Um 535 4
Um 535 4
Um 535 4
MODEL 535-4
• Supports both continuous ( e.g. sodium) and batch (e.g. silica) type analyzers
• Intuitive 4.3” touchscreen user interface with a menu-driven program providing micro and
macro views of the sequencing process.
• Digital outputs for stream number and alarm, and error indication
Maximum Number 4
of Samples
Sample Inlet Port Connect ¼” OD sample lines to the 1/8” FNPT sample inlet ports.
Size (4)
Supply voltage for dry contact relays, minimum 5 V, maximum 24 V. Connect at terminal block
J20 DC-UE (“DC User End”).
Make the following applicable connections between the analyzer and the sample sequencer.
The optional standby override can be implemented using an available signal from the analyzer.
Drain Ports (4): connect 1/4” OD tubes to the drain ports and run to an atmospheric
Sample Outlet Port (1): Connect 1/4” OD tube to the manifold sample outlet port and
run to the analyzer sensor.
The sample sequencer is designed for a sample line flow rate of approximately 50
mL/min, sample water temperature up to 60°C (50°F to 140°F), and sample water pres-
sure 69 kPa to 345 kPa (10 psi to 50 psi).
RDY “Result Ready” signal. Used by the analyzer in When the sample sequencer is
batch mode to indicate that a sample reading operating in batch mode, this
has been completed and the measurement signal is used as a prompt to switch
result is ready. The analyzer will update its 4- to the next sample stream. After a
20 mA output. The analyzer is ready to start a short delay the sample sequencer
new measurement. will read the analyzer’s 4-20 mA
output and activate the sample and
hold for the sample stream.
ALARM “Loss of Sample Alarm” signal. Used by the In both continuous mode and
analyzer to indicate that a problem has been batch mode the sample sequencer
detected with the measurement. Typically, this will immediately advance to the
signal is used to indicate flow problems with next sample stream. The sample
the sample stream. sequencer will then allow a
configurable amount of time for
flow to the analyzer to be restored.
CAL “Calibration” signal. Used by the analyzer to In continuous mode the sample
indicate that the analyzer is in calibration sequencer will wait at the current
mode and the sample measurement is not sample stream number until the
currently available. analyzer becomes available again.
Once the calibration signal clears
the sample sequencer resumes
operations from the start of the
flush cycle.
STBY “Standby” signal. Used by the analyzer or The sample sequencer will override
another external switching device to indicate automatic operation and
that the analyzer is not currently available. immediately enter standby mode
and stop sequencing sample
streams. The sample sequencer
display will clearly indicate that the
instrument is in standby mode.
AIN+ 4-20 mA analog input signal used by the The sample sequencer
analyzer to transmit the measurement value. continuously reads this input
measurement, then uses the
“Sample and Hold” feature to
match the value with a sample
VALVE “Valve Control”. One valve control is dedicated The sample sequencer closes the
to each sample stream. Valve controls are valve control to direct the
wired normally open. corresponding sample stream
through the manifold to the
analyzer. Typically, only sample
stream is active at any one time
and the other sample streams go
to drain. In manual mode any
combination of valve controls can
be closed simultaneously.
SI “Sample Indicator”. Each sample stream has an The sample indicator is turned on
associated sample indicator. by the sample sequencer when the
Sample and Hold output for the
corresponding sample stream is
active (continuous mode) or
updated (batch mode).
AN 4-20 mA analog output “Sample and Hold”. The Sample and Hold output for
Each sample stream has an associated 4-20 mA the corresponding sample stream
output signal. is active (continuous mode) or
updated (batch mode) when the
incoming 4-20 mA signal from the
analyzer matches the sample
ALARM “Loss of Sample Alarm” signal. The ALARM input signal from the
analyzer is duplicated here by the
sample sequencer.
Five dedicated buttons are used for operations and menu navigation.
The user interface uses a 4.3” touch screen LCD. A stylus may be used but is not required.
Standby Mode
“Standby” signal can be used by the analyzer or another external switching device to indicate that
the analyzer is not currently available. The sample sequencer will immediately enter standby mode,
turn off the valves, and stop sequencing sample streams. The sample sequencer display will clearly
indicate that the instrument is in standby mode.
Press the F4 “Menu” key to access the menu. The menu display will always start at the root of the
menu tree. Press the ESC “Back” key to move left in the menu tree.
Use the touch screen to make selections and move forward in the menu.
Click on the trend chart “Touch Here” to view a longer, full-screen trend.
Press F1 Home to exit the trend chart and return to the status screen.
The chart shows 10 minutes of history per screen. You can scroll back through 12 screens for a total
of 2 hours of trend history.
Use the on-screen “M” button to toggle the mode between online mode and history mode.
• In online mode the trend chart is updated live.
• In history mode the on-screen scroll buttons are shown. Press the “<<” button to move back
in the chart history. Press the “>>” button to move forward in time. If either button is greyed
out then you have reached the last available page in the chart history.
Note: The real-time clock in the sample sequencer is not maintained and is likely to differ from the
clock on the wall. The displayed times are useful for indicating relative time.
Press the button corresponding to each of the valves to toggle the valve between open and closed.
When a valve is opened, the sample stream corresponding to the valve will start operating in its flush
In manual mode the flush and sample timers for each of the sample streams will continue to operate
in the background. The active timer in the analyzer status area shows the status of the active stream.
The sample indicator signal for a sample stream will come on when the sample stream status
switches from flushing to sampling.
The operator can safely switch back and forth between manual mode and automatic continuous
mode without interrupting the timers for flushing and sampling. However, in manual mode the
sample timer will stop at 5 seconds so that the timer does not expire and the sample stream keeps
sampling indefinitely.
The operator can safely switch back and forth between manual mode and automatic batch mode
without interrupting the timers. However, in manual mode the sequencer will not advance to the
next sample stream so that the sample stream keeps sampling indefinitely.
Manual mode allows more than one valve to be open at the same time, resulting in sample from
multiple streams mixing together in the manifold.
The time that the sample sequencer spends on each sample stream is divided between flushing and
The flush time allows the sample time to move through the manifold, down the sample line, and
onto the analyzer’s sensor. When sufficient time has passed for the analyzer’s measurement of the
sample stream to stabilize, the sample sequencer turns on the sample indicator signal.
During the sample time the analyzer’s signal is considered to be valid. The sample indicator signal
for the sample stream is active. During the sample time the recording system can record valid data
and the digital control system can act on the measurement.
If the analyzer activates the loss of sample alarm, the sample sequencer will immediately switch to
the next available sample stream. By default, the sample sequencer waits up to one minute for the
flow to be restored and for the analyzer to clear the “Loss of Sample Alarm” signal. When the signal
is cleared, the sample sequencer will restart the active sample stream, starting at the beginning of
the flush cycle. The alarm screen will show the alarm status and the time remaining until the sample
sequencer switches to the next available sample stream.
The calibration signal can be used by the analyzer to indicate that the analyzer is in calibration mode
and the sample measurement is not currently available. The sample sequencer will wait at the
current sample stream until the analyzer becomes available again. Once the calibration signal clears,
the sample sequencer will restart the active sample stream from the start of the flush cycle.
The ERR signal is raised when there are no sample streams available to switch to, e.g. all the sample
streams are configured as either “not in use” or “bypassed”.
The sample stream is going to drain and is not being measured by the
analyzer. The sample indicator signal for this sample stream is off. The valve
is closed.
The valve is open. The sample stream is going to the analyzer. The sample
stream is in the flush cycle and the analyzer measurement for this sample is
not yet valid. The sample indicator signal for this sample stream is off
The valve is open. The sample stream is going to the analyzer. The sample
stream is in the sample cycle and the analyzer measurement for this sample
is considered to be valid. The sample indicator signal for this sample stream
is on.
In batch mode the timing for sample sequencing is controlled by the analyzer’s “Result Ready”
If the analyzer activates the loss of sample alarm, the sample sequencer will immediately switch to
the next available sample stream. By default, the sample sequencer waits up to one minute for the
flow to be restored and for the analyzer to clear the “Loss of Sample Alarm” signal. The alarm screen
will show the alarm status and the time remaining until the sample sequencer switches to the next
available sample stream.
Important: Note that the active stream, identified with the green color on the status screen, is the
stream with the open valve control which is currently being measured by the analyzer. The sample
indicator output signal identifies the last sample stream for which a measurement was completed. In
batch mode the sample indicator typically lags one stream behind the valve control.
“Result Ready” Signal Time Limit. In batch mode, allow this much time for the analyzer to complete
its measurement and assert the “Result Ready” signal. The sample sequencer indicates an error
condition if no signal is received within this time limit. Set this time limit to 0:00 to wait indefinitely
and never indicate an error condition. By default the sample sequencer waits up to an hour before
asserting the ERR signal. The error condition is cleared automatically upon receiving the next “Result
Ready” signal.
The sample stream is going to drain and is not being measured by the
analyzer. The valve is closed.
The 4-20 mA output for the sample stream is displayed in engineering units.
This value was updated when the last “Sample Ready Signal” was received
for this sample stream.
The valve is open. The sample stream is going to the analyzer. The sample
sequencer is waiting for the analyzer’s next “Sample Ready Signal” before
updating the 4-20 mA output Sample and Hold value.
The 4-20 mA Sample and Hold output for the sample stream is displayed in
engineering units. This value was last updated when the last “Sample Ready
Signal” was received for this sample stream and will be updated when the
next “Sample Ready Signal” is received.
While the alarm is active, the status screen alternates every two seconds with the alarm display
status shown below. The status screen display is designed to attract attention so that the operator is
notified about the situation that needs to be resolved.
When the Loss of Sample Alarm clears, the sample sequencer will immediately resume normal
operation from the currently active sample stream.
Continuous Mode
When the Loss of Sample Alarm first comes on, the sample sequencer immediately switches to the
next sample stream. The active stream remains at the start of the flush cycle as long as the alarm is
active. If the alarm timer counts down to 0:00 before the alarm is cleared, then the sample
sequencer switches to the next sample stream.
Batch Mode
If the “Result Ready” signal is received while the Loss of Sample Alarm is active, the sample result is
still registered and the sample sequencer switches to the next sample stream.
In continuous mode the sample sequencer will wait at the current sample stream number until the
analyzer becomes available again. The flush timer will wait at the start of the flush cycle. Once the
calibration signal clears the sample sequencer resumes operations from the start of the flush cycle.
The “Calibration” signal is not used in batch mode.
When the sample sequencer is operating in batch mode, the low-to-high transition of the signal is
used as the sample sequencer’s prompt to switch to the next sample stream. After a short delay the
sample sequencer will read the analyzer’s 4-20 mA output and activate the sample and hold for the
sample stream that was just analyzed.
The “Result Ready” signal is not used in continuous mode.
The status of the signal is displayed on the status screen using the “RDY” LED. The signal can also be
viewed on the “Analyzer Diagnostics” screen.
There are two configurable time settings associated with the “Result Ready” signal.
• “Result Ready” to “Sample and Hold” Time. After the analyzer asserts the Result Ready
signal, wait this amount of time before the sample sequencer updates the Sample and Hold
and the Sample Indicator for the sample stream that was just analyzed. The default setting is
5 seconds. This time delay allows the analog signal time to settle to a stable reading.
• “Result Ready” Signal Time Limit. In batch mode, allow this much time for the analyzer to
complete its measurement and assert the “Result Ready” signal. The sample sequencer
indicates an error condition if no signal is received within this time limit. Set this time limit to
0:00 to wait indefinitely and never indicate an error condition.
When operating in automatic mode, the sample sequencer will immediately enter standby mode,
close the valves, and stop sequencing sample streams. The sample sequencer display will clearly
indicate that the instrument is in standby mode.
Note: the sample sequencer output circuit limits at 20.00 mA at the top of the scale. When the
“measured” 20 mA value is below 20.00 mA, the sample sequencer output circuit is not capable of
boosting the signal past 20.00 mA (uncalibrated) to compensated for the lower value. The effect is
that a small range at the top of the scale cannot be transmitted.
Touchscreen Calibration
The touchscreen is pre-calibrated at the factory. If for any reason the touch elements on the screen
do not activate where expected, the operator can calibrate the touchscreen.
Touch the black background on a status screen and maintain contact for at least 5 seconds.
Select “Calibrate Touchscreen”.
Touch the yellow squares where they appear on the screen to calibrate the screen coordinates.
Press the ESC button on the screen to return to sample sequencer operation.
Setting Initialization
Engineering units 4 mA (low) and 20 mA (high) 1.0 ppb (low) and 100 ppb (high)
Engineering units 4 mA (low) and 20 mA (high) 1.0 ppb (low) and 100 ppb (high)
Engineering units 4 mA (low) and 20 mA (high) 1.0 ppb (low) and 100 ppb (high)
Configure the analog output mA1. The default output current is 4-20 mA which matches the sample
sequencer signal requirement. Set sensor output (SOUt) to use the linear (LIn) scale. Set the low (LO)
and high (HI) limits for the sensor output, default 1.0 ppb (low) and 100 ppb (high).