Industrial Psychology and Organizational Behavior-Syllabus
Industrial Psychology and Organizational Behavior-Syllabus
Industrial Psychology and Organizational Behavior-Syllabus
End-Semester 70 Marks
Prerequisites: Understanding psychology as natural science, Infancy and Preschool Years, Diversity
and Social Interaction, zeal to contribute for individual, group, social and national development.
Course Objectives:
1. To develop an understanding of the nature, functioning and design of organization as social
2. To orient the students to the application of principles of psychology in an industrial and
organizational workplace
3. To demonstrate the understanding of job requirement and related fatigue, boredom and ways to
handle it.
4. To develop the insights into performance management and understanding related improvement
5. To have an understanding of human behavior in groups and develop knowledge and skills in
leadership, power, communication, negotiation and conflict management.
6. To develop the acumen to understand the organizational culture, change management and
organizational development.
Course Outcomes
On completion of the course the learner will be able to;
CO1. DEMONSTRATE fundamental knowledge about need and scope of industrial -
organizational psychology and behavior.
CO2. ANALYZE the job requirement, have understanding of fatigue, boredom and improve the
job satisfaction.
CO3. UNDERSTAND the approaches to enhance the performance.
CO4. KNOWLEDGE of theories of organizational behavior, learning and social-system.
CO5. UNDERSTAND the mechanism of group behavior, various aspects of team, leadership
and conflict management.
CO6. EVALUATE the organizational culture, manage the change and understands
organizational development approaches.
Course Content
Unit 1 Industrial Psychology: Introduction
Introduction to Industrial Psychology, Brief History of Industrial Psychology, Nature, Scope and
Problems, psychology as a science and areas of applications, Individual differences and their
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evaluation, Role of heredity and environment, study of behavior and stimulus to response behavior,
Types of individual differences, Scientific management and it’s limitations
Industrial Fatigue: Introduction, Concept and Meaning, Types of Industrial Fatigue, Causes of
Fatigue, Contents, Fatigue Symptoms, Industrial Studies on Fatigue, Causes and Remedies of
Industrial Fatigue, Effects of Industrial Fatigue
Industrial Boredom: Introduction, Concept and Meaning, Causes and Remedies of Boredom,
Effects of Boredom, Reducing Boredom
Relevance of Leadership and supervision, Recruitment, Time and Stress Management, Occupational
Health and Safety. Implication of Motivation Theories in Workplace, Factors Influencing Job
Satisfaction, Reducing Dissatisfaction
Ethics and ethical behavior in organizations, Learning: meaning and definition, process and theories of
learning, Understanding a social-system, Organizational Behavior in an Engineering Sector Organization
Leadership: Functions and approaches; trait, behavioral and contingency models; characteristics of
successful leaders; role of power in leadership
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Relationships, Transactional Analysis, Johari Window
Organizational Changes: Concept and Forces for Change, Managing Planned Changes, Resistance
to Change, Approaches to Manage Organizational Change, Organizational Development, Culture-
Boundedness of Managing the Change.
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Publishers, New York.
11. Sukla, Madhukar: Understanding Organizations: Organization Theory and Practice in India,
Prentice Hall, New Delhi.
Web References:
1. ses/110105034/1
2. ses/110105034/6
3. ses/110105034/12
4. ses/110105034/8
5. ses/110105034/14
6. s/110105034/23
7. s/110105034/26
8. s/110105034/27
9. ses/110105034/34
10. ses/110105034/2
11. ses/110105034/40
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