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THC 7 Finals

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THC 7 FINALS  Competitive parity method

 Objectives and task method

Marketing Campaigns in Tourism Performance
Sequential procedures of the objective and task
Evaluation Monitoring, and Control
A. Establish the specific marketing objectives
Marketing Campaigns in Tourism to be achieved.
- A planned, integrated action program B. Assess all communication objectives that
designed to achieve specific marketing must be achieved
objectives and targets, through the C. Determine the role of advertising:
development of a budget on the promotion a. To inform the target of advertising
and distribution of products over a specific b. To persuade the target market
time period. c. To remind the target market
D. Establish the specific advertising goals
Marketing Techniques E. Establish the budget based on estimates of
 Paid in media Advertising expenditures.
 Internet
 Direct mail/ Door to door Marketing Control – the natural sequel to
 Public Relations marketing planning, organization and
 Sponsorship implementation.
 Exhibition/ Shows/ Workshops
 Personal selling Performance Evaluation, Monitoring, and
 Sales Literature Control
 Sales Promotion
 Price discounting  Evaluation
 Point of Sale displays and Merchandising  Monitoring
 Familiarization trips and Educations  Marketing Control
 Distribution networks and Commission

Major dimension* Innovation, experiments and test marketing

Pull – facilitation of access techniques - Systematic innovation and testing represent
Push – promotional techniques massive opportunities to most marketing
managers in travel and tourism
Marketing Budget – the sum of the costs of the
campaign action program necessary to achieve The opportunities arise in two (2) ways:
specified objectives and targets set out in the  First because customer contact on premises
marketing plan. or sites is a normal part of service-delivery
operations, and the feedback can be
Marketing Campaign Budgets immediate.
 The second way reflects the fact that much
Setting campaign budget lies on finding answer of tourism is booked in advance on the
to 3 fundamental questions: basis of information provided.

 How much money must be spent in total on Physical Evidence as a Marketing Strategy
a marketing campaign, in order to achieve
objectives? Physical Evidence
 How will the total be split between the - Communicates messages about quality,
products and segments included in the positioning and differentiation, and helps to
campaign? set and meet visitors' expectation
 How will the total be divided among the Types of Physical Evidence
component parts of the action program?  Essential Evidence
 Peripheral Evidence
Budgeting Method
 Affordability method Before an organization starts providing tangible
 Percentage of sales method clues to intangible services, it must ensure two
(a) It is clear about its target market and 1. Being receive at entrance
what it needs. 2. Being called by name
(b) It is clear about its USPs (Unique 3. Being explained the menu
Selling Proposition) 4. Being alert to customer call
5. Presenting cheque in the folder
Creating Environment 6. Not hanging around for tips
- The best way to give evidence is to create
an environment. The environment is the Hygiene and Sanitation
context (physical and non-physical) where a Strategies To Make it Tangible
service is performed and where the 1. Personal Hygiene of servers
organization and the guest interact. 2. Spotless glassware and linen
3. polished silverware
Using Marketing Mix to Create Evidence 4. Handling glasses and cutlery by base
5. Clean menu cards
1. Product 6. arm hand towels before meal
- These are physical attributes of the 7. Clean guest toilets
property and the benefits it offers form the
products of the property. Safety
2. Price Strategies To Make it Tangible
- An establishment caters to a target market 1. Well maintained furniture
through price in the luxury, mid-range, and 2. Help in seating the guest
budget segments. The more the price the 3. Fire exit doors
greater the expectation of the customer. 4. Being warned of hot service ware
3. Promotion 5. No foreign materials in food
- The advertising and promotion pitches are Efficiency
used to create an image. They make the Strategies To Make it Tangible
promises that attract customer. 1. Response on telephone when making
4. Place reservation
- The location of the property and the 2. Being prompt to every guest need
linkages it has with distribution channels 3. Menu knowledge of server
also have an impact on the marketing of 4. Timeliness of service
establishment. 5. Response to mishaps
5. People 6. Response to guest objections
- The sales personnel are important in the 7. Energy of the server
hospitality industry to build image in the first
instance. Developing a Market Plan
6. Processes
- The delivery system that provide service Marketing Plan
form the processes of the establishment. Purpose:
7. Physical Evidence  It provides a road map for all future
- The tangible clues that promote the image marketing activities of the firm.
are the physical evidence of the standard of  It ensures that marketing activities are
the property. aligned with the corporate strategic plan.
 It forces marketing managers to review and
Making Tangible the Intangible in Hospitality think through all steps in marketing process
COMFORT  It assists the budgeting process to match
Strategies To Make it Tangible resources with marketing objectives.
1.Ergonomic Seating  It creates a process to monitor actual
2.Ambient Room Temperature expected results.
3. Service staff speak in low tones
4. Sound absorption of environment Executive summary
5. Elimination of noise from the kitchen  Sum up the plan’s main sections

EMOTIONAL SECURITY Marketing plan: Process

Strategies To Make it Tangible
 The Corporate Connection
Goal – primary aims of an organization
Objectives – are the activities that will - Marketing campaign / Techniques used
accomplish the goal.
Vision Statement – answer the question D. Resources requirements
“what do we want to be?”. E. Marketing control (timetable)
Mission Statement – answer the question
“What business are we in?”.

 Situational Analysis
Competitor Analysis – direct competitor,
product category, general and budget.
Segmentation Analysis – a way which
organizations identify and categorized
customer into groups.
SWOT Analysis

 Setting Marketing Goals and Objectives

 Marketing Strategy
Positioning – how customer perceives the
Applying Marketing Mix.

 Resources Requirements
- Marketing plan needs to address the
resources required to support the marketing
strategy and meet objectives.

 Marketing Control
- This involves ensuring that objectives will be
achieved in the required time.

 Communicating the Plan

- Involving as many staff member as possible
in the process of marketing planning –
members of the marketing and sales
department, vendors and advertising
agencies and top management.

Marketing plan: Final requirement

A. Corporate Connection
- Name of the Hospitality and tourism –
related establishment
- Brief background of the establishment
- Vision and Mission
- Logo and explanation

B. Market Analysis
- Product and services offered (with
- Market description (Who?)
- Competitors analysis
- Segmentation analysis
- SWOT Analysis of the

C. Marketing Strategy
- Marketing goals and objectives
- Positioning statement

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