SA1 Caguiat Sec12
SA1 Caguiat Sec12
SA1 Caguiat Sec12
In the simplest idea. Education is important for this is where and how we
learn. Every day, we are taught, and we learn new things, therefore, we are being
educated every day. Or our daily life is full of continuous learning. And according to
Bhardwaj (2016) “Education is an important human virtue, a necessity of society,
basis of good life, and a sign of freedom.” Meaning it is a necessity that helps in
creating a healthy and functional society. For an individual, Education is important for
this is how we learn how to be independent and how to be an individual. It helps us in
establishing our role in the society. Bhardwaj added that for a separate entity to fully
Integrate, they must first be Educated. But how?? If they are separated, how can they
Let’s look into the situation of the LGBTQ+ people. In the Philippines, there
are lot of people that belongs to the LGBT community. They could be Lesbian, Gay,
Bisexual, Transgender, and other Gender Fluid Identity. Due to this fact, the people
that belong to this community often encounter and experience discrimination and
violence. Or in simpler terms, they are discriminated for being different. This
discrimination becomes detrimental to their livelihood.
The lack of education has let stigma prevail or persist in the society which
what really starts discrimination. Which is why, in their recommendation to combat
the challenges LGBT people faced, they included Education. Where it is stated and
explained that Education in the formal and non-formal setting must be reviewed and
re-structured in a way that will allow the development of awareness towards the
LGBT community and their people to happen. This awareness will open an array of
opportunity for people to understand the minorities and people who faced
discrimination due to social differences and gender. And this where the idea of
Bhardwaj comes in, to fully integrate the livelihood of the LGBT people in the
society, we must first understand what makes them different and what they’re beliefs
are, this is to establish respect and civility that will let peace rein. This concept is also
applicable in any discrimination existing due to differences in social class, religion,
ethnicity, etc. since education builds one’s character as formal and non-formal
education let our mind be constantly exposed to an array of perceptions and thoughts
processes on an issue and belief that exist in the real world.
But Discrimination and Inequality is not the only issues that could be solved
by Education. Corruption and Political Issue could also be included in it. According to
Vanetik (2019) Politics and Education are constantly linked together, for one of the
mission of institutions that facilitates formal education is to encourage and inspire
student to actively participate in societal issues, specifically political issues that will
enhance their ability in showcasing their civic responsibility. Classrooms that
encourage a healthy debate and discussion about politics allows students to voice out
and create an opinion on a political matter that concerns the country/society. And this
creates an environment that is politically and socially aware on current issues.
This movement of universities could affect at how their student will view the
current situation in the incoming Presidential Election 2022. Adding to these is my
experience in Far Eastern University – Manila. For a year that I have been studying, I
was exposed and made aware of the importance of performing my civic
responsibilities. Activities and Assessments such as creating an essay that focuses on
the importance of participating and performing civic responsibilities helps in making
so. Whenever I would attend GED courses, teachers would always encourage and
remind us student to register for the incoming election and would always tell us that
our votes matter. And that occurrences influenced my eagerness on participating in
the incoming election.
But not everyone has the privilege to access such education. Looking back to
the article of Vanetik (2019), it was stated that \ socio-economic status of students
play an important role on the amount of Education students receives and their
respective political attitudes. Meaning, as students from poorer families is more
concerned on how they are going to get by for the incoming days, they are unable to
give an adequate time to spend on education and politics. Add this to the fact that
Advance educational opportunities are primarily in private institutions that has a high
tuition and requirements, that is majorly attainable by the privilege or wealthy people.
Which also becomes an obstacle for the underprivilege students. And although
institutions and organizations provide students an opportunity via scholarship, it goes
back to the reality that underprivileged students do not have an adequate time and
resources to access primary education, which inhibits them from building their
credentials into something acceptable by the institutions that provides scholarships.
The point of everything that I have said so far is that Education Matters.
Because it facilitates growth of an individual and society. Education makes us a Better
Citizen and Human being. Thus, it is important to continuously develop education.
Because as time progress, knowledge and information changes, or some new stuff
emerge. With this, society needs to ensure that Education keep up with these changes,
to accommodate the fast-paced changing of society and people, while being accessible
to all. Because as what my parents have said, education is the foundation of every
nation. Remember that all world leaders such as presidents, teachers, Scientist, etc.
are former students. That before they became an established/prominent figure in the
world, they have sought for advice and received knowledge from their teachers,
institutions, and environment. Therefore, developing Education into something that is
accessible for all and accommodates and facilitates the growth of the society is
important, as it helps people be socially and politically aware, and that aids them in
participating is Social and Political Issues/Problems that needs to be discussed to fix.
And it is important to do so, as this will aid people in molding a world that is safe and
peaceful to live in for all.
Calleja, J. P. (2021, October 8). Catholic universities rally behind Philippine VP.
Union of Catholic Asian News.
UNDP, USAID (2014). Being LGBT in Asia: The Philippines Country Report.
Vanetik, Y. (2019, May 20). What is the relationship between politics & education?
Yuri Vanetik | Orange County, California | Yuri Vanetik is an Entrepreneur,
Business Expert, & Managing Director of Vanetik International, LLC.