Problem Set No. 3
Problem Set No. 3
Problem Set No. 3
Name: Date:
Course and Year: Engr. Raymond Jay G. Severo
Instruction: Select the correct answer for each of the following questions. Circle only one answer
for each item, the letter that corresponds to your answer in the answer sheet. STRICTLY NO
ERASURES. Use ball pen in circling
1. A doctor’s age 8 years ago is two-third 8. Richard is 5 years older than Paul. The
his age 13years hence. How old is he product of their ages is 21 years less than
now? 15 times the sum of their ages. How old
a. 42 yrs old c. 45 yrs old is Paul now?
b. 50 yrs old d. 40 yrs old a. 30yrs old c. 32yrs old
b. 25yrs old d. 27yrs old
2. Two years ago, a father was four times
as old as his son. In 3 yrs the father will 9. Ryan is 5 years older than Jake. In 5
only be three times as old as his son. How years, the product of their ages will be
old was the father when his son was 1.5 times the product of their present
born? ages. How old is Jake now?
a. 26 yrs old c. 30 yrs old a. 25yrs old c. 20yrs old
b. 42 yrs old d. 36 yrs old b. 15yrs old d. 30yrs old
3. Elmer is 36 yrs old and his daughter is 8yrs 10. Noel is 5 years older than Dennis and 10
old. In how many years will Elmer’s age years younger than Hilda. In 8 years, their
be twice his daughter? combined ages will be 65. How old is
a. 20yrs c. 24yrs noel?
b. 18yrs d. 12yrs a. 18 c. 12
b. 7 d. 15
4. Allan is 28 years old when his son was
born. In how many years will Allan be 11. A boy is one half as old as his brother
thrice as old as his son? and 6 years younger than his sister. The
a. 14yrs c. 16yrs sum of their ages is 38. How old is the
b. 18yrs d. 12yrs boy?
a. 14 c. 8
5. The quotient of the age of a mother and b. 16 d. 7
her daughter is 2 with remainder of 5. 5
years ago, the mother was thrice as old 12. Twenty-two years ago, Sheryl was twice
as her daughter then, how old is the as old as Pinky and 8 times as old as Roy.
mother now? That same year, the sum of their ages
a. 35yrsold c. 32yrs old was 26. How old is Pinky?
b. 36yrs old d. 30yrs old a. 30 c. 28
b. 38 d. 30
6. At present gilbert’s age is 30% of his
father age. 30 years from now, Gilbert’s 13. A is 50% older than B and 40% younger
age will be 60% of his father’s age. How than C. if the sum of their ages is 110.
old is Gilbert now? How old is A?
a. 18yrs old c. 16yrs old a. 36 c. 32
b. 12yrs old d. 14yrs old b. 33 d. 30
7. Two years ago, the ratio of the ages of a 14. The sum of parents’ age is twice the sum
boy and a girl is 3is to 4. In 8 years, their of the children’s age. Four years ago,
age will be 4 is to 5. Find the sum of their the sum of the parents’ age was thrice
ages now. the sum of children’s age. In 16 years,
a. 74yrs old c. 70yrs old the sum of the age of the parents and
b. 72yrs old d. 80yrs old children will be equal. How many
children are there?
a. 4 c. 7
29. The total surface of two cubes is 1734 39. Determine the obtuse angle between
cm3. The total length of their edges is the hour and the minute hands at 2:51
276 cm. find the edge of smaller cube. pm.
a. 8 cm c. 12 cm a. 208.5 º c. 220.5 º
b. 10 cm d. 15 cm b. 139.5 º d. 151.5 º
30. A lizard traveled from corner A to corner 40. What time between 2 and 3 o clock will
B of the rectangular room shown. the angle between the hands of the
a. 5.39 m c. 7.28 m clock be bisected by the line
b. 6.40 m d. 6.71 m connecting the center of the clock and
the 3 o clock mark?
31. Clock problems at what time between a. 2:21.27 c. 2:18.46
4:00 pm and 5:00 pm will the hands of b. 2:23.54 d. 2:19.54
the clock be coincident?
a. 4:21.82 c. 4:22.27 41. It is now between 9 and 10 o clock. In 4
b. 4:25.23 d. 4:21.64 minutes, the hour hand will be exactly
opposite the position occupied by the
32. In how many minutes after 2 o clock will minute hand 3 minutes ago. What is the
the hands of the clock extend in time now?
opposite directions for the first time? a. 9:22 c. 9:21
a. 40.64 min c. 41.64 min b. 9:20 d. 9:19
b. 42.64 min d. 43.64 min
42. It is between 5 and 6 o clock. In 20
33. At approximately what time between 6 minutes, the minute hand will be ahead
and 7 o clock will the minute and hour of the hour hand as it was behind it.
hands coincide? What time is it now?
a. 27 min and 41 sec after 6 o clock a. 5:18.36 c. 5:19.45
b. 32 min and 0.73 sec after 6 o clock b. 5:17.27 d. 5:16.55
c. 25 min and 38 sec after 6 o clock
d. 32 min and 44 sec after 6 o clock 43. A man left his home at past 3:00 pm as
indicated in his wall clock. Between two
34. In how many minutes after 10 o clock will to three hours after, he returned home
the hands of the clock be perpendicular and noticed that the hands of the clock
for the second time? interchange. At what time did he leave
a. 39.18 min c. 38.18 min his home?
b. 37.18 min d. 36.18 min a. 3:33.47 c. 3:31.47
b. 3:32.47 d. 3:33.47
35. How many time will the hands of clock
coincide in one day? 44. At what time after 7 o clock will the
a. 22 c. 21 second hand bisect the hour and the
b. 23 d. 24 minute hands for the first time?
a. 7:00:16.66 c. 7:00:17.66
36. How many times will the hands of the b. 7:00:18.66 d. 7:00:19:66
clock be at right angle with each other
in one day?
46. Mixture problem a 50 ml 40% acid 54. A contractor is required to secure his 200
solution is added to a 150 ml 30% acid m3 of materials for a sub base from three
solution. What will be the concentration pits with the following soil analyses. From
of the resulting mixture? the first soil, the analysis is comprised of
a. 25% c. 27.50 % 55% coarse aggregate, 35% find
b. 30 % d. 32.50% aggregate, and 10% mineral filler. The
second pit comprised of 65% coarse
47. How much of a 90% solution of insect aggregate, 20 % fine aggregate, and
spray must a farmer add to 200 cc of 15% mineral filler. The third pit comprised
40% insect spray to make a 50 % solution of 10% coarse aggregate, 50% fine
of insect spray? aggregate and 40% mineral filler. The
a. 30 cc c. 40 cc volumetric composition of the
b. 50 cc d. 60 cc combined materials as desired is set at
50% coarse aggregate, 35% fine
48. A 500 ml of 0.40 g/ml salt solution is aggregate and 15% mineral filler. How
added to a 900 ml of 0.65 g/ml salt much soil must be taken from the first pit
solution. What will be the concentration to produce the desired design mix?
of resulting mixture? a. 102.19 m3 c. 48.82 m3
a. 0.74 g/ml c. 0.47 g/ml b. 142.86 m 3 d. 28.57 m3
b. 0.65 g/ml d. 0.56 g/ml
55. A container is filled with 20 gallons of
49. How much water must be added to 1.45 pure water. Five gallons of water is taken
liters, 80 proof liquor to make it 65 proof? from the container and is replaced by 5
a. 0.29 L c. 0.33 L gallons of pure acid then thoroughly
b. 0.38 L d. 0.42 L mixed. Another 5 gallons is taken from
the mixture and is replaced again by 5
50. A 700 pound alloy containing 50 % tin gallons of pure acid. If this process is
and 25 % lead is to be added with done repeatedly, find the amount of
amounts of pure tin and pure lead to water in the container after doing the
make an alloy which is 60% tin and 20% process 3 times?
lead. Determine how much pure tin a. 8/75 gal c. 11.25 gal
must be added. b. 8.44 gal d. 11.56 gal
a. 150 lb c. 175 lb
b. 200 lb d. 225 lb 56. Motion problems if the speed of a racing
car is increased by 20 mph, it will cover
51. A vat contains a mixture of acid and in 7 hours the same distance it can
water. If 25 gallons of acid are added, ordinarily cover in 8 hours what is its
the mixture will be 80% acid. If 25 gallons ordinary speed?
of water are added, the mixture will be a. 140 mph c. 150 mph
60% acid. Find the percentage of acid b. 160 mph d. 170 mph
in the mixture?
a. 65% c. 70% 57. A plane flew at 20/27 of its usual rate in
b. 75% d. 72% a 3000 km course due to inclement
weather; thereby taking an additional 1-
52. How much water must be evaporated 1/2 hours to its usual time required for the
from 12 liters of 3kg/L salt solution until trip. What is the usual trip of the plane?
the concentration becomes 3.60 kg/l? a. 600 kph c. 700 kph
a. 1 L c. 2 L b. 800 kph d. 900 kph
b. 3 L d. 4 L
58. When the speed of a car is increased by
53. A container is filled with 70 liters which is 36 kph, it passes thrice as many light
40% alcohol by volume. How much of a