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Bull Flores Navigation Equipment Audit Checklist - 28 June 2018

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The Operator’s navigation, training and bridge procedures policies should be reviewed. The existence of established
bridge organization and passage planning procedures and the professional application of ship handling and navigational
practices in compliance with international regulations should be checked. Bridge manuals and navigation procedures
should include general information and requirements on navigation, bridge organization, watchkeeping, equipment,
pilotage and port arrival and departure procedures.
Compliance with these policies, procedures and bridge organization can be evaluated if there is an opportunity to sail on
the vessel for a short time, otherwise they should be discussed with the master and officers, and the Inspector should try
to ascertain that stated navigational policies are understood and complied with.
Ascertain the crew’s awareness of the dangers associated with:
• an inadequate understanding of the way vessels are affected by various forces, particularly squat and interaction;
• poor bridge organization and an inadequate use of equipment and personnel;
• a lack of passage planning and
• a lack of concentration.
Constant vigilance is one of the most important requirements for successful ship handling and the mariner in charge must
discipline himself to concentrate on the job in hand when using his bridge team to feed him supportive information;
Navigation equipment should be in an operational condition. Defective navigational equipment can result in collision or
grounding with the consequent risk pollution. Evidence should be available to show that periodic checks of navigational
equipment are made at sea.

Date : JUNE 28 , 2018


4.1 Is the navigation equipment as fitted appropriate for the Y N NS NA

size of the vessel and in a satisfactory condition?
All bridge equipment fitted appropriate for the size of the vessel:
1. Echo sounder has no printer, No printer result for ship document. Internal memory only keeps
24 hours. No data’s on repeater, no sounding result on ECDIS and RADAR.
2. Weather Fax printing result blur can’t read the weather map

4.1.1 Magnetic compass A standard magnetic compass shall be fitted on ships of 150 gt and upwards. SOLAS V/12 (b)
A spare magnetic compass, interchangeable with the standard magnetic Yes,
compass shall be carried unless a steering compass or gyro compass is fitted. No bubble air
4.1.2 Gyro compass and repeaters A gyro compass shall be fitted on ships of 500 gt and upwards constructed on SOLAS V/12 (d), (e)
or after 1 September 1984, and in addition, ships if 1600 gt shall be provided Yes
with a gyro repeater or gyro repeaters suitably placed for taking bearings as
nearly as practicable over the arc of the horizon of 360 degrees.
4.1.3 Radars A radar capable of being operated in the 9ghz (3cm) band shall be installed on SOLAS V/12 (g), (h), (o),
ships of 500 gt and upwards constructed on or after 1 September 1984, and on (r) Yes,
ships of 1600 gt and upwards constructed before 1 September 1984. However, X – Band radar PM
ships of 10,000 gt and upwards shall be fitted with 2 radars, each being showing range 6/24
capable of being operated independently of the other, and one of which must
be capable of operating in the 9ghz (3cm) band.
4.1.4 Radar plotting equipment Radar plotting equipment shall be provided on the navigation bridge of ships SOLAS V/12 (i)
fitted with radars. Yes
4.1.5 ARPA Tankers of 10,000 gt and upwards shall be fitted with an automatic radar SOLAS V/12 (j)
plotting aid. (ARPA) Vessels required to be fitted with an ARPA shall be
equipped with a device to indicate speed and distance through the water. (i.e.
electromagnetic or pitot log) Both of radars’ fitted

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4.1.6 Echo sounders SOLAS V/12 (k)

When engaged in international voyages, ships of 500 gt and upwards
constructed on or after 25 May, 1980 and ships of 1600 gt and upwards Yes
constructed before 25 May 1980 shall be fitted with an echo sounder. Digital display type.
Performance of the echo sounder should be tested on all ranges and scales to
verify recordings against depths shown on the chart.
4.1.7 Speed and distance indicators When engaged on international voyages ships of 500 gt and upwards SOLAS V/12 (l)
constructed on or after 1 September 1984 shall be fitted with a device to Yes
indicate speed and distance.
4.1.8 Rudder angle, RPM, variable Rudder angle indicator and propeller RPM indicators shall be fitted on ships of 500 SOLAS V/12 (m)
pitch and bow thruster gt and upwards constructed on or after 1 September 1984 and engaged on
indicators international voyages. Pitch and operational mode indicators shall be fitted on Yes
vessels fitted with variable pitch propellers or lateral thrust propellers. All shall be
readable from the conning position. The USCG requires these indicators to be
visible from the bridge wings.
4.1.9 Rate of turn indicators Required for vessels of 100,000 gt and upwards constructed after 1 September SOLAS V/12 (n)
1984. The USGC requires that they are visible from the bridge wings. Yes
4.1.10 Signal lamps (Aldis) All ships over 150 gt engaged on international voyages shall have on board an SOLAS V/11
efficient daylight signaling lamp, shich shall not be solely dependent on the ship’s
main source of electrical power. Yes
4.1.11 VHF radio All ships of 300 gt and upwards shall be provided with a VHF installation capable SOLAS V/7
of transmitting and receiving on Channels 6, 13, 16 and 70 (DSC). It shall be
possible to initiate the transmission of distress alerts on channel 70 from the Yes
position from which the ship is normally navigated. A notice on proper procedures
shall be displayed
4.1.12 NAVTEX Receiver If the vessel is engaged on voyages in any area in which a NAVTEX service is SOLAS V/7
provided. Yes
4.1.13 Course recorder There is no requirement for a course recorder to be fitted. Yes
4.1.14 GPS There is no requirement at present for a GPS receiver to be fitted. Yes
ISM Code The fitting of ECDIS to a wider range of vessels worldwide SOLAS V/15
became mandatory since July 2012, based on a rolling time table existing
4.1.15 ECDIS tankers mandatory on July 2015. SOLAS Chapter V Regulation 15 Yes
Requirement for effective bridge design and bridge procedures including
“promoting effective and safe bridge resource management”

4.2 Is the vessel provided with Operator’s policy statements Y N NS NA

instructions and procedures with regard to safe navigation?
Operator’s bridge procedures should include at least the following:
• a clear statement that safety of life and the safety of the ship take
Precedence over all other considerations;
• allocation of bridge watch keeping duties and responsibilities for
Navigation procedures;
• procedures for voyage planning and execution;
• chart and nautical publication correction procedures;
• procedures to ensure that all essential navigation equipment is
available and fully operational;
• ship position reporting procedures;
• recording of voyage events.
(Bridge Procedures Guide 1.3)
Company Policy statements instructions and procedures was posted on the bridge clearly and organizing
easy to see and read by all crews.

4.2.1 Is there a copy of the policies and procedures on the bridge? Yes
4.2.2 Are these policies being complied with? Yes
4.2.3 Are the duties of the watch-standing officers clearly defined? Yes

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4.2.4 Are the vessel’s maneuvering characteristics displayed on the bridge? SOLAS II-1/28.3
IMO Res. A.601(15) Yes
4.2.5 Are auto to manual steering changeover procedures displayed? SOLAS V/19
4.2.6 Are past pilot to master interchange check-lists retained? Yes
4.2.7 Is the echo sounder recorder marked with a reference date and time on each N/A,
occasion it is switched on? No printer available on
The echo sounder recorder should be switched on prior to each port entry and
departure, and the date and time marked on the chart.

4.3 Are the Deck and Engine Log Books and the Bell Books fully Y N NS NA
maintained, in ink, both at sea and in Port?
Log Books and Bell books should be checked to ensure that they are up to date with
entries properly made in ink, and that rough logs in pencil are not being maintained. It
is important that a proper, formal record of navigational activities and incidents, which
are of importance to safety of navigation, is kept in appropriate Log Books. In order to
allow the ship’s actual track to be reviewed at a later stage, sufficient information
concerning position, course and speed should be recorded in the Bridge Log Book or
using approved electronic means. (BPG 3.2.4)

Deck and Engine Log books and bell books are fully maintained in ink during vessel at sea and in port

4.4 Are the standing Order and Master’s Night Order Y N NS NA

Books in effective use?
Ref: ICS Bridge Procedures Guide
Standing Order and Master’s Night Order Books should be checked to ascertain that
all officers are certain as to their responsibilities. Master’s Standing Orders should be
written to reflect the master’s own particular requirements and circumstances
particular to the vessel, her trade and the experience of the bridge team employed at
that point in time.
(BPG 1.3.1)
Standing Order and Master’s Night Order Book are in effective use, Standing Order and sign by all Deck
Officer and Master’s Night Order read and sign also and following during watch in Port or during vessel at
4.4.1 Are Standing Orders issued by the Operator, and are they endorsed by the master Yes
and signed as read and understood by all deck officers?
4.4.2 Has the master issued Standing Order and are they supplemented by Yes
Night Orders when required?

4.5 Has a system been established to ensure that nautical Y N NS NA

publications, charts and information are on board and
Ref: SOLAS V Reg. 20
All ships shall carry adequate and up-to-date charts, Sailing Directions, Lists of Lights,
Notices to Mariners, Tide Tables and all other nautical publications necessary for the

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intended voyage. (SOLAS V 20)

An on-board chart and publication management system is recommended to ensure
that records are kept of which charts and publications are carried, and when they
were last corrected. (BPG 4.9.1)
Record keeping of corrections should be reviewed, and random checks made to
ensure that recorded corrections to charts and other nautical publications have been
made, and that charts and publications in use are fully corrected and up to date. The
last Notice to Mariners on board should be dated within the previous two months.
- Corrected until NTM wk. 26/18
4.5.1 Are fully corrected charts provided for the intended voyage?
Record in the Comments the type of chart correcting system which is used, Yes
and whether the charts are corrected for the normal trading area or just for
the voyage
4.5.2 Are Light Lists, Tide Tables, Sailing Directions, Pilot Books, The Nautical SOLAS V/20
Almanac and Chart Catalogue, the current editions? Yes

4.6 Has the vessel been safely navigated, and in Y N NS NA

Compliance with international regulations?
Ref: SOLAS V Reg. 20
Charts of previous voyages should be checked to determine that the vessel has been
safely navigated. (For example, the correct use of traffic separation zones, a safe
distance off the coast maintained, prohibited areas avoided etc.)
During passage all navigation warning issued, Fixing position, Parallel index, contingency anchorage,
wreck, shallow water, heading line, wheel over point, safe margins, and No go area mention on the chart

4.6.1 Are chart in use appropriate for the port? SOLAS V/20 Yes
4.6.2 Were the largest scale charts published used during the last passage? Yes

4.7 Is a comprehensive passage plan available for the current Y N NS NA

voyage and does it cover the full voyage from berth to berth?
Ref: -STCW Code Sect A-VIII/2 Part 2, Para. 5
Use of the HMSO publication ‘A guide to the Planning and Conduct of Sea Passages’
(1980), the UK Maritime and Coastguard Agency Marine
Guidance Note 72 and Annex, (Guide to the Planning and Conduct of
Passages), and the Nautical Institute publication ‘Bridge Team Management’
reinforce the requirements contained in the ICS ‘Bridge Team Management’ Useful
information such as parallel indexing, chart changes, position fixing frequency,
prominent navigation and radar marks, no-go areas, clearing lines and bearings,
transits, etc., should be marked on the chart where the use of this information
enhances navigation. Charted passage planning information should not obscure
printed details, nor should the information on charts be obliterated by the use of
highlight or felt-tip pen, etc. All previous courses to the one in use should have been
Latest passage plan covering the full voyage from berth to berth
4.7.1 Is the passage plan prepared by an appropriate officer and verified by the master? Yes
4.7.2 Is the passage plan information readily available for the watch keeper’s use? Yes

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4.7.3 Are pre-arrival and pre-departure checklists completed?

4.8 Does the Operator provide formal training in bridge team Y N NS NA

management techniques?
Ref: STCW Convention Res. 8
‘Former training’ should be taken to be shore-based courses.
All deck officers handed the Bridge Resources Management Certificate.

4.9 Is position fixing satisfactory? Y N NS NA

Ref: SOLAS V Reg. 20
At least two methods of position fixing should be charted, where possible. Visual and
radar position fixing and monitoring techniques should be used whenever possible.
(BPG 3.3.2)
All position fixing followed to Passage plan method and frequency mentioned on the chart
4.9.1 Is the actual position fixing in accordance with the passage plan? Yes
4.9.2 Is radar parallel indexing used to monitor the position of the vessel? Yes
4.9.3 During pilotage, was the position of the vessel adequately monitored? Yes

4.10 Is the gyro and magnetic Compass Error Log maintained and Y N NS NA
is it up to date?
Ref: STCW Code Section A-VIII/2 Part 3-1(34)
Magnetic and Gyro compass errors should be checked and recorded each watch,
where possible, using either azimuth or transit bearings. (BPG)
Gyro and Magnetic Compass Error Log maintained during clear weather and practicable.

4.11 Are current navigation warnings and weather forecast Y N NS NA

Ref: SOLAS Ch. V Regs. 2 and 4
Ascertain that there is a system in place for monitoring navigational warnings
appropriate to the ship’s trading area and for ensuring relevant navigational warnings
are brought to the attention of the watch keeping officers.
Navigation warnings and weather forecast received by Navtex, Inmarsat – C and Internet broadcast when
applicable and keep on bridge. Weather Fax print out no result, printed from internet.
4.11.1 Is there a system for retaining and charting Navtex and Navarea warnings, and
Temporary and Preliminary Notices, as applicable? Yes

4.12 Is the ECDIS maintained for License covering for current Y N NS NA

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Voyage and is it up to date for Weekly Notice Supplementary

safety – related information?
Ref: SOLAS Chapter V Reg 27 & IMO SN.1/Circ. 266
- Nautical charts and publications – requires that Nautical charts and nautical
publications necessary for the intended voyage are adequate and up-to-date.
- Maintenance of Electronic Chart Display and Information System (ECDIS
ECDIS on board MT. Bull Flores up dated from Base DVD sent by Office, for Weekly Notice supplementary safety and related
information downloaded from : www.transas.com only for T&P Nms due to no internet connection, use only personal HP datas.
Requested Management to downloaded it at office and sending on board ship weekly or monthly by DVD .

4.13 Additional Comments

If the Inspector has comments in respect of the subject matter covered by the Chapter additional to those which
the Inspector may make in response to the specific key questions in the Chapter, the Inspector should include such
additional comments in this section.
All bridge equipment fitted appropriate for the size of the vessel.
1. Echo sounder repeater which connected to ECDIS showed error display, so ECDIS can’t to
read the depth.
2. Weather Fax Printing blur requested technician to service.
3. Base DVD for ECDIS are WF 80 issue on week 22/2018 and weekly update no.26/2018.
Requested to management to download weekly updated from website : www.transas.com as
supported provider and supply on board ship weekly or monthly.

Reminder: When making comment in respect to Chapter key questions or making Additional
Comment at the end of a Chapter, Inspectors are reminded to pay particular attention to items
6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 of the mandatory inspection requirements on the Conduct of Inspection set
out in Section III of the introductory portion of this Document.



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