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C=) THE PROPOSED CODE OF PROFESSIONAL RESPONSIBILITY AND ACCOUNTABILITY * eth code s Sahent Ecatures ‘The present Code ot Profesional Responsbity (CP follows a duty based structure acety, legal profession, courts, and client) ‘The New Code of Judicial Conduct, based on he Bangalore Pnciples of Juda Conduct, ee Preamble Ws ded inte six dhscrete principles Independence, Tegrity, Imparbalty, Propriety, Equahty, and Competence and Dingesce Restucuted the proposed Code of Professional Responsibly snd Accountabiiy (CPRA) torcreae a parllelism to the New Code of Judieal Conduct ‘The bprnciples under the proposed CPRA = 1 inaspestens Propet JceyCompeence SpDiligencesE quality. andMecountabihty ‘A seventh pricple -Integnty~ can aso be found inthe proposed CPA” the sum total ofall the ethical values that every lawyer ‘must embody and exh Tie Preamble announces a ueventh principle “lotegity An etiucal lawyer ss ane who Rewtirhuegyrn ere RSE POLIT ACEC = pun the overall paradigt an proposed CPA. othe conten of moray he standazds that must sed one Taga pression imitation of + Preamble 100 in frame inoue oye fevoclturaly a Sean enpo Pecsuse oft olen the poste MY Sapam t= Independence, ‘oy io mania indepensience With respect to matters pending before 4 our or tribunal, lawyer ust solely lyon the ments of 3 eUse 1 notanfluence orimerfes inary pending Serrer anese suorzed by law or 8 1s In discharging one’s duties, a lawyer shall + bemnfluenced byaay dshonest of mmol gensderains. oF «+ iow the cent to dictate the procedure aha staegy in handling the case, bat Sha nevertheless respect the later’s ‘eesion to sete after being informed te Iegel consequences thereof tess umperaive that a lawyer mamiains Independence ue discharge ob ober a Mihout any improper influence, $ikcoon. pressure or mererence and IW Canon = Propriety, behy prper Mceaat ‘Duty to ad-wath propriety s»_personal and profesional dealings Sxctuans L010) an aaa ee 3 Sand profesional “s_Inall bis or her person dealings, a lawyer shall 1+ maintain dignified conduct, respecting The aw, the cours, tnbunals and other overnient agencies, ncluding (heir Berplayees, and fellow members of the Bar, «+ promptly corect any maceuracy oF fat + Gre only digniied, gender fair, culd- and ultually-sesttive language fe A lawyer shall not «+ createor promote an unsafe envionment, oth in private and public settings, fhctuding the online spaces «= coach, discriminate, oF harass. a witness: + obstruct another lawyer's access 4 Cvidence, or alte, destroy, or conceal evidence 1s Alavyer sal at all times act with propesty nd maintain the appearance of propriety 10 personal and professional dealings, observe ones, respect and courtesy, and uphold the dignty ofthe profession consistent with the high standards of ethical behavior ut 1 false representations ot = A lawyer shall not + make false representations or statements; + impute or accuse another lawyer ot any misconduct without factual or legal bossa a rres CODEC PROFESIONAL EPONA ACCRABLTE & “dvecty or indirect, le of cause tobe ed vast inthe filing ol frvolus or {Steins admit, or cra complains grt another lawyer fA lawyers duty-bound to: smnmedhately eport any dishonest, deceful for misleading conduct related to ary proceeding in cout, tribunal, or other overnment agency: submit gnevances against any officer of 2 court, tibunal, or other government agency only twough the appropriate remedy and before the proper authorities; immediately report any Ifetheeatening situation that is likely to develop in felation to any proceeding before any court, tribunal, or other government agency. Peohibition against claim of influence or aggtandizement (Sections 15,17-19) 48 The following acts remain prohibited: making claims of power, influence, elationship with any officer of a court, tribunal, of other government agency: direct and indirect solitation of legal business; payingor giving any benefit or consideration {o any media practioner o peesonality in Aancipation of, orn return for, publicity; commenting of publicizing opinion pettaining toa pending proceeding (sub- Juice rule) and Salen Features 5 + making public appearances and statements ‘on behalf ofa cent forthe purpose of promoting oF aggrandizing oneself oF ‘Sbtaining public sympathy = Advertisement of one's legal services may eae ere ees oy + digfed, verable and factual information is used, Including biographical data, contact deals, elds of practice, services offered, and the lke; and * the purpose of the advertisement is to allow potential clients to make informed chores Sections 200 29 A lawyer shall pot give gifts to any court, tribunal or ‘orerninent agency, or ay of officers ‘or personnel, + take advantage of a non-lawyer’s lack of knowledge ofthe tase; + unsueute muluple cases amounting 0 ‘Bramitoppig top leverage, harass 2 pay of incease cost of Mignon Teas unethical fora lawyer to use ius oF her relationship of connections, or even just the appearance thereot {which may be a consequence of giftgiving), to gain professional or personal avers. is hkewse Tineical for 3 lawyer to take advantage of the rules to the point of eircumwenting thet impor.ee 6 rm more cor or RFTSSONM NSTONLIM ACCOUNTABLE Sin Fetes 7 “Baty io sspecLanother yes engagement highlights that only a lawyer oF group of ‘secon 201025) seer may pci aw mourn A lawyer shall not, [8 group comprised of mixed professions, en such a Tawyers and accountam's, may not 1 detly or diet, encroach upon oF engage in the practice ot law sere he profesional engage 1 Lawyers who hold themselves out to the i srotherlaver publle asa law fmm ate estopped from + “Hiempl fo communicate, negotiate, Bltmang otherwse ompromise, or oterwise deal wth 3 heat represented By another lawyer sn government serv 2. = Alanyer may 1+ A Lamyer who stsumes public office ‘+ give proper advice and assistance to . Snyone seeking reel aginst percewed tunanthfl or neglectfel counsel shallhave his or he ame removed om the firm name, when applicable shall not advance his or her prwvate oF f+ Emphases placed on the prosenpuon against financial interest ofthat of another, 0 rlcsnond cnvcncen ch sche sy samt oping spon of weestng a ser pany Set + tutor sae pts eee anting eens Siete necntcany eres Gotamiscunpmesreriecer ‘those atc However yf hecurren counsels DRLen ‘© Allawyer who was formerly in government, fsny mater belore the ollie where he oF begpren ite theuied tobe conscted wathina peciod Las frm, det ston 20) atone yar om her separation irom eh sie Alarm any pate oie, panei, ov auocumon,eksvelycompnsed of 9 * uacelan cou sab sate = Taper ar never engage te price aw foomerangterte srdehaitheses on te Soa os The phrase “exclswely comprised of fAgubic promo oalnwyer utara Tuner ov lawyers engaged to pracie law tolprsceute shal atpen ct of OTSSONA PONS 0 ACCIMTABLTY sae Fetes ‘ + suppress facts + Conceal or tamper with evidence, + conch a wins oF + offer fle tesumony fs Members, officals or employees of the Judiciary sll not engage sn the private factce ofl, except when allowed by [Eo the Supreme Court 1 The provisos penamngto lawyers assuming publi ofce have ben expanded to ensure BiGNIFIED GOVERNMENT SERVICE nbued swith ntegrnty and accountabsity sr Duty of lawyers mn the academe (Secon 4 sn) se The proposed promsans + Setthe standard of behavior fora lawyer hile scadere ereng n any eapoey” + Highnght wats expected ofthe lawyer Inthe event a cont of ners. or the Lawyers im the academe play a vital role Im molding Feure lawyers The behavior tepecedf them therefore reqavespropety Shu respetaity nade and ootsdeo ther lassrooms ‘Sections 1030) 1A paralegal 1s one who performs task that ‘abr fotlamny with egal ences employed Drictained bya lawyer Iw office corporation governmental agency ov other en for none Thagrostic and non-advisory work wn relation to legal malters delegated by such lawyer, aw lice, corporation, goversinental agency OF other eat. f+ Alawyer must direct or supervise a paralegal Inthe performance ofthe ater delegated fut fe Theduty of contidentiahty shall also extend to the services cendered by the paralegal, ‘eho i equally bound o keep the prvlege Supervising lawyers mast take note ofthe take enumerated in the proposed CPRA ‘which may not be delegated to nonlawyers 1 Lawyers shold not hide Behind paralegals nu oe staf members inthe performance tf ther duties Thus, the proposed CPRA holds them accountable, not ony or thet fn ac but Ukewize fr he acts of those they supervise finals or er seal media meractuons lawyer mst + uphold the digty of the egal profession td the rae a a, + be mindful of the consequences and stncalsmpieauons of hs or her posts find online conduc + eniy the rthtalnwss of what he or she shares on ay platform, + exerese pralence so as not to violate {he provision on conf! of terest,i ————$§£_ 10. ros 00 OF oO SPOS 0 CONTA Saint Frau ‘exert efor to prevent any inadvertent Ssclosure, use, oF access to client confidences and information be mindful ofthe legal advice that he cor she provides, which ca give nse 10 Sawyercent relationship A lawyer shall not disseminate fle or unveniedsatennents ‘or claims, or otherwise com sry ther {6 of disinformation + maintain social media acéouns forthe perpon of excurventing the provisions [tthe proposed CPRA, + communicate with an acer of any cour Inbunal or other government agency though socal media to nllucnce the laters pertormanee of offal dates f+ With aheprlferabon of sonal mia sts and lator, thes unregulated wc haeevlted Thabuve even focuses rho are lawyers vwiveh necessitated the inclosion of rales on {he responsible use of social media mn the proposed CPRA. The proposed provers Emphasize the respanrbity ofall awyers {O uphold the digmty ofthe profession in Sitherachons ad tansachon, whether public or prove V¥. Conon tt - dey Fidelity. line f= Duty towphold the Consanon andthe laws ff the Loe ast the anise i tf ysuce aban alficer of he court and to ‘advance or defend a chen’ cause with fll ‘devotion, genuine interest and zeal in the ‘porsut of truth and pstice Lawyer's idelty 1 « function of the client's authorty-and the lawyers fiduciary duty Sections 33a 1+ Definition ofthe lawyer-client relatonshop = Transposed provisions from Rule 138 on rthomty the proposed CPRA Dynes as officers of the coust and in the sadmnstiaon of usie Section 676.22. 25) ‘+ Prohtion agar frivolous sts and abuse of court processes, + fling or encouraging the fling of actions swathout Tegal, tatoal, or evidentiary basi + cbatrucuing or intertenng with court ‘order o¢jtgment oF sbotng cour processes Duty to encourage stn Baivio al cent recty a fraudulent et Sereng as amis care Prompt payment of members dues of ose, define Sec 12) There is confit of snteves en a ser sepresensnconsstent or apna BERS ‘SCiseumaee nan Tete ete fect bebalot one cent the ese s {fly tofght foram nse or las but which Is his or her duty to oppose for the other heatee ‘Salent Features 1 eee nae oo = - ee be cneeriemcenid Conflicting interests Wle te curt CPR devotes ony two Rules le 1403 nd 1505) ‘othe subject, the proposed CPRA prowdes for varios scenaron where the prohibition ‘+ They shall assume responsiblity for any Should be applied work performed by the law student while 1 Inzelauon tothe ype of cher. the probinon Unde thew supervision wn compliance with seuiet confc-oanierest representation allthe laws rules and guidelines pertanong prevented under 3 scenanes () sate fo Law Srodent Bractee shears ection 13), (0) peogacuse heals fs Role of a aw student chine diector and Supervising lawyers to provide meaning tenming to law aredents ‘osfuennaly ules Sections 26:31) aioe ie and leanec atest Seton - Easton 1 Doty of conten by former lnwyers Ot frm = ew pron 4 Inreelaton 49 ongarrational chen he prohbon agai representing contictng ‘Planied esa services, deine (Section 30 Inert eas with ener () Corre a hata aaa ena on Iingau fxcion 1) (0) Lega Sat Saher govetnen oper fr 3 sponte ‘xzamzaton ercvon 19) (0) kamera fe Srlden ha proseding tthe expen Shae erie Secon 20) RIE byte ayer aid the cent tht te eer Kianer' oles Becnen 3) ‘alot prove contawn egal servis + A sgnicant prownion sn the proposed The ater Cra dele ih he pu st + Asanew povsnon he etonon Lines Leal une en or ug nas te Series hilsthe gap when atawyerawers solesunaal enznginem (ction TI eh ‘ Ot ystice that results mn the eteaton ot 3 stoeney cent tlatonstup. These 9 Aexpectation by ee the lawyer ov Ue cent {hse the Inwyer will provide comtouing Fepresenation an the mater ‘lawyer should stat at the ote he nate ff Lime Lngal Services arte Legal Services is not necesaiy pro bono A Towyer who renders nied legal Services shall be ening Yo omperstion ts may be apreed upon oF te provided by the Bales of Court Appointment of lawyer by the court 9 fender Lint Legal Soreces pro bona chal not be refused on the ground of anf of {tteet Ths applies os government lawyer ‘areeny serving inthe governanent less Prohibited by law or appcabe Civ Sere Fates and repulanone {conte of mnteren exis ‘clone to al afte ps of interest [Ater such duclosure, a lawyer may not fefase to render pro Bono Tel services if ‘nly to the ener ecctary to sleguard the iter’sfunsamental nights ed ot #0 epee sachpesson of emesis svalale tinder helo rule, even + euher pany objets, or 1+ orimany other tance where pro bono Trine! Legal Services are ugh Limes Legal Series inlude + appouniment as counsel de otic oly Ir arraigment porposes special appearances to make any court fsibmieson. sprcal appetrances to give advice special appearances 10 draft legal document special appearances to provide legal Sesstance before administrative bodies f+ The seveices rendeved by a Taw student penctuoner under the Crit Lega Edson Program pursuant 0 fue 136A classed a5 Lined Legal Services ‘Rules.on Fees (Seehons 40-47) The proposed CPRA expresses tha lawyer sented o prompt payment rom the chat attorney tees ‘Enlonsement of layers Len Section 46) 1 Included un the proposed CPRA ma cleat ‘mechanse for tneenforcement ofthe lawyer {es inthe ste action ‘TheSub-Commitee propored hats procedure be puto place to govern caves where the lawyer has not bent pnd storeys ees but continues old a hen se agen the cent The enforcement dane m the ease where the ation i pending because the court oF telbonal is timatelyfamsihar eth the strrces rendered bythe wher 3nd Mette an tule ast the furese an reason Df the fees elated, following the factors ‘enifed nthe prepoved Section 40oo Saint Fates v ‘©The proposed Section 46 also ances @ "Article 1491(8) wl detrmune the valiny of procedure for appealing the Ting of the the sale whe the proposed Section 8 wall oust or tnbuna sto ators fee wih ‘del wih the ethical dues ofthe lawyer ‘aleguards i order forthe ma ation not to be delayed #VL_ Canon IV - Competence and Diligence ‘Termination oLengagement Gections 48:51,54) ‘Sompeiense quires consceniousnss Sections ‘© Theterminationof the engagement shall rot 1246 relieve the client from fal payment ofall {©The very core ofthis Canon ita flyer Drofessional fees due tothe lawyer accepts an engagement, such acceptance Fegates thatthe lawyer devote fis or her ‘esth of sich wer shall ot extinguish the best attennon to sich engagement lnwyerslent engagement between the Ly The standatdofdigence requires higher firm and the chent handed by such layer than that of an average reasonable person Moral predisposition ofthe lawyer as one ‘onsiering the llinese ofthe profeoson ‘ofthe ground for termonaing the lawyer However tre that lawyer not Shenton expected tobe a superhuman” ‘This, what Thus new grounds based onan experience the proposed CPRA regulates ate sstances ‘hated by = Member of the Seb.commtce of where a lawyer accepts a ease despite his © When the lawyer sa pat of la rm, the Bape cauesnvotvingaminor The Member or her smbity wo han the engagement hated the dificlly she encountered fie dues owed acn04 3.4. ‘ontinue with the engagement because, Sathou reference fo the gt or rnocence ‘Punctuality nll appearances, punctuality ol the accused represented, she Tabored in delvering legal services| Snder 4 moral dilemma, on account of her f= Asuduously atsesing the ments before ‘own mr chien fing legal advice : = Eaplaoing able options Responsibiy over chen fundsand properties (Gestions 32.55) + Gigaset pao {© Provmon on ayer’ acquisition of property caer: ulpetofngaton, complementary fo Atte \ulong caning 25a halimath of competence THsHG) of the Cl Code ‘Sesion The Sub-Commutee aso decide to carey = the pane" rectly macy” 1 prevent lawyer fom ewcarventing the rle = Acompetent lawyer must keep up to date ‘wah the law as developmentsr 18 _raaonsc cot oF ors Sens CNA © Acomptnt inner undertakes onion 7+ alate acon dere uneatepoaans iegaleduaton tenon hs orem | ‘Seton osteo the mandy progam | FE *Avateabe proton a peson who sat tel ceca i ‘hgh on eth han te a al ‘Sete San indie dalton the eldey, he homes Se Persone wk nay pone doped cg iy tat soe ene of Nery, heman neh ics, cing sce hy slob the Senet lee tno rd cPRA Gradvaninge. hee who eng orseal ey + A lawyer concucenty pricing another ‘hme minorities, or hose with Gein Prieccnsnn dcine ache eae Piya or ment conte Site ec eo she shal preform Rltwyer at nal ad! eave of The proven potest mer of ak ecigselapecciorumaanes'o eee Ie lwye andthe deny oe depening Bike ch std or onthe se nay nas et he story he's mecrnghl es VIE Canon V ~ Equality a VN Capen V1 Accountabity © Anchclnwyerracognaes and understands thatscbmitngioanaeouctbty mann 'S pare ol ha or er ethical responsibly ™~ Boigy of non-duscrimnation Sections 1.3 and a # Alawyer should make fis or ber services Sccemible to all, wathout qualification [A person's background and/or waeaty c tonentanon or pede lent Adaistative dcipnay poceesings ron. daisy, ge mal tats sca 1 The new Canon on Account outnes oneness such ayer Sorbo {nd embodies the rus governing the pcre: bls opanon regarding the gl of sd folding ayer account forwssanon Fomor) sre oor awa pounds rtnt ‘tthe proposed Crm ana sarge sed cen tolegal services tn Rule 19.8, corpora some prone Tnaddion lawyers must observe the same of Re 18 and Rae 10 yamended Standard of sevece forall cen wheter Confidential character summary mature compensated ot not . equed buden of pro onthe complainant remains to be substantial evidenceee ‘Quingh damsel and dasmioal ater anwer Gecton 1015 * Gear tena pean ds wat Scand, ‘days fom afi, hat haze labiliy. Ifthe complain shows ron fare ment. the avestigator mat reque {he respondent files vented answer ‘Theinvestgatr. after receipt ofthe answer, may alo dismiss he complaint. ‘+ In both types of dismissal the Board of Governors has the dncrewon to adopt the ‘ecomnmendatono isms orto revrtmend the conduct of further proceedings The fesonal the Bordef Governors adopt, See eae Somplat {ial tthe complont charges ‘Sigh atense The complaint charges fegserus or trtovs offege, the order of Siem bythe Bound aT overnosmay Be wath dU calendar dais from seep Shite order Pend to mnestgate Section 16) 90 calendar days from commencement, with onetime entensin of another 9) ealendst ‘ajs for toll of 190 calendar days, f= To abbreviate proceedings, hearings ate Giecretionary on the investigator, and & ‘conducted only to (I) clay facial aus fd (2) te confront witnesses 1 Must be terminated wahun 30 calendar days from comvmencement 1+ Nom appearance of pares at the dteretonary hearing ts deemed s waiver ofthe ght (0 parterpate in the ciacreionary hearing Report and recommendation to the Supreme Court Gesuan: 1 The report has tobe submitted + wuthin 30 calendar days from receipt of, the lat postion pape, or thin 15 calendar days from the eemunatin of the Besing 1 Auached tothe report a imatenal: the following 4 duly cere wansript of senographic adie recording. oF personal notes duly signed, nd the evidence on record, cluding Tecordings of hearings, through ‘deocontereneng any ect Soston 20 Two kinds of defect and remedies 1+ Subeantat defect which may result oa Imisearige of josice may be raed 3 Sector im the Supreme Court Detect that results to @ deprivation of due procers may be raised By fing & a22_icoyoo conto rrrssow sons AN ACCANLTY * ‘motion to reopen before the TBP Board of Governars within 60 calendar ays from knowledge enals Setuons 322042) “he proposed CPRA adopts the paradigm of Rate 140 ap amended AOR IWelasbes offense ae senous, les serious, and light offenses, with corresponding povalis (ors combination of heed + Sanus ollensey- disbarment suspension Sk more chan 6 months fe exrnd Prpi00 000 = oss sero offenses - suspension oft Fonda to¢ monte fine fom P5600 to Phptoon0 Light ottenses~ fine fom Php.000 to FrpS5.00, censure reprimand lnallanstances, the ering lawyer shall a0 be reqnted to return any money a propery Subject of the complaint wathn 3 pend fot eaceeding 3 months frm resto the ‘econ wth eensequenensoenancomphace DMitugating and aggravating ccumstances te also enumerated, wil rules for how they affect the penalty (eg if there iT ggravstingcrcumstance, wih no mipting Seumstancethesupeeme Cour may post the monimum pero of suspension 9 twice the amount of the fine effacing) All penalles are mimediately exectory, from recep of the decision or Fsaltin timposing them -Plaling of suspension ections 4410 6) ‘The propo CPRA incorportesjorispradence tm iftng of suspension rom the practice Taw, with some madiieatons ‘The proposed CPRA clafies that suspension {oom the practice of Is not automatically ted upon the lapse ofthe period, but only ‘spon order ofthe Supreme Court A fase statement in the verihed petition forthe iting of such suspension shall be ground for dstarment Pein forsudiial clemency (Sections 47 1051) ‘The proposed CPA meosportes rpudence fon petitions for judicial clemency and ‘enstatementin the Rol of Attorneys with ssn rat emery maw ly a fiom eg a ‘Sean aug or eoangn af ear The proposed provotons enomerais Te ‘ejated an opera sersentern support of the peter Prana fc mer the bss or entertan the ptton which absence means outright coat lide sugrene Court ind wns acne clemency shall be based on clear convincing evidenceue llee @rc 24m Popo 000 POONA ESOS AND ACURA Lawyer's Oath 1, do solemnly swear that 1 will masnaunaleiance tothe Republic ofthe Philipines, 1 wil suppor the Constitution and obey theless wel as the legal bodes ofthe duly constituted autores there 1 wil dono falsehood, aorconsen tthe dong of any sncout {se not wituagly or wing promote or sue any groundless, {aise or unlawful suitor give id or consent tothe same, {will delay no man for money or alc, and wal conduct Inyoell ae 2 Sawyer sccoing tothe best of my knowledge So discretion, wath all god fidelity as well 10 the courts 25 tomy lent and Timpose upon mysel hese wountay obligations without my rome! reservation or purpose a evsnon So help me Cod Proposed Revised ‘Eawyer’s Oath sstce Marve Mi ‘ctor B Leones Proposed Revised hayes Onth sub-Commates for the Revision of the Code of rofesinal Responsibly ‘stnam), do solemnly sweat (otter thot tsccept the Sonor privilege, duty and Tesponebiy [duties and sooeiy| of practi Grier of the Court inthe tnterest of our people 1 declare fealty to the ‘of Phlippines tn doing so, I shall work towards promoting “the fle flow anda regime of tat ste. eedmy love equality, 1 shal conection and ‘courageously work forusne, ‘Sel ssleguatd henge tnd meoninghat cede all person ene hd cofmmanties Tahal trou grate and cquiasle Ser Shtiee foo asehood na shail pervert thew tounpytter not 1, do solemnly swear, a5 an ‘hier ofthe court, tht wil ‘maintain alliance to the Republic ofthe Philippines. 1 shall be loyal to the Constitution, and uphold the rule of law 1 shalt embody integrity and practice sndependenee Proprty, ety competence nd diligence, equaliy, and Skcountabaty mal that do 1 shall safeguard the rights nd meerangfl frendons of fll persons, identities and So help me Goa28 _ mc oneosc coor or orssoua oN Ao ACOA pieudice anyone) shal {outhtully discharge these dates and resporsibiies to the best of my abilty ‘uh integrity, are utmost hahty impose all these “pon myself wiht mest eran sr prpose a [for oaths So help me, Gos {Omit fr alternations)
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Steve Jobs
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Steve Jobs
Walter Isaacson
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Angela's Ashes: A Memoir
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Angela's Ashes: A Memoir
Frank McCourt
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The Outsider: A Novel
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The Outsider: A Novel
Stephen King
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Brooklyn: A Novel
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Brooklyn: A Novel
Colm Toibin
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The Little Book of Hygge: Danish Secrets to Happy Living
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The Little Book of Hygge: Danish Secrets to Happy Living
Meik Wiking
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The World Is Flat 3.0: A Brief History of the Twenty-first Century
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The World Is Flat 3.0: A Brief History of the Twenty-first Century
Thomas L. Friedman
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A Man Called Ove: A Novel
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A Man Called Ove: A Novel
Fredrik Backman
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4.5/5 (4851)
The Yellow House: A Memoir (2019 National Book Award Winner)
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The Yellow House: A Memoir (2019 National Book Award Winner)
Sarah M. Broom
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Devil in the Grove: Thurgood Marshall, the Groveland Boys, and the Dawn of a New America
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Devil in the Grove: Thurgood Marshall, the Groveland Boys, and the Dawn of a New America
Gilbert King
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The Sympathizer: A Novel (Pulitzer Prize for Fiction)
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The Sympathizer: A Novel (Pulitzer Prize for Fiction)
Viet Thanh Nguyen
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Yes Please
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Yes Please
Amy Poehler
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
4/5 (1941)
The Art of Racing in the Rain: A Novel
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The Art of Racing in the Rain: A Novel
Garth Stein
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4/5 (4255)
A Tree Grows in Brooklyn
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A Tree Grows in Brooklyn
Betty Smith
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4.5/5 (1934)
Team of Rivals: The Political Genius of Abraham Lincoln
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Team of Rivals: The Political Genius of Abraham Lincoln
Doris Kearns Goodwin
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The Woman in Cabin 10
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The Woman in Cabin 10
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A Heartbreaking Work Of Staggering Genius: A Memoir Based on a True Story
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A Heartbreaking Work Of Staggering Genius: A Memoir Based on a True Story
Dave Eggers
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Fear: Trump in the White House
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Fear: Trump in the White House
Bob Woodward
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Wolf Hall: A Novel
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Wolf Hall: A Novel
Hilary Mantel
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On Fire: The (Burning) Case for a Green New Deal
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On Fire: The (Burning) Case for a Green New Deal
Naomi Klein
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Rise of ISIS: A Threat We Can't Ignore
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Rise of ISIS: A Threat We Can't Ignore
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John Adams
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John Adams
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Manhattan Beach: A Novel
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