Sophomore Spring - Ojakangas Research
Sophomore Spring - Ojakangas Research
Sophomore Spring - Ojakangas Research
Lawson Spence
Drury University
PHYS 0350
1 May 2021
This paper is an analysis and explanation of research from the Spring 2021 semester in
the Drury University physics department. The research was conducted by Dr. Gregory Ojakangas
with the help of students. The experiment at hand regards the production of an enclosed
gyroscopic rotor, named The Hurricane Ball. The Hurricane Ball has connections to various
aspects of physics that will be discussed throughout this paper. This paper will also consist of
what was previously completed on the project, what was completed this semester, and lastly
The Hurricane Ball is an enclosed gyroscopic rotor that utilizes friction and various other
physical phenomena to accelerate the enclosed rotor. It achieves these high rates of rotation by
manipulating its axle ends while possessing a large amount of angular momentum. The sliding
friction is the force responsible for the rotor’s acceleration. Designed by Dr. Gregory Ojakangas
of Drury University, the Spring 2021 semester was spent analyzing and furthering the design of
The Hurricane Ball functions by a user or multiple users rotating the outer housing
similar to a coin that has been spun and is beginning to fall. Or similar to how a top begins to
wobble, before eventually falling down. This motion known as precession will be explained in
further detail in a later section of this paper. This users’ motion causes the inner rotor to
Before the start of the semester, a smaller model Hurricane Ball was already functional.
This smaller model contained many 3D printed parts and also contained LED lights that would
eventually be programmed to light up in specific patterns to display images while the rotor spun
at high rates. This more completed model will be discussed in detail to help demonstrate the
physics and future possibilities of the design. However, the majority of the semester was spent
on the production of a larger model that utilized a large exercise ball as the enclosed rotor. This
large scale model was nonfunctional when the semester began and is very close to becoming
functional with the additions that have been made throughout the course of the semester. These
additions have included the addition of lead strips around the equator to increase the rotors
inertia. Another addition was to increase internal friction between the axle and the inner portion
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of the housing. This friction was increased by spraying the surface of the material with a non-
slip, high friction adhesive spray. The housing was made more stable by shortening the PVC
material and tightening the connecting cables to reduce the inner rotor from shifting in the
vertical direction during use. The research team is also currently attempting to reprint the
connective heads from a stronger, more durable nylon material. With these additions, it is likely
that the large scale model will be functional in a short amount of time.
The future of The Hurricane Ball’s widespread use could vary in many ways. It is likely
that The Hurricane Ball could be used as a tool for exercise in zero-gravity environments like
space to help astronauts keep their physical health in a restricted environment. The Hurricane
Ball functions well on Earth, but functions even more optimally in a zero-gravity environment.
The Hurricane Ball could also likely be used as an exercise tool on Earth, or used as a toy for
The Hurricane Ball consists of two main parts, the outer housing and the enclosed plastic
rotor. On the smaller, more complete model, the inner rotor contains strips of 32 LED lights that
can be programmed to display images during rotation. In the future, these LED’s will be
programmed to display the user’s power output in watts while rotating the device, for example:
250 W. The light strips will utilize a concept known as persistence of vision to display wide
images with a single strip of individually controlled LED lights. These light strips are controlled
with the help of two inner devices. First, an MPU 9250 is responsible for measuring the metrics
of the rotor and determining orientation. A “Teensy” chip is responsible for controlling the
individual LED lights. The large scale exercise ball model does not contain any lights or
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computer chips. This model includes the outer casing, which is made of two larger PVC rings
and two smaller PVC rings, connected with tightly wound cables. The axle connecting the inner
rotor and the outer casing is made of two plastic heads. These heads will soon be reprinted to
1) Precession
the horizontal surface that the top spins on top of. When this vertical
axis has some tilt, the top begins to wobble. This wobble makes the
vertical axis in the top begin to rotate and outline a cone as the object
According to NASA, “the spinning Earth moves like that, too, though the time scale is much
slower--each spin lasts one day, but each gyration around the cone takes 26,000 years. The axis
of the cone is perpendicular to the plane of the ecliptic.” This is an important physical concept in
regards to the Hurricane Ball as well. The vertical axis through the center of the housing
possesses this precessing motion as well, as the user rotates the device. The angle of the cone
made in this precession should stay constant throughout the motion to provide the optimal
2) Effective Forces
The forces present during the Hurricane Ball’s use include the equation below.
mw ❑¿×
˙ r ¿= spin up force
mw ×( w ×r ) = centrifugal force
2 mw × v ❑r = coriolis force
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The Coriolis force is an important factor in the Hurricane Ball’s use. “The acceleration of
the rotor is almost entirely caused, indirectly, by the torque due to the Coriolis force integrated
over the body of the rotor” (29 Ojakangas). The Coriolis force is described as “an effect whereby
Hemisphere, the flow direction is reversed” (Brittanica 2020). This effect helps to describe the
sort of deflection that objects that are not firmly attached to rotating objects can have. Another
example would be a ball on a merry-go-round. The ball described would slowly appear to roll in
the opposite direction of the spin due to the ground below it moving at a faster speed than itself.
The housing of the Hurricane Ball contains two circular tracks which are similar to the
inside of a tire. The axle’s ends of the enclosed rotor are always in contact with opposite
surfaces, one on the bottom of the track and one on the top. An inner coordinate system of the
rotor is defined as (x, y, z) where the +z-axis is in the vertical direction with the origin at the
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centerpoint of the track. The orientation of the enclosed rotor and also the housing can be
described using three euler angles. These angles can be seen in the diagram below.
The figure shows three sequential rotations which are an example of ZXZ Euler rotations.
These rotations can be modeled with matrices. This ZXZ Euler rotation is shown below.
This rotation is helpful to determine the rotor’s orientation, so that a calculation can be
made to determine when to turn specific LED’s on/off at specific times. We can also associate
the time derivatives of these rotation angles with the components of the angular velocity vector ω
in our system. Using these rotation angles, it was determined by Dr. Ojakangas that “during
normal operation of the device, the axle behaves as a damped pendulum, oscillating about a
There are still a few things to be completed to get the large scale Hurricane Ball
functioning. However, the smaller, more complete model is fully functional other than the LED
lights which are purely for visual aesthetic. It is likely that The Hurricane Ball’s use could
become an everyday item for astronauts to continue to maintain and develop their physical
fitness while in a zero-gravity environment. To complete the exercise ball model of the
Hurricane Ball, nylon heads need to be printed to increase the strength of the axle. With this
addition, it is likely that this large scale model will become fully functional.
Regardless of what the future use of the device may become, the Hurricane ball still
remains to be an amazing engineering feat that exhibits a large amount of physical phenomena to
fully understand. Learning to understand the device acts as a great learning tool for students
hoping to understand complex mechanics concepts that may be oftentimes difficult to visualize.
With the help of The Hurricane Ball, people can gain many enhancements to their life. It is up to
the beholder to determine what they could gain from this complex device, whether that may be
entertainment, physical exercise, or the vast variety of knowledge on complex mathematics and
Thornton, S. T., & Marion, J. B. (2008). Classical dynamics of particles and systems.