Idip Q&A
Idip Q&A
Idip Q&A
Q.2. An organization is proposing to move from a health and safety management system based on the
ILO OHS 2001 model to one that aligns itself with BS OHSAS 18001. Outline the possible advantages
AND disadvantages of such a change. (10 marks)
Ans: The Advantages are as follow:
1. Facilitates easier integration with ISO 14001 and ISO 9001 to form an Integrated management system.
2. International recognization.
3. A clear standard for benchmarking.
4. It is more credible by the fact that it has obligatory requirements that are certifiable by an outside organization.
5. It imposes requirement which organization must abide.
6. commitment to continual improvement.
7. External registration and independent assessment.
8. Ensured compliance to local legislation.
1. ILO OSH 2001 is recognized and used by the regulator, it is likely to be audited against this standard.
2. Direct cost of changing the system.
3. Change may take time.
4. Cost of external registration.
5. Increased paper work.
6. Too sophisticated for small & medium size organization.
7. Audit may not be done by EHS specialist.
Q.3. Outline the societal factors that influence health and safety standards. (10 marks)
The Societal factors influencing the health and safety standards can be summed up as follows:
Countries which are wealthy have access to all resources required for basic necessities of life such as shelter, medical
facility, clean water , food. Therefore they are able to implement the OHS standards conveniently in compared to
countries which are poor.
The government has major influence on OHS as they have power to make legislation which organizations have to abide
Business risk profiling has led the organizations to identify all the risk related to health and safety at very beginning point
such that as a result the best risk has been fully recognized and prioritized for actions and small risk will not be given too
much priority.
Globalization of the business has caused a structural transformation in the industrialized nations towards safer service
sectors. With the advent of opportunities people have shifted high hazardous service sector such as agriculture, mining to
safer and better work environment.
d. Migrant Workers.
Internationally and internal migrant workers have contributed significantly towards the economic development. Due to
their relocation they are at most risk of exploitation hence they are regularly secured by health care and social security.
This has also influenced the higher standards of Health and safety.
It has been estimated that employee absence from work has huge impact on the organization economy. Therefore,
organization have taken to improvement of work place standard to provide hygienic work environment to prevent people
from falling sick.
The society expectation of equality has determined the standard of safety a& health at work place to significant extent. It
requires employer to make reasonable adjustment at work place to accommodate the workers with disability.
Consequently, acceptable access and egress has been provided such as ramp , lifts to comply with expectation of equality
and legal obligation associated with them.
(2) Outline a range of individuals and bodies external to an organisation that may need to be provided with health
and safety information, for legal or good practice reasons. In EACH case, identify the type of information to be
provided. (10m)
(3) Outline the rights and responsibilities of worker representatives as set out in the International Labour
Organisation Convention No.155 and Recommendation 164.(10m)
(4) (a) Outline the role of health and safety legislation in the workplace. (10m)
(b) Outline the limitations of health and safety legislation in the workplace. (10m)
Q.1. OUTLINE the mechanism by which ILO can influence health and safety standards in different countries. [10 marks]
Ans - An ILO is a specialized agency of the United nations dedicated to the betterment of the labour conditions and
lifting their living conditions around the world. Being the agency of the UN which is an organization of 193 countries that
strives to attain international peace and security, promoting fundamental human rights and equal rights for men &
women encouraging social progress.
A. Organizing Seminars - The ILO organizes International work seminars every year in Geneva. At this seminars referrals
and conventions are prepared and embraced by majority decisions of the member countries. Each participant states are
represented by four delegates one 2 government delegates, one employer and one workers delegate. Each delegates
have specific ballot rights and all ballots are equal. The delegates can vote without being influenced by their government
& employer delegates.
B. Adoption of Conventions - The labour related issues are discussed and recommendations are given by members
countries delegates. Based on recommendations and discussions ILO sets international standards which are then ratified
by the member countries. Then the conventions becomes treaty in International Law.
C. Ratification of Conventions - The Nations that ratifies the conventions have legal obligations to apply the provisions on
their legislation system. The nations which do not ratifies the convention still have the same force of the convention as
recommendation. The ratified members countries has to submit the compliance status. During every year the IL
conference committee meets and examines the breach of the International standards set.
These conventions are considered as International Standards which covers wire range of issues from freedom of
association to health & safety at work, working conditions in maritime sector, night work, discrimination, child labour
and forced labour.
Q.2. There are a number of external influences on an organisation in relation to the management of health and
(a) Outline the purpose of International Labour Organisation Codes of Practice. (2 marks)
(b) Outline how International Labour Standards are created at the International Labour Conference. (4 marks)
(c) Outline how the International Labour Organisation can influence health and safety standards in different
countries. (6 marks)
(d) Outline how the media (television news programs, newspapers, radio broadcasts, internet pages, etc) can
influence attitudes towards health and safety. (8 marks)
1. Standards and fundamental principles and right at work by providing health & safety at work , at night work and
in maritime sector.
2. Employment creation by providing equal opportunities to women and men to obtain decent & productive work
3. Social protection from discrimination, child labour and forced labour.
4. Social dialogues by providing relevant information, training & technical assistance.
b) The ILO Organizes international work seminars every year in Geneva during the month of June. During this
seminars, discussions are held between the representatives of the members countries. Each member country is
represented by 2 governmental delegates, 1 employer delegate and 1 worker delegate. Each member having their
right to ballot. During the seminar major issues of covering broad spectrum of labour related subjects are discussed
and after that conventions are adopted. These conventions become the International Labour standards.
c) The conventions once adopted by the ILO and ratified by specified number of the member countries and then it
become treaty in the international law. The nations which have ratified, have the legal obligations to apply its
provisions on their legislation system. The governments of the ratified nations have to submit reports detailing their
compliance with obligations of the conventions. Every year the ILO committee meets and the application of
standards. The countries which do not ratify the conventions still have to follow the International labour standards
as recommendations. Recommendations may be adopted at the same time as conventions to supplement the latter
with additional or more detailed provisions. The recommendation to have the same legal force as convention.
d) The media has been playing a important function in communicating the health and safety issues and thereby
changing the attitudes of the viewers towards health & safety.
TV is considered best to target broadest range of people as it adds a powerful sense of commitment to the message
and the intervention itself. The details shown on TV are taken passively and very easily by the respondent. The
health related issues are broad casted and the people watching have immense impact on them as they can visualize
the immediate effects of the issues on people health.
Radio is another media that has maximum reach to the masses. Radios can be listened any time and any where either
in bus, trams, railway stations and when a person is doing some other works.
Press reporting also plays a vital role as the political and economic problem of the country as notified through the
press. The audience reading these newspapers are mostly intellectuals and they can figure out the outcomes of these
problems. Hence press helps in notifying the public about the side effects of the economic activities in the country
and world around.
Also the internets also plays a very influencing roles on health and safety. As of today every person are having
access to internet through laptops, mobiles and they can access the global news and latest news about the
environments around them. Hence the actions of any business that could pollute the community are notified through
these medias and people having access can have then develop their attitudes towards health and safety.
Q.3. Outline the role of health and safety legislation in the workplace. (10 marks)
To protect people:
a. The legislation enforces the organizations to device policy on Health & safety at work place and simultaneously
monitors the changing circumstances, neighbor hood expectation and environment where the organization operates. If
required the legislation can be upgraded to meet the requirements.
a. The legislation ensures that the organization sets a standards to meet the health & safety requirement at work place.
These standards may be set on the Goal Setting Models or the prescriptive models.
The Goal setting model describes law about the objectives to be achieved and the appropriate method & technique
applied to achieve it. The goal setting model focuses on outcomes rather than output because outcomes deals with the
compliance of the safety objectives whereas output considers success or failure. This model ensures that the goal should
be achieved and not on "How to achieve it ?".
The prescriptive model focuses on the standards to be achieved and how it is to be accomplished. For an example say
For worker engaged in working on a mobile equipment, then he has to be provided with information and instruction of
mobile work equipment from rolling over. It is minimized by
A legislation help in forming state & federal laws and their applications to health & safety. These laws can be based on
Compensatory schemes "where if a loss has actually occurred then claims for payment can be made under no fault
system by suing for breach of statutory duty/ carelessness and in some case not following religious codes. Under the No
fault liability and fault liability "In this system the need for the injured to show fault of the defendant is not required
and as soon the injury occurs, he is liable to be paid". Under the Punitive Damages " This damage is purely monetary
which seek to serve two purposes. An example of this might be that an individual is granted a damage for actual
discomfort, suffering and loss of salary, however, to deal with future requirement the court might award him another
monetary support which may be 5 times higher than the previous granted amount.
The legislation directs state and federals through law to employ enforcement bodies to carry out the functions of
ensuring that the law is adhered in order to seek compliance with the given set of legal rules framed.
The legislation causes the government to form several acts to protect people and environment. These laws in India could
Q.1. (a) Giving reasons in EACH case, identify FIVE persons` who could be interviewed to
provide information for an investigation into a workplace accident. (5 marks)
(b) Outline the issues to consider when preparing the accident investigation Interviews
for workers from within the organization. (5 marks)
A. The Five person who should be interviewed are as follow:
a. The injured person as he could provide the complete details of the Job he was assigned and
what he caused the injury. He could also provide the details of the bodily part injured.
b. Eye witness are another source who could provide the information of the risk and hazards
present in the work environment. They could also provide details of the faulty equipment and
machineries that poses threat. They could also provide details of the injured worker behavior
towards safe work practices.
c. Line managers are another source of information who can provide details on the work
procedure, instruction required to complete the job, job completion schedules and target dates,
details of standard supervision & onsite monitoring.
d. Safety personal are another important source who could provide details of the training program for workforce,
details of safety equipment availability, also details of warnings and notices, details of inspection and audits
conducted of the activity in which accident occurred.
e. Supervisor should also be interviewed as he could provide details of the activity which was in progress and
location and actual job instruction provided to the injured person.
B. When preparing for the accident investigation interview , the following issues should be considered which are as
a. Gathering of Information such as what, who, when , where & how, i.e, What action caused the incident. Who
were present during the incident, where it occurred, when it occurred which will include date, time, shift of work.
How the person got injured or how the damage occurred. Other datas such as PTW's, Plot diagram, inspection
checklist, Task instructions, sketches, drawings, photos of the area, details of the body part injured. details of the
equipment used, its make, model etc.
b. Investigator should consider the process diagram & flow charts to understand that at which part of the flow
incident occurred, Should check the standard operating procedure if available. He should check that the proper
instruction were given for operating the machinery. Does the machines had adequate safety devices. Does the safety
procedures are followed when operating the machines.
c. Investigator should check the competency level of the employees and workers and the injured person. Should
check that whether adequate training and skill development is done before allowing the work force to take up the
work. To check that safe task instruction are provided and the system of safety awareness is at place. Also the
system of workmen screening is at place before engaging workmen into the job to prevent employee below age of
18 as they pose high potential of risk.
d. Workplace layout is also another concern and the investigator must check that work place safety conditions and
layout such as sharp edges around the work area, proper availability of ample space free from clutter as it poses risk
of tripping, walking surfaces are free from slip hazard to prevent the falls, adequate lighting and ventilation is
e. Adequacy of the safety equipment availability is also a concern. Investigator must check the availability of proper
safety equipment such as PPEs and also the technicalities of the safety equipment such that they serve the purpose of
their use.
f. Supervisor should also be interviewed as he could provide details of the activity which was in progress and
location and actual job instruction provided to the injured person.
The Dominos theory can be utilized for accident investigation, however, it has certain limitation because it is linear in
approach which relates more to immediate causes and fails to take into account the management action such as planning &
design which is behind many contributory factors. The lack of management control permits basic causes such as personal
and job factors that leads to immediate causes resulting in direct cause of accidents where as the multi causality theory
postulates that a single accident has many contributory factors , causes and sub causes which is chain of events which can
be graphically represented by root cause analysis such as simple fault tree analysis. This analysis is complex , difficult, to
understand and it requires more time to understand.
Domino theory may not be used for future prediction of to prevent an accident where as multi causality theory can be used
to represent likelihood of the accidents.
Q.3. a) An extract from a company annual report is given below.
Comment critically on the Suitability of the content in providing information to the stakeholders. „
The company has done much better at health and safety in the last year compared to previous years.
In 2008 there were 170 accidents that required first-aid treatment compared to 180 in 2007, 185 in 2006 and 240 in
2005. This significant reduction is due to our new health and safety manager and a reduction in staff numbers from
1500 in 2005 to 1400 in 2006 and 1300 in 2007 to 900 in 2008, which also helps reduce business costs. Fatalities were
also reduced from 11 in 2007 to 4 in 2008, a significant decrease.‟ The management team is confident of further
reductions in 2009 (10 Marks)
(b) Calculate the non-fatal accident incidence rates AND comment on the findings. (10 Marks)
From the given statistics it is evident that accident and fatalities were predominant in the organization. These were mainly
due to organization latent failures. The latent failures are poor design of plants and equipment, ineffective training,
inadequate supervision, ineffective communications, uncertainties in roles and responsibility. Latent failures are crucial in
accident prevention for two main reasons firstly , probability of repetitive accident increases whatever precautionary
action are taken. Secondly, One latent failure results in series of potential error, therefore , removing a latent failure is cost
effective. A latent failure in an organization give rise to the likelihood of active failures.
- Poor attitude towards safety procedure- The safety culture of the organization plays a vital role in the implementation of
safety. This has to be demonstrated by manager and supervisors for culminating the positive attitudes among the
employees of an organization.
- Rules & Procedures - An organization should have a written rules and procedure which should demonstrate safety
assurance and effective control methods. The procedure should tell employees what should be followed to prevent injury,
it should not conflict with other rules and should be practicable.
- Training- An effective training programme should be provided to the employees and a system of evaluation should also
be implemented to check the effectiveness.
· Hazard awareness.
· Training should focus on safe operating practices, rather than what not to do.
-Equipment design & maintenance- The equipment's and machineries should be so designed that it eliminates the
risk of unintentional errors such as slips and mistakes, poorly design equipment's strongly motivates the operators to
violate safe working procedures.
Hence, the given data's shoes that the new safety manager has effectively implemented the HSE management system
which shows gradual decrease there in accident reduction. It should also be noted that behavioral based safety
practices have also reduced the supervisory staffs thereby decreasing the business cost. Its employee participation
and implementation of sound safety management system in accident prevention & reduction.
B. Accident incidence rate = No of work related injuries / average number of person exposed *1000
Here in this incidence rate we can see that between 2005 and 2007 there is a steep fall in the incidence rate, however
during 2008 it has increase very high compared to the previous years.
(2) (a) Giving reasons in EACH case, identify FIVE persons` who could be interviewed to provide information for an
investigation into a workplace accident. (5m)
(b) Outline the issues to consider when preparing the accident investigation interviews for workers from within the
organisation. (5m)
(3 ) Explain the domino and multi-causality theories of accident causation,including their respective uses and possible
limitations in accidentinvestigation and prevention. (10)
(4) A chemical reaction vessel is partially filled with a mixture of highly flammable liquids. It is possible that the
vessel headspace may contain a concentration of vapour which, in the presence of sufficient oxygen, is capable of
being ignited. A powder is then automatically fed into this vessel.
Adding the powder may sometimes cause an electrostatic spark to occur with enough energy to ignite any flammable
vapour. There is concern that there may be an ignition during addition of the powder.
To reduce the risk of ignition, an inert gas blanket system is used within the vessel headspace designed to keep
oxygen below levels required to support combustion. In addition, a sensor system is used to monitor vessel oxygen
levels. Either system may fail. If the inert gas blanketing system and the oxygen sensor fail simultaneously, oxygen
levels can be high enough to support combustion.
Probability and frequency data for this system are given below:
(a) Draw a simple fault tree AND using the above data calculate the frequency of an ignition. (16m)
(b) Describe, with justification, TWO plant OR process modifications that you would recommend to reduce the risk of
an ignition in the vessel headspace. (4m)