity check matrix 1 H = 1 0 a) b) c) d) e) f) g) 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0. 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0. 1

What is the generator matrix G of this code? How many elements does the code C have? Justify your assertion. Decode the messages 1010111 and 1001000. Can all single errors in transmission be detected and corrected? Justify your assertion. Explain why the minimum distance between code words is at most 2. Write down the set of code words. What is the minimum distance between code words? Justify your assertion. 0 0 1

6. Suppose that

1 H = 1 1

1 1 0

0 1 1

1 0 1

1 0 0

0 1 0

is the parity check matrix for a Hamming (7, 4) code. a) Encode the messages 1000, 1100, 1011, 1110, 1001 and 1111. b) Decode the messages 0101001, 0111111, 0010001 and 1010100. 7. Consider a Hamming code given by the parity check matrix 0 1 1 a) b) c) d) e) f) 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0. 1

What is the generator matrix G of this code? How many elements does the code have? Justify your assertion. Decode the messages 1010101, 1000011 and 1000000. Prove by contradiction that the minumum distance between code words cannot be 1. Prove by contradiction that the minumum distance between code words cannot be 2. Can all single errors in transmission be corrected? Justify your asertion.


W W L Chen : Discrete Mathematics

8. Consider a Hamming code given by the parity check matrix 1 H = 1 0 a) b) c) d) e) 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0. 1

What is the generator matrix G of this code? How many elements does the code C have? Justify your assertion. Decode the messages 1010111 and 1111111. Can all single errors in transmission be detected and corrected? Justify your assertion. Suppose that c C is a code word. How many elements x Z7 satisfy (c, x) 1? Justify 2 your assertion carefully. f) What is the minumum distance between code words? Justify your assertion. g) Write down the set of code words.

9. Consider a Hamming code given by the parity check matrix 1 1 H= 0 0 a) b) c) d) e) 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 . 0 1

What is the generator matrix G of this code? How many elements does the code C have? Justify your assertion. Decode the messages 010101010101010 and 111111111111111. Can all single errors in transmission be detected and corrected? Suppose that c C is a code word. How many elements x Z15 satisfy (c, x) 1? Justify 2 your assertion. f) What is the minumum distance between code words? Justify your assertion.

10. Consider a polynomial code with encoding function : Z4 Z6 dened by the multiplier polynomial 2 2 1 + X + X 2. a) Find the 16 code words of the code. b) What is the minimum distance between code words? c) Can all single errors in transmission be detected? d) Can all single errors in transmission be corrected? e) Find the remainder term for every one-term error polynomial on division by 1 + X + X 2 .

W W L Chen and Macquarie University, 1997.

This work is available free, in the hope that it will be useful. Any part of this work may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or any information storage and retrieval system, with or without permission from the author.

Chapter 12


Basic Number Theory

A hugely successful public key cryptosystem is based on two simple results in number theory and the currently very low computer speed. In this section, we shall discuss the two results in elementary number theory. THEOREM 12A. Suppose that a, m N and (a, m) = 1. Then there exists d Z such that ad 1 (mod m). Proof. Since (a, m) = 1, it follows from Theorem 4J that there exist d, v Z such that ad + mv = 1. Hence ad 1 (mod m). Definition. The Euler function : N N is dened for every n N by letting (n) denote the number of elements of the set Sn = {x {1, 2, . . . , n} : (x, n) = 1}; in other words, (n) denotes the number of integers among 1, 2, . . . , n that are coprime to n. Example 12.1.1. Example 12.1.2. We have (4) = 2, (5) = 4 and (6) = 2. We have (p) = p 1 for every prime p.

Example 12.1.3. Suppose that p and q are distinct primes. Consider the number pq. To calculate (pq), note that we start with the numbers 1, 2, . . . , pq and eliminate all the multiples of p and q. Now among these pq numbers, there are clearly q multiples of p and p multiples of q, and the only common multiple of both p and q is pq. Hence (pq) = pq p q + 1 = (p 1)(q 1).
This chapter was written at Macquarie University in 1997.


W W L Chen : Discrete Mathematics

THEOREM 12B. Suppose that a, n N and (a, n) = 1. Then a(n) 1 (mod n). Proof. Suppose that Sn = {r1 , r2 , . . . , r(n) } is the set of the (n) distinct numbers among 1, 2, . . . , n which are coprime to n. Since (a, n) = 1, the (n) numbers ar1 , ar2 , . . . , ar(n) (1) are also coprime to n. We shall rst of all show that the (n) numbers in (1) are pairwise incongruent modulo n. Suppose on the contrary that 1 i < j (n) and ari arj (mod n).

Since (a, n) = 1, it follows from Theorem 12A that there exists d Z such that ad 1 (mod n). Hence ri (ad)ri d(ari ) d(arj ) (ad)rj rj (mod n),

clearly a contradiction. It now follows that each of the (n) numbers in (1) is congruent modulo n to precisely one number in Sn , and vice versa. Hence r1 r2 . . . r(n) (ar1 )(ar2 ) . . . (ar(n) ) a(n) r1 r2 . . . r(n) (mod n). (2)

Note now that (r1 r2 . . . r(n) , n) = 1, so it follows from Theorem 12A that there exists s Z such that r1 r2 . . . r(n) s 1 (mod n). Combining this with (2), we obtain 1 r1 r2 . . . r(n) s a(n) r1 r2 . . . r(n) s a(n) as required. (mod n)


The RSA Code

The RSA code, developed by Rivest, Shamir and Adleman, exploits Theorem 12B above and the fact that computers currently take too much time to factorize numbers of around 200 digits. The idea of the RSA code is very simple. Suppose that p and q are two very large primes, each of perhaps about 100 digits. The values of these two primes will be kept secret, apart from the code manager who knows everything. However, their product n = pq will be public knowledge, and is called the modulus of the code. It is well known that (n) = (p 1)(q 1), but the value of (n) is again kept secret. The security of the code is based on the fact that one needs to know p and q in order to crack it. Factorizing n to obtain p and q in any systematic way when n is of some 200 digits will take many years of computer time!

Chapter 12 : Public Key Cryptography


Remark. To evaluate (n) is a task that is as hard as nding p and q. However, it is crucial to keep the value of (n) secret, although the value of n is public knowledge. To see this, note that (n) = pq (p + q) + 1 = n (p + q) + 1, so that p + q = n (n) + 1. But then (p q)2 = (p + q)2 4pq = (n (n) + 1)2 4n. It follows that if both n and (n) are known, it will be very easy to calculate p + q and p q, and hence p and q also. Each user j of the code will be assigned a public key ej . This number ej is a positive integer that satises (ej , (n)) = 1, and will be public knowledge. Suppose that another user wishes to send user j the message x N, where x < n. This will be achieved by rst looking up the public key ej of user j, and then enciphering the message x by using the enciphering function E(x, ej ) = xej c (mod n) and 0 < c < n,

where c is now the encoded message. Note that for dierent users, the coded message c corresponding to the same message x will be dierent due to the use of the personalized public key ej in the enciphering process. Each user j of the code will also be assigned a private key dj . This number dj is an integer that satises ej dj 1 (mod (n)), and is known only to user j. Because of the secrecy of the number (n), it again takes many years of computer time to calculate dj from ej , so the code manager who knows everything has to tell each user j the value of dj . When user j receives the encoded message c, this message is deciphered by using the deciphering function D(c, dj ) = cdj y (mod n) and 0 < y < n, where y is the decoded message. Observe that the condition ej dj 1 (mod (n)) ensures the existence of an integer kj Z such that ej dj = kj (n) + 1. It follows that y cdj xej dj = xkj (n)+1 = (x(n) )kj x x (mod n), in view of Theorem 12B. It follows that user j gets the intended message. We summarize below the various parts of the code. Here j = 1, 2, . . . , k denote all the users of the system. Public knowledge Secret to user j Known only to code manager n; e1 , . . . , ek dj p, q; (n)

Note that the code manager knows everything, and is therefore usually a spy! Remark. It is important to ensure that xej > n, so that c is obtained from x by exponentiation and then reduction modulo n. If xej < n, then since ej is public knowledge, recovering x is simply a task of taking ej -th roots. We should therefore ensure that 2ej > n for every j. Only a fool would encipher the number 1 using this scheme. We conclude this chapter by giving an example. For obvious reasons, we shall use small primes instead of large ones.


W W L Chen : Discrete Mathematics

Example 12.2.1. Suppose that p = 5 and q = 11, so that n = 55 and (n) = 40. Suppose further that we have the following: User 1 e1 = 23 d1 = 7 User 2 User 3 e2 = 9 e3 = 37 d2 = 9 d3 = 13

Note that 23 7 9 9 37 13 1 (mod 40). (1) Suppose rst that x = 2. Then we have the following: User 1 : User 2 : User 3 : c 223 = 8388608 8 (mod 55) y 87 = 2097152 2 (mod 55) c 29 = 512 17 (mod 55) y 179 = 118587876497 2 (mod 55) c 237 = 137438953472 7 (mod 55) y 713 = 96889010407 2 (mod 55)


Suppose next that x = 3. Then we have the following: User 1 : User 2 : User 3 : c 323 = 94143178827 27 (mod 55) y 277 = 10460353203 3 (mod 55) c 39 = 19683 48 (mod 55) y 489 (7)9 = 40353607 3 (mod 55) c 337 337 (3 37)3 340 373 373 = 50603 53 (mod 55) y 5313 (2)13 = 8192 3 (mod 55)

Remark. We have used a few simple tricks about congruences to simplify the calculations somewhat. These are of no great importance here. In practice, all the numbers will be very large, and all calculations will be carried out by computers.

Problems for Chapter 12 1. Consider an RSA code with primes 11 and 13. It is important to ensure that each public key ej satises 2ej > n. How many users can there be with no two of them sharing the same private key? 2. Suppose that you are required to choose two primes to create an RSA code for 50 users, with the two primes p and q diering by exactly 2. How small can you choose p and q and still ensure that each public key ej satises 2ej > n and no two of users sharing the same private key?

W W L Chen and Macquarie University, 1992.

This work is available free, in the hope that it will be useful. Any part of this work may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or any information storage and retrieval system, with or without permission from the author.

Chapter 13



To introduce the ideas, we begin with a simple example. Example 13.3.1. Consider the sets S = {1, 2, 3, 4}, T = {1, 3, 5, 6, 7} and W = {1, 4, 6, 8, 9}. Suppose that we would like to count the number of elements of their union S T W . We might do this in the following way: (1) We add up the numbers of elements of S, T and W . Then we have the count |S| + |T | + |W | = 14. Clearly we have over-counted. For example, the number 3 belongs to S as well as T , so we have counted it twice instead of once. (2) We compensate by subtracting from |S| + |T | + |W | the number of those elements which belong to more than one of the three sets S, T and W . Then we have the count |S| + |T | + |W | |S T | |S W | |T W | = 8. But now we have under-counted. For example, the number 1 belongs to all the three sets S, T and W , so we have counted it 3 3 = 0 times instead of once. (3) We therefore compensate again by adding to |S| + |T | + |W | |S T | |S W | |T W | the number of those elements which belong to all the three sets S, T and W . Then we have the count |S| + |T | + |W | |S T | |S W | |T W | + |S T W | = 9, which is the correct count, since clearly S T W = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9}.
This chapter was written at Macquarie University in 1992.


W W L Chen : Discrete Mathematics

From the argument above, it appears that for three sets S, T and W , we have |S T W | = (|S| + |T | + |W |) (|S T | + |S W | + |T W |) + (|S T W |) .
one at a time 3 terms two at a time 3 terms three at a time 1 term


The General Case

Suppose now that we have k nite sets S1 , . . . , Sk . We may suspect that |S1 . . . Sk | = (|S1 | + . . . + |Sk |) (|S1 S2 | + . . . + |Sk1 Sk |)
one at a time (k) terms 1 two at a time (k) terms 2

+ (|S1 S2 S3 | + . . . + |Sk2 Sk1 Sk |) . . . + (1)k+1 (|S1 . . . Sk |) .

three at a time (k) terms 3 k at a time (k) terms k

This is indeed true, and can be summarized as follows. PRINCIPLE OF INCLUSION-EXCLUSION Suppose that S1 , . . . , Sk are non-empty nite sets. Then
k k

Sj =
j=1 j=1

1i1 <...<ij k

|Si1 . . . Sij |,


where the inner summation

1i1 <...<ij k

is a sum over all the

k j

distinct integer j-tuples (i1 , . . . , ij ) satisfying 1 i1 < . . . < ij k. Proof. Consider an element x which belongs to precisely m of the k sets S1 , . . . , Sk , where m k. Then this element x is counted exactly once on the left-hand side of (1). It therefore suces to show that this element x is counted also exactly once on the right-hand side of (1). By relabelling the sets S1 , . . . , Sk if necessary, we may assume, without loss of generality, that x Si if i = 1, . . . , m and x Si if i = m + 1, . . . , k. Then x S i1 . . . S ij if and only if ij m.

Note now that the number of distinct integer j-tuples (i1 , . . . , ij ) satisfying 1 i1 < . . . < ij m is given by the binomial coecient m . j It follows that the number of times the element x is counted on the right-hand side of (1) is given by


m j



m j



m j

= 1 (1 1)m = 1,

in view of the Binomial theorem.

Chapter 13 : Principle of Inclusion-Exclusion



Two Further Examples

The Principle of inclusion-exclusion will be used in Chapter 15 to study the problem of determining the number of solutions of certain linear equations. We therefore conne our illustrations here to two examples. Example 13.3.1. We wish to calculate the number of distinct natural numbers not exceeding 1000 which are multiples of 10, 15, 35 or 55. Let S1 = {1 n 1000 : n is a multiple of 10}, S3 = {1 n 1000 : n is a multiple of 35}, so that |S1 | = Next, S1 S2 = {1 n 1000 : n is a multiple S1 S3 = {1 n 1000 : n is a multiple S1 S4 = {1 n 1000 : n is a multiple S2 S3 = {1 n 1000 : n is a multiple of 10 and 15} = {1 n 1000 : n is a multiple of 30}, of 10 and 35} = {1 n 1000 : n is a multiple of 70}, of 10 and 55} = {1 n 1000 : n is a multiple of 110}, of 15 and 35} = {1 n 1000 : n is a multiple of 105}, 1000 = 100, 10 |S2 | = 1000 = 66, 15 |S3 | = 1000 = 28, 35 |S4 | = 1000 = 18. 55 S2 = {1 n 1000 : n is a multiple of 15}, S4 = {1 n 1000 : n is a multiple of 55},

S2 S4 = {1 n 1000 : n is a multiple of 15 and 55} = {1 n 1000 : n is a multiple of 165}, S3 S4 = {1 n 1000 : n is a multiple of 35 and 55} = {1 n 1000 : n is a multiple of 385}, so that |S1 S2 | = 1000 = 33, 30 1000 |S2 S3 | = = 9, 105 1000 = 14, 70 1000 |S2 S4 | = = 6, 165 |S1 S3 | = 1000 = 9, 110 1000 |S3 S4 | = = 2. 385 |S1 S4 | =

Next, S1 S2 S3 = {1 n 1000 : n is a multiple of 10, 15 and 35} = {1 n 1000 : n is a multiple of 210}, S1 S2 S4 = {1 n 1000 : n is a multiple = {1 n 1000 : n is a multiple S1 S3 S4 = {1 n 1000 : n is a multiple = {1 n 1000 : n is a multiple S2 S3 S4 = {1 n 1000 : n is a multiple of 10, 15 and 55} of 330}, of 10, 35 and 55} of 770},

of 15, 35 and 55} = {1 n 1000 : n is a multiple of 1155}, 1000 = 3, 330 1000 |S2 S3 S4 | = = 0. 1155 |S1 S2 S4 | =

so that

|S1 S2 S3 | =

1000 = 4, 210 1000 |S1 S3 S4 | = = 1, 770

Finally, S1 S2 S3 S4 = {1 n 1000 : n is a multiple of 10, 15, 35 and 55} = {1 n 1000 : n is a multiple of 2310},


W W L Chen : Discrete Mathematics

so that |S1 S2 S3 S4 | = It follows that |S1 S2 S3 S4 | = (|S1 | + |S2 | + |S3 | + |S4 |) (|S1 S2 | + |S1 S3 | + |S1 S4 | + |S2 S3 | + |S2 S4 | + |S3 S4 |) + (|S1 S2 S3 | + |S1 S2 S4 | + |S1 S3 S4 | + |S2 S3 S4 |) (|S1 S2 S3 S4 |) = (100 + 66 + 28 + 18) (33 + 14 + 9 + 9 + 6 + 2) + (4 + 3 + 1 + 0) (0) = 147. 1000 = 0. 2310

Example 13.3.2. Suppose that A and B are two non-empty nite sets with |A| = m and |B| = k, where m > k. We wish to determine the number of functions of the form f : A B which are not onto. Suppose that B = {b1 , . . . , bk }. For every i = 1, . . . , k, let Si = {f : bi f (A)}; in other words, Si denotes the collection of functions f : A B which leave out the value bi . Then we are interested in calculating |S1 . . . Sk |. Observe that for every j = 1, . . . , k, if f Si1 . . . Sij , then f (x) B \ {bi1 , . . . , bij }. It follows that for every x A, there are only (k j) choices for the value f (x). It follows from this observation that |Si1 . . . Sij | = (k j)m . Combining this with (1), we conclude that

|S1 . . . Sk | =


k (k j)m . j

It also follows that the number of functions of the form f : A B that are onto is given by



k (k j)m = j


k (k j)m . j

Problems for Chapter 13 1. Find the number of distinct positive integer multiples of 2, 3, 5, 7 or 11 not exceeding 3000. 2. A natural number greater than 1 and not exceeding 100 must be prime or divisible by 2, 3, 5 or 7. a) Find the number primes not exceeding 100. b) Find the number of natural numbers not exceeding 100 and which are either prime or even. 3. Consider the collection of permutations of the set {1, 2, 3, . . . , 8}; in other words, the collection of one-to-one and onto functions f : {1, 2, 3, . . . , 8} {1, 2, 3, . . . , 8}. a) How many of these functions satisfy f (n) = n for every even n? b) How many of these functions satisfy f (n) = n for every even n and f (n) = n for every odd n? c) How many of these functions satisfy f (n) = n for precisely 3 out of the 8 values of n?

Chapter 13 : Principle of Inclusion-Exclusion


4. For every n N, let (n) denote the number of integers in the set {1, 2, 3, . . . , n} which are coprime to n. Use the Principle of inclusion-exclusion to prove that (n) = n

1 p

where the product is over all prime divisors p of n.

W W L Chen and Macquarie University, 1992.

This work is available free, in the hope that it will be useful. Any part of this work may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or any information storage and retrieval system, with or without permission from the author.

Chapter 14



Consider the sequence a0 , a1 , a2 , a3 , . . . . (1)


By the generating function of the sequence (1), we mean the formal power series

a0 + a1 X + a2 X 2 + . . . =

an X n .

Example 14.1.1.

The generating function of the sequence k k k , ,..., , 0, 0, 0, 0, . . . 0 1 k

is given by k k k + X + ... + X k = (1 + X)k 0 1 k by the Binomial theorem.

This chapter was written at Macquarie University in 1992.


W W L Chen : Discrete Mathematics

Example 14.1.2.

The generating function of the sequence 1, . . . , 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, . . .


is given by 1 + X + X 2 + X 3 + . . . + X k1 = 1 Xk . 1X

Example 14.1.3.

The generating function of the sequence 1, 1, 1, 1, . . . is given by

1 + X + X2 + X3 + . . . =

Xn =

1 . 1X

Example 14.1.4.

The generating function of the sequence 2, 4, 1, 1, 1, 1, . . . is given by

2 + 4X + X 2 + X 3 + X 4 + X 5 . . . = (1 + 3X) + (1 + X + X 2 + X 3 + . . .)

= (1 + 3X) +

X n = 1 + 3X +

1 . 1X


Some Simple Observations

The idea used in the Example 14.1.4 can be generalized as follows. PROPOSITION 14A. Suppose that the sequences a0 , a1 , a2 , a3 , . . . and b0 , b1 , b2 , b3 , . . .

have generating functions f (X) and g(X) respectively. Then the generating function of the sequence a0 + b0 , a1 + b1 , a2 + b2 , a3 + b3 , . . . is given by f (X) + g(X). Example 14.2.1. The generating function of the sequence 3, 1, 3, 1, 3, 1, . . . can be obtained by combining the generating functions of the two sequences 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, . . . and 2, 0, 2, 0, 2, 0, . . . . Now the generating function of the sequence 2, 0, 2, 0, 2, 0, . . . is given by 2 + 2X 2 + 2X 4 + . . . = 2(1 + X 2 + X 4 + . . .) = 2 . 1 X2

It follows that the generating function of the sequence 3, 1, 3, 1, 3, 1, . . . is given by 1 2 + . 1X 1 X2 Sometimes, dierentiation and integration of formal power series can be used to obtain the generating functions of various sequences.

Chapter 14 : Generating Functions


Example 14.2.2.

The generating function of the sequence 1, 2, 3, 4, . . . is given by d (X + X 2 + X 3 + X 4 + . . .) dX d d 1 1 = . (1 + X + X 2 + X 3 + X 4 + . . .) = = dX dX 1 X (1 X)2 The generating function of the sequence 1 1 1 0, 1, , , , . . . 2 3 4

1 + 2X + 3X 2 + 4X 3 + . . . =

Example 14.2.3.

is given by X+ X2 X3 X4 + + + ... = 2 3 4 (1 + X + X 2 + X 3 + . . .)dX = 1 1X dX = C log(1 X),

where C is an absolute constant. The special case X = 0 gives C = 0, so that X+ X2 X3 X4 + + . . . = log(1 X). 2 3 4

Another simple observation is the following. PROPOSITION 14B. Suppose that the sequence a0 , a1 , a2 , a3 , . . . has generating function f (X). Then for every k N, the generating function of the (delayed) sequence 0, . . . , 0, a0 , a1 , a2 , a3 , . . .


is given by X k f (X). Proof. Note that the generating function of the sequence (2) is given by a0 X k + a1 X k+1 + a2 X K+2 + a3 X K+3 + . . . = X k (a0 + a1 X + a2 X 2 + a3 X 3 + . . .) as required. Example 14.2.4. The generating function of the sequence 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, . . . is given by X/(1 X)2 , and the generating function of the sequence 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, . . . is given by X 5 /(1 X)2 . On the other hand, the generating function of the sequence 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3, 1, 3, 1, 3, 1, . . . is given by X7 2X 7 . + 1X 1 X2 Example 14.2.5. Consider the sequence a0 , a1 , a2 , a3 , . . . where an = n2 + n for every n N {0}. To nd the generating function of this sequence, let f (X) and g(X) denote respectively the generating functions of the sequences 0, 12 , 22 , 32 , 42 , . . . Note from the Example 14.2.4 that g(X) = X . (1 X)2 and 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, . . . .


W W L Chen : Discrete Mathematics

To nd f (X), note that the generating function of the sequence 12 , 22 , 32 , 42 , . . . is given by 12 + 22 X + 32 X 2 + 42 X 3 + . . . = = d d (g(X)) = dX dX d (X + 2X 2 + 3X 3 + 4X 4 + . . .) dX 1+X X = . (1 X)2 (1 X)3

It follows from Proposition 14B that f (X) = X(1 + X) . (1 X)3

Finally, in view of Proposition 14A, the required generating function is given by f (X) + g(X) = X(1 + X) X 2X + = . 3 2 (1 X) (1 X) (1 X)3


The Extended Binomial Theorem

When we use generating function techniques to study problems in discrete mathematics, we very often need to study expressions like (1 + Y )k , where k N. We can write down a formal power series expansion for the function as follows. PROPOSITION 14C. (EXTENDED BINOMIAL THEOREM) Suppose that k N. Then formally we have (1 + Y )k =

k Y n, n

where for every n = 0, 1, 2, . . ., the extended binomial coecient is given by k n = k(k 1) . . . (k n + 1) . n!

PROPOSITION 14D. Suppose that k N. Then for every n = 0, 1, 2, . . ., we have k n = (1)n n+k1 . n

Proof. We have k n = k(k 1) . . . (k n + 1) k(k + 1) . . . (k + n 1) = (1)n n! n! n+k1 (n + k 1)(n + k 2) . . . (n + k 1 n + 1) = (1)n = (1)n n n!

as required.

Chapter 14 : Generating Functions


Example 14.3.1.

We have (1 X)k =

k k (X)n = X n, (1)n n n n=0

so that the coecient of X n in (1 X)k is given by (1)n k n = n+k1 . n

Example 14.3.2.

We have (1 + 2X)k =

k k (2X)n = X n, 2n n n n=0

so that the coecient of X n in (1 + 2X)k is given by 2n k n = (2)n n+k1 . n

Problems for Chapter 14 1. Find the generating function for each of the following sequences: a) 1, 3, 9, 27, 81, . . . b) 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, . . . c) 0, 0, 0, 0, 3, 2, 3, 2, 3, 2, . . . d) 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, . . . e) 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, . . . f) 0, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, . . . g) 2, 3, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, . . . h) 0, 1, 5, 25, 125, 625, . . . i) 1, , 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, . . . j) 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, . . . 2. Find the generating function for the sequence an = 3n2 + 7n + 1 for n N {0}. 3. Find the generating function of the sequence 1 1 1 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, , 0, , 0, , 0, . . . , 3 5 7 explaining carefully every step in your argument. 4. Find the generating function of the sequence a0 , a1 , a2 , . . . , where an = 3n+1 + 2n + 3 5 +4 . n n

5. Find the rst four terms of the formal power series expansion of (1 3X)13 .

W W L Chen and Macquarie University, 1992.

This work is available free, in the hope that it will be useful. Any part of this work may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or any information storage and retrieval system, with or without permission from the author.

Chapter 15



Example 15.1.1. Suppose that 5 new academic positions are to be awarded to 4 departments in the university, with the restriction that no department is to be awarded more than 3 such positions, and that the Mathematics Department is to be awarded at least 1. We would like to nd out in how many ways this could be achieved. If we denote the departments by M, P, C, E, where M denotes the Mathematics Department, and denote by uM , uP , uC , uE the number of positions awarded to these departments respectively. Then clearly we must have uM + uP + uC + uE = 5. Furthermore, uM {1, 2, 3} and uP , uC , uE {0, 1, 2, 3}. (2) We therefore need to nd the number of solutions of the equation (1), subject to the restriction (2). In general, we would like to nd the number of solutions of an equation of the type u1 + . . . + uk = n, where n, k N are given, and where the variables u1 , . . . , uk are to assume integer values, subject to certain given restrictions. (1)


Case A The Simplest Case

Suppose that we are interested in nding the number of solutions of an equation of the type u1 + . . . + uk = n,
This chapter was written at Macquarie University in 1992.



W W L Chen : Discrete Mathematics

where n, k N are given, and where the variables u1 , . . . , uk {0, 1, 2, 3, . . .}. (4)

THEOREM 15A. The number of solutions of the equation (3), subject to the restriction (4), is given by the binomial coecient n+k1 . n Proof. Consider a row of (n + k 1) + signs as shown in the picture below: + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ... + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +

Let us choose n of these + signs and change them to 1s. Clearly there are exactly (k 1) + signs remaining, the same number of + signs as in the equation (3). The new situation is shown in the picture below: 1 ... 1+... + 1 ... 1 (5)
u1 k uk

For example, the picture +1111 + +1 + 111 + 11 + . . . + 1111111 + 1111 + 11 denotes the information 0 + 4 + 0 + 1 + 3 + 2 + ... + 7 + 4 + 2 (note that consecutive + signs indicate an empty block of 1s in between, and the + sign at the left-hand end indicates an empty block of 1s at the left-hand end; similarly a + sign at the right-hand end would indicate an empty block of 1s at the right-hand end). It follows that our choice of the n 1s corresponds to a solution of the equation (3), subject to the restriction (4). Conversely, any solution of the equation (3), subject to the restriction (4), can be illustrated by a picture of the type (5), and so corresponds to a choice of the n 1s. Hence the number of solutions of the equation (3), subject to the restriction (4), is equal to the number of ways we can choose n objects out of (n + k 1). Clearly this is given by the binomial coecient indicated. Example 15.2.1. where the variables u1 , . . . , u4 {0, 1, 2, 3, . . .}, has 11 + 4 1 11 = 14 11 = 364 The equation u1 + . . . + u4 = 11,



Case B Inclusion-Exclusion

We next consider the situation when the variables have upper restrictions. Suppose that we are interested in nding the number of solutions of an equation of the type u1 + . . . + uk = n, (6)

Chapter 15 : Number of Solutions of a Linear Equation


where n, k N are given, and where the variables u1 {0, 1, . . . , m1 }, ..., uk {0, 1, . . . , mk }. (7)

Our approach is to rst of all relax the upper restrictions in (7), and solve instead the Case A problem of nding the number of solutions of the equation (6), where the variables u1 , . . . , uk {0, 1, 2, 3, . . .}. By Theorem 15A, this relaxed system has n+k1 n solutions. Among these solutions will be some which violate the upper restrictions on the variables u1 , . . . , uk as given in (7). For every i = 1, . . . , k, let Si denote the collection of those solutions of (6), subject to the relaxed restriction (8) but which ui > mi . Then we need to calculate |S1 . . . Sk |, the number of solutions which violate the upper restrictions on the variables u1 , . . . , uk as given in (7). This can be achieved by using the Inclusion-exclusion principle, but we need to calculate |Si1 . . . Sij | whenever 1 i1 < . . . < ij k. To do this, we need the following simple observation. PROPOSITION 15B. Suppose that i = 1, . . . , k is chosen and xed. Then the number of solutions of the equation (6), subject to the restrictions ui {mi + 1, mi + 2, mi + 3, . . .} and u1 B1 , ..., ui1 Bi1 , ui+1 Bi+1 , ..., uk Bk , (10) where B1 , . . . , Bi1 , Bi+1 , . . . , Bk are all subsets of N {0}, is equal to the number of solutions of the equation u1 + . . . + ui1 + vi + ui+1 + . . . + uk = n (mi + 1), (11) subject to the restrictions vi {0, 1, 2, 3, . . .} and (10). Proof. This is immediate on noting that if we write ui = vi + (mi + 1), then the restrictions (9) and (12) are the same. Furthermore, equation (6) becomes u1 + . . . + ui1 + (vi + (mi + 1)) + ui+1 + . . . + uk = n, which is the same as equation (11). By applying Proposition 15B successively on the subscripts i1 , . . . , ij , we have the following result. (12) (9) (8)


W W L Chen : Discrete Mathematics

THEOREM 15C. Suppose that 1 i1 < . . . < ij k. Then |Si1 . . . Sij | = n (mi1 + 1) . . . (mij + 1) + k 1 . n (mi1 + 1) . . . (mij + 1)

Proof. Note that |Si1 . . . Sij | is the number of solutions of the equation (6), subject to the restrictions ui {mi + 1, mi + 2, mi + 3, . . .} (i {i1 , . . . , ij }) (13) and ui {0, 1, 2, 3, . . .} Now write ui = (i {i1 , . . . , ij }). (14)

vi + (mi + 1) (i {i1 , . . . , ij }), vi (i {i1 , . . . , ij }).

Then by repeated application of Proposition 15B, we can show that the number of solutions of the equation (6), subject to the restrictions (13) and (14), is equal to the number of solutions of the equation v1 + . . . + vk = n (mi1 + 1) . . . (mij + 1), subject to the restriction vi {0, 1, 2, 3, . . .}. (16) This is a Case A problem, and it follows from Theorem 15A that the number of solutions of the equation (15), subject to the restriction (16), is given by n (mi1 + 1) . . . (mij + 1) + k 1 . n (mi1 + 1) . . . (mij + 1) This completes the proof. Example 15.3.1. Consider the equation u1 + . . . + u4 = 11, where the variables u1 , . . . , u4 {0, 1, 2, 3}. Recall that the equation (17), subject to the restriction u1 , . . . , u4 {0, 1, 2, 3, . . .}, has 11 + 4 1 11 14 11 (19) (18) (17) (15)

solutions. For every i = 1, . . . , 4, let Si denote the collection of those solutions of (17), subject to the relaxed restriction (19) but which ui > 3. Then we need to calculate |S1 . . . S4 |. Note that by Theorem 15C, |S1 | = |S2 | = |S3 | = |S4 | = 11 4 + 4 1 11 4 = 10 7

Chapter 15 : Number of Solutions of a Linear Equation


and |S1 S2 | = |S1 S3 | = |S1 S4 | = |S2 S3 | = |S2 S4 | = |S3 S4 | = Next, note that a similar argument gives |S1 S2 S3 | = 11 12 + 4 1 11 12 = 2 . 1 11 8 + 4 1 11 8 = 6 . 3

This is meaningless. However, note that |S1 S2 S3 | is the number of solutions of the equation (v1 + 4) + (v2 + 4) + (v3 + 4) + v4 = 11, subject to the restriction v1 , v2 , v3 , v4 {0, 1, 2, 3, . . .}. This clearly has no solution. Hence |S1 S2 S3 | = |S1 S2 S4 | = |S1 S3 S4 | = |S2 S3 S4 | = 0. Similarly |S1 S2 S3 S4 | = 0. It then follows from the Inclusion-exclusion principle that

|S1 S2 S3 S4 | =

1i1 <...<ij 4

|Si1 . . . Sij |

= (|S1 | + |S2 | + |S3 | + |S4 |) (|S1 S2 | + |S1 S3 | + |S1 S4 | + |S2 S3 | + |S2 S4 | + |S3 S4 |) + (|S1 S2 S3 | + |S1 S2 S4 | + |S1 S3 S4 | + |S2 S3 S4 |) (|S1 S2 S3 S4 |) 4 10 4 6 . 1 7 2 3

It now follows that the number of solutions of the equation (17), subject to the restriction (18), is given by 14 14 4 10 4 6 |S1 S2 S3 S4 | = + = 4. 11 11 1 7 2 3


Case C A Minor Irritation

We next consider the situation when the variables have non-standard lower restrictions. Suppose that we are interested in nding the number of solutions of an equation of the type u1 + . . . + uk = n, where n, k N are given, and where for each i = 1, . . . , k, the variable ui Ii , where Ii = {pi , . . . , mi } or Ii = {pi , pi + 1, pi + 2, . . .}. (22) (21) (20)


W W L Chen : Discrete Mathematics

It turns out that we can apply the same idea as in Proposition 15B to reduce the problem to a Case A problem or a Case B problem. For every i = 1, . . . , k, write ui = vi + pi , and let Ji = {x pi : x Ii }; in other words, the set Ji is obtained from the set Ii by subtracting pi from every element of Ii . Clearly Ji = {0, . . . , mi pi } Note also that the equation (20) becomes v1 + . . . + vk = n p1 . . . pk . (24) or Ji = {0, 1, 2, . . .}. (23)

It is easy to see that the number of solutions of the equation (20), subject to the restrictions (21) and (22), is the same as the number of solutions of the equation (24), subject to the restrictions vi Ji and (23). Example 15.4.1. Consider the equation u1 + . . . + u4 = 11, where the variables u1 {1, 2, 3} and u2 , u3 , u4 {0, 1, 2, 3}. (26) We can write u1 = v1 + 1, u2 = v2 , u3 = v3 and u4 = v4 . Then v1 {0, 1, 2} Furthermore, the equation (25) becomes v1 + . . . + v4 = 10. (28) and v2 , v3 , v4 {0, 1, 2, 3}. (27) (25)

The number of solutions of the equation (25), subject to the restriction (26), is equal to the number of solutions of the equation (28), subject to the restriction (27). We therefore have a Case B problem. Example 15.4.2. Consider the equation u1 + . . . + u6 = 23, where the variables u1 , u2 , u3 {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6} and u4 , u5 {2, 3, 4, 5} and u6 {3, 4, 5}. (30) (29)

We can write u1 = v1 + 1, u2 = v2 + 1, u3 = v3 + 1, u4 = v4 + 2, u5 = v5 + 2 and u6 = v6 + 3. Then v1 , v2 , v3 {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5} Furthermore, the equation (29) becomes v1 + . . . + v6 = 13. (32) and v4 , v5 {0, 1, 2, 3} and v6 {0, 1, 2}. (31)

The number of solutions of the equation (29), subject to the restriction (30), is equal to the number of solutions of the equation (32), subject to the restriction (31). We therefore have a Case B problem. Consider rst of all the Case A problem, where the upper restrictions on the variables v1 , . . . , v6 are relaxed. By Theorem 15A, the number of solutions of the equation (32), subject to the relaxed restriction v1 , . . . , v6 {0, 1, 2, 3, . . .}, is given by the binomial coecient 13 + 6 1 13 18 . 13 (33)

Chapter 15 : Number of Solutions of a Linear Equation


Let S1 = {(v1 , . . . , v6 ) : (32) and (33) hold and v1 S2 = {(v1 , . . . , v6 ) : (32) and (33) hold and v2 S3 = {(v1 , . . . , v6 ) : (32) and (33) hold and v3 S4 = {(v1 , . . . , v6 ) : (32) and (33) hold and v4 S5 = {(v1 , . . . , v6 ) : (32) and (33) hold and v5 > 5}, > 5}, > 5}, > 3},

> 3}, S6 = {(v1 , . . . , v6 ) : (32) and (33) hold and v6 > 2}. Then we need to calculate |S1 . . . S6 |. Note that by Theorem 15C, 13 6 + 6 1 12 = , 13 6 7 13 4 + 6 1 14 |S4 | = |S5 | = = , 13 4 9 13 3 + 6 1 15 |S6 | = = . 13 3 10 |S1 | = |S2 | = |S3 | = Also |S1 S2 | = |S1 S3 | = |S2 S3 | = 13 12 + 6 1 13 12 = 6 , 1 13 10 + 6 1 13 10 = 8 , 3

|S1 S4 | = |S1 S5 | = |S2 S4 | = |S2 S5 | = |S3 S4 | = |S3 S5 | = |S1 S6 | = |S2 S6 | = |S3 S6 | = |S4 S5 | = 13 9 + 6 1 13 9 = 9 , 4

13 8 + 6 1 10 = , 13 8 5 13 7 + 6 1 |S4 S6 | = |S5 S6 | = 13 7 Also

11 . 6

|S1 S2 S3 | = |S1 S2 S4 | = |S1 S2 S5 | = |S1 S2 S6 | = |S1 S3 S4 | = |S1 S3 S5 | = |S1 S3 S6 | = |S1 S4 S5 | = |S2 S3 S4 | = |S2 S3 S5 | = |S2 S3 S6 | = |S2 S4 S5 | = |S3 S4 S5 | = 0, |S1 S4 S6 | = |S1 S5 S6 | = |S2 S4 S6 | = |S2 S5 S6 | = |S3 S4 S6 | 13 13 + 6 1 5 = |S3 S5 S6 | = = , 13 13 0 13 11 + 6 1 7 |S4 S5 S6 | = = . 13 11 2 Finally, note that |Si1 . . . Si4 | = 0 |Si1 . . . Si5 | = 0 and |S1 . . . S6 | = 0. (1 i1 < . . . < i4 6), (1 i1 < . . . < i5 6),


W W L Chen : Discrete Mathematics

It follows from the Inclusion-exclusion principle that


|S1 . . . S6 | =

1i1 <...<ij 6

|Si1 . . . Sij | 3 6 8 9 10 11 +6 +3 + +2 1 3 4 5 6 + 6 5 7 + 0 2 .

12 14 15 +2 + 7 9 10

Hence the number of solutions of the equation (29), subject to the restriction (30), is equal to 18 |S1 . . . S6 | 13 18 12 14 15 = 3 +2 + 13 7 9 10 6 8 9 10 11 + 3 +6 +3 + +2 1 3 4 5 6

5 7 + 0 2


Case Z A Major Irritation

Suppose that we are interested in nding the number of solutions of the equation u1 + . . . + u4 = 23, where the variables u1 , u2 {1, 3, 5, 7, 9} and u3 , u4 {3, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12}.

Then it is very dicult and complicated, though possible, to make our methods discussed earlier work. We therefore need a slightly better approach. We turn to generating functions which we rst studied in Chapter 14.


The Generating Function Method

Suppose that we are interested in nding the number of solutions of an equation of the type u1 + . . . + uk = n, where n, k N are given, and where, for every i = 1, . . . , k, the variable ui Bi , where B1 , . . . , Bk N {0}. For every i = 1, . . . , k, consider the formal (possibly nite) power series fi (X) =
ui Bi


(35) (36)

X ui


corresponding to the variable ui in the equation (34), and consider the product f (X) = f1 (X) . . . fk (X) =
u1 B1

X u1

uk Bk

X uk

u1 B1

uk Bk

X u1 +...+uk .

Chapter 15 : Number of Solutions of a Linear Equation


We now rearrange the right-hand side and sum over all those terms for which u1 + . . . + uk = n. Then we have

f (X) =

u1 B1 ,...,uk Bk u1 +...+uk =n

X u1 +...+uk =


u1 B1 ,...,uk Bk u1 +...+uk =n

1 X n .

We have therefore proved the following important result. THEOREM 15D. The number of solutions of the equation (34), subject to the restrictions (35) and (36), is given by the coecient of X n in the formal (possible nite) power series f (X) = f1 (X) . . . fk (X), where, for each i = 1, . . . , k, the formal (possibly nite) power series fi (X) is given by (37). The main diculty in this method is to calculate this coecient. Example 15.6.1. The number of solutions of the equation (29), subject to the restriction (30), is given by the coecient of X 23 in the formal power series f (X) = (X 1 + . . . + X 6 )3 (X 2 + . . . + X 5 )2 (X 3 + . . . + X 5 ) = X X7 1X
3 2

X2 X6 1X

X3 X6 1X

= X 10 (1 X 6 )3 (1 X 4 )2 (1 X 3 )(1 X)6 ; or the coecient of X 13 in the formal power series g(X) = (1 X 6 )3 (1 X 4 )2 (1 X 3 )(1 X)6 = h(X)(1 X)6 , where h(X) = (1 X 6 )3 (1 X 4 )2 (1 X 3 ) = (1 3X 6 + 3X 12 X 18 )(1 2X 4 + X 8 )(1 X 3 ) = 1 X 3 2X 4 3X 6 + 2X 7 + X 8 + 3X 9 + 6X 10 X 11 + 3X 12 6X 13 + terms with higher powers in X. It follows that the coecient of X 13 in g(X) is given by 1 coecient of X 13 in (1 X)6 1 coecient of X 10 in (1 X)6 2 coecient of X 9 in (1 X)6 3 coecient of X 7 in (1 X)6 + 2 coecient of X 6 in (1 X)6 + 1 coecient of X 5 in (1 X)6 + 3 coecient of X 4 in (1 X)6 + 6 coecient of X 3 in (1 X)6 1 coecient of X 2 in (1 X)6 + 3 coecient of X 1 in (1 X)6 6 coecient of X 0 in (1 X)6 . Using Example 14.3.1, we see that this is equal to (1)13 6 6 6 6 6 6 (1)10 2(1)9 3(1)7 + 2(1)6 + (1)5 13 10 9 7 6 5 6 6 6 6 6 + 3(1)4 + 6(1)3 (1)2 + 3(1)1 6(1)0 4 3 2 1 0 18 15 14 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 2 3 +2 + +3 +6 +3 6 13 10 9 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

as in Example 15.4.2.


W W L Chen : Discrete Mathematics

Example 15.6.2.

The number of solutions of the equation u1 + . . . + u10 = 37,

subject to the restriction u1 , . . . , u5 {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6} and u6 , . . . , u9 {2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8} and u10 {5, 10, 15, . . .}, is given by the coecient of X 37 in the formal power series f (X) = (X 1 + . . . + X 6 )5 (X 2 + . . . + X 8 )4 (X 5 + X 10 + X 15 + . . .) = X X7 1X

X2 X9 1X

X5 1 X5

= X 18 (1 X 6 )5 (1 X 7 )4 (1 X)9 (1 X 5 )1 ; or the coecient of X 19 in the formal power series g(X) = (1 X 6 )5 (1 X 7 )4 (1 X)9 (1 X 5 )1 = h(X)(1 X)9 (1 X 5 )1 , where h(X) = (1 X 6 )5 (1 X 7 )4 = (1 5X 6 + 10X 12 10X 18 + 5X 24 X 30 )(1 4X 7 + 6X 14 4X 21 + X 28 ) = 1 5X 6 4X 7 + 10X 12 + 20X 13 + 6X 14 10X 18 40X 19 + terms with higher powers in X. It follows that the coecient of X 19 in g(X) is given by 1 coecient of X 19 in (1 X)9 (1 X 5 )1 5 coecient of X 13 in (1 X)9 (1 X 5 )1 4 coecient of X 12 in (1 X)9 (1 X 5 )1 + 10 coecient of X 7 in (1 X)9 (1 X 5 )1 + 20 coecient of X 6 in (1 X)9 (1 X 5 )1 + 6 coecient of X 5 in (1 X)9 (1 X 5 )1 10 coecient of X 1 in (1 X)9 (1 X 5 )1 40 coecient of X 0 in (1 X)9 (1 X 5 )1 . This is equal to (1)19 9 1 (1)0 + (1)14 19 0 9 1 + (1)4 (1)3 4 3 9 1 5 (1)13 (1)0 13 0 9 1 4 (1)12 (1)0 12 0 9 1 + 10 (1)7 (1)0 7 0 9 1 + 20 (1)6 (1)0 6 0 9 1 + 6 (1)5 (1)0 5 0 9 1 10 (1)1 (1)0 1 0 9 1 40(1)0 (1)0 0 0 27 22 17 12 + + + 19 14 9 4 15 10 + 10 + + 20 7 2 9 1 9 1 (1)1 + (1)9 (1)2 14 1 9 2

9 1 9 1 (1)1 + (1)3 (1)2 8 1 3 2 9 1 9 1 + (1)7 (1)1 + (1)2 (1)2 7 1 2 2 9 1 + (1)2 (1)1 2 1 9 1 + (1)1 (1)1 1 1 9 1 + (1)0 (1)1 0 1 + (1)8

21 16 11 20 15 10 + + 4 + + 13 8 3 12 7 2 14 9 13 8 9 8 + +6 + 10 40 . 6 1 5 0 1 0 5

Chapter 15 : Number of Solutions of a Linear Equation


Let us reconsider this same question by using the Inclusion-exclusion principle. In view of Proposition 15B, the problem is similar to the problem of nding the number of solutions of the equation v1 + . . . + v10 = 19, subject to the restrictions v1 , . . . , v5 {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5}, v6 , . . . , v9 {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6} and v10 {0, 5, 10, 15, . . .}. Clearly we must have four cases: (I) v10 = 0; (II) v10 = 5; (III) v10 = 10; and (IV) v10 = 15. The number of case (I) solutions is equal to the number of solutions of the equation v1 + . . . + v9 = 19, subject to the restriction v1 , . . . , v5 {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5} and v6 , . . . , v9 {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6}. (38)

Using the Inclusion-exclusion principle, we can show that the number of solutions is given by 27 21 20 15 14 13 9 8 5 4 + 10 + 20 +6 10 40 . 19 13 12 7 6 5 1 0 The number of case (II) solutions is equal to the number of solutions of the equation v1 + . . . + v9 = 14, subject to the restriction (38). This can be shown to be 22 16 15 10 9 8 5 4 + 10 + 20 +6 . 14 8 7 2 1 0 The number of case (III) solutions is equal to the number of solutions of the equation v1 + . . . + v9 = 9, subject to the restriction (38). This can be shown to be 17 11 10 5 4 . 9 3 2 Finally, the number of case (IV) solutions is equal to the number of solutions of the equation v1 + . . . + v9 = 4, subject to the restriction (38). This can be shown to be 12 . 4

Problems for Chapter 15 1. Consider the linear equation u1 + . . . + u6 = 29. Use the arguments in Sections 15.215.4 to solve the following problems: a) How many solutions satisfy u1 , . . . , u6 {0, 1, 2, 3, . . .}? b) How many solutions satisfy u1 , . . . , u6 {0, 1, 2, 3, . . . , 7}? c) How many solutions satisfy u1 , . . . , u6 {2, 3, . . . , 7}? d) How many solutions satisfy u1 , u2 , u3 {1, 2, 3, . . . , 7} and u4 , u5 , u6 {2, 3, . . . , 6}?


W W L Chen : Discrete Mathematics

2. Consider the linear equation u1 + . . . + u7 the following problems: a) How many solutions satisfy u1 , . . . , u7 b) How many solutions satisfy u1 , . . . , u7 c) How many solutions satisfy u1 , . . . , u7 d) How many solutions satisfy u1 , . . . , u4

= 34. Use the arguments in Sections 15.215.4 to solve {0, 1, 2, 3, . . .}? {0, 1, 2, 3, . . . , 7}? {2, 3, 4, . . . , 7}? {1, 2, 3, . . . , 8} and u5 , . . . , u7 {3, 4, 5, . . . , 7}?

3. How many natural numbers x 99999999 are such that the sum of the digits in x is equal to 35? How many of these numbers are 8-digit numbers? 4. Rework Questions 1 and 2 using generating functions. 5. Use generating functions to nd the number of solutions of the linear equation u1 + . . . + u5 = 25 subject to the restrictions that u1 , . . . , u4 {1, 2, 3, . . . , 8} and u5 {2, 3, 13}. 6. Consider again the linear equation u1 + . . . + u7 = 34. How many solutions of this equation satisfy u1 , . . . , u6 {1, 2, 3, . . . , 8} and u7 {2, 3, 5, 7}?

W W L Chen and Macquarie University, 1992.

This work is available free, in the hope that it will be useful. Any part of this work may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or any information storage and retrieval system, with or without permission from the author.

Chapter 16



Any equation involving several terms of a sequence is called a recurrence relation. We shall think of the integer n as the independent variable, and restrict our attention to real sequences, so that the sequence an is considered as a function of the type f : N {0} R : n an . A recurrence relation is then an equation of the type F (n, an , an+1 , . . . , an+k ) = 0, where k N is xed. Example 16.1.1. Example 16.1.2. Example 16.1.3. Example 16.1.4. an+1 = 5an is a recurrence relation of order 1. a4 + a5 = n is a recurrence relation of order 1. n n+1 an+3 + 5an+2 + 4an+1 + an = cos n is a recurrence relation of order 3. an+2 + 5(a2 + an )1/3 = 0 is a recurrence relation of order 2. n+1

We now dene the order of a recurrence relation. Definition. The order of a recurrence relation is the dierence between the greatest and lowest subscripts of the terms of the sequence in the equation.
This chapter was written at Macquarie University in 1992.


W W L Chen : Discrete Mathematics


A recurrence relation of order k is said to be linear if it is linear in an , an+1 , . . . , an+k .

Otherwise, the recurrence relation is said to be non-linear. Example 16.1.5. The recurrence relations in Examples 16.1.1 and 16.1.3 are linear, while those in Examples 16.1.2 and 16.1.4 are non-linear. Example 16.1.6. an+1 an+2 = 5an is a non-linear recurrence relation of order 2.

Remark. The recurrence relation an+3 + 5an+2 + 4an+1 + an = cos n can also be written in the form an+2 + 5an+1 + 4an + an1 = cos(n 1). There is no reason why the term of the sequence in the equation with the lowest subscript should always have subscript n. For the sake of uniformity and convenience, we shall in this chapter always follow the convention that the term of the sequence in the equation with the lowest subscript has subscript n.


How Recurrence Relations Arise

We shall rst of all consider a few examples. Do not worry about the details. Example 16.2.1. Consider the equation an = A(n!), where A is a constant. Replacing n by (n + 1) in the equation, we obtain an+1 = A((n + 1)!). Combining the two equations and eliminating A, we obtain the rst-order recurrence relation an+1 = (n + 1)an . Example 16.2.2. Consider the equation an = (A + Bn)3n , (1)

where A and B are constants. Replacing n by (n + 1) and (n + 2) in the equation, we obtain respectively an+1 = (A + B(n + 1))3n+1 = (3A + 3B)3n + 3Bn3n and an+2 = (A + B(n + 2))3n+2 = (9A + 18B)3n + 9Bn3n . Combining (1)(3) and eliminating A and B, we obtain the second-order recurrence relation an+2 6an+1 + 9an = 0. Example 16.2.3. Consider the equation an = A(1)n + B(2)n + C3n , (4) (3) (2)

where A, B and C are constants. Replacing n by (n + 1), (n + 2) and (n + 3) in the equation, we obtain respectively an+1 = A(1)n+1 + B(2)n+1 + C3n+1 = A(1)n 2B(2)n + 3C3n , an+2 = A(1)n+2 + B(2)n+2 + C3n+2 = A(1)n + 4B(2)n + 9C3n and an+3 = A(1)n+3 + B(2)n+3 + C3n+3 = A(1)n 8B(2)n + 27C3n . Combining (4)(7) and eliminating A, B and C, we obtain the third-order recurrence relation an+3 7an+1 6an = 0. (7) (5) (6)

Chapter 16 : Recurrence Relations


Note that in these three examples, the expression of an as a function of n contains respectively one, two and three constants. By writing down one, two and three extra expressions respectively, using subsequent terms of the sequence, we are in a position to eliminate these constants. In general, the expression of an as a function of n may contain k arbitrary constants. By writing down k further equations, using subsequent terms of the sequence, we expect to be able to eliminate these constants. After eliminating these constants, we expect to end up with a recurrence relation of order k. If we reverse the argument, it is reasonable to dene the general solution of a recurrence relation of order k as that solution containing k arbitrary constants. This is, however, not very satisfactory. Instead, the following is true: Any solution of a recurrence relation of order k containing fewer than k arbitrary constants cannot be the general solution. In many situations, the solution of a recurrence relation has to satisfy certain specied conditions. These are called initial conditions, and determine the values of the arbitrary constants in the solution. Example 16.2.4. The recurrence relation an+2 6an+1 + 9an = 0 has general solution an = (A + Bn)3n , where A and B are arbitrary constants. Suppose that we have the initial conditions a0 = 1 and a1 = 15. Then we must have an = (1 + 4n)3n .


Linear Recurrence Relations

Non-linear recurrence relations are usually very dicult, with standard techniques only for very few cases. We shall therefore concentrate on linear recurrence relations. The general linear recurrence relation of order k is the equation s0 (n)an+k + s1 (n)an+k1 + . . . + sk (n)an = f (n), (8)

where s0 (n), s1 (n), . . . , sk (n) and f (n) are given functions. Here we are primarily concerned with (8) only when the coecients s0 (n), s1 (n), . . . , sk (n) are constants and hence independent of n. We therefore study equations of the type s0 an+k + s1 an+k1 + . . . + sk an = f (n), where s0 , s1 , . . . , sk are constants, and where f (n) is a given function. (9)


The Homogeneous Case

If the function f (n) on the right-hand side of (9) is identically zero, then we say that the recurrence relation (9) is homogeneous. If the function f (n) on the right-hand side of (9) is not identically zero, then we say that the recurrence relation s0 an+k + s1 an+k1 + . . . + sk an = 0 (10)

is the reduced recurrence relation of (9). In this section, we study the problem of nding the general solution of a homogeneous recurrence relation of the type (10). (1) (k) Suppose that an , . . . , an are k independent solutions of the recurrence relation (10), so that no linear combination of them with constant coecients is identically zero, and s0 an+k + s1 an+k1 + . . . + sk a(1) = 0, n
(1) (1)


s0 an+k + s1 an+k1 + . . . + sk a(k) = 0. n




W W L Chen : Discrete Mathematics

We consider the linear combination

(k) an = c1 a(1) + . . . + ck an , n


where c1 , . . . , ck are arbitrary constants. Then an is clearly also a solution of (10), for s0 an+k + s1 an+k1 + . . . + sk an
(k) = s0 (c1 an+k + . . . + ck an+k ) + s1 (c1 an+k1 + . . . + ck an+k1 ) + . . . + sk (c1 a(1) + . . . + ck an ) n (k) = c1 (s0 an+k + s1 an+k1 + . . . + sk a(1) ) + . . . + ck (s0 an+k + s1 an+k1 + . . . + sk an ) n (1) (1) (k) (k) (1) (k) (1) (k)

= 0. Since (11) contains k constants, it is reasonable to take this as the general solution of (10). It remains (1) (k) to nd k independent solutions an , . . . , an . Consider rst of all the case k = 2. We are therefore interested in the homogeneous recurrence relation s0 an+2 + s1 an+1 + s2 an = 0, where s0 , s1 , s2 are constants, with s0 = 0 and s2 = 0. Let us try a solution of the form an = n , where = 0. Then clearly an+1 = n+1 and an+2 = n+2 , so that (s0 2 + s1 + s2 )n = 0. Since = 0, we must have s0 2 + s1 + s2 = 0. (14) (13) (12)

This is called the characteristic polynomial of the recurrence relation (12). It follows that (13) is a solution of the recurrence relation (12) whenever satises the characteristic polynomial (14). Suppose that 1 and 2 are the two roots of (14). Then a(1) = n n 1 and a(2) = n n 2

are both solutions of the recurrence relation (12). It follows that the general solution of the recurrence relation (12) is an = c1 n + c2 n . 1 2 (15)

Example 16.4.1.

The recurrence relation an+2 + 4an+1 + 3an = 0

has characteristic polynomial 2 + 4 + 3 = 0, with roots 1 = 3 and 2 = 1. It follows that the general solution of the recurrence relation is given by an = c1 (3)n + c2 (1)n .

Chapter 16 : Recurrence Relations


Example 16.4.2.

The recurrence relation an+2 + 4an = 0

has characteristic polynomial 2 + 4 = 0, with roots 1 = 2i and 2 = 2i. It follows that the general solution of the recurrence relation is given by an = b1 (2i)n + b2 (2i)n = 2n (b1 in + b2 (i)n ) n n = 2n b1 cos + i sin + b2 cos i sin 2 2 2 2 n n n n n = 2 b1 cos + i sin + b2 cos i sin 2 2 2 2 n n n = 2 (b1 + b2 ) cos + i(b1 b2 ) sin 2 2 n n n = 2 c1 cos + c2 sin . 2 2 Example 16.4.3. The recurrence relation an+2 + 4an+1 + 16an = 0 has characteristic polynomial 2 + 4 + 16 = 0, with roots 1 = 2 + 2 3i and 2 = 2 2 3i. It follows that the general solution of the recurrence relation is given by an = b1 (2 + 2 3i)n + b2 (2 2 3i)n = 4n


1 3 + i 2 2

+ b2

1 3 i 2 2

= 4n b1 cos = 4n = 4n = 4n

2 2 2 2 + i sin i sin + b2 cos 3 3 3 3 2n 2n 2n 2n + i sin + b2 cos i sin b1 cos 3 3 3 3 2n 2n (b1 + b2 ) cos + i(b1 b2 ) sin 3 3 2n 2n + c2 sin . c1 cos 3 3

The method works well provided that 1 = 2 . However, if 1 = 2 , then (15) does not qualify as the general solution of the recurrence relation (12), as it contains only one arbitrary constant. We therefore try for a solution of the form an = un n , (16) where un is a function of n, and where is the repeated root of the characteristic polynomial (14). Then an+1 = un+1 n+1 Substituting (16) and (17) into (12), we obtain s0 un+2 n+2 + s1 un+1 n+1 + s2 un n = 0. Note that the left-hand side is equal to s0 (un+2 un )n+2 +s1 (un+1 un )n+1 +un (s0 2 +s1 +s2 )n = s0 (un+2 un )n+2 +s1 (un+1 un )n+1 . It follows that s0 (un+2 un ) + s1 (un+1 un ) = 0. and an+2 = un+2 n+2 . (17)


W W L Chen : Discrete Mathematics

Note now that since s0 2 + s1 + s2 = 0 and that is a repeated root, we must have 2 = s1 /s0 . It follows that we must have (un+2 un ) 2(un+1 un ) = 0, so that un+2 2un+1 + un = 0. This implies that the sequence un is an arithmetic progression, so that un = c1 + c2 n, where c1 and c2 are constants. It follows that the general solution of the recurrence relation (12) in this case is given by an = (c1 + c2 n)n , where is the repeated root of the characteristic polynomial (14). Example 16.4.4. The recurrence relation an+2 6an+1 + 9an = 0 has characteristic polynomial 2 6 + 9 = 0, with repeated roots = 3. It follows that the general solution of the recurrence relation is given by an = (c1 + c2 n)3n . We now consider the general case. We are therefore interested in the homogeneous recurrence relation s0 an+k + s1 an+k1 + . . . + sk an = 0, (18) where s0 , s1 , . . . , sk are constants, with s0 = 0. If we try a solution of the form an = n as before, where = 0, then it can easily be shown that we must have s0 k + s1 k1 + . . . + sk = 0. This is called the characteristic polynomial of the recurrence relation (18). We shall state the following theorem without proof. THEOREM 16A. Suppose that the characteristic polynomial (19) of the homogeneous recurrence relation (18) has distinct roots 1 , . . . , s , with multiplicities m1 , . . . , ms respectively (where, of course, k = m1 + . . . + ms ). Then the general solution of the recurrence relation (18) is given by


an =

(bj,1 + bj,2 n + . . . + bj,mj nmj 1 )n , j

where, for every j = 1, . . . , s, the coecients bj,1 , . . . , bj,mj are constants. Example 16.4.5. The recurrence relation an+5 + 7an+4 + 19an+3 + 25an+2 + 16an+1 + 4an = 0 has characteristic polynomial 5 + 74 + 193 + 252 + 16 + 4 = ( + 1)3 ( + 2)2 = 0 with roots 1 = 1 and 2 = 2 with multiplicities m1 = 3 and m2 = 2 respectively. It follows that the general solution of the recurrence relation is given by an = (c1 + c2 n + c3 n2 )(1)n + (c4 + c5 n)(2)n .


The Non-Homogeneous Case

We study equations of the type s0 an+k + s1 an+k1 + . . . + sk an = f (n), (20)

Chapter 16 : Recurrence Relations


where s0 , s1 , . . . , sk are constants, and where f (n) is a given function. (c) Suppose that an is the general solution of the reduced recurrence relation s0 an+k + s1 an+k1 + . . . + sk an = 0,
(c) (p)


so that the expression of an involves k arbitrary constants. Suppose further that an is any solution of the non-homogeneous recurrence relation (20). Then s0 an+k + s1 an+k1 + . . . + sk a(c) = 0 n Let an = a(c) + a(p) . n n Then s0 an+k + s1 an+k1 + . . . + sk an = s0 (an+k + an+k ) + s1 (an+k1 + an+k1 ) + . . . + sk (a(c) + a(p) ) n n = (s0 an+k + s1 an+k1 + . . . + sk a(c) ) + (s0 an+k + s1 an+k1 + . . . + sk a(p) ) n n = 0 + f (n) = f (n). It is therefore reasonable to say that (22) is the general solution of the non-homogeneous recurrence relation (20). (c) The term an is usually known as the complementary function of the recurrence relation (20), while (p) (p) the term an is usually known as a particular solution of the recurrence relation (20). Note that an is in general not unique. (p) To solve the recurrence relation (20), it remains to nd a particular solution an .
(c) (c) (p) (p) (c) (p) (c) (p) (c) (c)


s0 an+k + s1 an+k1 + . . . + sk a(p) = f (n). n





The Method of Undetermined Coecients

In this section, we are concerned with the question of nding particular solutions of recurrence relations of the type s0 an+k + s1 an+k1 + . . . + sk an = f (n), (23) where s0 , s1 , . . . , sk are constants, and where f (n) is a given function. The method of undetermined coecients is based on assuming a trial form for the particular solution (p) an of (23) which depends on the form of the function f (n) and which contains a number of arbitrary constants. This trial function is then substituted into the recurrence relation (23) and the constants are chosen to make this a solution. The basic trial forms are given in the table below (c denotes a constant in the expression of f (n) and A (with or without subscripts) denotes a constant to be determined): f (n) c cn cn

trial an A


f (n) c sin n c cos n


trial an


A1 cos n + A2 sin n A1 cos n + A2 sin n A1 rn cos n + A2 rn sin n A1 rn cos n + A2 rn sin n rn (A0 + A1 n + . . . + Am nm )

A0 + A1 n A0 + A1 n + A 2 n Arn A0 + A1 n + . . . + A m n m

cr sin n crn cos n cnm rn

cnm (m N) crn (r R)


W W L Chen : Discrete Mathematics

Example 16.6.1.

Consider the recurrence relation an+2 + 4an+1 + 3an = 5(2)n .

It has been shown in Example 16.4.1 that the reduced recurrence relation has complementary function
(c) an = c1 (3)n + c2 (1)n .

For a particular solution, we try a(p) = A(2)n . n Then an+1 = A(2)n+1 = 2A(2)n and an+2 = A(2)n+2 = 4A(2)n . It follows that an+2 + 4an+1 + 3a(p) = (4A 8A + 3A)(2)n = A(2)n = 5(2)n n if A = 5. Hence an = a(c) + a(p) = c1 (3)n + c2 (1)n 5(2)n . n n Consider the recurrence relation an+2 + 4an = 6 cos n n + 3 sin . 2 2
(p) (p) (p) (p)

Example 16.6.2.

It has been shown in Example 16.4.2 that the reduced recurrence relation has complementary function a(c) = 2n c1 cos n For a particular solution, we try a(p) = A1 cos n Then an+1 = A1 cos

n n + c2 sin . 2 2

n n + A2 sin . 2 2

(n + 1) (n + 1) + A2 sin 2 2 n n n n = A1 cos cos sin sin + A2 sin cos + cos sin 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 n n = A2 cos A1 sin 2 2 (n + 2) (n + 2) + A2 sin 2 2 n n n n = A1 cos cos sin sin + A2 sin cos + cos sin 2 2 2 2 n n = A1 cos A2 sin . 2 2 an+2 + 4a(p) = 3A1 cos n

and an+2 = A1 cos


It follows that

n n n n + 3A2 sin = 6 cos + 3 sin 2 2 2 2 n n n n + c2 sin + 2 cos + sin . 2 2 2 2

if A1 = 2 and A2 = 1. Hence
(c) an = an + a(p) = 2n c1 cos n

Chapter 16 : Recurrence Relations


Example 16.6.3.

Consider the recurrence relation an+2 + 4an+1 + 16an = 4n+2 cos n n 4n+3 sin . 2 2

It has been shown in Example 16.4.3 that the reduced recurrence relation has complementary function a(c) = 4n c1 cos n For a particular solution, we try a(p) = 4n A1 cos n Then an+1 = 4n+1 A1 cos and an+2 = 4n+2 A1 cos It follows that an+2 + 4an+1 + 16a(p) = 16A2 4n cos n if A1 = 4 and A2 = 1. Hence an = a(c) + a(p) = 4n c1 cos n n n n 2n 2n + c2 sin + 4 cos + sin 3 3 2 2 .
(p) (p) (p) (p)

2n 2n + c2 sin 3 3

n n + A2 sin . 2 2 (n + 1) (n + 1) + A2 sin 2 2 (n + 2) (n + 2) + A2 sin 2 2 = 4n 4A2 cos n n 4A1 sin 2 2 n n 16A2 sin . 2 2

= 4n 16A1 cos

n n n n 16A1 4n sin = 4n+2 cos 4n+3 sin 2 2 2 2


Lifting the Trial Functions

What we have discussed so far in Section 16.6 may not work. We need to nd a remedy. Example 16.7.1. Consider the recurrence relation an+2 + 4an+1 + 3an = 12(3)n . It has been shown in Example 16.4.1 that the reduced recurrence relation has complementary function
(c) an = c1 (3)n + c2 (1)n .

For a particular solution, let us try a(p) = A(3)n . n Then an+1 = A(3)n+1 = 3A(3)n and an+2 = A(3)n+2 = 9A(3)n . Then an+2 + 4an+1 + 3a(p) = (9A 12A + 3A)(3)n = 0 = 12(3)n n
(p) (p) (p) (p)


W W L Chen : Discrete Mathematics

for any A. In fact, this is no coincidence. Note that if we take c1 = A and c2 = 0, then the complementary (c) function an becomes our trial function! No wonder the method does not work. Now try instead a(p) = An(3)n . n Then an+1 = A(n + 1)(3)n+1 = 3An(3)n 3A(3)n and an+2 = A(n + 2)(3)n+2 = 9An(3)n + 18A(3)n . It follows that an+2 + 4an+1 + 3a(p) = (9A 12A + 3A)n(3)n + (18A 12A)(3)n = 6A(3)n = 12(3)n n if A = 2. Hence an = a(c) + a(p) = c1 (3)n + c2 (1)n + 2n(3)n . n n Example 16.7.2. Consider the recurrence relation an+2 + 4an = 2n cos n . 2
(p) (p) (p) (p)

It has been shown in Example 16.4.2 that the reduced recurrence relation has complementary function a(c) = 2n c1 cos n For a particular solution, it is no use trying a(p) = 2n A1 cos n It is guaranteed not to work. Now try instead a(p) = n2n A1 cos n Then an+1 = (n + 1)2n+1 A1 cos = (n + 1)2n+1 and an+2 = (n + 2)2n+2 A1 cos = (n + 2)2n+2 It follows that an+2 + 4a(p) = ((n + 2)2n+2 + 4n2n )A1 cos n
(p) (p) (p)

n n + c2 sin . 2 2

n n + A2 sin . 2 2

n n + A2 sin . 2 2 (n + 1) (n + 1) + A2 sin 2 2 n n A2 cos A1 sin 2 2 (n + 2) (n + 2) + A2 sin 2 2 n n A1 cos A2 sin . 2 2

n n + ((n + 2)2n+2 + 4n2n )A2 sin 2 2 n n n n+3 n+3 n = 2 A1 cos A2 sin 2 = 2 cos 2 2 2

if A1 = 1/8 and A2 = 0. Hence an = a(c) + a(p) = 2n c1 cos n n n n n n + c2 sin cos . 2 2 8 2

Chapter 16 : Recurrence Relations


Example 16.7.3.

Consider the recurrence relation an+2 6an+1 + 9an = 3n .

It has been shown in Example 16.4.4 that the reduced recurrence relation has complementary function a(c) = (c1 + c2 n)3n . n For a particular solution, it is no use trying a(p) = A3n n or a(p) = An3n . n

Both are guaranteed not to work. Now try instead a(p) = An2 3n . n Then an+1 = A(n + 1)2 3n+1 = A(3n2 + 6n + 3)3n and an+2 = A(n + 2)2 3n+2 = A(9n2 + 36n + 36)3n . It follows that if A = 1/18. Hence an = a(c) + a(p) = n n c1 + c2 n + n2 18 3n . an+2 6an+1 + 9a(p) = 18A3n = 3n n
(p) (p) (p) (p)

In general, all we need to do when the usual trial function forms part of the complementary function is to lift our usual trial function over the complementary function by multiplying the usual trial function by a power of n. This power should be as small as possible.


Initial Conditions

We shall illustrate our method by a fresh example. Example 16.8.1. Consider the recurrence relation an+3 + 5an+2 + 8an+1 + 4an = 2(1)n + (2)n+3 , with initial conditions a0 = 4, a1 = 11 and a2 = 41. Consider rst of all the reduced recurrence relation an+3 + 5an+2 + 8an+1 + 4an = 0. This has characteristic polynomial 3 + 52 + 8 + 4 = ( + 1)( + 2)2 = 0, with roots 1 = 1 and 2 = 2, with multiplicities m1 = 1 and m2 = 2 respectively. It follows that
(c) an = c1 (1)n + (c2 + c3 n)(2)n .

To nd a particular solution, we therefore need to try a(p) = A1 n(1)n + A2 n2 (2)n . n


W W L Chen : Discrete Mathematics

Note that the usual trial function A1 (1)n + A2 (2)n has been lifted in view of the observation that it forms part of the complementary function. The part A1 (1)n has been lifted once since 1 is a root of multiplicity 1 of the characteristic polynomial. The part A2 (2)n has been lifted twice since 2 is a root of multiplicity 2 of the characteristic polynomial. Then we have an+1 = A1 (n + 1)(1)n+1 + A2 (n + 1)2 (2)n+1 = A1 (n 1)(1)n + A2 (2n2 4n 2)(2)n , an+2 = A1 (n + 2)(1)n+2 + A2 (n + 2)2 (2)n+2 = A1 (n + 2)(1)n + A2 (4n2 + 16n + 16)(2)n and an+3 = A1 (n + 3)(1)n+3 + A2 (n + 3)2 (2)n+3 = A1 (n 3)(1)n + A2 (8n2 48n 72)(2)n . It follows that an+3 + 5an+2 + 8an+1 + 4a(p) = A1 (1)n 8A2 (2)n = 2(1)n + (2)n+3 n if A1 = 2 and A2 = 1. Hence an = a(c) + a(p) = c1 (1)n + (c2 + c3 n)(2)n 2n(1)n + n2 (2)n . n n For the initial conditions to be satised, we substitute n = 0, 1, 2 into (24) to get respectively a0 = c1 + c2 = 4, a1 = c1 2(c2 + c3 ) + 2 2 = 11, a2 = c1 + 4(c2 + 2c3 ) 4 + 16 = 41. It follows that we must have c1 = 1, c2 = 3 and c3 = 2, so that an = (1 2n)(1)n + (3 + 2n + n2 )(2)n . (24)
(p) (p) (p) (p) (p) (p)

To summarize, we take the following steps in order: (1) Consider the reduced recurrence relation, and nd its general solution by nding the roots of (c) its characteristic polynomial. This solution an is called the complementary function. If the original (c) recurrence relation is of order k, then the expression for an contains k arbitrary constants c1 , . . . , ck . (p) (2) Find a particular solution an of the original recurrence relation by using, for example, the method of undetermined coecients, bearing in mind that in this method, the usual trial function may have to be lifted above the complementary function. (c) (p) (3) Obtain the general solution of the original equation by calculating an = an + an . (4) If initial conditions are given, substitute them into the expression for an and determine the constants c1 , . . . , ck .


The Generating Function Method

In this section, we are concerned with using generating functions to solve recurrence relations of the type s0 an+k + s1 an+k1 + . . . + sk an = f (n), (25)

where s0 , s1 , . . . , sk are constants, f (n) is a given function, and the terms a0 , a1 , . . . , ak1 are given.

Chapter 16 : Recurrence Relations


Let us write G(X) =

an X n .


In other words, G(X) denotes the generating function of the unknown sequence an whose values we wish to determine. If we can determine G(X), then the sequence an is simply the sequence of coecients of the series expansion for G(X). Multiplying (25) throughout by X n , we obtain s0 an+k X n + s1 an+k1 X n + . . . + sk an X n = f (n)X n . Summing over n = 0, 1, 2, . . . , we obtain


an+k X n + s1

an+k1 X n + . . . + sk

an X n =

f (n)X n .

Multiplying throughout again by X k , we obtain

s0 X k

an+k X n + s1 X k

an+k1 X n + . . . + sk X k

an X n = X k

f (n)X n .


A typical term on the left-hand side of (27) is of the form

sj X

k n=0

an+kj X = sj X

j n=0

an+kj X


= sj X

j m=kj

am X m

= sj X j G(X) (a0 + a1 X + . . . + akj1 X kj1 ) , where j = 0, 1, . . . , k. It follows that (27) can be written in the form

sj X j G(X) (a0 + a1 X + . . . + akj1 X kj1 ) = X k F (X),



where F (X) =

f (n)X n

is the generating function of the given sequence f (n). Since a0 , a1 , . . . , ak1 are given, it follows that the only unknown in (28) is G(X). Hence we can solve (28) to obtain an expression for G(X). Example 16.9.1. We shall rework Example 16.8.1. We are interested in solving the recurrence relation an+3 + 5an+2 + 8an+1 + 4an = 2(1)n + (2)n+3 , (29)

with initial conditions a0 = 4, a1 = 11 and a2 = 41. Multiplying (29) throughout by X n , we obtain an+3 X n + 5an+2 X n + 8an+1 X n + 4an X n = (2(1)n + (2)n+3 )X n . Summing over n = 0, 1, 2, . . . , we obtain

an+3 X n + 5
n=0 n=0

an+2 X n + 8

an+1 X n + 4

an X n =

(2(1)n + (2)n+3 )X n .


W W L Chen : Discrete Mathematics

Multiplying throughout again by X 3 , we obtain


an+3 X n + 5X 3

an+2 X n + 8X 3

an+1 X n + 4X 3

an X n

= X3

(2(1)n + (2)n+3 )X n .

It follows that (G(X) (a0 + a1 X + a2 X 2 )) + 5X(G(X) (a0 + a1 X)) + 8X 2 (G(X) a0 ) + 4X 3 G(X) = X 3 F (X), where F (X) =


(2(1)n + (2)n+3 )X n

is the generating function of the sequence 2(1)n + (2)n+3 . The generating function of the sequence 2(1)n is F1 (X) = 2 2X + 2X 2 2X 3 + . . . = 2(1 X + X 2 X 3 + . . .) = while the generating function of the sequence (2)n+3 is F2 (X) = 8 + 16X 32X 2 + 64X 3 . . . = 8(1 2X + 4X 2 8X 3 + . . .) = It follows from Proposition 14A that F (X) = F1 (X) + F2 (X) = 8 2 . 1+X 1 + 2X (31) 8 . 1 + 2X 2 , 1+X

On the other hand, substituting the initial conditions into (30) and combining with (31), we have (G(X) (4 11X + 41X 2 )) + 5X(G(X) (4 11X)) + 8X 2 (G(X) 4) + 4X 3 G(X) 2X 3 8X 3 = . 1+X 1 + 2X In other words, (1 + 5X + 8X 2 + 4X 3 )G(X) = 2X 3 8X 3 + 4 + 9X + 18X 2 . 1+X 1 + 2X

Note that 1 + 5X + 8X 2 + 4X 3 = (1 + X)(1 + 2X)2 , so that G(X) = 2X 3 8X 3 4 + 9X + 18X 2 + . 2 (1 + 2X)2 3 (1 + X) (1 + X)(1 + 2X) (1 + X)(1 + 2X)2 (32)

This can be expressed by partial fractions in the form G(X) = A1 A3 A5 A2 A4 + + + + 2 2 1+X (1 + X) 1 + 2X (1 + 2X) (1 + 2X)3 A1 (1 + X)(1 + 2X)3 + A2 (1 + 2X)3 + A3 (1 + X)2 (1 + 2X)2 + A4 (1 + X)2 (1 + 2X) + A5 (1 + X)2 = . (1 + X)2 (1 + 2X)3

Chapter 16 : Recurrence Relations


A little calculation from (32) will give G(X) = It follows that we must have A1 (1 + X)(1 + 2X)3 + A2 (1 + 2X)3 + A3 (1 + X)2 (1 + 2X)2 + A4 (1 + X)2 (1 + 2X) + +A5 (1 + X)2 = 4 + 21X + 53X 2 + 66X 3 + 32X 4 . Equating coecients for X 0 , X 1 , X 2 , X 3 , X 4 in (33) , we obtain respectively A1 + A2 + A3 + A4 + A5 = 4, (33) 4 + 21X + 53X 2 + 66X 3 + 32X 4 . (1 + X)2 (1 + 2X)3

7A1 + 6A2 + 6A3 + 4A4 + 2A5 = 21, 18A1 + 12A2 + 13A3 + 5A4 + A5 = 53, 20A1 + 8A2 + 12A3 + 2A4 = 66, 8A1 + 4A3 = 32. This system has unique solution A1 = 3, A2 = 2, A3 = 2, A4 = 1 and A5 = 2, so that G(X) = 3 2 1 2 2 + + . 1+X (1 + X)2 1 + 2X (1 + 2X)2 (1 + 2X)3

If we now use Proposition 14C and Example 14.3.2, then we obtain the following table of generating functions and sequences: generating function (1 + X)1 (1 + X)2 (1 + 2X)1 (1 + 2X)2 (1 + 2X)3 It follows that an = 3(1)n 2(1)n (n + 1) + 2(2)n (2)n (n + 1) + (2)n (n + 2)(n + 1) = (1 2n)(1)n + (3 + 2n + n2 )(2)n as before. sequence (1)n (1)n (n + 1) (2)n (2)n (n + 1) (2)n (n + 2)(n + 1)/2

Problems for Chapter 16 1. Solve each of the following homogeneous linear recurrences: a) an+2 6an+1 7an = 0 b) an+2 + 10an+1 + 25an = 0 c) an+3 6an+2 + 9an+1 4an = 0 d) an+2 4an+1 + 8an = 0 e) an+3 + 5an+2 + 12an+1 18an = 0


W W L Chen : Discrete Mathematics

2. For each of the following linear recurrences, write down its characteristic polynomial, the general solution of the reduced recurrence, and the form of a particular solution to the recurrence: a) an+2 + 4an+1 5an = 4 b) an+2 + 4an+1 5an = n2 + n + 1 c) an+2 2an+1 5an = cos n d) an+2 + 4an+1 + 8an = 2n sin(n/4) f) an+2 9an = n3n e) an+2 9an = 3n g) an+2 9an = n2 3n h) an+2 6an+1 + 9an = 3n i) an+2 6an+1 + 9an = 3n + 7n j) an+2 + 4an = 2n cos(n/2) k) an+2 + 4an = 2n cos n l) an+2 + 4an = n2n sin n 3. For each of the following functions f (n), use the method of undetermined coecients to nd a particular solution of the non-homogeneous linear recurrence an+2 6an+1 7an = f (n). Write down the general solution of the recurrence, and then nd the solution that satises the given initial conditions: a) f (n) = 24(5)n ; a0 = 3, a1 = 1 b) f (n) = 16(1)n ; a0 = 4, a1 = 2 n n c) f (n) = 8((1) + 7 ); a0 = 5, a1 = 11 d) f (n) = 12n2 4n + 10; a0 = 0, a1 = 10 n n e) f (n) = 2 cos + 36 sin ; a0 = 20, a1 = 3 2 2 4. Rework Questions 3(a)(d) using generating functions.

W W L Chen and Macquarie University, 1992.

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Chapter 17



A graph is simply a collection of vertices, together with some edges joining some of these vertices. Example 17.1.1. The graph 1 2

has vertices 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, while the edges may be described by {1, 2}, {1, 3}, {4, 5}. In particular, any edge can be described as a 2-subset of the set of all vertices; in other words, a subset of 2 elements of the set of all vertices. Definition. A graph is an object G = (V, E), where V is a nite set and E is a collection of 2-subsets of V . The elements of V are known as vertices and the elements of E are known as edges. Two vertices x, y V are said to be adjacent if {x, y} E; in other words, if x and y are joined by an edge. Remark. Note that our denition does not permit any edge to join the same vertex, so that there are no loops. Note also that the edges do not have directions. Example 17.1.2. In our earlier example, V = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5} and E = {{1, 2}, {1, 3}, {4, 5}}. The vertices 2 and 3 are both adjacent to the vertex 1, but are not adjacent to each other since {2, 3} E. We can also represent this graph by an adjacency list 1 2 3 4 5 2 1 1 5 4 3 where each vertex heads a list of those vertices adjacent to it.
This chapter was written at Macquarie University in 1992.


W W L Chen : Discrete Mathematics

Example 17.1.3.

For every n N, the wheel graph Wn = (V, E), where V = {0, 1, 2, . . . , n} and E = {{0, 1}, {0, 2}, . . . , {0, n}, {1, 2}, {2, 3}, . . . , {n 1, n}, {n, 1}}.

We can represent this graph by the adjacency list below. 0 1 . . . 1 0 2 0 3 0 ... ... n1 0 n 0 1 n1

2 n n

3 4 ... n 1 2 ... n 2

For example, W4 can be illustrated by the picture below. 1> ; >> >> ;; ; > ;; 4> 0 2 >> ;; >> ; > ;; ; 3

Example 17.1.4. For every n N, the complete graph Kn = (V, E), where V = {1, 2, . . . , n} and E = {{i, j} : 1 i < j n}. In this graph, every pair of distinct vertices are adjacent. For example, K4 can be illustrated by the picture below. 1> 2 >> ; >> ;; ; > ;; 4 3

In Example 17.1.4, we called Kn the complete graph. This calls into question the situation when we may have another graph with n vertices and where every pair of dictinct vertices are adjacent. We have then to accept that the two graphs are essentially the same. Definition. Two graphs G1 = (V1 , E1 ) and G2 = (V2 , E2 ) are said to be isomorphic if there exists a function : V1 V2 which satises the following properties: (GI1) : V1 V2 is one-to-one. (GI2) : V1 V2 is onto. (GI3) For every x, y V1 , {x, y} E1 if and only if {(x), (y)} E2 . Example 17.1.5. The two graphs below are isomorphic. a b 1. .. .. .. 3 = .. == . ==.. =. 2 4

Simply let, for example, (a) = 2, (d) = 4, (b) = 1 and (c) = 3.

Chapter 17 : Graphs


Example 17.1.6. Let G = (V, E) be dened as follows. Let V be the collection of all strings of length 3 in {0, 1}. In other words, V = {x1 x2 x3 : x1 , x2 , x3 {0, 1}}. Let E contain precisely those pairs of strings which dier in exactly one position, so that, for example, {000, 010} E while {101, 110} E. We can show that G is isomorphic to the graph formed by the corners and edges of an ordinary cube. This is best demonstrated by the following pictorial representation of G. 011 yy y yy yy 001 111 yy y yy yy 101

010 y yy yy yy 000

110 y yy yy yy 100


Valency Suppose that G = (V, E), and let v V be a vertex of G. By the valency of v, we mean (v) = |{e E : v e}|,

Definition. the number

the number of edges of G which contain the vertex v. Example 17.2.1. Example 17.2.2. For the wheel graph W4 , (0) = 4 and (v) = 3 for every v {1, 2, 3, 4}. For every complete graph Kn , (v) = n 1 for every v V .

Note that each edge contains two vertices, so we immediately have the following simple result. THEOREM 17A. The sum of the values of the valency (v), taken over all vertices v of a graph G = (V, E), is equal to twice the number of edges of G. In other words, (v) = 2|E|.

Proof. Consider an edge {x, y}. It will contribute 1 to each of the values (x) and (y) and |E|. The result follows on adding together the contributions from all the edges. In fact, we can say a bit more. Definition. (resp. even). A vertex of a graph G = (V, E) is said to be odd (resp. even) if its valency (v) is odd

THEOREM 17B. The number of odd vertices of a graph G = (V, E) is even. Proof. Let Ve and Vo denote respectively the collection of even and odd vertices of G. Then it follows from Theorem 17A that (v) + (v) = 2|E|.
vVe vVo


W W L Chen : Discrete Mathematics

For every v Ve , the valency (v) is even. It follows that (v)


is even. Since (v) is odd for every v Vo , it follows that |Vo | must be even. Example 17.2.3. For every n N satisfying n 3, the cycle graph Cn = (V, E), where V = {1, . . . , n} and E = {{1, 2}, {2, 3}, . . . , {n 1, n}, {n, 1}}. Here every vertex has velancy 2. Example 17.2.4. A graph G = (V, E) is said to be regular with valency r if (v) = r for every v V . In particular, the complete graph Kn is regular with valency n 1 for every n N. Remark. The notion of valency can be used to test whether two graphs are isomorphic. It is not diucilt to see that if : V1 V2 gives an isomorphism between graphs G1 = (V1 , E1 ) and G2 = (V2 , E2 ), then we must have (v) = ((v)) for every v V1 .


Walks, Paths and Cycles

Graph theory is particularly useful for routing purposes. After all, a map can be thought of as a graph, with places as vertices and roads as edges (here we assume that there are no one-way streets). It is therefore not unusual for some terms in graph theory to have some very practical-sounding names. Definition. A walk in a graph G = (V, E) is a sequence of vertices v0 , v1 , . . . , vk V such that for every i = 1, . . . , k, {vi1 , vi } E. In this case, we say that the walk is from v0 to vk . Furthermore, if all the vertices are distinct, then the walk is called a path. On the other hand, if all the vertices are distinct except that v0 = vk , then the walk is called a cycle. Remark. A walk can also be thought of as a succession of edges {v0 , v1 }, {v1 , v2 }, . . . , {vk1 , vk }. Note that a walk may visit any given vertex more than once or use any given edge more than once. Example 17.3.1. Consider the wheel graph W4 described in the picture below. 1> ; >> >> ;; ; > ;; 4> 0 2 >> ; >> ;; > ;; ; 3 Then 0, 1, 2, 0, 3, 4, 3 is a walk but not a path or cycle. The walk 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 is a path, while the walk 0, 1, 2, 0 is a cycle. Suppose that G = (V, E) is a graph. Dene a relation on V in the following way. Suppose that x, y V . Then we write x y whenever there exists a walk v0 , v1 , . . . , vk V

Chapter 17 : Graphs


with x = v0 and y = vk . Then it is not dicult to check that is an equivalence relation on V . Let V = V 1 . . . Vr , a (disjoint) union of the distinct equivalence classes. For every i = 1, . . . , r, let Ei = {{x, y} E : x, y Vi }; in other words, Ei denotes the collection of all edges in E with both endpoints in Vi . It is not hard to see that E1 , . . . , Er are pairwise disjoint. Definition. For every i = 1, . . . , r, the graphs Gi = (Vi , Ei ), where Vi and Ei are dened above, are called the components of G. If G has just one component, then we say that G is connected. Remark. A graph G = (V, E) is connected if for every pair of distinct vertices x, y V , there exists a walk from x to y. Example 17.3.2. The graph described by the picture 1 2 3 NNN 4 NN NN NN NN N 6 7

has two components, while the graph described by the picture 1 2 ; ;; ; ;; 3 NNN 4 NN NN NN NN N 6 7

5 is connected. Example 17.3.3.

For every n N, the complete graph Kn is connected.

Sometimes, it is rather dicult to decide whether or not a given graph is connected. We shall develop some algorithms later to study this problem.


Hamiltonian Cycles and Eulerian Walks

At some complex time (a la Hawking), the mathematicians Hamilton and Euler went for a holiday. They visited a country with 7 cities (vertices) linked by a system of roads (edges) described by the following graph. 1 2 3 ;; ;; ;; ;; ;; ;; 4 5> 6 >> >> > 7


W W L Chen : Discrete Mathematics

Hamilton is a great mathematician. He would only be satised if he could visit each city once and return to his starting city. Euler is an immortal mathematician. He was interested in the scenery on the way as well and would only be satised if he could follow each road exactly once, and would not mind ending his trip in a city dierent from where he started. Hamilton was satised, but Euler was not. To see that Hamilton was satised, note that he could follow, for example, the cycle 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 5, 4, 1. However, to see that Euler was not satised, we need to study the problem a little further. Suppose that Euler attempted to start at x and nish at y. Let z be a vertex dierent from x and y. Whenever Euler arrived at z, he needed to leave via a road he had not taken before. Hence z must be an even vertex. Furthermore, if x = y, then both vertices x and y must be odd; if x = y, then both vertices x and y must be even. It follows that for Euler to succeed, there could be at most two odd vertices. Note now that the vertices 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 have valencies 2, 4, 3, 3, 5, 3, 2 respectively! Definition. Definition. A hamiltonian cycle in a graph G = (V, E) is a cycle which contains all the vertices of V . An eulerian walk in a graph G = (V, E) is a walk which uses each edge in E exactly once.

We shall state without proof the following result. THEOREM 17C. In a graph G = (V, E), a necessary and sucient condition for an eulerian walk to exist is that G has at most two odd vertices. The question of determining whether a hamiltonian cycle exists, on the other hand, turns out to be a rather more dicult problem, and we shall not study this here.



For obvious reasons, we make the following denition. Definition. A graph T = (V, E) is called a tree if it satises the following conditions: (T1) T is connected. (T2) T does not contain a cycle. Example 17.5.1. The graph represented by the picture is a tree. The following three simple properties are immediate from our denition. THEOREM 17D. Suppose that T = (V, E) is a tree with at least two vertices. Then for every pair of distinct vertices x, y V , there is a unique path in T from x to y.

@ @@ @@

Chapter 17 : Graphs


Proof. Since T is connected, there is a path from x to y. Let this be v0 (= x), v1 , . . . , vr (= y). Suppose on the contrary that there is a dierent path u0 (= x), u1 , . . . , us (= y). (2) (1)

We shall show that T must then have a cycle. Since the two paths (1) and (2) are dierent, there exists i N such that v0 = u0 , v1 = u1 , ..., vi = ui but vi+1 = ui+1 .

Consider now the vertices vi+1 , vi+2 , . . . , vr . Since both paths (1) and (2) end at y, they must meet again, so that there exists a smallest j {i + 1, i + 2, . . . , r} such that vj = ul for some l {i + 1, i + 2, . . . , s}. Then the two paths vj1 vi+1 O C HH v 77 HH 77 vv v HH 77 vv H vv 77 vj vO i iTTT O 77 TTT TTT 77 TTT TTT TT 7 same same distinct TT 8 8 TTTTT 8 TTTT 8 TTTT 8 TT* 8 8 ui H ul 8 HH 8 vv 8 HH v 8 HH vv 8 vv ui+1 ul1


vO0 same u0


;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;

;;;;;;;; v

same u1

;;;;;;;; u


give rise to a cycle vi , vi+1 , . . . , vj1 , ul , ul1 , . . . , ui+1 , vi , contradicting the hypothesis that T is a tree. THEOREM 17E. Suppose that T = (V, E) is a tree with at least two vertices. Then the graph obtained from T be removing an edge has two components, each of which is a tree. Sketch of Proof. Suppose that {u, v} E, where T = (V, E). Let us remove this edge, and consider the graph G = (V, E ), where E = E \ {{u, v}}. Dene a relation R on V as follows. Two vertices x, y V satisfy xRy if and only if x = y or the (unique) path in T from x to y does not contain the edge {u, v}. It can be shown that R is an equivalence relation on V , with two equivalence classes [u] and [v]. We can then show that [u] and [v] are the two components of G. Also, since T has no cycles, so neither do these two components. THEOREM 17F. Suppose that T = (V, E) is a tree. Then |E| = |V | 1. Proof. We shall prove this result by induction on the number of vertices of T = (V, E). Clearly the result is true if |V | = 1. Suppose now that the result is true if |V | k. Let T = (V, E) with |V | = k + 1. If we remove one edge from T , then by Theorem 17E, the resulting graph is made up of two components, each of which is a tree. Denote these two components by T1 = (V1 , E1 ) and T2 = (V2 , E2 ).

Then clearly |V1 | k and |V2 | k. It follows from the induction hypothesis that |E1 | = |V1 | 1 and |E2 | = |V2 | 1.

Note, however, that |V | = |V1 | + |V2 | and |E| = |E1 | + |E2 | + 1. The result follows.


W W L Chen : Discrete Mathematics


Spanning Tree of a Connected Graph

Definition. Suppose that G = (V, E) is a connected graph. Then a subset T of E is called a spanning tree of G if T satises the following two conditions: (ST1) Every vertex in V belongs to an edge in T . (ST2) The edges in T form a tree. Example 17.6.1. Consider the connected graph described by the following picture. 1 2 3

Then each of the following pictures describes a spanning tree. 1 2 3 1

_____ 2 _____ 3

_____ 2 _____ 3

_____ _____ 4 _____ 5 _____ 6

_____ 4 _____ 5

_____ _____ 4 _____ 5 _____ 6

Here we use the notation that an edge represented by a double line is an edge in T . It is clear from this example that a spanning tree may not be unique. The natural question is, given a connected graph, how we may grow a spanning tree. To do this, we apply a greedy algorithm as follows. GREEDY ALGORITHM FOR A SPANNING TREE. Suppose that G = (V, E) is a connected graph. (1) Take any vertex in V as an initial partial tree. (2) Choose edges in E one at a time so that each new edge joins a new vertex in V to the partial tree. (3) Stop when all the vertices in V are in the partial tree. Example 17.6.2. Consider again the connected graph described by the following picture. 1 2 3

Let us start with vertex 5. Choosing the edges {4, 5}, {2, 5}, {2, 3}, {1, 4}, {3, 6} successively, we obtain the following partial trees, the last of which represents a spanning tree. 1 2 3 1 2 3 1
_____ 2 _____ 3

_____ 4 _____ 5

6 1

_____ 4 _____ 5 _____ 2 _____ 3

6 1

_____ 4 _____ 5 _____ 2 _____ 3

_____ 4 _____ 5

_____ 4 _____ 5

Chapter 17 : Graphs


However, if we start with vertex 6 and choose the edges {3, 6}, {5, 6}, {4, 5}, {1, 4}, {2, 5} successively, we obtain the following partial trees, the last of which represents a dierent spanning tree. 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3

6 1 2

4 3

_____ 5 _____ 6

_____ _____ 4 _____ 5 _____ 6

_____ _____ 4 _____ 5 _____ 6

_____ _____ 4 _____ 5 _____ 6


The Greedy algorithm for a spanning tree always works.

Proof. We need to show that at any stage, we can always join a new vertex in V to the partial tree by an edge in E. To see this, let S denote the set of vertices in the partial tree at any stage. We may assume that S = , for we can always choose an initial vertex. Suppose that S = V . Suppose on the contrary that we cannot join an extra vertex in V to the partial tree. Then there is no edge in E having one vertex in S and the other vertex in V \ S. It follows that there is no path from any vertex in S to any vertex in V \ S, so that G is not connected, a contradiction.

Problems for Chapter 17 1. A 3-cycle in a graph is a set of three mutually adjacent vertices. Construct a graph with 5 vertices and 6 edges and no 3-cycles. 2. How many edges does the complete graph Kn have? 3. By looking for 3-cycles, show that the two graphs below are not isomorphic. / // // / / // // // // // // // // // // // / // @ // @@ // / @@/ . / .. // .. // .. // .. // .. // .. / .. / // .. // .. // .. // .. // .. / .

~ ~~ ~~

4. For each of the following lists, decide whether it is possible that the list represents the valencies of all the vertices of a graph. Is so, draw such a graph. a) 2, 2, 2, 3 b) 2, 2, 4, 4, 4 c) 1, 2, 2, 3, 4 d) 1, 2, 3, 4 5. Suppose that the graph G has at least 2 vertices. Show that G must have two vertices with the same valency.


W W L Chen : Discrete Mathematics

6. Consider the graph represented by the following adjacency list. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 5 2 1 7 2 0 1 3 0 0 8 6 4 6 8 2 5 5 9 6 9 4 How many components does this graph have? 7. Mr and Mrs Graf gave a party attended by four other couples. Some pairs of people shook hands when they met, but naturally no couple shook hands with each other. At the end of the party, Mr Graf asked the other nine people how many hand shakes they had made, and received nine dierent answers. Since the maximum number of handshakes any person could make was eight, the nine answers were 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8. Let the vertices of a graph be 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, g, where g represents Mr Graf and the nine numbers represent the other nine people, with person i having made i handshakes. a) Find the adjacency list of this graph. b) How many handshakes did Mrs Graf make? c) How many components does this graph have? 8. Hamilton and Euler decided to have another holiday. This time they visited a country with 9 cities and a road system represented by the following adjacency table. 1 2 3 4 5 6 2 1 2 1 4 1 4 3 4 3 6 5 6 7 8 5 7 8 9 9 9 7 8 2 1 6 3 8 7 9 9 2 4 6 8

a) Was either disappointed? b) The government of this country was concerned that either of these mathematicians could be disappointed with their visit, and decided to build an extra road linking two of the cities just in case. Was this necessary? If so, advise them how to proceed. 9. Find a hamiltonian cycle in the graph formed by the vertices and edges of an ordinary cube. 10. For which values of n N is it true that the complete graph Kn has an eulerian walk? 11. Draw the six non-isomorphic trees with 6 vertices. 12. Suppose that T = (V, E) is a tree with |V | 2. Use Theorems 17A and 17F to show that T has at least two vertices with valency 1. 13. Use the Greedy algorithm for a spanning tree on the following connected graph.

14. Show that there are 125 dierent spanning trees of the complete graph K5 .

W W L Chen and Macquarie University, 1992.

This work is available free, in the hope that it will be useful. Any part of this work may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or any information storage and retrieval system, with or without permission from the author.

Chapter 18



We shall consider the problem of spanning trees when the edges of a connected graph have weights. To do this, we rst consider weighted graphs. Definition. Suppose that G = (V, E) is a graph. Then any function of the type w : E N is called a weight function. The graph G, together with the function w : E N, is called a weighted graph. Example 18.1.1. Consider the connected graph described by the following picture. 1 2 3

4 Then the weighted graph 1

2 3

5 2
1 6 5

6 3
4 7

4 has weight function w : E N, where

E = {{1, 2}, {1, 4}, {2, 3}, {2, 5}, {3, 6}, {4, 5}, {5, 6}} and w({1, 2}) = 3, w({3, 6}) = 4, w({1, 4}) = 2, w({4, 5}) = 6, w({2, 3}) = 5, w({5, 6}) = 7. w({2, 5}) = 1,

This chapter was written at Macquarie University in 1992.


W W L Chen : Discrete Mathematics

Definition. Suppose that G = (V, E), together with a weight function w : E N, forms a weighted graph. Suppose further that G is connected, and that T is a spanning tree of G. Then the value w(T ) =


the sum of the weights of the edges in T , is called the weight of the spanning tree T .


Minimal Spanning Tree

Clearly, for any spanning tree T of G, we have w(T ) N. Also, it is clear that there are only nitely many spanning trees T of G. It follows that there must be one such spanning tree T where the value w(T ) is smallest among all the spanning trees of G. Definition. Suppose that G = (V, E), together with a weight function w : E N, forms a weighted graph. Suppose further that G is connected. Then a spanning tree T of G, for which the weight w(T ) is smallest among all spanning trees of G, is called a minimal spanning tree of G. Remark. A minimal spanning tree of a weighted connected graph may not be unique. Consider, for example, a connected graph all of whose edges have the same weight. Then every spanning tree is minimal. The question now is, given a weighted connected graph, how we may grow a minimal spanning tree. It turns out that the Greedy algorithm for a spanning tree, modied in a natural way, gives the answer. PRIMS ALGORITHM FOR A MINIMAL SPANNING TREE. Suppose that G = (V, E) is a connected graph, and that w : E N is a weight function. (1) Take any vertex in V as an initial partial tree. (2) Choose edges in E one at a time so that each new edge has minimal weight and joins a new vertex in V to the partial tree. (3) Stop when all vertices in V are in the partial tree. Example 18.2.1. Consider the weighted connected graph described by the following picture. 1
2 3



Let us start with vertex 5. Then we must choose the edges {2, 5}, {1, 2}, {1, 4}, {2, 3}, {3, 6} successively to obtain the following partial spanning trees, the last of which represents a minimal spanning tree. 1
2 3



_____ 1 _____ 2
3 2 1 6


_____ 1 _____ 2
3 2 1 6


3 5 _____ _____ 1 _____ 2 _____ 3 2 1 6 4 7

3 5 _____ _____ 1 _____ 2 _____ 3 2 1 6 4 7

Chapter 18 : Weighted Graphs


Example 18.2.2.

Consider the weighted connected graph described by the following picture. 1 2 3 ;; ;; 1 ;; 2 ;; 3 1 1 ;; ;; 4 2 5 2 6 ;; ;; 1 ;; 3 ;; 2 1 1 ;; ;; 7 1 8 3 9

1 1

Let us start with vertex 1. Then we may choose the edges {1, 2}, {1, 4} successively to obtain the following partial tree. 1 1 _____ 1 _____ 2 3 ; ; ;; 2 ;;; 3 1 ; 1 1 ;; ;; 4 2 5 2 6 ;; ;; 1 ;; 3 ;; 2 1 1 ;; ;; 7 1 8 3 9 At this stage, we may choose the next edge from among the edges {2, 3} and {4, 7}, but not the edge {2, 4}, since both the vertices 2 and 4 are already in the partial tree, so that we would not be joining a new vertex to the partial tree but would form a cycle instead. From this point, we may choose {2, 3} as the third edge, followed by {3, 5}, {5, 7}, {7, 8}, {6, 8} successively to obtain the following partial tree.
_____ _____ 1 _____ 2 _____ 3 ; ;; ;; ;; 3 1 ;; 2 ;; 1 ; ;1 ;; ;; ; 4 2 5 2 6 ; ; ;; ;; ;; 3 ;; ; 2 ; 1 ;; ; ;1 ; ;1 ;; ;; ; ; _____ 7 _____ 8 9
1 1 1 3

At this point, we are forced to choose the edge {6, 9} to complete the process. We therefore obtain the following minimal spanning tree. 1 1 _____ _____ 1 _____ 2 _____ 3 ; ;; ; ;; 1 ;; 2 ;; ;; 3 1 1 ;; ;; ;; 4 2 5 2 6 ; ;; ;; ;; ;; 1 ;; ;; 3 ;; ; 2 ;1 1 ;; ;; ;; _____ ; 7 _____ 8 3 9 1 However, if we start with vertex 9, then we are forced to choose the edges {6, 9}, {6, 8}, {7, 8} successively to obtain the following partial tree. 1 2 3 ; ; ;; 2 ;;; 3 1 ; 1 1 ;; ;; 4 2 5 2 6 ;; ;; ;; 1 ;; 3 ;; ;; 2 1 1 ;; ;; ;; _____ 7 _____ 8 3 9 1
1 1


W W L Chen : Discrete Mathematics

From this point, we may choose the edges {4, 7}, {1, 4}, {2, 4}, {5, 7}, {2, 3} successively to obtain the following dierent minimal spanning tree.
_____ 2 _____ 3 ; ;; ;; ;; 2 ;; 1 ;; 3 1 ; ;1 ;; ;; ; 4 2 5 2 6 ; ; ;; ;; ;; 3 ;; ; 2 ; 1 ;; ; ;1 ; ;1 ;; ;; ; ; _____ 7 _____ 8 3 9 1


Prims algorithm for a minimal spanning tree always works. algorithm. We shall show that T in the order of construction therefore assume, without loss Suppose that

Proof. Suppose that T is a spanning tree of G constructed by Prims w(T ) w(U ) for any spanning tree U of G. Suppose that the edges of are e1 , . . . , en1 , where |V | = n. If U = T , clearly the result holds. We of generality, that U = T , so that T contains an edge which is not in U . e1 , . . . , ek1 U and ek U.

Denote by S the set of vertices of the partial tree made up of the edges e1 , . . . , ek1 , and let ek = {x, y}, where x S and y V \ S. Since U is a spanning tree of G, it follows that there is a path in U from x to y which must consist of an edge e with one vertex in S and the other vertex in V \ S. In view of the algorithm, we must have w(ek ) w(e), for otherwise the edge e would have been chosen ahead of ek in the construction of T by the algorithm. Let us now remove the edge e from U and replace it by ek . We then obtain a new spanning tree U1 of G, where w(U1 ) = w(U ) w(e) + w(ek ) w(U ). Furthermore, e1 , . . . , ek1 , ek U1 . If U1 = T , then we repeat this process and obtain a sequence of spanning trees U1 , U2 , . . . of G, each of which contains a longer initial segment of the sequence e1 , e2 , . . . , en1 among its elements than its predecessor. It follows that this process must end with a spanning tree Um = T . Clearly w(U ) w(U1 ) w(U2 ) . . . w(Um ) = w(T ) as required. If Prim was lucky, Kruskal was excessively lucky. The following algorithm may not even contain a partial tree at some intermediate stage of the process. KRUSKALS ALGORITHM FOR A MINIMAL SPANNING TREE. Suppose that G = (V, E) is a connected graph, and that w : E N is a weight function. (1) Choose any edge in E with minimal weight. (2) Choose edges in E one at a time so that each new edge has minimal weight and does not give rise to a cycle. (3) Stop when all vertices in V are in some chosen edge. Example 18.2.3. Consider again the weighted connected graph described by the following picture. 1 2 3 ; ; ;; 2 ;;; 3 1 ; 1 1 ;; ;; 4 2 5 2 6 ;; ;; 1 ;; 3 ;; 2 1 1 ;; ;; 7 1 8 3 9
1 1

Chapter 18 : Weighted Graphs


Choosing the edges {1, 2}, {3, 5}, {6, 8}, {2, 4}, {4, 7}, {2, 3} successively, we arrive at the following situation. 1 1 _____ _____ 1 _____ 2 _____ 3 ; ; ;; ;; ;; 2 ;; ; 3 ; 1 ;; ; ;1 ; ;1 ;; ;; ; ; 4 2 5 2 6 ; ;; ; ;; 1 ;; 3 ;; ;; 2 1 1 ;; ;; ;; 7 1 8 3 9 We must next choose the edge {7, 8}, for choosing either {1, 4} or {5, 7} would result in a cycle. Finally, we must choose the edge {6, 9}. We therefore obtain the following minimal spanning tree.
_____ _____ 1 _____ 2 _____ 3 ; ; ;; ;; ;; 2 ;; ; 3 ; 1 ;; ; ;1 ; ;1 ;; ;; ; ; 4 2 5 2 6 ; ; ;; ; ;; 2 1 ;; 3 ;; ; ;1 ; 1 ;; ; ; _____ 7 _____ 8 3 9 1
1 1


Kruskals algorithm for a minimal spanning tree always works.

Proof. Suppose that T is a spanning tree of G constructed by Kruskals algorithm, and that the edges of T in the order of construction are e1 , . . . , en1 , where |V | = n. Let U be any minimal spanning tree of G. If U = T , clearly the result holds. We therefore assume, without loss of generality, that U = T , so that T contains an edge which is not in U . Suppose that e1 , . . . , ek1 U and ek U.

Let us add the edge ek to U . Then this will produce a cycle. If we now remove a dierent edge e T from this cycle, we shall recover a spanning tree U1 . In view of the algorithm, we must have w(ek ) w(e), for otherwise the edge e would have been chosen ahead of the edge ek in the construction of T by the algorithm. It follows that the new spanning tree U1 satises w(U1 ) = w(U ) w(e) + w(ek ) w(U ). Since U is a minimal spanning tree of G, it follows that w(U1 ) = w(U ), so that U1 is also a minimal spanning tree of G. Furthermore, e1 , . . . , ek1 , ek U1 . If U1 = T , then we repeat this process and obtain a sequence of minimal spanning trees U1 , U2 , . . . of G, each of which contains a longer initial segment of the sequence e1 , e2 , . . . , en1 among its elements than its predecessor. It follows that this process must end with a minimal spanning tree Um = T .


Erds Numbers o

Every mathematician has an Erds number. Every self-respecting mathematician knows the value of his o or her Erds number. o The idea of the Erds number originates from the many friends and colleagues of the great Hungarian o mathematician Paul Erds (19131996), who wrote something like 1500 mathematical papers of the o highest quality, the majority of them under joint authorship with colleagues. The Erds number is, in o some sense, a measure of good taste, where a high Erds number represents extraordinarily poor taste. o


W W L Chen : Discrete Mathematics

All of Erdss friends agree that only Erds qualies to have the Erds number 0. The Erds number o o o o of any other mathematician is either a positive integer or . Since Erds has contributed more than o anybody else to discrete mathematics, it is appropriate that the notion of Erds number is dened in o terms of graph theory. Consider a graph G = (V, E), where V is the nite set of all mathematicians, present or departed. For any two such mathematicians x, y V , let {x, y} E if and only if x and y have a mathematical paper under joint authorship with each other, possibly with other mathematicians. The graph G is now endowed with a weight function w : E N. Since Erds dislikes all injustices, this weight function is o dened by writing w({x, y}) = 1 for every edge {x, y} E. If we look at this graph G carefully, then it is not dicult to realize that this graph is not connected. Well, some mathematicians do not have joint papers with other mathematicians, and others do not write anything at all. It follows that there are many mathematicians who are in a dierent component in the graph G to that containing Erds. These mathematicians all have Erds number . o o It remains to dene the Erds numbers of all the mathematicians who are fortunate enough to be o in the same component of the graph G as Erds. Let x = Erds be such a mathematician. We then o o nd the length of the shortest path from the vertex representing Erds to the vertex x. The length of o this path, clearly a positive integer, but most importantly nite, is taken to be the Erds number of the o mathematician x. It follows that every mathematician who has written a joint paper with Uncle Paul, by which Erds o continues to be aectionately known, has Erds number 1. Any mathematician who has written a joint o paper with another mathematician who has written a joint paper with Erds, but who has himself or o herself not written a joint paper with Erds, has Erds number 2. And so it goes on! o o

Problems for Chapter 18 1. Use Prims algorithm to nd a minimal spanning tree of the weighted graph below. a
2 1








2. Use Kruskals algorithm to nd a minimal spanning tree of the weighted graph in Question 1. 3. Use Prims algorithm to nd a minimal spanning tree of the weighted graph below. a
3 2












4. Use Kruskals algorithm to nd a minimal spanning tree of the weighted graph in Question 3.

W W L Chen and Macquarie University, 1992.

This work is available free, in the hope that it will be useful. Any part of this work may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or any information storage and retrieval system, with or without permission from the author.

Chapter 19


Depth-First Search Consider the graph represented bythe following picture. 1> 2 >> >> > 4 5 3

Example 19.1.1.

7 Suppose that we wish to nd out all the vertices v such that there is a path from vertex 1 to vertex v. We may proceed as follows: (1) We start from vertex 1, move on to an adjacent vertex 2 and immediately move on to the adjacent vertex 3. At this point, we conclude that there is a path from vertex 1 to vertex 2 or 3. (2) Since there is no new adjacent vertex from vertex 3, we back-track to vertex 2. Since there is no new adjacent vertex from vertex 2, we back-track to vertex 1. (3) We start from vertex 1 again, move on to an adjacent vertex 4 and immediately move on to an adjacent vertex 7. At this point, we conclude that there is a path from vertex 1 to vertex 2, 3, 4 or 7. (4) Since there is no new adjacent vertex from vertex 7, we back-track to vertex 4. (5) We start from vertex 4 again and move on to the adjacent vertex 5. At this point, we conclude that there is a path from vertex 1 to vertex 2, 3, 4, 5 or 7. (6) Since there is no new adjacent vertex from vertex 5, we back-track to vertex 4. Since there is no new adjacent vertex from vertex 4, we back-track to vertex 1. Since there is no new adjacent vertex from vertex 1, the process ends. We conclude that there is a path from vertex 1 to vertex 2, 3, 4, 5 or 7, but no path from vertex 1 to vertex 6.
This chapter was written at Macquarie University in 1992.


W W L Chen : Discrete Mathematics

Note that a by-product of this process is a spanning tree of the component of the graph containing the vertices 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, given by the picture below. 1 2 3

7 The above is an example of a strategy known as depth-rst search, which can be regarded as a special tree-growing method. Applied from a vertex v of a graph G, it will give a spanning tree of the component of G which contains the vertex v. DEPTH-FIRST SEARCH ALGORITHM. Consider a graph G = (V, E). (1) Start from a chosen vertex v V . (2) Advance to a new adjacent new vertex, and further on to a new adjacent vertex, and so on, until no new vertex is adjacent. Then back-track to a vertex with a new adjacent vertex. (3) Repeat (2) until we are back to the vertex v with no new adjacent vertex. Remark. The algorithm can be summarized by the following owchart:
ADVANCE replace x by y and replace W by W {{x,y}}

START take x=v and W =

CASES new adjacent vertex to x gO

; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;; ; ;; ; ;; ;;

_@@ @@ @@ @@ @@ @@ @@ @@ @ /
choose a new vertex y adjacent to x




write T =W END



BACKTRACK replace x by z where {z,x}W

PROPOSITION 19A. Suppose that v is a vertex of a graph G = (V, E), and that T E is obtained by the owchart of the Depth-rst search algorithm. Then T is a spanning tree of the component of G which contains the vertex v. Example 19.1.2. Consider the graph described by the picture below. 1
;; ;; ;;

3> 4 >> ; >>> ; > >> ;;>> > ;; 7 8 9

Chapter 19 : Search Algorithms


We shall use the Depth-rst search algorithm to determine the number of components of the graph. We shall start with vertex 1, and use the convention that when we have a choice of vertices, then we take the one with lower numbering. Then we have the following: 1 2 3 8 3 2 5 6 5 2 1 This gives the component of the graph with vertices 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 8 and the following spanning tree. 1
;; ;; ;;
advance advance backtrack backtrack backtrack advance advance advance backtrack backtrack

3> >> >> > 8

Note that the vertex 4 has not been reached. So let us start again with vertex 4. Then we have the following: advance backtrack advance backtrack 4 7 4 9 4 This gives a second component of the graph with vertices 4, 7, 9 and the following spanning tree.
;; ;; ;;

4> >> >> > 9

There are no more vertices outstanding. We therefore conclude that the original graph has two components.


Breadth-First Search Consider again the graph represented by the following picture. 1> 2 >> >> > 4 5 3

Example 19.2.1.

7 Suppose again that we wish to nd out all the vertices v such that there is a path from vertex 1 to vertex v. We may proceed as follows: (1) We start from vertex 1, and work out all the new vertices adjacent to it, namely vertices 2, 4 and 5. (2) We next start from vertex 2, and work out all the new vertices adjacent to it, namely vertex 3. (3) We next start from vertex 4, and work out all the new vertices adjacent to it, namely vertex 7. (4) We next start from vertex 5, and work out all the new vertices adjacent to it. There is no such vertex. (5) We next start from vertex 3, and work out all the new vertices adjacent to it. There is no such vertex. (6) We next start from vertex 7, and work out all the new vertices adjacent to it. There is no such vertex.


W W L Chen : Discrete Mathematics

(7) Since vertex 7 is the last vertex on our list 1, 2, 4, 5, 3, 7 (in the order of being reached), the process ends. Note that a by-product of this process is a spanning tree of the component of the graph containing the vertices 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, given by the picture below. 1> 2 >> >> > 4 5 3

The above is an example of a strategy known as breadth-rst search, which can be regarded as a special tree-growing method. Applied from a vertex v of a graph G, it will also give a spanning tree of the component of G which contains the vertex v. BREADTH-FIRST SEARCH ALGORITHM. Consider a graph G = (V, E). (1) Start a list by choosing a vertex v V . (2) Write down all the new vertices adjacent to v, and add these to the list. (3) Consider the next vertex after v on the list. Write down all the new vertices adjacent to this vertex, and add these to the list. (4) Consider the second vertex after v on the list. Write down all the new vertices adjacent to this vertex, and add these to the list. (5) Repeat the process with all the vertices on the list until we reach the last vertex with no new adjacent vertex. Remark. The algorithm can be summarized by the following owchart:
ADJOIN add y to the list and replace W by W {{x,y}}

choose a new vertex y adjacent to x

START take x=v and W =

CASES new adjacent vertex to x hP



write T =W END


CASES x is last vertex

rst vertex after x on list

PROPOSITION 19B. Suppose that v is a vertex of a graph G = (V, E), and that T E is obtained by the owchart of the Breadth-rst search algorithm. Then T is a spanning tree of the component of G which contains the vertex v.

Chapter 19 : Search Algorithms


Example 19.2.2.

Consider again the graph described by the picture below. 1

;; ;; ;;

3> 4 >> ; >>> ; > >> ;;>> > ;; 7 8 9

We shall use the Breadth-rst search algorithm to determine the number of components of the graph. We shall again start with vertex 1, and use the convention that when we have a choice of vertices, then we take the one with lower numbering. Then we have the list 1, 2, 5, 3, 6, 8. This gives a component of the graph with vertices 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 8 and the following spanning tree. 1 2 3> >> >> > 8

Again the vertex 4 has not been reached. So let us start again with vertex 4. Then we have the list 4, 7, 9. This gives a second component of the graph with vertices 4, 7, 9 and the following spanning tree.
;; ;; ;;

4> >> >> > 9

There are no more vertices outstanding. We therefore draw the same conclusion as in the last section concerning the number of components of the graph. Note that the spanning trees are not identical, although we have used the same convention concerning choosing rst the vertices with lower numbering in both cases.


The Shortest Path Problem

Consider a connected graph G = (V, E), with weight function w : E N. For any pair of distinct vertices x, y V and for any path v0 (= x), v1 , . . . , vr (= y) from x to y, we consider the value of

w({vi1 , vi }),


the sum of the weights of the edges forming the path. We are interested in minimizing the value of (1) over all paths from x to y. Remark. If we think of the weight of an edge as a length instead, then we are trying to nd a shortest path from x to y. The algorithm we use is a variation of the Breadth-rst search algorithm. To understand the central idea of this algorithm, let us consider the following analogy.


W W L Chen : Discrete Mathematics

Example 19.3.1. Consider three cities A, B, C. Suppose that the following information concerning travelling time between these cities is available: AB x This can be represented by the following picture. A1 11 11 1 z 11 11 1 C

BC y

AC z


Clearly the travelling time between A and C cannot exceed min{z, x + y}. Suppose now that v is a vertex of a weighted connected graph G = (V, E). For every vertex x V , suppose it is known that the shortest path from v to x does not exceed l(x). Let y be a vertex of the graph, and let p be a vertex adjacent to y. Then clearly the shortest path from v to y does not exceed min{l(y), l(p) + w({p, y})}. This is illustrated by the picture below.

;;p ;;;;; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;;; ; ;; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; v ;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;; ;;;; y

l(p) l(y)


We can therefore replace the information l(y) by this minimum. DIJKSTRAS SHORTEST PATH ALGORITHM. Consider a connected graph G = (V, E) and a weight function w : E N. (1) Let v V be a vertex of the graph G. (2) Let l(v) = 0, and write l(x) = for every vertex x V such that x = v. (3) Start a partial spanning tree by taking the vertex v. (4) Consider all vertices y V not in the partial spanning tree and which are adjacent to the vertex v. Replace the value of l(y) by min{l(y), l(v) + w({v, y})}. Look at the new values of l(y) for every vertex y V not in the partial spanning tree, and choose a vertex v1 for which l(v1 ) l(y) for all such vertices y. Add the edge {v, v1 } to the partial spanning tree. (5) Consider all vertices y V not in the partial spanning tree and which are adjacent to the vertex v1 . Replace the value of l(y) by min{l(y), l(v1 ) + w({v1 , y})}. Look at the new values of l(y) for every vertex y V not in the partial spanning tree, and choose a vertex v2 for which l(v2 ) l(y) for all such vertices y. Add the edge giving rise to the new value of l(v2 ) to the partial spanning tree. (6) Repeat the argument on v2 , v3 , . . . until we obtain a spanning tree of the graph G. The unique path from v to any vertex x = v represents the shortest path from v to x. Remark. In (2) above, we take l(x) = when x = v. This is not absolutely necessary. In fact, we can start with any suciently large value for l(x). For example, the total weight of all the edges will do.

Chapter 19 : Search Algorithms


Example 19.3.2.

Consider the weighted graph described by the following picture. a

2 3 1 4

v= b == 1 == 2 = c We then have the following situation.

; ;; 3
2 1

1 ;;

d> >> 3 >> 2 > e 1 g

2 2

l(v) l(a) l(b) l(c) l(d) l(e) l(f ) l(g) (0) v v1 = c v2 = a v3 = f v4 = b v5 = e v6 = d 2 (2) 3 3 3 (3) (1) 6 6 4 (4) 3 3 3 (3) 2 (2) 4 4 4 (4) v1 = c v2 = a v3 = f v4 = b v5 = e v6 = d v7 = g

new edge {v, c} {v, a} {c, f } {v, b} {c, e} {b, d} {f, g}

The bracketed values represent the length of the shortest path from v to the vertices concerned. We also have the following spanning tree. d ; >>> ; 3 >> 1 ; 2 > ;; ;; 3 _____ ; _____ v= 3 b e 1 g == == == 2 =1= 2 2 2 == = 1 _____ c _____ f
2 1 ;; ;;

Note that this is not a minimal spanning tree.

Problems for Chapter 19 1. Rework Question 6 of Chapter 17 using the Depth-rst search algorithm. 2. Consider the graph G dened by the following adjacency table. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 2 1 2 1 2 7 3 1 4 3 4 2 6 7 8 4 7 3 8 5 Apply the Depth-rst search algorithm, starting with vertex 7 and using the convention that when we have a choice of vertices, then we take the one with lower numbering. How many components does G have? 3. Rework Question 6 of Chapter 17 using the Breadth-rst search algorithm.


W W L Chen : Discrete Mathematics

4. Consider the graph G dened by the following adjacency table. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 5 4 5 2 1 3 2 2 1 9 7 6 7 3 5 4 4 3 8 9 8 6 9 6 Apply the Breadth-rst search algorithm, starting with vertex 1 and using the convention that when we have a choice of vertices, then we take the one with lower numbering. How many components does G have? 5. Find the shortest path from vertex a to vertex z in the following weighted graph. b
4 15 12 10

a= e= = == == 9 ==4 == 6 = g h

c= 7 d= == == 14 = 3 == 9 == = 2 f 16 z
8 15 6 3

W W L Chen and Macquarie University, 1992.

This work is available free, in the hope that it will be useful. Any part of this work may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or any information storage and retrieval system, with or without permission from the author.

Chapter 20



A digraph (or directed graph) is simply a collection of vertices, together with some arcs joining some of these vertices. Example 20.1.1. The digraph 1 /2


has vertices 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, while the arcs may be described by (1, 2), (1, 3), (4, 5), (5, 5). In particular, any arc can be described as an ordered pair of vertices. Definition. A digraph is an object D = (V, A), where V is a nite set and A is a subset of the cartesian product V V . The elements of V are known as vertices and the elements of A are known as arcs. Remark. Note that our denition permits an arc to start and end at the same vertex, so that there may be loops. Note also that the arcs have directions, so that (x, y) = (y, x) unless x = y. Example 20.1.2. In Example 20.1.1, we have V = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5} and A = {(1, 2), (1, 3), (4, 5), (5, 5)}. We can also represent this digraph by an adjacency list 1 2 3 2 3 4 5 5 5

where, for example, the rst column indicates that (1, 2), (1, 3) A and the second column indicates that no arc in A starts at the vertex 2.
This chapter was written at Macquarie University in 1992.


W W L Chen : Discrete Mathematics

A digraph D = (V, A) can be interpreted as a relation R on the set V in the following way. For every x, y V , we write xRy if and only if (x, y) A. Example 20.1.3. The digraph in Example 20.1.2 represents the relation R on {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}, where 1R2, and no other pair of elements are related. The denitions of walks, paths and cycles carry over from graph theory in the obvious way. Definition. A directed walk in a digraph D = (V, A) is a sequence of vertices v0 , v1 , . . . , vk V such that for every i = 1, . . . , k, (vi1 , vi ) A. Furthermore, if all the vertices are distinct, then the directed walk is called a directed path. On the other hand, if all the vertices are distinct except that v0 = vk , then the directed walk is called a directed cycle. Definition. A vertex y in a digraph D = (V, A) is said to be reachable from a vertex x if there is a directed walk from x to y. Remark. It is possible for a vertex to be not reachable from itself. 1R3, 4R5, 5R5

Example 20.1.4. In Example 20.1.3, the vertices 2 and 3 are reachable from the vertex 1, while the vertex 5 is reachable from the vertices 4 and 5. It is sometimes useful to use square matrices to represent adjacency and reachability. Definition. Let D = (V, A) be a digraph, where V = {1, 2, . . . , n}. The adjacency matrix of the digraph D is an n n matrix A where aij , the entry on the i-th row and j-th column, is dened by aij = 1 0 ((i, j) A), ((i, j) A).

The reachability matrix of the digraph D is an n n matrix R where rij , the entry on the i-th row and j-th column, is dened by 1 (j is reachable from i), rij = 0 (j is not reachable from i). Example 20.1.5. Consider the digraph described by the following picture. 1 /2 O /5o /3 /6 0 0 0 Q= 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 . 1 1 1

4 Then 0 0 0 A= 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0


Remark. Reachability may be determined by a breadth-rst search in the following way. Let us consider Example 20.1.5. Start with the vertex 1. We rst search for all vertices y such that (1, y) A.

Chapter 20 : Digraphs


These are vertices 2 and 4, so that we have a list 2, 4. Note that here we have the information that vertices 2 and 4 are reachable from vertex 1. However, we do not include 1 on the list, since we do not know yet whether vertex 1 is reachable from itself. We then search for all vertices y such that (2, y) A. These are vertices 3 and 5, so that we have a list 2, 4, 3, 5. We next search for all vertices y such that (4, y) A. Vertex 5 is the only such vertex, so that our list remains 2, 4, 3, 5. We next search for all vertices y such that (3, y) A. Vertex 6 is the only such vertex, so that our list becomes 2, 4, 3, 5, 6. We next search for all vertices y such that (5, y) A. These are vertices 2 and 6, so that our list remains 2, 4, 3, 5, 6. We next search for all vertices y such that (6, y) A. Vertex 5 is the only such vertex, so that our list remains 2, 4, 3, 5, 6, and the process ends. We conclude that vertices 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 are reachable from vertex 1, but that vertex 1 is not reachable from itself. We now repeat the whole process starting with each of the other ve vertices. Clearly we must try to nd a better method. This is provided by Warshalls algorithm. However, before we state the algorithm in full, let us consider the central idea of the algorithm. The following simple idea is clear. Suppose that i, j, k are three vertices of a digraph. If it is known that j is reachable from i and that k is reachable from j, then k is reachable from i. Let V = {1, . . . , n}. Suppose that Q is an n n matrix where qij , the entry on the i-th row and j-th column, is dened by qij = 1 (it is already established that j is reachable from i), 0 (it is not yet known whether j is reachable from i).

Take a vertex j, and keep it xed. (1) Investigate the j-th row of Q. If it is already established that k is reachable from j, then qjk = 1. If it is not yet known whether k is reachable from j, then qjk = 0. (2) Investigate the j-th column of Q. If it is already established that j is reachable from i, then qij = 1. If it is not yet known whether j is reachable from i, then qij = 0. (3) It follows that if qij = 1 and qjk = 1, then j is reachable from i and k is reachable from j. Hence we have established that k is reachable from i. We can therefore replace the value of qik by 1 if it is not already so. (4) Doing a few of these manipulations simultaneously, we are essentially adding the j-th row of Q to the i-th row of Q provided that qij = 1. By addition, we mean Boolean addition; in other words, 0 + 0 = 0 and 1 + 0 = 0 + 1 = 1 + 1 = 1. To understand this addition, suppose that qik = 1, so that it is already established that k is reachable from i. Then replacing qik by qik + qjk (the result of adding the j-th row to the i-th row) will not alter the value 1. Suppose, on the other hand, that qik = 0. Then we are replacing qik by qik + qjk = qjk . This will have value 1 if qjk = 1, i.e. if it is already established that k is reachable from j. But then qij = 1, so that it is already established that j is reachable from i. This justies our replacement of qik = 0 by qik + qjk = 1. WARSHALLS ALGORITHM. Consider a digraph D = (V, A), where V = {1, . . . , n}. (1) Let Q0 = A. (2) Consider the entries in Q0 . Add row 1 of Q0 to every row of Q0 which has entry 1 on the rst column. We obtain the new matrix Q1 . (3) Consider the entries in Q1 . Add row 2 of Q1 to every row of Q1 which has entry 1 on the second column. We obtain the new matrix Q2 . (4) For every j = 3, . . . , n, consider the entries in Qj1 . Add row j of Qj1 to every row of Qj1 which has entry 1 on the j-th column. We obtain the new matrix Qj . (5) Write R = Qn . Example 20.1.6. Consider Example 20.1.5, 0 0 0 A= 0 0 0 where 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 . 0 1 0


W W L Chen : Discrete Mathematics

We write Q0 = A. Since no row has entry 1 on Next we add row 2 to rows 1, 5 to obtain 0 0 0 Q2 = 0 0 0 Next we add row 3 to rows 1, 2, 5 to obtain

the rst column of Q0 , we conclude that Q1 = Q0 = A. 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 . 0 1 0 1 1 1 . 0 1 0

0 0 0 Q3 = 0 0 0

1 0 0 0 1 0

1 1 0 0 1 0

1 0 0 0 0 0

1 1 0 1 1 1

Next we add row 4 to row 1 to obtain Q4 = Q3 . Next 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 Q5 = 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 Finally we add row 6 to every row to obtain 0 0 0 R = Q6 = 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1

we add row 5 to rows 1, 2, 4, 5, 6 to obtain 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 . 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 . 1 1 1

1 1 1 1 1 1

1 0 0 0 0 0

1 1 1 1 1 1


Networks and Flows

Imagine a digraph and think of the arcs as pipes, along which some commodity (water, trac, etc.) will ow. There will be weights attached to each of these arcs, to be interpreted as capacities, giving limits to the amount of commodity which can ow along the pipe. We also have a source a and a sink z; in other words, all arcs containing a are directed away from a and all arcs containing z are directed to z. Definition. By a network, we mean a digraph D = (V, A), together with a capacity function c : A N, a source vertex a V and a sink vertex z V . Example 20.2.1. Consider the network described by the picture below.
q8 b qq 12 qq qq qq qq a NN 9 NN NN N 10 NNN N& d


/@ c M MM MM 7 MM MM MM &z 1 8 qq q qq qq qq 8 qq /e

This has vertex a as source and vertex z as sink.

Chapter 20 : Digraphs


Suppose now that a commodity is owing along the arcs of a network. For every (x, y) A, let f (x, y) denote the amount which is owing along the arc (x, y). We shall use the convention that, with the exception of the source vertex a and the sink vertex z, the amount owing into a vertex v is equal to the amount owing out of the vertex v. Also the amount owing along any arc cannot exceed the capacity of that arc. Definition. A ow from a source vertex a to a sink vertex z in a network D = (V, A) is a function f : A N {0} which satises the following two conditions: (F1) (CONSERVATION) For every vertex v = a, z, we have I(v) = O(v), where the inow I(v) and the outow O(v) at the vertex v are dened by I(v) =

f (x, v)


O(v) =

f (v, y).

(F2) (LIMIT)

For every (x, y) A, we have f (x, y) c(x, y).

Remark. We have restricted the function f to have non-negative integer values. In general, neither the capacity function c nor the ow function f needs to be restricted to integer values. We have made our restrictions in order to avoid complications about the existence of optimal solutions. It is not hard to realize that the following result must hold. THEOREM 20A. In any network with source vertex a and sink vertex z, we must have O(a) = I(z). Definition. The common value of O(a) = I(z) of a network is called the value of the ow f , and is denoted by V(f ). Consider a network D = (V, A) with source vertex a and sink vertex z. Let us partition the vertex set V into a disjoint union S T such that a S and z T . Then the net ow from S to T , in view of (F1), is the same as the ow from a to z. In other words, we have V(f ) =
xS yT (x,y)A

f (x, y)
xT yS (x,y)A

f (x, y).

Clearly both sums on the right-hand side are non-negative. It follows that V(f )
xS yT (x,y)A

f (x, y)
xS yT (x,y)A

c(x, y),

in view of (F2). Definition. If V = S T , where S and T are disjoint and a S and z T , then we say that (S, T ) is a cut of the network D = (V, A). The value c(S, T ) =
xS yT (x,y)A

c(x, y)

is called the capacity of the cut (S, T ). We have proved the following theorem.


W W L Chen : Discrete Mathematics

THEOREM 20B. Suppose that D = (V, A) is a network with capacity function c : A N. Then for every ow f : A N {0} and every cut (S, T ) of the network, we have V(f ) c(S, T ). Suppose that f0 is a ow where V(f0 ) V(f ) for every ow f , and suppose that (S0 , T0 ) is a cut such that c(S0 , T0 ) c(S, T ) for every cut (S, T ). Then we clearly have V(f0 ) c(S0 , T0 ). In other words, the maximum ow never exceeds the minimum cut.


The Max-Flow-Min-Cut Theorem

In this section, we shall describe a practical algorithm which will enable us to increase the value of a ow in a given network, provided that the ow has not yet achieved maximum value. This method also leads to a proof of the important result that the maximum ow is equal to the minimum cut. We shall use the following notation. Suppose that (x, y) A. Suppose further that c(x, y) = and f (x, y) = . Then we shall describe this information by the following picture. x Naturally always. Definition. In the notation of the picture (1), we say that we can label forwards from the vertex x to the vertex y if < , i.e. if f (x, y) < c(x, y). Definition. In the notation of the picture (1), we say that we can label backwards from the vertex y to the vertex x if > 0, i.e. if f (x, y) > 0. Definition. Suppose that the sequence of vertices v0 (= a), v1 , . . . , vk (= z) (2)



satises the property that for each i = 1, . . . , k, we can label forwards or backwards from vi1 to vi . Then we say that the sequence of vertices in (2) is a ow-augmenting path. Let us consider two examples. Example 20.3.1. Consider the ow-augmenting path given in the picture below (note that we have not shown the whole network). a








Here the labelling is forwards everywhere. Note that the arcs (a, b), (b, c), (c, f ), (f, z) have capacities 9, 8, 4, 3 respectively, whereas the ows along these arcs are 7, 5, 0, 1 respectively. Hence we can increase the ow along each of these arcs by 2 = min{9 7, 8 5, 4 0, 3 1} without violating (F2). We then have the following situation. a








We have increased the ow from a to z by 2. Example 20.3.2. Consider the ow-augmenting path given in the picture below (note again that we have not shown the whole network). a







Chapter 20 : Digraphs


Here the labelling is forwards everywhere, with the exception that the vertex g is labelled backwards from the vertex c. Note now that 2 = min{9 7, 8 5, 2, 10 8}. Suppose that we increase the ow along each of the arcs (a, b), (b, c), (g, z) by 2 and decrease the ow along the arc (g, c) by 2. We then have the following situation. a







Note that the sum of the ow from b and g to c remains unchanged, and that the sum of the ow from g to c and z remains unchanged. We have increased the ow from a to z by 2. FLOW-AUGMENTING ALGORITHM. Consider a ow-augmenting path of the type (2). For each i = 1, . . . , k, write i = and let = min{1 , . . . , k }. We increase the ow along any arc of the form (vi1 , vi ) (forward labelling) by and decrease the ow along any arc of the form (vi , vi1 ) (backward labelling) by . Definition. Suppose that the sequence of vertices v0 (= a), v1 , . . . , vk (3) c(vi1 , vi ) f (vi1 , vi ) ((vi1 , vi ) A (forward labelling)), ((vi , vi1 ) A (backward labelling)), f (vi , vi1 )

satises the property that for each i = 1, . . . , k, we can label forwards or backwards from vi1 to vi . Then we say that the sequence of vertices in (3) is an incomplete ow-augmenting path. Remark. The only dierence here is that the last vertex is not necessarily the sink vertex z. We are now in a position to prove the following important result. THEOREM 20C. In any network with source vertex a and sink vertex z, the maximum value of a ow from a to z is equal to the minimum value of a cut of the network. Proof. Consider a network D = (V, A) with capacity function c : A N. Let f : A N {0} be a maximum ow. Let S = {x V : x = a or there is an incomplete ow-augmenting path from a to x}, and let T = V \ S. Clearly z T , otherwise there would be a ow-augmenting path from a to z, and so the ow f could be increased, contrary to our hypothesis that f is a maximum ow. Suppose that (x, y) A with x S and y T . Then there is an incomplete ow-augmenting path from a to x. If c(x, y) > f (x, y), then we could label forwards from x to y, so that there would be an incomplete ow-augmenting path from a to y, a contradiction. Hence c(x, y) = f (x, y) for every (x, y) A with x S and y T . On the other hand, suppose that (x, y) A with x T and y S. Then there is an incomplete ow-augmenting path from a to y. If f (x, y) > 0, then we could label backwards from y to x, so that there would be an incomplete ow-augmenting path from a to x, a contradiction. Hence f (x, y) = 0 for every (x, y) A with x T and y S. It follows that V(f ) =
xS yT (x,y)A

f (x, y)
xT yS (x,y)A

f (x, y) =
xS yT (x,y)A

c(x, y) = c(S, T ).


W W L Chen : Discrete Mathematics

For any other cut (S , T ), it follows from Theorem 20B that c(S , T ) V(f ) = c(S, T ). Hence (S, T ) is a minimum cut. MAXIMUM-FLOW ALGORITHM. Consider a network D = (V, A) with capacity function c : A N. (1) Start with any ow, usually f (x, y) = 0 for every (x, y) A. (2) Use a Breadth-rst search algorithm to construct a tree of incomplete ow-augmenting paths, starting from the source vertex a. (3) If the tree reaches the sink vertex z, pick out a ow-augmenting path and apply the Flow-augmenting algorithm to this path. The ow is now increased by . Then return to (2) with this new ow. (4) If the tree does not reach the sink vertex z, let S be the set of vertices of the tree, and let T = V \ S. The ow is a maximum ow and (S, T ) is a minimum cut. Remark. It is clear from steps (2) and (3) that all we want is a ow-augmenting path. If one such path is readily recognizable, then we do not need to carry out the Breadth-rst search algorithm. This is particularly important in the early part of the process. Example 20.3.3. We wish to nd the maximum ow of the network described by the picture below.
q8 b qq 12 qq qq qq qq a NN 9 NN NN N 10 NNN N& d


/@ c M MM MM 7 MM MM MM &z 1 8 qq q qq qq qq 8 qq /e

We start with a ow f : A N {0} dened by f (x, y) = 0 for every (x, y) A. Then we have the situation below. 8(0) /@ c M 8 MM qq b MM 7(0) 12(0)qqq MM q MM qq MM qq & q 9(0) 1(0) a NN q8 z 1(0) NN qq NN qq N qq 10(0) NNN qq 8(0) N& q /eq d

By inspection, we have the following ow-augmenting path. a









We can therefore increase the ow from a to z by 8, so that we have the situation below. 8 qq b 12(8)qqq qq qq qq 9(8) a NN NN NN N 10(0) NNN N& d



/@ c M MM MM 7(0) MM MM MM &z 1(0) 8 qq q qq q qq qq 8(8) /eq

By inspection again, we have the following ow-augmenting path. a







Chapter 20 : Digraphs


We can therefore increase the ow from a to z by 1, so that we have the situation below. 8 qq b 12(8)qqq qq qq qq 9(8) a NN NN NN N 10(1) NNN N& d



/@ c M MM MM 7(1) MM MM MM &z 1(0) 8 qq q qq qq qq 8(8) qq /e

By inspection again, we have the following ow-augmenting path. a








We can therefore increase the ow from a to z by 6 = min{10 1, 8, 8 0, 7 1}, so that we have the situation below. 8(6) /@ c M MM q8 b MM 7(7) qq 12(8)qq MM q MM q q MM qq &z q 9(2) 1(0) a NN 8 1(1) NN qq q NN qq N qq 10(7) NNN qq 8(8) N& qq /e d 14(8) Next, we use a Breadth-rst search algorithm to construct a tree of incomplete ow-augmenting paths. This may be in the form 8(6) /c q8 b qq 12(8)qq qq qq qq a NN NN NN N 10(7) NNN N& /e d

This tree does not reach the sink vertex z. Let S = {a, b, c, d, e} and T = {z}. Then (S, T ) is a minimum cut. Furthermore, the maximum ow is given by f (v, z) = 7 + 8 = 15.

Problems for Chapter 20 1. Consider the digraph described by the following adjacency list. 1 2 3 4 5 6 4 1 2 2 6 1 5 3 5 a) b) c) d) Find a directed path from vertex 3 to vertex 6. Find a directed cycle starting from and ending at vertex 4. Find the adjacency matrix of the digraph. Apply Warshalls algorithm to nd the reachability matrix of the digraph.


W W L Chen : Discrete Mathematics

2. Consider the digraph described by the following adjacency list. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 2 1 5 6 4 5 6 4 3 4 8 6 8 a) b) c) d) Does there exist a directed path from vertex 3 to vertex 2? Find all the directed cycles of the digraph. Find the adjacency matrix of the digraph. Apply Warshalls algorithm to nd the reachability matrix of the digraph.

3. Consider the digraph described by the following adjacency list. 1 2 2 4 4 a) b) c) d) 3 1 4 3 5 6 6 7 7 5 8 8 7

Does there exist a directed path from vertex 1 to vertex 8? Find all the directed cycles of the digraph starting from vertex 1. Find the adjacency matrix of the digraph. Apply Warshalls algorithm to nd the reachability matrix of the digraph.

4. Consider the network D = (V, A) described by the following diagram. /? c > ?b >> ;; ;; >> ; ; ; >> ;; 5 ;; 9 ; 4 >> ;; 3 ;; >> ;; ;; ; > ; ; ; 6 /d a> ?z >> >> >> ;; >> >> ;; >> 11 >> ;; 2 8 >> >> ;; 4 >> >> ;; ; > /g; e
10 6

a) A ow f : A N {0} is dened by f (a, b) = f (b, c) = f (c, z) = 3 and f (x, y) = 0 for any arc (x, y) A \ {(a, b), (b, c), (c, z)}. What is the value V(f ) of this ow? b) Find a maximum ow of the network, starting with the ow in part (a). c) Find a corresponding minimum cut. 5. Consider the network D = (V, A) described by the following diagram.
5 6 /@ c /d ?b ? > ; ; ; >> ; ; ; >> ;; ;; ;; >> 6 7 ;; ;; ;; 2 2 2 >> ;; 2 ;; 3 ;; >> ; ; ; ;; > ;; ;; ; 4 6 4 5 /e; /g; /h /@ z a> O @ O >> O >> ; ; >> >> ;; ;; >> ;; >> ;; 8 >> ; ; 2 6 5 12 >> >> ;; 9 ;; 2 >> ; >> ;; > ;; ;; ; /j /k i 6 1

Chapter 20 : Digraphs


a) A ow f : A N {0} is dened by f (a, i) = f (i, j) = f (j, g) = f (g, k) = f (k, h) = f (h, z) = 5 and f (x, y) = 0 for any arc (x, y) A \ {(a, i), (i, j), (j, g), (g, k), (k, h), (h, z)}. What is the value V(f ) of this ow? b) Find a maximum ow of the network, starting with the ow in part (a). c) Find a corresponding minimum cut. 6. Find a maximum ow and a corresponding minimum cut of the following network. ? b OO > ; O 44>OOO > 44 > OOO ; ; 44 >> OOOO4 4 ; OO ; 44 >> OO ; OO > ; 44 > OO ; OO 5 4 > ; OO 44 >> ; 'z 1 a= 1 O 44 > == > 44 > == > 4 > == > > c MM 5 q 6 == MM >> qq MM > == 3 qq 5 MM > qq MM > = qq M& xqq /e d 2

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