Eevc2012 140046
Eevc2012 140046
Eevc2012 140046
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An equivalent circuit model is the most common and straight-forward way of representing the dynamic
behaviour of a lithium-ion battery. In literature, many examples of circuits are proposed and various
techniques are also discussed for parameterisation of the models. In this paper a second order equivalent
circuit is proposed and the parameters identification method by Hybrid Power Pulse Characterization
(HPPC) testing is described. The modelling and parameter identification process is done in the
Matlab/Simscape environment. This non-linear model encapsulates the dynamic electrical behaviour of a
typical automotive cell. A validation process is carried out to benchmark the voltage errors between
estimated voltage profile of the battery cell model and actual cell measurements. The comparison between
measurement and simulation shows a good accordance. The current pulse technique is also presented to
verify the ohmic resistance values obtained by the optimisation process in the parameters identification
method. A study is also conducted to investigate how cell chemistry affects the proposed model.
Keywords: Battery Electric Vehicle (BEV), lithium battery, modelling, battery model, internal resistance
2.1 Non-linear dynamic SOEC Model 3.2 Battery Cells used for the study
The SOEC model of the cell is implanted in Tab.1 shows the specification of Lithium-ion cells
Matlab/Simscape [13] as shown in Fig.2. of three different chemistries considered for the
Simscape, which is one of the toolboxes in the study. They are Lithium Cobalt Oxide (LCO),
Mathworks suite of products, is a flexible, Lithium Manganese Oxide (LMO) and Lithium
acausal and an object-oriented tool for modelling Iron Phosphate (LFP). LCO and LMO have higher
and simulating complex integrated multi-physics, theoretical capacity [18], compared to LFP due to
multi-engineering systems. The Simscape the higher operating voltage. LFP cells are
platform was chosen because it is a physical characterized by high intrinsic safety and that
modelling tool with multi-domain capability. makes them suitable for high power applications.
This was a useful feature as one of the intended
objectives of the work is to couple the electrical
and thermal properties of the cell behaviour. The 3.3 Platform of Implementation
SOEC model in Simscape is intuitive and easy to The tests were carried out on BaSyTec CTS
understand as it looks just like a circuit in real- battery tester at TUM CREATE Centre for
life and the solution to the model is found by Electromobility in Singapore. The battery tester
symbolic reduction techniques. Additional provides an automatic and dynamic current range
components like resistors or capacitors can easily selection allowing non-interrupted current flow in
be added to the circuit. The preceding sections the constant voltage mode when current decreases
describe how the values of VOC, Ri, R1, R2, C1 with charging time.
and C2 were determined for the battery SOEC Ideally the power pulse characterisation should be
model. Fig.2 shows purely the electrical model of done at 3C charge/discharge rate but since the
the SOEC cell. The thermal behaviour of the cell battery cyclers that were available for testing were
has also been modelled in a similar way using the limited to 5A, the maximum charging and
thermal library in Simscape but it is not shown in discharging was done at 5A. The cell rests for 3
this paper. minutes and then discharged for 6 minutes at 1 C
rate (which is 2.3A in this case) to achieve a 10%
3 Experiment Description decrease in SOC. Afterwards the cell rests for 1
hour to reach equilibrium before the next HPPC
3.1 Current Pulse Techniques test profile begins. The partial discharge-HPPC-
The parameterization method used in the study is rest phase cycle is repeated at decrements of 10%
similar to the one described in [14, 15]. It is the of SOC till the cell reaches 10% SOC. The process
current pulse technique, commonly known as the is repeated in the charging direction as well. Fig.4
HPPC test and is described in detail in the shows typical current, voltage and Ah plots of cell
FreedomCAR Battery Test Manual [16, 17]. This type 1 obtained from the HPPC test profile. The
method is used to calculate the dynamic nominal voltage and capacity of the cell are 3.3V
properties of a battery. The battery is charged and nominal capacity of 2.3 Ah as stated in Tab.1.
and discharged under a controlled condition and The conventions used for charging current are
the terminal voltage, current and temperature positive and discharging current is negative as
measurements are monitored. A HPPC test shown in Fig.4.
profile is shown in Fig.3.
The Ah curve was recorded for balance counting. voltage equilibrium. The measurement starts with
Tab.2 summarizes the specifications of the a complete charged cell. The HPPC test profile
BaSyTec CTS battery tester. Four wire consists of 10s pulse discharge at -5A, followed by
measurement method is used to connect the test 10s charge pulse. After each pulse
cells to the battery tester. All experiments on the discharge/charge, there is a pause for 3 minutes.
cells are conducted at room temperature. The Then the cell is discharged at 1 C-Rate to remove
cells are preconditioned by conducting two 10% of its capacity. The cell is rested for 1 hour
complete cycles of charge-discharge followed by before the next HPPC test profile begins.
a 4 hour rest period to attain temperature and
4 6
U[V] I[A] Ah
I (A)
U (V)
2 0
0 -6
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
Time (hr)
Figure 4: HPPC test profiling for Cell Type 1. Cell is discharged and charged in steps of 10% SOC. Charge and
Discharge pulses are applied at each step of SOC.
a Matlab script is used to separate the u2
3 u1
measurements of HPPC test done at different 2.95 u3
t1 t2
SOC during charging and discharging. The 10 2.9
second pulse is further split into the short time 150 155 160 165 170 175 180
Time (s)
constant t1, representing the fast dynamics, and
the long time constant t2, representing the slow
dynamics. From each of these measurements, the Figure 6: Voltage response to a 10s -5A discharge pulse
values of R1, C1, R2 and C2 are calculated by in the HPPC test for Cell Type 1.
applying Eq.(1)-(5) to obtain initial estimates of The difference between the measured voltage and
the parameters from the zoomed curves at each simulated voltage is the modelling error and is
steps of the SOC. These values are then fed into defined using Eq.(7). The unconstrained
Eq.(6) to simulate the voltage of the battery cell. optimisation algorithm fminsearch (Nelder-Mead)
provided by Matlab is used to minimise the error
R i (u0 u1 ) i (1) for each of the analysed pulses and the optimized
R1 (u1 u2 ) i (2) parameters Ri, R1, C1, R2 and C2 at each state of
R 2 (u2 u3 ) i (3) SOC are obtained. These values are fed in the
original SOEC model in Simscape to mimic the
t1 R1C1 (4) cell behaviour. The time constant of the RC
t2 R2C2 (5) parallel circuits in Fig.1 are given by t1 and t2.
They differ by an order of magnitude and therefore
Vs (t ) VOC I (t ) Ri I (t ) R1 (1 e ) they are representative of the fast and slow
(6) transient dynamics of the battery cell.
I (t ) R2 (1 e )
3.5 Validation of SOEC model
LSE (V (t ) Vs (t )) (7)
3.5.1 Validation of internal ohmic resistance
Let Vs(t) be the simulated battery terminal Ri
voltage obtained from Eq.(6) and V(t) be the Besides the automatic calculation of the internal
battery terminal voltage obtained from the ohmic resistance based on the developed SOEC
measurement as shown in Fig.6. cell model and the HPPC test results with the use
of the Matlab script in this paper, other methods
16 16
R i (m )
R (m )
14 14
12 12
0 50 100 0 50 100
SOC (%) SOC (%)
Cell 3
Discharge Pulse during Discharging
Charge Pulse during Discharging
R i (m )
R at Pulse End
0 50 100
SOC (%)
Figure 7: Internal resistance Ri measurement for Cell Type 1 based on the current charge/discharge pulses at both
current switch on and switch off.
20 20
Ri (mΩ)
Ri (mΩ)
10 10
5 5
0 0
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
SOC (%) SOC (%)
Figure 8: Measured internal resistance Ri values Figure 9: Measured internal resistance Ri values versus
versus Ri values obtained from the optimization script Ri values obtained from the optimization script at 10%
at 10% step SOC for charge pulses. step SOC for discharge pulses.
and its lifespan. Some chemistry have high
specific energy, low specific and viz., different 3.1
discharge characteristics, different charging 2.9
protocol and their performance is influenced by 2.7
state of charge (SOC) and temperature. A 2.5
universal battery model with same set of 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
parameters is not possible to describe the
dynamic behaviour of different cell chemistries. SOC(%)
Figure 12: VOC vs. SOC for different cell chemistry.
LFP shows complete contrast to other two
chemistries. The open circuit voltage increases
between SOC 0 and 20%. Then it is goes into a
plateau region between 20 and 90% SOC, again it
Simulated Voltage increases above 90% SOC. LFP exhibits two phase
2 Measured Voltage
transition during charging and discharging. During
0 5 10 15 20 25 this process, the electrode potential shows a minor
Time (hr)
change in VOC with respect to SOC change due to
Figure 10: Measured and simulated voltage response constant lithium concentration within the phase
the SOEC model for Cell Type 1. regions [23, 24]. However in LCO and LMO
0.015 0.1
0.01 0.06
0 0
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
SOC(%) SOC(%)
(a) (b)
600 1400
0 0
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
SOC(%) SOC(%)
(c) (d)
5 2C_Discharge 1C_Discharge
0.07 0.5C_Discharge 0.2C_Discharge
2C_Simulation 1C_Simulation
0.06 4.5
0.5C_Simulation 0.2C_Simulation
0.03 3.5
0 2.5
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 0 0.25 0.5 0.75 1 1.25 1.5 1.75 2 2.25 2.5
Discharge Capacity (Ah)
(e) (f)
Figure 13: Comparison of (a) Short Transient Resistance (R1), (b) Long Transient Resistance (R2), (c) Short Transient
Capacitance (C1), Long Transient Capacitance (C2) and (d) Internal Resistance (Ri) for the given chemistries as
function of SOC. (f) shows the plot of Measurement and Simulated Voltage vs. Discharge Capacity of Cell Type 2 at
different C-Rates.
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