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Unfolding Potential As Dynamic Emergence. Author: Paul Van Geert

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appeared in Journal of Cognitive Education and


Unfolding potential as dynamic

A view from the theory of complex, nonlinear dynamic systems

The notions of unfolding and potential

The question of unfolding potential is of key importance for the sciences of education and
developmental psychology. It relates to two important, but hard to define concepts, namely that of
unfolding and that of potential. A good way to refresh one's view on a particular concept is to go back to
its origins of meaning. Etymology, is a branch of linguistics that can help us to so. An etymological
analysis of the notion of unfolding reveals nothing new: we un-fold something that has been folded up
such that we can see its real and final form. Let us compare this to the etymology of another important
concept, namely the concept of development. De-velopment literally means to un-wrap. That is the same
when we speak about the development of something, we imply that there is something there that needs
to be unwrapped, that is already there but still invisible (for an etymological analysis of development and
related terms, see Van Geert 1996). In this sense, the notion of unfolding is very closely related to that of
development, if the latter is interpreted in its original meaning. Development as well as unfolding imply
the notion of potentiality, i.e. that there is something there that needs to be unwrapped of unfolded to
show its real form.

The concept of potential, as in learning potential or developmental potential has its historical roots in
Aristotelian philosophy. These roots have very important consequences for modern theorizing. The
Aristotelian notion of potentiality implies a conceptual contrast between potential and actual.
Potentiality implies a set of possibilities of the thing, given the way this thing works. It implies a possible
actuality in the future. Actuality then implies the meaning of being-at-work-here-and-now. Actuality also
implies a certain directedness which is inherent in the way this particular thing is "at work", how it
functions. One may of course question the meaningfulness of this semantic analysis of unfolding
potential and categorize it as a form of antique mumbo-jumbo, with little consequences for modern
empirical science. However, in these antique notions reside meanings that are still of fundamental
interest to a science of education and development, and that find an interesting scientific
reinterpretation in the theory of complex, nonlinear dynamic systems.

The theory of complex nonlinear dynamic systems shown a rapid development during the last couple of
decades, and its theoretical and mathematical foundations are now very well-developed. Nevertheless,
its effect on the behavioral sciences, including education and developmental psychology, has so far been
relatively small. Is this because the theory of complex dynamic systems is in essence not really applicable
to psychological and educational phenomena? Or is this is because the application of the theory requires
a level of empirical sophistication and data that the psychological and educational sciences cannot at
present provide?

In order to answer these questions, we need to go little deeper into the notions of complex, dynamic,
nonlinear and system.

Complex, nonlinear dynamic systems

The architecture of a complex system

A complex system is a collection of several components or elements, "several" ranging from a relatively
small number to many hundreds, thousands or more (for more details, see for instance Van Geert 2008).
These components are usually defined on a particular level of aggregation. A school class for instance
can be defined on the level of its composing persons, and then consists of about 25 elements, one being
the teacher and all the others being the students. The same class can also be defined on the level of
educational roles, in which case it consists of two components, one the teaching person, the other the
learning persons. The brain for instance, if defined on the level of neurons consists of billions of brain

cells. If defined on the level of functional areas, the so-called Brodmann areas, it consists of about 52
components, each characterized by their own cytoarchitectonics.

In a complex system, the components are causally connected, and these connections can be direct or
indirect (i.e. running via other components). A causal connection means that properties or events of one
component affect, i.e. influence, events or properties of another component. For instance, a teacher’s
activity of giving a particular assignment is causally connected to the students making that assignment,
or to some students actively resisting making that assignment. The firing of a group of neurons may
stimulate other neurons in the brain to become activated too, or it may inhibit the activity of other
neurons in the brain. In a complex system, the connections may be reciprocal, and reciprocity may be
direct or indirect. For instance, if a teacher gives a particular assignment, and the students react with
clear signs of resistance or discomfort, the teacher may decide to replace that assignment by one that is
more adapted to the current level of the students. Hence, there is a causal connection from teacher to
students and from students to teacher. In the brain, activity in one region may produce activation in
other regions, which on their turn affect still other regions, which on their turn affect the region that
started the activation wave. In a complex system, be it the brain, or a psycho-educational social system
such as a classroom, the connections between the components may become quite complicated.
Neuroscientists, for instance currently try to unravel the way the functional regions of the human brain
are connected, and they have called this pattern of connections the connectome (see for instance
Sporns, 2011). In spite of the incredible variety of possible connections between components of systems
that consist of even relatively few components (e.g. between 10 and 50), modern network theory has
succeeded in finding certain qualitative properties that distinguish families of connection patterns
(Newman, 2003, 2010). These qualitative properties are related to the ways the complex systems in
question are functioning. The pattern of connections between functional regions in the brain, for
instance, appears to share typical qualitative characteristics with the pattern of connections we can find
among the computer servers that together form the World Wide Web (Sporns, 2011; Bullmore &
Bassett, 2011; Rubinov & Sporns, 2010). This characteristic, which is the so-called "small world" pattern,
implies that every component is connected with relatively few other components, in such a way that
most components can be reached from any other component in a relatively small number of steps (i.e.,
via a small number of components that are connected to each other). This type of connectivity leads to
systems that are relatively robust, i.e. that are relatively insensitive to changes from the outside.

Properties of complex systems
The fact that events in one component causally influence particular events in another component (or
components), and that such causal connections may be directly or indirectly reciprocal, leads to several
interesting properties of such systems. The first property is that the system is characterized by a
particular temporal flow of events. What happens in the classroom for instance is a particular temporal
flow of actions of the teacher and of the students, in which one action triggers another one, which on its
turn triggers yet another one and so forth, with many such actions occurring simultaneously. Another
property is that, because of this flow of events, the components in the system tend to change, that is to
say that in the long run they can change the way they react to events in other components. For instance,
a teacher who tends to overestimate the cognitive levels of their students and who consistently provides
assignments that are too complicated for them, may cause his students to adopt an overly resistant
attitude towards his assignments, which might then lead the teacher to lower the demands put on the
students, or, alternatively, lead the teacher to persist even further and to consolidate his tendency to
give overly complicated assignments. As this example illustrates, the changes in the components are not
deterministic, and, in fact, depend on the way the components interact and on the components' history.
The third property is in fact the most basic property of a complex dynamic system: as a result of the
temporal flow in the system, the components including their connections undergo changes, and these
changes result in creating a particular order, structure or organization of the system. If everything, in
some way, affects everything else, one might expect that the flow of events in a system might become
utterly chaotic and random, also because the system is always affected by random events from outside
(e.g. events from outside the classroom, or from outside the brain). What happens, however, is exactly
the opposite. Systems consisting of components that react to events in other components on the basis of
a limited set of reaction principles, tend to undergo a spontaneous organization, leading to
self-sustaining patterns or structures that resist influences from outside, meanwhile remaining flexible
enough to show long-term adaptations. This originating of self-sustaining patterns as a consequence of
the interactions between the components is what is called self-organization, which is a defining feature
of complex dynamic systems (for general discussions, see Van Geert 2003, Van Geert and Fischer, 2009;
Van Geert and Steenbeek, 2005). Complex systems, such as the weather, or the economy, are
characterized by typical forms of organization that result from the way in which their components

interact. In the economic system, the components are participants such as consumers, producers,
financers, politicians and so forth, and their interactions produce dynamical states that we characterize
as recessions, growth, booms, cycles, sudden crisis and so forth. For relatively simple systems,
researchers have been able to unravel the principles of self-organization, but for systems of increasing
complexity, self-organization can be observed but not necessarily explained in all its details. What is
important, though, is that the self-organization is like a default option for the world in which we live.
That is to say, the patterns we observe in the world - from the formation of flocks of birds to the
complicated cycles of human economies or the growth of a mammalian fetus - are most likely the result
of self-organization. That is, based on what we know about physical and in particular living systems, we
may safely assume that such structures neither result from design rules originating from some master
organizer, nor result from a simple addition of all the influences that affect them.

The notion of self-organization refers to the origin of a particular structure, organization or pattern. For
instance, when children develop language, the use of particular kinds of words and particular word
orders becomes organized into a pattern that we can describe as the grammar of a particular language,
or the person's language competence, i.e. it way of organizing sounds (or gestures) and meanings. When
children develop a strategy or multiple strategies for solving cognitive problems, they develop particular
ways of organizing information retrieval, material changes, memories etc. that lead to the solution of
particular problems (correct or incorrect). In psychology, the question as to where this organization
comes from has traditionally been answered by referring to an external organizing source. For instance,
children learn the pattern of language because they imitate this pattern from their parents. Children
develop problem-solving strategies because these strategies are taught by their teachers. That is to say,
there exists some form of organization — for instance in a parent's language — and this organization is
then transmitted from one source (a parent) to another (a child). Beginning with Chomsky’s 1959
critique on Skinner’s book on verbal behavior (Chomsky, 1959), it has become clear that the mechanism
of transmission does not work for complex abilities such as language, and that it is highly likely that it
does not work for abilities involving complex cognition either (Van Geert, 2009). The classical answer to
the failure-of-transmission argument was to revert to another source of structure, namely the genome. If
the complex grammar of natural languages or a complex form of cognition, cannot be transmitted, they
must be present in the form of genetic instructions. That is, the particular organization that unfolds

during development is in a sense copying the organization already present in the genes. However, it is
highly unlikely that genes can be conceived of as complete instruction lists (Kauffman, 1993). The
importance of the complex, nonlinear dynamics paradigm is that it has shown that organization at the
level of a whole (e.g. language as a whole, theory of mind as a whole, problem-solving strategies as a
whole etc.) can spontaneously result from the interactions of the components or elements that
constitute the whole, i.e. that self-organization is more or less the default option in natural systems.
What is needed is that a component reacts to another component in some systematic way. These
reaction rules are mostly very simple, such as the rule that one component increases in magnitude if
another increases in magnitude, or if yet another one decreases in magnitude. A typical biological
illustration is the emergence of movement patterns of groups of animals, such as a school of fish or the
V-pattern of migrating geese. These patterns are typical of the whole, e.g. of the ensemble of fish or the
ensemble of geese and they are of course not a property of a single fish or a single goose. Likewise, the
pattern we call "theory of mind" or grammar is not in the individual components, such as separate
judgments of other people’s intentions, or separate words or sentences, but in the totality of these
components, given the ways they interact. That self-organization is in fact the most likely thing to occur
in systems of interacting components, is the major discovery of the theory of complex, nonlinear
dynamic systems.

In fact, the theory of complex, nonlinear dynamic systems forms a new scientific paradigm, in the sense
that it offers a starting point — a default theory — for the phenomena under study. In the educational
and developmental sciences, the often tacit, underlying paradigm is quite the opposite: phenomena such
as a child’s language ability or its use of particular problem-solving strategies are conceived of as the sum
of independent variables that affect them, such as intelligence, motivation, quality and duration of
instruction, and so forth. The default option is that if we find some sort of structure or pattern arising in
an individual's behavior, such as language or problem-solving strategies, that structure or pattern must
have been transmitted from an external source, such as a teacher or a set of genetic instructions (note
that "external" means external to the variable of interest; for instance an external influence on a child's
language could be the child's cognition, or the instruction the child receives). The main problem with his
general linear paradigm is that it leads to an infinite regression, and secondly to an obviously wrong
prediction about the course of development on various time scales. First, if structures arise because they
are borrowed from another source, then where do the structures in that other source come from, if not

from yet another source? Second, if structures arise because they are transmitted from one source to
another, then over the long run, structure must inevitably diminish in terms of complexity and coherence
(the justification of this argument exceeds the scope of the present article, but see Van Geert, 2009 on
transmission theory). If it is indeed so that, in nature, structure emerges out of the interactions between
the components, the problem of infinite regression is immediately solved. In addition, if structure is
emergent on the interactions between the components, the new structures can take the role of new
components, implying that over the course of time (e.g. over successive human generations) structures
such as human cognition or technology become more instead of less complex. In summary, the theory of
complex nonlinear dynamic systems should be treated as a new paradigm, leading to a new "default"
view on the nature of reality, including educational and psychological phenomena, as self-organizational
processes by default. Simple linear additions of effects and forms of transmission can be treated as
special, limiting cases of self-organizing processes.

It is interesting to note that the classical European theories of cognitive development, such as the theory
of Piaget or Vygotsky, contain all the elements of what is currently conceived of as the theory of
complex, nonlinear dynamic systems (Van Geert, 1998). The North American, learning theoretical
tradition on the other hand, strongly proposed a linear into transmission view on educational and
psychological processes. In short, the position taken by the present author and other advocates of the
dynamic systems approach in the life sciences is that we should treat educational and psychological
phenomena as complex dynamic, self-organizing systems, unless proven otherwise.

Development, emergence and novelty

The theory of complex, nonlinear dynamic systems also provides a natural way for describing and
explaining the problem of novelty, which is a major theoretical and empirical problem in the field of
educational and developmental sciences. When children acquire language — by whatever means they do
so — they have acquired something that is entirely new for them, in comparison with the abilities and
cognitive contents that they already possessed. When children develop a concept of systems of
relationships (Fischer and Bidell, 2006), they have acquired something that is entirely new in comparison
with the knowledge that preceded the concept of systems of relationships. As we have seen, a
traditional way of solving this kind of problem is by referring to the process of transmission: new
structures are transmitted from other sources, e.g. teachers. However, transmission does not solve the
problem: how can a structure characterized by a particular level of complexity (e.g. cognitive complexity
at the level of single relationships between concepts) accommodate for a structure that requires an
entirely different level of complexity (e.g. systems of relationships), if that level of complexity is not
already there, waiting to receive a content of a particular level of complexity. This reasoning is known as
Fodor's argument for the impossibility of learning (Fodor, 1980, Amini, 2011). Fodor's argument rests
upon two assumptions, namely the assumption that knowledge is defined by having representations
(and that thinking amounts to processes carried out on such representations) and the assumption that
(cognitive) development occurs through transmission of cognitive contents. These two assumptions are
also deeply rooted in the standard linear approach to psychological and educational phenomena. Fodor's
argument refutes the transmission assumption, and replaces it by the innateness assumption. However,
according to the theory of complex, nonlinear dynamic systems, knowledge is not a matter of
representations, but rather a matter of embodied processes, consisting of perception-action loops
involving a person's memory and affordances of the material context. In addition, the theory of complex,
nonlinear dynamic systems proposes self-organization as the prime source of structure and organization
in complex phenomena and circumvents the position that knowledge structures are either transmitted
or innate.

The notion of self-organization and the problem of how novel, more complex forms can arise during
development — in individuals or in the form of cultural evolution — come together in an important
notion characteristic of complex dynamic systems, namely the notion of the emergence. A dynamic
system is a set of interacting components, that is, the components are bound together through their
interactions, thus forming a whole. For instance, relationships between words belonging to different
categories such as prepositions or nouns constitute a whole, which is a language characterized by a
coherent grammar. Once a particular coherent structure, such as a grammar has originated, it becomes a
source of causal influences in its own, affecting the behavior of its components (Haken, 2006), thus
contributing to its self-sustenance. The process of creating properties of the whole as a consequence of
the dynamic relationships between components is called emergence, and is considered to be a very
important concept in the theory of complex, nonlinear dynamic systems. We may thus assume, that
most, and certainly the important features of the human cognitive system that originates during
development are the result of emergence. The concept of emergence is perfectly compatible with
notions such as guidance and teaching. In fact, for typical human cognitive abilities and skills to emerge,
the process of emergence must be scaffolded by processes of social mediation, support and instruction

mostly by more competent others, i.e. teachers (Van Geert, 1998). Put differently, education is primarily
a process supporting emergence in individuals, and not in the first place a process of transmission and
shaping by external sources. There is no doubt, that many researchers will share these general ideas on
the nature of education and development. The problem is however that they require another underlying
paradigm than the linear paradigm they are used to. Unfortunately, the standard paradigm is constantly
verified by the way we do our research, which is basically to aggregate data over individuals and to study
associations between variables over individuals instead of studying such associations within individuals,
i.e. in the form of individual processes.

(Non-)Ergodicity in educational and psychological processes

This point brings us to another, primarily statistical point, which in spite of its importance, is still hardly
known by the educational in developmental research community, namely the point of non-ergodicity of
the phenomena under study.

Let us assume that a clinical psychologist must decide about some form of therapy or intervention for a
child with problems regarding attention. At school, the child shifts his attention too rapidly from his
math assignment to chatting with this peers, the child is overly sensitive to immediate rewards and so
forth. If the psychologist consults the literature, he will find models of the associations between a whole
range of important variables, such as working memory, various executive functions, motivation,
intelligence and so forth. This theory about the associations between all the variables is typically based
on research designs that compare individuals. For instance, with regard to working memory and say,
analogical reasoning, researchers will commonly select a representative sample of children , and for each
of these children the level of working memory and analogical reasoning is determined by means of
standardized tests, which in the end results in a specification of the association between working
memory and analogical reasoning. It is important that the sample is representative of the population, in
order for the results to be generalizable, which means generalizable to the population. The idea is that a
general theory is by definition applicable to specific cases. That is to say it is assumed that generalizable
findings about the association between working memory and analogical reasoning, or between working
memory and executive functions are applicable to the child for whom we wish to design a particular
treatment, or whose problems with attention we seek to understand.

The reasoning that a theory holding for a representative set of all possible observations of a particular
phenomenon, also holds for a specific subset of those observations, for instance in the form of repeated
observations in a single person over a sufficient amount of time, appears so obvious that it is almost not
worth discussing. However, this reasoning relies upon an unproven and most likely also false assumption
that the statistical structure of relationships between variables holding between subjects - which is what
the observation of all possible observations of that relationship actually entails -, is statistically similar to
the structure of relationships between those variables holding within subjects. There exists a particular
term referring to the condition in which the statistical structure of some property of interest, derived
from the ensemble of subjects, is similar to the statistical structure of this property of interest, derivable
from any single individual from this ensemble, which is ergodicity. Suppose a researcher wishes to know
how inhabitants of Amsterdam like the parks in their city. According to Tarko (2013)

One idea is to take a momentary snapshot: to see how many people are this moment in park A,
how many are in park B and so on. Another idea is to look at one individual (or few of them) and
to follow him for a certain period of time, e.g. a year. Then, you observe how often the individual
is going to park A, how often he is going to park B and so on. Thus, you obtain two different
results: one statistical analysis over the entire ensemble of people at a certain moment in time,
and one statistical analysis for one person over a certain period of time. … The idea is that an
ensemble is ergodic if the two types of statistics give the same result.

Chances are that the profile of park preferences defined by the design that sampled over individuals will
apply to relatively few people, each of whom is likely to have its own particular profile. The difference
between the methods is that they provide a different kind of information. The first method tells you
something about parks in Amsterdam, namely how popular they are with people, with “people” being
the “unidentified” ensemble of all people in the city of Amsterdam. The second method tells you
something about individual people, namely how fond they are of parks and how they differ in their
preferences (e.g. some people don’t like parks at all, others like very particular parks, and still others like
parks that attract many people).

If we apply this example to the method of finding relations between variables by sampling across the

ensemble of all possible persons, we can conclude that the first statistical method - sampling across
individuals - tells us something about variables, namely how they are distributed across people. The
method of finding relations between variables by sampling across consecutive events in a particular
person tells us something about people, namely how particular variables behave during the course of
their activities, in the short or in the long run. Moreover, this method tells us something about specific
people, namely the people in whom we have sampled the successive observations. That is, the
observations lead to idiosyncratic models, i.e. models that apply to special cases (Molenaar, 2004;
Molenaar & Newell, 2010; Molenaar & Campbell; 2009; Molenaar, Sinclair, Rovine, Ram & Corneal,
2009). The information provided by these two methods serves different purposes, in terms of
generalization or specification. Given the first type of information, based on samples across subjects, you
can formulate particular expectations about some new or unknown sample of subjects (including a
sample consisting of just one subject). Given the second type of information, based on samples within a
subject, i.e. time samples, you can formulate particular expectations about some new time sample for
this subject, for instance the time sample in the near future. The idiosyncratic theory upon which
counseling and treatment of a particular child must be based is very likely to be different from the theory
based upon observations across subjects (Fisher, Newman and Mo lenaar, 2011; Hatfi, McCullough,
Frantz & Krieger, 2010; Hayes, Laurenceau, Feldman, Strauss & Cardaciotto, 2007; Hoenders, Bos, de
Jong & de Jonge, 2012; Laurenceau, Hayes & Feldman, 2008; Polman, Bouman, van Geert, de Jong & den
Boer, 2011;Rosmalen, Wenting, Roest, de JOnge & Bos, 2012; Schiepek, 2009 ).

A related question deals with the validity of idiosyncratic theory: is it just an illustration, with some
individual particularities, of the general principles found by comparing many subjects? Shouldn’t a
scientific theory be a general theory, one that applies to all specific cases? Although idiosyncratic models
may differ for each subject they describe, in the limit implying that there will be as many idiosyncratic
models such model should be based on a general theory of the underlying processes. The theory of
complex, nonlinear dynamic systems is ideally suited for constructing general theories of the underlying
dynamics, that can be applied to individual cases, resulting in idiosyncratic models based on general
theory. Examples of such general principles of change might be that each idiosyncratic pathway is the
result of dynamic interactions in a network of connected variables, based on specific connection
principles. An example of such specific connection principles is that the network may be connected in the
form of a so-called small world network (most of the connections occur between relatively similar

variables, with very few connections occurring between variables that are quite different from one
another). It has been shown for instance that this principle which provides an explanation of the
structure of the world wide web, also applies to the way functional brain regions are connected
(Barabasi, 2009; Bullmore & Sporns, 2009; Bullmore & Bassett, 2011; Rubinov & Sporns, 2010). Knowing
that the brain or any other system for that matter is connected in the form of a small world network,
allows one to explain why the system is relatively stable on the one hand, but why it can sometimes
show quite massive and relatively rapid reorganizations.

The methodological consequences of these principles are that research should focus on individual time
series, because it is the individual time series that provides information about the working of a particular
system. The very important question of whether a particular type of system is indeed ergodic or not
(sufficiently close to ergodicity to warrant research based on groups of individuals) can only be answered
by means of detailed studies of individual trajectories of learning, clinical intervention and development.
The term individual should be taken quite broadly however, and used in a generic sense, not necessarily
meaning a single person. For instance, an individual time series may apply to the short-term and
long-term interaction between a specific teacher and a specific child, or a specific teacher and a specific
school class, a specific family and so forth. Research should become idiosyncratic, in the sense of
individual-centered, and process-oriented, i.e. consisting of time series collected from individual
systems. In the context of developmental psychopathology, individual-centered and process-oriented
approaches to developmental psychopathology could offer a way out the over-diagnosis problem, that is
to say that too many children are diagnosed as having ADHD, for instance, because for some time in their
lives they showed behavioral properties that approach the standard diagnostic criteria (Batstra &
Frances 2012abc; Batstra, Hadders-Algra, Nieweg, Van Tol, Pijl & Frances, 2012). If a condition, such as
ADHD, is considered as a stable trait property of an individual, a once-only diagnosis tends to become a
lifetime assignment. An individual-centered and process-oriented approach might provide information
about the extent to which developmental psychopathological trajectories might temporarily converge
but later also diverge from a particular standard pattern.

The common objection against individual-centered and process-oriented research, which in view of its
labor-intensive nature is often published in the form of single case studies or very-small-n studies, is that
its results are not generalizable. However, it is important to note that there are at least two different
notions of generalizability that should not be confused (Lee & Baskerville, 2003). One, which is the more
standard notion, refers to the relationship between a statistical property of a sample (e.g. correlation
between two variables) and the corresponding property of the population from which the sample is
taken. The other refers to the relationship between a theory and all possible individual cases. That is to
say, a general theory of a particular educational or developmental process should be applicable to any
individual process case. The theory of complex, nonlinear dynamic systems claims that it can offer such
general process theories of educational and developmental processes, although we must acknowledge,
however, that such an approach to education and development is still in its infancy, and still needs to
prove its viability.

From theory to specific models

Modeling dynamic systems

Technically, a dynamic system can be described as a means of describing how one state of the system
develops into another state over the course of time (Weisstein, 1999). The state of the system can be
described in terms of the components, or in terms of some emergent property of the system. Let us give
an example of a relatively simple system, consisting of a mother and a child, each of which is defined by
mean length of utterance (MLU) in spontaneous speech (van Dijk et al., 2013). Because it is a
mother-child system, we describe the system by the mother's mean length of utterance (MLU) in her
child-directed speech, and the child by her mean length of utterance in mother-directed speech. As this
example very clearly shows, we have reduced the real mother-child system to a single variable of
interest, namely their mean length of utterance. We have done so, because we have strong reasons to
believe that, up to a certain age, MLU is an important indicator of a speaker’s mature linguistic
competence. We could have used other indicators, such as preposition use, or the mean number of
different nouns in an utterance etc. (Bassano et al., 2011). Each indicator can tell us something about the
child's linguistic capacities at a particular moment in time. More importantly, since we are interested in
the question whether the mother adapts her language production to that of the child, and the child
learns from the mother, many other indicators would have been equally feasible. If we confine ourselves
to the MLU example, the state of the mother-child system at a particular moment of time - for instance
the first of a series of observations of spontaneous language use, when the child is 14 months old - is the
MLU used in the mother's child directed speech, and the MLU used by the child (which at this particular
age is probably equal to one). During the next observation, one week later, we might observe that the
mother is using less or more words per utterance in her child-directed speech than a week before,
whereas the child is still in its one-word stage. The third observation showed yet another combination of
MLU’s in mother and child, and so forth until the end of the sequence of 36 observations. In fact, the
state of the system is described in a two-dimensional space, one dimension being the MLU of the
mother, and the other dimension the MLU of the child (see figure 1). With two dimensions, the state
space is similar to the familiar X- Y graphs that are often used to chart the associations between

Insert figure 1 about here

It is easy to see that at each moment in time, e.g. defined by a particular observation session, the
mother-child system is characterized by a single point in this two-dimensional space (see the figure).
During successive observations sessions, i.e. successive moments in time, the points characterizing the
mother-child system will shift position, simply because the MLU of the mother and of the child change
across time. If we connect the consecutive points in the two-dimensional space by a line, we obtain a
drawing of the trajectory that the mother-child system follows in the two-dimensional MLU space over
the course of time, e.g. during one and half year, specified by weekly observation sessions. Technically,
this two-dimensional descriptive space is called the system's state space, because it is the space in which
the states of the system, as defined by its values on the two dimensions, can be specified. The state of
the system can also be specified by the region in the state space within which the observations very
during a particular period of time (see figure).

The main question for a dynamic systems model builder is to provide a formal specification, for instance
in the form of a mathematical equation, of how a particular state of the system develops into another
state, which is the next state in the systems trajectory. More simply stated, what the dynamic model
builder says is: give me a description of a particular state of the system, and I will give you the
description of the state that follows it. Or, to put it differently, the next state is some sort of function (f)
of the present state. Therefore, in its crudest possible form, a dynamic model always looks like this:

Xt+1 = f(xt)

and a dynamic model for the mother-child system characterized by MLU, in which the MLU of the
mother is affected by the MLU of the child, and the other way around, would in its crudest possible form,
look like this

MLU_Mt+1 = f(MLU_M, MLU_Ct)

MLU_Ct+1 = g(MLU_Ct, MLU_Mt him and)

Hence, a dynamic model shows how the current state of the system is some sort of transformation of
the preceding state of the system, and how the next state of the system is a transformation of the
current state, and so forth. This sequence of transformations in time — for the time steps t, t+1, t+2, t+3,
t+4 … t+n r and so forth — produces a trajectory in the state space. If the dynamic model provides an
adequate description of the underlying system dynamics, the trajectory that results from the dynamic
model will be similar to the observed trajectory.

In principle, the next state of the system differs from the preceding state (but note that the difference
may be zero, we shall see later why this is important). This difference is the amount of change that the
system undergoes over a particular time duration (e.g. the time between one observation session and
the next one). Hence, another way of expressing a dynamic system is to specify how the amount of
change of the properties that define the system’s current state, depend on those properties. Such
specification takes the form of a differential equation (or a difference equation, such as the ones
presented above, but those are technical details). Differential equations abound in physics, but they are
very hard to find in the behavioral sciences, including the sciences of education and development. This is
quite surprising, because the latter disciplines are focusing primarily on change. A typical differential
equation might look like this:

∆MLU_C/∆t = g(MLU_C, MLU_M)

which should be read as follows: the change in the child’s MLU over a particular time change, is a
function, expressed as g, of the child’s MLU and the mother’s MLU.

Suppose now we have some starting point, for instance a parent using the habitual mean length of
utterance in her standard adult-directed speech, and a 14 month old child who has just entered her
single word phase, i.e. whose MLU is 1. Suppose also we have a dynamic model in the form of

differential equations describing the change in these two variables over the course of time. We apply the
equations to the starting point, obtain the next point, apply it to the next point and obtain a successive
point and so on. What we will see in typical dynamic models of developmental and educational change is
that the amount of change in the variables gradually diminishes, up to a point where the application of
the differential equations to the state of the system produces a state that is equal to the preceding state.
That is to say, the dynamics produce zero change. Zero change, which is a consequence of the dynamic
principles operating on the system, means that the system has now moved toward stability, which
means that its principles of change now create and maintain stability. This stable level is the system's
attractor state under the given dynamics. We call it an attractor state, because the principles of change
automatically lead the system towards this particular state, and to different, somewhat metaphorical
way of saying this is that the system is attracted towards this state. For the mother-child's MLU system,
the stable state is one in which the child's mean length of utterance is (approximately) similar to the
mother's mean length of utterance in child directed speech, and where the mother's mean length of
utterance in child directed speech is (approximately) similar to her mean length of utterance in her
common, adult-directed speech.

The graphical structure of the model is represented in figure 2

Insert figure 2 about here

The dynamic model can be represented as a set of three coupled differential equations, in which I stands
for linguistic “input”, i.e. the mother’s child-directed speech, capital L stands for the child’s level, in this
case the child’s MLU, and A stands for the mother’s tendency to adapt their language to that of the child
(for more details, see Van Dijk et al., 2013).

First, the mother’s actual adaptation to the language of the child is expressed as follows:

It = IH + s At (Lt - IH)

(IH is the parent’s habitual level in adult directed speech, Lt is the child's current level of the linguistic
variable at issue, At is the parent’s current tendency to adapt her language to that of the child, and s is a
damping parameter).

It was assumed that the parent’s tendency to adapt her child-directed speech, represented by the At
parameter, changes in function of the actual acquisition rates of the child. If a child makes only little
progress in the learning of a particular linguistic variable, in spite of the parent’s adaptation, the parent is
likely to increase her tendency to adapt. That is, she will tend to bring the level of her language more
closely to the level of the child's language (which is a generalization of dynamic scaffolding theory, Van
Geert and Steenbeek, 2006). The equation expressing the eventual change in the parent’s tendency to
adapt is as follows:

∆At = a At (1 - ∆Lt/S)

(a is a damping parameter, and S is a scaling parameter; and and ∆Lt is the current amount of change in
the child’s linguistic variable, which in this present case is MLU).

Finally, the child’s change in the preferred level of MLU, represented by ∆Lt , is modeled by a logistic
growth equation (for an explanation of the logic underlying these equation see Van Geert, 1991).

∆Lt = r Ltp (1 - Lt/(q It))

(p is an exponent modifying the effect of the level of L on its own growth, and q is a proportion specifying
the extent to which the child can currently approach the parent’s actual input level, It).

Figure 3 represents smoothed data curves and fits of the dynamic model (for the concept of smoothing,
see further)

Insert figure 3 about here

Given these equations, the mother-child MLU system typically moves towards a single point in the state
space, i.e. towards a point attractor. In practice, behavioral systems will never move towards literal point
attractors. Rather, they will move towards a particular, confined region of the state space. The actual
states of the system will vary within this region. Other systems might move towards more complicated
attractors, for instance cycles. Sleep-wake cycles, and more generally the circadian rhythm, are typical
examples of a cyclical attractor. They are regulated by neurophysiological processes in the
suprachiasmatic nucleus, which is part of the hypothalamus, producing a cyclical behavior which is the
result of the couplings of about 20,000 neurons (which in itself is a nice example of a complex, nonlinear
dynamic system). The process can adapt itself to changes in daylight and intentional sleep-wake cycles,
as anyone knows who has ever experienced a jet lag. In a jet lag, one can experience how a cyclical
attractor pattern gradually changes into a new, stable cycle over the course of days. Another example
from the behavioral sciences, which might be a bit more speculative, are the cycles of aggressive
behavior in students with behavioral disorders and behavioral corrections by educators (Van Geert &
Steenbeek, 2003; Abraham, 2014). Attractors may change in various ways. For instance, the MLU used by
a child is a typical range attractor if observed over the short-term time course of conversations between
a particular mother and child (Van Geert & van Dijk, 2002). However over the longer-term time course of
months, it tends to change in a relatively gradual way. As with many comparable variables, the long-term
changes take the form of accelerated and decelerated growth, resulting in typical S-shaped patterns (the
growth of prepositions follows a similar pattern for instance, Bassano et al., 2011). Attractors may also
change in discontinuous ways. That is to say, a child may function either in an attractor state A, or in an
attractor state B, and never occupy a position in between. This pattern of discontinuous change has been
extensively studied in areas of cognitive development, such as conservation or the use of cognitive rules
in problems such as the balance scale (van der Maas & Molenaar, 1992 additional references; ).

Studying educational and developmental phenomena as dynamic

In order to empirically investigate a particular educational or developmental phenomenon, such as a
child's learning to read or the development of conservation in a child, the focus of study must be on the
temporal flow in the system. Note that we defined a dynamic system as a state space, with each
dimension of the space representing a component of the system, which is usually a variable
characterizing subjects (e.g. as in our mother-child preposition system) or a variable characterizing
components of system (e.g. a system consisting of the use of prepositions and the mean length of
utterance of a particular child, Van Dijk & Van Geert, 2011). The flow is the movement of the system’s
state through the state space, as explained in the preceding section. Maybe the notion of "flow" is not
entirely adequate here, because it assumes a kind of smoothness in the change that the real behavioral
data seldom show. Real behavior data change in a relatively erratic way, in that they jump from one
point in the state space to another one (see the graph of the MLU data), although the jumps usually take
place within a confined region of the state space, which changes over the long-term. Technically, we can
call such jumping behavior a "map" in that one state of the system, as defined by the system’s state
space, is mapped onto another state of the system, namely the system's next state. What should we do
to collect data on a system's dynamic flow or dynamic map?

Step one: selecting a system of interest

To begin with, we must first select a system of interest. An example of such a system is a particular child
and her mother, which is defined by the child's and the mothers MLU. Another example is a particular
child, who is defined by her use of prepositions and her mean length of utterance, or by the frequency of
use of various strategies for solving a particular type of problem. Note that we explicitly refer to specific
individuals, specific dyads (e.g. a specific mother-child dyad) or a specific group (e.g. a specific school
class). A sample of children, or a sample of mother-child dyads is not a system: the sample does indeed
consist of components (e.g. the individual children) but they are clearly not causally interacting with one
another (the nature of the statistical sample is that the cases or "components" are strictly independent,
whereas a system is defined by components that are co-dependent in some way). Something that can be
conceived of as a connected system and that can be characterized by some sort of state space, will show
a particular trajectory over time in its state space, and it is this trajectory that we will have to empirically

Step two: defining the structure of the state space

The system is defined by particular variables, that is to say, by properties that can change. If the variables
are of the ratio type, such as the frequency data of the use of prepositions, we can use a state space that
consists of numerical variables (which, in the case of frequency data are non-negative integer variables).
In the educational or developmental sciences, many variables are of a categorical type. For instance,
emotional interactions between a mother and a child may be scored as being positive, neutral or
negative. In this case, we have a categorical state space, which looks a bit like a checkerboard. In the
example of three emotional categories for each participant, the total number of states or cells in the
categorical state space is equal to nine (any combination of an emotion of the mother with an emotion
of the child). In the state space, the system may jump from one cell to another, and do so in a
characteristic way. Figure 4 provides an example of a system consisting of a mother presenting food to
an infant in various ways (she can scoop the food, wait, knock on the child’s mouth, put the spoon in the
child’s mouth and retract the spoon) and an infant accepting the food in various ways (e.g. by swallowing
it, refusing it, spitting it out and so forth; Van Dijk, Hunnius & Van Geert, 2012).
Insert figure 4 about here

The study of dynamic maps (temporal patterns of change) in categorical state spaces is now becoming
increasingly popular in the educational and developmental sciences. The success is in part due to the fact
that many empirical investigations in these disciplines use categorical rather than ratio variables, and in
part due to the fact that there is a versatile piece of freeware available (the so-called Gridware;
Hollenstein, 2013). Gridware allows researchers to easily map data from individual patterns of change,
and to directly compute the statistics that are typically related to such temporal mappings (we shall
discuss some later). In fact, the success of these categorical state space methods might lead to the
erroneous impression that the application of dynamic systems thinking in the educational and
developmental sciences basically amounts to applying state space grids.

Step three: defining the sampling frequency

A system changes over time: during each conversation, mother and child each produce a particular
number words per utterance, and this number differs from conversation to conversation. Note that this
particular case the typical time step corresponding with the way we have defined our variable (MLU
during a conversation) corresponds with a mother-child conversation session. Hence, in order to sample
the system, the researcher should sample every conversation the mother and child are holding. This is of
course not practically feasible, and most researchers will try to sample enough data to obtain a reliable
impression of the way the system changes over time. For instance, in our own studies of math lessons in
special education, we focused on a particular student and teacher and videotaped a teacher-student
math lesson once a week, for a total duration of two years (Steenbeek, Jansen & Van Geert, 2012; see
figure 5).

Insert figure 5 about here

The best sampling frequency is a compromise between practical possibilities of measurements or

observations on the one hand, and the nature of the dynamic pattern or trajectory in the state space. In
the very unlikely case that a system follows a strictly linear increase through the state space, we can
suffice with two measurements, and the length of the interval between these two measurements will,
theoretically, not matter (a straight line is always defined by two points, irrespective of the place of
those points on the line). The problem is of course, that for most developmental and educational process
phenomena we might be interested in, we have only very little preceding knowledge of their natural
temporal flows or mappings, which implies that the choice for a sampling frequency is often done on the
basis of an best educated guessing. A solution might be the adoption of a mixed frequency design, that is
a combination of bouts of very frequent observations or measurements interspersed by longer intervals
(Van Dijk & Van Geert, 2002; Lichtwarck-Aschoff et al., 2008).

While defining the sampling frequency, it is very important to take into consideration that short-term
fluctuations (e.g. short-term fluctuations in the frequency of MLU or preposition use, or short-term
fluctuations in the score on a conservation test which is administered repeatedly) provide important
information about the underlying dynamic system. Short-term fluctuations should not be treated as
measurement error (Van Dijk & Van Geert, 2002). Such fluctuations, i.e. intra-individual variability,
characterize specific patterns of change. For instance if the underlying system undergoes a so-called
phase transition (i.e. the system changes its underlying organization) intraindividual variability may
temporarily increase (Bassano & Van Geert, 2007; Van der Maas & Molenaar, 1992). As a particular
system, for instance the cognitive system underlying the reading process, increases its internal
coordination and quality of functioning, fluctuations may change from so-called white noise
(indistinguishable from sequences of independent random events) to so-called pink noise, in which the
random variations are correlated over longer time frames (Wijnants et al., 2009, 2012). Many
psychological phenomena are considered to be scale free in their variability, which implies that
variability sampled over short intervals is statistically indistinguishable from variability sampled over
longer intervals (Kello et al., 2010). In order to discover whether a process is scale free - a property that
depends on the underlying process dynamics - one must sample over short as well as long intervals.

If distinct events are the subject of study, the sampling problem is easier to solve. For instance, in our
studies of scientific reasoning - children's explaining and predicting of phenomena in the context of
simple science experiments - we videotaped a relevant classroom interaction and then scored the
cognitive level of each act of explanation or prediction by means of hierarchical skill theory (van der
Steen et al., 2014; Meindertsma et al., 2013). By doing so we can sample all instances of reasoning
during a particular educational event, namely a particular science class. However, as soon as we wish to
study the long-term changes in scientific reasoning of a particular child, or of a particular school class, we
have to decide on how many such science class events we shall have to sample: all of them, one class
every month,...? The answer to such questions can only be given by following various schedules of
observation and comparing the evidence resulting from it.
Step four: describing and statistically processing the data
Many real time series look rather erratic, and this becomes increasingly problematic with multivariate
timeseries. For instance, figure 6 shows the cognitive complexity levels of questions asked by an adult
and answers given by a boy of four years and eight months old (from van der Steen et al., 2014).

Insert figure 6 about here

We expect to find a relationship between the level of the questions and the levels of the answers, but
this relationship is hard to detect in the raw data. In fact, a simple correlation of the cognitive levels of
the adult’s questions and the cognitive levels of the boys answers shows a value of -0.13, which might
lead us to conclude that the association between questions and answers is negative but very weak
(about 1% of common variance). However, in educational conversations, associations between questions
and answers may be considerably more complex than the relationship that can be expressed in the form
of a correlation, and correlations may actually conceal what is really going on. For instance, there might
be delays in the child’s picking up the cognitive challenges in the questions of the adult, and the adult
might adapt the level of her questioning only after repeated observations of unsuccessful hints. There
exist many techniques for finding relationships in time serial data, but in the current article I will first
focus on techniques that are primarily visual, i.e. that show the complexity of the eventual
interrelationships, instead of reducing them to a single numerical value that, in many instances, tells us
little to nothing about the actual process.

Nonlinear smoothing techniques

A standard technique to extract information from erratically varying data is to calculate some sort of
central tendency. For instance, data from a sample of individuals may be reduced to an average value.
An association between two variables - such as cognitive levels and age - may be reduced to a central
tendency in the form of a linear regression line. From a dynamical point of view, these reductions to
central tendencies are ways of summarizing or describing the data, and should not be considered
methods to find the “real” curve underlying the ever-laden measurements. For instance, the fact that we
can draw a linear regression line through a timeseries does not imply that the straight line is the real
trajectory, and that the observations are the result of measurement error imposed on the real value. In
fact, the time series should be described in such a way that the more interesting details are conserved
and the less interesting details are temporarily put aside, leading for further analysis, if needed. One way

to reduce excessive information from time serial data is to use nonlinear smoothing techniques. A simple
form is the moving average: the researcher determines a certain window size, e.g. five consecutive
observations, and calculates the average value for these five observations, then shifts the window to the
right with one step, i.e. one observation, calculates the average again and so forth. More sophisticated
techniques apply weighted regression models over moving windows of observations. One such
technique which is widely applied, is LOESS smoothing, which stands for locally weighted regression

Figure 7 is an example of the change in mean length of utterance in a parent and the child over 38
consecutive observations sessions between the ages of 14 and 32 months, which we discussed earlier.
The raw data show considerable fluctuations, especially in the mother (see section xx).

Insert figure 7 about here

The figure shows the LOESS smoothed data in addition to the raw data. In addition to the local variations
in the central tendencies (let's say, the current local centers of variation), the figure also shows a
smoothed representation of the bandwidth of the data. The bandwidth is the local range of variation in
the data. In the child, the bandwidth is gradually increasing, but in the mother the bandwidth is quite
variable, with a maximum around the onset of the 2-3 word sentences in the child.

In order to better see the eventual coherence between mean length of utterance in the mother and in
the child, the smoothed curves can be normalized, implying that both then vary between zero and one
(technically speaking, they are made dimensionless). Figure 8 shows an example of normalized and
smoothed frequency curves of preposition use in two mothers and their children.

Insert figure 8 about here

In particular the curves representing preposition use in Pauline and her mother, show a clear pattern of
mutual adaptation. Before about the 20th observation, the mother has adapted her mean length of
utterance to the mean length of utterance of the child (which is basically the period of one word
sentences), shows a rapid support adaptation, followed by a downward adaptation, and, after
observation 20, and adaptation that closely parallels the increase of MLU in the child. The data show a
pattern of mutual fine-tuning that is typically adaptive in the way complex systems co-adapt, namely

with temporary divergences that are later corrected. The data of Jan show a pattern that is considerably
less adaptive.

The language data are typical of a "long-term" dynamics, occurring over a period of about 18 months,
which is indeed long given the typical rate of early language development.

Figure 9 represents data on the levels of cognitive complexity in an adult's questions and the child's
answers in the context of simple science experiments (Van der Steen et al., 2014).

Insert figure 9 about here

The data are typically microgenetic, spanning about 500 seconds, i.e. 8 to 9 minutes of adult-child
cognitive interaction. By smoothing the data and normalizing them, we obtain a qualitative
representation of the temporal unfolding of cognitive complexity during the course of a single adult child
interaction session. The figure also covers a macrogenetic time scale by showing three consecutive
sessions, with an interval of 3 months each. The short-term pattern of complexity follows a typical
oscillating trajectory. Sometimes, the increase and decrease of complexity in the adult and the child are
quite closely coordinated, and sometimes they diverge quite considerably. As to the long-term, a
comparison of the three sessions shows that whereas during the first session, the adult is clearly leading
the increase in cognitive complexity, the pattern is reversed in the third section, in which the child's
changes in cognitive complexity are typically followed by corresponding changes in the questions of the
adult. In short, what these data show is how cognitive complexity literally unfolds over the course of a
single adult-child conversation, and how the dynamic relationship between adult and child is changing
over the course of consecutive sessions.

Categorical methods and state space grid methodology

In the preceding examples, event data relating to the production of linguistic categories or levels of
cognitive complexity, were transformed into ratio variables by smoothing the raw data. The resulting
timeseries showed how the variables unfolded over time, and how the association between the
timeseries changed during the interaction and across successive interaction sessions. However, it is also
possible to describe the temporal dynamics of such a system by means of categorical methods. One
method makes use of the state space grids already discussed in the preceding section. The following
example (figure 10) is based on a study of music lessons, in which a child learns to play the violin from a

teacher who follows the Suzuki method (Kupers et al., 2013). The state space grid representation of a
single lesson shows the dynamic relationship between the students actions, which are either correct,
partially correct, or incorrect, given the teacher’s questions or assignments, and the teacher’s reaction
on the student's actions in the form of either giving the student a more complex assignments (forward),
a less complex assignment (backward), an assignment on the same level of difficulty (repeat) or an
assignment that is and related to the previous assignment (new task).

Insert figure 10 about here

This type of state space allows us to study processes of scaffolding. Adequate scaffolding implies that if a
student makes an error, the teacher gives the student of assignment that is a bit less complicated than
the current one, in order to bring the child back on the level of correct performance. If the student’s
action is partially correct, the teacher should repeat the current assignment, and if the student's
performance is correct, the teacher should give the student a somewhat more complex assignment or
proceed to a new task. The state space grid from figure 10 shows that most of the time this particular
teacher-student system moves within the cells within or close to the range of adequate scaffolding.

An interesting feature of state space grid representations of a process, in this case a learning-teaching
process unfolding during a music lesson, is that several statistical indicators of dynamic properties can be
calculated. For instance, it is possible to calculate a measure of dispersion which corresponds with the
distribution of the observed states over smaller or greater portions of the state space. Another measure
refers to the amount of variability, namely the probability that the system stays within a particular cell of
the state space or moves to another cell. The more cells are visited over the course of time, the less
stability occurs in the process. Transitions occurring within the same cell or between adjacent cells
(adjacent in terms of some underlying order principle, such as the principle of adequate scaffolding)
provide information about the extent to which a particular system is captured in a particular attractor
state, moves between attractor states, or is erratically dispersed across the whole range of possible

The values of these dynamic properties may vary across events, for instance over consecutive music
lessons, and be used as indicators of long-term dynamics. For instance, in a study on the development of
prepositional phrases, we analyzed the spontaneous utterances of children with regard to the
occurrence of correct and incorrect prepositional constructions and the length (number of words) of the
utterance in which a particular prepositional constructions occurred (Van Dijk & Van Geert, 2009). Figure
11 gives an example of the resulting state space grids for one of the children, Heleen (from a total of 25
observation sessions we selected six sessions equally distributed across the entire observation period.)

Insert figure 11 about here

Visual inspection of the grids shows that the dispersion of the blue points, corresponding with the
system states, over the state space is first increasing and then decreasing, corresponding with a
transition from an initial attractor of isolated prepositions in one word sentences to an attractor
characterized by syntactically correct prepositional constructions in 4+ word sentences. Over six
consecutive observations sessions, corresponding with a period from one year six months to two years
six months, the level of the dispersion criterion shows a typical inverted U-shaped pattern, which was
quite similar for the two children in this particular study (see figure 12).

Insert figure 12 about here

What we see here is the long-term evolution of a dynamic parameter of short-term processes, namely
conversations between a child and the caretaker. The dynamic parameter refers to the amount of
variability, i.e. the "chaoticity", in the linguistic patterns produced by a child across a particular
conversation. That is, a particular linguistic features such as the production of prepositional
constructions, may unfold over time either in a highly ordered fashion or quite erratically. The latter,
erratic type of dynamic flow is typical of intermediary developmental states.

Categorical methods and state transition diagrams

In the state space grid, the transitions from one state to another are not always easy to follow. For this
reason, researchers might use the format of state transition diagrams to represent the set of possible
transitions from one state to another. The state transition diagram is a visualization of a matrix of
conditional probabilities, which represents a so-called Markov chain. An example will show that this idea
is actually very intuitive. Ensing et al. (2014) recently proposed a dynamic systems oriented definition of
learning potential, as "the way a child is able to profit from the scaffolding situation that emerges within
the dynamics between a particular teacher and this child at a particular moment" (page xx). To
empirically describe scaffolding situations, the authors observed interactions between a child and a
teacher in the context of the child's performing a particular task assigned by the teacher. A simple coding

system was used, including every event in the teacher-child interaction during the task performance as
either help eliciting behavior, help given by the teacher, correct performance by the child and feedback
given by the teacher. By doing so, the interaction dynamics is reduced to four possible states and to the
transition probabilities from one state to another, including the transition from a state to itself (e.g. if
help eliciting behavior is followed by another instance of help eliciting behavior). Circles represent states,
and arrows represent transitions from one state to another or from one state to itself. The size of the
circles and arrows is (approximately) related to their frequencies. In principle, only the most frequent
transitions are represented. Figure 13 provides an example of a state transition diagram of one child
copying a star by means of triangles of various sizes that have to be glued on the right places.

Insert the figure 13 about here

The state transition diagram of dish child can then be compared with that of another child, doing the
same task and with the same teacher, and statistically significant and educationally relevant differences
between the transition diagrams can be calculated. The state transition diagrams represent important
properties of the learning potential of the children in the context of particular tasks in particular
teachers. For instance, in some children, help eliciting behavior is more often followed by help given by
the teacher, but teachers can have a strategy of avoiding to respond to the child's help eliciting behavior,
for instance if they think that the child asks for help too often and should be obliged to be more
autonomous in his task performance activities.

More generally speaking, a state transition diagram — or a state space grid for that matter – is a directed
graph. Directed graphs occur in many mathematical descriptions of processes, and can be conceived of
as definitions of dynamic systems (see Abraham, 2014). They can be used to represent any network that
produces a particular dynamics. For instance, the mother-child system concerning MLU can be
represented by three nodes, namely the child's MLU in conversations with his mother, the mother’s MLU
in her child-directed speech, and the mother’s MLU in her habitual, adult-directed speech. These tree
nodes are connected by means of arrows, each of which represents how exactly a node affects the
properties of another node. These relationships are expressed in the form of the mathematical
equations that we presented before and that form the heart of the mother-child dynamic system as
related to the use and development of prepositions.

Statistical methods for time series
Recently, a number of authors have made significant progress in finding techniques for the estimation of
dynamic parameters from time series. One such technique is state space embedding or time delay
embedding, which implies that parameters are estimated across multiple time scales (Ferrer & Zhang,
2009; Ferrer et al., 2007; Von Oertzen, T., & Boker, S., 2010; Deboeck, P., Montpetit, M., Bergeman, C., &
Boker, S. , 2009).

A technique that is of particular relevance to dynamic model fitting is nonstationary time series
modeling, which has been applied to the analysis of individual developmental processes by Molenaar et
al. (2009) (see also Molenaar’s chapter in the present volume). An important tool is the Kalman filter,
which is used to estimate the value of a changing, i.e. dynamic, latent variable on the basis of
multivariate, time varying observations , based on a particular dynamic rule or evolution term (See
Chow, Ferrer and Nesselroade, 2007; Molenaar, Sinclair, Rovine, Ram, & Corneal, 2009). An example of
application of this approach is the Molenaar et al. (2009) study on changes in the structure of emotional
experiences of adolescents as they communicated with their (step)fathers.

A technique that is likely to become increasingly important is cross-recurrence quantification. In a highly

variable timeseries — and most developmental and educational timeseries are indeed highly variable —
many of the observed values, such as a specific MLU occurring in during a particular observation session,
will tend to come back at some later observation. That is, at some later observation we will measure of
value that is approximately similar to value that we have measured before. Put differently, values, but
also combinations of values, will tend to recur in the timeseries. There is empirical and mathematical
proof for the fact that the pattern of recurrence can tell us something about the nature of the underlying
dynamic system, for instance the extent to which it is rigid or flexible, the extent to which it is generated
by a system with more or less internal coordination and so forth. So far, the technique has been applied
to a relatively limited set of developmental data, such as language development (Cox and Van Dijk, 2013;
Dale and Spivey, 200x); motor development (reference), parent-child interactions in aggressive children
(Lichtwarck Aschoff et al., 2012), mother infant interaction and infant sleep (de Graag et al., 2012). The
aim of the technique is to look for evidence of internal structure and complexity of the system that
generates the behavior. The assumption is that the system generating human behavior are so complex
that it is virtually impossible to estimate the influence of a single parameter on the behavior of the
system, simply because all parameters are interconnected. The determination of the effect of single

variables on the basis of associations occurring in samples consisting of many individuals tells us little to
nothing about the way such variables are intertwined individual dynamic systems (which is a direct
consequence of the principle of non-entropy in individual developmental and educational processes).

In all these cases we assume that there is some explicit dynamic model that we wish to fit to the data,
the parameters of which we wish to estimate. These statistical timeseries techniques are of particular
importance in those cases where the parameters of the model change over developmental time, or
where the parameters depend on intervening contextual factors, such as in dyadic communication.

Further details concerning methods of model fitting can be found in recently published specialized
handbooks, such as Boker and Wenger’s “Data analytic techniques for dynamical systems” (2007),
Molenaar and Newell’s “Individual pathways of change: Statistical models for analyzing learning and
development” (2010), and Valsiner, Molenaar, Lyra and Chaudhary’s Dynamic process methodology in
the social and developmental sciences” (2009).

The theory of complex, nonlinear dynamical systems provides a modern, theoretical and empirical
framework for the notion of development and education as forms of unfolding potential. The notion of
unfolding directly refers to the processes of change explained by the underlying mechanisms of change,
operating on the products of change, namely the actual states of a particular educational or
developmental system. A dynamic system explains how every next step in the process is a direct result of
the preceding step or steps, and by doing so provides a formal description of what “unfolding” actually
entails. In the classical developmental metaphor, the content to be unfolded was already there in the
beginning, it was something that had to be unwrapped. The theory of complex, nonlinear dynamic
systems, however provides a general framework for understanding and explaining of what is in fact the
opposite of unwrapping, or literal unfolding, namely emergence. The notion of emergence allows us to
get a better grip on the notion of potential. A system’s potential is the set of possible developmental
trajectories and possible processes of emergence that the system might show as it follows its inherent
principles or mechanisms of change.

In addition to providing a theoretical ground for the notions of unfolding and potential, the theory of
complex, nonlinear dynamical systems also provides new possibilities for model building and for

empirical research. Model building focuses on attempts to explain the principles of change by means of
mathematical models in the form of differential and the difference equations. Empirical research focuses
on the study of processes in systems, and on how and where such processes actually occur, which is in
individual systems, such as individual children, mother-infant dyads, classes with their teacher and so
forth. Generalization is aimed at finding general principles of change in general dynamic models, and
that can be easily individualized by individualizing the parameter values, while keeping the general
underlying change model intact.

The theory of complex, nonlinear dynamic systems is not so much a new theory, as a new paradigm, in
that it starts from a different view on the nature of reality, and in particular to reality of educational and
developmental processes. These new starting point is the assumption that the systems that the life
sciences are studying are, by default, nonlinear in their behavior, are showing self-organization and
emergence and are based on models of mutual, coordinated causal interactions between the many
components that constitute any living system or subsystem. This new paradigm is indeed still in its
infancy as far as the educational and developmental sciences are concerned. However, an increasing
number of researchers is adopting this new approach, and new and exciting methods, models and
findings are merging that have the potential to change our view on how education and development
should be studied, described and explained.

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Figure 1 State space representation of MLU of mother and child; size of markers is approximately
representative of time of occurrence (greater markers refer to later observations); the pattern can be
roughly divided into three clusters or “stages”

Figure 2: Graphical structure of the dynamic model of mother-child language interaction

Figure 3: Smoothed data curves and curves generated by the dynamic model based on three coupled
difference equations.

Figure 4: State space representations of mother-child spoon feeding sessions. The three sessions, taken
from different stages in the development of spoon feeding and eating, show a pattern of increasing
order and emergence of an attractor state (scoop-wait-accept).

Figure 5: nonlinear changes in child and teacher variables in individual math lessons, over a period of two
years. Dotted, vertical lines represent two change points, where the pattern of the variables change into
new, temporary states.

Figure 6: Time-serial illustration of the complexity levels measured in a researcher’s questions and a
boy's answers during session 1. Utterances classified as incorrect are depicted as −1, and right answers
to close-ended questions are marked as 0.5.

Figure 7: Raw data of MLU in a mother and her child, with smoothed curves (central lines) and smoothed
curves representing the bandwidth of variability.

Figure 8 Smoothed and normalized curves of determiner use in two mothers and two children (Pauline
and Jan). Patterns of co-adaptation are very different for these two children.

Figure 9. Normalized Loess curves of the complexity levels measured in the boy's answers (black line)
and the researcher's questions (dashed line) of 3 sessions

Figure 10. Example of a State Space Grid of one lesson. The states with a yellow line represent

contingent scaffolding.

Figure 11. State Space Grids of the strategy of the prepositional phrase (horizontally) and sentence length
(vertically) for the six sessions of Heleen.

1 2 3 4 5 6

Heleen Lisa

Figure 12. Dispersion across the grid of the states of MLU-preposition constructions in Heleen, compared
with another child, Lisa.

Figure 13: A state transition diagram of help eliciting behavior and correct performance of a student, and the
associated help and feedback given by the teacher.


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