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Mediterranean Institute of Technology Midterm Exam Spring 2021 1/6

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Grade/100 General Chemistry. CHEM 161 Supervisors Signature

Professor Name: HOUDA NSIR
Mid Term Exam. Spring 2021
Date: 26/04/2021
Time: 09.00-11.00
Classroom visit: 10.00

1. Books and notes are not permitted.
2. Cell phones are not allowed.

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I pledge to pursue all academic endeavors while at MedTech with honor and integrity. I understand the
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Ps: All classrooms are equipped with video cameras
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I confirm that I have read and understood the statement above on academic integrity and certify that I did
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Signed: ______________________________________
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final exam grade of zero.

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Possibly Useful Formulae and constants

Energy for a transition in a Hydrogen atom: ∆ E= =R H ¿)
Energy in a state in Hydrogen atom: En =−R H ( 2
Rydberg constant for the Hydrogen atom: R H =2.18 ×10−18 J
Planck’s constant: h=6.63 ×10 J .s
Speed of light: c=3 × 10 m/s
Avogadro Number: NA = 6.022 ×1023/mol.
Z∗¿ 2
Energy of any electron in any atom or ion using Slater rules En = -13.6 ( ¿)
1 eV = 1.6 ×10−19 J
1J= 6,24×10 18 eV

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A. Multiple Choice Questions
Choose the right answer (one correct answer) (15 points)

1. Which of the following elements has the lowest Electron affinity?

a- Be
b- Mg
c- Ca
d- Ba
2. If there are 80 electrons, 80 protons and 119 neutrons in an atom, then, its mass number is equal
a- 39
b- 199
c- 160
3. In electron affinity, the less valence electrons an atom has,
a- The less likely it will lose electrons
b- The less likely it will gain electrons
c- The more time it takes to complete an orbital spin
d- The more likely it will gain electrons
4. An electron placed in a higher energy level far from the nucleus causes ______ in its pull.
a- Increase
b- Decrease
c- No effect
5. Which of the following generally applies to the noble gases?
a- High ionization energy, low electronegativity, high reactivity
b- High ionization energy, high electronegativity, high reactivity
c- Low ionization energy, low electronegativity, low reactivity
d- High ionization energy, low electronegativity, low reactivity
6. Certain metals, especially the transition metals, can form more than one type of cation.
a- True
b- False
7. Among those atoms and ions, 3 groups are isoelectronic:
a- ¿ ¿, Ne and O2−¿¿), (Ar and Ca2+¿ ¿ , ¿He¿
b- (Al3+and O2- ), (Ca2+ and Ne) (Ar, Be2+ and He)

Mediterranean Institute of Technology Midterm Exam spring 2021 3/6

c- (Al3+and Ne), ¿ ¿He¿, (Ar, Be2+ and He)
8. For each of the following pairs, circle the largest one (has bigger ionic radius)
a- N 3−¿¿ or F
b- Mn2 +¿¿or Mn3 +¿¿
c- Mg 2+¿¿ or Ca 2+¿ ¿
9. Which diagram correctly shows the relationship between electronegativity and atomic number
for the elements in period 3

10. Increasing the intensity of this light will (circle the correct answer)
a- (increase /decrease/ leave unchanged) the kinetic energy of the ejected electrons
b- (increase/ decrease /leave unchanged) the incident energy needed to eject electrons
c- (increase /decrease/ leave unchanged) the number of electrons ejected

B. Exercises.

Exercise 1. (20 points)

A. The electrons of the 1s shell have a stronger electrostatic attraction to the nucleus than electrons in the
2s shell.
1. Give two reasons for this.
2. Predict whether Na or Cl has the more stable 1s2 shell and explain your rationale
3. Order the following atoms and ions in increasing atomic radius: Na, Cl, Rb +, S-. Explain this trend in
relation with atomic nuclear charge.
B. Electronegativity behavior of elements is usually considered in drug design, since oxidation involves
losing an electron, a drug that is electron-poor will be hard to oxidize and therefore more stable in human

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1. There is one element in the drug molecule below (Januvia: Anti diabetic) that is the most
electronegative, therefore it will make oxidation harder.

What is this element? What type of chemical bond is it forming?

Exercise 2 (15 points)

1. Write the electron configurations for the following atom/ion Co 2+, S2-, Ag. Use the noble gas core as
a means to abbreviate the full configurations.
2. Determine the number of orbitals in a single atom that can have the following two quantum
numbers: n = 4, ml = -2
3. What are the possible sets of quantum numbers for a 4d electron?
4. For each set that is not allowed, briefly explain why it is not allowed: (n = 3, l = 3, ml = 0) ; (n = 2, l =
1, ml = 0) ; (n = 4, l = 0, ml = 0) ; (n = 3, l =1, ml = 2)

Exercise 3 (25points)
For the B4+ ion
1. Calculate the binding energy to three significant figures of an electron
a. Ground state and
b. Second excited state.
c. Calculate the energy required for a transition between these two states.
2. If an electron falls from the n=3 to n=1 state, calculate the wavelength of light emitted.
3. Calculate the binding energy of B3+ ion.
4. Without doing any calculations, would you expect that an electron in the ground state of Li 2+ is
bound more or less tightly than an electron in the ground state of B4+. Explain your answer.
5. The binding energy of Bore 2p electron is -5.74 eV. Without using Slater rules, calculate the
effective nuclear charge experienced by a calcium 2p electron.
6. State whether the Zeff value calculated above indicates that this 2s electron is being shielded. Briefly
explain your answer.

Exercise 4 (25 points)

We consider the following elements: Sulfur (S), Sodium (Na) and Argan (Ar)
1. Write the electronic configuration of the three elements.
2. The ionization energy of an atom is the amount of energy required to separate an electron from
the neutral atom, Write the equation of the first ionization for any of the three atoms.
3. In quantum chemistry, Slater's rules provide numerical values for the effective nuclear charge in a
many-electron atom. Giving the slater rules, calculate the first ionization energy for each atom in
Kj/mol. Did the result in accordance with the general periodic behavior of elements? Justify

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4. Atomic radii in picometers of S, Na and Ar respectively are: 103, 186, 98. Explain the relation
between ionization energy and atomic radius.
5. Are shielding effects on the atomic radius more pronounced across a row or down a group? Why?

Good Luck

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