2019-Feature Selection Framework For XGBoost Based On Electrodermal Activity in Stress Detection
2019-Feature Selection Framework For XGBoost Based On Electrodermal Activity in Stress Detection
2019-Feature Selection Framework For XGBoost Based On Electrodermal Activity in Stress Detection
Fig. 4. F1 score and computation time along different feature size for chest-
WESAD [5] Time Frequency Entropy Wavelet Fusion based signal in fusion modality. The performance was compared with different
Chest feature selection methods. Blue line: proposed selection f1 score. Red line:
Extraction 89.29 (14) 92.35 (85) 87.87 (30) 78.87 (24) 91.44 (42) 92.27 (195)
Correlation 89.91 (9) 89.74 (37) 87.45 (15) 74.61 (9) 89.89 (29) 91.53 (94) RFE f1 score. Black bar: proposed selection computation time. Grey bar: RFE
Importance 90.08 (5) 89.92 (9) 88.53(5) 76.51 (4) 90.31 (10) 92.38 (9) computation time.
Extraction 87.67 (14) 89.73 (85) 84.95 (30) 78.60 (24) 88.42 (42) 89.48 (195)
Correlation 87.02 (9) 88.47 (37) 83.11 (15) 78.36 (9) 89.62 (29) 88.94 (94) sensitive to stress level on time scale and suitable for time-
Importance 88.40 (5) 88.76 (9) 83.70 (5) 77.95 (4) 89.92 (10) 88.78 (9)
Extraction=Extracted features split into time, frequency, entropy, wavelet
frequency analysis.
Correlation=Dominant features without high correlation
Importance=Dominant features important for XGBoost without high correlation
3) Proposed Feature Selection Performance: With lots of
signal processing features, we proposed two selection methods
A. Classification Results to select the dominant features based on their importance
We have three goals for the classification experiment, in- and correlation. Furthermore, we compare our methods with
cluding performance improvement with less overlapped seg- Recursive Feature Elimination (RFE) considering F1-score and
mentation, various signal processing features, and selection computation time, as shown in Fig. 4. The results suggest our
for dominant features. We use XGBoost as our experiment methods with enough feature information can have comparable
model and apply grid search for model parameters tuning. The F1 score to RFE. However, it is considerably less computation
classification performance is evaluated in terms of mean F1- time for our methods during training. By removing correlated
score, which is the harmonic mean of precision and recall. We features and selecting important features for XGBoost, our
employ leave-one-subject-out as our cross-validation scheme, methods can have more efficient performance.
where the classification models are trained using all data but After feature selection for XGBoost, we can obtain the dom-
a previously unseen subject which is used in testing. inant features with similar high classification scores comparing
1) Proposed Segmentation Performance: The stress detec- to all features, as shown in Table IV. Correlation selection can
tion performance with different segmentation methods com- reduce more than half the original features while importance
pared to WESAD is shown in Table III. The extracted features selection can acquire the most dominant features in XGBoost,
and the five machine learning algorithms except XGBoost e.g. features in fusion modality can reduce from 195 features
are all applied the same as WESAD. The results show that to 9 features. The best performance results on XGBoost are
segmentation can have a great influence on model performance 92.38% and 89.92% using chest- and wrist-based EDA signal
with +15% improvement on the testing set, which we suggest respectively. The values indicate that XGBoost is able to
that lots of segments may lead to over-fitting on the similar identify the stress and non-stress class with the proposed
training samples. dominant features. Most importantly, our selection methods
Comparing the performance of the employed algorithms, have the ability to select the features useful for stress detection.
it is obvious that XGBoost has higher classification scores
B. Dominant Feature Analysis
than other ensemble-based or common-used models on both
chest- and wrist-based EDA signals. Therefore, we carry out Dominant features in terms of the feature selection of
more experiments on XGBoost to explore its ability for stress fusion modality are shown in Table V and the features we
detection. propose are highlighted in boldface. The tonic component
2) Proposed Feature Extraction Performance: As for our captures the mean level and the signal range while the phasic
enhanced results on XGBoost, we analyze more features on component emphasizes the entropy and difference. The result
different feature extraction domain as shown in Table IV. shows that the low frequency magnitude and the high fre-
Slight improvements compared to WESAD features are +3% quency complexity of EDA signal contain the most significant
and +2% for chest- and wrist-based signal, respectively, which information in stress detection. Moreover, the property of these
indicate that additional signal processing features of EDA sig- features indicate the positive correlation with stress level,
nal are useful for stress detection. Regarding more information which suggests that stress can lead to high level and high
on different extraction domains, the results suggest that good disorder electrodermal activity.
features are derived more from time and wavelet domain. In addition to the discussion on the information of features,
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