Guardian Procedure Errors and Messages Manual
Guardian Procedure Errors and Messages Manual
Guardian Procedure Errors and Messages Manual
This manual describes the Guardian messages for HP systems that use the HP
NonStopTM operating system. The manual covers the following types of messages:
error codes and error lists associated with Guardian procedure calls, the interprocess
messages sent to application programs by the operating system and the command
interpreter, traps, and signals.
Product Version
Supported Release Version Updates (RVUs)
This publication supports J06.03 and all subsequent J-series RVUs, H06.03 and all
subsequent H-series RVUs, and G06.15 and all subsequent G-series RVUs, until
otherwise indicated by its replacement publications. Additionally, all considerations for
H-series throughout this manual will hold true for J-series also, unless mentioned
Legal Notices
What’s New in This Manual vii
Manual Information vii
New and Changed Information vii
About This Manual xi
Purpose of This Manual xi
Who Should Read This Manual xi
How This Manual Is Organized xi
Related Reading xiii
Notation Conventions xiii
HP Encourages Your Comments xvii
1. Introduction
Procedure Errors 1-1
G-Series and Later Procedure Errors 1-1
C-Series Procedure Errors 1-2
Interprocess Messages 1-3
Interprocess Command Interpreter Messages 1-3
System Messages 1-3
Error Lists 1-3
Error List Content 1-3
Error Lists and Non-SPI Subsystems 1-4
Traps and Signals 1-4
2. File-System Errors
Error Codes 2-1
C-Series and D-Series Error Handling 2-2
Error Mapping to C Language errno Values 2-3
Error Code Descriptions 2-5
Error Lists 2-96
Hewlett-Packard Company—522628-011
Contents 2. File-System Errors (continued)
4. DEFINE Errors
Error Codes 4-1
Error Codes 7-1
Error Codes 8-1
Figure 1-1. Error List Format 1-4
Figure 19-1. Command Interpreter Messages 19-1
Table 1-1. Error Designations 1-2
Table 2-1. File-System Error Categories 2-1
Table 2-2. D-Series Error Information Procedures 2-2
Table 2-3. Guardian File-System Errors Mapped to C Errors 2-3
Table 2-4. Conditional Tokens That Can Appear in Any File-System Error
List 2-96
Table 5-1. NEWPROCESS Error 6 Error Subcodes 5-4
Table 6-1. Error Subcodes for PROCESS_LAUNCH_ and PROCESS_SPAWN_
Errors 2 and 3 6-3
Tables (continued)
Table 6-2. Error Subcodes for Process Creation Errors 12, 13, 70, 76, 84, and
3xx 6-7
Table 6-3. Error Subcodes for Process Creation Error 64 6-23
Table 9-1. PROCESS_SPAWN_ Error Fields 9-1
Table 14-1. Supplementary Status Values 14-7
Table 19-1. Command Interpreter Messages 19-2
Table 20-1. D-Series-Format System Messages 20-2
Table 20-2. C-Series and D-Series System Messages Compared 20-3
Table 20-3. Completion Codes 20-21
Table 21-1. TNS/R Native Signal Names, Signal Numbers, Trap Numbers, and Trap
Descriptions 21-1
This manual describes the Guardian messages for HP systems that use the HP
NonStopTM operating system. The manual covers the following types of messages:
error codes and error lists associated with Guardian procedure calls, the interprocess
messages sent to application programs by the operating system and the command
interpreter, traps, and signals.
Product Version
Supported Release Version Updates (RVUs)
This publication supports J06.03 and all subsequent J-series RVUs, H06.03 and all
subsequent H-series RVUs, and G06.15 and all subsequent G-series RVUs, until
otherwise indicated by its replacement publications. Additionally, all considerations for
H-series throughout this manual will hold true for J-series also, unless mentioned
Document History
Part Number Product Version Published
522628-006 N/A August 2007
522628-008 N/A May 2008
522628-009 N/A February 2010
522628-010 N/A August 2010
522628-011 N/A February 2011
• Section 22, OSS Error Information, describes how to find information on Open
System Services (OSS) errors.
Related Reading
This manual assumes that you are familiar with the HP system architecture and the
NonStop operating system. The following manuals provide information about the
hardware architecture and the operating system:
• Introduction to Tandem NonStop Systems
• The introductions and system description manuals for individual HP NonStop
While using this manual, you might need to refer to the following related programming
• Guardian Programmer’s Guide
• Guardian Procedure Calls Reference Manual
• Guardian Programming Reference Summary
• Open System Services System Calls Reference Manual
• Open System Services System Calls Reference Manual
Notation Conventions
General Syntax Notation
The following list summarizes the notation conventions for syntax presentation in this
UPPERCASE LETTERS. Uppercase letters indicate keywords and reserved words; enter
these items exactly as shown. Items not enclosed in brackets are required. For
lowercase italic letters. Lowercase italic letters indicate variable items that you supply.
Items not enclosed in brackets are required. For example:
computer type. Computer type letters within text indicate C and Open System Services
(OSS) keywords and reserved words. Type these items exactly as shown. Items not
enclosed in brackets are required. For example:
italic computer type. Italic computer type letters within text indicate C and Open
System Services (OSS) variable items that you supply. Items not enclosed in brackets
are required. For example:
{ } Braces. A group of items enclosed in braces is a list from which you are required to
choose one item. The items in the list may be arranged either vertically, with aligned
braces on each side of the list, or horizontally, enclosed in a pair of braces and
separated by vertical lines. For example:
LISTOPENS PROCESS { $appl-mgr-name }
{ $process-name }
| Vertical Line. A vertical line separates alternatives in a horizontal list that is enclosed in
brackets or braces. For example:
… Ellipsis. An ellipsis immediately following a pair of brackets or braces indicates that you
can repeat the enclosed sequence of syntax items any number of times. For example:
M address-1 [ , new-value ]...
[ - ] {0|1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9}...
An ellipsis immediately following a single syntax item indicates that you can repeat that
syntax item any number of times. For example:
Quotation marks around a symbol such as a bracket or brace indicate that the symbol
is a required character that you must enter as shown. For example:
"[" repetition-constant-list "]"
Item Spacing. Spaces shown between items are required unless one of the items is a
punctuation symbol such as a parenthesis or a comma. For example:
CALL STEPMOM ( process-id ) ;
If there is no space between two items, spaces are not permitted. In the following
example, there are no spaces permitted between the period and any other items:
Line Spacing. If the syntax of a command is too long to fit on a single line, each
continuation line is indented three spaces and is separated from the preceding line by
a blank line. This spacing distinguishes items in a continuation line from items in a
vertical list of selections. For example:
ALTER [ / OUT file-spec / ] CONTROLLER
[ , attribute-spec ]...
Nonitalic text. Nonitalic letters, numbers, and punctuation indicate text that is displayed or
returned exactly as shown. For example:
Backup Up.
lowercase italic letters. Lowercase italic letters indicate variable items whose values are
displayed or returned. For example:
[ ] Brackets. Brackets enclose items that are sometimes, but not always, displayed. For
Event number = number [ Subject = first-subject-value ]
A group of items enclosed in brackets is a list of all possible items that can be
displayed, of which one or none might actually be displayed. The items in the list might
be arranged either vertically, with aligned brackets on each side of the list, or
horizontally, enclosed in a pair of brackets and separated by vertical lines. For
LDEV ldev [ CU %ccu | CU %... ] UP [ (cpu,chan,%ctlr,%unit) ]
{ } Braces. A group of items enclosed in braces is a list of all possible items that can be
displayed, of which one is actually displayed. The items in the list might be arranged
either vertically, with aligned braces on each side of the list, or horizontally, enclosed in
a pair of braces and separated by vertical lines. For example:
process-name State changed from old-objstate to objstate
{ Operator Request. }
{ Unknown. }
| Vertical Line. A vertical line separates alternatives in a horizontal list that is enclosed in
brackets or braces. For example:
Transfer status: { OK | Failed }
% Percent Sign. A percent sign precedes a number that is not in decimal notation. The
%þnotation precedes an octal number. The %Bþnotation precedes a binary number.
The %Hþnotation precedes a hexadecimal number. For example:
P=%p-register E=%e-register
UPPERCASE LETTERS. Uppercase letters indicate names from definition files; enter these
names exactly as shown. For example:
lowercase letters. Words in lowercase letters are words that are part of the notation,
including Data Definition Language (DDL) keywords. For example:
Procedure Errors
Procedure errors are values returned to your program after your program calls
procedures such as file-system procedures. Your application program should test for
possible errors and take appropriate action when necessary.
Your program detects procedure errors in two ways, depending on the procedure being
called. Errors returned by D-series and later procedures are not in the same format as
those returned by C-series procedures. The names of D-series and later procedures
can be recognized by their trailing underscore; the names of most C-series procedures
do not contain the underscore character.
returned value, it is always possible to obtain it or return it. Bounds checking is not
When error-detail is used, most error values share the error designations
shown in Table 1-1.
Four G-series file information procedures are available for checking on error
These procedures are described in the Guardian Procedure Calls Reference Manual.
See Section 2, File-System Errors, for information regarding their use in obtaining file-
system error information.
Interprocess Messages
Interprocess messages are data structures that are exchanged between processes or
between the operating system and a process. Interprocess message are received by a
user process through its $RECEIVE file. A user process sends an interprocess
message by opening the process to which the message is to be sent.
This manual describes two types of interprocess messages:
• Interprocess command interpreter messages
• System messages
System Messages
A system message is an interprocess message that is sent from the operating system
to an application process. Use of these messages is documented in the Guardian
Programmer’s Guide.
Error Lists
Error lists are Subsystem Programmatic Interface (SPI) buffers returned to an
application program by another process. Error lists can be returned to your application
process if you are using SPI to send requests to another process. If the other process
encounters a procedure error, it returns the error information in an error list to your
application process.
The value of the return token, ZSPI-TKN-RETCODE, indicates the content of the error
• If zero and no error list follows, no error occurred.
• If zero but one or more error lists follow, the error lists contain only warning
messages: unusual conditions that might be of interest to the requester but do not
prevent the server from completing the command.
• If nonzero, the error list must contain at least one token with an error number that
matches the value of the return token. Each subsystem defines its own set of error
same conditions that cause traps to occur in TNS processes. In this manual, equivalent
trap and signal conditions are described together.
Each description of a trap or signal condition contains the following information:
• The signal name or trap number
• The cause of the trap or signal
• The effect of the error on the system
• The recovery actions you can take
You can use the ARMTRAP procedure to specify a location in your application program
where execution should begin if a trap occurs. Your program can use information
passed to investigate the cause of the error. You can even reset the trap mechanism
and cause the program to restart.
Use of the ARMTRAP procedure and user-written trap processes is documented in the
Guardian Programmer’s Guide.
For more information on errors related to terminals, line printers, tape drives, card
readers, interprocess communication, and the operator console, refer to the Guardian
Programmer’s Guide. For more information about interprocess communication errors
that can occur when applications use the Subsystem Programmatic Interface (SPI),
refer to the SPI Programming Manual.
File-system errors returned by the data communications subsystems can have special
meanings depending on the particular subsystem, access method, or protocol being
used. After obtaining the device type associated with the error, consult Appendix A of
the Guardian Procedure Calls Reference Manual to determine which subsystem is
involved and refer to the appropriate manual for the subsystem.
Note. In the error code descriptions, if a device-type number includes a dot (.), the digits to the
left of the dot are the device type and the digits to the right of the dot are the device subtype.
Cause. The procedure is invalid for the given type of file. For example:
• PURGE of a nondisk file
• KEYPOSITION on an unstructured disk file
• Invalid SETMODE operation
$RECEIVE opened with a receive-depth of zero.
This error is also returned from REPLYX in any of the three following cases:
• The address of a parameter is extended, but no segment is in use at the time of
the call or the segment in use is invalid.
• The address of a parameter is extended, but is an absolute address.
• The file system cannot use the user’s segment when needed.
Effect. The operation might return without performing all or part of the requested
operation. For example, FILE_GETINFOLIST[BYNAME]_ can return without all of the
requested information.
Recovery. Correct the request.
Cause. An OPEN or FILE_OPEN_ operation could not open one or more partitions
defined for the file, or a purge or other operation for a partitioned file could not operate
on one or more of the defined partitions.
Effect. The open operation succeeds. However, any future attempts to access the
nonexistent partition return an error 72 (attempt to access unmounted partition). The
purge operation deletes what it can.
Recovery. Correct the operation or parameters.
Cause. An open operation for a structured file with alternate keys could not open an
alternate-key file.
Effect. The open succeeds. However, any subsequent attempts to access the file by
way of an alternate key stored in the unopened file result in file-system error 46 (invalid
key specified). When an insertion or update is made to a file having an unopened
alternate-key file, the insertion (that is, the write) finishes successfully but does not
update the unopened alternate-key file.
Recovery. Corrective action is application dependent.
Cause. Space was not available in the process file segment (PFS) for the sequential
block buffer or the file is not a structured disk file.
Effect. Sequential-block buffering is not used.
Recovery. Informative warning message only; no corrective action is needed.
Cause. The process received a system message from the operating system.
Effect. Data is returned in the application process buffer.
Recovery. Informative message only. The process receiving the system message
should read it (from $RECEIVE) to determine what action is needed.
Cause. The process receiving the error message called CONTROL, SETMODE,
RESETSYNC, or CONTROLBUF for a server process file, but the server process did
not open its $RECEIVE file to enable receipt of these messages either with the
procedure OPEN parameter flags.<1> set to 1 or with the FILE_OPEN_ procedure
parameter options.<15> set to 0.
Effect. The procedure returns without performing the requested operation.
Recovery. Either have the server process open $RECEIVE with the OPEN parameter
flags.<1> set to 1 or FILE_OPEN_ parameter options.<15> set to 0, correct the file
parameter on the procedure call, or eliminate the call.
Cause. A “read-thru-locks with warning” mode was specified, and the record returned
was locked by another user.
Effect. The procedure returns the requested data and the error code.
Recovery. Informative message only; no corrective action is needed.
Cause. A process requested creation of a new disk file, insertion of a new record in a
file, or insertion of a new record with a unique alternate key in a structured file, but a
file by that name or a record with that key already exists.
Effect. The procedure sets the error code and returns without performing the
requested operation.
Cause. An operation referred to a nonexistent disk file or record, or the indicated tape
file was not on a labeled tape.
Effect. The procedure sets the error code and returns without performing the
requested operation.
Recovery. Corrective action is application dependent; for “record not in file,” it
depends on the positioning mode.
Cause. The specified file was in use, with exclusive or protected access, by another
If a backup open is being performed and the file number is currently opened by the
backup process, the open operation returns this file-system error number though the
file was not in use.
Effect. The procedure sets the error code and returns without performing the
requested operation.
Recovery. Corrective action is application dependent.
Cause. The specified device or process did not exist on the system.
Effect. The procedure sets the error code and returns without performing the
requested operation.
Recovery. Correct the device name or process name.
Cause. The disk volume name or system number specified for a FILE_RENAME_ or
RENAME procedure did not match the name of the volume or system number on
which the given file resides.
Effect. The procedure sets the error code and returns without performing the
requested operation.
Recovery. Correct the device name or process name.
Cause. A file number was supplied to a file-system procedure call but no file with that
number was open.
Effect. The procedure sets the error code and returns without performing the
requested operation.
Recovery. Open the file using either the FILE_OPEN_ procedure or the OPEN
procedure; then make your other calls such as FILE_GETINFO_ or FILEINFO.
Cause. The specified system does not exist in the network; no connection has been
made to this system since the last cold load.
Effect. The procedure sets the error code and returns without performing the
requested operation.
Recovery. Correct the system name, or make sure that the lines between the local
system and the referenced system are up.
Cause. The logical device table was full, so the file system could not add the specified
device or process.
Effect. The procedure sets the error code and returns without performing the
requested operation.
Recovery. Corrective action is application dependent.
Cause. An unconverted process tried to gain network access either to a process that
has a name of more than five characters or to a device that has a name of more than
seven characters. Error 20 also occurs if the opener has a process name of more than
five characters or a home terminal name of more than seven characters when using a
procedure that requires names in internal format. Error 20 can also indicate an
incorrect swap file or system designation.
Effect. The procedure sets the error code and returns without performing the
requested operation.
Recovery. If the opener’s process name is too long, run it under a shorter name. If the
opener’s home terminal name is too long, either run the process with the TACL RUN
command specifying “TERM name”; run the application from a terminal with a shorter
name, rename the terminal in the SYSGEN configuration file, and regenerate the
system. This problem should not occur if you use the procedures introduced in the
D-series release (such as FILE_OPEN_ ), because they do not use names in internal
Cause. A disk address specified in a file-system call was too large or too small, or the
maximum number of blocks in an alternate-key file was exceeded. This error indicates
corrupt data or a corrupt alternate-key file.
Effect. The procedure sets the error code and returns without performing the
requested operation.
Recovery. Corrective action is application dependent. However, you might need to
increase the workfile size.
Cause. A process called AWAITIO[X] or CANCEL for a file opened for waited I/O.
Effect. The procedure sets the error code and returns without performing the
requested operation.
Recovery. Either open the file for nowait I/O, correct the file number, or make another
correction appropriate to the application.
Cause. A process called AWAITIO[X], CANCEL, or CONTROL 22, but no I/O requests
were outstanding on the file; or a process called FILE_COMPLETE_ with a timeout
value of -1 (wait indefinitely) but no I/O had been initiated.
Effect. The procedure sets the error code and returns without performing the
requested operation.
Recovery. Corrective action is application dependent.
Cause. A process tried a waited operation on a file that was opened for nowait I/O,
and outstanding nowait I/O requests were pending on that file.
(Note that some operations cannot be performed nowait, such as SETMODE,
Effect. The procedure sets the error code and returns without performing the
requested operation.
Recovery. Corrective action is application dependent.
Cause. This error can occur for any of the following reasons:
• A nowait I/O request brought the number of outstanding nowait requests on the
given file to a value greater than the maximum nowait depth specified when the file
was opened.
• An attempt was made to open a disk file or the $RECEIVE file with a maximum
number of concurrent nowait operations greater than 1.
• An attempt was made to add more than the configured maximum number of
subdevices for an I/O process.
• The sync depth exceeds the number the opener is prepared to handle.
Effect. The procedure sets the error code and returns without performing the
requested operation.
Recovery. Corrective action is application dependent.
Cause. A file-system procedure call was missing a required parameter or supplied two
mutually exclusive parameters. The string:maxlen and actual-length
parameters must both be present if either one is present. If one of these two
parameters is present but the other is missing, this error is returned.
Effect. The procedure sets the error code and returns without performing the
requested operation.
Recovery. This is a coding error; correct the call.
Cause. This message indicates that the system has run out of one of the following
• No entry was available in the message block pool to perform the specified
• A process is already using its maximum number of RECEIVE message blocks.
• A process is already using its maximum number of SEND message blocks.
Effect. The procedure sets the error code and returns without performing the
requested operation.
Recovery. Check the system for processes that use too many messages, or for
processes whose message limits are too low. (A process can change its limits by using
the CONTROLMESSAGESYSTEM procedure call.) Retry the operation. Try to
determine what system process or application process is causing the fault. If the
problem persists, contact your HP representative.
Cause. This message is returned for a privileged operating system call. Insufficient
space was available in the process file segment (PFS) for a file-system buffer needed
to perform the specified operation.
Effect. The procedure sets the error code and returns without performing the
requested operation.
Recovery. Check the program to see if it uses too much buffer space, opens too many
files, or uses too many DEFINEs. Try reducing the workload assigned to the process.
Cause. This message is returned for a privileged operating system call. Insufficient
space was available for a control block needed to perform the specified operation
(perhaps due to exceptionally long control blocks).
Effect. The procedure sets the error code and returns without performing the
requested operation.
Recovery. For an insufficient space error, wait, then try again; check the system for
processes that are using too much memory.
If the problem persists, contact your HP representative. Configuration information for
the current system image should be saved for your HP representative.
Cause. Insufficient buffer space was available for the I/O process. This message is
returned for a privileged operating system call.
Effect. The procedure sets the error code and returns without performing the
requested operation.
Recovery. Wait, then try again; check the system for processes that are using too
much memory for I/O or applications attempting to queue very large I/O operations.
For persistent network errors, provide more buffer space for the network process. If
the disk process ran out of lock space, try to reduce the number of concurrent locks on
this disk process.
If the problem persists, contact your HP representative.
Cause. All file-system control blocks are in use. This message is returned for a
privileged operating system call.
Effect. The procedure sets the error code and returns without performing the
requested operation.
Recovery. Wait, then try again. Check the system for processes that use too many
open files.
If the problem persists, the system has run out of some resource. Contact your service
Note. The above error description is displayed only on systems running J06.08 and earlier
J-series RVUs and H06.19 and earlier H-series RVUs.
Note. The above error description is displayed only on systems running J06.09 and later
J-series RVUs and H06.20 and later H-series RVUs.
Cause. All I/O process control blocks are in use, or a requester tried to acquire too
many record locks or file locks. This message is returned for a privileged operating-
system call.
Effect. The procedure sets the error code and returns without performing the
requested operation.
Recovery. Wait, then try again. Check the system for processes that are performing
too many concurrent I/O operations, or rewrite the application to request fewer locks. If
the problem persists, contact your service provider.
Cause. Insufficient physical memory was available to perform the specified operation.
Effect. The procedure sets the error code and returns without performing the
requested operation.
Recovery. Wait, then try again. If the problem persists, check the system for
processes that use too much locked memory; run MEASURE to help determine which
processes are locking memory.
Cause. Insufficient physical memory was available to perform the specified I/O
operation. This message is returned for a privileged operating system call.
Effect. The procedure sets the error code and returns without performing the
requested operation.
Recovery. Wait, then try again. Check the system for processes that use too much
locked memory; run MEASURE to help determine which processes are locking
memory. If the problem persists, contact your service provider.
Cause. A sync ID was encountered that is older than the current sync ID minus the
sync depth.
Effect. The procedure sets the error code and returns without performing the
requested operation.
Recovery. Recovery is application dependent.
Cause. A file synchronization block was in error, probably because a user program
modified the file-system sync buffer area.
Effect. The procedure sets the error code and returns without performing the
requested operation.
Recovery. Correct the coding error.
Cause. A process tried a read operation when the file was positioned to an
unallocated disk address.
Effect. The procedure sets the error code and returns without performing the
requested operation.
Recovery. Correct the coding error.
Cause. The specified volume did not contain enough contiguous free space to permit
allocating an extent of the size needed for the file or for the directory.
Effect. The procedure sets the error code and returns without performing the
requested operation.
Recovery. Purge unneeded files residing on the volume.
Determine the amount of available space and the number and size of fragments on the
volume by using the DSAP FREESPACE command or (on D-series releases only) the
LISTFREE command. If there is excessive fragmentation on the disk, have the
operator consolidate the available space by using the Disk Compression Program
For a temporary workaround, specify a different swapvol in the RUN command.
Cause. The disk directory is full. For a named process, the destination control table
(DCT) is full.
Effect. The procedure sets the error code and returns without adding the entry.
Recovery. For disk files, purge some files, then try again, or have the operator relabel
the disk to allow for more directory entries. The directory structure might allow you to
add new files whose names correspond to other areas of the directory structure where
there is still space.
For process files, the system might not create any newly named process until at least
one existing named process has stopped.
Cause. An operation on a structured file specified an invalid key, or the key length
passed to CREATE exceeds 255 bytes. The application might have failed to open an
alternate-key file (see file-system error 4).
Effect. The procedure sets the error code and returns without performing the specified
Recovery. Corrective action is application dependent. See the Enscribe Programmer’s
Guide for details.
Cause. An error was encountered partway through a set of updates to primary and
alternate files. The file system tried to undo what had been accomplished thus far, but
it encountered another error.
Effect. The alternate key data is not consistent with the primary data; the file-system
sets the error code and returns.
All further attempts to make the primary and alternate files consistent are abandoned.
Recovery. If you are operating under a Transaction Management Facility (TMF)
transaction, abort the transaction.
If you are not operating under a TMF transaction, rebuild the alternate-key files with the
Cause. The specified operation (read, write, execute, or purge) was invalid because of
the way the file was secured or because of an invalid or nonexistent password in an
Expand network environment.
Effect. The procedure sets the error code and returns without performing the
requested operation.
Recovery. Resecure the file or recode the application; if access is across a network,
establish matching user IDs and remote passwords at both nodes.
Cause. The type of access (read, write, or execute) specified by the calling process
was invalid on the given file for one of the following reasons:
• The calling process did not open the file for the type of access attempted.
• Another process had the file open in protected or exclusive mode.
• There was an attempt to use a labeled tape for output that had not expired.
• There was a mismatch between the DEFINE USE attribute and the current
operation on a CLASS tape DEFINE. The DEFINE USE attribute specifies how
the tape is to be used: for example, input, output, or extend.
Effect. The procedure sets the error code and returns without performing the
requested operation.
Recovery. Corrective action is application dependent.
Cause. A severe problem occurred with the directory on a disk volume. The file
associated with the error is no longer accessible.
Effect. The procedure sets the error code and returns without performing the
requested operation.
Recovery. Your system operator might be able to recover the file.
Cause. A severe problem occurred with the directory on a disk volume. The file
associated with the error is no longer accessible.
Effect. The procedure sets the error code and returns without performing the
requested operation.
Recovery. Your system operator might be able to recover the file.
Cause. A severe problem occurred with the accessed disk volume. The file
associated with the error is no longer accessible.
Effect. The procedure sets the error code and returns without performing the
requested operation.
Recovery. Your system operator might be able to recover the file.
Cause. A severe problem occurred with the accessed disk volume. The file
associated with the error is no longer accessible.
Effect. The procedure sets the error code and returns without performing the
requested operation.
Recovery. Your system operator might be able to recover the file.
Cause. A severe problem occurred on a disk volume used by the file system. The file
associated with the error is no longer accessible.
Effect. The procedure sets the error code and returns without performing the
requested operation.
Recovery. Your system operator might be able to recover the file.
Cause. A severe problem occurred on a disk volume used by the file system. The
volume associated with the error is no longer accessible.
Effect. The procedure sets the error code and returns without performing the
requested operation.
Recovery. Your system operator might be able to recover the file.
Cause. A severe problem occurred on a disk volume used by the file system. There
might not be enough contiguous free disk space to enlarge the disk free space table.
Effect. The procedure sets the error code and returns without performing the
requested operation. The file associated with the error is no longer accessible.
Recovery. Your system operator might be able to recover the file.
Cause. A severe problem occurred with the accessed disk volume. The file
associated with the error is no longer accessible.
Effect. The procedure sets the error code and returns without performing the
requested operation.
Recovery. Your system operator might be able to recover the file.
This error can occur during an attempt to open a file, or during an attempt to read or
write to a structured file. It might indicate that the file or table is broken.
If an application uses unstructured access to write to a DP2 structured file, it is
possible that future attempts to read or write to this file using unstructured access will
cause this error. User applications should not use unstructured access to write to a
structured file.
Another example of this error occurring follows a RESTORE operation on a key-
sequenced file that was backed up while it was being modified. The error eventually
occurs because the file is inconsistent.
Recovery. Ensure that the device (if any) is up, close the file and reopen it, then try
again. If that is not successful, abort the operation and start over.
Cause. The number of open files on this volume reached the maximum allowed, or the
system operator used a PUP STOPOPENS command (on D-series systems) or SCF
STOPOPENS (on G-series systems) to stop any more files from being opened on the
Effect. The procedure sets the error code and returns without performing the
requested operation.
Recovery. Retry when files can be opened.
Cause. The specified disk volume was physically mounted, but the system has not
received a mount request.
Effect. The procedure sets the error code and returns without performing the
requested operation.
Recovery. Retry the operation after issuing a mount command.
Cause. The specified disk volume was physically mounted and the mount command
has been given, but the mount has not finished.
Effect. The procedure sets the error code and returns without performing the
requested operation.
Recovery. Retry after the mount finishes.
Cause. A file open operation was tried while a mount operation was in progress.
Effect. The procedure sets the error code and returns without performing the
requested operation.
For other devices, retry the failed operation after the device comes up. If the problem
recurs, notify your system operator.
Cause. To indicate that the process file is ready to receive ASSIGN and PARAM
messages, the receiving process replies with this error after a write of the command
interpreter startup message.
Effect. The initial write of the startup message is completed.
Recovery. Continue startup sequence. Send the ASSIGN and PARAM messages if
Cause. The operation requested access to a locked disk file or record. This error
occurs only if the calling process accessed the file in alternate locking mode.
Effect. The procedure sets the error code and returns without performing the
requested operation.
Recovery. Wait, then retry.
Cause. The requesting process tried to access an audited file but had no current
transaction identifier, or a process called ACTIVATERECEIVETRANSID,
ENDTRANSACTION, or ABORTTRANSACTION but the message specified by the
message-tag has no associated transaction identifier.
Effect. The procedure sets the error code and returns without performing the
requested operation.
Recovery. See the NonStop TM/MP Operations and Recovery Guide.
Cause. The transaction failed to lock a record before attempting to change or delete it.
Effect. The procedure sets the error code and returns without performing the
requested operation.
Recovery. See the NonStop TM/MP Operations and Recovery Guide.
Cause. The operation was invalid because the transaction had one or more
outstanding nowait I/O operations on a disk or process file. Error 81 is received by
Effect. The procedure sets the error code and returns without performing the
requested operation.
Recovery. See the NonStop TM/MP Operations and Recovery Guide.
Effect. The procedure sets the error code and returns without performing the
requested operation.
Recovery. Ensure that the TMF subsystem is running on all systems involved in the
transaction, then retry the command.
Cause. A device has not been started for the Transaction Management Facility (TMF)
Effect. The procedure sets the error code and returns without performing the
requested operation.
Recovery. Ensure that devices are enabled for the TMF subsystem. For example, use
the command ENABLE VOLUMES through TMFCOM.
Cause. A subdevice that was waiting on a read request received an I/O request that
was not a read request.
Effect. The procedure sets the error code and returns without performing the
requested operation.
Recovery. Corrective action is application dependent.
Cause. A two-step read (CONTROL 22) was queued at the subdevice, so a second
two-step read was invalid.
Effect. The procedure sets the error code and returns without performing the
requested operation.
Recovery. Corrective action is application dependent.
Cause. The remote device cannot accept text because it does not have an available
Effect. The procedure sets the error code and returns without performing the
requested operation.
Recovery. Retry the write from the application process.
Cause. A serious internal error occurred on a system that runs the Transaction
Management Facility (TMF) subsystem.
Effect. The procedure sets the error code and returns without performing the
requested operation.
Recovery. Contact your service provider.
Cause. The transaction aborted because the path to a remote system that participated
in the transaction was down.
Effect. The procedure sets the error code and returns without performing the
requested operation. The transaction is aborted.
Recovery. See the NonStop TM/MP Operations and Recovery Guide.
Cause. The transaction was aborted because audit information filled 45% of the
master audit trail since the transaction started. The Transaction Management Facility
(TMF) subsystem reserves audit trail space in case the transaction must be completely
backed out. If this transaction were allowed to continue past the 45% threshold, the
audit trail could fill to the begin-transaction-disable level and new transactions could
not start.
Effect. The procedure sets the error code and returns without performing the
requested operation. The transaction is aborted.
Recovery. If this is a normal transaction that requires additional audit trail space to
complete, consider temporarily increasing the audit trail capacity by increasing the
number of audit trail files per volume, or by adding another active audit volume. Restart
the transaction. See the NonStop TM/MP Operations and Recovery Guide.
Cause. The system aborted the transaction because of a processor failure that
caused loss of access to a disk. This can be caused by:
• The disk volume itself down while there is a transaction outstanding against it.
• A volume cannot access its audit trail.
• The primary process of a participating disk process fails and the backup takes
Effect. The procedure sets the error code and returns without performing the
requested operation.
Recovery. See the NonStop TM/MP Operations and Recovery Guide.
Cause. The call to the ENDTRANSACTION procedure failed because the transaction
was aborted by the Transaction Management Facility (TMF) autoabort function, which
automatically aborts transactions that run longer than a set amount of time.
Effect. The procedure sets the error code and returns without performing the
requested operation.
Recovery. If this is a normal transaction that requires additional time to complete,
consider increasing the autoabort threshold. Do this only if you are sure that there is
enough space in the audit trail to accommodate the audit trail files that may be pinned
while the transaction completes. Restart the transaction. For more information, see the
NonStop TM/MP Operations and Recovery Guide.
Cause. A process tried to use features of a microcode option not installed in the
If this error is returned after an operation involving a TAPECATALOG DEFINE, the
specific cause of the error is that the operation tried to use a CLASS TAPECATALOG
DEFINE when this class of DEFINE was not supported.
Effect. The procedure sets the error code and returns without performing the
requested operation.
If the cause of the error is that the operation tried to use a CLASS TAPECATALOG
DEFINE, the tape request fails.
Recovery. Ensure that the system has the required microcode.
If the cause of the error is that the operation tried to use a CLASS TAPECATALOG
DEFINE, you must either use a CLASS TAPE DEFINE in the operation or enable
TAPECATALOG DEFINEs. See the DSM/Tape Catalog User’s Guide for more
Cause. The system could not write to the mounted tape because the tape is not write
Effect. The procedure sets the error code and returns without performing the
requested operation.
Recovery. Verify that the correct tape is in use. The method of write-enabling a tape
varies depending on the specific hardware. You may need to insert a write ring or set
a write protect tab on the tape volume, or you may need to change a write setting on
the tape drive.
Cause. A printer could not continue because it was out of paper or because the paper
bail was not in place.
Effect. The procedure sets the error code and returns without performing the
requested operation.
Recovery. Load more paper, close the bail, or replace the ribbon as needed.
Cause. The disk device was not ready because the system power failed.
Effect. The procedure sets the error code and returns without performing the
requested operation.
Recovery. Retry the operation.
Cause. The printer did not return the requested status; either the printer power was off
or a hardware problem occurred.
Effect. The procedure sets the error code and returns without performing the
requested operation.
Recovery. Power up the device or repair it.
Cause. The printer direct-access vertical-format unit buffer was invalid. This error can
occur for the following reasons:
• More than one stop was defined for channel 0 (top of form).
• No stops were defined for one or more channels.
• Bits <12:15> of each word were not zeros.
Effect. The procedure sets the error code and returns without performing the
requested operation.
Recovery. Correct the programming error.
Cause. The write operation failed, and the data in the printer buffer was lost.
Effect. The procedure sets the error code and returns without performing the
requested operation.
Recovery. The data must be generated again before it can be printed.
Cause. The calling process could not access the specified terminal because the user
pressed BREAK, and the process had specified break mode.
Effect. The procedure sets the error code and returns without transferring any data.
Recovery. Unless the calling process uses SETMODE to indicate that its operations
have break access, the terminal is inaccessible until the process processing the break
calls SETMODE function 12.
If the calling process did not enable break, retry the operation, delaying at least 10
seconds between retries.
If the calling process enabled break, check $RECEIVE for the system break message
and take appropriate action.
Cause. The file-system procedure aborted terminal access because the user pressed
BREAK before the current operation finished.
Effect. The procedure sets the error code and returns without transferring any data.
Data might have been lost.
Recovery. If this process did not enable break and the error occurred during a write
operation, retry the operation, delaying 10 seconds between retries.
If this process did not enable break and the error occurred during a read operation,
recovery is application dependent.
Note. If more than one process is accessing a terminal when break is used, only break access
is allowed after break is entered; subsequent retries are rejected with error 110 until normal
access is permitted.
If this process enabled break, check $RECEIVE for the system break message and
take appropriate action.
Cause. If the device is a terminal, an operator message has preempted the requested
READ or WRITEREAD operation.
If the device is the operator console, its internal buffer is full.
This error occurs only when an application process is using a terminal that is also
being used as the console device.
Effect. The procedure sets the error code and returns without performing the
requested operation. Any data being entered when the preemption took place is lost.
Recovery. If the device is a terminal, send a message telling the terminal operator to
retype the last entry, then retry the read.
If the device is the operator console, wait, then retry.
Cause. A DEFINE was used in a manner that was not consistent with the class of the
DEFINE or was not compatible with the attribute values of the DEFINE.
If this error is returned after an operation involving a TAPE DEFINE, the specific cause
of the error may be that the operation tried to use a CLASS TAPE DEFINE when this
class of DEFINE was not supported.
If this error is returned after an operation involving a TAPE DEFINE or TAPECATALOG
DEFINE, the specific cause of the error may be one of the following:
• The DENSITY attribute was used with a specified DEVICE attribute that does not
support open reel tape volumes.
• The TAPEMODE attribute was used with a specified DEVICE attribute that does
not support cartridge tape volumes.
• Both the DENSITY and TAPEMODE attributes were specified.
Effect. The requested operation is ignored.
If the operation tried to use a CLASS TAPE DEFINE or CLASS TAPECATALOG
DEFINE, the tape request fails.
Recovery. Examine the DEFINE class and attributes as well as the procedure
parameters. See the Guardian Programmer’s Guide for an explanation of DEFINE
classes and a discussion of how to assign values to DEFINE attributes and how to use
DEFINEs in procedure calls. Change the DEFINE class or attributes or change the
procedure parameters as appropriate.
If the cause of the error is that the operation tried to use a CLASS TAPE DEFINE when
this DEFINE class was not supported, you must either use a CLASS TAPECATALOG
DEFINE in the operation or enable TAPE DEFINEs. See the DSM/Tape Catalog User’s
Guide for more information.
If the error is due to an incompatibility among the DENSITY, TAPEMODE, and DEVICE
attributes of a TAPE DEFINE or TAPECATALOG DEFINE, you must change the
DEFINE in accordance with the following rules.
• Specify the DENSITY attribute only when the tape drive to be used supports open
reel tape volumes.
• Specify the TAPEMODE attribute only when the tape drive to be used supports
cartridge tape volumes.
• If a particular tape drive is to be used, specify the DEVICE attribute using a tape
drive that matches the DENSITY or TAPEMODE attribute.
• Never specify both the DENSITY and TAPEMODE attributes in the same DEFINE.
2 File-System Errors
119 (%167) Error code value was too large to fit into
an 8-bit buffer; file-system error number
is greater than 255.
Cause. The file-system error number is greater than 255 for NEWPROCESS or
NEWPROCESSNOWAIT Errors, for an explanation of the information returned in the
errinfo parameter.
Effect. File-system error numbers greater than 255 can be used when a buffer larger
than 8 bits is available.
Recovery. Determine the actual file-system error and take the appropriate action.
Corrective action is application dependent. For NEWPROCESS and
NEWPROCESSNOWAIT, these file-system error numbers are returned in the
errinfo parameter.
Cause. A hardware data-overrun error occurred and persisted through several retries
of the operation.
Effect. The procedure sets the error code and returns without performing the
requested operation.
Recovery. Corrective action is device dependent. Contact your service provider.
Cause. A line reset was in progress for the subdevice or line, possibly causing a loss
of data.
Effect. The procedure sets the error code and returns without performing the
requested operation.
Recovery. Corrective action is device dependent and application dependent. If a
data-communication process is involved, obtain a trace and save it for your service
Cause. The requested address was too large for the disk space, or an error occurred
during formatting.
Effect. The procedure sets the error code and returns without performing the
requested operation.
Recovery. Correct the coding error or reformat the disk.
Cause. The disk read-write heads did not reach the desired cylinder address after a
Effect. The procedure sets the error code and returns without performing the
requested operation.
Recovery. Notify your system operator.
Cause. The disk read-write heads did not reach the desired cylinder address.
Effect. The procedure sets the error code and returns without performing the
requested operation.
Recovery. Notify your system operator.
Cause. A header search failure or header miscompare occurred on the disk. This
error indicates either a request for a bad address or, possibly, a head alignment or
formatting problem.
Effect. The procedure sets the error code and returns without performing the
requested operation.
Recovery. Notify your system operator.
Cause. The device interrupted the processor before the software could respond.
Effect. The procedure sets the error code and returns without performing the
requested operation.
Recovery. Wait, then try again. If retries do not succeed, notify your system operator
since a disk drive could go down.
Cause. The specific meaning of this error depends on the subsystem that returned it.
Causes can include:
• The communications link is not yet established
• A modem failure occurred
• A momentary loss of carrier occurred
• The modem or link is disconnected
• The interprocessor bus monitor process ($IPB or for TorusNet configurations,
$IPBn, where n is a number in the range of 1 through 4) reported that the FOX link
or TorusNet vertical link to an Expand process is down
• A subunit or logical unit is not in the started condition
Refer to the appropriate subsystem manual for additional information.
Effect. The procedure sets the error code and returns without performing the
requested operation.
Cause. There was an attempt to write to an optical disk where data was already
written, or there was an attempt to read data from a location on an optical disk where
there was no data.
Effect. The procedure sets the error code and returns.
Recovery. Recovery is application dependent.
Cause. The tape unit encountered the end-of-tape marker in the forward direction
during this operation, or it passed the marker on a previous operation and has not yet
passed it in reverse.
Effect. The last operation is completed normally, but very little tape is left.
Recovery. Informative message only; no corrective action is needed. If this error
occurs at the beginning of several tapes, contact your service provider regarding a
possible hardware problem.
Cause. The tape drive detected a runaway tape. This error usually occurs when the
system tries to read a blank tape or a tape written at a density lower than the tape drive
can read.
Effect. The procedure sets the error code and returns without performing the
requested operation.
Recovery. Check the tape and replace it if it is faulty. If a read fails, change the
density switch setting or mount the tape on a tape drive that can read the tape at the
density at which it was written. If this error occurs at the beginning of several tapes,
contact your s regarding a possible hardware problem.
Cause. The device controller returned an “unusual end” status. If the device is a tape
unit, the tape drive was taken offline manually during this operation.
Effect. Part of the requested operation might be complete.
Recovery. Take corrective action appropriate to the device. If this error occurs with
several tapes, contact your service provider regarding a possible hardware problem.
Cause. The tape unit encountered the beginning-of-tape (BOT) marker during a
backspace-files or backspace-records operation.
Effect. Tape motion stops.
Recovery. Corrective action is application dependent.
Cause. A seven-track tape device was specified for an operation requiring a nine-track
tape (most HP subsystems require a nine-track tape).
Effect. The procedure sets the error code and returns without performing the
requested operation.
Recovery. Retry, specifying a drive configured for a nine-track tape.
Cause. An event occurred that was impossible for the current line state; this error
probably indicates a hardware problem.
Effect. The procedure sets the error code and returns without performing the
requested operation.
Recovery. Corrective action is device dependent. If this problem persists and a data
communications process is involved, obtain a trace and submit it to your service
Cause. Either a disconnect was received, a send disconnect call was issued while a
request was outstanding, or the data line was busy. This error message also occurs
when the specified number of retries for an Expand send message are used up.
Effect. The procedure sets the error code and returns without performing the
requested operation.
Recovery. Corrective action is device dependent.
Cause. A reverse interrupt (RVI) was received, or the data line was not occupied after
setting the call request.
Effect. The procedure sets the error code and returns without performing the
requested operation.
Recovery. Corrective action is device dependent. If this problem persists and a data
communications process is involved, obtain a trace and submit it to your service
Cause. An inquiry (ENQ) was received, or the auto-call unit failed to set “present next
Effect. The procedure sets the error code and returns without performing the
requested operation.
Recovery. Corrective action is device dependent. If this problem persists and a data
communications process is involved, obtain a trace and submit it to your service
Effect. The procedure sets the error code and returns without performing the
requested operation.
Recovery. Corrective action is device dependent.
Cause. The selected device responded with an invalid control sequence or invalid
Effect. The procedure sets the error code and returns without performing the
requested operation.
Recovery. Corrective action is device dependent. If this problem persists and a data
communications process is involved, obtain a trace and submit it to your service
Effect. The procedure sets the error code and returns without performing the
requested operation. Data might be lost.
Recovery. Corrective action is device dependent. If this problem persists and a data
communications process is involved, obtain a trace and submit it to your service
Cause. The poll sequence ended, but no message was received in response.
Effect. The procedure sets the error code and returns without performing the
requested operation.
Recovery. Corrective action is device or application dependent.
Cause. The data received on a read exceeds the amount allowed by the read count.
Effect. The procedure sets the error code and returns without performing the
requested operation.
Recovery. Corrective action usually involves increasing the read count; refer to the
manual for the specific device for more information. If this problem persists and a data
communications process is involved, obtain a trace and submit it to your service
Cause. An address list was required for this operation, but none was specified.
Effect. The procedure sets the error code and returns without performing the
requested operation.
Recovery. Corrective action is device dependent and application dependent.
Cause. An invalid device status was received and could not be translated into a
usable error number.
Effect. The procedure sets the error code and returns without performing the
requested operation.
Recovery. Use the Subsystem Control Facility (SCF) to determine what status was
Cause. Data was sent to the subdevice, but the subdevice expected status
Effect. The procedure sets the error code and returns without performing the
requested operation.
Recovery. Corrective action is application dependent.
Cause. SNAX was unable to transmit an outbound response unit (RU), and the
detailed SNAX application logical unit (SNALU) error code is contained in the status
area (2 bytes) of the SNAX header.
Effect. The procedure sets the error code and returns without performing the
requested operation.
Recovery. Corrective action is application dependent.
Cause. The file-system procedure call issued by the primary or secondary logical unit
could not be performed because the logical-unit-to-logical-unit session associated with
the specified device (filenum) no longer exists.
Effect. The procedure sets the error code and returns without performing the
requested operation.
Recovery. Close, then reopen the process.
Cause. A hardware error occurred and persisted through several retries of the
operation. A problem exists with either the device or its controller. The error might be
caused by a termination condition that was not expected.
Effect. The procedure sets the error code and returns without performing the
requested operation.
Recovery. Corrective action is device dependent. If this problem persists and a data
communications process is involved, obtain a trace and submit it to your service
Cause. The device power was switched off, perhaps due to power failure, then was
switched back on during this operation.
Effect. The procedure sets the error code and returns without performing the
requested operation.
Recovery. Corrective action is device dependent.
Cause. The system operator was running diagnostic programs on the specified
Effect. The procedure sets the error code and returns without performing the
requested operation.
Recovery. Wait, then try again.
Effect. The procedure sets the error code and returns without performing the
requested operation. The operator message MICROCODE LOADING FAILURE
(console message 100, EMS operator message 100, or DISK operator message 5035)
is displayed twice, once for the primary file and once for the backup.
Recovery. See the Operator Messages Manual for information on correcting this error.
Cause. On a system with tape label processing enabled, the named process $ZSVR
was not running when a tape operation was requested to open a tape file.
Effect. No tape operation is allowed.
Recovery. Start $ZSVR. For additional information, see the appropriate system
operator’s guide.
Cause. The label record on the tape volume was incorrect or missing or a DEFINE
attribute value did not match the value for that attribute recorded in the tape label.
Effect. Access to the tape file is denied.
Recovery. Check that the correct tape was mounted. If a mismatch of DEFINE
attribute values occurred, modify the DEFINE attribute that did not match the tape
label. Use the MEDIACOM INFO TAPELABEL command (on G-series systems) to
dump the beginning of the volume group labels on the tape. Correct the label
accordingly. For additional information, see the appropriate system operator’s guide.
Cause. A more detailed error explanation cannot be given because this system does
not support SQL objects.
If an Enscribe operation (such as PURGE, FUP ALTER, SETMODE, or FUP SECURE)
is attempted on an SQL sensitive file, this error is returned.
Effect. The operation fails.
Recovery. The operation can only be performed if your system uses the NonStop
SQL/MP product.
Cause. An attempt was made to change a security attribute (security vector, license,
PROGID, and CLEARONPURGE) for a file protected by Safeguard.
Effect. No security attributes can be established for the file through the file system or
through FUP.
Recovery. Use SAFECOM to establish the security attributes.
Cause. The logical ownership of the device was switched to the other processor to
which the device is configured.
Effect. The file system automatically retries the operation.
Recovery. Informative message only; no corrective action is needed.
Cause. This error is associated with concurrent operations involving more than one
unit connected to a multiunit controller.
This error occurs when an operation is in progress in one unit on a multiunit controller
and an error is detected during an operation with another unit on the same controller.
(The other operation could have been on behalf of this or another application process.)
Effect. The procedure sets the error code and returns without performing the
requested operation.
Recovery. Corrective action is device dependent and application dependent.
Cause. The processor module controlling the device associated with this file operation
failed (path error).
Effect. The procedure sets the error code and returns without performing the
requested operation. The file operation itself stopped at some indeterminate point.
Recovery. Corrective action is device dependent and application dependent.
Cause. A controller failure, channel failure, line disconnect between controller and
modem, or loss of modem clock occurred (path error).
Cause. An I/O controller tried to write to memory when it should not have done so.
Effect. The file operation stopped at some indeterminate point.
Recovery. Corrective action is device dependent and application dependent.
Cause. The controller has a fatal error that was recognized by its resident microcode.
Effect. All paths through the controller are down.
Recovery. Contact your service provider.
Cause. A path error occurred because no unit was assigned to the unit number or
because multiple units were assigned to the same unit number.
Effect. The file operation stopped at some indeterminate point.
Recovery. Corrective action is device dependent and application dependent. If the
device is a disk, check the UNITS plugs on the drive connected to the controller.
Cause. The processor power failed and then was restored during this operation (path
error). At least one path, and possibly both paths, is operable.
Effect. The file operation stopped at some indeterminate point.
Recovery. Corrective action is device dependent and application dependent.
Cause. The controller power failed and then was restored during this operation (path
error). At least one path, and possibly both paths, is operable.
Effect. The file operation stops at some indeterminate point.
Recovery. Corrective action is device dependent and application dependent. Check
the log for a channel reset (operator message 77) which can also cause a file-system
error 231 to occur (the power-on interrupt causes all controllers on the channel bus to
be cleared so they can continue processing).
Cause. There is a lack of Safeguard resource to support the request; this is an internal
Effect. Access is not possible at this time.
Recovery. Wait, then try again. The number of retries is limited.
Cause. The network control process ($NCP) caused the Expand process to terminate
its unsent traffic for one of the following reasons:
• A connection to a remote system was established or reestablished over the same
path or a different path.
• The network control process came up (for example, after a crash or a takeover by
the backup).
• There was no longer a path to the remote system (console message 43, LDEV
ldev NET: CONNECTION LOST TO SYS nnn, is generated by the NCP).
Or, the Expand process encountered one of the following situations:
• The Layer 4 protocol detected a protocol error.
• An I/O power on occurred but all lines used by the Expand process were attached
to the controller for which the IOPON occurred.
• A processor power on occurred.
• The Expand process received a request from a system for which it is not the
current path.
• An Expand process received a request to forward a message, but all its lines are
Effect. The procedure sets the error code and returns without performing the
requested operation. The application should not see this error.
Recovery. The file system retries automatically. For additional information, see the
Expand Network Management Guide.
Cause. A message from one cluster to another bypassed the Expand process, went
directly to its destination, and terminated due to a disconnect or resynchronization of
the bus protocol between clusters.
Effect. The procedure sets the error code and returns without performing the
requested operation.
Recovery. Retry the operation if possible. For additional information, see the Expand
Network Management Guide.
Cause. If this error was returned to the application, the Expand process performed an
ownership switch. The request, sent to its remote destination, is aborted because the
operating system does not know the state of the request.
If the error was returned in Expand or X25AM operator message 45, or in SNAX
operator message 23 or 24 (line not ready), the network process was unable to
establish level-2 communications or all level-2 retries were exhausted. Possible
reasons for this error are:
1. The other system was down
2. There was an incorrect NEXTSYS parameter in the configuration
3. A correctly configured Expand line was initially ready
4. There was garbled data or no data in or out
Effect. The procedure sets the error code and returns. The request to perform the
operation is sent but it might not have been performed.
Recovery. If the error is returned to the application, determine whether the operation
should be retried. If so, retry the request.
If the error is returned in an operator message, recovery is as follows for the
corresponding cause:
1. Select an alternate path if one exists. The state of the other system can be
determined by issuing an SCF INFO PROCESS $NCP, NETMAP command.
2. The Expand process is not usable until the correct NEXTSYS parameter is
supplied. Either correct the NEXTSYS parameter in the SYSGEN file and perform
another SYSGEN or use the Subsystem Control Facility (SCF) to alter the
NEXTSYS parameter and then bring the line up using SCF.
3. The line normally exhibits error 248 on the operator console when the line is
initially brought up. The message should be followed by another message
announcing that the line is up.
4. By performing successive SCF STATS commands (at one minute intervals) and
observing the U-FRAME counts, you can determine whether data is being
transmitted and received. The FCS error count indicates that garbled data was
If the SCF STATS commands do not indicate both send and receive data, place the
local modem in analog loopback and observe the U-FRAME counts again. If both
send and receive counts are incrementing, the local controller and modem are
working properly. If both systems check out, first check the lines by using the
modem self test, then observe the U-FRAME counts with the remote modem in
digital loopback. If all tests indicate data is being transmitted and received, then a
trace at both ends of the line should indicate the cause of the not-ready condition.
If this problem persists, your service provider needs to run traces or perform other
corrective action. Refer to the Expand Network Management Guide for further
Cause. The network control process ($NCP) caused the Expand process to terminate
its traffic (already sent to its remote destination) for one of the following reasons:
• A connection to a remote system was established or reestablished over the same
path or a different path.
• The network control process came up (for example, after a crash or a takeover by
the backup).
• There was no longer a path to the remote system (operator message 43, LDEV
ldev NET: CONNECTION LOST TO SYS nnn, is generated by the network
control process).
Or, the Expand process encountered one of the following situations:
• The level-4 protocol detected a protocol error.
• An I/O power on occurred but all lines used by the Expand process were attached
to the controller for which the IOPON occurred.
• A processor power on occurred.
• The Expand process received a request from a system for which it is not the
current path.
• A Expand process received a request to forward a message, but all its lines were
Effect. The procedure sets the error code and returns. The request to perform the
operation is sent but it might not have been performed.
Recovery. Corrective action is device dependent and application dependent. If this
problem persists, your service provider needs to run traces or perform other corrective
action. For additional information, see the Expand Network Management Guide.
Cause. The referenced system in the network is down, or it is not currently connected
to the system on which the requested process is running (path error).
Effect. The procedure sets the error code and returns without performing the
requested operation.
Recovery. Corrective action is application dependent. If this problem persists, your
service provider needs to run traces or perform other corrective action.
Cause. The Expand class of transmission (such as FOX) is busy or is not available.
Effect. The message is not sent.
Recovery. Check for the availability of the required class and retransmit the message.
If this problem persists, your service provider needs to run traces or other corrective
Cause. There were too many ownership errors. The network process was flooded.
Effect. All requests are aborted, and all lines go into the not-ready state. If all possible
combinations of ownership switches are unsuccessful, the lines go down.
Recovery. Check the operator messages to determine the cause of the ownership
errors. Correct the cause of the problem as required. If this problem persists, your
service provider needs to run traces or other corrective action.
300 (%454
through through Reserved for application
511 (except 538) %777)
These file-system error numbers are reserved for use by application processes.
Cause. The CHECK^FILE procedure could not return the primary or secondary extent
value because the extent size is greater than 65,535 pages.
Effect. The operation is not executed.
Recovery. This is an informational message only; no corrective action is needed.
Cause. The version of a data structure does not support a requested operation.
Effect. The requested operation is not performed.
Recovery. Contact your service provider.
Cause. The current setting of the file’s positioning information is not valid for the
attempted operation. For example, an I/O was attempted under the large transfer
SETMODE while the current position was not a multiple of 2048; usually this condition
is caused when the last read before an end-of-file returned a number of bytes that is
not a multiple of 2048.
Effect. The procedure sets the error code and returns without performing the
requested operation.
Recovery. Determine the reason for the incorrect position (for example, a bad
POSITION call or an unexpected read transfer count) and correct the problem.
Cause. The function cannot be performed because one of the processes involved
cannot run with a process identification number (PIN) greater than 255. A process
created by the D-series procedure PROCESS_LAUNCH_ or PROCESS_CREATE_
can request to be run at a high PIN (greater than 255), but a process created by the C-
series procedure NEWPROCESS or NEWPROCESSNOWAIT cannot run at a high
Effect. The operation failed.
Recovery. Any of the following can be performed to recover:
• One or more of the processes involved must be rerun with low PINs (PINs less
than 255).
• One or more of the processes involved must be changed to allow for high-PIN
requestors by setting HIGHPINREQUESTORS ON. A process that ran at a low
PIN continues to run at a low PIN but can now be opened by high-PIN processes.
Take this action only if the application can be opened by a high-PIN process.
• One or more of the processes involved must be changed to support high PINs.
Cause. The size of an output buffer was too small to hold the data. Error 563 is an
operating system error and should not be confused with error 177, which is a data
communications error.
Effect. The operation failed.
Recovery. Increase the size of the buffer.
Cause. The server that received the message found the request malformed or not
appropriate under current conditions.
Effect. The operation failed.
Recovery. The problem is probably on the requester side. Verify the conditions of the
requester; if they are satisfied, contact your service provider.
Cause. The requester found the reply from the server was malformed or not
appropriate under current conditions. The error is returned to the requester, not to the
reply procedure, because the problem is detected in the requester’s reply handling
(such as AWAITIO[X]).
Effect. The operation failed.
Recovery. The problem is probably on the server side. Verify the conditions of the
server; if they are satisfied, contact your service provider.
Cause. The specified record size is too large for the given block size, file type and
Effect. The requested operation is not performed.
Recovery. Increase the block size or reduce the record size specified in the file
creation request. The largest supported record size in a format 1 file is slightly less
than in a format 2 file for a given block size.
Cause. An open failed because the file was a format 2 file and the opener did not
specify use of 64-bit primary keys. An attempt was made to open a relative file, an
entry-sequenced file, or an unstructured file with a potential size of over 4 gigabytes
without use of a special indicator specifying that the program was using 64-bit keys
rather than 32-bit keys.
Effect. The requested operation is not performed.
Recovery. Update the application to use 64-bit keys. This involves changing the use
of 32-bit key values to 64-bit values, replacing calls to 32-bit procedures (such as
POSITION) with equivalent procedure calls (for example, FILE_SETPOSITION_), and
setting a 64-bit indicator in the FILE_OPEN_ procedure call. If the file does not contain
and does not need to contain 4 GB of data, an alternative is to reduce the maximum
file size (for example, reducing the maximum number of extents).
Cause. An operation involving 32-bit primary keys was attempted on an open which
specified use of 64-bit keys.
Effect. The requested operation is not performed.
Recovery. Correct the application by replacing the 32-bit procedure call that caused
the error with an equivalent procedure call that accepts the use of 64-bit keys.
Alternatively, turn off the FILE_OPEN_ procedure indicator that specifies the use of 64-
bit keys. The second option will not allow the application to access non-key-
sequenced files that are 4 GB or larger.
Cause. The specified extent size is too large or a maxextents value bigger than 16
is specified for a non-key sequenced partitioned file. Usually this error occurs because
an extent size of more than 65,535 pages is specified for a format 1 file. The extent
size in question might be the primary or secondary extent size of a file, or it might be
any of the extent sizes specified in the partition description.
Cause. The operation could not be performed because a software component does
not support format 2 disk files. The component may be local to the caller or may be on
a remote system if a remote object is being manipulated.
Effect. The requested operation is not performed.
Recovery. Check the software versions on the local system and, if applicable, the
remote system to determine which component does not provide support for format 2
files. Some subsystems, such as optical disk, might not have a version available which
can support format 2 files. There might also be down-level version disk volume
references in partition and alternate key descriptions. Upgrade the necessary
systems, or move the objects to a systems supporting format 2 files.
Cause. A parameter value is not valid, or two parameter values are not compatible.
Error 590 is returned when no specific error applies to the problem.
Effect. The operation failed.
Recovery. The value of the parameter must be an acceptable value. Correct the
problem and try again.
Cause. An item code that should have been specified in an item list was not found.
Effect. The operation failed.
Recovery. For each item in the item list, check that all of its required items are present
and are in the correct order.
Cause. A procedure is called but less than the required amount of data stack space is
available. Some inadequate stack situations can cause this error; others cause a trap
Effect. The last error is set to this error number, and the requested operation is not
Recovery. Increase the number of stack pages available or reduce the amount of
stack space used.
Cause. A logical device number too large to fit in a 16-bit field (greater than 65535)
was used.
Effect. The requested operation is not completed.
Recovery. Reduce the number of bits in the logical device number or, if the error was
returned from a procedure call in a user application, convert the procedure call to use a
new equivalent procedure that supports 32-bit logical device numbers.
Cause. A stop request passes the security checks but the process is running at
stopmode 2.
Effect. The stop request is queued until the process to be stopped reduces its
Recovery. Informative message only; no corrective action is needed.
Cause. A stop request does not pass the security checks and the process is running
at stopmode 1 or 2.
Effect. The stop request is queued until the process to be stopped reduces its
stopmode to 0.
Recovery. Informative message only; no corrective action is needed.
Cause. The label stored by DP2 is older than the label described in the audit record.
Effect. The operation fails.
Recovery. Contact your HP service provider.
Cause. The label stored by DP2 is older than the label described in the audit record.
Effect. The operation fails.
Cause. When the DPNameTimeStamp of the request does not match the
DPNameTimeStamp of the disk process.
Effect. The operation fails.
Recovery. Contact your HP service provider.
Cause. The request specifies that the file is currently marked UndoNeeded but does
not have its UndoNeeded flag set.
Effect. The operation fails.
Cause. The request specifies that the file is currently marked RedoNeeded but does
not have its RedoNeeded flag set.
Effect. The operation fails.
Recovery. Contact your HP service provider.
Cause. An attempt was made to register a recoverable resource manager using the
TMF_REC_RM_CREATE_ procedure, but the name was already registered.
Effect. No change is made to the resource manager directory.
Recovery. Change the name to be registered and try again if needed.
Cause. An attempt was made to remove a recoverable resource manager from the
directory using the TM_REC_RM_REMOVE_ procedure, but the resource manager
still has unresolved transactions outstanding.
Effect. The resource manager directory is not changed.
Recovery. Resolve the transactions and then retry the remove operation. The
transactions can be resolved through the system management interface (TMF-
COM/TMFSERVE) or the resource manager can be opened and the transactions can
be resolved by communicating with the appropriate foreign transaction manager.
Cause. An invalid transaction handle was specified. The handle could be completely
invalid, or the type of handle could be invalid for the operation specified, such as trying
to do a TMF_SETTXHANDLE_ using the transaction handle returned from
TMF_EXPORT_ for a non pre-prepare branch.
Effect. The requested operation is not performed.
Recovery. Retry the operation with a valid transaction handle, if possible.
Cause. An invalid signal value was found. Either an invalid value was specified to
TMF_WRITE_SIGNAL_ or an invalid buffer was specified to
Cause. An attempt was made to write branch or resource manager data, but the
amount of data specified would cause the allowable limits on the data to be exceeded.
Effect. In the case of branch data (TMF_WRITE_TX_DATA_) the transaction is
aborted. In the case of resource manager data (TMF_WRITE_RM_DATA_), the
operation fails and the resource manager data is not updated.
Recovery. Fix the application to not generate more than the allowable amount of
branch or resource manager data. Branch data is limited to 1.5K (1024) bytes per
branch, or a total of 12K (12288) bytes per transaction. Resource manager data is
limited to 1K (1024) bytes per resource manager.
Cause. An attempt was made to open a resource manager file, but the gateway
process’ local CPU has run out of available resource manager control blocks.
Effect. The resource manager open fails.
Recovery. The number of resource manager control blocks allocated per CPU can be
configured through the subsystem management interface. If this error is consistently
being returned, that value can be increased. Another possible recovery is to distribute
the gateway processes across other CPUs where the limit has not been reached.
Cause. An attempt was made to export or import a transaction branch, but the limit of
the number of branch control blocks per CPU has been exceeded.
Effect. The operation fails.
Recovery. The number of branches per resource manager can be configured through
the subsystem management interface. If this error is consistently being returned, that
value should be increased. Another possible recovery is to add more resource
managers to the directory and distribute the load of transaction branches across them.
Cause. An attempt is made to export a transaction branch with the TFILE not opened
in a nowaited manner.
Effect. The Export will fail.
Recovery. Open the TFILE in nowaited manner and then export the transaction
Cause. An attempt was made to create a recoverable resource manager, but the
maximum allowable recoverable resource managers for the system is exceeded.
Effect. The operation fails.
Recovery. Use the TMFCOM command ALTER BEGINTRANS to increase the total
allowable recoverable resource managers in a system. The maximum allowable value
is 16384.
Cause. An attempt was made to set the current transaction of a process by invoking
TMF_SETTXHANDLE_ passing in the TxHandle obtained by exporting a transaction
branch to a volatile resource manager with pre-prepare option, but the exported
transaction branch is prepared.
Effect. The operation fails.
Recovery. If the transaction is still active, and more work on behalf of that transaction
must be done by that volatile resource manager, then export another transaction
Cause. An attempt was made to write branch data to a prepared exported or imported
transaction branch.
Effect. The operation fails.
Recovery. The branch data of a prepared transaction branch cannot be updated.
Cause. There are outstanding TMF_JOIN_s for the process. This error occurs during
Effect. The operation fails.
Recovery. Call TMF_SUSPEND_ for each outstanding join before calling
Cause. The transaction branch has already failed. This error occurs when branch data
is updated while the transaction is being aborted.
Effect. The operation fails.
Recovery. Correct the program logic.
Cause. File recovery cannot be applied to this file because the SQL/MX software
version and object version do not match.
Effect. The file recovery operation fails.
Cause. The remote mirror disk is not available, or COMMITHOLDMODE is ON for the
Effect. The operation fails.
Recovery. TMF will activate CommitHold for the volume.
Cause. No space is available in the control block pool to allocate a new control block,
or a file or partition open request exceeds the maximum number of opens per volume.
Effect. The procedure sets the error code and returns without performing the
requested operation.
Recovery. Wait for a few minutes, and then retry. Check the system for processes that
are requesting too many file or partition opens. If the problem persists, contact your
service provider.
Cause. No space is available in the audit checkpoint pool to allocate a new buffer.
Effect. The procedure sets the error code and returns without performing the
requested operation.
Recovery. Wait for a few minutes, and then retry. If the problem persists, contact your
service provider.
Cause. No space is available in the SQL data area pool to allocate a new buffer or
reuse an existing buffer. There are too many SQL/MX session requests for buffer
Effect. The procedure sets the error code and returns without performing the
requested operation.
Recovery. Reduce the number of concurrent SQL/MX sessions for the disk volume. If
the problem persists, consider increasing the SQLMXBuffer size by issuing the SCF
command ALTER DISK $disk-name, SQLMXBUFFER size in MB. If the problem
persists, contact your service provider.
Caution. Increasing the SQL/MX buffer space reduces the memory available for cache. This
can degrade performance.
Cause. A file or partition open request exceeds the maximum number of opens for a
single file or partition on a volume.
Effect. The procedure sets the error code and returns without performing the
requested operation.
Recovery. Wait for a few minutes, and then retry. Check the system for processes that
are requesting too many opens of a single file or partition. If the problem persists,
contact your service provider.
Cause. An attempt was made to purge a file for which the specified expiration date
has not been reached. The expiration date is set by using item code 57 of the
FILE_CREATELIST_ procedure or by using the NOPURGEUNTIL option of the FUP
ALTER command.
Effect. On a purge operation, if the NOPURGEUNTIL option is specified, the
expiration date (a four-word GMT timestamp) is checked against the current time. If the
timestamp is less than the current time, the file is not purged. All Enscribe files existing
before C10 are assumed to have a zero expiration date.
Recovery. The expiration date of a file can be set or changed with a call to the
C-series ALTER procedure or a call to the D-series FILE_ALTERLIST_ procedure.
Cause. An attempt was made to refer to a file that has either a reserved name or
cannot be used in the current context. For example, this error is returned when a
Guardian internal name for an OSS file is given as the program file in the
PROCESS_CREATE_ procedure.
Effect. The operation failed.
Recovery. Correct the error in the call and try again.
Cause. Enough storage was not available at the server to process the request
because of the demands of other activities at the time when the request was received.
Effect. The procedure sets the error code and returns without performing the
requested operation.
Recovery. Wait till the server finishes processing other activities and retry the
operation. Contact HP support in case of repeated failure.
Cause. A request was made of Open System Services that could not be completed.
Effect. The effect depends on the specific error returned.
Recovery. The recovery action depends on the specific error returned. See
Section 22, OSS Error Information for information on how to find the meaning of an
OSS error.
Cause. A request to create a logical file was rejected because the target physical
volume was being deleted from a storage pool.
Effect. The requested operation is not performed.
Recovery. Create the logical file on a physical volume still associated with a storage
Cause. An attempt was made to purge or alter an SMF catalog file by some means
other than PUP or SMFIXUP.
Effect. The requested operation is not performed.
Recovery. Use PUP or SMFIXUP to operate on SMF catalog files.
Cause. The NonStop Storage Management Foundation (SMF) internal lock manager
encountered an error (for example, a lock could not be obtained because of a problem
with a particular file).
Effect. The requested operation is not performed.
Recovery. Appropriate recovery varies according to the specific cause of the error. In
some cases you can wait and retry the request. The event log should contain detailed
information that can help you determine the appropriate action.
Cause. A file-system request (create, purge, rename, or alter) was made, or a file
recovery operation was occurring, that required access to the NonStop Storage
Management Foundation (SMF) PENDOPS (pending operations) file. A file-system
error occurred during access of the PENDOPS file.
Effect. The requested operation is not performed.
Recovery. Appropriate recovery varies according to the file-system error that occurred
during access of the PENDOPS file. Refer to the event log to determine the file-system
error and take appropriate action.
specify a physical volume, start the pool process (if it’s not running), wait, and retry the
Cause. A process other than the NonStop Storage Management Foundation (SMF)
subsystem attempted to directly access an SMF catalog file and a file-system error
Effect. The requested operation is not performed.
Recovery. Refer to the event log for detailed information and take appropriate action.
Cause. A file-system request (create, purge, or alter) was made against a NonStop
Storage Management Foundation (SMF) object, and the reply from the disk process
contained an error. This often indicates a HP internal error.
Effect. The requested operation is not performed.
Recovery. Refer to the event log for additional information and take action as
appropriate. Retry the request. If the problem persists, contact your service provider.
Recovery. Wait and retry the request when the system is less busy. If the problem
persists or if it occurs frequently, contact your service provider.
Cause. A file-system request (create, purge, rename, or alter) was made, and an error
occurred during a read of a NonStop Storage Management Foundation (SMF) catalog
Effect. The requested operation is not performed.
Recovery. Appropriate recovery varies according to the specific file-system error that
occurred during the read. Refer to the event log to determine the file-system error and
take appropriate action.
Cause. The NonStop Storage Management Foundation (SMF) subsystem was trying
to begin a Transaction Management Facility (TMF) transaction during processing of the
operation when an error occurred on the call to the BEGINTRANSACTION procedure.
Effect. The requested operation failed and recovery processing is aborted. The SMF
subsystem periodically tries again to perform recovery processing.
Recovery. Appropriate recovery varies according to the specific error returned by the
BEGINTRANSACTION procedure. Refer to the event log and take action as
appropriate. The recovery might be to just retry the request. In some cases, no user
action is required.
Cause. The NonStop Storage Management Foundation (SMF) subsystem was unable
to allocate memory due to a shortage of resources.
Effect. The requested operation is not performed.
Recovery. Wait and retry the request. If the problem persists, bring the SMF process
to the DOWN state and then to the UP state before retrying the request again. If the
problem still persists, contact your service provider.
Recovery. Refer to the event log for additional information and take action as
appropriate. Retry the request. If the problem persists, contact your service provider.
Cause. The maximum number of locks have been granted on a particular NonStop
Storage Management Foundation (SMF) object.
Effect. The requested operation is not performed.
Recovery. Wait and retry the request. If the problem persists, bring the SMF process
to the DOWN state and then to the UP state before retrying the request again. If the
problem still persists, contact your service provider.
Cause. An error occurred while the NonStop Storage Management Foundation (SMF)
subsystem was attempting to perform recovery processing.
Effect. The requested operation failed and recovery processing is aborted. The SMF
subsystem periodically tries again to perform recovery processing.
Recovery. Appropriate recovery varies according to the specific error that occurred.
Refer to the event log for detailed information. In some cases, no user action is
Cause. During processing of a file-system request (create, open, purge, rename, alter,
or information inquiry) on a NonStop Storage Management Foundation (SMF) logical
file, the virtual disk process encountered an error.
Effect. The requested operation is not performed.
Recovery. Appropriate recovery varies according to the specific error. Refer the event
log to determine the specific file-system error and take appropriate action.
2 File-System Errors
Error Lists
If you are using the Subsystem Programmatic Interface (SPI) to send commands to a
subsystem, you might receive a file-system error list in a response. HP subsystems
return such an error list when, in performing your request, they call a file-system
procedure directly or indirectly and an error occurs on the call.
The contents of the error list depend on which procedure was called. The standard
SPI token ZSPI-TKN-PROC-ERR, which is present in every file-system error list,
identifies the procedure.
Each error list always includes the unconditional tokens listed under its description in
this subsection. In addition, each error list can include any of the conditional tokens
listed under its description and in Table 2-4.
If you are designing a subsystem that uses SPI, follow these guidelines when
constructing a file-system error list:
• Include all unconditional tokens listed in the error-list description.
• Make the ZFIL-TKN-XFILENAME token value null if you cannot obtain a valid file
name, such as when these errors occur:
• File-system error 16 (file not opened). This error indicates a coding error.
• File-system error 26 (no outstanding I/O requests) when it is returned by an
AWAITIO call in which file-number is equal to -1.
• File-system error 40 (operation timed out) when it is returned by an AWAITIO
call in which file-number is equal to -1.
• Optionally include any or none of the conditional tokens listed in Table 2-4. Note
that the tokens listed might not be appropriate for every file-system error. To obtain
values for the tokens, use FILE_GETINFOLIST_ or FILEINFO and pass the
procedure a valid file number, or use FILE_GETINFOLISTBYNAME_ or FILEINFO
and pass the procedure a valid file name.
This subsection does not discuss the mechanics of error-list construction. For
information about creating error lists, and for additional information about tokens and
token types, and for definitions of tokens whose names begin with ZSPI-, refer to the
SPI Programming Manual.
Table 2-4. Conditional Tokens That Can Appear in Any File-System Error
List (page 1 of 3)
Token Name Token Type Description
ZFIL-TKN-ALTKEYPARAMS ZSPI-TYP-BYTESTRING is the alternate key parameters.
ZFIL-TKN-BLOCKLENGTH ZSPI-TYP-UINT is the data block length.
ZFIL-TKN- ZSPI-TYP-INT is the current key length.
Table 2-4. Conditional Tokens That Can Appear in Any File-System Error
List (page 2 of 3)
Token Name Token Type Description
ZFIL-TKN- ZSPI-TYP-INT is the current key specifier.
ZFIL-TKN- ZSPI-TYP-BYTESTRING is the current key value.
ZFIL-TKN- ZSPI-TYP-INT is the current primary key length.
ZFIL-TKN- ZSPI-TYP-INT2 is the current record pointer (relative
ZFIL-TKN-DEVTYPE ZSPI-TYP-INT is the device type.
ZFIL-TKN-EOFPOINTER ZSPI-TYP-INT2 is the end-of-file location (relative
byte address).
ZFIL-TKN-ERRORDETAIL ZFIL-TYP-INT is the error-detail parameter
where applicable.
ZFIL-TKN-ERRORPARTITION ZSPI-TYP-INT is the partition in error.
ZFIL-TKN-EXTENTSIZE ZSPI-TYP-INT is the file extent size.
ZFIL-TKN-FILE- ZFIL-TYP-INT is the file-open-access mode.
ZFIL-TKN-FILE- ZFIL-TYP-INT is the file-open-exclusion
ZFIL-TKN-FILE- ZFIL-TYP-INT is the file-open-nowait depth.
ZFIL-TKN-FILE- ZFIL-TYP-INT is the file-open-options flags.
ZFIL-TKN-KEYINERROR ZSPI-TYP-INT is the key specifier that is in error.
ZFIL-TKN-LASTMODTIME ZSPI-TYP-TIMESTAMP is the last modified timestamp.
ZFIL-TKN-LDEV ZSPI-TYP-INT is the logical device number.
ZFIL-TKN-MAXEXTENTS ZSPI-TYP-INT is the maximum number of extents.
ZFIL-TKN-MAXSIZE ZSPI-TYP-INT2 is the maximum file size.
ZFIL-TKN- ZSPI-TYP-INT2 is the next record location (relative
NEXTRECPOINTER byte address).
ZFIL-TKN-NUMEXTENTS ZSPI-TYP-INT is the number of allocated extents.
ZFIL-TKN-NUMPARTITIONS ZSPI-TYP-INT is the number of partitions.
ZFIL-TKN-OBJECTFILE ZSPI-TYP-FNAME is the file name of the reporting
Table 2-4. Conditional Tokens That Can Appear in Any File-System Error
List (page 3 of 3)
Token Name Token Type Description
ZFIL-TKN-OPENFLAGS ZSPI-TYP-UINT is the number of open flags.
(process ID).
ZFIL-TKN- ZSPI-TYP-BYTESTRING is the partition parameters.
ZFIL-TKN- ZSPI-TYP-INT is the secondary extent size.
ZFIL-TKN-SECURITY ZSPI-TYP-ENUM is the file security.
ZFIL-TKN- ZSPI-TYP-INT is the subdevice number.
ZFIL-TKN- ZSPI-TYP-INT is the sync or receive depth.
ZFIL-TKN- ZSPI-TYP-INT is the unstructured buffer size.
A call to the file-system procedure AWAITIO resulted in an unexpected error.
Unconditional Tokens
Conditional Tokens
Unconditional Tokens
ZSPI-TKN-ERROR is the standard SPI error token, whose value consists of the fields
Z-SSID and Z-ERROR. Z-SSID is the subsystem identifier ZFIL-VAL-SSID. Z-ERROR
is the file-system error code returned in the error parameter of FILEINFO.
ZSPI-TKN-PROC-ERR is the procedure in which the error occurred. Its value is
ZFIL-TKN-XFILENAME is the completely qualified file name (including node name) in
external format. The token ZFIL-TKN-XFILENAME can be null if certain errors occur.
For example, if file-system error 16 (file not opened) occurs, the token will be null.
Conditional Tokens
ZFIL-TKN-BUFFERADDR is the base address of the I/O buffer.
ZFIL-TKN-COUNTTRANSFERRED is the length in bytes of transferred data.
ZFIL-TKN-FILENAME is the name of the file in internal network format. If the file
name cannot be represented in this format or if the file name is not known (file-system
error 16 occurred), this token will not appear.
ZFIL-TKN-TAG is the AWAITIO tag value.
ZFIL-TKN-TIMEOUT is the timeout value.
The AWAITIO operation fails.
Follow the recovery procedure for the returned file-system error code as described
earlier in this section.
A call to the procedure FILE_CLOSE_CHKPT_ or CHECKCLOSE resulted in a
condition code less (CCL). Either the file number supplied in the call is invalid, or the
caller’s backup no longer exists.
Unconditional Tokens
Conditional Tokens
Unconditional Tokens
ZSPI-TKN-ERROR is the standard SPI error token, whose value consists of the fields
Z-SSID and Z-ERROR. Z-SSID is the subsystem identifier ZFIL-VAL-SSID. Z-ERROR
is the file-system error code returned in the error parameter of FILEINFO; it is always
zero, since CHECKCLOSE does not return an error code.
ZSPI-TKN-PROC-ERR is the procedure in which the error occurred. Its value is
ZFIL-TKN-XFILENAME is the completely qualified file name (including node name) in
external format. The token ZFIL-TKN-XFILENAME can be null if certain errors occur.
For example, if file-system error 16 (file not opened) occurs, the token will be null.
Conditional Tokens
ZFIL-TKN-FILENUMBER is the number of the closed file.
ZFIL-TKN-FILENAME is the name of the file in internal network format. If the file
name cannot be represented in this format or if the file name is not known (file-system
error 16 occurred), this token will not appear.
ZFIL-TKN-TAPEDISP is the selected tape disposition.
The operation fails.
If the file number is invalid, correct the file number. If the caller’s backup no longer
exists, this error is for information only; no corrective action is necessary.
The primary process paired with the process that called CHECKMONITOR stopped or
executed a call to CHECKSWITCH.
Unconditional Tokens
Conditional Tokens
Unconditional Tokens
ZSPI-TKN-ERROR is the standard SPI error token, whose value consists of the fields
Z-SSID and Z-ERROR. Z-SSID is the subsystem identifier ZFIL-VAL-SSID. Z-ERROR
is the file-system error code returned in the error parameter of FILEINFO; it is always
zero, since CHECKMONITOR does not return an error code.
ZSPI-TKN-PROC-ERR is the procedure in which the error occurred. Its value is ZFIL-
ZFIL-TKN-CHECKPOINTSTATUS bits <8:15> indicate why the backup took over:
Value Meaning
0 Primary stopped
Value Meaning
1 Primary abnormally ended
2 Primary’s processor failed
3 Primary called CHECKSWITCH
Conditional Tokens
ZFIL-TKN-OLDPRIMARY is the old primary process ID.
Normal processing continues in the new primary.
Informative message only; no corrective action is needed.
A call to the procedure CHECKOPEN returned a nonzero file-system error code.
Unconditional Tokens
Conditional Tokens
Unconditional Tokens
ZSPI-TKN-ERROR is the standard SPI error token, whose value consists of the fields
Z-SSID and Z-ERROR. Z-SSID is the subsystem identifier ZFIL-VAL-SSID. Z-ERROR
is the file-system error code returned in the error parameter of FILEINFO.
ZSPI-TKN-PROC-ERR is the procedure in which the error occurred. Its value is ZFIL-
ZFIL-TKN-FILENAME is the file name (blank-filled if unknown).
Conditional Tokens
ZFIL-TKN-FILENUMBER is the number of the file opened in the primary process.
ZFIL-TKN-OPENFLAGS is the open flags used by the primary process.
ZFIL-TKN-SYNCRECEIVEDEPTH is the sync or receive depth used by the primary
ZFIL-TKN-BLOCKBUFFER is the address of the sequential block buffer.
ZFIL-TKN-BLOCKBUFFERLENGTH is the length in bytes of the sequential block buffer.
The file might not be correctly opened in the primary or backup process of a process
Follow the recommended recovery procedure for the returned file-system error code.
A call to the procedure CHECKPOINT returned a nonzero file-system error code.
Either an error was detected, or a backup takeover occurred.
Unconditional Tokens
Conditional Tokens
version C00
FOR z-file-sync THROUGH z-file-number
Unconditional Tokens
ZSPI-TKN-ERROR is the standard SPI error token, whose value consists of the fields
Z-SSID and Z-ERROR. Z-SSID is the subsystem identifier ZFIL-VAL-SSID. Z-ERROR
is the file-system error code returned in the error parameter of FILEINFO; it is always
zero, since CHECKPOINT does not return an error code.
ZSPI-TKN-PROC-ERR is the procedure in which the error occurred. Its value is ZFIL-
Conditional Tokens
ZFIL-TKN-STACKBASE is the checkpoint base-of-stack.
ZFIL-TKN-SREGISTER is the current S register.
ZFIL-MAP-CHECKPOINTCELL is the data to checkpoint. This token can appear from
1 to 13 times.
ZFIL-TKN-OLDPRIMARY is the old primary process ID.
If an error occurred, the operation fails.
If the backup process took over, the system continues normally.
If the backup process took over, this is an informative message only; no corrective
action is necessary.
A call to the procedure CHECKPOINTMANY returned a nonzero file-system error
code. Either an error was detected or a backup takeover occurred.
Unconditional Tokens
Conditional Tokens
version C00
FOR z-cellcount THROUGH z-checkpointcell
Unconditional Tokens
ZSPI-TKN-ERROR is the standard SPI error token, whose value consists of the fields
Z-SSID and Z-ERROR. Z-SSID is the subsystem identifier ZFIL-VAL-SSID. Z-ERROR
is the file-system error code returned in the error parameter of FILEINFO; it is always
zero, since CHECKPOINTMANY does not return an error code.
ZSPI-TKN-PROC-ERR is the procedure in which the error occurred. Its value is ZFIL-
Conditional Tokens
ZFIL-TKN-STACKBASE is the checkpoint base-of-stack.
ZFIL-TKN-SREGISTER is the current S register.
ZFIL-TKN-OLDPRIMARY is the old primary process ID.
The operation fails. If the backup process took over, the system continues normally.
If an error occurred, check ZFIL-VAL-CHECKPOINTSTATUS for information about
If the backup process took over, this is an informative message only; no corrective
action is necessary.
A call to the procedure CHECKSWITCH returned a nonzero file-system error code.
Either an error was detected or a backup takeover occurred.
Unconditional Tokens
Conditional Tokens
Unconditional Tokens
ZSPI-TKN-ERROR is the standard SPI error token, whose value consists of the fields
Z-SSID and Z-ERROR. Z-SSID is the subsystem identifier ZFIL-VAL-SSID. Z-ERROR
is the file-system error code returned in the error parameter of FILEINFO; it is always
is zero, since CHECKPOINT does not return an error code.
ZSPI-TKN-PROC-ERR is the procedure in which the error occurred. Its value is ZFIL-
ZFIL-TKN-CHECKPOINTSTATUS indicates the status of the call to CHECKSWITCH.
This token returns a status word in the following form:
Value Meaning
<0:7> = 0 No error
<0:7> = 1 There is no backup or the primary process cannot communicate with the
backup; then
<8:15> = file-system error number
<0:7> = 2 Takeover from the primary; then
<8:15> = 0 primary stopped
<8:15> = 1 primary abnormally ended
<8:15> = 2 primary’s processor failed
<8:15> = 3 primary called CHECKSWITCH
Conditional Tokens
ZFIL-TKN-OLDPRIMARY is the old primary process ID.
If an error occurred, the operation fails. If the backup process took over, the system
continues normally.
Check ZFIL-VAL-CHECKPOINTSTATUS for information about CHECKSWITCH. If the
backup process took over, this is an informative message only; no corrective action is
A call to the procedure CONTROL resulted in an unexpected error.
Unconditional Tokens
Conditional Tokens
Unconditional Tokens
ZSPI-TKN-ERROR is the standard SPI error token, whose value consists of the fields
Z-SSID and Z-ERROR. Z-SSID is the subsystem identifier ZFIL-VAL-SSID. Z-ERROR
is the file-system error code returned in the error parameter of FILEINFO.
ZSPI-TKN-PROC-ERR is the procedure in which the error occurred. Its value is ZFIL-
ZFIL-TKN-XFILENAME is the completely qualified file name (including node name) in
external format. The token ZFIL-TKN-XFILENAME can be null if certain errors occur.
For example, if file-system error 16 (file not opened) occurs, the token will be null.
ZFIL-TKN-OPERATION is the CONTROL operation code. Refer to the Guardian
Procedure Calls Reference Manual for information about CONTROL operation codes.
Conditional Tokens
ZFIL-TKN-FILENAME is the name of the file in internal network format. If the file
name cannot be represented in this format or if the file name is not known (file-system
error 16 occurred), this token will not appear.
ZFIL-TKN-PARAMETER is the CONTROL operation parameter. Refer to the Guardian
Procedure Calls Reference Manual for information about the CONTROL operation
ZFIL-TKN-TAG is the AWAITIO tag value.
The attempted CONTROL operation fails.
Follow the recovery procedure for the returned file-system error code as described
earlier in this section.
A call to the procedure CREATE resulted in an unexpected error.
Unconditional Tokens
Conditional Tokens
Unconditional Tokens
ZSPI-TKN-ERROR is the standard SPI error token, whose value consists of the fields
Z-SSID and Z-ERROR. Z-SSID is the subsystem identifier ZFIL-VAL-SSID. Z-ERROR
is the file-system error code returned in the error parameter of FILEINFO.
ZSPI-TKN-PROC-ERR is the procedure in which the error occurred. Its value is ZFIL-
ZFIL-TKN-FILENAME is the file name (blank-filled if unknown).
Conditional Tokens
ZFIL-TKN-OPENDEFAULTS is the file-label open defaults.
The attempted CREATE operation fails.
Follow the recovery procedure for the returned file-system error code as described
earlier in this section.
A call to the procedure KEYPOSITION resulted in an unexpected error.
Unconditional Tokens
Conditional Tokens
Unconditional Tokens
ZSPI-TKN-ERROR is the standard SPI error token, whose value consists of the fields
Z-SSID and Z-ERROR. Z-SSID is the subsystem identifier ZFIL-VAL-SSID. Z-ERROR
is the file-system error code returned in the error parameter of FILEINFO.
ZSPI-TKN-PROC-ERR is the procedure in which the error occurred. Its value is ZFIL-
ZFIL-TKN-XFILENAME is the completely qualified file name (including node name) in
external format. The token ZFIL-TKN-XFILENAME can be null if certain errors occur.
For example, if file-system error 16 (file not opened) occurs, the token will be null.
Conditional Tokens
ZFIL-TKN-COMPAREKEYLENGTH is the key length (<8:15>) and the compare length
ZFIL-TKN-FILENAME is the name of the file in internal network format. If the file
name cannot be represented in this format or if the file name is not known (file-system
error 16 occurred), this token will not appear.
ZFIL-TKN-KEYVALUE is the key value.
ZFIL-TKN-KEYSPEC is the key specifier.
ZFIL-TKN-POSITIONMODE is the positioning mode.
The attempted KEYPOSITION operation fails.
Follow the recovery procedure for the returned file-system error code as described
earlier in this section.
A call to the OPEN procedure resulted in a condition code less (CCL) or a condition
code greater (CCG). If CCL (ZFIL-TKN-CONDITION = -1), the file is not opened. If
CCG (ZFIL-TKN-CONDITION = 1), the file is open, but the file system detected an
exceptional condition during the OPEN operation.
Unconditional Tokens
Conditional Tokens
Unconditional Tokens
ZSPI-TKN-ERROR is the standard SPI error token, whose value consists of the fields
Z-SSID and Z-ERROR. Z-SSID is the subsystem identifier ZFIL-VAL-SSID. Z-ERROR
is the file-system error code returned in the error parameter of FILEINFO.
ZSPI-TKN-PROC-ERR is the procedure in which the error occurred. Its value is ZFIL-
VAL-OPEN (11).
ZFIL-TKN-FILENAME is the file name (blank-filled if unknown).
Conditional Tokens
ZFIL-TKN-CONDITION is the condition code returned by OPEN (-1, 0, or 1).
ZFIL-TKN-PRIMARYFILE is the primary file number.
ZFIL-TKN-PRIMARYPROCESS is the primary process ID of the process for which the
backup process reports the error.
The attempted OPEN operation fails.
Follow the recovery procedure for the returned file-system error code as described
earlier in this section.
A call to the PURGE procedure resulted in an unexpected error.
Unconditional Tokens
Unconditional Tokens
ZSPI-TKN-ERROR is the standard SPI error token, whose value consists of the fields
Z-SSID and Z-ERROR. Z-SSID is the subsystem identifier ZFIL-VAL-SSID. Z-ERROR
is the file-system error code returned in the error parameter of FILEINFO.
ZSPI-TKN-PROC-ERR is the procedure in which the error occurred. Its value is ZFIL-
ZFIL-TKN-FILENAME is the file name (blank-filled if unknown).
The attempted PURGE operation fails.
Follow the recovery procedure for the returned file-system error code as described
earlier in this section.
A call to the POSITION procedure resulted in an unexpected error.
Unconditional Tokens
Conditional Tokens
Unconditional Tokens
ZSPI-TKN-ERROR is the standard SPI error token, whose value consists of the fields
Z-SSID and Z-ERROR. Z-SSID is the subsystem identifier ZFIL-VAL-SSID. Z-ERROR
is the file-system error code returned in the error parameter of FILEINFO.
ZSPI-TKN-PROC-ERR is the procedure in which the error occurred. Its value is
ZFIL-TKN-XFILENAME is the completely qualified file name (including node name) in
external format. The token ZFIL-TKN-XFILENAME can be null if certain errors occur.
For example, if file-system error 16 (file not opened) occurs, the token will be null.
Conditional Tokens
ZFIL-TKN-FILENAME is the name of the file in internal network format. If the file
name cannot be represented in this format or if the file name is not known (file-system
error 16 occurred), this token will not appear.
ZFIL-TKN-RECORDSPEC is the record specifier (RBA).
The attempted POSITION operation fails.
Follow the recovery procedure for the returned file-system error code as described
earlier in this section.
A call to the READ procedure resulted in an unexpected error.
Unconditional Tokens
Conditional Tokens
Unconditional Tokens
ZSPI-TKN-ERROR is the standard SPI error token, whose value consists of the fields
Z-SSID and Z-ERROR. Z-SSID is the subsystem identifier ZFIL-VAL-SSID. Z-ERROR
is the file-system error code returned in the error parameter of FILEINFO.
ZSPI-TKN-PROC-ERR is the procedure in which the error occurred. Its value is
ZFIL-TKN-XFILENAME is the completely qualified file name (including node name) in
external format. The token ZFIL-TKN-XFILENAME can be null if certain errors occur.
For example, if file-system error 16 (file not opened) occurs, the token will be null.
Conditional Tokens
ZFIL-TKN-BUFFERADDR is the base address of the READ buffer.
ZFIL-TKN-COUNTTRANSFERRED is the length of the data read (in bytes).
ZFIL-TKN-FILENAME is the name of the file in internal network format. If the file
name cannot be represented in this format or if the file name is not known (file-system
error 16 occurred), this token will not appear.
ZFIL-TKN-TAG is the AWAITIO tag value.
ZFIL-TKN-TRANSFERCOUNT is the request length (in bytes).
The attempted read operation fails.
Follow the recovery procedure for the returned file-system error code as described
earlier in this section.
A call to the READLOCK procedure resulted in an unexpected error.
Unconditional Tokens
Conditional Tokens
Unconditional Tokens
ZSPI-TKN-ERROR is the standard SPI error token, whose value consists of the fields
Z-SSID and Z-ERROR. Z-SSID is the subsystem identifier ZFIL-VAL-SSID. Z-ERROR
is the file-system error code returned in the error parameter of FILEINFO.
ZSPI-TKN-PROC-ERR is the procedure in which the error occurred. Its value is
ZFIL-TKN-XFILENAME is the completely qualified file name (including node name) in
external format. The token ZFIL-TKN-XFILENAME can be null if certain errors occur.
For example, if file-system error 16 (file not opened) occurs, the token will be null.
Conditional Tokens
ZFIL-TKN-BUFFERADDR is the base address of the READLOCK buffer.
ZFIL-TKN-COUNTTRANSFERRED is the length of the data read (in bytes).
ZFIL-TKN-FILENAME is the name of the file in internal network format. If the file
name cannot be represented in this format or if the file name is not known (file-system
error 16 occurred), this token will not appear.
ZFIL-TKN-TAG is the AWAITIO tag value.
ZFIL-TKN-TRANSFERCOUNT is the request length (in bytes).
The attempted READLOCK operation fails.
Follow the recovery procedure for the returned file-system error code as described
earlier in this section.
A call to the READUPDATE procedure resulted in an unexpected error.
Unconditional Tokens
Conditional Tokens
Unconditional Tokens
ZSPI-TKN-ERROR is the standard SPI error token, whose value consists of the fields
Z-SSID and Z-ERROR. Z-SSID is the subsystem identifier ZFIL-VAL-SSID. Z-ERROR
is the file-system error code returned in the error parameter of FILEINFO.
ZSPI-TKN-PROC-ERR is the procedure in which the error occurred. Its value is
ZFIL-TKN-XFILENAME is the completely qualified file name (including node name) in
external format. The token ZFIL-TKN-XFILENAME can be null if certain errors occur.
For example, if file-system error 16 (file not opened) occurs, the token will be null.
Conditional Tokens
ZFIL-TKN-BUFFERADDR is the base address of the READUPDATE buffer.
ZFIL-TKN-COUNTTRANSFERRED is the length of the data read (in bytes).
ZFIL-TKN-FILENAME is the name of the file in internal network format. If the file
name cannot be represented in this format or if the file name is not known (file-system
error 16 occurred), this token will not appear.
ZFIL-TKN-TAG is the AWAITIO tag value.
ZFIL-TKN-TRANSFERCOUNT is the request length (in bytes).
The attempted READUPDATE operation fails.
Follow the recovery procedure for the returned file-system error code as described
earlier in this section.
A call to the READUPDATELOCK procedure resulted in an unexpected error.
Unconditional Tokens
Conditional Tokens
Unconditional Tokens
ZSPI-TKN-ERROR is the standard SPI error token, whose value consists of the fields
Z-SSID and Z-ERROR. Z-SSID is the subsystem identifier ZFIL-VAL-SSID. Z-ERROR
is the file-system error code returned in the error parameter of FILEINFO.
ZSPI-TKN-PROC-ERR is the procedure in which the error occurred. Its value is
ZFIL-TKN-XFILENAME is the completely qualified file name (including node name) in
external format. The token ZFIL-TKN-XFILENAME can be null if certain errors occur.
For example, if file-system error 16 (file not opened) occurs, the token will be null.
Conditional Tokens
ZFIL-TKN-BUFFERADDR is the base address of the READUPDATELOCK buffer.
ZFIL-TKN-COUNTTRANSFERRED is the length of the data read (in bytes).
ZFIL-TKN-FILENAME is the name of the file in internal network format. If the file
name cannot be represented in this format or if the file name is not known (file-system
error 16 occurred), this token will not appear.
ZFIL-TKN-TAG is the AWAITIO tag value.
ZFIL-TKN-TRANSFERCOUNT is the request length (in bytes).
The attempted READUPDATELOCK operation fails.
Follow the recovery procedure for the returned file-system error code as described
earlier in this section.
A call to the REPLY procedure resulted in an unexpected error.
Unconditional Tokens
Conditional Tokens
Unconditional Tokens
ZSPI-TKN-ERROR is the standard SPI error token, whose value consists of the fields
Z-SSID and Z-ERROR. Z-SSID is the subsystem identifier ZFIL-VAL-SSID. Z-ERROR
is the file-system error code returned in the error parameter of FILEINFO.
ZSPI-TKN-PROC-ERR is the procedure in which the error occurred. Its value is
Guardian Procedure Errors and Messages Manual—522628-011
2 -120
File-System Errors 19: ZFIL-VAL-SETMODE
Conditional Tokens
ZFIL-TKN-BUFFERADDR is the base address of the REPLY buffer.
ZFIL-TKN-TRANSFERCOUNT is the length of REPLY (in bytes).
ZFIL-TKN-COUNTTRANSFERRED is the length of the data written (in bytes).
ZFIL-TKN-REPLYCODE is the error value returned with the reply.
The attempted REPLY operation fails.
Follow the recovery procedure for the returned file-system error code as described
earlier in this section.
A call to the SETMODE procedure resulted in an unexpected error.
Unconditional Tokens
Conditional Tokens
Unconditional Tokens
ZSPI-TKN-ERROR is the standard SPI error token, whose value consists of the fields
Z-SSID and Z-ERROR. Z-SSID is the subsystem identifier ZFIL-VAL-SSID. Z-ERROR
is the file-system error code returned in the error parameter of FILEINFO.
ZSPI-TKN-PROC-ERR is the procedure in which the error occurred. Its value is
Guardian Procedure Errors and Messages Manual—522628-011
2 -121
Conditional Tokens
ZFIL-TKN-FILENAME is the name of the file in internal network format. If the file
name cannot be represented in this format or if the file name is not known (file-system
error 16 occurred), this token will not appear.
ZFIL-TKN-PARAM1 is the first function parameter.
ZFIL-TKN-PARAM2 is the second function parameter.
ZFIL-TKN-LASTPARAMS contains the previous parameter settings.
The attempted SETMODE operation fails.
Follow the recovery procedure for the returned file-system error code as described
earlier in this section.
A call to the SETMODENOWAIT procedure resulted in an unexpected error.
Unconditional Tokens
Conditional Tokens
Unconditional Tokens
ZSPI-TKN-ERROR is the standard SPI error token, whose value consists of the fields
Z-SSID and Z-ERROR. Z-SSID is the subsystem identifier ZFIL-VAL-SSID. Z-ERROR
is the file-system error code returned in the error parameter of FILEINFO.
ZSPI-TKN-PROC-ERR is the procedure in which the error occurred. Its value is
ZFIL-TKN-XFILENAME is the completely qualified file name (including node name) in
external format. The token ZFIL-TKN-XFILENAME can be null if certain errors occur.
For example, if file-system error 16 (file not opened) occurs, the token will be null.
ZFIL-TKN-FUNCTION is the SETMODENOWAIT function. Refer to the Guardian
Procedure Calls Reference Manual for more information about the SETMODENOWAIT
Conditional Tokens
ZFIL-TKN-FILENAME is the name of the file in internal network format. If the file
name cannot be represented in this format or if the file name is not known (file-system
error 16 occurred), this token will not appear.
ZFIL-TKN-PARAM1 is the first function parameter.
ZFIL-TKN-PARAM2 is the second function parameter.
ZFIL-TKN-LASTPARAMS contains the previous parameter settings.
ZFIL-TKN-TAG is the AWAITIO tag value.
The attempted SETMODENOWAIT operation fails.
Follow the recovery procedure for the returned file-system error code as described
earlier in this section.
A call to the WRITE procedure resulted in an unexpected error.
Unconditional Tokens
Conditional Tokens
Unconditional Tokens
ZSPI-TKN-ERROR is the standard SPI error token, whose value consists of the fields
Z-SSID and Z-ERROR. Z-SSID is the subsystem identifier ZFIL-VAL-SSID. Z-ERROR
is the file-system error code returned in the error parameter of FILEINFO.
ZSPI-TKN-PROC-ERR is the procedure in which the error occurred. Its value is
ZFIL-TKN-XFILENAME is the completely qualified file name (including node name) in
external format. The token ZFIL-TKN-XFILENAME can be null if certain errors occur.
For example, if file-system error 16 (file not opened) occurs, the token will be null.
Conditional Tokens
ZFIL-TKN-BUFFERADDR is the base address of the WRITE buffer.
ZFIL-TKN-COUNTTRANSFERRED is the length of the data written (in bytes).
ZFIL-TKN-FILENAME is the name of the file in internal network format. If the file
name cannot be represented in this format or if the file name is not known (file-system
error 16 occurred), this token will not appear.
ZFIL-TKN-TAG is the AWAITIO tag value.
ZFIL-TKN-TRANSFERCOUNT is the request length (in bytes).
The attempted WRITE operation fails.
Follow the recovery procedure for the returned file-system error code as described
earlier in this section.
A call to the WRITEREAD procedure resulted in an unexpected error.
Unconditional Tokens
Conditional Tokens
Unconditional Tokens
ZSPI-TKN-ERROR is the standard SPI error token, whose value consists of the fields
Z-SSID and Z-ERROR. Z-SSID is the subsystem identifier ZFIL-VAL-SSID. Z-ERROR
is the file-system error code returned in the error parameter of FILEINFO.
ZSPI-TKN-PROC-ERR is the procedure in which the error occurred. Its value is
ZFIL-TKN-XFILENAME is the completely qualified file name (including node name) in
external format. The token ZFIL-TKN-XFILENAME can be null if certain errors occur.
For example, if file-system error 16 (file not opened) occurs, the token will be null.
Conditional Tokens
ZFIL-TKN-BUFFERADDR is the base address of the WRITEREAD buffer.
ZFIL-TKN-COUNTTRANSFERRED is the length of the data read (in bytes).
ZFIL-TKN-FILENAME is the name of the file in internal network format. If the file
name cannot be represented in this format or if the file name is not known (file-system
error 16 occurred), this token will not appear.
ZFIL-TKN-READCOUNT is the read length (in bytes).
ZFIL-TKN-TAG is the AWAITIO tag value.
ZFIL-TKN-WRITECOUNT is the write length (in bytes).
The attempted WRITEREAD operation fails.
Follow the recovery procedure for the returned file-system error code as described
earlier in this section.
2 File-System Errors
A call to the WRITEUPDATE procedure resulted in an unexpected error.
Unconditional Tokens
Conditional Tokens
Unconditional Tokens
ZSPI-TKN-ERROR is the standard SPI error token, whose value consists of the fields
Z-SSID and Z-ERROR. Z-SSID is the subsystem identifier ZFIL-VAL-SSID. Z-ERROR
is the file-system error code returned in the error parameter of FILEINFO.
ZSPI-TKN-PROC-ERR is the procedure in which the error occurred. Its value is
ZFIL-TKN-XFILENAME is the completely qualified file name (including node name) in
external format. The token ZFIL-TKN-XFILENAME can be null if certain errors occur.
For example, if file-system error 16 (file not opened) occurs, the token will be null.
Conditional Tokens
ZFIL-TKN-BUFFERADDR is the base address of the WRITEUPDATE buffer.
ZFIL-TKN-COUNTTRANSFERRED is the length of the data written (in bytes).
ZFIL-TKN-FILENAME is the name of the file in internal network format. If the file
name cannot be represented in this format or if the file name is not known (file-system
error 16 occurred), this token will not appear.
ZFIL-TKN-TAG is the AWAITIO tag value.
ZFIL-TKN-TRANSFERCOUNT is the request length (in bytes).
The attempted WRITEUPDATE operation fails.
Follow the recovery procedure for the returned file-system error code as described
earlier in this section.
A call to the WRITEUPDATEUNLOCK procedure resulted in an unexpected error.
Unconditional Tokens
Conditional Tokens
Unconditional Tokens
ZSPI-TKN-ERROR is the standard SPI error token, whose value consists of the fields
Z-SSID and Z-ERROR. Z-SSID is the subsystem identifier ZFIL-VAL-SSID. Z-ERROR
is the file-system error code returned in the error parameter of FILEINFO.
ZSPI-TKN-PROC-ERR is the procedure in which the error occurred. Its value is
ZFIL-TKN-XFILENAME is the completely qualified file name (including node name) in
external format. The token ZFIL-TKN-XFILENAME can be null if certain errors occur.
For example, if file-system error 16 (file not opened) occurs, the token will be null.
Conditional Tokens
ZFIL-TKN-BUFFERADDR is the base address of the WRITEUPDATEUNLOCK buffer.
ZFIL-TKN-COUNTTRANSFERRED is the length of the data written (in bytes).
ZFIL-TKN-FILENAME is the name of the file in internal network format. If the file
name cannot be represented in this format or if the file name is not known (file-system
error 16 occurred), this token will not appear.
ZFIL-TKN-TAG is the AWAITIO tag value.
ZFIL-TKN-TRANSFERCOUNT is the request length (in bytes).
The attempted WRITEUPDATEUNLOCK operation fails.
Follow the recovery procedure for the returned file-system error code as described
earlier in this section.
A call to the file-system procedure AWAITIOX resulted in an unexpected error.
Unconditional Tokens
Conditional Tokens
Unconditional Tokens
ZSPI-TKN-ERROR is the standard SPI error token, whose value consists of the fields
Z-SSID and Z-ERROR. Z-SSID is the subsystem identifier ZFIL-VAL-SSID. Z-ERROR
is the file-system error code returned in the error parameter of FILEINFO.
ZSPI-TKN-PROC-ERR is the procedure in which the error occurred. Its value is
ZFIL-TKN-XFILENAME is the completely qualified file name (including node name) in
external format. The token ZFIL-TKN-XFILENAME can be null if certain errors occur.
For example, if file-system error 16 (file not opened) occurs, the token will be null.
Conditional Tokens
ZFIL-TKN-BUFFERADDRX is the base address of the I/O buffer.
ZFIL-TKN-COUNTTRANSFERRED is the length of the transferred data (in bytes).
ZFIL-TKN-FILENAME is the name of the file in internal network format. If the file
name cannot be represented in this format or if the file name is not known (file-system
error 16 occurred), this token will not appear.
ZFIL-TKN-TAG is the AWAITIOX tag value.
ZFIL-TKN-TIMEOUT is the timeout value.
The AWAITIOX operation fails.
Follow the recovery procedure for the returned file-system error code as described
earlier in this section.
A call to the procedure CHECKPOINTMANYX returned a nonzero file-system error.
Either an error was detected or a backup takeover occurred.
Unconditional Tokens
Conditional Tokens
version C00
FOR z-cellcount THROUGH z-checkpointcell
Unconditional Tokens
ZSPI-TKN-ERROR is the standard SPI error token, whose value consists of the fields
Z-SSID and Z-ERROR. Z-SSID is the subsystem identifier ZFIL-VAL-SSID. Z-ERROR
is the file-system error code returned in the error parameter of FILEINFO; it is always
zero, since CHECKPOINTMANYX does not return an error code.
ZSPI-TKN-PROC-ERR is the procedure in which the error occurred. Its value is ZFIL-
status of the call to CHECKPOINTMANYX. This token returns a status word in the
following form:
Value Meaning
<0:7> = 0 No error
<0:7> = 1 There is no backup or the primary process cannot communicate with the
backup; then
<8:15> = file-system error number
<0:7> = 2 Takeover from the primary; then
<8:15> = 0 primary stopped
<8:15> = 1 primary abnormally ended
<8:15> = 2 primary’s processor failed
<8:15> = 3 primary called CHECKSWITCH
<0:7> = 3 Invalid parameter; then
<8:15> = 1 error in stack-base parameter
<8:15> = n, n > 1 error in word[n-2]; refer to the Guardian Procedure Calls
Reference Manual for more information
Conditional Tokens
ZFIL-TKN-STACKBASE is the checkpoint base-of-stack.
ZFIL-TKN-SREGISTER is the current S register.
ZFIL-TKN-OLDPRIMARY is the old primary process ID.
If an error occurs, the operation fails. If the backup process takes over, the system
continues normally.
If the backup process took over, this message is informative only; no corrective action
is necessary.
Guardian Procedure Errors and Messages Manual—522628-011
2 -131
File-System Errors 27: ZFIL-VAL-CHECKPOINTX
A call to the procedure CHECKPOINTX returned a nonzero file-system error. Either an
error was detected or a backup takeover occurred.
Unconditional Tokens
Conditional Tokens
version C00
FOR z-file-sync THROUGH z-file-number
Unconditional Tokens
ZSPI-TKN-ERROR is the standard SPI error token, whose value consists of the fields
Z-SSID and Z-ERROR. Z-SSID is the subsystem identifier ZFIL-VAL-SSID. Z-ERROR
is the file-system error code returned in the error parameter of FILEINFO; it is always
zero, since CHECKPOINTX does not return an error code.
ZSPI-TKN-PROC-ERR is the procedure in which the error occurred. Its value is ZFIL-
ZFIL-TKN-CHECKPOINTSTATUS indicates the status of the call to CHECKPOINTX.
This token returns a status word in the following form:
Value Meaning
<0:7> = 0 No error
<0:7> = 1 There is no backup or the primary process cannot communicate with the
backup; then
<8:15> = file-system error number
<0:7> = 2 Takeover from the primary; then
<8:15> = 0 primary stopped
<8:15> = 1 primary abnormally ended
<8:15> = 2 primary’s processor failed
<8:15> = 3 primary called CHECKSWITCH
Conditional Tokens
ZFIL-TKN-STACKBASE is the checkpoint base-of-stack.
ZFIL-TKN-SREGISTER is the current S register.
ZFIL-MAP-CHECKPOINTCELL is the data to checkpoint. This token can appear from
1 to 13 times.
ZFIL-TKN-OLDPRIMARY is the old primary process ID.
If an error occurs, the operation fails. If the backup process takes over, the system
continues normally.
If the backup process took over, this message is informative only; no corrective action
is necessary.
A call to the procedure KEYPOSITIONX resulted in an unexpected error.
Unconditional Tokens
Conditional Tokens
Unconditional Tokens
ZSPI-TKN-ERROR is the standard SPI error token, whose value consists of the fields
Z-SSID and Z-ERROR. Z-SSID is the subsystem identifier ZFIL-VAL-SSID. Z-ERROR
is the file-system error code returned in the error parameter of FILEINFO.
ZSPI-TKN-PROC-ERR is the procedure in which the error occurred. Its value is
Guardian Procedure Errors and Messages Manual—522628-011
2 -133
File-System Errors 29: ZFIL-VAL-READLOCKX
Conditional Tokens
ZFIL-TKN-COMPAREKEYLENGTH is the key length (<8:15>) and the compare length
ZFIL-TKN-FILENAME is the name of the file in internal network format. If the file
name cannot be represented in this format or if the file name is not known (file-system
error 16 occurred), this token will not appear.
ZFIL-TKN-KEYVALUE is the key value.
ZFIL-TKN-KEYSPEC is the key specifier.
ZFIL-TKN-POSITIONMODE is the positioning mode.
The attempted KEYPOSITIONX operation fails.
Follow the recovery procedure for the returned file-system error code as described
earlier in this section.
A call to the READLOCKX procedure resulted in an unexpected error.
Unconditional Tokens
Conditional Tokens
Unconditional Tokens
ZSPI-TKN-ERROR is the standard SPI error token, whose value consists of the fields
Z-SSID and Z-ERROR. Z-SSID is the subsystem identifier ZFIL-VAL-SSID. Z-ERROR
is the file-system error code returned in the error parameter of FILEINFO.
ZSPI-TKN-PROC-ERR is the procedure in which the error occurred. Its value is
ZFIL-TKN-XFILENAME is the completely qualified file name (including node name) in
external format. The token ZFIL-TKN-XFILENAME can be null if certain errors occur.
For example, if file-system error 16 (file not opened) occurs, the token will be null.
Conditional Tokens
ZFIL-TKN-BUFFERADDRX is the base address of the READLOCKX buffer.
ZFIL-TKN-COUNTTRANSFERRED is the length of the data read (in bytes).
ZFIL-TKN-FILENAME is the name of the file in internal network format. If the file
name cannot be represented in this format or if the file name is not known (file-system
error 16 occurred), this token will not appear.
ZFIL-TKN-TAG is the AWAITIO tag value.
ZFIL-TKN-TRANSFERCOUNT is the request length (in bytes).
The attempted READLOCKX operation fails.
Follow the recovery procedure for the returned file-system error code as described
earlier in this section.
A call to the READUPDATELOCKX procedure resulted in an unexpected error.
Unconditional Tokens
Conditional Tokens
Unconditional Tokens
ZSPI-TKN-ERROR is the standard SPI error token, whose value consists of the fields
Z-SSID and Z-ERROR. Z-SSID is the subsystem identifier ZFIL-VAL-SSID. Z-ERROR
is the file-system error code returned in the error parameter of FILEINFO.
ZSPI-TKN-PROC-ERR is the procedure in which the error occurred. Its value is
ZFIL-TKN-XFILENAME is the completely qualified file name (including node name) in
external format. The token ZFIL-TKN-XFILENAME can be null if certain errors occur.
For example, if file-system error 16 (file not opened) occurs, the token will be null.
Conditional Tokens
ZFIL-TKN-BUFFERADDRX is the base address of the READUPDATELOCKX buffer.
ZFIL-TKN-COUNTTRANSFERRED is the length of the data read (in bytes).
ZFIL-TKN-FILENAME is the name of the file in internal network format. If the file
name cannot be represented in this format or if the file name is not known (file-system
error 16 occurred), this token will not appear.
ZFIL-TKN-TAG is the AWAITIO tag value.
ZFIL-TKN-TRANSFERCOUNT is the request length (in bytes).
The attempted READUPDATELOCKX operation fails.
Follow the recovery procedure for the returned file-system error code as described
earlier in this section.
A call to the READUPDATEX procedure resulted in an unexpected error.
Unconditional Tokens
Conditional Tokens
Unconditional Tokens
ZSPI-TKN-ERROR is the standard SPI error token, whose value consists of the fields
Z-SSID and Z-ERROR. Z-SSID is the subsystem identifier ZFIL-VAL-SSID. Z-ERROR
is the file-system error code returned in the error parameter of FILEINFO.
ZSPI-TKN-PROC-ERR is the procedure in which the error occurred. Its value is
ZFIL-TKN-XFILENAME is the completely qualified file name (including node name) in
external format. The token ZFIL-TKN-XFILENAME can be null if certain errors occur.
For example, if file-system error 16 (file not opened) occurs, the token will be null.
Conditional Tokens
ZFIL-TKN-BUFFERADDRX is the base address of the READUPDATEX buffer.
ZFIL-TKN-COUNTTRANSFERRED is the length of the data read (in bytes).
ZFIL-TKN-FILENAME is the name of the file in internal network format. If the file
name cannot be represented in this format or if the file name is not known (file-system
error 16 occurred), this token will not appear.
ZFIL-TKN-TAG is the AWAITIO tag value.
ZFIL-TKN-TRANSFERCOUNT is the request length (in bytes).
The attempted READUPDATEX operation fails.
Follow the recovery procedure for the returned file-system error code as described
earlier in this section.
A call to the READX procedure resulted in an unexpected error.
Unconditional Tokens
Conditional Tokens
Unconditional Tokens
ZSPI-TKN-ERROR is the standard SPI error token, whose value consists of the fields
Z-SSID and Z-ERROR. Z-SSID is the subsystem identifier ZFIL-VAL-SSID. Z-ERROR
is the file-system error code returned in the error parameter of FILEINFO.
ZSPI-TKN-PROC-ERR is the procedure in which the error occurred. Its value is
ZFIL-TKN-XFILENAME is the completely qualified file name (including node name) in
external format. The token ZFIL-TKN-XFILENAME can be null if certain errors occur.
For example, if file-system error 16 (file not opened) occurs, the token will be null.
Conditional Tokens
ZFIL-TKN-BUFFERADDRX is the base address of the READX buffer.
ZFIL-TKN-COUNTTRANSFERRED is the length of the data read (in bytes).
ZFIL-TKN-FILENAME is the name of the file in internal network format. If the file
name cannot be represented in this format or if the file name is not known (file-system
error 16 occurred), this token will not appear.
ZFIL-TKN-TAG is the AWAITIO tag value.
ZFIL-TKN-TRANSFERCOUNT is the request length (in bytes).
The attempted READX operation fails.
Follow the recovery procedure for the returned file-system error code as described
earlier in this section.
A call to the REPLYX procedure resulted in an unexpected error.
Unconditional Tokens
Conditional Tokens
Unconditional Tokens
ZSPI-TKN-ERROR is the standard SPI error token, whose value consists of the fields
Z-SSID and Z-ERROR. Z-SSID is the subsystem identifier ZFIL-VAL-SSID. Z-ERROR
is the file-system error code returned in the error parameter of FILEINFO.
ZSPI-TKN-PROC-ERR is the procedure in which the error occurred. Its value is
Guardian Procedure Errors and Messages Manual—522628-011
2 -139
File-System Errors 34: ZFIL-VAL-WRITEREADX
Conditional Tokens
ZFIL-TKN-BUFFERADDRX is the base address of the REPLYX buffer.
ZFIL-TKN-TRANSFERCOUNT is the length of the reply (in bytes).
ZFIL-TKN-COUNTTRANSFERRED is the length of the data written (in bytes).
ZFIL-TKN-REPLYCODE is the error value returned with the reply.
The attempted REPLYX operation fails.
Follow the recovery procedure for the returned file-system error code as described
earlier in this section.
A call to the WRITEREADX procedure resulted in an unexpected error.
Unconditional Tokens
Conditional Tokens
Unconditional Tokens
ZSPI-TKN-ERROR is the standard SPI error token, whose value consists of the fields
Z-SSID and Z-ERROR. Z-SSID is the subsystem identifier ZFIL-VAL-SSID. Z-ERROR
is the file-system error code returned in the error parameter of FILEINFO.
Conditional Tokens
ZFIL-TKN-BUFFERADDRX is the base address of the WRITEREADX buffer.
ZFIL-TKN-COUNTTRANSFERRED is the length of the data read (in bytes).
ZFIL-TKN-FILENAME is the name of the file in internal network format. If the file
name cannot be represented in this format or if the file name is not known (file-system
error 16 occurred), this token will not appear.
ZFIL-TKN-READCOUNT is the read length (in bytes).
ZFIL-TKN-TAG is the AWAITIO tag value.
ZFIL-TKN-WRITECOUNT is the write length (in bytes).
The attempted WRITEREADX operation fails.
Follow the recovery procedure for the returned file-system error code as described
earlier in this section.
A call to the WRITEUPDATEUNLOCKX procedure resulted in an unexpected error.
Unconditional Tokens
Conditional Tokens
Unconditional Tokens
ZSPI-TKN-ERROR is the standard SPI error token, whose value consists of the fields
Z-SSID and Z-ERROR. Z-SSID is the subsystem identifier ZFIL-VAL-SSID. Z-ERROR
is the file-system error code returned in the error parameter of FILEINFO.
ZSPI-TKN-PROC-ERR is the procedure in which the error occurred. Its value is ZFIL-
ZFIL-TKN-XFILENAME is the completely qualified file name (including node name) in
external format. The token ZFIL-TKN-XFILENAME can be null if certain errors occur.
For example, if file-system error 16 (file not opened) occurs, the token will be null.
Conditional Tokens
ZFIL-TKN-COUNTTRANSFERRED is the length of the data written (in bytes).
ZFIL-TKN-FILENAME is the name of the file in internal network format. If the file
name cannot be represented in this format or if the file name is not known (file-system
error 16 occurred), this token will not appear.
ZFIL-TKN-TAG is the AWAITIO tag value.
ZFIL-TKN-TRANSFERCOUNT is the request length (in bytes).
The attempted WRITEUPDATEUNLOCKX operation fails.
Follow the recovery procedure for the returned file-system error code as described
earlier in this section.
A call to the WRITEUPDATEX procedure resulted in an unexpected error.
Unconditional Tokens
Conditional Tokens
Unconditional Tokens
ZSPI-TKN-ERROR is the standard SPI error token, whose value consists of the fields
Z-SSID and Z-ERROR. Z-SSID is the subsystem identifier ZFIL-VAL-SSID. Z-ERROR
is the file-system error code returned in the error parameter of FILEINFO.
ZSPI-TKN-PROC-ERR is the procedure in which the error occurred. Its value is ZFIL-
ZFIL-TKN-XFILENAME is the completely qualified file name (including node name) in
external format. The token ZFIL-TKN-XFILENAME can be null if certain errors occur.
For example, if file-system error 16 (file not opened) occurs, the token will be null.
Conditional Tokens
ZFIL-TKN-BUFFERADDRX is the base address of the WRITEUPDATEX buffer.
ZFIL-TKN-COUNTTRANSFERRED is the length of the data written (in bytes).
ZFIL-TKN-FILENAME is the name of the file in internal network format. If the file
name cannot be represented in this format or if the file name is not known (file-system
error 16 occurred), this token will not appear.
ZFIL-TKN-TAG is the AWAITIO tag value.
ZFIL-TKN-TRANSFERCOUNT is the request length (in bytes).
The attempted WRITEUPDATEX operation fails.
Follow the recovery procedure for the returned file-system error code as described
earlier in this section.
A call to the WRITEX procedure resulted in an unexpected error.
Unconditional Tokens
Conditional Tokens
Unconditional Tokens
ZSPI-TKN-ERROR is the standard SPI error token, whose value consists of the fields
Z-SSID and Z-ERROR. Z-SSID is the subsystem identifier ZFIL-VAL-SSID. Z-ERROR
is the file-system error code returned in the error parameter of FILEINFO.
ZSPI-TKN-PROC-ERR is the procedure in which the error occurred. Its value is ZFIL-
ZFIL-TKN-XFILENAME is the completely qualified file name (including node name) in
external format. The token ZFIL-TKN-XFILENAME can be null if certain errors occur.
For example, if file-system error 16 (file not opened) occurs, the token will be null.
Conditional Tokens
ZFIL-TKN-BUFFERADDRX is the base address of the WRITEX buffer.
ZFIL-TKN-COUNTTRANSFERRED is the length of the data written (in bytes).
ZFIL-TKN-FILENAME is the name of the file in internal network format. If the file
name cannot be represented in this format or if the file name is not known (file-system
error 16 occurred), this token will not appear.
ZFIL-TKN-TAG is the AWAITIO tag value.
ZFIL-TKN-TRANSFERCOUNT is the request length (in bytes).
The attempted WRITEX operation fails.
Follow the recovery procedure for the returned file-system error code as described
earlier in this section.
A call to the file-system procedure FILE_CLOSE_ or CLOSE resulted in an unexpected
Unconditional Tokens
Conditional Tokens
Unconditional Tokens
ZSPI-TKN-ERROR is the standard SPI error token, whose value consists of the fields
Z-SSID and Z-ERROR. Z-SSID is the subsystem identifier ZFIL-VAL-SSID. Z-ERROR
is the file-system error code returned in the error parameter of FILEINFO.
ZSPI-TKN-PROC-ERR is the procedure in which the error occurred. Its value is ZFIL-
ZFIL-TKN-XFILENAME is the completely qualified file name (including node name) in
external format. The token ZFIL-TKN-XFILENAME can be null if certain errors occur.
For example, if file-system error 16 (file not opened) occurs, the token will be null.
Conditional Tokens
ZFIL-TKN-FILENAME is the name of the file in internal network format. If the file
name cannot be represented in this format or if the file name is not known (file-system
error 16 occurred), this token will not appear.
The CLOSE operation fails.
Follow the recovery procedure for the returned file-system error code as described
earlier in this section.
A call to the file-system procedure FILE_GETINFOBYNAME_ or DEVICEINFO2
resulted in an unexpected error.
Unconditional Tokens
Unconditional Tokens
ZSPI-TKN-ERROR is the standard SPI error token, whose value consists of the fields
Z-SSID and Z-ERROR. Z-SSID is the subsystem identifier ZFIL-VAL-SSID. Z-ERROR
is the file-system error code returned in the error parameter of FILEINFO.
ZSPI-TKN-PROC-ERR is the procedure in which the error occurred. Its value is ZFIL-
ZFIL-TKN-FILENAME is the file name (blank-filled if unknown).
The DEVICEINFO2 operation fails.
Follow the recovery procedure for the returned file-system error code as described
earlier in this section.
A call to FILE_OPEN_CHKPT_ returned a nonzero error as the function value.
Unconditional Tokens
Unconditional Tokens
ZSPI-TKN-ERROR is the standard SPI error token, whose value consists of the fields
Z-SSID and Z-ERROR. Z-SSID is the subsystem identifier ZFIL-VAL-SSID. Z-ERROR
is the error code returned in the error parameter of FILE_OPEN_CHKPT_.
ZSPI-TKN-PROC-ERR is the procedure in which the error occurred. Its value is ZFIL-
ZFIL-TKN-XFILENAME is the file name.
ZFIL-TKN-STATUS qualifies the source of the error.
Status is the reason for the non zero value of the error parameter of
FILE_OPEN_CHKPT_ and is the code returned in the status parameter to the
procedure. FILE_OPEN_CHKPT_ failed for the reason denoted by a non zero status
value with an error value as in the previously described error codes.
Follow the recovery procedure for the returned file-system error code as described
earlier in this section.
A call to FILE_CREATELIST_ returned a nonzero error as the function value.
Unconditional Tokens
Unconditional Tokens
ZSPI-TKN-ERROR is the standard SPI error token, whose value consists of the fields
Z-SSID and Z-ERROR. Z-SSID is the subsystem identifier ZFIL-VAL-SSID. Z-ERROR
is the error code returned in the error parameter of FILE_CREATELIST_.
ZSPI-TKN-PROC-ERR is the procedure in which the error occurred. Its value is ZFIL-
ZFIL-TKN-XFILENAME is the completely qualified file name (including node name) in
external format.
The operation failed.
Follow the recovery procedure for the returned file-system error code as described
earlier in this section.
A call to FILE_OPEN_ returned a nonzero error as the function value.
Unconditional Tokens
Unconditional Tokens
ZSPI-TKN-ERROR is the standard SPI error token, whose value consists of the fields
Z-SSID and Z-ERROR. Z-SSID is the subsystem identifier ZFIL-VAL-SSID. Z-ERROR
is the error code returned in the error parameter of FILE_OPEN_.
ZSPI-TKN-PROC-ERR is the procedure in which the error occurred. Its value is ZFIL-
ZFIL-TKN-XFILENAME is the file name.
ZFIL-TKN-STATUS qualifies the source of the error.
Status is the file number returned by FILE_OPEN_. If an error occurred and ZFIL-
TKN-STATUS is -1, the open failed. If ZFIL-TKN-STATUS is not -1, the file was
opened with a warning.
Follow the recovery procedure for the returned file-system error code as described
earlier in this section.
A call to FILE_PURGE_ returned a nonzero error as the function value.
Unconditional Tokens
Unconditional Tokens
ZSPI-TKN-ERROR is the standard SPI error token, whose value consists of the fields
Z-SSID and Z-ERROR. Z-SSID is the subsystem identifier ZFIL-VAL-SSID. Z-ERROR
is the error code returned in the error parameter of FILE_PURGE_.
ZSPI-TKN-PROC-ERR is the procedure in which the error occurred. Its value is ZFIL-
ZFIL-TKN-XFILENAME is the completely qualified file name (including node name) in
external format.
The operation failed.
Follow the recovery procedure for the returned file-system error code as described
earlier in this section.
A call to FILE_CLOSE_ returned a nonzero error as the function value.
Unconditional Tokens
Unconditional Tokens
ZSPI-TKN-ERROR is the standard SPI error token, whose value consists of the fields
Z-SSID and Z-ERROR. Z-SSID is the subsystem identifier ZFIL-VAL-SSID. Z-ERROR
is the error code returned in the error parameter of FILE_CLOSE_.
ZSPI-TKN-PROC-ERR is the procedure in which the error occurred. Its value is ZFIL-
ZFIL-TKN-XFILENAME is the completely qualified file name (including node name) in
external format. The token ZFIL-TKN-XFILENAME can be null if certain errors occur.
For example, if file-system error 16 (file not opened) occurs, the token will be null.
The operation failed.
Follow the recovery procedure for the returned file-system error code as described
earlier in this section.
A call to FILE_GETINFOBYNAME_ returned a nonzero error as the function value.
Unconditional Tokens
Unconditional Tokens
ZSPI-TKN-ERROR is the standard SPI error token, whose value consists of the fields
Z-SSID and Z-ERROR. Z-SSID is the subsystem identifier ZFIL-VAL-SSID. Z-ERROR
is the error code returned in the error parameter of FILE_GETINFOBYNAME_.
ZSPI-TKN-PROC-ERR is the procedure in which the error occurred. Its value is ZFIL-
ZFIL-TKN-XFILENAME is the completely qualified file name (including node name) in
external format.
The operation failed.
Follow the recovery procedure for the returned file-system error code as described
earlier in this section.
A call to FILE_GETRECEIVEINFO_ returned a nonzero error as the function value.
Unconditional Tokens
Unconditional Tokens
ZSPI-TKN-ERROR is the standard SPI error token, whose value consists of the fields
Z-SSID and Z-ERROR. Z-SSID is the subsystem identifier ZFIL-VAL-SSID. Z-ERROR
is the error code returned in the error parameter of FILE_GETRECEIVEINFO_.
ZSPI-TKN-PROC-ERR is the procedure in which the error occurred. Its value is ZFIL-
The operation failed.
Follow the recovery procedure for the returned file-system error code as described
earlier in this section.
A call to FILENAME_COMPARE_ returned a nonzero error as the function value.
Unconditional Tokens
Unconditional Tokens
ZSPI-TKN-ERROR is the standard SPI error token, whose value consists of the fields
Z-SSID and Z-ERROR. Z-SSID is the subsystem identifier ZFIL-VAL-SSID. Z-ERROR
is the error code returned in the error parameter of FILENAME_COMPARE_.
ZSPI-TKN-PROC-ERR is the procedure in which the error occurred. Its value is ZFIL-
ZFIL-TKN-XFILENAME (first occurrence) is the name of the first file.
ZFIL-TKN-XFILENAME (second occurrence) is the name of the second file.
The operation failed.
Follow the recovery procedure for the returned file-system error code as described
earlier in this section.
A call to FILE_GETOPENINFO_ returned a nonzero error as the function value.
Unconditional Tokens
Unconditional Tokens
ZSPI-TKN-ERROR is the standard SPI error token, whose value consists of the fields
Z-SSID and Z-ERROR. Z-SSID is the subsystem identifier ZFIL-VAL-SSID. Z-ERROR
is the error code returned in the error parameter of FILE_GETOPENINFO_.
ZSPI-TKN-PROC-ERR is the procedure in which the error occurred. Its value is ZFIL-
ZFIL-TKN-XFILENAME is the completely qualified file name (including node name) in
external format
The operation failed.
Follow the recovery procedure for the returned file-system error code as described
earlier in this section.
A call to DISK_REFRESH_ returned a nonzero error as the function value.
Unconditional Tokens
Unconditional Tokens
ZSPI-TKN-ERROR is the standard SPI error token, whose value consists of the fields
Z-SSID and Z-ERROR. Z-SSID is the subsystem identifier ZFIL-VAL-SSID. Z-ERROR
is the error code returned in the error parameter of DISK_REFRESH_.
ZSPI-TKN-PROC-ERR is the procedure in which the error occurred. Its value is ZFIL-
ZFIL-TKN-XFILENAME is the completely qualified file name (including node name) in
external format.
The operation failed.
Follow the recovery procedure for the returned file-system error code as described
earlier in this section.
A call to FILE_RENAME_ returned a nonzero error as the function value.
Unconditional Tokens
Conditional Tokens
Unconditional Tokens
ZSPI-TKN-ERROR is the standard SPI error token, whose value consists of the fields
Z-SSID and Z-ERROR. Z-SSID is the subsystem identifier ZFIL-VAL-SSID. Z-ERROR
is the error code returned in the error parameter of FILE_RENAME_.
ZSPI-TKN-PROC-ERR is the procedure in which the error occurred. Its value is ZFIL-
ZFIL-TKN-XFILENAME is the new file name.
Conditional Tokens
ZFIL-TKN-XFILENAME is the original file name.
The file is not renamed.
Follow the recovery procedure for the returned file-system error code as described
earlier in this section.
A call to FILENAME_FINDSTART_ returned a nonzero error as the function value.
Unconditional Tokens
Unconditional Tokens
ZSPI-TKN-ERROR is the standard SPI error token, whose value consists of the fields
Z-SSID and Z-ERROR. Z-SSID is the subsystem identifier ZFIL-VAL-SSID. Z-ERROR
is the error code returned in the error parameter of FILENAME_FINDSTART_.
ZSPI-TKN-PROC-ERR is the procedure in which the error occurred. Its value is ZFIL-
ZFIL-TKN-XFILENAME is the completely qualified file name (including node name) in
external format.
The operation failed.
Follow the recovery procedure for the returned file-system error code as described
earlier in this section.
A call to FILENAME_FINDNEXT_ returned a nonzero error as the function value.
Unconditional Tokens
Unconditional Tokens
ZSPI-TKN-ERROR is the standard SPI error token, whose value consists of the fields
Z-SSID and Z-ERROR. Z-SSID is the subsystem identifier ZFIL-VAL-SSID. Z-ERROR
is the error code returned in the error parameter of FILENAME_FINDNEXT_.
Guardian Procedure Errors and Messages Manual—522628-011
2 -155
ZSPI-TKN-PROC-ERR is the procedure in which the error occurred. Its value is ZFIL-
ZFIL-TKN-XFILENAME is the completely qualified file name (including node name) in
external format. The token ZFIL-TKN-XFILENAME can be null if certain errors occur.
For example, if file-system error 16 (file not opened) occurs, the token will be null.
The operation failed.
Follow the recovery procedure for the returned file-system error code as described
earlier in this section.
A call to FILENAME_FINDFINISH_ returned a nonzero error as the function value.
Unconditional Tokens
Unconditional Tokens
ZSPI-TKN-ERROR is the standard SPI error token, whose value consists of the fields
Z-SSID and Z-ERROR. Z-SSID is the subsystem identifier ZFIL-VAL-SSID. Z-ERROR
is the error code returned in the error parameter of FILENAME_FINDFINISH_.
ZSPI-TKN-PROC-ERR is the procedure in which the error occurred. Its value is ZFIL-
The operation failed.
Follow the recovery procedure for the returned file-system error code as described
earlier in this section.
A call to FILE_CREATE_ returned a nonzero error as the function value.
Unconditional Tokens
Unconditional Tokens
ZSPI-TKN-ERROR is the standard SPI error token, whose value consists of the fields
Z-SSID and Z-ERROR. Z-SSID is the subsystem identifier ZFIL-VAL-SSID. Z-ERROR
is the error code returned in the error parameter of FILE_CREATE_.
ZSPI-TKN-PROC-ERR is the procedure in which the error occurred. Its value is ZFIL-
ZFIL-TKN-XFILENAME is the completely qualified file name (including node name) in
external format.
The operation failed.
Follow the recovery procedure for the returned file-system error code as described
earlier in this section.
Message Descriptions
This subsection lists each SIO error code and provides a description of each code.
Cause. The file control block (FCB) did not contain a file name.
Effect. The procedure sets the error code and returns without performing the
requested operation.
Recovery. To correct this error, assign a file name before calling OPEN^FILE. You can
assign a file name by using the ALLOCATE^FCB macro, the ALLOCATE^FCB^D00
macro, the SET^FILE procedure, or the command interpreter ASSIGN command.
Cause. SIO procedures do not support the specified device type. This error is returned
only by OPEN^FILE.
Effect. The procedure sets the error code and returns without performing the
requested operation.
Recovery. Do not attempt an SIO operation on devices of this type.
Cause. The buffer was not within 'G'[0:32767] of the user data area. This error is
returned by OPEN^FILE if the block buffer fails the test, or by READ^FILE and
WRITE^FILE if the data buffer fails the test.
Effect. The procedure sets the error code and returns without performing the
requested operation.
Recovery. Move the buffer into the lower half of the user data area.
Recovery. Change the file name or the file code in the ASSIGN command or in the
ASSIGN^FILECODE option of the SET^FILE call.
Cause. The specified buffer was too small. This error is returned only by OPEN^FILE.
Effect. The procedure sets the error code and returns without performing the
requested operation.
Recovery. For reading an EDIT file, allocate at least 144 bytes of buffer space.
For writing an EDIT file, allocate at least 1024 bytes of buffer space.
For blocking, allocate at least the same number of bytes for buffer space as the logical
record length.
Cause. The directory indicates that the EDIT file is damaged. This error is returned
only by OPEN^FILE.
Effect. The procedure sets the error code and returns without performing the
requested operation.
Recovery. Refer to Section 15, EDITREAD and EDITREADINIT Errors, for corrective
Cause. The program used SET^FILE or CHECK^FILE for a file that should be closed,
or it used OPEN^FILE for a file that is already open. This error is returned only by
Effect. The procedure sets the error code and returns without performing the
requested operation.
Recovery. Either close the file or correct the procedure call (for example, change
parameters to permit operation when the file is open).
Cause. The specified file is closed. There is a check, read, set, write, or wait error.
Effect. The procedure sets the error code and returns without performing the
requested operation.
Recovery. Either open the file or correct the procedure call (for example, change
parameters to permit operation when the file is closed).
Cause. The operation was inconsistent with the access mode specified at OPEN^FILE
time. For example, WRITE^FILE to a file opened for READACCESS only, or
READ^FILE from a file opened for WRITEACCESS only.
Effect. The procedure sets the error code and returns without performing the
requested operation.
Recovery. Change the operation or access mode.
Cause. A nowait WRITE^FILE operation required a temporary buffer but none was
Effect. The procedure sets the error code and returns without performing the
requested operation.
Recovery. Supply a block buffer.
Cause. The program called WRITE^FILE for $RECEIVE without first calling
READ^FILE. This error is returned only by WRITE^FILE.
Effect. The procedure sets the error code and returns without performing the
requested operation.
Recovery. Add the missing read.
Cause. A call to CHECK^BREAK could not open $RECEIVE for break monitoring. The
user opened $RECEIVE without calling the OPEN^FILE procedure. This error is
returned only by CHECK^BREAK.
Effect. The procedure sets the error code and returns without performing the
requested operation.
Recovery. Change the program so that a call to OPEN^FILE opens $RECEIVE.
Cause. A nowait I/O was specified, and the first call to READ^FILE or WRITE^FILE
started the first physical I/O. The first call to WAIT^FILE waits for the first physical
operation to finish, starts the second, and returns this error. Subsequent calls to
WAIT^FILE repeat this pattern until the logical I/O operation is finished and either or
an actual error code is returned. READ^FILE, WRITE^FILE, and WAIT^FILE return this
Effect. The nowait I/O operation is restarted.
Recovery. Call WAIT^FILE again to continue waiting.
Cause. While performing a checksum on the common file control block (FCB), the
system encountered a discrepancy between this checksum and the previous
checksum. This error is returned by all procedures.
Effect. The procedure sets the error code and returns without performing the
requested operation and the process abends. The FCB might be damaged.
Recovery. Check the program for pointer errors or other errors that might have
caused this error.
Cause. While performing a checksum on the file control block (FCB), the system
encountered a discrepancy between this checksum and the previous checksum. This
error is returned by all procedures.
Effect. The procedure sets the error code and returns without performing the
requested operation and the process abends. The FCB might be damaged.
Recovery. Check the program for pointer errors or other errors that could have
returned this error.
Cause. The file FCB used to open $RECEIVE is in the new D-series format, but the
common FCB is in the old C-series or earlier format.
Effect. If the open flag, ABORT^OPENERR is set or defaults to TRUE, then the
process ABENDs; if ABORT^OPENERR is set to FALSE, then error 536 is returned to
the caller of OPEN^FILE. This is a fatal error.
Recovery. This error probably results from a programming error. Define the common
FCB using the compile-time DEFINE^CBS^D or the run-time SET^FILE
Cause. The SIO procedure call attempted to write a line to an EDIT file with a line
number greater than 99999.999 (the largest allowable line number).
Effect. The line is not written. The error is treated as fatal.
Recovery. Write smaller files, use a file organization other than EDIT files, use SIO or
IOEdit to specify fractional line numbers, or use IOEdit to renumber the file. The
smallest possible line number increment that SIO can set is 0.001.
Cause. The CHECK^FILE procedure could not return the primary or secondary extent
value because the extent size is greater than 65,535 pages.
Effect. The procedure sets the error code and returns without performing the
requested operation.
Recovery. Do not attempt the SIO operation listed above.
Cause. While writing the data to the edit file, the SIO procedure call attempted to write
a page above the edit file limit.
Effect. Data cannot be written further in the edit file.
Recovery. Use multiple edit files instead of a single edit file to write data or use a
structured file, for example, Entry-sequenced.
Error Codes
This subsection lists each DEFINE error code and provides a description of each code.
Cause. Either file-system buffer space was not available or there is not enough room
in the process file segment (PFS). The PFS is an extended data segment associated
with the process that, among other things, contains DEFINE information. For example,
if too many files are open or if many nowait I/O operations are outstanding, there might
not be enough space in the PFS.
Effect. The procedure sets the error code and returns without performing the
requested operation.
Recovery. Close some files, wait for nowait I/O to finish, then try again. For G-series
releases earlier than G06, restart with a larger PFS if appropriate.
Cause. The physical memory available was not enough to perform the requested
Effect. The procedure returns the error code and does not perform the requested
Recovery. Wait, then try again. If the problem persists, check the system for
processes that use too much memory.
Cause. One of the attributes provided is not allowed for the current DEFINE class.
Effect. The procedure returns the error code and does not perform the requested
Recovery. Correct the attribute for the current class, then retry the operation.
Cause. An attribute that is required for this DEFINE class is missing from the working
Effect. If the operation is DEFINESAVE, the working set is saved. If the operation is
DEFINERESTORE, the saved DEFINE is restored to the working attribute set. If the
operation is DEFINEADD, the DEFINE is not added.
Recovery. Add the attribute for the current class, then retry the operation.
Cause. The working set was inconsistent (two or more attributes have conflicting
values) for the current DEFINE class.
If the consistency check failed for a SORT DEFINE, the consistency check number
returned indicates the cause.
e Meaning
001 Use SCRATCHON or NOSCRATCHON, but not both.
If the consistency check failed for a TAPE DEFINE, the consistency check number
returned indicates the cause:
e Meaning
001 Use RETENTION or EXPIRATION, not both.
IBMBACKUP. In addition, if REELS is specified, the value must equal the number of
volumes listed for VOLUME.
004 The EBCDIC attribute cannot be used with LABELS ANSI.
005 If RECFORM F is specified, BLOCKLEN must be a multiple of RECLEN.
006 Use DEVICE or SYSTEM, but not both.
e Meaning
attributes cannot be used with LABELS BYPASS or LABELS OMITTED.
008 VOLUME SCRATCH cannot be specified with USE IN or USE EXTEND.
009 FILEID must be specified with LABELS IBM or LABELS IBMBACKUP.
010 RECLEN must be greater than 0 when BLOCKLEN is omitted.
Note. The following CLASS DEFINEs do not return error 2058: CATALOG, DEFAULTS, MAP,
If the consistency check failed for a TAPECATALOG DEFINE, the consistency check
number returned indicates the cause.
e Meaning
001 Use RETENTION or EXPIRATION, but not both.
005 If RECFORM F is specified, BLOCKLEN must be a multiple of RECLEN.
006 Use DEVICE or AVRSYSTEM, but not both.
101 USE cannot be used with LABELS OMITTED.
102 USE is required.
103 FILEID is required.
104 CATALOG OFF is required when LABELS BYPASS or LABELS OMITTED is used.
SCRATCH cannot be used with USE IN.
106 VOLUME is required with USE EXTEND.
107 DEVICE is required when LABELS BYPASS or LABELS OMITTED is used.
109 The character string for OWNER exceeds the maximum length for LABELS IBM or
110 BLOCKLEN, RECFORM, and RECLEN cannot be used with LABELS BACKUP,
112 EBCDIC can be used only with LABELS IBM or LABELS IBMBACKUP.
USE, VERSION, and VOLCAT cannot be used with LABELS BYPASS.
114 AVRSYSTEM, OWNER, and VOLUME cannot be used with LABELS OMITTED.
116 GEN must be an absolute value when CATALOG OFF is used.
117 GEN cannot be specified as a relative generation when USE OUT is used.
118 GEN cannot be +1 when USE IN is used.
Effect. If the operation is DEFINESAVE, the working set is saved. If the operation is
DEFINERESTORE, the saved DEFINE is restored to the working attribute set.
Recovery. Correct the inconsistency, then retry the operation.
Cause. The DEFINE name specified in the DEFINENEXTNAME call is the last
DEFINE. The define-name parameter value remains unchanged.
Effect. The procedure returns the error code and does not perform the requested
Recovery. Informative message only; no corrective action is needed.
Cause. A call was made to DEFINEREADATTR, but no other attributes exist for the
DEFINE after the last one returned. The last call for the DEFINE was successful.
Effect. The procedure returns the error code and does not perform the requested
Recovery. Informative message only; no corrective action is needed.
Recovery. Correct the name in the default parameter, then reissue the operation.
Cause. The process's DEFINE mode (DEFMODE) did not allow the DEFINE to be
Effect. The procedure returns the error code and does not add the DEFINE.
Cause. The =_DEFAULTS DEFINE cannot be replaced with a DEFINE having the
same name but a class other than DEFAULTS.
Effect. The procedure returns the error code and does not replace the =_DEFAULTS
Recovery. Specify the DEFINE with a DEFAULTS class, then retry the operation.
Cause. DEFINERESTORE buffer does not contain a valid saved DEFINE created
Effect. The DEFINE is not added to the current set or to the working set.
Recovery. Recovery is not possible.
Cause. The working set could not be saved using DEFINESAVE because the
define-name is =_DEFAULTS and the working set is not of class DEFAULTS.
Effect. The working set is not saved.
Recovery. To save the named working set, change the class of the working set to
If the DEFAULTS DEFINE is saved, the DEFINERESTORE replace option must be
used to restore it as an active DEFINE because the =_DEFAULTS DEFINE is always
Error Codes
A NEWPROCESS error code is returned to the calling procedure as two 8-bit fields or,
if returned by the command interpreter or other interactive program, the message is
displayed on the terminal as a 6-digit octal number. The leftmost half of the error word
(bits <0:7>) contains the NEWPROCESS error number; the rightmost half (bits <8:15>)
contains either an error subcode or a file-system error number.
0 (%000000) NO ERROR
Cause. The process being started contains a call to an external procedure that is not
in the operating system code area, the user library (if applicable), or the application
code area.
Process creation occurs, and a message is printed on the home terminal. For example:
External References Not Resolved to Any User/System Library:
Undefined externals
where MY_PROC is the name of the undefined external procedure in the program file
Effect. When the operating system finds a call to an undefined external procedure, it
replaces the original call with a call to Debug. If the operating system tries to invoke the
undefined external during program execution, the program goes into the debug state.
Recovery. Either correct the coding error, use linker (Binder or nld utility) to add the
procedure to the code area or user library, or refer the call to a procedure that is
already present in the application program.
Cause. All entries in the configured process control block (PCB) table for the
processor were in use or the process required a low PIN but none were available.
Effect. No process is created.
Recovery. Try a different processor or wait and then retry the existing call.
Cause. Not enough space was available in the processor’s MAPPOOL to permit the
system monitor to generate the code and data-map copies required by the new
process (a configuration problem).
Effect. No process is created.
Recovery. Try a different processor or wait and then retry the existing call.
Cause. An error occurred during the creation or opening of the swap file.
Effect. File-system error %nnn is returned in error.<8:15>. No process is created.
Recovery. Refer to Section 2, File-System Errors, for corrective action for error
number %nnn.
Cause. When the system monitor checked on whether this file is a program, the
program or library file failed the test. (The system monitor includes checks for file
codes 100 and 700.)
Bits <8:15> (%nnn) contain an error subcode that indicates the invalid file format. Bit
15 is set to 0 if a program file is in error and to 1 if a library file is in error. Error
subcodes are listed in Table 5-1.
Cause. The program file contains procedures having CALLABLE or PRIV attributes,
but the program file is not licensed to execute in privileged mode and the super ID was
not running the program.
Effect. No process is created.
Recovery. Have the super ID license the program.
Cause. The call specified a library file, but the program was either already running
with a different library or was not running with a library and a library was specified.
Effect. No process is created.
Recovery. All processes running a given program must use the same library. Always
specify the library file name to avoid the conflicts that can arise when the library file is
Cause. The process could not communicate with the system monitor process,
possibly because the processor module where the program was to be run did not exist
or was inoperable. %nnn in error.<8:15> is the file-system error and indicates why
the NEWPROCESS error occurred.
Effect. No process is created.
Recovery. Select another processor, then try again.
Cause. The system monitor encountered a file-system error while accessing library file
during process creation.
Effect. File-system error number %nnn is returned in error.<8:15>. No process is
Recovery. Refer to Section 2, File-System Errors, for corrective action for error
number %nnn.
Cause. The program file and library file are the same file.
Effect. No process is created.
Cause. The operating system could not set up an extended data segment for the
Effect. File-system error number %nnn is returned in error.<8:15>. No process is
Recovery. Refer to Section 2, File-System Errors, for corrective action for error
number %nnn.
Cause. A file-system error occurred while the operating system was trying to set up
the swap file for a COBOL program.
Effect. File-system error number %nnn is returned in error.<8:15>. No process is
Recovery. Refer to Section 2, File-System Errors, for corrective action for error
number %nnn.
Cause. The home terminal name for the new process does not exist or is not a legal
process or terminal name.
Effect. File-system error number%nnn is returned in error.<8:15>. No process is
Recovery. Refer to Section 2, File-System Errors, for corrective action for error
number %nnn.
Cause. An I/O error occurred at the home terminal. There are undefined externals in
the object file, and NEWPROCESS cannot OPEN or WRITE to the home terminal to
display the undefined-externals message.
Effect. The error number of file-system error %nnn is returned in error.<8:15>. No
process is created.
Recovery. Refer to Section 2, File-System Errors, for corrective action for error
number %nnn.
Cause. An attempt was made to run an object file with an invalid device subtype. The
device subtype is an attribute stored in each object file. The process created from an
object file is assigned the device subtype stored in that object file. Only named
processes are allowed nonzero device subtypes.
Device subtypes in the range 1 through 15 are reserved for processes that are:
• Created by the super ID
• Created from licensed object files
• Created from object files owned and provided by the super ID
Effect. No process is created.
Recovery. Verify that the call to NEWPROCESS contains the name parameter. If the
name parameter exists, either recompile or rebind the object file to change the device
subtype to an unrestricted value, or contact the super ID.
Cause. The operating system tried to create a process, but the backup process device
subtype was not from the same program file as the primary process's device subtype.
This error is probably a programming error.
Effect. No process is created.
Recovery. Find out which object file was being passed to NEWPROCESS and correct
the error.
Cause. The optional parameter pfs-size specified a value outside the range of
128K through 1024K bytes.
Effect. No process is created.
Recovery. Correct the specification to a value within the acceptable range. If
pfs-size is not specified or if 0 is specified, the default size of 256K bytes is used.
Cause. An error was received when an attempt was made to start a process on a
remote system. Your system does not know how to interpret the error.
Effect. The call returns the PROCESS_CREATE_ error number %nnn, or 119 if the
actual error number is too large, in errinfo.<8:15>. No process is created.
Recovery. Refer to Section 6, Process Creation Errors, for corrective action for the
PROCESS_CREATE_ error received in bits <8:15> of the errinfo parameter, and
then perform a recovery action based on this error. If the problem persists and the
PROCESS_CREATE_ error number does not give you enough information to diagnose
the problem, contact your service provider.
Cause. There was no segment available for the priv stack of a TNS/R native process.
Effect. No process is created.
Recovery. Try a different processor or wait until the system load decreases and then
retry the existing call.
Cause. There was not enough physical memory free to lock the priv stack of a TNS/R
native process.
Effect. No process is created.
Recovery. Try a different processor or wait until the system load decreases and then
retry the existing call.
Cause. There was no segment available for the main stack of a TNS/R native
Effect. No process is created.
Recovery. Try a different processor or wait until the system load decreases and then
retry the existing call.
Cause. There was not enough physical memory free to lock the main stack for a
TNS/R native I/O process. This error is only returned to some privileged callers on
D-series releases.
Effect. No process is created.
Recovery. Try a different processor or wait until the system load decreases and then
retry the existing call.
Cause. The system was unable to allocate the global data segment of a native
Effect. No process is created.
Recovery. Try a different processor or wait until the system load decreases and then
retry the existing call.
Cause. The system was unable to lock the global data segments of a native I/O
process. This error is only returned to some privileged callers.
Effect. No process is created.
Recovery. Try a different processor or wait until the system load decreases and then
retry the existing call.
Cause. The process creation request specifies duplicate shared run-time libraries
Effect. %nnn in error.<8:15> contains the SRL numbers of the duplicate SRLs in the
form xxyy (where xx is the first SRL and yy is the duplicate SRL). No process is
Recovery. Use the original object files and the nld utility to re-create the program file.
If the error recurs, contact your service provider.
Cause. The system was unable to find a shared run-time library (SRL) specified by the
program file.
Effect. No process is created. %nnn in error.<8:15> contains the SRL number of
the SRL that could not be found.
Recovery. Use the original object files and the nld utility to re-create the program file.
If the error recurs, contact your service provider.
Cause. The system was unable to find a shared run-time library (SRL) specified by
another SRL.
Effect. %nnn in error.<8:15> contains the SRL numbers of the two SRLs in the form
xxyy (where xx is the SRL that specifies the yy SRL). No process is created.
Recovery. Use the original object files and the nld utility to re-create the program file.
If the error recurs, contact your service provider.
Cause. The process creation request specifies too many shared run-time libraries
Effect. %nnn in error.<8:15> contains the maximum number of SRLs that can be
specified. No process is created.
Recovery. Use the original object files and the nld utility to re-create the program file,
using no more than 32 SRLs, the maximum number of SRLs permitted.
Cause. The program file requires fixups to a shared run-time library (SRL) that is
unavailable because it is running.
Effect. %nnn in error.<8:15> contains the SRL number of the running SRL. No
process is created.
Recovery. Use the original object files and the nld utility to re-create the program file.
If the error recurs, contact your service provider.
Cause. A shared run-time library (SRL) requires fixups to another SRL that is
unavailable because it is running.
Effect. %nnn in error.<8:15> contains the SRL numbers of the two SRLs in the form
xxyy (where xx is the SRL that requires the fixup to the running yy SRL). No process
is created.
Recovery. Use the original object files and the nld utility to re-create the program file.
If the error recurs, contact your service provider.
Cause. A security violation occurred. The program file is not licensed but a shared
run-time library (SRL) is licensed and has instance data.
Effect. %nnn in error.<8:15> contains the SRL number of the licensed SRL. No
process is created.
Recovery. License the program file, if possible.
Cause. A security violation occurred. Either the program file or a shared run-time
library (SRL) is licensed, but another SRL is not licensed.
Effect. %nnn in error.<8:15> contains the SRL number of the unlicensed SRL. No
process is created.
Recovery. Either remove the licensing of the program, if possible, or use the nld
utility to specify another SRL.
Cause. The program file requires a symbol from a shared run-time library (SRL) but
the SRL is not exporting it.
Effect. %nnn in error.<8:15> contains the SRL number of the SRL that does not
export the required symbol. No process is created.
Recovery. Use the nld utility to specify another SRL that contains the desired data
Cause. Requested swap space for the TNS/R native process cannot be guaranteed.
Effect. No process is created.
Recovery. Either use the nld utility to shrink the guaranteed swap space
specification, use NSKCOM to add additional swap space for the target processor, or
run on another processor.
Cause. The number of shared run-time libraries (SRLs) specified for the program file
is incorrect.
Effect. No process is created.
Recovery. Use the original object files and the nld utility to re-create the program file.
Cause. The number of shared run-time libraries (SRLs) specified for the library file is
Effect. No process is created, and a message is printed on the home terminal. For
SRL-Client References Symbols Not Found In Nominated SRL:
Recovery. Use the original object files and the nld utility to re-create the program file.
Cause. A security violation occurred. A shared run-time library (SRL) must be licensed
to be used by callable or privileged code.
Effect. No process is created.
Recovery. Rebuild the program file. If the error recurs, contact your service provider.
Cause. An attempt was made to resolve a procedure address to a data area or a data
address to a procedure area.
Effect. No process is created, and a message is printed on the home terminal. For
Native UL Symbolic Reference Error: Target/Source Type Mismatch:
Recovery. Use the original files and the nld utility to recreate the program file.
Cause. An anonymous data symbol reference is not located in a UL, Native UL, or
system library.
Effect. No process is created, and a message is printed on the home terminal. For
External References Not Resolved to Any User/System Library:
Recovery. Either correct the coding error, use nld utility to add the data to the data
area or user library, or refer the call to the data that is already present in the application
Cause. The error returned in error.<0:7> is too large to fit into one byte.
Effect. No process is created.
Recovery. Instead of the error parameter, specify the errinfo parameter, which is
a two-word parameter, to obtain complete error information.
Cause. The call contained an invalid file format on shared run-time library (SRL)
number xx. This error is returned in the errinfo parameter, the second word of
which contains the error subcode. See Table 6-2, Error Subcodes for Process
Creation Errors 12, 13, 70, 76, 84, and 3xx, on page 6-7 for possible subcode values.
Effect. No process is created.
Recovery. Use the original object files and the nld utility to re-create the program file.
If the error recurs, contact your service provider.
Cause. There was a file-system error on shared run-time library (SRL) number xx.
This error is returned in the errinfo parameter, the second word of which contains
the error subcode.
Effect. No process is created.
Recovery. Refer to Section 2, File-System Errors, for corrective action for error
number errinfo parameter. If the problem persists, contact your service provider.
Error Lists
If you are using the Subsystem Programmatic Interface (SPI) to send commands to a
subsystem, you might receive a NEWPROCESS or NEWPROCESSNOWAIT error list
in a response. HP subsystems return such an error list when, in performing your
request, they call the NEWPROCESS or NEWPROCESSNOWAIT procedure directly
or indirectly and an error occurs on the call.
The contents of the error list depend on which procedure was called. The standard SPI
token ZSPI-TKN-PROC-ERR, which is present in every NEWPROCESS and
NEWPROCESSNOWAIT error list, identifies the procedure: its value is either
Each error list always includes the unconditional tokens listed under its description in
this subsection. In addition, each error list could include any of the conditional tokens
listed under its description.
If you are designing a subsystem that uses SPI, follow these guidelines when
constructing a NEWPROCESS or NEWPROCESSNOWAIT error list:
• Include all unconditional tokens listed in the error list description.
• Optionally include any or none of the conditional tokens listed in each error-list
This subsection does not discuss the mechanics of error-list construction. For
information about creating error lists, additional information about tokens token types,
and definitions of tokens whose names begin with ZSPI-, refer to the SPI Programming
There was an error during a call to NEWPROCESS.
Unconditional Tokens
Conditional Tokens
Unconditional Tokens
ZSPI-TKN-ERROR is the standard SPI error token, whose value consists of the fields
Z-SSID and Z-ERROR. Z-SSID is the subsystem identifier ZGRD-VAL-SSID.
Z-ERROR is the 16-bit error code returned in the error parameter of
NEWPROCESS. This error code indicates the outcome of the process-creation
ZSPI-TKN-PROC-ERR is the procedure code. Its value is ZGRD-VAL-NEWPROCESS
Conditional Tokens
ZGRD-TKN-OBJECTFILE is the file name of the reporting program in internal format.
ZGRD-TKN-LIBRARYFILE is the library file name in internal format.
ZGRD-TKN-SWAPFILE is the data swap-file name in internal format, which is passed
for informational purposes only. This swap file is not used. Processes swap to a file
that is managed by the Kernel-Managed Swap Facility.
ZGRD-TKN-PRIORITY is the priority of the new process.
ZGRD-TKN-MEMORYPAGES is the size of the data stack in pages.
ZGRD-TKN-CPU is the processor number for the new process.
The effect of the error depends on the NEWPROCESS error code returned.
Follow the recovery procedure for the returned NEWPROCESS error code as
described earlier in this section.
There was an error during a call to NEWPROCESSNOWAIT.
Unconditional Tokens
Conditional Tokens
Unconditional Tokens
ZSPI-TKN-ERROR is the standard SPI error token, whose value consists of the fields
Z-SSID and Z-ERROR. Z-SSID is the subsystem identifier ZGRD-VAL-SSID.
Z-ERROR is the 16-bit error code returned in the error parameter of
NEWPROCESSNOWAIT. This error code indicates the initial outcome of the
process-creation attempt.
Conditional Tokens
ZGRD-TKN-OBJECTFILE is the file name of the reporting program in internal format.
ZGRD-TKN-LIBRARYFILE is the library file name in internal format.
ZGRD-TKN-SWAPFILE is the data swap-file name in internal format, which is passed
for informational purposes only. This swap file is not used. Processes swap to a file
that is managed by the Kernel-Managed Swap Facility.
ZGRD-TKN-PRIORITY is the priority of the new process.
ZGRD-TKN-MEMORYPAGES is the size of the data stack in pages.
ZGRD-TKN-CPU is the processor number for the new process.
ZGRD-TKN-PROCESSNAME is the new process name.
ZGRD-TKN-HOMETERM is the name of the home terminal for the new process.
ZGRD-TKN-INSPECTFLAG contains the selected debugging attributes.
Effect depends on the returned NEWPROCESSNOWAIT error code.
Follow the recovery procedure for the returned NEWPROCESSNOWAIT error code as
described earlier in this section.
Error Codes
The PROCESS_LAUNCH_ and PROCESS_CREATE_ error codes are the values
returned to the calling process in the error parameter of PROCESS_LAUNCH_ and
PROCESS_CREATE_. For many classes of errors, additional information is returned in
the error-detail parameter.
The PROCESS_SPAWN_ Guardian error codes are the values returned to the calling
process in the ZSYS-DDL-PROCESSRESULTS.Z-TPCERROR field of the
process-results parameter of PROCESS_SPAWN_. For many classes of errors,
additional information is returned in the
ZSYS-DDL-PROCESSRESULTS.Z-TPCDETAIL field of the process-results
In descriptions of errors that can be returned by PROCESS_LAUNCH_,
PROCESS_CREATE_, and PROCESS_SPAWN_, the term “error detail” refers to the
information returned in either the error-detail parameter of PROCESS_LAUNCH_
of the process-results parameter of PROCESS_SPAWN_.
Cause. A file-system error occurred on the program file during process creation. The
error-detail contains a file-system error number.
Effect. No process is created.
Recovery. Refer to Section 2, File-System Errors, for corrective action for the
file-system error returned in the error-detail information.
Cause. A file-system error occurred on the user library file during process creation.
The error-detail contains a file-system error number.
Effect. No process is created.
Recovery. Refer to Section 2, File-System Errors, for corrective action for the
file-system error returned in the error-detail information.
Cause. An error occurred during the creation or opening of the swap file. The
error-detail information contains the error number of the file-system error that occurred.
Effect. The procedure sets the error code and returns without creating the process.
Recovery. Refer to Section 2, File-System Errors, for corrective action for the
file-system error returned in the error-detail information.
Cause. An error occurred during the creation, opening, or initial setup of the extended
swap file. The error-detail information contains the error number of the file-system error
that occurred.
Effect. The procedure sets the error code and returns without creating the process.
Recovery. Refer to Section 2, File-System Errors, for corrective action for the
file-system error returned in the error-detail information.
Cause. An error occurred during the creation of the process file segment (PFS). The
error-detail information contains the error number of the file-system error that occurred.
Effect. The procedure sets the error code and returns without performing the
requested operation.
Recovery. Refer to Section 2, File-System Errors, for corrective action for the
file-system error returned in the error-detail information.
Cause. The home terminal name for the new process does not exist or is not a legal
process or terminal name. The error-detail information contains the error number of the
file-system error that occurred.
Effect. The procedure sets the error code and returns without creating the process.
Recovery. Refer to Section 2, File-System Errors, for corrective action for the
file-system error returned in the error-detail information.
Cause. An I/O error occurred at the home terminal. Undefined externals in the
program file prevent the operating system from opening or writing to the home terminal
to display the undefined-externals message. The error-detail information contains the
error number of the file-system error that occurred.
Effect. The procedure sets the error code and returns without creating the process.
Recovery. Refer to Section 2, File-System Errors, for corrective action for the
file-system error returned in the error-detail information.
Cause. The process could not communicate with the system monitor process,
possibly because the processor module where the program was to be run did not exist
or was inoperable. The error-detail information contains the error number of the
file-system error that occurred.
Effect. The procedure sets the error code and returns without creating the process.
Recovery. Select another processor, then try again.
Cause. The process name was invalid. The error-detail information contains the error
number of the file-system error that occurred.
Effect. The procedure sets the error code and returns without creating the process.
Recovery. Refer to Section 2, File-System Errors, for corrective action for the
file-system error returned in the error-detail information.
Cause. An error was detected in the file format of the Program file. The error-detail
information contains an error subcode that indicates the invalid file format error. These
errors are listed in Table 6-2.
Effect. No process is created.
Recovery. Take corrective action as indicated by the subcode. For example, if
subcode 1 or 2 is returned, use the FUP INFO command to check the file code. In
many cases, the object file was built improperly or corrupted. It should be relinked and
perhaps recompiled.
Cause. An error was detected in the file format of the user library file. The error-detail
information contains an error subcode that indicates the invalid file format error.
These error subcodes are listed in Table 6-2.
Effect. No process is created.
Recovery. Take corrective action as indicated by the subcode. For example, if
subcode 1 or 2 is returned, use the FUP INFO command to check the file code. In
many cases, the object file was built improperly or corrupted. It should be relinked and
perhaps recompiled.
Table 6-2. Error Subcodes for Process Creation Errors 12, 13, 70, 76, 84, and
3xx (page 1 of 4)
Subcode Meaning
1 The file is not a disk file.
2 For the program file designated in the process creation request: The file is in
the Guardian file system and does not have file code 100 or 700, or it is in the
OSS file system and not recognizable as a TNS or ELF object file or a shell
Otherwise: A TNS library file was expected, but the file is in the Guardian file
system and does not have file code 100, or the file is in the OSS file system
and not recognizable as a TNS object file.
3 The file does not have the correct file structure.
4 The file requires a later version of the operating system.
5 A program lacks an entry point, or an attempt was made to load a library as a
program. (An entry point is specified by a TAL or pTAL procedure having the
MAIN attribute, or by naming a native procedure in the –e option to the linker.)
6 An attempt was made to load a program as a library, or a TNS user library has
a MAIN procedure.
7 A TNS program file does not have data pages.
8 A native object file requires fixup to SRLs by the nld utility, or a TNS object file
was not prepared by the Binder program.
9 The file header INITSEGS is not consistent with its size.
10 The file resident size is greater than the code area length.
11 The file was not prepared by the nld utility or the Binder program.
12 The file has undefined data blocks.
13 The file has data blocks with unresolved references.
14 The file has too many TNS code segments.
15 Accelerated code length in the file is invalid.
16 Accelerated code address in the file is invalid.
17 Accelerated data length in the file is invalid.
18 Accelerated data address in the file is invalid.
19 The file has too many accelerated code segments.
20 The file has invalid resident areas in accelerated code.
21 Accelerator header in the file is invalid.
22 Either the UC (user code) option or the UL (user library) option was not used
when the file was accelerated.
23 File has entry in TNS/R fixup list with invalid external entry-point (XEP) index
value or invalid code address value.
24 Accelerated file has external procedure identifier list (EPIL), internal procedure
identifier list (IPIL), or external entry-point (XEP) table with incorrect format.
Table 6-2. Error Subcodes for Process Creation Errors 12, 13, 70, 76, 84, and
3xx (page 2 of 4)
Subcode Meaning
25 UC (user code) or UL (user library) was accelerated using the wrong
Accelerator option (UC, UL, SC, or SL).
26 The file was accelerated with an incompatible version of the Accelerator.
27 The file has an invalid callable gateway (GW) table.
28 The program file contains processor-specific code that cannot be run on the
current processor.
29 Fixup of accelerated code was attempted in an object file that was not
30 An internal structure of the file contains an error.
31 An internal structure of the file contains an error.
32 An internal structure of the file has an entry point value of 0.
33 An internal structure of the file contains an error.
34 The list of unresolved procedure names contains an error.
35 The fixup computed an invalid file offset to the code area.
36 The file has an invalid fixup item.
37 An internal structure of the file contains an error.
38 The instruction at a call site is not the type expected for its fixup item.
39 Not used.
40 A virtual address specified in an ELF file is outside its allowed range. For
example, a text or data segment is specified at an address not valid for this type
of file.
41 Not used.
42 The code area or data area is too large.
43 The file either has a gateway (GW) table but no callable procedures or has
gateways that are not in the (GW) area.
44 The file codes of the program file and library file do not match. (Not used since
G06.12; see 5 and 6 instead.)
45 The file being started can run only in the Guardian environment and it is being
started in the OSS environment, or vice versa.
46 Either the TNS program or the TNS User library (but not both) expected the
library to contain global data.
47 Either the TNS program needs to import data from the TNS User library and the
library is not exporting any data, or the library needs global data space and the
program is not providing it.
Table 6-2. Error Subcodes for Process Creation Errors 12, 13, 70, 76, 84, and
3xx (page 3 of 4)
Subcode Meaning
48 A TNS program file uses a TNS shared run-time library and is switching to a
new library, but the program was accelerated by an old version of the
Accelerator that does not support library data relocation at fixup time. Use a
version of the Accelerator provided with the D30.00 or later release of the
operating system.
49 A TNS object file has no code space.
50 The native object file is not loadable. Either it is a linkable file (such as unlinked
compiler output) or it is an incorrect type of loadable file (such as a DLL
encountered with a non-PIC program.)
51 The program or library file does not have a valid ELF header for execution on
this NonStop operating system. The file either is not targeted for this system, is
not an ELF file, or has been corrupted.
52 The file is not executable because it has more than one instance of a header
structure unique to HP NonStop Server systems. An error occurred during the
linking of the file.
53 An ELF file has a header specifying more than one instance of a segment that
should be unique. The file is corrupt or was not built by a valid linker.
54 The non-PIC ELF file is not loadable because it does not have a GINFO
header. An error occurred during the linking of the file, or it is corrupt.
55 An ELF file is lacking a required segment.
56 The file specifies too many shared run-time libraries (SRLs).
57 The file specifies duplicate shared run-time libraries (SRLs).
58 The shared run-time library (SRL) does not export any procedures.
60 An ELF library file was expected, but the file is in the Guardian file system and
does not have a file code of 700 or it is in the OSS file system and not
recognizable as an ELF file.
61 Two related structures in the ELF file have inconsistent lengths.
62 An attempt was made to spawn a shell script on a remote node.
63 An inconsistency exists in the set of public SRLs.
64 Some value (other than an address) specified in an ELF file is outside its range.
The file may be corrupted.
65 The current export-digest index specified in an ELF SRL file is greater than the
count of export digests in that file. The file is probably corrupted.
66 The count of export digests in an ELF SRL exceeds 256. The file is probably
67 A public SRL is marked to require a PIN less than 255; a PIN less than 255 is
not allowed.
68 One of the headers that is expected to be at the front of an ELF file did not fit
near enough to the front.
Table 6-2. Error Subcodes for Process Creation Errors 12, 13, 70, 76, 84, and
3xx (page 4 of 4)
Subcode Meaning
69 This PIC ELF file is not supported on TNS/R systems: it is licensed, or it
contains callable functions.
70 The ELF file is too big (EOF > 231 bytes).
71 Some value in the TNS object file header is out of range; the file may be
72 The EF_TANDEM_INSTANCE_DATA value in the ELF header is not valid or
not consistent with the data program headers found; the file may be corrupt.
73 The p_flags in the ELF header for the resident text header are not as expected;
the file may be corrupt.
74 The loadfile has resident text, but no data constant segment and is not marked
data_resident. This is not supported.
75 The DLL has callable functions but also has unprotected data. This is not
76 An address to be stored into a relocation site does not fit in 32 bits.
77 The loadfile uses the 64 bit data model. It is not supported on this system.
78 The loadfile is an import library or implicit DLL, not a program, ordinary DLL, or
public DLL.
Cause. The process being started contains a call to an external procedure that is not
in the operating system code area, the user library (if applicable), or the application
code area.
Effect. Process creation occurs, and a message is printed on the home terminal. For
External References Not Resolved to Any User/System Library:
Undefined externals
where MY_PROC is the name of the undefined external procedure in the program file
When the operating system finds a call to an undefined external procedure, it replaces
the original call with a call to the PROCESS_DEBUG_ procedure. If the process tries
to invoke the undefined external during program execution, the program goes into the
debug state.
Recovery. Either correct the coding error, use Binder to add the procedure to the code
area or user library, or refer the call to a procedure that is already present in the
application program.
Cause. All entries in the process control block (PCB) table for the processor were in
use or the process required a low process identification number (PIN) and none were
Effect. No process is created.
Recovery. Try a different processor or wait and then retry the existing call.
Cause. Not enough space was available in the processor’s MAPPOOL to permit the
system monitor to generate the code and data-map copies required by the new
process (this might be a configuration problem).
Effect. No process is created.
Recovery. Too many processes might have been configured to run in the current
processor. Try a different processor or wait and then retry the existing call.
Cause. The program file contains procedures having CALLABLE or PRIV attributes,
but the program file is not licensed to execute in privileged mode and the super ID was
not running the program.
Effect. No process is created.
Recovery. Have the super ID license or run the program under a locally validated
super ID.
Cause. The call specified a library file, but the program was either already running
with a different library or was not running with a library.
This error is also generated if a user library file is specified when running an old TNS
program containing an “implicit user library.” (Prior to D30, a large TNS program file
could be created with 16 segments of user code and up to 16 additional segments
mapped as user library. Subsequently, the user-code limit and user-library limits were
raised to 32 segments each, and the binder stopped creating programs with an implicit
user library.)
Effect. No process is created.
Recovery. All non-PIC processes running a given program must use the same library.
Always specify the library file name to avoid the conflicts that can arise when the library
file is modified.
Cause. The program file and library file are the same file.
Effect. No process is created.
Recovery. Select a different library file for the program.
Cause. An attempt was made to run a program file with an invalid device subtype. The
device subtype is an attribute stored in each program file. The process created from a
program file is assigned the device subtype stored in that program file. Only named
processes are allowed nonzero device subtypes.
Device subtypes in the range 1 through 15 are reserved for processes that are either:
• Created by the super ID
• Created from licensed program files
Cause. The operating system tried to create a process, but the backup process device
subtype was not from the same program file as the primary process device subtype.
This error is probably a programming error.
Effect. No process is created.
Recovery. Find out which program file was being passed to PROCESS_LAUNCH_,
PROCESS_CREATE_, or PROCESS_SPAWN_, and correct the error.
Cause. The operating system tried to create a backup process, but the caller was
Effect. No process is created.
Recovery. Run the caller as a named process, or rebind its program file as “must run
named” by using the Binder.
Cause. An error occurred when existing DEFINEs were being propagated. The
error-detail information contains either a file-system error, a DEFINE error number, or
the error subcode 2, which indicates that an excessive number of DEFINEs were to be
propagated. File-system errors are described in Section 2, File-System Errors. DEFINE
errors are described in Section 4, DEFINE Errors.
Effect. No process is created.
Recovery. Retry the call. If errors recur, contact your service provider.
Cause. The size specified for the process file segment (PFS) is invalid.
Effect. No process is created.
Recovery. Specify a valid PFS size either in the RUN command or with the Binder or
nld utility. Then try again. (This error is not generated as of G06.12.)
Cause. There was no segment available for the priv stack of a TNS/R native process.
Effect. No process is created.
Recovery. Try a different processor or wait until the system load decreases and then
retry the existing call.
Cause. There was not enough physical memory free to lock the priv stack for a TNS/R
native process.
Effect. No process is created.
Recovery. Try a different processor or wait until the system load decreases and then
retry the existing call.
Cause. There was no segment available for the main stack of a TNS/R native
Effect. No process is created.
Recovery. Try a different processor or wait until the system load decreases and then
retry the existing call.
Cause. There was not enough physical memory free to lock the main stack for a
TNS/R native process. This error is only returned to some privileged callers.
Effect. No process is created.
Recovery. Try a different processor or wait until the system load decreases and then
retry the existing call.
Cause. An error occurred in the specification of the process file segment (PFS). The
error-detail information contains the error number of the file-system error that occurred.
Effect. No process is created.
Recovery. Refer to Section 2, File-System Errors, for corrective action for the
file-system error returned in the error-detail information. For example, if file-system
error 31, “Unable to obtain file-system buffer space,” is returned, specify a larger PFS
size for the process.
Effect. No process is created. The name of the file for which the error occurred may
have been reported to the home terminal.
Recovery. Contact your local service provider.
Cause. The system was unable to lock the global data segments of a native I/O
process. This error is only returned to some privileged callers.
Effect. No process is created.
Recovery. Stop processes or wait until the system load decreases before attempting
to run this process.
Cause. The process creation request specifies duplicate shared run-time libraries
(SRLs); the error-detail information contains the numbers of the duplicate SRLs in the
form xxyy (where xx is the first SRL and yy is the duplicate SRL).
Effect. No process is created.
Recovery. Use the original object files and the nld utility to re-create the program file.
Cause. The system was unable to find a shared run-time library (SRL) specified by the
program file; the error-detail information contains the SRL number of the SRL that
could not be found.
Effect. No process is created.
Recovery. Use the original object files and the nld utility to re-create the program file.
If the error recurs, contact your service provider.
Cause. The system was unable to find a shared run-time library (SRL) specified by
another SRL; the error-detail information contains the SRL numbers of the two SRLs in
the form xxyy (where xx is the SRL that specifies the yy SRL).
Effect. No process is created.
Recovery. Use the original object files and the nld utility to re-create the program file.
If the error recurs, contact your service provider.
Cause. The process creation request specifies too many shared run-time libraries
(SRLs); the error-detail information contains the maximum number of SRLs that can be
Effect. No process is created.
Recovery. Use the original object files and the nld utility to re-create the program file,
using no more than 32 SRLs, the maximum number of SRLs permitted.
Cause. The program file requires fixups to a shared run-time library (SRL) that is
unavailable because it is running; the error-detail information contains the SRL number
of the running SRL.
Effect. No process is created.
Recovery. Use the original object files and the nld utility to re-create the program file.
If the error recurs, contact your service provider.
Cause. A shared run-time library (SRL) requires fixups to another SRL that is
unavailable because it is running; the error-detail information contains the SRL
numbers of the two SRLs in the form xxyy (where xx is the SRL that requires the fixup
to the running yy SRL).
Effect. No process is created.
Recovery. Use the original object files and the nld utility to re-create the program file.
If the error recurs, contact your service provider.
Cause. A security violation occurred. The program file is not licensed but a shared
run-time library (SRL) is licensed and has instance data; the error-detail information
contains the SRL number of the licensed SRL.
Effect. No process is created.
Recovery. License the program file, if possible.
Cause. A security violation occurred. Either the program file or a shared run-time
library (SRL) is licensed, but another SRL is not licensed; the error-detail information
contains the SRL number of the unlicensed SRL.
Effect. No process is created.
Recovery. Either remove the licensing of the program, if possible, or use the nld
utility to specify another SRL.
Cause. The program file requires a symbol from a shared run-time library (SRL) but
the SRL is not exporting it; the error-detail information contains the SRL number of the
SRL that does not export the required symbol.
Effect. No process is created.
Recovery. Use the nld utility to specify another SRL that contains the desired data
Cause. A shared run-time library (SRL) has undefined externals; the error-detail
information contains the SRL number of the SRL that has undefined externals.
Effect. No process is created.
Recovery. Check that the SRL versions match and obtain matching versions if they
don’t; otherwise, contact your service provider.
Cause. Memory for a needed buffer was unavailable in the system pool in the
Effect. No process is created.
Recovery. Try again or select another processor. If the problem persists, run the
PEEK program in the processor where process creation failed and determine new
memory needs.
Cause. An attempt was made to resolve a procedure address to a data area or a data
address to a procedure area.
Effect. No process is created, and a message is printed on the home terminal. For
Native UL Symbolic Reference Error: Target/Source Type Mismatch:
Recovery. Use the original object files and the nld utility to recreate the program file.
Cause. An anonymous data symbol reference was not located in a UL, Native UL, or
system library.
Effect. No process is created, and a message is printed on the home terminal. For
External References Not Resolved to Any User/System Library:
Recovery. Either correct the coding error, use nld utility to add the data to the data
area or user library, or refer the call to the data that is already present in the application
Cause. The system couldn't honor the floattype attribute requested by a process-
creation request. The error-detail information contains an error subcode that indicates
the nature of the error. These error subcodes are listed in Table 6-3.
Effect. No process is created.
Recovery. Take corrective action as indicated by the subcode. As of G06.20 this code
is reported only for a program file; earlier releases use it also for libraries. These error
subcodes are listed in Table 6-3.
Cause. A shared run-time library (SRL) requires a symbol from another SRL but
cannot be referenced because that SRL is already in use.
Effect. No process is created.
Recovery. Use the nld utility to specify the another SRL that contains the correct
Cause. The system couldn't honor the floattype attribute for the user library requested
by a process-creation request. The error-detail information contains an error subcode
that indicates the nature of the error. The error-detail indicates:
2: Unrecognized floating-point specification in file.
4: This library specified Tandem floating-point, which mismatches the program.
5: This library specified IEEE floating-point, which mismatches the program.
Effect. No process is created. If the user library is PIC, its name will have been
reported to the home terminal.
Recovery. Take corrective action as indicated by the subcode.
For subcode 2: The library file specified to create the process contains incorrect or
corrupt information about the floattype. Recompile the object file(s) using a valid
For subcode 4: Recompile and relink the object file(s) using the same floating-point
type for all, or if the library does not operate on floating-point data, force its floattype
attribute to neutral_float. The floattype attribute can be specified to the linker using the
-set command at link time, or the -change command to modify in an existing file. The
linker is the nld utility for a non-PIC user library (SRL), or the ld utility for a PIC user
library (DLL). Note that the library specified Tandem floating-point.
For subcode 5: Recompile and relink the object file(s) using the same floating-point
type for all, or if the library does not operate on floating-point data, force its floattype
attribute to neutral_float. The floattype attribute can be specified to the linker using the
-set command at link time, or the -change command to modify in an existing file. The
linker is the nld utility for a non-PIC user library (SRL), or the ld utility for a PIC user
library (DLL). Note that the library specified IEEE floating-point.
Cause. The system couldn't honor the floattype attribute for a DLL. The error-detail
information contains an error subcode that indicates the nature of the error. The error-
detail indicates:
For subcode 2: The DLL file specified to create the process contains incorrect or
corrupt information about the floattype. Recompile the object file(s) using a valid
For subcode 4: Recompile and relink the object file(s) using the same floating-point
type for all, or if the DLL does not operate on floating-point data, force its floattype
attribute to neutral_float. The floattype attribute can be specified to the ld utility; use the
-set command at link time, or the -change command to modify in an existing file. Note
that the DLL specified Tandem floating-point.
For subcode 5: Recompile and relink the object file(s) using the same floating-point
type for all, or if the DLL does not operate on floating-point data, force its floattype
attribute to neutral_float. The floattype attribute can be specified to the ld utility; use the
-set command at link time, or the -change command to modify in an existing file. Note
that the DLL specified IEEE floating-point.
Cause. A file system error occurred on the runtime loader library while attempting the
process creation. The error-detail contains a file-system error number.
Effect. No process is created.
Recovery. Refer to Section 2, File-System Errors, for corrective action for the file-
system error returned in the error-detail information.
Cause. An error was detected in the file format of the runtime loader library (RLD).
The error-detail information contains an error subcode that indicates the invalid file
format error. These errors are listed in Table 6-2.
Effect. No process is created.
Recovery. Take corrective action as indicated by the subcode. In many cases, the
object file was built improperly or corrupted; it should be relinked and perhaps
Cause. A failure occurred while loading or running the runtime loader (RLD). Error
details other than the following indicate that rld was not constructed or installed
9- The process abended while rld was running.
10- The processed stopped while rld was running.
11- RLD is licensed.
12- rld returned an out-of-range error value to the operating system.
16- The export digest of the file does not match the export digest of the impImp file in
19- The user attempted to use RLD as a user library. This is not supported.
22- RLD began processing, but did not complete the update of a loadfile.
Cause. There was an unresolved reference to a function, so the process was not
created. Contrast with error 14, which is a warning. (For DLLs and their client
programs, unresolved function references are disallowed by default, but other options
can be specified at link or run time.)
Effect. No process is created. Information such as the name of the unresolved
function and the caller of it may be reported to the home terminal.
Recovery. Use the information reported on the home terminal, and attempt to fix the
problem. (Either fix the code in the caller or the callee, or get a version of code that
does not make the faulty call.)
Cause. A file system error occurred on a DLL while attempting the process creation.
The error-detail contains a file-system error number.
Effect. No process is created. The name of the DLL for which the error occurred will
have been reported to the home terminal.
Recovery. Refer to Section 2, File-System Errors, for corrective action for the file-
system error returned in the error-detail information.
Cause. An error was detected in the file format of a DLL. The error-detail information
contains an error subcode that indicates the invalid file format error. These errors are
listed in Table 6-2.
Effect. No process is created. The name of the DLL for which the error occurred will
have been reported to the home terminal.
Recovery. Take corrective action as indicated by the subcode. In many cases, the
object file was built improperly or corrupted; it should be relinked and perhaps
2- If this file must be licensed, you must rebuild it specifying localized import rather
than globalized or semi-globalized
3 - Probably indicates a problem in the way the library was built. Contact your service
provider. Report the file name, error code, and the error detail.
4 - Probably indicates that either too many segments or too many large segments are
already loaded into the process. To get around this, you may have to try to run the
program with fewer libraries.
5 - If this file must be licensed, it cannot be loaded without “RLD authority”; you cannot
open it dynamically using dlopen().
6 - Probably indicates that either too many segments or too many large segments are
already loaded into the process. To get around this, you may have to try to run the
program with fewer libraries.
7 - If an inadvertent collision of symbol names occurred, the PIC source must be
changed, recompiled, and relinked using a unique symbol. Provide this information to
the supplier of the PIC program or DLL. If the same symbol is exported by two public
libraries, and it is proper for both of them to be loaded into the same process, report
the problem to your service provider. Avoid loading redundant or unnecessary public
SRLs; for example, ensure that all files loaded in the process depend upon the same
C++ runtime and/or tools.h++++ libraries.
8 - Don't load both a Version 3 C++ loadfile and any Version 1 or Version 2 C++
loadfile into the same process. If possible, relink a file that used a conflicting C++
version file so that it uses the same C++ version as other loadfiles loaded into the
9-You must license this loadfile to continue using it in this manner.
10- Avoid this situation either by avoiding unprotected data or by licensing the other
loadfiles in the process when feasible and appropriate. Note that libraries with
unprotected data cannot be licensed and then used with an unlicensed program. A
loadfile’s data will be protected if it has no variable data, or if it is constructed using the
-instance_data data2hidden command to the linker. The former makes the library’s
global variables read-only at user privilege; the latter makes them invisible at user
privilege. Therefore, the variables are fully accessible only from privileged code. Note
that licensed DLLs must have localized import and cannot have globalized symbols.
11- License the referenced DLL when possible. Note that libraries with unprotected
data cannot be licensed and then used with an unlicensed program. This does not
apply to licensing most public DLLs such as the language-support libraries.
12- License the DLL when possible. Note that libraries with unprotected data cannot be
licensed and then used with an unlicensed program. This does not apply to licensing
most public DLLs such as the language-support libraries.
13- To license this loadfile, it cannot contain global symbols.
14- If the loadfile must be dataResident, license it. Otherwise relink it without specifying
that it be dataResident.
15- The process must be created by a person or process using the locally
authenticated super ID.
16- Contact your service provider. Report the error code and the error detail.
17-Relink the file if the environment changes, or don't set the option if the same file
must be used simultaneously in different environments. Contact your service provider.
Report the file name, error code, and the error detail.
18- Recompile the source code with current compilers and relink the loadfile with the
current linker. Contact your service provider. Report the file name, error code, and the
error detail.
19- Set the minimum object file privileges on loading DLL.
4 - The process limit for keys is exhausted. Keys are an operating-system resource
used by the loader.
Effect. No process is created.
Recovery. For detail 3:
Each call on dlopen() generates a new handle; avoid a large number of calls specifying
the same path argument.
For the others:
Contact your service provider, and report the error and the error detail.
Cause. A failure occurred while loading or running a program that must be “dropped
in” rather than run through RLD. Error details indicate that the drop-in program is not
constructed or installed correctly.
16- The export digest of the file does not match the export digest of the impImp file in
Effect. No process is created.
Recovery. For subcode 16 verify that the right copy of the drop-in program is being
used. It must have been preset for use with the implicit DLLs in the SYSnn. For other
subcodes, contact your service provider, reporting the error code and the error detail.
Cause. A failure occurred while loading or running the TNS Emulator. Error details
other than the following indicate that the TNS Emulator is not constructed or installed
16- The export digest of the file does not match the export digest of the impImp file in
Effect. No process is created.
Recovery. For subcode 16 verify that the right copy of the TNS emulator is being
used. The set of public DLLs, including ZTNSDLL, should be installed and preset for
use with the implicit DLLs in this SYSnn.For other subcodes, contact your service
provider, reporting the error code and the error detail.
Cause. A DEFINE is recognized by the systems, but it is not a valid DEFINE. Error
details are:
0 - The define is not class SEARCH
2055 - An attribute other than CLASS or SUBVOL0 is specified
All other details are as reported by the DEFININFO function.
Cause. A file system error occurred on the TNS Emulator while attempting process
creation. The error detail contains a file system error number.
Effect. No process is created.
Recovery. Refer to Section 2, File-System Errors for further details about the file-
system error returned in the error detail information.
Cause. An error is detected in the file format of the TNS Emulator. The error detail
information contains an error subcode that indicates the invalid file format. These
errors are listed in Table 6-2 on page 6-7.
Effect. No process is created.
Recovery. Take corrective action as indicated by the error subcode. In many cases,
the object file was improperly built or corrupted. Consider relinking and recompiling the
Cause. A failure occurred while attempting to preload a public DLL specified in the
zreg file. Error details are:
1- The export digest of the public DLL is not a match to the export digest found in the
specified zreg file.
2- The license value of the public DLL is not a match to the license value found in the
specified zreg file.
3- The public DLL is licensed and has unprotected data.
4- The public DLL is not preset.
5- The public DLL has a priv or callable Main procedure.
6- The public DLL does not support highpin.
7- The public DLL is not owned by super ID.
8- The public DLL has callable procedures and is not licensed.
9- A public DLL with this name has already been preloaded (duplicate name in zreg).
10- The text, data, or gateway of the public DLL overlaps that of another public DLL.
11- The export digest attribute for this public DLL is missing from the zreg file.
Effect. The public DLL is not preloaded into the public library table.
Recovery. Contact your service provider reporting the error code and error detail if
you are using a zreg file and public DLL set that was created by PLINSTL and has not
been modified. If you have been attempting to adjust the public DLL set manually (not
recommended), fix or replace the loadfile based on the problem reported in the error
detail, or run PLINSTL to create an appropriate set of public DLLs.
Cause. (This error is returned only by PROCESS_SPAWN_.) The timeout value in the
ZSYS-DDL-FDINFO.Z-TIMEOUT field of the fdinfo parameter was reached before
the file descriptors specified in the fdinfo parameter could be opened.
Effect. No process is created.
Recovery. Recovery, if any, is application dependent. Recovery actions include but
are not limited to the following: select a longer timeout value, select a timeout value of
0 to allow the PROCESS_SPAWN_ call to return to the application without waiting for
files to be opened or duplicated, select a different file to be opened or duplicated, or
select a different open flag such as OSSOPEN^NONBLOCK to open the file for
nonblocked access.
Cause. (This error is returned only by PROCESS_SPAWN_ .) The system was unable
to allocate global data or heap for the process.
Effect. No process is created.
Recovery. Run on another processor or try later.
Cause. (This error is returned only by PROCESS_SPAWN_ .) The system was unable
to propagate shared run-time library (SRL) data.
Effect. No process is created.
Cause. An error was detected in the file format of shared run-time library(SRL)
number xx. The error-detail information contains an error subcode that indicates the
invalid file format error. See Table 6-2 on page 6-7 for possible values.
Effect. No process is created.
Recovery. Take corrective action as indicated by the subcode. In many cases, the
object file was built improperly or corrupted; it should be relinked and perhaps
Cause. There was a file-system error on shared run-time library (SRL) number xx;
error-detail information contains a file-system error number.
Effect. No process is created.
Recovery. Refer to Section 2, File-System Errors, for corrective action for the
file-system error returned in the error-detail information. If the problem persists, contact
your service provider.
Cause. An internal error was detected within a module of the operating system.
Effect. No process is created.
Recovery. Report the internal error and any error detail that accompanied it to your
service provider.
Error Lists
If you are using the Subsystem Programmatic Interface (SPI) to send commands to a
subsystem, you might receive an error list in a response. HP subsystems return such
an error list when, in performing your request, they call the PROCESS_LAUNCH_ or
PROCESS_CREATE_ procedure directly or indirectly and an error occurs on the call.
The standard SPI token ZSPI-TKN-PROC-ERR, which is present in every
PROCESS_LAUNCH_ and PROCESS_CREATE_ error list, identifies the procedure
that was called. Its value is ZGRD-VAL-PROCESS-CREATE (22) for
Each error list always includes the unconditional tokens listed under its description in
this subsection. In addition, each error list can include any of the conditional tokens
listed under its description.
If you are designing a subsystem that uses SPI, follow these guidelines when
constructing a PROCESS_LAUNCH_ or PROCESS_CREATE_ error list:
• Include all unconditional tokens listed in the error-list description.
• Optionally include any or none of the conditional tokens listed in the error-list
This subsection does not discuss the mechanics of error-list construction. For
information about creating error lists, additional information about tokens and token
types, and definitions of tokens whose names begin with ZSPI-, refer to the SPI
Programming Manual.
A call to PROCESS_CREATE_ failed due to an error.
Unconditional Tokens
Conditional Tokens
Unconditional Tokens
ZSPI-TKN-ERROR is the standard SPI error token, whose value consists of the fields
Z-SSID and Z-ERROR. Z-SSID is the subsystem identifier ZGRD-VAL-SSID.
Z-ERROR is the 16-bit error code returned in the error parameter of
PROCESS_CREATE_. This error code indicates the outcome of the process-creation
ZSPI-TKN-PROC-ERR is the procedure code. Its value is ZGRD-VAL-PROCESS-
CREATE (22).
Conditional Tokens
ZGRD-TKN-XOBJECTFILE is the file name of the program file to be run.
ZGRD-TKN-XLIBRARYFILE is the name of the user library file to be used by the
process, if one was explicitly named.
The effect of this error depends on the PROCESS_CREATE_ error code returned.
Follow the recovery procedure for the returned PROCESS_CREATE_ error code as
described earlier in this section.
A call to PROCESS_LAUNCH_ failed due to an error.
Unconditional Tokens
Conditional Tokens
Unconditional Tokens
ZSPI-TKN-ERROR is the standard SPI error token, whose value consists of the fields
Z-SSID and Z-ERROR. Z-SSID is the subsystem identifier ZGRD-VAL-SSID.
Z-ERROR is the 16-bit error code returned in the error parameter of
PROCESS_LAUNCH_. This error code indicates the outcome of the process-creation
ZSPI-TKN-PROC-ERR is the procedure code. Its value is ZGRD-VAL-PROCESS-
LAUNCH (25).
ZSPI-TKN-ERRORDETAIL is the error-detail information returned by
Conditional Tokens
ZGRD-TKN-XOBJECTFILE is the file name of the program file to be run.
ZGRD-TKN-XLIBRARYFILE is the name of the user library file to be used by the
process, if one was explicitly named.
ZGRD-TKN-XSWAPFILE is the data swap-file name, which is passed for informational
purposes only. This swap file is not used. Processes swap to a file that is managed by
the Kernel-Managed Swap Facility.
ZGRD-TKN-EXTSWAPFILE is the name of the file to be used as the swap file for the
default extended data stack segment of the process. It is possible that swap space is
managed by the Kernel-Managed Swap Facility (KMSF), in which case, this token is
not applicable. Furthermore, this token is applicable to TNS processes only.
ZGRD-TKN-XPROCESSNAME is the new process name.
ZGRD-TKN-XHOMETERM is the name of the home terminal for the new process.
ZGRD-TKN-PFS-SIZE is the size, in bytes, of the process file segment (PFS), if a
nondefault value was specified.
ZGRD-TKN-MAINSTACK-MAX is the maximum size, in bytes, of the process main
stack, if a nondefault value was specified.
ZGRD-TKN-HEAP-MAX is the maximum size, in bytes, of the process heap, if a
nondefault value was specified. This token is applicable only to TNS/R native
ZGRD-TKN-SPACE-GUARANTEE is the maximum size, in bytes, of the amount of space
to be reserved with the Kernel-Managed Swap Facility (KMSF), if a nondefault value
was specified.
ZGRD-TKN-CREATE-OPT contains the specified process creation options.
ZGRD-TKN-NAMEOPTION is the specified process name option.
ZGRD-TKN-DEBUGOPTIONS contains the specified debugging options.
ZGRD-TKN-PRIORITY is the initial execution priority under which the new process is
to run, if a nondefault value was specified.
ZGRD-TKN-XCPU is the processor number for the new process, if a nondefault value
was specified.
ZGRD-TKN-XMEMORYPAGES is the minimum number of memory pages to be allocated
to the new process for user data, if a nondefault value was specified. This token is
applicable only to TNS processes.
ZGRD-TKN-JOBID is the job ID to be assigned to the new process.
ZGRD-TKN-PROCESSHANDLE is the process handle associated with the new process
that was returned by PROCESS_LAUNCH_. If it is null, no process was created.
The effect of this error depends on the PROCESS_LAUNCH_ error code returned.
Follow the recovery procedure for the returned PROCESS_LAUNCH_ error code as
described earlier in this section.
Error Codes
This subsection lists each PROCESS_GETINFOLIST_ procedure error code and
provides a description of each code.
Cause. The information returned is for the processes specified; the error-detail
parameter contains the number of processes for which information has been returned
(which can be more than one process if in search mode).
Effect. None.
Recovery. None required.
Cause. A file-system error occurred; the error-detail parameter contains the file-
system error number. File-system error 563 (buffer too small) is returned if the ret-
values-list buffer is too small to contain all of the requested information.
Effect. The procedure sets the error code and returns the error in the error-detail
Recovery. Refer to Section 2, File-System Errors, for corrective action.
Cause. The specified process does not exist or does not meet the search criteria.
Effect. The information returned is for higher-numbered processes; the error-
detail parameter contains the number of processes for which information has been
returned (which can be more than one process if in search mode).
Recovery. Refer to Section 2, File-System Errors, for corrective action.
Cause. The process could not communicate with the system monitor process,
possibly because the processor where the program was to be run did not exist or was
inoperable. The error-detail parameter contains the error number of the file-
system error that occurred.
Effect. The procedure sets the error code and returns.
Recovery. Select another processor, then try again.
Cause. The process could not communicate with the node named, possibly because
the node did not exist or was inoperable. The error-detail parameter contains the
error number of the file-system error that occurred.
Effect. The procedure sets the error code and returns.
Recovery. Select another node, then try again.
Cause. The search attribute code was not valid; the error-detail parameter
contains the invalid code.
Effect. The search is not done.
Recovery. Correct the search attribute code, then try again.
Cause. The search value was not valid; the error-detail parameter contains the
associated attribute code.
Effect. The search is not done.
Recovery. Correct the attribute value, then try again.
Cause. The return attribute code was not valid; the error-detail parameter
contains the invalid code. This error can occur if the attribute index is unrecognized, or
if a non-zero auxiliary data size is specified for an attribute that does not require
auxiliary data.
Effect. The return is not done.
Recovery. Correct the return attribute code, then try again.
13 - unused -
Cause. The iterative attribute specified in error-detail was not the last attribute in ret-
Effect. The procedure sets the error code and puts the attribute code in error-detail.
Recovery. Place the iterative attribute (and its auxiliary data, if any) last in the ret-attr-
list array.
Error Codes
This subsection lists each PROCESS_GETPAIRINFO_ procedure error code and
provides a description of each code.
Cause. A process pair was requested but only a single named process was found.
Effect. Information is returned for the single named process, which can be the caller.
Recovery. None.
Cause. The information returned is for the caller's pair, and the caller is the current
Effect. Information is successfully returned.
Recovery. None required.
Cause. The information returned is for the caller's pair, and the caller is the current
Effect. Information is successfully returned.
Recovery. None required.
Cause. The specified process does not exist, or the name refers to a device or volume
instead of a process.
Effect. No information is returned.
Recovery. None required.
Cause. The process could not communicate with the node named, possibly because
the node did not exist or was inoperable.
Effect. The procedure sets the error code and returns.
Recovery. Select another node, then try again.
Cause. The target process was an IOP and bit 15 of the options parameter was not
Effect. No information is returned.
Recovery. Change the application to accept information about IOPs by changing the
options parameter, or skip to the next processing step if the you do not want the
application to process information about IOPs.
Cause. A physical input or output error occurred during an attempt to create or access
a file. The corresponding OSS errno value is EIO.
Effect. No process is created.
Recovery. Corrective action is application dependent.
Cause. The number of bytes available for the new process’s combined argument
(argv) and environment (envp) lists has exceeded the system-imposed limit. This
limit, which includes the pointers and the null terminators on the strings, is available by
calling the sysconf(_SC_ARG_MAX) OSS function. The corresponding OSS errno
value is E2BIG.
Effect. No process is created.
Recovery. Specify a shorter argument list in the argv parameter and a shorter
environment list in the envp parameter.
Cause. The OSS program file specified by the oss-program-file parameter has
the appropriate permissions, but it is not in the format for executable files. The
corresponding OSS errno value is ENOEXEC.
Effect. No process is created.
Recovery. Either correct the oss-program-file parameter to refer to an
executable program file or alter the program file such that it can be executed. The
program file must be either a valid object file with a SYSTYPE of OSS or a valid script
Cause. System resources such as the process control block (PCB) space, MAPPOOL
space, stack space, or process file segment (PFS) space are inadequate. It is also
possible that the process name selected is already in use. The corresponding OSS
errno value is EAGAIN.
Effect. No process is created.
Recovery. Check the system for processes that are using too much memory,
terminate processes that are no longer needed, and call PROCESS_SPAWN_ again.
Check the program to see whether it uses too much buffer space, opens too many
files, or uses too many DEFINEs. If the problem is with the PFS, try running the
process with a larger PFS either by specifying a larger PFS size in the
ZSYS^DDL^PROCESSEXTENSION.Z^PFSSIZE field of the process-extension
parameter or by setting the size with the Binder. If the process name selected is
already in use, then choose another process name and call PROCESS_SPAWN_
Cause. There is insufficient user memory to create the OSS process. The new
process image requires more memory than is allowed by the hardware or system-
imposed memory management constraints. The corresponding OSS errno value is
Effect. No process is created.
Recovery. Terminate OSS processes that are no longer needed and call
Cause. A specified parameter has an invalid address. The corresponding OSS errno
value is EFAULT.
Effect. No process is created.
Recovery. Correct the erroneous parameter.
Cause. A prefix within a specified pathname refers to a file that is not a directory. The
corresponding OSS errno value is ENOTDIR.
Effect. No process is created.
Recovery. Correct the parameter containing the erroneous pathname.
Cause. One of the specified parameters is not valid or a required parameter is not
specified. The corresponding OSS errno value is EINVAL.
Effect. No process is created.
Recovery. Correct the erroneous parameter.
Cause. The operation timed out. The timeout value specified in the fdinfo parameter
was reached before the file descriptors could be opened. The corresponding OSS
errno value is ETIMEDOUT.
Effect. No process is created.
Recovery. Call the PROCESS_SPAWN_ procedure again or increase the timeout
Cause. Open System Services is not running. To create an OSS process, Open
System Services must be running. The corresponding OSS errno value is
Effect. No process is created.
Recovery. Run Open System Services.
Cause. An error exists in a Guardian DEFINE. The corresponding OSS errno value
Effect. No process is created.
Recovery. Recovery is application dependent. See the Guardian Programmer’s Guide
for an explanation of how to use DEFINEs in procedure calls.
Error Lists
If you are using the Subsystem Programmatic Interface (SPI) to send commands to a
subsystem, you might receive a PROCESS_SPAWN_ error list in a response. HP
subsystems return such an error list when, in performing your request, they call the
PROCESS_SPAWN_ procedure directly or indirectly and an error occurs on the call.
The standard SPI token ZSPI-TKN-PROC-ERR, which is present in every
PROCESS_SPAWN_ error list, identifies the procedure. Its value is
Each error list always includes the unconditional tokens listed under its description in
this subsection. In addition, each error list can include any of the conditional tokens
listed under its description.
If you are designing a subsystem that uses SPI, follow these guidelines when
constructing a PROCESS_SPAWN_ error list:
• Include all unconditional tokens listed in the error-list description.
• Optionally include any or none of the conditional tokens listed in the error-list
This subsection does not discuss the mechanics of error-list construction. For
information about creating error lists, additional information about tokens and token
types, and definitions of tokens whose names begin with ZSPI-, refer to the SPI
Programming Manual.
There was an error during a call to PROCESS_SPAWN_.
Unconditional Tokens
Conditional Tokens
Unconditional Tokens
ZSPI-TKN-ERROR is the standard SPI error token, whose value consists of the fields
Z-SSID and Z-ERROR. Z-SSID is the subsystem identifier ZGRD-VAL-SSID.
Z-ERROR is the OSS errno returned in the
ZSYS-DDL-PROCESSRESULTS.Z-ERRNO field of the process-results
parameter of PROCESS_SPAWN_.
ZSPI-TKN-PROC-ERR is the procedure in which the error occurred. Its value is
ZSPI-TKN-PROCESS-RESULTS is the value of the process-results parameter
(containing the structure ZSYS-DDL-PROCESSRESULTS) of PROCESS_SPAWN_.
Conditional Tokens
ZGRD-TKN-PROGRAM-PATH is the OSS pathname of the program file.
ZGRD-TKN-LIBRARY-PATH is the OSS pathname of the library file.
ZGRD-TKN-SWAP-PATH is the OSS pathname of the swap file.
ZGRD-TKN-EXTSWAP-PATH is the OSS pathname of the extended swap file.
ZGRD-TKN-TERM-PATH is the OSS pathname of the home terminal for the new
ZGRD-TKN-CWD-PATH is the OSS pathname of the current working directory for the
new process.
ZGRD-TKN-FD-PATH is the OSS pathname of a file descriptor to be opened by the
new process. The corresponding pointer to this OSS pathname is in the
ZSYS-DDL-FDINFO.Z-FDENTRY.Z-NAME field of the fdinfo parameter. The
fdinfo parameter is in the ZGRD-TKN-FDINFO token. If the pointer is null (0D), then
a zero-length OSS pathname must be specified. Because there can be multiple file
descriptors to be opened, there can be multiple occurrences of the Z-FDENTRY
substructure and of the corresponding ZGRD-TKN-FD-PATH token. Multiple
ZGRD-TKN-FD-PATH tokens must be provided in the same order as the pointers to
the OSS pathnames in the fdinfo parameter.
ZGRD-TKN-FDINFO is the value of the fdinfo parameter.
ZGRD-TKN-ARG is an argument string pointed to by the argv parameter. The argv
parameter is an array of pointers to strings. Because there can be multiple strings,
there can be multiple occurrences of the ZGRD-TKN-ARG token. Multiple
ZGRD-TKN-ARG tokens must be provided in the same order as elements of the argv
ZGRD-TKN-ENV is the process environment string pointed to by the envp parameter.
The envp parameter is an array of pointers to strings. Because there can be multiple
strings, there can be multiple occurrences of the ZGRD-TKN-ENV token. The
ZGRD-TKN-ENV tokens do not need to be provided in the same order as the elements
of the envp array.
ZGRD-TKN-PROCESS-EXTENSION is the value of the process-extension
ZGRD-TKN-PATH is the value of the path parameter.
The effect of this error depends on the values returned in the
Follow the recovery procedure for the returned PROCESS_SPAWN_ errors as
described earlier in this section.
Error Codes
The ALLOCATESEGMENT error codes are the values returned in the status
parameter to ALLOCATESEGMENT. ALLOCATESEGMENT error codes in the range 1
through 999 indicate a file-system error related to the creation or opening of a swap
file. Refer to Section 2, File-System Errors, for information about these codes.
megabytes. (To allocate a shared flat segment, you must use the
Cause. ALLOCATESEGMENT could not allocate any segment page table space. The
segment page table stores one entry for each page allocated in the extended data
segment that it is related to.
Effect. The procedure sets the error code and returns without allocating the extended
data segment.
Recovery. Retry the operation, or run the application on another processor.
Cause. A security violation occurred when the process tried to share extended data
segment space using ALLOCATESEGMENT.
Effect. The procedure sets the error code and returns without allocating the extended
data segment.
Recovery. Make sure the calling process access ID is one of the following:
• The same as that of the process whose PIN is specified in the
• The group manager for the access ID of the other process
• The super ID (255,255)
Cause. The process specified for segment sharing has not allocated an extended data
segment or the ID does not match the requestor.
Effect. The procedure sets the error code and returns without allocating the extended
data segment.
Recovery. Specify a valid PIN, then retry the operation.
Error Lists
If you are using the Subsystem Programmatic Interface (SPI) to send commands to a
subsystem, you might receive an ALLOCATESEGMENT error list in a response.
Subsystems return such an error list when, in performing your request, they call the
ALLOCATESEGMENT procedure directly or indirectly, and an error occurs on the call.
The contents of the error list depend on which procedure was called. The standard SPI
token ZSPI-TKN-PROC-ERR, which is present in every ALLOCATESEGMENT error
list, identifies the procedure. Its value is ZGRD-VAL-ALLOCATESEGMENT (1).
Each error list always includes the unconditional tokens listed under its description in
this subsection. In addition, each error list can include any of the conditional tokens
listed under its description.
If you are designing a subsystem that uses SPI, follow these guidelines when
constructing an ALLOCATESEGMENT error list:
• Include all unconditional tokens listed in the error-list description.
• Optionally include any or none of the conditional tokens listed in each error-list
This subsection does not discuss the mechanics of error-list construction. For
information about creating error lists, additional information about tokens and token
types, and definitions of tokens whose names begin with ZSPI-, refer to the SPI
Programming Manual.
A call to ALLOCATESEGMENT returned a nonzero status as the function value.
Unconditional Tokens
Conditional Tokens
Unconditional Tokens
ZSPI-TKN-ERROR is the standard SPI error token, whose value consists of the fields
Z-SSID and Z-ERROR. Z-SSID is the subsystem identifier ZGRD-VAL-SSID.
Z-ERROR is the error code returned in the status parameter of
ZSPI-TKN-PROC-ERR is the procedure in which the error occurred. Its value is ZGRD-
Conditional Tokens
ZGRD-TKN-OBJECTFILE is the name of the object file containing the
ALLOCATESEGMENT procedure call in internal format.
ZGRD-TKN-SEGMENTID is the extended data segment ID requested.
ZGRD-TKN-SEGMENTSIZE is the extended data segment size in bytes.
ZGRD-TKN-FILENAME is the swap file name.
ZGRD-TKN-PINANDFLAGS contains the value of the pin-and-flags parameter:
Value Meaning
PINANDFLAGS.<0:7> Flag options
PINANDFLAGS.<8:15> PIN of process sharing the extended data segment
The extended data segment is not allocated.
Follow the recovery procedure for the returned ALLOCATESEGMENT error status as
described earlier in this section.
Error Codes
This subsection lists each SEGMENT_ALLOCATE_ procedure error code and provides
a description of each code.
Cause. The system encountered an error while creating or opening the swap file. The
error-detail parameter contains the error number of the file-system error that
Effect. The procedure sets the error code and returns without allocating the extended
data segment.
Recovery. Correct the call to SEGMENT_ALLOCATE_ to make sure the correct swap
file is specified. If there is no disk space available to create the swap file, either specify
a different volume or create space on the desired volume.
Cause. SEGMENT_ALLOCATE_ could not allocate any segment page table space.
The segment page table stores one entry for each page allocated in the segment that it
is related to.
Effect. The procedure sets the error code and returns without allocating the extended
data segment.
Recovery. Retry the operation, or run the application on another processor.
Cause. A security violation occurred when the process tried to share segment space
using SEGMENT_ALLOCATE_. This error indicates that the segment space could not
be shared.
Effect. The procedure sets the error code and returns without allocating the extended
data segment.
Recovery. Make sure the calling process access ID is one of the following:
• The same as the process whose process identification number (PIN) is specified in
• The group manager for the access ID of the other process
• The super ID (255,255)
Cause. The process specified for extended data segment sharing has not allocated a
segment or IDs do not match.
Effect. The procedure sets the error code and returns without allocating the extended
data segment.
Recovery. Specify a valid PIN, then retry the operation.
Cause. The requested segment is a shared selectable segment but the allocated
segment is a flat segment; or the requested segment is a shared flat segment but the
allocated segment is a selectable segment.
Effect. The procedure sets the error code and returns without accessing the extended
data segment.
Recovery. Make sure that the requested segment and the allocated segment are
either both flat segments or both selectable segments when sharing.
Cause. The requested process segment table (PST) cannot be allocated. The
error-detail parameter contains the number of the file-system error that occurred.
Effect. The procedure sets the error code and returns without accessing the extended
data segment.
Recovery. Wait until more process file segment (PFS) space is available, or run the
application on another processor. Refer to Section 2, File-System Errors, for
information about the file-system error returned in error-detail.
Cause. Part or all of the specified address range has already been allocated. This
error is returned if bit 15 of the alloc-options parameter is set to 1 and a flat segment
cannot be allocated. This error can also occur when bit 15 is not set, but either a flat
segment cannot be shared due to address-range overlap with another segment or a
flat segment cannot be allocated as there is no unallocated address range large
enough to hold the requested size. This error is returned only on TNS/R processors.
Effect. The extended data segment cannot be allocated.
Recovery. Correct the specification and try again.
Error Lists
If you are using the Subsystem Programmatic Interface (SPI) to send commands to a
subsystem, you might receive a SEGMENT_ALLOCATE_ error list in a response. HP
subsystems return such an error list when, in performing your request, they call the
SEGMENT_ALLOCATE_ procedure directly or indirectly and an error occurs on the
The standard SPI token ZSPI-TKN-PROC-ERR, which is present in every
SEGMENT_ALLOCATE_ error list, identifies the procedure. Its value is ZGRD-VAL-
Each error list always includes the unconditional tokens listed under its description in
this subsection. In addition, each error list can include any of the conditional tokens
listed under its description.
If you are designing a subsystem that uses SPI, follow these guidelines when
constructing a SEGMENT_ALLOCATE_ error list:
• Include all unconditional tokens listed in the error-list description.
• Optionally include any or none of the conditional tokens listed in the error-list
This subsection does not discuss the mechanics of error-list construction. For
information about creating error lists, additional information about token and token
types, and definitions of tokens whose names begin with ZSPI-, refer to the SPI
Programming Manual.
A call to SEGMENT_ALLOCATE_ returned a nonzero error as the function value.
Unconditional Tokens
Conditional Tokens
Unconditional Tokens
ZSPI-TKN-ERROR is the standard SPI error token, whose value consists of the fields
Z-SSID and Z-ERROR. Z-SSID is the subsystem identifier ZGRD-VAL-SSID.
Z-ERROR is the error code returned in the error parameter of
ZSPI-TKN-PROC-ERR is the procedure in which the error occurred. Its value is ZGRD-
Conditional Tokens
ZGRD-TKN-XOBJECTFILE is the name of the object file that contains the
SEGMENT_ALLOCATE_ procedure call in internal format.
ZGRD-TKN-SEGMENTID is the extended segment ID requested.
ZGRD-TKN-SEGMENTSIZE is the extended segment size in bytes.
ZGRD-TKN-XFILENAME is the swap-file name in internal format.
ZGRD-TKN-ERRORDETAIL is the detailed information associated with some classes of
ZGRD-TKN-PIN is the process identification number (PIN) of the process sharing the
ZGRD-TKN-SEGMENTTYPE is the type of segment requested.
ZGRD-TKN-MAXSEGSIZE is the maximum size that the segment can grow to using
The extended segment is not allocated.
Follow the recovery procedure for the returned SEGMENT_ALLOCATE_ error status
as described earlier in this section.
Error Lists
If you are using the Subsystem Programmatic Interface (SPI) to send commands to a
subsystem, you might receive a USESEGMENT error list in a response. Subsystems
return such an error list when, in performing your request, they call the USESEGMENT
procedure directly or indirectly and an error occurs on the call.
The standard SPI token ZSPI-TKN-PROC-ERR, which is present in every
USESEGMENT error list, identifies the procedure. Its value is ZGRD-VAL-
The error list always includes the unconditional tokens listed under its description in
this section. In addition, the error list can include any of the conditional tokens listed
under its description.
If you are designing a subsystem that uses SPI, follow these guidelines when
constructing a USESEGMENT error list:
• Include all unconditional tokens listed in the error-list description.
• Optionally include any or none of the conditional tokens listed in the error-list
This section does not discuss the mechanics of error-list construction. For information
about creating error lists, additional information about tokens and token types, and
definitions of tokens whose names begin with ZSPI-, refer to the SPI Programming
A condition code less (CCL) was returned by a call to USESEGMENT. Either the
segment ID in ZGRD-TKN-SEGMENTID is not allocated or it cannot be used by a
nonprivileged caller.
Unconditional Tokens
Conditional Tokens
Unconditional Tokens
ZSPI-TKN-ERROR is the standard SPI error token, whose value consists of the fields
Z-SSID and Z-ERROR. Z-SSID is the subsystem identifier ZGRD-VAL-SSID.
Z-ERROR is the error code returned in the status parameter of USESEGMENT.
ZSPI-TKN-PROC-ERR is the procedure in which the error occurred. Its value is ZGRD-
Conditional Tokens
ZGRD-TKN-OBJECTFILE is the name of the object file that contains the
USESEGMENT procedure call in internal format.
ZGRD-TKN-SEGMENTID is the extended data segment ID requested.
ZGRD-TKN-OLDSEGMENT is the extended data segment ID returned.
The extended data segment requested is not enabled for use by the caller.
Make sure the specified extended data segment ID is already allocated and that the
segment ID is 1023 or less.
Error Lists
If you are using the Subsystem Programmatic Interface (SPI) to send commands to a
subsystem, you might receive a SEGMENT_USE_ error list in a response.
Subsystems return such an error list when, in performing your request, they call the
SEGMENT_USE_ procedure directly or indirectly and an error occurs on the call.
The standard SPI token ZSPI-TKN-PROC-ERR, which is present in every
SEGMENT_USE_ error list, identifies the procedure. Its value is ZGRD-VAL-
The error list always includes the unconditional tokens listed under its description in
this section. In addition, the error list can include any of the conditional tokens listed
under its description.
If you are designing a subsystem that uses SPI, follow these guidelines when
constructing a SEGMENT_USE_ error list:
• Include all unconditional tokens listed in the error-list description.
• Optionally include any or none of the conditional tokens listed in the error-list
This section does not discuss the mechanics of error-list construction. For information
about creating error lists, additional information about tokens and token types, and
definitions of tokens whose names begin with ZSPI-, refer to the SPI Programming
A call to SEGMENT_USE_ returned a nonzero error as the function value. There are
several possible causes of the error, as explained below.
Unconditional Tokens
Conditional Tokens
Unconditional Tokens
ZSPI-TKN-ERROR is the standard SPI error token, whose value consists of the fields
Z-SSID and Z-ERROR. Z-SSID is the subsystem identifier ZGRD-VAL-SSID.
Z-ERROR is the error code returned in the error return value of SEGMENT_USE_.
ZSPI-TKN-PROC-ERR is the procedure in which the error occurred. Its value is ZGRD-
Conditional Tokens
ZGRD-TKN-XOBJECTFILE is the name of the object file that contains the
SEGMENT_USE_ procedure call in internal format.
ZGRD-TKN-SEGMENTID is the extended data segment ID requested.
ZGRD-TKN-OLDSEGMENT is the previous extended data segment ID in use.
ZGRD-TKN-ERRORDETAIL is the detailed information associated with some classes of
The extended data segment requested is not enabled for use by the caller.
The recovery procedure depends on the specific error code returned in the error
return value.
• If the error code is 2 (parameter error), the SEGMENT_USE_ call contained an
illegal combination of options. Specifically, the required new-segid parameter was
omitted. Correct the SEGMENT_USE_ call by providing the new-segid
• If the error code is 3 (bounds violation), a bounds violation occurred on a reference
parameter. To recover from this error, pass a correct reference address to
• If the error code is 4 (illegal segment ID), the SEGMENT_USE_ call specified a
segment ID (in the new-segid parameter) that is illegal for an unprivileged caller.
That is, the segment ID is not in the range 0 through 2047. To recover from this
error, specify a valid segment ID and then retry the operation. User processes can
specify a segment ID equal to 2047 or less. Only processes supplied by HP can
specify a segment ID greater than 2047.
• If the error code is 5 (segment ID not found), the SEGMENT_USE_ call specified a
segment ID (in the new-segid parameter) that has not been allocated. To recover
from this error, specify a valid, allocated segment ID and then retry the operation.
Error Codes
The following pages describe the SPI error numbers. These numbers are the values
returned in the status parameter on calls to the SPI procedures.
When any of these errors (except error 0 or error -1) occurs, the header token ZSPI-
TKN-LASTERR is set to the error number.
0 ZSPI-ERR-OK No error
Cause. The buffer supplied in the procedure call has an invalid format, as indicated by
one or more of the following:
• The first word of the buffer does not contain the correct message code (ZSPI-VAL-
MSGCODE = -28).
• The buffer is in a format not recognized by the current version of SPI.
• The used length of the buffer (ZSPI-TKN-USEDLEN) is greater than the maximum
length (Z-BUFLEN). Probably SSPUT was called with ZSPI-TKN-RESET-BUFFER
and a maxlen value that is smaller than ZSPI-TKN-USEDLEN.
• The buffer contains a ZSPI-TKN-ENDLIST token but no corresponding list token.
• The position descriptor within the buffer (ZSPI-TKN-POSITION) indicates a current
list that does not begin with a list token. Perhaps an incorrect position descriptor—
one saved from another buffer—was restored to ZSPI-TKN-POSITION in this
Effect. The requested operation is not completed. Since the buffer format is invalid,
the last error is not saved.
Recovery. Check for an incorrect buffer parameter or a corrupted buffer.
Cause. A parameter supplied in the procedure call was illegal for one of the following
• SSINIT was called with an invalid header type.
• A negative index or count parameter was supplied.
• An attempt was made to use SSPUT or SSGET on a token using a count of zero.
• A call was made to one of the special operations that returns attributes of a token,
but the operation was applied to one of the special tokens. The special tokens that
return attributes are ZSPI-TKN-COUNT, ZSPI-TKN-LEN, ZSPI-TKN-OFFSET, and
• The program supplied an SPI-defined token code that was invalid for this
procedure call. For example, ZSPI-TKN-DELETE was specified in a call to SSGET,
or ZSPI-TKN-COMMAND was specified in a call to SSPUT.
• An invalid position descriptor was supplied with ZSPI-TKN-POSITION.
Effect. The header token ZSPI-TKN-LASTERR is set to this error number, and the
requested operation is not completed.
Recovery. Correct the parameter in error.
Cause. This error number indicates that a required parameter was not supplied.
Certain parameters are required only under certain circumstances:
• The ssid parameter is required when calling SSGET with ZSPI-TKN-NEXTCODE
or ZSPI-TKN-NEXTTOKEN if the next token code in the buffer is not qualified by
the default subsystem ID. Always supply a variable for ssid when calling SSGET
with ZSPI-TKN-NEXTCODE or ZSPI-TKN-NEXTTOKEN unless you are certain
that all tokens the program could encounter are qualified by the default subsystem
• The value parameter is required when calling SSGET with certain standard token
codes (such as ZSPI-TKN-LEN and ZSPI-TKN-OFFSET) or when calling SSPUT
with a token code that has a value (a nonzero token length).
Effect. The header token ZSPI-TKN-LASTERR is set to this error number (unless the
buffer parameter is missing), and the requested operation is not performed.
Recovery. Supply the missing parameter.
Cause. A reference parameter has an illegal address for one of the following reasons:
• A parameter has a starting address that is invalid or out of bounds.
• A parameter has an absolute extended address and the caller is nonprivileged.
• A parameter's starting address and length are such that the parameter overlaps the
stack space that is required by the SPI procedure.
• An extended-address parameter refers to the current code space. This can occur if
the parameter is a read-only array located in a user-library space.
Effect. The header token ZSPI-TKN-LASTERR is set to this error number (unless the
bounds error occurs on the buffer parameter), and the requested operation is not
If the bounds error occurs on the buffer parameter, SPI is unable to find the buffer,
so it cannot set ZSPI-TKN-LASTERR.
Recovery. Correct the parameter declarations to allocate the required storage.
Cause. This error can occur for one of the following reasons:
• The buffer is full; it cannot contain any more tokens or header information.
• SSPUT was called with ZSPI-TKN-RESET-BUFFER, but maxlen was smaller than
the used length of the buffer. In this case, some information at the end of the
message was lost. Subsequent SPI calls for this buffer will return error -1 (invalid
buffer format).
Effect. The header token ZSPI-TKN-LASTERR is set to this error number, and the
requested operation is not completed.
Recovery. For the first cause, use a larger buffer. For the second cause, recovery is
Cause. The current buffer checksum does not match the checksum computed on
return from the last SPI call. This error suggests that the buffer has been modified or
Effect. The header token ZSPI-TKN-LASTERR is set to this error number, and the
requested operation is not completed.
Recovery. Using a debugging tool such as the Inspect debugger, check for corruption
of the buffer contents.
Cause. This internal error should not occur unless the SPI software malfunctions.
Specific causes include:
• SSGET attempted to return a token value when the program had requested a
token attribute (such as length, offset, address, or count).
• SSGET attempted to return an undefined token attribute.
• On returning, SSGET or SSPUT attempted to set a used length greater than the
buffer length.
• SSPUT received an error when calling SSGET to obtain the default subsystem ID
(ZSPI-TKN-DEFAULT-SSID) from the SPI message header.
Effect. The header token ZSPI-TKN-LASTERR is set to this error number, and the
requested operation is not completed.
Recovery. Report the problem to your service provider, supplying a reproducible test
Cause. This error can occur for one of the following reasons:
• The token requested in a call to SSGET was not found.
• An attempt was made to put a ZSPI-TKN-ENDLIST token into the buffer, but no
corresponding list token was found.
Effect. The header token ZSPI-TKN-LASTERR is set to this error number, and the
requested operation is not completed.
Recovery. Corrective action depends on the application. Check for program logic
errors in scanning the buffer. Also check to see whether the token is positioned outside
the current list or preceding the current position.
Cause. An illegal token code or token map was supplied in the procedure call.
Possible causes for this error include:
• The token data type was not recognized. For example, a program used a token
data type not included in the standard SPI definitions. The only token data types
permitted by SPI are those defined by SPI.
• The token length was not a multiple of the basic length associated with the token
data type.
• The token map contained an invalid null-value specification.
• The sum of the lengths of the null-value specifications in the token map was not
equal to the total structure length specified by the map.
• A token map was supplied as a parameter to SSGETTKN, SSPUTTKN, or
Any of these situations might arise if the program accidentally corrupted the variable
holding the token code or token map.
Effect. The header token ZSPI-TKN-LASTERR is set to this error number, and the
requested operation is not completed.
Recovery. Correct the token code or token map causing the error.
Cause. This operation is not supported in the version of the SPI definitions being
used. (For instance, the operation ZSPI-TKN-ADDR was called to get the address of a
header token.)
Effect. The header token ZSPI-TKN-LASTERR is set to this error number, and the
requested operation is not completed.
Recovery. Check that the token code being supplied in the call is defined for the
version of the SPI definitions being used.
Cause. An SPI procedure was called with fewer words remaining in the data stack
than were needed by that procedure.
Effect. The requested operation is not completed.
Recovery. Increase the number of stack pages available or reduce the amount of
stack space used. The methods available for taking this action depend on the
programming language.
Cause. An error occurred during allocation of the private segment; this error is
Effect. The requested operation is not completed.
Recovery. Corrective action depends on the error. Check Table 14-1 for an
explanation of the status-1 and status-2 parameters.
Cause. The entire representation does not fit in the number of lines specified by the
printlines parameter.
Effect. The amount of text is limited by the printlines parameter setting.
Recovery. Call again to get the next portion.
Cause. No free scan ID was available. Currently, no more than two scan IDs can be
active simultaneously.
Effect. The requested operation is not completed.
Recovery. No recovery is possible. Report this error to your service provider.
Cause. Currently, no more than one format ID can be active at one time.
Effect. The requested operation is not completed.
Recovery. Recode your program to format only one buffer at a time.
Error Lists
If a HP subsystem calls an SPI procedure and an SPI error occurs—that is, the call
returns a nonzero value in status—the subsystem normally attempts to recover from
the error. If it can't recover (for example, when the application program buffer is
corrupted), the subsystem returns information to the application in an error list. The
following pages describe the error list associated with each SPI procedure.
The contents of the error list depend on which procedure was called. The standard SPI
token ZSPI-TKN-PROC-ERR, which is present in every SPI error list, identifies the
Each error list always includes the unconditional tokens listed under its description in
this subsection. In addition, each error list can include any of the conditional tokens
listed under its description.
If you are designing a subsystem that uses SPI, follow these guidelines when
constructing an error list for an SPI error:
• Include all unconditional tokens listed in the error-list description.
• Optionally include any or none of the conditional tokens listed in the error-list
This subsection does not discuss the mechanics of error-list construction. For
information about creating error lists, for additional information about tokens and token
types, and for definitions of tokens whose names begin with ZSPI-, refer to the SPI
Programming Manual.
Unconditional Tokens
Conditional Tokens
Unconditional Tokens
ZSPI-TKN-ERROR is the standard SPI token, whose value consists of the fields
Z-SSID and Z-ERROR. Z-SSID is the SPI subsystem identifier ZSPI-VAL-SSID.
Z-ERROR is the status value from the SPI procedure SSGET or SSGETTKN.
ZSPI-TKN-PROC-ERR is the procedure in which the error occurred. Its value is
value of ZTOKENCODE is the token code or the first 32 bits of the token map passed
in the call that failed. ZINDEX is the index parameter passed in the call that failed.
Conditional Tokens
ZSPI-TKN-SSID-ERR is the ssid parameter passed in the call that failed. This token
appears only if ssid was omitted in the call that failed.
The call to SSGET or SSGETTKN fails.
Follow the recovery procedure for the returned SPI error code as described earlier in
this section.
Unconditional Tokens
Unconditional Tokens
ZSPI-TKN-ERROR is the standard SPI token, whose value consists of the fields
Z-SSID and Z-ERROR. Z-SSID is the SPI subsystem identifier ZSPI-VAL-SSID.
Z-ERROR is the status value from the SPI procedure SSINIT.
ZSPI-TKN-PROC-ERR is the procedure in which the error occurred. Its value is ZSPI-
The call to SSINIT fails.
Follow the recovery procedure for the returned SPI error code as described earlier in
this section.
Unconditional Tokens
Conditional Tokens
Unconditional Tokens
ZSPI-TKN-ERROR is the standard SPI error token, whose value consists of the fields
Z-SSID and Z-ERROR. Z-SSID is the SPI subsystem identifier ZSPI-VAL-SSID.
Z-ERROR is the status value from the SPI procedure SSMOVE or SSMOVETKN.
ZSPI-TKN-PROC-ERR is the procedure in which the error occurred. Its value is
value of ZTOKENCODE is the token code or the first 32 bits of the token map passed
in the call that failed. ZINDEX is the source-index parameter passed in the call that
failed; ZINDEX is 0 if source-index was omitted in the call that failed. ZOFFSET
is 0.
Conditional Tokens
ZSPI-TKN-SSID-ERR is the ssid parameter passed in the call that failed. This token
appears only if ssid was omitted in the call that failed.
The call to SSMOVE or SSMOVETKN fails.
Follow the recovery procedure for the returned SPI error code as described earlier in
this section.
Unconditional Tokens
Unconditional Tokens
ZSPI-TKN-ERROR is the standard SPI error token, whose value consists of the fields
Z-SSID and Z-ERROR. Z-SSID is the SPI subsystem identifier ZSPI-VAL-SSID.
Z-ERROR is the status value from the SPI procedure SSNULL.
ZSPI-TKN-PROC-ERR is the procedure in which the error occurred. Its value is ZSPI-
value of ZTOKENCODE is the first 32 bits of the token map passed in the call that
failed. ZINDEX and ZOFFSET are 0.
The call to SSNULL fails.
Follow the recovery procedure for the returned SPI error code as described earlier in
this section.
Unconditional Tokens
Conditional Tokens
Unconditional Tokens
ZSPI-TKN-ERROR is the standard SPI error token, whose value consists of the fields
Z-SSID and Z-ERROR. Z-SSID is the SPI subsystem identifier ZSPI-VAL-SSID.
Z-ERROR is the status value from the SPI procedure SSPUT or SSPUTTKN.
ZSPI-TKN-PROC-ERR is the procedure in which the error occurred. Its value is ZSPI-
value of ZTOKENCODE is the token code or first 32 bits of the token map passed in
the call that failed. ZINDEX and ZOFFSET are 0.
Conditional Tokens
ZSPI-TKN-SSID-ERR is the ssid parameter passed in the call that failed. This token
only appears if ssid was omitted in the call that failed.
The call to SSPUT or SSPUTTKN fails.
Follow the recovery procedure for the returned SPI error code as described earlier in
this section.
Error Codes
This subsection lists each EDITREAD and EDITREADINIT procedure error code and
provides a description of each code.
0 or greater NO ERROR
Cause. The call was completed successfully. For EDITREAD, a positive value
represents the number of characters that the procedure read in the text line.
Effect. None.
Recovery. No corrective action is required.
Cause. EDITREAD returns this error if the sequence number of the line about to be
read is one of the following:
• Less than that of its predecessor.
• Greater than 99999.999.
• Greater than the largest sequence number in the directory entry for the file page
containing the line about to be read.
Effect. The procedure sets the error code and returns without performing the
requested function.
Recovery. For recovery suggestions for files formatted as EDIT files, see the EDIT
User’s Guide and Reference Manual.
Cause. The edit control block was invalid. There are two possible causes:
• The program called EDITREAD before calling EDITREADINIT.
• The program modified the edit control block, which invalidated the control block.
Note. If you accidentally set the edit control block's reposition bit to 1, you will not receive this
error. When the reposition bit is 1, checksum validation is disabled during the call to
Cause. IOEdit returns this error when a file is specified that is not an EDIT file
(unstructured, file code 101) or is not on a disk device.
Effect. IOEdit cannot operate on this file.
Recovery. Correct the request.
Cause. This error is returned when the same file has already been processed by a
previous call. IOEdit does not support multiple concurrent opens of the same file.
IOEdit returns this error when trying to write a record having the same EDIT line
number as a record already in the file. IOEdit has no procedure corresponding to
WRITEUPDATE; you can rewrite a record only by first deleting it (by calling
Effect. No action is taken.
Recovery. Correct the request.
Cause. IOEdit returns this error when the file does not exist and read only usage is
specified. Unlike FILE_OPEN_, OPENEDIT_ creates the file if read-write or write only
use is specified and does not return error 11 in that case.
Effect. The requested file was not found.
Recovery. Correct the request.
Recovery. Most IOEdit procedures return this error when called with the file number of
a file that has not been processed by OPENEDIT_.
Effect. The file was not open, so it could not be processed.
Recovery. Use OPENEDIT or OPENEDIT_ to open the file.
Cause. IOEdit returns these errors when failures occur in the management of space
within the EDIT file segment (EFS). The EFS is analogous to the process file segment
(PFS) used by the file system.
These errors occur only when the caller has more EDIT files open than the limit
specified to INITIALIZEEDIT (the default limit is 30), or when IOEdit needs to enlarge
the EFS but its backing disk is too full to allocate another extent.
Effect. Space is not available to continue processing.
Recovery. Close some EDIT files and try again.
Cause. The current file size is too small. WRITEEDIT returns this error when the
capacity of the file (set by its extent size and maximum number of extents established
when the file was created) is about to be exceeded. Unlike the file system, IOEdit
allows you to recover from this error by calling EXTENDEDIT to increase the file's
capacity to a maximum of 128 megabytes, and then repeating the call to WRITEEDIT
that failed.
Effect. IOEdit cannot continue.
Recovery. Call EXTENDEDIT to increase the file's capacity, then try the call to
Cause. Several IOEdit procedures return this error when the EDIT line number
specified in the call is less than -3 or greater than 99999999.
Effect. The request is ignored.
Recovery. Specify a valid EDIT line number.
Recovery. Most IOEdit procedures return this error when an automatic attempt to
recover from a warning condition (previously reported by one of the negative error
codes described later in this section) does not succeed. All subsequent calls (except to
CLOSEEDIT) for the same file return error 59.
Effect. The file cannot be used.
Recovery. Recovery is not possible.
Cause. COMPRESSEDIT and EXTENDEDIT return this error when the new record
number of the last record in the file would be larger than 99999999. NUMBEREDIT
returns this error when the new record number of the last record to be renumbered
would not be less than the record number of the next record.
Effect. In either case, the problem is that the increment parameter's value is too large,
and the procedure does nothing.
Recovery. Change the increment parameter to an acceptable value.
Cause. DELETEEDIT and NUMBEREDIT return this error when the record number of
the first record to be deleted or renumbered is greater than that of the last.
Several other IOEdit procedures return this error when reading a file and finding a
record whose record number is not greater than that of the record preceding it.
Effect. The procedure stops.
Recovery. The file is bad but possibly most of the file's contents could be recovered
by copying the entire file and ignoring only the records having this error.
Cause. Several IOEdit procedures return this error when reading a file and finding a
record whose length is such that the record would extend beyond the end of its block.
Effect. The procedure stops.
Recovery. The file is bad but possibly most of the file's contents could be recovered
by copying the entire file and ignoring only the records having this error.
Cause. Several IOEdit procedures return this error when reading a file and finding a
record whose compression codes disagree with the length of the record.
Effect. The procedure stops.
Recovery. The file is bad but possibly most of the file's contents could be recovered
by copying the entire file and ignoring only the records having this error.
Cause. NUMBEREDIT returns this error when the parameters represent disallowed
renumbering: the first new record number is not greater than that of the record
preceding the first record to be renumbered, the new record number increment is zero
or negative, or no records are affected.
Effect. The procedure stops.
Recovery. Recovery is not possible.
Cause. These errors can occur only when IOEdit is accessing a file other than an
EDIT file. For example, they can occur when a local version control system database is
Effect. The procedure stops.
Recovery. This error should not occur; recovery is not possible. Determine the type of
access desired and correct the request.
Cause. If the caller does not explicitly call the INITIALIZEEDIT procedure, the first
IOEdit procedure called does so automatically. In any case, INITIALIZEEDIT first tries
to create the Edit File Segment on the swapping disk volume for the calling process,
and if that fails, it then tries every disk volume in the system. If all attempts fail, IOEdit
issues this message and calls ABEND. If the system is that short of disk space, many
other processes will probably fail in a similar manner.
Effect. The calling process is terminated abnormally.
Recovery. Recovery is not possible.
Cause. A program using IOEdit might require more data pages than was apparent
when the program was compiled and bound. When IOEdit makes a local copy on the
stack and these additional pages would cause an address trap because the process
has fewer than 32 data pages (as indicated by the value returned by LASTADDR),
IOEdit issues this message rather than allowing a mysterious trap to occur. The user
should rerun the program with MEM 32 (or more) specified in the RUN command.
Effect. The calling process is terminated abnormally.
Recovery. Recovery is not possible.
Error Codes
This subsection lists each FORMATDATA[X] procedure error code and provides a
description of each code.
Cause. FORMATDATA[X] required a new buffer, but there were no more buffers.
Effect. The procedure sets the error code and returns without performing the
requested operation.
Recovery. Correct the format, or increase the number of buffers.
Cause. Data items remained to be processed after FORMATDATA[X] reached the end
of a format that contains no repeatable edit descriptors.
Effect. The procedure sets the error code and returns without performing the
requested operation.
Recovery. Include repeatable edit descriptors in the format, or reduce the number of
data items.
Cause. The numeric input field contained an inappropriate character for the
corresponding edit descriptor. For example, a nonnumeric character was entered in a
field being interpreted according to the "I" edit descriptor, or lowercase letters were
used where uppercase letters were required.
Effect. The procedure sets the error code and returns without performing the
requested operation.
Recovery. Correct the format or the data list.
Cause. The format contains an edit descriptor that is valid for output but not for input.
For example, I5.5 is invalid for input.
Effect. The procedure sets the error code and returns without performing the
requested operation.
Recovery. Correct the format.
Error Messages
This subsection lists each INITIALIZER procedure error message and provides a
description of each message.
Cause. An error occurred during the allocation of space in a buffer pool. If the
procedure was called from a FORTRAN or COBOL program, the SAVE directive was
not specified.
Effect. The INITIALIZER prepares the error message and calls ABEND.
Recovery. If the procedure was called from a TAL program, this is an internal error. If
bits <0:10> of the flags parameter are 0, report this problem to your service provider.
If the procedure was called from a FORTRAN or COBOL program, specify the MEM 64
option in your RUN command or reduce the number of ASSIGN and PARAM attributes
for your program.
Cause. A timeout occurred during a wait on $RECEIVE to read the startup sequence.
Effect. INITIALIZER prepares the error message and calls ABEND.
Recovery. The default waiting period is 60 seconds. The D10 and later versions of
GPLIB offer an optional parameter to specify this timeout period.
Cause. The message received from the creator process was not a valid message in
the startup sequence.
Effect. INITIALIZER prepares the error message and calls ABEND.
Recovery. Correct the program that is sending the startup sequence. Refer to the
Guardian Programmer’s Guide for more information.
Messages -1, -2, and -3 are sent by the TACL process to processes that it creates.
Messages -20 and -21 are sent by any process to the TACL process.
Messages -50 through -60 are sent to $CMON, but not all of these messages are sent
privileged, licensed programs; they send their messages to $CMON. When $CMON is
running, these programs add an additional level of access restriction to the operating
system. When $CMON is not running, their restrictions are not in effect.
The first word of each $CMON message is usually a control word that permits or
disallows an operation. For most $CMON messages, the rest of the reply is text that
the TACL process displays. It typically contains the reason why $CMON did not permit
the operation. $CMON messages are also used to display the greeting at LOGON or a
farewell message at LOGOFF. Two exceptions are the command interpreter messages
-52 (run) and -60 (configuration); these allow $CMON to return information or to display
text. If the first word is zero, the rest of the reply contains data; if the first word is
nonzero, the rest of the reply contains text to be displayed.
The sources of the interprocess command interpreter messages are shown in
Table 19-1.
The message lengths in this section are subject to change. Do not test the received
length against an expected length.
For more information about command interpreter messages, refer to the Guardian
Programmer’s Guide.
Message Descriptions
This subsection describes the interprocess command interpreter messages.
Cause. This message is received by a new process; it indicates that the new process
was successfully created.
Format. The Startup message always ends with a null byte to terminate the parameter
string. If the resulting message has an odd number of bytes, the TACL process appends
a second null byte. The maximum length possible for a startup message is 596 bytes
(including the trailing null characters).
The form of the startup message is:
STRUCT ci^startup;
BEGIN ! word
INT msgcode; ! [0] -1
STRUCT default;
INT volume [0:3]; ! [1] $default-volume-name
INT subvol [0:3]; ! default-subvol-name
STRUCT infile;
INT volume [0:3]; ! [9] IN parameter file name
INT subvol [0:3]; ! of the RUN command
INT dname [0:3];
STRUCT outfile;
INT volume [0:3]; ! [21] OUT parameter file name
INT subvol [0:3]; ! of the RUN command
INT dname [0:3];
! n = ( count-read - 66 )
Response. If you want your program to receive any existing ASSIGN and PARAM
messages, specify file-system error code 70 in a call to REPLY or specify error code 0
but with a reply of 1 to 4 bytes, where bit 0 of the first byte is set to 1 for ASSIGN
messages and bit 1 is set to 1 for PARAM messages.
Cause. A new process receives one ASSIGN message for each assignment in effect
at the time the new process was created.
The ASSIGN messages immediately follow the startup message if the new process
does one of the following:
• Replies to the startup message with an error return value of 70. The TACL process
then sends both ASSIGN and PARAM messages.
• Replies to the startup message with an error return value of 0 but with a reply of
from 1 through 4 bytes, where bit 0 of the first byte of the reply is set to 1. If bit 1 of
the first byte of the reply is set to 1, the TACL process also sends a PARAM
Format. The format of the ASSIGN message follows. The message length is 108 bytes.
STRUCT ci^assign; ! ASSIGN message
INT msg^code; ! [0] -2
STRING prognamelen; ! [1] length in bytes of name
STRING progname[0:30]; ! {0:31} {program-unit | *}
! (blank filled on right)
STRING filenamelen; ! [17] length in bytes of name
STRING filename[0:30]; ! {0:31} logical-file-name
! (blank filled on right)
END; !
INT(32) fieldmask; ! [33] bit mask to indicate
! which of the following
! fields were supplied
! (1 = supplied):
! .<0> = physical-filename
! .<1> = pri-extent-size
! .<2> = sec-extent-size
! .<3> = file-code
! .<4> = exclusion-spec
! .<5> = access-spec
! .<6> = record-size
! .<7> = block-size
Cause. A new process receives a PARAM message if any parameters are in effect
when the new process is created.
The PARAM messages immediately follow the ASSIGN messages if the process does
one of the following:
• Replies to the startup message with an error return value of 70. The TACL process
then sends both ASSIGN and PARAM messages.
• Replies to the startup message with an error return value of 0, but with a reply of
from 1 through 4 bytes, where bit 1 of the first byte of the reply is set to 1. If bit 0 of
the first byte of the reply is set to 1, the TACL process also sends ASSIGN
Format. The format of the PARAM message follows. The maximum message length is
1028 bytes.
STRUCT ci^param; ! PARAM message
INT msg^code; ! [0] -3
INT numparams; ! [1] number of
! parameters
! included in
! this message
STRING parameters [0:1023]; ! [2] beginning of
! parameters
The field parameters in the above message format is composed of numparams
records of the following form (offsets are given in bytes):
param[0] = length n, in bytes, of
param[1] FOR n = parameter-name
param[n+1] = length v, in bytes, of
param[n+2] FOR v = parameter-value
Response. The application need not respond to the ASSIGN message. When all of the
ASSIGN and PARAM messages have been received, the process is ready for use.
Cause. This message is sent to the $CMON process every time the TACL process
tries to log on. If the $CMON process is not running, no $CMON logon restrictions are
in effect.
When a LOGON command is entered, the user name is checked for validity.
Format. The format of the logon message follows. The message length is 54 bytes.
STRUCT logon^msg;
INT msgcode; ! [0] -50
INT userid; ! [1] user ID of user
! logging on
INT cipri; ! [2] initial execution
! priority of TACL
INT ciinfile [0:11]; ! [3] name of the TACL
! command file
INT cioutfile [0:11]; ! [15] name of the TACL
! list file
Response. The $CMON reply indicates whether the user is allowed to log on and
contains an optional display message in the following form:
STRUCT logon^reply;
INT replycode; ! [0] 0 = allow logon
! 1 = disallow logon
replytext [0:n]; ! [1] optional message to
! be printed; maximum
END; ! of 132 bytes
The length of the message is 2 bytes plus the reply-text length in bytes. The length of
the reply text is implied in the reply count used when making a reply. If reply-count
= 2, no text is displayed.
Cause. This message is sent to the $CMON process when a LOGOFF command is
entered. It is also sent when a user logs on without first logging off (implicit logoff).
Format. The form of the logoff message follows. The message length is 54 bytes.
STRUCT logoff^msg;
INT msgcode; ! [0] -51
INT userid; ! [1] user ID of user logging
! off
INT cipri; ! [2] initial execution
! priority of TACL
INT ciinfile [0:11]; ! [3] name of the TACL
! command file
INT cioutfile [0:11]; ! [15] name of the TACL
! list file
Response. The $CMON reply contains an optional display message. If the $CMON
process is not running, the TACL process does not try to write the logoff message. The
format of the reply to the logoff message is:
STRUCT logoff^reply;
INT replycode; ! [0] ignored by TACL
replytext [0:131]; ! [1] optional message to be
! printed; maximum of 132
! bytes
The length of the message is 2 bytes plus the reply-text length in bytes. The length of
the reply text is implied in the reply count used when making a reply. If reply-count
= 2, no text is displayed.
-52 RUN
Cause. This message is sent to the $CMON process whenever the user tries to start a
process either explicitly (RUN prog-file), implicitly (prog-file), or with the TACL
#NEWPROCESS built-in function.
The RUN parameters IN file, OUT file, LIB file, SWAP file, and the parameter
string are included in the process-creation message sent to $CMON.
Format. The format of the RUN message follows. The length of the message is
determined by the value of paramlen.
STRUCT processcreation^msg;
INT msgcode; ! [0] -52
INT userid; ! [1] user ID of user logged on
INT cipri; ! [2] initial priority of TACL
INT ciinfile [0:11]; ! [3] name of TACL command file
INT cioutfile [0:11]; ! [15] name of the TACL list file
INT progname [0:11]; ! [27] expanded program file
! name
INT priority; ! [39] the value of the PRI RUN
! parameter if supplied;
! otherwise, -1
INT processor; ! [40] the value of the processor RUN
! parameter if supplied;
! otherwise, -1
INT proginfile [0:11]; ! [41] the expanded IN file RUN
! parameter if supplied;
! otherwise, the default
! IN file
INT progoutfile [0:11]; ! [53] the expanded OUT file RUN
! parameter if supplied;
! otherwise, the
! default OUT file
INT proglibfile [0:11]; ! [65] the expanded LIB file
! RUN parameter if
! supplied; otherwise,
! blanks
INT progswapfile [0:11]; ! [77] the expanded SWAP file
! RUN parameter if supplied;
! otherwise, blanks
INT paramlen; ! [89] the length of param. This is
! defined for D42 and later
! releases of the operating
STRING param [0:527] ! [90] parameter string of the RUN
! command, which is up to 528
! bytes in length including 2
! bytes at the end of the
! This is defined for D42 and
Cause. A user tried to log on three times in a row and failed each time.
Format. The format of the illegal logon message follows. No byte count is returned.
STRUCT illegal^logon^msg;
INT msgcode; ! [0] -53
INT userid; ! [1] user ID of user trying
! to log on
INT cipri; ! [2] initial priority of TACL
INT ciinfile [0:11]; ! [3] name of the TACL command
! file
INT cioutfile [0:11]; ! [15] name of the TACL list
! file
logonstring [0:n]; ! [27] the attempted logon
! command string;
! maximum length of 132
! bytes
Response. The $CMON reply message contains an optional display message. The
format for the reply is:
STRUCT illegal^logon^reply;
INT replycode; ! [0] ignored by TACL
STRING replytext [0:n]; ! [1] optional message to be
! printed; maximum length
! of 132 bytes
The length of the message is 2 bytes plus the reply-text length in bytes. The length of
the reply text is implied in the reply count used when making a reply. If reply-count
= 2, no text is displayed.
The TACL process delays for one minute.
Cause. A user tried to add another user to the system. Any user can be added if the
current user's security setting allows it. However, if $CMON is not running, no $CMON
add-user restrictions are in effect.
Format. The format of the add-user message is:
STRUCT adduser^msg;
INT msgcode; ! [0] -54
INT userid; ! [1] user ID of user adding the
! new user
INT cipri; ! [2] initial priority of TACL
INT ciinfile [0:11]; ! [3] name of the TACL
! command file
INT cioutfile [0:11]; ! [15] name of the TACL
! list file
INT groupname [0:3]; ! [27] the group name of the user
! being added
INT username [0:3]; ! [31] the user name of the user
! being added
INT group^id; ! [35] the group number of the
! user being added
INT user^id; ! [36] the user number of the
! user being added
Response. The $CMON reply indicates whether the user can be added and contains an
optional display message. The format of the reply message is:
STRUCT adduser^reply;
INT replycode; ! [0] 0 = allow addition of
! user
! 1 = disallow addition
! of user
STRING replytext [0:n]; ! [1] optional message to be
! printed; maximum length
! of 132 bytes
The length of the message is 2 bytes plus the reply-text length in bytes. The length of
the reply text is implied in the reply count used when making a reply. If reply-count
= 2, no text is displayed.
Cause. A user tried to delete another user from the system. Any user can be deleted if
the current user's security setting allows it. If the $CMON process is not running, then
no $CMON delete-user restrictions are in effect.
Format. The format of the delete-user message is:
STRUCT deluser^msg;
INT msgcode; ! [0] -55
INT userid; ! [1] user ID of user deleting
! user
INT cipri; ! [2] initial priority of TACL
INT ciinfile [0:11]; ! [3] name of the TACL
! command file
INT cioutfile [0:11]; ! [15] name of the TACL list file
INT groupname [0:3]; ! [27] the group name of the user
! being deleted
INT username [0:3]; ! [31] the user name of the user
! being deleted
Response. The $CMON reply indicates whether the user should be deleted and contains
an optional reply message. The format of the reply message is:
STRUCT deluser^reply;
INT replycode; ! [0] 0 = allow deletion of user
! 1 = disallow deletion of
! user
STRING replytext [0:n]; ! [1] optional message to be
! printed; maximum length of
! 132 bytes
The length of the message is 2 bytes plus the reply-text length in bytes. The length of
the reply text is implied in the reply count used when making a reply. If reply-count
= 2, no text is displayed.
Cause. A user tried to alter the priority of a process. A user can change the priority of
any process that has the same access ID as that user. Only someone logged on as a
super-group user can change the priority of any process. However, if the $CMON
process is not running, then no $CMON alter-priority restrictions are in effect.
Format. The format of the alter-priority message is:
STRUCT altpri^msg;
INT msgcode; ! [0] -56
INT userid; ! [1] user ID of user altering
! the priority
INT cipri; ! [2] initial priority of TACL
INT ciinfile [0:11]; ! [3] name of the TACL
! command file
INT cioutfile [0:11]; ! [15] name of the TACL list file
INT crtpid [0:3]; ! [27] process ID of the process
! whose priority is to be
! altered
INT progname [0:11]; ! [31] expanded program file name
! of the process whose
! priority is to be altered
INT priority; ! [43] the new priority
INT phandle [0:9]; ! [44] process handle of the process
! whose priority is to be
! altered
Response. The $CMON reply indicates whether the process priority should be changed
and contains an optional display message. The format of the reply message is:
STRUCT altpri^reply;
INT replycode; ! [0] 0 = allow priority to be
! altered
! 1 = disallow priority to
! be altered
STRING replytext [0:n]; ! [1] optional message to be
! printed; maximum length
! of 132 bytes
The length of the message is 2 bytes plus the reply-text length in bytes. The length of
the reply text is implied in the reply count used when making a reply. If reply-count
= 2, no text is displayed.
Cause. The user tried to change his or her password. Users can change their
passwords at any time. However, if the $CMON process is not running, then no
$CMON password restrictions are in effect.
Format. The format of the password message is:
STRUCT password^msg;
INT msgcode; ! [0] -57
INT userid; ! [1] user ID of the user
! changing the password
INT cipri; ! [2] initial priority of TACL
INT ciinfile [0:11]; ! [3] name of the TACL
! command file
INT cioutfile [0:11]; ! [15] name of the TACL list file
Response. The $CMON reply indicates whether the user password can be changed and
contains an optional display message. The format of the reply message is:
STRUCT password^reply;
INT replycode; ! [0] 0 = allow password to be
! changed
! 1 = disallow password to
! be changed
STRING replytext [0:n]; ! [1] optional message to be
! printed; maximum length of
! 132 bytes
The length of the message is 2 bytes plus the reply-text length in bytes. The length of
the reply text is implied in the reply count used when making a reply. If reply-count
= 2, no text is displayed.
Cause. The user tried to change his or her remote password. Users can change their
remote passwords at any time. However, if the $CMON process is not running, then no
$CMON remote-password restrictions are in effect.
Format. The format of the remote password message is:
STRUCT remotepassword^msg;
INT msgcode; ! [0] -58
INT userid; ! [1] user ID of user changing
! remote password
INT cipri; ! [2] initial priority of TACL
INT ciinfile [0:11]; ! [3] name of the TACL
! command file
INT cioutfile [0:11]; ! [15] name of the TACL list file
INT sysname [0:3]; ! [27] change the remote password
! for this system
! (“*” indicates all systems)
INT rpword [0:3]; ! new value for remotepassword
Response. The $CMON reply indicates whether the user's remote password can be
changed and contains an optional display message. The format of the reply message is:
STRUCT remotepassword^reply;
INT replycode; ! [0] 0 = allow the remote
! password to be
! changed
! 1 = disallow the remote
! password to be
! changed
STRING replytext [0:n]; ! [1] optional message to be
! printed; maximum length
! of 132 bytes
The length of the message is 2 bytes plus the reply-text length in bytes. The length of
the reply text is implied in the reply count used when making a reply. If reply-count
= 2, no text is displayed.
Cause. The TACL process tried to log on. If the $CMON process is not running, then
no $CMON restrictions are in effect. This message is sent before the TACL process
Format. The form of the prelogon message follows. The length of the message is 72
STRUCT prelogon^msg;
INT msgcode; ! [0] -59
INT userid; ! [1] user ID of user logging on:
! 0 if the user is logged off
! or is logged on as
! NULL.NULL (0,0)
INT cipri; ! [2] current priority of TACL
INT ciinfile [0:11]; ! [3] TACL IN file
INT cioutfile [0:11]; ! [15] TACL OUT file
INT loggedon; ! [27] 0 if TACL is currently
! logged off, non-zero if
! TACL is already logged on
INT username [0:7]; ! [28] internal username through
! which the user wants to
! log on
Response. The $CMON reply indicates whether the user can log on and contains an
optional display message. The form of the reply message is:
STRUCT prelogon^reply;
INT replycode; ! [0] 0 = proceed to VERIFYUSER
! 1 = disallow logon
STRING replytext [0:n]; ! [1] optional message to be
! printed; maximum length
! of 132 bytes
The length of the message is 2 bytes plus the reply-text length in bytes. The length of
the reply text is implied in the reply count used when making a reply. If reply-count
= 2, no text is displayed.
Cause. This message is sent to the $CMON process just before either an interactive
TACL process attempts to log on from the logged-off state or a noninteractive TACL
process starts. You can set config^request^type to 1 to obtain configuration data
after log on. If requestcmonuserconfig is set to 1 in the reply message, TACL
should request $CMON for user configuration data after log on. For more information
on writing a command interpreter, refer to the Guardian Programmer’s Guide.
If the $CMON process is not running or is running too slowly, the TACL configuration
remains unchanged from its previous values.
Format. The format of the configuration message is:
STRUCT config^msg;
INT msgcode; ! [0] -60
INT userid; ! [1] current user ID of TACL;
! 0 if logged off or logged on
! as NULL,NULL (0,0)
INT cipri; ! [2] current priority of TACL
INT ciinfile [0:11]; ! [3] IN file of TACL
INT cioutfile [0:11]; ![15] OUT file of TACL
INT config^request^type; ![27] configuration request type
! 0 send default configuration
! 1 send user configuration
The length of the message is 56 bytes.
Response. The $CMON reply contains configuration information or a display message.
The format of the configuration information message is as follows:
STRUCT config^reply;
INT replycode; ! [0] 0
INT count; ! [1] number of INTs that
! follow (currently12);
INT autologoffdelay; ! [2] see #GETCONFIGURATION
INT logoffscreenclear; ! [3] description in the
INT remotesuperid; ! [4] TACL Reference
INT blindlogon; ! [5] Manual for more
INT namelogon; ! [6] information on these
INT cmontimeout; ! [7] parameters.
INT cmonrequired; ! [8]
INT remotecmontimeout; ! [9]
INT remotecmonrequired; ! [10]
INT nochangeuser; ! [11]
INT stoponfemodemerr; ! [12]
INT requestcmonuserconfig; ! [13]
The length of the message is 4 bytes plus 2 times the value in the variable count. The
message length is currently 28 bytes.
The format of the display message is as follows:
STRUCT config^text^reply;
INT replycode; ! [0] <> 0
replytext [0:n]; ! [1] optional message to be
! displayed; maximum of
! 132 bytes
The length of the message is 2 bytes plus the replytext length in bytes. The length
of replytext is implied in the reply count used when making a reply. If count = 2, no
text is displayed.
Application Conversion
D-series-format system messages are available for converted applications to read from
$RECEIVE when using the D-series and later system procedures. See the Guardian
Application Conversion Guide and the Guardian Programmer’s Guide for more detailed
Note. When you read system messages by calling the READUPDATE procedure, you must
reply in a corresponding call to REPLY, even if you have no message to return. If your
application process is performing message queuing, call FILE_GETRECEIVEINFO,
LASTRECEIVE, or RECEIVEINFO immediately following completion of the READUPDATE and
pass the message tag back to the REPLY procedure.
The message lengths discussed in this section are subject to change. Do not test the
received length for equality to an expected length.
The following table lists the D-series-format system messages in numerical order.
Table 20-1. D-Series-Format System Messages (page 1 of 2)
-2 Processor Down
-3 Processor Up
-11 Power On
-13 System Message Buffer Overrun
-21 3270 Device Status Received
-22 Elapsed Time Timeout
-23 Memory Lock Completion
-24 Memory Lock Failure
-26 Process Time Timeout
-32 Process CONTROL
-33 Process SETMODE
-34 Process RESETSYNC
-35 Process CONTROLBUF
-37 Process SETPARAM
-38 Queued Message Cancellation
-41 Nowait DEVICEINFO2 Completion
-100 Remote Processor Down
-101 Process Deletion: ABEND, STOP, or Processor Down
-102 Nowait PROCESS_LAUNCH_ or PROCESS_CREATE_ Completion
-103 Process Open
-104 Process Close
-105 Break on Device
-106 Device Type Inquiry
-107 Subordinate Name Inquiry
-108 Nowait FILE_GETINFOBYNAME_ Completion
-109 Nowait FILENAME_FINDNEXT_ Completion
-110 Loss of Communication With Network Node
-111 Establishment of Communication With Network Node
-112 Job Process Creation
-113 Remote Processor Up
The following table lists the C-series-format system messages in numerical order and,
for each message, provides the equivalent D-series-format system message.
D-series-format system messages that do not have an equivalent C-series-format
system message are listed at the end of the table.
Message Descriptions
This subsection lists the system messages and provides a description of each
Cause. The operating system did not receive an “I’m alive” message from the
specified processor which was being monitored with the MONITORCPUS procedure.
Compare the named process deletion form of message -2, which is listed separately.
Format. The layout of the received message described in terms of an array of words is:
sysmsg[0] = -2
sysmsg[1] = Processor number
Response. The response, if any, is application dependent.
Cause. (C-series-format system message only) The operating system did not receive
an “I’m alive” message from the specified processor which was being monitored with
the MONITORCPUS procedure. This form of the processor down message is sent to
the ancestor of a named process (pair) to indicate that the name has been deleted,
that is, the only process running under that name was in the processor that failed.
Format. Although this message has the same number as the preceding message (-2), it
is distinguished by the presence of a dollar sign ($) in the second word. The layout of
the received message described in terms of an array of words is:
sysmsg[0] = -2
sysmsg[1] = $process-name
sysmsg[1] = -1
Response. The response, if any, is application dependent.
• If the call to the STOP procedure deletes the process name from the process-pair
directory, the operating system sends this message:
sysmsg[0] = -5
sysmsg[1] FOR 3 = The name of the deleted process
sysmsg[4] = -1
sysmsg[5] = The header size (header ends at
sysmsg[6] FOR 4 = Process processor time in microseconds
(a FIXED value)
sysmsg[10] = The job ID; 0 if process has no GMOM
sysmsg[11] = The completion code
sysmsg[12] = Termination information, 0 if the user
did not supply information
sysmsg[13] FOR 4 = Subsystem organization (8 bytes);
for HP products, this is HP
sysmsg[17] = Subsystem number
sysmsg[18] = Subsystem version
sysmsg[19] = Length of text in bytes
sysmsg[20] FOR n = Text (up to 80 bytes)
If an external process caused the termination, the stop message is changed as
sysmsg[11] = Completion code defaults to 6
sysmsg[12] = Creator access ID
sysmsg[13] FOR 4 = Process ID of the process that caused
the termination
This message indicates that neither member of the process pair exists.
For information about completion codes, refer to Table 20-3 on page 20-21.
Response. The response, if any, is application dependent.
Cause. (C-series-format system message only) The process that was running on a
system that is part of a network enabled receipt of remote status-change messages by
passing “1” as a parameter to the MONITORNET procedure.
Format. The layout of the received message described in terms of an array of words is:
sysmsg[0] = -8
sysmsg[1].<0:7> = System number
sysmsg[1].<8:15> = Number of processors
sysmsg[2] = Current processor-status bit mask
sysmsg[3] = Previous processor-status bit mask
Response. The response, if any, is application dependent.
Cause. The system manager or operator reset the processor’s internal clock.
If a call to MONITORNEW enabled receipt of SETTIME messages, the operating
system sends the process the following message.
Format. The layout of the received message described in terms of an array of words is:
sysmsg[0] = -10
sysmsg[1] = Processor number
sysmsg[2] FOR 4 = Signed change in microseconds
(FIXED integer)
sysmsg[6] = Reason code
The reason codes are:
Code Meaning
0 Initial setting (Greenwich mean time (GMT) and local civil time (LCT) change).
1 Subsequent adjustment (GMT and LCT time change).
2 Daylight-savings time (LCT time change) transition.
Note. If 119 is returned in sysmsg[1].<8:15>, the file-system error number is greater than 255.
The actual error is in sysmsg[9].
Cause. Some broadcast system messages were not delivered to this process’s
$RECEIVE file because the process did not read $RECEIVE as fast as the system
buffer was filled. Broadcast messages are messages that can go to every process
(system messages -2, -3, -8, -10, and -11).
The system delivers all broadcast messages generated from this time forward.
Format. sysmsg [0] = -13
Response. The response, if any, is application dependent.
Cause. (C-series-format system message only) The BREAK key was pressed on a
monitored terminal, or a process called SENDBREAKMESSAGE.
If the process specified break monitoring through a call to SETMODE or
SETMODENOWAIT, the operating system sends the process the following message.
Format. The layout of the received message described in terms of an array of words is:
sysmsg[0] = -20
sysmsg[1] = Logical device number, in binary, of device
where BREAK was pressed. If a process called
SENDBREAKMESSAGE, this field contains -1.
sysmsg[2] = System number, in binary, of logical device
number or SENDBREAKMESSAGE caller.
sysmsg[3] = The most significant word of the break tag.
sysmsg[4] = The least significant word of the break tag.
Response. The response, if any, is application dependent.
Cause. A call to the privileged procedure LOCKMEMORY waited for memory but
completed successfully before the specified time limit was reached.
Format. The layout of the received message described in terms of an array of words is:
sysmsg[0] = -23
sysmsg[1] = parameter1 supplied to LOCKMEMORY
sysmsg[2] FOR 2 = parameter2 supplied to LOCKMEMORY
(if none supplied, 0D)
Response. The response, if any, is application dependent.
Cause. A call to the privileged procedure LOCKMEMORY waited for memory but
timed out without completing the lock.
Format. The layout of the received message described in terms of an array of words is:
sysmsg[0] = -24
sysmsg[1] = parameter1 supplied to LOCKMEMORY
(if none supplied, 0)
sysmsg[2] FOR 2 = parameter2 supplied to LOCKMEMORY
(if none supplied, 0D)
Response. The response, if any, is application dependent.
Cause. (C-series-format system message only) Either the process was opened by
another process or the backup process of a process pair opened a process (a process
receives two process open messages when opened by a process pair).
Format. The operating system sends the process the following message, provided the
process has opened its $RECEIVE file to receive file management system messages
either by setting the FILE_OPEN_ procedure parameter options.<15> to 0 or the
OPEN procedure parameter flags.<1> to 1:
sysmsg[0] = -30
sysmsg[1] = flags parameter to caller's OPEN
sysmsg[2] = sync-or-receive-depth parameter to
caller's OPEN
sysmsg[3] FOR 4 = 0 if normal OPEN; process ID of primary
process if an open by a backup process
sysmsg[7] = 0 if normal OPEN, negative of the file
number of file if an open by a backup
sysmsg[8] = Process accessor ID of opener
sysmsg[9] FOR 4 = Optional first qualified name of named
process or blanks
sysmsg[13] FOR 4 = Optional second qualified name of named
process or blanks
sysmsg[17].<14> = Set to 1 if the opener's process access
identification (given in the message)
has not been verified in the receiver's
node (although it passes the
remote password test)
sysmsg[17].<15> = Set to 1 if the opener is on a
different node from the receiving
Response. Obtain the process ID of the opener by a call to LASTRECEIVE or
RECEIVEINFO. Corrective action, if any, is application dependent.
Cause. (C-series-format system message only) Another process closed the receiver
process. The closing process can also be the backup process of a process pair, so a
process receives two process close messages when closed by a process pair.
Format. The operating system sends the process the following message, provided the
process has opened its $RECEIVE file to receive file management system messages
either by setting the FILE_OPEN_ procedure parameter options.<15> to 0 or the
OPEN procedure parameter flags.<1> to 1:
sysmsg[0] = -31
Response. Obtain the process ID of the closer by a call to LASTRECEIVE or
RECEIVEINFO. Corrective action, if any, is application dependent.
Cause. Another process called the CONTROL procedure while referred to the receiver
process file.
Format. The operating system sends the process the following message, provided the
process has opened its $RECEIVE file to receive file management system messages
either by setting the FILE_OPEN_ procedure parameter options.<15> to 0 or the
OPEN procedure parameter flags.<1> to 1:
sysmsg[0] = -32
sysmsg[1] = Operation parameter to caller's CONTROL
sysmsg[2] = Parameter parameter to caller's CONTROL
Response. Obtain the process ID of the caller to CONTROL by a call to
LASTRECEIVE or RECEIVEINFO. The response, if any, is application dependent.
Cause. Another process referred to the receiving process in a call to the SETMODE or
Format. The operating system sends the process the following message, provided the
process has opened its $RECEIVE file to receive file management system messages
either by setting the FILE_OPEN_ procedure parameter options.<15> to 0 or the
OPEN procedure parameter flags.<1> to 1:
sysmsg[0] = -33
sysmsg[1] = function parameter to caller's SETMODE or
sysmsg[2] = param1 parameter to caller's SETMODE
sysmsg[3] = param2 parameter to caller's SETMODE
If the receiving process can handle requests for last parameter information (by setting
param1.<15> in a SETMODE 80 call), the flags word is included:
sysmsg[4] = Flags word:
.<13> = 1 if param1 was supplied in the call to
.<14> = 1 if param2 was supplied in the call
.<15> = 1 if last-params was supplied in the
call to SETMODE
Response. Obtain the process ID of the caller to SETMODE or SETMODENOWAIT
by a call to LASTRECEIVE or RECEIVEINFO. The response, if any, is application
A process that receives the extended (five-word) SETMODE message can return a
value to be placed in the last-params parameter of the SETMODE caller. The
process should call REPLY with a buffer that has the format:
replymsg[0] = -33
replymsg[1] = The previous value of param1
replymsg[2] = The previous value of param2
Supplying a reply when none is needed will not cause an error.
Cause. Another process called the RESETSYNC procedure while referring to the
receiver process file. A call to the CHECKPOINT procedure might contain an implicit
call to RESETSYNC.
Format. The operating system sends the process the following message, provided the
process has opened its $RECEIVE file to receive file management system messages
either by setting the FILE_OPEN_ procedure parameter options.<15> to 0 or the
OPEN procedure parameter flags.<1> to 1:
sysmsg[0] = -34
Response. Obtain the process ID of the caller to RESETSYNC by a call to
LASTRECEIVE or RECEIVEINFO. A server process using the sync ID mechanism
should clear its local copy of the sync ID value. Corrective action, if any, is application
Cause. Another process called the CONTROLBUF procedure while referring to the
receiver process file.
Format. The operating system sends the process the following message, provided the
process has opened its $RECEIVE file to receive file management system messages
either by setting the FILE_OPEN_ procedure parameter options.<15> to 0 or the
OPEN procedure parameter flags.<1> to 1:
sysmsg[0] = -35
sysmsg[1] = operation parameter to the caller's
sysmsg[2] = count parameter to the caller's
sysmsg[3] FOR n = buffer data from caller's CONTROLBUF,
where n is the number of words in
Response. Obtain the process ID of the caller to CONTROLBUF by a subsequent call
to LASTRECEIVE or RECEIVEINFO. The response, if any, is application dependent.
The device information returned in words 4 through 6 is valid only if the file-system
error code (word 3) is zero. Words 1 and 2 return the value passed to DEVICEINFO2
to help you identify this particular completion when there are simultaneous inquiries.
Response. The response, if any, is application dependent.
Cause. The remote operating system has declared a processor to be down, and the
process had called MONITORNET to monitor remote status changes.
Format. The layout of the received message described in terms of an array of words is:
sysmsg[0] = -100
sysmsg[1] FOR 2 = Node number
sysmsg[3] = Processor number
sysmsg[4] = Length of node name, in bytes
sysmsg[5] FOR 3 = Reserved
sysmsg[8] FOR * = Node name (including the \)
This message is not sent if the last processor in a node fails; that case is reported as a
node failure (message -110).
Response. The response, if any, is application dependent.
Cause. A process (pair) has terminated; the cause of termination is indicated in the
message. This message is sent:
• To the mom process if it exists and termination was not caused by processor
• To the GMOM (NetBatch job ancestor) if it exists and termination was not caused
by processor failure
• To the ancestor if the terminated process was a named process without a backup.
In this case, the message is sent even if the process is terminated by a processor
If the same process fulfills multiple roles (for example, ancestor and GMOM), then it
receives only one copy of the deletion message.
If the terminated process was created by the NEWPROCESS procedure, or if the
“send to any ancestor” create option (create-options.<9> in the
PROCESS_CREATE_ call) was used, the deletion message is delivered to any
process with the same name as the original ancestor, regardless of sequence number.
Otherwise, the deletion message is delivered only to the original instance of a named
ancestor process, as indicated by having the original sequence number. All the
processes in an unbroken string of primary and backup processes with the same name
are considered part of the same instance and have the same sequence number.
Format. The layout of the received message described in terms of an array of words is:
sysmsg[0] = -101
sysmsg[1] FOR 10 = Process handle of terminated process
sysmsg[11] FOR 4 = Process processor time in microseconds
(a FIXED value)
sysmsg[15] = Process job ID; 0 if the process is
not part of a job
sysmsg[16] = Completion code
sysmsg[17] = Termination information (0 if none
The next three items contain the SPI subsystem ID:
sysmsg[18] FOR 4 = Subsystem organization: "HP" for
HP supplied subsystems; blank if
not supplied
sysmsg[22] = Subsystem number: zero if not supplied
sysmsg[23] = Subsystem version: zero if not supplied
sysmsg[24] FOR 10 = Process handle of external process
causing termination; null process
handle (all words set to -1) if none
sysmsg[34] = Length in bytes of termination text
sysmsg[35] = Offset in bytes (from beginning of
message) of process descriptor
of terminated named process (pair)
sysmsg[36] = Length in bytes of process descriptor
of terminated named process (pair)
sysmsg[37].<0:13> = Reserved
sysmsg[37].<14> = OSS system type: 1 if the terminated
process was an OSS process; 0 if
the terminated process was a Guardian
sysmsg[37].<15> = Abend: termination caused by ABEND if 1,
STOP if 0
sysmsg[38] FOR 2 = OSS process ID
sysmsg[40] = Reserved
sysmsg[41] FOR * = Termination text (80-byte limit). The
length of this item is in sysmsg[34].
It is zero length if no text was
sysmsg[ ] FOR * = Process descriptor of terminated named
process (pair). The offset of this
item is in sysmsg[35]. The length of
this item is in sysmsg[36]. If the
terminated process is unnamed or is
the recipient's backup, this is zero
The returned process descriptor for a terminated named process (pair) is in the form:
Table 20-3 shows HP completion codes; we recommend that you use positive
completion codes in the same way. You can specify a completion code with any
positive value in a PROCESS_STOP_, STOP, or ABEND procedure call. Negative
completion codes are reserved for HP use.
For an OSS process terminating as a result of an exit() function call, the completion
code is set to the low-order 8 bits of the exit status.
Cause. The BREAK key was pressed on a terminal or other device for which the
application has enabled break monitoring.
Format. The layout of the received message described in terms of an array of words is:
sysmsg[0] = -105
sysmsg[1] = File number of the receiver's open
file to the terminal that indicated
break (or -1 if unavailable).
Before D00, this is the file number
to that device (or, if there is more
than one, it can be the number of
any of the files). The device must
be open.
sysmsg[2] FOR 2 = The break tag value specified with
SETPARAM (if used)
Response. The application should take action in one of the ways described in the
Guardian Programmer’s Guide.
Cause. The receiving process (which must have subtype 30 to receive this message)
was the subject of a call to FILE_GETINFOBYNAME_, DEVICEINFO, or a similar
function requesting device-type information.
Format. The layout of the received message described in terms of an array of words is:
sysmsg[0] = -106
sysmsg[1] FOR 3 = Reserved
sysmsg[4] = Length in bytes of the qualifier part
of the file name being inquired about
(zero if none given)
sysmsg[5] FOR * = The qualifier part of the file name
being inquired about, in external
form (the length is given in the
previous field)
Response. The subtype 30 process should REPLY with the needed information in the
following form:
repmsg[0] = -106
repmsg[1] = Device type
repmsg[2] = Device subtype
repmsg[3] FOR 3 = Reserved, must be filled with -1
repmsg[6] = Physical record length
Cause. The receiving process (which must have requested these messages by an
explicit call to PROCESS_SETINFO_) is being queried for subordinate names by
another process calling FILENAME_FINDNEXT_.
Format. The layout of the received message described in terms of an array of words is:
sysmsg[0] = -107
sysmsg[1] = Flags:
.<0:14> = Currently undefined; subject
to change
.<15> = Skip if same; if set and the
start name given below
exists, skip it and return
the following name. If
equal to 0, return the start
name if it exists.
sysmsg[2] = Length in bytes of the start name
(zero if no start name supplied)
sysmsg[3] = The offset in bytes from the beginning
of the message to the beginning of the
pattern appearing below
sysmsg[4] = Length in bytes of the pattern
sysmsg[5] FOR 3 = Reserved, subject to change
sysmsg[8] FOR * = The start name: the qualifier part of
the file name, in external form, at
which to start searching for a name to
sysmsg[ ] FOR * = The pattern: the qualifier part of
the pattern for which a name is to be
returned (the offset and length are
given above)
Response. The process should search its list of subordinate names, starting with (or
after, if the Skip If Same option is used) the start name (or from the beginning, if the
start name is zero length). The process should return the first name that matches the
pattern (as determined by FILENAME_MATCH_). If there are no matching names, a
REPLY with error 1 should be made. When replying with a name, subtype 30 processes
must supply more information than normal processes, as indicated below; for normal
processes, these fields are ignored. To return a matching name, the process should
REPLY with a data buffer in the following form:
repmsg[0] = -107
repmsg[1] = For subtype 30 processes: device type
repmsg[2] = For subtype 30 processes: device
repmsg[3] FOR 3 = For subtype 30 processes: reserved,
must be filled with -1
Cause. The remote node has either gone down or become partitioned from this node,
and the process had called MONITORNET to enable reception of remote status
change messages.
Format. The layout of the received message described in terms of an array of words is:
sysmsg[0] = -110
sysmsg[1] FOR 3 = Reserved, subject to change
sysmsg[4] FOR 2 = Node identifier
sysmsg[6] = Length of node name, in bytes
sysmsg[7] FOR n = Node name (including the \)
Response. The response, if any, is application dependent.
Cause. The remote node has established connection with this node, and the process
had called MONITORNET to enable reception of remote status change messages.
Format. The layout of the received message described in terms of an array of words is:
sysmsg[0] = -111
sysmsg[1] FOR 3 = Reserved, subject to change
sysmsg[4] FOR 2 = Node identifier
sysmsg[6] = Length of node name, in bytes
sysmsg[7] FOR n = Node name (including the \)
Response. The response, if any, is application-dependent.
Cause. The receiving process is the supervisor of a job and a process running under
the supervisor’s GMOM job ID created a third process.
Format. The layout of the received message described in terms of an array of words is:
sysmsg[0] = -112
sysmsg[1] = Job ID
sysmsg[2] FOR 10 = Process handle of the newly created
Response. The response, if any, is application-dependent.
Cause. The remote operating system has reloaded a processor, and the process had
called MONITORNET to monitor remote status changes.
Format. The layout of the received message described in terms of an array of words is:
sysmsg[0] = -113
sysmsg[1] FOR 2 = Node identifier
sysmsg[3] = Processor number
sysmsg[4] = Length of node name, in bytes
sysmsg[5] FOR 3 = Reserved
sysmsg[8] FOR * = Node name (including the \)
Response. The response, if any, is application-dependent.
Cause. A Pathsend dialog has been aborted for one of the following reasons:
• The requester aborted the dialog explicitly by calling the
• The requester process abended.
• The requester canceled the last server-class send operation in the dialog.
Format. The operating system sends the server process the following message,
provided the server has opened its $RECEIVE file to receive file-management system
messages either by setting the FILE_OPEN_ procedure parameter options.<15> to
0 or by setting the OPEN procedure parameter flags.<1> to 1:
sysmsg [0] = -121
Response. The server process should reply to this system message with an error value
of either FEOK (0) or FEEOF (1); these values direct the LINKMON process to release
the link for re-use. To identify the dialog to which this message applies, the server must
first call FILE_GETRECEIVEINFO_ to obtain the file number and process handle
associated with this message. For more information about Pathsend dialogs, refer to the
NonStop TS/MP Pathsend and Server Programming Manual.
Cause. The receiving process (which must have subtype 30 to receive this message)
was the subject of a call to CONFIG_GETINFO_BYLDEV_,
CONFIG_GETINFO_BYNAME_, or a similar procedure requesting physical device
information. This message is used only on G-series releases.
Format. The layout of the received message described in terms of an array of words is:
sysmsg[0] = -147
sysmsg[1] = Message version (must be equal to
sysmsg[2] FOR 4 = Device name for which configuration info
is needed; blank-filled (can be all blanks)
sysmsg[6] FOR 4 = Subdevice name; blank-filled (can be all
sysmsg[10] FOR 4 = Secondary subdevice name qualifier;
blank-filled (can be all blanks)
Response. The receiver responds to system message -147 as follows:
If the receiver... it calls REPLY with file-system
Does not handle message -147 2 (operation not allowed)
Does not recognize the version of the 565 (malformed request denied)
received message
Does not recognize the device name 14 (no such device)
or one of its qualifiers
If none of the preceding conditions apply, the receiver returns the requested
information by calling REPLY with file-system error 0 (operation successful) and with
data placed in the reply data buffer in the following form:
repmsg[0] = -147
repmsg[1] = Message version (must be equal to
repmsg[2] FOR 2 = Device type; 32-bit value (can be -1D
for null)
repmsg[4] = Device subtype (can be -1 for null)
repmsg[5] = Device record size (must contain a
positive value)
repmsg[6] = Logical status; the possible values are
defined in the file ZCOMDDL.
repmsg[7] = Length in bytes of symbolic name of
physical hardware excluding the trailing
null (can be from 1 to 63)
repmsg[8] FOR * = Symbolic name of physical hardware (null
terminated). This is the same name that
is held in the CONFIG file and is the same
as the SCF object name.
repmsg[40] = Length in bytes of subsystem manager name
Guardian Procedure Errors and Messages Manual—522628-011
20 -36
System Messages Message Descriptions
Note. When evaluating the size of the data structure that contains everything preceding the
device-specific information (as declared in ZSYS* files), TAL and pTAL give a different result
from C. For example, if this data is declared as a structure called data, the correct length in
TAL and pTAL would be $len(data)-1; the correct length in C would be sizeof(data)-2.
Table 21-1. TNS/R Native Signal Names, Signal Numbers, Trap Numbers, and
Trap Descriptions
Signal Trap
Signal Name Number Number Trap Description
SIGABRT 6D none (not available to TNS processes)
SIGALRM 14D none (not available to TNS processes)
SIGFPE 8D 2 Arithmetic overflow
SIGILL 4D 1 Instruction failure
SIGLIMIT 27D 5 Limits exceeded
SIGMEMERR 22D 13 Uncorrectable memory error
SIGMEMMGR 24D 11 Memory manager read error
SIGNOMEM 23D 12 No memory available
SIGSEGV 11D 0 Illegal address reference
SIGSTK 25D 3 Stack overflow
SIGTIMEOUT 26D 4 Process loop-timer timeout
other signals -- 8 (signal delivered to TNS process)
Trap Handling
When a trap occurs, control passes to the Debug or Inspect debugger by default.
However, by using the ARMTRAP system procedure, a program can specify a trap
handler to be executed when the trap occurs or, alternatively, that a trap causes the
program to abend. The actions of a trap handler typically include either terminating the
process or, in certain cases, resuming execution.
For information about the Debug and Inspect debuggers, refer to the Debug Manual
and the Inspect Manual.
For a description of the ARMTRAP procedure, see the Guardian Procedure Calls
Reference Manual. For an explanation of how to create your own trap handler with
ARMTRAP, see the Guardian Programmer’s Guide.
Signal Handling
When a process receives a TNS/R native signal, the default action is for the process to
abend. Alternatively, the program can call the SIGACTION_INIT_ procedure to specify
that another action should result, such as the execution of a signal handler. If a signal
handler has been specified, it is executed when the process receives a signal. The
actions of a signal handler typically include either terminating the process or, in certain
cases, resuming execution.
For additional information about signals and signal handling, refer to the Guardian
Programmer’s Guide. For a description of the SIGACTION_INIT_ procedure, see the
Guardian Procedure Calls Reference Manual.
Cause. An address was specified that was not within either the virtual code area or
the virtual data area allocated to the process.
Note. If a TNS process has fewer than 32 pages of data stack, then a situation such as an
infinitely recursive TNS procedure causes a trap 0 instead of a trap 3.
References to privileged 32-bit addresses from unprivileged code are reported as SIGSEGV or
trap 0.
Effect. For trap 0, process control passes to the Debug or Inspect debugger, or to the
trap handler designated by a call to the ARMTRAP procedure, or else the process is
abended. See Trap Handling on page 21-2 for further information.
For the signal SIGSEGV, the default or specified signal handling occurs. See Signal
Handling on page 21-2 for further information.
Recovery. If the illegal address reference occurred because of an erroneous pointer
value, correct the program. For TNS processes, if the address is lower than 65535.
refer to the recovery information for trap 3.
Cause. Overflow trapping is enabled, and an arithmetic overflow occurred. In the TNS
environment, overflow traps are enabled when the T bit (ENV.<8>) is set to 1. In
TNS/R native mode, overflow checking is controlled statically at compile time.
Arithmetic overflow occurs for one of the following reasons:
• The result of a signed arithmetic operation could not be represented with the
number of bits available for the particular data type.
• A division operation with a divisor of zero was attempted, or unsigned integer
division resulted in a quotient that exceeded the word size.
• The control variable of a CASE expression, or a CASE statement with no
OTHERWISE label, did not match any of the defined cases.
Effect. For trap 2, process control passes to the Debug or Inspect debugger or to the
trap handler designated by a call to the ARMTRAP procedure, or else the process is
abended. See Trap Handling on page 21-2 for further information.
For the signal SIGFPE, the default or specified signal handling occurs. See Signal
Handling on page 21-2 for further information.
Recovery. If the overflow occurred because of an erroneous computation, correct the
If overflow is legitimate at this point, either use unsigned arithmetic (for 16-bit values)
or disable overflow traps during the computation. One example of when overflow is
sometimes legitimate is an address computation.
For trap 2, the program can use a trap handler to detect the overflow and recover. The
recovery action can be either to resume the computation or to transfer control to a
recovery point. However, resuming the computation at the point of the trap is not an
option if the trap occurred in an operating-system procedure.
Note that before returning to the program at the trap point or elsewhere, the trap
handler must clear the V bit (bit 10) in the trap handler’s copy of the ENV register at L[-
1]. Otherwise, the process will abend.
A signal handler cannot resume the process at the site of the overflow.
Cause. The cause of the stack overflow varies with the type of process.
• In TNS or accelerated mode, a stack overflow results when one of the following
problems occurs:
• The value in the TNS stack register, S, exceeds 32767. Typically, an attempt
was made to execute a procedure or subprocedure whose stack marker,
sublocal data area, or local data area extends into the upper 32K of the user
data segment.
• There was not enough remaining virtual data space for an operating-system
procedure to execute.
The amount of virtual data space available is the lesser of 'G'[32767] and the upper
bound of the process's virtual data area (the number of data pages specified when
the process was created or run).
Operating-system procedures require approximately 350 words of user-data stack
space to execute.
If you have fewer than 32 pages of data stack, then a situation such as an infinitely
recursive TNS procedure causes a trap 0 instead of a trap 3.
For TNS processes, you can increase the size of the virtual data area with one of the
• The TAL compiler DATAPAGES directive
• The MEM parameter of the command interpreter RUN command
• The memory-pages parameter of either the NEWPROCESS or
PROCESS_CREATE_ procedure, the Z^MEMORY^PAGES field of the
param-list parameter of the PROCESS_LAUNCH_ procedure, or the
Z^MEMORYPAGES field of the process-extension parameter of the
PROCESS_SPAWN_ procedure.
If there is simply too much data for the TNS stack segment, you can revise the
program by putting some of its global or local data into an extended data segment.
For TNS/R processes, the main stack grows dynamically as needed, up to a maximum.
You can increase the maximum when the process is created, up to a limit.
For further information about managing memory, refer to the Guardian Programmer’s
Cause. The time limit specified in the latest call to SETLOOPTIMER has expired.
Effect. For trap 4, process control passes to the Debug or Inspect debugger or to the
trap handler designated by a call to the ARMTRAP procedure, or else the process is
abended. See Trap Handling on page 21-2 for further information.
For the signal SIGTIMEOUT, the default or specified signal handling occurs. See
Signal Handling on page 21-2 for further information.
Note that the loop-timer trap or signal is disabled after the trap or signal is generated;
the loop-timer trap or signal will not recur unless it is rearmed by another call to
Recovery. Recovery is application dependent. It is possible to resume from both trap
4 and SIGTIMEOUT, continuing the program from the site of the interruption.
For the signal SIGLIMIT, the default or specified signal handling occurs. See Signal
Handling on page 21-2 for further information.
Recovery. Run the process at a low PIN or recode the process.
Cause. A hard (unrecoverable) read error occurred while the program was trying to
bring a page in from virtual memory.
Effect. For trap 11, process control passes to the Debug or Inspect debugger or to the
trap handler designated by a call to the ARMTRAP procedure, or else the process is
abended. See Trap Handling on page 21-2 for further information.
For the signal SIGMEMMGR, the default or specified signal handling occurs. See
Signal Handling on page 21-2 for further information.
If the trap or signal occurred because the disk containing the swap file went down, the
process abends, regardless of the selected trap or signal handling.
Recovery. Recovery is application dependent. Usually, this condition occurs when
both the primary and backup paths to a disk are down. Contact your system manager
to resolve the problem.
Recovery. If the program was using extensible segments, either free up disk space on
the swap volume or specify a swap file on a different volume.
Cause. A procedure called alarm() and the specified time has elapsed.
Effect. For the signal SIGALRM, the default or specified signal handling occurs. See
Signal Handling on page 21-2 for further information.
Recovery. Recovery is application dependent. It is possible to resume from SIGALRM
and to continue the program from the site of the interruption.
Error Lists
If you are using the Subsystem Programmatic Interface (SPI) to send commands to a
subsystem, you might receive a trap-out error list in a response. HP subsystems return
such an error list when, in performing your request, they encounter either a trap
condition or an exception condition that causes a signal to be generated.
Each error list always includes the unconditional tokens listed under its description. If
you are designing a subsystem that uses SPI, include all unconditional tokens listed in
the error list's description.
This subsection does not discuss the mechanics of error-list construction. For
information about creating error lists, for additional information about tokens and token
types, and for definitions of tokens whose names begin with ZSPI-, refer to the SPI
Programming Manual.
A user-enabled trap or signal handler started execution following the detection of a trap
or exception condition while a process was executing.
Unconditional Tokens
Conditional Tokens
Unconditional Tokens
ZSPI-TKN-ERROR is the standard SPI error token, whose value consists of the fields
Z-SSID and Z-ERROR. Z-SSID is the subsystem identifier ZGRD-VAL-SSID.
Z-ERROR is the trap or signal number.
ZSPI-TKN-PROC-ERR is the procedure code. Its value is ZGRD-VAL-TRAPOUT (5).
Conditional Tokens
ZGRD-TKN-XOBJECTFILE is the name of the program file associated with the process
that encountered the trap or signal.
ZGRD-TKN-ENTRYPOINTLABEL is the internal procedure entrypoint label of the
trapping procedure (IPIL entry).
ZGRD-TKN-BINDTIMESTAMP is the program file's nld utility or Binder timestamp.
ZGRD-TKN-STACKENV is the value of the stack-marker ENV register at the time the
trap occurred. This token is applicable only to TNS processes.
ZGRD-TKN-SREGISTER is the value of the S register at the time of the trap. This token
is applicable only to TNS processes.
ZGRD-TKN-PREGISTER is the value of the P register at the time of the trap. This token
is applicable only to TNS processes.
ZGRD-TKN-EREGISTER is the value of the E register at the time of the trap. This token
is applicable only to TNS processes.
ZGRD-TKN-LREGISTER is the value of the L register at the time of the trap. This token
is applicable only to TNS processes.
ZGRD-TKN-SIGNAL-NUM is the signal number of the signal that was received. This
token is applicable only to TNS/R native processes.
ZGRD-TKN-TRAP-TEXT is a text representation of the process state. It is
recommended that your program use the HIST_INIT_ and HIST_FORMAT_
procedures to produce the text, as these procedures are capable of handling and
formatting the process state of both TNS and TNS/R native processes. To produce the
most concise text, specify the options HO_Init_uContext and HO_OneLine in the call to
HIST_INIT_ and specify the options HF_base and HF_LocLineTNS (or
HF_LocLineRISC, as appropriate) in the call to HIST_FORMAT_. For further
information about the HIST_INIT_ and HIST_FORMAT_ procedures, refer to the
Guardian Procedure Calls Reference Manual.
The process might not be able to continue executing.
Take corrective action as indicated by the returned trap or signal number. Traps and
signals are described earlier in this section.
For example, to find a description for OSS errno value 4028 from the Guardian
environment, perform the following steps:
1. Using an editor, search the errnoh file for the OSS errno symbolic name
corresponding to 4028:
> edit $system.system.errnoh read
TEXT EDITOR - T9601B30 - (08MAR87)
*list unseq "4028"
#define ENOSPC 4028 /* No space left on device */
The OSS errno symbolic name corresponding to 4028 is ENOSPC.
2. Refer to the Open System Services System Calls Reference Manual to find the
description of ENOSPC:
[ENOSPC] No space left on device. During the write( ) function on a regular file or
when extending a directory, there is no free space left on the device.
Guardian Procedure Errors and Messages Manual—522628-011
22- 1
A Error codes (continued)
INITIALIZER procedure 18-1/18-4
ALLOCATESEGMENT procedure IOEdit procedures 16-2/16-4
error codes 10-1
NEWPROCESS procedure 5-1/5-19
error list 10-5
guidelines for using 10-4 procedure 5-1/5-19
OSS 22-1
C language error numbers for file-system procedure 6-1/6-35
Command interpreter messages 1-3, procedure 7-1
description of 19-1 procedure 8-1
Completion codes 20-21 PROCESS_LAUNCH_
C-series procedure errors 1-2 procedure 6-1/6-41
PROCESS_SPAWN_ procedure 6-1,
9-1, 9-2
DEFINE procedure error codes 4-1 procedure 11-1
DSM/SM errors sequential I/O (SIO)
See DSM/Storage Manager errors procedures 3-1/3-7
DSM/Storage Manager errors 2-1 Subsystem Programmatic Interface
(SPI) 14-1/14-8
E Error lists 1-3
ALLOCATESEGMENT procedure 10-5
EDITREAD procedure error codes 15-1
guidelines for using 10-4
EDITREADINIT procedure error
codes 15-1 file system 2-96/2-157
errno values for file-system errors 2-3 conditional tokens 2-96
Error codes guidelines for using 2-96
DEFINE procedure 4-1 ZFIL-VAL-AWAITIOX 2-129
file system 2-5/2-95 ZFIL-VAL-CHECKOPEN 2-103
C-series and D-series handling 2-2 ZFIL-VAL-CHECKPOINT 2-104
errno, corresponding values of 2-3 ZFIL-VAL-
guidelines for using 2-1 CHECKPOINTMANY 2-106
used by IOEdit 16-2/16-4 ZFIL-VAL-