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Labsii 215-2011

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Labsii Lak. 215/2011 Fuula 7 q¸ሉ 2)05 $4 ˛ 7 Proclamation No.

215/2018 page 7
3) Akkaataan madaallii hojii fi ) flምdd¶flሚf5JሁeH 3) Job evaluation and grading
sadarkaan itti murtaa’u, Dambii flመ/E„» ም~ 9J 5ሚ†ሃ shall be conducted in accor-
Manni Maree Bulchiinsaa baasu- dance with regulation to be
un kan murtaa’u ta’a. issued by the Administrative
7. Iskeelii Mindaa . fl¶መ⁄/}ል
1) Iskeeliin mindaa hojjettoota 7. Salary Scale
) flመfJ ሠEoR fl¶መ⁄
mootummaa humna faayinaan- 1) The salary scale applicable to
sii mootummaa, haala waliigala /}ል flመf/Jf fl(·df/ q"ም
civil servants shall be deter-
jireenya ummataa, sadarkaalee flህ⁄6f qሃ ላ· flb( ሁeH fl mined from time to time by
gatii, haalawwan biroo tilmaama ¶RvdሌሎRሁeHRfምJ considering the Government’s
keessa galcheen yeroo yeroon
/ሉ 8/˛8 ሁeH 5fl—£ vflEሃd financial capability, the general
qoratamee kan murtaa’u ta’a.
living conditions of the society,
2) Biirichi yeroo barbaachisaa flሚf·ሆdል88
ta’ee argametti, manneen ho- price levels and other relevant
) 7( q/ላ— ሆg 5E˛i —£ factors.
jii mootummaa ilaallatu wali-
in ta’uudhaan iskeelii mindaa yሚመለyHM flመf/J መ/† 2) The Bureau shall undertake
qoratee Mana Maree Bulchiin- 9KR 5መሆf fl¶መ⁄ /}ል study in collaboration with the
saatti murtiif ni dhiyeessa; yeroo concerned government institu-
hayyamamus raawwii isaa ni tions prepare salary scale and
†8ል »ም qሟሜሙf submit same to the Admin-
3) Tokkoon tokkoon ka’umsa ·#ሆሃል88 istrative Council, and super-
iskeelii mindaa fi fiixee, akkasu- ) fl¶መ⁄ /}ሉ ለv†f„f• ¶ vise its proper implementation
mas gulantaalee dabala mindaa upon approval.
መad መ» ¶መ⁄ vf‚ሁም
yeroo yeroon taasifamu mul’isu 3) The salary scale shall contain
ni qabaata. 5fl—£flሚ¶˛ffl¶መ⁄ሑማ the base pay, the ceiling and
flሚ†መለ~FvygR·gHል88 step increments of each salary
8. Hojiiwwan Gatii Walqixa Qa- scale to be made periodically.
baniif Mindaa Walqixa Kaffaluu
. vzል ላላM R vzል
Hojiiwwan gatii walqixa qaban 8. Equal Pay for Equal Work
hundi ka’umsa mindaa walqixa ¶መ⁄መ~ል All works of equal value shall
ni qabaatu. vzል †ላM R ሁሉ have equal base salary.
9. Kaffaltii Mindaa
9. Payment of Salary
1) Manni hojii mootummaa kami-
1) Any Government office shall,
yyuu, dhuma ji’aatti hojjettoota . fl¶መ⁄~† make payments of salary to
isaatiif yookiin bakka bu’oota
) ማflም flመfJ መ† 9J civil servants or their legal rep-
seeraa isaaniitiif kaffaltii mindaa
ni raawwata. 5መሌ
ሠ ለ ·ምሕ ለ resentatives at the end of each
2) Mindaan hojjetaa mootummaa month,
kamiyyuu: 2) The Salary of any civil servant
) flማflም flመfJ ሠEl shall not be attached or deduct-
(a) Hojjatichi waliigaltee isaa bar-
reeffamaan yoo ibse yookiin ¶መ⁄ ed except in accordance with:
mallattoon yoo mirkaneesse; ሠEl(ሀ) /ምምaFf5ሑ˛ል (a) a written consent or signed
(b) Ajaja Mana Murtiitiin; approval of the civil servant;
(c) Bu’uura seeraan tumameen (b) court order; or
(ለ)5»9JJ¢⁄ (c) The provisions of the law.
yoo ta’e malee qabamuu yooki-
in hir’ifamuu hin danda’u. (ሐ) 5ሕ 5E¶a˛˛ መሠJ|ልሆa

5/E ሊ†⁄ ·ም ሊa/

Labsii Lak. 215/2011 Fuula 8 q¸ሉ 2)05 $4 ˛ 8 Proclamation No. 215/2018 page 8
3) Akkaataa keewwata kana kee- ) 5¡ህ qf f/ qf (ለ) ·ም 3) Monthly deductions from the
wwata xiqqaa 1 (b) yookiin (c) (ሐ) መሠJ yሠEl 5fl salary of a civil servant to be
tiin, mindaan hojjetichaa ji’aan made pursuant to sub-article
flሚ#ሃ ¶መ⁄ y¶መ qf»
kan citu mindaa isaa ji’aa keessaa 2(b) or (c) of this Article shall not
harka sadi keessaa harka tokko /Elመ:ለሉflለ5Jም88
exceed one third of his salary.
caalu hin qabu.
. q5ል 10. Allowance
10. Durgoo 1) Any allowance shall be paid
) ማflም q5ል flሚyለ
1) Durgoon kamiyyuu kan kaffala-
flመfJf ለማydf q/ላ— only where it is found neces-
mu hojii mootummaa raawwa-
sary for carrying out the func-
chuuf barbaachisaa ta’ee yoo ar- ሆg˛n:Pa88
tions of the civil service.
game qofadha. ) 7( flq5ል ·aKRf vd
2) Biirichi gosa durgoo adda add-
2) The Bureau shall undertake
ማ5HPRf v†ሃd ለመ/E„» studies on the different types of
aa fi onnachiiftuuwwanii qora-
chuudhaan murteef Mana Ma- ም~ 9J ለ-e †8ል » allowances and incentives and
ree Bulchiinsaatiif ni dhiyeessa; qሟሜሙf·#ሆሃል88 submit same to the Administra-
yoo hayyamame raawwii isaa ni tive Council; and follow up its
to’ata. implementation upon approval.
fl ሀ:J "» /ምJ vd fl Section Three
Kutaa Sadii
Karoora Qabeenya Namaa, Bobba’iin- qሟሜምምd Human Resource Plan, Deployment
saa fi Madaallii Raawwii Hojii fr/~ልqf» And Performance Evaluation
Kutaa Xiqqaa Tokko ምልመላdመሆ Sub- Section One
Fo’annoo fi Filannoo Recruitment and Selection
. flሀ:J"»
11. Karoora Qabeenya Namaa
1) Manni hojii mootummaa kami- ) ማflም flመfJ መ† 9J
11. Human Resource Planning
yyuu, karoora qabeenya namaa fl ሀ:J "» ላማ /JI—† 1) The purpose of human resource
kaayyoowwan karoora tarsiimoo "» ላ· flEመሄJf ላማR planning shall be to forecast the
isaa irratti tarreeffaman galmaan ለማ-|J fl ሀ:J ላJ staffing requirement for achiev-
gahuuf, fedhii qabeenya namaa ing the strategic objectives of a
ለመEf5· flሚ†/ል˛f fl
tilmaamuuf, humna namaa bar- government institution, to take
baachisu baay’inaa fi gosaan ሀ:J 5:¢Jd 5·aJ ለማሟላJ
actions necessary for availing
guuttachuuf, misoomsuuf, sir- ለማልማJ 5q86 ለመሃም
the required human resource,
naan itti fayyadamuuf tarkaan- flሚ† vምRf ለመ»d in type and number, for devel-
fiiwwan garagaraa fudhachuu fi
ለFfም 5fl—£ vflመa ማ† oping and properly utilizing
bu’aa isaa yeroo yeroon madaalu-
un fooyya’iinsa taasisuudha. ለማ»a88 same and for reviewing the re-
2) Manni hojii mootummaa ka- ) ማflም flመfJ መ† 9J
sults from time to time to make
miyyuu, karoora tarsiimoo isaa improvements thereof.
bu’uureffachuun karoora qabeen- 2) Any government institution
flqሑflመ|yለldfl¸ም—£fl shall, based on its strategic
ya namaa kan yeroo gabaabaa,
giddugaleessaa fi dheeraa qora- ሀ:J "•f 5ማሉdJ ላ· plan, study and implement
chuun hojiirra oolchuu qaba. ማልqለ5J88 short, medium and long-term
3) Gitoota hojii duwwaa hojjettootaan ) ~J fl መ¶;Rf 5ሠEoR human resource plan.
qabsiisuun kan danda’amu, karoora 3) Vacant positions shall be filled
ማ/†⁄ flሚPለ fl:J
ሀ "»f
qabeenya namaa bu’uureffachuun through promotion or recruit-
guddina sadarkaatiin yookiin qa- ment or transfer or redeploy-
xaraan yookiin jijjiirraan yookiin 5"ሉ·ም5⁄·ም5»ል»ል ment in accordance with hu-
ramaddiin ta’a. Karoora qabeenya ·ሆdል88 7( fl:J
ሀ "»f man resource plan. The Bureau
namaa ilaalchisee Biirichi Qajeelfa- q/መል~Kflqምመመ††ሆል88 shall issue directives on human
ma raawwii ni baasa. resource planning.
Labsii Lak. 215/2011 Fuula 9 q¸ሉ 2)05 $4 ˛ 9 Proclamation No. 215/2018 page 9
12. Sirna Seensaa fi Mirkaneessa Ga- . ¶ መf/J መ/† 9J flመ7†d 12. Eligibility to Join Government
humsa Manneen Hojii Mootummaa fl: Jማ˛ሏJ Institution and Competence
1) Biirichi gitoota hojii duwwaa ir- Certification System
) 7( 5ሀ˛ ¶ flE˙
ratti hojjettoonni dorgommiin 1) The Bureau shall depending
መመlRfd መለ{†Rf መa
haala itti qaxaramaniifi guddatan on the actual situation of the
sirna seensaa fi mirkaneessa ga- 5ማ» vf¶ ~ልሉ Eሌ8ሑ region prepare criteria and pa-
humsaa diriirsuu dandeessisu eH
ሁ 5~J fl መ¶;R ላ· rameters to establish eligibility
madaalliiwwanii fi safartuulee qመል|SRE„»ሃ5Jd
ሚለ/ and competency certification
akka biyyaatti qophaa’an ka’um- system whereby candidates for
ሚለ/ flመ7†d fl: J
sa godhachuun haala qabatamaa vacant positions shall be re-
naannichaatiin ni qopheessa. ማ˛ሏJመJflሚ†/Rሉ
cruited and promoted on the
2) Keewwata kana keewwata xiqqaa መመlRdመለ{†Rf†ል88
basis of competition.
1 jalatti kan ibsame sirna seensaa ) 5¡ህ qf fr/ qf ( ) 2) An Institution implement-
fi mirkaneessa gahumsa dhaab-
batni raawwachiisuu hundaa’uu
flEመለyEf flመ7†d fl: J ing eligibility and competency
yookiin qaama hundaa’ee jiruuf ማ˛ሏ J ለማ/ም certification system provided
aangoon kennamuu ni danda’a. ለሚ&&ም E&ም ·ም E&ሞ ላለ
under sub article 1 of this arti-
3) Haalli hojiirra oolmaa madaallii- cle may be established or such
wwanii fi safartuulee Dambii power may be given to already
) መመlNd መለ{†N ላ·
Manni Maree Bulchiinsaa baas- established institution.
uun kan murtaa’u ta’a. 5J
ሉ ሚ ለ / eH
ሁ flመ/E„»ም~ 3) The implementation of eval-
†ሆ flሚf·ሆdል88 uations and eligibility criteria
13. Fo’annoo fi Filannoo shall be determined by the reg-
1) Qaxarriin hojjettoota mootum- . ምልመላdመሆ
ulation to be issued by the ad-
maa kan raawwatamu, bu’aa ministrative council.
) flመfJሠEl"ሉflሚሜመ
qormaataa, ulaagaalee madaallii
akka naannootti bahuun ken- 5~ልል ¶ 5ሚሆ መመl 13. Recruitment and Selection
namuun yookiin ogummaa fi 5ሚሃ flEd ለJ ·ም 1) Any type of recruitment of a
mirkaneessa gahumsaa qabata- 5ሌላ ማdMም ·aJ Eሌ8ሑ civil servant shall be made only
maa ta’e gosa kamiinuu mirka- on the result of examination
flሙ†d: Jማ˛ሏላ·:P
naa’u qofa irratti hundaa’een ta’a. conducted on the basis of re-
2) Hojii barbaaddootas ta’ee hojj- Eመ/K·ሆdል88
gionally set criteria or on the
ettoota mootummaa gidduutti; ) 5:ሔ 5H 5ሃ·ማgJ 5q|ል
basis of any other type of objec-
sabummaa, koornayaa, aman- ˇ„J5uR.q·.?/u»/ 57H tive certification of professional
taa, miidhaa qaamaa, sababa
ም~c†J 53ለG| qመለ|yJ and occupational competence.
dhibee HIV/AIDs’n, ilaalcha
vd 5ማflም ሌላ ሁeH 5 2) There shall be no discrimination
siyaasaa fi haala biraa kamiin-
among job seekers or civil ser-
uu garaagarummaa taasisuun ላ—Rምሆa5መfJሠEoR
vants in filling vacancies because
3) Labsii kana keewwata 48 - 51’tti of their ethnic origin, sex, reli-
) 5¡ህ q¸ yqf v/y gion, political outlook, disability,
tumaleen haala hojii kutaalee
hawaasaa tarkaanfii deeggar- fl» vም flሚ/ልM HIVIAIDS or any other ground.
saa barbaachisu ilaalchisee tu- flZ:E: ~ሎRf fl ሁeH 3) Without prejudice to the provi-
maman akkuma jiranitti ta’anii, q/መል~K flE¶a˛ˇJ »fR sions of Article 48 to 51 of this
gita hojii duwwaa irratti hojjeta- Proclamation, vacant position
vf¶Eሃ5 ሆa 5~J fl
an kan ramadamu dandeettiiw- shall be filled only by a person
wan barbaachisaa hojichi gaafatu who meets the qualification
kan guutu yoo ta’ee fi dorgom- መ¶6 flሚሃflf Eላ— RሎH required for the position and
toota biroo wajjin dorgomee qa- flሚ†ሟላd yሌሎR E„„R scores higher than other candi-
bxii caalmaa yoo argateedha. E„»(:ልሏaሉ:|˛ia88 dates.
Labsii Lak. 215/2011 Fuula 10 q¸ሉ 2)05 $4 ˛ 0 Proclamation No. 215/2018 page 10
14. Haalawwan Hojjetaa Mootum- . flመfJ ሠEl ሆg ለመሃ 14. Conditions of Ineligibility for
maa Ta’anii Qaxaramuu Hin flማ†/RሉሁeHR Civil Servant
Dandeessifne 1) The following shall not be eligi-
) flመfJ ሠEl ሆg ሊሃ
1) Hojjetaa mootummaa ta’ee nama ble to be civil servants:
qaxaramuu hin dandeenye: flማ·Rል8-
(a) A person under the age of 18
(a) Umriin isaa waggaa kudha »ሜ
(ሀ) yq//ምfJ( መJ
) years;
saddeetii (18) gadi ta’e; (b) Any person who has been
(b) Yakka malaammaltummaa, convicted by a court of com-
amantaa hir’isuu, hannaa fi (ለ) flሙ/d flvምaJ ማˇ¶ል
petent jurisdiction for of-
gowwoomsuu yookiin dirq- fl/#J flማHለል ·ም
fences of corruption, breach
isiisee gudeeduu raawwatee flq/˛»… መ» f˘ል of trust, theft, fraud or rape
Mana Murtii aangoo qabuun
ሞ /ልሆf 8ለ » 9J unless he is reinstated.
kan itti murtaa’ee fi hin mog-
gaaffamne kamiyyuu; flE¶5Jd†ልEflመ
(c) A person having no certifi-
(c) Ragaa mirkanneessa gahum- cate of competence;
(ሐ)fl: Jማ˛ሏማ/flሌለ
saa hin qabne; (d) If he is unwilling to take
(d) Akkaataa Labsii kana keew- (መ) 5¡ህq¸qf መሠJ ለ oath of fidelity in accor-
wata 17 tiin kakuu raawwa- መሀላ ለመሜም ¶l †ልሆa dance with Article 17 of this
chuuf hayyamamaa kan hin a88
taane yoo ta’eedha. 2) Without prejudice to sub-ar-
) fl¡ህ qf f/ qf ( )(ለ
2) Keewwata kana keewwata ticle (1) (b) of this Article, a
xiqqaa 1(b) jalatti kan tumame flE¶a˛˛ vf¶Eሃ5 ሆg person whose service is termi-
akkuma eegametti ta’ee, hojjetaa yማflም flመfJ መ† 9J nated from any government
mootummaa mana hojii moo- institution on grounds of disci-
5‚/2ሊf ˇ»ለJ ም~f†J y
tummaa kamiyyuu irraa sababa plinary offence shall not be re-
hanqina naamusaatiin hojii irraa flEd5E flመfJ ሠEl y
cruited before the lapse of five
gaggeeffame guyyaa gaggeeffame yEd5E5Jf˘ም(qም/JመJ years from the date of his ter-
irraa eegalee waggaa shan osoo yመሙላF5Jሊሃq·Rልም88 mination.
hin guutiin dura qaxaramuu hin 3) Without prejudice to sub-ar-
) 5¡ህqff/qf( (ሐ)
danda’u. ticle (1)(c)of this Article, any
3) Keewwata kanaa keewwata flE¶a˛˛vf¶Eሃ5ሆgማflም
candidate shall submit medical
xiqqaa 1(c) jalatti kan tumame flመfJ El ሆg ለመሃ certificate, except HIV1AIDS
akkuma eegametti ta’ee, namni
†መለyE :መሆbfለማ˛ሉ test, to prove his fitness for ser-
hojjetaa mootummaa ta’ee qa-
vice and written testimony of
xaramuuf iyyate kamiyyuu ga- yuR.q·.?./u»/ ምመ 5/E
police to prove that he has no
humsa isaa mirkaneessuuf dhi- flለfaJ ማ˛ሏ flሕ~ምd ምመ
record of crimes referred to in
bee HIV/ADIS irraa kan hafe
ragaa yaalaa fayyummaa isaa
vd 5¡ህ qf fr/ qf ( ) sub-article (1)(b)of this Article.
mirkaneessuu fi akkaataa keew- (ለ) yEሃJ f˘ሎR aሟ መሆbf 4) Notwithstanding sub-article
wata kana keewwata xiqqaa 1(b) flሚ†ሉ y3ሊ/ flEሃ ማ/
(1)(a) of this Article, the Bu-
jalatti ibsameen yakkoota irraa reau shall issue directives on
bilisa ta’uu mirkaneessuuf Pooli- circumstances in which young
sii irraa ragaa kennameef dhiy- ) 5¡ህ qf f/ qf ( ) (ሀ / persons above the age of 14 and
eeffachuuf dirqama qaba. flEሃ 7gም »ሜ†M y under 18 may be recruited as
4) Keewwata kana keewwata xiqqaa መJ 5ላ· flሆdMd መJ
civil servants and on the con-
1(a) jalatti kan ibsame jiraatus, ditions of work applicable to
†ልሞላM ሆKR /ለሚሃ5Jd
dargaggoota umriin isaanii wag- them.
gaa 14 ol ta’eefi 18 hin guutne /ለ ሁeHM 7( መመ†
haalawwan itti qaxaramanii fi †ሆል88
haala hojii isaanii Biirichi Qa-
jeelfama raawwii ni baasa.
Labsii Lak. 215/2011 Fuula 11 q¸ሉ 2)05 $4 ˛ 01 Proclamation No. 215/2018 page 11
15. Qaxara Lammiilee Biyyaa Alaa . flሑq˛£R"ሉ 15. Employment of Foreigners
Dhalattoota Itoophiyaa lam- flሑ £aJ †ላM flsJሙ† Without prejudice to Certain
mummaa biyya alaa qaban Rights to be exercised in their
ilaalchisee mirgootni seera bi- Eላ“Rf q/መል~K 5ሌላ ሕ
Country of Origin by Foreign
raatiin kennameef akkuma ee- flEሆM መ:KR vf¶Eሃ5
Nationals of Ethiopian Origin
gametti ta’ee, namni lammum-
maa Itoophiyaa hin qabne tokko
ሆa £aF sJሙ† †ልሆa under the relevant law, a person
hojjetaa mootummaa ta’ee qax- 5መfJ ሠElaJ ሊሃ who is not an Ethiopian may
aramuu hin danda’u. q·Rልም88 not be eligible to be employed
as a civil servant.
16. Beeksisa Baasuu fi Haala Raaw-
wii Qaxaraa . ማ/H† /ለማሆJd /ለ"ሉ 16. Vacancy Announcement and
1) Manni hojii mootummaa ka- qሟሜም Recruitment Procedures
miyyuu, gita hojii duwwaa yoo ) ማflም flመfJ መ† 9J 1) Any government institution
qabaate beeksisa baasuudhaan shall advertise every vacant
iyyatoonni akka galmaa’an af- ~J ;H |ለ ማ/H†
position to invite candidates to
feeruu qaba. 5ማሆJ qመል|SR vf‚መ˛6 apply for the position.
2) Tumaan keewwata kana keew- መ5⁄qለ5J88 2) Notwithstanding to sub-article
wata xiqqaa 1 jiraatus, manni
hojii mootummaa kamiyyuu ) fl¡ህ qf f/ qf ( ) »f (1) of this Article, whenever
ogummaalee gabaa irratti han- 7gምማflምflመfJመ†
there is shortage of profession-
qina qaban yookiin gabaa irraa als in the labour market, a gov-
akka salphaatti hin argamne ernment institution may solicit
Dhaabbiilee Barnoota Ol’aanaa y˛5† ላ· 5ላሉ flማ·˛j ሙ†Rf graduates of higher education-
waliin qunnamtii uumuudhaan yyEl flJምህJ E&ማJ al institutions in cooperation
eebbifamtoota affeeruun dor- fjaJ 5መሃ ም ff 5መ5⁄ with the institutions and recruit
gomsisee qaxarrii raawwachuu them through competition.
ni danda’a. q„»("ሉመሜም·Rላል88
3) Graduates to be recruited pur-
3) Bu’uura keewwata kana keewwa- ) 5¡ህ qf fr/ qf ( ) መJ suant to sub-article (2) of this
ta xiqqaa 2 tiin eebbifamtootni flሚሃ ም f 5¡ህ q¸ qf Article shall be required to
qaxaraman akkaataa Labsii kana present certificates of compe-
keewwata 14(1)(c) irratti ibsa- f/14 qf( ላ·
)(ሐ flE˛ለሜf
meen ragaa mirkaneessa gahum- tence referred to in sub-article
fl: Jማ˛ሏማ":qለ8M88
saa dhiyeessuu qabu. (1) (c) of Article 14 of this proc-
) flመf/J EoR "ሉ qሟሜም lamation.
4) Haala raawwii qaxara hojjettoota
mootummaa ilaalchisee Biirichi ሁeH q/መል~K 7( መመ† 4) The Bureau shall issue direc-
qajeelfama raawwii ni baasa. †ሆል88 tives on implementation of de-
tailed recruitment procedures.
17. Kakuu
Kaadhimamaan filame osoo . ለመሐላ
17. Oath of Fidelity
hojii hin jalqabiin dura kakuu flEመሃvልyመ˘መ5J The selected candidate shall,
kanatti aanee jiru ni raawwa- flሚyEለf ለመሐላ·ማል before commencement of his
ta: “Ani __________________ work, take the following oath of
hojjetaa mootummaa ta’uu “ve ——————— 5መfJ ሠElaI
kootiin waan hundaa ol taasisee yሁሉም 5ላ· q» 5vaJ
dhugaadhaan, amanamummaa "I ________being a civil ser-
5HማnaJd 5መል|ም a-ም8 vant solemnly swear to sincere-
fi naamusaa gaariin ummata ta-
jaajiluuf, imaammatoota moo- ሕ⁄:f ለማ˛ል˛ል flመfJf ly, faithfully and ethically serve
tummaa raawwachuuf yeroo 3ሊR ለመሜም 5ማflም the people and execute govern-
kamiyyuu Heeraa fi seerota bi- ment policy, and to respect at
—£ ሕ˛ መfFfd flq˛Ff
yyaatti kabajuu fi iccitii sababa all times the Constitution and
hojii kiyyaatiin beekee fi seeraan ሕR 5ማ~5 vd 5‡ ም~f†J the laws of the Country and not
yookiin murtii qaama dhimmi †"ሁJfd5ሕ·ም5ሚመለyE to disclose to any party infor-
ilaallatuun iccitummaan adda q|ል -e 5ም/ህaJ flEመ¶6Jf mation that is revealed to me
bahan qaama biraa kamiifiyyuu by reason of my duties and is
kan hin ibsine ta’uu koo waadaa ለሌላለማflም˛fላለመለ ል
classified as confidential by law
nan gala.” v˛8ለሁ8” or decision of the appropriate
Labsii Lak. 215/2011 Fuula 7 q¸ሉ 2)05 $4 ˛ 7 Proclamation No. 215/2018 page 7
3) Akkaataan madaallii hojii fi ) flምdd¶flሚf5JሁeH 3) Job evaluation and grading
sadarkaan itti murtaa’u, Dambii flመ/E„» ም~ 9J 5ሚ†ሃ shall be conducted in accor-
Manni Maree Bulchiinsaa baasu- dance with regulation to be
un kan murtaa’u ta’a. issued by the Administrative
7. Iskeelii Mindaa . fl¶መ⁄/}ል
1) Iskeeliin mindaa hojjettoota 7. Salary Scale
) flመfJ ሠEoR fl¶መ⁄
mootummaa humna faayinaan- 1) The salary scale applicable to
sii mootummaa, haala waliigala /}ል flመf/Jf fl(·df/ q"ም
civil servants shall be deter-
jireenya ummataa, sadarkaalee flህ⁄6f qሃ ላ· flb( ሁeH fl mined from time to time by
gatii, haalawwan biroo tilmaama ¶RvdሌሎRሁeHRfምJ considering the Government’s
keessa galcheen yeroo yeroon
/ሉ 8/˛8 ሁeH 5fl—£ vflEሃd financial capability, the general
qoratamee kan murtaa’u ta’a.
living conditions of the society,
2) Biirichi yeroo barbaachisaa flሚf·ሆdል88
ta’ee argametti, manneen ho- price levels and other relevant
) 7( q/ላ— ሆg 5E˛i —£ factors.
jii mootummaa ilaallatu wali-
in ta’uudhaan iskeelii mindaa yሚመለyHM flመf/J መ/† 2) The Bureau shall undertake
qoratee Mana Maree Bulchiin- 9KR 5መሆf fl¶መ⁄ /}ል study in collaboration with the
saatti murtiif ni dhiyeessa; yeroo concerned government institu-
hayyamamus raawwii isaa ni tions prepare salary scale and
†8ል »ም qሟሜሙf submit same to the Admin-
3) Tokkoon tokkoon ka’umsa ·#ሆሃል88 istrative Council, and super-
iskeelii mindaa fi fiixee, akkasu- ) fl¶መ⁄ /}ሉ ለv†f„f• ¶ vise its proper implementation
mas gulantaalee dabala mindaa upon approval.
መad መ» ¶መ⁄ vf‚ሁም
yeroo yeroon taasifamu mul’isu 3) The salary scale shall contain
ni qabaata. 5fl—£flሚ¶˛ffl¶መ⁄ሑማ the base pay, the ceiling and
flሚ†መለ~FvygR·gHል88 step increments of each salary
8. Hojiiwwan Gatii Walqixa Qa- scale to be made periodically.
baniif Mindaa Walqixa Kaffaluu
. vzል ላላM R vzል
Hojiiwwan gatii walqixa qaban 8. Equal Pay for Equal Work
hundi ka’umsa mindaa walqixa ¶መ⁄መ~ል All works of equal value shall
ni qabaatu. vzል †ላM R ሁሉ have equal base salary.
9. Kaffaltii Mindaa
9. Payment of Salary
1) Manni hojii mootummaa kami-
1) Any Government office shall,
yyuu, dhuma ji’aatti hojjettoota . fl¶መ⁄~† make payments of salary to
isaatiif yookiin bakka bu’oota
) ማflም flመfJ መ† 9J civil servants or their legal rep-
seeraa isaaniitiif kaffaltii mindaa
ni raawwata. 5መሌ
ሠ ለ ·ምሕ ለ resentatives at the end of each
2) Mindaan hojjetaa mootummaa month,
kamiyyuu: 2) The Salary of any civil servant
) flማflም flመfJ ሠEl shall not be attached or deduct-
(a) Hojjatichi waliigaltee isaa bar-
reeffamaan yoo ibse yookiin ¶መ⁄ ed except in accordance with:
mallattoon yoo mirkaneesse; ሠEl(ሀ) /ምምaFf5ሑ˛ል (a) a written consent or signed
(b) Ajaja Mana Murtiitiin; approval of the civil servant;
(c) Bu’uura seeraan tumameen (b) court order; or
(ለ)5»9JJ¢⁄ (c) The provisions of the law.
yoo ta’e malee qabamuu yooki-
in hir’ifamuu hin danda’u. (ሐ) 5ሕ 5E¶a˛˛ መሠJ|ልሆa

5/E ሊ†⁄ ·ም ሊa/

Labsii Lak. 215/2011 Fuula 8 q¸ሉ 2)05 $4 ˛ 8 Proclamation No. 215/2018 page 8
3) Akkaataa keewwata kana kee- ) 5¡ህ qf f/ qf (ለ) ·ም 3) Monthly deductions from the
wwata xiqqaa 1 (b) yookiin (c) (ሐ) መሠJ yሠEl 5fl salary of a civil servant to be
tiin, mindaan hojjetichaa ji’aan made pursuant to sub-article
flሚ#ሃ ¶መ⁄ y¶መ qf»
kan citu mindaa isaa ji’aa keessaa 2(b) or (c) of this Article shall not
harka sadi keessaa harka tokko /Elመ:ለሉflለ5Jም88
exceed one third of his salary.
caalu hin qabu.
. q5ል 10. Allowance
10. Durgoo 1) Any allowance shall be paid
) ማflም q5ል flሚyለ
1) Durgoon kamiyyuu kan kaffala-
flመfJf ለማydf q/ላ— only where it is found neces-
mu hojii mootummaa raawwa-
sary for carrying out the func-
chuuf barbaachisaa ta’ee yoo ar- ሆg˛n:Pa88
tions of the civil service.
game qofadha. ) 7( flq5ል ·aKRf vd
2) Biirichi gosa durgoo adda add-
2) The Bureau shall undertake
ማ5HPRf v†ሃd ለመ/E„» studies on the different types of
aa fi onnachiiftuuwwanii qora-
chuudhaan murteef Mana Ma- ም~ 9J ለ-e †8ል » allowances and incentives and
ree Bulchiinsaatiif ni dhiyeessa; qሟሜሙf·#ሆሃል88 submit same to the Administra-
yoo hayyamame raawwii isaa ni tive Council; and follow up its
to’ata. implementation upon approval.
fl ሀ:J "» /ምJ vd fl Section Three
Kutaa Sadii
Karoora Qabeenya Namaa, Bobba’iin- qሟሜምምd Human Resource Plan, Deployment
saa fi Madaallii Raawwii Hojii fr/~ልqf» And Performance Evaluation
Kutaa Xiqqaa Tokko ምልመላdመሆ Sub- Section One
Fo’annoo fi Filannoo Recruitment and Selection
. flሀ:J"»
11. Karoora Qabeenya Namaa
1) Manni hojii mootummaa kami- ) ማflም flመfJ መ† 9J
11. Human Resource Planning
yyuu, karoora qabeenya namaa fl ሀ:J "» ላማ /JI—† 1) The purpose of human resource
kaayyoowwan karoora tarsiimoo "» ላ· flEመሄJf ላማR planning shall be to forecast the
isaa irratti tarreeffaman galmaan ለማ-|J fl ሀ:J ላJ staffing requirement for achiev-
gahuuf, fedhii qabeenya namaa ing the strategic objectives of a
ለመEf5· flሚ†/ል˛f fl
tilmaamuuf, humna namaa bar- government institution, to take
baachisu baay’inaa fi gosaan ሀ:J 5:¢Jd 5·aJ ለማሟላJ
actions necessary for availing
guuttachuuf, misoomsuuf, sir- ለማልማJ 5q86 ለመሃም
the required human resource,
naan itti fayyadamuuf tarkaan- flሚ† vምRf ለመ»d in type and number, for devel-
fiiwwan garagaraa fudhachuu fi
ለFfም 5fl—£ vflመa ማ† oping and properly utilizing
bu’aa isaa yeroo yeroon madaalu-
un fooyya’iinsa taasisuudha. ለማ»a88 same and for reviewing the re-
2) Manni hojii mootummaa ka- ) ማflም flመfJ መ† 9J
sults from time to time to make
miyyuu, karoora tarsiimoo isaa improvements thereof.
bu’uureffachuun karoora qabeen- 2) Any government institution
flqሑflመ|yለldfl¸ም—£fl shall, based on its strategic
ya namaa kan yeroo gabaabaa,
giddugaleessaa fi dheeraa qora- ሀ:J "•f 5ማሉdJ ላ· plan, study and implement
chuun hojiirra oolchuu qaba. ማልqለ5J88 short, medium and long-term
3) Gitoota hojii duwwaa hojjettootaan ) ~J fl መ¶;Rf 5ሠEoR human resource plan.
qabsiisuun kan danda’amu, karoora 3) Vacant positions shall be filled
ማ/†⁄ flሚPለ fl:J
ሀ "»f
qabeenya namaa bu’uureffachuun through promotion or recruit-
guddina sadarkaatiin yookiin qa- ment or transfer or redeploy-
xaraan yookiin jijjiirraan yookiin 5"ሉ·ም5⁄·ም5»ል»ል ment in accordance with hu-
ramaddiin ta’a. Karoora qabeenya ·ሆdል88 7( fl:J
ሀ "»f man resource plan. The Bureau
namaa ilaalchisee Biirichi Qajeelfa- q/መል~Kflqምመመ††ሆል88 shall issue directives on human
ma raawwii ni baasa. resource planning.
Labsii Lak. 215/2011 Fuula 9 q¸ሉ 2)05 $4 ˛ 9 Proclamation No. 215/2018 page 9
12. Sirna Seensaa fi Mirkaneessa Ga- . ¶ መf/J መ/† 9J flመ7†d 12. Eligibility to Join Government
humsa Manneen Hojii Mootummaa fl: Jማ˛ሏJ Institution and Competence
1) Biirichi gitoota hojii duwwaa ir- Certification System
) 7( 5ሀ˛ ¶ flE˙
ratti hojjettoonni dorgommiin 1) The Bureau shall depending
መመlRfd መለ{†Rf መa
haala itti qaxaramaniifi guddatan on the actual situation of the
sirna seensaa fi mirkaneessa ga- 5ማ» vf¶ ~ልሉ Eሌ8ሑ region prepare criteria and pa-
humsaa diriirsuu dandeessisu eH
ሁ 5~J fl መ¶;R ላ· rameters to establish eligibility
madaalliiwwanii fi safartuulee qመል|SRE„»ሃ5Jd
ሚለ/ and competency certification
akka biyyaatti qophaa’an ka’um- system whereby candidates for
ሚለ/ flመ7†d fl: J
sa godhachuun haala qabatamaa vacant positions shall be re-
naannichaatiin ni qopheessa. ማ˛ሏJመJflሚ†/Rሉ
cruited and promoted on the
2) Keewwata kana keewwata xiqqaa መመlRdመለ{†Rf†ል88
basis of competition.
1 jalatti kan ibsame sirna seensaa ) 5¡ህ qf fr/ qf ( ) 2) An Institution implement-
fi mirkaneessa gahumsa dhaab-
batni raawwachiisuu hundaa’uu
flEመለyEf flመ7†d fl: J ing eligibility and competency
yookiin qaama hundaa’ee jiruuf ማ˛ሏ J ለማ/ም certification system provided
aangoon kennamuu ni danda’a. ለሚ&&ም E&ም ·ም E&ሞ ላለ
under sub article 1 of this arti-
3) Haalli hojiirra oolmaa madaallii- cle may be established or such
wwanii fi safartuulee Dambii power may be given to already
) መመlNd መለ{†N ላ·
Manni Maree Bulchiinsaa baas- established institution.
uun kan murtaa’u ta’a. 5J
ሉ ሚ ለ / eH
ሁ flመ/E„»ም~ 3) The implementation of eval-
†ሆ flሚf·ሆdል88 uations and eligibility criteria
13. Fo’annoo fi Filannoo shall be determined by the reg-
1) Qaxarriin hojjettoota mootum- . ምልመላdመሆ
ulation to be issued by the ad-
maa kan raawwatamu, bu’aa ministrative council.
) flመfJሠEl"ሉflሚሜመ
qormaataa, ulaagaalee madaallii
akka naannootti bahuun ken- 5~ልል ¶ 5ሚሆ መመl 13. Recruitment and Selection
namuun yookiin ogummaa fi 5ሚሃ flEd ለJ ·ም 1) Any type of recruitment of a
mirkaneessa gahumsaa qabata- 5ሌላ ማdMም ·aJ Eሌ8ሑ civil servant shall be made only
maa ta’e gosa kamiinuu mirka- on the result of examination
flሙ†d: Jማ˛ሏላ·:P
naa’u qofa irratti hundaa’een ta’a. conducted on the basis of re-
2) Hojii barbaaddootas ta’ee hojj- Eመ/K·ሆdል88
gionally set criteria or on the
ettoota mootummaa gidduutti; ) 5:ሔ 5H 5ሃ·ማgJ 5q|ል
basis of any other type of objec-
sabummaa, koornayaa, aman- ˇ„J5uR.q·.?/u»/ 57H tive certification of professional
taa, miidhaa qaamaa, sababa
ም~c†J 53ለG| qመለ|yJ and occupational competence.
dhibee HIV/AIDs’n, ilaalcha
vd 5ማflም ሌላ ሁeH 5 2) There shall be no discrimination
siyaasaa fi haala biraa kamiin-
among job seekers or civil ser-
uu garaagarummaa taasisuun ላ—Rምሆa5መfJሠEoR
vants in filling vacancies because
3) Labsii kana keewwata 48 - 51’tti of their ethnic origin, sex, reli-
) 5¡ህ q¸ yqf v/y gion, political outlook, disability,
tumaleen haala hojii kutaalee
hawaasaa tarkaanfii deeggar- fl» vም flሚ/ልM HIVIAIDS or any other ground.
saa barbaachisu ilaalchisee tu- flZ:E: ~ሎRf fl ሁeH 3) Without prejudice to the provi-
maman akkuma jiranitti ta’anii, q/መል~K flE¶a˛ˇJ »fR sions of Article 48 to 51 of this
gita hojii duwwaa irratti hojjeta- Proclamation, vacant position
vf¶Eሃ5 ሆa 5~J fl
an kan ramadamu dandeettiiw- shall be filled only by a person
wan barbaachisaa hojichi gaafatu who meets the qualification
kan guutu yoo ta’ee fi dorgom- መ¶6 flሚሃflf Eላ— RሎH required for the position and
toota biroo wajjin dorgomee qa- flሚ†ሟላd yሌሎR E„„R scores higher than other candi-
bxii caalmaa yoo argateedha. E„»(:ልሏaሉ:|˛ia88 dates.
Labsii Lak. 215/2011 Fuula 10 q¸ሉ 2)05 $4 ˛ 0 Proclamation No. 215/2018 page 10
14. Haalawwan Hojjetaa Mootum- . flመfJ ሠEl ሆg ለመሃ 14. Conditions of Ineligibility for
maa Ta’anii Qaxaramuu Hin flማ†/RሉሁeHR Civil Servant
Dandeessifne 1) The following shall not be eligi-
) flመfJ ሠEl ሆg ሊሃ
1) Hojjetaa mootummaa ta’ee nama ble to be civil servants:
qaxaramuu hin dandeenye: flማ·Rል8-
(a) A person under the age of 18
(a) Umriin isaa waggaa kudha »ሜ
(ሀ) yq//ምfJ( መJ
) years;
saddeetii (18) gadi ta’e; (b) Any person who has been
(b) Yakka malaammaltummaa, convicted by a court of com-
amantaa hir’isuu, hannaa fi (ለ) flሙ/d flvምaJ ማˇ¶ል
petent jurisdiction for of-
gowwoomsuu yookiin dirq- fl/#J flማHለል ·ም
fences of corruption, breach
isiisee gudeeduu raawwatee flq/˛»… መ» f˘ል of trust, theft, fraud or rape
Mana Murtii aangoo qabuun
ሞ /ልሆf 8ለ » 9J unless he is reinstated.
kan itti murtaa’ee fi hin mog-
gaaffamne kamiyyuu; flE¶5Jd†ልEflመ
(c) A person having no certifi-
(c) Ragaa mirkanneessa gahum- cate of competence;
(ሐ)fl: Jማ˛ሏማ/flሌለ
saa hin qabne; (d) If he is unwilling to take
(d) Akkaataa Labsii kana keew- (መ) 5¡ህq¸qf መሠJ ለ oath of fidelity in accor-
wata 17 tiin kakuu raawwa- መሀላ ለመሜም ¶l †ልሆa dance with Article 17 of this
chuuf hayyamamaa kan hin a88
taane yoo ta’eedha. 2) Without prejudice to sub-ar-
) fl¡ህ qf f/ qf ( )(ለ
2) Keewwata kana keewwata ticle (1) (b) of this Article, a
xiqqaa 1(b) jalatti kan tumame flE¶a˛˛ vf¶Eሃ5 ሆg person whose service is termi-
akkuma eegametti ta’ee, hojjetaa yማflም flመfJ መ† 9J nated from any government
mootummaa mana hojii moo- institution on grounds of disci-
5‚/2ሊf ˇ»ለJ ም~f†J y
tummaa kamiyyuu irraa sababa plinary offence shall not be re-
hanqina naamusaatiin hojii irraa flEd5E flመfJ ሠEl y
cruited before the lapse of five
gaggeeffame guyyaa gaggeeffame yEd5E5Jf˘ም(qም/JመJ years from the date of his ter-
irraa eegalee waggaa shan osoo yመሙላF5Jሊሃq·Rልም88 mination.
hin guutiin dura qaxaramuu hin 3) Without prejudice to sub-ar-
) 5¡ህqff/qf( (ሐ)
danda’u. ticle (1)(c)of this Article, any
3) Keewwata kanaa keewwata flE¶a˛˛vf¶Eሃ5ሆgማflም
candidate shall submit medical
xiqqaa 1(c) jalatti kan tumame flመfJ El ሆg ለመሃ certificate, except HIV1AIDS
akkuma eegametti ta’ee, namni
†መለyE :መሆbfለማ˛ሉ test, to prove his fitness for ser-
hojjetaa mootummaa ta’ee qa-
vice and written testimony of
xaramuuf iyyate kamiyyuu ga- yuR.q·.?./u»/ ምመ 5/E
police to prove that he has no
humsa isaa mirkaneessuuf dhi- flለfaJ ማ˛ሏ flሕ~ምd ምመ
record of crimes referred to in
bee HIV/ADIS irraa kan hafe
ragaa yaalaa fayyummaa isaa
vd 5¡ህ qf fr/ qf ( ) sub-article (1)(b)of this Article.
mirkaneessuu fi akkaataa keew- (ለ) yEሃJ f˘ሎR aሟ መሆbf 4) Notwithstanding sub-article
wata kana keewwata xiqqaa 1(b) flሚ†ሉ y3ሊ/ flEሃ ማ/
(1)(a) of this Article, the Bu-
jalatti ibsameen yakkoota irraa reau shall issue directives on
bilisa ta’uu mirkaneessuuf Pooli- circumstances in which young
sii irraa ragaa kennameef dhiy- ) 5¡ህ qf f/ qf ( ) (ሀ / persons above the age of 14 and
eeffachuuf dirqama qaba. flEሃ 7gም »ሜ†M y under 18 may be recruited as
4) Keewwata kana keewwata xiqqaa መJ 5ላ· flሆdMd መJ
civil servants and on the con-
1(a) jalatti kan ibsame jiraatus, ditions of work applicable to
†ልሞላM ሆKR /ለሚሃ5Jd
dargaggoota umriin isaanii wag- them.
gaa 14 ol ta’eefi 18 hin guutne /ለ ሁeHM 7( መመ†
haalawwan itti qaxaramanii fi †ሆል88
haala hojii isaanii Biirichi Qa-
jeelfama raawwii ni baasa.
Labsii Lak. 215/2011 Fuula 11 q¸ሉ 2)05 $4 ˛ 01 Proclamation No. 215/2018 page 11
15. Qaxara Lammiilee Biyyaa Alaa . flሑq˛£R"ሉ 15. Employment of Foreigners
Dhalattoota Itoophiyaa lam- flሑ £aJ †ላM flsJሙ† Without prejudice to Certain
mummaa biyya alaa qaban Rights to be exercised in their
ilaalchisee mirgootni seera bi- Eላ“Rf q/መል~K 5ሌላ ሕ
Country of Origin by Foreign
raatiin kennameef akkuma ee- flEሆM መ:KR vf¶Eሃ5
Nationals of Ethiopian Origin
gametti ta’ee, namni lammum-
maa Itoophiyaa hin qabne tokko
ሆa £aF sJሙ† †ልሆa under the relevant law, a person
hojjetaa mootummaa ta’ee qax- 5መfJ ሠElaJ ሊሃ who is not an Ethiopian may
aramuu hin danda’u. q·Rልም88 not be eligible to be employed
as a civil servant.
16. Beeksisa Baasuu fi Haala Raaw-
wii Qaxaraa . ማ/H† /ለማሆJd /ለ"ሉ 16. Vacancy Announcement and
1) Manni hojii mootummaa ka- qሟሜም Recruitment Procedures
miyyuu, gita hojii duwwaa yoo ) ማflም flመfJ መ† 9J 1) Any government institution
qabaate beeksisa baasuudhaan shall advertise every vacant
iyyatoonni akka galmaa’an af- ~J ;H |ለ ማ/H†
position to invite candidates to
feeruu qaba. 5ማሆJ qመል|SR vf‚መ˛6 apply for the position.
2) Tumaan keewwata kana keew- መ5⁄qለ5J88 2) Notwithstanding to sub-article
wata xiqqaa 1 jiraatus, manni
hojii mootummaa kamiyyuu ) fl¡ህ qf f/ qf ( ) »f (1) of this Article, whenever
ogummaalee gabaa irratti han- 7gምማflምflመfJመ†
there is shortage of profession-
qina qaban yookiin gabaa irraa als in the labour market, a gov-
akka salphaatti hin argamne ernment institution may solicit
Dhaabbiilee Barnoota Ol’aanaa y˛5† ላ· 5ላሉ flማ·˛j ሙ†Rf graduates of higher education-
waliin qunnamtii uumuudhaan yyEl flJምህJ E&ማJ al institutions in cooperation
eebbifamtoota affeeruun dor- fjaJ 5መሃ ም ff 5መ5⁄ with the institutions and recruit
gomsisee qaxarrii raawwachuu them through competition.
ni danda’a. q„»("ሉመሜም·Rላል88
3) Graduates to be recruited pur-
3) Bu’uura keewwata kana keewwa- ) 5¡ህ qf fr/ qf ( ) መJ suant to sub-article (2) of this
ta xiqqaa 2 tiin eebbifamtootni flሚሃ ም f 5¡ህ q¸ qf Article shall be required to
qaxaraman akkaataa Labsii kana present certificates of compe-
keewwata 14(1)(c) irratti ibsa- f/14 qf( ላ·
)(ሐ flE˛ለሜf
meen ragaa mirkaneessa gahum- tence referred to in sub-article
fl: Jማ˛ሏማ":qለ8M88
saa dhiyeessuu qabu. (1) (c) of Article 14 of this proc-
) flመf/J EoR "ሉ qሟሜም lamation.
4) Haala raawwii qaxara hojjettoota
mootummaa ilaalchisee Biirichi ሁeH q/መል~K 7( መመ† 4) The Bureau shall issue direc-
qajeelfama raawwii ni baasa. †ሆል88 tives on implementation of de-
tailed recruitment procedures.
17. Kakuu
Kaadhimamaan filame osoo . ለመሐላ
17. Oath of Fidelity
hojii hin jalqabiin dura kakuu flEመሃvልyመ˘መ5J The selected candidate shall,
kanatti aanee jiru ni raawwa- flሚyEለf ለመሐላ·ማል before commencement of his
ta: “Ani __________________ work, take the following oath of
hojjetaa mootummaa ta’uu “ve ——————— 5መfJ ሠElaI
kootiin waan hundaa ol taasisee yሁሉም 5ላ· q» 5vaJ
dhugaadhaan, amanamummaa "I ________being a civil ser-
5HማnaJd 5መል|ም a-ም8 vant solemnly swear to sincere-
fi naamusaa gaariin ummata ta-
jaajiluuf, imaammatoota moo- ሕ⁄:f ለማ˛ል˛ል flመfJf ly, faithfully and ethically serve
tummaa raawwachuuf yeroo 3ሊR ለመሜም 5ማflም the people and execute govern-
kamiyyuu Heeraa fi seerota bi- ment policy, and to respect at
—£ ሕ˛ መfFfd flq˛Ff
yyaatti kabajuu fi iccitii sababa all times the Constitution and
hojii kiyyaatiin beekee fi seeraan ሕR 5ማ~5 vd 5‡ ም~f†J the laws of the Country and not
yookiin murtii qaama dhimmi †"ሁJfd5ሕ·ም5ሚመለyE to disclose to any party infor-
ilaallatuun iccitummaan adda q|ል -e 5ም/ህaJ flEመ¶6Jf mation that is revealed to me
bahan qaama biraa kamiifiyyuu by reason of my duties and is
kan hin ibsine ta’uu koo waadaa ለሌላለማflም˛fላለመለ ል
classified as confidential by law
nan gala.” v˛8ለሁ8” or decision of the appropriate
Labsii Lak. 215/2011 Fuula 12 q¸ሉ 2)05 $4 ˛ 02 Proclamation No. 215/2018 page 12
18. Haala Mindaan Qaxarrii Itti . flመሃ†¶መ⁄q-f 18. Determination of Starting Salary
Murtaa’u ማflም q‚/ Eሆ flመfJ Any newly appointed civil ser-
Hojjetaan mootummaa haaraa ሠEl 5መfJ ሠEoR
vant shall be paid the base sal-
qaxaramu kamiyyuu, akkaataa ary as fixed by the civil service
iskeelii mindaa hojjettoota moo- fl¶መ⁄ /}ል መሠJ ለEሃ5J
salary scale for the position he
tummaatiin gita hojii irratti ra- fl መ¶: flEa ¶ መa has been appointed.
madamuuf mindaan ka’umsaa ¶መ⁄·yለል88
sadarkaa gita hojichaaf murtaa’e 19. Probation Period
ni kaffalamaaf. 1) The purpose of probation shall
. flሙy—£
be to prove the competence of
19. Yeroo Yaalii ) flሙy —£ ላማ q‚/ flEሃ a newly appointed civil servant
1) Kaayyoon yeroo yaalii hojjetaan through follow-up of his per-
flመfJሠElqሟ/ለ ሜሙ
mootummaa haarawa qaxarame
tokko haala raawwii hojii isaa ~JJል vflE¶˛ : Ff ለማ˛ሉ
2) The selected candidate shall be
hordoffii taasisaa gahumsa isaa ·ሆdል88
served with a letter of probation
mirkaneessuuf ta’a.
) flEመሃ qመል|R fl መ¶6f recruitment signed by the head
2) Iyyataa filatameef waamama gita
hojii, sadarkaa itti ramadame, መሃ† flEመ¶55Jf ¶ or any other authorized official
mindaa fi guyyaa hojii jalqabu ¶መfd f flሚ˘ም5Jf
of the government institution,
kan ibsu itti gaafatamaa olaanaa stating the title and grade of his
f flሚ˛ል 5q መ† 9J
mana hojii yookiin hojjetaa qax- position, his salary, and date of
aruuf itti gaafatamaa hojii bakka fl5ላ·Xላ·ምሠElfለመ"ሃ commencement of his job to-
bu’iinsi kennameefiin mallatteef- ~ልd 5Eሃ fl Xላ gether with job descriptions of
famee xalayaan qaxara yaalii ibsa flEመflሙy"ሉ¶:„95
his position.
akaakuu hojii gita hojichaa wali- 3) The period of probation of a
መ¶6 yሚ†yda fl ⁄⁄
in ni kennamaaf. civil servant on the position
3) Yeroon yaalii hojjetichaa gita ho- መለሏ·ሃል88 of his appointment shall be for
jii qaxarame irratti ji’oota jahaaf ) flሠEl flሙy —£ 5Eሃ5J six months; provided, however,
ta’ee, bu’aan madaallii raawwii that if the performance result
fl መ¶: ላ· ለ/»/J
hojii isaa giddugaleessaa gadi is below average, it may be ex-
ta’ee yoo argame, yeroo yaalii isaa ሆg fl qሟሜም ምd ለF
tended for an additional period
ji’oota itti aanan sadiif dheeres- yመ|yለl 5HR ሆg yE˛i flሙy of three months.
suun ni danda’ama. —£f ለEሌማ /J ሊም 4) The service of a probationary
4) Yeroo yaalii dheerate keessat- civil servant shall be terminat-
ti hojjetichi qabxii madaallii ·Rላል88
ed where the cumulative per-
raawwii hojii waliigalaatiin gid- ) 5Eመ flሙy —£ /ሉ
formance evaluation result is
dugaleessa yookiin sanaa ol gal- ሠEl መ|yለl ·ም y¡† 5ላ· not average or higher for the
meessisuu yoo baate, hojiirra ni
flEሃ ለ fl qሟሜም ምd extended period of probation.
5) Where the civil servant on pro-
5) Tumaaleen Labsii kanaa keew- ለJ|ላ˛iy·d5Hል88
bation is absent from his work
wata 59 keewwata xiqqaa 3 fi 4 ) fl¡ህq¸qf f/qf( )
akkuma eegametti ta’ee, hojjeta- due to occupational disease or
an mootummaa yaalii irra jiru
vd ( ) »fR vf¶Eሃ5 ሆa employment accident, with-
sababa dhukkubaan yookiin 5ሙy ላ· †ለ flመfJ ሠEl out prejudice to the provisions
miidhaa hojii isaa waliin walqa- 557H ·ም y 5E††
of Article 59(3) and (4) of this
bateen hojii irraa kan hafe yoo Proclamation, he shall be al-
ˇ„J ም~f†J y ላ· fl yሆa
ta’e, yeroo yaalii isaa osoo hin lowed to complete the remain-
xumuriin hafe yeroo dhukkubaa †ልሌf flሙy —£ yሕመሙ ing probation period following
yookiin miidhama isaa irraa ·ም yˇ„F y„a5J —£ qf/K the date of his recovery from
fooyya’u irraa eegalee akka xum- vf‚ሌ/·¶ል88
sickness or injury.
uru ni taasifama.
Labsii Lak. 215/2011 Fuula 13 q¸ሉ 2)05 $4 ˛ 03 Proclamation No. 215/2018 page 13
6) Hojjetaan mootummaa qaxara ) 5ሙy ላ· flሚ˛n flመfJ 6) Where the civil servant on pro-
yeroo yaalii irra jiru, haala hum- ሠEl yq"ም 5ላ· 5ሆa ም~f†J
bation period is absent from his
naa ol ta’een yeroo ji’a tokko hin work due to force majeure for a
caalleef kan hojii irraa hafe yoo
yqf»5HR5ላ·|ልE˛i period less than one month, the
ta’e, yeroo hojii irratti argamee 5 ላ· flE˛i5J —£ :P H/; performance evaluation shall
qofti herregamee madaalliin cover only the period in which
he was present at work.
raawwii hojii isaa ni guutamaaf.
) fl¡ህ qf f/ qf ( ) »f 7) Notwithstanding the provision
7) Keewwata kana keewwata xiqqaa
7gም 5ሊ» ም~f†J yqf» of sub-article (5) of this Article,
5 jalatti kan tumame jiraatus, a civil servant on probation is
hojjettuu qaxara yeroo yaalii 5ላ· 5 ላ· †ልE˛iR flሙy absent from his work due to ma-
sababa dahumsaatiin yeroo ji’a ሠEl flሊ» ‰ vf¶Eሃd ternity leave, for a period of more
tokkoo ol ta’eef hojii irratti hin than one month, she shall be al-
flሙy —£ vf»Jሌ/ ·¶ል
argamne hayyamni dahumsa lowed to complete the remaining
ishee akkuma xumurameen yer- ሆgም ላ· †ልE˛iR5J —£ probation period following the
oon yaalii itti fufte akka xumurtu yqf»5HRyሆaflqሟሜም end of her maternity leave; pro-
taasifama. Ta’us, yeroon hojii ir- vided, however, that if her ab-
ምd 5 ላ· 5#flR5J —£ H/;
ratti hin argamin ji’a tokko gadi sence from her work is less than a
yoo ta’e madaalliin raawwii hojii ·ሞላላHል88 month, her evaluation shall cov-
yeroo hojiirra turte herregamee ) 5¡ህ q¸ 5Eለfl ሁeH |ልE¶a˛˛
er only the period in which she
ni guutamaaf. was present at work.
8) Labsii kanaan haala addaatiin
5/E 5ሙy —£ ላ· †ለ ሠEl 8) Unless provided otherwise in
yoo tumameen alatti hojjetaan flሙy —£f flሌ flመfJ this Proclamation, a proba-
yeroo yaalii irra jiru mirgaa fi
tionary civil servant shall have
ሠEl †ለ መ:Jd ”H ሁሉ
the same rights and obligations
dirqama hojjetaan yeroo yaalii ·gል88 with that of a civil servant who
xumure qabu hunda ni qabaata. has completed his probation.
9) Itti gaafatamaan hojii hojjetaa ) 5ሙy ላ· †ለf flመf/J ሠEl
9) Any officer who fails to timely
yeroo yaalii irra jiruuf yeroo isaa fl qሟሜም "Ff ሃ:# †ልሞላ evaluate the performance of a
eegee madaallii raawwii hojii fl Xላ 5‚2ሊf Eሃ† probationary civil servant shall
yoo guutuu baate naamusaan ni be liable to disciplinary penalty.
20. To be Permanent Civil Servant
20. Hojjetaa Mootummaa Dhaabbataa . &ሚflመfJሠElመሆf 1) Where a civil servant on pro-
Ta’uu bation has recorded average or
) 5ሙy —£ መ|yለl ·ም y¡†
1) Hojjetaan mootummaa yeroo higher performance result, he
yaalii isaa bu’aa madaallii raaw- 5ላ· fl qሟሜም ምd ለJ shall be served with a letter of
wii hojii giddugaleessaa fi isaa †/መ˛5 flመfJ ሠEl
permanent appointment.
ol galmeessise xalayaan hojjetaa 2) If performance evaluation of
dhaabbataa ta’uu isaa mirkanees-
5&ሚaJ መሃf flሚ†ሉ a probationary civil servant is
su ni kennamaaf. ¶:„9·ሃል88 not carried out before the ex-
piry date of the probation pe-
2) Hojjetaa mootummaa yeroo yaa- ) 5ሙy ላ· flሚ˛n flመfJ
riod and without prejudice to
lii irra jiruuf bu’aan madaallii ሠEl fl qሟሜም ምd ለJ Article 19(3) and (4) of this
raawwii hojii yeroo isaa eegga- proclamation, the performance
—£f ሃ:# †ልEሞላለJ vf¶ሆa
tee yoo/osoo hin guutamiin hafe evaluation shall be carried out
Labsii kana keewwata 19 (3) fi 5¡ህ q¸ qf ) vd ( ) within one month following
(4) tiin tumaawwan jiran akku- flEመለyFJ »fR vf¶Eሃ5 the expiry date of the probation
ma jirutti ta’ee, ji’a tokko keessatti period and the probationer
ሆa 5qf» —£ /ሉ fl
madaalliin raawwii hojii isaa akka shall be made permanent civil
guutamuuf ta’ee guyyaa yaaliif qሟሜም ምd vf‚ሞላ E¶ servant from the date of his re-
qaxarame irraa eegalee hojjetaa ለሙy yEሃ5J f ˘ም( &ሚ cruitment as probationer.
mootummaa dhaabbataa ta’a.
Labsii Lak. 215/2011 Fuula 14 q¸ሉ 2)05 $4 ˛ 04 Proclamation No. 215/2018 page 13
21. Hojjetaa Yeroo Qaxaruu . —¡†ሠElመ"ሃ 21. Temporary Employment
1) Tumaan keewwata kanaa keew- ) fl¡ህ qf f/ qf ( ) »f
1) Without prejudice to sub-ar-
wata xiqqaa 2 tiin ibsame akku- ticle (2) of this Article, a gov-
ma eegametti ta’ee, manni hojii ernment institution may ap-
mootummaa kamiyyuu hojjetaa
መ† 9J —¡† ሠEl ሊሉ point a temporary civil servant
yeroo qaxaruu kan danda’u gita flሚRለ flላaJ 8ሕ· 5ሌለ only for a job which is not of a
hojii amala itti fufiinsaa hin fl መ¶: ላ· ·ሆdል ሆgም
permanent nature; provided,
qabne irratti ta’a. Ta’us haalootni
however, that it may, where cir-
ሁeHR †/˛»• 5&ሚ fl
cumstances so require, appoint
yoo dirqisiisan gita hojii dhaab-
መ¶: ላ· —¡† ሠEl መ"ሃ a temporary civil servant to a
bataa irratti hojjetaa yeroo qax-
·Rላል88 permanent position.
aruun ni danda’ama.
) qf»flመfJመ†9JyEl
2) A government institution may
2) Manni hojii mootummaa tok-
appoint a foreign national on
ko gita hojii duwwaa ogeessa 8ለሙ† ለሚሃ·" ማdMም ~J
temporary bases, where it is
olaanaa gaafatu kamiyyuu ir- flመ¶:5¶»˛J5⁄ proved that it is impossible to
ratti guddina sadarkaa, jijjiirraa fill a vacant position that re-
yookiin qaxaraan ogeessa lam- quires high level professional
ማiJ flማ·Rል መሆbf |˛ሃ
mii Itoophiyaa ta’e argachuu kan by an Ethiopian through pro-
hin dandeenye ta’uu yoo mirkan- flሑ q˛ £ 5—¡†aJ ሊሉ
motion, transfer or recruit-
eeffate lammii biyya alaa yeroof ·Rላል88 ment.
qaxaruu ni danda’a. ) sJሙ† ·ም flሑ q˛ 3) The appointment of temporary
3) Hojjettoota yeroo lammummaa employee of an Ethiopian or a
£ —¡† ሠEoR q/መል~K
Itoophiyaa yookiin biyya alaa foreign national, their rights
flqሆሃ ሁeH †ላM መ:Jd
qaban ilaalchisee haala qaxara, and obligations as well as the
mirgaa fi dirqama qaban akka- ”H vf‚ሁም fl ሁeHR conditions of work applicable
sumas haalawwan hojii Dambii flመ/E„» ም~ 9J 5ሚ†ሆ to them shall be prescribed by
Manni Maree Bulchiinsaa baas- ¶f:flሚf·ሆdል88
regulation to be issued by the
uun kan murtaa’u ta’a. Administrative Council.

22. Hojii Qaama Sadaffaaf Walii-

. f5ልለ/El˛fq/Eላል 22. Outsourcing
galteen Dabarsanii Hojjechisuu ማሠJ 1) Where necessary and upon ob-
1) Manni hojii mootummaa ka- ) ማflም flመfJ መ† 9J
taining the permission of the
miyyuu barbaachisaa ta’ee yoo
Bureau, any government insti-
q/ላ— ሆg ˛n 7(f 5ማ/»
tution may outsource certain
argamu Biiricha hayyamsisuun
flሕ⁄:f ሉ"ም 5ማ·• flEb positions or tasks, that would
gitoota hojii faayidaa ummataa
flመ¶;Rf·ምRfለል not compromise public inter-
hin miine muraasa yookiin ho-
»¸KR ·ም ለሌሎR »¸KR
est, to private enterprises or to
jiiwwan dhaabbilee dhuunfaaaf
other institutions.
yookiin dhaabbilee biroof walii- 5ል 5ማ/Eላል vf‚ሠ ማ»
2) The Bureau shall issue detailed
galteen dabarsuun akka hojjetan ·Rላል88 directives regarding positions
gochuu ni danda’a. and tasks that may be out-
) 7( ለል »¸KRd ለሌሎR
2) Biirichi hojiiwwan dhaabbilee sourced to private enterprises
»¸KR 5ል ሊEላለ flሚRሉ
dhuunfaa fi dhaabbilee biroof or other institutions.
waliigalteen dabarfamuu dan- R ላ· flqሟሜም መመ†
da’an irratti qajeelfama raawwii †ሆል88
ni baasa.
Labsii Lak. 215/2011 Fuula 15 q¸ሉ 2)05 $4 ˛ 05 Proclamation No. 215/2018 page 15
23. Hojjetaa Mootummaa Waliin . flመf/JElf5/ለመ"ሃ 23. Joint Employment
Qaxaruu ) flመfJመ†9KRለM 1) Government offices may jointly
1) Manneen hojii mootummaa ho- appoint a civil servant, where
jii isaaniitiif daran barbaachisaa
his special knowledge and pro-
ta’ee yoo argame hojjetaa bee- ሙ† q"ም †ለf ሠEl 5
kumsaa fi dandeettii ogummaa fessional capacity is found to be
addaa qabu waliin qaxaruu ni essential for their services.
) fl"ሉ ሁeH "ሉ flሚ#·5J
danda’u. 2) The conditions of appointment,
2) Haalli qaxarrii, yeroon turmaata —£ fl¶መ⁄ ~†d ሌሎR fl/ duration of appointment, pay-
qaxarrii, kaffaltii mindaa fi haa- ሁeHRf q/መል~K 7( ment of salary, and other work-
lawwan hojii biraa ilaalchisee ing conditions shall be deter-
5ሚ†ሆ መመ† flሚf
qajeelfama Biirichi baasuun kan
·ሆdል88 mined by directives to be issued
murtaa’u ta’a.
by the Bureau.
Kutaa Xiqqaa Lama fr/~ልሁለJ
Guddina Sadarkaa Sub- Section Two
24. Kaayyoo Guddina Sadarkaa fl¶»˛J
Kaayyoon kenniinsa Guddina . fl¶»˛Jላማ
24. Objectives of Promotion
Sadarkaa; hojiin hojjetaa ga- fl¶ »˛J qሆሉ ላማ Promotion shall be given for
humsa qabuun akka raawwata-
mu dandeesisuu, bu’aa raawwii : J 8ለ ሠEl vf‚ydf the purpose of executing works
hojii mana hojichaa fooyyeessuu ለማ/Pል flመ† 9Ff fl by competent employees, en-
fi hojjetaa jajjabeessuufiidha. ለJ ለማል vd ሠElf hancing the performance of
government institutions and
25. Haala Kenniinsa Guddina for motivating employees.
1) Hojjetaan mootummaa kami- . fl¶»˛JqሆሉሁeH
yyuu guddina sadarkaaf dor- 25. Ways of Granting Promotion
) ማflም flመf/J ሠEl ለ¶
gomuudhaaf bu’uura Labsii kana 1) Any civil servant shall present
keewwata 12 (1) tiin ragaa mir- v»˛J ለመ„¶ 5¡ህ q¸ qf certificate of competence is-
kaneeffannaa gahumsa kenname ) መሠJ flEሃ fl: J sued pursuant to Article 12(1)
dhiyeeffachuu qaba. ማ˛ሏማ/ማ":qለ5J88 of this Proclamation to com-
2) Hojjetaan mootummaa yeroo
) flሙy —£f †ሃd flመfJ pete for promotion.
yaalii qaxara isaa xumure, raaw-
wii qajeelfama guddina sadarkaa ሠEl5¶»˛Jqሟሜምመመ†
2) Any civil servant who has com-
keessatti haalawwan dorgomuuf pleted his probation period
isa dhorkan yoo jiraataniin ala may compete for promotion
yሌሉ 5/E 5መfJ መ†
guddina sadarkaa gita hojii du- unless he is disqualified in ac-
wwaa manni hojiichaa baasuu 9F /ሉ ለሆ ~J fl መ¶:
cordance with the detail provi-
irratti iyyachuudhaan dorgomuu 5¶ v»˛J 5ማመልyJ ለመ„¶ sions of relevant directives on
ni danda’a.
·Rላል88 promotion.
3) Tareeffamni haalawwan raawwii
Kenniinsa Guddina Sadarkaa bi- ) fl¶ »˛J qሆሉ ሌሎR 3) The Bureau shall issue detailed
roo qajeelfama Biirichi baasuun ⁄⁄ flqሟሜም ሁeHR 7( directives on other conditions
kan murtaa’u ta’a. 5ሚ†ሆ መመ† flሚf
applicable to the promotion of
civil servants.
Labsii Lak. 215/2011 Fuula 16 q¸ሉ 2)05 $4 ˛ 06 Proclamation No. 215/2018 page 16
Kutaa Xiqqaa Sadii fr/~ል/J Sub- Section Three
Jijjiirraa fi Ramaddii ⁄d»ል»ል Transfer and
26. Jijjiirraa Keessaa Redployment
. fl/ሉ⁄
1) Manni hojii mootummaa tokko 26. Internal Transfer
hojii isaaf barbaachisaa ta’ee yoo ) qf» flመfJ መ† 9J 1) A government institution may,
argame, hojimaata ifa ta’e hordo- ለ q/ላ— ሆg †˛i whenever necessary, based on a
fuudhaan hojjetaa mootummaa transparent procedure, transfer
ል flሆa qሠf 5መyEል qf»
tokko mana hojichaa keessat- a civil servant to another sim-
ti sadarkaa gita hojii fi mindaa flመfJ ሠElf 5መ/† 9F
ilar position of an equal grade
walfakkaatu irratti yookiin bak- /ሉ Eመ--· 5ሆa fl ¶d and salary or to another place
ka hojii tokko irraa gara bakka ¶መ⁄ ላ· ·ም yqf» fl ;H of work within the government
hojii kan biraatti jijjiiruudhaan
¶ ሌላ fl ;H 5ማ¢ ሊ†ሠ institution.
hojjechiisuu ni danda’a.
2) Notwithstanding the provisions
2) Keewwata kana keewwata xiqqaa ·Rላል88
of sub-article (1) of this Article,
1 jalatti kan tumame jiraatus, ) 5¡ህ qf f/ qf (1) a civil servant may, without
mana hojichaa irratti balaan akka
hin qaqqabne ittisuuf yookiin flE¶a˛˛7gም5መ†9Fላ· affecting his salary, be tempo-
miidhaa balaan kun qaqqabsiise q¶ vf„·¶/ ለመyላyል ·ም rarily transferred to another
sirreessuuf hojjetaa mootummaa position, for not more than a
q¶ †¶f ˇ„J ለማ/E|yል
tokko mindaan isaa osoo hin year, irrespective of the grade
8ል qf»f flመfJ ሠEl or type of functions where it is
hir’ifamin yeroo waggaa tokko
hin caalleef jijjiiruun hojjechisu- ¶መ-·a/yqf»መJላል5ለሃ required to prevent the occur-
un ni danda’ama. —£q¢(ማሠJ·Rላል88 rence of danger or to rectify the
3) Hojjetaan mootummaa sababa damages caused by such danger
) flመfJ ሠEl 5ለd መH~
rakkoo fayyummaatiin gita hojii to the government institution.
qabate irratti yookiin bakka hojj- ም~f†J 5† fl መ¶: ·ም 3) Where it is proved by a medical
etaa jiru irratti hojjechuu kan hin 8ለ5Jfl;Hላ·qለሊሠ መPሉ certificate that a civil servant
dandeenye ta’uu isaa ragaa mana 5ሐ{ምማ/˛ሉ8- who has completed his proba-
yaalaatiin yoo mirkanaa’ee: tion period is unable to carry
(ሀ) -·¶ሊመ¶:5JflሚRል
(a) Gitni hojii duwwaa sadarkaa out the functions of his position
walfakkaatu itti ramadamuu ~J fl መ¶: |ለ 5† or to reside in his place of work
danda’u yoo jiraate sadarkaa ¶·ም due to his health condition, he
qabateen; yookiin shall be transferred to anoth-
)ለ( 5Eመ-·- ¶ መ¶:

(b) Sadarkaan gita hojii duwwaa er suitable position or place of
walfakkaatu kan hin jirre yoo flሚRል5J ~J fl መ¶:
work with:
ta’ee fi hojjetichi sadarkaa yሌለdEl
ሠ ⁄"8ለ¶ላ· (a) The same grade where such
gadi aanaa irratti hojjechuuf
ለ ¶l yሆa ¶ vacant position is available; or
hayyamamaa yoo ta’e sadark-
/ flመ¶: (b) A lower grade where a va-
aan isaa hir’ifamee gara gita
cant position of the same
hojii yookiin bakka hojii isaaf ·ምfl;H·¢ል88
mijaa’uutti ni jijjiirama. grade is not available and he
) flqf» flመfJ ሠEl fl is willing to be transferred to
4) Gitni hojii hojjetaa mootum-
maa tokkoo kan haqame yoo መ¶: flE vf¶ሆa 5መ† 9F a position of lower grade.
ta’e, mana hojii isaa keessatti gara /ሉ Eመ--· ¶ „ለ fl 4) Where the position of a civil
gita hojii sadarkaa walfakkaataa servant is abolished, he shall be
qabuutti ni jijjiirama. transferred to another position
of an equal grade within the
government institution.
Labsii Lak. 215/2011 Fuula 17 q¸ሉ 2)05 $4 ˛ 07 Proclamation No. 215/2018 page 17
27. Eeggatummaadhaan Hojjechiisuu . 5Eሃ88aJማሠJ 27. Acting Assignment
1) Hojjetaa mootummaa tokko ) ሁeHR †/˛»• qf»f 1) Where circumstances so re-
haalli dirqisiisaan yoo jiraate quire a civil servant may be as-
flመfJ ሠEl yqf» መJ
yeroo waggaa tokkoo hin caal- signed to a higher position in
leef gita hojii sadarkaa olaanaa ላል5ለሃ—£y†ለ¶8ለfl
an acting capacity for not more
ta’e irratti eeggatummaan akka መ¶: ላ· 5Eሃ88aJ vf‚ሠ
hojjetu taasisuun ni danda’ama. than a year.
2) Tumaan keewwata kana keew-
ማ»·Pላል88 2) Notwithstanding the provision
wata xiqqaa 1 jiraatus, hojjetaa ) fl¡ህ qf f/ qf ( ) »f of sub-article (1) of this Article
mootummaa barnoota yookiin 7gም yqf» መJ 5ላ· ለሚ¸ a civil servant may, following
leenjii waggaa tokko ol ta’e fud-
JምህJ ·ም /ልሃd flሄ¶f
transparent and competitive
hachuuf deeme bakka buusuuf procedure, be assigned to high-
yookiin hanga yeroo barumsichi flመfJ ሠEl ለመE|J
er position in acting capacity to
yookiin leenjichi fudhatutti gita JምህF·ምልሃdለሚ˘ replace a civil servant who is on
hojichaa irratti hojjetaa biroo —£ »/ fl መ¶6f ል 5ሆa education or training program
ulaagaa ifa ta’een dorgomsiisuun
መ/J5»»5Eሃ88ሠEl that lasts more than a year.
eeggatummaadhaan hojjechisu-
un ni danda’ama. ማሠJ·Pላል88
3) Any civil servant assigned in an
3) Hojjetaan mootummaa kami- acting capacity shall be entitled
) ማflም flመfJ El

yyuu eeggatummaadhaan akka to acting allowance.
5Eሃ88aJ vf‚ሠ¶;H

hojjetu yammuu taasifamu 4) The Bureau shall issue detailed
durgoon eeggatummaa iddi- flEመ¶5flEሃ88aJq5ል·yለል88 directives on assigning em-
chaaf ramadame ni kaffalamaaf. ) flመfJ ሠEl 5Eሃ88aJ ployees enacting basis and the
4) Haala hojjetaan mootummaa amount of acting allowances.
/ለሚመ¶:5J ሁeH flEሃ88aJ
eeggatummaan ramadamu,
durgoon eeggatummaa itti kaf- q5ል flሚyል5Jd መሃb 7(
falamuu fi hanga isaa Biirichi qa- flqምመመ††ሆል88
jeelfama raawwii ni baasa. 28. External Transfer
1) A government institution may,
28. Jijjiirraa Alaa . yሌላመ†9Jflሚ¶⁄ whenever necessary and the re-
1) Manni hojii mootummaa tokko ) qf» flመfJ መ† 9J cipient and sender government
hojiidhaaf barbaachisaa ta’ee yoo institutions as well as the civil
ለ q/ላ— ሆg †˛id
argamee fi manni hojii fudhatuu servant so agree, transferring
fi kennu, akkasumas hojjetaan ላ{dE8·መ†9KRvf‚ሁም
compliance with the regulation
yoo waliigale hojjetaa mootum- ሠEl /ማሙ 5መመ† based on competition a civ-
maa tokko sadarkaa gita hojii fi መJ q„»( qf»f flመfJ il servant to a similar position
mindaa walqixa ta’e irratti qa-
jeelfama hordofuun dorgomsiisee ሠEl vzል 5ሆa ¶d ¶መ⁄ of equal grade and salary from
jijjiiruun Biiricha beeksisuu qaba. q¢( ለማሠJ 7(f ማ-" another government institution
2) Manneen hojii mootummaa by notifying the Bureau.
Naannoo Oromiyaa, manneen 2) Where Oromia regional gov-
) flw(ሚ†flመfJመ†9KR
hojii naannoolee biroo fi man- ernment institutions, other
neen hojii mootummaa Feder- flሌላ~ልልflመfJመ†9KRd regional governments’ institu-
aalaa yoo waliigalan, akkasu- fl)”ል መfJ መ† 9KR tions and federal government
mas Biirichi yoo mirkaneesse institutions so agree and when
yE/ማሙ vf‚ሁም 7( |˛ሃ
hojjetaa mootummaa tokko
the Bureau approves it, a civ-
naannoo biroo fi manneen ho- qf»f flመfJ ሠEl yሌሎR
jii mootummaa federalaa irraa
il servant may be transferred
~ልሎRd y)”ል flመfJ
gara manneen hojii Mootummaa from other regional and feder-
መ† 9KR ¶ w(ሚ† ~ልል al government institutions to
Naannoo Oromiyaatti sadark-
aa fi mindaa walqixa ta’e irratti flመf/J መ† 9KR vzል Oromia regional government
jijjiiree hojjechiisuu ni danda’a. 5ሆa ¶d ¶መ⁄ q¢( ማሠJ institutions to similar position
of equal grade and salary.
Labsii Lak. 215/2011 Fuula 18 q¸ሉ 2)05 $4 ˛ 08 Proclamation No. 215/2018 page 18
3) Hojjetaan mootummaa sadarkaa ) 5Eመ--· ¶ ለመሃ †መለyE 3) A civil servant who competed
gita hojii walfakkaataa irratti qa- flመf/JሠEl5»»yEመሃ and selected for appointment
xaramuuf iyyate, dorgomiidhaan to a position of a similar grade
yoo filatame sirna jijjiirraatiin 5⁄ J vf‚መ¶:
shall be assigned through trans-
akka ramadamu ni taasifama. ·¶ል88
4) Abbaa warraa fi haadha war- fer procedure.
raa walitti fiduuf jecha, hojjetaa ) flJ„ q(Rf ለማ˛diJ 8ል 4) A civil servant may, for the
mootummaa tokko sadarkaa qf»f flመf/J ሠEl 5Eመ--· purpose of re-union of spous-
fi mindaa walfakkaataa irrat- ¶d¶መ⁄·ምEመ--·¶d es, be transferred to a position
ti yookiin sadarkaa fi mindaan of equal grade and salary or,
walfakkaataan yoo hin argamne ¶መ⁄ |ልE˛i ¶ሞ 5ሠEl
where there is no such position
ammoo waliigaltee hojjetichaan /ምምaJ ⁄" 8ለ ¶ ላ· q¢(
and the civil servant so agrees,
sadarkaa gadi aanaa irratti
jijjiiruudhaan hojjechiisuun ni
ማJ·Pላል88 to a position of lower grade.
danda’ama. ) 5¡ህ qf f/ qf ( ) 5) Without prejudice to sub-ar-
5) Keewwaata kana keewwata xiqqaa flE¶a˛˛ vf¶Eሃ5 ሆg 5¡ህ ticle (4) of this Article, a civil
4 jalatti kan tumame akkuma ee- servant transferred pursuant
qf መሠJ flሚ¢ ሠEl
ggametti ta’ee, bu’uura keewwata to this Article shall not lose the
kanaatiin hojjetaan jijjiiramu, ak- fl~ልል መfJ ሠEoR ሕ
salary and benefits acquired by
kaataa seerri hojjettoota mootum-
maa naannoo ajajuun sadarkaa
5ሚ† መሠJ 5† fl virtue of his grade and service
gita hojii duraan qabatee fi saba- ¶d 5q˛ልሎJ መb ም~f†J before the transfer incompli-
ba bara tajaajila isaatiin mindaa †˛n fla5 ¶መ⁄d መ:KN ance with the regional civil ser-
fi mirgoonni biroo argachaa ture vice laws.
jalaa hin hir’ifamu. 6) Without prejudice to sub-ar-
6) Keewwata kana keewwata xiqqaa ) 5¡ህ qf f/ qf ( ) v/y
ticle (1) to (5) of this Article,
1 – 5 jalatti kan tumaman akku- ) flE¶a˛ˇJ vf¶Eሃ5 the Oromia Regional Govern-
ma jirutti ta’ee, Mootummaan
Naannoo Oromiyaa hojiidhaaf ሆa flw(ሚ† ~ልላ መfJ ment, whenever it is deemed
barbaachisaa ta’ee yoo argame ለ q/ላ— ሆg †˛i qf»f necessary, may transfer a civil
hojjetaa mootummaa tokko servant to work from one Gov-
flመfJ ሠEl yqf• መ†
mana hojii mootummaa tokko ernment Institution to another
irraa gara mana hojii mootum- 9J ¶ ሌላ መ† 9J q¢(
maa biraatti jijjiiree hojjechiisuu ማሠJ·Pላል88 7) The Administrative Council
ni danda’a.
7) Tumaa keewwata kana keewwata ) fl¡ህ qf f/ qf 6 »ff may issue detailed directives on
xiqqaa 6 ilaalchisee Manni Ma- 5EመለyE flመ/E„» ም~ 9J sub-article (6) of this Article.
ree Bulchiinsaa qajeelfama raaw- flqሟሜምመመ††ሆል88
wii ni baasa. 29. Secondment
1) A civil servant may, where it
29. Jijjiirraa Ergisaa . flJ/J⁄ is necessary and the govern-
1) Manni hojii mootummaa erguu
) ላ{ flመfJ መ† 9Jd ment institution and the civil
fi hojjetichi yoo waliigalan, hojj-
etaan mootummaa mana hojii ሠEl/ማሙqf»fflመfJ servant so agree, be seconded
mootummaa biraa yookiin mana to another government insti-
ሠEl 5ሌላ flመfJ መ†
hojii mootummaa naannoo tution or regional government
yookiin dhaabbilee misoomaa 9J·ምfl~ልልመfJመ†
institution or public enterprise
mootummaa yookiin dhaabbilee 9J ·ም flመfJ flልማJ or non-governmental organiza-
miti mootummaa yeroo waggaa
»¸J ·ም መfH „ልሆb tions to perform a specific duty
tokko hin caalleef ergisaan jijjii-
ramee akka hojjetu taasisuun ni »¸KRyqf»መJለማ·5ልሉ—£ for a period not exceeding one
danda’ama. year.
5J/J E¢( vf‚ሠ ማ»

Labsii Lak. 215/2011 Fuula 19 q¸ሉ 2)05 $4 ˛ 09 Proclamation No. 215/2018 page 19
2) Manni hojii mootummaa kami- ) ማflም flመfJ መ† 9J 2) Where it is necessary, any gov-
yyuu hojiidhaaf barbaachisaa ለ q/ላ— ሆg †˛i y~ልል
ernment institution may take
ta’ee yoo argame mana hojii an employee on secondment
መfJ መ† 9J ·ም
mootummaa naannoo yookiin from public enterprise, region-
dhaabbilee misoomaa mootum- flመf/J ልማJ »¸KR ·ም al government institution or
maa yookiin dhaabbilee miti መfH |ልሆa »¸J qf»f non-governmental organiza-
mootummaa irraa hojjetaa tok- tion for a period not exceeding
ሠEl yqf» መJ ለማ·5ልሉ —£
ko yeroo waggaa tokko hin caal- one year.
leef ergisaan jijjiiree hojjechiisuu 5J/Jq¢(ማሠJ·Rላል88 3) Notwithstanding sub-article
ni danda’a. ) 5¡ህqff/qf( flE¶a˛˛
) (1) of this Article, the Regional
3) Keewwata kana keewwata xiqqaa Government may transfer a civ-
7gም fl~ልሉ መfJ 5~ልል
il servant on secondment, with-
1 jalatti kan tumame jiraatus,
·ም 5ሕ⁄: ላ· flሚ¶/ q¶f out affecting his salary, from
mootummaan naannichaa balaa
ለ ·ም q¶ †¶f the region’s one government
naannoo yookiin ummata irra
institution to another govern-
gahu tokko ittisuuf yookiin ba- ˇ„J ማ/ለ E|yል 8ል qf»f
ment institution or based on
laan erga gahee booda miidhaa flመfJ El
ሠ 5† ¶መ⁄ the request of a regional state
geessise sirreessuf jecha hojjetaa to a government institution
yqf» fl~ልሉ flመfJ መ†
mootummaa tokko mindaa qa- of such state, for a period not
bateen mana hojii mootummaa 9J¶ሌላflመfJመ†9J
exceeding one year to prevent
naannichaa tokko irraa gara yqf»መJማ·5ልሉ
ለ —£5J/J the occurrence of danger to the
mana hojii mootummaa biraatti q¢(ማሠJ·Rላል88 country or the public or to rec-
yeroo waggaa tokko hin caalleef tify the damages caused by such
) 5¡ህqff/qf( መሠ) J
ergisaan jijjiiree hojjechiisuu ni occurrence.
danda’a. 5J/JflE¢ሠEl8- 4) Where a civil servant seconded
4) Bu’uura keewwata kana keew- (ሀ) ¶መ⁄d ማflም ሉ"ሙ in accordance with sub-article
wata xiqqaa 1 tiin hojjetaan er- 5⁄ ም~f†J -·a/
(1) of this Article:
gisaan jijjiirame: (a) His salary and other benefits
5JJ q¢( 5ሚ† shall not be affected because
(a) Mindaa fi faayidaan isaa kami-
yyuu sababa jijjiirichaatiin osoo መ/†9J·ሜምለHል of his secondment and shall
irraa hin hir’ifamiin, mana hojii (ለ) fl qሟሜም ምd ለF
be settled by the institution
ergisaan jijjiiree hojjechiisuun to which he is seconded;
5JJ q¢( 5ሚ† (b) His performance shall be
ni raawwatamaaf.
(b) Bu’aan madaallii raawwii መ/† 9J EሞልK ለሆ evaluated by the institution to
hojii mana hojii jijjiirraa er- መ†9J·Eላለ(ል
which he is seconded and be
gisaan fudhatee hojjechiisuun submitted to the employer;
(ሐ) fl‚2ሊf ሉ(J flሜመ vf¶ሆa
(c) Commits a disciplinary
guutamee mana hojii hojjeti-
5J/JE8መ/†9Jለሆ offence, the institution to
cha qaxareef ni darba.
መ† 9F y⁄⁄ ማ/ which he is seconded shall
(c) Badii naamusaa kan raawwate
inform same to the employ-
yoo ta’e, manni hojii ergisaan †- ል ሆ መ† 9Fም
er together with detailed
fudhate tarreeffama ragaa ˇ„f qሆK E˛7f vም evidence; and the employer
waliin mana hojii qaxareef ni shall, upon investigating the
beeksisa; manni hojii qaxares case, take appropriate mea-
dhimmicha qoratee tarkaanfii sure as necessary.
barbaachisaa ta’e ni fudhata.
Labsii Lak. 215/2011 Fuula 20 q¸ሉ 2)05 $4 ˛ @ Proclamation No. 215/2018 page 20
30. Ramaddii . »ል»ል 30. Redeployment
1) Manni hojii mootummaa gur- ) flመfJ መ† 9J q‚/ 1) Any government institution
maa’iinsa haaraa qoratee hojiirra shall redeploy its employees on
q¶˘J qሉfK E8 †¶
yoo oolche hojjettoota isaa dor- the basis of competition when
gomsiisuudhaan ramadee hojja- ሠEoNf 5ማ„¶ ¶ል»ሎ it implements a new organiza-
chiisuu qaba. ማሠJqለ5J88 tional structure.
2) Gitni hojii duwwaa mana hojii 2) The filing of a vacant position
) 5ማflም flመfJ መ† 9J
mootummaa kamiiyyuu keessat- in any government institution
ti argamu, hojjetaa mootummaa flሚ/ሉ ˛n~Jflመ¶:yሌላ
through redeployment of a
mana hojii mootummaa biraa flመfJ መ† 9J 5ሚ¶ለ¶ል permanent civil servant from
irraa dhufeen ramaddiin akka
flመfJ ሠEl vf‚†⁄ another government institu-
qabamu kan taasifamu, manni
flሚ¶˛መ†9FflE·ም tion shall be made only where
hojii isaa yoo cufame yookiin
the government institution
humni namaa hanga barbaada- yሚ†/ል˛ fl X·ል 5ላ·
muu ol yoo jiraate yookiin gitni is closed or it has redundant
g ·ም fl መ¶6 flE manpower or the position of
hojii yoo haqamee fi Biirichi ra-
maddicha yammuu murteessu yሆad»ል»ሉf7(/f·ም the civil servant is abolished
yookiin mootummaadhaan yoo 7(5መf/JH⁄a88 and the Bureau so decides or
ajajameedha. instructed by the Government.
) 5¡ህ qf መሠJ flሚ¶ለ¶ል
3) Bu’uura keewwata kanaatiin 3) A civil servant redeployed pur-
ሠEl ¶ም ል ·¥J 5a5 suant to this Article shall be en-
hojjetaan ramadamu mindaa fi
faayidaaleen sababa bara tajaa- ¶d 5q˛ልሎJ መb ም~f†J titled to his previous salary and
jila isaatiin dursee argachaa ture †˛n fla5 ¶መ⁄d ሉ"ሞN benefits acquired by virtue of
jalaa hin hir’ifamu. his grade and service.
4) Hojjetaan mootummaa dhaab- 4) When a permanent civil ser-
bataa sababa muudamaan gita ho- ) &ሚ flመfJ El
ሠ 53መJ vant, who is appointed as gov-
jii irratti ramadamee ture irraa yoo ም~f†JyEመ¶55Jflመ¶:ላ· ernment official is relieved from
ka’e, muudama irraa yeroo ka’u his post, shall be redeployed to
muuxannoo fi barnoota qabuun a position on the basis of his
gita hojii isaaf malu irratti beeka- ⁄˘J †ሟሊ ላ 5ሚRል flመ¶:
experience and qualification
mtii Biirichaan ni ramadama. ላ·57(v"d·መ¶8ል88 when the Bureau approves.
Kutaa Xiqqaa Afur SUB- SECTION FOUR
Haala Raawwii Hojii
31. Madaallii Raawwii Hojii flqሟሜም
31. Performance Evaluation
1) Kaayyoon madaallii raawwii . flqሟሜምምd 1) The purpose of performance
hojii karoora hojii irratti kan
) fl qሟሜም ምd ላማ 5 evaluation shall, based on work
bu’uureffate ta’ee:
(a) Hojjetaan mootummaa ka- v"»ላ·flEመሠEሆg8- plans, be to:
miyyuu hojii isaa baay’ina, (a) Enable a civil servant to ef-
(ሀ) ማflም flመfJ ሠEl
qulqullina, yeroo fi baasii ee- fectively discharge his duties
f 5ሚሃ5 መሃf in accordance with the ex-
gamuun haala guutuu ta’een
akka raawwatu gochuuf; ሉJ —£ vd ሎ 5Eሟላ pected volume, quality, time
(b) Madaallii raawwii hojii itti ሁeHvf‚†ydfለማ» and cost;
fufiinsa qabu gaggeessuun (b) Evaluate a civil servant on
(ለ) EyHH· fl qሟሜም ምd
ciminaa fi hanqina hojjetaa continuous basis and identi-
mootummaa adda baasuun 5ማ|ሄ» flመf/J ሠElf fy his strength and weakness
raawwiin hojii isaa itti aanu ሃf|d ¶|ማ gR 5መለflJ with a view to improving his
akka fooyyaa’uu fi bu’a qa- ሆ fl qሟሜሙ vf‚ልd future performance;
beessa ta’u gahoomsuuf;
ለHማvf‚ሆfለማ: J
Labsii Lak. 215/2011 Fuula 21 q¸ሉ 2)05 $4 ˛ @1 Proclamation No. 215/2018 page 21
(c) Fedhii leenjii fi fooyya’iinsa flመfJ
(ሐ) ሠElfflልሃdd (c) Identify the training and im-
hojjetaa mootummaa sirriitti flመል ላJ 5J~~ል ለ·K provement needs of a civil
adda baasuun beekuuf; servant;
(d) Onnachiiftuu bu’aa irratti
(d) Provide incentives based on
hundaa’e kennuuf; (መ) 5ለJ ላ· flEመሠE ማJ—†
(e) Manni hojii mootummaa results;
ragaa qabatamaa irratti hun- (e) Enable the government in-
)ሠ( flመf/Jመ†9F5Eሌ8ሑ
daa’ee murtiiwwan bulchiin- stitution to make its person-
saa akka kennuu dandeessi- መ ላ· Eመ/K q/E„¶
nel administration decisions
suufiidha. eRf
- vf‚ሉማ/ለ Pልa88 based on facts.
2) Sirni madaallii raawwii hojii ) 5መf/J መ/† 9J /ሉ 2) The performance evaluation
manneen hojii motummaa kees-
satti hojiirra oolu: ላ· flምል fl qሟሜም ምd system to be implemented by a
(a) Ragaa qabatamaa fi ifa ta’e J8- government institution shall:
irratti hundaa’uun bu’aa (ሀ) ልd 5Eሌ8ሑ መ/ ላ·
(a) Enable transparent and evi-
madaallii raawwachuuf kan dence based objective evalu-
flEመሠE flለJ ምd
dandeessisu; ation of performance results;
(b) Hojiin raawwatame baajata ለማydfflሚ†/Rል
(b) Enable the verification of
ramadame, yeroo, baay’inaa (ለ) flEyda yEመ¶5
fi qulqullina hojii waliin wal-
actual performance results
bira qabuun bu’aa sirrii ta’e
5˘J —£ መሃfd ሉJ in comparison with the
madaaluuf kan dandeessisu; 5ማaሟሜ J~~ለlf ለJ planned budget, time, vol-
(c) Hojimaata garee fi kaka’umsa ለመመfflሚ†/Rል ume and quality;
waliinii kan guddisu; (c) Encourage team work and
(ሐ) fl6»fqሠfdflEa-7aJf
(d) Hojjettoota mootummaa common initiatives;
yookiin gareewwan gidduut- flሚ†-»
(d) Promote healthy competi-
ti miira waldorgommii ho- መ)( 5መfJ EoR
ሠ ·ም
jii fayyaalessa uumuudhaan tion among civil servants and
6»gR መ|yል dማ
ለ fl
bu’aa mana hojii fooyyessuuf teams to improve institution-
kan gargaaru; al performance results;
(e) Raawwii hojii walitti fufiinsa 9FfJለ ማል
ለ flሚ†⁄ (e) Enable impact assessment of
qabuu fi hojiiwwan waldee- (ሠ) 5qሟሜም EyHH·aJd performance results among
ggaran gidduutti bu’aan ho-
Eመ7aJ 8ላM R successive and interrelated
jii isa tokkoo isa biraa irratti
dhiibbaa geessisuu danda’u መ|yልqf•5ሌላlለJላ· tasks.
gamaggamuuf kan dandeessi- flሚ†-»f Eg ለመ˛ም˛ም
su ta’uu qaba. 32. Determination of Salary Incre-
ment and Incentives
32. Haala Daballi Mindaa fi Onna- 1) A civil servant shall be entitled
chiiftuun Itti Murtaa’u . fl¶መ⁄ሑማdማ5HPq-f
to salary step increment every
1) Hojjetaan mootummaa dabala-
ta gulantaa mindaa kan argatu
) flመfJ ሠEl fl¶መ⁄ vyf two years based on his perfor-
bu’aa madaallii raawwii hojii ሑማ flሚ†˛i 5 qሟሜም mance evaluation result.
irratti bu’uureffachuun waggaa ምdለJላ·5መመ/J5flሁለJ 2) Without prejudice to sub-arti-
lama lamaan ta’a. መF·ሆdል88 cle (1) of this Article, a civil ser-
2) Tumaan keewwata kana kee- vant shall be provided with in-
) fl¡ህ qf f/ qf (#) »f
wwata xiqqaa 1 akkuma jirutti centive based on performance
ta’ee, bu’aa raawwii hojii bu’uur- vf¶Eሃ5 ሆg fl qሟሜም
effachuun hojjetaa mootummaaf ለJf መJ 5ማ» ለመf/J
onnachiiftuun ni kennama.
Labsii Lak. 215/2011 Fuula 22 q¸ሉ 2)05 $4 ˛ @2 Proclamation No. 215/2018 page 22
3) Sirna raawwatiinsa madaallii ) 7( fl qሟሜም ምd 3) The Bureau shall issue detailed
raawwii hojii, dabala gulantaa /ለሚydf5J J flvyf directives on performance
fi onnachiiftuu haala itti ken- evaluation system, salary step
ሑማ vd ማ5HP /ለሚሉ5J
namuu danda’u ilaalchisee Biir- increment and provision of in-
ichi qajeelfama raawwii ni baasa. ሁeHflqሟሜምመመ††ሆል88 centive.

Kutaa Afur Section Four

Sa’aatii Hojii fi Hayyama Working Hours and Leaves
Kutaa Xiqqaa Tokko flJd »
Sub- Section One
Sa’aatii Hojii fr/~ልqf» Working Hours
33. Sa’aatii Hojii Idilee
flJ 33. Regular Working Hours
Sa’aatiin hojii idilee hojjettoota
. መ¶5lflJ Regular working hours of civil
mootummaa akkuma haala ho-
servants shall be determined
jichaa fi qilleensaatiin kan mur- flመfJ ሠEoR መ¶5l fl
teeffamu ta’ee, torbanitti sa’aatii
on the basis of the conditions of
J vf¶fl ሁeHd flqfl work and weather conditions,
39 caaluu hin qabu.
ሃ8· flሚf ሆg 5-ምfJ y39 and shall not exceed 39 hours a
34. Sa’aatii Seensaa fi Ba’iinsa Hojii Jመ:ለሉflለ5Jም88 week.
Sa’aatiin seensaa fi ba’iinsa ho-
jii hojjettoota mootummaa ak- 34. Office Hours
. flመ7†dመሏJ The time when the office hours
kaataa dambii Manni Maree
Bulchiinsaa baasuun kan mur- flመfJሠEoRflመ7†d of civil servants begins and
taa’u ta’a. መሏ J flመ/E„» ም~ 9J ends shall be determined by
Regulations of the Council of
35. Hojii Sa’aatii Idileen Alaa the Administration.
1) Hojjetaan mootummaa kamii-
yyuu hojii sa’aatii idileen ala . flJJ 35. Overtime Work
hojjeteef boqonnaan bakka bu’u 1) Any civil servant who has
) ማflምflመfJሠEl5J
kan kennamuuf ta’ee, haalli dirq- worked overtime is entitled to
isiisaan yoo jiraate kaffaltiin ni J ለ flማ|| vJ
compensatory leave or over-
raawwatamaaf. flሚሃ ሆg q/˛„R ሁeH |ለ time pay based on his prefer-
2) Haalota hojiin sa’aatii idileetiin ~†·ሜምለHል88 ence.
ala itti hayyamamu, kaffaltii fi 2) The Bureau shall issue directive
) flJ J /ለሚ•8M
haala boqonnaan bakka buusuu on the conditions of overtime
kennamu Biirichi qajeelfama ሁeHR /ለ~† መሃfd
work, amount of payment and
raawwii ni baasa. flማ|| J /ለሚሉ5J ሁeH compensatory leave.
36. Ayyaana Ummataa fi Guyyoota
Boqonnaa Torbanii
36. Public Holidays and Weekly
1) Hojjetaan mootummaa ka- Rest Day
. flሕ⁄: 5ላJ vd fl-ምfJ flJ
miiyyuu, ayyaana ummataa, 1) Any civil servant shall incur no
dJ reduction in his regular pay on
guyyoota boqonnaa torbanii
yookiin murtii mootummaati- ) ማflምflመfJሠEl5ሕ⁄: account of having not worked
in manneen hojii cufaa ta’anii 5ል 5-ምfJ flJ dJ ·ም on public holiday or weekly
oolan hojjechuu dhabuu isaatiin rest day or on a day offices are
mindaan idilee isaaf kaffalamu closed by the order of the Gov-
irraa hin hir’ifamu. ሆa 5ሚሉ5J f 8ለመF ernment.
Labsii Lak. 215/2011 Fuula 23 q¸ሉ 2)05 $4 ˛ @3 Proclamation No. 215/2018 page 23
2) Hojjetaa mootummaa haalli ) fl ሁeH q/˛»… 5ሕ⁄: 5ል 2) Any civil servant ordered to
hojichaa dirqisiisee guyyoota work on a public holiday or on
·ም 5መfJ -e መ†
ayyaana ummataa yookiin murtii a day government institutions
mootummaatiin manneen hojii 9KR ⁄ ሆa 5ሚሉ5J f
are closed by the order of the
cufaa ta’anii oolan akka hojjetu vf‚ሠ flH flመfJ ሠEl Government, due to compel-
yoo ajajame boqonnaan bakka
flማ||Jflሚሃሆgq/˛„¸ ling circumstances, shall be en-
bu’u kan kennamuuf ta’ee, haalli
titled to overtime pay or com-
dirqisiisaan yoo jiraate kaffaltiin ሁeH|ለ~†·ሜምለHል88
ni raawwatamaaf. pensatory leave based on his
) fl¡ህ q¸ qf ) »f
3) Tumaan Labsii kana keewwata 35 preference.
keewwata xiqqaa 1 jiraatuyyuu, 7gም fl ሁeH q/˛»… 3) Notwithstanding the provision
haalli hojii dirqisiisee guyyoota 5-ምfJ flJ dJ vf‚ሠ of Article 35(1) of this Procla-
boqonnaa torbanii akka hojjetu mation a civil servant ordered
flH flመfJ ሠEl 5EyH
hojjetaan mootummaa ajajame to work on a weekly rest day,
guyyaa hojii torban itti aanu -ምfJ fl dJ /ሉ flማ|| due to compelling circum-
keessatti boqonnaa bakka buu- Jvf‚ሃ·¶ል88 stances, shall be granted a com-
famuun akka kennamuuf ni taa- pensatory leave during working
sifama. days of the next week.
Kutaa Xiqqaa Lama »
Sub- Section Two
37. Kaayyoo Hayyama Boqonnaa . flመJJ »ላማ Leave
Waggaa ) flመJ J » flሚሃ
37. Objectives of Annual Leave
1) Hayyamni boqonnaa waggaa kan 1) The purpose of annual leave is
flመfJ ሠEl ለEa —£
kennamu hojjetaan mootummaa to enable a civil servant get rest
yeroo murtaa’eef boqatee tajaa- 5ማ q˛ልሎFf 5H¶ መf/ and resume work with renewed
jila hojii isaa miira haaromeen vf‚ሉልለማ/Pልa88 strength.
akka itti fufu dandeessisuudha. 2) Any newly appointed civil ser-
) ማflም q‚/ Eሆ flመfJ
2) Hojjetaan mootummaa haara- vant shall not be entitled to
wa qaxarame kamiyyuu tajaa- ሠElflq/qf»Jq˛ልሎJ
annual leave before serving for
jila ji’oota kudha tokko kennuu yመ/ሃF 5J flመJ J » eleven months.
isaatiin dura mirga hayyama
flማiJመ:Jflለም88 3) There shall be no payment in
boqonnaa waggaa argachuu hin
qabu. lieu of annual leave.
) flመJ J » 5˛f:
3) Hayyamni boqonnaa waggaa 4) Notwithstanding sub-article (3)
q·ለሉም88 of this Article, payment may be
maallaqaan hin jijjiiramu.
4) Keewwata kana keewwata xiqqaa ) 5¡ህ qf f/ qf ( ) / made for unused annual leave
3 jalatti kan tumame jiraatuyyuu, flE¶a˛˛ 7gም flሠEl due to termination of appoint-
tajaajilli hojjetichaa kan addaan ment, and when confirmed that
q˛ልሎJ flE&ሃd flመJ J
citee fi hayyamni boqonnaa wag- annual leave may not be grant-
gaa barbaachisummaa hojiitiin • 5 q/ላ—aJ flማ·ሃ ed as the service is needed. The
kan hin kennamneef ta’uun isaa መሆbyE˛ሃ¶5˛f:Eለሊ details of its implementation
yoo mirkanaa’e gara maallaqaatti shall be determined by direc-
jijjiiramee ni kaffalamaaf. Haalli ·yለል88 qሟሜሙ 5ሚሆ
tives to be issued.
raawwii isaa qajeelfama bahuun መመ†flሚf·ሆdል88
kan murtaa’u ta’a.
Labsii Lak. 215/2011 Fuula 24 q¸ሉ 2)05 $4 ˛ @4 Proclamation No. 215/2018 page 24
38. Guyyoota Hayyama Boqonnaa . flመJJ »dJ 38. Duration of Annual Leave
Waggaa ) qf» መJ †˛ለ˛ለ flመfJ 1) A civil servant shall be entitled
1) Hojjetaan mootummaa waggaa to annual leave of 20 working
ሠEl fldJflመJJ
tokkoo tajaajile hayyama boqonnaa days for his first year of service.
waggaa guyyoota hojii 20 ni argata. »†˛lል88 2) A civil servant having a service
2) Hojjetaan waggaa tokkoo ol tajaa- ) yqf» መJ 5ላ· †˛ለ˛ለ ሠEl of more than a year shall be
jile tajaajila dabalataa waggaa tok- entitled to additional leave of
ko tokkootiif guyyaan hojii tokko one working day for every ad-
tokko irratti idaa’amee hayyama qf» fl f vflHyለ5J flመJ
ditional year of service; provid-
boqonnaa waggaa ni argata; ta’us J »†˛lልሆgምflሚሃ ed, however, that the duration
hayyamni boqonnaa waggaa tok-
flqf» flመJ J » y30 of annual leave shall not exceed
ko keessatti kennamuuf guyyoota
flgRመ:ለሉflለ5Jም88 30 working days.
hojii 30 caaluu hin qabu.
3) Previous service rendered in
3) Tajaajilli duraan mana hojii ) 5ሌላ flመfJ መ† 9J ¶ም
mootummaa biraa keessatti ken- any government institution and
ል flEሃ q˛ልሎJ 5¡ህ qf regional government institu-
name raawwii keewwata kana
keewwata xiqqaa 2 tiin kan her- f/ qf ( ) qሟሜም flሚH: tion shall be considered for the
regamu ta’a. ·ሆdል88 application of sub article (2) of
this Article.
39. Kenniinsa Hayyama Boqonnaa
. flመJJ »qሆሉ 39. Granting of Annual Leave
1) Hayyamni boqonnaa waggaa karo- ) flመJ J » flመ† 1) Annual leave shall be grant-
ora mana hojichaa bu’uura taasifa- 9Ff "» መሠJ 5ማ»d ed within the budget year in
chuudhaanii fi hanga danda’ametti accordance with a leave made
5EPለ መሃf flሠElf ላJ
akkaataa fedhii hojjetaa madaaleen known to the civil servants and
sagantaa qophaa’uu fi hojjetichiis 5ማመ¢f 5ሚ˘d ሠElም leave plan prepared on the basis
akka beeku taasisuun bara baajati- vf‚† 5ሚ¶ 2(ም of due consideration of the in-
chaa keessatti ni kennama. መሠJ55˘JመF·ሆ/ሉ ል88 terest of the government office
2) Hojjetaan boqonnaa waggaa and, as much as possible, the
yeroo fudhatu mindaa ji’a itti bo- ) ሠEl flመJ J •f
preference of each civil servant.
qonnaa irra turu dursee fudha- 5ሚ/»5J —£ 5J ላ· 2) A civil servant shall be enti-
chuu ni danda’a. flሚ#·5Jffl¶መf5"»ሚ† tled to advance payment of his
3) Tumaan Labsii kana keewwata monthly salary at the time of
37 (2) jalatti tumame akkuma ji-
taking his annual leave.
rutti ta’ee, hojjetaan mootummaa ) fl¡ህ q¸ qf ) »f
3) Without prejudice to the pro-
tokko ji’oota kudha tokko erga vf¶Eሃ5 gሆ qf» flመfJ visions of Article 37(2) a civil
xumuree booda bara baajataa
ሠ q/qf»f|ሃd5^ላ servant after the completion of
tajaajila kenne keessatti baay’ina
bara tajaajila isaatiin boqonnaan 8˛ለ˛ለ5J5˘JመJሃ
ለ q˛ልሎJ 11 months shall be granted an-
waggaa herregamee akka ken- nual leave in proportion to the
namuuf ni taasifama. service rendered.
EልKvf‚ሃ·¶ል88 4) A civil servant who resigns af-
4) Bu’uura keewwata kana keew-
wata xiqqaa 1 tiin barri baajataa ) 5¡ህqff/qf( መሠ) J ter taking his annual leave in
xumuramuun dura hojjetaan fl5˘JመFyመሃd5JflJ accordance with sub-article (1)
mootummaa hayyama fudhatee of this Article before the end of
» /… q˛ልሎFf 5 »
tajaajila isaa fedhiidhaan addaan the budget year shall be liable
†&ሃ flመf/J El q˛ልሎJ to pay back part of the advance
kute yeroon tajaajila ittiin hin
kennine herregamee yeroo bo- †ልሃ5J —£ H/; 5 » ላ· salary for which he has not ren-
qonnaa irra ture mindaan kaffal- v†ለ flEyለf ¶መ⁄ vf‚መል/ dered service.
ameef akka deebisu ni taasifama.
Labsii Lak. 215/2011 Fuula 25 q¸ሉ 2)05 $4 ˛ @5 Proclamation No. 215/2018 page 25
40. Hayyama Boqonnaa Waggaa . flመJJ »ማ/Eላለ 40. Postponement of Annual Leave
Dabarsuu 1) Notwithstanding the provi-
) fl¡ህq¸qf »f
) 7gም
1) Tumaan Labsii kanaa keewwa- sions of Article 39(1) of this
ta 39(1) jiraatus, sababa haal- fl ሁeH 5ማ/˛¶• ም~f†J
Proclamation, the head of a
li hojichaa dirqisiisuun manni መ† 9F ለሠEl flመJ government institution may
hojichaa hojjetaaf hayyama bo-
J •f 55˘J መF /ሉ authorize the postponement
qonnaa waggaa isaa bara baa-
of annual leave for two budget
jatichaa keessatti kennuufii kan ሊሃ †ልPለ vf¶ሆa flመ†
hin dandeenye yoo ta’e, itti gaa- years, where the government
9Ffl5ላ·XላyሁለJfl5˘JመJ office, due to compelling rea-
fatamaa olaanaa mana hojiitiin
yeroo bara baajata waggaa lama ላል5ለሃ —£ ሊ†/Eላል ·Rላል sons, is unable to grant a civil
hin caalleef dabarsuu ni danda’a. ሆgም †ልEሃመ5J flመJ J servant his annual leave within
Ta’us hayyamni boqonnaa wag- the same budget year; provided
» 5/El 5˘J መJ
gaa itti hin fayyadamin bara baa- however, that the accumulated
jataa sadaffaa irratti hojjetichaaf ለሠElመሃJqለ5J88 leave shall be granted to the
kennamuu qaba. ) fl¡ህ q¸ qf ) »f civil servant in the third budget
2) Tumaan Labsii kanaa keewwata year.
7gም ማflም flመfJ
37(3) jiraatus, manni hojii moo- 2) Notwithstanding the provisions
tummaa kamiiyyuu bu’uura kee- መ†9J5¡ህqff/qf
of Article 37(3) of this Procla-
wwata kana keewwata xiqqaa 1 ) መሠJ flመJ J • mation, a civil servant whose
tiin boqonnaa waggaa isaa bara
baajataa lamaaf jala darbuuf bo- ለሁJ fl5˘J qመJ ለሚEላለ5Jd annual leave is postponed for
qonnaan hayyama waggaa kun • 5˛f: Eለሊ vf‚ሃ
two years in accordance with
maallaqaatti jijjiiramee akka sub-article (1) of this Article
ለሚሃ·" ሠEl 5˘J 5"»ሚ†
kennamuuf hojjetaa gaafateef, may claim payment, and the
dursa baajata qabsiisuun boqon- 5ማ/†⁄ yEላለ flመJ J government institution shall
naa bara baajata biraatti darbe » /ሉ flመ˘መ†f flqf» make the payment for the first
keessaa kan waggaa tokkoo isa year of the accumulated annual
መJ J » :P 5˛f:
duraa qofti qarshiitti jijjiiramee leave from a budget allocated
akka kennamuuf taasifamuu Eለሊvf‚ሃማ»qለ5J88 for such purpose.
qaba. ) flqf» መfJ ሠEl flመJ 3) Where payment is made to a
3) Hayyamni boqonnaa waggaa
J » 5˛f: ለሉ civil servant in lieu of his accu-
hojjetaa tokkoo maallaqaat-
ti yammuu jijjiiramu mindaa mulated leave, his daily salary
flሠEl flqf» f ¶መ⁄
hojjetichaa guyyaa tokkoo kan shall be calculated by dividing
flሚH5 fl ¶መf 5 dJ his monthly salary by 30 days.
herregamu mindaan ji’a tokkoo
guutuu guyyaa 30’f hiruudhaan 5ማ|ልa88
ta’a. 41. Unused Annual Leave
1) Where the appointment of
. †ልE¶flመJJ »
41. Hayyama Boqonnaa Waggaa a civil servant is terminated,
Hin Fudhatamne ) flመfJ ሠEl q˛ልሎJ payment shall be made to the
1) Hojjetaa mootummaa tajaajilli civil servant for the number of
5መ&ሄ †ልE¶ flመJ J
isaa addaan cite hayyamni bo- working days of unused annual
qonnaa waggaa hin fudhatamne » fl dKR :P H/5
guyyootni hojii qofti herregamee 5˛f:Eለሊ·ሃል88
maallaqatti jijjiiramee ni ken-
Labsii Lak. 215/2011 Fuula 26 q¸ሉ 2)05 $4 ˛ @6 Proclamation No. 215/2018 page 26
2) Tumaan keewwata kana kee- ) fl¡ህ qf f/ qf ( ) »f 2) The provision of sub-article (1)
wwata xiqqaa 1 bu’uura Labsii 5¡ህ q¸ qf መሠJ of this Article shall not apply
kana keewwata 28tiin jijjiirameef to the civil servant transferred
ለE¢ ·ም 5qf መሠJ
yookiin bu’uura keewwata 30’tiin
under Article 28 of this Proc-
hojjetaa mootummaa ramada- ለE¶ለ¶ለflመfJሠElEሚ
meef raawwatiinsa hin qabu. q·ሆfም ሆgም ሠEl 5a55J
lamation or redeployed under
Ta’us hojjetichi mana hojii moo- Article 30 of this Proclamation;
flመfJ መ† 9J 5¡ህ q¸
tummaa duraan keessa turetti provided, however, that the un-
bu’uura Labsii kana keewwata qf ) መሠJ flEላለለJ
used leave that had been post-
40 (1)’tiin hayyamni boqonnaa flመJ J » ¶ E¢5J
waggaa darbeef gara mana hojii poned as specified under Arti-
·ም ¶ E¶ለ¶ለ5J flመfJ
mootummaa itti jijjiirame yooki- cle 40(1) of this Proclamation
in ramadametti ni darbaaf. መ†9J·EላለለHል88
shall be transferred to the gov-
ernment institution to which
42. Hayyama Dahumsaa . flሊ» »
1) Hojjettuun mootummaa ulfa ta- he is transferred or redeployed.
) aሄflሆaRflመfJሠEl8-
(a) Qorannoo fayyaa ulfa ish- (ሀ) yv⁄d flE†† flለd 42. Maternity Leave
eetiin walqabate taasisuuf ak- ምመለማ»ሐ{ም5ሚ† 1) A pregnant civil servant shall
kaataa ogeessi fayyaa ajajuun
መሠJ ¶መ⁄ flሚyል5J be entitled to:
hayyamni mindaan itti kaffal-
amu ni kennamaaf. »·ሆHል (a) paid leave for medical exam-
(b) Dahumsaan dura boqonnaa yመለ(ለ) ‰5JJvf»H¶ ination in accordance with a
akka taasiftu ogeessi fayyaa doctor’s recommendation;
ሐ{ም | ¶መ⁄ flሚyል5J
yoo ajaje boqonnaan mindaan
J·ሆHል88 (b) Paid leave before delivery if
itti kaffalamu ni kennamaaf.
2) Keewwata kana keewwata xiqqaa ) 5¡ህ qf f/ qf ( )
recommended by a doctor.
1 jalatti hayyamni tumame akka flE¶a˛˛ » vf¶ ህመም »
2) The leave referred to in sub-ar-
hayyama dhukkubaatti hin lak- ticle (1) of this Article shall not
be considered as sick leave.
3) Hojjettuun mootummaa ulfa ta- ) aሄ flሆaR flመfJ ሠEl
ate yeroon dahumsa ishee yoo 3) A pregnant civil servant shall be
gahu guyyaa nan daha jettee til- entitled to a period of 30 con-
y˛መER5J f 5J EyHH·
maamteen dura guyyoota walit- secutive days of prenatal leave
ti aanan 30 hayyama dahum- dJfl"»መሊ» »vf‚ሁም
preceding the presumed date of
saan duraa, akkasumas guyyaa /Jል» yለ¶R5J f ˘ም(
deesse irraa eegalee guyyoota
her confinement and a period
EyHH· dJ 5qሃ ላ· of 90 consecutive days after her
walitti aanan 90, walumaagalatti
hayyamni dahumsaa guyyoota EyHH· dJ ¶መ⁄ flሚyል5J confinement, in total 120 days
walitti aanan 120 mindaan itti flሊ» »·ሆHል88 of maternity leave with pay.
kaffalamu ni kennamaaf. ) 5¡ህqff/qf( )መሠJ 4) If the pregnant civil servant
4) Hojjettuun mootummaa ak-
kaataa keewwata kana keewwata flመfJሠElflEሆJfl"»መ deliver before the completion
xiqqaa 3 tiin hayyamni dahum- ሊ» » yማለ 5J yለ¶R of the prenatal leave which is
sa duraa kennameef osoo hin †ልEሃመR5Jf fl"»መ ሊ» granted under sub-article (3) of
xumuramiin dura yoo deesse,
» yለ¶R 5^ላ vf»Jሃም5J this Article, the unused prena-
hayyamni dahumsaa osoo itti
hin fayyadamiin hafe erga dees- ·¶ል88 tal leave shall be granted after
see booda akka itti fayyadamtu her confinement.
ni taasifama.
Labsii Lak. 215/2011 Fuula 27 q¸ሉ 2)05 $4 ˛ @7 Proclamation No. 215/2018 page 27
5) Hojjettuun mootummaa hayya- ) flመfJ ሠEl fl¶R 5) If the pregnant civil servant
ma dahumsa duraa fudhattee fl"»መሊ» »†ል"†ልለ¶R
does not deliver on the pre-
osoo hin dahin yoo jalaa dhume sumed date, the days subse-
hanga guyyaa deessutti guyyoot- vf¶ሆa v/yምJል»5J f »/
quently taken before her con-
ni hojii isheen boqonnaa irra 8ሉJfldJflምJ#·5JJ finement shall be replaced by
turtu hayyama boqonnaa wag- 55˘J መF |ላJ flመJ J the annual leave she is entitled
gaa bara baajatichaa irraa yooki- to within the budget year or
» ·ም 55˘J መF flመJ
in hayyama boqonnaa waggaa that of the following budget
kan hin qabne yoo ta’e hayyama » flሌላJ vf¶ሆa yሚሉለ
year if no annual leave is left.
boqonnaa waggaa bara itti aanu fl5˘JመJflJ ‰·E|ል88 6) The civil servant shall be enti-
keessaa bakka bu’aaf.
) flመfJ ሠEl 5¡ህ qf tled to sick leave in accordance
6) Hojjettuun mootummaa ak-
with Article 43 (1) of this Proc-
kaataa keewwata kana keewwata f/ qf ( ) flEaf flሊ»
lamation, if she becomes sick
xiqqaa 3’tiin hayyama dahum- » yሌR 5^ላ :JHመምd
saa murteeffame erga xumur- after completion of her mater-
tee booda yoo dhukkubsattee fi
Eሌማ » flሚ†/ልJ መሆb nity leave under sub-article (3)
hayyamni dabalataa kan ishee 5ሀ{ም yE˛ሃ 5¡ህ q¸ qf of this Article.
barbaachisu ta’uu isaa ogees- ) 5E¶a˛˛ መሠJ flሕመም
7) Any civil servant who encoun-
sa fayyaatiin yoo mirkanaa’e, ters a miscarriage of not less
bu’uura Labsii kana keewwata than six month’s pregnancy
43 xiqqaa 1’tiin hayyama dhuk- ) ማflም/»/JflሞላJaሄ prior to her prenatal leave shall
kubaa fudhachuu ni dandeessi. flሆaR flመf/J ሠEl fl"»መ be entitled to 60 days post con-
7) Hojjettuun mootummaa ulfa ji’a ሊ» » yመ‰ 5J f
finement maternity leave if the
jahaa guutte kamiyyuu, hayyama miscarriage is confirmed by
flE&ሃ8J yሆa ·ህfb flሚ†ሉ
dahumsa duraa osoo hin fud- medical certificate.
hatiin dursee ulfi yoo irraa bahe, flህ~ምd ማ/ /H: fl f 8) If a civil servant on prenatal
ragaa yaalaa kana mirkaneessu fl»ህሊ» »·ሆHል88 leave encounters a miscarriage
yoo dhiyeeffatte hayyamni da- of pregnancy, her prenatal leave
) fl"»መ ሊ» » y¶R 5^ላ
humsa booda guyyaa 60 ni ken- shall terminate and she shall
namaaf. flf/ መ&ሉ |ሃማJ fl¶R
be entitled to the 90 days post
8) Hayyama dahumsaa duraa erga fl"»መ ሊ» ‰ E&ሊ 5¡ህ confinement maternity leave
fudhattee booda ulfi yoo irraa qf fr/ qf ( ) 5E¶a˛˛ referred to in sub-article (3) of
bahe, hayyamni dahumsa duraa this Article.
fudhatte addaan citee, akkaataa መሠJ fl f fl»ህ ሊ» »
9) Any civil servant who encoun-
keewwata kana keewwata xiqqaa ·ሆHል88
ters a miscarriage of three to
3 jalatti tumameen hayyamni ) y/J v/y /»/J 8ለ six month’s pregnancy shall be
dahumsaan boodaa guyyaa 90 ni
flv⁄d —£ /ሉ flf/ መ&ሉ granted 30 consecutive days
9) Hojjettuun mootummaa yeroo †ሃማJ flመfJ ሠEl
leave with pay if the miscar-
ulfaa ji’a 3 hanga 6 keessatti ulfi riage is confirmed by medical
¶መ⁄flሚyል5J EyHH·f
irraa bahuu muudate hayyam- certificate.
ni guyyoota walitti aanan 30
»·ሆHል88 10) Any civil servant shall be enti-
mindaan itti kaffalamu ni ken- ) ማflምflመfJሠElflJ„ tled a paternity leave with pay
namaaf. ¶l/Jል»¶መ⁄flሚyል5J
for 10working days at the time
10) Hojjetaan mootummaa ka- of his wife's delivery.
flf »·ሃል88
miiyyuu haati manaa isaa yoo
deessu hayyamni mindaan itti
kaffalamu guyyaan hojii 10 ni
Labsii Lak. 215/2011 Fuula 28 q¸ሉ 2)05 $4 ˛ @8 Proclamation No. 215/2018 page 28
43. Hayyama Dhukkubaa . flሕመም » 43. Sick Leave
1) Hojjetaan mootummaa kamii- ) ማflም flመfJ ሠEl 1) Any civil servant shall be en-
yyuu sababa dhukkubaatiin hojii titled to sick leave with pay
5ሕመም ም~f†J መJ
hojjechuu kan hin dandeenye yoo where he is unable to work due
ta’e hayyamni dhukkubaa mindaan †ልPለ vf¶ሆa ¶መ⁄ flሚyል5J
to sickness.
itti kaffalamu ni kennamaaf. flሕመም »·ሃል88 2) The duration of sick leave to
2) Bu’uura keewwata kana kee-
) 5¡ህ qf f/ qf ( ) be granted to a civil servant,
wwata xiqqaa 1 tiin hojjetaan
mootummaa yeroo qaxara yaa- መሠJ flሙy —£f ላሃd who has completed his proba-
lii isaa xumure hayyamni dhuk- flመfJ ሠEl flሚሉ flሕመም
tion period, in accordance with
kubaa kennamuuf walitti aansee sub-article (1) of this Article
» 5EyHH· ·ም 5Eለ†fl
yookiin yeroo garagaraa fudhat- shall not exceed eight months
—£ 7/»ም ሕመሙ y¶5J in a year or twelve months in
uus guyyaa jalqaba dhukkubsa-
tee kaasee yeroo ji’a kudha lama flመ˘መ† f qf/K 8ለ q/ four years, whether count-
keessatti ji’a 8 yookiin waggaa ሁለJ —£ /ሉ y/ምfJ ed consecutively or separately
afur keessatti ji’a 12 hin caalu. starting from the first day of his
·ም 5qJ መJ /ሉ yq
3) Keewwata kana keewwata xiqqaa sickness.
2 tiin hayyamni dhukkubaa ken- ሁለJq·5ልሉም88
3) Sick leave to be granted in ac-
namu ji’oota jahaan duraatiif ) 5¡ህqff/qf( )መሠJ cordance with sub-article (2)
mindaa guutuu waliinii fi ji’oo-
flሚflሕሉ መም »ለመ˘መ†N of this Article shall be with full
ta lamaan itti aanaaniif mindaa
walakkaa waliin ta’a. /»/J J yሙሉ ¶መ⁄ pay for the first six months and
4) Hojjetaan mootummaa yeroo vd ለሚሉJ ሁለJ J yማ7
with half pay for the last two
yaalii isaa hin xumuriin yoo months.
dhukkubsate, hayyamni dhuk- 4) A civil servant on probation
kubaa ragaan yaalaa itti dhiyaatu ) flሙy—£f†ላሃdflመfJ shall be entitled to one month
mindaa ji’a 1 waliin ni ken- ሠEl yHመመ flህ~ምd ማ/ sick leave with pay if confirmed
namaaf. flሚ:5J flqf» flሕመም by a medical certificate.
5) Hojjetaan mootummaa kamii- 5) Where any civil servant is ab-
yyuu yoo dhukkubsate: sent from work due to sickness:
(a) Sababni humnaa ol ta’e yoo ) ማflም flመfJ ሠEl
(a) He shall, as soon as possible,
isa muudate irraa kan hafe, Hመም8- notify the government insti-
hanga danda’ametti dhuk-
kubsachuu isaa hatattamaan
(ሀ) yq"ም 5ላ· flሆa ም~f†J tution unless prevented by
mana hojiitiif beeksisuu qaba. |ላሃመ5/E5EPለሉaJ force majeure;
(b) Guyyoota 3’f walitti aansee መHመሙfለመ†9Fማ-"
(b) He shall produce a medical
yookiin bara baajataa tokko certificate in case of absence
keessatti guyyoota 6 oliif sa- for three consecutive days or
baba dhukkubaatiin hojiirraa (ለ) 5EyHH· y/J dJ ·ም for more than six days with-
kan hafe yoo ta’e, dhukkubsa- 5qf»fl5˘JመJy//ሉ »/J in a budget year.
chuu isaatiif ragaa yaalaa dhi- dJ 5ላ· 5ሕመሙ ም~f†J 6) Where a civil servant who has
yeeffachuu qaba. completed his probation and
y fl vf¶ሆa ለመHመሙ
6) Hojjetaan mootummaa qaxara who is on annual leave gets sick
yeroo yaalii isaa xumure boqon- flሕ~ምdማ/ማ":qለ5J88
and presents a medical certif-
naa waggaa irra osoo jiruu yoo ) flሙy —£f †ሃd flመf/J icate, his annual leave shall be
dhukkubsate, ragaa yaalaa dhuk-
kubsachuu isaa mirkaneessu ሠEl 5መJ » ላ· v†ለ interrupted and replaced by
yoo dhiyeesse boqonnaan wag- መHመሙf flሚ†ሉ flህ~ምd sick leave.
gaa isaa addaan citee hayyamni ማ/ |5 flመJ • E&ሊ
dhukkubaa ni kennamaaf.
flሕመም »·ሃል88
Labsii Lak. 215/2011 Fuula 29 q¸ሉ 2)05 $4 ˛ @9 Proclamation No. 215/2018 page 29
7) Keewwata kana keewwata xiqqaa ) 5¡ህqff/qf( )መሠJ 7) The annual leave interrupted
6 tiin boqonnaan waggaa addaan flE&ሃ flመJ » flሕመም pursuant to sub-article (6) of
citee ture, hayyamni dhukkuba this Article shall be resumed
• vf¶Eሃd vf‚ሉል
isaa akkuma xumurameen akka
upon completion of the sick
itti fufu ni taasifama. ·¶ል88
44. Ragaa Yaalaa
. flህ~ምdማ/
1) “Ragaa Yaalaa” jechuun waraqaa 44. Medical Certificate
ragaa biyya keessatti dhaabbata ) “flሕ~ምd ማ/” ማለJ 5ሀ˛ 1) “Medical certificate” means a
fayyaa mootummaas ta’ee kan /ሉ q8: 8ለ 8ለልሆf » certificate issued by a local pri-
dhuunfaa abbaa taayitaa aangoo yEሃ flልም ሆa flመfJ vate or public medical institu-
qabuun hayyamni kennameefiin
flሕ~ምd E&ም flሚሉ ·ም yሀ˛ tion licensed by the appropriate
yookiin biyya alaa irraa kan ar-
game yoo ta’e sirrummaan isaa ሑ flE˛id /ለJ~~ለlaF q8: authority or where it is acquired
abbaa taayitaa aangoo qabuun from abroad it is verified by an
8ለ 8ለልሆf flE˛ሃ flም/~
kan mirkanaa’e jechuudha. authorized body.
2) Waraqaan ragaa dhiyaatu haa- 2) The certificate shall describe
la fayyaa hojjetichaa fi hayyama ) flም/~F/ለመfJሠEl
the health condition and the
dhukkubaa kennamu ibsuu qaba. flለd ሁeHd /ለሚሃ flሕመም sick leave to be granted to a civ-
45. Hayyama Dhimma Dhuunfaatiif
»መለqለ5J88 il servant.
Hojjetaa mootummaa kamiifiyyuu: . ለልˇ„·flሚሉ » 45. Leave for Personal Matters
1) Abbaa warraa yookiin haadha Any civil servant shall be enti-
warraa, ijoollee, firooma dhiiga tled to leave with pay:
yookiin firooma gaa’elaa hanga ) ለJ„ ¶l ለል“R ለ መ»
1) Three days of mourning for his
sadarkaa lamaffaatti lakkaa’amu ·ም v/y ሁለEl ¶ flሚ#ሃ
yoo ta’e gaddaaf hayyamni spouse, children, blood or mar-
fl:P ⁄ም»d yሆa ለሐf 0/J
guyyaa hojii sadii; riage relatives up to second de-
fldJ » gree;
2) Gaa’elaaf hayyaama guyyaa hojii
sadii; fi ) ለ:P0/JfldJ »vd 2) Three days for wedding, and
3) Qorumsaa yookiin gadda hiri- ) ለEd ·ም ለ": ¶l ሃf 3) One day for examination or
yyaa dhiyoof hayyamni guyyaa mourning for a close friend,
qf» fl f » 5qf» fl5˘J
hojii tokko bara baajataa tokko
and within a fiscal year a leave
keessatti hayyamni qorumsaa መJ /ሉ ለEd /»/J fl
yookiin gaddaa guyyoota hojii not exceeding six days for ex-
dJ †ል5ለሃ » y¶መ⁄
jahaa hin caallee;mindaa waliin amination.
ni kennamaaf.
46. Special Leave with Pay
46. Hayyama Addaa Mindaa Waliin . y¶መ⁄flሚሉል » Any civil servant shall be enti-
Kennamu ማflምflመfJሠEl8- tled to special leave with pay:
Hojjetaan mootummaa kamiyyuu:
1) Mana Murtii yookiin qaamota ) y» 9J ·ም yሌሎR ልሆf 1) Where he is summoned by a
biroo aangoon kennameef irraa yEሆM q|ላJ መሉ† ¶ court or any other competent
waamichi yoo dhiyaateef dhimmi flEሃ5Jˇ„·ለሚሃ·—£ authority, for the time utilized
itti waamame yeroo fudhatuuf, for the same purpose;
) yሕ⁄8 ምሏ 5E†† ˇ„·
2) Filannoo ummataa waliin dhimma 2) For cases involving popular
walqabateen yoo ta’e, yeroo filan- ሆf ምሏ ለሚ/»5J —£
election, for the duration of the
noon fudhatuuf hayyamni addaa y¶መ⁄ል »·ሃል88
mindaa waliin ni kennamaaf. election.
Labsii Lak. 215/2011 Fuula 30 q¸ሉ 2)05 $4 ˛ # Proclamation No. 215/2018 page 30
47. Hayyama Addaa Mindaa Malee . †ለ¶መ⁄flሚሉል » 47. Special Leave without Pay
Kennamu ) flመfJ ሠEl 55 ም~f†J 1) Where a civil servant applies,
1) Hojjetaan mootummaa saba- on justifiable ground, for a spe-
¶መ⁄ flማ·yል5J ል »
ba gahaa ta’een hayyama addaa cial leave without pay, the head
mindaan itti hin kaffalamne yoo vf‚ሃ ሃ·"d flመ† of the government institution
gaafatee fi faayidaa mana ho- 9Ff ሉ"ም 5ማ·„ መf˛» ሆf may authorize the granting of
jichaa karaa hin miinen hoggan- such leave a period not exceed-
sa mana hojichaatiin dhiyaate ing one year if it does not ad-
Biiroon yoo mirkaneesse yeroo |˛ሃyqf»መJለማ·5ልሉ—£
versely affect the interest of the
waggaa tokko hin caalleef hayya- ሊ"»ለJ·Rላል88 institution.
mamuufii ni danda’a.
) flመfJ ሠEl 5ሕ⁄: ምሏ 2) Where a civil servant runs for
2) Hojjetaan mootummaa filan-
ለመ„¶ E„„ ሆg : election, he shall be entitled to
noo ummata irratti dorgomaa
leave without pay during the
ta’ee yoo dhiyaate yeroo sochii flምሏ "/- 5ሚ|ሄ»5J "J
filannoo itti gaggeeffamuu fi election campaign and for the
vd ምሏ 5ሚydf5J —£ †ለ duration of the voting.
yeroo filannoon itti gaggeeffamu
hayyamni mindaa malee akka ¶መ⁄ »vf‚ሃ·¶ል88 3) Notwithstanding sub-article
kennamuuf ni taasifama. ) 5¡ህ qf f/ qf ( ) (1) of this Article, where a civil
3) Keewwata kana keewwatni servant applies for special leave
flE¶a˛˛ 7gም ሠEl
xiqqaa 1 jalatti tumame jiraa- without pay due to his assign-
†ለ¶መ⁄ ል » vf‚ሃ ment on a project run by a gov-
tus, hojjetichi hayyamni addaa
mindaa malee akka kennamuuf flሃfl flመfJ መ† 9Jf ernment institution or due to
kan gaafate sababa piroojektii 5ሚመለyJ fl2(˘~J ላ· the assignment of his spouse to
mana hojii mootummaa ilaal- a diplomatic mission abroad, he
5መመ¶6 ·ም flJ„ ¶l
latu irratti ramadamuu isaatiin may be granted with such leave
yookiin hiriyaan gaa’ila isaa hojii ለ‚2ሎማG~ ሚf 5ሑ for the duration of the project
misiyoonii dipiloomaasiitiif bi- ሀ˛ መመ¶: ም~f†J yሆa ል or the completion of the diplo-
yya alaatti ramadamuu isaatiin matic mission.
• fl2(˘~J ·ም fl‚2ሎማG~
yoo ta’e, piroojektiichi yookiin
hojiin misiyoonii dipiloomaasii ሚf v/yሚሃd" ላለ
Section Five
hanga xumuramutti hayyamni —£ሊሃ·Rላል88 Conditions of Work Applicable
addaa kennamuufii ni danda’a. To Members
~ልqም/J Of The Society Deserving
Kutaa Shan
Affirmative Action
Haala Hojii Kutaalee Hawaasaa Eሌማfl»vምflሚ/ልM
48. Conditions of Work Applicable
Tarkaanfii Deeggarsa Dabalataa flZ:E:~ሎRflሁeH to Female Civil Servants
. ለ.JflመfJሠEoRflሚሃ5 1) Any government institution
48. Haala Hojii Hojjettoota Moo-
tummaa Dubartiif Eeggaman flሁeH shall take affirmative action’s
1) Manni hojii mootummaa kamii- that enable female civil servants
) ማflምflመfJ/ †መ 9JJ.
yyuu hojjettoota mootummaa to improve their competence
flመfJ EoRf
ሠ ማ:ለ Jd and to assume decision making
dubartii gahoomsuu fi iddoow-
wan hojii murtii kennuu danda’an ;H
fl5ሎe- Rላ·vf‚መ¶6 positions.
irratti akka ramadaman gochuuf ማ»
ለ flሚ†/Rሉ flEሌማ » 2) Women shall be entitled to
kan dandeessisu tarkaanfii deeg- affirmative actions in recruit-
garsa dabalataa fudhachuu qaba. ment, promotion, transfer, re-
2) Dubartootni raawwii qaxara, ) .KR 5"ሉ 5¶ v»˛J deployment, education and
guddina sadarkaa, jijjiirraa, ra- 5⁄ 5»ል»ል 5JምህJd training.
maddii, barnootaa fi leenjiitiin ልሃd qሟሜም flEሌማ »
tarkaanfii deeggarsa dabalataatti
vምEሃ ሚ·ሆdሉ8
fayyadamoo ni ta’u.
Labsii Lak. 215/2011 Fuula 31 q¸ሉ 2)05 $4 ˛ #1 Proclamation No. 215/2018 page 31
3) Hojjattuu mootummaa ulfa taate ) aሄ flሆaRf flመfJ 3) It is prohibited to assign a preg-
gita hojii qaxarriidhaan yookiin ሠEl 5"ሉ ·ም 5¶ »˛J nant civil servant to a position
guddina sadarkatiin itti rama- other than the position she as-
yEመ¶5R5J fl መ¶: ¶ ሌላ
damte irraa gara gita hojii birootti sumed through recruitment or
ramaduun hojjachiisuun dhork- fl መ¶: መ¶; ማJ flEyለyለ
promotion; provided, however,
adha. Ta’us, fayyummaa isheetiif a ሆgም ለ1 ለfaJ ·ም that where so recommended by
yookiin ulfa isheetiif balaa ta’uu ለf q¶˛l መሆb 5ሕ~ምd ማ/ a medical certificate due to the
isaa ragaa yaalatiin yoo mirka- ˛ሉ E/ማሚ ¶ ሆa fl risk to her health or to the child,
naa’e gara gita hojii yookiin iddoo she shall be transferred to an-
መ¶: ·ም fl ;H Eመ»8
hojii mija’aa ta’etti ramadamtee other position or place of work.
akka hojjattu taasifamuu qaba. vf»Jመ¶qለ5J88
4) Any government institution
4) Manni hojii mootummaa ka- ) ማflምflመf/Jመ/†9J.J
shall not discharge a female
miyyuu hojjattuu mootummaa flመf/JሠElaሄ5ሆaR5J civil servant byway of retrench-
yeroo ulfaa fi guyyaa deesse ir-
—£d yለ¶R5J f ˘ም( 5qJ ment pursuant to Article 87
raa eegalee ji’a afur keessatti ak-
—£ /ሉ 5¡ህ q¸ qf 87 of this Proclamation during
kaataa Labsii kana keewwata 87
tiin hojjetaa hir’isuu taasifamu መሠJ 5ሚ†¶˛ flሠEl "a-
her pregnancy or within four
keessatti hojii irraa gaggeessuun months after delivery.
hin danda’amu. 5) Any female civil servant shall,
) ማflም .J flመfJ ሠEl when confirmed by medical
5) Hojjattuun mootummaa dubartii
kamiiyyuu daa’ima waggaa tok- qf» መJ †ልሞላf ሕሟf ል”f certificate, be entitle to leave
ko hin guunne yaalchisuuf ragaa ለማ-yም 5ህ~ምd ማ/ ለE˛ሃ with pay for the time spent in
yaalaatiin yemmuu mirkanaa’u —£ ¶መ⁄ flሚyል5J » the follow up of medical treat-
hayyamni mindaan itti kanfala- ment of her child who has not
mu ni kennamaaf. attained the age of one year.
) ማflም flመf/J መ/† 9J
6) Manni hojii mootummaa kami- 6) Any government institution
yyuu hojjattoonni dubartoota .J flመf/J ሠEoR ህሟdJ shall establish a nursery where
mootummaa daa’imman isaanii ል“PMf flሚ†ሃ65Jd ህሟdFf female civil servants could
iddoo itti hoosisanii fi kunuun- flሚfy8y65J flህሟdJ ማ#† breast-feed and take care of
san, tursiisa da’immanii hun- their babies; the details of its
ማ&&ም qለ5J88 flqሟሜሙ መመ†
deessuu qaba. Qajeelfamni raaw- implementation shall be deter-
wii isaa qindoomina mannnen flሚመለyE flመf/J መ/†
mined by directives to be issued
hojii mootummaa dhimmi ilaal- 9J 5"f¸J 5ሚ†ሆ መመ† by the appropriate government
latu bahuun kan murtaa’u ta’a. flሚf·ሆdል88 institution.
49. Haala Hojii Hojjettoota Qaama
. ለq|ል ˇ„EoR flሚሃ5 fl
49. Conditions of Work Applicable
Miidhamtootaaf Eeggaman
to Persons with Disabilities
1) Qaama Miidhamtootni raawwii ሁeH
1) Persons with disabilities shall
qaxaraa, guddina sadarkaa, jijji- ) q|ልˇ„EoR5"ሉ5¶»˛J be entitled to affirmative ac-
irraa, ramaddii, carraa barnoot-
aa fi leenjiin tarkaanfii deeggar-
5⁄ 5»ል»ል 5JምህJd tions in recruitment, promo-
sa dabalataatiin fayyadamtoota ልሃd qሟሜም flEሌማ » tion, transfer, redeployment,
ta’uu qabu. vምEሃ ሚመሆfqለ8M88 education and training.
2) Manni hojii mootummaa kamii- 2) Any government institution shall
) ማflምflመf/Jመ/†9Jfl
yyuu naannoon hojii qaama mi- ensure that its working environ-
q|87 ለq|ል ˇ„El ሠEoN
idhamtootaaf mijataa ta’uu isaa ment is conducive to civil servants
mirkaneessuu, meeshaalee hojiif ምN መሆbf ማ˛ሉ ለ with disabilities, provide them
barbaachisan guutuu fi akkaataa flሚ†/ልˇ መ†Rf ማሟላJd with the necessary tools and ma-
itti fayyadama isaa irratti leenjii /ለqሃ ማM q/ላ—f ልሃd terials and train them how to use
barbaachisaa ta’e akka argatan such tools and materials.
gochuu qaba.
Labsii Lak. 215/2011 Fuula 32 q¸ሉ 2)05 $4 ˛ #2 Proclamation No. 215/2018 page 32
3) Manni hojii mootummaa kami- ) ማflምflመf/Jመ/†9J„J 3) Any government institution
yyuu hojjettoota mootummaa shall have the responsibility
ለሚ†/ል˛ flq|ል ˇ„El flሆa
qaama miidhamtoota gargaaraa to assign an assistant for those
isaan barbaachisuuf gargaaraa flመf/J ሠEl E˛7f » civil servants with disability
deeggarsa kennu akka ramada- ሊሉ flሚRል „J vf‚መ¶:ለJ that requires assistance.
muuf itti gaafatamummaa qaba. 4) Privileges prescribed by other
4) Mirgootni qaama miidhamtoot- laws to persons with disabilities
aaf seerota biroon kennaman ) 5ሌሎRሕRለq|ልˇ„EoRflEሄ shall be applicable for the imple-
raawwii labsii kanaatiif kan hoji- መ:KRለ¡ህq¸qሟሟምE8 mentation of this Proclamation.
irra oolu ta’a.
50. Zones and Districts Deserving
50. Godinalee fi Aanaalee Haala Special Treatments
Addaatiin Ilaalaman 1) Zones and Districts having ex-
. 5ልሁeHflሚH¥gRd„R
1) Godinalee fi Aanaalee haala treme weather condition to live
qilleensaa jireenyaaf rakkisaa ta’e, ) ለb( qመO †ልሆa flqfl ሃ8·
in, remoteness, problems of in-
fageenyaa fi rakkoo bu’uuraalee flJd flመE ልማJ R(R frastructure shall be given the
misoomaa qabaniif raawwii qax- advantage of special supports
†ሉ8M ¥gRd „R 5"ሉ
araa, guddina sadarkaa, jijjiirraa, in implementing recruitment,
ramaddii, carraa barnootaa fi 5¶ »˛J 5⁄ 5»ል»ል
promotion, transfer, redeploy-
leenjii ilaachisee deeggarsa daba- 5JምህJd ልሃd qሟሜም ል ment, education and training
lataa akka argatan ni taasifama. practices
2) Hojjettoota mootummaa id- »vf‚†˛j·¶ሉ8
2) The Bureau shall undertake
doo hojii jireenyaaf mijaa’aa hin ) ለb( qመO 8ልሆb ;HR studies on the types and the
taanee keessatti ramadamanii
E¶ል»ለ ·ም Eሉ flሚ provision of hardship allowanc-
yookiin qaxaramanii hojjachaa
es for civil servants recruited
jiraniif kaka’umsa hojii uumuud- flመf/JሠEoRfflEa-7aJ
and redeployed in areas incon-
haaf jecha Biirichi qajeelfama ለመሃ 8ል 7( flማ5HP venient to live to create work
kenniinsa onnachiiftuu (hard-
qሆሉf መመ† 5ማሉdJ motivation and submit same to
ship allowance) qoratee hojiirra
the Administrative Council and,
akka ooluuf Mana Maree Bulchi- ላ· vf‚ል 5መ/E„¶ ም~ 9J
implement it upon approval.
insaa murteessisee hojiirra ni 5ማ/fላ·†ላል88
51. Implementations of Special
51. Haala Hojiirra Oolmaa Deeggarsa . flል»qምሁeH
The Bureau may issue detailed
Hojiirra oolmaa tarkaanfiilee de-
5¡ህ ~ል ለE¶a˛ˇJ flል » directives and procedure for
ggarsa addaa kutaa kanaa jalatti vምRqሟሜም7(መመ†d the implementation of special
tumamaniif Biirichi qajeelfama fi support actions provided for
sirna hojimaataa raawwii baasuu under this Section.
ni danda’a.
Section Six
Kutaa Jaha Safety and Health of Working
flq|87¶ህfaJdለfaJ Environment
Nageenyaa fi Fayyummaa
Naannoo Hojii . ላማdEሟሚaJ 52. Objectives and Applicability
52. Kaayyoo fi Raawwatiinsa 1) The objectives of occupational
) flq|87¶ህfaJdለfaJላማ8-
1) Kaayyoo Nageenyaa fi Fayyum- environment safety and health
maa Naannoo Hojii
(ሀ) flመfJ ሠEl ¶ህfaJd shall be:
(a) Nageenyaa fi fayyummaa ለfaJ 5መሃ5" fl : Jf (a) To maintain the safety and
hojjetaa mootummaa eeguun health of civil servants and en-
gahumsa hojii isaanii gud- hance their productivity;
Labsii Lak. 215/2011 Fuula 33 q¸ሉ 2)05 $4 ˛ #3 Proclamation No. 215/2018 page 33
(b) Iddoo hojii haala nageenyaa (ለ) fl ;Hf ለመfJ ሠEoR (b) To arrange, improve and
fi fayyummaa hojjetaa moo- ¶ህfaJdለfaJ5ሚ/ማማመልz keep suitable work place for
tummaatiif mijaatu qophees- the safety and health of civil
suu, fooyyeessuu fi eeguu; fi
servants; and
(c) Manni hojii mootummaa ji- (ሐ) flመfJ መ† 9J 5
reenyaa hawaasummaa gaarii (c) To guarantee high level per-
5ሆa ማህ5 ሕ·J ላ·
irratti hundaa’ee bu’aa hojii formance of a government
EመK qመ fl ለJ
olaanaa akka galmeessisuu institution based on social
gahoomsuu ta’a. vf‚†/መ:ማ: J·ሆdል88 well-being.
2) Tumaaleen kutaa kanaa hojjetaa ) fl¡ህ ~ል »fR ለ—£† 2) The provisions of this Sec-
yerootiifis raawwataiinsa ni qa- tion shall also be applicable
to temporary workers.
53. Miidhaa Hojiirratti Dhaqqabu . 5ላ·/ለሚ¶/ˇ„J
1) “Miidhaa hojiirratti dhaqqabu” 53. Employment Injury
) “5 ላ· flሚ¶/ ˇ„J” ማለJ
jechuun balaa hojii irratti dh- 1) "Employment injury" means
aqqabu yookiin dhukkuba saba- 5 ላ· flሚ¶/ q¶ ·ም
employment accident or occu-
ba hojiitiin dhufuudha. 5ም~f†Jflሚመሆ57Ha88 pational disease.
2) “Balaa hojii irratti dhaqqabu” ) “5 ላ· flሚ¶/ q¶” ማለJ 2) "Employment accident" means
jechuun hojjetaan mootummaa
hojii idilee isaa raawwachaa flመf/JሠElመ¶5lf any organic injury or function-
osoo jiruu yookiin sababa hojii 5ማydf ላ· v†ለ ·ም y al disorder suddenly sustained
isaa waliin walqabateen qaama 5E†† ም~f†J 5q|ሉ ·ም
by a civil servant during or in
isaa irratti yookiin hojii uumama connection with the perfor-
5q|ሉ flEሉ( E8 ላ· 5»f˛J
qaama isaa irratti miidhaa tasa mance of his work, and shall
gahu yoo ta’u, kanneen armaan flሚ¶/ ˇ„J ሆf flሚyEሉJf
include the following:
gadii ni dabalata: ·ሌምል8-
(a) Hojjetaan mootummaa hojii
(a) Injury sustained by a civil ser-
idilee isaa irraa, iddoo hojii (ሀ) flመfJ ሠEl yመ¶5l vant outside of his regular
isaa yookiin sa’aatiitii hojii fl;H·ምfl work, working place or work-
idileetiin alatti nama aangoon F ሑ ልሆb 5ሚ"»ለJ ing hours, while carrying out
isaa hayyamuun ajaja ken- orders given by a competent
flEሃf J¢⁄ 5መሜም
name raawwachaa osoo jiruu authority;
miidhaa dhaqqabe; ላ·v†ለfl¶fˇ„J
(b) Injury sustained by a civil ser-
(b) Ajajni nama aangoon isaa ልሆ
(ለ) b5ሚ"»ለJflEሃ
hayyamuun kenname jiraa- vant during or outside of work-
J¢⁄ 8·gም flመfJ
chuu baatus, hojjetaan moo- ing hours while attempting to
tummaa balaa tasaa mana ሠEl 5መ† 9F /ሉ save his work place from de-
hojii isaa keessatti dhaqqabe fl¶f»f˛Elq¶5J struction of imminent danger
yeroo hojii yookiin sa’aatiitii ·ም y J ሑ ሉ(J irrespective of an order given
hojii idileetiin ala badii itti- by a competent authority;
ለመyላyል 5ሚመ E8
suuf sababa hojii raawwateen
miidhaa dhaqqabe; ም~f†Jfl¶fˇ„J
(c) Injury sustained by a civil ser-
(c) Hojjetaan mootummaa gara vant while travelling to or from
)ሐ( flመfJ El
ሠ ¶
iddoo hojii isaatti yookiin his place of work by a vehicle
iddoo hojii isaatti tajaajila provided by the government
geejjibaa mootummaan hojj- 9FEoR
ሠለ q˛ልሎJvf‚ሉ institution for the common use
etaaf ramadeen osoo deemaa 5መ¶5 flመ“ q˛ልሎJ of its staff or by a vehicle hired
jiruu yookiin tajaajila geejjibaa
·ም መ† 9F ¡ህ
ለ E8 and expressly destined by the
manni hojii isaa kireeffatee
ifaan ramadeen deemaa osoo 5Eyfld 5ል 5መ¶5 institution for such purpose;
jiruu miidhaa dhaqqabe; flመ“ q˛ልሎJ 5መ⁄ ላ·

Labsii Lak. 215/2011 Fuula 34 q¸ሉ 2)05 $4 ˛ #4 Proclamation No. 215/2018 page 34
(d) Hojjetaan mootummaa mi- (መ) flመfJ ሠEl y (d) any injury sustained by a civil
idhaa sababa raawwii hojii 5E†† E8 ም~f†J servant while present, in con-
isaatiin walqabateen yeroo nection with his duties, in the
y 5J ·ም 5^ላ ·ም
hojii dura yookiin booda work place or premises of the
yookiin hojiin isaa yeroof ለ—£ E&ሊ 5a55J
institution before the com-
addaan citee iddoo hojii —£5;H·ም5መ† mencement or after completion
isaatti yookiin mooraa mana
hojiitti argamee miidhaa irra
/ሉ fl¶5Jf of his work or during any inter-
gahe kamiyyuu; ማflfምˇ„J ruption of work;
(e) Hojjetaan mootummaa hojii (ሠ) flመfJ ሠEl f (e) any injury sustained by a civil
isaa raawwachaa yeroo jiru servant as a result of an action
miidhaa sababa gocha mana of the government institution
hojii isaatiin yookiin qaama 9F ·ም 5/El ˛f »—J
or a third party during the per-
sadaffaatiin irra gaheef. ም~f†Jfl¶5Jfˇ„J88 formance of his work.
3) “Dhukkuba Sababa Hojiitiin ) “5 ም~f†J flሚመሆ 57H” 3) "Occupational disease" means
Dhufu” jechuun hojjetaan moo-
ማለJ flመfJ ሠEl any pathological condition of
tummaa gosa hojii raawwatuun
yookiin naannoo hojii isaatiin yሚሠ fl ·aJ ·ም
a civil servant which arises as
kan ka’e haalota dhibee dhaqqab- a consequence of the kind of
f yሚ†ydf5J q|87
siisaniif saaxilamee turuu isaati- work he performs or because of
flEa- 57Hf ለሚ†/yJሉ ሁeHR his exposure to the agent that
in rakkoo fayyaa irra gahe yoo
ta’u, dhukkuboota duraan turan Eልሊ 5መ#flF ም~f†J fl¶ causes the disease for a cer-
yookiin daddarboo idilee iddoo flለdመH~ሆfa857HRf tain period prior to the date in
hojiitti dhaqabuu danda’an hin which the disease became evi-
·ም 5 ;H መ¶5l Eላላ
dabalatu. dent; provided, however, that
4) Keewwata kana keewwata xiqqaa flሆb57HRfq·ሌምም88
it does not include endemic or
3 jalatti kan tumame jiraatus, ) 5¡ህ qf fr/ qf ( )
sababa hojii idileetiin dhukku- epidemic diseases which are
ba daddarbaa yookiin duraan
flE¶a˛˛ 7gም 5መ¶5l prevalent and contracted in the
turan balleessuu irratti hojjetaa ም~f†J Eላላ ·ም a area where the work is done.
mootummaa bobba’e dhukkuba 57HRf 5ማሉ(J ላ· flEማ 4) Notwithstanding sub-article (3)
kanaan qabame sababa hojiitiin flመf/JሠEl5¡ሁ57HyE†
of this Article, if a civil servant
akka qabameetti ni fudhatama. engaged in combating epidemic
5) Sababa miidhaa hojii irratti dh- 5ም~f†Jflመሆ57Hvf¶†
or endemic disease contracted
aqqabuun hanga miidhaa qa- ·#ሃል88 with such disease, it shall be con-
amaa ga’u bu’uura tumaalee ) 5 ላ· 5ሚ¶/ ˇ„J ም~f†J sidered as occupational disease.
seera soorama hojjettoota moo-
flሚyJ flq|ል ˇ„J መሃf q8: 5) The extent of disability caused
tummaa seera qabeessa ta’een ni
murtaa’a. 8ለ flመfJ ሠEoR ሄH by an employment injury shall
6) Keewwata kana keewwata xiqqaa be determined pursuant to the
1 jalatti kan tumame jiraatus, relevant provisions of the pub-
) 5¡ህ qf f/ qf ( )
hojjetaan ta’e jedhee keessattuu lic servants pension law.
manni hojii dursee qajeelfamoo- flE¶a˛˛ 7gም ሠEl ሆa 6) Notwithstanding the provisions
ta eegumsa nageenyaa fi fayyum- :ሎ5Eለ·ም5መ†9Fq/»ሞ of sub-article (1) of this Article,
maa ifaan kennameef darbuun any injury sustained by the de-
5ል flEሄJf fl¶ህfaJ መሃ5†
yookiin cabsuun qaama yookiin liberate act of the civil servant,
sammuu isaa haala to’achuu hin መመ†R5መEላለ·ም5መሆ/
particularly, by his non-obser-
dandeenyeen dhugaatiin yooki- ·ም aFf ·ም qvም(f
in baala sammuu adoochuun vance of express safety rules
መ#ሆሃ5ማ·Rል5JሁeH5መሃሉ or by reporting to work in a
machaa’ee hojii irratti argamuun
miidhaa irra gaheef akka mi- ·ም 5q¶f¢‹ ~( 5 state of intoxication caused by
idhaa sababa hojiitiin dhaqqa- ላ· 5መ˛iF fl¶5J ˇ„J 5 drinks or drugs shall not be
beetti hin lakkaa’amu. ም~f†Jvf¶¶ˇ„Jq·#ሃም88
deemed an employment injury.
Labsii Lak. 215/2011 Fuula 35 q¸ሉ 2)05 $4 ˛ #5 Proclamation No. 215/2018 page 35
54. Tarkaanfiilee Ittisa Balaa . flq¶መyላy†vምR 54. Safety Measures
1) Manni hojii mootummaa kamiyyuu: ) ማflምflመfJመ†9J8- 1) Any government institution
(a) Iddoon hojii isaa nageenyaa shall have the responsibility to:
fi fayyummaa hojjetaa irratti (ሀ) fl;H5ሠEoR¶ህfaJd
(a) Ensure that the work place
balaa kan hin geesisne ta’uu ለfaJ ላ· q¶ flማ†/yJል does not cause hazard to the
isaa mirkaneessuu fi መሆbfማ˛ሉvd health and safety of civil ser-
(b) Meeshaalee ittisa balaa hojj- vants;
(ለ) flq¶ መyላy† መ†Rf
ettoota isaaniif dhiyeessuu fi (b) Provide civil servants with
akkaataa itti fayyadama isaa ለሠEoR flማ":d
protective devices and mate-
qajeelfama kennuu itti gaafa- /ለqሃ ማM መመ† rials and give them instruc-
tamummaa qaba.
flመ/ሃJXላaJqለ5J88 tions on their utilization.
2) Hojjetaan mootummaa kamiyyuu:
) ማflምflመfJሠEl8- 2) Any civil servant shall have the
(a) Qajeelfamoota nageenyaa fi
fayyummaa eeguuf bahan ka- obligation to:
(ሀ) ¶ህfaJdለfaJfለመሃ5"flሄ
bajuu; (a) observe directives issued in
መመ†Rfflማ~5 relation to safety and health;
(b) Meeshaalee hojii ittisa ba-
laa isaaf kennaman sirnaan ) ለ ( flEJf
ሄ flq¶ መyላy† (b) properly use safety devices
fayyadamuu fi †Rf
መ 5q86flመሃምvd and materials; and
(c) Haalawwan balaa geesisuu (c) Promptly inform the con-
(ሐ) q¶ሊ†/yJሉflሚRሉሁeHR
danda’an jiraachuu isaanii cerned officer of any situa-
መgMf˛ምJለሚመለyE tion which he may have rea-
yoo tilmaamu ittigaafatamaa
mana hojii ilaallaatuuf batta- flመ† 9F Xላ ‚†b son to believe could present
lummatti beeksisuuf dirqama flማ-"”Hqለ5J88 a hazard.
qaba. 3) The Bureau shall:
3) 7(8-
3) Biirichi: (a) undertake studies on meth-
(a) Maloota nageenyaa fi fayyum- (ሀ) fl q|87 ¶ህfaJd ለfaJ ods of maintaining occupa-
maa naannoo hojii eeguu fi it- flመሃ5†d flመyላy† ”Rf tional safety and health;
tisu ni qorata; (b) facilitate the provision of
(b) Manneen hojii mootummaa training for their implemen-
akka hojiirra oolchan haala leen- (ለ) flመfJ መ† 9KR
tation in government insti-
jiin itti kennamu ni mijeessa. ላ· vf‚†ሉJ ልሃd tutions; and
(c) Manneen hojii mootum- /ለሚሉ5JሁeH†መPPል (c) Supervise the implementa-
maa keessatti nageenyaa fi tion of occupational safety
fayyummaa naannoo hojiirra (ሐ) 5መfJ መ† 9KR /ሉ
and health measures in gov-
oolmaa isaa ni to’ata; tarkaan- fl q|87 ¶ህfaJd ለfaJ
ernment institutions and
filee ittisa balaa ilaalchiisee E8 መሆbf ·#ሆሃል shall issue directives regard-
qajeelfamaan ni murteessa.
flq¶ መyላy† vምRf ing safety precaution mea-
55. Miidhaa Qaamaa 5EመለyE5መመ†·dል88 sures.
1) “Miidhaa Qaamaa” jechuun mi-
idhaa hojii irratti dhaqqabu ta’ee, 55. Disability
. flq|ልˇ„J 1) "Disability" means an employ-
miidhaa haala dandeettii hojja-
chuu hir’isuu yookiin dhabsiisuu ) “flq|ልˇ„J”ማለJflመJRሎH ment injury resulting in a de-
hordofsiisuu dha. መa/f ·ም ማሆJf 5ሚ†/yJል crease or loss of capacity to
2) Miidhaan qaamaa hojii irratti work.
dhaqqabu bu’aa miidhaa qaamaa 2) The effect of disability may be
yeroo, miidhaa qaamaa gar-tok- ) 5 ላ· fl¶ flq|ል ˇ„J —£† temporary disability, perma-
kee dhaabbataa, miidhaa qaamaa flq|ልˇ„Jላyልflq|ልˇ„J nent partial disability, perma-
guutuu dhaabbataa yookiin du’a ላ ሙሉ flq|ል ˇ„J ·ም ሞJf nent total disability or death.
geessisuu yookiin dhaqqabsisuu
ni qabaata.
Labsii Lak. 215/2011 Fuula 36 q¸ሉ 2)05 $4 ˛ #6 Proclamation No. 215/2018 page 36
56. Miidhaa Qaamaa Yeroo . —¡†flq|ልˇ„J 56. Temporary Disability
“Miidhaa Qaamaa Yeroo” jechu- "Temporary disability" means a
“—£† flq|ል ˇ„J” ማለJ ለEa
un miidhaa qaamaa yeroo mur- partial or total loss of capacity
taa’eef hojii isaa guutummaan —£ 5ሙሉ ·ም 5yል flመJ
to work for a limited period of
yookiin gar-tokkoon dandeettii RሎHfማሆJa88
hojjachuu dhabuu dha. time.

. ላyልflq|ልˇ„J 57. Permanent Partial Disability

57. Miidhaa Qaamaa Gar-tokkee
Dhaabbataa “ላ yል flq|ል ˇ„J” ማለJ "Permanent partial disability"
“Miidhaa qaamaa gar-tokkee flመJRሎHflሚf/dflማ·»f means incurable employment
dhaabbataa” jechuun miidhaa injury reducing the capacity to
dandeettii hojjachuu hir’isuu fi
hin fayyine hojii irratti gahu dha.
. ላሙሉflq|ልˇ„J
Miidhaa Qaamaa Guutuu 58. Permanent Total Disability
“ላ ሙሉ flq|ል ˇ„J” ማለJ
Dhaabbataa "Permanent total disability"
“Miidhaa qaamaa guutuu dhaab- ˇ„J fl¶5Jf flመfJ ሠEl
means incurable employment
bataa” jechuun hojjetaa mootum- 5ማdMም ¶መ⁄ flሚ†/˛n injury, which prevents the in-
maa miidhaan qaamaa hojii irratti ለመJ flሚyለ~ለ flማ·»f jured civil servant from engag-
dhaqqabe hojii mindaa argamsiisu
kamiyyuu hojjachuuf kan dhorku 5ላ·flሚ¶/ˇ„Ja88 ing in any kind of remunerated
miidhaa hin fayyine dha. work.
. y 5መሆ ˇ„J ም~f†J flሚሉ
59. Yaalaa fi Hayyama Miidhaa Sa- 59. Medical Benefits and Injury
ህ~ምdvd »
baba Hojiitiin Dhufuuf Ken- Leave
namu ) 5 ም~f†J ˇ„J ለ¶5J
1) The government institution
1) Hojjetaa mootummaa sababa flመfJ ሠEl 5ሀ˛ /ሉ
hojiitiin miidhaan irra gaheef shall cover the expenses for
ለሚሄ ለሚyEሉJ flሕ~ምd the following locally provided
baasii tajaajiloota yaalaaf bar-
baachisan kan armaan gadii bi- q˛ልሎKR flሚ†/ል˛ ሎ medical treatments to a civil
yya keessatti kennaman mana 5መ†9F·2dል8- servant who has sustained em-
hojii isaatiin ni uwwifama. ployment injury:
(ሀ) flሃ"ላላd flል ሕ~ምd vf‚ሁም
(a) Baasiiwwan yaalaa waliiga-
fl…ሕ~ምdሎR (a) General and special medical
laa fi addaa akkasumas yaala
baqaqsanii hodhuu; treatment and surgical care;
(ለ) /Hልdflመ»XcJሎR
(b) Baasiiwwan hospitaalaa fi (b) Hospital and pharmaceuti-
qorichaa; cal care;
(መ) flማflም q/ላ— 7
(c) Baasiiwwan geejjibaa; (c) Transport costs; and
(d) Baasiiwwaan nam-tolchee qaa- ምJ~ ·ም Eሌማ q|ሎRd (d) Any necessary prosthetic or
ma namaa bakka bu’uu danda’an flqሉfJሉ˛dሎR88 orthopaedic appliance.
yookiin qaamota dabalataa ka-
) ˇ„J ለ¶5J flመfJ ሠEl 2) The medical treatment to which
miyyuu fi wal’aansa lafee.
2) Hojjetaa mootummaa miidhaan 5¡ህqff/qf( መሠ) J an injured civil servant is enti-
qaamaa irra gahe bu’uura kee- flሚሃ flህ~ምd q˛ልሎJ 5ል tled pursuant to sub-article (1)
wwata kanaa keewwata xiqqaa of this Article shall be provided
flህ~ምd E&ም vf‚ሃ flሚ¶˛
1tiin tajaajilli yaalaa dhaabbata by private medical institutions
dhuunfaatti akka kennamu kan q˛ልሎF 5መfJ flሕ~ምd
where the treatment in ques-
taasifamu tajaajilli dhaabba- E&ማJ ሊሃ flማ·Rል ሆf :P
tion could not be provided by
ta fayyaa mootummaatti ken- a88
namuu kan hin danda’amne yoo public medical institutions.
ta’e qofa dha.
Labsii Lak. 215/2011 Fuula 37 q¸ሉ 2)05 $4 ˛ #7 Proclamation No. 215/2018 page 37
3) Hojjetaan mootummaa kamii- ) 5 ም~f†J ˇ„J fl¶5J 3) Any civil servant who has sus-
yyuu sababa hojiitiin miidhaan tained an employment injury
ማflም flመfJ ሠEl
irra gahe hangi miidhaa isaa shall be entitled to injury leave
ilaalamee bu’uura ragaan yaalaa flˇ„F መሃf H·K 5ህ~ምd ማ/
with pay until he recovers and
ibsuun fayyee hanga gara hojiitti 5ሚ˛ለሜ መJ yˇ„F »g ¶
resumes work or until it is med-
deebi’uutti yookiin sababa mi- v/yሚመለ/ ·ም 5ˇ„F ically certified that he is perma-
idhaatiin dhaabbataan hojjachuu
kan hin dandeenye ta’uu isaa ም~f†J ለ!H መJ flማ·Rል nently disabled.
ragaa yaalaatiin hanga mirka- መሆb 5ሕ~ምd ማ/ v/yሚ˛ሉ 4) Where it is medically certified
naa’uutti hayyamni dhukkubaa that the civil servant is per-
»/ flሕመም » yሙሉ ¶መ⁄
mindaa guutuu waliin ni ken- manently disabled, he shall be
namaaf. entitled to the benefits provid-
4) Hojjetaan mootummaa dhaab- ) flመfJ ሠEl ለ!H ed for under Article 60 of this
bataan hojjachuu kan hin dan- መJ †ለመPሉ 5ሕ~ምd ማ/ Proclamation.
deenye ta’uu isaa ragaa yaalaatiin 5) Where the civil servant inten-
yE˛ሃ 5¡ህ q¸ qf
yoo mirkanaa’e, akkaataa Lab- tionally delays his recovery
sii kana keewwata 60’tiin faay- flE¶a˛ˇJሉ"ሞR·ሃ5ለHል88
by not following the medical
idaaleen tumaman ni eegamuuf. ) ሠEl ሕ~ምdf 5q86
treatment properly or by his
5) Hojjatichi yaala isaa sirnaan yoo
hordofuu baate yookiin ajaja
8ለመyHEሉ ·ም 5ሐ{ምd non-observance of doctor’s in-
ogeessa fayyaatiin kennameef 8ለሙ† flEሃf J¢⁄ 8ለማ~5 structions, his entitlement of
hordoofuu dhabuu isaatiin yaalii ሕ~ምdf †EE vf¶ሆa 5¡ህ medical benefits and leave un-
isaa kan harkise yoo ta’e, bu’uura der sub articles (1) and (2) of
qf f/ qf ( ) vd ( )
keewwata kana keewwata xiqqaa this Article shall cease.
መሠJ flሚሃ ሕ~ምd »
(1) fi (2)tiin yaalii fi hayyamni 6) The Bureau may issue imple-
kennamuuf irraa dhaabbata. ·&ሉ5Hል88 mentation directives regarding
6) Biirichi baasiiwwan yaalaa kee- ) 7( 5¡ህ qf f/ qf the payment of medical ex-
wwata kana keewwata xiqqaa 1 penses referred to in sub-article
) /ለEመለyE flህ~ምd ሎ
tiin ibsaman ilaalchisee qajeelfa- (1) of this Article.
ma raawwii kanfaltii ni baasa. q/መል~K qy(ል qሟሜም መመ†

60. Disability Pension and Gratuity
60. Durgoo Miidhama Sooramaa fi
Beenyaa Miidhaa 1) Any civil servant who has sus-
1) Hojjetaan mootummaa kamii- . flˇ„JሄHq5ልvdflˇ„J„J tained permanent total or per-
yyuu sababa hojiitiin miidhaa ) y 5መሆ flq|ል ˇ„J ም~f†J manent partial disability due
qaama guutuu dhaabbataa to employment injury shall be
ላ ሙሉ ·ም yል flመJ
yookiin qaamaa gar-tokkee irra entitled to the rights and ben-
gaheen dandeettii hojjachuu efits provided for by the public
dhabe mirgoonni fi faayidaaleen ሠEl5መfJሠEoRflሄH servants pension law.
seera sooramaa hojjettoota moo- ሕ flEሄJ መ:KRd ሉ"ሞR 2) Injuries which, although not
tummaa irratti kennaman ni ee- resulting in incapacity to work,
gamaaf. cause serious mutilation or dis-
2) Miidhaan qaamaa cimaa yookiin ) y8» flq|ል ·ም y8» flመል~
figurement of the injured civ-
miidhaan cimaa bifa balleessuu መ5ላ2Jf †/yEለ ˇ„J flመJ
hordofsise dandeettii hojjachuu
il servant, shall be considered
dhaqqabsiisuu baatus, kanfaltii
RሎH ማሆJf 8†/yJልም ለˇ„J permanent partial disability
beenyaa miidhaa fi kenniinsa | qy(ልd ለሌሎR ሉ"ማሉ"ሞR for the purpose of payment of
faayidaalee biroof jecha akka mi- qሆሉ 8ል vf¶ ላ yል flq|ል compensation and other bene-
idhaa qaamaa gar-tokkee dhaab- fits.
bataatti lakkaa’ama.
Labsii Lak. 215/2011 Fuula 38 q¸ሉ 2)05 $4 ˛ #8 Proclamation No. 215/2018 page 38
3) Hamma miidhaa qaamaa mur- ) 5መfJ ሠEoR flሄH ሕ 3) The assessment of the extent of
teessuuf Seera sooramaa hojjet- employment injure as provided
toota mootummaatiin kan tu- for by the public servants pen-
mamee raawwii keewwata kana ለ¡ህqff/qf( qሟ) ሜም sion law shall also apply for the
keewwata xiqqaa 2 tiif hojiirra E8·ሆdል88 implementation of sub-article
kan oolu ta’a. (2) of this Article.
4) Sababa miidhaa irra gaheen ) flመfJ ሠEl 5¶5J ˇ„J
4) Where an employment injury
hojjetaan mootummaa kan du’e ም~f†J flሞE vf¶ሆa 5መfJ has resulted in the death of a
yoo ta’e, bu’uura seeraa soora- civil servant, his survivors shall
maa hojjettoota mootummaatiin ሠEoR flሄH ሕ መሠJ
receive gratuity provided for by
durgoon sooramaa bakka bu’oo- flሄHq5ልለEE{N·yላል88 the public servants pension law.
ta isaatiif ni kanfalama.
61. Tax Exemption
61. Gibira irraa Bilisa Ta’uu . y:a/ለመሆf
Any payment to be made pur-
Bu’uura Labsii kana keewwata
60’tiin kanfaltiin raawwatamu
5¡ህq¸qf መሠJflሚ¶ suant to Article 60 of this Proc-
gibira irraa bilisa ta’a; akkasumas ~† y: a ·ሆdል vf‚ሁም
lamation shall be exempt from
sababa idaatiin qabamuu yooki- tax and may not be attached or
5„ ም~f†J ሊ†⁄ ·ም ማPP† set off, or assigned by the bene-
in waldandeessisuu taasifamu
yookiin abbaan mirgaa dabarsuu ሊ¶·ም8ለመ:Fሊ†/Eላል ficiary.
hin danda’u. q·Rልም88
62. Claims of Compensation from
62. Kanfaltii Beenyaa Qaama Sadaf- Third Party
faarraa Gaafatamu . y/El˛f/ለሚሃfl"fl|~† 1) Where the injury sustained by
1) Miidhaan hojjaticha irra gahe the civil servant is caused by
) 5ሠEl ላ· fl¶ ˇ„J
sababa balleessaa qaama sadaaf- the fault of a third party, the
faatiin yoo ta’e, manni hojii moo- 5/El ˛f ሉ(J ም~f†J fl¶ government institution shall be
tummaa sababa miidhaatiin entitled to claim compensation
vf¶ሆa flመfJ መ† 9F
hanga baasii hojjatichaaf baase from the third party an amount
qaama miidhaa gessiseerraa 5ˇ„F ም~f†J ለሠEl 8ሆ equal to the expenses which it
beenyaa gaafachuuf mirga ni qa- has incurred due to the injury.
baata. 2) In the event that the civil ser-
2) Hojjatichi qaama miidhaa isarra flመሃfl"መ:J·gል88
vant receives compensation
geessise irraa beenyaa kan fud- ) ሠEl ˇ„Ff |¶5J ˛f | from the third party who
hate yoo ta’e, manni hojiichaa
caused injury, the government
bu’uura Labsii kana keewwata 59 flE5ለ vf¶ሆa መ† 9F 5¡ህ
institution may deduct from
(1) fi (3)tiin baasii baase mindaa q¸ qf ) vd ( ) መሠJ the salary of the civil servant
hojjatichaa irraa ni hir’isa. Han-
†ሆf ሎ yሠEl ¶መ⁄ the expenses incurred pursu-
gi beenyaan hojjatichi fudhate
baasii manni hojichaa baase gadi ant to Article 59(1)and (3)of
ላ· ·f-ል ሠEl flE5ለ
yoo ta’e, garaagarummaa isaa this Proclamation. Where the
manni hojiichaa qaama sadaf- fl| መሃf መ† 9F |ሆ amount of compensation re-
faarraa gaafachuu ni danda’a. ሎ†ayሆaልaFfመ†9F
ceived by the civil servant is
less than the cost incurred by
y/El˛fመሃfl"·Rላል88 the government institution, the
institution can claim the differ-
ence from the third party.
Labsii Lak. 215/2011 Fuula 39 q¸ሉ 2)05 $4 ˛ #9 Proclamation No. 215/2018 page 39
Kutaa Torba ~ል8J Section Seven
Qabiinsa Ragaa Hojjettoota flመfJሠEoRflመq††⁄
Managing Information Profiles of
Mootummaa Civil Servants
63. Kuusaa Dhuunfaa . flልማZ¶ 63. Personnel Records
1) Manni hojii mootummaa ka- ) ማflም flመfJ መ† 9J 1) Any government institution
miiyyuu fi Biirichi tokkoon tok- vd 7( /ለv†f„f• flመfJ
and the Bureau shall keep rel-
koo hojjetaa mootummaatiif evant personnel data organized
ሠEl ·ም —£† ሠEl in a modern way regarding
yookiin hojjetaa yeroof haala
hammayyaatiin ragaalee seera ህaJ †ላMf መR 5መd each civil servant or temporary
qabeessa ta’e gurmeessani ni qa- ሁeHq¶¸E··¢ሉ8 employee.
batu. 2) The Bureau shall register the
) 7( 5¡ህ qf f/ qf
2) Biirichi bu’uura keewwata kana human resource information
keewwata xiqqaa 1tiin ragaaleen ) መሠJ flሚላzለJ fl ሀ:J sent to it pursuant to sub-ar-
qabeenya namaa ergamaniif መR ·ህf q¸d q˙f ticle (1) of this Article upon
Labsii kanaa fi qajeelfamoota ascertaining their compliance
ለማ/ሜም flሄ መመ†Rf
Labsii kana raawwachiisuuf ba- with the provisions of this
han kan hordofan ta’uu isaanii flEyEሉ መሆdMf 5ማሉ Proclamation and directives is-
mirkaneessuun ni galmeessa. ·መ8ል88 sued for the implementation of
3) Hojjetaan mootummaa kamii- this Proclamation.
) ማflም flመfJ ሠEl 5ል
yyuu ragaalee kuusaa dhuunfaa 3) Any civil servant shall have
isaa keessatti argaman ilaaluu ማህ¶ /ሉ flሚ˛jJf ማ/R right to access to all informa-
yookiin koppii isaa fudhachuuf flመመልyJ ·ም "—f flመ» tion contained in his personnel
mirga ni qaba. መ:Jqለ8
records or to have a copy there-
4) Hojjettoota bulchiinsaa dhim- of.
) yሚመለyHM flq/E„¶ ሠEoR 4) Any person other than the
mi ilaallatuun alatti, walii-
galtee hojjetaan ala, ajaja mana 5/E †ለሠEl /ምምaJ concerned administrative staff
murtiitiin yookiin bu’uura seer- fl» 9J J¢⁄ ·ም 5ሕ shall not have access to per-
aan tumameen yoo ta’e malee sonnel records of a civil servant
5E¶a˛˛ መሠJ |ልሆa 5/E
namni kamiyyuu kuusaa dhuun- without his consent unless au-
faa hojjetaa mootummaa ilaaluu ማflምflመfJሠElf thorized by a court order or by
hin danda’u. flልማህ¶ማflJq·Rልም88 the provision of the law.
5) Ragaaleen barreeffamaa hojj- 5) It is prohibited to deposit any
) flመfJ ሠEl vf‚†
etaan mootummaa akka beekuu document in the personnel re-
hin taasifamne yookiin hin ib- †ልE¶˛ ·ም †ልE˛ለሜለJf cords of a civil servant which is
samneef kuusaa dhuunfaa isaa flሁ ማ/ 5ል ማህ¶ /ሉ not made known or informed
keessa galchuun dhorkaa dha. to him.

64. Itti Gaafatamummaa Ragaa 64. The Responsibility of Organiz-

Hojjettoota Mootummaa Gur- . flመfJ ሠEoRf መ ing Profile of Civil Servants
meessuu 1) The Bureau shall have the duty
1) Biirichi: to:
(a) Sadarkaa naannooti sirni ) 7(8- (a) Implement uniform human
ragaa hooggansa qabeenya (ሀ) 5~ልል ¶ fl ሀ:J resource management infor-
namaa haala walfakkaatuun qመ መ J 5ሉaJ
mation system at a regional
akka raawwatamu taasisuuf; level;
vf‚E˛5flማ» (b) Organize civil servants data
(b) Daataa beezii ragaa qabeenya
namaa naannichaa gurmeessuuf; (ለ) ~ልላ flመfJ ሠEoRf base at Regional level;
(c) Ragaalee istaatistiksii hojjet- መ&Jflማ¶˘J (c) Collect, compile and dis-
toota mootummaa ilaallatu seminate statistical data re-
(ሐ) ሠEoRfflሚመለyF
sassaabuu, qindeessuu fi tam- lating to civil servants.
saasuuf itti gaafatamummaa /HG/G| መRf
ni qaba. flመ:: flማሃd vd
Labsii Lak. 215/2011 Fuula 40 q¸ሉ 2)05 $4 ˛ $ Proclamation No. 215/2018 page 40
2) Manni hojii mootummaa ka- ) ማflም fl~ልሉ መfJ መ† 2) Any government institution
miyyuu, daataa beezii qabeenya 9J 57( ለሚ¶˘ fl ሀ:J shall have duty to send infor-
namaa Biirichaan gurmaa’uuf mation on timely basis to the
ragaalee yeroo isaa eegee erguuf መ &J መRf "Ff ሃ:#
dirqama ni qaba.
Bureau's human resource data
3) Manni hojii mootummaa kami- base.
) ማflም flመfJ መ† 9J 3) Any government institution
yyuu ragaa tokkoon tokkoon hojj-
etaa isaa Biirichaaf erguu qaba. flv†f„f•f ሠEl መ ለ7( shall send to the Bureau per-
መላ~qለ5J88 sonnel data of every employee.
Kutaa Saddeet
Mirgootaa fi Dirqamoota
Section Eight
65. Itti Gaafatamummaa Manneen ~ል/ምfJ
Hojii Mootummaa Rights and Obligations
መ:KRd”HR 65. Responsibilities of Government
Labsii kanaan tumaaleen itti
gaafatamummaawwan biroo . flመf/Jመ†9KRXላaJ Institutions
ibsaman akkuma eegamanitti 5¡ህ q¸ 5ሌሎR »fR Without prejudice to other pro-
ta’ee, manni hojii mootummaa visions of this Proclamation,
flEመለyFJ XላaKR vf¶Eሃ5
kamiyyuu itti gaafatamummaa any government institution
armaan gadii ni qabaatu: ሆaማflምflመfJመ†
1) Hojjattoonni mootummaa
shall have responsibilities to:
9JflሚyEሉJXላaKR·gHል8- 1) make civil servants fully aware
imammatoota, tarsiimoowwanii
fi seerota irratti hubannoo gahaa ) flመf/J ሠEoR 5መf/J of government policies, strate-
akka argatan taasisuu; 3ሊR /JI—Rd ሕR ላ· gies and laws;
2) Naannoon mana hojii mootum- 2) ensure that its working envi-
maa gochaalee amantii kami- ronment is free from any form
yyuu irraa bilisa ta’uu isaa mir- ) flመ† 9F fl q|87
of religious practices or activi-
kaneessuu; yማflም ·aJ X·ማgH
3) Tokkoon tokkoon hojjetaa moo- ties;
tummaaf ibsa akaakuu hojii ken- E8Jaሟመሆbfflማ˛ሉ 3) provide job description to each
nuu, karoora hojii irratti hun- ) ለv†f„f•flመfJሠElfl civil servant and evaluate his
da’uun bu’aa raawwii hojii isaa performance based on work
⁄⁄ መለሏ flመ/ሃJd 5
madaaluu; plans;
4) Hojjettoota mootummaatiif "» ላ· EመK flሠElf
4) proved necessary work appli-
meeshaalee hojiif barbaachisan flqሟሜምለJflመለ|J
dhiyeessuu fi itti fayyadama isaa
ances to civil servants and ori-
beeksisuu fi ) ለመfJ ሠEoR ለ ent them about their usages;
5) Hojjettoota mootummaatiif flሚ†/ልMfመ†Rflማ":d 5) Create conducive working en-
Naannoo hojii fayyummaa fi na- qሃ ማMfflማ-"vd
vironment to the health and
geenyaaf mijataa taasiisuu. safety of civil servants.
) fl q|87f ለመfJ
66. Dirqamoota Hojjettoota Moo- ሠEoR ለfaJd ¶ህfaJ qመO 66. Obligations of Civil Servants
Hojjetaan mootummaa kamii- ማ»88 Any civil servant shall have the
yyuu, dirqamoota armaan gadii following obligations:
ni qabaata: . flመfJሠEoR”HR
1) be loyal to the public and the
1) Ummataa fi heera mootummaaf Constitution and respect the
amanamaa ta’uu fi ol’aantummaa ማflም flመf/J ሠEl
seeraa kabajuu; flሚyEሉJ”HR·gHል8- 2) effectively execute the laws and
2) Seerotaa fi imaammatoota moo-
tummaan baasuu gahumsaan
) ለሕ⁄:d ለሕ˛ መfF Hማn policies issued by the Govern-
raawwachuu; መሆfdflሕfl5ላ·aJfflማ~5 ment;
) መfJ flሚ†ሆMf ሕRd

3ሊRf5: Jflመሜም
Labsii Lak. 215/2011 Fuula 41 q¸ሉ 2)05 $4 ˛ $1 Proclamation No. 215/2018 page 41
3) Haala kaminiyyuu uummataa fi ) 5ማdMም ሁeH ሕ⁄:fd ሀ˛f 3) serve the public and the coun-
biyya isaa loogii malee tajaajiluu; †ለq»ልflማ˛ል˛ል try without having any form of
4) Beekumsaa fi dandeettii qabu bias;
) መላ Ffd RሎHf ለሕ⁄:
hunda tajaajila uummataaf ool- 4) devote his whole energy and
chuu; q˛ልሎJflማል ability to the service of the pub-
5) Gahee hojii akaakuu hojiitiin ib- ) 5q·aJ⁄⁄flEመለyFJfd lic;
samanii fi ajaja seera qabeessa bi- 5) discharge the functions speci-
5": Xላ flሚሃf ሕ
roo itti gaafatamaa hojii dhiyoo fied in his job description and
irraa kennamu raawwachuu; J¢⁄flመሜም
the lawful orders of his imme-
6) Iddoo hojiitti haala kamini- ) 5ማdMም ሁeH 5 ;H ላ· diate supervisor;
yyuu amantii isaa yookiin gocha
flል vምaaFf ·ም X·ማgFf 6) be reserved from exercising
amantii isaa calaqisiisan raaw-
flሚ†fሜ8"E8qለመሜም any activity or practice reflect-
wachuu dhiisuu;
ing his own faith or religion at
7) Iccitiidha jedhamanii kan adda ) ሚ/ህ E:ለ flEለd 5
bahanii fi carraa hojiitiin iccitii- the place of work;
qሆሚ † Mf flመ† 9Ff 7) not disclose confidential mat-
wwan mana hojii beeke eeguu;
8) Tajaajilamtoota jidduutti koor- ም/ህ(Rflመሃ5" ters of the government institu-
nayaan, afaaniin, sanyiin, ) 5E˛ልR መ|yል 5H 5&f& tion classified as such;
amantaan, ilaalchaa siyaasaan, 8) avoid discriminatory treatment
5 5ሃ·ማgJ 53ለG|
miidhaa qaamaan yookiin haa- of clients on the basis of gender,
qመለ|yJ 5q|ል ˇ„J ·ም language, ethnicity, religion,
lawwan biroo garagarummaa
uumaniin loogii raawwachuu 5ሌሎR ልaJ 5ሚሉ ሁeHR political stand, physical disabil-
dhiisuu; መ»ሎ†ለመሜም ity or other forms of differenti-
9) Tajaajila mana hojii isaatiif ken- ations;
) ለመ† 9F flሚሃf q˛ልሎJ
nu kan hir’isu yookiin haala ka- 9) not engage in any other activity
miniyyuu hojii irratti ramada- flሚ†»ል ·ም 5ማdMም q^f that compromise his service to
mee hojjatu waliin wal falleessu yEመ¶55Jflሚ f·ም the government institution or
yookiin hojjetaa mootummaa otherwise conflict with his du-
ta’uu isaatiin kan waliin hin ties or is incompatible with his
deemne hojii kamiyyuu hojja- ማdMfምሌላ†ለመ/J
status as a civil servant;
chuu dhiisuu; ) f ለ3G| ሉ"ሙ †ለማልd 10) not use his position to ad-
10) Hojii isaa dantaa siyaasaaf ool- 5¡ህምም~f†Jq»ሎ†ለመሜም vance his political interest and
chuu fi sababa kanaan loogii thereby exercise discriminatory
) 5መf/J ሠEnaF ለሃ ·ም
raawwachuu dhiisuu,
11) Hojjetaa mootummaa ta’uu vf‚ሉ ለሚሃ5 q˛ልሎJ
11) not solicit or accept any gift or
isaatiin tajaajila kenneef yooki- ማflfም ·aJ /ሊH ·ም a present having a value in con-
in akka kennu irraa eegamuuf
†ላM a˛(R †ለመሃfl" ·ም sideration of the service he ren-
kennaa gosa kamiyyuu yookiin
wantoota gatii qaban gaafachuu †ለመ5ል ders or expected to render as a
yookiin fudhachuu dhiisuu; civil servant;
) ለ ማydl flEሄJf
12) Meeshaalee raawwii hojiif ken- 12) properly use and handle equip-
መ†Rd መ˛ል˛†R 5q86 ment and implements supplied
namanii fi hojiif tajaajilan haa-
laan itti fayyadamuu fi eeguu; flመሃምdflመሃ5" to him for the purpose of doing
13) Qorannoo “HIV/AIDS” irraa ) yuR q· ?/u»/ 5/E y his job;
kan hafe sababa gahaa ta’ee fi ho- 13) Appear in person for medical
5E†† 55 ም~f†J flህ~ምd
jicha waliin haala walqabateen examination, other than exam-
qorannoo yaalaa akka taasisu ምመ vf‚†¶ 5መf/J ination for HIV/AIDS, when
mana hojii isaatiin yeroo gaafa- መ† 9F ሃfl" ለምመ required by the government in-
tame qorannoof dhiyaachuu; flመ": stitution on sufficient grounds
related to his service;
Labsii Lak. 215/2011 Fuula 42 q¸ሉ 2)05 $4 ˛ $2 Proclamation No. 215/2018 page 42
14) Qajeelfamoota waa’ee fayyum- ) q|87
/ለ ¶ህfaJdለfaJሉ5 14) Observe occupational health
maa fi nageenya naannoo hojii flሄመመ†Rfflማ~588 and safety rules.
eeguuf bahan kabajuu.
67. To Be Liable For Damage
67. Idaadhaan Itti Gaafatamaa Ta’uu . 5„flመሃfl"XላaJ
Hojjetaan mootummaa kami- Any civil servant shall be liable
yyuu meeshaalee raawwii hojii for the damage or loss of equip-
ማydl 5EሄJ መ†Rd
fi tajaajilaaf kennamaniif irratti ment and implements supplied
miidhaa gahuu yookiin badii ga- መ˛ል˛†Rላ·5ሚ¶/ˇ„J·ም to him for the purpose of doing
huuf idaadhaan itti gaafatamaa ሉ(J 5„ Eሃ† flሚሆa ˇ„F his job, where such damage or
kan ta’u, miidhaan yookiin ba- ·ም ሉ(F 5ሠEl MልEnaJ loss is caused by his negligence
diin gahe sababa hojjatichaatiin
·ም ሆa E:ሎ 5Eመ »—J or intentional act.
dagannoo yookiin ta’ee jedhee
kan raawwatamee yoo ta’ee dha. ም~f†Jfl¶vf¶ሆaa88
Section Nine
Kutaa Sagal Disciplinary Measures and Griev-
Tarkaanfiiwwan Naamusaa fi Haala ance Handling
Komiin Itti Hiikamu fl‚/2ሊfvምRvdfl"HqHJ
Sub-Section One
Kutaa Xiqqaa Tokko fr/~ልqf» Disciplinary Measures
Tarkaanfiiwwan Naamusaa
68. Kaayyoo Adabbii Naamusaa
fl‚/2ሊfvምR 68. Objective of Disciplinary Pen-
Kaayyoon adabbii naamusaa . fl‚/2ሊf"ሆJላማ alty
hojjetaan mootummaa hir’ina fl‚/2ሊf "ሆJ ላማ flመfJ The objective of a disciplinary
naamusaa raawwateef balleessaa penalty shall be to cause delin-
ሠEl 5ሜመ fl‚/2ሊf
isaarraa gaabbee of-sirreessuu fi quent civil servant to regret and
ilaalchaa fi amala gaarii akka qa- ˇ»ለJ EK 5qመለ|yFd 5a-
learn from his mistakes and to
baatuu fi hojjetaa gahoome akka ም8 vf‚Hምd : ሠEl
ta’u dandeessisuuf yookiin kan rehabilitate him so as to be-
of hin sirreessine yoo ta’ee hojii come ethically sound civil ser-
ሆg˛nለማd5Ja88 vant or to discharge him when
irraa gaggeessuufii dha.
he becomes recalcitrant.
69. Gosoota Adabbii Naamusaa fi . fl‚/2ሊf "ሆJ ·aKRd
Ramaddii Isaanii
qመ„¶8M 69. Types and Classification of Dis-
1) Hojjetaan mootummaa hir’ina
naamusaa raawwate akkaataa ul- ) fl‚/2ሊfˇ»ለJflሜመflመfJ ciplinary Penalties
faatina balleessaa raawwatameen 1) Depending on the gravity of the
adabbiiwwan kanatti aanaan offence, any one of the follow-
keessaa tokko irratti murtaa’uu ing penalties may be imposed
ni danda’a: (ሀ)fl ልማ/ሃf†
on a civil servant for breach of
(a) Akeekkachiisa afaanii; (ለ)flሑማ/ሃf† discipline:
(b) Akeekkachiisa barreeffamaa; (ሐ) v/y q qም/J f flሚ¶/ (a) oral warning;
(c) Adabbii mindaa hanga
guyyaa kudha shan (15) gahu; fl¶መ⁄"ሆJ (b) written warning;
(d) Adabbii mindaa hanga ji’a sa- (መ)v/y/J flሚ¶/fl¶መ⁄ (c) fine up to 15 day’s salary;
dii gahu; "ሆJ (d) fine up to three month's sal-
(e) Yeroo waggaa lama hin caal- ary;
(ሠ) yሁለJ መJ ለማ·5ልሉ —£
leef sadarkaa hojii fi mindaa (e) down grading for the period
irraa gadi buusuu; y ¶ vd ¶መ⁄ ⁄"
of up to two years;
(f) Hojii irraa gaggeessuu. ማ»
(f) Dismissal.
Labsii Lak. 215/2011 Fuula 43 q¸ሉ 2)05 $4 ˛ $3 Proclamation No. 215/2018 page 43
2) Keewwata kana keewwata ) 5¡ህ qf f/ qf )ሀ( 1 2) The penalties specified under
xiqqaa 1 jalatti (a) hanga (c)tti v/y )ሐ( flEJ "ሆKR ላል sub-article 1(a) to (c) of this
kan tarreeffaman adabbiiwwan
naamusaa salphaa jedhamanii fl‚2fሊ "ሆKRE:ለ·መ¶8ሉ8 Article shall be classified as
ramadamu. ) 5¡ህ qf f/ qf ( መ)() simple disciplinary penalties.
3) Keewwata kana keewwata 3) The penalties specified under
xiqqaa 1 jalatti (d) hanga (f)tti v/y ) ( flEJ "ሆKR y8»
kan tarreeffaman adabbiiwwan fl‚2fሊ "ሆKRE:ለ·መ¶8ሉ8
sub-article 1(d) - (f) of this Ar-
naamusaa cimaa jedhamanii ra- ticle shall be classified as rigor-
) 5¡ህ qf f/ qf ( )(ሠ
madamu. ous penalties.
4) Bu’uura keewwata kana keew- መሠJ y ¶d ¶መ⁄ ⁄"
wata xiqqaa (1) (e)tiin hojjetaan 4) A civil servant who has been
5ማ» flEሆ flመfJ ሠEl
mootummaa mindaa fi sadark- demoted in accordance with
aa irraa gadi bu’uun adabame, fl"ሆJ—£f†ሃd""
paragraph (e) of sub-article (1)
yeroo adabbii isaa xumuru: (ሀ) yመሆF 5J ·¥J ya5
(a) Adabbii naamusaatiin dura of this Article shall be reinstat-
fl መ¶: Eመ--· ~J
gita hojii qabatee ture waliin ed, upon the lapse of his period
kan walfakkaatu gitni hojii flመ¶:|ለ†ለምfምEሌማ of punishment:
duwwaan yoo jiraate sirna
dabalata guddina sadarkaa
fl¶»˛Ja-J (a) When a similar vacant post
tokko malee; (ለ) yመሆF 5J ·¥J ya5 is available, without any pro-
(b) Adabbii naamusaatiin dura fl መ¶: Eመ--· flሆa motion procedures;
gita hojii qabatee ture wali-
in kan walfakkaatu gitni ho- ~J fl መ¶: |ልE˛i (b) In the absence of a vacant
jii duwwaan yoo jiraachuu ~J fl መ¶6 5E˛i —£ post, he shall be reinstated
baate, gita hojii duwwaan to a similar post without any
†ለምfም Eሌማ fl¶ »˛J
yeroo argametti sirna daba-
lata guddina sadarkaa tokko a-J 5 መ¶6 ላ· promotion procedures when
malee gita hojiichaa irratti vf‚መ¶:·¶ል88 it becomes available at a later
akka ramadamu ni taasifama. time.
5) Hojjetaan mootummaa tokko ) qf» flመfJ ሠEl 5‚/2ሊf
naamusaan erga adabamee 5) After a disciplinary measure
booda adabbichi rikoordii has been taken on a civil ser-
ta’ee turuu fi irratti caqa- ሊሃ/5JflሚRለ
vant, such measure shall be re-
samuu kan danda’u: (ሀ) ላል fl‚/2ሊf "ሆJ yሆa "ሆF
(a) Adabbii naamusaa salphaa fer to and remain as a record:
yEa5J f ˘ም( ለሁJ
yoo ta’e, guyyaa adabbichi (a) For two years, where the
murtaa’ee irraa kaasee hanga መJ
penalty is simple;
waggaa lamatti; (ለ) y8» fl‚/2ሊf "ሆJ yሆa "ሆF
(b) Adabbii naamusaa cimaa yoo (b) For five years, where the
ta’e, guyyaa adabbichi mur- yEa5J f ˘ም( ለqም/J penalty is rigorous.
taa’ee irraa kaasee hanga wag- መJ·ሆdል88
gaa shani ni ta’a.
70. Offences Entailing Rigorous
70. Balleessaawwan Adabbii . y8» fl‚/2ሊf "ሆJ flሚ†/yJሉ Disciplinary Penalties
Naamusaa Cimaa Hordofsiisan ሉ(KR Rigorous disciplinary penalties
Balleessaawwan armaan gadii
adabbii naamusaa cimaa kan flሚyEሉJ ሉ(KR y8» fl‚/2ሊf may be imposed for the follow-
hordofsiisanii dha: "ሆJflሚ†/yJሉdM8- ing offences:
1) Ajaja seera qabeessaan kennamu 1) Neglect of duty by being dis-
kabajuu dhiisuu, maal na dhib- ) ሕ Jv¢⁄f 8ለማ~5
deedhaan, dhibaa’uummaad- 5MልEnaJ 5መለ˛ም ·ም ሆa obedient to lawful orders, neg-
haan yookiin ta’e jedhee sirna :ሎ flqሠ a-J ·ም
ligent or tardy or by intention-
hojimaataa yookiin imaamma- al non observance of working
ta mootummaa hordofuu flመf/Jf 3ሊ 8ለመyEል 5
dhabuudhaan hojii irratti mi- procedures and government
idhaa geessisuu; policies;
Labsii Lak. 215/2011 Fuula 44 q¸ሉ 2)05 $4 ˛ $4 Proclamation No. 215/2018 page 44
2) Ta’e jedhee dhimmoota tursiisuu ) ˇ„Rf ሆf :ሎ ማflJ ·ም 2) Deliberate procrastination of
yookiin abbootii dhimmaa ded- 8ለˇ„Rfማመላለ/ cases or mistreatment of cli-
deebisuu; ents;
) vf„·ሠሆf:ሎማ~·ም
3) Hojiin akka hin hojjatamne ta’e 3) To deliberately obstruct work
jedhee jeequu yookiin warra je- yሚ†zJመE85 or to collaborate with others in
eqan waliin wal ta’uu; ) 5ላል fl‚/2ሊf "ሆJ vምR committing such offence;
4) Tarkaanfiiwwan adabbii 4) Unjustifiable repeated absen-
naamusaa salphaadhaan of-sir-
y መ"J ·ም fl J
teeism or non-observance of
reessuu dhabuudhaan sababa
office hours in short of getting
gahaa malee deddeebi’anii hojii qለማ~5
irraa hafuu yookiin sa’aatii hojii lesson in spite of being penal-
) 5;H5ሃ:qሏaJመ¶8¶: ized by simple disciplinary
kabajuu dhabuu;
5) Iddoo hojiitti dubbii kakaasuud- ) 5ልማ„ /| ·ም 5q¶f¢‹ penalties;
haan wal-reebuu; /5መመ⁄fመ5¶ል 5) To initiate and commit physi-
6) Machii barsiifataan yookiin ) ˇ; መ5ል ·ም vf‚ሃ
cal violence at the work place;
araada baala sammuu adoochu- 6) neglect of duty by being alco-
un summaa’uun hojii miidhuu; holic or drug addict;
7) Matta’aa fudhachuu yookiin ) 5 ;H ለሕ⁄: ሞል E c 7) To accept or solicit bribes;
akka kennamuuf gaafachuu; flሆa»—Jመሜም 8) To commit an immoral act at
8) Iddoo hojiitti gocha faallaa
) flሌ:aJ ·ም flvምaJ ማˇ¶ል work place;
hamilee uummataa ta’e raawwa-
9) To commit an act of theft or
chuu; »—Jመሜም
9) Hanna yookiin gocha amantaa breach of trust;
) flማHለል ·ም flማሑ55 »—J
hir’isuu raawwachuu; 10) To commit an act of misrepre-
መሜም sentation or fraudulent act;
10) Gocha gowwoomsuu yookiin
dogongorsuu raawwachuu; ) 5መ† 9F f:J ላ· ሆf :ሎ 11) To inflict damages to the prop-
11) Qabeenya mana hojichaa ir- ·ም5MልEnaJˇ„Jማ»/ erty of the government institu-
ratti ta’e jedhee yookiin dagan- ) 5ልሆfqለq8:መሃም
tion due to an intentional act
noodhaan miidhaa geessisuu; or negligence;
12) Seeraan ala aangootti fayyada- ) 5 ;H ላ· H Jf- ·ም
12) Abuse of power;
muu; ሉ Jመም 13) To commit sexual harassment
13) Iddoo hojiitti miidhaa koor- ) 5¡ህqfyEJEመ--· or abuse at the work place;
nayaa raawwachuu;
~:¶J †ለ ሌላ fl‚2ሊf ˇ»ለJ 14) to commit any breach of dis-
14) Keewwata kanaan kan tar-
cipline offence of equal gravity
reeffaman waliin ulfaatina wal- መሜም88
fakkaatu hir’ina naamusaa kan with the offences specified un-
qabu biroo raawwachuu. der this Article
. fl‚/2ሊfvምq-»

71. Haala Fudhannaa Tarkaanfii ) ማflም flመfJ መ† 71. Taking Disciplinary Measures
Naamusaa 9J መ¶5l fl‚/2ሊf ምመ 1) Any government institution
1) Manni hojii mootummaa ka- shall establish a disciplinary
flሚ†|ሂ»d fl-e ሀ-: ለመ†
miyyuu koree naamusaa qoran- committee which shall con-
noo idilee naamusaa gageessuu 9Ffl5ላ·Xላflሚ†:fl‚/2ሊf
duct formal disciplinary in-
fi yaada murtii itti gaafatamaa ሚIማ&&ምqለ5J88 vestigation and thereby submit
ol’aanaa mana hojiif dhiyeessu ) fl‚/2ሊf "ሆJ flማflfም » recommendations to the head
hundeessuu qaba.
9J -e -·ሃ:" ·ም -·yEል of the government institution.
2) Adabbiin naamusaa murtii Mana
Murtii kamiyyuu osoo hin eegin መf·Rላል88
2) Disciplinary measures may be
yookiin hin hordofiin murtees- taken irrespective of any court
suun ni danda’ama. proceeding or decision.
Labsii Lak. 215/2011 Fuula 45 q¸ሉ 2)05 $4 ˛ $5 Proclamation No. 215/2018 page 45
72. Hojjetaa Hojii irraa Dhorkuun . ሠElfyq…ማ#flJ 72. Suspension Of Civil Servant
Tursiisuu ) ማflfም flመfJ ሠEl from Duty
1) Hojjetaa mootummaa kamiyyuu 1) Any civil servant may be sus-
hojii irraa dhorkuun tursiisuun yq…ማ#flJflሚPለ8-
pended from duty if it is pre-
kan danda’amu: (ሀ) yEሃሃ5J ˇ„· q8:aJ sumed that:
(a) Ragaalee dhimma itti shak-
†ላMf ማ/R 5ማ5ላ2J (a) He may obstruct the in-
kame waliin qunnamtii qaban
balleessuu, dhoksuu yookiin 5መ¶5" ·ም 5ማሉ(J vestigation by concealing,
dhabamsiisuun qorannicha damaging or destroying ev-
ni gufachiisa; idence related to the alleged
(b) Qabeenya mootummaa irratti (ለ) 5መfJ f:J ላ· Eሌማ offence;
miidhaa dabalataa ni geessisa; ˇ„J†¶-ል (b) He may commit additional
(c) Haala ulfaatina badii ittiin offence on the property of
(ሐ) yEy5J ሉ(J ~:¶J qfሟ
himatame waliin walqabatee the government institution;
hamilee hojjettoota biroo kan flሌሎRf ሠEoR ሞል flሚa|
(c) The alleged offence is so
tuqu yookiin ummanni mana ·ም E˛ል ሕ⁄: 5መ† grave as to demoralize other
hojii itti tajaajilamu irratti
amantaa qabaachuu qabu ni 9Fላ·ሊgflሚ˛8fvምaJ civil servants or negatively
faalleessa yookiin †¢8ል·ም affect the public trust to-
(d) Balleessaan raawwatame jed- wards civil servants; or
(መ) Eሜመ flሚ8ለ ሉ(J y
hamu hojii irraa ni gaggees- (d) The disciplinary offence may
sisa jedhamee yoo tilmaama- †d:HልE:ሎ˛መJa88 lead to dismissal.
mee dha. ) 5¡ህqff/qf( መሠ) J 2) A civil servant may be sus-
2) Bu’uura keewwata kana keewwa- pended from duty and payment
qf» flመfJ ሠEl yd
ta xiqqaa 1 tiin hojjetaan moo- of salary in accordance with
tummaa tokko hojii fi mindaa y¶መ⁄ H… ሊ#· flሚRለ
sub-article (1) of this Article
irraa dhorkamee turuu kana yሁለJለማ·5ልሉ—£·ሆdል88
danda’u yeroo ji’a lama hin caal-
only for a maximum period of
leef ta’a. ) 5¡ህqff/qf( )መሠJ two months.
3) Bu’uura keewwata kana kee- flመfJሠElydy¶መ⁄ 3) The decision given in accor-
wwata xiqqaa 2 tiin hojjetaan dance with sub-article (2) of
H… vf‚#· flሚ¶˛ y
mootummaa hojii fi mindaa ir- this Article shall be commu-
raa akka dhorkamee turu kan H… flሚ#·5J —£d y nicated to the civil servant in
taasifamu, yeroon hojii irraa flH˛¶5J ም~f†J 5መ† 9F writing, stating the grounds
dhorkame turuu fi sababa ho- and duration of his suspension
fl5ላ· Xላ ·ም 5E| 5ሑ
jii irraa dhorkameef hoogganaa and signed by the head of the
ol’aanaa mana hojichaa yooki- vf‚˛ለለJ 7(ም 5ል8ሑ
government institution or his
in bakka bu’aa isaatiin bar- vf‚†·¶ል88
reeffamaan akka ibsamuuf Biir- representative and copied to
ichis garagalchaan akka beeku ni ) flመfJ ሠEl 5Ey5J the Bureau.
taasifama. fl‚/2ሊf ሉ(J ም~f†J y 4) Unless a decision of dismissal
4) Hojjetaan mootummaa sababa is rendered against a suspended
vf‚d5J |ልEa5J 5/E
balleessaa naamusaa ittiin hi- civil servant, the salary with-
matameen hojii irraa akka gag- 5v• "J -·yለ fl held during the suspension
geeffamu yoo itti murtaa’een ¶መ⁄†ለለ»·yለል88 shall be paid to him without in-
alatti, mindaan yeroo dhorkaa terest.
keessatti hin kanfalaminiif hafe ) flመfJ ሠEl y
5) The suspension of a civil ser-
dhala malee ni kanfalamaaf. መH˛• ም~f†J y•
5) Hojjetaan mootummaa sababa vant shall not deprive him of
†ልE†† ሌሎR መ:KNfd other rights and duties that are
hojii isaarraa dhorkamuu isaatiin
raawwatiinsa mirgootaa fi dirqa- ”HNfEሟሚaJq†/ም88 not affected by the suspension.
mootaa biroo dhorkamuu isaatiin
wal hin qabanne hin hambisu.
Labsii Lak. 215/2011 Fuula 46 q¸ሉ 2)05 $4 ˛ $6 Proclamation No. 215/2018 page 46
6) Keewwata kana keewwata xiqqaa ) fl¡ህ qf f/ qf ( ) 6) Notwithstanding the provi-
2 jalatti kan tumame jiraatus, flE¶a˛˛ 7gም yd ¶መ⁄ sions of sub-article (2) of this
hojjetaan hojii fi mindaa irraa Article, if the suspension peri-
dhorkamee ture hojii irraa akka H…fl#flሠElyvf‚d5J od of a civil servant form duty
gaggeeffamu yookiin bu’uura ·ም 5¡ህ qf 5f/ qf ( ) and payment of salary expires
keewwata kana keewwata xiqqaa before his dismissal or rein-
መሠJ ¶መ vf‚yለd ¶
4 tiin mindaan isaa akka kanfal- statement with payment of sal-
amuu fi gara hojiitti akka deebi’u vf‚መለ-·¶
/ fl•—£ ary in accordance with sub-ar-
osoo hin taasifamiin yeroon tur- |5 8- ticle (4) of this Article, the head
tii dhorkaa yoo xumurame: of the government institution
(ሀ) flመflF ም~f†J fl‚/2ሊf ~f
(a) Sababa turtii himannaa may extend the suspension for
naamusaatiin himanni isaa flማሆF ሂ¶J /:/:aJ yሆa a period of up to one month:
adeemsi qulqulleessuu wal flመfJ ሠEl ማ7 ¶መ
(a) With payment of half salary
xaxaa yoo ta’e, mindaan wal- if the delay is caused by the
akkaa hojjaticha mootummaa vflEyለ·ም complexity of investigation
kafalamaafi; yookiin ለመflF
(ለ) ም~f†JflሆaflመfJ of the disciplinary charge; or
(b) Sababni turtii hojjetichuma (b) Without payment of salary if
ሠEl yሆa†ለ¶መ⁄~†
mootummaa yoo ta’e, kafaltii the cause of delay is attribut-
mindaan ala; dhorkiin hanga v•v/yqf»»/vf‚ም able to the civil servant him-
ji’a tokkootti akka dheeratu flመ† 9F fl5ላ· Xላ ሊ/f self.
Biirichi murteessuu ni danda’a. 7) If the initial or extended peri-
7) Hojjetaan mootummaa hojii fi ·Rላል88 od of suspension of a civil ser-
mindaa irraa dhorkamee ture ho- ) yd ¶መ⁄ H… fl#fl vant form duty and payment of
jiirraa akka gaggeeffamu yookiin salary expires either before the
bu’uura keewwata kana keew- dismissal of the civil servant or
wata xiqqaa 4 tiin mindaan akka ·ም 5¡ህ qf 5f/ qf his reinstatement with payment
kafalamuu fi gara hojii isaatti ) መሠJ ¶መ vf‚yለd of his salary in accordance with
akka deebi’u osoo hin taasifamin sub-article (4) of this Article,
¶ vf‚መለ/ -·¶
idileedhaanis ta’ee yeroo dhorkaa the suspension from duty and
dheereffame keessatti yoo xumur- መ¶5lም ሆa flEመ fl» payment of salary shall be lifted
ame, dhorkiin hojii fi mindaa ka’ee —£ yEሃd fld fl¶መ⁄
and the investigation of the dis-
himanni naamusaa ilaalamu itti ciplinary charge shall continue;
fufa; ta’us sababa turtii kan ta’an v• Ea/K fl‚/2ሊf ~ መHflJ provided, however, that com-
miseensonni koree fi hoggantoon- ·ሉላል ሆgም ለመflF ም~f†J mittee members and officers re-
ni hojii balleessaa naamusaatiin sponsible for the delay shall be
kan gaafatamaan ta’u. liable for disciplinary offence.
73. Darbiinsa Yeroo 73. Period of Limitation
1) Hojjetaan mootummaa ballees- 1) Disciplinary measure shall not
saa adabbii naamusaa salphaa . fl·—£ be taken against a civil servant
geessisu kan raawwate guyyaa ) ላል fl‚/2ሊf "ሆJ flሚ†/yJል who has committed an offence
balleessaan isaa beekamee irraa entailing simple disciplinary
ሉ(J flመ flመfJ ሠEl
eegalee hanga ji’a jahaatti yoo penalty unless such measure is
tarkaanfiin itti fudhatamuu baate flሜመሉ(JyH5Jf˘ም( taken within six months, from
naamusaan gaafatamaa hin ta’u. v/y/»/Jvም|ልE¶5J the time the commission of the
2) Hojjetaan mootummaa ballees- offence is known.
saa adabbii naamusaa cimaa 2) No disciplinary charge shall be
geessisu raawwate guyyaa bal- ) y8» fl‚/2ሊf "ሆJ flሚ†/yJል brought against a civil servant
leessaan isaa beekamee irraa ሉ(J flመ flመfJ ሠEl
who has committed an offense
eegalee hanga waggaa tokkootti entailing rigorous disciplinary
yoo tarkaanfiin itti fudhatamuu flሜመሉ(JyH5Jf˘ም( penalty such measure is taken
baate naamusaan gaafatamaa hin v/yqf»qመJvም|ልE¶5J within one year, from the time
ta’u. the commission of the offence
is known.
Labsii Lak. 215/2011 Fuula 47 q¸ሉ 2)05 $4 ˛ $7 Proclamation No. 215/2018 page 47
3) Keewwata kana keewwata ) 5¡ህ qf fr/ qf ( ) vd ( ) 3) Notwithstanding the provi-
xiqqaa 1 fi 2 jalatti kan tumamee flE¶a˛ˇJ
/ fl‚/2ሊf~/ማ"7† sions of sub-articles (2) and (3)
yeroo himannaa naamusaa dhi- of this Article, the official who
yeessuuf darbiinsi yeroo jiraatus, fl·—£7gም5·—£˛¶:
has failed to take the measures,
daangaa darbiinsa yeroo kees- /ሉ vም †ል¶ fl Xላ within a period of one year
satti hoogganaan hojii tarkaanfii from the date he became aware
hin fudhanne itti gaafatamaa ta’a. of the offence, shall be liable for
4) Hojjetaan mootummaa ka- ) ማflምflመfJሠEly˛f:
disciplinary offence.
miyyuu mirgoota maallaqaan flE†† መ:KNf ለሚመለyE 4) Any c1aim by a civil servant
walqabatan bara baajataa mirga for payment of money shall be
q|ል መ:Ff 8˛i5J 5˘J መJ
itti argatee keessatti qaama ilaal- barred by limitation unless sub-
latuuf dhiyeessuu yoo baate dar- /ሉ|ላ55··H˛„ል88
mitted to the concerned body
biinsa yerootiin ni hafa.
within the fiscal year of the de-
fr/~ልሁለJ cision.
Kutaa Xiqqaa Lama
Haala Dhiyeeffannaa Komii fi fl"Hq:dqHJ
Hiikkaa Isaa Sub Section Two
74. Komii
. "H Grievance Submission and
Raawwatiinsa kutaa xiqqaa ka- ለ¡ህ fr/ ~ል qሟሜም “"H” Handling Procedures
naaf “komii” jechuun hojjetaan 74. Grievance
ማለJ flመf/J ሠEl y":
mootummaa itti gaafatamaa dhi- For the purpose of application
Xላ ·ም yሚመለyE fl of this Sub-Section, “griev-
yoo yookiin itti gaafatamaa hojii
ilaallatu waliin marii taasifamu- Xላ 5ሚ¶˛ ··J ሊH ance” means a complaint of a
un hiikamuu kan hin dandeeny- †ልPለd 5መ¶5l flማሆJ ሂ¶J
civil servant that could not be
ee fi adeemsa qulqulleessuu resolved through discussion
idileetiin iyyata deebii argachuu ምላ7ሊ†˛nflሚ˛8q9FHa88 conducted with the civil ser-
qabuu dha. vant’s immediate supervisor or
. fl"Hq:dqHJላማ
with the concerned officer and
75. Kaayyoo Dhiyeeffannaa Komii fi should be addressed through a
Hiikkaa Isaa flመfJሠEoR"Hq:d formal review procedure.
Dhiyeeffannaa komii hojjettoo- qHJ flሚyEሉJ ላማR
ta mootummaa fi hiikkaan isaa 75. Objectives of Grievance Sub-
kaayyoowwan armaan gadii ni mission and Handling
qabaata: ) ለ"HR q(ሆn መJሔ
Civil servants’ grievance han-
1) Komiiwwaniif furmaata hatat- flመ/ሃJ dling procedure shall have the
tamaa kennuu;
) ለ"HR መf/ ሊሆb flሚRሉ following objectives:
2) Dogoggorawwanii fi hanqinaalee
1) to provide expeditious remedy
komiiwwaniif ka’umsa ta’uu dan- /ህEKRfd»~መKRfflማምvd
for grievances;
da’an sirreessuu fi
3) Hojjettoota mootummaa hunda
) ሁሉfም flመfJ ሠEoR 2) to rectify mistakes and weakness-
walqixummaan keessumeessuu 5vzልaJ ለማ/Ed˛» flሚ†/Rል vd es that are causes for grievances;
kan dandeessisuu fi hojimaata 3) to provide equitable and fair
haqa qabeessa ta’e mirkaneessu- treatment to all civil servants
un walitti dhufeenya hojii mi- flfjaJflማ„588 and thereby promote smooth
jaawaa gabbisuu. work relationship
Labsii Lak. 215/2011 Fuula 48 q¸ሉ 2)05 $4 ˛ $8 Proclamation No. 215/2018 page 48
76. Koree Komii Qulqulleessaa . fl"HqሆሚIማ&&ም 76. Establishment of Grievance
Hundeessuu ማflም flመfJ መ† 9J Handling Committee
Manni hojii mootummaa ka- Any government institution
yመfJ ሠEoR flሚ†6Jf
miyyuu komii hojjettoota moo- shall establish a grievance han-
tummaa irraa dhiyaatu simachu- "HvflE5ለ5ማሆJfl-eሀ-:
dling committee that conducts
un qulqulleessee yaada murtii ለመ†9Ffl5ላ·Xላflሚ†: grievance inquiry, and submits
hoogganaa olaanaa mana ho-
fl"HqሆሚIማ&&ምqለ5J88 recommendation to the head of
jichaatiif dhiyeessu koree komii
qulqulleessaa hundeessuu qaba. the government institution.
. fl"HqሆሚIE8
77. Gahee Hojii Koree Komii Qul- 77. Duties of Grievance Handling
fl"H qሆ ሚI yሚyEሉJ
qulleessaa Committee
Koreen Komii Qulqulleessaa 5E†† flመfJ ሠEl A grievance handling commit-
komiiwwan itti aanaan waliin flሚ†8Mf "HR v†ሆ tee shall have the duty to in-
walqabatee hojjetaan mootum- fle ሀ: flማ": XላaJ vestigate complaints lodged by
maa dhiyeessu qulqulleessee civil servants and submit rec-
yaada murtee dhiyeessuuf itti ommendations relating to:
gaafatamummaa qaba: ) yሕRdመመ†RqEም·ም
1) interpretation and implemen-
1) Hiikkaa seerotaa fi qajeelfamoo- qሟሜም tation of laws and directives;
ta yookiin raawwii;
2) Haala eegumsa mirgootaa fi ) yመ:KRdሉ"ሞRqሃ85" 2) protection of rights and bene-
faayidaalee; ) y q|87 ለfaJd ¶ህfaJ fits;
3) Haalawwan fayyummaa fi na- ሁeHR
3) occupational safety and health;
geenya naannoo hojii; 4) placement and promotion;
) yም¶8d¶qሆሉ
4) Kenniinsa sadarkaa fi ramaddii 5) performance appraisal;
hojii; ) yqሟሜምምd 6) undue influence exerted by su-
5) Madaallii raawwii hojii; ) 5 Xላ yሚሜሙ ህ˛ ሉ pervisors;
6) Dhiibbaawwan seeraan ala itti EgR 7) disciplinary measures taken
gaafatamaa hojiitiin raawwata- pursuant to sub-article (1)(a) to
mu; ) 5¡ህ q¸ qf f/ qf
(c) of Article 69 of this Procla-
7) Bu’uura Labsii kana keewwa- v/)(ሀ y5Eመለ
(ሐ) yFJመሠJ
ta 69 (1)(a - c)tiin ilaallamaniin yሚ•fl‚/2ሊfvምR 8) Other issues related to condi-
tarkaanfiiwwan naamusaa fud-
hataman; ) fl ሁeHRf yሚመለyF ሌሎR tions of work.
8) Dhimmoota biroo haalawwan ˇ„R88
hojii ilaallatan. 78. Administrative Decision
1) “Administrative decision”
. q/E„¶-e
78. Murtee Bulchiinsaa means a decision given in writ-
1) “Murtee bulchiinsaa” jechuun ) “q/E„¶-e”ማለJflመfJ ing by the head of a govern-
hoogganaan olaanaa mana hojii መ† 9J fl5ላ· Xላ 5¡ህ ~ል ment institution in the case of
mootummaa dhimmoota kutaa matters referred to in this Sec-
flE¶a˛ˇJf ˇ„R 5ሚመለyJ
kana keessatti tumaman ilaalchi- tion on the recommendation of
see, koree komii qulqulleesssaan 5"H ሚ ሚI ·ም 5‚/2ሊf
disciplinary or grievance com-
yookiin koree naamusaan qul- ሚIEሆE56ˇ„R·ም
mittee or on other matters di-
qullaa’anii dhimmoota dhiyaatan 5ሉH5ሕ5EሄJሌሎRˇ„R
yookiin kallattiidhaan dhim- rectly falling under his authori-
moota biroo seeraan kennaman ላ·5ሁflሚሃ-ea88 ty in accordance with the law.
irratti murtee barreeffamaan
Labsii Lak. 215/2011 Fuula 49 q¸ሉ 2)05 $4 ˛ $9 Proclamation No. 215/2018 page 49
2) Keewwata kana keewwata xiqqaa ) 5¡ህ qf fr/ qf ( ) 2) Notwithstanding sub-article
1 jalatti tumame jiraatuus, hoog- flE¶a˛˛ 7gም flመf/J መ/† (1) of this Article, a decision
ganaan olaanaa mana hojii given by the head of a govern-
9F fl5ላ· Xላ a-Ff
mootummaa hojimaata osoo ment institution either without
hin eeginis ta’ee murtee jechaan -·ሃ:"ምሆa5 ልflሚሃ-e following the formal procedure
kennamu murtee haqaa mirga ለEl Jህ flማiJ መ:J or verbally shall be construed
hojjetaan argachu qabu eegsi- ለማ˛ሉ 8ል El 5 ለ as an administrative decision.
suuf jecha hojjetaan kakuudhaan
መሃላ |˛ሃ vf¶ q/E„¶ -e
yoo mirkaneesse akka murtee Section Ten
bulchiinsaatti lakkaa’ama. ·#ሃል88 Civil Servants Administrative
Kutaa Kudhan 79. Establishment
Mana Murtii Bulchiinsaa Hojjettoota 1) The Civil Servants Adminis-
Mootummaa flመfJሠEoRq/E„¶»9J
trative Tribunal which tries
79. Hundeeffama . መ&&ም and decides on the litigations
1) Falmii hojjettoota mootummaa ) flመfJ ሠEoR 5¡ህ q¸ of civil servants submitted in
akkaataa Labsii kana keewwa- accordance with article 81 of
qf መJ flሚ†6Jf
ta 81tiin dhiyeessan ilaalee kan this proclamation, hereinafter
murteessu kanaan booda “Mana fl/ ~~ q·K flሚ/f y¡ህ
called “Administrative Tribu-
Murtii Bulchiinsaa” jedhamee 6^ላ “flq/E„¶ » 9J” E:ሎ nal” is hereby established.
kan waamamu Labsii kanaan
flሚሃ5¡ህq¸E&ሟል88 2) The Administrative Tribunal
) » 9F flሚ6ለJf q9FH shall have chambers which
2) Manni murtichaa dhaddachoota
examine and decide on com-
iyyata, komii fi ol’iyyannoo dhi- "Hd ·8oR መም -e
plains, grievances and appeal
yaatu qoratee murtii kennuu ni flሚሄRሎKR·gHል88 cases.
3) Tokkoon tokkoo dhaddachaa ) v†f„f• RሎJ 57( ሃላ 3) Each court chamber shall have
Hoogganaa Biirichaan kan mog- flሚflሙqf»:-7dሁለJq8ላJ a chairperson and two mem-
gafaman walitti qabaa tokkoo fi bers designated by Head of the
miseensota Abbootii seeraa lama Bureau.
) flq/E„¶»9J„oRMf 4) The Bureau shall issue direc-
ni qabaata.
4) Abbootiin Seeraa Mana Murtii /ለሚሠ5J ሁeH መሃ5" tives relating to the manner of
Bulchiinsaa haala hojii isaanii /ለሚ˛<M a-ም8 ማiJ execution of function of judges
itti hojjatan, naamusaa eeguu of the Administrative Tribunal,
flሚ˛8M ሉ"ማሉ"ሞR vd ሌሎR
qabanii, faayidaalee argachuu the code of ethics they shall ob-
ሁeHR7(5ሚ†ሆመመ† serve and other related matters.
qabanii fi haalawwan biroo qa-
jeelfama Biirichi baasuun kan flሚf·ሆdል88 5) The Administrative Tribunal,
murtaa’u ta’a. ) flq/E„¶ » 9F q/ላ— ሆg where it deems necessary, shall
5) Manni Murtii Bulchiinsaa bar- have permanent or mobile
†˛i &ሚ ·ም E RሎJ
baachiisaa ta’ee yemmuu arga- court chambers.
muu dhaddachoota dhaabbii ሊgJ·Rላል88
yookiin naannawaa qabaachuu 80. Powers and Procedures of the
ni danda’a. . flq/E„¶ » 9J qሠd Administrative Tribunal
1) The Administrative Tribunal
80. Hojimaataa fi Aangoo Mana shall have powers to:
Murtii Bulchiinsaa ) »9F8- (a) Hear cases brought to it and
1) Manni Murtichaa: (ሀ) flሚ6ለJf ˇ„R 5ማflJ render orders and decisions;
(a) Dhimmoota dhiyataniif ilaalu-
un ajajaa fi murtii kennuu;
Labsii Lak. 215/2011 Fuula 50 q¸ሉ 2)05 $4 ˛ % Proclamation No. 215/2018 page 50
(b) Hojjetaan mootummaa (ለ) flመfJ ሠEl -e (b) Hear an appeal brought by
murtiin kennameera jedhee EሉLል:ሎ5 መሃላ
ለ q/¶ a civil servant against an al-
kakuun deeggaree ol’iyyan-
noo yoo dhiyeessee, Manni flሚ†5f
leged decision and support-
Murtii Bulchiinsaa fuud- ed by an affidavit.
hee ilaaluuf aangoo abbaa 2) Orders and decisions of the Ad-
seerummaa ni qabaata. ) q/E„¶ » 9F flሚሆM
ministrative Tribunal shall be
2) Ajajnii fi murtiiwwan Manni J¢¥Rd -eR vf¶ ማdMም
Murtii Bulchiinsaa kennuu ak- considered as orders and deci-
flJሐ:ሔ » 9J J¢¥Rd sions of any civil court.
kuma ajajootaa fi murtiiwwan
Dhaddacha Hariiroo Hawaasaa -eR·#ሃል88
Manni Murtii Idilee kaminiyyuu 81. Jurisdiction of the Administra-
kennamuutti lakkaawama.
. 5q/E„¶»9JflሚHˇ„R tive Tribunal
81. Dhimmoota Mana Murtii flq/E„¶ » 9J flሚyEሉJf The Administrative Tribunal
Bulchiinsaan Ilaalaman ˇ„R q·K flመf ልሆf
shall have the power to hear
Manni Murtii Bulchiinsaa dhim- and decide on:
moota armaan gadii ilaalee mur- ·gል8-
1) appeals lodged by civil servants
teessuuf aangoo ni qabaata. ) yሚyEሉJ 5E†† 5መfJ
1) Ol’iyyannoo hojjettoota moo- relating to:
tummaatiin walqabatee dhim- (a) Unlawful suspension or ter-
moota armaan gadiitti dhi- (ሀ) yሕ ሎ y መH˛» ·ም mination of service;
yaatan: q˛ልሎJመ&ሉ (b) Rigorous disciplinary penalty;
(a) Seeraan ala hojii irraa
dhorkamuu yookiin tajaajilli (ለ)yy8»fl‚/2ሊf"ሆJ-e (c) unlawful attachment or de-
addaan cituu; yሕ(ሐ) ሎfl¶መ⁄·ምሌሎR duction of salary or other
(b) Murtii adabbii naamusaa ci- payments;
maa; (d) Infringement of rights aris-
(c) Mindaan yookiin kanfaltiiw- (መ) 5 ም~f†J 5¶ ˇ„J
ing from employment injury;
wan biroo seeraa ala kan jalaa 5E††flመ:Jመ¶ል
qabame yookiin cite; (e) Except provided under Ar-
(ሠ) q¸qf f/qf
(d) Miidhaa yookiin dhibee saba- ticle 77(7) of this Procla-
ba hojiitiin irra gaheen haala ) yEመለyE 5/E 5"H mation, cases decided upon
walqabateen mirgi hir’achuu; qሆ ሚI H·E -e investigation by grievance
(e) Akkaataa Labsii kana kee-
wwata 77 (7) ibsameen ala, yEሃ8Mˇ„R handling committee;
Koree Komii Qulqulleessaati- ) fl መል†d flq˛ልሎJ (f) Request for termination let-
in dhimmoota ilaalamanii ters and certificate of service;
murtiin itti kenname;
) —¡†ሠEoRd5ማ&&ሚ†ሕM
2) appeals lodged by temporary
(f) Dhimmoota gaaffii hojii gadi
lakkisuu fi ragaa muuxannoo employees and employees of
flመf/J ሠEoR ሕ መሠH
hojii irratti ka’u; government institutions au-
ላማRf 5መyEል 5-M
2) Hojjettoota yeroo fi kaayyoo thorized by their establishment
bu’uura seera hojjettoota moo- fl/ሉ መመ† ሠEoPMf
legislations to administer their
tummaa hordofuun qajeelfama vf‚†/E„»flE¶ላMመ†
keessaatiin akka bulchan man-
employees in accordance with
neen hojii hayyamameef keessat- 9KR /ሉ Eሉ flሚ directives issued following the
ti hojjettoota qaxaramanii hojj- ሠEoRflሚ†<Mf·8oR88 basic principles of the civil ser-
etaan irraa ol’iyyannoo dhiyaate; vice laws.
Labsii Lak. 215/2011 Fuula 51 q¸ሉ 2)05 $4 ˛ %1 Proclamation No. 215/2018 page 51
3) Manni Murtii Bulchiinsaa dhim- ) flq/E„¶ » 9F ·8n 3) The Administrative Tribunal
ma ol’iyyannoon itti dhiyaate flE8ለ5Jf ˇ„· yመመ 5^ላ
may, after hearing an appeal,
erga qoratee booda murticha confirm, reverse or vary an ad-
-ef ማdJ መ ·ም
mirkaneessuu, haquu yookiin ministrative decision.
foyyeessuu ni danda’a. ማል·Rላል88 4) The Administrative Tribunal
4) Manni Murtii Bulchiinsaa mur- ) flq/E„¶ » 9F -e 5ሃ shall give a copy of the decision
tee kenne guyyoota hojii kudhan within 10 days after rendering
5q/ fl dJ /ሉ fl-ef
keessatti garagalcha murtichaa the decision to the appellant or
qaama ol’iyyateef yookiin bakka ል8ሑ ለ·8n 8 ·ም ለመ/†
the representative of govern-
bu’aa mana hojichaaf akka dh- 9F E|· vf‚¶ ማ» ment institution.
aqqabu taasisuu qaba, 5) The Bureau shall have power
5) Biirichi hooggansa qabeenya
) 7( fl ሀ:J q/E„¶f
to hear and decide on human
namaa ilaalchisee eeruu dhiyaat-
resource management cases
uun yookiin kaka’umsa mataa 5EመለyE flሚ: ሉ#ማ ·ም
when the Bureau’s corrective
isaatiin seerri cabuu yookiin loo- 5 Ea-7aJ ሕ መሆf ·ም decisions made, having con-
giin raawwatamuu mirkannees-
suun tarkaanfiin sirreeffamaa q»ልw መሜሙf qሊ flሃ firmed that the law is infringed
kennee hojiirraa ooluu yoo flማ/E|y† vም ላ· መል
or discriminatory treatment
dhabee dhimmoota dhiyataniif committed and based on infor-
|ልPለ fl6ለJf ˇ„R መም(
qoratee murtii kennuu aangoo ni mation provided or its own ini-
qabaata. -eflመ/ሃJልሆf·gል88 tiative, failed to be executed.
6) Manni Murtii Bulchiinsaa falmii ) flq/E„¶»9F5a˛~~ 6) The decision of the Adminis-
ijoo dubbii irratti murtiin kennu flሚሃ -e flመሌ ·ሆdል
trative Tribunal on question of
kan dhumaa ta’a, ta’us murtiin facts shall be final; provided,
ሆgም flq/E„¶ » 9F -e
Mana Murtii Bulchiinsaa dogo- however, that any party who
ggora seeraa qaba jedhee qaam- flሕ /ህEJ qለ5J :ሎ flሚyy claims that the decision of the
ni falmu murtiin mana murti- ˛f fl» 9F -e 5¶ 560 Administrative Tribunal has
chaa isa dhaqqabee guyyoota 60 error of law, may appeal to
/ሉ ለw(ሚ†ሃ"ላ·
keessatti ol’iyyannoo isaa Mana the Oromia Regional State Su-
Murtii Waliigala Oromiyaatiif »9Jማ":·Rላል88
preme Court within 60 days
dhiyeeffachuu ni danda’a. from the date of decision of the
. fl-eqሟሜም Administrative Tribunal.
82. Raawwii Murtii
) ማflም flመf/J መ/† 9J
1) Manni hojii mootummaa ka- 82. Execution of Decision
miyyuu murtii Mana Murtiii flq/E„¶ » 9F flሃf -e
1) Any government institution shall
bulchiinsaatiin kenname guyyaa 5¶ 5q/ fl/ dJ /ሉ have the obligation to immedi-
isa gahe irraa eegalee guyyoota
ላ·ማልqለ5J88 ately execute the decision given
hojii kudhan keessatti hojii irra
by the Administrative Tribunal.
oolchuu qaba. ) 5¡ህ q¸ qf ) vd ( )
2) Where the beneficiary of a de-
2) Akkaataa Labsii kana keewwa- መሠJ » 9F flሃ -e
ta 81(3) fi (4)tiin murtiin Mana cision pleaded that the decision
Murtichaa guyyaa 30 keessatti
v/y f »/ qልEሜመልnም of the Administrative Tribunal
naaf hin raawwatamne jechu- 5ማለJ fl-e Eሃ ሚ given in accordance with Arti-
un fayyadamaan murtichaa †መለ~J flq/E„¶ » 9F
cle 81(3) and (4) of this Proc-
yammuu iyyatu Manni Murtii lamation is not executed with-
ˇ„ ለሚመለyE fl„ »
Bulchiinsaa murtichaa akka in 30 days, the Administrative
raawwachiisuuf Mana Murtii 9J -ef vf‚†/ምለJ Tribunal shall refer the case to
Aanaa dhimmi ilaalutti ni qa- ·መለHል88 the concerned District Court
jeelfamaaf. to enforce the execution of the
Labsii Lak. 215/2011 Fuula 52 q¸ሉ 2)05 $4 ˛ %2 Proclamation No. 215/2018 page 52
3) Hoogganaan ol’aanaa mana ho- ) flq/E„¶ » 9Ff -e 3) The head of the government in-
jichaa murtii Mana Murtichaa †ላ/ሜመ flመ/† 9F fl5ላ· stitution who failed to execute
hin raawwachiifne miidhaa the decision of the Administra-
Xላ 5ሠEld 5መ/† 9F ላ·
hojjatichaa fi mana hojichaa irra
tive Tribunal shall be liable for
ga’uuf itti gaafatamaa ta’a. ለሚ¶ˇ„JEሃ†·ሆdል88
the damage sustained by the in-
Kutaa Kudha Tokko stitution and the civil servant.
Waliigaltee Hojii Addaan Kutuu fi
Dheeressuu flልማ&ሉdማም Section Eleven
83. Fedhii Ofiitiin Waliigaltee Hojii . 5/ላJflልማ&ሉ Termination and Extension of
Addaan Kutuu ) ማflም flመfJ ሠEl Service
1) Hojjetaan mootummaa kami-
yyuu yeroo kamiyyuu dursee 5ማflም —£ flqf» "»ሚ† 83. Resignation
akeekkachisa ji’a tokko kennu- ማ/ሃf† 5መ/ሃJ f 1) Any civil servant may, by giv-
udhaan fedhii mataa isaatiin ho- 5ላF ሊለ" ·Rላል ሆgም መ/†
ing a one month prior notice,
jii gad lakkisuu ni danda’a. Haa resign at any time; provided,
9F ሠElf 5ላሉ ሊE|
ta’u malee, manni hojichaa sal- however, that the government
phaatti hojjatichaa bakka buu- flሚRል yሆa flqf» f —£
institution may release him pri-
suu kan danda’u yoo ta’e yeroon -·ሃ:"/f:Ffሊ"»ለJ·Rላል88 or to the end of the notice peri-
ji’a tokkoo osoo hin eegiin hojja-
tichaaf gaaffii gadi lakkisa hojii
) 5¡ህ qf f/ qf ( ) / od if it can easily replace him.
hayyamuufii ni danda’a. flE¶a˛˛ flqf» "»ሚ† 2) Any civil servant, who has ter-
2) Hojjetaan akkaataa keewwata ማ/ሃf† -·ሉ q˛ልሎFf minated his service without
kana keewwata xiqqaa 1 jalat- giving a one month prior notice
ti tumameen akeekkachiisa ji’a referred to in sub-article (1) of
tokkoo dursee osoo hin kenni- 8ለመሆF ለሚ¶ ˇ„J 5Jሐ
this Article, shall have civil and
in tajaajila isaa yoo addaan kute :ሔ vd 5f˘ል ሕ መሠJ
dirqama isaa bahuu dhabuu criminal liability for any dam-
isaatiin miidhaa gahuuf seeraa ages caused by such failure.
) flመfJ ሠEl ለ 3) Where the service of the civil
hariiroo hawaasaa fi yakkaan
kan itti gaafatamu ta’a. v¸ q/ላ—d 5ላሉ ለመE|J servant is indispensable and he
3) Hojjatichi mootummaa hojiif flማ·Pል ሆg ˛n ¶ J could not be replaced easily, his
baay’ee barbaachisaa fi salphaatti
ሠEl yሚሃ5J መ/† 9J release may, in agreement with
iddoo isaa buusuun kan hin dan-
da’amne ta’ee yoo argame, mana ·ም yሠEl 5መ/ማማJ his future employer, be delayed
hojii fuuladuratti hojjatichi itti qa- flመል†f ሉ†! ሠEl
for a period not exceeding three
xaramu yookiin hojjaticha wajjin months counted from the date
|መለyE5J f ˘ም( y/J
waliigaluudhaan gaaffii gadi lakki- of application.
saa hojii guyyaa hojjetaan iyyatee ለማ·5ልሉ—£ሊም·Rላል88
irraa eegalee yeroo ji’a sadii hin
84. Termination Due to Illness
caalleef dheeressuun ni danda’a. . 5ሕመምም~f†Jq˛ልሎJማ&ሉ 1) Where a civil servant is unable
84. Sababa Dhukkubaatiin Tajaajila ) ማflም flመfJ ሠEl to resume work within the time
Addaan Kutuu 5¡ህ q¸ qf ) ·ም ( ) specified under Article 43(2)
1) Hojjetaan mootummaa kami- 5EመለyE —£ /ሉ ¶ or (4) of this Proclamation, he
yyuu Labsii kana keewwata 43 shall be deemed unfit for ser-
ለመመለ/ |ልPለ 5ሕመም ም~f†J
(2) fi (4)n yeroo ibsame keessatti vice and his service shall be ter-
gara hojiitti deebi’uu yoo dadha- q˛ልሎF·&ሆል88
bee sababa dhukkubaatiin tajaa-
jilli isaa addaan cita.
Labsii Lak. 215/2011 Fuula 53 q¸ሉ 2)05 $4 ˛ %3 Proclamation No. 215/2018 page 53
2) Labsii kana keewwata 59 (3)n ) fl¡ህq¸qf flE¶a˛˛
/) 2) Without prejudice to the pro-
kan tumame akkuma eegametti
vf¶Eሃ5 ሆg 5 ም~f†J
visions of Article 59(3) of this
ta’ee, hojjetaan mootummaa sa- Proclamation, where a civil
baba hojii isaatiin miidhaan irra ˇ„J fl¶5J flመfJ ሠEl servant who has sustained em-
gahe ragaa mana yaalaatiin hoji- ለ!H መJ qለመPሉ ployment injury is medically
cha sababa miidhamaan itti fufi- determined to be permanently
5ሕ~ምd ማ/ ˛ሉ q˛ልሎF
insaan hojjachuu akka hin dan- disabled, his service shall forth-
deenye yoo mirkanaa’e tajaajilli ·&ሆል88 with be terminated.
isaa addaan cita. ) 5¡ህ q¸ qf f/ qf
3) If a civil servant does not agree
on a transfer that could be made
3) Hojjetaan mootummaa jijjiir- )(ለ መሠJ 5ሚሜመ ⁄ in accordance with sub-article
raan akkaataa Labsii kana keew-
E/ማምK ለመ/J ¶l †ልሆa 3(b) of Article 26 of this Proc-
wata 26 (3) (b)tiin raawwatamu lamation, his service shall be
irratti yoo waliigaluu baate tajaa- flመfJ ሠEl q˛ልሎF
jilli isaa addaan cita. ·&ሆል88
85. Termination on Grounds of In-
85. Sababa Hanqina Dandeettiitiin efficiency
Hojii Irraa Gaggeeffamuu . 5RሎHማa/ም~f†Jyማd5J 1) The service of a civil servant
1) Hojjetaa mootummaa yeroo ) flሙy —£f †ሃd flመf/J who has completed his proba-
yaalii isaa xumuure bu’aa raaw- ሠEl 5 qሟሜም ለF
tion period may be terminated
wii hojii isaatiin hanqinni dan- due to inefficiency where his
deettii yoo irratti mul’ate, leen- flRሎHማa/yHfl5JE˛7flq"ም performance evaluation result
jiiwwan barbaachisoo gahumsaa ማል5J ልሃdR EሉEJ indicate his inefficiency and has
isaa cimsuu kennameefii yoo shown no improvement after
fooyya’uu baate tajaajilli isaa being given appropriate capac-
addaan cita. ) flመfJ ሠEl †ለf Jd ity building training.
2) Hojjetaan mootummaa hojii itti RሎH vflEሃመ 5Eመ¶55J
2) The service of a civil servant
may be terminated due to inef-
ramadame dandeettii fi beekum- ላ·flqሟሜምለF5EyHH· ficiency where his performance
sa qabuun gargaramee bu’aan evaluation result is below sat-
ለ0/J —£ yሚሃ5 ለJ
raawwii hojii isaa yeroo sadiif isfactory for three successive
walitti aanee yoo bu’aa eeggamu 5HR yሆa 5RሎH ማa/ q˛ልሎF
evaluation periods despite ex-
gadii ta’e, hanqina dandeettiitiin ·&ሆል88 erting all his knowledge and
tajaajilli isaa addaan cita. ability to accomplish his work.
) fl¡ህ qf f/ qf ( ) »f
3) Tumaan keewwata kanaa keew- 3) Notwithstanding the provi-
wata xiqqaa 2 jiraatus, hojjetaan 7gም ለEyHH· qም/J መHJ sions of sub-article (2) of this
mootummaa walitti aansee wag- yEl fl qሟሜም ምd ለJ Article, a civil servant whose
goota 5’f bu’aa madaallii raaw- †˛n fla5 flመfJ ሠEl
performance evaluation result
wii hojii ol’aanaa argachaa ture is above satisfactory for five
bu’aan madaallii raawwii hojii fl qሟሜም ምd ለF successive years may not be
yeroo afur walitti aanee bu’aa ee- 5EyHH· ለqJ —£ yሚሃ5 dismissed on grounds of ineffi-
ggamu gadi yoo ta’e malee, hojii ciency unless his performance
ለJ 5HR |ልሆa 5/E y
irraa hin gaggeeffamu. evaluation result becomes be-
4) Akkaataa keewwata kana keew-
q·d5Jም88 low satisfactory for the follow-
ing four successive evaluation
wata xiqqaa (2) fi (3) tiin hojjeta- ) 5¡ህ qf f/ qf ( ) vd
an mootummaa tokko hojii irraa ) መሠJ qf» flመfJ 4) The termination of service of a
gaggeessuun kan danda’amu, civil servant under sub-article
ሠEl y ማd5J flሚPለ
akka barbaachisummaa isaatti (2) and (3) of this Article shall,
kaayyoo madaallii raawwii hojii vf¶q/ላ—aF 5¡ህ q¸ qf
as may be necessary, be effect-
bu’uura Labsii kana keewwata ላ· flEመሃf fl qሟሜም ed for the achievement of ' the
31 irratti kaawwamee hordofuun ምdላማ5መyEል·ሆdል88 purposes of performance eval-
ta’a. uation under Article 31 of this
Labsii Lak. 215/2011 Fuula 54 q¸ሉ 2)05 $4 ˛ %4 Proclamation No. 215/2018 page 54
86. Sababa Humnaa Ol Ta’een Hojii . yq"ም 5ላ· 5ሆa ም~f†J y 86. Termination due to Force Majeure
Irraa Gaggeeffamuu ማd5J Situations
1) Hojjetaan mootummaa yeroo 1) A civil servant who has com-
) flሙy —£f †ሃd flመfJ
yaalii isaa xumure, sababa hum- pleted his probation period if
naa ol ta’een hojii idilee isaa ir- ሠEl yq"ም 5ላ· 5ሆa ም~f†J
absent from work due to force
ratti argamu kan hin dandeeny- መ¶5l ላ· መ˛iJ flማ·Rል majeure shall inform the situ-
ee yoo ta’e, sababa isaa ji’a tokko
yሆa ም~f†Ff 5qf» /ሉ ation within one month to the
keessatti mana hojii isaa beeksi-
suu qaba. ለመ†9Fማ-"qለ5J88 government institution.
2) Akkaataa keewwata kana kee- 2) The government institution
) 5¡ህ qf f/ qf ( )
wwata xiqqaa 1 tiin manni hojii that has received the reasons
መሠJ ሠEl y ላ·
mootummaa sababni hojii irraa of absence of a civil servant in
hafu hojjatichaan gabaafameef, fl5Jfም~f†J3JflE¶˛ለJ accordance with sub-article (1)
dhimmicha hoogganaa ol’aanaa flመfJ መ† 9J ˇ„–f of this Article shall, after veri-
yookiin bakka bu’aa isaaatiif dhi- ለ5ላ· Xላ ·ም ለE| 5ማ": fying the validity of the reason
yeessuudhaan sababni dhiyaate by the head of the institution
humnaa ol ta’uun isaa yoo mir- fl5 ም~f†J yq"ም 5ላ·
or his representative, keep the
kanaa’e gita hoji hojjatichi qaba- መሆbf yE˛ሃ ሠEl ·¥J
post of the civil servant vacant
tee jiru ji’a jahaatiif duwwaa ta’ee fla5f fl መ¶: ለ/»/J for six months; provided, how-
turuu qaba. Ta’us hojjatichi ji’a
jahaa keessatti hojiitti deebi’uu ~J q» መሃ5" qለ5J88 ሆgም ever, that the service of a civil
kan hin dandeenye yoo ta’ee hojii ሠEl 5/»/J /ሉ ¶ servant may be terminated if he
irraa gaggeessuun ni danda’ama. is unable to resume work with-
/ yሆay
3) Tumaan keewwata kana keewwa- in the six months.
ta xiqqaa 2 jiraatus, sababni hojj- 3) Notwithstanding to sub-arti-
etaan mootummaa ji’a jahaa oliif ) fl¡ህ qf fr/ qf ( ) cle (2) of this Article, if a civ-
hojii isaa irratti argamuu dadha- »f 7gም flመf/J El il servant who is absent from
beef hidhamuu isaatiin yoo ta’ee fi work due to detention for more
y/»/J 5ላ· 5 ላ·
yakka itti shakkame irraa bilisaan than six months produces an
gad lakkifamuu isaa ragaa yoo †ልE˛i5J ም~f†J 5መH yሆad
evidence of his acquittal, the
dhiyeeffate manni hojii isaa gita yEሃሃ5J flf˘ል »—J 5a
government institution shall
hojii duwwaa qabu irratti mindaa /ለመለ ማ/ |5 መ/† 9F reinstate him on any vacant po-
kanaan dura argachaa ture guyyaa
hojiitti deebi’e irraa eegalee kaffa- 8ለ ~J fl መ¶: ላ· ¶ም sition by maintaining his previ-
laafii gara hojiitti akka deebi’u ta- ል ·yለ fla5f ¶መ⁄ ¶ ous salary.
asisuu qaba. 4) Without prejudice to the pro-
yEመለ5J f ˘ም( vflyለ
4) Tumaan keewwata kana keew- visions of sub-article (1) of this
wata xiqqaa 1 akkuma eeggamet- Article, when a civil servant
ti ta’ee, hojjetaan mootummaa ) fl¡ህ qf f/ qf ( ) »f who has completed his proba-
yeroo yaalii isaa xumure sababa vf¶Eሃ5 ሆg flሙy —£f tion is absent from his work for
manni hojii isaa hin beekneen ten consecutive workings days
†ሃd flመfJ ሠEl
walitti aansee guyyoota hojii 10 due to unknown reasons, the
hojii idilee isaa irraa yoo dha- መ9F 5ማ† ም~f†J
government institution may
bame, guyyaa hojii irraa dha- ለEyHH· q dJ yመ¶5l
terminate his service after call-
bamee eegalee guyyaa hojii 10
booda garagaarummaa guyyoo-
fl ;H ላ· yሃ( 5flq/ ing him to report by posting
ta hojii 10’n beeksisaa yeroo la- dJ ልaJ 5EyHH· ለሁJ two consecutive notices within
maa baasuun hojjatichi kan hin —£ 5ማ/H† EሃK ለመf/J ten days intervals.
gabaasne yoo ta’ee hojii irraa ni መ† 9F 3J |ላ¶˛ y
Labsii Lak. 215/2011 Fuula 55 q¸ሉ 2)05 $4 ˛ %5 Proclamation No. 215/2018 page 55
5) Akkaataa keewwata kana kee- ) 5¡ህ qf f/ qf ( ) 5) A civil servant who has report-
wwata xiqqaa 4 tiin hojjetaan ed to work pursuant to the no-
መሠJ flማ/H† ሉ flE¶˛ለJ
mootummaa beeksifni waam- tices made in accordance with
ichaa taasifameef guyyaa hojii flመfJ ሠEl y y5J
sub-article (4) of this Article if
irraa hafe irraa eegalee ji’a tokko f ˘ም( qf» yመሙላF 5J reports to work within a month
osoo hin guutiin dura gara ho-
jiitti deebi’uuf mana hojichaaf ¶ ለመመለ/ ለመ† 9F from the first day of his ab-
yoo gabaase hoogganaan mana 3J |¶˛ flመ† 9F fl5ላ·
sence shall, without prejudice
hojichaa sababa hojii irraa hafeef to the administrative measure
Xላ ሠEl y fl5Jf
ragaa isaa qorachuun tarkaanfii that may be taken by the head
bulchiinsa fudhachuun akkuma ም~f†J 5መመመ flሚ/¶ of the government institution
eegametti ta’ee, hojjatichi gara q/E„¶ vም vf¶Eሃ5 ሆg upon examining the reasons of
hojiitti akka deebi’u ni taasifama. his absence, be reinstated to his
ሠEl ¶ vf‚መለ/
6) Keewwata kana keewwata xiqqaa position.
4 jalatti kan tumame jiraatus, ·¶ል88
6) Notwithstanding to the provi-
hojjatichi beeksisaa waamichaa ) 5¡ህ qf f/ qf ( ) / sion of sub-article (4) of this
baheen hojii irraa erga gaggeef-
famee booda guyyaa hojii irraa flE¶a˛˛ 7gም ሠEl 5ሆ Article, a government institu-
hafee eegalee ji’a jahaa keessatti flሉ ማ/H† y yEd5E
tion may, upon authorization
sababni hojii irraa hafeef hum- by the head of the institution
6^ላ y y5J f ˘ም(
naa ol ta’uu isaa ragaa quubsaa or his representative, reinstate a
yoo dhiyeessee fi mana hojichaa 5/»/J —£ /ሉ y civil servant to a similar vacant
keessatti gitni hojii duwwaan fl5Jf ም~f†J yq"ም 5ላ· position if he reports to work
walfakkaatu yoo argame, akka- within six months from the
sumas hoogganaan mana ho- date of his absence by produc-
jichaa yookiin bakka bu’aan isaa 9FEመ-
/ሉ -·flሆa~Jfl
ing sufficient evidence to prove
yoo hayyamee hojiitti deebisuun
ni danda’ama.
መ¶:yE˛ivf‚ሁምflመ†9F that his absence was caused by
7) Hojjetaan mootummaa yeroo fl5ላ·Xላ·ምE|y¶¶ force majeure.
yaalii isaa hin xumurree sababa መመለ/·Pላል88
7) The service of a civil servant
hin beekamneen ji’a tokkoo oliif who has not completed his
) flሙy—£f†ላሃdflመfJ
hojii idilee isaa irratti argamuu probation shall be terminat-
yoo baate, haalduree tokkoo ሠEl8ልHም~f†Jyqf» ed without any precondition
malee hojii irraa akka gaggeef- 5ላ· 5መ¶5l ላ· †ልE˛i where he is absent from work
famuu ni taasifama. due to unknown reasons.
87. Hojjetaa Hir’isuu ላ·vf‚d5J·¶ል88
1) Hojjetaan mootummaa kamiiyyuu: 87. Retrenchment
(a) Gitni hojii isaa yammuu 1) Any civil servant shall be re-
haqamu; yookiin . flሠEl"a- trenched where:
(b) Manni hojichaa yammuu cu- ) ማflfምflመfJሠEl8-
(a) his position is cancelled;
famu; yookiin (b) the government institution
(c) Humni namaa hanga bar- is closed; or
baadamuu ol yoo jiraate; (ለ)መ†9F·ም (c) excess man power is created;
Akkaataa Labsii kanaa kee- (ሐ) yሚለ˛ 5ላ· fl X·ል |ለ and where it is not possible
wwata 30 (1) ramaduun yoo
5¡ህ q¸ qf ) መሠJ
to reassign him in accor-
hin danda’amne yookiin
hojjatichi gita hojii gadi aanaa
dance with Article 30(1) of
ለመ¶ል¶ል |ልEPለ ·ም
irratti ramadamee hojjachuuf this proclamation or where
fedhii yoo hin qabu ta’e hojii flመfJ ሠEl ⁄" he is reluctant to accept as-
irraa ni gaggeeffama. 8ለ fl ¶ ላ· E¶ል»ሎ signment on a position of a
ለመJ ላJ flሌለ yሆa
lower grade;
Labsii Lak. 215/2011 Fuula 56 q¸ሉ 2)05 $4 ˛ %6 Proclamation No. 215/2018 page 56
2) Akkaataa keewwata kana keew- ) 5¡ህ qf f/ qf ( )(ሐ 2) Retrenchment of a civil servant
wata xiqqaa 1(c) tiin hir’isuun in accordance with sub-article (1)
መሠJ "a- flሚ¶˛ ሠEl
kan taasifamu hojjatichi hojj- (c) of this Article shall be made
ettoota mootummaa mana ho- 5መ†9F5Eመ-
/ሉ -·fl
when it is proved that his perfor-
jichaa keessatti gita hojii wal- መ¶: ላ· |ሉ ሌሎR flመfJ mance and ability is lower when
fakkaatu irra jiran wajjin yeroo
ሠEoR „¶ 5 compared with other civil ser-
dorgomu bu’aan raawwii hojii
isaa fi dandeettiin isaa gadi aanaa ለFd 8ለ RሎH ⁄"El መሆb
vants holding the same position.
ta’uun isaa yoo mirkanaa’ee dha. ˛ሉa88
88. Termination of Service on Dis-
88. Sababa Naamuusaatiin Hojii Ir- ciplinary Grounds
raa Gaggeeffamuu . 5‚/2ሊfም~f†Jyመd5J The service of a civil servant
Hojjetaan mootummaa akkaataa shall be terminated where a
5¡ህ q¸ qf f/ qf
Labsii kana keewwata 69 (1) (f)’n disciplinary penalty under
adabbiin naamusaa kan itti mur- ) (ሠ) መሠJ fl‚/2ሊf "ሆJ
sub-article (1) (f) of Article 69
teeffamee fi ol’iyyannoo bulchi- flEa5Jd 5q/E„¶ ·8n of this proclamation is imposed
insaatiin kan irraa hin kaane ta-
jaajilli isaa addaan ni cita. †ልEa-ለJ flመfJ ሠEl on him and the penalty is not
reversed by the Administrative
89. Sababa Umriitiin Tajaajila Add- Tribunal on appeal.
aan Kutuu
1) Hojjetaa mootummaa akkaataa . 5»ሜም~f†Jq˛ልሎJማ&ሉ 89. Retirement Due to Age
Labsii kana keewwata 93tiin bar- ) ማflም flመfJ ሠEl 5¡ህ 1) The service of a civil servant
ri tajaajila isaa yoo dheerateef whose service is not extended
q¸ qf መሠJ q˛ልሎF
malee, dhuma guyyaa ji’a dhu- beyond retirement age pursu-
maa umriin sooramaa seeraan |ልEመ 5/E 5ሕ yEa
ant to Article 93 of this proc-
murtaa’e yeroo dhaqqabe irraa flመሊ† »ሜ y¶5J flመሌ lamation shall be terminated
eegalee adeemsa dabalataa addaa
malee tajaajilli isaa akka addaan flመሌ f ˘ም( yለEሌማ without additional condition
citu ni taasifama. ል–a/Jq˛ልሎFvf‚&ሉ
on the last day of the last month
2) Akkaataa keewwata kana keew- in which he attained the retire-
wata xiqqaa 1tiin hojjetaan moo- ment age determined by law.
tummaa sooramaan gaggeef- ) 5¡ህqff/qf( መሠ) J 2) A civil servant who retires in
famu sooramaan bahuu isaa ji’a 5ሄH ለሚd5J flመfJ accordance with sub-article (1)
sadiin dura barreeffamaan akka of this Article shall be notified
beeku taasifama. ሠEl ሄH yመሆF y0/J
of his retirement in writing
three months prior to his re-
90. Sababa Du’aatiin Tajaajila Add-
aan Kutuu tirement.
1) Hojjetaan mootummaa kami- . 5ሞJም~f†Jq˛ልሎJ/ለማ&ሉ
yyuu guyyaa du’ee irraa eegalee ) ማflም flመfJ ሠEl
90. Termination on the Ground of
tajaajilli isaa addaan cita. Death
yሞE5J f ˘ም( q˛ልሎF
2) Hojjetaan mootummaa kami- 1) The service of a civil servant
yyuu sababa du’aatiin tajaajilli ·&ሆል88 shall be terminated on the day
isaa yoo addaan cite mindaan ji’aa ) q˛ልሎF 5ሞJ ም~f†J flE&ሃ of his death.
hojjatichi itti du’ee guutummaan 2) The full salary for the month in
guutuutti akkasumas bu’uura flመfJ ሠEl flሞE5J
which a civil servant has passed
Labsii kana keewwata 41 (1)tiin ሙሉ ¶መ vf‚ሁም 5¡ህ q¸
hayyama boqonnaa waggaa hin away as well as the payment
fuudhatamiiniif kanfaltiin raaw-
qf ) መሠJ ላልE¶ referred to in Article 41(1) of
watamu haadha warraa yookiin flመJ J » flሚሜም ~† this proclamation for unused
abbaa warraa yookiin dhaltoota ለJ„ ¶l ·ም ለሕ 8R
annual leaves shall be paid to
seeraatiif ni kanfalama. his spouse or in the absence of
spouse to his legal heirs.
Labsii Lak. 215/2011 Fuula 57 q¸ሉ 2)05 $4 ˛ %7 Proclamation No. 215/2018 page 57
3) Seera sooramaan kan tumamee ) 5ሄH ሕ flE¶a˛˛ vf¶Eሃ5 3) Without prejudice to the pro-
akkuma eegametti ta’ee, hojj- ሆg ማflም flመfJ ሠEl visions of the relevant pension
etaan mootummaa kamiiyyuu law, where a civil servant dies,
sababa du’aatiin tajaajilli isaa 5ሞJ ም~f†J q˛ልሎF &ሉ
a lump sum of payment equiv-
yoo addaan citu haadha warraa ለመ9F 5ሑ ላ- M
yookiin abbaa warraa yookiin
alent to his three months’ sal-
flJ„ ¶l ·ም 5/ ·E„¶ ary shall be paid to his spouse
maatii gargaarsa isaatiin bulaa
turan kan barreeffamaan mana ለa5 9E;R fl/J ¶መ⁄ or members of his family who
hojichaa beeksiseef mindaan 5qf» —£ ·yላል ሆgም flJ„ were dependent on him, and
ji’oota sadii yeroo tokkotti ni were communicated, in writing
¶lf ·ም 5 flሚE„¶
kanfalamaaf. Ta’us haadha war- by him to the government insti-
raa yookiin abbaa warraa yooki- 9E;Nf -†/መ: flሞE vf¶ሆa
tution; provided, however, that
in maatii gargaarsa isaatiin bulaa ልሆf |ለ q|ል ·ም »
turan osoo hin galmeessisiin in the absence of such commu-
kan du’ee yoo ta’e qaama aangoo 9J 5ሚሉ ማ/ መሠJ ~† nication of the spouse or family
qabuun yookiin bu’uura ragaa ·ሜማል88 members, the payment shall be
Manni Murtii kennuun kanfalti- effected upon the production of
) 5¡ህqff/qf( )መሠJ
in ni raawwatamaaf. evidence given by a competent
4) Akkaataa keewwata kana kee- flሚሃ ~† y:d yሄH
body or court.
wwata xiqqaa 3tiin kanfalti- መ aሟ ·ሆdል vf‚ሁም 5„
in kennamuu gibiraa fi buusii 4) The payment under sub-article
sooramaa irraa bilisa ta’a. Ak- ሊ†⁄·ምማPPልq·Rልም88 (3) of this Article shall be ex-
kasumas, idaadhaan qabamuu empted from tax and pension
yookiin waldandeessisuun hin . flq˛ልሎJም/~J contribution; and shall not be
danda’amu. subject to attachment or setoff.
1) ለማflም flመfJ ሠEl
91. Waraqaa Ragaa Tajaajilaa flሚሉ flም/~ J ሠEl
1) Hojjetaa Mootummaa kamiifi- 91. Certificate of Service
†ydf fla5f fl ·aJ 1) A certificate of service to be is-
yyuu, waraqaan ragaa muuxan-
noo hojii kennamuuf gosa hojii flq˛ልሎJመbdyለfla5f sued to any civil servant shall
raawwataa turee, bara tajaajilaa ¶መ⁄flሚ˛ልመሆfqለ5J88 indicate the type and length of
fi mindaa kaffalamaafii turee kan his service as well as his salary.
) flልሃd ·ም flJምህJ ል
ibsu ta’uu qaba. 2) If a civil servant who is bound
2) Hojjetaan mootummaa dirqama ”H ·ም 5መfJ መ†
by an obligation of a training
waliigaltee leenjii yookiin bar-
9F flሚለ5J ማdMም „ contract or is indebted towards
nootaa kan qabu yookiin idaa
kamiyyuu manni hojii mootum- †ለ5Jflመf/JሠEl5ማflም the government institution
maa irraa jiru sababa kaminuu ም~f†J q˛ልሎFf †&ሉ flል terminates his service for any
tajaajila waliigaltee yoo addaan reason, he shall not be entitle
kutu dirqama waliigalticha raaw- to a certificate of service before
wachuu yookiin ragaan idaa irraa መሆbf flሚ˛ል ማ/ yማiF
obtaining a clearance certificate
bilisa ta’uu ibsu osoo hin argatiin 5J fl ልም» flም/~ J
duraa waraqaan ragaa muuxan- for discharging his obligations.
noo hojii hin kennamuuf. q·ሃም88 3) The provisions of sub-article (2)
3) Hojjetaa mootummaa hojiirra ) fl¡ህqffr/qf( 5) ላ· of this Article shall not be ap-
osoo jiru waraqaa ragaa muux- plicable to a civil servant whose
v†ለ fl ልም» flም/~ J
annoo hojii gaafatuuf tumaan service is not terminated.
keewwata kana keewwata xiqqaa ለሚሃ·"flመf/JሠElEሟሚ
2 raawwatiinsa hin qabaatu. q·ሆfም88
Labsii Lak. 215/2011 Fuula 58 q¸ሉ 2)05 $4 ˛ %8 Proclamation No. 215/2018 page 58
92. Tajaajilli Yammuu Addaan Citu . q˛ልሎJ&ሉflሚሜም~† 92. Severance Pay
Kanfaltii Raawwatamu ) flሙy —£f †ሃd flመfJ 1) Any civil servant who has been
1) Hojjetaa Mootummaa yeroo yaalii retrenched under Article 87 of
isaa xumure akkaataa Labsii kanaa ሠEl5¡ህq¸qf መሠJ
this proclamation and is not
keewwata 87tti sababa hir’isaati- 5"a- ም~f†J y yEd5Ed entitled to pension allowance
in hojii irraa yoo gaggeeffamee fi flሉ5E&ሃ5JለJflሄH on the date of the termination
waliigalteen hojii guyyaa addaan of his service shall be paid:
cite durgoon sooramaa kan hin
(a) his three months’ salary for
kanfalamneef yoo ta’e: (ሀ) ለመ˘መ† qf» መJ fl/J
(a) Waggaa tokkicha duraatiif the first year of his service;
mindaan isaa ji’a sadii; and
(b) Dabalataanis tokkoon tokkoo
(ለ) ለq˛ለ˛ለ5Jለv†f„f• (b) One-third of his monthly
waggoota tajaajila itti ken- መJfl¶መqf»/El salary for each additional
neef mindaa ji’aa harki 1/3 itti vflHyለ ·yለል ሆgም year of his service; provid-
dabalamee, ni kanfalamaaf. ed, however, that such pay-
flሚሃ ~† yሠEl
Ta’us kanfaltiin kennamu ment shall not exceed his 12
mindaa hojjatichaa kan ji’a 12 flq ሁለJ ¶መ
months’ salary.
caaluu hin qabu. መ:ለሉflለ5Jም88 2) A civil servant who has com-
2) Hojjetaa Mootummaa yeroo ) flሙy —£f ለሌd yqf» pleted his probation and served
yaalii xumuree fi waggaa tokkoo for less than one year shall be
gadi tajaajileef kanfaltiin raaw- መJ5HRላ˛ለ˛ለflመf/JሠEl
entitled to severance pay in
watamu tajaajila isaa waliin kan flሚሜመ ~† yq˛ልሎF
proportion to his service.
walmadaale ta’a. Eመሆሆn·ሆdል88

93. Yeroo Tajaajilaa Dheeressuu 93. Extension of Service

1) Hojjetaan mootummaa tokko . flq˛ልሎJ—£fማም 1) The service of a civil servant
umuriin isaa yeroo sooramaa ) qf» flመfJ ሠEl »ሜ
may be extended beyond his
erga gahee booda yeroo tokkotti retirement age for a period up
flመሊ† —£ y¶ 5^ላ 5qf» —£
hanga waggaa shanii walumaga- to five years at a time and for a
latti yeroo waggaa kudhan hin v/yqም/JመJ5ሃ"ላላyq period not exceeding ten years
caalleef tajaajila isaa dheereessu- መJ ለማ·5ልሉ —£ q˛ልሎFf in total.
un ni danda’ama. ማም·Pላል88 2) The service of a civil servant
2) Akkaataa keewwata kana keew- may be extended under sub-ar-
wata xiqqaa 1 tiin hojjetaa moo- ) 5¡ህ qf f/ qf ( )
ticle (1) of this Article where:
tummaa tajaajila isaa dheeressu- መሠJ flqf»f flመfJ ሠEl
(a) his qualification, special skill
un kan danda’amu: q˛ልሎJማምflሚPለ8- and ability is found to be es-
(a) Barnoonni, beekumsaa fi
dandeettiin addaa hojjati- (ሀ) flሠEl JምህJ ል sential to the government
chaa, hojii mana hojichaaf Jd RሎH ለመ† 9F institution;
kan fayyadu ta’ee yoo argame; (b) it is not possible to replace
ሃ ሚሆg˛n
(b) Guddina sadarkaatiin, jijjiir- him by another civil servant
(ለ) 5¶ »˛J 5⁄ ·ም through promotion, transfer
raadhaan yookiin qaxaraan
hojjetaa bakka bu’uu arga- 5"ሉ EE{ ሠEl ለማiJ or recruitment;
chuun kan hin danda’amne qለመPሉ˛ሉ (c) he is proved fit for service by
ta’uun isaa yoo mirkanaa’e; medical certificate;
(ሐ) ሠEl ለ : መሆb
(c) Hojjatichi hojichaaf gahaa (d) he has agreed to the exten-
ta’uun isaa ragaa mana yaa- 5ሕ~ምdማ/˛ሉ
sion of his service; and
laan yoo mirkanaa’e; (መ) ሠEl q˛ልሎFf ለመሃል (e) The extension is approved by
(d) Hojjatichi tajaajila isaa itti fu- /ማማvd the Bureau upon a request
fuuf yoo waliigalee fi
(ሠ) flq˛ልሎF መም ሉ†! submitted three months pri-
(e) Gaaffiin yeroo tajaajila dheer-
essuuji’a sadiin duraa Biir- or to the date of his retire-
y/J 5J ለ7( ;
ichaaf dhiyaatee yoo hayya- ment.
mamee dha.
Labsii Lak. 215/2011 Fuula 59 q¸ሉ 2)05 $4 ˛ %9 Proclamation No. 215/2018 page 59
Kutaa Kudha Lama ~ልqሁለJ Section Twelve
Tumaalee Adda Addaa Miscellaneous Provisions
94. Qaxara, Guddina Sadarkaa, Da- 94. Cancellation of Appointment,
bala Mindaa fi Faayidaa Biroo . "ሉ¶»˛J¶መ⁄ሑማd
Promotion, Salary Increment
Haquu ሌላሉ"ምመ⁄ and Other Benefits
1) Ragaa barnootaa yookiin muux- ) flሐJflJምህJ·ምflልም» 1) If any appointment, promo-
annoo hojii sobaa dhiyeessuun tion, salary increment or other
ማ/ 5ማ": ·ም ልሆf
yookiin nama aangoo hin qab-
benefits is effected upon pre-
neen yookiin Labsii kana yooki- 5ሌለ ·ም ·ህf q¸ ·ም
sentation of false evidence of
in dambii fi qajeelfama Labsii q˙f ለማ/ሜም flሆf ¶f:d education or experience or ef-
kana hojii irra oolchuuf bahan
መመ† ·ም ሌላ ማdMfም ሕ fected by unauthorized person
yookiin seera biraa kamiyyuu
darbuudhaan qaxara, guddina 5መEላለ flEመ "ሉ fl¶ or contravenes this proclama-
sadarkaa, dabala mindaa yooki- tion, regulations and directives
»˛J fl¶መ⁄ ሑማ ·ም
in faayidaalee biroo raawwat- issued for the implementation
ሌላ ሉ"ም 5‚/2ሊfd 5f˘ል of this proclamation or any
ame itti gaafatamummaan sirna
naamusaa fi yakkaan dhaqqab- flሚ†/yJለ Eሃ†aJ vf¶Eሃ5 other law, it shall, without prej-
siisu akkuma eegametti ta’ee, ሆg5መ†9Ffl5ላ·Xላ·ም udice to disciplinary and crimi-
hoogganaa ol’aanaa mana ho- nal liabilities, be nullified by the
jiitiin yookiin Biirichaan yeroo head of the government institu-
kamiyyuu ni haqama. ) fl"ሉ fl¶ »˛J fl¶መ⁄ tion or the Bureau.
2) Hojjetaan mootummaa qax- ሑማ ·ም ሌላ ሉ"ም flE5J 2) Without prejudice to his disci-
ara, guddina sadarkaa, dabala flመfJ ሠEl 5‚/2ሊfd plinary and criminal liability,
mindaa yookiin faayidaan biroo a civil servant whose appoint-
5f˘ል መሃfl vf¶Eሃ5 ሆg
jalaa haqame naamusaanii fi yak- ment, promotion, salary incre-
kaan gaafatamuun akkuma jirut- yህflEyለ
ሑ ¶መ⁄dሌሎR ment or other benefits has been
ti ta’ee, mindaa fi faayidaaleen bi- ሉ"ሞRvf‚መል/·¶ል88 nullified may not be requested
roo seeraan ala kanfalameef akka to pay back the salary and oth-
) yሕ ሑ "ሉ fl¶ »˛J
deebisu ni taasifama. er benefits he has received up to
3) Itti gaafatamaan yookiin miseen- fl¶መ⁄ ሑማ ·ም ሌላ ሉ"ም
the date of the cancellation.
si koree qaxara, guddina sadark- vf‚ሉ ሆf :ሎ ·ም 5y8» 3) An official or member of a com-
aa, dabala mindaa yookiin faay-
MልEnaJ fl¶ fl Xላ ·ም mittee who intentionally or with
idaa biraa akka kennamu beekaa
flሚIq8ልq8:8ለfl‚/2ሊf gross negligence authorizes un-
yookiin dagannoo cimaadhaan
lawful appointment, promotion,
hayyame akkaataa tuma sirna flf˘ል ሕ vd flJሐ:ሔ ሕ
salary increment or other bene-
naamusaa, seera yakkaa fi ha- »fRመሠJ·ሃfl ል88
riiroo hawaasaatiin ni gaafatama. fits shall be liable under the rel-
4) Balleessaan keewwata kanaa ) 5¡ህ qf f/ qf ( ) evant disciplinary, criminal and
keewwata xiqqaa 3 jalatti ibsame መሠJ flEሃ ሉ(J መሜሙf civil law provisions.
raawwatamuu isaa hoogganaa 4) Where the head of the govern-
flመ† 9F fl5ላ· Xላ ·ም
ol’aanaa mana hojii yookiin Biir- ment institution or the Bureau
ichi irra yoo gahe; balleessaa
7( y¶5J ሉ(Ff ለማም finds out that a fault specified
raawwatame sirreessuuf tarkaan- flሚ†/Rል vም መ» vd under sub-article (3) of this Ar-
fiilee fudhachuu fi itti gaafatami- Xላf ·ም flሚI q8ሉf
ticle has been committed, it shall
cha yookiin miseensa koree seera take corrective measure and
5f˘ልd 5Jሐ:ሔ ሕ Eሃ† submit the case with pertinent
yakkaa yookiin hariiroo hawaas-
aatiin akka gaafatamu taasisuuf vf‚ሆfለማ»flEሜመfሉ(J evidence to the relevant govern-
balleessaa raawwatame ragaalee q/ላ— 5ሆb ማ/R 5ማ/¶˛ ment body that has the power
barbaaachisaadhaan deeggaree to initiate criminal or civil pro-
ˇ„ ለሚመለyE flመfJ q|ል
qaama mootummaa dhimmi ceedings against the persons re-
ilaallatuuf dhiyeessuu qaba. ማ":qለ5J88 sponsible for the violation.
Labsii Lak. 215/2011 Fuula 60 q¸ሉ 2)05 $4 ˛ ^ Proclamation No. 215/2018 page 60
5) Murtii fi ajaja Biiroon kenname ) 57( flሃf -ed J¢⁄ 5) The Bureau may make legal
qaama hin raawwanne Biiri- †ልመq|ልf7(ˇ„fመም(
measure be taken against a per-
chi qaama qoratee himachuuf son who fails to execute an or-
aangoon kennameefitti dhiy- der or a decision made by the
eessuudhaan tarkaanfiin seeraa 5ማ": ሕ vም vf‚»5J Bureau by investigating and
akka irratti fudhatamu taasisuu ማ»·Rላል88 submitting the case to the rele-
ni danda’a. vant body that has the power to
initiate legal proceedings.
95. Aangoo Bakka Bu’iinsaa Kennuu . ልሆff5~ልdመ/ሃJ
1) Qaamoleen mootummaa kami- ) ማflም flመf/J q|ላJ 5¡ህ 95. Delegation of Power
yyuu, qajeeltoowwan hoggan- 1) Any government organ which
q¸ /ሉ 5E¶a˛˛ fl X·ል
sa qabeenya namaa Labsii kana has a mandate to administer
keessatti tumameen hojjettoota q/E„„ መሆR ሠEoPMf
the public servants shall re-
isaanii bulchuu qabu. ማ/E„¶qለ8M88 spect the principles of human
2) Biirichi hooggansa qabeenya ) 7( fl-:ሊ~ ?f fl ሀ:J resource management of this
namaa si’ataa fi bu’a qabeessa proclamation.
qመ ልሆ(d ለHማ
taasisuudhaaf barbaachisaa ta’ee 2) The Bureau may delegate its
yoo argame aangoo fi itti gaafa- ለማ» q/ላ— ሆg †˛i 5¡ህ powers and duties under this
tamummaa Labsii kanaan ken- q¸ flEሃf ልሆfd XላaJ proclamation to government
nameef manneen hojii mootum- institutions where it deems it
ለመ† 9KR 5~ልd መ/ሃJ
maatiif bakka bu’iinsaan kennuu necessary for the efficient and
ni danda’a. ·Rላል88
effective human resource man-
agement of the public service.
96. Raawwii Labsichaa To’achuu
. flq˙fqሟሜምመ#ሆሃ
1) Biirichi Labsii kana, dambootaa 96. Supervision of Implementation
fi qajeelfamoota bu’uura Labsii ) 7( ·ህf q¸d 5q˙ መሠJ
of the Proclamation
kanaatiin bahan sirnaan hojiirra flሚሄJf ¶f;Rd መመ†R 1) The Bureau shall have the pow-
ooluu isaanii to’achuuf aangoo fi 5q86 5 ላ· መላMf ers and duties to supervise the
itti gaafatamummaa ni qabaata. proper implementation of this
2) Biirichi akkaataa keewwata ka- flመ#ሆሃ ልሆfd XላaJ
Proclamation and regulations
naa keewwata xiqqaa 1’tiin aan- ·gል88
and directives issued hereunder.
goo fi itti gaafatamummaa ken- ) 7( 5¡ህ qf f/ qf ( ) 2) The Bureau, in exercising
nameef hojii irra oolchuuf yeroo
flEሃfልሆfdXላaJE8 its powers and duties under
sub-article (1) of this Article,
(a) Manneen hojii mootummaat- ለማ»5ማdMም—£8-
may at any time:
ti argamuudhaan yookiin (ሀ) 5መf/J መ† 9KR 5መ˛iJ (a) examine files and other re-
kuusaalee fi ragaaleen biroon
·ም ማህ¶(Rfd ሌሎR cords by sending inspectors
akka ergamaniif ajajuudhaan
መRf vf‚ላzለJ 5ማ⁄
to government institution or
qorachuu fi;
by ordering them to submit
(b) Ittigaafatamaa yookiin hojjat- መመመvd
such files and records; and
toonni mootummaa dhimmi
(ለ) ˇ„ flሚመለyEf fl Xላ (b) Require the concerned official
ilaalu jechaan yookiin bar-
·ምሌሎRflመf/JሠEoR or other civil servants to give
reeffamaan akka ibsan gaafa-
oral or written explanation.
chuu ni danda’a. 5 ል ·ም 5ሁ vf‚†/•
3) Biirichi akkaataa keewwata kana
3) Where the Bureau, through its
መሃfl"·Rላል88 investigation under sub-article
keewwata xiqqaa 2’tiin qoran-
noo taasisuun yookiin karaa ) 7( 5¡ህ qf f/ qf ( ) (2) of this Article or otherwise,
gara biraa kamiinuu seerri cabuu መሠJ 5ሚ†¶˛ ምመ ·ም
discovers that the law is in-
yookiin loogiin raawwatamuu fringed or a discriminatory act
5ሌላ5ማdMምመf˛»መሆሕ f
yoo irra gahe: is committed, it shall have the
·ምq»ሎመሜሙfy¶5J8- power:
Labsii Lak. 215/2011 Fuula 61 q¸ሉ 2)05 $4 ˛ ^1 Proclamation No. 215/2018 page 61
(a) Hojimaatni sirrii hin ta’iin J~~ል
(ሀ) †ልሆaqሠvf‚/E|yል (a) to order the rectification of
akka sirreeffamu ajajuu; flማ⁄ the irregularities;
(b) Dhimmichi hanga murtii ar- (b) to suspend the execution of
(ለ) ˇ„ -e v/{†˛n »/
gatutti raawwii isaa dhorkuu; the matter until decision is
(c) Ittigaafatamaa hojii yookiin qሟሜሙfflማ˛» made thereon;
hojjetaa mootummaa goch- (ሐ) ለ»—F Eሃ† 5ሆa fl (c) to cause the taking of appro-
ichaaf ittigaafatamuu qabu priate administrative mea-
Xላ ·ም flመfJ ሠEl
irratti tarkaanfiin bulchiinsaa sures against the official or
akka irratti fudhatamu taasi- ላ· E˛7 q/E„¶ vም
the civil servant responsible
suu fi vf‚»5Jflማ»vd for the act; and
(d) Akkaataa Labsii kana keew- (መ) 5¡ህ q¸ qf ) / (d) To act in accordance with
wata (94)(4) jalatti tumameen
5E¶a˛˛ መሠJ flመሜም Article 94 (4) of this procla-
raawwachuuf aangoo ni qa-
baata. ልሆf·gል88

97. Power to Issue Regulation and

97. Aangoo Dambii fi Qajeelfama
Baasuu . ¶f:dመመ†flማሆJልሆf Directive
1) Manni Maree Bulchiinsa Moo- ) fl~ልሉ መ/E„» ም~ 9J ·ህf 1) For the implementation of this
tummaa Naannichaa Labsii ka- proclamation, the Regional Ad-
q¸ ለማ/ሜም ¶f: ማሆJ
naa raawwachiisuuf dambii baa- ministrative Council may issue
·Rላል88 regulation.
suu ni danda’a.
2) Biirichi Labsii kanaa fi dam- ) 7( ·ህf q¸d 5q˙ መJ 2) For the implementation of this
bii bu’uura Labsii kanaati- flሚሆf ¶f: ለማ/ሜም መመ† proclamation and regulation to
in bahu raawwachiisuuf qa- be issued in accordance with
jeelfama baasuu ni danda’a. this proclamation, the Bureau
may issue directive.
98. Tumaalee Ce’umsaa . flመ2˛†»fR
1) Biirichi ulaagaalee fi safartuuw- ) 7(ለ~Jflመ¶;Rqመል|SR 98. Transitory Provisions
wan sirna seensaa fi mirkaneessa 1) Until the Bureau adopts Re-
5Ed E„» flሚመሄ5Jf
ga’umsaa gitoota hojii duwwaa gional criteria and parameters
irratti iyyattoonni qorumsaan flመ7†d fl: J ማ˛ሏ J that enable the establishment
dorgomanii filatamuu itti dan- መJ flሚ†/Rሉ መ/KRfd of eligibility and competence
da’an hanga diriirsutti qaxara, certification for examining and
መለ{†R 5~ልል ¶ v/{
guddina sadrakaa, jijjiirraa fi ra- selecting applicants for vacant
maddii hojjettoota mootummaa »/ flመfJ ሠEoR "ሉf
posts, the other selection crite-
safartuulee kanneen biroo Labsii fl¶ v»˛Jf ⁄d »ል»ልf ria provided for by this procla-
kanaan tumaman qofaan raaw-
5EመለyE 5¡ህ q¸ 5E¶a˛ˇJ mation alone shall continue to
wii isaanii itti fufa.
ሌሎR መ/KR :P qሟሜማM apply to the recruitment, pro-
2) Dambii Sirna Raawwannaa
motion, transfer and redeploy-
Naamusaa fi Dhiyeeffanna Komii ·ሉላል88
Hojjettoota Mootumama Naan- ment of civil servants.
) flw(†ሚ ~ልላ መf/J EoR
ሠ 2) The Regional Civil Servants Dis-
noo Oromiyaa Lak. 36/1996 fi
qajeelfamoonni Biirichi baase fl‚/qሟfሊሜምd
2 fl"H
a-q: ciplinary and Grievance Proce-
hojiirra jiran tumaa Labsii ka- J¶f:ሉ vd57( dure Council of the Administra-
naatiin yoo walfaalleesseen alat- tion Regulation No. 36/2003 and
ሉ ላ· †ሉ መመ†R
ti, dambiileen yookiin qajeelfa- existing directives shall, in so far
fl¡ህf q¸ »fR v/|ልEb as they are consistent with this
moonni bu’uura Labsii kanaatiin
bahanii hanga bakka buufama- »/ 5¡ህ q¸ Jመሠ 5ሚሄ Proclamation, remain in force
nitti raawwatamummaan isaanii ¶f;Rvdመመ†Rv/yሚEz»/ until replaced by regulations or
itti fufa. directives issued in accordance
ሚ ላል8
·ሉ 8
with this proclamation.
Labsii Lak. 215/2011 Fuula 62 q¸ሉ 2)05 $4 ˛ ^2 Proclamation No. 215/2018 page 62
3) Falmiiwwan Labsiin kun osoo ) ·ህ q¸ yመ¶ 5J flE˘መ 3) Cases filed before coming in to
hin ragga’in dura jalqabaman ~~(R 5J 5a5 q¸ መሠJ
force of this proclamation shall
akkaataa Labsii duraatiin ilaala- be treated until final decision
manii xumura kan argatan ta’a. H·Kሟሜflሚ†˛j·ሆdል88
in accordance with the existing
4) Hojjetaan mootummaa kami- ) ማflም flመf/J ሠEl 5J proclamation.
yyuu mirgi akkaataa seera du- 8ለq¸†˛ifመ:J5¡ህq¸ 4) Any civil servant shall not be
raanitiin argate sababa labsamu denied of his rights entitled un-
Labsii kanaatin jalaa hin dhaab- der the existing proclamation
batu. due to the promulgation of this
. flEሕR proclamation.
99. Seerota Haqaman
) flw(ሚ† ~ልል መfJ ሠEoR
1) Labsii Hojjettoota Mootum-
q¸ ሉ
99. Repealed Laws
maa Naannoo Oromiyaa Lak.
1) The Oromia Regional State
61/1994, Lak. 79/1996, Lak. vd 5¡ህq¸E7)ል88
Civil Servants Proclama-
104/1997 fi Lak. 123/1999 Labsii
kanaan haqamaniiru.
) ·ህfq¸flሚ fማdMምq¸ tion No.61/2002, No.79/2004,
2) Labsiin, Dambiin, Qajeelfa- ¶f: መመ†R ·ም flqሠ No.104/2005 and No. 123/2006
moonni yookiin barmaatiileen ልም» 5¡ህ q¸ /ሉ 5HJ
are here by repealed.
hojii Labsii kanaan walfaallessan 2) No proclamation, directive or
kamiyyuu dhimmoota Labsii work practices shall, in so far
kana keessatti hammataman ir- as it is inconsistent with this
ratti raawwatiinsa hin qabaatan. . q˙ላ·flሚል5J—£ proclamation has an effect in
·ህ q¸ 5ሌ) y¶5J f
respect of matters provided for
100. Yeroo Labsichi Hojiirra Itti Oolu by this proclamation.
˘ም( ላ· flሚል ·ሆdል88
Labsiin kun guyyaa Caffeen rag-
ga’e irraa eegalee hojiirra kan 100. Effective Date
oolu ta’a. fe This proclamation shall come
መ/yም f $4 .ም
in to force as of the date of its
Finfinnee approval by the Caffee.
Guyyaa Fulbaana 28 Bara 2011 ለማመ˛-
Lammaa Magarsaa flw(ሚ†~ልላመfJ2¡„fJ Finfine
Pirezidaantii Mootummaa Naannoo October 8, 2018
Oromiyaa Lema Megersa
President of Oromia Regional State

ሌ) መ

/ e @5 f 24 01 // July 2, 2019

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