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Friday Cover

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MOW, vets
feed animals
InsIde spOrts
12 pages VOluMe 102 nO. 160 JOhnsOn COuntys daIly neWspaper 75 Weekdays $1.50 sundays
August 12, 2011
x Two recent cases of ve-
hicle theft resulted in dam-
age, one to another vehicle
and one to the vehicle itself.
page 2
x The Cleburne Yellow Jack-
ets are quickly approaching
their frst scrimmage against
Grapevine. page 8
tO suBsCrIBe Or adVertIse 817-645-2441 Or 817-558-2855 OFFICe hOurs: MOn.-FrI 8 a.M. tO 5 p.M.
8 CISD campuses fail to meet federal education standards
for tax rate
Godley ISD welcomes new agricultural science teacher
John Harden/Times-Review
david ruiz, left, attempts to crossover his brother Jose ruiz on thursday afternoon at Booker t. Washington recreation Center. the two broth-
ers were beating the heat by playing on the indoor courts, escaping the triple-digit heat.
take it to the hoop
Spokesman: Gov. Rick Perry running for president
By AmBer Bell
Students will notice a new face in the
halls at Godley High School in a few
weeks. Leslie Bourg, a 2005 Cleburne
High School graduate, is set to start as the
new agricultural science educator at
Bourg is excited to be in the area and
looks forward to encouraging a new
group of agriculture students.
I wanted to be close to home, and I
knew that this was a good school and had
a history of doing great things in agricul-
ture, she said.
As a student in Cleburne, Bourg was
an active Future Farmers of America
member. Her list of achievements include
chapter president and American FFA De-
gree recipient. She participated at the
state and national level for various FFA
competitive events.
Bourg graduated from Tarleton State
University in 2009 with a Bachelor of
Science degree in Agricultural Services
and Development. She received her
teaching certification after completing
student teaching at James Madison High
School in San Antonio.
In May, Bourg received her Master of
Science Degree in Agricultural and Con-
sumer Resources also from Tarleton State
University. In graduate school, Bourg
served as a graduate assistant for the de-
partment of Agricultural and Consumer
Sciences. She assisted in curricular writ-
ing projects, updating and rejuvenating
programs to make them more interesting
and hands-on for students.
Bourg said she believes the reason be-
hind her wanting to become an educator
is because of the influence of many great
teachers before her.
At Cleburne High School, Barney Mc-
Clure, Christin Pack and Justin Lacy in-
spired her to pursue her love of agricul-
ture in college.
At Tarleton State University, Bourg
said Dr. Kimberly Bellah and Dr. Kyle
Free spay and neuter
program approved
By mAtt Smith
Cleburne City Council members
scheduled public hearings for the
citys proposed property tax rate for
the upcoming fiscal year during
their Tuesday meeting. Council
members also scheduled a public
hearing on redistricting proposals
for the city.
The first public hearing on the
tax rate takes place at 7 p.m. Aug. 23
in Cleburne City Hall at 10 N. Rob-
inson St. That hearing coincides
with a regularly scheduled meeting
of the city council. The second hear-
ing is scheduled for 5 p.m. Aug. 30
at city hall.
The new fiscal begins Oct. 1.
Council members and city staff
continue formulating the budget and
have yet to settle on a proposed tax
rate. The current rate totals 70.64
cents per $100 of property valua-
tion. Officials, during a recent bud-
get workshop, discussed the possi-
bility of leaving the rate unchanged,
or increasing it slightly.
City staff members noted that the
council has, for the last several
years, transferred $1.5 million from
gas royalty funds into the general
fund to offset the property tax bur-
den on residents. Those transfers
have decreased residents property
tax rate by 8.64 cents, City Manager
Rick Holden said.
see BOurg, page 4
see CIty, page 4
By April CAStro
AUSTIN Texas Gov. Rick Perry is run-
ning for president, a spokesman confirmed
Thursday, a move certain to shake up the race
for the GOP nomination much to the delight of
conservatives looking for a candidate to em-
Perry spokesman Mark Miner said the gover-
nor would make his intentions known on Satur-
day while visiting South Carolina and New
Hampshire just as most of his presidential rivals
compete in a test vote in Iowa.
Official word of Perrys entrance into the
race came just hours before eight candidates, in-
cluding GOP front-runner Mitt Romney, were to
appear on stage during a nationally televised de-
It wasnt much of a surprise. The longest-
serving governor in Texas history has flirted
with a presidential run since spring and has
spent the past few months courting Republicans
in early voting states and laying the groundwork
for a campaign.
He met privately with potential donors from
California to New York and gave rabblerousing
speeches to party faithful, casting himself as a
see perry, page 4
By AmBer Bell
Of 2,233 Texas campuses that
missed Adequate Yearly Progress
standards for the 2010-11 school
year, Cleburne ISD is home to eight.
AYP, the federally mandated ac-
countability system required by
President George W. Bushs No
Child Left Behind Act mandates that
students meet certain performance
standards in math, reading and grad-
uation rates.
Each year, AYP results are deter-
mined alongside Texas Assessment
of Knowledge and Skills results;
though a school may be Recognized
at the state requirement level, fed-
eral requirements are more strin-
gent. The schools that met AYP
standards for the 2010-11 school
year were Marti Elementary, Gerard
Elementary and TEAM School.
Three CISD campuses missed
AYP in 2010. Two of those cam-
puses, Smith and Wheat middle
schools, are now on a state list for
the Stage One Improvement Pro-
Being on this list means each
campus missed a specific area of
AYP standards for the second year
in a row. Smith Middle School
missed math standards in 2010 and
2011, while Wheat Middle School
did not meet reading standards.
Smith and Wheat are required to en-
act Campus Improvement Plans.
CIPs are designed to incorporate
higher standards for campuses that
lack in their specific indicators.
Campuses in Stage One are re-
quired to consult with parents,
school staff, the local education
agency and outside experts their CIP
within three months of federal re-
sults. The CIP covers a two-year pe-
riod and must be approved by the
local education agency.
Stage One status requires the dis-
trict to inform parents of Smith and
Wheat middle school designations
via letter this week. Students at
Stage One schools have the option
to transfer to another school within
the district that is not in Stage One.
Because both middle schools are
in Stage One, students dont have
the option to transfer. In lieu of not
being able to offer the school choice
option, the district has made avail-
able extra tutoring classes before
see CIsd, page 4
If busy caII: 817-487-9090 www.darryIIackey.com
817-558-6997 817-296-4890
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