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V02 VS125 7H021H000 en 2019-12-02

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Haojue VS125 99011H7H021H000 V02 EN 2019-12-2 (1)



This manual should be considered a permanent part of the

motorcycle and should remain with the motorcycle when resold
or otherwise transferred to a new owner or operator. The
manual contains important safety information and instructions
which should be read carefully before operating the motorcycle.


Haojue VS125 99011H7H021H000 V02 EN 2019-12-2 (1)

(2) Haojue VS125 99011H7H021H000 V02 EN 2019-12-2

May endanger the safety of the rider, neglecting
MOTORCYCLE this information might lead to harm and injury.
The initial 500km are the most important in the life of your
motorcycle. Proper break-in operation during this time BCAUTION
will help ensure maximum life and performance from your
new motorcycle. Haojue parts are manufactured from Highlights special precautions or procedures that
high quality materials, and machined parts are finished must be followed in order to avoid damaging the
to close tolerances. Proper break-in operation allows motorcycle.
the machined surfaces to polish each other and mate
smoothly. NOTICE
Motorcycle reliability and performance depend on special Indicates a potential hazard that could result in
care and restraint exercised during the break-in period. motorcycle or equipment damage.
It is especially important that you avoid operating the
engine in a manner which could expose the engine parts NOTE: Special explanations for easier maintenance or
to excessive heat. further clarification of important instructions.
Please refer to the “BREAK-IN” section for specific break-
in recommendations.

Please read this manual carefully and strictly follow the
instructions described herein. To emphasize important
issues, the words “BWARNING”, “BCAUTION”,
“NOTICE” and “NOTE” are used in this manual. Please
pay special attention to these sections.

(2) Haojue VS125 99011H7H021H000 V02 EN 2019-12-2

Haojue VS125 99011H7H021H000 V02 EN 2019-12-2 (3)

Motorcycling is one of the most exhilarating sports and, CONSUMER INFORMATION 3
to ensure your riding enjoyment, you should become ACCESSORY INSTALLATION AND MOTORCYCLE
thoroughly familiar with the information presented in this LOADING 3
Owner’s Manual before riding your motorcycle. SERIAL NUMBERS LOCATION 4
The proper care and maintenance that your motorcycle
requires is outlined in this manual. By following these
instructions closely you will ensure a long trouble-free
operating life for your motorcycle. Your authorized Haojue
dealer has experienced technicians that are trained to
provide your motorcycle with the best possible service
with the right tools and equipment.
All information, illustrations, photographs and DASHBOARD 10
specifications contained in this manual are based LEFT HANDLE SWITCHES 11
on the latest product information available at the time RIGHT HANDLE SWITCHES 12
of publication. Due to improvements or other changes, FUEL TANK 13
there may be some discrepancies in this manual. Haojue KICK START LEVER 14
reserves the right to make changes at any time. FRONT STORAGE CASE 14
Please note that this manual applies to all specifications STORAGE CASE 14
for all respective destinations and explains all equipment. PARKING STAND 15
Therefore, your model may have different standard LOAD 15
features from those shown in this manual. FUEL AND OIL RECOMMENDATIONS 16

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(4) Haojue VS125 99011H7H021H000 V02 EN 2019-12-2


MAINTENANCE SCHEDULE 24 The addition of unsuitable accessories can lead to unsafe
ROUTINE MAINTENANCE INSPECTION TABLE operating conditions. It is not possible for Haojue to
25 test each accessory on the market or combinations of
REGULAR LUBRICATION TABLE 27 all the available accessories; however, your dealer can
BATTERY 27 assist you in selecting quality accessories and installing
AIR CLEANER 28 them correctly. Use extreme caution when selecting and
SPARK PLUG 31 installing the accessories on your motorcycle and consult
ENGINE OIL AND OIL STRAINER 33 your Haojue dealer if you have any questions.
FUEL EVAPORATION POLLUTANT SYSTEM 37 Improper accessories or refitting can make your
BRAKES 38 motorcycle unsafe and can lead to an accident.
Never refit the motorcycle with improper or poorly
installed accessories. Follow all instructions in
this owner’s manual regarding accessories and
refitting. Use genuine Haojue accessories or
equivalent that have been designed and tested for
your motorcycle. Consult your Haojue dealer if you
have any questions.
• Never exceed the G.V.W (Gross Vehicle Weight) of
this motorcycle. The G.V.W. is the combined weight
of the machine, accessories, payload, rider and

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passenger. When selecting your accessories, keep in movement of the rider and may limit his or her ability
mind the weight of the rider as well as the weight of the to control the motorcycle.
accessories. The additional weight of the accessories • Additional electric accessories may overload the
may not only create an unsafe riding condition but may existing electrical system. Severe overloads may
also affect rider stability. damage the wiring harness or create a dangerous
G.V.W.: 292kg (643lbs) at the tire pressures (cold) situation due to sudden loss of electrical power during
Front: 175kPa (1.75kgf/cm2) the operation of the motorcycle.
Rear: 225kPa (2.25kgf/cm2) • The motorcycle may be affected by a lifting condition
• Install accessories which may affect aerodynamics, or by instability in cross winds or when being
such as a fairings, windshields, backrests, saddlebags overtaken or overtaking large vehicles. Improperly
and travel trunks, as low as possible, as close to the mounted or poorly designed accessories can result in
motorcycle and as near to the center of gravity as is an unsafe riding condition or lead to an accident.
feasible. Check that the mounting brackets and other • Do not pull a trailer or sidecar. This motorcycle is not
attachment hardware are rigidly mounted. designed to pull a trailer or sidecar.
• Check for proper ground clearance and bank angle.
Inspect that the accessory does not interfere with the SERIAL NUMBERS LOCATION
operation of the suspension, steering or other control
• Accessories fitted to the handlebar or the front fork
area can create serious stability problems. The extra
weight will cause the motorcycle to be less responsive
to your steering control. The weight may also cause
1 Vehicle identification number (VIN)
oscillations in the front end and lead to instability
2 Engine number
problems. Accessories added to the handle-bars or
front fork should be as light as possible and kept to a The vehicle identification number (VIN) 1 and/or the
minimum. engine number 2 are used to register motorcycle. They
are also used to assist your dealer when ordering parts or
• Certain accessories displace the rider from his or her
referring to special service information.
normal riding position. This limits the freedom of

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(6) Haojue VS125 99011H7H021H000 V02 EN 2019-12-2

The vehicle identification number 1 is stamped on the SAFE RIDING RECOMMENDATION

right frame below rider’s toe board. The engine number Motorcycle riding requires that some extra precautions be
2 is stamped on the left of the crankcase. taken to ensure the safety of the rider and passenger.
Please write down the numbers in the box provided below These precautions are: Never ride a motorcycle under the
for your future reference. influence of alcohol or drugs.
Motorcycle safety equipment starts with a quality helmet.
One of the most serious injuries that can occur is a head
Engine number: injury. Always wear a properly approved helmet. You
should also wear eye protection.
Loose, fancy clothing might be uncomfortable and unsafe
while riding a motorcycle. Choose clothing of high quality
and fit when riding.
Review thoroughly the instructions in the “INSPECTION
BEFORE RIDING” section of this manual. Do not forget
to perform an entire safety inspection to ensure the safety
of the rider and its passenger.
Your riding skills and mechanical knowledge are the
foundations for safe riding practices. We suggest that you
practice riding your motorcycle in a non-traffic situation
until you are thoroughly familiar with your motorcycle and
its controls. Remember: Practice makes perfect!
Ride within the boundaries of your own skills at all times.
Knowing these limits and staying within them will help you

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CONDITION The clutch of the motorcycle is a centrifugal shoe type.
Riding in bad road conditions, especially wet ones, In order to maintain the normal function of the clutch
requires extra caution. Braking distances double on rainy and avoid malfunctions such as wear and ablation of
days. Stay off painted surface marks, manhole covers the clutch shoe due to abnormal use and maintenance,
and areas in which the road appears greasy as they can please observe the following:
be especially slippery. Use extreme caution at railway
crossings, metal grates and bridges. Whenever in doubt BCAUTION
with of the road conditions, slow down!
It is forbidden to brake while driving the throttle.
Never ride at excessive speeds or high engine speeds.
Avoid long periods of low speed driving.

Avoid driving for a long time while over load.

In case of climbing long slopes and steep slopes,
try to increase the speed of the motorcycle and
avoid the lack of power and cause the clutch to slip.

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(8) Haojue VS125 99011H7H021H000 V02 EN 2019-12-2

If the motorcycle fails to pass normally due to
special road conditions such as pits, mud roads
and shoulders of road, push the motorcycle

NOTE: If you need to disassemble the clutch, consult your

Haojue dealer.

1 Rear brake lever 5 Front brake lever

2 Left handle switches 6 Throttle grip
3 Dashboard 7 Ignition switch
4 Right handle switches

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8 Rear brake switch ? Air filter E Front brake switch G Battery and fuse
9 Hook @ Kick start lever F Front brake cylinder H Engine oil cap (Engine oil
: Front storage case A Main stand dipstick)
; Spark plug B Engine oil filter
< Storage case C Passenger footrests
= Carburetor D Side stand
> Fuel tank

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(10) Haojue VS125 99011H7H021H000 V02 EN 2019-12-2

KEYS “SEAT OPEN” position

This motorcycle comes equipped When the key is at “%” position, turn the key
with a main ignition key and a spare counterclockwise without pressing it to open the saddle
one. Keep the spare key in a safe (seat) lock.
NOTE: There is a little piece with the
keys, please copy the codes on the piece for standby. Before turning the ignition switch to the “4”
position, safely stop the motorcycle and support it
Codes of the keys:
with the main stand.

IGNITION SWITCH Never attempt to move the motorcycle when the
The ignition switch contains four steering is locked.
“*” (on) position BWARNING
The ignition circuit is completed and
Do not turn the ignition switch key to the “4”
the engine can now be started. The
position when riding the motorcycle, otherwise the
key cannot be removed from the
motorcycle will lose control.
ignition switch in this position.
“%” (off) position
The ignition circuit are cut off. The engine will not start. ANTI-THEFT LOCK LID
The key can be removed.
“4” (steering lock) position
In order to lock up the steering, first turn the handlebars
to the left, insert the key in the “%” position, turn
counterclockwise to the “4” position. The steering is then
locked. The ignition circuit are cut off. Position OPEN Position SHUT
This motorcycle is equipped with a anti-theft lock lid on

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the ignition switch. BCAUTION

To close the lid, make the protruding position 2 of the
Never wipe the dashboard with any cloth that
ignition switch key 1 align with and enter the groove of
has been in contact with gasoline, kerosene,
the lid 3, and turn from position “OPEN” 5 to position
alcohol, brake fluids or other organic solvents, or
“SHUT” 4.
else the dashboard will suffer partial cracking or
To open the lid, make the protruding position 2 of the discoloration as a result.
ignition switch key 1 align with and enter the groove of
the lid 3, and turn from position “SHUT” 4 to position HIGH BEAM INDICATOR LIGHT
“OPEN” 5. 19
NOTE: Close the anti-theft lock lid before you leave the The high beam light indicator will
motorcycle, for it may significantly improve security. light up when the high beam
headlight is turned on.
NOTE: Washing the motorcycle in winter or, parking the
motorcycle in outside, the anti-theft lock lid must be LEFT TURN SIGNAL INDICATOR
closed. Preventing the water into the lid and freezing, LIGHT 2 =
otherwise the saddle lock can not be open. Don’t When the turn signal switch is pushed to left, the panel
rotate the key forcible to open the saddle lock, otherwise left turn signal indicator light will flicker accordingly.
the saddle lock will be destroyed. Above the zero NOTE: If the turn signal fails to work due to a broken bulb
Celsius temperature, please park the motorcycle for a few or faulty wire connection, the indicator on the dashboard
minutes, the lid rotate naturally, so the saddle lock can be will remain light up continuously or flicker at a high
opened. frequency.
DASHBOARD The speedometer indicates the riding speed in km per
Do not spray the dashboard with high-pressure The odometer displays the total mileage of this motorcycle
water directly. from the beginning of operation.
When the turn signal switch is pushed to right, the panel

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(12) Haojue VS125 99011H7H021H000 V02 EN 2019-12-2

right turn signal indicator light will flicker accordingly. REAR BRAKE LEVER 1
NOTE: If the turn signal fails to work due to a broken bulb To brake rear wheel, grip this brake lever towards the
or faulty wire connection, the indicator on the dashboard handlebar, the brake light on at the time.
will remain light up continuously or flicker at a high DIMMER SWITCH 2
frequency. “'” position
POSITION INDICATOR LIGHT 6 6 The headlight low beam and taillight will light up.
The position light indicator will light up when the position “9” position
light is turned on. The headlight high beam and taillight will light up. The
FUEL GAUGE 7 $ high beam indicator on the dashboard will also be lit.
When the pointer (1) reaches the
red mark (2), there is about 1.4L fuel
left in the fuel tank. You must refill as Holding the dimmer switch between “9” and “'”
soon as possible. When the pointer position will turn on both “9” and “'” headlight
reaches “F”, the fuel tank is full. beams. This operation can damage the motorcycle.
NOTE: The level indicated by the fuel gauge may Use the dimmer switch only at “9” and “'”
change during frequent ignition switch operation, urgent position. Do not stick tape on the headlight or
acceleration or deceleration, motorcycle incline or uphill place objects in front of the headlight.
or downhill riding. This is normal.
NOTE: When the motorcycle is held upright, turn the Moving the switch to the “=” position will engage the
ignition switch to the “ *” position, don’t start the engine, left turn signals. Moving the switch to the “8” position
the fuel gauge will indicate correctly. will engage the right turn signals. The indicator on the
dashboard will also flash. To cancel turn signal operation,
LEFT HANDLE SWITCHES push the switch inward.


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This button is used for operating the starting motor. With
Failure to use and failure to turn off the turn signals the ignition switch at the “*” position, grasp the front
can be hazardous Other drivers may misjudge your brake lever or rear brake lever, and push the electric
course and this may result in an accident. Always starter button # to operate the starting motorcycle to start
use the turn signals when you intend to change the engine.
lanes or make a turn. Be sure to turn off the turn
signals after completing the turn or lane change. BWARNING

HORN BUTTON 4 , Engaging the starter motor for more than five
Pressing this button will trigger the horn. seconds at a time can damage the start motor and
wiring harness from overheating.
Do not engage the starter motor for more than five
RIGHT HANDLE SWITCHES seconds at a time. If the engine does not start after
several attempts, check the fuel supply and ignition
system. Refer to the “TROUBLESHOOTING”
section in this manual.

When cleaning the motorcycle, do not clean
its electric parts with the high-pressure water,
“+” position
particularly its handle switch.
The headlight, front position light, dashboard lights, tail
light will be turned on together.
“6” position
The front position light, dashboard lights, tail light will be Do not use the electric start function and the kick
turned on together. lever function at the same time.
“&” position
All lights mentioned above will be turned off.


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(14) Haojue VS125 99011H7H021H000 V02 EN 2019-12-2

Do not start the motorcycle when the fuel or engine Overfilling the fuel tank can cause the fuel to
oil is insufficient. overflow when it expands due to heat from the
engine or the sun. Fuel that overflows can catch
NOTE: The starting motorcycle will not turn in case front
brake lever or rear brake lever is not tightly grasped.
The engine speed is controlled by the position of the
throttle grip. Turn it toward you to increase engine speed. Never fill the fuel above the bottom of the filler
Turn it away from you to decrease engine speed. neck. Fuel and fuel vapor are highly flammable and
FRONT BRAKE LEVER 4 toxic. Risks of fire or poisoning are present while
The front brake is applied by grasping the brake lever refueling.
gently toward the throttle grip. The brake light will be alight Turn off the engine and keep flames, sparks and
when the brake lever is grasped inward. heat sources away. Refuel only outdoors or in a
well-ventilated area. Do not smoke. Wipe up spills
immediately. Avoid breathing fuel vapors. Keep
FUEL TANK children and pets away.

Do not insert the fuel nozzle too far into the fuel
tank as it may damage the fuel gauge.
1Fuel level 2Fuel tank NOTE: When cleaning the motorcycle, do not flush the fuel
The fuel tank cap is under the saddle. When filling fuel, tank cap with high-pressure water or else high-pressure
open the saddle and remove fuel tank cap by turning it water will possibly flow into the fuel tank.
counterclockwise. At completion of fuel filling, tighten fuel
tank cap, press down saddle and have saddle locked.


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The kick start lever is provided on the left of engine. When This motorcycle is provided with a front storage case. This
starting the motorcycle, support it securely with the main storage case has a capacity of 1.5kg.
stand and treat on the kick lever hard.
Do not put valuables in the storage case.
Do not use the electric starter and the kick start
lever at the same time.
After the engine is started, inspect whether the kick
lever has been returned to its normal position.

The storage case is under the saddle. Open the saddle
Do not start with the kick lever when the motorcycle lock, open the saddle, then will see the storage. To lock
is supported on the side stand and the main stand saddle, put and press the saddle back to the original
is not packed up. position. This storage case has a capacity of 10kg.
Water shouldn’t be let into the storage case.


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(16) Haojue VS125 99011H7H021H000 V02 EN 2019-12-2

Temperature-sensitive things should not be kept in Riding with the side stand incompletely stowed can
the storage case. result in an accident when you turn left. Always
retract the side stand completely before starting

Valuable things should not be stored in the storage

case if you need to be away for a while. LOAD


11.5kg 210kg
• The load in the front storage case must not exceed
The motorcycle is equipped with both a main stand and a
• The load in the hook up of the front storage case must
side stand.
not exceed 1.5kg.
Main stand 1
• The load in the storage case must not exceed 10kg.
To support the motorcycle with the main stand, tread on
the main stand 1 rod, hold the steering handlebar with BWARNING
your left hand, grasp the rear hand grill 3 with your right
hand and pull the motorcycle upward to a standstill. The load should not exceed the limit, otherwise
ride balance might be affected making riding
Side stand 2
dangerous or resulting in damage to the chassis.
The side stand is for temporary parking. When use the
side stand, stop the engine, then rotate the side stand to
lower limit, leave your motorcycle on the side stand only
after confirming it is stable. 3


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Haojue VS125 99011H7H021H000 V02 EN 2019-12-2 (17)


The gasoline with lead and inferior oil will shorten
the service life of spark plug and catalytic agent
Use nonleaded gasoline with an octane rating of 90 or (for some models) in the muffler. Unclean fuel will
higher. block the oil circuit and therefore lead to abnormal
NOTE: If leadless gasoline is used, the spark plug can engine operation.
have a longer service life.
NOTE: Dispose of waste engine oil properly to avoid
environmental contamination. We suggest you to collect
ENGINE OIL the waste oil in a sealed container and take it to a nearby
Oil quality is a major contributor to your engine’s recycling facility. Do not place it into a trash bin and do not
performance and life. Always select good quality engine pour it on the ground.
oil. Use oil with an API classification of SG or higher.
If SAE 10W-40 engine oil is not available, select an GEAR OIL
alternative according to the following charts.
Please use “Haojue motorcycle gear oil”. If there be
unavailable, gear oil API GL-5 with viscosity of SAE 80W-
90 or SAE 85W-90 can be used as a substitute.
NOTE: Dispose of waste engine oil and gear oil properly
to avoid environmental contamination. We suggest you to
collect the waste oil in a sealed container and take it to a
nearby recycling facility. Do not place it into a trash bin
and do not pour it on the ground.


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(18) Haojue VS125 99011H7H021H000 V02 EN 2019-12-2

Correctly breaking in the motorcycle can improve its life,
Failure to perform break-in of the tires could cause
and at the same time fully bring out the performance
tire slip and loss of control.
of motorcycle. The following guidelines explain proper
Use extra care when riding on new tires. Perform
break-in procedures:
proper break-in of the tires as described in
RECOMMENDED THROTTLE LIMIT this section and avoid hard acceleration, hard
Throttle opening must not reach maximum during the new cornering, and hard braking for the first 160 km.
motorcycle brake-in period; it is suggested to be less than
3/4 of the maximum, while snap-acceleration must be AVOID CONSTANT LOW SPEED
avoided while riding. Operating the engine at constant low speed (light load)
VARY ENGINE SPEED can cause parts to glaze and not seat in. Allow the engine
The engine speed should be changed frequently instead to accelerate freely through the gears, without exceeding
of being kept in a constant speed. During the break-in the recommended maximum limits. Do not, however, use
period, proper acceleration will ensure a complete break- full throttle for the first 500 km.
in. However, do not exceed the recommended throttle CIRCULATE ENGINE OIL BEFORE RIDING
opening limit. Allow sufficient idling time after warm or cold engine start
BREAKING IN THE NEW TIRES up before applying load or revving the engine. This
New tires need proper break-in to assure maximum allows time for the lubricating oil to reach all critical engine
performance, just as the engine does. Wear in the components.
tread surface by gradually increasing your cornering lean FIRST AND MOST CRITICAL MAINTENANCE
angles over the first 160 km before attempting maximum The initial 1000 km maintenance is the most important
performance. Avoid hard acceleration, hard cornering, service your motorcycle will receive. During break-in
and hard braking for the first 160 km. operation, all of the engine components will have engaged
together and seated. Maintenance required as part of
the initial service includes correction of all adjustments,
tightening of all fasteners and replacement of dirty oil.
Timely performance of this service will help make sure
you get the best service life and performance from the


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Please check the following items carefully before riding.
Never neglect the importance of these checks. All checks
and necessary repairs must be completed before riding.

Item Key points

Steering 1. Stable.
2. Flexible turning.
3. No axial play and looseness.
Brakes 1. Brake fluid in the reservoir must not
be low.
2. No brake fluid leakage.
3. The wear of the brake disc, shoes
or pads is not beyond the permitted
4. Proper and free movement of the
brake lever.
5. No “spongy feeling” when the brake
lever is pressed.
6. No brake dragging.
Tires 1. Correct tire pressure.
2. Proper tire status.
3. No punctures or fractures.
Fuel There is enough fuel for the planned


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(20) Haojue VS125 99011H7H021H000 V02 EN 2019-12-2

Item Key points RIDING TIP

Lights The headlight, tail/brake lights,
dashboard lights, turning lights, front
position light and license plate light If this is your first ride on a motorcycle of this
can be lit up normally. model, we suggest you practice on a non-public
Indicators The high beam indicator and turning road until you become familiar with its control and
indicators can be lit up normally. operation.
Horn and Its function is normal.
brake switch BWARNING
Engine oil Correct oil level.
Throttle 1. Appropriate play for the throttle Riding with a single hand is extremely dangerous.
cable. When riding a motorcycle, firmly grasp the handles
2. Smooth fuel supply and fast return. with both hands and put both feet on the pedals.
Never take hands away from the handles when

Before making a turn, slow down to a safe speed.

Wet and slippery roads will lead to reduced
tire friction and poor braking capacity and
turning capacity; therefore, advanced braking is


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BWARNING kick lever (omit the first step in the case of the kick
Crosswinds usually exist at tunnel exits or valleys
4. Keep the engine running until fully warmed up after
or when big vehicles overtake. Drive calmly and at
reduced speed at these times.
The sufficient preheating of a cold engine after
Obey traffic rules and speed restrictions. start up can provide the necessary conditions for
the normal running of the engine. If the engine
is not sufficiently preheated, and if the motorcycle
STARTING THE ENGINE travels repeatedly for only a few kilometers each
Support the motorcycle with the main stand, insert the time, normal engine performance will be affected
key into the key hole on the ignition switch and turn it and the service life of the engine oil will be
clockwise until the “*” position. shortened. When the temperature is low, sufficient
preheating of the engine is even more important.
NOTE: The colder the weather, the longer preheating
If the main stand has not been erected when
time the engine needs. Riding after the engine is fully
the engine is started, the motorcycle may lurch
preheated will cause the engine to suffer less wear.
forward. Retract the main stand only when the
engine is at idle speed. When the engine is warm
1. Grasp the front or rear brake lever.
When the engine is cold 2. The throttle grip is on its original position.
1. Grasp the front or rear brake 3. Push the electric startup button “#” or tread on the
lever. kick lever (Omit the first step in the case of the kick
2. When the throttle grip is on lever).
its original position, open the
throttle to 1/8 of its limit when
necessary. Throttle opening
3. Press the electric startup button “#” or tread on the

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(22) Haojue VS125 99011H7H021H000 V02 EN 2019-12-2

Exhaust gas contains carbon monoxide, a Sometimes the rear wheel is rotating after starting
dangerous gas that is difficult to defect because engine, it is normal. Due to rotate speed of the
it is colorless and odorless. Breathing carbon engine is higher, please pay attention to security.
monoxide can cause death or severe injury. Never
start the engine or let it run indoors or where there BCAUTION
is a little or no ventilation.
Running the engine too long without riding may
BWARNING cause the engine to overheat. Overheating can
result in damage to internal engine components
Do not start the engine in a poorly-ventilated place and discoloration of muffler. Shut the engine off
or a room without ventilation devices because the if you cannot begin your ride promptly.
waste gas discharged by the engine is toxic. When
nobody is around to attend to the engine, do not BCAUTION
have it running.
When the motorcycle is not being ridden, do not
BWARNING have its engine run too quickly or too long at an idle
speed. If it runs at an idle speed for too long a time,
Do not start the motorcycle when the fuel or engine it will overheat, its internal parts will be damaged
oil is insufficient. and the exhaust pipe and the muffler will discolor.

Do not use the electric start function and the kick
lever function at the same time.


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BWARNING Put on a safety helmet, safety goggles and high-
Riding this motorcycle at excessive speed visibility clothes before riding.
increases your chances of losing control. This
may result in an accident. BWARNING
Do not ride the motorcycle after drinking alcohol or
BWARNING taking medication.
Removing your hands from the handlebars or
feet from the footrests during operation can be BWARNING
hazardous, If you remove even one hand from the
Slow down when the road is slippery or the
motorcycle, you can reduce your ability to control
visibility is poor.
the motorcycle.
Retracing the main stand at a high engine speed
Sudden side winds which can affect your control
is very dangerous as the motorcycle shall thrust
can occur when being passed by larger vehicles, at
forward at a great speed. Close throttle and use
tunnel exits or in hilly areas.
brake before retracing the main stand.
To start off, turn the throttle grip gently towards the rider.
Before starting the motorcycle, make sure its side
stand is in the corresponding highest position
rather than any other position.


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1. Twist the throttle grip away from you to close the
Inexperienced riders tend to underutilized the front
throttle completely.
brake. This can cause excessive stopping distance
2. Apply the front and rear brakes evenly and at the same and lead to a collision. Using only the front or
time, force to slow down until stopping. rear brake can cause skidding and loss of control.
3. Turn the key to the “%” position to stop engine. Thus, the two brakes should be used in a balanced
4. Park the motorcycle on a firm, flat surface where it will way at the same time.
not fall over.
5. Turn the handlebars all the way to the left and lock the BWARNING
steering (turn the key to the “4” position) for security. If the rider brakes suddenly in turns, the motorcycle
6. Remove the key. will lose control. The correct method is to brake
before turns to slow down.
Hard braking while turning, on wet, loose, rough, BWARNING
or other slippery surface may cause wheel skid and
Use the braking system carefully and gently on wet
loss of control.
and slippery roads or in turns. Urgent braking on
uneven or slippery roads will cause the motorcycle
to be out of control.
Following another vehicle too closely can lead to a
collision. As motorcycle speeds increase, stopping BWARNING
distance increases progressively. Be sure you
Riding too close to other vehicles will result in
have a safe stopping distance between you and the
rear-end collisions. A greater riding speed should
vehicle in front of you.
correspond with a longer braking distance. Make
sure there is a safe braking distance between the
motorcycle and the vehicle in front of it.


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The muffler will be very hot when the engine is
running or shortly after it is shut down. Do not The chart indicates intervals between periodic services in
touch it at this time; otherwise you will get a burn. kilometers and months. At the end of each interval, be
sure to inspect, check, lubricate and service as instructed.
BCAUTION If your motorcycle is used under high stress conditions
such as continuous full throttle operation, or is operated
If other antitheft locks such as a U-shaped lock, in a dusty climate, certain services should be performed
a brake disc lock and a chain lock are used for more often to ensure reliability of the motorcycle, as
prevention of thievery, the antitheft lock should be explained in the maintenance section. Your Haojue
taken off before the starting of the motorcycle. dealer can provide you with further guidelines. Steering
components, suspensions and wheel components are key
items and require very special and careful servicing. For
maximum safety, we suggest that you have these items
inspected and serviced by your authorized Haojue dealer
or a qualified service mechanic
Improper maintenance or fail to perform
recommended maintenance can lead to an
Ask your Haojue dealer or a qualified mechanic
to do the maintenance items marked with an
asterisk “*”. You may perform the unmarked
maintenance items by referring to the instructions
in this section, if you have mechanical experience.
If you are not sure how to do any of the jobs, have
your Haojue dealer to do the maintenance.


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BWARNING Interval km Initial 1000 Every 3000 Every 6000

Items Month Initial 3 Every 6 Every 12
Exhaust gas contains carbon monoxide, a *Clutch intake air Clean Clean -
dangerous gas that is difficult to defect because pipe
it is colorless and odorless. Breathing carbon *Muffler bolts & Tighten Tighten -
monoxide can cause death or severe injury. nuts
Never start the engine or let it run indoors or where *Cylinder head Tighten Tighten -
there is little or no ventilation. bolts & nuts
*Valve clearance Inspect Inspect -
BCAUTION (cold status)
Poorly-made replacement parts can cause your Intake:0.05–0.10mm
motorcycle to wear more quickly and may shorten Exhaust:0.10–0.15mm
its useful life. Spark plug Inspect Inspect -
When replacing parts on your motorcycle, use Replace every 10,000km
only genuine Haojue replacement parts or their Engine oil Replace Replace+ -
equivalent. *Engine oil filter Replace Replace+ -
NOTE: Please properly handle wastes (such as *Engine oil strainer Clean every 18 months or every
detergents and waste engine oil) generated during 12,000km
maintenance to avoid environmental pollution. *Gear oil - - Replace
*Drive belt (clutch - - Inspect
Interval km Initial 1000 Every 3000 Every 6000 *Clutch shoe - - Inspect
Items Month Initial 3 Every 6 Every 12 *Clutch roller - - Inspect
*Battery Inspect Inspect - Carburetor (idle Inspect Inspect -
Air cleaner++ - Inspect+ Replace+ speed)
*Air cleaner intake Clean Clean - Throttle cable Inspect Inspect -
air pipe *Fuel evaporative - Inspect -
pollutant system

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Interval km Initial 1000 Every 3000 Every 6000 inspection, cleaning) interval, which can be adjusted
Items Month Initial 3 Every 6 Every 12 properly according to the road condition.
*Fuel hose and Inspect Inspect - NOTE: The “Inspect” in the chart includes operations such
secondary air Replace every 4 years as further cleaning, tightening, adjustment or replacement
hose of parts if necessary.
*Secondary air Replace every 3 years or every
valve 18,000km BCAUTION
*Secondary air - - Inspect
Items marked with “++” in the table indicates that
the filter element uses oily filter paper, which is
*Fuel filter Inspect Inspect Replace
prohibited to be rinsed or blown with compressed
*Brake Inspect Inspect -
air. It is also prohibited to add any oil product to
*Brake fluid hose Inspect Inspect - filter elements. Such filter element does not require
Replace every 4 years regular maintenance and is replaced every 6000km.
*Brake fluid - Inspect - If the filter paper of the filter element is blocked,
Replace every 2 years worn, leaks ash, or the motor power is not enough
Tire Inspect Inspect - or the oil consumption increases obviously,
*Steering Inspect Inspect - replace the filter element in a timely manner rather
*Front and rear - Inspect - than waiting for treatment until it is time to maintain
absorber it, as untimely replacement will often affect the
Light and signal Inspect Inspect - service life of the motor.
*Chassis bolts and Inspect Inspect - If driving under a dusty or wet environment, the
nuts filter element inspection or replacement interval
NOTE: If the motorcycle has been ridden for a long time shall be shortened.
on poor roads or under full power, the inspections should In case of the above adverse conditions, please
be done more frequently. inspect the filter element in a timely manner for
NOTE: The items marked with a “*” in the chart should replacement, as such component often affects the
be handled only by an authorized dealer, whereas “-” service life of the motor.
does not contain such requirements. Items marked
with “+” in the table indicate the replacement (or

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Interval Every 6000 km Every 12,000 km
Items or 6 months or 12 months
*Rear brake cable Engine oil - Battery posts, terminals, and related accessories
Rear brake lever - Grease contain lead and lead compounds. Lead is harmful
bolt/pin to your health if it gets into your blood stream.
*Rear brake - Grease Wash hands after handling any parts containing
camshaft lead.
Main stand and - Grease
spring hook Battery removal
Side stand and - Grease
spring hook
*Throttle cable Engine oil -
*Throttle control - Grease
Front brake lever - Grease Battery under the toe board is sealed and doesn’t need
bolt/pin electrolyte supply. Use the following procedure to remove
*Speedometer - Grease the battery.
flexible shaft 1. The ignition switch is not in the “*” position. Remove
*Speedometer - Grease the toe cushion.
gear bearing 2. Remove the screw 1 and battery cover 2.
NOTE: The items marked with a “*” in the chart should be 3. Disconnect the negative “-” terminal.
handled only by an authorized dealer, whereas “-” does
4. Remove the cap, disconnect the positive “+” terminal.
not contain such requirements.
5. Take out the battery.


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BWARNING Battery installation

1. Install the battery in the reverse order of removal.
Batteries contain toxic substance including
2. Connect the battery terminals securely.
sulfuric acid and lead. They could have potential
negative consequences for the environment and BCAUTION
human health. Make sure not to tip over the
battery when you remove it from the motorcycle. Reversing the battery lead wires can damage the
Otherwise, sulfuric acid could run out and you charging system and the battery. Always attach the
might get injured. red (or red with black tracer) lead to the positive “+”
and the black with white tracer lead to the negative
Battery recharge “-” terminal.
Have your dealer check the battery’s state of charge NOTE: Please properly handle waste batteries and
periodically. The battery should be recharged if the electrolytes to avoid environmental pollution. We suggest
voltage falls below 12.5V. that you not throw them in garbage cans or on the ground,
Standard recharging rate is 0.6A x 5 to 10 hours. but send them to a local recycling center.
Fast recharging rate is 3A x 1 hour. NOTE: The battery should be regularly inspected. If its
voltage is lower than 12.5V, charging is recommended.
Batteries produce flammable hydrogen gas which AIR CLEANER
can explode if exposed to flames or sparks. Keep If the air filter has become clogged with dust, intake
flames or sparks away from the battery. Never resistance will increase with a resultant decrease in power
smoke when working near the battery. output and an increase in fuel consumption. If you ride in
dusty, wet or muddy conditions, you will need to check the
BCAUTION filter much more frequently. Use the following procedure
Exceeding the maximum recharging rate for the to remove the filter and check it.
battery can shorten its life. Never exceed the
maximum recharging rate.


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(30) Haojue VS125 99011H7H021H000 V02 EN 2019-12-2

Operating the engine without the air filter in place
can be hazardous. A flame can spit back from the
engine to the air cleaner without the air filter to
stop it. Severe engine damage can also occur if
The air filter inside the air cleaner, the air cleaner is close
dirt enters the engine due to running the engine
to the left side of the rear wheel. Use the follow procedure
without the air filter.
to remove the air filter and check it.
Never run the engine without the air filter in place.
1. Loose the blot, then disassemble the intake air pipe.
BCAUTION 2. Blow the pressed air into the entry, clean the intake air
Failure to check the air cleaner frequently if
3. Remove the screws 1.
the motorcycle is used in dusty, wet, or muddy
conditions can damage your motorcycle. The air 4. Remove the air filter cover 2.
filter can become clogged under these conditions 5. Remove the screw 3.
and engine damage may result. 6. Remove the filter element assembly and the sponge
Always check the air filter after riding in severe filter element 4 from it.
conditions. Clean or replace the filter as necessary. Clean the filter
1. Inspect the filter element, or
Air filter removal
replace it.
2. Remove the dust in the air filter
housing and the cover.
3. Check the sealing strip on the air filter housing for
completeness and damage.
4. Reassembly the cleaned air filter elements in the order
opposite to that for removal. Make sure the air filter
is installed firmly at the specified position and sealed

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The air filter is an important component in the If riding in dusty conditions, make the inspection
engine intake system, which is used to filter the and replacement intervals for the air filter element
dust, foreign matter and moisture in the air. A shorter; if it is found that the air filter element
blocked air filter will affect the engine performance is blocked, damaged or non-dustproof, the
and the fuel economy. engine power has dramatically declined or the
fuel consumption has increased, do not solve
BWARNING the problem during the next maintenance but
immediately change the air filter element. If the
Filter element damage or dust entering into engine is started when there is no air filter element,
the engine will exacerbate the wear of moving it will wear more seriously. Check the condition
components and reduce the reliability and of the air filter element frequently because this
durability. component usually has an impact on engine life.

It is crucial to regularly maintain or replace the filter After the air filter is inspected, inspect the oil collection of
element. the oil collecting pipes at its lower part. If there is liquid in
the oil collecting pipes, drain it promptly with the method
Front lower oil collecting pipe
1. Remove the oil collecting pipe 2
from the fixing clip 1.
2. Loosen the clamp 3 and move
it up.
3. Pull out the oil collecting pipe
plug 4 from the oil collecting pipe 2.
4. Drain the waste liquid in the oil collecting pipe 2.

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(32) Haojue VS125 99011H7H021H000 V02 EN 2019-12-2

5. After the fuel is drain out, insert the plug 4 into the oil standard spark plug gap is 0.6–0.7mm. If the measured
collecting pipe 2 and loosen the clamp 3 and move spark plug gap is out of standard range, adjust or replace
it down to clamp the plug 4. it with a new one.
6. Get the oil collecting pipe 2 stuck in the fixing clip 1. Whenever removing carbon deposits, be sure to observe
NOTE: Be true that reinstall the collecting pipe plug. the operational color of the spark plug’s porcelain tip. This
color tells you whether or not the standard spark plug is
NOTE: When air is very humid, properly increase the
suitable for your type usage. A normal operating spark
inspection frequency.
plug should be very light brown in color. If the spark plug is
Rear lower oil collecting pipe very white or glazed in appearance, it has been operating
1. Loosen the clamp 2. much too hot. This spark plug should be replaced with a
2. Remove the oil collecting pipe 1 colder plug.
together with the clamp 2. Spark plug replacement guide
3. Drain all the waste liquid in the BCAUTION
oil collecting pipe 1.
4. Reinstall the oil collecting pipe 1 and fasten the clamp An improper spark plug may have an incorrect fit or
2. heat range for your engine. This may cause severe
engine damage.
NOTE: Be true that reinstall the collecting pipe.
NOTE: When air is very humid, properly increase the BCAUTION
inspection frequency.
Use one spark plug listed below or equivalent.
Consult your Haojue dealer or a qualified mechanic
if you are not sure which spark plug is correct for
Spark plug inspection your type of usage.

Measure the spark plug gap with a thickness gauge. The

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BOSCH NGK TORCH Remarks 2. Remove the screws 1 and then the helmet hooks.
If the standard spark 3. Remove the bolts 2, 2 respectively for front and rear.
plug is apt to get
A5RTC CR5HSA A5RTC 4. First open the cover and then remove the bolt 3,
wet, replace with this
because the middle 2 bolts 3 are enclosed by the
mounting cover.
A6RTC CR6HSA A6RTC Standard.
If the standard 5. Unscrew the fuel tank cap 6 and disconnect the
spark plug is apt to connection between the cable tie 5 and the fuel tank
A7RTC CR7HSA A7RTC overheat, replace cap 6.
with this plug. 6. Slightly lift up the rear half body 4 of the storage box,
NOTE: This motorcycle uses a resistor-type spark plug disconnect the connection between the fuel overflow
to avoid jamming electronic parts. Improper spark pipe 8 and the rear half body 4 of the storage box
plug selection may cause electronic interference with and then remove the rear half body 4.
your motorcycle’s ignition system, resulting in motorcycle 7. Screw the fuel tank cap 6 to prevent foreign matters
performance problems. Use only the recommended spark entering into the fuel tank.
plug. 8. Remove the front half body 7 of storage box and the
Spark plug removal saddle.
9. Remove the spark plug cap 9.
10. Remove the spark plug with a spark plug wrench.
11. When installing the spark plug, firstly install the spark
plug and its cap 9, and then unscrew the fuel tank
cap 6, install the front half body 7 of storage box and
the saddle, connect the fuel overflow pipe 8 and the
rear half body 4 of storage box, install the rear half
body 4 of storage box, connect the cable tie 5 and
the fuel tank cap 6, screw the fuel tank cap 6 and
finally install the screws 1, bolts 2 and 3.
1. Open the saddle lock, and turn the saddle to open.


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Spark plug installation BCAUTION

BCAUTION The standard spark plug for application on the
A cross-threaded or over-tightened spark plug will motorcycle of this model is carefully chosen and
damage the aluminum threads of the cylinder head. can be used in most of operating conditions. If
When dismantling the spark plug, keep debris from the actual color differs from the normal spark
entering the engine via the spark plug hole. plug color, please consult with a distribution and
maintenance organization about it before replacing
Follow the procedure below to tighten the spark plug the present spark plug with another with a different
properly. heat value. If an improper spark plug is used, the
Carefully turn the spark plug by hand into the threads until engine will be seriously damaged.
it is finger tight. If the spark plug is new, tighten it with a If a spark plug of another brand is used, there could
wrench about 1/2 turn past finger tight. If you are reusing possibly be serious consequences. Thus, you are
the old spark plug, tighten it with a wrench about 1/8 turn expected to consult with one of our maintenance
past finger tight. units before doing so.
NOTE: Insert the plug cap completely.
Long engine life depends much on the selection of quality
oil and periodic changing of the oil. Daily oil level checks
and periodic changes are two of the most important
maintenance items to be performed.
Oil level check



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Inspect the engine oil level following the steps below. Engine oil change
1. Stop the engine and support it on a flat ground with
the help of the main stand.
2. Start the engine and have it run for several minutes.
3. After the engine has been stopped for several minutes.
4. Remove the engine oil dipstick, wipe it, insert it into
Replace the engine oil with new oil after the engine is in a
the engine oil without turning it and then take it out to
hot state to completely drain the original engine oil. Steps
check the engine oil level. The engine oil level should
for engine oil replacement.
be between the UPPER LEVEL and LOWER LEVEL
on the engine oil dipstick. 1. Stop the engine and support it on flat ground with the
help of the main stand.
BCAUTION 2. Remove the engine oil dipstick 1.
If the engine oil level is lower than the LOWER 3. Place a drain pan below the engine. Dismantle the
LEVEL on the engine oil dipstick, do not start drain plug 2 and its washer to drain the original
the engine. When adding engine oil makes sure engine oil.
the engine oil level is not higher than the UPPER 4. After draining all the engine oil, install the drain plug
LEVEL. It is recommended to fill the oil to the 2/3 2 and its washer.
POSITION at the oil dipstick. 5. Fill 950 milliliter of new engine oil into the engine via
the oil filling port of the dipstick. Fill 1000 milliliter if the
BCAUTION oil filter element is replaced at the same time. Be sure
Under normal operation, the engine will consume to use specified oil every time.
oil, which is normal, so it’s required to refill timely. 6. Install engine oil the dipstick again 1.
7. Start the engine and have it run for several minutes.
BCAUTION 8. Stop the engine and inspect the engine oil with
Timely go to a repair shop for professional the dipstick several minutes later. The engine oil
inspection if the oil consumption of the engine level should be between the UPPER LEVEL and the
increases abnormally. LOWER LEVEL.


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(36) Haojue VS125 99011H7H021H000 V02 EN 2019-12-2

BCAUTION 4. Take the old oil filter out and replace with a new one
Use the engine oil recommended in the
5. Replace the seal rings 3 and 6.
“Instructions for use of fuel and engine oil”.
6. Always check to make sure the spring 4 and seal ring
6 are properly installed before reassembling the oil
filter cover 2.
Carefully inspect whether the engine parts that 7. Install the engine oil filter cover 2, and then screw on
have been dismantled and installed again suffer the nuts 1 but not too tightly.
any oil leakage. 8. Add the specified new engine oil into the engine as
instructed in section “Engine oil change”.
It is suggested to replace the seal rings when the
engine oil filter element is replaced. Insert one side with holes of the oil filter into the
engine and make sure the oil filter is installed at
Engine oil filter correct position.

Carefully inspect whether the engine parts that
have been dismantled and installed again suffer
any oil leakage.
Regularly replace the engine oil filter as instructed in the
“Table of Regular Maintenance”. The replacing steps are
as follows.
1. Drain the engine oil according to the content in It is suggested to replace the seal rings when the
“Engine oil change”. engine oil filter element is replaced.
2. Remove the nuts 1.
3. Remove the engine oil filter cover 2.


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Engine oil strainer BCAUTION

It is suggested to replace the sealing gasket when
the engine oil strainer is replaced.

Regularly replace the engine oil strainer as instructed in Undisturbed carburetion is the basis of the performance
the “Table of Regular Maintenance”. The replacing steps you ought to expect of your engine. The carburetor is pre-
are as follows. set at the factory for the best carburetion. Do not attempt
1. Completely drain the original engine oil as instructed to alter its setting. There are two items of adjustment,
in section “Engine oil replacement”. however, under your care: engine idle speed and throttle
2. Remove the bolts 1. cable play.
3. Remove the oil strainer cover 2, support 3 and Adjustment of idle speed
sealing gasket 4.
4. Remove the oil strainer 5 to clean and inspect it, and
replace it in case of damage.
5. Replace with a new sealing gasket 4.
6. Reassembly the oil strainer 5.
1. Start the engine, keep it running at idle till fully pre-
7. Reassembly the oil strainer cover 2, support 3, heated.
sealing gasket 4 and bolts 1.
2. After the engine has been pre-heated, release the
8. Add the specified new engine oil into the engine as throttle, open saddle, remove the small cap, turn the
instructed in section “Engine oil replacement”. adjusting screw to right and left to keep the engine
BCAUTION revolving speed between 1500–1700 rpm.

Carefully inspect whether the engine parts that

have been dismantled and installed again suffer
any oil leakage.

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(38) Haojue VS125 99011H7H021H000 V02 EN 2019-12-2


This motorcycle is provided with a set of system to prevent
Adjustment the engine idle speed should be done
the fuel evaporating into the atmosphere. It is required to
when the engine has been fully pre-heated.
check the items below at an regular interval (every 3,000
kilometers or every 6 months).
THROTTLE CABLE PLAY 1. Check every pipe joint for reliability.
2. Check every pipe and activated carbon canister 1 for
crack or damage and replace in case of damage.
3. Check every pipe, dumping cut-off valve 2 and
activated carbon canister 1 for blockage and clear or
0.5–1.0mm replace if necessary.
1. Remove the rubber bush(s) along the throttle cable.
2. Loosen lock nut 1.
3. Turn the adjuster 2 so that the throttle cable has We strongly recommend having the fuel
0.5–1.0mm play. evaporation pollutant system inspected and repair
by a qualified service station if the inspection and
4. Tighten the lock nut 1.
repair are required.
5. Reinstall the rubber bush(s).
Inadequate throttle cable play can cause engine
speed to rise suddenly when you turn the
handlebar. This can lead to loss of rider control.
Adjust the throttle cable play so that engine idle
speed does not rise due to handlebar movement.


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In case the braking system should need to
be serviced, we strongly recommend that you
consult with an authorized dealer. They have
complete tools, great skills and the safest and most
economical methods.
The following brake items should be checked daily
1. Inspect if the disc braking system is leaking.
2. Inspect if the brake fluid hose has crack(s).
3. Operate the front and rear brakes to inspect if they are
4. Inspect the wear conditions of the brake discs, pads
and shoes.
The front wheel of motorcycle uses a hydraulic disc The disc braking system realizes high-pressure
brake and rear wheel uses a drum brake. Correct brake braking. For safety, follow the relevant instructions
operation is very important for safe riding. Be sure to in the section “Inspection and maintenance” herein
have the brake system checked regularly. This inspection when replacing the brake fluid hose and the brake
should be made by an authorized dealer. fluid.

BWARNING Brake fluid

Check the brake fluid level in the
Brakes are extremely important parts for safety brake fluid reservoir. If the level in
of both rider and passenger, so they should be the reservoir is very lower, inspect
inspected and adjusted often. for brake pad wear and leaks, then
add the specified brake fluid.

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(40) Haojue VS125 99011H7H021H000 V02 EN 2019-12-2

BWARNING Brake discs and brake pads

Brake fluid is harmful or fatal if swallowed, and

harmful if it comes in contact with skin or eyes.
Solution can be poisonous to animals.
If brake fluid is swallowed, do not induce vomiting.
Immediately contact a poison control center or
a physician. If brake fluid gets in eyes, flush Essential in a brake disc inspection: inspect whether
eyes with water and seek medical attention. Wash brake disc thickness 1 is smaller than 3.5mm and, if it
thoroughly after handing. Keep out of the reach of is, replace the brake disc with a new one.
children and animals. Essential in a wheel brake pad inspection: inspect
whether the brake pad has been worn to or beyond the
BWARNING limit line 2 and, if it has, replace the brake pad with a
new one.
The use of any fluid except DOT3 brake fluid from a
sealed container can damage the brake system and BWARNING
lead to an accident.
After a new brake disc or pad is installed, do not
Use only DOT3 brake fluid from a sealed container.
ride immediately but grasp and release the brake
Never use or mix with different types of brake fluid.
handles or the brake pedal several times to make
the brake discs and pads fully fit with each other,
BCAUTION restore to their normal holding forces and have the
Spilled brake fluid can damage painted surfaces brake fluid circulate stably.
and plastic parts.
Be careful not to spill any fluid when filling
the brake fluid reservoir. Wipe spilled fluid up


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BWARNING adjusting steps are as follows.

1. Turn the adjusting nut 2 on the brake. Turn it
After a new brake disc or pad is installed, the
clockwise for a smaller free stroke, or anticlockwise
braking distance may be a little longer than the
for a larger one. Make the free stroke 1 20–30mm.
original value. After the brake discs and brake
pads have realized full break-in following a mileage 2. After adjustment, checking, when the tire do not
of about 300km, the best braking effect will be connect the floor, turn around the wheel, have not
realized. Make sure there is an enough braking friction feeling. When grasping the lever, the distant
distance when riding before that. between the lever and handlebar is enough.
NOTE: If follow the steps, the free stoke is not required,
BWARNING please have it checked by the authorized dealer.
Wear limit of rear brake
Fail to inspect and maintain the brakes pads or
There is a wear limit mark on
brake disc, and replace them when recommended
the rear brake of the motorcycle.
can increase your chance of having an accident.
Inspect the wear situation of the
If you need to replace brake disc or brake pads,
rear brake following the essentials
have your Haojue dealer do these works. Inspect
and maintain the brake disc and brake pads as The mark
recommended. 1. Inspect whether the braking extending line is in
system has been properly the allowed range
Adjustment of rear brake lever 2. Operate the braking system and inspect and make
sure the mark extending line 1 is in the allowed range
3 (see the figure) marked on the wear limit mark
2, otherwise have the component in the rear brake
replaced by a qualified distribution and maintenance
organization for safety.
Free stroke 1 of the rear brake lever refers to the stroke
between the lever’s free position and the lever’s position
when the lever is grasped on to brake the rear wheel. The

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(42) Haojue VS125 99011H7H021H000 V02 EN 2019-12-2

BWARNING Standard for tire pressure under normal temperature

Solo riding Double riding
Riding with worn brake shoes will reduce braking kPa kgf/cm2 kPa kgf/cm2
performance and will increase your chance of Front wheel 175 1.75 175 1.75
having an accident. Inspect brake shoe wear Rear wheel 225 2.25 225 2.25
before each use. Ask your Haojue dealer or a
qualified mechanic to replace brake shoes if the BWARNING
shoes are worn to the limit.
The tire pressures and surfaces are significant. If
they are neglected, the safety of the rider may be
TIRES endangered and the motorcycle may be damaged.
Periodic checks should be performed for tire pressure
and tire wear status. To ensure maximum safety and BWARNING
life, check the tire frequently, in addition to the scheduled
inspections. Please inspect the internal pressures and surfaces
of the tires of the motorcycle frequently.
Tire surface status
Tire pressure and wear status are very important There are serial “T.W.I. ;” marks 1
for the performance and safety of the motorcycle. (tire wear indicator) in the edge of
Be sure to check tire pressure and tire wear status the tire. Check the bulge stock 2 of
regularly. T.W.I. in the tread near the mark. If
the tire wears off to reach the bulge
Tire pressure
stock, the tire should be replaced.
Under normal temperature, test the tire pressure by using
a tire pressure gauge, set the pressure base on the Check the damage 3 (punctures or fractures) on the tire
pressure value recommended by this manual. If the surface visually. As surface damage may impede driving
pressure is too high or too low, it will affect ride stability, stability, such tires should be replaced.
and will cause the tire to wear.


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BWARNING specification. If using a different bulb, it might cause

overload of the electric system and early breakdown of
Replace a tire when worn to the specified limit, or if the bulb.
find damage such as cuts or cracks.
Tire specification
Failure to use a light bulb with the correct wattage
When replacing a tire, make sure the new tire condition
rating can overload the electrical system of your
is same as described in this manual. Tires with
motorcycle or cause the bulb to burn out sooner.
different specifications may affect driving stability of the
Please go to an authorized service station to
Tire standard applicable to the motorcycle: replace the bulb.
Front wheel: 90/90-10 50J
Rear wheel: 100/90-10 56J BCAUTION

BWARNING Must keep the bulb clear, otherwise the bulb will
destroys early. When replacing the bulb, clear the
Using tires other than the standard tires might grease on the bulb.
create problems. We sincerely recommend you to
select standard tires. Location of bulbs


The check of lighting and signal consult the content of the
“inspection before riding” section.
Replacement of bulbs 1 Front turn lights (left one and right one)
The rated power of each bulb is shown in the latter content 2 Front position light
of “specifications”. When replacing a burnt out bulb, be 3 Headlight
sure to use the bulb with the same rated power and 4 Rear turn lights (left one and right one)

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(44) Haojue VS125 99011H7H021H000 V02 EN 2019-12-2

5 Tail light/Brake light FUSE

6 License light The fuse box is located on the
Adjustment of headlight beam outside of next to the battery. If
a sudden power failure or circuit
disconnection occurs while riding,
the fuse should be checked first.

Headlight beam can be vertically adjusted. Effect the It is very dangerous to use fuses that do not match
adjustment in the following procedure. the supplied specification. If like this will seriously
1. Adjust the screw inside by rotating a cross screwdriver affect the electric system, and may even cause fire,
through the hole to adjust the beam to a proper height. burning, or loss of engine power.

The beam of headlight has been set in factory. It Please be advised to select fuses with correct
should be adjusted by an authorized dealer. rated current (15A), never use substitutes, such
as aluminum foil or iron wire. If the fuse always
melts within a short period of time, it indicates that
the lighting system is defective. Check with your
Never adjust dealer immediately.

Never adjust the big nut and the small screw in any


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If the engine fails to start, please check the following to
Do not fix the spark plug near the spark plug hole
help determine the cause.
for inspection, because combustible mixed gas is
1. Make sure there is sufficient fuel in the tank. likely to be ignited by the spark and result in a fire.
2. Make sure the fuel reaches the carburetor from the
fuel tank. Loosen the drain screw of carburetor, drain BWARNING
fuel from carburetor and refit the drain screw.
3. Tread on kick startup level several times. To reduce the possibility of electric shock, it is
advised to fix the metal casing of the spark plug
4. Loosen the drain screw to see if there is fuel in the on an unpainted metal surface of the motorcycle
carburetor. frame. Persons with heart disease or pacemakers
BWARNING should not do this inspection.
Do not let fuel spill on to the ground; it should be
collected in a container. Do not move the fuel close
to a hot engine or exhaust pipe. When doing this You are advised to consult your dealer before
check, fire and fumes should be avoided, do not proceeding with repairs. Your dealer will assist you
move close to any fire source or heat source. in solving problems.
5. If fuel is reaching the carburetor, check the ignition
system next.
6. Remove the spark plug, and connect it to ignition coil.
7. Fix the screwed part of spark plug onto the outer case
of engine, open ignition switch to the “*” position and
press the electric startup button “#”. If the ignition
system is normal, there will be blue sparks between
the two poles of the spark plug. If there is no spark,
consult your dealer for repair.


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(46) Haojue VS125 99011H7H021H000 V02 EN 2019-12-2

Before the motorcycle is transported, drain the fuel in it If the motorcycle is kept out of service in winter or any
because it is highly combustible and tends to explode in other seasons, it should be maintained using proper
certain conditions. When draining, storing or filling fuel, materials and devices. So it is recommended that your
make sure there are no open flames, the engine has motorcycle maintained by an authorized dealers. If you
stopped and the operating place is well ventilated. Fuel want to maintain the motorcycle by yourself, please follow
should be drained following the steps below. the guidelines below.
1. Turn off the engine and pull out key of the ignition Motorcycle
switch. • Support the motorcycle with the stand and clean it
2. Drain fuel in the fuel tank into an appropriate container thoroughly.
with a siphoning method or another proper method. Fuel
3. Put the end of the drain pipe of the carburetor into an • Drain the fuel from the fuel tank by the way of a siphon
appropriate container. of other proper methods. Loosen the carburetor
drain screw and drain the carburetor completely, then
4. Loosen the drain screw to drain all the fuel in the
tighten the drain screw.
carburetor and then tighten the drain screw again.
BCAUTION • Remove the battery from the motorcycle.
Before transportation of the motorcycle, drain all NOTE: Remove the wire from the negative terminal first,
the fuel in the fuel tank and the carburetor. and then the positive terminal.
• Clean the battery exterior with a diluted detergent
BCAUTION solution; eliminate rust stains on the terminal and wire
Transporting the motorcycle in a normal riding
position to avoid leakage of its engine oil and gear • Store the battery in a room with an ambient
oil. temperature of above 0 ˚C. Charge the battery
• Recharge it every 1 months afterwards.


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• Inflate the tires to the pressure recommended in this USAGE
Exterior 1.1 * Checking before start using
• Spray all rubber parts with a rubber protective agent.
1.1.1 Check outer appearance of the filled battery, make
• Spray all paint-free surfaces with an anti-rust agent. sure that there is no bruise or cracks on the outer case,
• Coat the paint surface with vehicle wax. there is no distortion or deformation of terminals, and clear
Procedures for motorcycle re-service the surface of the filled battery.
• Clean the motorcycle completely. 1.1.2 Measure the terminal voltage of the filled battery.
• Re-install the battery. If the votage is above 12.8V, the battery can be used
NOTE: Connect the wire to the positive terminal first; then directly. If it is lower than 12.8V, it should be charged
the negative terminal. before use.
• Remove the spark plug. Start the engine several 1.2 Installation
times, and then mount the spark plug. 1.2.1 Connect positive terminals “+” (with a red mark) first
• Adjust tire pressure according to the instructions in the and then negative terminals “-”. Note: please note that
tire section. reversing the wires can damage the electric components
such as the igniter device and the rectifier.
• Lubricate according to the instructions in the
lubrication section. 1.2.2 After tightening the bolts, apply grease or jelly to
bolts, nuts and terminals to prevent poor contact due to
• Be sure to conduct necessary inspections according
to this manual before riding.
2.1 Each starting should not exceed 5 seconds. In case
starting is not effected, fuel supply, starting and ignition
systems should be checked.
2.2 The following cases shall result in excessive storage
battery discharging or insufficient charging and shall
shorten service life.


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(48) Haojue VS125 99011H7H021H000 V02 EN 2019-12-2

• Frequent starting and short distance riding; NOTE: The items marked with * are recommanded to be
• Low-speed riding for a long time; processed by the authorized dealer.
• Brake light kept lit due to tight gripping of brake lever
or brake pedal treading;
• Extra electric elements installed or high-power bulbs
2.3 In case of difficult starting, dim light or horn sounding
not loud and clear, perform immediate charging.
2.4 If your motorcycle is to be stored for a Long time,
charge the battery before storage and charge it every 1
2.5 * Charging
2.5.1 Use motorcycle battery special charger. When
charging, keep the room well ventilated and free from
2.5.2 There are standard charging and quick charging.
In order to prolong service life of battery, use standard
charging unless in case of emergency.
3.1 When using or charging battery, stay off the flame,
avoid positive or negative electrode short circuit and
loosening of positive or negative terminals so as to
prevent battery explosion.
3.2 Installation of anti-burglar alarm will also affect the
battery. It is suggested to use an anti-burglar alarm
recommended by Haojue, other alarms may lead to
abnormal operation of the circuit system, or even damage
the battery or ignition device and rectifier.

(48) Haojue VS125 99011H7H021H000 V02 EN 2019-12-2

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Size and weight Turn diameter 3.8m
Length 1780mm Front tire 90/90-10 50J
Width 640mm Rear tire 100/90-10 56J
Height 1110mm Electrical system
Wheelbase 1230mm Ignition method Inductance discharge ignition
Ground clearance 125mm Spark plug see page 32
Curb weight 112kg Battery 12V 6Ah
Maximum load mass (including riders) 292kg Fuse 15A
Engine Headlight HS1 12V 35W/35W
Type single cylinder, force air-cooled, four stroke Position light W5W 12V 5W
Cylinder diameter 53.5mm Turn light RY10W 12V 10W
Stroke 55.2mm Tail light/brake light P21/5W 12V 5W/21W
Displacement 124ml License light W5W 12V 5W
Compression ratio 9.6:1 Capacities
Starter system electric startup / kick lever startup Fuel tank (total) 5.8L
Lubrication system pressure and splashing Replacement of engine oil (replacement of engine oil filter
Power 6.2kW at same time) 1000ml
Transmission system Replacement of engine oil (only replacement of engine oil)
Clutch dry, automatic, centrifugal type 950ml
Transmission Replacement of gear oil 90ml
automatic, progressive type (0.782–2.672)
Final speed ratio 8.294
Maximum speed 82km/h
Climbing ability 25 ˚
Braking distance ≤6m


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