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City of Passi. Iloilo


Logic: Deduction and Inductive Reasoning
FIRST SEMESTER, A.Y. 2022-2023


Atty. Hersie a. Bunda Page 1

Module No 5 ADGE: Logic: Deduction and Inductive Reasoning
Module Outcomes
At the end of the module, the students must be able to:
1. discuss the language of propositional logic;
2. discuss truth functions and truth tables and;
3.defines natural deduction and;
4. know if when proving is invalid.

Module Content:

Activity Description Time

1 Interactive Discussion through Google Meet/Classroom 60 minutes

Logical Method: Induction & Deduction

Imagine yourself as a primitive human, wandering around the plains of Africa millions of years ago. You come
across a new tree with rich, red fruit. You pick a piece of fruit; you eat it. An hour later, you become violently
sick. You make a mental note that this tree's fruit is poisonous.

A month later, you come across a tree of the same species. This time, you know to avoid the fruit. "It's
poisonous," you explain to the rest of your group.

This is an example of how inductive and deductive reasoning combine to help us learn about the world.
We all use both methods of drawing conclusions from the evidence around us, and from what we've already
learned. Induction and deduction represent the natural turn of human intellect.

Reasoning consists of drawing a conclusion from previously established premises. We can outline rational
arguments in a formula called "standard form," a logical outline consisting of a main idea (conclusion, bolded)
and its supporting ideas (premises, listed above):

The walls are unpainted.

The roof needs replacing.
The carpet is worn.
Therefore, the building is in bad shape.

The building is in bad shape.

Buildings that are in bad shape are not worth buying.
Therefore, this building is not worth buying.

Of course, we can't join just any old statements together; the statements must combine to support the
conclusion--they can't be irrelevant, they can't be repetitive, and every necessary logical step must be stated
aloud. Standard form reveals incoherent or incomplete arguments:

Marie has red hair.

Therefore, she has a hot temper.
[What is implied about red-heads? Is it a reasonable statement?]

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Module No 5 ADGE: Logic: Deduction and Inductive Reasoning
Marie has a hot temper.
Marie tends to get angry over small things.
Therefore, we should be careful not to annoy her.
[Are these two premises really different?]

Marie has a hot temper.

Marie has no respect for human life.
Marie enjoys hiking.
Therefore, we should be careful not to annoy her.
[Do these premises all relate to the conclusion?]

So: What are the different ways that we can combine premises to make conclusions?

The answer lies in the way our minds work. Human reason puts ideas together in two ways:

• By inferring general statements or principles from observation. We put evidence together, usually based on
our observations, and see if we can make any general conclusions.

This raven is black.

This other raven is black too.
All ravens I've ever seen or heard about have been black.
Therefore, ravens are black.

• By applying these principles to new information. Now we have inferred a pattern or general statement about
ravens, we apply this information to any new ravens we see.

All ravens are black.

This bird is a raven.
Therefore, this bird must be black.

Look again at the opening example, in which you were a prehistoric human eating bad fruit.

• First, you ate some fruit and got sick. From this concrete and specific experience, you drew a conclusion not
just about the fruit you ate, but about all fruit of that kind. That was one kind of reasoning: "This piece of fruit
made me sick, therefore fruit of this kind will always make me sick."

• Next, you applied this information to other fruit. Even though you didn't even taste the fruit from the second
tree, you already felt you knew something about it based on your past experience. These two methods of
drawing conclusions are called induction and deduction. You may not be aware of doing these mental
operations, any more than you are aware of all the nerve endings relaying electric messages from your brain
when you walk. But you do both mental operations all the time; together, they form the essence of human


Deductive reasoning is the process of drawing a conclusion based on premises that are generally assumed to be true.
Also called "deductive logic," this act uses a logical premise to reach a logical conclusion. Deductive reasoning is often
referred to as "top-down reasoning." If something is assumed to be true and another thing relates to the first
assumption, then the original truth must also hold true for the second thing.

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Module No 5 ADGE: Logic: Deduction and Inductive Reasoning
True story: A mother explained to her little girl that Daddy had a mild heart attack, and was going to be in the
hospital for a few days. After absorbing the news, the girl replied, "Mum, when are you going to have your
heart attack then?"

Look again at this story. We see induction at work in the child's unspoken generalization that everything that
happens to Dad must happen to Mom as well. But note that she immediately uses this generalization to infer a
piece of information about her mother: that her mother, too, will have a heart attack. This is deduction--the
application of a general principle (my parents share all experiences) to a specific (my mom will have this
experience too).

Induction gives us general statements, principles and predictions based on what we know so far. With
deduction, we apply these principles to any new experiences. It helps us to make sense of them, and gives
us some information about them.

For example: I eat some grilled liver; it tastes like boots. Later, I eat it again; it still tastes like boots. I
conclude, through induction, that grilled liver always tastes like boots. The following week I am at a friend's
house, and she serves me a plate of liver. I groan inside: "This is going to taste like boots," I think sadly.

Now, how can I know something about a meal that I haven't yet touched? Through deduction. I have drawn
conclusions about liver in general, and now whenever I see liver on the menu, I assume that it must have all
the qualities that I have discovered in liver.

The key word is "must." Inductive reasoning, you remember, is always tentative. The premises to an inductive
argument may all be true, but your conclusion--however reasonable--may be wrong. However, deductive
reasoning produces conclusions that are true of necessity, IF the premises are true. If it is indeed true that
liver always tastes like boots, and if this quivering red mass before me is indeed liver, then it absolutely must
be true that it, too, will taste like boots. If it does not, then the general statement that I got through induction
must be false--or this isn't liver after all.

Deductive reasoning is characterized by the following:

• It generates necessary conclusions. If the premises of the arguments are true--and remember, they may not
be--then the conclusion absolutely must be true. There is no room for other inferences.

• It puts together a general statement about a group and a statement establishing a member of that group,
and draws a conclusion about that member. The premises to the liver argument are thus: Grilled liver always
tastes like boots, and this is grilled liver. My conclusion: This, too, will taste like boots.

• It puts together a general prediction and a statement about a given situation, and draws a conclusion from
this. The premises establish what we know about a particular cause effect, and use these to draw conclusions
about a situation.
For example: If you drink milk, it will make you throw up. You are not throwing up. Therefore, you haven't
drunk milk.

There are two patterns of deductive argument:

1. Syllogisms

A syllogism (Greek: syllogismos, 'conclusion, inference') is a kind of logical argument that applies deductive

reasoning to arrive at a conclusion based on two propositions that are asserted or assumed to be true.

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Module No 5 ADGE: Logic: Deduction and Inductive Reasoning
In its earliest form (defined by Aristotle in his 350 BCE book Prior Analytics),
a syllogism arises when two true premises (propositions or statements)
validly imply a conclusion, or the main point that the argument aims to get
across.[1] For example, knowing that all men are mortal (major premise) and
that Socrates is a man (minor premise), we may validly conclude that
Socrates is mortal. Syllogistic arguments are usually represented in a three-
line form:
All men are mortal.
Socrates is a man.
Therefore, Socrates is mortal.
[See how the conclusion MUST follow here. If it's true that all men are
mortal, and if it's true that Socrates is a man, then we know something for
certain about Socrates.]

In antiquity, two rival syllogistic theories existed: Aristotelian syllogism and Stoic syllogism. From the Middle
Ages onwards, categorical syllogism and syllogism were usually used interchangeably. This article is concerned
only with this historical use. The syllogism was at the core of historical deductive reasoning, whereby facts are
determined by combining existing statements, in contrast to inductive reasoning in which facts are determined
by repeated observations.
Within an academic context, the syllogism was superseded by first-order predicate logic following the work
of Gottlob Frege, in particular his Begriffsschrift (Concept Script; 1879). However, syllogisms remain useful in
some circumstances, and for general-audience introductions to logic.
Aristotle defines the syllogism as "a discourse in which certain (specific) things having been supposed,
something different from the things supposed results of necessity because these things are so." Despite this
very general definition, in Prior Analytics, Aristotle limits himself to categorical syllogisms that consist of
three categorical propositions, including categorical modal syllogisms.
The use of syllogisms as a tool for understanding can be dated back to the logical reasoning discussions
of Aristotle. Before the mid-12th century, medieval logicians were only familiar with a portion of Aristotle's
works, including such titles as Categories and On Interpretation, works that contributed heavily to the
prevailing Old Logic, or logica vetus. The onset of a New Logic, or logica nova, arose alongside the
reappearance of Prior Analytics, the work in which Aristotle developed his theory of the syllogism.
Prior Analytics, upon rediscovery, was instantly regarded by logicians as "a closed and complete body of
doctrine," leaving very little for thinkers of the day to debate and reorganize. Aristotle's theory on the
syllogism for assertoric sentences was considered especially remarkable, with only small systematic changes
occurring to the concept over time. This theory of the syllogism would not enter the context of the more
comprehensive logic of consequence until logic began to be reworked in general in the mid-14th century by
the likes of John Buridan.
Aristotle's Prior Analytics did not, however, incorporate such a comprehensive theory on the modal syllogism
—a syllogism that has at least one modalized premise, that is, a premise containing the modal words
'necessarily', 'possibly', or 'contingently'. Aristotle's terminology, in this aspect of his theory, was deemed
vague and in many cases unclear, even contradicting some of his statements from On Interpretation. His
original assertions on this specific component of the theory were left up to a considerable amount of
conversation, resulting in a wide array of solutions put forth by commentators of the day. The system for
modal syllogisms laid forth by Aristotle would ultimately be deemed unfit for practical use and would be
replaced by new distinctions and new theories altogether.

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Module No 5 ADGE: Logic: Deduction and Inductive Reasoning
Syllogism involves putting together a general statement about a group and a statement establishing
something as a member of that group, and draws a conclusion about that member. See how this is reflected in
the logical outline:

a. the premises consist of a generalization about a group (the kind of statement that you would get through
induction), and a statement that something belongs to that group;

b. the conclusion connects the quality of the group to the thing or person that is part of that group;

c. the conclusion must be true if the premises are true.

Here are some examples.

• Parking at North Beach is always terrible

Green Street is in North Beach.
Therefore, parking in Green Street is terrible.

• It is very expensive to live in the Bay Area

San Francisco is part of the Bay Area.
Therefore, it is very expensive to live in San Francisco.

• All Irishmen drink a lot.

Ardal is an Irishman.
Therefore, Ardal drinks a lot.
[This is an example of how a deductive argument can be wrong. Remember, the conclusion follows ONLY if
the premises are true. If it turns out that Ardal never drinks, then one of the argument's premises MUST be
wrong. Either not all Irishmen drink after all, or Ardal isn't really Irish!]

• Smokers have yellow fingers.

Janine is a smoker.
Therefore, Janine has yellow fingers.

• It is fine to perform natural bodily functions in public.

Nursing babies is a natural bodily function.
Therefore, it is fine to nurse babies in public.
[Remember this? Here is the standard form of the argument.]

2. Hypothetical chains: This involves putting together a cause-effect statement (predictions arrived at
through induction) and a statement about a specific event, to draw a conclusion about that event.

a. the premises consist of a statement about a cause-effect relationship, another kind of generalization that
you would get through induction, and a statement describing a specific situation;
b. the conclusion is usually a statement about that specific situation;
c. the conclusion must be true if the premises are true.

Here are some examples:

• If the window is open, the room will be cold.

The room is warm.
Therefore, the window is not open.
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Module No 5 ADGE: Logic: Deduction and Inductive Reasoning
[See how the conclusion MUST follow here. If it's true that an open window cools the room down, and if it's
true that the room is warm, then there is no way the window can be open--unless one of these premises is

• If the team played well, we would certainly win.

We played well.
Therefore, we must have won.

• If Chevron and Exxon merge, the price of gas will go up.

Chevron and Exxon have merged.
Therefore, the price of gas will go up.

• If the ink contains nigrosine, a chemical introduced in 1940, it cannot be Victorian.

The ink contains nigrosine.
Therefore, the ink cannot be Victorian.
[This is an example of how a hypothetical chain can be wrong. Remember, the conclusion follows ONLY if the
premises are true. In this case, as you remember, another expert determined that nigrosine WAS used in the
19th century, and thus challenged the first premise.]

• If Grace Foods caused the pollution that made the families in Woburn sick, they are responsible for that
Grace Foods did cause the pollution that made the families sick.
Therefore, Grace Foods is responsible for the sickness.

• If the families started to get sick before the earliest date that Grace Foods could have contaminated the
water, then Grace Foods is NOT responsible for their sickness.
The families did start to get sick before this date.
Therefore, Grace Foods is not responsible for their sickness.
[These last two arguments reflect the arguments put forward by opposing sides in a famous court case,
described in A Civil Action.]


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Module No 5 ADGE: Logic: Deduction and Inductive Reasoning
Activity 5.1

What is deductive reasoning?

Activity 5.2

Instructions: Decide whether the following represent inductive and deductive patterns of reasoning.
Check your responses against the answer key.

• just because an argument begins with a general statement doesn't mean that it's inductive; deductive
arguments also contain general statements—
• just because an argument isn't necessarily true doesn't mean that it's inductive--many deductive arguments
are guesses;
• you are looking at the train of thought, not just the words on the page;
• some of these may be open to interpretation, so read the explanation carefully to make sure you made the
same choice for the right reasons!

1. I know Joe is a terrible cook, because I've eaten at his house three times and each time the food has been
2. Francois was French, so like all Frenchmen, we knew he would enjoy fine dining.
3. Having seen three of Jackie Chan's movies, I can testify that he's brilliant.
4. My cat must be angry with me for buying a kitten. He hisses every time I get near him, and he's started
spraying around the living room.
5. The car's battery provides power to the engine, so if the battery is dead, the car won't start.

Rubrics/Points 15 points 10 poits 5 points

Interesting, original topic Clearly stated topic sentence Acceptable topic sentence Missing, invalid, or inappropriate
sentence, reflecting thought and presents one main idea. presents one idea. topic sentence;  main idea is
insight; focused on one interesting missing.
main idea.
Examples and details relate to the Sufficient number of examples Insufficient, vague, or

Atty. Hersie a. Bunda Page 8

Module No 5 ADGE: Logic: Deduction and Inductive Reasoning
Interesting, concrete and topic and some explanation is and details that relate to the topic undeveloped examples.
descriptive examples and details included. 
with explanations that relate to
the topic.
Some errors, but none major, in A few errors in usage, spelling, or Distracting errors in usage,
Consistent standard English usage, spelling, or punctuation. punctuation (3-4) spelling, or punctuation
usage, spelling, and punctuation. (1-2)
No errors
Writing shows strong Writing shows a clear Writing shows adequate Writing shows little understanding
understanding understanding understanding

Activity 5.2

What are the three characteristics of deductive reasoning?



Course No. ADGE Descriptive Title: Logic: Deduction and Inductive Reasoning

Module No. : 5 Course Year & Section BS CRIM3- G

Prepared and Submitted by:

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Module No 5 ADGE: Logic: Deduction and Inductive Reasoning

Checked by:


Program Head, School of Criminal Justice

Recommending Approval:


Dean of Instruction



Acting College President/ SAO/ Registrar Designate

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Module No 5 ADGE: Logic: Deduction and Inductive Reasoning

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