English (101-103)
English (101-103)
English (101-103)
NIM : 020319698
English (101-103)
DOCTOR You are you've paid - in the car park, I mean? It's a Pay-and-Display,
and they're as mustard, those wardens over there. They'll clamp you, if you
haven't got a ticket - and it's a £40 to release you. They're ever so keen - they
clamp us on the medical staff, even though we've got official stickers. You've got to
watch it - they've got like hawks and they go round all the time.
VISITOR Thanks, but OK. My husband's in the car and he's disabled - he'll have
got his orange card on the dash. Or if he hasn't, then that's his look-out. Anyway, I'm
a under
only here on flying visit, to see when a neighbour be coming out.
DOCTOR That's all right, then. Everything control..
able back big do exercise got next on problem ring take
through ward
w ard
NURSE So - go left out of the entrance to the and keep straight on down the
corridor until you come to a pair of double-doors. Go straight through. Got that?
PORTER Straight through.. yes that. Then what?
NURSE When you're the double-doors, look for some stairs on the left - not
very far. Go down these stairs for two flights to Floor C - or you can the lift
down to C.
PORTER Lift.. down.. C.. What you suggest?
NURSE I always walk, myself, just for a bit of . And you sometimes have to
wait quite a bit for the lift, if it's busy. Anyway, it's only two floors and a young fella
like you ought to be to manage that.
PORTER Don't worry - I can manage two floors. No . What's next?
NURSE As you get down to Floor C on the stairs, or come out of the lift - go left and
then right. And it's just down there. Go to DI Reception and tell them you've
come for the envelope for Mr Jackson, up on Nelson Ward. Any problems, ask them
to me on extension 4334 - Nurse Hamilton. OK?
PORTER 4334.. Nurse Hamilton.. OK. I'm the way.
NURSE Thanks, love. You're doing me a favour. I owe you one.
PORTER No worries. Be in a tick.
Nurse Jane Johnson & Her Accident
Jane Johnson was going to school this morning, a car knocked her down. Her
right leg was broken just below the knee. Some people who saw the accident laid her
in comfortable position on the pavement and phoned for an ambulance. The driver of
the car that knocked Jane covered her with a coat and tried to comfort her. When the
ambulance arrived, Jane was lifted onto a stretcher. Put into the ambulance and driven
to a hospital that was not far away. When she arrived at the casualty department, she
was admitted. The nurse was admitted her gave an injection of morphine to combat
the shock and the pain. The doctor who examined her, comforted her and told her that
everything will be all right.
While the doctor was examining her, the nurse who has admitted took her pulse and
blood pressure. As Jane’s wound was lacerated and contused, she was given an
antibiotic to prevent the onset of infection. She was taken to X – ray
department, while the X – ray examining was being carried out, Jane’s parents arrived
at the hospital. The doctor who examined Jane told them that Jane had sustained a
compound fracture at tibia and fibula.
He explained that an operation was necessary and asked Mr. Smith to sign a consent
form. While Mrs. Smith was giving Jane’s particulars and previous medical history to
the nurse. Before Jane’s parents left the hospital, they were told when they could visit
her and were given a list of things that she would need.
Perawat Jane Johnson & Kecelakaannya
Jane Johnson pergi ke sekolah pagi ini, sebuah mobil menabraknya. Kaki kanannya
patah tepat di bawah lutut. Beberapa orang yang melihat kecelakaan itu
membaringkannya dalam posisi nyaman di trotoar dan menelepon ambulans.
Pengemudi mobil yang menabrak Jane menutupinya dengan mantel dan mencoba
menghiburnya. Ketika ambulans tiba, Jane diangkat ke atas tandu. Dimasukkan ke
dalam ambulans dan dibawa ke rumah sakit yang jaraknya tidak jauh. Ketika dia tiba
di departemen korban, dia dirawat. Perawat mengakui dia memberikan suntikan
morfin untuk memerangi shock dan rasa sakit. Dokter yang memeriksanya,
menghiburnya dan mengatakan kepadanya bahwa semuanya akan baik-baik saja.
Saat dokter sedang memeriksanya, perawat yang telah mengaku mengambil denyut
nadi dan tekanan darahnya. Saat luka Jane terkoyak dan memar, dia diberi antibiotik
untuk mencegah timbulnya infeksi. Dia dibawa ke departemen X – ray, sementara
pemeriksaan X – ray sedang dilakukan, orang tua Jane tiba di rumah sakit. Dokter
yang memeriksa Jane memberi tahu mereka bahwa Jane menderita patah tulang
majemuk di tibia dan fibula.
Dia menjelaskan bahwa operasi diperlukan dan meminta Tuan Smith untuk
menandatangani formulir persetujuan. Sementara Nyonya Smith sedang memberikan
keterangan Jane dan riwayat kesehatan sebelumnya kepada perawat. Sebelum orang
tua Jane meninggalkan rumah sakit, mereka diberitahu kapan mereka bisa
mengunjunginya dan diberi daftar hal-hal yang akan dia butuhkan.