Certifying Algorithms
Certifying Algorithms
Certifying Algorithms
A certifying algorithm is an algorithm that produces, with each output, a certificate or witness
(easy-to-verify proof) that the particular output has not been compromised by a bug. A user of a
certifying algorithm inputs x, receives the output y and the certificate w, and then checks, either
manually or by use of a program, that w proves that y is a correct output for input x. In this way,
he/she can be sure of the correctness of the output without having to trust the algorithm.
We put forward the thesis that certifying algorithms are much superior to non-certifying al-
gorithms, and that for complex algorithmic tasks, only certifying algorithms are satisfactory.
Acceptance of this thesis would lead to a change of how algorithms are taught and how algo-
rithms are researched. The widespread use of certifying algorithms would greatly enhance the
reliability of algorithmic software.
We survey the state of the art in certifying algorithms and add to it. In particular, we start a
theory of certifying algorithms and prove that the concept is universal.
1 Introduction 4
2 First Examples 8
2.1 Tutorial Example 1: Testing Whether a Graph is Bipartite . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
2.2 Tutorial Example 2: The Connected Components of an Undirected Graph . . . . 9
2.3 Tutorial Example 3: Greatest Common Divisor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
2.4 Tutorial Example 4: Shortest Path Trees . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
2.5 Example: Maximum Cardinality Matchings in Graphs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
2.6 Case Study: The LEDA Planar Embedding Package . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
∗ Corresponding Author
6 Checkers 32
6.1 The Pragmatic Approach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
6.2 Manipulation of the Input . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
6.3 Formal Verification of Checkers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
8 General Techniques 36
8.1 Reduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
8.1.1 An Example . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
8.1.2 The General Approach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
8.2 Linear Programming Duality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
8.3 Characterization Theorems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
8.4 Approximation Algorithms and Problem Relaxation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
8.5 Composition of Programs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
9 Further Examples 51
9.1 Convexity of Higher-dimensional Polyhedra and Convex Hulls . . . . . . . . . . 51
9.2 Solving Linear Systems of Equations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
9.3 NP-Complete Problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
9.4 Maximum Weight Independent Sets in Interval Graphs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
9.5 String Matching . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
9.6 Chordal Graphs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
9.7 Numerical Algorithms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
9.8 Guide to Literature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
10 Randomization 64
10.1 Monte Carlo Algorithms resist Deterministic Certification . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
10.2 Integer Arithmetic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
10.3 Matrix Operations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
10.4 Cycle Bases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
10.5 Definitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
12 Reactive Programs and Data Structures 76
12.1 The Dictionary Problem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77
12.2 Priority Queues . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
13 Teaching Algorithms 84
14 Future Work 85
15 Conclusions 85
16 Acknowledgements 85
Program for f y
accept y
Certifying x
Checker C
x program for f
w reject
Figure 1: The top figure shows the I/O behavior of a conventional program for computing a function f . The user
feeds an input x to the program and the program returns an output y. The user of the program has no way of knowing
whether y is equal to f (x).
The bottom figure shows the I/O behavior of a certifying algorithm, which computes y and a witness w. The checker
C accepts the triple (x, y, w) if and only if w is a valid witness for the equality y = f (x).
1. Introduction
One of the most prominent and costly problems in software engineering is correctness of
software. When the user gives x as an input and the program outputs y, the user usually has no
way of knowing whether y is a correct output on input x or whether it has been compromised by a
bug. The user is at the mercy of the program. A certifying algorithm is an algorithm that produces
with each output a certificate or witness that the particular output has not been compromised by
a bug. By inspecting the witness, the user can convince himself that the output is correct, or
reject the output as buggy. He is no longer on the mercy of the program. Figure 1 contrasts a
standard algorithm with a certifying algorithm for computing a function f .
A user of a certifying algorithm inputs x and receives the output y and the witness w. He
then checks that w proves that y is a correct output for input x. The process of checking w can
be automated with a checker, which is an algorithm for verifying that w proves that y is a correct
output for x. In may cases, the checker is so simple that a trusted implementation of it can be
produced, perhaps even in a different language where the semantics are fully specified. A formal
proof of correctness of the implementation of the certifying algorithm may be out of reach,
however, a formal proof of the correctness of the checker may be feasible. Having checked the
witness, the user may proceed with complete confidence that output y has not been compromised.
We want to stress that it does not suffice for the checker to be a simple algorithm. It is equally
important that it also easy for a user to understand why w proves that y is a correct output for
input x.
Figure 2: The graph on the left is bipartite. The two sides of the bipartition are indicated by node colors. The graph
on the right is non-bipartite. The edges of an odd-length cycle are highlighted.
A tutorial example that we describe in more detail below is the problem of recognizing
whether a graph is bipartite, that is, whether the vertices can be partitioned into two sets such
that all edges have an endpoint in each set. A non-certifying algorithm for testing bipartiteness
outputs a single bit y; the bit tells whether the graph is bipartite or not. A certifying algorithm
does more; it proves its answer correct by providing an appropriate witness w, see Figure 2. If
the graph is bipartite, then w is a bipartition. If the graph is not bipartite, w is an odd-length
cycle in G. Clearly odd-length cycles are not bipartite. Thus an odd-length cycle proves that a
graph is non-bipartite. For the user of the program there is no need to know that and why a non-
bipartite graph always contains an odd-length cycle. The checker verifies either that all edges
have endpoints in both bipartition classes, or verifies that the cycle is, in fact, a cycle, that it has
odd length, and that all the edges of the cycle exist in the graph. We come back to this example
in Subsection 2.1 where we will show that a simple modification of the standard algorithm for
deciding bipartiteness makes the algorithm certifying.
We put forward the thesis that certifying algorithms are much superior to non-certifying
algorithms and that for complex algorithmic tasks only certifying algorithms are satisfactory.
Acceptance of this thesis would lead to a change of how algorithms are taught and how algo-
rithms are researched. The wide-spread use of certifying algorithms would greatly enhance the
reliability of algorithmic software. In this paper, we survey the state of the art in certifying al-
gorithms, give several new certifying algorithms, and start a theory of certifying algorithms. In
particular, we show that every program can be made weakly certifying without asymptotic loss
of efficiency. This assumes that a correctness proof in some formal system is available.
The usage of certifying algorithms protects not only against incorrect programs, but even
against incorrect algorithms. It allows the use of arbitrarily complicated algorithms and programs
to produce y from x, which may be beyond the competence of the user to understand. All that
is required for the user, in order to accept an output y with the certainty that it has not been
corrupted, is an easy proof of why w proves that y is a correct output for x. In particular, there is
no need for the user to know that or understand why a certificate exists for all valid input-output
pairs and how this certificate is computed.
The occurrence of an error is recognized immediately when the checker fails to authenticate
the validity of the certificate. This means either that y was compromised, or that only w was
compromised. In either case, the user rejects y as untrusted. If, in fact, the program is correct, an
occasion never arises when the user has reason to question the program’s output. This is despite
the fact that the correctness of the implementation may not be known with certainty to anybody,
even the programmer.
The reason why the approach is more practical to implement is that it sidesteps completely
the issue of whether the certifying algorithm is correctly implemented, which is difficult, by
showing only that a particular output is correct, which is often easy. There are nevertheless many
problems for which certifying algorithms are not yet known, and thinking of an appropriate
certificate is an art form that is still developing.
In the discussion above, we used vague terms such as “simple” or “easy to understand”.
We will make these notions more precise in later sections, however, we will not give a formal
definition of certifying algorithm. We hope that the reader will develop an intuitive understanding
of what constitutes a certifying algorithm and what does not, which will allow him to recognize
a certifying algorithm when he sees one.
The designers of algorithms have traditionally proved that their algorithm is correct. How-
ever, even a sound proof for the correctness of an algorithm is far from a guarantee that an
implementation of it is correct. There are numerous examples of incorrect implementations of
correct algorithms (see Section 3).
History:. The notion of a certifying algorithm is ancient. Already al-Kharizmi in his book on al-
gebra described how to (partially) check the correctness of a multiplication; see Section 10.2.
The extended Euclidean algorithm for greatest common divisors is also certifying; see Sec-
tion 2.3. All primal-dual algorithms in combinatorial optimization are certifying. Sullivan and
Masson [SM90, SM91] advocated certification trails as a means for checking the instance cor-
rectness of a program. The seminal work by Blum and Kannan [BK95] on programs that check
their work put result checking in the limelight. There is however an important difference be-
tween certifying algorithms and their work. Certifying programs produce with each output an
easy-to-check certificate of correctness; Blum and Kannan are mainly concerned with check-
ing the work of programs in their standard form. Mehlhorn and Näher were the first to rec-
ognize the potential of certifying algorithms for software development. In the context of the
LEDA project [MN89, MN95], they used certifying algorithms as a technique for increasing
the reliability of the LEDA implementations. The term “certifying algorithm” was first used
in [KMMS06]. Before that Mehlhorn and Näher used the term Program Checking or Result
Checking, see [MNS+ 99, MNU97, MN98]. We give a detailed account of extant work in Sec-
tion 4.
Generality:. How general is the approach? The pragmatic answer is that we know of 100+ cer-
tifying algorithms; in particular, there are certifying algorithms for the problems that are usually
treated in an introductory algorithms course, such as connected and strong connectedness, mini-
mum spanning trees, shortest paths, maximum flows, and maximum matchings. Also, Mehlhorn
and Näher succeeded in making many of the programs in LEDA certifying. We give more than
a dozen examples of certifying algorithms in this paper.
The theoretical answer is that every algorithm can be made weakly certifying without asymp-
totic loss of efficiency; however, there are problems that do not have a strongly certifying algo-
rithm; see Section 5. A strongly certifying algorithms halts for all inputs. The witness proves that
either the input did not satisfy the precondition or the output satisfies the postcondition. It also
tells which of the two alternative holds. A weakly certifying algorithm is only required to halt
for inputs satisfying the precondition. The witness proves that either the input did not satisfy the
precondition or the output satisfies the postcondition, but it does not tell which alternative holds.
The construction underlying the positive results is artificial and requires a correctness proof in
some formal system. However, the result is also assuring: certifying algorithms are not elusive.
The challenge is to find natural ones.
Relation to Testing and Verification:. The two main approaches to program correctness are pro-
gram testing and program verification. Program testing [Zel05] executes a given program on
inputs for which the correct output is already known by some other means, e.g., by human effort
or by execution of another program that is believed to be correct. However, in most cases, it is
infeasible to determine the correct output for all possible inputs by other means or to test the
software on all possible inputs. Thus testing is usually incomplete and therefore bugs may evade
detection; testing does not show the absence of bugs. The Pentium bug is an example [BW96].
Certifying programs greatly enhance the power of testing. A certifying program can be tested on
every input. The test is whether the checker accepts the triple (x, y, w). If it does not, either the
output or the witness is incorrect.
Program verification refers to (formal) proofs of correctness of programs. The principles are
well established [Flo67, Hoa69]. However, handwritten proofs are only possible for small pro-
grams owing to the complexity and tediousness of the proof process. Using computer-assisted
proof systems, formal proofs for interesting theorems were recently given, e.g., for the four-
color theorem [Gon08] and the correctness of an implementation of Dijkstra’s shortest-path al-
gorithm [MZ05]. A difficulty of the verification approach is that, strictly speaking, it requires
the verification of the entire hardware and software stack (processor, operating system, compiler)
and that it can only be applied to programming languages for which a formal semantics is avail-
able. For many popular programming languages, e.g., C, C++, and Java, this is not the case.
The project Verisoft [Ver] undertakes the verification of a complete hardware and software stack.
Checkers are usually much simpler than the algorithms they check. Therefore formal verification
of the checker will be easier than formal verification of the program itself; see [BSM97] for an
example. Moreover, the checker has usually lower asymptotic complexity than the program, and
so the checker could be written in a possibly less efficient language with a formal semantics or
without the use of complex language features.
Organization of Paper:. In the upcoming Section 2, we first illustrate the concept on four tutorial
examples suitable for the undergraduate computer-science curriculum (testing whether a graph
is bipartite, determining the number of connected components of a graph, verifying shortest path
distances, and computing greatest common divisors). We then give an example that illustrates a
simple certificate for an optimization problem that is complicated to solve (finding a maximum
matching in a general graph). We conclude the section with an account of how a bug in the
LEDA module for planarity testing led Mehlhorn and Näher to the conclusion that certifying
algorithms should be a design principle for algorithmic libraries. In Section 3 we give some
examples of program failures in widely distributed software and Section 4 discusses extant work.
In Section 5 we start a theory of certifying algorithms and formally introduce three kinds of
certifying algorithms. We show that every deterministic program can be made weakly certifying
without asymptotic loss of efficiency. This assumes that a formal proof of correctness is available.
In Section 6 we discuss checkers and in Section 7 we highlight the advantages of certifying
algorithms. General techniques for the development of certifying algorithms are the topic of
Section 8. In Section 9 we give further examples of certifying algorithms from a variety of
subfields of algorithmics and also survey the literature on certifying algorithms. Randomized
algorithms and checkers are the topic of Section 10. In Section 11, we discuss the relation
between certification and verification. Section 12 discusses certification in the context of data
structures. Finally, Section 13 discusses the implications for teaching algorithms, Section 14
lists some open problems, and and Section 15 offers some conclusions.
2. First Examples
2.1. Tutorial Example 1: Testing Whether a Graph is Bipartite
A graph G = (V, E) is called bipartite if its vertices can be colored with two colors, say red
and green, such that every edge of the graph connects a red and a green vertex. Consider the
is bipartite : set of all finite graphs → { 0, 1 },
which for a graph G has value 1 if the graph is bipartite and has value 0 if the graph is non-
bipartite. A conventional algorithm for this function returns a boolean value and so does a con-
ventional program. Does the bit returned by the conventional program really give additional
information about the graph? We believe that it does not.
What are witnesses for being bipartite and for being non-bipartite? What could a certifying
algorithm for testing bipartiteness return? A witness for being bipartite is a two-coloring of the
vertices of the graph, indeed this is the definition of being bipartite. A witness for being non-
bipartite is an odd cycle, i.e., an odd-length sequence of edges (v0 , v1 ), (v1 , v2 ), . . . , (v2k , v2k+1 )
forming a closed cycle, i.e., v0 = v2k+1 . Indeed, for all i, the vertices vi and vi+1 must have
distinct colors, and hence all even numbered nodes have one color and all odd numbered nodes
have the other color. But v0 = v2k+1 and hence v0 must have both colors, a contradiction.
Three simple observations can be made at this point:
First, a two-coloring certifies bipartiteness (in fact, it is the very definition of bipartiteness)
and it is very easy to check whether an assignment of colors red and blue to the vertices of a
graph is a two-coloring.
Second, an odd cycle certifies non-bipartiteness, as we argued above. Also, it is very easy
to check that a given set of edges is indeed an odd cycle in a graph. Observe that, in order to
check the certificate for a given input, there is no need to know that a non-bipartite graph always
contains an odd cycle. One only needs to understand, that an odd cycle proves non-bipartiteness.
It is quite reasonable to assume that a program C for testing the validity of a two-coloring and
for verifying that a given set of edges is an odd cycle can be implemented correctly. It is even
within the reach of formal program verification to prove the correctness of such a program.
Let us finally argue that there is certifying algorithm for bipartiteness, i.e., an algorithm that
computes said witnesses. In fact, a small variation of the standard greedy algorithms will do:
2. as long as there are unfinished nodes choose one of them, say v, and declare it finished. Go
through all uncolored neighbors, color them with the other color (i.e., the color different
from v’s color), and add them to the set of unfinished nodes. Also, record that they got
their color from v. When step 2 terminates, all nodes are colored.
3. Iterate over all edges and check that their endpoints have distinct colors. If so, output the
two-coloring. If not, let e = (u, v) be an edge whose endpoints have the same color. Follow
the paths pu and pv of color-giving edges from u to r and from v to r; the paths together
with e form an odd cycle. Why? Since u and v have the same color, the paths pu and pv
either have both even length (if the color of u and v is the same as the color of r) or have
both odd length (if the color of u and v differs from r’s color). Thus the combined length
of pu and pv is even and hence the edge (u, v) closes an odd cycle.
1,0 1,1 0,0 0,4
2,0 0,2
Figure 3: A graph with three connected components. The vertices are labelled with pairs (i, j). The first label is
the number of the component to which the vertex belongs and the second label is the number within the component.
Within a component, every vertex has a smaller numbered neighbor except for the vertex numbered zero.
the greatest common divisor is one of the first algorithms invented. In its recursive form it is as
Procedure GCD(a, b): a and b are integers with a ≥ b ≥ 0 and a > 0
If b = 0, return a;
return GCD(b, a mod b);
The Euclidean algorithm is non-certifying. A simple modification, known as the extended
Euclidean algorithm, makes it certifying. In addition, to computing g = gcd(a, b), it also com-
putes integers x and y such that g = xa + yb. 1
Lemma 1. Let a, b and g be nonnegative integers, a and b not both zero, and let g = xa + yb for
integers x and y. If g divides a and b then g = gcd(a, b).
and hence d divides g. In particular, gcd(a, b) divides g. Since g divides a and b, g divides
gcd(a, b). Thus g = gcd(a, b).
It is easy to extend the recursive procedure above such that it also computes appropriate x
and y: If a > b = 0 then gcd(a, b) = a = 1 · a + 0 · b, and if a > b > 0 and gcd(a mod b, b) =
x(a mod b) + yb then gcd(a, b) = gcd(a mod b, b) = x(a mod b) + yb = x(a − ⌊a/b⌋b) + yb =
xa + (y − ⌊a/b⌋)b. This leads to the following recursive program.
The existence of these integers x and y is referred to as the Lemma of Bézout, as he proved the general statement
for polynomials. In fact, the extended Euclidean algorithm is a certifying algorithm that computes greatest common
divisors in any Euclidean domain.
Procedure EGCD(a, b); assumes a ≥ b ≥ 0 and a > 0;
returns (g, x, y) such that g = gcd(a, b) and g = xa + yb.
If b = 0, return (a, 1, 0);
let (g, y, x) = EGCD(b, a mod b); return (g, x, y − ⌊a/b⌋).
Thus, to check the correctness of an output of the extended Euclidean algorithm, it suffices
to verify for the provided integers x and y (they constitute the witness) that g = xa + yb and that g
divides a and b.
How can we verify that an output function D : V → R≥0 is equal to the actual distance function d?
This is easy: if
D(s) = 0 (start value)
for every edge (u, v) D(v) ≤ D(u) + c(u, v) (triangle inequality)
for v 6= s there is an edge (u, v) with D(v) = D(u) + c(u, v) (justification)
then d(v) = D(v) for all v.
Indeed, d(s) = 0 since the empty path has cost zero and any path has nonnegative cost. Thus
d(s) = D(s). We next show D(v) ≤ d(v) for all v. Consider any v 6= s and let v0 = s, v1 , . . ., vk = v
be the path from s to v that defines d(v). Then d(vi+1 ) = d(vi ) + c(vi , vi+1 ) for all i ≥ 0 and
D(v0 ) = 0 ≤ 0 = d(v0 ). Assume now that we have shown D(vi ) ≤ d(vi ) for some i ≥ 0. Then
and so the claim follows by induction. Assume finally, for the sake of a contradiction, that
D(v) < d(v) for some v. Among the v with D(v) < d(v) choose the one with smallest D(v).
Since D(s) = d(s) = 0, we know that v 6= s. Then there must be a vertex u such that D(v) =
D(u) + c(u, v). Also D(u) < D(v) since edge costs are assumed to be positive. By our choice
of v, D(u) = d(u). Thus there is a path of cost D(u) from s to u and hence a path of cost
D(u) + c(u, v) = D(v) from s to v. Therefore, d(v) ≤ D(v), a contradiction to our assumption
that D(v) < d(v) for some v.
In order to ease the verification that an output function D is the distance function d a certifying
algorithm may for every vertex v indicate the justifying edge (u, v).
Note that the argument above crucially uses the fact that edge weights are positive, see Fig-
ure 4 for an counterexample when edges of weight zero are allowed. In the presence of edges
s 0
Figure 4: The presence of edges of cost 0 makes stronger justification necessary: The edge (s, u) has cost 1 and the
edges (u, v) and (v, u) have cost 0. Then d(s) = 0 and d(u) = d(v) = 1. However, D(s) = D(u) = D(v) = 0 satisfies
all three conditions sufficient for certification in the case of a positive cost function.
0 1 0 1
2 2 1 0
Figure 5: The node labels certify that the indicated matching is of maximum cardinality: All edges of the graph
have either both endpoints labelled as two or at least one endpoint labelled as one. Therefore, any matching can
use at most one edge with two endpoints labelled two and at most four edges that have an endpoint labelled one.
Therefore, no matching has more than five edges. The matching shown consists of five edges.
of weight zero, a stronger justification required. In this case we require that every vertex v is
assigned an integer k(v), and for every justification edge (u, v) of weight zero k(u) < k(v) holds,
i.e. additionally to D(v) = D(u) + 0 we require k(u) < k(v).
matching of larger cardinality. What is a witness for a matching being maximum cardinality? Ed-
monds [Edm65a, Edm65b] gave the first efficient algorithm for maximum cardinality matchings.
The algorithm is certifying.
An odd-set cover OSC of G is a labeling of the nodes of G with nonnegative integers such
that every edge of G is either incident to a node labeled 1 or connects two nodes labeled with the
same number i ≥ 2.
Theorem 1 ([Edm65a]). Let N be any matching in G and let OSC be an odd-set cover of G. For
any i ≥ 0, let ni be the number of nodes labeled i. Then
Proof: For i, i ≥ 2, let Ni be the edges in N that connect two nodes labeled i and let N1 be the
remaining edges in N. Then
It can be shown (but this is non-trivial) that for any maximum cardinality matching M there
is an odd-set cover OSC with
|M| = n1 + ∑ ⌊ni /2⌋, (1)
thus proving the optimality of M. In such a cover all ni with i ≥ 2 are odd, hence the name.
The certifying algorithm for maximum cardinality matching returns a matching M and an
odd-set cover OSC such that (1) holds. By the argument above, the odd-set cover proves the
optimality of the matching. Observe, that is it not necessary to understand why odd-set covers
proving optimality exist. It is only required to understand the simple proof of Theorem 1, show-
ing that equation (1) proves optimality. Also, a correct program which checks whether a set of
edges is a matching and a node labelling is an odd-set cover which together satisfy (1) is easy to
Figure 6: The depicted connected planar graph has 8 vertices, 5 faces (including the outer face), and thus 8 + 5 − 2 =
11 edges.
exactly one face. The formula holds. For the induction step, suppose G is a planar graph with
m > n −1 and the formula holds for all planar embeddings of connected graphs with fewer than m
edges. Since m > n − 1, G has a cycle. Removal of an edge of the cycle in any planar embedding
of G causes two faces to merge, leaving n′ = n vertices, f ′ = f − 1 faces, and e′ = e − 1 edges.
By the induction hypothesis, it holds that n′ + f ′ = e′ + 2, which implies n + f = e + 2, and the
formula holds for the original planar embedding of G.
In the early 1900’s, there was an extensive effort to give a characterization of those graphs
that are planar. In 1920, Kuratowski gave what remains one of the most famous theorems in
graph theory: a graph is planar if and only if it has no subdivision of a K5 or a K3,3 as a subgraph
(see Figure 7). The K5 is the complete graph on five vertices, the K3,3 is the complete bipartite
graph with three vertices in each bipartition class, and a subdivision of a graph is what is obtained
by repeatedly subdividing edges by inserting vertices of degree two on them.
The planarity test in the Library of Efficient Data Structures and Algorithms (LEDA), a
popular package of implementations of many combinatorial and geometric algorithms [MN99,
MN95], played a crucial role in the development of certifying algorithms and the development
of LEDA.
There are several linear time algorithms for planarity testing [HT74, LEC67, BL76]. An
implementation of the Hopcroft and Tarjan algorithm was added to LEDA in 1991. The imple-
mentation had been tested on a small number of graphs. In 1993, a researcher sent Mehlhorn and
Näher a graph together with a planar drawing of it, and pointed out that the program declared the
graph non-planar. It took Mehlhorn and Näher some days to discover the bug.
More importantly, they realized that a complex question of the form “is this graph planar”
deserves more than a yes-no answer. They adopted the thesis that
Figure 7: Every non-planar graph contains a subdivision of one of the depicted Kuratowski graphs K5 and K3,3 as a
subgraph. The lower part of the figure shows a non-planar graph. Non-planarity is witnessed by a K3,3 .
If a graph is declared planar, a proof should be given in the form of a planar drawing or an
embedding, which the program already did. If a graph is non-planar, the program should not
just declare this; it should supply a proof of this. The existence of an obvious proof is known by
Kuratowski’s theorem: it suffices to point out a Kuratowski subgraph.
Linear time algorithms [Wil84, Kar90] for finding Kuratowski subgraphs were known in
1993; unfortunately, Mehlhorn and Näher found the algorithms too complicated to implement.
There is however a trivial quadratic time algorithm which is very simple to implement.
for all edges e of G do
if G \ e is non-planar then
remove e from G;
end if
end for
The output of this algorithm is a subgraph of the original graph. The subgraph is non-planar,
since an edge is only removed if non-planarity is preserved, and removal of any edge of it, makes
it planar. Thus the subgraph is a minimal (with respect to edge inclusion) non-planar subgraph
and hence a subdivision of a Kuratowski graph.
Therefore, in 1994, they had a quadratic time certifying algorithm for planarity and a linear
time non-certifying one. They later developed their own certifying linear time algorithm for
finding Kuratowski subgraphs [MN99, Section 8.7].
Note that the proof of Kuratowski’s theorem, which is that a subdivision of a K5 or a K3,3
always exists in a non-planar graph, is irrelevant to the protocol for convincing a user that a graph
is non-planar. All that is needed is for the user to understand the following proof:
Proof: Subdividing an edge cannot make a non-planar graph planar, so it suffices to show that
K5 and K3,3 are non-planar. Suppose there is a planar embedding of K5 . Each face touches at least
three edges and each edge touches at most two faces. The K5 has ten edges, so the number of
faces is at most ⌊(2/3) · 10⌋ = 6. By Euler’s formula, 5 + 6 ≥ 10 + 2, a contradiction. Similarly,
suppose K3,3 has a planar embedding. Since the graph is bipartite, the cycle around each face
must be even, so each face touches at least four edges and each edge once again touches at
most two faces. The number of faces is at most ⌊(2/4)9⌋ = 4. By Euler’s formula we obtain
6 + 4 ≥ 9 + 2, a contradiction.
Let us now examine the checker. In the case of non-planarity, no matter how the Kuratowski
subgraph is found, a convenient certificate is obtained by returning it as sequences of edges. A
K5 has ten edges, so if the Kuratowski subgraph is a subdivision of a K5 , it consists of ten disjoint
paths sharing five ending vertices. The ending vertices are listed, and the ten paths are each given
as a sequence of edges, in order. The checker verifies that for each pair of ending vertices there is
a path with these vertices as beginning and end, cycling through the paths, checking and marking
vertices along the way, to make sure that the paths are disjoint except at their endpoints. The
check of a K3,3 is similar.
Let us turn to witnesses of planarity. The obvious witness is a planar drawing. There is
a drawback of using a planar drawing as the witness: It is non-trivial to check in linear time
whether a drawing is actually planar.
A less obvious form of witness is a combinatorial planar embedding, see Figure 8. We first
explain, what a combinatorial embedding is. A combinatorial embedding uses two twin directed
edges (u, v) and (v, u) for each undirected edge of the graph. These twins have pointers to each
other. For each vertex u of G, the edges incident to it are arranged in a circular linked list L(u). A
combinatorial embedding is planar if there is a planar embedding of G in which for each vertex
u the counterclockwise order of the edges incident to u agrees with the cyclic order in L(u).
How does one verify whether a combinatorial embedding is planar? One simply checks
Euler’s relation. A combinatorial embedding gives rise to a decomposition of the directed edges
into a collection of cycles, called boundary cycles. The boundary cycle containing a particular
directed edge (u, v) is defined as follows. Let (u, v) be a directed edge with twin (v, u) and let
(v, u′ ) be the directed edge after (v, u) in the circular list L(v). Then (v, u′) is the next edge in
the boundary cycle containing (u, v), cf. Figure 8. We continue in this way until we are back at
(u, v). Why are we guaranteed to come back to where we started? To establish this, it suffices to
note that the edge preceding (u, v) in the boundary cycle is also uniquely defined. Let (u, v′ ) be
the edge before (u, v′ ) in L(u) and let (v′ , u) be the twin of (u, v′ ). Then (v′ , u) precedes (u, v) in
the boundary cycle containing it.
a b e counterclockwise
cyclic adjacency list
a hbi
b ha, c, di
d c hd, bi
d hb, c, ei
c e hdi
Figure 8: A planar graph and the corresponding planar combinatorial embedding: For each vertex, the incident
edges are listed in counterclockwise order. The boundary cycles are (a, b), (b, d), (d, e), (e, d), (d, c), (c, b), (b, a)
and (c, d), (d, b), (b, c). Observe that the successor of (d, e) is determined as follows: go to the twin (e, d) and then
to the next edge in cyclic order, i.e., (e, d).
Lemma 3. Let G be a connected graph with n > 1 vertices, and m edges. Then a combinatorial
embedding of G with f boundary cycles is planar if and only if n + f = m + 2.
What does the case study performed in this section illustrate about the current state of algo-
rithm design and software engineering? The algorithm on which the program was based is well-
known to be correct. Obviously, the programmer made a mistake in implementing it. However,
another problem was that users were willing to accept a declaration that a graph was non-planar,
based partly on the knowledge that it was based on an algorithm that is well-known to be correct.
Additionally, another problem was that the designers of algorithms traditionally consider
their work done when they have produced a proof that their algorithm never produces an incor-
rect output. It has gone unrecognized in the algorithm-design community that, in view of the
implementation obstacles, algorithm design should also assist the process of obtaining a correct
Planarity Test in LEDA 2.0:. As extensively illustrated in Subsection 2.6, the planarity test in
LEDA 2.0 was incorrect. It declared some planar graphs non-planar. Mehlhorn and Näher cor-
rected the error in LEDA 2.1 and made the planarity test certifying. This was their first use of a
certifying algorithm. However, the first solution was far from satisfying, as the running time of
the certifying algorithm was quadratic compared to linear time for the non-certifying algorithm.
It took some time to develop an equally efficient certifying algorithm.
ConstrainedMax::"lpsub": "The problem is unbounded."
Out[2] = {Infinity, {x -> Indeterminate}}
Pentium Bug:. A version of the Pentium chip contained an error in the hardware for division [BW96].
This hardware error was caused by an incomplete lookuptable.
. Needless to say, most bugs in current software are unknown. In fact it is quite natural to assume
that no large software library is flawless. Certifying algorithms may detect these flaws, but more
imporatantly they assure us that the currently given answer is correct. Before we discuss further
advantages of certifying algorithms in Section 7, we discuss the relation to extant work and
concretize our definition of certifying algorithms.
Program testing is the most widely used approach to program correctness, see [Zel05] for a
recent account. A list of correct input/output pairs (xi , yi ) is maintained. A program is accepted
if, for each xi on the list, it produces the corresponding yi . The common objections against testing
are that it can prove the presence of errors, but never their absence, and that a program can only
be tested on inputs for which the correct output is already known by other means.
It has been known since the 1950’s that linear programming duality [Chv93, Sch03] provides
a method for checking the result of linear programs. In a pair of solutions (x, x), one for a linear
program and one for its dual, both solutions are optimal if and only if they have the same objective
value, see Subsection 8.2. A special case of linear programming duality is the max-flow-min-cut
theorem for network flows.
Sullivan and Masson [SM90, SM91, BS95, BSM95, SWM95, BS94] introduced the concept
of a certification trail for checking. The idea is that a program leaves a trail of information that
can be used to check whether it worked correctly. They applied the idea mainly to data structures.
In later work [BSM97], they combined certification trails with formal verification. We discuss
checking of data structures in Section 12. Certification trails catch errors ultimately, but not
Blum and Kannan [BK89, BK95] started a theory of program checking; see [Blu93, BW94,
BLR90, WB97, BW96] for follow-up work. Given a program P allegedly computing a func-
tion2 f , how can one check whether P(x0 ) = f (x0 ) for a particular input x0 . A checker C
is a probabilistic expected-polynomial-time oracle machine (it uses P as a subroutine) with
the property: if P(x) = f (x) for all x, then C on input x0 accepts with high probability. If
P(x0 ) 6= f (x0 ), C on input x0 rejects with high probability. If P(x0 ) = f (x0 ), but P 6= f , the
checker may accept or reject. They describe, among others, checkers for graph isomorphism, the
extended gcd, and sorting reals. In [BLR90] the concept is generalized to self-correcting algo-
rithms. For example, assume add is a function that correctly adds for most pairs of inputs. Then
add(x, y) = add(add(x, r), add(y, −r)), where r is a random number, correctly adds all pairs with
nonzero probability, since the concrete addition x + y is replaced by three random additions.
There are essential differences between certifying algorithms and the work by Blum et al.
First, they mention but do not explore that adding additional output (= our witness) may ease
the life of the checker; they give the extended gcd and maximum flow as examples. In contrast,
we insist that certifying programs return witnesses that prove the correctness of their output.
In exceptional cases, the witness may be trivial. The second essential difference is that they
allow checkers to be arbitrarily complex programs (as long as they are polyomial-time) and
nevertheless assume checkers to be correct. In constrast, we insist that checkers are simple
program and assume that only the simplest programming tasks can be done without error; see
Subsection 6.1.
Our approach has already shown its usefulness in the LEDA project [LED]. At the time of
this writing, LEDA contains checkers for all network and matching algorithms (mostly based on
linear programming duality), for various connectivity problems on graphs, for planarity testing,
for priority queues, and for the basic geometric algorithms (convex hulls, Delaunay diagrams,
They consider only programs with trivial preconditions
and Voronoi diagrams). Program checking has greatly increased the reliability of the implemen-
tations in LEDA. There are many other problems for which certifying algorithms are known. We
review some of them in the sections to come and give a guide to the literature in Subsection 9.8.
Proof-carrying code [NL96, Nec97] is a “mechanism by which a host system can determine
with certainty that it is safe to execute a program supplied by an untrusted source. For this to
be possible, the untrusted code producer must supply with the code a safety proof that attests to
the code’s adherence to a previously defined safety policy. The host can then easily and quickly
validate the proof (quote from [Nec97])”. We will use methods akin to proof-carrying code in
Section 5.
An interactive proof system [GMR89] is a protocol that enables a verifier to be conviced
by a prover of some output via a series of message exchanges. In the language of certifying
algorithms, their execution needs a bidirectional communication between the checker and the
certifying algorithm. However, to be in accordance with the requirements we pose onto certifying
algorithms, further simplicity constraints have to be introduced. If done so, they constitute an
extension of certifying algorithms that carries several, but not all of the advantages of certifying
algorithms mentioned in Section 7.
and x does not satisfy P interchangeably. In formulae we write P(x) for P(x) = T and ¬P(x) for P(x) = F.
We specifically allow the possibility that a pair (x, y) of input and output satisfies the post-
condition, even though x does not satisfy the precondition. We will next define three kinds of
certifying algorithms: strongly certifying, certifying, and weakly certifying algorithms. In the
case of a trivial precondition, i.e., ϕ (x) = T for all x, the three notions coincide.
Strong witness property: Let (x, y, w) ∈ X ×Y ⊥ ×W satisfy the witness predicate. If y =⊥, w
proves that x does not satisfy the precondition and if y ∈ Y , w proves that (x, y) satisfies the
postcondition, i.e.,
Checkability: For a triple (x, y, w) it is trivial to determine the value W (x, y, w).
For the moment, we want to leave the checkability and the simplicity property informal
notions. We invite the reader to check our examples against his/her notion of simplicity and
checkability. We discuss this further in Subsection 5.5.
A strongly certifying algorithm for I/O-specification (ϕ , ψ ) and strong witness predicate W
is an algorithm with the following properties:
We illustrate the definition with two examples. The first example is the test for bipartiteness
already used in the introduction. Here, X is the set of all undirected graphs and the precondition
is trivial. Any graph is a good input. The output set is Y = { YES, NO }. If the output is YES,
the witness is a 2-coloring, if the output is NO, the witness is an odd cycle.
Next, we give an example, where the precondition is non-trivial. We describe a strongly
certifying algorithm that five-colors any planar graph. The algorithm does not decide planarity.
So X is the set of undirected graphs. We use G to denote an input graph. The precondition is
that G is planar. For a planar graph G = (V, E), the algorithm is supposed to color the vertices
of G with five colors such that any two adjacent vertices have distinct colors, i.e., the algorithm
constructs a mapping c : V → { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 } such that for any edge e = (u, v) ∈ E, c(u) 6= c(v).
For a non-planar graph, the algorithm will either prove non-planarity or provide a 5-coloring.
Non-planarity is proven by exhibiting a sequence of planarity preserving transformations that
transform the input graph to a graph that is clearly non-planar. Consider the following recursive
algorithm. If G has at most five vertices, the algorithm returns a coloring. So assume that G has
more than five vertices. If G has more than 3n − 6 edges, the algorithm declares the graph non-
planar. The witness is the number of edges. If G has at most 3n − 6 edges, G must have a vertex
of degree five or less. Let v be such a vertex. If v has degree four or less, the algorithm removes
v from the graph and calls itself on G − v. Clearly, removal of a vertex preserves planarity. If
the recursive call returns a five coloring, it is easily extended to G. If v has degree five, consider
the neighbors of v. If the neighbors of v form a K5 , return it as a witness for non-planarity.
Otherwise, there must be two neighbors, say x and y, that are non-adjacent. Remove v from the
graph, identify x and y, and remove any parallel edges this may create. It is crucial to observe
here that removal of v and identification of x and y, does not destroy planarity. This is easy to
see by conceptualizing a planar drawing and performing the operation there. If the recursive
call returns a five-coloring, it is easy to extend it to G. We use for x and y the color that was
given to their contraction in the smaller graph and we give a color that was not used on the
neighbors of v for v. In this way, we either find a coloring of the input graph G or a sequence
of planarity preserving reductions to a graph G′ that is clearly non-planar; either because it has
too many edges or because it contains a K5 . For any planar graph, the algorithm will produce a
five-coloring. It also will produce five-colorings of some non-planar graphs. For example, it will
color a K5 . If the algorithm fails to find a five-coloring, it produces a witness that the input graph
is non-planar. Note that the algorithm does not decide whether the precondition (that the graph
is planar) was met.
A witness predicate for an I/O-specification (ϕ , ψ ) is a predicate W : X ×Y ⊥ ×W → { T, F }
with the following properties:
Witness property: Let (x, y, w) satisfy the witness predicate. If y =⊥, w proves that x does not
satisfy the precondition. If y ∈ Y , w proves that x does not satisfy the precondition or (x, y)
satisfies the postcondition, i.e.,
(y =⊥ ∧W (x, y, w)) =⇒ ¬ϕ (x) and
∀x, y, w (3)
(y ∈ Y ∧ W (x, y, w)) =⇒ ¬ϕ (x) ∨ ψ (x, y)
The second implication may also be written as y ∈ Y ∧ ϕ (x) ∧ W (x, y, w) =⇒ ψ (x, y).
Checkability: For a triple (x, y, w) it is trivial to determine the value W (x, y, w).
Simplicity: The implications (3) have a simple proof.
In the case of binary search, X is the set of pairs (A, z) where A is an array of numbers and z
is a number, Y is { YES, NO } and W is { 0..n }. For (A, z) ∈ X , y ∈ Y ⊥ and w ∈ W , we have
y = YES ∧ w = i ∈ { 1..n } ∧ z = A[i] or
W (x, y, w) = T iff
y = NO ∧ w = i ∈ { 0..n } ∧ A[i] < z < A[i + 1]
It tries random assignments until is has found a satisfying assignment w. It then outputs y = YES,
together with w as a witness. Checking the satisfiability of x is trivial; w proves it. This algo-
rithm is certifying, however since it does not halt on unsatisfiable input clauses it is only weakly
certifying. A more sophisticated example is the random SAT-solver analyzed by Moser [Mos09],
which finds satisfying assignments of certain sparse SAT-clauses in polynomial time.
Theorem 2. Let (ϕ , ψ ) be an I/O-specification. A certifying decision algorithm for ϕ plus a
weakly certifying algorithm for behavior (ϕ , ψ ) can be combined to a strongly certifying algo-
rithm for behavior (ϕ , ψ ).
Proof: Let x be any input. We first run the certifying decision algorithm for ϕ . It returns
y = ϕ (x) ∈ { T, F } and a witness w certifying the correctness of the output. If y is F, we return ⊥
and w as a witness for ¬ϕ (x). If y is T , we run the weakly certifying algorithm for I/O-behavior
(ϕ , ψ ) on x. Since ϕ (x), the algorithm returns a y′ with ψ (x, y′ ) and a witness w′ certifying the
correctness of the output. We return y′ and w′ .
5.4. Efficiency
We call a certifying algorithm P efficient if there is an accompanying checker C, such that
the asymptotic running of both P and C is at most the running time of the best known algorithm
satisfying the I/O-specification. All examples we have treated so far are efficient. We now give
an example, where no efficient certifying algorithm is known. The 3-connectedness problem asks
whether a graph may be disconnected by removing two vertices. Linear time algorithms [HT73,
MR92] for this problem are known, but none of them is certifying.
Certifying that a graph is not 3-connected is simple, it suffices to provide a set S of vertices,
|S| ≤ 2, such that G \ S is not connected. To certify that their removal disconnects the graph we
can, for example, use the algorithm that certifies the connected components (see Subsection 2.2).
Thus, we now focus on 3-connected graphs and describe an O(n2 ) algorithm that certifies 3-
connectivity (a different certifying O(n2 ) algorithm can be found in [Sch10]). We omit details
on how to find a separating set during the execution of the algorithm, in case the input graph is
not 3-connected. As certificate for 3-connectivity we will use a sequence of edge contractions
resulting in the K4 , the complete graph on 4 vertices. The contraction of an edge e = xy of a
graph G is the graph G/e obtained by replacing x and y with a single vertex, whose neighbors
are N(x) ∪N(y) \ {x, y}. We call an edge e of a 3-connected graph G contractible if the contracted
graph G/e is 3-connected. A separating pair is a pair of vertices whose removal disconnects the
Lemma 4. Let e = (x, y) be an edge of a simple graph G whose end-vertices have a degree of at
least 3. If G/e is 3-connected, then G is 3-connected.
Proof: Since contractions cannot connect a disconnected graph, the original graph G is con-
nected. There are no cut-vertices in G, as they would map to cut-vertices in G/e.
Any separating pair of G must contain one of the end-vertices of edge e. Otherwise the pair
is also separating in G/e. It cannot contain both x and y, otherwise the contracted vertex xy is
a cut-vertex in G/e. It suffices now to show that x, u, with u ∈ V (G) \ y is not a separating pair.
Suppose otherwise, then the graph G − {x, u} is disconnected, but the graph G − {x, y, u} is not.
Thus {y} is a component of G − {x, u}. But this is a contradiction since y has degree at least 3
in G.
To certify the 3-connectivity of a graph G, it thus suffices to provide a sequence of edges
which, when contracted in that order, have endpoints with a degree of a least 3 and whose con-
traction results in a K4 . We call such a sequence a Tutte sequence. We now focus on how to find
the contraction sequence, given a 3-connected graph.
The O(n2 ) algorithm needs three ingredients: First we require the O(n2 ) algorithm by Nag-
amochi and Ibaraki [NI92] that finds a sparse spanning 3-connected subgraph of G with at most
3n − 6 edges. Second we require a linear time algorithm for 2-connectivity. Third we require a
structure theorem, that shows how to determine a small candidate set of edges among which we
find a contractible edge.
Consider now a vertex v of minimal degree in a 3-connected graph. If it has degree three, it
cannot have four neighbors of degree three and hence must have an incident contractible edge.
If it has degree four or more, it cannot have a neighbor of degree three (because otherwise, its
degree would not be minimal) and hence must have an incident contractible edge. Also note that
an edge xy in a 3-connected graph is contractible, if G − {x, y} is 2-connected.
We explain how to find the first n/2 contractions in time O(n2). By repeating the procedure
we obtain an algorithm that has overall a running time of O(n2 ).
First use the algorithm by Nagamochi and Ibaraki [NI92]. The resulting graph has 3n − 6
edges. Thus while performing the first n/2 contractions, there will always be a vertex with
degree at most 2 · 2 · 3 = 12. Choosing a vertex of minimal degree, we obtain a set of at most 12
candidate edges, one of which must be contractible. To test whether an edge xy is contractible,
we check whether G − {x, y} is 2-connected with some linear time algorithm for 2-connectivity.
Theorem 4 ([Sch10]). A Tutte sequence for a 3-connected graph can be found in time O(n2 ).
It remains a challenge to find a linear time certifying algorithm for 3-connectivity of graphs.
A linear time certifying algorithm for graphs 3-connectivity of Hamiltonian graphs was recently
found [EMS10]; it assumes that the Hamiltonian cycle is part of the input.
Efficiency and Usefulness:. For some problems, e.g., testing bipartiteness, maximum flow, match-
ings, and min-cost flows, the best known algorithms are certifying and the cost of checking the
witness is negligible compared to the cost of computing it. For such programs, it is best to in-
tegrate the checker into the program. For other problems, e.g., planarity testing, certification
increases running time by a non-negligible multiplicative factor (more than 2 and less than 10).
Finally, there are problems, such as triconnectivity, where the best known certifying algorithm
has worse asymptotic complexity than the best known non-certifying algorithm. Even for the
latter kind of problem, certification is useful for two reasons. First, one can use the certifying
version to generate test instances for the non-certifying version, and second, for small instances
the slow certifying version may be fast enough.
5.5. Simplicity and Checkability
The definition of a certifying algorithm and its variants involve two non-mathematical terms
that we have not made precise: simplicity and checkability. They guarantee that it is “easy to
check” whether a witness w shows that an output is correct for a given input. We now elaborate
on these terms.
• W has a simple logical structure. For example, we might require that x, y, and w are
strings, that W is a conjunction of O(|x| + |y| + |w|) elementary predicates and that each
predicate tests a simple property of relatively short substrings.
• There is a simple logical system, in which we can decide whether W (x, y, w) holds.
• We can formally verify the correctness of the program deciding W (x, y, w).
Most witness predicates discussed in this article satisfy all definitions above. In Section 6 we
further investigate checkers, i.e., programs that determine the value of a witness predicate W .
Simplicity:. The witness property is easily verified, i.e., the (equivalent) implications
have an elementary proof. Here, we assumed that the precondition is trivial. For the case of a
non-trivial precondition, either statement (2) or (3) should have an elementary proof (the former
in the case of a strongly certifying algorithm, the latter in the other cases). We find that all witness
predicates discussed in this article fulfill the simplicity property.
Observe that we make no assumption about the difficulty of establishing the existence of a
witness. In the case of a strongly certifying or certifying algorithm, this would be the statement
Indeed, the existence of witnesses is usually a non-trivial mathematical statement, and its com-
putation a non-trivial computational task. For example, it is non-trivial to prove that a non-planar
graph necessarily contains a Kuratowski subgraph (Subsection 2.5) and is non-trivial to prove
that a maximum matching can always be certified by an odd-set cover (Subsection 2.6). Fortu-
nately, a user of a certifying algorithm does not need to understand why a witness exists in all
cases. He only needs to convince himself that it is easy to recognize witnesses and that a witness,
indeed, certifies the correctness of the algorithm on the given instance.
The “definition” above rules out some obviously undesirable situations:
2. Another extreme is to define W (x, y, w) as “ψ (x, y)”. For this predicate simplicity is triv-
ially given. However, deciding W amounts to a solution of the original problem.
As our definition is not and cannot be made mathematically stringent, whether an algorithm
should be accepted as certifying is a matter of taste. However, if we drop our non-mathematical
requirement of “easiness to check”, we can ask formal questions on the existence of certifying
A more stringent version of this question asks, in addition, about the resource requirements
of the certifying program.
Question 2. Does every program P have an efficient strongly certifying or certifying or weakly
certifying counterpart, i.e., a counterpart with essentially the same running time?
For an ordinary certifying counterpart, we would replace strong witness predicate by witness
predicate in the first condition. For a weakly certifying counterpart, we would additionally re-
place the second condition by the following: if Q halts on x, it computes a triple (x, y, w) with
W (x, y, w), and if ϕ (x) then Q halts on x. We address these questions in the next two subsections.
5.6. Deterministic Programs with Trivial Preconditions
We show that every deterministic program that has a trivial precondition ϕ (x) = T for all x
can be made certifying with only a constant overhead in running time. This sounds like a very
strong result. It is not really; the argument formalizes the intuition that a formal correctness
proof is a witness of correctness. The construction shows some resemblance to proof-carrying
code [NL96].
Let ψ be a postcondition and let P be a program (in a programming language L with well-
defined semantics) with I/O-behavior (T, ψ ). We assume that we have a proof (in some formal
system S) of the fact that P realizes (T, ψ ), i.e., a proof of the statement4
• Checkability: The check whether a triple (x, y, w) satisfies the witness predicate is
easy. We use a proof checker for the formal system S to verify that w2 is a proof for
statement (6). We use an interpreter for the programming language L to verify that
w3 is the run of P on input x and that y = P(x).
• Strong witness property and Simplicity: The proof of the implication W (x, y, w) ⇒
ψ (x, y) is elementary: Assume W (x, y, w). Then w = (w1 , w2 , w3 ), where w1 is the
program text of some program P, w2 is a proof (in system S) that P realizes I/O-
behavior (T, ψ ), w3 is the computation of P on input x, and y is the output of w3 .
Thus y = P(x) and ψ (x, P(x)).
2. For every input x algorithm Q computes a witness w with W (x, P(x), w). This follows from
the definition of Q.
3. The running time of Q is asymptotically no larger than the running time of P. The same
holds true for the space complexity. Observe that Q produces a large output; however, the
workspace requirement is the same as for P. The same is true for the checker described in
the checkability argument.
Theorem 5. Every deterministic program for I/O-specification (T, ψ ) has an efficient strongly
certifying counterpart. This assumes that a proof for (6) in a formal system is available.
We admit that the construction above leaves much to be desired. It is not a practical way of
constructing certifying algorithms. After all, certifying programs are an approach to correctness
when a formal correctness proof is out of reach. A frequent reaction to Theorems 5 and 7 is that
they contradict intuition. In fact, we also started out wanting to prove the opposite. In an attempt
to prove that some algorithms cannot be certifying without loss of efficiency, we discovered
Theorem 5. We come back to this point in Section 14.
However, the construction is also quite assuring and gives strong moral support. Every deter-
ministic program can be made certifying with only a constant loss in time and space. So, when
searching for a certifying algorithm we only have to try hard enough; we are guaranteed to suc-
ceed. The construction also captures the intuition that certification is no harder than a formal
correctness proof of a program.
Theorem 6. Consider the following task. The input consists of two strings s and x. The pre-
condition states that the string is the description of a Turing machine which halts on x. The
postcondition states that the output is the result of running s on x. This behavior can be realized
algorithmically, however it cannot be realized by a certifying algorithm.
Proof: The behavior is easy to implement, take any universal Turing machine. It is even con-
ceivable to prove the correctness of the implementation. After all, universal Turing machines are
quite simple programs.
However, there is no certifying algorithm implementing this behavior. What would a cer-
tifying algorithm have to do on input s and x? It either outputs ⊥ and proves that s is not the
description of a Turing machine halting on x, or it provides an output y, and then proves that s
is not the description of a Turing machine halting on x or that the output of the Turing machine
described by s on x is y. By standard diagonalization we can show that such an algorithm (which
would essentially have to solve the halting problem) cannot exist: Suppose H(s, x) is a program
that always halts, and, whenever s encodes a Turing machine halting on input x with some out-
put, then H outputs the same output. Consider the program P, that on input s′ calls H(s′ , s′ )
and outputs something differing from H(s′ , s′ ). Since H always halts, P always halts. If p is a
description of P then P(p) 6= H(p, p) = P(p), a contradiction.
Note that there exists a weakly certifying algorithm that solves the problem. The reason is
that weakly certifying algorithms do not have to halt when the precondition is not fulfilled. In
fact every program can be made weakly certifying, as we show next.
Every Program can be Made Weakly Certifying:. We modify the argumentation of Subsec-
tion 5.6. Let (ϕ , ψ ) be an I/O-specification and let P be a program (in a programming language
L with well-defined semantics) with I/O-behavior (ϕ , ψ ). We assume that we have a proof (in
some formal system S) that P realizes (ϕ , ψ ), i.e., a proof of the statement
• Checkability: The check whether a triple (x, y, w) satisfies the witness predicate is
again easy. We use a proof checker for the formal system S to verify that w2 is a
proof for statement (7). We use an interpreter for the programming language L to
verify that w3 is the run of P on input x and that y = P(x). Note that this checker
always halts.
• Witness property and Simplicity: Assume W (x, y, w). Then w = (w1 , w2 , w3 ), where
w1 is the program text of some program P, w2 is a proof for (7), w3 is the computa-
tion of P on input x, and y is the output of w3 . Thus y = P(x) and either ¬ϕ (x) or
ψ (x, P(x)). This proof is elementary.
2. For every input x with ϕ (x), algorithm Q computes a witness w with W (x, P(x), w). This
follows from the definition of Q.
Theorem 7. Every deterministic program for I/O-specification has an efficient weakly certifying
counterpart. This assumes that a proof for (7) in a formal system is available.
5.8. An Objection
Several colleagues suggested to restrict the length of and the computation time required to
check the witness, e.g., to a polynomial in the length of the input. Following the suggestion
would have the undesirable consequence that only problems in NP ∩ coNP could have certifying
Lemma 5. Let f : X → { 0, 1 } and assume that f has a witness predicate W with polynomial
size witnesses and that W can be evaluated in polynomial time. Then f ∈ NP ∩ coNP.
Proof: We guess the output y and the witness w and compute W (x, y, w). In this way, we obtain
a polynomial-time nondeterministic algorithm for the yes- as well as the no-instances of f . Thus
f ∈ NP ∩ coNP.
6. Checkers
A checker for a witness predicate W is an algorithm C that on input (x, y, w) returns W (x, y, w).
Figure 1 in the introduction compares the I/O behavior of a non-certifying program with a certi-
fying program and demonstrates how a checker is used to ensure that the witness w certifies that
y is the correct output for input x. When designing checkers, there are several aspects that we are
interested in:
1. Correctness: Checkers must be correct.
2. Running time: Ideally, the running time of a checker is linear in the size of its input, i.e.,
the size of the triple (x, y, w).
4. Required randomness (see Section 10): Checkers may use randomness. Most users will
prefer deterministic checkers over randomized checkers.
Correctness is the crucial issue. The concept of certifying algorithm relies on our ability to write
correct checkers. What approaches do we have? We may take the pragmatic approach or use
formal verification for checkers. We discuss these options next.
Problem LoC(P) LoC(C) Reference
Max Cardinality Matching 280 26 [MN99, Section 7.7]
Planarity 900 130 [MN99, Section 8.7]
Table 1: The length (in lines of code (LoC)) of two modules and the corresponding checkers in LEDA. The second
line refers to the module that computes maximum matchings in graphs. The module has 280 LoC, the checker has
26 LoC. It verifies that an odd-set cover proves the optimality of a matching in a general graph, see Section 2.5.
The third line refers to the planarity test module. It computes combinatorial planar embeddings of planar graphs
and exhibits Kuratowski subgraphs in non-planar graphs and has 900 LoC. The corresponding checkers verify that
a combinatorial embedding satisfies Euler’s relation, see Section 2.6, and that a list of edges in a graph G forms a
Kuratowski subgraph. The former checker hat 35 LoC, the latter checker has 95 LoC and is the longest checker in
In the second method the checker prevents (or monitors) alterations of the input. Recall that
in the case of binary search (see Subsection 5.2) the second method has to be applied to prevent
dramatic increase of the running time. In the case of sorting, alterations of the input may for
example be monitored by using only a trusted version of swap (see Section 11).
Instance Correctness:. If the checker accepts (x, y, w), w proves that either ¬φ (x) or ψ (x, y). In
the case of a strongly certifying algorithm, we also know which alternative holds. We are certain
that P worked correctly on the instance x. We emphasize that we do not know that the program
will work correctly for all inputs, we only know it for instance x. If the checker rejects (x, y, w),
w is not a valid certificate and we know that P erred either in the computation of y or in the
computation of the certificate w.
Testing on all Inputs:. Testing is the most popular method to ensure correctness of implementa-
tions. The implementation is run on inputs for which the correct result is already known and only
released if the correct output is produced for all test inputs. The standard objection to testing is,
of course, that it can only prove the presence of errors and not the absence of errors. There is also
a second objection: one can only test on inputs for which the answer is already known. What if
your algorithm is the first for a certain task and you know the answer only on a very small set
of inputs or if your algorithm is much more efficient than all previous algorithms and hence you
can run the other algorithms only for small inputs? Using certifying algorithms, we can now test
our program on every input x and not just on inputs for which we already know the right answer
by other means. We can even test our program whenever it is executed.
Confinement of Error:. Whenever a certifying program fails on an input, the checker catches the
error. In a system consisting of certifying components, errors are caught by the failing module
and do not spread over to other modules. This greatly simplifies the task of finding the source of
the error.
More Effective Program Development:. Program modules are usually incorrect or incomplete
during much of their development phase. Confinement of error is particularly important during
this phase.
Trust with Minimal Intellectual Investment:. Which intellectual investment does a user have to
make in order to trust a certifying program? Not much. First, he has to understand, why a witness
proves the correctness of the program on a particular instance, and second he has to verify that
the checker is correct.
Remote Computation:. Certification allows a user to locally (e.g., on a mobile device) verify an
answer that has been computed at some distant location (e.g., on a fast remote server), even if
the software used for computation is untrusted, or the channel by which the result is transferred
is noisy. This allows the usage of untrusted fast remote servers.
Verified Checkers:. As we will see in the examples, checkers are frequently so simple, that their
formal verification is feasible. Also, they are frequently so efficient compared to the program
itself, that we may be willing to write them in a less efficient programming language which eases
Black-Box Programs:. In order to develop trust in a certifying program there is no need to have
access to the source text of the program. It suffices to have access to the source of the checker
since only its correctness needs to be verified. In other words, the intellectual property can be
kept secret and yet trust can be developed.
This argument is somewhat compromised by our theoretical constructions in Section 5.
There, code (either in source or in binary form) and correctness proof are part of the witness
and cannot be kept secret. Zero-knowledge proofs might allow to overcome this problem.
Tamperproofness:. Certifying algorithms are resistant to tampering. If a triple (x, y, w) does not
pass the witness predicate, the checker rejects it. If it satisfied the witness predicate despite
the fact that the program was tampered with, the user receives a correct result and does neither
notices nor cares about the tampering.
Efficiency of Checking:. In all examples discussed in this paper, the checker runs in time linear
in the size of the triple (x, y, w) and, in the case of algorithms with super-linear running time the
length of w is sublinear in the running time of the algorithm.
On the contrary, a program that only returns its answer and nothing else cannot be checked
in sub-computing time or space (at least if its answers belongs to some finite set). Otherwise, we
would simply present the input with all possible answers to the checker. Exactly one answer will
be accepted and so we return it as the answer to the input.
Certifying Algorithms, a Challenge for Algorithmics:. Most existing algorithms are non-certifying.
It is a challenge for algorithmics to find certifying algorithms which are as efficient as the ex-
isting non-certifying ones. The design of certificates frequently leads to deeper insight into the
problem structure.
Better Programming:. Turning a correct algorithm into a correct program is an error-prone task.
An algorithm is the description of a problem solving method intended for human consumption.
It is usually described in natural language, pseudo-code, mathematical notation or a mixture
thereof. A program is the description of a problem solving method intended for execution by a
machine. It is written in a programming language and usually much more detailed than the al-
gorithm. Certifying algorithms are easier to implement correctly than non-certifying algorithms
because they can be tested on all inputs.
Practical Experience:. Mehlhorn and Näher adopted the concept of certifying algorithms a
design principle for the LEDA [MN99, LED] library of efficient data types and algorithms,
the name “certifying algorithm” was coined in [KMMS06]. They started to build LEDA in
1989 [MN89, NM90]. They implemented conventional algorithms and some checks for asser-
tions and post-conditions, and tested extensively. Nevertheless at least two major programs were
incorrect when first released: the planarity test, see Subsection 2.6 and Section 3, and the con-
vex hull algorithm in arbitrary dimensional spaces, see Section 9.1. In the attempt to correct the
errors in these programs, Mehlhorn and Näher adopted the concept of certifying programs and
reported about it in [MNU97, MN98]. For the LEDA book [MN99], many algorithms were reim-
plemented and a large number of the algorithms in LEDA were made certifying, in particular,
the graph and geometry algorithms. However, there are still large parts which are non-certifying,
e.g., all algorithms working on the number types of LEDA.
Hidden Assumptions:. A checker can only be written if the problem at hand is rigorously de-
fined. Mehlhorn and Näher noticed that some of their specifications in LEDA contained hidden
assumptions which were revealed during the design of the checker. For example, an early version
of the biconnected components algorithm assumed that the graph contains no isolated nodes.
8. General Techniques
There are several general techniques, that facilitate the design of certifying algorithms. We
start their discussion by considering reductions that preserve witnesses.
8.1. Reduction
Reduction is a powerful problem solving method. In order to solve a problem, we reduce it
to a problem for which we already know a solution. More precisely, we want to solve problem
P using an algorithm A′ for a problem P′ and two transformations. Transformation f translates
problem instances of problem P into problem instances of problem P′ which are then solved
by means of algorithm A′ . The result of A′ is translated back to an output of P by means of a
transformation5 g. Thus f : X → X ′ , g : X × Y ′ → Y and A(x) = g(x, A′ ( f (x))) is an algorithm
for P.
In this section, we show how to use reductions in the context of certifying algorithms. We will
first discuss an example – a reduction of maximum cardinality bipartite matching to maximum
5 This transformation has inputs y′ , the output of A′ , and x, the instance of P to be solved. The input x is needed
flow – and then give a general formulation. The main additional requirement is the availability
of a transformation that transforms witnesses for P′ into witnesses for P.
8.1.1. An Example
A matching in a graph is a set of edges no two of which share an endpoint. A maximum
cardinality matching or maximum matching is a matching of maximum cardinality. A node
cover C is a set of nodes covering all edges in G, i.e., for each edge of G at least one endpoint is
in C. The following Lemma is a special case of the discussion in Section 2.5.
Lemma 6. Let G be a bipartite graph, M be any matching in G, and C be any node cover. Then
|M| ≤ |C|. If |M| = |C|, M is a maximum cardinality matching in G.
Proof: We define a mapping from M to C. For any edge in the matching at least one endpoint
must be in the node cover. We can therefore map any edge in the matching to a node in the cover.
This mapping is injective, since edges in a matching do not share endpoints. Thus |M| ≤ |C|.
A network is a directed graph G = (V, E) with a nonnegative capacity function cap defined
on the edges and two designated nodes s and t. A flow is a function f defined on the edges that
observes the capacity constraints, i.e., 0 ≤ f (e) ≤ cap(e) for any edge e, and observes the flow
conservation constraints, i.e., for any node v different from s and t, the flow out of v is the same
as the flow into v, i.e., excess(v) = ∑e;e=(v,w) f (e) − ∑e;e=(u,v) f (e) = 0. The value of the flow is
the excess of s, i.e., val( f ) = excess(s). An (s,t)-cut (S, T ) is a partition of V into two sets S
and T such that s ∈ S, t ∈ T , V = S ∪ T and S ∩ T = 0. / The capacity of a cut (S, T ) is the total
capacity of the edges going from S to T , i.e, cap(S, T ) = ∑e∈S×T cap(e).
Lemma 7. Let G be a network with source s and sink t, f an (s,t)-flow and (S, T ) an (s,t)-
cut. Then val( f ) ≤ cap(S, T ). If val( f ) = cap(S, T ), then f is a flow of maximum value and
f (e) = cap(e) for all e ∈ S × T and f (e) = 0 for all e ∈ T × S.
Proof: We have
val( f ) = excess(s)
= ∑ excess(v)
= ∑ ∑ f (e) − ∑ f (e)
v∈S e;e=(v,w) e;e=(u,v)
= ∑ f (e) − ∑ f (e)
e∈S×T e∈T ×S
≤ cap(S, T ) .
Figure 9: The figure on the left shows a bipartite graph G, a maximum matching M (= the heavy edges) and a node
cover C (= the filled vertices). The figure on the right shows the corresponding flow network (all edges are directed
from left to right and have capacity one), a maximum flow (= the heavy edges), and an (s,t)-cut (S, T ); S consists
of the filled vertices. The maximum flow and the (s,t)-cut induce a maximum matching and a node cover. The
matching consists of the saturated edges and C consists of the vertices in T ∩U plus the vertices in S ∩W plus the
vertices in U ∩ S that have an edge to a vertex in T ∩W .
The reduction from maximum bipartite matching to maximum flow is as follows: Let G =
(U ∪W, E) be a bipartite graph. We construct an auxiliary graph G′ with node set V = U ∪W ∪
{ s,t }, where s and t are new nodes. We have edges from s to all nodes in U , direct the edges in
E from U to W , and edges from all nodes in W to t. All edges have capacity one.
Let f0 be an integral maximum flow. We construct a matching M0 in G from it by putting
into M0 precisely the edges in E that carry a flow of one.
Proof: Since the edges from s to any node in U and from any node in W to t have capacity one
and our flow is integral, the flow out of a node in U is at most one and the flow into a node in W
is at most one. Thus M0 is a matching and |M0| = val( f0 ).
We next show how to translate cuts into node covers. Figure 10 illustrates this construction.
Let (S, T ) be an (s,t)-cut. We define
Proof: Let e = (u, w) be any edge of our bipartite graph. If either u ∈ T or w ∈ S, e is clearly
covered. So assume u ∈ S and w ∈ T . Then e is covered by the third term in the definition of C.
Thus C is a node cover.
0000 111
1111 000
.. 000
1111 000
1111 000
1111 000
1111 T
Figure 10: The figure demonstrates how to obtain a node cover from a cut (S, T ). The cover contains the nodes
in T ∩ U, S ∩ W and the source nodes of the edges in (S ∩ U) × (T ∩ W ). Every edge has an endpoint in a shaded
region, which shows that the set of vertices in the shaded region is a node cover.
Lemma 10. Let (S0 , T0 ) be an (s,t)-cut with val( f0 ) = cap(S0 , T0 ) and let M0 and C0 be the
corresponding matching and node cover. Then |M0| = |C0 |.
Proof: We have
|M0 | = val( f0 )
= cap(S0 , T0 )
= |S0 ∩W | + |T0 ∩U | + |{ e = (u, w) ∈ (S0 ∩U ) × (T0 ∩W ) }|
≤ |S0 ∩W | + |T0 ∩U | + | {u | there is an edge e = (u, w) ∈ (U ∩ S0 ) × (W ∩ T0 ) } |
= |C0 |,
where the second equality follows from the fact that there are |S0 ∩ W | edges (w,t) in S0 × T0
and |T0 ∩ U | edges (s, u) in S0 × T0 and the inequality follows from the fact that all edges in
S0 × T0 are saturated and hence counting endpoints in U is equivalent to counting the edges
in (S0 ∩U ) × (T0 ∩W ).
The example demonstrates how to design a certifying algorithm via a reduction to a differ-
ent problem, for which a certifying algorithm is already known. After we describe the general
approach to reductions, we explain why and how the previous example is a special case.
8.1.2. The General Approach
We now describe a general approach for obtaining certifying algorithms via reductions.
ϕ (x) =⇒ ϕ ( f (x)).
Then the following algorithm A is a (strongly, weakly) certifying algorithm for I/O-specification
(ϕ , ψ ) and witness predicate W .
3. translate y′ into y = g(x, y′ ) and w′ into w = h(x, y′ , w′ ) and return (y, w).
Proof: Assume first that W and W ′ are (strong) witness predicates and A′ is a (strongly) cer-
tifying algorithm. Let x ∈ X be arbitrary and let x′ = f (x) be the corresponding input for A′ .
Algorithm A′ terminates on x′ and returns a pair (y′ , w′ ) with W ′ (x, y′ , w′ ). Then W (x, y, w)
by implication (8). Thus A is a (strongly) certifying algorithm for I/O-specification (ϕ , ψ ) and
witness predicate W .
We come to the case that A′ is weakly certifying. Let x ∈ X satisfy ϕ (x). Then ϕ ′ (x′ ) and
hence A′ terminates and returns a pair (y′ , w′ ). Thus A terminates and W (x, y, w).
It may seem strange that the implication ϕ (x) =⇒ ϕ ( f (x)) is only needed in the case of
weakly certifying algorithms. Note however, that even in this case, it is only used to conclude
that A′ terminates on x′ . Since (strongly) certifying algorithms are total, their termination is given
for free. So assume that f translates an input x with ϕ (x) into an x′ with ¬ϕ ′ (x′ ) and A′ produces
a witness w′ that proves that x′ violates the precondition. In such a situation, it is unlikely that one
can prove the implication W ′ ( f (x), y′ , w′ ) =⇒ W (x, g(x, y′ ), h(x, y′ , w′ )). It is not impossible,
e.g., if the I/O-specification (ϕ , ψ ) is trivial.
Let us illustrate Theorem 8 on our previous example. We have
• Y = the set of matchings in G (alternatively Y = all subsets of E).
Lemma 11 (Linear Programming Duality). For linear programs, the following holds:
(a) Weak Duality: If x∗ and y∗ are solutions to a linear program and its dual, respectively, then
cT x∗ ≤ y∗ T b.
(b) Complementary Slackness: Assume x∗ and y∗ are solutions to a linear program and its dual,
respectively, with cT x∗ = y∗ T b. Let A(·,i) be the i-th column of A and let A( j,·) be the j-th row
of A. Then ci = y∗ T A(·,i) whenever x∗i > 0 and b j = A( j,·) x∗ whenever y j > 0.
(c) Strong Duality: If both programs are feasible, then there are solutions x∗ and y∗ with cT x∗ =
y∗ T b.
Proof: We only prove weak duality and complementary slackness. For strong duality, we refer
the reader to any textbook on linear programming, e.g., [Sch86]. Weak duality is easy to prove.
We have
cT x∗ ≤ y∗ T Ax∗ ≤ y∗ T b .
The first inequality follows from cT ≤ y∗ T A and x∗ ≥ 0 and the second inequality follows from
Ax∗ ≤ b and y∗ ≥ 0.
Assume now that cT x∗ = y∗ T b. Then both inequalities in the equation above must be equali-
ties, i.e.,
cT x∗ = y∗ T Ax∗ = y∗ T b .
In particular for any i with x∗i > 0, we must have ci = y∗ T A(·,i) and for any j with y∗j > 0, we must
have b j = A( j,·)x∗ , showing the complementary slackness.
So a certifying algorithm for solving linear programs outputs a primal solution x∗ and a dual
solution y∗ with cT x∗ = y∗ T b. Observe, that it is trivial to check whether x∗ is a solution for the
primal, that y∗ is a feasible solution for the dual, and that cT x∗ = y∗ T b. Also the proof that this
certifies optimality is trivial as we have seen above. It is only the existence of x∗ and y∗ (i.e., the
strong duality) which is hard to prove, but this is not needed to be convinced.
The previous section, that deals with the reduction of bipartite matching to the computation
of a maximum flow, shows an example of linear programming duality. The dual problem to
the maximum flow problem is the minimum (s,t)-cut problem. As a second example we now
consider the minimum spanning tree problem.
Minimum Spanning Trees:. Let G = (V, E) be an undirected connected graph and let w : E → R≥0
be a nonnegative weight function on the edges. The goal is to find a spanning tree T ⊆ E of
minimum weight w(T ) = ∑e∈T w(e).
What constitutes a proof of optimality? Figure 11 illustrates such a proof; the drawing and
the usage of the word “moat” is inspired by [JP93]. For a partition π of the vertex set let #(π )
be the number of blocks of π and let δ (π ) be the set of edges whose endpoints belong to distinct
blocks of π . Assume we have nonnegative values yπ , one for each partition π of the vertex set
Figure 11: The figure shows the minimum Euclidean spanning tree of points A, B, C, and D. The four points define
a complete graph on four vertices; the weight of an edge is the Euclidean distance between its endpoints. The edges
shown form a minimum spanning tree of this graph.
The figure also shows a proof of optimality of this spanning tree in the form of three moats of radii rred < rgreen <
rblue . Any spanning tree T ′ must have three edges crossing the red moat (= the union of the three red circles) and
hence accrues a cost of 3 ·2 ·rred within the red moat. Similarly, it must have two edges crossing the green moat (= the
region within the green circles, but outside of the red circles) and hence accrues a cost of at least 2 · 2 · (rgreen − rred )
within the green moat. Finally, it must have at least one edge crossing the blue moat (= the region within the blue
circles but outside the green circles) and hence accrues a cost of at least 1 · 2 · (rblue − rgreen ) in the blue moat. The
tree shown accrues exactly these costs.
such that
∑ yπ (#(π ) − 1) = ∑ we (9)
π e∈T
Lemma 12. If (9) to (11) hold, T is a minimum weight spanning tree.
Proof: Let T ′ be any spanning tree. For any partition π , the number of edges in δ (π ) ∩ T ′ must
be at least #(π ) − 1 and hence
We next show how to compute the values yπ ; the construction will associate nonzero values
yπ only with n − 1 partitions. Let T be an alleged minimum spanning tree and let e1 , e2 , . . . , en−1
be the edges of T in increasing order of weight; ties are broken arbitrarily. Let π1 be the partition
consisting of n singleton blocks and, for i ≥ 2, let πi+1 be obtained from πi by uniting the blocks
containing the endpoints of ei . Observe that the endpoints must be in distinct blocks since T is a
tree. We define yπ = 0 for any π that is not in { π1 , . . . , πn−1 }. For simplicity, write yi instead of
yπi and define6 (
we1 if i = 1
yi =
wei − wei−1 if i > 1.
Lemma 13. (9) to (11) hold for the values yπ as defined above.
Proof: All values yπ are nonnegative. The blocks of πi are exactly the connected compo-
nents of the graph (V, { e1 , . . ., ei−1 }). Thus ei has its endpoints in different blocks for all parti-
tions π1 , π2 , . . ., πi and has both endpoints in the same block of π j for j > i and hence
Consider next a non-tree edge e and let i be maximal such that the endpoints of e are in distinct
blocks of πi . Then e must connect the same blocks of πi as ei does; otherwise the endpoints of e
would be in distinct blocks of πi+1 . Thus e and ei lie on a common cycle of (V, { e1 , . . . , ei , e })
and hence w(e) ≥ w(ei ). Thus (10) holds.
6 The radii of the moats shown in Figure 11 are half of these yi ’s.
Finally, inspecting the proof of Lemma 12 with T ′ = T , all inequalities must be equalities
and hence (9) holds.
How does one arrive at this certificate? Linear Programming is the key ([CCPS98]). The
fractional minimum weight spanning subgraph problem is easily formulated as a linear program.
We have a nonnegative variable xe for each edge. The value of xe designates the fraction with
which e belongs to the spanning subgraph. The goal is to minimize ∑e∈E we xe . We have a
constraint for each partition π of V , namely that ∑e∈δ π xe ≥ #(π ) − 1, i.e., for each partition, we
must pick at least #(π ) − 1 edges connecting vertices in different blocks of the partition. We may
do so by picking edges fractionally. We obtain the following formulation as a linear program.
minimize ∑ we xe
subject to ∑ xe ≥ #(π ) − 1 for all partitions π of V
e∈δ (π )
xe ≥ 0 for all e ∈ E.
It is not obvious that this linear program always has an integral optimal solution. The dual linear
program has a variable yπ for every partition π and reads:
A spanning tree is an integral solution to the primal and Lemma 13 shows that there is a dual
solution with the same objective value. Thus a minimum spanning tree is an optimal solution to
the primal and the dual solution proves its optimality. Lemma 12 is a proof of weak duality for
this special case.
Verifying Linear Programs:. Linear programming duality is a great method for checking opti-
mality of solutions to linear programs. Given a feasible solution x∗ to the primal program linear
maximize cT x subject to Ax ≤ b and x ≥ 0
and a feasible solution y∗ to the corresponding dual linear program
the equality
cT x∗ = y∗ T b (12)
implies optimality of both solutions. Unfortunately, linear programming solvers [CPL, SoP] for
general linear programs are numerical procedures and yield only approximate solutions. So we
AB xB bB
yB yN
cB cN
Figure 12: The decomposition into basic and non-basic variables. For simplicity, we assumed that AB is the left
upper corner of the constraint matrix.
cannot hope that the computed approximate solutions satisfy equation (12). Fortunately, linear
programming solvers also return a combinatorial description of the optimal solution in terms of
a basis.
A basis is a square non-singular sub-matrix AB of the constraint matrix A. We call the primal
variables corresponding to columns of AB basic and denote them by xB ; the other primal variables
are called non-basic and denoted by xN . Similarly, we call the dual variables corresponding to
rows of AB basic and denote them by yB ; the other dual variables are called non-basic and denoted
by yN . Analogously, we split b into bB and bN and c into cB and cN , see Figure 12. A basis induces
a primal solution (x̂TB , x̂TN ) (not necessarily feasible) and a dual solution (ŷTB , ŷTN ) (not necessarily
feasible) by way of:
AB x̂B = bB or x̂B = A−1
B bB and x̂N = 0 (13)
ŷTB AB = cTB or ŷTB = cTB A−1
B and ŷN = 0 (14)
The objective value of these solutions is equal. Indeed,
T T x̂B T T −1 T T bB
(cB , cN ) = cB x̂B = cB AB bB = ŷB bB = (ŷB , ŷN ) .
x̂N bN
A basis is primal feasible if x̂B ≥ 0 and is dual feasible if ŷB ≥ 0.
Lemma 14. If a basis is primal and dual feasible, the corresponding primal (x̂TB , x̂TN ) and dual
solution (ŷTB , ŷTN ) are optimal.
Proof: (x̂TB , x̂TN ) is a solution to the primal linear program, (ŷTB , ŷTN ) is a solution to the dual linear
program, and their objective values are equal. Thus, the solutions are optimal by Theorem 11.
Optimality of a basis B can now be checked as follows [DFK+ 03]. Equations (13) and (14)
are used to compute the primal and dual solutions corresponding to the basis; the computation
is carried out in exact rational arithmetic. If both solutions are feasible, the basis is optimal. In
this way, the speed of floating point arithmetic is used to find the optimal basis and the exactness
of rational arithmetic is used to certify the solution. If the basis is not optimal but “close to
optimal”, it can be taken as the starting basis for an exact primal or dual Simplex algorithm.
The use of exact rational arithmetic can be replaced by the use of high-precision floating point
arithmetic [ACDE07].
8.3. Characterization Theorems
Within characterization theorems sometimes lies the potential to certify an output. We have
already seen examples of this: A graph is not planar if and only if it contains a Kuratowski
subgraph (see Section 2.6), and a graph is not 3-connected if and only if it contains a separating
pair (see Section 5.4).
Interestingly these characterizations follow a certain pattern: One direction of the proof of
the characterization is easy, and this side corresponds to required simplicity of the witness. The
more difficult direction is the one required to establish the existence of a witness.
To clarify this statement we provide another example: A graph G is perfect if the chromatic
number of every induced subgraph H of G is equal to the size of the largest clique of H.
An odd hole in a graph is an induced odd cycle of length at least 5, an odd anti-hole is
an induced subgraph isomorphic to the complement of an odd hole. The strong perfect graph
theorem [CRST06] says that a graph is perfect if and only if it contains neither an odd hole nor
an odd anti-hole.
The chromatic number of odd holes and of odd anti-holes is not equal to the size of their
largest clique, so they cannot be contained in a perfect graph. This easy part of the characteriza-
tion shows that odd holes and odd anti-holes certify a graph to be not perfect. The second part of
the strong perfect graph theorem, the existence of an odd hole or an odd anti-hole in a non-perfect
graph, resolves a conjecture that had been open for more than 40 years. The polynomial-time
algorithm for the recognition of perfect graphs [CCL+ 05] detects an odd hole or an odd anti-hole
in a perfect graph, and thereby certifies a graph to be not perfect.
Lower Bounds via 1-Trees. A 1-tree anchored at a vertex v [HK70] is a spanning tree of G \ v
plus two edges incident to v. A 1-tree is a 1-tree anchored at some vertex v of G. As for cycles,
the cost of a 1-tree is the sum of the costs of the edges in the 1-tree. A minimum 1-tree is a
1-tree of minimum cost. Minimum 1-trees are readily computed by n minimum spanning tree
computations since the minimum 1-tree anchored at a vertex v is simply a minimum spanning
tree of G \ v plus the two cheapest edges incident to v.
Minimum 1-trees can be used to lower bound the cost of any traveling salesman tour. For
this let π be any real-valued function defined on the vertices of G and consider the modified cost
function cπ (uv) = c(uv) + π (u) + π (v). We call π a potential function. The cost of a one-tree T
under the cost function cπ is defined as cπ (T ) = ∑uv∈T cπ (uv). Accordingly, a minimum 1-tree
with respect to the modified cost π is a 1-tree with minimal modified cost.
Lemma 15. Let C be a traveling salesman tour, let π be a potential function, and let T be a
minimum 1-tree with respect to π . Then
cπ (T ) − 2 ∑ π (v) ≤ c(C).
Proof: Since c satisfies the triangle inequality, there is a tour D visiting every vertex exactly
once and having cost no more than C. This tour D is a 1-tree (with respect to any anchor) and
cπ (T ) ≤ cπ (D).
Since D uses exactly two edges incident to any vertex,
A certifying approximation algorithm for the traveling salesman problem outputs a tour C, a
potential function π and a minimum 1-tree T for cπ , and a proof of optimality of T . The proof
of optimality reduces to the minimum spanning tree problem, for which we have discussed a
certifying algorithm in Subsection 8.2.
A good potential function π can be found by an iterative process ([HK70, HK71]). Observe
cπ (T ) − 2 ∑ π (v) = c(T ) + ∑ degT (v)π (v) − 2 ∑ π (v) = c(T ) + ∑ (degT (v) − 2)π (v),
v∈V v∈V v∈V v∈V
where degT (v) is the number of edges of T incident to v. We conclude that the vector (degT (v) −
2)v∈V is the gradient of the expression cπ (T ) − 2 ∑v∈V π (v) viewed as function of π .
We start an iterative process with π (v) = 0 for all v. In an iteration, we first compute the
minimum 1-tree T with respect to the current modified cost function cπ . If T is a tour, i.e.,
degT (v) = 2 for all v, we stop; T is an optimal tour. Otherwise, we update π to π ′ as follows:
where ε > 0 is a small value; this is a small step in the direction of the gradient and increases the
potential value of vertices of degree three or higher and decreases the potential value of vertices
of degree one.7 We set π = π ′ and repeat. The iterative process produces a sequence of lower
bounds. We remember the best lower bound computed in this way and use it to produce a lower
bound for our problem, as described above.
Lower Bounds via Linear Programming. An integer linear programming formulation of the trav-
eling salesman problem is as follows. We have a decision variable xe for each edge of the graph
with the intention that the edges with xe = 1 comprise an optimal solution. A tour contains two
edges incident to every vertex and for every non-empty proper subset S of V there must be at
least two edges in any tour with exactly one endpoint in S. We obtain the following formulation
as an integer linear program.
minimize ∑ ce xe
subject to ∑ xe = 2 for all v ∈ V
e∈δ (v)
Here we use δ (S) to the denote the set of edges with exactly one endpoint in S. The equality
constraint for vertex v is called a degree constraint and the inequality for subset S is called a
subtour elimination constraint. Consider any solution of this system and let T be the edges
picked; e ∈ T iff xe = 1. Then T contains two edges incident to every vertex and hence is a
collection of cycles. Assume for the sake of a contradiction, that the collection consists of more
than one cycle and let S be the vertex set of one of the cycles. Then T contains no edge in δ (S)
and hence violates the subtour elimination constraint for S.
The subtour LP is obtained from the ILP by replacing the constraint xe ∈ { 0, 1 } by the weaker
linear constraint 0 ≤ xe ≤ 1. Thus the subtour LP is a relaxation of the traveling salesman problem
and provides a lower bound. Figure 13 gives an example. In this example, the cost of an optimum
tour is 10 and the objective value of the subtour LP is 9. The gap may be as large as a factor of
two [CCPS98].
The subtour LP has an exponential number of constraints, one for each non-empty proper sub-
set of the vertices. It can be solved in polynomial time by means of the ellipsoid method [Sch03].
an edge uv, we have cπ (uv) = cπ (uv) + ε (degT (u) + degT (v) − 4). Also,
7 For ′
Thus the cost of the 1-tree T increases by the change of the potential function. However, at π ′ a different 1-tree
may be minimal and hence it is not guaranteed that the iteration produces better and better lower bounds. In fact, in
general, it does not do so.
2 1/2
2 2 1/2 1/2
1 1 1 1 1 1
2 2 1/2 1/2
2 1/2
Figure 13: The figure on the left shows the edge costs; there are six edges of cost two and three edges of cost one.
The figure on the right shows an optimal solution to the subtour LP. The decision variables corresponding to the
edges of cost two have value 1/2 and the decision variables corresponding to the edges of cost one have value 1. The
solution has cost 9. The optimal tour has cost 10.
In practice, one uses the simplex method and a judiciously chosen subset of the subtour elimina-
tion constraints. The subset is determined dynamically by a technique called separation. Let (x∗e )
be a solution to an LP comprising the degree constraints, the bounding constraints 0 ≤ xe ≤ 1,
and some of the subtour elimination constraints. Consider an auxiliary graph with vertex set V ,
edge set E, and set the capacity of the edge e to x∗e . Then (x∗e ) violates a subtour elimination
constraint if and only if this auxiliary graph has a cut of capacity less than two. Such a cut can
be found by a minimum cut computation [SW97]. If a violated subtour elimination constraint is
found, it is added to the LP, and the LP is resolved.
In Section 8.2 we learned how to verify solutions to linear programs. Now we want to certify
a lower bound and this can be done by a simple rounding procedure [ABC+ 09]. Consider the
dual for the subtour LP. It has an unconstrained variable πv for each vertex v, a non-negative
variable yS for each non-empty proper subset S of V , and a non-negative variable ze for each
edge e. The variable ze corresponds to the upper bound constraint xe ≤ 1. The goal is to
maximize 2 ∑ πv + 2 ∑ yS − ∑ ze
v S e
subject to πu + πv + ∑ yS − ze ≤ ce for e = (u, v) ∈ E
S;e∈δ (S)
yS ≥ 0 for all S with 0/ 6= S 6= V
ze ≥ 0 for all e
If the primal or dual LP is solved by an LP-solver, the basis returned is not necessarily optimal.
Also, primal feasibility and dual feasibility are not guaranteed. However, the solutions are usu-
ally close to optimal. In the case of the subtour LP, this can be exploited as follows. Consider any
(not necessarily feasible) dual solution (πv ), (yS ), and (ze ). We first replace any negative yS by
zero and we then choose the ze large enough so that all dual constraints are satisfied. In this way,
we obtain a feasible dual solution and hence a lower bound for the traveling salesman problem.
Two I/O-behaviors should only be composed if the postcondition of the first behavior implies
the precondition of the second behavior, i.e., ψ1 (x, y) =⇒ ϕ2 (y). If Q2 is strongly certifying, it
can discover a misuse of composition: Assume that the y output by Q1 does not satisfy ϕ2 . Then
Q2 will either produce a z with ψ2 (y, z) and a proof that it did so or a proof for ¬ϕ2 (y). In the
former case, Q2 could handle y although it did not have to do so, in the latter case Q2 states that
its precondition is violated.
9. Further Examples
In the introductory Section 1 we have discussed the examples of bipartition, connected com-
ponents, shortest paths, greatest common divisors, maximum cardinality matchings and pla-
narity. In Subsection 5.2 we discussed a strongly certifying algorithm that five-colors a planar
graph and in Subsection 5.4 we described a simple way to certify triconnectedness. We now
discuss further illustrative examples, demonstrating the broad applicability of certification.
higher-dimensional convex hulls [CK70, PS85, Sei86, CS89, CMS93] and implementations of
some [BDH96, MMN+ 98, CGA]. In 2 and 3 dimensions the output of a geometric algorithm can
be visualized and this helps debugging geometric programs. In higher dimensions, visualization
is not possible. How can one certify the output of a convex hull algorithm?
What is the output? All algorithms output the boundary of the convex hull as a simplicial
piecewise linear hypersurface F . We will define this term below. In 3-dimensional space the
boundary is given as a set of triangles (in 3-space) that are glued together at their edges.
Task 1. Given a set S of points and a hyper-surface F verify that F is the boundary of the
convex hull of S.
Assume that F is the surface of a convex polytope and let P be the convex polytope whose
boundary is F .
We discuss the two subtasks in turn. This section is based on [MNS+ 99, Section 2.3]. An
alternative solution can be found in [DLPT98]. We first deal with the Subtask 1, whether a simpli-
cial piecewise linear hyper-surface F without boundary in d-dimensional space is the boundary
of a convex polytope. We assume that the hyper-surface is given by its facet graph. The facet
graph is a d-regular graph whose nodes are labeled by d-tuples of affinely independent points,
i.e., each node corresponds to an oriented (d − 1) simplex (= a facet of the surface). The hyper-
plane supporting a facet divides d-space into a positive and a negative halfspace. Neighboring
nodes differ in their labeling by exactly one point and for everyone of the d vertices of a facet
there must be such a neighboring facet. In other words, edges correspond to (d − 2)-simplices
shared by two facets. Neighboring nodes must be labeled consistently, i.e., the negative halfspace
corresponding to adjacent facets must agree locally.
Let us interpret this definition in 3-space. Every node of the facet graph corresponds to an
oriented triangle in 3-space. Oriented means that the two sides of the triangle are distinguished,
one is “outside” and one is “inside” (in the paragraph above, inside and outside are called negative
and positive, respectively). Adjacent triangles share two vertices and differ in one. Every triangle
has three neighbors and the two sides of adjacent triangles are locally consistent.
For smooth surfaces, already Hadamard described a test for convexity.
Theorem 9 (Hadamard). Let F be a smooth compact surface in Rd without boundary and let
d > 2. If F is locally convex at everyone of its points then F is the surface of a convex body.
o o
Figure 14: Local convexity at ridges does not suffice: The figure shows a locally convex yet self-intersecting polygon
in the x, y-plane. A smooth version of this curve demonstrates that the condition d > 2 is necessary in Theorem 9.
Extending the polygon to a bipyramid by adding two points, one each on the negative and positive z-axis, and
constructing two triangles for each polygon edge yields a simplicial surface that is locally convex at every ridge
but has self-intersections; in the figure only the upper half of the bipyramid is shown. The point o shown is on the
negative side of all facets of the surface.
This theorem suggests that it suffices to check local convexity at every ridge of a simplicial
surface. Although this is clearly a necessary condition for global convexity it is not sufficient
as Figure 14 shows, i.e., the non-smoothness of simplicial surfaces complicates matters. The
following theorem is the proper formulation for the polyhedral case:
We refer the reader to [MNS+ 99] for a proof of this result. Figure 14 illustrates it: Let o be
any point in the x, y-plane that is on the negative side of every facet of the surface shown. All but
two rays emanating from o intersect the surface twice and hence witness the non-convexity of
the surface. The two exceptional rays go through the two tips of the bipyramid, i.e., pass through
a lower dimensional feature of the surface. The key insight underlying the criterion is that this
observation is generally true.
The conditions listed in Theorem 10 are clearly necessary. Also, if every ray emanating from
o intersects F only once, F is the surface of a convex body. It is somewhat surprising, that
it suffices to compute the number of intersections for a single ray. The verification is easy to
• Check local convexity at every ridge. If local convexity does not hold at some ridge declare
F non-convex.
• Set o to the center of gravity of the vertices of F and check whether o is on the negative
side of all facets. If not, declare F non-convex.
• Choose any facet and let p be the center of gravity of its vertices. Let r be the ray emanating
from o and passing through p. If r intersects the closure of any other facet of F declare
F non-convex.
We next turn to the Subtask 2. Assume that F passed the convexity test and let P be the
convex polyhedron with boundary F . We need to verify that
The first item is fairly easy to check. If the vertices of P are equipped with pointers to
elements in S, the check is trivial. If the vertices of P are specified by their coordinate tuples, the
check involves a dictionary lookup.
The second condition is much harder to check. In fact, without additional information (= the
witness), there seems to be no efficient way to verify it. A simple method would be to check
every point of S against every facet of F . However, the complexity of this method is an order of
magnitude larger that the complexity of the most efficient convex hull programs8. An alternative
method is to use linear programming to check that all non-vertices are non-extreme9 . For fixed
dimension the alternative method is quadratic in the number of vertices. For variable dimension
one might hope that a simplex-based verification procedure has good expected running time.
Nevertheless, both approaches essentially resolve the original problem. We conclude that convex
hull programs that output the hull as a convex polytope are hard to check. The “gift-wrapping”
algorithm [CK70] falls in this category.
What is an appropriate witness that makes checking easy? Here is one. Arrange the points in
S in a linear order and for each point p in S that is not a vertex of P indicate a set of d + 1 points
that come later in the ordering and that contain p in their convex hull. We call such an ordering
an admissible ordering of S.
8 Algorithms based on randomized incremental construction [CS89, CMS93, BMh94] run in time related to the
size of the output and the size of intermediate hulls and the algorithm of [Sei86] is guaranteed to construct the hull
in logarithmic time per face.
The linear program has d variables corresponding to the coefficients of a linear function. For each vertex of F
there is a constraint stating that the function value at the vertex is negative. For each non-vertex consider the linear
program that maximizes the function value at this point.
Lemma 16. An admissible ordering of S proves that every point of S is contained in P.
The witness is easily checked. For each point that is claimed to be a convex combination of
points later in the ordering, one needs to solve a linear system.
The algorithms based on randomized incremental construction [CS89, CMS93, BDH96,
MMN+98, CGA] can be modified to compute this witness. They compute a simplicial com-
plex10 comprising the hull, i.e., a set of simplices whose union is P. They do so incrementally.
They start with d + 1 points of S spanning a simplex and then add point after point. If a new
point p is contained in the current hull, they determine a simplex in the current simplicial com-
plex containing p. The vertices of this simplex are the witnesses for p. If the new point p is
outside the current hull, they determine all facets of the current hull visible from the new point.
For each such facet F they add a simplex S(F, p) with base F and tip p to the simplicial complex.
Assume now that the algorithm is rerun: first the vertices of P are inserted (in random order)
and then the non-vertices (in any order). In this way, all simplices in the simplicial complex have
their vertices among the vertices in P and each non-vertex in S is placed in a simplex spanned by
vertices of P.
10 A simplicial complex is a set of simplices the intersection of any two is a face of both.
for non-solvability when given an unsolvable system. We describe Gaussian elimination as a
recursive procedure. If all entries of A and b are zero, the zero-vector 0n is a solution. If all
entries of A are zero and b is nonzero, say bi 6= 0, the m-vector ei having a one in position i and
zero everywhere else witnesses non-solvability.
So assume that A has a nonzero entry, say Ai j 6= 0. We subtract a suitable multiple of the i-th
equation from all other equations (i.e., we subtract Al j /Ai j times the i-th equation from the l-th
equation for 1 ≤ l ≤ m and l 6= i) so as to eliminate the j-th variable from the other equations.
The transformation yields a system with m − 1 equations in n − 1 unknowns, say A′ x′ = b′ . Here
A′lk = Alk −(Al j /Ai j )Aik and b′l = bl −(Al j /Ai j )bi for l 6= i and all k. Also, row index i and column
index j are deleted from the index set of the reduced system. Assume first that the reduced system
is solvable and x′0 is a solution. We plug x′0 into the i-th original equation, solve for x j and obtain
a solution to the original system. Assume next that the reduced system is unsolvable and that
c′ witnesses it, i.e., c′T A = 0 and c′T b′ 6= 0. We define the m-vector c by cl = c′l for l 6= i and
ci = − ∑l6=i (Al j /Ai j )c′l . Then for any k, 1 ≤ k ≤ n,
∑ ∑
= (ci + c′l (Al j /Ai j ))Aik + c′l A′lk
l6=i l6=i
∑ ′ ′
= cl Alk
An analogous computation shows that cT b = c′T b′ and hence cT b 6= 0. We have now shown that
Gaussian elimination easily turns into a certifying solver for linear systems of equations.
• Use a heuristic to find the optimum solution. Verify that the solution is feasible.
0 1 0 1 0 1
2, x0,1 = 1 1
2 2 2 2 1/2 1/2
2 2 2
1 1 1 1 1 1 1/2 1 1/2
2 4 2 2 4 2 1/2 4 1/2
5 3 5 3 5 3
2 2 1
Figure 15: In the example of Figure 13, the optimal solution to the subtour LP is fractional; x0,1 has value 1/2. We
generate two subproblems. In the first subproblem, we set x0,1 to 1 and force the edge into the tour. In the second
subproblem, we set x0,1 to 0; this is tantamount to deleting the edge. For both subproblems, the subtour LP (in fact,
the LP with only the degree constraints) has objective value 10. For the first subproblem there is a non-integral
solution of value 10 as shown on the right, there is also an integral solution of value 10.
• Partition the space of feasible solutions. Verify that the partition is indeed a partition.
• Compute for each cell of the partition a lower bound on the objective value of the feasible
solutions in this cell. Verify that the lower bound computed for each cell is indeed a lower
bound and has at least a value equal to the cost of the heuristic solution computed in the
first step.
The first two steps are typically simple. For the last step, one uses the techniques discussed in
Section 8.4. In [ABC+ 09], Applegate et. al. report about the the certification of an optimal TSP
tour through 85,900 cities. The tour was obtained by a heuristic [Hel06] and then verified by the
approach outlined above.
As a second example consider the satisfiability problem of propositional logic. Let ϕ be a
boolean formula. A satisfying assignment is a witness of satisfiability. A resolution proof is a
witness of non-satisfiability. The resolution proof may have exponential length; it is however,
easy to check.
2 5
2 1
2 0 3 1 1
Figure 16: An instance of the maximum weight independent set problem: The interval are indicated as horizontal
lines. The weight of each interval is indicated near the interval. The two intervals drawn as heavy lines form a
maximum weight independent set. There are five maximal cliques indicated by X, their yC -values are indicated
below the X’s.
where j is minimal such that the j-th interval is independent of the first, i.e., its left endpoint is
to the right of the right endpoint of interval 1. The algorithm has linear running time by use of
We will next derive a linear time certifying algorithm. A clique is a set of intervals that
intersect pairwise. A maximal clique is one that is not contained in any other clique. Consider
the sorted list of all interval endpoints. Cliques correspond to the elementary intervals. A clique
is maximal if the left endpoint of the corresponding elementary interval is the left endpoint of an
interval and the right endpoint of the corresponding elementary interval is the right endpoint of
an interval.
We compute an independent set I ∗ and nonnegative values yC and wiC for each maximal
clique C and interval i ∈ C such that (see Figure 16)
where the third equality follows from the fact that each clique can contain at most one element
of I. For I = I ∗ , the inequality is an equality. Thus w(I) ≤ w(I ∗ ) and I ∗ is a maximum weight
independent set.
For an interval i, let Li be the leftmost maximal clique containing i. A simple greedy algo-
rithm determines the yC and wiC values. We process the maximal cliques in order (say from right
to left) and assign to each clique a value yC . We also maintain reduced weights w′i for all intervals
i. Initially, w′i = wi for all i. Let C be the current maximal clique (initially the rightmost maximal
clique). We set
yC = max w′i | Li = C ,
i.e., we set yC to the maximal reduced weight of any interval having C as its leftmost maximal
clique. Maximality of C guarantees that there is at least one such interval. Also, for any i
contained in C, we set wiC to the minimum of yC and w′i and reduce w′i by wiC .
An interval i is called defining for C if C = Li and yC = wiC and yC > 0. A clique C with
yC = 0 has no defining interval. An interval is called tight for C if wiC = yC . The following
Lemma is key (and also obvious).
Lemma 17. If i is defining for Li then i is tight for all cliques containing it.
Proof: If i is defining for Li , wiLi = yLi > 0. This implies wiC = yC for all maximal cliques
containing i.
We next construct the independent set I ∗. Let C be the leftmost clique. If its value yC is zero,
we move on to the next clique. Otherwise, let i be defining for C. We add i to I ∗ and remove all
cliques containing i and all intervals intersecting with it from the problem. Observe that, by the
preceding Lemma, wiD = yD for all cliques D removed and that the intervals removed have their
leftmost maximal clique among the removed cliques. In other words, the remaining cliques keep
their defining intervals. We continue with the leftmost remaining clique. In this way, we have
for every C with positive yC an interval i in I ∗ with wiC = yC .
The functions w′ and π are related. For all q and all ℓ with 1 ≤ ℓ < q− π (q) we have ℓ+w′ (ℓ) ≤ q.
Indeed, P0 . . . Pπ (q) matches Pq−π (q) . . . Pq and π (q) is maximal with this property. Thus if we
T0 T1 . . . Tt . . . Tt+q−π (q)−1 Tt+q−π (q) ... Tt+q Tt+q+1
= ... = = ... = 6=
P0 . . . Pq−π (q)−1 Pq−π (q) ... Pq Pq + 1
= ... =
P0 ... Pπ (q)
place P at position ℓ of P with 1 ≤ ℓ < q − π (q), we must have a mismatch before position q.
Thus ℓ + w′ (ℓ) ≤ q.
Assume now the longest prefix of the pattern that matches the substring of the text starting
from position t is of length q, see Figure 17. We claim that in this situation we can easily
compute the values w(t + ℓ) for ℓ ∈ {0, 1, . . ., q − π (q) − 1}. First we observe that w(t) = q + 1
by definition. For ℓ ∈ {1, . . ., q − π (q) − 1} we claim w(t + ℓ) = w′ (ℓ). Indeed aligning P at
position t + ℓ of the text is the same as aligning it at position ℓ of the pattern, at least for the next
q + 1 characters. The mismatch with P occurs at position ℓ + w′ (ℓ) and since this number is at
most q, the mismatch with T occurs at t + ℓ + w′ (ℓ). Thus w(t + ℓ) = w′ (ℓ).
Similar to the computation of the π function, the computation of w′ can be done by employing
the same algorithm to match the pattern against itself. Recursive calls to w′ values will only
invoke positions that are smaller and have already been computed.
In the analysis of the running time we would see that for every position i there is exactly one
assignment for w(i) whose right hand side involves only a number or a previously known w value.
The corresponding statement for w′ holds equally, therefore the total running time increases by
at most O(m + n).
Algorithm 1 KMP-MATCHER
1: n ← length[T ]; m ← length[P]
3: q ← −1
4: for i = −1 to n − 2 do
5: // We have T [i − q] . . .T [i] = P[0] . . .P[q] and i − q plays the role of t in Figure 17
6: while q ≥ 0 and P[q + 1] 6= T [i + 1] do
7: w(i − q) ← q + 1
8: for ℓ = 1 to q − π (q) − 1 do
9: w(i − q + ℓ) ← w′ (ℓ)
10: end for
11: q ← π [q]
12: end while // either q = −1 or P[q + 1] = T [i + 1]
13: if P[q + 1] = T [i + 1] then
14: q ← q+1
15: else
16: w(i) ← 0
17: end if // T [i + 1 − q] . . .T [i + 1] = P[0] . . .P[q]
18: if q = m − 1 then
19: print “Pattern occurs with shift i − m”
20: end if
21: end for
1: m ← length[P]
2: π [0] ← −1; q ← −1
3: for i = 0 to m − 1 do // We have π [i] = q and hence P[i − q] . . .P[i] = P[0] . . .P[q]
4: while q ≥ 0 and P[q + 1] 6= P[i + 1] do
5: w′ (i − q) ← q + 1
6: for ℓ = 1 to q − π (q) − 1 do
7: w′ (i − q + ℓ) ← w′ (ℓ)
8: end for
9: q ← π [q]
10: end while // either q = −1 or P[q + 1] = P[i + 1]
11: if P[q + 1] = P[i + 1] then
12: q ← q+1
13: else
14: w′ (i) ← 0
15: end if // P[i + 1 − q] . . .P[i + 1] = P[0] . . .P[q]
16: π (i + 1) = q
17: end for
To understand why, let G be a graph that is not chordal, and suppose (v1 , v2 , . . . , vn ) is a
perfect elimination ordering. Since G is not chordal, it has a chordless cycle C of size at least
four. Let vi be the leftmost vertex of C in the ordering. Then its neighbors v j and vk on C lie to
its right, and since C has no chord, v j and vk are non-adjacent, contradicting the assumption that
(v1 , v2 , . . ., vn ) is a perfect elimination ordering.
It is harder to prove that every chordal graph has a perfect elimination ordering, but this
implication is not needed to be convicted that the input graph is chordal.
A linear-time algorithm to find a perfect elimination ordering is given in [RTL76]. The
obvious checker for the perfect elimination order takes longer to run than it takes to produce the
witness. It must check that for each vertex vi , the rightward neighbors of vi form a complete
subgraph, which takes time that is quadratic in the number of these neighbors. Over all vi , a
single edge can be checked many times.
In [RTL76] an algorithm is given that checks the witness in O(n + m) time. The trick is to
postpone the checks in such a way that each edge is checked only once.
The algorithm traverses the perfect elimination ordering (v1 , v2 , . . . , vn ). Inductively, vi has
received a list A(vi ) of vertices from its predecessors (v1 , v2 , . . ., vi−1 ). The algorithm ensures that
vi is adjacent to these vertices, or else declares the witness as invalid. If it passes this test, it then
determines the leftmost rightward neighbor v j of vi and appends the other rightward neighbors
of vi to A(v j ).
For the correctness, if (v1 , v2 , . . ., vn ) is not a perfect elimination ordering, then some vi has
rightward neighbors v j and vk that are non-adjacent. Suppose without loss of generality that
j < k. It is easily seen by induction from i to j that if the algorithm has not rejected the ordering
by the time that A(v j ) is checked, then vk is in A(v j ). The algorithm will therefore reject the
witness when it discovers that A(v j ) contains a non-neighbor of v j .
The algorithm can be implemented to run in O(n + m) time using elementary methods, such
as marking the neighbors of vi before checking A(vi ), and then unmarking them before moving
on to vi+1 .
The algorithm originally proposed for determining whether a graph is chordal included an
algorithm that produces a perfect elimination ordering if a graph is chordal, and an imperfect
elimination ordering if it is not [RTL76]. The paper therefore included the above algorithm for
checking whether an ordering is a perfect elimination ordering. It did not describe how to find
a chordless cycle if the input graph is not chordal. The paper was then followed by a short
addendum explaining how to do this [TY85].
method returns x0 . How good is x0 ? The following estimate is useful:
√ a − x20 1+x00 if a ≥ 1
| a − x0 | = √ ≤
a + x0 a−x20 if a < 1
As a concrete example, let us estimate the distance of 2.5 and 1.58. We have
√ 2.5 − 2.4964 0.0036
| 2.5 − 1.58| ≤ = ≤ 0.0015.
1 + 1.58 2.58
9.8. Guide to Literature
Frequently, algorithms research that is performed with efficiency in mind leads implicitly
to methods suitable to certify the output. For various algorithmic problems however, specific
algorithms that allow for certification had to be and have been designed. We briefly survey some
Graph recognition problems:. For various graph classes certified recognition algorithms ex-
ist. Among these classes are the interval and permutation graphs [KMMS06], the circular and
unit circular arc graphs [KN06], the proper Helly circular arc graphs [LSS07], the HHD-free
graphs [NP07], and the co-graphs [LdR07] (for which there is also a dynamic version [CP06]).
Proper interval graphs are treated in [Mei05] and [HH05], the latter also considers bipartite per-
mutation graphs. Further certified recognition algorithms for several hereditary graph classes are
given in [HK07].
Connectivity and two-connectivity are easily certified in linear time. A spanning tree certi-
fies connectivity, a cut vertex certifies non-two-connectivity, and every s-t-numbering, open ear
decomposition and bipolar orientation certifies two-connectivity [Bra02]. For triconnectedness
of graphs, linear decision algorithms are known [HT73, MR92]. The fastest certifying algorithm
runs in quadratic time (See Subsection 5.4 and [Sch10]). A linear-time certifying algorithm
for graphs for which a Hamiltonian cycle is known is available [EMS10]; this assumes that the
Hamiltonian cycle is part of the input. For arbitrary k, the situation is as follows. In linear
time any k-connected graph can be sparsified to a k-connected graph with O(kn) edges [NI92].
Of course, certifying k-connectivity of the sparsification certifies k-connectivity of the original
graph. Also, it is easy to check whether a vertex cut in the sparsification is also a vertex cut in the
original graph. k-connectivity can be tested in time O(m + min(kn2 , k2 n3/2 )) ([Eve75, Gal80]);
the algorithms are certifying. The certificates are flows. [LLW88] gave a geometric charac-
terization of k-connectivity for general k. A graph G is k-connected if and only if, specifying
any k vertices of G, the vertices of G can be represented as points in Rk−1 so that no k are on
a hyperplane and each vertex is in the convex hull of its neighbors, except for the k specified
vertices. The characterization gives rise to an O(n5/2 + nk5/2 ) time Monte Carlo algorithm for
k-connectivity and an O(kn5/2 + nk7/2 ) Las Vegas algorithm for k-connectivity. The algorithms
are certifying.
Permutation groups:. In [CMPS03] certifying algorithms for computational problems involving
permutation groups given by generators are considered. More specifically, the problems consid-
ered are deciding membership, subgroups, computing orbits, the Schreier tree, stabilizers, bases,
and computing the order of the given permutation group.
Geometric Problems:. In [Ber05] a certifying algorithm for minimally rigid planar graphs is
given. The papers [DLPT98] and [MNS+ 99] describe methods for certifying convexity of poly-
hedra and convex hulls (see Subsection 9.1) and various types of planar subdivisions, such as
triangulations, Delaunay triangulations, and convex subdivisions. Another application of local
to global principles for certification of convexity can be found in [Ryb09].
Miscellaneous:. [FK00] shows how to certify a large hidden clique in a semi-random graph and
[McC04] explains how to certify whether a matrix has the consecutive ones property. Certifica-
tion of various basic graph algorithms (with and without witnesses) are discussed in [Met97].
Implementations:. Implementations of many certifying algorithms and the corresponding check-
ers are discussed in [MN99]. For the algorithm library LEDA the concept of certification has
been and is one of the guiding principles.
10. Randomization
In the preceding sections, we considered deterministic certifying algorithms and determin-
istic checkers. In this section we consider randomization. We first explain that deterministic
checkers turn Monte Carlo algorithms into Las Vegas algorithms. We then give three examples
of randomized certification. The first two examples have a checker that does not require a wit-
ness. In the third example the provided witness allows for a faster running time of the randomized
checker. Finally, we extend Section 5 to randomized algorithms.
does apply and Monte Carlo algorithms are frequently quite simple so that verification may
be(come) feasible. Another option is to deviate from the deterministic checkers by allowing
randomization and error. We describe three examples in the next three subsections. The first two
examples demonstrate use of randomized certification without the help of a witness, whereas
the third example makes use of a witness to provide randomized certification of the output of a
randomized algorithm.
4572 → 18 → 9.
Then one multiplies sa and sb with a two-digit result; let s be the digit sum of the the result. If
s 6= sc , then c is not equal to a · b. If s = sc , then c may or may not be equal to a · b.
The digit sum of a positive integer a is nothing but the remainder of a modulo 9 (with repre-
sentatives 1 to 9 instead of 0 to 8). This follows from 10k mod 9 = 1 for all k ≥ 1. Thus casting
out nines rests on the statement
Let sa = a mod q and define sb and sc analogously. Let s = (sa · sb) mod q. If s 6= sc , then c 6= a · b.
If s = sc , q divides c − a · b. The number of distinct prime divisors of c − a · b is bounded. Thus,
if we choose q from a sufficiently large set P of primes, the test will show c 6= a · b with high
probability. The following theorem quantifies these statements.
Theorem 11. Let a, b, and c be positive integers bounded by 22 , with k ≥ 5. If c 6= a · b then
1. for any integer d > 0 the probability that a prime number x taken uniformly at random
from the primes within {2, . . . , 2k+2d+3 − 1} divides c − a · b is at most 1/2d ,
2. the probability that an integer x taken uniformly at random from {1, . . ., 2k+5 − 1} does not
divide c − a · b is at least 1/(2 · (k + 5) ln2), and
Proof: 1.) The absolute value of c − ab is bounded by 22 +1 . To show the statement, we will
show that there are sufficiently many prime numbers in the interval {2, . . ., 2k+3+2d − 1}, and
then, by bounding the number of prime factors of any number no larger than 22 +1 , we will
show that most of these prime numbers are not prime factors of |c − ab|.
There are at least 2k+3+2d /((k + 3 + 2d) ln 2) prime numbers which are contained in the
interval {2, . . ., 2k+3+2d −1}. (This is in accordance with the prime number theorem that there are
approximately x/ ln(x) prime numbers smaller than x and follows from Dusart’s bound [Dus98],
since 2k+3+2d > 599). On the other hand for any integer x that has ℓ distinct prime factors, it must
be the case that ℓ! ≤ n. It suffices for us to show that the number of primes in {2, . . ., 2k+3+2d −1}
is by a factor of 2d larger than the number of distinct prime factors of |c − ab|. Thus it suffices to
show that
! ≥ |c − ab|.
2d · (k + 3 + 2d) ln2
Since 2 ln 2 < 2, for k ≥ 1 it is true that
2k+3+2d ≥ (2k+1 + 1) · 22d · (2 ln2),
≥ 2k+1 + 1.
2 · 2 ln 2
By a simple expansion of the fraction it follows that
2k+3+2d (k + 3 + 2d)
· d
≥ 2k+1 + 1 (17)
2 · (k + 3 + 2d) ln2 2 2
Since k ≥ 1 and d ≥ 1, we have (k + 3 + 2d)/(2d 2) ≤ log(2k+3+2d /(2d · (k + 3 + 2d)e ln 2)):
Indeed, the inequality holds for k = 1 and d = 1. Furthermore, for k, d ∈ R≥1 , the partial deriva-
tives with respect to k and d of the left side of the equation are smaller than the respective partial
derivatives of the right side of the equation. We can thus replace the second factor on the left side
of Equation 17 and it follows that
2k+3+2d 2k+3+2d
· log d ≥ 2k+1 + 1.
2d · (k + 3 + 2d) ln2 2 · (k + 3 + 2d)e ln 2
Stirling’s inequality x! ≥ (x/e)x implies log(x!) ≥ x log(x/e), applying this we proceed to obtain
the desired inequality
2k+1 +1
! ≥ 2 ≥ |c − ab|.
2d · (k + 3 + 2d) ln 2
2.) The second statement follows directly from the first by again noting that for k ≥ 11
and d = 1 the number of primes in {2, . . . , 2k+5 − 1} is at least 2k+5 /((k + 5) ln 2).
3.) For any i, 1 ≤ i ≤ L, the probability that xi divides c − ab is at most 1 − 1/(2(k + 5) ln 2)
by the second statement. Therefore, the probability that all xi ’s divide c − ab is at most
1 1
L·ln 1− 2(k+5) − L 1
1− =e ln 2
≤ e 2(k+5) ln 2 ≤ e− ln 2 = .
2(k + 5) ln2 2
The asymptotic complexity of division is the same as the one of multiplication. Intuitively,
multiplication is simpler than division. We can check a division a/b = c by checking whether
a = c · b.
prob(zT x 6= 0) = 1/2,
zT x = xℓ + ∑ z j x j
and hence for any choice of the x j ’s, j 6= ℓ, there is a exactly one choice for xℓ such that zT x 6= 0.
prob(X x 6= 0) ≥ 1/2
Proof: Since X is nonzero, it has at least one nonzero row. We apply the previous Lemma to
this row.
For further information on certification of matrix products see [KS93]. We now turn to an
example that requires a witness to allow for the randomized certification.
1 6 3
C1 C2 C3 C4
Figure 18: The leftmost figure shows a graph with eight edges. The next four figures show four circuits in this
graph. The circuit C1 has the vector representation C1 = (0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0). Let D = (1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0) be the
circuit formed by the edges 1 to 4. Then D = C1 +C2 +C3 +C4 . The set {C1 ,C2 ,C3 ,C4 } is a cycle basis. Its weight
is equal to three times the sum of the weights of edges 1 to 4 plus 2 times the weight of edges 5 to 8.
Lemma 19 ([dP95]). A set of cycles {C1 , . . . ,Cν } is a minimum cycle basis if there are vectors
S1 ,. . . ,Sν ∈ { 0, 1 }E such that11
Proof: Let k be maximal such that Bk = {C1 , . . . ,Ck } is contained in some minimum cycle
basis and assume, for the sake of a contradiction, that k < ν . Let B ′ = {C1 , . . . ,Ck , Dk+1 , . . ., Dν }
be a minimum cycle basis extending Bk . Then
and hence
1 = hSk+1 ,Ck+1 i = ∑ λi hSk+1 , Di i.
Thus there must be an ℓ > k with λℓ = hSk+1 , Dℓ i = 1. By (c), w(Ck+1 ) ≤ w(Dℓ ). Solving (18)
for Dℓ gives a representation of Dℓ in terms of B ′′ = B ′ \ { Dℓ } ∪ {Ck+1 }. We conclude that B ′′
is a basis of weight no larger than B ′ . Thus there is a minimum basis extending Bk+1 .
We next describe a probabilistic check of conditions (a), (b), and (c) that operates in time
O(m2 ). The following observation will be useful.
Proof: Assume hAℓ , Si = 1. Then for any choice of the λi , i 6= ℓ, there is exactly one choice for
λℓ such that h∑1≤i≤k λi Ai , Si = 1, namely λℓ = 1 + h∑i6=ℓ λi Ai , Si.
Alternatively, we observe that
h ∑ λi Ai , Si
is the inner product of a random vector (λ1, . . . , λk ) with the nonzero vector (hA1 , Si, . . ., hAk , Si)
and then appeal to Lemma 18.
We first show how to verify properties (a) and (b). Let A be matrix whose rows are the vectors
S1T to SνT and let B be the matrix whose columns are the cycles C1 to Cν . We need to verify that
E := AB is a lower-diagonal matrix with ones on the diagonal. Property (b) is easily verified
in time O(ν m) = O(m2 ). We simply compute the products hSi ,Ci i for 1 ≤ i ≤ ν . We turn to
property (a). The solution lies in Lemma 20. Consider the above-diagonal elements in the j-th
column, i.e., the elements Ei, j for i < j. One of these elements is nonzero if and only if one of
the vectors S1 to S j−1 is non-orthogonal to C j . Lemma 20 is a probabilistic test for this property.
We choose random numbers λi ∈ Z2 , 1 ≤ i ≤ n, and form the vectors
R j = ∑ λ i Si , 1 ≤ j ≤ n.
i< j
These vectors can be computed in total time O(nm). We next form the products
hR j ,C j i, 1 ≤ j < n.
The argument of the proof also shows that any cycle that fulfills condition (c) in Lemma 19
is an isometric circuit. To certify condition (c), we assume for simplicity from now on that the
shortest path between every two vertices of the input graph is unique; such a situation can be
simulated by adding a random infinitesimally small weight to every edge. For further details
see [AIJ+ 09].
Lemma 22 ([AIJ+ 09]). Let C be an isometric circuit. Then for each v ∈ C there is an edge e =
xy ∈ C such that C consists of the shortest paths from v to x and y and the edge e.
Proof: Consider any edge in e = xy of C. Splitting C \ e at v gives us a path qv,x and a path qv,y .
There is a choice of e (there might be two) such that both paths have weight at most w(C)/2.
Since C is isometric, it contains a shortest path connecting v to x and a shortest path connecting
v to y. These paths must be qv,x and qv,y , respectively.
We use the following witness for supporting the check of condition (c).
• For each vertex v, a shortest path tree Tv rooted at v.
• A list L = (D1 , . . . , DN ) of circuits that allegedly contains all isometric circuits. The circuits
are sorted by weight and the total size (= number of edges) of the circuits in L is at most nm.
• For an edge e = xy and a vertex v let Cv,e = pvx + e + pvy , where pvx is the path from v to x
in Tv . For each e and v, the algorithm provides a link to a circuit D ∈ L with D = Cv,e or a
proof that Cv,e is non-isometric. The proof is a pair (a, b) of vertices on Cv,e such that the
shortest path connecting (a, b) is not part of Cv,e .
The algorithm in [AIJ+ 09] computes such a list L and the additional information stipulated above.
Verification is as follows.
We first verify that the trees are shortest paths trees as described in Subsection 2.4; we then
verify that all elements of L are circuits, and that the total size of the circuits in L is nm. We
then choose for each edge e a random label ℓ(e) ∈ Z p for a prime p (p = 2 is sufficient) and
precompute for each v and each node x of Tv , the sum of the labels of the edges on the path from
v to x and for each D in L the sum of the labels of the edges in D. This takes time O(nm). For
each e = xy and v we perform the following test:
• If Cv,e is linked to D in L we compute the label of Cv,e (as the sum of ℓ(e) and the labels
of the endpoints of e in Tv ) and compare it to the label of D. If the labels are different, we
reject. The probability of failure to detect Cv,e 6= D is bounded by 1/p.12 (This test was
proposed in [WC81] as a general method for verifying equality of sets.)
• If Cv,e is claimed to be non-isometric and (a, b) is provided as a proof we verify that a and
b lie on the paths pv,x ∪ pv,y where e = xy; say a lies on the former path and b lies on the
latter. If a and b would lie on the same path, we reject, since subpaths of shortest paths
are shortest. We then compute the lengths of the two paths in Cv,e connecting a and b (one
is w(pv,a ) + w(pv,b ) and one is w(e) + w(pa,x ) + w(pb,y )) and verify that these length are
larger than w(pa,b ). If not, we reject.
We have now verified that L contains all isometric circuits. It remains to verify that the
circuits selected satisfy (c). Let L = { D1 , . . . , DN } and recall that L is sorted in order of increasing
weight. We choose a random λ j ∈ { 0, 1 } for each j and for each ℓ, 1 ≤ ℓ ≤ N form the sum
∑ j≤ℓ λ j D j . For each i, 1 ≤ i ≤ µ , let Ci = Dπ (i) . Verify
hCi , Si i = 1 and h ∑ λ j D j , Si i = 0.
j<π (i)
By Lemma 20, the latter test fails with probability 1/2 if there is a j < π (i) with hD j , Si i = 1.
Theorem 13. The witness for minimum cycle bases defined above can be checked in proba-
bilistic time O(m2 ). The minimum cycle basis algorithm of [AIJ+ 09] can compute this witness
without loss of efficiency.
12 Let C and D be subsets of E with C 6= D. Let e ∈ C ⊕D be an edge in the symmetric difference of C and D. Then
for each choice of labels of the edges in E \ e, there is exactly one choice for ℓ(e0 ) such that ∑e∈C ℓ(e) = ∑e∈D ℓ(e).
10.5. Definitions
We extend the definitions and theorems of Section 5 to randomized algorithms. A prob-
abilistically checkable strong witness predicate for an I/O-specification (ϕ , ψ ) is a predicate
W : X ×Y ⊥ ×W satisfying the following properties:
Strong Witness Property: Let (x, y, w) ∈ X ×Y ⊥ ×W satisfy the witness predicate. If y =⊥, w
proves that x does not satisfy the precondition and if y ∈ Y , w proves that (x, y) satisfies the
postcondition, i.e.,
Randomized Checkability: For a triple (x, y, w) there is a trivial way to determine the value
W (x, y, w) with high probability. I.e., there is a trivial randomized algorithm that computes
W (x, y, w) correctly with probability at least 3/4 and this bound on the error probability is
trivial to understand.
The first and the last item are as in Section 5. Observe that the checker is allowed to reject a
correct output and witness or accept a wrong output and witness with probability 1/4. The latter
is important; otherwise the construction of Subsection 10.1 would apply.
A randomized strongly certifying algorithm for I/O-specification (ϕ , ψ ) and probabilistically
checkable strong witness predicate W is an algorithm with the following properties:
Witness Property: Let (x, y, w) ∈ X ×Y ⊥ ×W . satisfy the witness predicate. If y =⊥, w proves
that x does not satisfy the precondition and if y ∈ Y , w proves that either x does not satisfy
the precondition or (x, y) satisfies the postcondition, i.e.,
Randomized Checkability: For a triple (x, y, w) there is a trivial way to determine the value
W (x, y, w) with high probability. I.e., there is a trivial randomized algorithm that computes
W (x, y, w) correctly with probability at least 3/4 and this bound on the error probability is
trivial to understand.
• For inputs x ∈ X satisfying the precondition, it halts with probability at least 7/8.
An early version of the definition of randomized certification can be found in [Sch09], where
also complexity classes based on randomized certifyablity are defined. For a restricted com-
putation model it is shown that the gap in the best running times between a randomized and a
deterministic certifying algorithm can be arbitrarily large.
We next generalize Theorem 7; Theorem 5 is the special case ϕ = T and hence also general-
izes. Let (ϕ , ψ ) be an I/O-specification and let P be a randomized program (in a programming
language L with well-defined semantics) with I/O-behavior (ϕ , ψ ).
We need to make an additional assumption on P, namely that P computes a partial function.
Let f : X → Y be a partial function. P computes f if for any x ∈ X , f (x) is defined if and only
if P halts on x for some choice of randomness. Moreover, if f (x) is defined, P outputs f (x) with
probability at least 7/8. We comment below, why the assumption that P computes a function is
needed. We assume that we have a proof (in some formal system S) of the following statement:
We use w2 to denote the proof. We extend P to a program Q which on input x does the following:
If P halts on input x, Q outputs P(x) and a witness w = (w1 , w2 ) where w1 is the program text P
and w2 is a proof for (21).
The witness predicate W (x, y, w) holds if w has the required format, i.e., w = (w1 , w2 ), where
w1 is the program text of some program P, w2 is a proof for (21), and y = f (x), where f is the
partial function defined by P.
The following randomized algorithm C decides the witness predicate. On input (x, y, w), it
first checks that w2 is a proof of (21) where P is given by w1 . It then runs P on x for k different
choices of randomness (the k runs are performed in parallel); k will be fixed below. If k/2 + 1 of
the runs return y, the checker stops and accepts. Otherwise, it rejects or runs forever.
1. W has the witness property: If W (x, y, w), (21) holds and hence P computes a function;
call it f . Also, y = f (x) by the definition of W .
2. C decides W : Since C checks the proof w2 , we may assume that P satisfies (21). If P never
halts on x, C diverges. If P halts on x for some randomness, it halts on x and returns f (x)
with probability at least 7/8. The probability that, among k runs of P, k/2 or more produce
an output different from f (x) is at most
i k−i k/2 k/2 k/2 k/2
k 1 7 k 1 k 1 1 1
∑ i 8 8 ≤∑
i 8
4 2
≤ 1/4
i≥k/2 i
where the last inequality holds for k ≥ 4. Thus if y = f (x), prob(W (x, y, w)) ≥ 3/4 and if
y 6= f (x), prob(W (x, y, w)) ≤ 1/4. Thus C decides W .
3. Simplicity: The arguments in the preceding items are straightforward.
4. Efficiency: The running times of Q and C are asymptotically no larger than the expected
running time of P. Consider a particular x on which P halts for some choice of randomness.
Then P halts on x with probability at least 7/8. Let T be the expected running time of P on
x, where we average over the halting runs. Then only a fraction 1/10 of the halting runs can
take more than 10T steps and hence P halts on x within 10T steps with probability at least
(9/10)/(7/8). A small adaption of the computation in 2) shows that sufficiently many
runs of P stop within 10T steps. The same argument holds true for the space complexity.
We summarize the discussion.
Theorem 14. Every randomized program computing a function has an efficient weakly certifying
counterpart. This assumes that a proof for (21) in a formal system is available.
How important is it that P computes a function? Consider the following randomized algo-
rithm. It takes as an input the description of 10 Turing machines and produces 10 random bits.
The postcondition is that for at least one i, the i-th bit tells whether the i-th Turing machine halts
on empty input. This postcondition is satisfied with probability 1 − 1/210 . There seems to be
now way to boost the success probability of this program to a higher value and there seems to be
now way to check the output of this program.
11. Certification and Verification
We give examples where certification and verification can support each other. Some proper-
ties of the algorithm are more easily verified and other are more easily certified.
Sorting:. The example is due to Gerhard Goos (personal communication). The input to a sorting
algorithm is a set of elements from a linearly ordered set. The output is the same set but in sorted
order. Sortedness is easily checked and for a subclass of sorting algorithm integrity of the input
is easily verified.
It is trivial to check that a sequence of elements is sorted, say in ascending order. We simply
step through the sequence and check that we see successively larger elements. It is difficult to
check that two sets agree. In fact, the most efficient way to check equality of sets is to sort them
and check equality of the sorted sets.
General sorting algorithms frequently use a subroutine swap that exchanges the position of
two elements: swap is an extremely short program (less than three lines in most programming
languages) whose correctness is obvious (and is also easily proven). Any program which only
uses (a correct) swap to move elements around, outputs a permutation of its input set.
Minimum Cut:. Our second example is more subtle. A cut in an undirected graph G = (V, E) is
any subset S of the vertices which is neither empty nor the full set of vertices, i.e., 0/ 6= S 6= V .
Let c be a cost function on the edges of G. The weight of a cut S is the total cost of the edges
having exactly one endpoint in S, i.e.,
c(S) = ∑ c(e).
A minimum cut is a cut of minimum weight. We do not know of a certificate for minimum cuts.
There is a very efficient Monte Carlo algorithm for computing a minimum cut [KS96]. Here, we
consider the following generic approach to computing a minimum cut.
The algorithm works recursively. It uses a subroutine, which does the following: it deter-
mines two vertices s and t (s and t are not input to the subroutine, but the subroutine determines
them) and a cut S which is minimal among all cuts containing s but not t. Assume that we call
the subroutine for G and it returns s, t and a cut S. There are two cases: either S is a minimum
cut in G or the minimum cut in G does not separate s and t. In the former case we are done
(however, we do not know this) and in the latter case, we may collapse s and t into a single
vertex, i.e., remove s and t from the graph, add a new vertex z and for any v ∈ V \ { s,t } assign
c(s, v) + c(t, v) as cost of the edge13 (z, v), and determine a minimum cut in the reduced graph.
The minimum cut in the reduced graph will also be a minimum cut in the original graph (after
replacing z by { s,t }). An iterative version of the algorithm is as follows:
while G has at least two vertices do
determine two vertices s and t in G and a cut S which is minimal among all cuts containing
s but not t;
13 Of course, if v is not connected to either s or t, there is no need for introducing an edge connecting v and z.
Certified data structure A
Checker C
Datastructure D
Figure 19: D is a data structure implementation and C monitors its behavior. Any input is passed to C which then
forwards it, maybe in modified form to D. D reacts to it, C inspects the reaction of D and returns an answer to
the environment. If D is correct, the combination of C and D realizes the abstract data type A. If D is incorrect, C
catches the error.
collapse s and t.
end while
output the smallest cut found in any iteration;
Given the correctness of the subroutine, the algorithm is correct. Stoer and Wagner [SW97],
simplifying an earlier algorithm of Nagamochi and Ibaraki [NI92], gave an efficient algorithm
for the subroutine. Arikati and Mehlhorn [AM99] made the subroutine certifying. The certifying
version computes s, t, the cut S and a flow f from s to t of value c(S). The flow proves the
minimality of S by the min-cut-max-flow theorem (Lemma 7).
pair C + D is supposed to implement the behavior A as follows: The checker C interacts with the
environment and offers the interface of the abstract data type A. It also interacts with D through
the interface of A′ . The purpose of the checker is twofold:
• The checker offers the behavior A to the environment. It makes use of D to do so. Ideally,
all the hard work is done by D and C is only a simple interface layer.
We call C a monitor that realizes the abstract data type A in terms of the abstract data type A′ .
Such a monitor is useful whenever the implementation of A′ is unknown or untrusted.
The abstract data type A′ should be at least as strong as A; otherwise, we would not speak
of checking but of enhancing. In the interest of certifyability it may be necessary to make A′
stronger than A. The stronger behavior may be easier to check. This is akin to the situation for
algorithms. In order to achieve certifyability, we solve a more general problem.
We denote operations performed on D by D.op(argumentlist) and operations performed on
the abstract data type by op(argumentlist).
We will present the following results: There is a checker for ordered dictionaries (A = A′ =
ordered dictionary) that catches errors immediately and adds O(1) overhead to each dictionary
operation. Since ordered dictionaries are stronger than priority queues, we may also use the
checker with A = priority queue and A′ = ordered dictionary. So ordered dictionaries are fairly
easy to check.
For the second class of results we have A = A′ = priority queue. We will see that there is
checker with O(1) amortized overhead per operation that catches errors eventually [FM99]. We
will also see that a checker that wants to catch errors immediately, must incur an amortized
logarithmic overhead per operation. This is also the cost of priority queue operations. In other
words, priority queues are hard to check and a checker that wants to catch errors immediately
must essentially implement a priority queue by himself.
In the ordered dictionary problem, we assume that U is linearly ordered and require the
additional operations locate(x) and findmin( ). The former returns a handle to the pair (y, ) ∈ S
with minimal key y ≥ x, if there is such a pair. Otherwise, the special value nil is returned.
Findmin( ) returns a handle to the pair in S with minimal key. If S is empty, it returns nil.
Checking Ordered Dictionaries with Constant Overhead:. We show that ordered dictionaries
can be checked with constant overhead per operation. Errors are caught immediately.
Let D be the alleged implementation of an ordered dictionary and let S be the set stored in
the dictionary. The checker maintains a doubly-linked list of triples (x, i, h) sorted by key. There
is one triple for each pair (x, i) ∈ S; h is a handle to an item in D. The item handled by h contains
the pair (x, r), where r is a handle to the triple (x, i, h) in L. In other words, corresponding pairs
in D and L are linked to each other and L contains the pairs in S in sorted order. How do we
make sure that r is a handle into L and not a handle to some uncontrolled location in memory
which by accident points back to D. The standard solution for this problem is to store L in the
first |L| entries of an array LA, one list item per entry of the array. The handle r is accepted if
it points into the first |L| entries of LA. After a deletion from L, the element in position LA[|L|]
of LA is moved to the position of the deleted element. The cross-pointers between L and D are
changed accordingly; for the change in D, the operation D.set inf (h, ) is used. We next discuss
the implementations of the operations:
Insert(x, i): The checker calls D.locate(x) and D returns a handle h or nil. In the former case
h points to a pair (y, r); C uses D.key(h) and D.inf (h) to read out y and r. If r does not point into
L, C declares failure. Let (z, j, h′) be the entry of L handled by r. If h′ 6= h or z 6= y, C declares
failure. Otherwise, it checks that x ≤ y and that x is larger than the key in the triple preceding
(y, j, h). If not, the checker declares failure. If y = x, it replaces j by i, and if x < y, it inserts a
triple (x, i, ) into L just before the triple with key y. Let s be a handle to this triple. Next it inserts
(x, s) into D and stores the returned handle in the triple with handle s. It returns s. If D returns
nil, C checks that x is larger that the key in the last item of L. If not, C declares failure. If so,
it inserts a triple (x, i, ) into L after the last item of L. Let s be a handle to this triple. Next, it
inserts (x, s) into D and stores the returned handle in the triple with handle s. C returns s.
Delete(s): s is a handle to an item (x, i, h) in the list L. We remove the pair with handle h
from D and we remove the item (x, i, h) from L.
findmin( ): The checker calls D.findmin and obtains a handle h to a pair (x, r). As above the
checker checks that the pair in L handled by r is equal to (x, , h). It also checks that r handles
the first element of L. If so, it returns r.
We leave the implementation of the other operations to the reader.
Ordered dictionaries can be used to sort. Sorting n items takes Ω(n log n) comparisons. There
is a nice division of labor. After the insertion of n elements, the checker has the sorted list L of
the elements. However, it has performed only O(n) comparisons. The hard work of locating a
new element in the current list is done by D; then C performs two comparisons to verify that D
did not lie. In the next section, we will show that the interface of priority queues is too narrow
and does not allow a similar division of labor.
12.2. Priority Queues
A priority queue offers the operations insert(x, i) and delmin( ). Delmin returns and deletes
pair with minimum key. The priority queue operations are a subset of the ordered dictionary
operations and hence the construction of the preceding section is also a monitor that realizes
priority queues in terms of ordered dictionaries.
In this subsection, we will discuss monitors that realize priority queues in terms of priority
queues. We will show that there is a checker which reports errors with delay. The checker has
constant overhead. We also show that any checker which catches errors with no delay, must incur
logarithmic amortized cost per operation.
A Checker with Delay:. We review a construction given in [FM99]; [MN99, Section 5.5.3] con-
tains all implementation details. There is a simple but inefficient way for monitoring a priority
queue. After every D.findmin operation, we simply check that the reported priority is the small-
est of all priorities in the queue. This solution does the job but defeats the purpose as it adds
linear overhead. We will reduce the overhead at the expense of catching errors delayed. When
a D.findmin operation is performed, the checker will record that all items currently in the queue
must have a priority at least as large as the priority reported. The actual checking is done later.
Consider Figure 20. The top part of this figure shows the items in a priority queue from left
to right in the order of their insertion time. The y-coordinate indicates the priority. With each
item of the priority queue we have an associated lower bound. The lower bound for an item is
the maximal priority reported by any D.findmin operation that took place after the insertion of
the item. D operates correctly if the priority of any item is at least as large as its lower bound.
We can therefore check D by comparing the priority of an item with its lower bound when the
item is deleted from D.
How can we efficiently maintain the lower bounds of the items in the queue? We observe that
lower bounds are monotonically decreasing from left to right and hence have the staircase-like
form shown in Figure 20. We call a maximal segment of items with the same lower bound a
step. How does the system of lower bounds evolve over time? When a new item is added to the
queue its associated lower bound is −∞ and when a D.findmin operation reports a priority p all
lower bounds smaller than p are increased to p. In other words, all steps of value at most p are
removed and replaced by a single step of value p. Since the staircase of lower bounds is falling
from left to right this amounts to replacing a certain number of steps at the end of the staircase
by a single step, see Figure 21.
We can now describe the details of the checker. It keeps a linear list L of items, one for each
item in D. As in Section 12.1, the items in L and the items in D are cross-linked. The list L is
ordered by insertion time. The checker also keeps a list S of steps and a union-find data structure
Part for the items in L. The blocks of Part comprise the items in a step and a block has a pointer
to the element in S representing the step. An item in S stores the lower bound associated with the
step and a pointer to the last element in L belonging to the step, see Figure 20.
When an element (x, i) is inserted into the queue, the checker forwards the insertion to D,
adds an item to L, cross-links the two new items, and adds the new item in L to the step with
lower bound −∞. If this step does not exist, it is created.
S nil
Figure 20: In the top part of the figure the items in a priority queue D are shown as circles in the xy-plane. The
x-coordinate corresponds to the insertion time of the item and the y-coordinate corresponds to its priority. The lower
bounds for the priorities are indicated as heavy horizontal lines. The lower bound for the last two items is −∞. The
lower part of the figure shows the data structures of the checker. The list L has one item for each item in D, the list
S has one item for each step, and the union-find data structure Part connects each item in L to the step to which it
belongs. The blocks of Part are indicated as ellipses. Each element in S knows the lower bound associated with the
step and the last item in L belonging to the step.
Figure 21: Updating the staircase of lower bounds after reporting a priority of p. All steps whose associated lower
bound is at most p are replaced by a single step whose associated lower bound is p.
When an element is deleted, the checker deletes the corresponding item in L, uses the union-
find data structure to find the step to which the item belongs, and verifies that the priority of the
item is at least as large as the lower bound stored with the step.
When a D.findmin( ) reports a priority p, all steps with lower bound at most p are united into
a single step. The relevant steps are found by scanning S from its right end. The union-operations
are initiated by going from the element in S to the last item in L that belongs to the block and
then calling the union operation of the union-find data structure.
A Lower Bound for On-Line Checkers:. We prove that any checker C that catches errors with no
delay, must incur logarithmic amortized cost per operation in the worst case. We will use the pair
C + D to sort n elements by performing the sequence
insert(a1 ); . . .; insert(an ); delmin( ); . . . ; delmin( ).
The pair C + D must perform Ω(n logn) comparisons to execute this sequence correctly. We will
show that C must perform Ω(n logn) comparisons. We use the lower bound technique developed
in [BCR96]. We make the following assumptions about the checker: it cannot invent elements,
i.e., only arguments of insert operations can be passed on to the data structure for insertion.
However, not all arguments need to be passed on. Similarly, not all deletions need to be passed
on. In this way the set of elements stored in D is a subset of the elements inserted by the
environment. We use SD to denote the elements stored in D and SA to denote the elements stored
in A. The lower bound is through an adversary argument. The adversary fixes
1. the outcome of the comparisons made by C. We use <C for the partial order determined
by C.
Of course, any answer of the adversary must be consistent with previous answers. The checker
interacts with the environment and with D. It has the following obligations.
1. With respect to the environment, it must implement a priority queue, i.e., every delmin( )-
operation must return a handle to the minimum element in SA .
2. With respect to the data structure, it must catch errors immediately, i.e., before the next
interaction with the environment. In other words, after every D.delmin( )-operation, C
performs some comparisons and then either accepts or rejects the answer of D. Let m be
the priority returned by the D.delmin( )-operation. If m is the minimum of SD , C must
accept the answer, and if m is not the minimum of SD , C must reject the answer.
There are two situations, where C can readily decide. If m is the minimum of SD under <C ,
C may accept, and if m is not a minimal element of SD under <C , C must reject. We next show
that C cannot decide with less knowledge.
Lemma 23. When C accepts the answer m of a D.delmin( ), m must be the minimum of SD with
respect to <C , and if C rejects, m must not be a minimal element of SD with respect to <C .
Proof: Consider the first operation D.delmin( ), where the claim is false. Then C accepted the
outcomes of all previous D.delmin( )-operations and hence their answers were determined by <C
at the time of their acceptance and hence by the current <C .
Assume now that m is a minimal element of SD with respect to <C , but is not a minimum.
Then there are linear extensions <1 and <2 of <C , one having m as the minimum and one
not having m as the minimum. Consider now the execution of our algorithm on <1 and <2 .
Since both orders extend <C , the answers of all previous operations D.delmin( ) are still correct.
However, under <1 , the answer to the current D.delmin( )-operation is correct and under <2 , the
answer is incorrect. Thus <C does not contain sufficient information for C to decide.
The interactions with the environment are completely determined by the sequence of inserts,
deletes, and the comparisons made by C. In particular, whenever an environment-delmin( ) is
answered, <C must determine a unique minimal element in SA . However, which comparisons are
made by C depends on the outcome of the D.delmin( ) operations. It is last sentence which forces
us to continue the argument. It is conceivable, that the outcome of the D.delmin( ) operations
guides the checker to the right comparisons. This was the case in the subsection 12.1 where the
checker needed only two comparisons to insert a new element at the right position. The interface
of priority queue is too narrow to support a similar approach.
We next define the strategy of the adversary in a way similar to [BCR96]. In [BCR96], the
adversary only needs to fix the outcome of comparisons made by C. It now also has to fix the
outcome of D.delmin( ) operations. Since the adversary needs to stay consistent with itself, this
will fix outcomes of future comparisons made by C. The strategy of [BCR96] is as follows: The
elements sit in the nodes of a binary tree; we use v(x) to denote the node containing x and ℓ(x)
to denote the depth of the node v(x). The number of comparisons made by C will be Ω(∑x ℓ(x)).
We say that an element x sits left of an element y if and only if there is a node v such that x sits
in a left descendant of v and y sits in a right descendant of v. There are three possibilities for
two elements x and y. Either x sits left of y or x sits right of y or x and y sit on a common path,
i.e., in nodes where one is an ancestor of the other. The partial order on the elements as follows:
x is smaller than y if and only if x sits left of y. If x and y sit on a common path, the order is
still undecided. All linear orders compatible with the current partial order can be obtained by
moving elements down the tree until no two elements sit on a common path. An insert puts the
new element into the root.
When elements x and y are compared and
• x and y sit in the same node, we move one to the left and one to the right
• x and y sit in nodes of which neither is an ancestor of the other, no move is required.
Lemma 24. If x < y follows from the answers of the adversary then x sits left of y.
Proof: If x < y follows from the answers of the adversary, there are elements z0 , z1, . . . , zk such
that x = z0 , y = zk , and zi was declared smaller than zi+1 by the adversary for 0 ≤ i < k. After
zi was declared smaller than zi+1 , it sits left of zi+1 in the tree. As elements only move down, it
stays to the left of zi+1 . Thus x sits left of y in the tree.
How does the adversary fix the outcome of a D.delmin( ) operation? By Lemma 23, the only
logical constraint is that the outcome must be consistent with <C . Consider the elements in SD
and how they are distributed over the tree. If SD = 0, / no action is required. Otherwise, we define
a tree-path p and call it the D-min-path. It starts in the root. Assume that we have extended p up
to a node v. If no elements in SD are stored in proper descendants of v, the path ends. If some are
stored in the left subtree, we proceed to the left child, otherwise, we proceed to the right child.
The elements of SD lying on p are exactly the elements in SD which are minimal elements with
respect to <C . Observe that the D-min-path changes over time. Lemma 23 tells us that whenever
C accepts the outcome of a D.delmin( )-operation, the D-min-path must contain a single element
in SD .
The adversary fixes the outcome of D.delmin( ) as follows: it returns an element m in SD in
the highest (= closest to the root) non-empty node of p for which the left child is not on p; non-
empty means that the node contains an element of SD . This node exists since the last node of p is
a non-empty node for which the left child is not on p. If m is the only element of SD stored on p,
the adversary is done. Otherwise, it implicitly moves m to the left child of v and all elements of
SD different from m sitting in ancestors of v and including v to their right child. We say that the
elements are moved implicitly, because these moves are hidden from C. The adversary commits
to these moves but it does not make them yet. It makes them when the elements are involved in
a comparison explicitly asked for by C. Let R be the set of elements moved in this way. When
an element in R is involved in the next comparison, the adversary actually performs the hidden
move and then follows the Brodal-et-al strategy. Let k = |R| ≥ 1. We will show that C has to
make Ω(k) comparisons before it can accept the outcome of D.delmin( ).
Consider the comparisons made by C between the call to D.delmin( ) and the commit to the
answer m. By Lemma 23, m must be the minimum of SD under <C when C accepts m. Thus at
the time of acceptance , the D-min-path contains a single element. We now distinguish cases:
R \ m is non-empty or R = { m }. In the former case, assume that there is an element in R \ m that
is not involved in a comparison made by C before the time of commitment. Then this elements
still sits in an ancestor of the node containing m at the time of commitment and hence its order
with respect to m is still open. Thus C cannot commit, a contradiction. We conclude that if the
adversary performs k hidden moves, we can charge them to at least ⌈(k − 1)/2⌉ comparisons
made by C made before it accepts m.
If k = 1, we have to argue differently. In this case, no other element in SD is stored in an
ancestor of or at the node containing m. However, in this case, the D-min-path extends beyond
the node containing m (otherwise, we would be in the situation that the D-min-path contains a
single element of SD ) and hence C must perform a comparison involving m before it can accept
In this way, we charge O(1) moves to a single comparison. More precisely, we charge at most
five moves to a single comparison. The worst case occurs when k = 3. The adversary performs
three hidden moves, C performs one comparison and this results in two more moves.
It is now easy to complete the lower bound. We consider the sequence
This sequence sorts. When a delmin is answered, the element returned must be the unique
minimum on the A-minimum path (this is the path containing the potential minima under <C in
SA ). Thus there is no element stored in an ancestor of the element returned. By the definition of
the adversary strategy, this is also true at the end of operation sequence. Let ℓi be the depth of the
element returned by the i-th delmin-operation at the end of the execution. Then14 ∑ ℓi ≥ n log n.
14 Letv1 , . . . , vn be n nodes in an infinite binary tree, no two of which are ancestors of each other and let ℓi be
the depth of vi . Then ∑ ℓi ≥ n log n as an easy induction shows. The claim is clear for n = 1. Assume now that
Since any comparison made by C increases the sum ∑i ℓi by at most five, we conclude that C
performs (1/5)n logn comparisons.
Theorem 15. In the comparison model, any checker for priority queues which reports errors
immediately, must perform (1/5)n logn comparisons.
2. When we discuss the first certifying algorithm, we spend time on motivation (Section 3)
and usefulness (Section 7).
3. If the theme of integer arithmetic fits into the course, we explain that checking a divi-
sion through multiplication and checking a multiplication through the method of “casting
out nines” (see Subsection 10.2) are ancient examples of certifying the correctness of a
4. If the computation of greatest common divisors fits into the course, we treat the basic
and the extended Euclidean algorithm as examples of a non-certifying and a certifying
algorithm (see Subsection 2.3).
5. In some advanced courses, we have discussed the theory of certifying algorithms (Sec-
tion 5) and/or general approaches to certifying algorithms (Section 8).
As course material, we have used draft versions of this article. In the future, we will use this
article. Also, the recent textbook by Mehlhorn and Sanders [MS08] uses the concept of certifying
n > 1 and that n1 and n2 elements lie in the left and right subtree, respectively. Then ∑1≤i≤n1 (ℓi − 1) ≥ n1 log n1 and
∑n1 +1≤i≤n (ℓi − 1) ≥ n2 log n2 by induction hypothesis. Thus
n1 n1 n2 n2
∑ ℓi ≥ n + n1 log n1 + n2 log n2 = n log n + n(1 + n log
+ log ) ≥ n log n.
n n
14. Future Work
Open problems are numerous. Any algorithmic problem for which there is no certifying
algorithm or only a certifying algorithm whose running time is of higher order than the known
best non-certifying algorithm is an open problem. Our personal favorites are 3-connectivity of
graphs (see Section 5.4), arrangements of algebraic curves, shortest paths in the plane or in space
in the presence of obstacles, and the algebraic number packages in LEDA and CGAL.
We would also like to see advances in formal verification of certifying algorithms. For most
algorithms mentioned in this paper, it should be feasible to give a formal proof for the witness
property and for the correctness of the checking program. Eyad Alkassar, Christine Rizkallah,
Norbert Schirmer, and the second author have recently given such proofs for the maximum car-
dinality matching problem (see Section 2.5) in Isabelle [Isa] and VCC [VCC], respectively.
Also, our definition of certifying algorithm should be reconsidered. We mentioned that some
fellow researchers feel that Theorems 5 and 7 should not hold. The task is then to find an
appropriate restrictive definition of certifying algorithm.
15. Conclusions
Certifying algorithms are a prefered kind of algorithm. They prove their work and they are
easier to implement reliably. Their wide-spread use would greatly enhance the reliability of
algorithmic software.
16. Acknowledgements
We want to thank many colleages for discussions about aspects of this paper, in particu-
lar, Ernst Althaus, Peter van Emde Boas, Harry Buhmann, Arno Eigenwillig, Uli Finkler, Ste-
fan Funke, Dieter Kratsch, Franco Preparata, Peter Sanders, Elmar Schömer, Raimund Seidel,
Jeremy Spinrad, and Christian Uhrig.
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