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Problem Set No. 3

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Romblon State University

College of Engineering and Technology

Civil Engineering Department

Name: Date:
Course and Year: Engr. Raymond Jay G. Severo

Problem Set No.3

Mathematics, Surveying and Transportation Engineering

Instruction: Select the correct answer for each of the following questions. Circle only one answer
for each item, the letter that corresponds to your answer in the answer sheet. STRICTLY NO
ERASURES. Use ball pen in circling

1. A doctor’s age 8 years ago is two-third 8. Richard is 5 years older than Paul. The
his age 13years hence. How old is he product of their ages is 21 years less than
now? 15 times the sum of their ages. How old
a. 42 yrs old c. 45 yrs old is Paul now?
b. 50 yrs old d. 40 yrs old a. 30yrs old c. 32yrs old
b. 25yrs old d. 27yrs old
2. Two years ago, a father was four times
as old as his son. In 3 yrs the father will 9. Ryan is 5 years older than Jake. In 5
only be three times as old as his son. How years, the product of their ages will be
old was the father when his son was 1.5 times the product of their present
born? ages. How old is Jake now?
a. 26 yrs old c. 30 yrs old a. 25yrs old c. 20yrs old
b. 42 yrs old d. 36 yrs old b. 15yrs old d. 30yrs old

3. Elmer is 36 yrs old and his daughter is 8yrs 10. Noel is 5 years older than Dennis and 10
old. In how many years will Elmer’s age years younger than Hilda. In 8 years, their
be twice his daughter? combined ages will be 65. How old is
a. 20yrs c. 24yrs noel?
b. 18yrs d. 12yrs a. 18 c. 12
b. 7 d. 15
4. Allan is 28 years old when his son was
born. In how many years will Allan be 11. A boy is one half as old as his brother
thrice as old as his son? and 6 years younger than his sister. The
a. 14yrs c. 16yrs sum of their ages is 38. How old is the
b. 18yrs d. 12yrs boy?
a. 14 c. 8
5. The quotient of the age of a mother and b. 16 d. 7
her daughter is 2 with remainder of 5. 5
years ago, the mother was thrice as old 12. Twenty-two years ago, Sheryl was twice
as her daughter then, how old is the as old as Pinky and 8 times as old as Roy.
mother now? That same year, the sum of their ages
a. 35yrsold c. 32yrs old was 26. How old is Pinky?
b. 36yrs old d. 30yrs old a. 30 c. 28
b. 38 d. 30
6. At present gilbert’s age is 30% of his
father age. 30 years from now, Gilbert’s 13. A is 50% older than B and 40% younger
age will be 60% of his father’s age. How than C. if the sum of their ages is 110.
old is Gilbert now? How old is A?
a. 18yrs old c. 16yrs old a. 36 c. 32
b. 12yrs old d. 14yrs old b. 33 d. 30

7. Two years ago, the ratio of the ages of a 14. The sum of parents’ age is twice the sum
boy and a girl is 3is to 4. In 8 years, their of the children’s age. Four years ago,
age will be 4 is to 5. Find the sum of their the sum of the parents’ age was thrice
ages now. the sum of children’s age. In 16 years,
a. 74yrs old c. 70yrs old the sum of the age of the parents and
b. 72yrs old d. 80yrs old children will be equal. How many
children are there?
a. 4 c. 7

Civil Engineering Problem A.Y. 2020-2021

b. 5 d. 6 and doctors 36 & 2/3. If each engineer
were 1 year older, each accountant 6
15. The sum of age of parents and three years older, and each doctor 7years
children is 9 decades over a century. older, their average age would be 41.
The father is twice as old as eldest child. Determine the number of engineers,
When the eldest child was born, the sum accountants, and doctors.
of the parents’ age was 54. When the
youngest was born, the sum of parents’ a. 24 engineers, 20 accountants, 16 doctors
age was 70. In 38 years, the sum of the
b. 16 engineers, 24 accountants, 20 doctors
parents’ age will be equal to the sum of
children’s age. How old is the second c. 20 engineers, 16 accountants, 24 doctors
child? d. 20 engineers, 24 accountants, 16 doctors
a. 22 c. 24
b. 20 d. 26
21. Geometric problem the base of an
isosceles triangle is 6 cm shorter than its
16. A man lived his life for “X” years. When
equal sides. If the perimeter is 87 cm, find
he was at his midlife, his first child was
the length of the base?
born. When he was in his two-thirds of his
a. 27 cm c. 25 cm
life, his second child was born. When the
b. 28cm d. 31 cm
man died, the sum of the ages of his
children is 60 how long did the man live?
22. The width of rectangle is 9 cm. the
a. 66 c. 72
length is 1 cm shorter than the diagonal.
b. 78 d. 84
Find the length of the diagonal.
a. 41 cm c. 42 cm
17. Diophantus is one the brilliant Greek
b. 40 cm d. 39 cm
mathematicians born around 250 A.D.
his age from birth until death may be
23. The hypotenuse of right triangle is 25 cm
determined from epitaph revealing the
longer than one leg and 32 cm longer
fact that he passed a sixth of his life in
than other leg. Find the area of triangle.
childhood, a twelfth in adolescence,
a. 2340 cm2 c. 2430 cm2
and a seventh more as a bachelor. Five
b. 3240 cm2 d. 3420 cm2
years after he got married, a son was
born to him who died four years before
24. A vertical pole was broken by the wind.
Diophantus at one- half his father’s final
The upper part, still attached, reached a
age. How old is Diophantus when his son
point onthe level ground 15 feet from
was born?
the base. If the upper part is 9 feet
a. 38yrs old c. 44yrs old
longer than the lower part, how tall was
b. 42yrs old d. 40yrs old
the pole?
a. 20 feet c. 17 feet
18. Peter is 36 years old. Peter is twice as old
b. 15 feet d. 25 feet
as Jun was when Peter was as old as Jun
is no. How old is Jun?
25. A circular rose bed is bordered by a 2
a. 30yrs old c. 27yrs old
meter walk. The area planted is 16/25 of
b. 24yrs old d. 32yrs old
the area of the bed. Find the radius of
the bed.
19. When john was as old Paul is now, the
a. 7m c. 8m
sum of their ages was 51. When Paul will
b. 9m d. 10m
be as old as John is now, the sum of their
ages will be 103. John is older than Paul
26. Three circles are tangent externally. The
by how many years?
distance between their centers are 58m,
a. 25yrs c. 19yrs
63 m and 81 m. find the radius of the
b. 13yrs d. 32yrs
largest circle?
a. 51 m c. 20 m
20. In an organization, there are engineers,
b. 43 m d. 38 m
accountants and doctors. The sum of
their ages is 2,160; the average is 36. The
27. Two circles are tangent to a third circle
average age of the engineers and
internally and are tangent to each other
accountants is 39; of the accountants
externally. The distances between their
and doctors, 32 and 8/11; the engineers

Civil Engineering Problem A.Y. 2020-2021

centers are 10m, 13m, and 19m. Find the a. 24 c. 28
radius of the largest circles. b. 22 d. 44
a. 21 cm c. 25 cm
b. 11 cm d. 15 cm 37. At what time after 3 o clock will the hour
and the minute hands be 80 degree
28. A card board box manufacturer wishes with each other for the second time?
to make boxes from rectangular pieces a. 3:32.91 c. 3:33.91
of cardboard 30 cm by 40 cm by cutting b. 3:30.91 d. 3:31.91
squares with 5 cm sides from four
corners. Find the volume contained by 38. Find the angle between the hands of
each box. the clock at 3:43 pm
a. 4375 cm3 c. 3600 cm3 a. 148.50 º c. 147.50 º
b. 3000 cm 3 d. 2800 cm3 b. 145.50 º d. 146.50 º

29. The total surface of two cubes is 1734 39. Determine the obtuse angle between
cm3. The total length of their edges is the hour and the minute hands at 2:51
276 cm. find the edge of smaller cube. pm.
a. 8 cm c. 12 cm a. 208.5 º c. 220.5 º
b. 10 cm d. 15 cm b. 139.5 º d. 151.5 º

30. A lizard traveled from corner A to corner 40. What time between 2 and 3 o clock will
B of the rectangular room shown. the angle between the hands of the
a. 5.39 m c. 7.28 m clock be bisected by the line
b. 6.40 m d. 6.71 m connecting the center of the clock and
the 3 o clock mark?
31. Clock problems at what time between a. 2:21.27 c. 2:18.46
4:00 pm and 5:00 pm will the hands of b. 2:23.54 d. 2:19.54
the clock be coincident?
a. 4:21.82 c. 4:22.27 41. It is now between 9 and 10 o clock. In 4
b. 4:25.23 d. 4:21.64 minutes, the hour hand will be exactly
opposite the position occupied by the
32. In how many minutes after 2 o clock will minute hand 3 minutes ago. What is the
the hands of the clock extend in time now?
opposite directions for the first time? a. 9:22 c. 9:21
a. 40.64 min c. 41.64 min b. 9:20 d. 9:19
b. 42.64 min d. 43.64 min
42. It is between 5 and 6 o clock. In 20
33. At approximately what time between 6 minutes, the minute hand will be ahead
and 7 o clock will the minute and hour of the hour hand as it was behind it.
hands coincide? What time is it now?
a. 27 min and 41 sec after 6 o clock a. 5:18.36 c. 5:19.45
b. 32 min and 0.73 sec after 6 o clock b. 5:17.27 d. 5:16.55
c. 25 min and 38 sec after 6 o clock
d. 32 min and 44 sec after 6 o clock 43. A man left his home at past 3:00 pm as
indicated in his wall clock. Between two
34. In how many minutes after 10 o clock will to three hours after, he returned home
the hands of the clock be perpendicular and noticed that the hands of the clock
for the second time? interchange. At what time did he leave
a. 39.18 min c. 38.18 min his home?
b. 37.18 min d. 36.18 min a. 3:33.47 c. 3:31.47
b. 3:32.47 d. 3:33.47
35. How many time will the hands of clock
coincide in one day? 44. At what time after 7 o clock will the
a. 22 c. 21 second hand bisect the hour and the
b. 23 d. 24 minute hands for the first time?
a. 7:00:16.66 c. 7:00:17.66
36. How many times will the hands of the b. 7:00:18.66 d. 7:00:19:66
clock be at right angle with each other
in one day?

Civil Engineering Problem A.Y. 2020-2021

45. If it were 8 hours later, it would be half as mixture must be taken and then
long until midnight as it would be if it replaced with equal amount of water so
were two hours later. What time is it that the resulting solution is 30% alcohol
now? by volume?
a. 9:00 am c. 12:00 pm a. 17.50 L c. 15 L
b. 8:00 am d. 10:00 am b. 20 L d. 22.50 L

46. Mixture problem a 50 ml 40% acid 54. A contractor is required to secure his 200
solution is added to a 150 ml 30% acid m3 of materials for a sub base from three
solution. What will be the concentration pits with the following soil analyses. From
of the resulting mixture? the first soil, the analysis is comprised of
a. 25% c. 27.50 % 55% coarse aggregate, 35% find
b. 30 % d. 32.50% aggregate, and 10% mineral filler. The
second pit comprised of 65% coarse
47. How much of a 90% solution of insect aggregate, 20 % fine aggregate, and
spray must a farmer add to 200 cc of 15% mineral filler. The third pit comprised
40% insect spray to make a 50 % solution of 10% coarse aggregate, 50% fine
of insect spray? aggregate and 40% mineral filler. The
a. 30 cc c. 40 cc volumetric composition of the
b. 50 cc d. 60 cc combined materials as desired is set at
50% coarse aggregate, 35% fine
48. A 500 ml of 0.40 g/ml salt solution is aggregate and 15% mineral filler. How
added to a 900 ml of 0.65 g/ml salt much soil must be taken from the first pit
solution. What will be the concentration to produce the desired design mix?
of resulting mixture? a. 102.19 m3 c. 48.82 m3
a. 0.74 g/ml c. 0.47 g/ml b. 142.86 m 3 d. 28.57 m3
b. 0.65 g/ml d. 0.56 g/ml
55. A container is filled with 20 gallons of
49. How much water must be added to 1.45 pure water. Five gallons of water is taken
liters, 80 proof liquor to make it 65 proof? from the container and is replaced by 5
a. 0.29 L c. 0.33 L gallons of pure acid then thoroughly
b. 0.38 L d. 0.42 L mixed. Another 5 gallons is taken from
the mixture and is replaced again by 5
50. A 700 pound alloy containing 50 % tin gallons of pure acid. If this process is
and 25 % lead is to be added with done repeatedly, find the amount of
amounts of pure tin and pure lead to water in the container after doing the
make an alloy which is 60% tin and 20% process 3 times?
lead. Determine how much pure tin a. 8/75 gal c. 11.25 gal
must be added. b. 8.44 gal d. 11.56 gal
a. 150 lb c. 175 lb
b. 200 lb d. 225 lb 56. Motion problems if the speed of a racing
car is increased by 20 mph, it will cover
51. A vat contains a mixture of acid and in 7 hours the same distance it can
water. If 25 gallons of acid are added, ordinarily cover in 8 hours what is its
the mixture will be 80% acid. If 25 gallons ordinary speed?
of water are added, the mixture will be a. 140 mph c. 150 mph
60% acid. Find the percentage of acid b. 160 mph d. 170 mph
in the mixture?
a. 65% c. 70% 57. A plane flew at 20/27 of its usual rate in
b. 75% d. 72% a 3000 km course due to inclement
weather; thereby taking an additional 1-
52. How much water must be evaporated 1/2 hours to its usual time required for the
from 12 liters of 3kg/L salt solution until trip. What is the usual trip of the plane?
the concentration becomes 3.60 kg/l? a. 600 kph c. 700 kph
a. 1 L c. 2 L b. 800 kph d. 900 kph
b. 3 L d. 4 L
58. When the speed of a car is increased by
53. A container is filled with 70 liters which is 36 kph, it passes thrice as many light
40% alcohol by volume. How much of a

Civil Engineering Problem A.Y. 2020-2021

posts as it was at ordinary speed. Find 65. The boat travels downstream in two-
the ordinary speed of the car. thirds the time as it does upstream. If the
a. 21 kph c. 14 kph speed of the river current is 8 kph,
b. 18 kph d. 12 kph determine the velocity of the boat in still
59. Two airplanes left airports which are 960 a. 30 kph c. 40 kph
km apart and flew toward each other. b. 50 kph d. 60 kph
One plane flew 32 kph faster than the
other. If they passed each other at the 66. A man walks from his house to the office.
end of an hour and 12 minutes, what If he leaves at 8:00 am and walks at the
was the rate of the faster plane? rate of 2 kph, he will have arrived 3
a. 352 kph c. 384 kph minutes earlier, but if he leaves at 8:30
b. 416 kph d. 448 kph am and walks at 3kph, he will arrived 6
minutes late. What time should he arrive
60. Two cars run toward each other. Their at the office?
speeds are 30 kph and 40 kph. At the a. 9:06 am c. 9:12 am
moment when they are 105 km apart, a b. 8:54 am d. 8:43 am
bee flies at 50 kph from the bumper of
the slower car to the bumper of the 67. The average vertical speed of an
other and shuttles back and forth until experimental rocket is 1,200 kph during
the two vehicles collide. Find the total its flight. Upon reaching its maximum
distance traveled by the bee. height, it released a capsule which
a. 75 km c. 85 km descended at an average vertical
b. 90 km d. 100 km speed of 630 kph. If the capsule
touched the earth 90 minutes after the
61. Car A can travel around a circular track rocket was launched, find the height
in 120 seconds while car B in 80 seconds. reached by the rocket?
If they started from the same point but a. 619.67 km c. 550.43 km
travel in opposite directions at the same b. 640.82 km d. 581.36 km
time in how many seconds will they
meet for the first time? 68. A man started on his mountain bike for
a. 42 s c. 48 s manila, a distance of 30 km, intending to
b. 56 s d. 60 s arrive at a certain time. After biking for
10 km, he was detained due to bad
62. It took a certain vehicle 3 hours to travel weather for half an hour. As a result, he
a distance of 120 km. on its way back, it had to speed up to 2kph faster. What his
took him only 2 hours in traveling the original speed?
same path. What was his average a. 8.50 kph c. 8 kph
speed? b. 7.50 kph d. 9 kph
a. 44 kph c. 48 kph
b. 50 kph d. 56 kph 69. Allan and Manjo joined in a race. After
the signal, they started running from the
63. A motorboat can travel 4 km upstream same position in the same direction. It
in the same time it can travel 9 km takes Allan 3 leaps while Manjo takes 2
downstream. If the velocity of the leaps, but 5 leaps of Allan is equal to 40
current is 8 kph, find the velocity of the leaps of Manjo. When Allan reached the
boat in still water. finish line, Manjo is behind by 48 of his
a. 16 kph c. 18.50 kph own leaps. How many leaps did Allan
b. 20.80kph d. 24.60 kph take during the race?
a. 300 leaps c. 200 leaps
64. A boat, propelled to move at 25 kph in b. 360 leaps d. 240 leaps
still water ,travel 4.20 km against the river
current in the same time that it can 70. A thief is being pursued by a policeman.
travel 5.80 km while the current. Find the He is ahead by 30 of his own pace. How
speed of the current? many paces must the policeman take if
a. 5 kph c. 6 kph the takes 4 paces while the thief takes 5,
b. 4 kph d. 3 kph but 3 of the policeman’s pace so as long
as 4 of the thief paces.
a. 420 paces c. 360 paces

Civil Engineering Problem A.Y. 2020-2021

b. 480 paces d. 450 paces completed the rest of the work in 1 hr
and 15 minutes. How long would it take
71. A commuter returning by train from his the girl to mow the lawn alone?
office ordinarily reaches his suburban a. 3 hrs c. 3.5 hrs
station at 5 o clock. His chauffer leaves b. 3.75 hrs d. 4 hrs
his home with a car just in time to meet
him when the train arrives, and drives 78. Two pipes running simultaneously can fill
him back home. On a certain day the a tank in 2 hrs and 40 min. after the
man takes a train which arrives at the larger pipe had run for 3 hrs the smaller
station an hour earlier. Hi walks toward pipe was also turned on and the tank
home until he meets his chauffer and was full 40 min later. How long would it
car. The chauffer turns and drives the take the smaller pipe to fill the tank
man the rest of the way home, arriving alone?
home 10 minutes earlier than usual. Find a. 10 hrs c. 6 hrs
the time that the man walks. b. 4 hrs d. 8 hrs
a. 55 minutes c. 50 minutes
b. 60 minutes d. 45 minutes 79. John, Paul, and George can finish a job
in 12, 16, and 19 hrs, respectively. John
72. Cid and Jojo travels from point A to and Paul worked together for 4 hours.
point Band back. Cid starts 3 hours after Paul got tired so George worked in
jojo started. Cid overtakes Jojo at point place of him until the job is finished. How
4.20 km from B. if Cid reaches A 5 hours long did John work?
and 20 minutes ahead of Jojo, find the a. 7.06 hrs c. 6.86 hrs
distance AB? b. 6.62 hrs d. 7.45 hrs
a. 12 km c. 18 km
b. 15 km d. 16 km 80. A and B working together can finish the
job in 10 days. If A works 4 days and B
73. Work problems a Steel man can saw works 3 days, one-third of the job shall
piece of bar into 5 pcs in 16 minutes. In be finished. How many days will it take A
how many minutes can the Steel man to finish the job?
saw the same bar into 10 pcs? a. 30 days c. 15 days
a. 30 min c. 32 min b. 20 days d. 45 days
b. 34 min d. 36 min
81. Josie can type 100 words in the same
74. A can do a piece of work alone in 30 time that it takes Jane to type 75 words.
days, B in 20 days, and C in 60 days. If It Jane’s typing rate is 8 words per
they work together, how many days minute less than that of Josie’s, find
would it take them to finish the work? Jane’s typing rate.
a. 15 days c. 8 days a. 32 words per min
b. 10 days d. 12 days b. 24 words per min
c. 16 words per min
75. If Paolo can do his chores in ¾ of an d. 20 words per min
hour, and if Miriam and Paolo together
can do them in ½ of an hour, how long 82. A swimming pool is filled through its inlet
will it take Miriam to it alone? pipe and then emptied through its outlet
a. 60 min c. 90 min pipe in a total of 8 hours. If water enters
b. 75 min d. 120 min through its inlet and simultaneously
allowed to leave through its outlet, the
76. Working together, A and B can finish a pool is filled in 7 ½ hours. How long will it
painting job 20/3 days. B, working alone take to fill the pool with the outlet
can finish the job in 3 days less than A. closed?
how long will it take A to finish the job a. 2.50 hrs c. 3 hrs
alone? b. 3.5 hrs d. 3.75 hrs
a. 15 days c. 12 days
b. 21 days d. 18 days 83. Eight men can excavate 50 m of canal
in 7 hrs. Three man can backfill 30 m of
77. A gardener can mow a lawn in 3 hr. the excavated canal in 4 hrs. How long
after 2 hr, it rained and he discontinued would it take 10 men to dig and backfill
the work. In the afternoon, a girl 100 m of canal?

Civil Engineering Problem A.Y. 2020-2021

a. 12.50 hrs c. 15.20 hrs per annum where he invested the rest of
b. 21.50 hrs d. 25.10 hrs his retirement pay. If he realized a total
yearly income of 19% on his two
84. Twenty-eight men can finish the job in 60 investment, what was his retirement
days. At the start of the 16th day, 5 men pay?
were laid off and after the 45th day 10 a. 100,000 php c. 75,000 php
more men were hired. How many days b. 96,000 php d. 125,000 php
were they delayed in finishing the job?
a. 2.27 days c. 2.45 days 91. A man, speculating in real estate,
b. 2.97 days d. 3.68 days invested 300,000 php in two land
developments. One investment yields
85. Group A consisting of 6 members can 12% and the yearly income from this is
paint an antenna tower in 80 hrs while 3,600 php more than the other
group B of 8 members can paint it in 120 investment which yields 18%. How much
hrs. If another group C is to be formed was the total annual income?
consisting of 3 members from both a. 47,520 php c. 47,880 php
groups, in how many hours can they b. 42,480 php d. 42,120 php
finish the job?
a. 112.67 hrs c. 106.67 hrs 92. A sum of money of simple interest
b. 109.67 hrs d. 116.67 hrs amounted to 7,800 php after five years
and 8,840 php after nine years. Find the
86. A three-man maintenance crew could amount of the money after 15 years.
clean the campus in 4 hrs. Whereas, a a. 10,140 php c. 9,820 php
four-man crew was an hour late, how b. 9,600 php d. 10,400 php
long did it take the entire cleaning of the
campus? 93. A man wants to invest a sum of 500 phh
a. 1.92 hrs c. 2hrs in two investments. The first investment
b. 1.86 hrs d. 1.68 hrs earns a rate of interest 4 times that of the
second investment. In 3 years, the first
87. Candle A and candle B of equal length investment grows to 372 php. In 10 years,
are lighted at the same time and the second investment grows to 240
burning until candle A is twice as long as php. Find the amount of his money after
candle B. candle A is designed to fully 5 years?
burn in 8 hours while candle b for 4 hrs. a. 780 php c. 920 php
How long will they be lighted? b. 870 php d. 830 php
a. 3 hrs and 30 min c. 3 hrs
b. 2 hrs and 40 min d. 2 hrs 94. The cost for building a rectangular vat
with a square base was 12,800 phpp.
88. Money-related problems a couple does The base costs 30php/m2 and the sides
not wish to spend more than 700 php for cost 20 php/m2. Find the height of the
dinner at a restaurant. If a sales tax of 6% vat if the combined area of the base
is added to the bill and they plan to tip and sides was 512 m2
15% after the tax has been added, what a. 2 m c. 3 m
is the most they can spend for meal? b. 4 m d. 5 m
a. 600.38 Php c. 559.30 Php
b. 608.70 Php d. 574.24 Php 95. In what ratio must a peanut costing 240
php per kg be mixed with a peanut
89. The price of 8 calculators ranges from costing 340 php per kg so that a profit of
200 Php to 1000 Php. If their average 20% is made by selling the mixture at 360
price is 950 Php, what is the lowest php per kg?
possible price on any one of the a. ½ c. ¾
calculators? b. 2/3 d. 1/3
a. 500 php c. 550 php
b. 600 php d. 650 php 96. Mrs. Reyes planned to spend 39,000 php
for fabric for her alone. She found her
90. A retired government employee fabric on sale at 20% less per yard than
invested 25,000 php of his retirement she had expected and was able to buy
pay at 16% per annum. He found 40 extra yards for total cost of 41,600
another investment opportunity at 20%

Civil Engineering Problem A.Y. 2020-2021

php. What was the original cost per
a. 250 php/yd c. 275 php/yd
b. 300 php/yd d. 325 php/yd

97. A consumer is trying to decide whether

to purchase car A or car B. Car A costs
500,000 php, has a mpg rating of 30, and
has insurance of 27,500 php per year.
Car B cost 600,000 php, has a mpg
rating of 50, and has an insurance of
30,000 per year. Assuming that the
consumers drives 15,000 miles per year
and that the price of gas remains
constant at 62.50 php per gallon,
determine the minimum number of
years it will take for total cost of car B to
become less than car A.
a. 12 years c. 15 years
b. 10 years d. 11 years

98. A particle moves along a straight path.

For the first second, it travels 16m. in every
second after the first, it travels 2m farther
than it did in the preceding second. How
far will it travel after 10 seconds?
a. 250 m c. 34 m
b. 180 m d. 92 m

99. A man borrowed a certain amount of

money and promised to pay his debt with
equal monthly payments at an interest of
12% per month. At the end of a month,
he is paying P 6,720 which is just the
interest of this debt. If he continues to pay
this way, will he be able to repay all his
debt? How much did he borrow?
a. Yes, P 56,000 c. Yes, P 65,000
b. No, P 65,000 d. No, P 56,000

100. In a certain group of costumers, each

one may drink beer, and/or brandy,
and/or whisky, or all. Also, 155 drink
brandy, 173 drink beer, 153 drink whisky,
53 drink beer and brandy, 79 drink beer
and whisky, 66 drink brandy and whisky.
21 of them drink beer, brandy, and
whisky. Hoe many are there in the group.
a. 302 c. 303
b. 304 d. 305

Civil Engineering Problem A.Y. 2020-2021

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