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1-88 Veripos Book Complete
1-88 Veripos Book Complete
BeiDou, Galileo and
the Increased
Accuracy of
Correction Services
An Introduction to GNSS and Beyond
GPS, GLONASS, BeiDou, Galileo and the
Increased Accuracy of Correction Services
An Introduction to GNSS and Beyond
GPS, GLONASS, BeiDou, Galileo and
the Increased Accuracy of Correction Services
First Edition
Copyright 2020 Veripos Limited and/or its affiliated entities. Veripos, Apex, Ultra, LD8,
LD900, LD6, LD5, LD2, LD3, Standard are trademarks of Veripos Limited and/or its
affiliated entities. All other marks shown are properties of their respective owners. All
rights reserved.
ISBN: 978-0-9813754-0-3
Ionosphere..............................................................22 BeiDou............................................................................. 40
Troposphere..........................................................22 BeiDou Signals.................................................... 41
Multipath.................................................................22 QZSS.................................................................................. 41
Step 3–Reception..................................................22 NAVIC.................................................................................42
Antenna Selection...........................................23 GNSS Signal Summary......................................42
Antenna Location.............................................25
Antenna Cables..................................................25
In-Band Interference.....................................26
hristopher Columbus wasn’t the first person to propose that
the world is round. Far from it. By the fifth century BCE, many
Greek scholars had accepted a spherical Earth as fact. Around
240 BCE, Eratosthenes, a Greek mathematician, poet, athlete,
geographer and astronomer, ingeniously calculated the Earth’s
radius with surprising accuracy.
Although Columbus knew the Earth was round, he had obviously not read
or agreed with Eratosthenes, for he significantly underestimated its size. He
projected that heading west, the distance from the Canary Islands to Japan
was 3,700 km, not 19,600 km as we now know it to be. Had Columbus known
the true distance, he may have lost heart or had trouble getting funded to sail.
Columbus navigated to the New World using dead reckoning, the technique
of estimating one’s current position based on a previously determined one. For
example, if I head west from a known location at 10 km/hr, in two hours I will
be 20 km west of my starting point. The challenge in dead reckoning is the
accurate and regular estimation of speed and heading.
The Golden Age of Exploration took place at a time when positioning was not
an exact science, sometimes with dire consequences. In 1707, several ships of
the Royal Navy struck the rocks near the Isles of Scilly, southwest of Cornwall,
with a loss of four ships and 1,400 men. Navigational error was blamed. The
tragedy led to the Longitude Act of 1714; the British government offered prizes
for solving the problem of accurately determining longitude.
This led to many new navigation techniques and equipment, includ-
ing significant improvements in ship-borne chronometers (clocks),
critical to accurate longitude determination. With the advent of radio in
the early 1900s, time signals were sent to ships, which could use the sig-
nal to regularly adjust their chronometers. The introduction of LORAN
1 From “They All Laughed” by George and Ira Gershwin, a song popularized by, among
others, Frank Sinatra and Ella Fitzgerald, in the 1950s.
GNSS Overview
great deal of exploration was carried out at a time when navigation
was not a very exact science, sometimes with dire consequences.
In 1707, several ships of the Royal Navy struck the rocks near the
Isles of Scilly, southwest of Cornwall, with a loss of four ships and 1,400 men.
Navigational error was blamed. Although it is not certain whether the er-
ror was in the determination of longitude or latitude, the tragedy led to the
Longitude Act of 1714. Through this act, the British government offered prizes
for people who could solve or advance the problem of accurately determin-
ing longitude, including one of £10,000 for a method that could determine
longitude to within 60 nautical miles, about 111 kilometers at the Equator.
Although none of the larger prizes offered by the Longitude Act were ever
awarded, the initiative led to the development of many navigation techniques
and equipment, including significant improvements in ship-borne chronom-
eters (clocks), then critical to the accurate determination of longitude. With the
advent of radio technology in the early 1900s, time signals were sent to ships,
which could use the signal to regularly adjust their chronometers. In the 1940s,
LORAN (LOng-RANge navigation system) was introduced. This allowed ships
to triangulate their position using radio signals from LORAN stations at known
shore-based locations. The first satellite, Sputnik, was launched by the Soviet
Union in 1957 and it was not long before scientists contemplated working back
from a known satellite orbit to determine a position on Earth.
What has most significantly changed as the equipment in the satellites. We will
navigation techniques is the advent of provide a more detailed explanation of po-
Global Navigation Satellite Systems sition determination in Chapter 2.
(GNSS), which started with the launch of
the U.S. Department of Defense Global GNSS SYSTEMS
Positioning System (GPS) in the late 1970s. Although you may already be familiar
Early applications of GNSS were devel- with the term “GPS” (Global Positioning
oped for the military and soon expanded System), you may not have heard the
to the survey and mapping industries— term “GNSS” (Global Navigation Satellite
driven largely by the tremendous ad- System), which is used to describe, col-
vances in accuracy and efficiency, as well lectively, all different satellite positioning
as cost reductions. Now vehicles, whether systems.
on land, in the air or at sea, routinely rely In Chapter 3, we will provide additional
on the precise positioning information information about these systems.
provided by GNSS technology. In fact, the
ready adoption of the technology and the GNSS ARCHITECTURE
increasingly complex requirements for GNSS satellite systems consist of three
positioning, anywhere, anytime, is driv- major components or segments: space seg-
ing integration of GNSS technology with ment, control segment and user segment.
other sensors and methodologies. The goal These are illustrated in Figure 1.
of this book is to present complex GNSS
concepts and applications in a manner Space Segment
that informs without overwhelming. By The space segment consists of GNSS sat-
the end of the book, you will understand ellites, orbiting about 20,000 to 35,000
the basics of GNSS and inertial technol- km above the Earth. Each GNSS has its
ogy and will have a solid foundation for own “constellation” of satellites, arranged
further study or application. in orbits to provide the desired coverage.
Each satellite in a GNSS constellation
GNSS BASICS broadcasts a signal that identifies it and
The basic concepts of satellite positioning provides its time, orbit and status.
are easy to understand. In theory, if you
know the location of three satellites and Control Segment
your distance from them, you can deter- The control segment comprises a ground-
mine your position. The determination of based network of master control stations,
position is made quite a bit more complicat- data uploading stations and monitor
ed by several factors: the satellites are mov- stations.
ing, the signals from the satellites are very Monitor stations, usually installed over
weak by the time they reach the Earth, the a broad geographic area, monitor the sat-
atmosphere interferes with the transmis- ellites’ signals and status, and relay this
sion of radio signals and, for cost reasons, information to the master control station.
the user equipment is not as sophisticated The master control station analyzes the
GNSS Satellites
Space Segment
GNSS Satellites
GNSS Control
GNSS Control
Control Segment
signals and then transmits orbit and time time GNSS signals reach the ground, they
corrections to the satellites through data are very weak. We will provide more infor-
uploading stations. mation about how the user segment deals
with this in Chapter 2.
User Segment
The user segment consists of equipment GNSS POSITIONING
that processes the received signals from GNSS positioning is based on a technique
the GNSS satellites and uses them to called “trilateration.” Simply put, if you
derive and apply location and time in- don’t know your position, but do know
formation. The equipment ranges from your distance from three known points,
smartphones to sophisticated, specialized you can determine your location.
receivers used for high-end survey, marine In Chapter 2, we will describe the tech-
and mapping applications. nique of trilateration and how it is extend-
ed to GNSS.
GNSS radio signals are quite complex. GNSS APPLICATIONS
Their frequencies are around 1.5 GHz, or The first non-military applications of
1,500,000,000 cycles per second. By the GNSS technology were in surveying and
he basic GNSS concepts, as shown in Figure 2, illustrate the steps
involved in using GNSS to determine time and position through to
the end user application.
STEP 1—SATELLITES: GNSS satellites orbit the Earth. The satellites know
their orbit ephemerides (the parameters that define their orbit) and the time
very accurately. When necessary, ground-based control stations adjust the
satellites’ ephemerides and time, and provide orbit adjustments.
STEP 2—PROPAGATION: GNSS satellites regularly broadcast their eph-
emerides and time, as well as their status. GNSS radio signals pass through
layers of the atmosphere to the user equipment.
STEP 3—RECEPTION: GNSS user equipment receives the signals from mul-
tiple GNSS satellites then, for each satellite, recovers the information that was
transmitted and determines the time of propagation: the time it takes the
signals to travel from the satellite to the receiver.
STEP 4—COMPUTATION: GNSS user equipment uses the recovered infor-
mation to compute its own time and position.
STEP 5—APPLICATION: GNSS user equipment provides the computed posi-
tion and time to the end user application, for example, navigation, surveying
or mapping. In the following sections, we will discuss each of the above steps
in more detail.
There are multiple constellations of GNSS satellites orbiting the Earth. A con-
stellation is an orderly grouping of satellites, typically 20–30, in orbits that
have been designed to provide a desired coverage, for example, regional or
global. We will provide more details about GNSS constellations in Chapter 3.
GNSS satellites orbit well above the atmosphere, about 20,000 km above
the Earth’s surface. They are moving very fast, several kilometers per second.
In the relative vacuum of space, satellite trajectories are very stable and
predictable. As mentioned, GNSS satellites know their time and orbit eph-
emerides very accurately. If you ask a GPS satellite for the time, it won’t tell
you eight thirty. It will tell you 8:30:01.39875921.
1 1 Satellites
2 Propagation
2 Propagation
User Equipment
3 Reception Control Station
4 Computation 5 Application
User Equipment
Satellite Signals
GNSS satellite signals are complex.
Describing these signals requires equally
complex words like pseudorandom, corre-
lation and Code Division Multiple Access
(CDMA). To explain these GNSS concepts,
let’s first discuss GPS satellite signals.
First and foremost, GPS was de-
signed as a positioning system for the
U.S. Department of Defense. To provide
Lockheed Martin
L5 L2 L1
We will describe these plans in more detail you are multilingual, you will be able to
in Chapter 3. To illustrate GNSS concepts, understand what other people are saying
however, we will briefly describe the fre- too. CDMA is a lot like this.
quency and signal scheme used by GPS. GPS operates in a frequency band re-
As shown in Figure 4, GPS satellites ferred to as the L-Band, a portion of the ra-
transmit information on the L1, L2 and dio spectrum between 1 and 2 GHz. L-Band
L5 frequencies. All GPS satellites can was chosen for several reasons, including:
transmit on the same frequencies because • Simplification of antenna design. If the
of the transmission scheme GPS uses, frequency had been much higher, user an-
which is called CDMA. CDMA is a form tennas may have had to be more complex.
of spread spectrum. GPS satellite signals, • Ionospheric delay is more significant at
although they are on the same frequency, lower frequencies. We’ll talk more about
are modulated by a unique pseudoran- ionospheric delay in Step 2–Propagation,
dom digital sequence, or code. Each satel- later in this chapter.
lite uses a different pseudorandom code. • Except through a vacuum, the speed
Pseudorandom means that the signal of light is lower at lower frequencies, as
only appears random; in fact, it actually evident by the separation of the colors in
repeats after a period of time. Receivers light by a prism. You may have thought the
know the pseudorandom code for each speed of light was a constant 299,792,458
satellite. This allows receivers to correlate meters per second. It is that speed in a
(synchronize) with the CDMA signal for a vacuum, but through air or any other me-
particular satellite. CDMA signals are at a dium, it is less.
very low level, but through this code cor- • The coding scheme requires a high
relation, the receiver is able to recover the bandwidth, which was not available in ev-
signals and the information they contain. ery frequency band.
To illustrate, consider listening to a per- • The frequency band was chosen to mini-
son in a noise-filled room. Many conver- mize the effect that weather has on GPS
sations are taking place, but each conver- signal propagation.
sation is in a different language. You are L1 carries a navigation message, the
able to understand the person because you coarse acquisition (C/A) code (freely avail-
know the language he/she is speaking. If able to the public) and an encrypted preci-
sion code, called the P(Y) code (restricted • Multi-frequency operation allows for
access). The navigation message is a low ionospheric compensation, since iono-
bit rate message that includes the follow- spheric delays vary with frequency.
ing information: • The GPS system is resistant to jamming
• GPS date and time. and interference.
• Satellite status and health. If the satel- • Security. Signals accessed and used by
lite is having problems or its orbit is being military applications are not accessible by
adjusted, it will not be usable. When this civilians.
happens, the satellite will transmit the Other GNSS systems are conceptually
out-of-service message. similar to GPS, but there are differences.
• Satellite ephemeris, which allows the We will provide more information about
receiver to calculate the satellite’s posi- these differences in Chapter 3.
tion. This information is accurate to many
decimal places. Receivers can determine Satellite Errors
exactly where the satellite was when it Satellite errors include ephemeride and
transmitted its time. clock errors. These clock errors are very,
• Almanac, which contains information very small, but keep in mind that in one
and status for all GPS satellites, so receiv- nanosecond, light travels 30 centimeters.
ers know which satellites are available for
tracking. On start up, a receiver will re- Satellite Lifetimes
cover this almanac. The almanac consists GNSS satellites don’t last forever.
of coarse orbit and status information for Sometimes they are phased out with newer
each satellite in the constellation. models that have new signals or improved
The P(Y) code is for military use. It pro- time keeping. Sometimes GNSS satellites
vides better interference rejection than the do fail and, if they can’t be restored, are
C/A code, which makes military GPS more permanently removed from service.
robust than civilian GPS. The L2 frequency
transmits the P(Y) code and, on newer GPS Satellite Corrections
satellites, it also transmits the C/A code The control segment continuously monitors
(referred to as L2C), providing a second the satellites and regularly adjust their time
publicly available code to civilian users. and orbit information to keep the broad-
Although the information in the P(Y) code casted information highly accurate. If a
is not accessible to everyone, clever people satellite’s orbit drifts outside the operating
have figured out ways to use the L2 carrier limits, it may be taken out of service and its
and code, without knowing how it is coded. orbit adjusted using small rocket boosters.
While the GPS transmission scheme
is complex, it was chosen for many good STEP 2–PROPAGATION
reasons: GNSS signals pass through the near-vac-
• GPS receivers can recover very weak sig- uum of space, then through the various
nals using very small antennas. This keeps layers of the atmosphere to the Earth, as
the receiver cost low. illustrated in Figure 5.
Factors to consider when choosing a Reflected
GNSS antenna include: Ionosphere
Troposphere Direct
Time t1, signal transmitted by satellite Pseudorandom codes modulating the carrier
Time of propagation = t2 – t1
crystals. Remember, we said these clocks two satellites, our computed position will
were accurate to only about 5 parts per be out by an amount proportional to the
million. If we multiply this by the speed of inaccuracy in our receiver clock, as illus-
light, it will result in an accuracy of ±1500 trated in Figure 10.
meters. When we determine the range to We want to determine our actual posi-
Ranging to First Satellite tion but, as shown in Figure 10, the re-
ceiver time inaccuracy causes range errors
Ranging to First Satellite
that result in position errors. The receiver
By knowing the location of Satellite A
and your distance to it, you know
By knowing the location of Satellite A
knows there is an error, it just does not
you are
your distance toon this
it, you circle
you are somewhere on this circle know the size of the error. If we now com-
pute the range to a third satellite, it will
DA’ distance
not intersect the computed position, as
Dto distance
A’ Satellite A
shown in Figure 11.
to Satellite A
Now for one of the ingenious techniques
used in GNSS positioning.
GNSS Satellite A
The receiver knows that the reason the
pseudoranges to the three satellites are
GNSS Satellite A not intersecting is because its clock is not
very good. The receiver is programmed to
advance or delay its clock until the pseudo-
ranges to the three satellites converge at a
single point, as shown in Figure 12.
GNSS Satellite B
Computed position
based on pseudoranges Pseudorange to
to Satellites A and B Satellite C
cult to determine where the ranges Adjusted range to Figure 12 Convergence
Satellite B
intersect. Position is “spread” over
the area of range intersections, an
area which is enlarged by range in- Adjusted range to
Satellite A
accuracies (which can be viewed as
a “thickening” of the range lines).
As shown in Figure 14, the ad-
dition of a range measurement to a Adjusted range to
Satellite C
satellite that is angularly separated
from the cluster allows us to deter- converge by advancing
mine a fix more precisely. or delaying the receiver clock
Dilution of Precision
tion data.
2ns ˜ 0.6 metre range
• Multiple satellite signal observations to
find the ambiguity terms that fit best
with the measurement data. C
Therefore, the method employed by
the receiver, code or carrier based mea-
surements, impacts the positioning
Chapter 4 provides additional informa-
tion about RTK and PPP. D
Once the errors have been accounted for in
the GNSS equation, the receiver can deter- 0.003ns ˜ 1mm range
everal countries now have existing or planned space programs that
include the implementation of national or regional GNSS. In this
chapter, we will provide an overview of these systems.
The following GNSS systems are operational:
• GPS (United States)
• GLONASS (Russia)
• Galileo (European Union)
• BeiDou (China)
• NavIC regional navigation satellite system (India)
• QZSS regional navigation satellite system (Japan)
GPS was the first GNSS system. GPS (or NAVSTAR, as it is officially called) satellites
were first launched in the late 1970s and early 1980s by the U.S. Department of Defense.
Since that time, several generations (referred to as “Blocks”) of GPS satellites have been
launched. Initially, GPS was available only for military use but in 1983 a decision was
made to extend GPS to civilian use.
Orbit is nearly
Orbit is nearly
ranging signals, clock data and almanac civilian signal, designated L2C, ensuring
data. These signals are passed to the mas- the accessibility of two civilian codes. L2C
ter control station where the ephemerides is easier for the user segment to track and
are recalculated. The resulting ephemerides it delivers improved navigation accuracy. It
and timing corrections are transmitted back also provides the ability to directly measure
up to the satellites through data upload- and remove the ionospheric delay error for a
ing stations. The ground antennas are co- particular satellite, using the civilian signals
located with monitor stations and used by on both L1 and L2. The L2C signal is expect-
the Master Control Station to communicate ed to be available from 24 satellites by 2021.
with and control the GPS satellites.
GPS Modernization The United States has implemented a
Space segment modernization includes new third civil GPS frequency (L5) at 1176.45
signals, as well as improvements in atomic MHz. The modernized GPS satellites
clock accuracy, satellite signal strength and (Block II-F and later) are transmitting L5.
reliability. Control segment modernization The benefits of the L5 signal include
includes improved ionospheric and tropo- meeting the requirements for critical safe-
spheric modelling and in-orbit accuracy, and ty-of-life applications such as that needed
additional monitoring stations. User equip- for civil aviation and providing:
ment has also evolved, to take advantage of • Improved ionospheric correction
space and control segment improvements. • Signal redundancy
• Improved signal accuracy
L2C • Improved interference rejection
The modernized GPS satellites (Block The L5 signal is expected to be available
IIR-M and later) are transmitting a new from 24 satellites by 2024.
GLONASS was developed by the Soviet Union as an experimental military communica-
tions system during the 1970s. When the Cold War ended, the Soviet Union recognized
that GLONASS had commercial applications through the system’s ability to transmit
weather broadcasts, communications, navigation and reconnaissance data.
The first GLONASS satellite was launched
in 1982 and the system was declared fully Satellites 24 plus 3 spares
operational in 1993. After a period where
Orbital Planes 3
GLONASS performance declined, Russia
committed to bringing the system up to the Orbit Inclination 64.8 degrees
required minimum of 18 active satellites.
Currently, GLONASS has a full deploy- Orbit Radius 19,140 km
ment of 24 satellites in the constellation.
Table 3 GLONASS Satellite Constellation
1 A sidereal day is the time it takes for one complete rotation of the Earth relative to a particular star.
A sidereal day is about four minutes shorter than a mean solar day
view of a receiver on the Earth’s surface, as The first GLONASS-K1 satellite was
shown in Figure 17. launched in February 2011.
Galileo, Europe’s global navigation satellite system,
provides a highly accurate and guaranteed global
positioning service under civilian control. The
United States and European Union have been coop-
erating since 2004 to ensure that GPS and Galileo
are compatible and interoperable at the user level.
Galileo will guarantee availability of service un-
portrait by Justus Sustermans
System Design
27 operational and 3
Satellites The Galileo space segment is summarized
active spares
in Table 5. Once the constellation is op-
Orbital Planes 3 erational, Galileo navigation signals will
provide coverage at all latitudes.
Orbit Inclination 56 degrees
Two Galileo Control Centres (GCC), lo-
cated in Europe, control the Galileo satel-
Orbit Radius 23,222 km
lites. Data recovered by a global network
Table 5 Galileo Satellite Constellation of 30 Galileo Sensor Stations (GSS) are
sent to the GCC through a redundant com-
munications network. The GCCs use the
data from the sensor stations to compute
Free Open Service (OS) Provides positioning, navigation and precise timing
service. It will be available for use by any person
with a Galileo receiver. No authorization will be
required to access this service.
2 Cospas-Sarsat is an international satellite-based Search And Rescue (SAR) distress alert detection
and information distribution system, established by Canada, France, United States and the former
Soviet Union in 1979.
China has started the implementation of a GNSS system known as BeiDou Navigation
Satellite System (BDS). The system is being implemented in two phases: the initial phase
provides regional coverage, while the second phase will provide global coverage.
The initial phase of the BeiDou system of- Earth Orbit (GEO) satellites, five Inclined
ficially became operational in December Geosynchronous Orbit (IGSO) satellites
2012, providing coverage for the Asia- and four Medium Earth Orbit (MEO) sat-
Pacific region. The regional BeiDou ellites (summarized in Table 8).
space segment has five Geostationary The second phase of the BeiDou system
Orbital Planes – – 3
is planned to be completed by the end of within 0.2 meters per second and timing
2020 and will provide global coverage accuracy of 10 nanoseconds.
with enhanced regional coverage. The • Licensed service is available only to
space segment will consist of a constella- users who have obtained a subscription.
tion of 5 GEO, 3 IGSO and 27 MEO satel- The licensed service improves position
lites, as shown in Table 9. accuracy to 2 meters. This service also
provides bi-directional short messaging
BeiDou Signals (120 Chinese characters) and provides in-
The BeiDou signals, based on CDMA formation about the system status.
technology, are summarized in Table 10. • Restricted military service, more accu-
Three levels of service will be provided: rate than the public service, also provides
• Public service for civilian use and free to system status information and military
users. The public service provides position communications capability.
accuracy of 10 meters, velocity accuracy
QZSS is a four-satellite system that provides regional communication services and posi-
tioning information for the mobile environment. The focus of this system is for the Japan
region, but it provides service to the Asia-Oceania region.
QZSS provides limited accuracy in standalone mode, so it is viewed as a GPS augmen-
tation service. The QZSS satellites use the same frequencies as GPS and have clocks that
are synchronized with GPS time. This allows the QZSS satellites to be used as if they were
additional GPS satellites. QZSS satellites also broadcast a Satellite-Based Augmentation
System (SBAS) compatible signal and a high-precision signal at L6. Three of the QZSS
satellites are placed in a periodic Quasi-Zenith Orbit (QSO). These orbits allow the satel-
lites to “dwell” over Japan for more than 12 hours a day, at an elevation above 70° (meaning
they appear almost overhead most of the time).
In the future, Japan intends to expand the QZSS system to a seven-satellite system.
NavIC (formerly known as Indian Regional Navigation Satellite System, IRNSS) is a re-
gional navigation satellite system that provides coverage for India and the surrounding
regions. The NavIC system consists of seven satellites, three of them in geostationary
orbits and four in inclined geosynchronous orbits. The system provides a position ac-
curacy of better than 10 meters throughout India and better than 20 meters for the area
surrounding India by 1500 km.
NavIC provides two services. A Standard Positioning Service (SPS) available to all users
and a Restricted Service (RS) available to authorized users only.
Table 11 summarizes the NavIC signals.
BeiDou BeiDou
B2 B3
1164 MHz
1188 MHz
1214 MHz
1217 MHz
1260 MHz
1261 MHz
1300 MHz
1559 MHz
1587 MHz
1591 MHz
1593 MHz
1610 MHz
1237 MHz
1239 MHz
1563 MHz
n Chapter 2, we introduced the concept of GNSS error sources. These
are the factors that make it difficult for a GNSS receiver to calculate
an accurate position.
In this chapter, we will look CONTRIBUTING ERROR
more deeply into these error
sources (see Table 12) and de- Satellite clocks ±2 m
scribe the methods that GNSS Orbit errors ±2.5 m
receivers use to mitigate these
Ionospheric delays ±5 m
errors and provide a more ac-
curate position. Tropospheric delays ±0.5 m
GNSS satellites are very accu- Table 12 GNSS System Errors
rate, but they do drift a small
amount. Unfortunately, a small inaccuracy in the satellite clock results in a
significant error in the position calculated by the receiver. For example, 10
nanoseconds of clock error results in 3 meters of range error.
The clock on the satellite is monitored by the GNSS ground control system and
compared to the even more accurate clock used in the ground control system. In
the downlink data, the satellite provides the user with an estimate of its clock
offset. Typically, the estimate has an accuracy of about ± 2 meters, although the
accuracy can vary between different GNSS systems. To obtain a more accurate
position, the GNSS receiver needs to compensate for the clock error.
One method of compensating for clock error is to download precise satellite
clock information from a SBAS or a Precise Point Positioning (PPP) service
provider. The precise satellite clock information contains corrections for the
clock errors that were calculated by the SBAS or PPP system.
Another method of compensating for clock error is to use a Differential
GNSS or Real-Time Kinematic (RTK) receiver configuration.
Resolving errors is fundamental to the Figure 21 Multipath
Differential GNSS
Differential GNSS
GNSS Satellites Figure 22 Differential GNSS
GNSS Satellites
Station Rover
structions such as nearby vessels and the receiver must track five satellites, at least
platforms one of which must be from a satellite in the
• Improved spatial distribution of visible other constellation, so the receiver can deter-
satellites, resulting in improved dilution mine the time offset between constellations.
of precision (DOP)
• Increased system redundancy DIFFERENTIAL GNSS
When a receiver utilizes signals from a A commonly used technique for improving
variety of constellations, redundancy is GNSS performance is differential GNSS,
built into the solution. If a signal is blocked which is illustrated in Figure 22.
due to the working environment, there In differential GNSS, the position of a
is a very high likelihood that the receiver fixed GNSS receiver, referred to as a base
can simply pick up a signal from another station, is determined to a high degree of
constellation, ensuring solution continu- accuracy using conventional surveying tech-
ity. While extremely rare, if a GNSS system niques. Then, the base station determines
fails, other systems are available. ranges to the GNSS satellites in view using:
To determine a position in GPS-only • The code-based positioning technique
mode, a receiver must track a minimum of (described in Chapter 2).
four satellites. In multi-constellation mode, • The location of the satellites determined
from the known orbit ephemerides and priate for enhancing position accuracy.
satellite time. SBAS are geostationary satellite sys-
The base station compares the surveyed tems that provide services for improving
position to the position calculated from the the accuracy, integrity and availability of
satellite ranges. Differences between the po- basic GNSS signals.
sitions can be attributed to satellite ephem- • A ccuracy is enhanced through the
eris and clock errors, but mostly to errors transmission of wide-area corrections
associated with atmospheric delay. The base for GNSS range errors
station sends these errors to other receivers • Integrity is enhanced by the SBAS net-
(rovers), which incorporate the corrections work quickly detecting satellite signal er-
into their position calculations. rors and sending alerts to receivers that
Differential positioning requires a data they should not track the failed satellite
link between the base station and rovers, if • Signal availability can be improved if the
corrections need to be applied in real-time, SBAS transmits ranging signals from its
and at least four common GNSS satellites satellites. SBAS systems include refer-
in view at both the base station and the ence stations, master stations, uplink
rovers. The absolute accuracy of the rover’s stations and geostationary satellites, as
computed position will depend on the abso- shown in Figure 23
lute accuracy of the base station’s position- Reference stations, which are geograph-
and the distance between the base station ically distributed throughout the SBAS
and the rover. service area, receive GNSS signals and for-
Since GNSS satellites orbit high above ward them to the master station. Since the
the Earth the propagation paths from the locations of the reference stations are ac-
satellites to the base stations and rovers curately known, the master station can ac-
pass through similar atmospheric condi- curately calculate wide-area corrections.
tions, as long as the base station and rovers Corrections are uplinked to the SBAS
are in the same geographic region. satellite, then broadcast to GNSS receiv-
DGNSS corrections are also available ers throughout the SBAS coverage area.
from correction service providers. Global User equipment receives the corrections
service providers, such as HEXAGON | and applies them to range calculations.
VERIPOS, have reference stations locat- Wide-area corrections do not help with
ed across the globe and can provide us- local ionoshperic error and are limited to
able correction data up to 1,500 km from a geographic area.
a reference station. The following sections provide an over-
view of some of the SBAS services that
SATELLITE BASED have been implemented around the world
AUGMENTATION SYSTEMS (SBAS) or that are planned.
For applications where the cost of a dif-
ferential GNSS system is not justified, or WAAS
if the rover stations are spread over a very The Wide Area Augmentation System
large area, an SBAS may be more appro- (WAAS) provides GPS corrections and a
certified level of integrity to the aviation GAGAN is compatible with other SBAS sys-
industry, to enable aircraft to conduct tems, such as WAAS, EGNOS and MSAS.
precision approaches to airports. The cor-
rections are also available free of charge to SDCM
civilian users in North America. The Russian Federation is developing the
System for Differential Corrections and
EGNOS Monitoring (SDCM) to provide Russia
The European Geostationary Navigation with accuracy improvements and integ-
Overlay Service (EGNOS) is an SBAS for rity monitoring for both the GLONASS
European countries that provides aug- and GPS navigation systems.
mentation for GPS signals and alerts us-
ers about the reliability of the GPS signals. Other SBAS Systems
China is planning SNAS (Satellite
MSAS Navigation Augmentation System) to pro-
The MTSAT Satellite Based Augmentation vide WAAS-like service for the China region.
System (MSAS) is an SBAS that provides
augmentation services to Japan. It uses GROUND BASED AUGMENTATION
two Multi-functional Transport Satellites SYSTEM
(MTSAT) and a network of ground sta- A Ground Based Augmentation System
tions to augment GPS signals in Japan. (GBAS) provides differential correc-
tions and satellite integrity monitoring
GAGAN to receivers using a VHF radio link. Also
GPS-Aided GEO Augmented Navigation known as a Local Area Augmentation
system (GAGAN) is an SBAS that supports System (LAAS), a GBAS consists of sev-
SBAS System Overview
flight navigation over Indian airspace. eral GNSS antennas placed at known loca-
Correction data
from the base Correction data
station is transmitted from the base
to the rover station station is transmitted
Carrier wave, for Carrier Phase for use in real-time,
ample L1 at 1575.42 MHz, Measurements or is used later in to the rover station
which has a wavelength Carrier wave, for Carrier Phase for use in real-time,
post processing
of about 19 centimetres Base Station at 1575.42 MHz,
example L1 Measurements or is used later in
which has a wavelength post processing
Rover Station of about 19 centimetres Base Station
tions, a central control system and a VHF rover station. See Figure 24.
radio transmitter. Rovers determine their position using
GBAS covers a relatively small area (by algorithms that incorporate ambiguity
GNSS standards) and is used for applica- resolution and differential correction. Like
tions that require high levels of accuracy, DGNSS, the position accuracy achievable by
availability and integrity. Airports are an the rover depends on, among other things,
example of a GBAS application. its distance from the base station (referred
to as the “baseline”) and the accuracy of
REAL-TIME KINEMATIC (RTK) the differential corrections. RTK baselines
For applications that require higher ac- must be less than 40 km for best accuracy.
curacies, RTK is a technique that uses Corrections are as accurate as the known
carrier-based ranging and provides ranges location of the base station and the quality
(and therefore positions) that are orders of of the base station’s satellite observations.
magnitude more precise than those avail- Site selection is important for minimizing
able through code-based positioning. environmental effects such as interference
The calculated ranges still include er- and multipath, as is the quality of the base
rors from sources such as satellite clock station and rover receivers and antennas.
and ephemerides, and ionospheric and
tropospheric delays. To eliminate these Network RTK
errors and to take advantage of the preci- Network RTK is based on the use of sev-
sion of carrier-based measurements, RTK eral widely spaced permanent stations.
performance requires measurements to be Depending on the implementation, posi-
transmitted from the base station to the tioning data from the permanent stations
Reference Reference
Station Station
Network Control Ground Uplink Reference Reference
Center Subsystem Station Station
Network Control Ground Uplink
Center Subsystem
1 cm PPP
10km 100 km
RTK 1000 km 10,000 km Worldwide
1 cm
systems use the carrier-phase method and An RTK system offers higher accuracy
SBAS systems use the code method. The and quick initialization, but is more com-
other part of the accuracy advantage is plex to set up and more expensive. The
that the private corrections services typi- RTK system requires at least two RTK-
cally used by PPP systems provide higher capable receivers (one base station and
quality corrections and are multi-frequen- one or more rovers), a GNSS antenna for
cy, multi-constellation. each receiver and a communication link
Since SBAS is a code-based method, between the receivers. Also, to achieve
there are no ambiguities to resolve and the high level of accuracy, the base sta-
full SBAS accuracy is available almost tion must be correctly set up at a precisely
immediately. PPP systems require time to known location.
converge before full accuracy is available. A PPP system has a simpler configura-
While the correction services provid- tion: a single PPP-compatible receiver, an
ed by SBAS systems are free for every- antenna capable of receiving GNSS and
one to use, they are limited to a single L-Band frequencies and a subscription
geographical region. PPP correction ser- to a correction service provider. However,
vices are typically available worldwide. PPP has a slightly lower accuracy and
PPP service providers also offer 24-hour longer initial convergence time. This may
network monitoring and support. Some soon change as efforts are dedicated to re-
also offer on-site support for issues related ducing convergence time.
to PPP signal reception. Another differentiator is the baseline
length. The distance between base station
DGNSS vs SBAS and rover (baseline length) on an RTK
While the accuracy of DGNSS and SBAS system directly impacts system accuracy.
are similar, the equipment required for the At short baseline lengths, a few kilome-
systems is different. ters, RTK is very accurate. However, as
An SBAS system only requires an the baseline length increases, the accura-
SBAS-capable receiver and a GNSS an- cy and availability of a solution decreases.
tenna. A DGNSS system requires a base At long baseline lengths RTK can no lon-
station receiver and antenna, a rover re- ger be used. Because PPP does not use a
ceiver and antenna and a communication base station, it is not affected by baseline
link between the base station and rover. length and can provide full accuracy any-
As well, the DGNSS system requires ad- where in the world.
ditional system setup as the base station
must be in a known location. CLOSING REMARKS
This chapter has described, at a high level,
RTK vs PPP some very complex GNSS concepts. If you
RTK and PPP offer similar accuracies, want to learn more about these, we have
but the equipment and setup required is provided a list of references at the end of
different. the book.
Inertial Basics
he role of GNSS and inertial measurement unit (IMU) architectures
in offshore and marine applications is often misunderstood or un-
clear. This chapter provides some clarification about architectures
available in today’s market, clarifies terminology, and spotlights performance
characteristics of GNSS and inertial measurement unit solutions along with
key features to consider for marine applications from dynamic positioning to
hydrographic surveys.
Levels of Integration
Blending Filter INS/GNSS INS
Loose Tight GNSS Deep
Integration Integration Integration Integration
Increasing Redundancy Loose Tight Deep
Integration Integration Integration Integration
Increasing Redundancy
dorange, phase and Doppler information ceiver is a computed position. In this case,
from each available satellite to constrain when only two of three satellites are avail-
inertial drift. able, assumptions are required to compute
In a loosely-coupled GNSS/INS, the only a position to use as an inertial update. In a
available information from the GNSS re- Coupled GNSS_IMU tightly-coupled solution, when two or more
Coupled GNSS_IMU
INS Position
Velocity, Altitude INS Position
INS Filter Velocity, Altitude
∆θ, ∆ν INS Filter
∆θ, ∆ν
Loosely-Coupled GNSS/IMU
Loosely-Coupled GNSS/IMU
Φ, ρ
GNSS Receiver GNSS Position & INS Position
Velocity, Altitude
Signal Φ, ρIMU GNSS Positioning INS Filter
Tracking Algorithms
∆θ, ∆ν
Tightly-Coupled GNSS/IMU
Φ, ρ
INS Position
Velocity, Altitude
INS Filter
GNSS Receiver ∆θ, ∆ν GNSS Position &
Signal Φ, ρ GNSS Positioning
Tracking Algorithms
Tightly-Coupled GNSS/IMU
Φ, ρ
INS Position
Velocity, Altitude
INS Filter
∆θ, ∆ν
Φ, ρ
INS Position
Velocity, Altitude
INS Filter
∆θ, ∆ν
Deeply-Coupled GNSS/IMU
FIBER OPTIC GYROS: A fiber optic gyroscope measures angular velocity using
light interference techniques (the Sagnac effect). Simply put, two light beams are
fired into a coil of optical fiber from opposite directions. Since FOG systems are
less dependent on mechanical movement, they typically provide precise rotational
rate information.
RING LASER GYROS: Ring laser gyros also rely on light interference techniques
to measure angular velocity. However, RLG laser beams are directed around a
closed path using mirrors rather than optical. They are typically highly stable and
accurate, though expensive.
Figure 31 Loosely-coupled with RLG (top) versus deeply-coupled MEMS (bottom)
ally limited to below 100Hz whereas IMUs from spec sheet to spec sheet because of
can have high solution output rates up to manufacturer measurement standards.
200(+)Hz. High-performance tightly and
deeply coupled solutions will typically Accuracy vs Precision
have 20Hz GNSS measurement and posi- Accuracy and precision are often used to
tion data rates. describe the quality of the position ac-
quired by GNSS receiver. Accuracy is the
Gyro/Accelerometer Performance degree of closeness of an estimate to its
The gyro and accelerometer performance true, but unknown value; the precision is
assessment require an understanding of the degree of closeness of observations to
output range, bias, bias stability and scale their means.
factors. All of these are important speci- When GNSS positions are logged over
fications that can be difficult to compare time, the positions are scattered over an
Figure 33 Position error variations between loosely- and deeply-coupled solutions.
Figure 34 Heading error variations between deeply- and loosely-coupled solutions.
positioning performance, and in the event goes wrong and there is a complete loss
of GNSS signal loss, the high-grade sen- of GNSS signal, the operator has extra
sor will provide the user with more time time to react to the situation. Looking at
to react. the drift rate for the IMU will provide an
indication to the length of time the outage
SECTION 3: THE BENEFITS can be bridged. The lower the drift rate,
OF GNSS/IMU IN MARINE the longer the period you can bridge.
APPLICATIONS For dynamic positioning, an operator
Maintaining the position of an offshore should also take into consideration the
vessel while performing complex and low dynamics of a vessel operating in DP
costly tasks such as drilling or ocean sur- mode to ensure the IMU and positioning
veys requires real-time, reliable and robust algorithms can work with the low dynam-
position and direction information. That’s ics of the platform.
where the value of an IMU really shines. For hydrographic survey applications,
As explained earlier, an IMU coupled to a the operator is most interested in the
GNSS receiver will help mitigate any posi- high date rate output of positioning and
tion jumps and in case of complete loss of attitude data plus the accuracy of these
signal, allows a bit more time to react and parameters—therefore, look at quoted ac-
enact safety procedures. curacy values for the pitch/roll, heading
For instance, an IMU can bridge gaps and position, while ensuring that the data
when scintillation or interference occurs is output at the required data update rate
or provide positioning when satellites are for their application.
masked by structures such as offshore
platforms or other vessels. If everything
GNSS Denial
receiver that can not provide position, velocity or time because
the GNSS signals are not available to the receiver due to interfer-
ence, spoofing, signal blockage or constellation failure is said to
be suffering from “GNSS Denial.” The following sections describe the causes
of GNSS denial and the methods used to mitigate them.
By the time GNSS signals have travelled from the satellites to the receiver,
the signals are at a very low power level. This low power level makes the sig-
nals susceptible to interference from other signals transmitted in the GNSS
frequency range. If the interfering signal is sufficiently powerful, it becomes
impossible for the receiver to detect the low-power GNSS signal. An analogy
is trying to have a conversation in a room with a stereo playing. If the stereo
is playing very loud, it is impossible to hear the conversation over the music.
If the signal is from an unintentional source, such as faulty radio equip-
ment, it is called interference. If the signal is intentionally transmitted in the
GNSS frequency range, it is called jamming.
GNSS receivers use several methods to protect against interference and
Anti-Jam Antennas
Anti-jam antenna systems, comprised of Controlled Reception Pattern
Antennas (CRPA) and sophisticated electronics, use the multiple antenna
elements to control the amount of signal received from a particular direc-
tion. When an anti-jam system senses interference from one direction, it
turns down the antenna gain, similar to turning down the volume, for that
direction. This reduces the amount of interference received so that legitimate
GNSS signals can be received from other GLONASS L2 or Galileo E5. A descrip-
directions. Figure 35 shows two vessels in tion of the existing and upcoming GNSS
range of a GNSS jammer. The vessel on signals is given in Chapter 3.
the right has a standard antenna and the
GNSS signals are overpowered by the jam- Multiple Navigation Sensors
mer. The vessel on the left has an anti-jam For short term interference, additional
antenna that blocks the jamming signal so navigation sensors such as IMUs can
GNSS signals can be received. help the receiver bridge brief periods of
If the interfering signal has a narrow GNSS outage. A discussion of systems
bandwidth, GNSS receivers can protect that use GNSS receivers and IMUs, called
against the interference by tracking mul- GNSS+Inertial Navigation Systems (INS),
tiple frequencies and multiple constella- is presented in Chapter 5.
tions. For example, if the interference is
in the 1550 to 1600 MHz range, GPS L1 SPOOFING
would be blocked. However, a receiver can Unlike interference where GNSS is denied
still provide position, navigation and time by overpowering the GNSS signal, spoof-
if the receiver can track GPS L2 or L5, ing tricks the receiver into reporting an
Precision at Sea
hether positioning offshore drilling units over a wellhead, laying
cable and pipes or surveying the seabed, marine-based oil and
gas companies know that a lot that can go wrong during opera-
tions without proper positioning. Accuracy and reliability are vital, and even
slight errors or loss of connection can lead to problems and down time that
can cost millions.
It’s a challenge companies like UTEC Survey, an Acteon company and one
of the largest global independent offshore surveying companies, know all too
UTEC specializes in offshore construction for the oil and gas industry,
providing services such as pipe-lay installation, inspection, subsea structure
installation and monitoring, precision acoustic metrology, 3D seismic node
deployment, subsea mapping and Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV) support.
In these cases, vessel positioning must be precise, and delivered with reli-
ability and redundancy.
UTEC, like many others in the offshore construction market, has exclu-
sively used VERIPOS solutions to achieve precise, redundant and reliable
vessel positioning for a variety of marine construction projects for years.
Dave Ross, UTEC’s Americas Business Unit Director, said, “The advances
in GNSS means we can position things with 10 cm accuracy at sea. The reli-
ability is incredible. It all starts with the position of the vessel on the surface.
Subsea position will be in error if there’s not an accurate position on the sur-
face. That means you could drill wells in the wrong place or put subsea equip-
ment in the wrong spot. That’s all very expensive, particularly in deep water.
Without services like VERIPOS we could do nothing offshore.”
struction, offshore supply vessels (OSV) network includes more than 80 base sta-
and offshore drilling. tions, each with a dual-redundant receiver
Offshore constructors like UTEC rely and communications links. The ground
on VERIPOS’s comprehensive and redun- reference stations, positioned to provide
dant hardware, software and customized optimal differential GNSS coverage in
services to ensure operational objectives offshore operational areas, ensure that
are met. no geographic region has beams uplinked
Delivering a precise, reliable, redun- from the same station.
dant and repeatable positioning solution The reference stations are controlled
requires three key components: a global from two fully secure, purpose-designed
network of stations, orbit and clock de- redundant Network Control Centres
termination system (OCDS) and a way to (NCCs), one in Aberdeen and one in
deliver accurate data to end users. Singapore, with a 24-hour response sys-
Specifically, VERIPOS operates, main- tem available at each reference site. The
tains and controls its own network of Aberdeen NCC is manned 24 hours a
GNSS reference stations and the associ- day, 365 days a year, with a tiered escala-
ated infrastructure for precise positioning tion callout system and dual-redundant
and offshore navigation. Its global ground equipment. The Singapore NCC is a full
mirror of the Aberdeen installation and The NCCs also receive and monitor the
can be controlled remotely from any data broadcast to users to ensure data in-
location. tegrity and reliability. The NCCs feed pri-
Both NCCs receive, process and quality- mary and secondary data streams to the
control the GNSS data from the reference reference stations via duplicate, physically
stations and send the data to the seven diverse communication lines. If a problem
VERIPOS broadcast satellites via ground arises, these data streams are fed into hi-
Earth stations. The independent L-Band erarchical switching systems that allow
global Inmarsat satellites (i.e., 98W, automatic changeover at the reference
AOR-W, 25E, IOR, 143.5E and POR) en- stations.
sure operators have coverage overlap and
access to a minimum of two sources of CORRECTIONS AND CONNECTIONS
VERIPOS augmentation services at any With its network of ground stations, NCCs
global offshore location, as well as internet and broadcast satellites, VERIPOS offers
data feeds as another backup. positioning services with centimeter-,
VERIPOS offers customers two receiver options.
THE VERIPOS LD8 is a ruggedized compact dual antenna, multi-constellation
GNSS receiver that delivers robust positioning and heading. It
is designed for a range of offshore positioning applications,
including hydrographic/offshore surveying, dredging,
offshore construction, seismic and dynamic positioning
applications. It’s best for short-term projects or where
space is limited. Using VERIPOS positioning algorithms,
the LD8 supports all VERIPOS services that can produce
position accuracies from meter to decimeter level. It is
also compatible with the VERIPOS Quantum software.
THE VERIPOS LD900 is a GNSS receiver that can receive VERIPOS services
through the multi-channel L-Band demodulator. It’s suitable for a variety of
applications including hydrographic/offshore surveying, dredging, offshore
construction, seismic exploration and dynamic positioning. The multi-
constellation GNSS receiver provides precise
positioning and is also configurable to allow
GNSS heading and receive MF beacon
services. The LD900 has an easy-to-use,
intuitive, color display for simple configuration
and monitoring. There is also a kit available to
allow the receiver to be installed within vessel
equipment racks.
the integrity of the data network and moni- System algorithms need to handle
tor the integrity of the GNSS system. satellite network traits and ensure so-
As well, VERIPOS offers global real- lutions compatibility between the mod-
time Apex correction services for sub- els used to correct GNSS errors and the
decimeter accuracy. Apex is broadcast OCDS.
alongside Ultra via the seven geostation- Apex and Ultra positioning services
ary communications satellites to ensure provide users with correction services
availability and service redundancy. derived from independent networks and
DYNAMIC POSITIONING (DP), DRILLING: As the depth of well sites continues to
increase, oil and gas exploration has moved beyond the reach of conventional moored
drilling in many parts of the world. By enabling the positioning of offshore drilling
units accurately over the wellhead, DP systems and precise positioning capabilities
have made deepwater drilling possible. Once installed, the equipment calculates the
position a rig needs to hold, then sends that information to the onboard DP system to
accurately control functions, such as the thrusters that maintain the rig’s position.
Software is also available for quality control and monitoring. VERIPOS services track
all GNSS constellations and have horizontal accuracies better than five centimeters.
VERIPOS uses two independent correction networks for complete redundancy.
mitigate for single-point failures, thus po- opening the U.S. office in Houston back in
sitioning performance and reliability. 2006. The company provides services that
As a further layer of redundancy, cover the complete lifecycle of offshore oil
VERIPOS can also provide services to us- and gas development, from pre-drilling
ers via the internet, as either a hardware surveys to decommissioning site clear-
or software solution, employing industry- ance surveys.
standard implementation. Ross had worked with the VERIPOS
Beyond the hardware and software, management team during the company’s
there is the importance of VERIPOS’s early days and already had a lot of confi-
support and training, which includes ma- dence in their products and services. He
rine installations, dimensional control also liked the fact that VERIPOS is an
and calibrations, 24/7 telephone support independent provider that isn’t associated
and globally available marine technicians. with any of UTEC’s competitors.
VERIPOS works directly with its custom- UTEC has used VERIPOS receivers
ers to ensure successful integration of exclusively for the past four or five years
their corrections with customer opera- in all their projects, Ross said. These have
tions and, above all, supports the customer spanned 35 countries and territories
directly during these operations. worldwide.
“Running expensive vessels precisely UTEC typically turns to VERIPOS LD5
at sea is our main challenge, and we use and LD8 receivers to provide the neces-
VERIPOS for that,” UTEC’s Ross said. sary precision, Ross said. Every receiver is
“In the good ole days, it cost half a mil- designed and certified specifically for ma-
lion dollars a day if there was any down rine operations, the result of many years of
time or inaccuracy in position. VERIPOS system use and feedback from marine cus-
helps save money through the reliability tomers. Different receiver models cater for
of what it does. The service that’s avail- the needs of different offshore industrial
able and the availability of technical missions and work scopes.
assistance when required means the For instance, the LD5 receiver is a rug-
uptime is high and therefore the down- gedized, integrated sensor that is available
time is low, and the impact to the client as L-band demodulator only, or as an in-
is minimized.” tegrated L-band dual frequency receiver
and with an option for marine radio bea-
VERIPOS positioning solutions deliver the The signal type UTEC uses varies by
precise positioning performance and accu- project, though single-beam or dual-beam
racy needed to lay cables and pipes, under- options are the most common. They also
take subsea field development, install and use VERIPOS’ Quantum software for
repair subsea equipment or execute many some projects.
other high precision marine projects. “VERIPOS offers a good range of ser-
UTEC, for instance, has partnered with vices that can cover pretty much all of our
VERIPOS for positioning services since offshore positioning needs,” Ross said.
“We use VERIPOS for satellite position- hardware that gives us heading derived
ing of vessels at sea, mainly associated from GPS. They have a solution for pretty
with offshore construction. They have the much everything we want to do with GPS.”
VERIPOS offers a variety of high-accuracy GNSS positioning services for offshore
positioning and navigation. They include:
APEX AND APEX2: These services provide sub-decimeter accuracy and are
complementary to VERIPOS Ultra and Ultra² services, which, when taken together,
provide the user with correction services derived from independent networks and
mitigate for single-point failures.
The Apex service uses satellites from the GPS constellation while the Apex2
service uses both the GPS and GLONASS constellations. The satellites from
the GLONASS constellation provide additional observations. Apex services are
broadcast alongside Ultra services via seven geostationary communications
satellites to ensure availability and service redundancy.
APEX5: An extension to the VERIPOS Apex services using GNSS observations from
five available GNSS systems: GPS, GLONASS, BEIDOU, GALILEO and QZSS. More
satellites lead to more observations and more redundancy. Apex5 is broadcast
alongside the Apex/Apex2 Ultra services via seven geostationary communications
VERIPOS STANDARD AND STANDARD2: These services can be used with any RTCM-
compatible GPS receiver. Augmentation data is produced at two fully redundant
Network Control Centres (NCCs), both capable of managing 100% system operation.
VERIPOS Standard² is an extension of the VERIPOS Standard service designed to
increase the availability of GNSS observations during periods of local masking,
ionospheric scintillation or general poor GPS geometry. Pseudorange corrections
are derived using the equivalent C/A code and carrier phase measurements for all
GLONASS satellites in view. These are then broadcast over multiple high-power
delivery satellites.
Corrections are encoded in standard RTCM format and can be used directly
with compatible GNSS equipment or with external processing software, such as
VERIPOS Verify QC. It also can integrate GLONASS with GPS.
VERIPOS receivers and correction ser- UTEC is one of the company’s biggest
vices play a key part in rig moving and po- clients, said Rami Tadros of VERIPOS,
sitioning, key tasks among the various ma- and one they really take pride in serving.
rine oil and gas projects UTEC takes on. They have worldwide operations that are
In 2015, for example, UTEC NCS supported by the regional VERIPOS offic-
Survey, part of UTEC, was awarded a es. The scope of their projects is very broad
three-year rig move and positioning and is well covered by the various products
framework contract from Total E&P UK and services that VERIPOS offers.
Limited. Through the contract, UTEC The solutions VERIPOS provides are vi-
provides positioning services on their fleet tal to companies like UTEC and their cli-
of rigs and support vessels in the UKCS re- ents. UTEC relies on accurate positioning
gion. For rig moves, no matter the client, for just about every service they provide to
UTEC often must determine, via sea ves- the offshore oil and gas industry, and any
sels, where a pipe is on the seabed, so they down time caused by an interruption costs
know where the rig must be placed. their clients big, as do positioning errors.
Often, they need to survey the area for Accurate, redundant position is a must,
accurate placement before they can po- and that’s what they get with VERIPOS
sition a rig for the first time over a well. solutions.
Logistical preparation is essential for any Ross concluded, “Before the technol-
rig move initiative, and UTEC relies on its ogy VERIPOS provides was available,
real-time navigation systems to execute offshore positioning was relatively inac-
those moves. The survey team generates curate. VERIPOS enables precise naviga-
coordinates and positioning updates using tion. There’s not a single construction ves-
GPS and rig headings with gyro equip- sel that can go to sea without a system like
ment. These technologies interface with the one VERIPOS provides.”
UTEC’s navigation software for real-time
viewing. The telemetry systems enable in-
stantaneous communication and tracking
of support vessels as well as precise anchor
positioning on the seabed.
“I’m not aware of any instances of
VERIPOS systems not working,” Ross said.
“The uptime is fantastic; their equipment is
high-quality; and their support is extensive
and readily available. When we need equip-
ment for testing, they accommodate us. It’s
like a partnership in a way. There really is a
lot of trust in both directions. I find they’re
a really good company to work with. Of all
the things that make me lose sleep at night,
VERIPOS is not one of them.”
Appendices FAA
Federal Aviation Administration
Federal Communication Commission
FDMA Frequency Division Multiple Access
This section includes the following
FKP Flachen Korrectur Parameter (Plane
appendices, which include general or CorrectionParameter) German
supplementary information about GNSS: FOC Full Operational Capability
• Appendix A–Acronyms FOG Fiber Optic Gyro
GAGAN GNSS Aided GEO Augmented Navigation
• Appendix B–GNSS Glossary (India)
• Appendix C–Standards and References GBAS Ground Based Augmentation System
GCC Galileo Control Centre
GDOP Geometric Dilution Of Precision
1PPS One Pulse Per Second GEO Geostationary Earth Orbit
ADR Accumulated Doppler Range GIC GNSS Integrity Channel
AFSCN Air Force Satellite Control Network GIS Geospatial Information System
AltBOC Alternate Binary Offset Carrier GLONASS Global Navigation Satellite System
AMSAT American Satellite GMS Ground Mission Segment
ARNS Aeronautical Radio Navigation Services GMT Greenwich Mean Time
ARP Antenna Reference Point GNSS Global Navigation Satellite System
AVL Automatic Vehicle Location GPS Global Positioning System
BDS BeiDou Navigation Satellite System GRAS Ground-based Regional Augmentation
BOC Binary Offset Carrier System (Australia)
C/A Code Coarse/Acquisition Code GRC Galileo Reception Chain
CASM Coherent Adaptive Subcarrier GRCN Galileo Reception Chain Non-PRS
Modulation GSS Galileo Sensor Stations
CD Clock Drift GSTB Galileo System Test Bed
CDGPS Canada-Wide Differential GPS GTR Galileo Test Receiver
CDMA Code Division Multiple Access GTS Galileo Test Signal Generator
CE Conformité Européenne (Also known as GUS Ground Uplink Station
CMG Course Made Good GUSTR WAAS GUST Type-1 Receiver
CNAV Civil Navigation HDOP Horizontal Dilution Of Precision
C/No Post Correlation Carrier to Noise Ratio in hex Hexadecimal
dB-Hz HTDOP Horizontal Position and Time Dilution Of
COG Course Over Ground Precision
COGO Coordinate Geometry Hz Hertz
COSPAS Cosmitscheskaja Sistema Poiska I and Q In-Phase and Quadrature (Channels)
Awarinitsch Sudow (Russian: space I Channel In-Phase Data Channel
system for search of vessels in distress) ICP Integrated Carrier Phase
CRPA Controlled Reception Pattern Antenna IEC International Electrotechnical
CS Commercial Service Commission
CTP Conventional Terrestrial Pole IERS International Earth Rotation Service
CTS Conventional Terrestrial System IGP Ionospheric Grid Point
dB Decibel IGRF International Geometric Reference Field
dBm Decibel Relative to 1 milliWatt IGS CB International GNSS Service Central
DGNSS Differential Global Navigation Satellite Bureau
System IGSO Inclined Geosynchronous Orbit
DGPS Differential Global Positioning System IMLA Integrated Multipath Limiting Antenna
DOP Dilution Of Precision IMU Inertial Measuring Unit
DR Dead Reckoning INS Inertial Navigation System
e Eccentricity I/O Input/Output
EC European Commission IODE Issue of Data (Ephemeris)
ECEF Earth-Centred-Earth-Fixed IOV In-Orbit Validation
EGNOS European Geostationary Navigation IRNSS Indian Regional Navigation Satellite
Overlay System System
The change in frequency of sound, light The angle from the horizon to the observed
or other wave caused by movement of its position of a satellite.
source relative to the observer.
Theoretical Doppler: The expected
A smooth mathematical surface which
Doppler frequency based on a satellite’s
represents the Earth’s shape and very
motion relative to the receiver. It
closely approximates the geoid. It is used as
is computed using the satellite’s
a reference surface for geodetic surveys.
coordinates and velocity, and the
receiver’s coordinates and velocity. ELLIPSOIDAL HEIGHT
Apparent Doppler: Same as Theoretical Height above a defined ellipsoid
Doppler of satellite above, with clock drift approximating the surface of the Earth.
correction added.
Instantaneous Carrier: The Doppler EPHEMERIS
frequency measured at the receiver, at A set of satellite orbit parameters that
that epoch. are used by a GNSS receiver to calculate
precise GNSS satellite positions and
DOPPLER AIDING velocities. The ephemeris is used in the
A signal processing strategy, which uses a determination of the navigation solution
measured Doppler shift to help a receiver and is updated periodically by the satellite
smoothly track the GNSS signal, to allow more to maintain the accuracy of GNSS receivers.
precise velocity and position measurement.
DOUBLE-DIFFERENCE The data downlinked by a GNSS satellite
A mathematical technique comparing describing its own orbital position with
observations by differencing between respect to time.
receiver channels and then between the
base and rover receivers. EPOCH
Strictly a specific point in time. Typically
DOUBLE-DIFFERENCE CARRIER PHASE when an observation is made.
Carrier phase ambiguities which are FIXED AMBIGUITY ESTIMATES
differenced between receiver channels and Carrier phase ambiguity estimates
between the base and rover receivers. They which are set to a given number and held
are estimated when a double-difference constant. Usually they are set to integers or
mechanism is used for carrier phase values derived from linear combinations of
positioning (sometimes double-difference integers.
ambiguity or ambiguity, for short). FIXED DISCRETE AMBIGUITY ESTIMATES
EARTH-CENTERED-EARTH-FIXED ( ECEF) Carrier phase ambiguities which are
This is a coordinate system which has set to values that are members of a
the X-axis in the Earth’s equatorial plane predetermined set of discrete possibilities,
pointing to the Greenwich prime meridian, and then held constant.
the Z-axis pointing to the north pole, and FIXED INTEGER AMBIGUITY ESTIMATES
the Y-axis in the equatorial plane 90° from Carrier phase ambiguities which are set to
the X-axis with an orientation which forms a integer values and then held constant.
right-handed XYZ system.
ECCENTRICITY (E) Galileo is the European Union’s own global
A dimensionless measurement defined for navigation satellite system, providing
a conic section where e=0 is a circle, 0<e<1 a highly accurate, guaranteed global
is an ellipse, e=1 is a parabola and e>1 is a positioning service under civilian control.
hyperbola. For an ellipse, larger values of The fully deployed Galileo system will consist
e correspond to a more elongated shape. of 27 satellites (with three active spares),
The eccentricity of GNSS satellite orbit is positioned in three circular orbits, 23,222 km
typically .02.
above the Earth, and at an inclination of the users with accurate position, velocity and
orbital planes of 56 degrees with reference time data. GPS provides this data free of
to the equatorial plane. direct user charge worldwide, continuously,
and under all weather conditions. The GPS
GEOMETRIC DILUTION OF PRECISION constellation consists of 27 satellites in
(GDOP) six different orbital planes. The system is
[See Dilution of Precision (DOP)] developed by the Department of Defense
GEOID under U.S. Air Force management.
The shape of the Earth if it were GPS L1 FREQUENCY
considered as a sea level surface extended The 1575.42 MHz GPS carrier frequency,
continuously through the continents. The which contains the course acquisition (C/A)
geoid is an equipotential surface coincident code, as well as encrypted P-code, and
with mean sea level to which at every point navigation messages used by commercial
the plumb line (direction in which gravity GPS receivers.
acts) is perpendicular. The geoid, affected
by local gravity disturbances, has an GPS L2 FREQUENCY
irregular shape. The 1227.60 MHz secondary GPS carrier
frequency, containing only encrypted
GEODETIC DATUM P-code. GPS satellites transmit the civilian
The reference ellipsoid surface that defines C/A code on the L1 frequency, and the
the coordinate system. military P(Y) code on both the L1 and L2
GEOSTATIONARY frequencies. Modernized GPS satellites
A satellite orbit along the equator that transmit the same signals as previous GPS
results in a constant, fixed position over a satellites, but also have a new signal, called
particular reference point on the Earth’s L2C, on the L2 frequency.
GEOSYNCHRONOUS The third civil GPS frequency at 1176.45 MHz
A satellite orbit with an orbital period is transmitted beginning with the Block IIF
matching the Earth’s sidereal rotation GPS satellites. This frequency is located
period. This synchronization means that for within the 960-1215 MHz frequency band. The
an observer at a fixed location on Earth, a L5 signal is equally split between an In-phase
satellite in a geosynchronous orbit returns (I) data channel and a Quadrature (Q) data-
to exactly the same place in the sky at free channel, which improves resistance to
exactly the same time each day. interference, especially from pulse emitting
systems in the same band as L5.
GLONASS is a radio satellite navigation The shortest distance between any two
system, the Russian counterpart to the points along the surface of a sphere or
United States’ GPS and the European ellipsoid, and therefore the shortest
Union’s Galileo positioning systems. The navigation distance between any two points
GLONASS space segment consists of 24 on the Earth. Also called Geodesic Line.
satellites (with three active spares) in HEADING
three orbital planes, with eight satellites The direction in which a vessel points or
per plane. The satellites are placed into heads at any instant, expressed in degrees
nominally circular orbits with an inclinations 000° clockwise through 360° and may be
of 64.8 degrees and an orbital height of referenced to true north, magnetic north,
about 19,140 km, which is about 1,050 km or grid north. The heading of a vessel is
lower than GPS satellites. also called the ship’s head. Heading is a
GLOBAL POSITIONING SYSTEM (GPS) constantly changing value as the vessel
Full name is NAVSTAR Global Positioning oscillates or yaws across the course due to
System. A space-based radio positioning the effects of the air or sea, cross currents
system which provides suitably equipped and steering errors.
The user’s GNSS antenna is moving. In GNSS, 1 x 10-9 second.
this term is typically used with precise carrier
phase positioning and the term dynamic is NARROW LANE
used with pseudorange positioning. The GPS observable obtained by summing
the carrier phase observations on the L1 and
L-BAND L2 frequencies. The narrow lane observable
L-Band is a frequency range between can help resolve carrier-phase ambiguities.
390 MHz and 1.55 GHz which is used for
satellite communications and for terrestrial NETWORK RTK
communications between satellite With Network RTK, corrections are
equipment. L-Band includes the GNSS generated from a base station network
carrier frequencies L1, L2, L5 and several instead of from a single base station. These
Precise Point Positioning service providers corrections can remove more spatially
satellite broadcast signals. correlated errors and thus improve the RTK
performance as opposed to the traditional
LANE RTK. Network RTK uses permanent base
A particular discrete ambiguity value on station installations, allowing kinematic
one carrier phase range measurement GNSS users to achieve centimetre
or double-difference carrier phase accuracies without the need for setting up
observation. The type of measurement is a GNSS base station on a known site.
not specified (L1, L2, L1-L2, iono-free).
MAGNETIC BEARING Any measurement.
Bearing relative to magnetic north;
compass bearing corrected for deviation. OBSERVATION SET
A set of receiver measurements, taken at
MAGNETIC HEADING a given time, that includes one time for all
Heading relative to magnetic north. measurements, and the following for each
satellite tracked: PRN code, pseudorange
or carrier phase or both, lock time count,
The angle between the magnetic and
signal strength and tracking status.
geographic meridians at any place,
expressed in degrees and minutes east or PARITY
west to indicate the direction of magnetic The even or odd quality of the number of
north from true north. ones or zeroes in a binary code. Parity is
often used to determine the integrity of of the range to the satellite including the
data especially after transmission. effect of the satellite and user clock biases.
An Earth-based transmitter designed to In the context of measurement, the residual
mimic a satellite. is the difference between the measurement
predicted by the computed solution and the
PSEUDORANGE actual measurement.
The calculated range from the GNSS
receiver to the satellite determined ROUTE
by taking the difference between the A planned course of travel, usually
measured satellite transmit time and composed of more than one navigation leg.
the receiver time of measurement, and ROVER STATION
multiplying by the speed of light. Contains The GNSS receiver which does not
several sources of error. know its position and needs to receive
PSEUDORANGE MEASUREMENTS measurements from a base station to
Measurements made using one of the calculate differential GNSS positions.
pseudorandom codes on the GNSS signals. (The terms remote and rover are
They provide an unambiguous measure interchangeable.)
This appendix provides links to companies and agencies engaged in activities related
to GNSS. Web site addresses are subject to change; however, they are accurate at the
time of this book’s publication.
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