Babani 265 More Advanced Uses of The Multimeter
Babani 265 More Advanced Uses of The Multimeter
Babani 265 More Advanced Uses of The Multimeter
Although every care has been taken with the production of this
book to ensure that any projects, designs, modifications and/or
programs etc. contained herewith, operate in acorrect and safe
manner and also that any components specified are normally
available in Great Britain, the Publishers do not accept respon-
sibility in any way for the failure, including fault in design, of
any project, design, modification or program to work correctly
or to cause damage to any other equipment that it may be
connected to or used in conjunction with, or in respect of any
other damage or injury that may be so caused, nor do the
Publishers accept responsibility in any way for the failure to
obtain specified components.
Notice is also given that if equipment that is still under
warranty is modified in any way or used or connected with
home-built equipment then that warranty may be void.
Printed and Bound in Great Britain by Cox & Wyman Ltd, Reading
R. A. Penfold
Chapter 1
Unijunction Transistors 1
Transistor Resistance Checks 5
S.C.R.s and I.C.s 12
Integrated Circuits 14
Dangers 15
I.C. Test Circuits 17
Digital I.C.s 21
Logic Voltages 25
TTL Outputs 28
Tristate Outputs 29
Decoders Etc. 29
Static Dynamic Testing 31
Component Analysis 35
L.E.D.s and L.C.D.s 41
Finally 45
Chapter 2
R.F. Voltages 47
The Circuit 49
High Resistance Probe 54
Dual Range Booster 59
Memory Probe 61
A.C. Voltage Booster 66
The Circuit 67
Gain Estimation 70
Current Tracing 76
Unijunction Transistors
There seems to be few new circuits these days that utilize a
unijunction transistor. These components offer avery simple
means of producing an audio or infra-audio oscillator, timing
circuit, etc., but have been largely ousted by the 555 timer
integrated circuit and the low power versions of that device.
These offer better predictability and reliability, as well as
being much more versatile. However, from time to time you
may still find yourself building aproject that uses one of these
devices, particularly if you indulge in the increasingly popular
pastime of building projects from old publications. Also, you
may need to deal with one of these components if aproject
built some years ago should develop a fault. These devices
once appeared in electronic projects for the home constructor
almost as frequently as the 555 and its derivatives do today.
Internally, a unijunction transistor effectively consists of
two resistors and asilicon diode connected in the arrangement
shown in Figure 1.1. Note that connecting two resistors and a
silicon diode in this configuration will not give you acircuit
that will properly mimic aunijunction transistor. In its most
common role as arelaxation oscillator, aunijunction transistor
operates in acircuit of the type shown in Figure 1.2. Initially
the single semiconductor junction (from which the device
derives its name) is reverse biased, and Cl is able to charge up
via RI. This continues until the charge voltage reaches about
0.6 volts more than the voltage at the junction of the internal
potential divider of the unijunction. The semiconductor junc-
tion (i.e. the diode of Figure 1.1) then becomes forward biased.
This results in a regenerative action within the device that
causes its base 1to base 2resistance to drop to avery low level.
This has several effects, one of which is to rapidly discharge
Cl via the emitter — base 1terminals of the unijunction and
the low resistance of R3. This regenerative action does not
occur if you use two resistors and a diode in a unijunction
style circuit, and it is for this reason that aproper unijunction
device is needed in order to get this type of oscillator to func-
tion properly. When the charge on Cl reaches alow level, the
discharge current becomes too low to maintain the regenera-
tive action, the unijunction switches off, and Cl starts to
charge up again via R1 . This action continues indefinitely.
Pulse signals are generated across R2 and R3 due to one of
the internal resistors of the unijunction effectively becoming a
short circuit while the device is in the triggered state. This
reduces the base 1 to base 2 resistance of the component,
giving an increase in the voltage across the two base load
resistors. There is also a non-linear sawtooth waveform (at
what is often quite a high impedance) generated across CI.
Probably the best method of checking a unijunction
transistor is to connect it into a relaxation oscillator such
as the one shown in Figure 1.2. It should not take more than
aminute to breadboard asimple circuit of this type. You will
need some means of detecting the audio output signal, but
something as basic as a crystal earphone will suffice. If a
relaxation oscillator of this type fails to oscillate it is often
due to unsuitable component values rather than what could
genuinely be considered a fault in the unijunction transistor.
With some circuits a wide range of frequencies have to be
covered in a single range. This requires the use of avariable
timing resistance which might have a minimum resistance of
just a few kilohms running through to amaximum resistance
that could be as high as afew megohms. If the timing resis-
tance is made too low, the result is that the current through
RI is high enough to hold the unijunction in the "on" state.
This will clearly prevent oscillation from occurring. The
result will be much the same if the timing resistance is too
high, but with leakage currents preventing the device from
triggering. If the device is held in the triggered state the
measured voltage across Cl will be quite low, but if it is failing
to trigger, the voltage across Cl will probably be 50% or more
of the supply voltage (but you will need a high impedance
voltmeter to stand any chance of getting an accurate reading).
If you find that oscillation cuts off with a variable fre-
quency oscillator of this type adjusted well towards one or
other end of its frequency range, this almost certainly indi-
cates aproblem with the timing resistance becoming too high
or too low for the particular unijunction in use. Under these
circumstances the only way of obtaining satisfactory results
might be to try a new unijunction transistor in the circuit.
This problem can also occur with fixed frequency oscillators
where it has been necessary to use a very high or very low
timing resistance for some reason. It might then be possible
to obtain correct operation of the circuit by making the timing
resistance lower and the timing capacitance higher, or the
timing resistance higher and the timing capacitance lower, as
appropriate. Provided any change in the value of one is
matched by aproportional but opposite change in the other,
the operating frequency of the circuit should remain
If the timing resistor and capacitor are both very high in
value, bear in mind that any lack of oscillation can be due to
leakage in the capacitor. The same is also true of timer circuits
that use a simple C — R timing network, and it is something
that can afflict any timing circuit which uses a high value
resistor and capacitor, not just unijunction circuits. What
happens in these cases is that at some point the leakage current
through the capacitor becomes equal to the charge current
through the resistor. At this point the charge voltage ceases to
rise, and the trigger point of the unijunction (or whatever) is
never reached.
It is not practical to check for this problem by simply
measuring the voltage across the timing capacitor to see if it
has stopped rising. The current tapped off by the multimeter,
even if it is a digital type with a resistance of about ten or
eleven megohms, could well be high enough to ensure that the
charge voltage would stop rising before the trigger potential is
reached. Using the multimeter set to ahigh resistance range to
make aleakage check on the timing capacitor is amore reliable
method of checking for this problem. For satisfactory results
to be obtained the leakage resistance of the capacitor would
need to be about double the value of the timing resistor, and
quite probably much higher in value than this. If a timing
circuit or low frequency oscillator is unreliable or inconsistent
in performance, this is usually indicative of problems with
excessive leakage in the timing capacitor.
Capacitor leakage is a very common problem with simple
timer circuits and very low frequency oscillators. Where
possible use a non-electrolytic capacitor. The high values
involved sometimes make this impractical, but tantalum bead
capacitors often offer asolution to the problem. Failing that,
an electrolytic component sold as a "low leakage" type should
be used. Avoid very cheap or old components in critical
applications such as this, as they often have very high leakage
Fig. 1.3 Initial resistance check on aU.J.T.
B1 B2
In order to test atransistor it is merely necessary to make
some resistance checks across pairs of contacts in order to
make sure that the correct diode actions are obtained. First
the pair of checks detailed in Figure 1.6 should be made. This
reverse biases the two diode junctions in turn, and should give
an extremely high reading in both cases (probably an infinite
reading). The next test (which is shown in Figure 1.7) forward
biases both diode junctions, and should give the low resistance
readings normally associated with a forward biased silicon
junction. The final pair of tests are shown in Figure 1.8, and
they check for avery high resistance between the collector
and emitter terminals, regardless of which way round the test
prods are connected. For both n.p.n. and p.n.p. devices the
Fig. 1.6 Initial resistance checks on abipolar transistor
Fig. 1.7 The second set of resistance checks on abipolar
Fig. 1.8 Testing for alow leakage level
unmarked" devices. First use trial and error to find apair of
terminals which do not provide continuity with the test prods
connected either way round. These are the collector and
emitter, but these simple resistance checks will not tell you
which is which. Then try the tests of Figure 1.6. If high
resistance readings are obtained, the test device is an n.p.n.
type. Low resistance readings show that it is ap.n.p. type.
To determine which leadout is the emitter and which one
is the collector, try subjecting the device to a current gain
check with these terminals connected first one way round,
and then the other. With one method of connection the
transistor should provide a healthy level of current gain,
while with the opposite method of connection it should have
little or no current gain. Obviously the former is the correct
method of connection. Provided the test voltage is only a
few volts there is no real risk of damaging asilicon transistor
by connecting it with the wrong polarity. This method
would be a bit risky with germanium transistors though, and
it is probably best not to try it with these.
Fig. 1.9 The equiyale-it circuit for athyristor
these terminals with the test prods connected either way
Integrated Circuits
Integrated circuits are notoriously difficult to test. As we shall
see shortly, it is possible to test some of the more simple
analogue and digital devices by rigging up abasic test circuit
and making a few voltage checks. This approach is inapplic-
able to many integrated circuits though, as their functions are
far too complex to be tested in such afundamental manner. It
is possible to apply resistance checks to integrated circuits
though, and in many cases this will produce useful results. The
only problem in using this type of testing is that the complex-
ity of many integrated circuits makes it difficult to determine
what sort of resistance readings should be present between any
two given terminals. Being realistic about it, the only way of
overcoming this problem is to make checks on adevice that is
known to be fully functioning, so that you have something
against which tests made on asuspect device (or devices) can
be made.
There is apotential flaw in this system in that much of the
circuitry in an integrated circuit is well removed from any of
the pins. A major fault in a part of the circuit that only
connects to one of the pins via avery indirect route may not
show up in resistance checks. In practice alot of faults in
integrated circuits occur due to excessive input and output
currents, or similar problems, and the damaged circuitry will
be in parts of the device which connect directly to one or
more of its pins. Also, where abreakdown does occur some-
where in the middle of acomplex integrated circuit, the result
is often achain fault which results in much of the circuit being
destroyed. This is likely to show up quite clearly on resistance
checks. You still need to bear in mind that resistance checks
on semiconductor devices are not totally conclusive. If a
device passes the checks it could still be below specification.
If a device fails a test, then it is almost certainly a "dud".
Testing the resistance from every pin to every other pin of
an integrated circuit, with the test prods connected both ways
round, is probably not apractical proposition. Even with an
eight or fourteen pin device it could take quite along time,
and with a forty pin integrated circuit it would take an inordi-
nate amount of time. Probably the best approach is to
measure the resistance between the 0volt supply pin and every
other pin, and then repeat the procedure with the test prods
reversed. Obviously you will not be able to memorise the
results of numerous resistance checks, and will have to write
down the test results obtained from the standard dévice
against which others will be judged. A simple chart, as in the
example shown here, is probably the best way of writing
down your results.
There are afew points to keep in mind when trying this type
of testing. One is that it works better with bipolar integrated
circuits than it does with CMOS, NMOS, or PMOS types. It
will actually work quite well with these MOS integrated
circuits, but only if they have pull-up resistors on the inputs.
What can happen otherwise is that stray and varying voltages
on the inputs result in the resistance readings you obtain vary-
ing over wide limits. This obviously makes aset of test results
of dubious worth, and difficult to take anyway.
Another point about MOS devices which do not have pull-
up resistors at inputs, or some other effective form of static
protection, is that they are vulnerable to damage due to static
charges. Making measurements on a device which is out of
circuit and not in its protective packaging is a bit risky,
especially if it is a highly complex and costly component.
There are ways of reducing the risk, one of which is to fit the
test component onto abreadboard which is wired so that each
pin of the device is connected to acommon "earth" rail via a
high value resistor (around 5.6 to 10 megoluns should suffice).
This should prevent any large voltage build-ups on the pins so
that the device is kept safe. It should also prevent any stray
voltages reaching sufficient amplitude to operate any of the
inputs, and in this way the varying readings mentioned
previously are avoided. It is agood idea to fit the test device
onto abreadboard anyway. You can then use ashort piece of
wire and acrocodile clip lead to make the connection to the
0 volt pin of the device, leaving both hands free to connect the
other test prod to the remaining pins and to note down results.
Another method of protecting static sensitive devices is to
push their pins into a piece of conductive foam (the black
foam material in which many integrated circuits are supplied
these days). In my experience this material does not conduct
particularly well, and it will not have asignificant affect on the
resistance readings. This method has the disadvantage that it is
alittle slower and more difficult to make the connections to
the pins and note down the results.
When checking delicate integrated circuits you must be
careful about the choice of measuring range. A low range is
undesirable as it could produce quite large current flows that
could damage the test components. A high resistance range is
not agood choice as the test voltage could be high enough to
damage the test components (but this depends on the type and
model of multimeter in use). A range having amid-scale value
of about 20k should be suitable. When testing very delicate
devices it is probably best to only take measurements with the
positive test prod (or negative prod of a digital instrument)
connected to the 0 volt supply pin. This avoids applying a
voltage of the wrong polarity to the other pins of the device.
Wherever possible, the best method of testing any complex
integrated circuit is to plug it into acircuit that is known to be
fully functioning, and then see if the device functions properly
in this circuit. However, in practice this might not be too easy
to achieve. Very often you will not know for certain whether
the main circuit is alright and the integrated circuit is at fault,
or vice versa, or perhaps they are both faulty. Plugging anew
integrated circuit into part of acircuit that does not seem to
be functioning properly may seem to be the obvious course of
action, but do not be in too much of a hurry to plug an
expensive integrated circuit into a circuit board that caused
the demise of the original integrated circuit, as fitting a
replacement device could just lead to this new component
being instantly "zapped" at switch-on! If you think you have
located afaulty integrated circuit, it is always agood idea to
make a few checks to determine whether or not there is a
fault on the board which caused the damage to the device.
Integrated circuits are very reliable, and failures are often due
to something like an excessive supply voltage due to apower
supply fault.
project fails to work, probably more than nine times out of
ten it is due to abad joint, ashort circuit due to asolder
splash, or something of this nature. With anewly constructed
project where the semiconductors prove to be functioning
correctly, the board itself is probably the part of the unit to
concentrate on next. With aproject that has worked correctly
but has become faulty, the passive components would
represent the most likely cause of the problem.
For the checks described here the particular breadboard
used is not too important. The test circuits are so simple that
virtually any breadboard should suffice, but it obviously needs
to be areasonably modern type capable of taking integrated
circuits with 0.1 inch pin spacing (or one fitted with acarrier
for standard dn. integrated circuits).
Operational amplifiers represent one of the most simple
types of integrated circuit as far as testing is concerned. They
are easily tested by using them as voltage comparators, as in
the simple test circuit of Figure 1.10. An operational
amplifier is a differential amplifier, which simply means that
it amplifies the voltage difference across its inputs. If the
non-inverting (+) input is at ahigher voltage than the inverting
(—) input, the output goes positive. If the relative input
voltages are reversed, the output goes positive. In practice the
d.c. voltage gain of an operational amplifier that is used open
loop (i.e. without any negative feedback) is very high, being
typically about 200,000 times. Therefore, only a minute
voltage difference is needed across the inputs in order to send
the output fully positive or negative.
In the test circuit of Figure 1.10 afixed potential of about
half the supply voltage is fed to the inverting input of the test
device by the potential divider circuit formed by R1 and R2.
VR1 permits avariable voltage to be fed to the non-inverting
input. If VR1 is initially set for minimum voltage at its wiper,
and then steadily advanced, the output voltage frerm the
circuit should initially be quite low, but should suddenly jump
to almost the full supply voltage with VR1 at roughly the
middle of its adjustment range. Due to the very high open
loop gain of an operational amplifier, it should be virtually
impossible to set VR1 to give an intermediate output voltage.
In fact with many operational amplifiers it may well prove
to be totally impossible to obtain an intermediate output
Do not expect the maximum and minimum output voltages
from the operational amplifier to be equal to the positive and
negative supply potentials. With most operational amplifiers
(including the standard pA741C and most of its bipolar and
f.e.t. equivalents) the maximum output voltage falls about 1
volt or so short of the positive supply potential. The mini-
mum output voltage is often more than 2volts, but with some
MOS and bipolar types (such as the CA3130E, CA3140E,
LM358, and LM32) the minimum output voltage can go to
within afew millivolts of the negative supply voltage. Modern
operational amplifiers almost invariably have good immunity
to latch-up. This is where the output voltage goes to the
wrong level because the differential input voltage is excessive,
or one or both inputs are taken outside their normal operating
voltage range. This latch-up could result in the output going
high with VR1 set for around minimum voltage, or low when
it is set for about maximum voltage (i.e. jumping to the wrong
state at the extremes of VR1's adjustment range). Few non-
obsolete devices suffer from this problem though, and it would
be as well to be suspicious of any modern device that does
have this trait.
Another very simple but useful test for operational ampli-
fiers is to try them as voltage followers, as in the test circuit
of Figure 1.11. With 100% negative feedback from the output
VR1 r
100k L'
To Multimeter
to the inverting input of the amplifier, it has unity voltage
gain from the non-inverting input to the output. VR1 can be
used to set any input voltage between 0 volts and 9 volts,
and in theory the output voltage measured on the multimeter
should be exactly the same as the input voltage. In practice
the output voltage limitations of the operational amplifier
must be taken into account. As pointed out previously, for
most devices this means that the minimum output potential
will be about 2 volts, and the maximum will be around 1to
1.5 volts less than the positive supply voltage. With appro-
priate types, the minimum output voltage will be insignificant-
ly more than 0volts.
Adjustment of VR1 should give asmooth variation between
the output voltage limits imposed by the test device. If the
output voltage tends to jump all over the place, or simply
stays fully positive or negative, this indicates that the test
device is faulty.
Apart from operational amplifiers, there are probably not
many linear integrated circuits which lend themselves well
to simple test setups of this type. It is atechnique that can
be used with some audio power amplifiers though. Some
modern audio power amplifier integrated circuits are effec-
tively high power operational amplifiers, and the test circuits
of Figures 1.10 and 1.11 should work perfectly well with
these. With adevice such as the LM380N, which has built-in
bias components, this method of testing is not applicable.
However, it would be quite feasible to fit the device onto a
breadboard and connect it to a 9 volt supply. If its biasing
is working correctly, the output voltage should be within a
few percent of half the supply voltage.
Digital I.Cs
Simple static testing circuits are easily applied to many types
of digital integrated circuit, including gates, decoders, multi-
plexer, etc. On the other hand, there are some logic devices
that are essentially dynamic in their function, and which can
not be fully tested by taking d.c. voltage checks. The tech-
niques described here can be used to good effect with most
of the digital integrated circuits used in home constructor
designs though.
The basic action of many digital integrated circuits is to
produce acertain output state, or set of output states, for a
given set of input logic levels. Gates, inverters and decoders,
for example, fall into this category. The usual way of showing
the function of these more simple logic devices is by way of a
"truth table". In its most basic form this just consists of alist
of input states, with the output state or states being shown
for each set of input conditions. For instance, this is the
truth table for athree input AND gate.
Integrated circuits of this type are easily tested with the aid
of abreadboard, apower source, amultimeter, and afew link
wires. First wire the supply pins of the chip to a suitable
power source. For most logic devices this means a 5 volt
supply, and virtually all modern bench power supplies can
provide a 5 volt output. Improvising a temporary power
source using batteries is not easy as 1.5 volt cells can obviously
not provide 5volts. Three cells gives about 4.5 volts, or four
cells gives around 6 volts. When testing logic integrated cir-
cuits you need to bear in mind that many of them are only
guaranteed to operate with asupply voltage that is within a
few percent of the specified supply potential. The acceptable
voltage range depends on the logic family from which the test
device is taken. Note that the supply voltage range is not the
same for all the logic families under the general TTL heading
("LS", " HC", "HCT", etc.). Some of the CMOS TTL devices
have relatively wide supply voltage ranges, and should operate
properly with a 3 volt, 4.5 volt, or 6 volt battery supply.
With many logic families there is only a 5% tolerance on
the supply voltage (i.e. it should be between 4.75 and 5.25
volts). In practice a 4.5 volt or 6volt supply is likely to be
satisfactory for static tests, but it is obviously better if the
supply voltage is within the chip manufacturer's recommended
operating range. The results of tests are then conclusive. A
simple way of providing an accurate 5volt supply is to use a
9 volt battery plus a5volt monolithic voltage regulator, as in
the circuit of Figure 1.12. The additional components should
be easily accommodated on the breadboard.
small (PP3 size) 9 volt battery is therefore perfectly suitable
as the power source.
Having connected the supply, the next step is to use the
link wires to set pp the first set of input states. Simply con-
nect inputs to the positive supply rail if they must be taken
high, or to the negative supply if they must be set to the low
state. The multimeter is then used to measure the output
voltage or voltages, to ensure that they are correct. Then the
link wires are adjusted to set up the next set of input states,
the output voltage should be checked again using the multi-
meter, and so on until the output voltage has been checked
for every set of input states.
This can be rather time-consuming, especially when you
consider that each integrated circuit may contain several gates.
In fact it is the single gate chips with numerous inputs that
require the longest test procedures. An eight input gate for
instance, has some two hundred and fifty-six different input
states. With devices of this type it is probably best to rational-
ise the test procedure to a considerable degree in order to
make the task more manageable. Suppose that an eight input
NAND gate must be tested. The basic action of this device is
to provide alow output level unless all eight of its inputs are
high. Obviously only testing all two hundred and fifty-six
input conditions would give definite proof that the device was
fully functioning, but agood rationalised test procedure would
be to first check that the output was low with all eight inputs
tied to the high state. Next input 1would be taken low, and a
check made to see if the output had gone low. Then input 1
would be returned to the high state, and input 2 would be
taken low. The output level would then be checked again.
Next input 2 would be returned to the high state, input 3
would be taken low, the output voltage would be checked,
and this procedure would be continued until all the inputs
had been tested in the low state. If each input was able to
exercise control over the output, then it would be highly
unlikely that the device was faulty. This is the rationalised
truth table for an eight input NAND gate.
I 2 3 4 S 6 7 8
Logic Voltages
In order to interpret the results of this form of testing you
need to know the valid voltage ranges for the logic 0and logic
1 levels. When testing the CMOS 4000 range of integrated
circuits there is no great difficulty here. Logic 0 ("low")
should give a voltage reading that is so low it will probably
fail to register on the meter, while logic 1 ("high") should
give a reading that is virtually equal to the positive supply
potential. This is due to the use of complimentary output
transistors, which gives the effective output circuit of Figure
1.13(a) when an output is high, and that of Figure 1.13(b)
when it is low. The low value resistor is the resistance of the
transistor that is switched on, while the very high value
resistor is the resistance of the transistor that is switched off.
The very high "on" to "off" resistance ratio of the output
transistors ensures that the unloaded peak-to-peak output
voltage is not significantly less than the supply voltage.
Fig. 1.13 CMOS equivalent output circuits
In CMOS data books you will not find that the high and
low logic levels are stated as being within afew millivolts of
their respective supply voltages. Logic 0 is usually given as
something like 0 to 30% of the supply potential, with logic 1
at anywhere between 70 and 100% of the supply voltage.
These are voltage ranges to which the inputs of aCMOS device
are guaranteed to respond properly. With the outputs of
CMOS devices switching almost fully between the two supply
levels, this may all seem to be of academic importance.
However, you must remember that in normal use CMOS
outputs may be switching between the two logic levels at a
high frequency, and they may then fail to reach the same
voltage levels that are achieved in static tests. Perhaps of more
•elevance in the current context, CMOS outputs are sometimes
oaded more heavily than the very light loading provided by a
multimeter or several CMOS inputs. The input resistance to
CMOS logic devices incidentally, is about amillion megohms.
This gives what for practical purposes can be regarded as
infinite fanout under d.c. conditions, but due to input capa-
city the dynamic fanout is about fifty.
If a CMOS logic integrated circuit produces the right
unloaded output voltages, the chances are that it is fully func-
tioning. Results are not totally conclusive though. Ihave
encountered CMOS devices in the 4000 logic family that do
not work when plugged into acircuit that operates at medium
to high speeds, but which seems to be perfectly alright when
subjected to static and low frequency tests. Ihave heard of
others encountering the same problem, and so this is presum-
ably a reasonably common type of fault. The cause of the
problem seems to be that an overload on the output has
caused an excessive output current which has damaged one of
the complementary output transistors. This then provides a
high resistance load for the other transistor which acts as a
simple common source switch having aresistive load. Under
static tests this might give quite plausible results, but at
frequencies of more than a few hertz the output stage fails
to work due to the low "on" output current and stray capaci-
tance slowing down the switching time to inadequate level.
A safer method of making static tests on CMOS logic inte-
grated circuits is to connect the multimeter to a potential
divider connected across the supply rails, and to then connect
this to each of the test points in turn via a link-wire, as in
Figure 1.14. The potential divider tries to pull the test point
to about half the supply voltage, but the output under test
tries to pull the test point high or low. The output, if it is
functioning correctly, will largely win the battle, as its output
transistors can provide a resistance that is significantly lower
than the value used in the potential divider. The output
voltages will fall significantly short of either supply voltage,
but will be well within the acceptable ranges of 0to 30% and
70 to 100% of the supply voltage. If one of the output tran-
sistors is damaged, then one of the logic levels will be achieved
properly, but with the output set to the other logic state the
output voltage will be about half the supply voltage.
TTL Outputs
The acceptable output voltage range for TTL devices varies
slightly from one type to another. However, in general, and
for types which operate from a5volt supply, alogic 0level is
anything from 0 to 0.8 volts, and ahigh level is anything from
2 to 5 volts. This gives a relatively narrow range of illegal
voltages, but in practice an unloaded TTL output will be little
more than 0 volts when it is low, and around 4 volts when it
is high. Faults in the output stages of TTL devices, in my
experience anyway, seem to be more rare than those in
CMOS types. It would probably still be a good idea to use
the method of loading described previously when testing
TTL integrated circuits though.
If you are testing TTL devices that can operate on asupply
potential of other than 5 volts, and you are having to use a
supply voltage of other than 5 volts, then the acceptable
voltage levels for each logic level must be adjusted proportion-
ately in order to match the change in supply voltage. You
could consult the data sheet/book for the device concerned if
you want more accurate information about the valid voltage
ranges for various supply voltages. However, in practice the
outputs will probably go to what are clearly acceptable volt-
ages or completely invalid potentials, making any highly
accurate voltage tests unnecessary.
Instate Outputs
There is a slight complication when testing many logic inte-
grated circuits in that they have "tristate" outputs, or "three
state" outputs as they are also known. Apart from the usual
high and low levels, these have an "off" state. In this state the
output has a very high output impedance, and it goes to a
logic level determined by some other device. This other device
is usually the output of another logic element, an input, or a
pull-up/pull-down resistor.
Testing a tristate device should not present any real diffi-
culties, and it is again just amatter of including the potential
divider in the test circuit. High and low logic levels will pro-
duce the appropriate voltage levels, while the "off" state
should result in the output being taken to around half the
supply voltage by the potential divider circuit.
Decoders Etc.
Obviously many logic integrated circuits are not simple gates
and inverters, and provide more complex tasks. Despite this,
many logic devices can be tested using simple static voltage
checks. As an example, take the popular 74LS138 three to
eight line decoder integrated circuit. This has the pinout
arrangement illustrated in Figure 1.15.
The basic function of this device is to activate one of the
outputs ("0" to "7"), with the activated output being selected
by the binary number fed to the three main inputs ("A" to
"C"). Input "A" is the least significant bit — input "C" is
the most significant bit. "000" on these inputs would activate
output "0", 001 activates output " 1", 010 activates output
"2", and so on through to 111 activating output "7". The
Input A V+
Input B Output 0
Input C Output 1
El Output 2--
E2 Output
E3 Output 4
Output —7 Output 5
V— Output 6
from the activated output, using the potential divider loading
described previously. In turn, the three enable inputs are
then taken to their non-active states, which in each case
should result in the output voltage going to about half the
supply voltage (i.e. the output should go to the " off" state).
Q Output
14 2 5
Input IC1
o 5
7 Output
3 4013BE
7 6 4
As a simple example of how this type of testing can be
undertaken, consider the circuit of Figure 1.16. This has one
half of the 4013BE dual D type flip/flop connected as adivide
by two circuit. In common with most flip/flops (and several
other types of logic circuit elements) this one has two outputs.
These are the "Q" and "not Q" outputs (the latter having the
"not" bar over the Q). They differ in that the Q input is
active high, whereas the not Q output is active low. On
successive input pulses the Q input should be toggled from one
logic level to the other, and the not Q input should always be
at the opposite state.
Testing this circuit requires alow frequency input signal at
about one pulse every two to five seconds. Most logic pulsers
can provide asignal of this type or asimple clock oscillator
can be breadboarded together with the rest of the circuit. A
suitable circuit based on the ever useful 555 timer integrated
circuit is provided in Figure 1.17. Another alternative, and
quite agood one, is to use apush button switch to permit
input pulses to be generated manually. The only problem
with this method is that contact bounce tends to result in
push button switches generating numerous spurious output
pulses. These would obviously result in misleading results,
and they must be suppressed. This is easily done using a
simple active debouncing circuit, as in the circuit of Figure
Monitoring the two outputs of aflip/flop presents aslight
problem. One solution is to use alow enough clock frequency
to permit the multimeter to be used to measure both voltages,
in turn, between clock pulses. If you have two multimeters,
and alot of people these days have both analogue and digital
instruments, then there is obviously no difficulty. Use one
multimeter to check the Q output, and the other to test the
not Q output. Another method is to measure the voltage
across the two outputs. Assuming that a 5 volt supply is
used, the differential output voltage should alternate between
+5 volts and —5volts. Obviously this method is only possible
if you are using adigital multimeter, or one of the few analogue
types that can handle input voltages of either polarity.
To test the divide by two flip/flop circuit, check that each
input pulse results in both outputs changing state. Pin 4is the
4 8
R2 IC1 3
1M Out
T Cl
R1 R2
10k 100k
4 8
IC1 3
---0 OUT
Trig 4u7
device is as an eight bit data latch. When used in this role the
eight data inputs ("DO" to "D7") are fed from something like
the data bus of amicroprocessor. A negative pulse from the
address decoder or other control logic circuit is applied to
the "CP" (clock pulse) input in order to latch the bit pattern
on the eight inputs onto the eight outputs ("QO" to "Q7").
The MR input is the master reset input, and taking this low
sets all the outputs low and inhibits the device.
The obvious first test on this device is to take the master
reset terminal low, and to check that this sets all the outputs
low. Then set up abit pattern on the inputs by (say) wiring
DO to D3 low, and D4 to D7 high. Applying apulse to the
clock pulse input should result in this bit pattern being trans-
ferred to the outputs. lf the device is providing the correct
latching action, changing the bit pattern at the inputs should
have no effect on the bit pattern on the outputs.
With alittle ingenuity it should be possible to test virtually
any logic integrated circuit, including such things as multi-bit
latches, magnitude comparators, and multiplexer. You need
to be familiar with the functions of the devices you are trying
to test though, and as with most testing, the better your
technical knowledge the greater your chances of carrying
out the task successfully.
Component Analysis
In BP239 a method of using a multimeter plus a few other
components as a transistor current gain meter was described.
This basic concept can be extended to permit virtually any
static parameter of atransistor to be checked, and it can also
be used with other components. Suppose that you wish to
test the gain of a transistor at specific collector voltage and
current levels, because your data on the device only gives a
gain range at these figures. Also, you may wish to make a
test of this type if you need to test some high power transis-
tors that can not be tested conclusively using many transistor
checkers. The test setup of Figure 1.20 should give the
desired result.
The variable voltage power supply is adjusted to give the
required collector voltage, and VR1 is adjusted for the
required collector current, as registered on multimeter 2. This
current reading is then divided by the base current reading
obtained on multimeter 1in order to obtain the current gain
of the test transistor. As an example, suppose the collector
current is set at 100 milliamps and that the measured base
current is 850 microamps (0.85 milliamps). Dividing 100
milliamps by 0.85 milliamps gives the d.c. current gain figure
of about 118 ( 100/0.85 = 117.64).
Obviously this test setup calls for two multimeters, but if
you only have one multimeter it is still usable. Start with a
shorting link in place of multimeter 1, and then adjust VR1
for the correct collector current. Then use the meter in
position one, and use ashorting link for multimeter 2. This
enables the base current to be measured so that the current
gain calculation can be made. If you wish to be pedantic,
you can use resistors instead of shorting links in order to
mimic the resistance of the multimeter. You can also adjust
the supply voltage slightly higher in order to compensate for
the voltage drop through multimeter 2, and thus give exactly
the required collector voltage. In practice this sort of thing
is probably not worthwhile, and is unlikely to give much
improvement in the accuracy of results.
This sort of improvised setup can be used to test the more
obscure aspects of semiconductors. Suppose you have a
thyristor which is not behaving as expected, but passes the
resistance checks described previously, and seems alright
when subjected to asimple trigger test (as described on page
60 of BP239). One possibility would be that the hold-on
characteristic of the device is not within the specified limits.
Remember that a thyristor, unlike a transistor, remains
switched on even if the input current is removed. It can only
be switched off by reducing the current flow between the
Multimeter 1 Multimeter 2
N.P.N. Test
eK ° °
PB1 270 /
Trig 1 9 +
Test -7.------------g,
Thyristor 4/
g k Multimeter
Fig. 1.23 The segment layout for aseven segment display.
These are easily checked using the resistance
range of amultimeter.
S1 On/Off
390 "
PCC1 /\ D1
Fig. 1.24 Even something as awkward as an I.R.L.E.D. can be tested with alittle ingenuity
reaching PCC1, the more pronounced the change in PCC1's
resistance should become.
Although cadmium sulphide photo-resistors are often
thought of as only visible light detectors, they offer good
sensitivity at the light wavelengths produced by infra-red
light emitting diodes. In common with many photo devices,
most cadmium sulphide photocells offer peak sensitivity to
this part of the spectrum.
Liquid crystal displays (1.c.d.$) represent adifficult type of
component to test. In normal use the common terminal is
connected to earth or apseudo-earth, and the other terminals
are fed with alow frequency a.c. drive signal if their respective
segments must be switched on. In some cases the display is
driven from anti-phase outputs providing avarying d.c. signal,
giving what is effectively an a.c. signal across any display seg-
ment that is activated. This second method is popular for low
voltage battery powered equipment as it enables about double
the drive voltage to be achieved for a given supply voltage.
Although liquid crystal displays are driven from a.c. signal
sources, they will in fact operate properly if fed with ad.c.
signal of either polarity. If you set a multimeter to aresis-
tance range, connect one test prod to the common terminal
(the metal plate at the rear of most 1.c.d.s provides an easy
connection point), and then apply the other test prod to each
of the segment terminals in turn, good segments should switch
on when their terminal is connected.
In practice this method of testing has to be regarded as a
little risky. Firstly, you should not use ahigh resistance range
where the test voltage could be excessive for the display.
Secondly, the reason liquid crystal displays are driven with
a.c. signals is that they are damaged by d.c. signals. Quite
small d.c. signals over aperiod of time can lead to failure of
these components, and with large d.c. signals they can be
damaged in a matter of minutes. Provided you only apply a
d.c. signal to each segment for a second or so, there is
probably no danger of significantly shortening the life of the
display. Ihave used this method of testing in the past, and
have not noticed any long term problems with the displays.
However, you have been warned of the danger, and it is up
to you whether or not you use this method of testing.
When testing any components you need to take great care not
to add to any faults already present in equipment. You need
to be particularly careful with MOS integrated circuits. A lot
of the warnings about handling precautions for these devices
are abit over the top, and many of the recommendations are
certainly not practical propositions for amateur users.
However, you should avoid having any obvious sources 9f high
static voltages near these components, and handle them no
more than is reasonably necessary. Avoid using test tech-
niques that could apply excessive voltages to the inputs of
test components. If the general techniques described in this
chapter are applied sensibly, awide range of devices can be
thoroughly and safely tested.
Chapter 2
R.F. Voltages
The problems of r.f. voltage measurement were discussed in
BP239. In brief, the main problem is that of most multimeters
having a.c. voltage ranges that only cover the audio frequency
range. In fact afew analogue multimeters do cover frequen-
cies well into r.f. spectrum, and one analogue instrument I
had seemed quite happy measuring signals at about 50MHz!
This is the exception rather than the rule though, and an upper
frequency response that falls away rapidly above about 20kHz
would seem to be more normal these days. The situation is
worse with digital multimeters, where it is unusual to have a.c.
ranges that have good accuracy beyond afew hundred hertz.
A second problem is that of the input capacitance. This
tends to give strong detuning or loading if asimple a.c. volt-
meter circuit is used to measure medium or high impedance
r.f. signal sources. The severity of the problem depends very
much on the circuit involved. Many modern digital circuits
use acrystal controlled clock oscillator, and with the current
low cost of crystals even some quite simple digital devices now
sport a crystal controlled clock circuit. The configuration
shown in Figure 2.1 is a popular one, and on the face of it
there is not likely to be any real difficulty if it is checked with
a simple a.c. voltmeter circuit to see if there is any output
from the circuit. The output would seem to be at areasonably
low impedance.
Jim C1 ñ R2
um 100n 1k
capacitance of asimple a.c. voltmeter, especially if it does not
use aprobe type detector, could effectively boost the value of
C2 by afew hundred percent.
The accepted way of obtaining ahigh input impedance at
high frequencies with minimal shunt capacitance is to use an
active probe. In other words, a probe unit that contains a
buffer amplifier plus the rectifier and smoothing circuit. The
output of the circuit is at d.c., and any stray capacitance in
the output cable (which could be quite considerable) is of no
real consequence. It is swamped by the very much higher
value smoothing capacitance connected across the output of
the rectifier and smoothing circuit. The lack of any cable at
the input of aprobe helps to keep the input capacitance to a
minimum, and with an active type the isolation between the
input and the rectifier and smoothing circuit helps to further
minimise the input capacitance. Obviously the buffer ampli-
fier will have acertain amount of input capacitance, but this
need be no more than about 10p or so. While any input
capacitance is undesirable, about 10p is the minimum that can
be readily achieved in practice, and is low enough to give
excellent results in virtually all circumstances.
The Circuit
Figure 2.2 shows the circuit diagram for asimple but useful
active r.f. probe. Ibuilt this for use with a20k/volt analogue
multimeter, but it should be usable with any multimeter, from
low sensitivity analogue types through to digital and high
impedance analogue instruments. The buffer amplifier is
based on TRI, which is a Jfet device used in the common
drain (or source follower) mode. This gives alittle less than
unity voltage gain, which is all we require in this application.
The advantage of asource follower stage is that it gives ahigh
input resistance and low input capacitance. The input resis-
tance is only fractionally less than the value of gate bias
resistor R1, which is 10 megohms in this circuit. With the
source follower mode there is no Miller Effect to multiply the
basic input capacitance of the transistor, and this gives an
input capacitance of only about 10p.
The rectifier stage is a conventional twin diode half wave
type, using germanium diodes to minimise the losses through
o o
Cl TR1 = BF244B
Probe D1,2 = 0A91
Tip 02
4n7 D2
r R2 r + 1±
10M L lk L D1
IT 03
im 470n 7
am Output To
Earth ,
Clip 'e r
Fig.2.2 The Active R. F. Probe circuit diagram
the circuit. C3 is the smoothing capacitor. It would be unrea-
sonable to expect good linearity from acircuit of this type,
but it performs better in this respect than you might think.
The d.c. output voltage is approximately equal to the r.m.s.
input voltage, and although the unit may not be suitable for
precise measurements, it gives you avery good idea of the
voltage level present at the input. The frequency response of
the unit is quite good, and it should work well with input
frequencies anywhere in the range 100kHz to 50MHz.
It is important to keep in mind that the unit is not intended
for use with anything other than low voltage circuits, and that
it will not function properly with input levels of more than a
few volts peak-to-peak. Obviously these days most radio
frequency circuits are low voltage semiconductor types, and
relatively few electronics hobbyists have the need to test high
voltage valve or semiconductor circuits which have high volt-
age supplies. If you should use the unit with circuits of this
type there is adefinite risk of damaging the semiconductors
in the probe, especially TR1.
C4 R3
Probe 470p 220
Tip °-1 To C1
Clip To — ve
This risk can be minimised by adding the protection circuit
of Figure 23. This consists of a series resistor plus zener
diodes Dl and D2 to clip the input signal at approximately
plus and minus 5.4 volts. Regardless of the input signal's
polarity, one diode will act as astandard zener while the other
will operate as a forward biased silicon diode. They provide
approximate clipping levels of 4.7 and 0.7 volts respectively,
giving a combined clipping level of plus and minus 5.4 volts.
I would not recommend fitting this protection circuit
unless you are likely to use the unit on circuits that could
provide dangerously high input voltages. The diodes are used
in a series arrangement rather than a parallel one so as to
minimise their capacitance, but they still give a substantial
boost to the probe's input capacitance. This, together with
input resistor RI, form a lowpass filter. This significantly
impairs the high frequency performance of the circuit.
As always, unless you are completely sure you know what
you are doing, you should not test any circuits which contain
high voltages. Do not use aunit of this type on mains power-
ed equipment that does not include an isolating transformer to
give achassis that is properly isolated from the mains supply.
To do so would be very dangerous indeed, and could prove
The circuit is very simple, and it is easily constructed using
stripboard or acustom printed circuit board. Try to keep the
layout compact so that the unit can be made as small as
possible. The layout is not particularly critical, with no
likelihood of the circuit breaking into oscillation. Designing a
compact component layout is therefore quite straightforward.
Note that Dl and D2 are germanium diodes, and not the more
familiar silicon variety. The practical importance of this is that
they are more easily damaged by heat, and due care needs to
be exercised when soldering them into circuit.
Mechanically, construction of any probe-type project
requires a certain amount of ingenuity. You may be able to
obtain a probe type case that will accommodate all the
components including the battery, but it is quite possible that
you will have to improvise using asmall plastic case. Several
cases of this type are available quite cheaply. A suggested
form for the unit is shown in Figure 2.4. To keep the unit
Crocodile Clip
o o
Comp Panel
Tag 0 0 EIII
—4° W
The on/off switch can be fitted on the case anywhere that
will keep it out of the way when using the unit. Similarly,
the exit hole for the output cable can be positioned anywhere
that does not make the unit awkward to handle and use.
Probably in both cases the rear end of the unit is the best place
for them. The on/off switch needs to be avery small type,
and a sub-miniature toggle or slider type should be suitable.
The output cable does not need to be ascreened type, and any
twin cable should be suitable. As the output is at d.c. and a
fairly low impedance it is quite in order to use afairly long
cable if desired.
It has to be emphasised that this is only asuggestion for the
general make-up of the unit, and it is really amatter of making
the most of the materials that are available to you. With a
little ingenuity it should be possible to produce areasonably
professional finished unit. A fairly slimline case is preferable
to a short stubby type, as along slim case makes it easier to
get the unit into the more inaccessible parts of electronic
across R2, and will tend to pull the measured voltage below
the 4.5 volt level, but the measured voltage should not be too
far from the unloaded voltage at this point.
Making the same measurement with an ordinary 20k per
volt multimeter will give avery different result. To measure a
nominal potential of 4.5 volts it would seem to be reasonable
to use the multimeter on its 5volt d.c. range, but on this range
it provides an input resistance of only 100k ( 5x20k = 100k).
This would shunt R2 to such an extent that avery low reading
indeed would be obtained. With an inexpensive lk per volt
multimeter the resistance on the 5volt d.c. range would only
be 5k, which instead of giving nearly full scale deflection of
the meter, would result in R2 being shunted to the point
where the meter's needle would probably not be noticeably
The circuit of Figure 2.6 is for an input resistance booster
that provides any multimeter with an input resistance of 20
megohms on its lower d.c. voltage ranges. The unit is not
usable with input voltages of more than about 7volts, but it is
on low voltage readings that ahigh input resistance is likely to
be greatest benefit. With modern semiconductor circuits
virtually all voltage readings seem to be in the sub-ten volt
range anyway.
The circuit is basically just an operational amplifier used
in the unity voltage gain non-inverting mode. R.3 and DI
provide protection against excessive input voltages. For
positive input voltages D1 is reverse biased, and it acts as a
conventional zener diode which avalanches to clip the input
voltage at alittle over 8volts. With anegative input voltage
D1 becomes forward biased, and clips the input signal at about
—0.7 volts, like an ordinary forward biased silicon diode.
R1 and R2 are the input bias resistance for IC1, and they
set the input resistance of the circuit. Two 10 megohm
resistors in series obviously gives an input resistance of 20
megohms, but it is quite in order to use three or more of
these resistors connected in series if desired. For instance,
with five 10 megohm resistors an input resistance of some
50 megohms would be obtained, and accurate results should
then be obtained even when testing very high impedance
IC1 is a CA3140E, which is a type that has an ultra-high
input resistance due to its MOS input stage. It is also capable
of operating in acircuit of this type without the need for dual
balanced supplies. This is possible because the output stage
can provide output voltages as low as afew millivolts. The use
of an alternative operational amplifier in the ICI position is
not recommended. Very few other types have suitable
Using a 9 volt supply the maximum output voltage from
ICI is about 8 volts, and it will be somewhat less than this as
the battery nears exhaustion. The CA3140E can operate with
supply voltages up to 36 volts, giving output voltages up to
almost 35 volts. By using ahigher supply potential it is there-
fore possible to extend the maximum input voltage that the
unit can handle, but asupply voltage of more than about 18
volts (which can be provided by two PP3 size 9 volt batteries
connected in series) are probably not very practical. Note
that the voltage rating of D1 should be about one volt less
than the nominal supply voltage.
The circuit is so simple that construction should pose few
difficulties. Note though, that IC1 is aMOS input device that
consequently requires the usual anti-static handling precau-
tions. In particular, use an holder for this for this component,
do not fit it onto the circuit board until construction is in
other respects complete, and handle the pins as little as
possible. The unit does not have to be built in probe form,
but this probably represents the most practical approach. It
is vulnerable to stray pick-up at the input due to its very high
input impedance (especially if more than two input resistors
are used), and because ICI effectively provides half wave
rectification. This will not matter if the unit is constructed as
aprobe, because along positive test lead will then be avoided.
Pick-up in the short probe tip and wiring should be negligible.
If conventional test leads are used at the input it is quite
likely that there will be a strong indication from the meter
under no input conditions due to the stray pick-up of mains
"hum" etc. One solution, and probably the best one, is to
use oscilloscope style screened test leads. These can be expen-
sive to buy ready-made, but do-it-yourself leads of this type
can be produced reasonably cheaply. Another alternative
would be to add alowpass filter at the input of the unit, but
this would slow up its response time slightly. Note that stray
pick-up at the input does not matter when testing low imped-
ance sources since the pick-up will drop to an insignificant
level when the unit is connected to the test point. The same
is not true when testing high impedance sources, and unless
pick-up is kept down to an insignificant level the accuracy of
voltage readings will be adversely affected.
The voltage range of the multimeter is, of course, unaltered
by adding the impedance booster unit. However, bear in mind
the maximum input voltage limitations mentioned previously.
Components (Fig.2.6)
R1 10M % watt 5%
R2 10M Y4 watt 5%
R3 10k es watt 5%
Cl 100n ceramic disc
D1 BZY88C8V2 8.2 volt 400mW zener diode
IC1 CA3140E
B1 9volt (PP3 size)
Si SPST miniature toggle
Case, circuit board, 8pin d.i.l. i.c. holder,
battery connector, etc.
¡Cl = CA3140E
Probe On/Off
R1 R4 2 7
10M I Cl
10k 6
3 4
R2 Range o+
1M Output To
8V2 Multimeter
Clip °
Components (Fig.2. 7)
RI 10M 0.6 watt 1%
R2 1M 0.6 watt 1%
R3 110k 0.6 watt 1%
R4 10k Y4 watt 5%
Cl 100n disc ceramic disc
Dl BZY88C8V2 8.2 volt 400mW zener diode
IC1 CA3140E
BI 9volt (PP3 size)
Si SPDT miniature toggle
S2 SPST miniature toggle
Case, circuit board, 8pin d.i.l. i.e. holder,
battery connector, etc.
Memory Probe
One of the most common problems when making voltage
checks on circuit boards is the difficulty in holding the test
prods in position while looking away to read the multimeter.
The small size and intricacy of modern circuits makes the job
of keeping the test prods in place one that often requires all
your concentration, even if you are able to clip the earth lead
in place while the tests are made. You need to take due care
when making voltage checks on awkward pieces of equipment
— it is all too easy to slip with the test prod and short circuit
two adjacent contacts. Some lackadaisical testing could soon
add afew more faults to the equipment being checked!
A useful but rare feature which aids testing awkward
equipment is a memory facility. This can operate in more
than one way, but in its most simple form the multimeter
holds the highest or last reading until areset button is oper-
ated. If you are testing fixed voltages, you can simply con-
nect the test prods to the test points, remove them, read the
voltage from the multimeter, reset the instrument to zero, and
move on to the next test. There is aslight flaw in this method
of testing in that if the input voltage is slowly varying, this
will not be apparent. You will simply get areading equal to
the highest input voltage while the test prods were connected
to the circuit under test, or the last reading prior to them
being removed, depending on the design of the multimeter.
This is not really amajor drawback though, as in practice there
are very few test voltages that vary slowly. Mostly they are
either static or vary at arate that is too high for the multi-
meter to cope with. However, it is probably not the technique
to use if you are (say) checking for low frequency instability
on supply lines, or anything where there is adefinite possibil-
ity of aslowly fluctuating input voltage.
Although very few multimeters have any form of integral
memory circuit, it is not difficult to add this feature using an
external circuit. It will only function on the lower d.c. voltage
ranges, but these are the ones that are most often used when
making "dab it and see" style checks on circuit boards.
A very basic memory circuit can be provided using apassive
circuit such as the one shown in Figure 2.8. This relies on the
multimeter being ahigh input resistance type. When an input
voltage is connected to the unit, Cl charges up to this input
voltage, and when the input voltage is removed it discharges
slowly into the high input resistance of the multimeter. The
discharge process is very slow due to the high input resistance
of the multimeter and the high value of Cl. This gives you a
few seconds to read the multimeter before the displayed volt-
age has time to "sag" significantly. Pressing reset button PBI
rapidly discharges Cl through RI so that anew reading can be
taken. RI provides current limiting so that sparking at PBI 's
contacts is avoided, and it has along operating life.
Although this circuit will work, it does have acouple of
major deficiencies. One of these is simply that the readings are
not held very well. Although the time constant of Cl and the
10 or 11 megohm input resistance of the multimeter is very
long, tests made with adigital multimeter will clearly show the
reading dropping on each update of the meter's display. This
can be a bit confusing, making it difficult to take readings.
The second problem is the high value of Cl. This will rapidly
charge if the unit is fed from alow impedance source, but it
could take several seconds or even minutes if the test point
is at ahigh impedance. This could result in very low readings
and misleading results being obtained. Also, connecting a
high value capacitor to test points involves a slight risk of
damaging components in the circuit. Cl could be made lower
in value, but this would exacerbate the problem of "sagging"
readings. Cl must be given a value that gives a good com-
promise between these two problems.
Vastly superior results can be obtained using an active
circuit, such as the one shown in Figure 2.9. The input part
of the circuit is much the same as the passive circuit of Figure
IC1 = CA31 40E On/Off
R1 R3 2 7
10k 10k 6
B1 7
+ In 9V
4,- ir 3 4
100 o +
Output To
ri° PB1
10n 8V2
1, Reset
— In o
Fig.2.9 The circuit for the Active Memory Unit
2.8, and works in exactly the same way. It differs in that the
value of the charge storage capacitor (Cl) has been made very
much lower in value at just 10 nanofarads. This is less than a
thousandth of the original value, and it ensures that the input
voltage quickly rises to the correct level even when the unit is
fed from ahigh impedance voltage source.
The active part of the circuit is an operational amplifier
used in the unity voltage gain non-inverting mode. This is
much the same as the stage used in some of the previous
circuits. It is possible to use such alow charge storage capaci-
tor due to the MOS input stage of the CA3140E used in the
IC1 position, and the ultra-high input resistance this provides.
The input resistance is about 1.5 million megohms, which
ensures that there is no significant decrease in the charge on
Cl over aperiod of afew seconds. In fact the main discharge
path for Cl is likely to be through its own dielectric, and the
use of a good quality plastic foil type is recommended. The
low value of Cl means that there is little risk of it causing any
damage to components in the equipment under test. However,
RI provides current limiting that ensures there is absolutely no
risk of any charge or discharge currents of sufficient magni-
tude to damage anything in the test circuit.
D1 provides overload and reverse polarity input protection,
as in some of the circuits described previously. Obviously
this component provides an additional discharge path for Cl,
and could degrade the performance of the circuit. In practice
this does not seem to be a problem though, and at voltages
reasonably well below the avalanche point azener diode seems
to exhibit avery high resistance indeed.
This is another very simple circuit that should be very easy
to construct. It could easily be built as aprobe, and in use
this would probably be the most convenient form for the unit.
Bear in mind that the maximum output voltage is about one
volt less than the supply voltage. Higher supply voltages can
be used in order to increase the maximum possible output
voltage, but the 36 volt maximum permissible supply potential
for the CA3140E must not be exceeded.
Components (Fig. 2.9)
RI 10k Y4 watt 5%
R2 100R 14 watt 5%
R3 10k 1
4 watt 5%
CI lOn polyester or polycarbonate
D1 BZY88C8V2 8.2 volt 400mW zener diode
IC1 CA3140E
B1 9volt (PP3 size)
Si SPST miniature toggle
PBI Push to make — release to break
Case, circuit board, 8pin d.i.l. i.c. holder,
battery connector, etc.
propositions using such an instrument. Also, the lack of
logarithmic decibel scaling on adigital multimeter makes it
less than ideal for much audio testing.
As pointed out in BP239, some audio tests can be under-
taken by ensuring that the output level is high enough to pro-
perly drive amultimeter set to alow a.c. voltage range. This is
abit risky though, in that there is areal possibility of overload-
ing the equipment under test and obtaining misleading results.
Not all equipment can provide ahigh enough output level to
permit this approach to be used successfully. More reliable
results and agreater range of tests can be undertaken if the
multimeter is preceded by an amplifier to boost its sensitivity.
This method is particularly useful if it is applied to an
analogue multimeter which has an a.c. voltage range with afull
scale value of only about one volt, abandwidth of 20kHz or
more, and decibel scales. Adding asimple and inexpensive
amplifier to a multimeter of this type provides you with a
setup that is capable of the type of testing that would
otherwise require an expensive a.c. millivolt meter or an
The Circuit
Figure 2.10 shows the circuit diagram for asimple a.c. voltage
booster circuit. The input stage is asimple unity gain buffer
amplifier that provides an input impedance of over one meg-
ohm (less at high frequencies due to the inevitable input
capacitance). This high input impedance alone gives a
definite advantage over using an unaided analogue multi-
meter for low a.c. voltage checks. Most analogue multimeters
have asensitivity of 20k per volt on the d.c. voltage ranges,
but the sensitivity is often much lower on the a.c. voltage
ranges. It is usually in the region of 5to 10k per volt. This
gives rather low input impedances on the low a.c. voltage
ranges (only 10k on a 2 volt a.c. voltage range with a
sensitivity of 5k per volt for instance).
The voltage amplification is provided by IC2 which is an
operational amplifier used in the standard inverting mode. It
has two switched feedback resistors (R6 and R7) which
provide voltage gains of 40dB (one hundred times) and 20dB
(ten times) respectively. With the multimeter switched to
C2 R1 S1 S2
R3 Range
nul Ou 2M2 8k2 R6 On/Offl
03 R5
2 7
22u 1k 7 B1
2 7 R7
I 9V
SK1 Cl +0 10k
in 10n • 3 4
3 4 6 C4 I
7111 2u 2
IC1 = uA741C
+ B2
IO2 = LF351N Output To
R2 f R4 Multimeter
2M2 10k
Fig.2.10 The A. C. Voltage Booster circuit diagram
(say) the 2.5 volt a.c. range this would give full scale values of
25 millivolts and 250 millivolts r.m.s. Note that these are the
full scale values, and that it should be possible to measure
voltages of around one millivolt reasonably accurately. The
theoretical bandwidth of the amplifier is about 400kHz in the
X10 mode, and 40kHz in the X100 mode. In practice the
bandwidth might be slightly less than these figures, but even
so, the unit still encompasses more than the full audio range.
The limiting factor might be the bandwidth of the multimeter,
but most analogue types seem to have afrequency response
that extends at least as far as the 20kHz upper limit of the
audio spectrum.
Power is obtained from two 9volt batteries wired in series
to give an 18 volt supply. This enables an output of up to
about 5volts r.m.s. to be obtained. In order to obtain accur-
ate results right up to the full scale value, the multimeter must
therefore be switched to arange having afull scale value of 5
volts or less. Most multimeters have asuitable range, but afew
have a 10 volt range as their lowest a.c. voltage type. With
instruments of this kind they should either be used at output
voltages of less than 5volts, or ahigher supply voltage should
be used. The maximum permissible supply potential is 36
volts, which gives a maximum unclipped output voltage of
around 11 volts r.m.s. If the multimeter has a1or 1.5 volt
a.c. voltage range, then it will almost certainly be possible
to obtain satisfactory results with the unit powered from a
single 9volt battery. The current consumption is only afew
milliamps, and PP3 size 9 volt batteries are adequate as the
power source.
Constructing this unit is alittle more difficult than build-
ing the circuits described previously in this chapter. The unit
is still pretty simple, but as it has ahigh input impedance and
a fair amount of voltage gain it is necessary to be reasonably
careful with the component layout if instability is to be
avoided. As the input and output of the circuit are out-of-
phase, problems with stray feedback are minimised, but
reasonable care with the layout still needs to be taken. In
order to avoid problems with stray pick-up of mains "hum"
etc., it is agood idea to fit the unit in ametal case earthed
to the negative supply rail.
The test leads must be of the screened variety so as t
minimise stray pick-up and to minimise the risk of problem
with instability. Obviously there is no need to use ascreene
lead to connect the output of the unit to the multimeter i
order to avoid stray pick-up. The signal in the output cable i
at arelatively high level and low impedance. However, using
screened output lead is probably agood idea as it keeps dowl
any radiation of the output signal to an insignificant level
which aids the avoidance of problems due to stray feedback
Components (Fig.2.10)
R1 2M2 1 4 watt 5%
R2 2M2 1 4 watt 5%
R3 8k2 14 watt 5%
R4 10k Vs watt 5%
R5 lk 0.6 watt 1%
R6 100k 0.6 watt 1%
R7 10k 0.6 watt 1%
Cl 10n polyester
C2 10µ 40V elect
C3 22µ 25V elect
C4 21./2 63V elect
ICI pA741C
1C2 LF351N
SKI 3.5min jack socket or similar
Si SPDT miniature toggle
S2 SPST miniature toggle
B1 9volt (PP3 size)
B2 9volt (PP3 size)
Case, circuit board, 8 pin d.i.l. i.c. holder
(2 off), battery connector (2 off), etc.
Gain Estimation
In use the system is suitable for many applications that would
conventionally be •the province of an a.c. millivoltmeter or
an oscilloscope. These include such things as gain measure-
ment, noise measurement, and frequency response testing.
Some types of audio testing are covered towards the end of
BP239, including frequency response testing and audio output
power measurement. These can both be checked using the
setup described here, but the higher sensitivity achieved with
the amplifier added enables measurements to be made at
lower levels than would otherwise be possible.
The measurement of voltage gain is an important part of
audio testing, since a loss of gain in an audio circuit is a
common result of a fault. Quickly tracking down the stage
which has inadequate voltage gain can obviously make finding
the exact problem much easier and faster. The basic method
of checking is to inject an audio signal at asuitable level into
the input of the equipment, and to then check the signal level
at various points in the circuit. If there is a total or very
substantial loss of signal at some point in the unit, then
locating the faulty stage is not likely to be too difficult. You
could, for example, make tests at the input and output of
every stage in the circuit working from the input to the
output. When apoint in the circuit with an inadequate level
is located, the fault is in the immediate vicinity of that point,
and is probably just prior to it.
Very often the problem is not a total break in the signal
path, or even alarge loss of gain. The loss of gain is frequent-
ly only around 10dB (about 3 times) to 30dB (about 30
times). When testing for these lower levels of signal loss you
need to be able to judge the sort of voltage gain that each
stage should be providing. The problem might be obvious,
because a stage of amplification might be providing losses
rather than gain. On the other hand the problem could be a
less obvious one with, for example, an amplifier that should
be providing 50dB of voltage gain actually providing only
about 20dB of gain.
Transistors have three basic amplifying modes, and the
basic circuits for each of these are shown in Figure 2.11. The
configuration shown in (a) is the common collector mode,
which is better known as the "emitter follower" mode. It is
easy to spot this type of amplifier as it is the only one which
has the output signal coming from the emitter. There is no
difficulty in working out the voltage gain of an emitter
follower — it is always fractionally less than unity. This type
of amplifier is used as an impedance converter to match a
high impedance source to alow impedance load.
Fig.2.11 The three transistor amplifying modes
The configuration of (b) is the common emitter mode, and
is probably the one that is used most frequently. The voltage
gain of this mode is quite high, but the precise figure varies
considerably depending on the component values and the
current gain of the transistor. With low gain transistors the
voltage gain is still likely to be in excess of ten times, and with
high gain types such as the BC107 and BC547 series the
voltage gain would normally be over one hundred times.
Modern common emitter stages often use a more simple
form of biasing which has the emitter connected direct to the
earth rail and the two base bias resistors replaced with a
resistor connected between the base and collector terminals.
This provides acertain amount of negative feedback, but does
not massively reduce the voltage gain of the circuit. What
does produce a large loss of gain is the unbypassed emitter
resistor which is sometimes included to provide local negative
feedback. In some cases there is a single resistor and no
bypass capacitor in the emitter circuit. In other cases there
are two resistors with a bypass capacitor connected across
one of them.
As a quick "rule of thumb", the voltage gain is approxi-
mately equal to the value of the collector load resistor divided
by that of the unbypassed emitter resistance. This gives quite
accurate results unless the unbypassed emitter resistance is
quite low in value (about 100 ohms or less). The problem is
that there is effectively some emitter resistance within the
transistor that must be added to the external resistance. As
this internal resistance is typically only about 25 ohms, it is
often not large enough to affect the calculation significantly.
However, if the emitter resistance is quite low in value, the
voltage gain of the stage will be slightly lower than the
method of calculation described above would suggest.
The configuration of (c) is the common base mode. This
is little used in audio circuits, but it is sometimes used as part
of the so-called "longtailed pair" configuration. This is
basically just an emitter follower stage directly driving a
common base amplifier. The input impedance of this type
of stage is low, and it is sometimes used as the input stage of
acircuit that requires alow input impedance (such as certain
types of microphone preamplifier). There is a moderate
Fig.2.12 The inverting amplifier configuration.
Voltage gain = R2/R 1.
It is probably more practical to simply check that the appro-
priate type of frequency response is being produced, and to
assume that the stages are functioning correctly if nothing
seems to be amiss with the frequency response.
Stages based on audio amplifier integrated circuits can
cause problems when trying to "guesstimate" voltage gains.
Some or all the negative feedback components may be within
the integrated circuit. The popular LM380N audio power
amplifier device is agood example of such acomponent. In
these cases the relevant data book or data sheet should
supply the typical voltage gain of the device, which is 34dB
(50 times) in the case of the LM380N. Some audio integrated
circuits have one feedback resistor within the device and the
other one as an external component, so that the designer can
exercise some control over the voltage gain of the device. For
instance, some audio power amplifiers in the TBA800 series
use this system, with an internal resistor of about 6k in value
connected between the output and the inverting input of the
amplifier. Provided you can find the value of the feedback
resistor in the data on the device, or perhaps graphs showing
voltage gain versus external feedback resistor value, you
should be able to work out the correct voltage gain for the
One final point to watch when gain testing is that there is
no overall negative feedback loop which will affect the voltage
gain through each stage. With power amplifiers and discrete
preamplifier circuits, it is not unusual to have several stages
connected in series, with overall negative feedback to set the
closed loop voltage gain accurately at the required figure.
Stages which provide unity voltage gain will still do so with
overall negative feedback applied, but those that provide
voltage gain will produce less than normal due to the feedback.
This presents no real problem provided you spot the overall
feedback and take it into account. In fact a lack of gain
through one stage will probably be partially counteracted by
increased gain through another stage, making the lack of
gain in the faulty stage stand out more clearly.
Current Tracing
Tests on circuit boards tend to be in the form of voltage rather
than current tests, since the latter can only be made if abreak
is made in the signal path so that the meter can be connected
into it. There are actually some expensive pieces of equipment
which measure current flow using a Hall Effect device to
measure the magnetic field around the wire which carries the
current, but these are quite expensive and are probably not a
practical proposition for the home constructor. There is a
more simple alternative, and although it is quite crude by
comparison it can nevertheless provide some quite useful
In asimple current tracing setup adual test prod with the
prods separated by afew millimetres is used. This is connec-
ted to alength of copper track on the printed circuit board,
or onto a component leadout wire. In effect, the piece of
copper track or leadout wire between the two prods acts as the
resistor of the current meter. By measuring the voltage
developed across the two prods a good idea of the current
flow through the track or wire is obtained.
The problem with this arrangement is that the resistance
through a short piece of copper track or leadout wire is
extremely low. Even with afairly high current of an amp or
two, the voltage obtained is unlikely to be more than amilli-
volt. With small currents the voltage obtained is likely to be
no more than afew microvolts, and could be even less. Even
using adigital multimeter on its 0.1999 volt range (which has
aresolution of 100 microvolts) it is unlikely that usable results
would be obtained. An ordinary 20k per volt analogue multi-
meter plus a high gain d.c. amplifier on the other hand, will
work very well in this application. Figure 2.15 shows the
circuit diagram for an add-on amplifier that enables an
analogue multimeter to be used as acurrent tracer.
This is basically just a conventional full-wave precision
rectifier of the type often used in audio millivoltmeter circuits.
It is not essential to have acircuit that will respond to inputs
of either polarity, but it is adermite advantage. In this appli-
cation you can not simply connect one test prod to the earth
rail and dab the other one onto various points in the circuit,
thus ensuring an input of the correct polarity. The tracking
of many modern printed circuit boards is so convoluted that
the polarity of the signal carried by each track might not be
immediately obvious. The only slight drawback of this
method is that you can not determine the polarity of the
current flow using the unit, although it would seem unlikely
that it would ever be necessary to do so. An advantage of
using adual polarity circuit is that the unit should be able to
detect a.c. signals as well as d.c. types, but the limited upper
frequency response means that it will only operate efficiently
at frequencies of afew hundred hertz or less.
The circuit is a form of operational amplifier inverting
mode amplifier. ICI is a small monolithic voltage regulator
IC1 = uA78L05 IC2 = LF351N D1 — D4 = 0A91 D5 = 1N4148
CM S1 R5
R3 -o 22k
Out 470k
It P
R1 R4
7 S2
lk 47k
3 D1 D2 On/Off 1'\
7 100n
nu Cl 6 D3 4. D4
2 +
02 R2 I
100n7100 B1 s
VR1 — o+ 1
10k 9V 1
Probe Output To
z •
Fig.2.15 The current tracer circuit diagram
that provides a stable bias potential of 5volts to the non-
inverting input of IC2. It also provides what is effectively the
mid-supply earth rail. The meter circuit is driven from bet-
ween this pseudo-earth and the output of the amplifier by way
of abridge rectifier (D1 to D4) and series resistor R5. R2 plus
R3 or R4 forms the negative feedback network, and controls
the voltage gain of the circuit. Having two switched feedback
resistors provides the unit with two sensitivities, with R3 offer-
ing approximately ten times more gain than R4. As the
rectifier circuit is included in the feedback loop it tends to
counteract the non-linearity through the diodes, giving
better results. Germanium diodes are used for D1 to D4
because their lower voltage drop makes them more suitable for
this application than the more common silicon diodes such as
the 1N4148.
D5 is used to protect the meter against severe overloads. If
a strong output signal should be produced, D5 will become
forward biased and will clip the output voltage at about 0.65
volts. This should prevent any damage to the multimeter,
which should be switched to the 50 microamp d.c. current
range. VR1 is the offset-null control. With atheoretically
perfect operational amplifier this control is unnecessary. Real
operational amplifiers tend to fall short of theoretical perfec-
tion in a number of ways, and one result of this is small
voltage differences between the inputs and the output. These
are multiplied by the closed loop voltage gain of the amplifier,
and with the high gain that has to be used in this application
the result is astrong positive deflection of the meter under
standby conditions. VR1 enables the offset voltage to be
trimmed out, and the meter to be properly zeroed under
quiescent conditions.
Construction of the unit should once again be quite simple.
Although the circuit has asubstantial amount of voltage gain,
its low input impedance plus the fact that the input and
output are out-of-phase means that instability is not amajor
problem. VR1 can be an ordinary panel control, or apreset
resistor on the main circuit board. Using apanel mounted
control has the advantage that it can easily be retrimmed from
time to time should it prove necessary to do so (which it
probably will). If this component is apreset resistor it should
be amulti-turn type as the resolution of many ordinary preset
resistors is inadequate for this application. Using amulti-turn
"trimpot" has the advantage of making the critical adjustment
of VR1 much easier.
There are two approaches to the test prods for this unit.
One is simply to use apair of ordinary multimeter type test
prods, which you place afew millimetres apart on the track or
wire being tested. This is the method Iprefer as it is simple,
and it permits the test prods to be positioned as far apart as
the length of track or lead permits. This gives the best possible
input signal to the unit. The disadvantage is that by using an
inconsistent track or wire length it becomes more difficult to
interpret results. You must learn to take into account the
length of track or wire used when assessing results. This is not
too difficult, since the effective sensitivity of the unit is pro-
portional to the length of track or wire used. The second
method is to fix the two prods together so that the metal tips
are a few millimetres apart. This brings the advantage of a
consistent gap between the prods, and only one hand is needed
to manipulate them. The drawback is that aquite small gap
must be used if the unit is to be usable on any track or wire.
This gives arelatively low input signal, and effectively reduces
the sensitivity of the unit.
When first switched on it is unlikely that any offset will be
apparent, and the meter should be properly zeroed. This is
due to the fact that with no input signal connected to an
inverting mode operational amplifier circuit its effective
voltage gain is unity. If you place ashort circuit across the
test prods, this will place the circuit under normal operating
conditions, and astrong deflection of the meter will probably
result. VR1 is adjusted to accurately zero the meter, and it
will almost certainly need to be adjusted very carefully in
order to achieve this. Carry out this adjustment with the
unit on its more sensitive range (Si set to switch R3 into
circuit), as it is on this range that there is the largest offset.
The only way to master aunit of this type is to experiment
with it on acircuit that is operating correctly, and where you
know the approximate current running through each track.
This will give you agood idea of what to expect when testing
faulty equipment. In many cases the current flows in faulty
areas of equipment are so far removed from the correct
figures that there is no difficulty in detecting them. The
sensitivity of the unit should be adequate, but low currents
may not give a significant deflection of the meter. You can
obtain increased voltage gain by making R2 lower in value.
This reduces the input impedance of the unit, but as the
source impedance is so low this should not result in significant
loading of the test voltage. The main problem is that the
higher the sensitivity is made, the more difficult it becomes to
zero the meter using VR1, and the more prone the circuit
becomes to drifting of the bias levels. It is perhaps worth-
while experimenting with lower values for R2 to see if this
gives acceptable stability, and it is worthwhile using alower
value if results are acceptable in this respect.
Components (Fig.2.1.5)
RI lk 1
/ watt 5%
R2 100R 1/ watt 5%
R3 470k 14 watt 5%
R4 47k 14 watt 5%
R5 22k Y4 watt 5%
VR1 10k lin potentiometer or multi-turn preset
C1 100n disc ceramic
C2 100n disc ceramic
IC1 µA78L05 +5 volt 100mA regulator
IC2 LF351
D1 0A91
D2 0A91
D3 0A91
D4 0A91
D5 1N4148
S1 SPDT miniature toggle
S2 SPST miniature toggle
BI 9volt (PP3 size)
Case, circuit board, 8pin d.i.l. Lc. holder,
battery connector, control knob, etc.
BF244B uA78L05 uA741C
D Out 1 8
G Corn
In 4 5
Zen ers
===c— r
-->1-.-f---- G
Fig.2.16 Leadout and pinout details (I. C. top views,
transistor base views).
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