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3i Infotech0910

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Five senses - one holistic entity.

Company Details
Board of Di rectors:
Pri nci pal Bankers:
Audi tors:
Legal Advi sors
Mr. Hoshang N. Si nor, Chairman
Dr. Ashok Jhunj hunwal a, Director
Dr. Bruce Kogut, Director
Mr. Di l eep C. Choksi , Director
Mr. Sami r Kumar Mi tter, Director
Ms. Vi shakha Mul ye, Director
Mr. V. Sri ni vasan, Managing Director & Chief Executive Officer
Mr. Amar Chi ntopanth, Deputy Managing Director & Chief Financial Officer
Mr. Ani rudh Prabhakaran, Executive Director & President - South Asia
Axis Bank Ltd.
ICICI Bank Ltd.
IDBI Bank Ltd.
Standard Chartered Bank
Lodha & Company
R.G.N. Price & Co.
Amarchand & Mangaldas & Suresh A. Shroff & Co.
Corporate Offi ce:
3i Infotech Limited
6 Floor, Akruti Centre Point,
MIDC Central Road,
Next to Marol Telephone Exchange,
Andheri (E), Mumbai - 400 093, INDIA
Tel: +91 22 39145538
Fax: +91 22 39145520
Executi ve Management:
V. Sri ni vasan, Managing Director & Chief Executive Officer
Amar Chi ntopanth, Deputy Managing Director & Chief Financial Officer
Ani rudh Prabhakaran, Executive Director & President - South Asia
Babu Venkatesh, CEO, Professional Access (Subsidiary of 3i Infotech)
Chandrashekar M.S., Executive Vice President and Head - Banking & Investment Management
Debneel Mukherj ee, President & CEO - Asia Pacific
Jayaraman Jagannadhan, Executive Vice President and Head - Insurance, ERP & Payment Solutions
Kathl een Hamburger, President & CEO - North America
Padmanabhan Iyer, Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer - Elegon Infotech Limited
(Subsidiary of 3i Infotech)
Pankaj Chawl a, President & CEO - Middle East, Africa, Russia and CIS
Som Sarma, President - Western Europe & Global Head - IT Services
Sri pat Pandey, Head - Mergers & Acquisitions
Shi vanand R. Shetti gar, Company Secretary & Head - Legal & Compliance
Regi stered Offi ce:
3i Infotech Limited
rd th
Tower # 5, 3 to 6 Floor,
International Infotech Park,
Vashi, Navi Mumbai - 400 703, INDIA
Tel: +91 22 67928000
Fax: +91 22 67928095
Like the artist, who sees a masterpiece before it is created
The master blender of fragrances, who sniffs out potential opportunities
The counselor, who hears more than what is said
The gourmet chef, who tastes the most subtle flavors in order to create success stories
And the masseuse, who uses the sense of touch to heal and rejuvenate.
All of them deploy the senses they are blessed with to the ultimate degree. Pushing the frontiers of
human potential and outdoing the limits of experience.
A Solutions Company
needs to deploy
all five senses and more.
We do.
Most of us are blessed with five senses.
However, some of us make extraordinary use of them
to deliver extraordinary results!
In much the same way,
Using its sight to see and keenly in
order to create solutions which would address their business needs
and providing
customized solutions pertinent to the region, thus making us globally present
and locally relevant
because their valuable feedback
helps the Company evolve for the better
encouraging them to be more than they are right now
for over a decade
And to truly bring alive the Company's vision
and mission with a strong belief in our core values.
At 3i Infotech, we believe in doing better than our best to help your Company leap across various
challenging frontiers. We truly hope that we have been able to live up to your dreams and will always
continue to do so, in the years ahead.
3i Infotech depl oys i ts fi ve senses and more to del i ver success beyond the
ordi nary, to i ts stakehol ders around the worl d.
study the evol vi ng needs of customers
Sni ffi ng out opportuni ti es for growth across geographi es
Li steni ng to customers and anal ysts al i ke
Touchi ng the l i ves of empl oyees wi th democrati c empowerment
Tasti ng success repeatedl y
l everagi ng our si xth sense to go beyond the obvi ous
The Indian economy seems poised for a growth rate of
8 to 10%per annumover the next decade. I feel that while
supply side constraints clearly exist, there are many
policy level initiatives that will yield us good dividends in
theyears tocome.
Thus the overall global view seems to present a
landscape that, on the one hand, offers opportunities
which can be availed of, and on the other, has risk factors
and threats, some of which may not even be apparent at
thepresent moment.
In such a scenario, it is interesting to observe the
approaches adopted by various IT companies in the
global marketplace. While a majority of the Indian IT
compani es have t aken t he rout es of l egacy
modernisation and Application Development and
Maintenance Services (ADMS) for building scale in their
operations, the global multinational companies have
always been competing on their strength of the industry
knowledge in various industry verticals such as Banking,
Financial Services, Insurance, Manufacturing, Retail,
Telecom and so on. It is only in the last few years that the
larger Indian IT companies have started building deeper
competencies intheindustry domains.
On the other hand, your Company has deep domain
capabilities, especially in the Banking and Financial
Services sectors, through an impressive array of
products, solutions and solution accelerators. This is no
mean achievement and at a time when the Indian IT
industry is gravitating towards finding its feet in the
industry domain, we have an advantage in such powerful
Dear Members,
It gives me great pleasure to welcome you to the 17th
Annual General Meeting of your Company and share with
you the progress your Company has made, in spite of the
last year havingbeenadifficult one.
The year 2009 is sure to find a place in history, although
not for the best of reasons. There are inflexion points in
world economic history, when everything seems to go
wrong at the same time and the year gone by was one
such. Institutions that were supposed to guard against
economic chaos seemed clueless and many business
leaders who were, till then, hailed as visionaries, were at
best looking confused and uncertain. More than anything
else, the fabric of trust has been shaken and it will need a
lot of work to rebuild trust. The best that can be said is that
2009 is behind us and we are now on the cusp of a truly
newera, that is both promising, but has the potential to be
unsettlingas well.
The global economic scenario is still very fragile. The crisis
of confidence which we felt was over has been rekindled
with the economic crisis that Europe is now facing. Given
the importance of Europe as an integrated entity, it is most
likely that the Governments there will do everything
possible to tide over this crisis. Tomorrow it is likely that
some other factor, as yet unknown, may create one more
such crisis. It is amply clear that we are in for a decade
where uncertainties, big and small, will be the order of the
day. Economies and businesses will have to learn to
develop coping mechanisms that not only address survival,
but alsokeeptheir growthDNAaliveandactive.
Chairman's Message
Your Company has over 1500 customers across 50
countries in 5 continents. Of these, 78 are Fortune 500
Companies, indicating the faith and confidence placed in
your Company by large customers.
With the powerful differentiation indicated above and a
diverse customer base across geographies, coupled
with the learnings during the last couple of years, I am
sure that your Company will continue to consolidate and
grow in the years to come.
I thank you for your ongoing support in our journey so
far. As we progress and grow, I look forward to your
continued support in future.
Warm Regards,
Hoshang N. Sinor
Managing Director
& CEO's Message
Dear Members,
This is the 11th year of our operations as a technology
company and we have come a long way in this journey of
building a global organization. The last financial year has
been a challenging one for us and the IT Industry. The
business environment was volatile and with no clear
business visibility, we looked at the year 2009-10 as a
year of consolidation. It involved keeping focus on
markets and concentrating on bringing in greater
operational efficiencies across businesses. The year
brought in some external challenges both for us and the
economy as a whole, but we have emerged as a strong
and resilient company and are well poised to continue
our growthtrajectory.
During the last year notable contributions have been made,
not only in terms of revenue generation, but also by
conserving costs, thereby enabling us to maintain our
margins as we increased our volume of business. I amglad
to inform you that our Company has reported all-round
growth, both in the last quarter, and also for the financial
year ended March31, 2010.
The consolidated revenue for the year is at Rs. 2,468.75
crores, a growth of 7.1% over the previous year. Operating
profit is at Rs. 503.14, a growth of 11% over the previous
year and operating margins improved to 20.4%. Profit after
tax and before exceptional items and impact of
discontinuing operations is at Rs. 265.95crores.
The North America geography continued to be the largest
contributor to our revenue and profits, with a 55% share of
our global revenue, followed by South Asia geography at
26%. Middle East Africa, Russia and CIS (MEARC),
Western Europe and Asia Pacific contributed to the
balance 19%.
Our segment-wise revenue break up now stands at:
software products 32%, IT services 31% and transaction
services 37%.
Hi ghl i ghts of theYear
Our diverse markets, unmatched product breadth and
global reach provided excellent opportunities to further
penetrate our broad customer base and also expand our
footprints innewmarkets.
In June 2009, we acquired the J. P. Morgan Treasury
Services' National Retail Lockbox business. This
acquisition further strengthens our footprint in the
t ransact i on processi ng busi ness i n t he Nort h
During the year, we consolidated all the domestic BPO
businesses under anewsubsidiary 3i InfotechBPOLtd.
We had two phases of Qualified Institutional Placements
(QIP) aggregatingtoRs. 500crores.
The good performance of our geographies and business
units has helped our Company figure prominently in many
well regarded international and domestic rankings
as under:
lThe 189 l argest company i n Indi a (Busi ness
Standard 1000 Feb' 10)
lAmong t he t op 3 l ar gest sof t war e pr oduct
compani es i n Indi a (Dataquest Aug' 09)
lRanked 32 i n the l i st of Top BFSI servi ce provi ders
i n North Ameri ca (Fi nTech 100 Oct' 09)
lFastest growi ng technol ogy company (Del oi tte
Fast 50 Growth of 249%over 3 years)
These rankings further reiterate the high quality of our
people, products and services, more so as we have been
progressively movingupintheserankings.
It is also a matter of great pride for all of us that 3i Infotech
qualified to win the WorldBlu List of Most Democratic
Workplaces 2010 Award. WordBlu an Austin, Texas
(USA) based company, specializes in organizational
Our Achi evements
democracy and freedom-centered leadership. 3i Infotech
is one of only three companies from India and 44
worldwide, to win this award. This recognition reinforces
our commitment to continue to be among the World's
Most Democratic Workplaces.
The year 2009-10 was a tough year for all the economies
across the globe. After the global economic downturn, the
year witnessed substantial volatility in commodity prices,
inflation and decline in GDP rates. Industries worldwide
were in the process of re-engineering themselves to face
the challenges presented by the changes in the macro-
economic environment and the significant uncertainty
and complexity accompanying them.
The second half of 2009-10 witnessed recovery in the
global markets with marked improvement in the financial
conditions. Asian and emerging markets were able to
weather the ongoing financial upheaval a lot better than
expect ed, whi ch paved t he way f or recovery.
Governments as well as Central Banks assessed the
situation and promoted measures including growth
stimulus packages, capital infusion, guarantees and
large interest cuts. This brought in fresh liquidity and
helped in credit offtake on the one hand while on the other,
most governments involved in bail-out packages also
subjected their banks to a series of stress tests which
brought about greater accountability. The bold steps by
the Governments and the Central Banks increased
i nvestor confi dence whi l e curbi ng fi nanci al
As you all would be aware we
entered the retail G2C
business sometime in the
cal endar year 2007 by
successf ul l y bi ddi ng f or
setting up Citizen Service
Centers across various
Leaving a Tough Year Behind Us
Discontinued Business
states. In line with this decision, we had set up around
6,500 centers for taking up both G2C and B2C activities in
compliance with the bid conditions. However, as we were
moving along making investments, the business
environment in the retail G2C and B2C business became
extremely unviable owing to both, the data availability for
G2C activity and the general reduction in retail business
in India. This forced us to re-estimate the gestation period
for this business and based on these estimates, while the
payback period got extremely long, we had to make
commitments for future investments in capital and
revenue expenditure going forward. This would have
drained the Company of a lot of cash without there being a
clear visibility about the payback.
sol uti ons markets, rather than l arge outsourci ng
markets. We wi l l have a conti nued focus on these
markets through our IP (products) based IT
sol uti ons.
lHavi ng i n our fol d many Fortune 500 cl i ents, cross
sel l i ng and up sel l i ng our sol uti ons and servi ces
i s goi ng to be a maj or part of our strategy.
lWi th the combi ned strategy outl i ned above, al ong
wi th a cl ear focus on LargeAccount Management,
we are sure to take advantage of di fferent l evel s of
growth potenti al i n di fferent markets devel oped
and emergi ng.
We continuously invest in research and development
(R&D) so that our products keep pace with changing
market requirements and technology trends and remain
competitive. We focus our R&D efforts on enhancing our
existing products to ensure scalability by creating multi-
lingual versions, upgrading technology and architecture
t o new and di ver se pl at f or ms, r ef i ni ng our
methodologies, tools and techniques, benchmarking
The Company also has a Global Research Center (GRC)
for PlannedResearchandRequest BasedResearch.
While concentrating on our business activities, we
continue our corporate social responsibilities towards
the needy and underprivileged. 3i Infotech sponsored
over 100 underprivileged students for Microsoft
education under the 3i Infotech Foundation program,
I-SERV Disha. This initiative was planned along with an
NGO, 'WORD' (Women's Organization for Rural
Development) fromNamakkal, Tamil Nadu.
The Company has also been actively supporting the
initiative by SODEWS (Society for the Development of
Economically Weaker Section), an NGO, which had
Keepi ng Pace wi th Technol ogy through R&D
Corporate Soci al Responsi bi l i ty
Considering these facts, we felt that it was in the best
interest of the Company to exit this business and not
make any further investments in it. As a consequence,
the investments already made in this business had tobe
written off. We have therefore taken a one time write off
of the total investments of Rs. 260.46 crores in this
business. We believe that this decision has helped
tremendously in preventing further cash outflows on this
business in future and has thus helped in the overall
The Gartner report on IT spending for 2010 predicts
growth in the US and Western Europe at around 3%
each and MEARC and Asia Pacific at around 5% each.
This is positive for us as we are present in a large way in
these markets. Latin America is predicted to have a
growth of 8.8%and Canada at 4.7%, both of which could
be potential markets for us. The highest growth in IT
spending is seen in Software and IT Services, which is
our focus area.
Wi th growth havi ng been predi cted i n al l the markets
that we operate i n, we wi l l focus on the fol l owi ng
areas to ensure that we take advantage of thi s
growth goi ng forward:
lThe devel oped markets, whi ch consti tute 60% of
our busi ness, are pri mari l y enterpri se software
markets, whi ch mean that the markets address IT
requi rements of l arge organi zati ons. In these
markets, we wi l l concentrate i n a bi g way on IT
servi ces i n the space of appl i cati on devel opment
& mai ntenance, IT i nfrastructure and transacti on
servi ces.
lThe emergi ng markets, whi ch consti tute the
remai ni ng 40% of our busi ness, are l arge growth
markets but pri mari l y on the retai l si de. Wi thi n
the enterpri se segment these markets are more
shri nk wrapped or cl ose to shri nk wrapped
Goi ng Forward
been asked by the Government of Tamil Nadu to take up
projects in the field of education, health and community
development. The Company has been extending
support to SODEWS in funding the project for
constructionof toilets inschools.
Wealsoextendedour support toavoluntary organization
based in Chennai, which works with children and young
adults who are afflicted with cerebral palsy and other
neurological disabilities. We sponsored as a pilot, a few
portable speech synthesizers that enable people with
cerebral palsy to communicate by converting their
muscle movements into speech by the use of a
Apart from this, the Company has also donated to
various other charities.
It is a well known fact that the IT industry operates in an
exciting yet complex and demanding environment. In
such an industry, it is the skill and competency of the
workforce that makes the difference. Our employees are
our key strength and we value them as our key assets. It
has always been our endeavor to maximize the potential
of this human asset. The 3i Infotech family consists of
over 15,000 talented professionals based at various
locations world wide. For more than a decade, we have
shared an excellent employer employee relationship
based on trust, mutual respect, shared aspirations
and a performance based culture of meritocracy.
At 3i Infotech, we consider employees as partners in our
journey towards excellence. Recruiting talented
employees, managing them, inspiring them to do well
consistently is oneof our mainfocus areas.
As a global organization, we feel proud of our diverse
workforce. An open mindset, a flair for diverse cultures
and the quest for excellence in performance is highly
valued at 3i Infotech. Employee contribution, strong
values and teamwork are instrumental in our success
Empl oyees - Our Strength
and have helped us traverse this challenging path. We
strongly believe that our able workforce will go a long way
in partnering the organization in its journey towards
achievinggreater heights.
I would like to thank all our shareholders, investors,
employees, customers, partners and all our other
stakeholders. With our focused business strategy,
dynamic management team and a pool of professional
talent, we are poised for growth. We look forward to your
continuedsupport inthecomingyear.
V. Srinivasan
Acknowl edgement to Stakehol ders
Seei ng the need
for di fferenti ated sol uti ons
At 3i Infotech, we keep a sharp eye on the road ahead. It is
this foresight that helps us design solutions in sync with evolving
needs - well in advance.
IT solutions
In today's fast paced and competitive world, a
differentiated solutions approach is the business
language of the day. Technology for business has risen
above cost savings to having a focus on specialized
offerings that help achieve operational excellence and
put organizations onapathof enhancedperformance.
With over 20 IPRs and a diverse portfolio of IT solution
offerings, we are aptly positioned to comprehend the
changing business needs of our customers and deliver
ea nd-to-end
outsourcing solutions
This approach has enabled us to address the
requirements of customers across several vertical
segments such as Banking, Insurance, Capital Markets,
Mutual Funds, Manufacturing & Retail, Government and
Telecom sectors with offerings that span IT solutions
(both IT Services and Software products) and BPO / IT
Enabled Services. Our 1500 customers of which as many
as 78 figure in the Fortune 500 list, bear testimony to the
fact that the above differentiated approach has been
widely accepted and appreciated. These customers are
spread across 50 countries in 5 continents, thus
establishing us through our solutions, as being globally
present andlocally relevant.
Differentiating Domain Capability with Product/Solution Accelerators
IP Based
Solution Suite:
3i Infotech
Enterprise Application Integration (EAI)
Enterprise Document Management
System (EDMS)
Business Intelligence & Data
Warehousing (BI/DW)
Mutual Funds/
& Retail
IT Services
Business Process Outsourcing/
IT Enabled Services
Testing Services
Application Development & Maintenance Services
Infrastructure Management Services
Sni ffi ng out opportuni ti es
3i Infotech is adept at sniffing out opportunities - whether they
are launching new businesses or expanding into new markets,
our sense of smell leads us to providing just the solutions required
by our customers.
As the world's businesses get more closely connected, competition gets even more fierce among
service providers. In such a situation the need for differentiation, innovation and staying a step
ahead becomes even more relevant.
Around 10 years ago, when the Y2K boom had just got over and software outsourcing seemed to be
the only way forward for Indian IT companies, 3i Infotech smelt an opportunity in software products.
It acquired over 20 IPRs and in the process went on to become the third largest Indian software
products company.
When the majority of Indian IT headed only for the developed markets to find their fortune, we
recognized an opportunity even in the emerging markets; today these account for as much as 40%
of our global revenues.
The fact that 3i Infotech, the IT organization, was created out of a significant financial services
conglomerate seemed to make the Banking and Financial Services (BFS) vertical a natural market
for new business. The BFS sector today brings in over 70% of the company's global revenues from
this sector.
As retail organizations in the US strive to remain competitive, contain costs and expand business,
entering the e-commerce arena, with a judicious acquisition in the US, once again was the right
move at the right time for us, bringing us several Fortune 500 clients.
As organizations, particularly those in developed economies, prefer to concentrate on their areas
of core competence and outsource transaction related activities, BPO operations in the area of
remittance processing presented a good opportunity. Today this line of business provides us 30%
of our global revenues.
Even our IT services are not the vanilla services one normally sees. Backed by our IP based
domain expertise, we are able to customize our solutions, arising out of an understanding of our
customers' problems and our ability to partner in addressing these issues.
Each such opportunity, and consequent move made by us, has paid off handsomely, evidenced by
over half a billion dollars in revenue in just a decade of operation as an IT company.
It is indeed wonderful to hear the sagacious and mostly
encouraging words our Customers and Analysts have to say
about us. And they truly inspire us to do even better in future.
Feedback that' s
musi c to our ears
Analyst feedback
Listening to our customers and analysts talk about us always gives rise to mixed emotions. While we feel proud of the high
esteem they hold us in and their faith in our prowess, even their occasional criticism helps us introspect and turn words
into valuable feedback - a process by which we can improve on areas which need attention. Featured below are what
someof our partners insuccess havetosay about us.
Anal yst f eedback
Analyst feedback
3i Infotech has a solid offering for insurers in emerging markets which is supported by a capable on-shore/off-shore
services delivery arm. In mature markets like North America, the established BPO services and growing IT Services
offerings positionthemwell for thecost-focusedcomingyears intheInsurancesector.
- Catheri ne Stagg-Macey, Seni or Anal yst, Cel ent
It has been interesting for IBS Intelligence, as the industry's primary publishing, research and consulting company in the
financial services back office and operations space, to watch the evolution of 3i Infotech. We have been following the
company since its outset and it has become an important player on the market. It has a broad suite of solutions, with
specific strengths in Primary lending, Wholesale banking, Islamic banking and Wealth management and has a varied,
international user base.
- Marti n Whybrow, Di rector, IBSIntel l i gence, UK
Analyst feedback
Analyst feedback
Cust omer f eedback
Customer feedback
Customer feedbac
The 3i Infotech team has been very professional in their
approach right through their engagement with us. Their
smooth and customer friendly interaction with us
extended right from the sales cycle through to the
implementation phase. We are very happy with the
product Mfund and truly believe it to be a great
contributiontoour company.
- Akshay J. Kothari , Assi stant General Manager,
Nati onal Investment Funds Co., Oman
3i Infotech has experienced personnel and unrivalled
knowledge of the industry. Therefore, we have not
needed to look at other core processing systems. I am
not aware of any better platform than rhymeSIGHT to
sit at the center of our IT architecture. Clients are not
interested in how the systems work they just want
quality output, deliveredontime.
- Paul Chavasse, Chi ef Operati ng Offi cer, Rathbone
Investment Management
Exim Bank was looking for a comprehensive treasury solution and after a rigorous search process we found KASTLE
Treasury solution from 3i Infotech. The solution matched our requirement as it covers the entire treasury needs
of our Bank.
- Thi ti nan Itarat, Vi ce Presi dent, Treasury, Export-Import Bank of Thai l and
3i Infotech as our IT Services provider for Facilities
Management, LAN, Network Security Management and
user level Hardware AMC Services, is working very
closely with our team in ensuring highest levels of
customer satisfactiontoour ITusers.
- Vi j ay Sethi , CIO, Hero Honda Motors Li mi ted
3i Infotech has been providing extensive support in the
areas of software development and maintenance, IT
Infrastructure services and back office processing over
the last ten years to ICICI Bank. These services have
consistently met our demandingstandards.
- Pravi r Vohra, Group CTO, ICICI Bank
ustoommer feeddbback
Customer feedback
omer feedback
KastleTreasury Management System has enabled us
to streamline operations, improve efficiencies and
enhance our service offerings. We believe the system is
not only functionally superior, but technically robust and
scalable as well. It thus provides us with competitive
advantage to stay ahead and offer new and improved
products andservices todelight our customers.
- Ani l Kamath, General Manager, Treasury, Dena Bank
KPI was looking for a solution for its end to end insurance
operation and after a rigorous search process we found
PREMIAfrom3i Infotech to fit in with our requirements
perfectly. We are happy with the professionalismand the
domain knowledge shown by the team and we are sure
that we have made the right decision by selecting
- Vasi n Padoongki t, Vi ce Presi dent, Informati on
Technol ogy, Krung Thai Pani ch Insurance (KPI)
We have been using Premia since 2001. It is a good
technology solution for the General, Life and Takaful
insurance segments. 3i Infotech has extensive domain
knowledge and we are happy with the delivery and
attention their team provides. We are pleased to refer
themtotheInsurancemarket inandoutsideGCC.
- Omer Hassan El ami n, CEO, Arab Ori ent Insurance,
3i Infotech has delivered as promised. The improvement
was immediate, significant, and ongoing. The results
we've achieved are well aligned with CN's focus on
process improvement.
- Chri s Webb, Manager, Revenue Management
Reporti ng, CN- North Ameri cas Rai l road
Throughout our recent implementation of AWACS we have been very impressed with 3i Infotech, not only the efficiency
with which the solution was delivered but also in the way the AWACS team worked with the Zagreb Stock Exchange to
deliver theproject ontimeandinbudget.
- Roberto Motusi c, Presi dent, Zagreb Stock Exchange
Being in touch with our stakeholders' aspirations has been
our greatest triumph.
Touchi ng l i ves
3i Infotech has progressed from a single
customer back office services company in
1999 to a global IT solutions company
having over 1500 customers across 50
countries in5continents.
This has been possible with the trust
reposed in us by our customers and
significantly, also with the unflinching
support of our employees, partners,
shareholders andother stakeholders.
3rd among Indian IT product companies
At 3i Infotech, everything begins at the talent
acquisition phase. By offering an employee a role
that is befitting of his or her skills, competencies
and experience, the stage is set for the individual.
Initiatives such as the performance management
system, 360 degree feedback and competency
modeling have helped us build a culture where
individual and team efforts are rewarded and
Furthermore, a host of 'employee engagement
programs' i n t he f orm of event s, sport s
competi ti ons and fun@work acti vi ti es are
opportunities for employees to interact across
A democrati c workpl ace!
3i Infotech i s one of onl y three compani es from
Indi a and 44 worl dwi de to be recogni zed i n the Worl dBl u
Li st of Most Democrati c Workpl aces - 2010
3i Infotech qualified for this recognition after its employees completed a survey, evaluating
the organization's practice of ten democratic principles, such as transparency, dialogue, listening,
integrity, accountability and decentralization.
orl dBl u Recogni ti on
groups. The democratic culture of the organization
empowers the individual and helps himor her excel
in their respective fields. For the company, the
benefits of such a process are more than one. This
translates into revenue improvement, cost
reduction, generation of valuable ideas and
improvement in various aspects of the business,
including the quality of our customer engagements.
It is therefore not surprising that this has led to our
being included in the WorldBlu list of 'Most
democratic workplaces - 2010'.
Three cheers for 3i Infotech. Three cheers for our
Working at 3i Infotech has always been interesting, challenging and fulfilling and gives me a genuine sense of pride in
what we do. Being able to contribute to a diverse set of projects, involving a combination of domain strengths and IT
services, has beenpersonally rewardingfor me.
Cheryl Redgewel l , Account Di rector, 3i Infotech Western Europe
What Our Employees Say
I'mthrilled to be a part of 3i Infotech's dynamic working environment. We foster a strong and independent spirit among
the various regions while ensuring that everyone works towards common global business goals. We at 3i Infotech do a
tremendous jobof supportingtheregional businesses inthat manner.
Tracy Dal ton, Manager, Appl i cati on and Product Del i very, Regul us Group(Asubsidiary of 3i Infotech)
I have been with 3i Infotech for the last 3 years and it's been a wonderful journey. 3i Infotech has given me the
independence to take decisions with clear goals, helping me bring my best to the job, while achieving organizational
Mural i dharan Baburaj endran, Asst. Vi ce Presi dent - Sal es, Banki ng Practi ce, 3i Infotech - MEARC
Through cooperation and open communications with teams globally, I have seen a rapid improvement of working skills
in China. New ideas and working standards have been introduced and these are helping us improve as a team and in
our understandingof multicultural issues.
Luchuan Zhang, General Manager & Head of BPOServi ces, El egon Infotech Ltd. (Asubsidiary of 3i Infotech)
3i Infotech has provided me with ample opportunities to contribute - not just within the scope of my work but beyond.
I have always felt that my opinion is valued by my seniors and peers and this gives me great sense of satisfaction and
responsibility towards my work environment.
Orawan Ti l okskul chai , Associ ate Manager, 3i Infotech - Asi a Paci fi c
As a part of 3i Infotech BPO, I amempowered by being given a free hand to guide my colleagues on various HRrelated
issues. This contribution has not only helped me regain my lost confidence but also inspired my colleagues to do better.
Puneet Chaddha, HRCounsel or, 3i Infotech BPO(vi sual l y chal l enged)
I am proud to have been a part of 3i Infotech's successful journey from being a $10mn local company to a $550mn
global enterprise. It is very heartening that all along my thoughts and opinions have been well received by the teams I
havebeenpart of andhavecontributedtogeneratingbetter customer satisfaction.
Babu Pati l , Del i very Head, Technol ogy Sol uti ons Group, 3i Infotech - South Asi a
The sweet taste
of success
At 3i Infotech, we have tasted repeated success
over the years. This is evident in the Awards and Accolades
won year on year and the excellent media coverage
that we have received.
Awards for the year
The awards and accol ades we wi n are the mi l estones on our road to progress.
Wi nner of the Technology Vendor
of the year Award at the
Middle East Insurance Awards,
April 2010
3i Infotech ranked 32
(3 among Indian IT companies)
in the Fintech 100 Rankings,
October 2009
3i Infotech - APAC
received the PrivilegeONE
award from IBM Singapore,
September 2009
Received the award for the
Best Takaful Technology Company
for the 2 consecutive year
(2008 & 2009) from the
Middle East Business Forum
at the Takaful Awards,
August 2009
189 largest company in India
(Business Standard 1000,
February 2010)
3i Infotech retains its
4 position in the lending category
of the IBS Sales League table
for the third consecutive year
(2008 - 2010)
Wi nner of the WorldBlu
'List of Most Democratic
Workplaces 2010'
Wi nner of the Systems
in the City Award for
Superior Customer Service
(4 consecutive year) and
Best Marketing Material,
London, May 2010
Ranked among
the top 3 Indian software
product companies
(Dataquest, August 2009)

3i Infotech, a global provider of IT solutions, today announces that the Zagreb Stock Exchange
(ZSE) has successfully implemented AWACS, its automated, multi-segment market surveillance system.
As exchanges in emerging markets look to attract new listings and investors, the race is on to
ensure that they stay ahead of their regional competitors. By implementing the latest anti-fraud and
market manipulation detection systems, these emerging exchanges ensure that they not only satisfy
Zagreb Stock Exchange Goes Live On 3i Infotech's AWACS
Market Surveillance System
London - 26 April 2010
Original P R
November 11, 2009
RWeb article: 3 3i Infotech Nam med to 2009 Fin nTech 100
3i In nfotec ch Named
tto 20009 FinnTechh 100
In the news
Mr. Som Sarma, Global IT Service Head, 3i Infotech Ltd.
PhilPlans selects 3i Infotech's PREMIA Insurance
Management System
Ravi 1agahhaIhah, Mahagihg DirecIor ahd CLO, 3i Ih!oIech Cohsumer Services
1he ProducI Number Came
Revehue ih Rs core CrowIh
3i Ih!oIech 840 596 41
FY'09 FY'08
A 8 l
Friday, January 1, 2010
Business First of Louisville - by Terry Boyd Staff Writer
Louisville is set to become home to a mega-hub for a global payment-processing
business that banks no longer want. company that is adding
Reuolos Groop LLC, the United States operations of Mumbai-based
i InIotech, has bought the Louisville operations of First Express Remittance,
provider Iirst Horizon Nutionul Corp.
Memphis-based banking and financial services a subsidiary of
i InIotech Ltd Completes Acqoisition oI
J.P. Moruun's Nutionul Retuil Lockbox Bosiness
Mumbai, India / Naperville, IL (PRWEB) July 7, 2009 -- 3i Infotech (http://www.3i-
infotech.com), a global provider of IT solutions, today announced that it has completed its
acquisition of J.P. Morgan's national retail lockbox (http://www.3i-infotech.com) business (NRLB).
Management Speak
Blue Bell, PA March 16, 2010 J&B Software, a premier provider of enterprise-wide transaction and payment solutions, today
announced the availability of its new software-as-a-service (SaaS) mobile deposit solution, which makes it faster and cheaper for
users to make remote check deposits using mobile smartphones. J&Bs on-premise mobile deposit solution has offered exceptional
convenience and quicker access to funds since its introduction in October 2008. Todays addition of the SaaS delivery model
Si xth Sense
'A vision is not just a picture of what could be; it is an appeal
to our better selves, a call to become something more.'
- Rosabeth Moss Kanter
Si xth Sense
Smel l
Si ght
Heari ng
The five senses play their part in helping us gauge the world and
take action. But without an extra sensory perception, these senses
are only experiential senses. This extra sensory perception
provides the critical voice of conscience and conviction that aids us
in using the combined strength of the five senses and in perceiving
things beyond the ordinary. This also provides us the holistic context
that helps us taketheleapintotherealmof action.
The working of this sixth sense is the very essence of the 3i Infotech
way - the mantra that guides us. Embodied within it is the secret that
keeps our spirits upbeat, optimistic, focused on the future and
hopeful at all times. It is the wind in our sails that steers our boats -
throughtimes that aregoodandnot sogood.
Wewarmly inviteyoutojoinus onthevoyageof success
Revenue by Segment (FY 2010)
Revenue by Geography (FY 2010)
North America
Asia Pacific
South Asia
North America
Banking Products
IT Services
Transaction Services
Revenue by Segments
(FY 2005-2010)
Revenue by Geographies
(FY 2005-2010)
Revenue Trend
Asia Pacific Western Europe MEARC North America South Asia
FY06 FY07 FY08 FY09 FY10
28 28
5 4
Banking Insurance ERP Transaction Services Capital Markets IT Services
FY06 FY08 FY07 FY09 FY10
33 31
11 8
9 8
3 3


FY06 FY07 FY08 FY09 FY10
Annual Report 09-10
z Directors Report 2
z Management Discussion and Analysis of Financial 36
Conditions and Results of Consolidated Operations
z Consolidated Financial Statement 44
z Summary of Consolidated Financial Statement in US Dollar 78
z Financial Statement of 3i Infotech Limited (Standalone) 82
Annual Report 09-10
Dear Members,
Your Directors have pleasure in presenting the Seventeenth Annual Report of the Company with the Audited Statement of
Accounts for the year ended March 31, 2010.
Financials of the Company on Consolidated basis:
In the nancial year 2009-10, your Company recorded an overall revenue of Rs. 2,468.75 crores, a growth of 7.12% over the
corresponding period of the previous year. Prot after tax was Rs. 265.95 crores. Earnings per share (EPS) after exceptional
item was Rs.1.73 as against Rs. 21.01 in the corresponding period of the previous year. The brief nancial highlights with
comparison of previous year are as below:
Rs. in Crores
Particulars Year ended
March 31, 2010
Year ended
March 31, 2009
Total Income 2,468.75 2,304.70
Prot /(Loss) before taxation 276.90 288.47
Provision for taxation (Current and Deferred) 10.95 22.05
Prot /(Loss) after taxation and before exceptional items and impact of
discontinuing operations
265.95 266.42
Exceptional Items & impact of discontinuing business :
Add: Exceptional Income 29.19 77.05
Less: Impact of Discontinuing Operations (260.46) -
(Less): Exceptional Expenditure (1.33) (51.09)
Add: Share of Prot in Associate - 0.25
Less/ (Add): Minority Shareholders Interest (0.11) 10.62
Prot /(Loss) after taxation and after exceptional items and impact of
discontinuing operations
33.46 282.01
Earnings Per Share (Basic in Rupees) (Before Exceptional items and
impact of discontinuing operations)
17.21 19.02
Earnings Per Share (Basic in Rupees) (After exceptional Items and
impact of discontinuing operations)
1.73 21.01
Directors Report
For the Financial Year 2009-10
Financials of the Company on Standalone basis:
The Prot & Loss account of your Company on standalone basis shows a prot after tax (before exceptional item and Impact
of discontinuing operations) of Rs.132.99 crores. Whereas, after taking into consideration the exceptional item and impact
of discontinuing operation, the Company has incurred loss of Rs. 99.61 Crores. However, the disposable prot is Rs.218.76
crores, after taking into account the balance of Rs.84.21 crores brought forward from the previous year, and writing back of
FCCB redemption reserve of 234.16 Crores. The brief nancial highlights are as below:
Rs. in Crores
Particulars Year ended
March 31, 2010
Year ended
March 31, 2009
Total Income 534.47 538.73
Prot before tax 136.49 161.40
Provision for taxation (Current and Deferred) 3.50 2.79
Prot after tax and before exceptional items and impact of
discontinuing operations
132.99 158.61
Exceptional Items & impact of discontinuing operations :
Add: Exceptional Income 29.19 77.05
Less: Impact of Discontinuing Operations (260.46) -
Less: Exceptional Expenditure (1.33) (51.09)
Prot/(Loss) after taxation and exceptional items and impact of
discontinuing operations
(99.61) 184.57
Balance brought forward from Previous year 84.21 74.7
FCCB redemption reserve written back 234.16 -
Disposable Prot 218.76 259.27
Transfer to Reserves (General Reserve & FCCB
Redemption Reserve)
59.66 144.66
Prot available for distribution after Transfer to Reserves 159.10 114.61
Earning Per Share ( Basic in Rupees) (Before Exceptional items) 8.35 11.57
Earning Per Share ( Basic in Rupees) (After Exceptional items) (7.12) 13.55
After taking into account the preference dividend of Rs.6.35 crores, the prot available for distribution to equity share holder
works out to Rs.152.75 crores. Your Directors have recommended a dividend of Rs.1.50 on a equity share of face value of
Rs.10 each (15%) for year ended 2009-10. The details of appropriation are as under:
Rs. in Crores
Particulars Year ended
March 31, 2010
Year ended
March 31, 2009
Prot available for distribution 159.10 114.61
Dividend on Preference shares 6.35 6.35
Proposed Dividend Equity shares 25.32 19.61
Residual dividend Paid 0.02 0.02
Corporate Dividend Tax 5.38 4.42
Balance carried to Balance Sheet 122.03 84.21
Your Company proposes to transfer Rs. 6 crores to the general reserve. An amount of Rs. 122.03 crores is proposed to be
carried to Balance Sheet.
Annual Report 09-10
Your Company does not have any unpaid dividend required to be transferred to Investor Education and Protection Fund
under Section 205C of the Companies Act, 1956 for the nancial year 2009-10.
Your Companys businesses broadly comprise of IT services, Transaction Services and Software Products.
The Company has its products in Banking, Insurance, Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), Capital Markets catering to
banks, insurance companies, nancial services organizations and manufacturing industry and owns Intellectual Property
Rights of about 20 products.
The Company`s IT Services solutions are in the eld of Application Development & Maintenance, IT Infrastructure
Management, Consultancy Services, Testing, Business Intelligence and e-Commerce.
The Company`s Transaction Services competencies are across retail banking, credit cards, insurance, capital markets,
nance & accounting services, cheque truncation, remittance processing services and telecommunication sector processes.
Even though the global economy was still under recession mode and the recovery was slow during the scal year 2009 -10,
your Company was able to win many signicant customer orders across geographies and across multiple verticals during
the year.
During the year, the Company has achieved the following recognitions:
Ranked among the top 3 ndian software product companies in ndia (Dataquest - Aug'09);
largest company in ndia (Business Standard 1000 - Feb'10);
Secured a position in the Deloitte Technology Fast 50 ndia 2009 list on account of growth of 249% over three years;
Ranked 32
among Indian IT companies) in the Fintech 100 Rankings, October 2009 and
One of only three companies from ndia and 44 worldwide, (including USA, UK and ndia) to win the "WorldBlu List
of Most Democratic Workplaces 2010 Award. WordBlu is an Austin, TX, (USA) based company, specializing in
organizational democracy and freedom-centered leadership.
Geographical reach:
Your Company has a large customer base across the globe and 78 of them are Fortune 500 customers. The Company has
physical presence through the ofces in 14 countries and has about 15000 employees spread across 5 geographies, viz.
South Asia, Asia Pacic, Middle East and Africa, Western Europe and North America.
All the geographies and business segments have contributed towards the growth of your Company. The share of the
geographies in the total revenue for the year has been: South Asia - 26%, North America - 55 %, Western Europe - 6 %,
MEARC (Middle East, Africa, Russia, and CIS countries etc.) - 9 % and APAC (Asia Pacic region comprising of Singapore,
Malaysia, Thailand and Australia) - 4 %.
The contribution of the various business segments to the revenue for the year has been from Banking Products -
12.4%, Insurance products - 8.3%, Capital Market products - 8.3%, ERP - 2.7%, IT Services - 31.8% and Transaction
Services - 36.5%.
During the year, Regulus Holdings nc., a U.S. based wholly owned subsidiary of the Company acquired National Retail lock
box business of J. P. Morgan Treasury services in U.S.A. This acquisition is complimentary to current operations of Regulus
and it has helped your Company in consolidating its position in the United States market within the payments processing
Your Company has raised its stake, on its own or through its subsidiaries, in some of the subsidiary companies namely
AOK n-house BPO Services Ltd., AOK n-house Factoring Services Pvt. Ltd., HCCA Business Services Pvt. Ltd.,
Delta Services (India) Pvt. Ltd., Taxsmile.com India Pvt. Ltd., Professional Access Limited and Black Barret Holdings Pvt. Ltd
in order to make them wholly owned subsidiaries. Further, your Company also raised its stake in FinEng Solutions Private
Limited and Locuz Enterprise Solutions Ltd. to 60% and 51% respectively.
Elegon Infotech Limited, a Joint Venture company in China was converted into a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Company.
The entire 49% stake held by joint venture partner was acquired by the Company.
Your Company was holding entire stake in Antariksh Interactive Private Limited (Antariksh) through the wholly-owned
subsidiary, Taxsmile.com India Pvt. Ltd.(Taxsmile). During the year, Taxsmile signed a three year contract with a European
tax and accounting solution provider. As per the contract, the shareholding of Taxsmile in Antariksh will be diluted by 2012.
The rst tranche of 30% Shareholding was transferred in February 2010.
Name change:
In line with the strategy of the Company to promote 3i Infotech as a global brand, the name of Linear Financial and
Management Systems Private Limited (one of the acquired entities) was changed to 3i Infotech BPO Limited. The name
of Exact Technical Services Limited (one of the subsidiaries of the Company) was changed to 3i nfotech (Flagship-UK)
During the scal year 2010, Business Process Outsourcing activity in India handled through different subsidiaries has been
consolidated under 3i Infotech BPO brand.
Accounts of the Subsidiaries:
As per Section 212 of the Companies Act, 1956, your Company is required to attach the Directors Report, Balance Sheet
and Prot and Loss Account of the subsidiaries to its Balance Sheet. Your Directors believe that the audited consolidated
accounts presents a full and fair picture of the state of affairs and nancial conditions of the Company and its subsidiaries,
as is done globally. Hence, the Company had made an application to the Central Government, seeking exemption from the
requirement of attaching the Directors Report, Balance Sheet and Prot and Loss Account of the subsidiaries to its Balance
Sheet. The approval of the Central Government has been received vide (letter no.47/285/2010-CL.-III dated April 16, 2010).
Accordingly, the Annual Report of your Company does not contain separate nancial statements of these subsidiaries, but
contains audited consolidated nancial statements of the Company and its subsidiaries.
However, a statement of the Companys interest in the subsidiaries and a summary of the nancials of the subsidiaries are
given along with the consolidated accounts. The annual accounts of the subsidiaries, along with the related information, will
be made available to the Members seeking such information at any point of time. The annual accounts of the subsidiaries are
also available for inspection during business hours except Saturdays and holidays at the Registered Ofce of the Company
and its respective subsidiaries.
As per the recent Deloitte Report, the worst is now over and it is time that the right pace for smooth recovery is set by the
CEO`s of the Companies. As per Gartners IT Spending Forecast 2010, worldwide IT spending is expected to return to
growth in 2010 as end user spending is projected to reach $3.3 trillion. The report predicts growth in US, Western Europe,
MEARC and Asia Pacic market. Your Company is present in a large way in these markets. As there is going to be substantial
growth in Latin America and Canada market, these markets could be potential markets for your Company.
Annual Report 09-10
As per the recent CLSA report, IT spending is classied into Enterprise-IT spending and Consumer-IT spending. While
growth in IT spend in Western markets is more towards Enterprise-IT spending, in emerging markets, it is towards Consumer-
IT spending. While, Enterprise-IT spending is more towards software products and services, Consumer-IT spending is
towards desktops, laptops, mobiles, etc. As your Company is in the technology services business, the Companys growth will
come from Enterprise-IT spending rather than Consumer-IT spending. Thus, volume scale up has to come from developed
markets rather than developing markets. In line with this approach, your Company has created a global IT services team to
focus exclusively on US and European markets.
While, the major focus would be on global IT services, Transaction Services and Products business will also grow.
With the turnaround in global economic outlook and your Companys strategic vision driven by responsiveness and foresight,
quality of the people and their commitment to the Companys mission, the Company is set on right growth path.
As the Members are aware that the Company had a mandate to set up over 12,200 citizen service centers in nine states.
In this regard, the Company had already set up over 6,200 centers till last year. However, the Company could not make
major progress in the absence of G2C Services and state data centers. The non-availability of State Data centre and State
Wide Area Network which were crucial for the success of e-governance business was also one of the reasons for the
Company not being able to derive much benets out of its investment in citizen service centers. As the cost of setting up and
maintaining these centers was huge and the Company was unable to continue to bear losses on this front, the Company
had no option, but to exit from the citizen service center related e-eovernance business in Uttar Pradesh, Andhra Pradesh,
Gujarat, Haryana, Tamil Nadu and Maharashtra.
The Company has further decided to exit from this line of business owing to prevailing business environment. Accordingly,
the assets attributed to this business are being carried as Assets held for Disposal, at their net realizable values. The loss
thereof of Rs. 260.46 crores (net of tax of Rs. 70.73 crores) has been written off in the Prot and Loss account and has been
disclosed as Impact of Discontinuing Operations.
1) ESOS allotments:
5,09,000 shares were allotted under Employees Stock Options Schemes (ESOS) during the scal year 2010.
2) Qualied Institutional Placement (QIP) Allotment:
3,75,00,000 fully paid-up equity shares were allotted to Qualied Institutional Buyers under Qualied Institutions
Placement (QIP) on September 25, 2009. The Company has further allotted 2,29,00,099 fully paid-up equity shares of
face value Rs.10 each on April 7, 2010.
3) Foreign Currency Convertible Bonds (FCCBs):
During this year, the Company has not received any conversion notices from the FCCBs holders. During the year, the
Company bought back 6,000 FCCBs from the Euro 30 million issue reducing the outstanding bonds to Euro 20 million
and 8,500 FCCBs from the USD 100 million issue thereby reducing the outstanding bonds to USD 66.367 million.
Details such as the total bonds issued, bonds converted, number of shares allotted, number of bonds repurchased and
expected number of shares to be allotted with respect to FCCBs have been given in detail in Corporate Governance
Report at para No. VI (o).
As a result of allotment of shares as above, the share capital of your Company increased to Rs.1,68,75,99,460 in the
nancial year 2009-10 from Rs.1,30,75,09,460 in the nancial year 2008-09.
During the nancial year 2009-10, the Members approved the following proposals by way of postal ballot
a) Creating security on any borrowings of the Company, whether by way of creating charge(s), mortgage(s) or otherwise
on any movable and/or immovable properties of the Company, both present and future, provided that the aggregate of
security at any point of time shall not exceed Rs.1000,00,00,000 (Rupees One Thousand Crores Only). The Ordinary
Resolution was passed, the results of which was declared on May 19, 2009.
b) Issue of securities of the Company pursuant to Section 81(1A) of the Companies Act, 1956 and other applicable
guidelines. The Special Resolution was passed and the results of which was declared on August 31, 2009.
Your Company has always been lending an ear to its customers to improve the quality and grow. Your Companys constant
endeavor is to satisfy its customers globally with the best quality products and services. Therefore, all the Companys
business processes have been thoughtfully designed to develop solutions that fully meet customer expectations and are in
accordance with statutory guidelines and industry-wide quality standards.
Your Company has a comprehensive Quality Management System (QMS) in place that addresses the entire software
development and project management life cycle. Your Companys Quality Management Group works closely with project
teams to review and improve delivery capabilities on a regular basis.
Your Company has received several location specifc, quality certifcations such as CMM-DEV; Ver 1.2 at Maturity
Level 5, ISO 9001:2008 certication for design, development, installation and maintenance of software products and
services for banking and nancial services and ISO / IEC 27001:2005 certication by STQC (Standardization, Testing &
Quality Certication) Directorate, Department of Information Technology (DIT), Government of India.
Your Company remains committed to pursue the quality journey in the coming years focusing on improvement projects
around key metrics and embarking on new quality initiatives like six sigma, lean sigma etc. across all divisions of the
During the year, the Company has not invited / accepted any deposit under Section 58A of the Companies Act, 1956.
n terms of the provisions of the Articles of Association of the Company, Dr. Bruce Kogut and Dr. Ashok Jhunjhunwala are
liable to retire by rotation at the forthcoming 17
Annual General Meeting of the Company. Dr. Bruce Kogut and Dr. Ashok
Jhunjhunwala being eligible, offer themselves for re-appointment.
During the year, Mr. Dileep C. Choksi and Mr. Mahadevan Chandrasekaran were appointed as Additional Directors of the
Company with effect form April 24, 2009 and their appointment was approved by the Members at the 16
Annual General
Meeting held on, July 28, 2009.
On April 23, 2010, Mr. Mahadevan Chandrasekaran resigned from the Board of Directors of the Company on personal
grounds. The board placed on record its deep sense of appreciation for the services rendered by Mr. Mahadevan
Chandrasekaran as an Independent Member of the Board.
Mr. V. Srinivasan was appointed as Managing Director & Chief Executive Ofcer for a period of 5 years with effect from
October 1, 2005 by Special Resolution dated December 30, 2005 through Postal Ballot. Board of Directors at the their
Meeting held on June 9, 2010 re-appointed Mr. V. Srinivasan as Managing Director for a period of 5 years with effect from
October 1, 2010. This re-appointment is subject to the approval of the Members of the Company at the ensuing Annual
General Meeting, the approval of the Central Government and any other approvals, if necessary, as Mr. V. Srinivasan is a
Non-Resident Indian.
Annual Report 09-10
Mr. Amar Chintopanth was elevated as Deputy Managing Director of the Company with effect from June 9, 2010 on the
same terms and conditions for his remaining tenure in ofce and will be called Deputy Managing Director & Chief Financial
The Audit Committee was reconstituted on April 24, 2009 comprising of Mr. Dileep C. Choksi as Chairman and Ms. Vishakha
Mulye and Mr. Samir Kumar Mitter as Members of the Committee. Majority of the Members of the Audit Committee are
Independent Non-Executive Directors in compliance with Clause 49 of the Listing Agreement. During the year under
review, the Committee met four times to review quarterly accounts, internal control systems, discuss the audit ndings and
recommendations of the internal and statutory auditors.
The Board Governance Committee was reconstituted on April 24, 2009 comprising of Mr. Hoshang N. Sinor as Chairman
and Mr. Mahadevan Chandrasekaran and Dr. Bruce Kogut as Members of the Committee. All the Members of the Board
Governance Committee are Independent Non-Executive Directors. The Committee attends to matters relating to governance,
nomination to the Board, compensation to the Directors and performance bonus, stock options, etc. to the Directors and
employees of the Company. During the year under review, the Committee met three times.
On April 23, 2010, due to the resignation of Mr. Mahadevan Chandrasekaran from the Board, the Committee was reconstituted
to consist of Mr. Hoshang N. Sinor as Chairman and Dr. Bruce Kogut as Member of the Committee.
The Shareholders and Investors Grievances Committee was reconstituted on April 24, 2009 to comprise of Mr. Samir
Kumar Mitter, as Chairman and Dr. Ashok Jhunjhunwala and Mr. Amar Chintopanth as Members of the Committee. Majority
of the Members are Independent Non-Executive Directors. During the year under review, the Committee met four times to
attend matters relating to investors servicing and grievances, etc.
The Fund Raising and Acquisitions Committee was reconstituted on April 24, 2009 to comprise of Mr. Hoshang N. Sinor as
Chairman and Mr. Mahadevan Chandrasekaran and Dr. Bruce Kogut as Members of the Committee. All the Members of the
Committee are Independent Non-Executive Directors.The Committee attends to matters relating to acquisitions and funding
needs of the Company. During the year, the Committee met four times.
On April 23, 2010, due to the resignation of Mr. Mahadevan Chandrasekaran from the Board, the Committee was reconstituted
to consist of Mr. Hoshang N. Sinor as Chairman and Dr. Bruce Kogut as Member of the Committee.
M/s Lodha & Co.,Chartered Accountants, having their offce at 6, Karim Chambers, 40, Ambalal Doshi Marg, Hamam
Street, Mumbai - 400 023 and M/s. R. G. N. Price & Co., Chartered Accountants, having their ofce at Simpsons Building,
861, Anna Salai, Chennai - 600 002 were appointed as Joint Statutory Auditors of the Company at the 16
Annual General
Meeting and are due for retirement at the conclusion of the 17
Annual General Meeting. The Company has received letters
from both the Auditors, wherein they have consented to act as Joint Auditors and have conrmed that they are eligible and
qualied to be appointed as Auditors pursuant to the Sections 224 (1B) and 226 of the Companies Act, 1956.
Your Directors recommend the re-appointment of M/s Lodha & Co. Chartered Accountants and M/s R. G. N. Price & Co,
Chartered Accountants as Joint Statutory Auditors of the Company to hold the ofce from the conclusion of the 17
General Meeting to the conclusion of 18
Annual General Meeting.
Although the operations of the Company are not energy intensive, the management is highly conscious of the criticality of
the conservation of energy at all operational levels. Adequate measures are taken to reduce energy consumption whenever
possible by using energy efcient equipments. The requirement of disclosure of particulars with respect to conservation of
energy as prescribed in Section 217 (1) (e) of the Companies Act, 1956 read with the Companies (Disclosure of Particulars
in the Report of Board of Directors) Rules, 1988, are not applicable to the Company and hence are not provided.
Your company has an eye on the future ready for the change and adapt according to the need of an hour. During the year,
your company has taken the following technology initiatives:
z Standardization of policies, processes and technology across its global development centers, sales and corporate
ofces with state of the art facilities.
z Optimization of performance through effective use of technologies; cost optimization by ongoing evaluation and
implementation of low cost alternatives, keeping in mind the security consideration. Further a robust software and
hardware asset management methodologies has been put in place.
z Requisite investments in ERP done with a drive to centralize internal applications across functions and groups.
z Critical applications have been equipped with disaster recovery and archiving.
z Partnerships with major technology providers and publishers for win-win relationships and go to market strategies.
The solutions offered by the Company for various market segments are continuously developed and upgraded through the
Global Development Centres (GDCs).
The GDCs function as the product research and development facility of the Company and focus on developing and expanding
the Companys products. Besides this, the Company is also in the process of migrating its varied product lines to standard
and latest platforms.
With a focus to further enhance the Companys software products, namely its Intellectual Property, based on market needs,
the GDCs work in line with the Companys strategy for growth.
Expenditure on R & D
Rs. in Crores
2009-10 2008-09
Revenue Expenditure 40.61 41.67
Capital Expenditure - -
Total 40.61 41.67
Total R&D expenditure as a percentage of total standalone revenue 7.60% 7.73%
Annual Report 09-10
a) Activities relating to exports, initiatives taken to increase exports, development of new export markets for
products and services and export plans.
More than 25% of the revenue of the Company is derived from exports. The Company has state of the art offshore
development centers in ndia at Mumbai, Bangalore, Chennai, Hyderabad, Delhi, Kochi and operation centers in USA at
Los Angeles, Phoenix, Dallas, Atlanta, Loisville, Rochelle Park, Naperville, Napa, Des Moines, and Charlotte; in United
Kingdom at London, Birmingham, Nantwich and Ashby-de-la-Zouch; in Middle East & Africa at Dubai and Sharjah;
in Asia Pacifc at Kuala Lumpur and in China at Chengdu.
The Registered Ofce of the Company is located at International Infotech Park, Vashi, Navi Mumbai, India. Some of
the software development centers of the Company in India are also registered as Software Technology Parks of India,
whereby the Company is required to fulll its export obligations as laid down by the Government.
b) Foreign Export earnings and expenditure
During the year 2009-10, the expenditure in foreign currencies amounted to Rs. 64.42 Crores on account of import of
capital goods, dividend, travelling & other expenses. During the same period, the Company earned Rs. 168.69 Crores
in foreign currencies, as income from its exports.
Your Company has matured enough to take care of the professional aspirations of its employees functioning in varied cultures
across the globe. The human resources group has been working with an objective to enhance employee competence
through various initiatives & maximizing employee contribution towards the organizational goals.The practices followed
by the Company have been manifested in the Company getting global recognition. The Company is one of only three
companies from ndia and 44 worldwide, (including USA, UK and ndia) to win the "WorldBlu List of Most Democratic
Workplaces 2010 Award. WordBlu is an Austin, TX, (USA) based company, specializing in organizational democracy and
freedom-centered leadership.
The various initiatives undertaken in this year are as under:
z Reach HR This HR query management system is a portal to better address the queries of employees and facilitate
timely resolution. Reach HR has completed a successful run of more than one year since its launch in November 2008.
Besides tracking the number of queries raised and resolved, the portal has helped in offering seamless and quick
z The HR Connection The HR newsletter is an endeavour to stay connected with employees. It gives a quarterly
update of various initiatives taken by the HR group. Besides containing informative articles on various management
related topics, the newsletter also features contributions from employees on various themes. It serves as a platform to
appreciate employees interests and bring out their hidden talents.
z Learning and development comprehensive training & development initiatives are in line with the skills and knowledge
required to meet the long & short term corporate objectives. Workshops on Communication skills, Situational Leadership,
Leader as a Coach, Customer Orientation etc. are facilitated across locations. During the year, your Company introduced
various interventions to enrich leadership skills and build team capabilities to create high performance teams. Besides
these, in-house programs, customized offsites have been facilitated for various groups to drive home the specic group
objectives. Employees are also encouraged to acquire technical/functional certications to upgrade their knowledge
and skills to assume higher responsibilities in the organisation.
z Organization Development Continuous development aided by various initiatives like an Effective Performance
Management System, Competency Based Assessments, 360 degree feedback, etc. pave the way for overall employee
growth. Competency modeling & mapping exercise was undertaken across various business units to identify critical
competencies important for successful delivery. The Competency exercise has been integrated with other HR
subsystems like recruitment, performance review & learning & development to ensure tangible outcomes.
The Company has set up robust processes to recruit and select employees. The Company has a number of initiatives to
attract, retain and develop talent in the organisation. Some of them include the employee referral scheme, internal job
rotation, training and development programs, overseas assignments, medical insurance, etc.
The Managing Director & CEO circulates quarterly newsletters brieng about the signicant developments of the quarter
and also addresses all employees on a regular basis. Various open house sessions are conducted across various locations
to facilitate open communication. Informal interaction among employees is encouraged in the form of various competitions,
fun events, sports, get together etc. This aids in inter group interaction, thus enabling employees to engage in fun at work.
The Company encourages its employees to maintain a healthy work life balance through exible timings and opportunity
to work from home. The Company ensures that its employees are healthy by organising regular health check ups through
recognised medical check up centres for employees above a particular age.
Information in accordance with the provisions of Section 217 (2A) of the Companies Act, 1956, read with the Companies
(Particulars of Employees) Rules, 1975, as amended, forms part of the Directors Report. However, as per the provisions
of Section 219(1)(b)(iv) of the Companies Act, 1956, this report and Accounts are being sent to all the Members of the
Company, excluding the Statement of Particulars of Employees under Section 217(2A) of the Companies Act, 1956. Any
Shareholder interested in obtaining a copy of the said statement may write to the Company Secretary at the Registered
Ofce of the Company, and the same will be sent by post.
In recognition of the good corporate governance practices adopted by the Company, ICRA Limited (an associate of Moodys
Investors Service), a leading provider of investment information and credit rating services in India, has assigned a CGR2
rating to the Corporate Governance Practices of the Company. This rating implies that the Company has adopted and
follows such practices, conventions and codes as would provide its nancial stakeholders a high level of assurance on the
quality of corporate governance. A detailed report on Corporate Governance is given in the annexure to this Report.
This Report alongwith its annexure and Management Discussion & Analysis contains forward-looking statements that involve
risks and uncertainties. When used in this Report, the words anticipate, believe, estimate, expect, intend, will and other
similar expressions as they relate to the Company and/or its businesses are intended to identify such forward- looking
statements. The Company undertakes no obligation to publicly update or revise any forward- looking statements, whether as
a result of new information, future events, or otherwise. Actual results, performances or achievements could differ materially
from those expressed or implied in such forward-looking statements. Readers are cautioned not to place undue reliance
on these forward-looking statements that speak only as of their dates. This report should be read in conjunction with the
nancial statements included herein and the notes thereto.
As required under Section 217(2AA) of the Companies Act, 1956, it is hereby conrmed that:
a) in preparation of the annual accounts, the applicable accounting standards have been followed along with proper
explanation relating to material departures;
b) we have selected such accounting policies and applied them consistently and made judgments and estimates that
are reasonable and prudent, so as to give a true and fair view of the state of affairs of the Company at the end of the
fnancial year and of the proft of the Company for that period;
c) we have taken proper and sufcient care for the maintenance of adequate accounting records in accordance with the
provisions of the Companies Act, 1956 for safeguarding the assets of the Company and for preventing and detecting
fraud and other irregularities and
d) we have prepared the annual accounts on a going concern basis.
Annual Report 09-10
The Directors are thankful to the Members and Investors for their condence and continued support. The Directors are
grateful to the Central and State Government, Stock Exchanges, Securities & Exchange Board of India, Reserve Bank of
India, Software Technology Park of India, Customs and other government authorities, banks and last but not the least, its
trusted clients for their continued support.
The Directors would like to express their gratitude for the un-stinted support and guidance received from the ICICI group,
alliance partners and vendors.
The Directors would also like to express their sincere thanks and appreciation to all the employees for their commendable
teamwork and professionalism.
For and on behalf of the Board
sd/- sd/-
Hoshang N. Sinor V. Srinivasan
Chairman Managing Director & CEO
Mumbai, June 9, 2010
The Companys core values - Innovation, Insight and Integrity imbibes in itself the Corporate Governance Philosophy. The
Companys corporate core principles which are based on this philosophy, are as follows:
a) The Board and its Committees, consisting of professionals of repute who provide strategic planning and direction
b) the Operating Board consisting of professionals with domain knowledge and experience (Insight) and
c) Execution freedom of the Operating Board and the employees in particular within the framework of accountability
The Operating Board is not a Board Level Committee. It consists of the Managing Director & CEO, the Executive Directors,
the Geography Heads, Vertical Heads and Horizontal Heads.
While concentrating on the business activities, your Company has also taken up activities towards the corporate social
responsibilities to help the needy and underprivileged. During the year, the Company sponsored over 100 underprivileged
students for Microsoft education under the 3i Infotech Foundation program, I- SERV Disha. This initiative was planned along
with an NGO - Word (Womans Organization for Rural Development) from Namakkal, Tamil Nadu. The NGO identied and
sourced the deserving students and the Company provided opportunity, infrastructure and training to the students.
The Company has also been actively supporting the initiative taken by SODEWS (Society for the Development of
Economically Weaker Section), an NGO, which had been mandated by the Government of Tamil Nadu to take up projects
in the eld of education, health and community development. The Company has been extending support to SODEWS in
funding the project for construction of toilets in schools. Apart from this, the Company has donated to various other charities.
ICRA has retained CGR2 rating to the Corporate Governance practices of the Company. The Company has been getting the
rating from ICRA since the nancial year 2005-06. ICRA rates companies on the scale of CGR1 to CGR6 for the Corporate
Governance practices followed by them, CGR1 being the best and CGR6 being poor.
The CGR2 rating assigned by ICRA implies that the Company has adopted and followed such practices, conventions and
codes as would provide its nancial stakeholders a high level of assurance on the quality of corporate governance.
Corporate Governance Report for the nancial year 2009-10
Annual Report 09-10
a. Size and Composition of the Board of Directors (the Board):
The total strength of the Board on the date of this report is 9. The Chairman of the Board is an Independent
Non-Executive Director and the Board consists of ve Independent Non-Executive Directors, which constitutes
more than half of the total strength of the Board. The composition of the Board and the external directorships in
other companies held for the year 2009-10 are given below:
Name Category Designation Date of
Date of
Number of
in other
Number of
in committees
of Boards
of other
companies #
Number of
of Boards
of other
companies #
Hoshang N.
INED Chairman 24-Jul-03 - 10 4 5
INED Director 19-Oct-06 - 7 1 5
Bruce Kogut INED Director 22-Apr-05 - - - -
Dileep C. Choksi INED Director &
24-Apr-09 - 6 2 3
INED Director 24-Apr-09 23-Apr-10 3 - -
Samir Kumar
INED Director 28-Oct-05 - 1 - -
Vishakha Mulye NED Director 25-Jul-07 - 3 - -
V. Srinivasan ED Managing
05-Sep-96 - 1 - -
ED Executive
Director &
17-Jan-07 - 12 2 -
ED Executive
Director &
South Asia
25-Apr-08 - 11 - -
Legend: INED=Independent Non-Executive Director, NED= Non-Executive Director and ED= Executive Director
@ Excluding directorships in private limited companies, foreign companies and Section 25 Companies.
# Includes Membership / Chairmanship only in the Audit Committee and Shareholders / Investors Grievances Committee.
None of the Directors are related to any of the other Directors of the Company.
b. The Board Meetings:
Among other things, key matters like periodic operations and nancial results, acquisitions, joint ventures, capital/
operating budgets, ndings/comments of the Statutory, Internal and other Auditors, risk management, internal
controls, issue of capital and other resource mobilization efforts are being considered and deliberated by the Board.
The Board also regularly deliberates on the Companys positioning in the Indian and global IT scenario and adopts
and approves the strategy for medium and long term growth.
The annual calendar of Board Meetings is agreed upon at the beginning of the year. During the last nancial year,
the Board met Seven times on April 9 & 10, 2009; April 24, 2009; May 14, 2009; July 28, 2009; October 23, 2009;
January 22, 2010 and February 7, 2010. The time gap between any two Meetings of the Board was less than four
The Agenda for the Board Meeting and its Committee Meetings are drafted by the Company Secretary and
Managing Director & CEO, in consultation with the Chairman of the Board or the Committees, as the case may be.
The Agenda, along with all information, including statutory information, relevant to the matters to be discussed is
always sent well in advance to the Directors. The Members of the Board can also suggest any Agenda item to the
Chairman, which is taken up as an additional item after the circulated items. Detailed presentations are made at
the Board Meetings by the Managing Director & CEO and Executive Directors on various strategic and operational
The attendances of the Directors at the Board Meetings held during the year are given below:
Director Number of Meetings
held during the tenure
of the Director
Number of Meetings attended
In person Through video/
tele conference#
Hoshang N. Sinor 7 7 -
Ashok Jhunjhunwala 7 7 -
Bruce Kogut 7 3 1
Dileep C. Choksi*@ 6 6 -
Mahadevan Chandrasekaran*@ 6 6 -
Samir Kumar Mitter 7 5 -
S. Santhanakrishnan* 4 1 -
Suresh Kumar* 4 3 1
Vishakha Mulye 7 5 -
V. Srinivasan 7 7 -
Amar Chintopanth 7 7 -
Anirudh Prabhakaran 7 6 -
* was a Director only for the part of the year.
# Treated as absent for the purpose of quorum
@Mr. Dileep C. Choksi and Mr. Mahadevan Chandrasekaran were appointed as Directors with effect from
April 24, 2009.
Mr. Mahadevan Chandrasekaran resigned from the Board with effect from April 23, 2010 on personal grounds.
c. Appointment, performance evaluation, age and tenure limit and remuneration of the Directors:
The policy of the Company for appointment, performance evaluation and remuneration of the Directors is as
mentioned below:
The Board Governance Committee which also acts as the Compensation cum Nomination Committee and consists
exclusively of Independent, Non-Executive Directors, identies, selects, nominates and recommends induction
of additional directors on the Board. Based on the recommendations of this Committee, the Board approves the
appointment of Directors on the Board.
Annual Report 09-10
Performance Evaluation:
Non-Executive Directors have a very important role in the growth and governance of the Company as they represent
various elds with expertise in their respective areas and their positive contribution helps the Company to draw
out effective strategies for future growth and enable the Company to achieve its laid down objectives. Executive
Directors, in turn, implement the strategies and draw out and monitor the operational strategies, plans, systems,
and processes to enable the Executive Management of the Company to achieve the goals set by the Board.
The Board Governance Committee evaluates the performance of the Non-Executive Directors on the basis of
following criteria:
a) quality of participation at the Meeting, regularity and devotion of time;
b) strategic direction, inputs, advice and contribution for long-term stability and sustenance of the Company;
c) contribution in the Board deliberations utilizing the knowledge, skill, experience and expertise in relation to
the business of the Company, industry, international nancial/investment banking, domestic/global market and
regulatory and other environment and its practical application towards the growth of the Company;
d) contribution towards accounting, nance, tax matters, general management practices and matters of
international relevance;
e) level of commitment towards compliance of legal requirements, codes of conduct and corporate ethics and
f) working relationships with other Board Members and Senior Management and the Directors ability to
communicate with and listen to others, within and outside the Board;
g) sensitivity towards the shareholders wealth and interest of Companys customers, suppliers, employees and
partners and
h) ability to analyse and review the performance of the management on behalf of and in the interest of the
stakeholders and to give concrete suggestions for course corrections.
Performance of the Members of the Board Governance Committee is evaluated by the Board on the same criteria
as above.
The performance of the Executive Directors is evaluated by the Board Governance Committee based on the
attainment of the topline and bottomline budgets and implementation of the business plans approved by the Board.
The Board nalises the remuneration payable to the Executive Directors, based on the recommendations of the
Board Governance Committee.
Age and Tenure Limit:
The Board has xed the retirement age of Non-Executive Directors at 75 years. The maximum tenure for which
a Non Executive Director can be on the Board is 9 years. This is in keeping with the Non-mandatory requirement
under Clause 49 of the Listing Agreement.
Remuneration Policy and details of remuneration / compensation:
The Members of the Company, at their Annual General Meeting held on July 28, 2009, have approved the payment
of remuneration by way of commission to the Non-Executive Directors, for a sum not exceeding 1% of the Net Prot
of the Company in any Financial Year. The approval is valid for the payment of commission for a period of 5 years
commencing from April 1, 2009 to March 31, 2014.
In the year 2009-10, the Company has paid remuneration by way of commission to the Non- Executive Directors at
0.37% of net prots for the year 2008-09 amounting to Rs. 70 lakhs. This payment was made as per the approval
granted by the Members on July 22, 2005. In addition to this, sitting fees for attending the Board and Committee
Meetings for the nancial year 2009-10 were also paid to the Non-Executive Directors. The remuneration, as
explained above, was paid as per recommendation of the Board Governance Committee and approval of the
Board. The details of the remuneration paid to the Non-Executive Directors during this year are as given below:
Name of the Non-
Executive Director
Total Sitting Fees @
(In Rupees)
(In Rupees)
(In Rupees)
Gross TDS Net Gross TDS Net Gross TDS Net
Hoshang N. Sinor 2,80,000 30,128 2,49,872 10,00,000 1,13,300 8,86,700 12,80,000 1,43,428 11,36,572
Ashok Jhunjhunwala 2,00,000 21,330 1,78,670 10,00,000 1,13,300 8,86,700 12,00,000 1,34,630 10,65,370
Bruce Kogut 1,40,000 44,496 95,504 10,00,000 3,39,900 6,60,100 11,40,000 3,84,396 7,55,604
Dileep C. Choksi 1,80,000 19,064 1,60,936 - - - 1,80,000 19,064 1,60,936
2,00,000 21,064 1,78,936 - - - 2,00,000 21,064 1,78,936
Samir Kumar Mitter* 2,00,000 21,596 1,78,404 10,00,000 1,13,300 8,86,700 12,00,000 1,34,896 10,65,104
Suresh Kumar 1,20,000 40,788 79,212 10,00,000 3,39,900 6,60,100 11,20,000 3,80,688 7,39,312
S. Santhanakrishnan 60,000 6,798 53,202 10,00,000 1,13,300 8,86,700 10,60,000 1,20,098 9,39,902
Vishakha Mulye* 1,60,000 16,798 1,43,202 10,00,000 1,13,300 8,86,700 11,60,000 1,30,098 10,29,902
@ includes sitting fees for attending the Board/ Committee Meetings.
*The payments made to Mr. Samir Kumar Mitter and Ms. Vishakha Mulye were made to their respective employers
as per the mandates received by the Company.
The Non-Executive Directors were not paid any xed periodic remuneration during the scal year.
The Company also paid remuneration to its Executive Directors, Mr. Amar Chintopanth and Mr. Anirudh Prabhakaran
in accordance with and within the overall limits as per the provisions of Section 198, 269, 309, Schedule XIII and
other applicable provisions of the Companies Act, 1956.
During the year, the following remuneration was paid by the Company to the Executive Directors:
1. Amar Chintopanth - Rs. 3.22 crores comprising of Salary, allowances, incentives and bonus of Rs.3.10 crore,
PF & other Contributions of Rs.0.11 crore and Perquisites of Rs.0.01 crore.
2. Anirudh Prabhakaran - Rs. 1.58 crores comprising of Salary, allowances and incentives of Rs.1.54 crore,
PF & other Contributions of Rs.0.03 crore and Perquisites of Rs.0.01 crore.
Mr. V. Srinivasan, Managing Director & CEO, a non-resident Indian who is also responsible for the operations
of overseas subsidiaries of the Company, draws his remuneration from wholly owned overseas subsidiaries
of the Company. During the year 2009-10, Mr. V. Srinivasan was paid Salary of USD 450,000/-, Bonus of
USD 249,728/-and other perquisites such as rent, car, telephone, etc. and management incentives from the
overseas subsidiaries of the Company. He held 52 shares in Black Barret Holdings Limited, a subsidiary of
the Company representing 2.81% of the share capital of that company, which were purchased by 3i Infotech
Holdings Private Limited, another subsidiary of the Company for USD 1,095,120.
Stock Options and Directors Shareholdings
A) Employees Stock Option Schemes
The Company has two Employees Stock Option Schemes (ESOS) instituted in the scal year 2000 and 2007 to
enable the employees and Directors of the Company and its subsidiaries to participate in the future growth and
nancial success of the Company. Options granted under this schemes vest in a graded manner over a three-year
period, with 20%, 30% and 50% of the grants vesting in each year, commencing one year from the date of grant.
Options can be exercised within 10 years from the date of grant or ve years from the date of vesting, whichever
is later. The price of the options granted after the IPO is the closing market price on the stock exchange, which
Annual Report 09-10
recorded the highest trading volume preceding the date of grant of option. The pricing of the stock options is in line
with SEBI guidelines.
a) The particulars of the options granted and outstanding upto March 31, 2010 are as under:
Particulars ESOS 2000 ESOS 2007
Options Granted 2,65,53,076 85,20,000
Options Vested 1,66,26,341 26,24,500
Options exercised 31,59,018 Nil
Number of shares allotted pursuant to exercise of options 31,59,018 Nil
Options forfeited/lapsed 57,34,634 10,13,500
Extinguishment or modication of options Nil Nil
Amount realised by exercise of options (Rs.) 16,30,04,300 Nil
Total number of options in force 1,76,59,424 75,06,500
b) The following Directors and Senior Management Personnel were granted options during the year 2009-10:
Dileep C. Choksi, ndependent Non-Executive Director - 100,000; Mahadevan Chandrasekaran, ndependent
Non-Executive Director - 80,000; Kathleen Hamburger - President & CEO - North America - 1,50,000;
Som Sarma - Global Head-T Services - 1,50,000; Parag Patankar - Managing Director & CEO of 3i nfotech
BPO Limited - 1,50,000.
The options granted to Mr.V.Srinivasan during the year 2004-05(570,000) exceeded 1% of the issued Capital
of the Company at the time of grant.
The Managing Director held the following Stock options/redeemable securities in Subsidiaries:
3,125 Class B shares of USD 0.01 in Regulus Holdings nc. representing 2.5% of the Capital,
800,000 Stock Options of Rs.10 each in 3i nfotech Consumer Services Limited representing 2.68% of the
c) The following options granted and outstanding as at March 31, 2010 were granted 3 years prior to the IPO to
Directors and Senior Management Personnel:
V. Srinivasan, Managing Director & CEO - 11,96,000; Amar Chintopanth, Executive Director & CFO
- 2,32,600; Battliwala M.B. - 1,18,700; Debneel Mukherjee - 2,22,000; Manoj Mandavgane - 84,000,
Padmanabhan yer - 1,20,000; Ravi Jagannathan - 1,04,800; Shivanand R. Shettigar - 94,800.
d) Diluted Earning Per Share (EPS) pursuant to issue of Equity Shares on exercise of options calculated in
accordance with Accounting Standard 20:
In 3 years prior to IPO
Financial Year Amount (In Rupees)
2002-03 (0.09)
2003-04 0.17
2004-05 2.18
Last 5 years
Financial year Amount (in Rupees)
2005-06 5.76
2006-07 10.27
2007-08 6.96*
2008-09 13.55
2009-10 (7.04)
* Post Bonus
e) Since the exercise price of the Companys options is the previous days closing price on the stock exchange,
which recorded the highest trading volume preceding the date of grant of options, there is no compensation
cost in scal year 2010 based on intrinsic value of options. However, if the Company had used the fair value of
options based on the BlackScholes model, compensation cost in scal would have been Rs.14.70 crores and
proforma prot after tax would have been Rs. 110.86 crores. On a proforma basis, the Companys basic and
diluted earning per share would have been Rs. 7.37 and Rs. 7.30, respectively. The fair value of the options
granted has been estimated using the Black-Scholes option pricing Model. Each tranche of vesting has been
considered as a separate grant for the purpose of valuation. The assumptions used to estimate the fair value
are detailed below:
Risk free interest rate 5.71% - 6.36%
Expected life of Option 3-10 years
Expected volatility 50.63% - 57.91%
Expected dividends yield 1.15% to 2.84%
Price of the underlying share in the market at the time of
option grant
Stock options are granted at the NSE Closing
Price on the day prior to grant
Date of Grant Grant Price (Rs.)
May 14, 2009 58
July 28, 2009 82
October 23, 2009 95
January 22, 2010 90
f) Weighted average exercise price of Options granted during the year whose
(a) Exercise price equals market price 83.16
(b) Exercise price is greater than market price NIL
(c) Exercise price is less than market price NIL
g) Weighted average fair value of options granted during the year whose
(a) Exercise price equals market price 34.49
(b) Exercise price is greater than market price NIL
(c) Exercise price is less than market price NIL
h) The number of Stock Options held by the Directors as on March 31, 2010 are as below:
Hoshang N. Sinor - NL; Ashok Jhunjhunwala - 90,000; Bruce Kogut - 1,00,000; Dileep C Choksi -
1,00,000; Mahadevan Chandrasekaran - 80,000; Samir Kumar Mitter - NL; Vishakha Mulye - NL;
V. Srinivasan - 37,66,000; Amar Chintopanth - 10,82,600 and Anirudh Prabhakaran - 7,50,000.
B) Number of shares held by Directors as on March 31, 2010:
Hoshang N. Sinor - 1,00,000; V. Srinivasan - 2,42,040; Ashok Jhunjhunwala - 11,010; Vishakha Mulye - 12,000;
Mahadevan Chandrasekaran 20,000 and Anirudh Prabhakaran 2,000.
None of the other Directors hold any shares or convertible instruments of the Company.
The Company has adopted a Code of Conduct for Board of Directors and Senior Management. All the Directors
and Senior Management Personnel have afrmed compliance with the Code of Conduct as on March 31, 2010. A
Declaration to this effect signed by the Managing Director & CEO forms part of this report.
As required by SEBI Regulations, the Company has adopted a code for the Prevention of Insider Trading. This Code is
applicable to the Directors and employees of the company and its subsidiaries and their dependent family members.
Annual Report 09-10
Currently, the Board has four Committees, viz.
a. Audit Committee
b. Shareholders/Investors Grievances Committee
c. Board Governance Committee
d. Fund Raising and Acquisitions Committee
The Board Governance Committee and Fund Raising and Acquisitions Committee consist entirely of Independent
Directors. The Audit and the Shareholders/Investors Greivances Committee consist of a majority of Independent
Directors. Normally, the Committees meet four times a year, except the Board Governance Committee. The Quorum for
the Meetings is either two directors or one third of the Members of the Committee, whichever is higher.
In order to get larger participation of Directors in different Board functions and also to ensure that a set of Directors do
not continue to discharge the same function continuously for a longer period of time, the Company has adopted a policy
of re-constitution of the Committees of the Board after every three years. Accordingly, the Board at its Meeting held on
April 24, 2009, reconstituted all the Committees of the Board.
The Committees of Board of Directors at present, their constitution and terms of reference are set out below:
a. Audit Committee:
Brief description of terms of reference:
The Audit Committee reviews, acts and reports to the Board of Directors with respect to:
z overseeing the Companys nancial reporting process and disclosure of its nancial information to ensure that
the fnancial statements are correct, suffcient and credible;
z recommending the appointment / removal of Statutory Auditor(s) & Internal Auditor(s), recommend the audit
fee and also approve the payment for any other services;
z reviewing, with the Management, the quarterly/ annual fnancial statements before submission to the Board;
z reviewing, with the management, the statement of uses / application of funds raised through public issue,
rights issue, preferential issue, etc., the statement of funds utilized for purposes other than those stated in the
offer document/prospectus/notice and the report submitted by the monitoring agency monitoring the utilisation
of proceeds of a public or rights issue, and making appropriate recommendations to the Board to take up steps
in this matter;
z reviewing, with Management, the adequacy of internal control system and performance of Statutory and
Internal Auditors;
z reviewing the adequacy of internal audit function, reporting structure, coverage and frequency of internal audit;
z reviewing the ndings of any internal investigations by the internal auditors into matters where there is
suspected fraud or irregularity or a failure of internal control systems of a material nature and reporting the
matter to the Board;
z discussion with Statutory Auditors, before the audit commences, about the nature and scope of audit as well
as post audit discussion to ascertain any area of concern;
z discussion with Internal Auditors on any signifcant fndings and follow up thereon;
z reviewing the Company's fnancial and risk management policies;
z reviewing the functioning of the Whistle Blower mechanism;
z reviewing the fnancial statements of subsidiary companies;
z looking into reasons for substantial defaults, if any, in the payment to the depositors, debenture holders,
shareholders and creditors;
z approving the appointment of Chief Financial Ofcer (CFO) before nalization of the same by the management
and assessing the qualications, experience and Background etc. of the candidate before approving the
Composition of the Audit Committee as on the date of this report is as under:
Director Position Qualication
Dileep C. Choksi Chairman B. Com, LLB, FCA, CWA
Samir Kumar Mitter Member MA, LLB
Vishakha Mulye Member B Com, CA
On April 24, 2009, the Committee was re-constituted by the induction of Mr. Dileep C. Choksi as Chairman in place
of Mr. S. Santhanakrishnan and Ms. Vishakha Mulye as a member in place of Dr. Bruce Kogut.
The Audit Committee comprises of Non-Executive Directors, majority of them being Independent. Majority of
the Members of the Audit Committee, including the Chairman of the Committee have accounting and nancial
management expertise. The Executive Director & Chief Financial Ofcer, Head Enterprise Risk Management
and Internal Audit, Internal Auditors and the Joint Statutory Auditors attend the Meetings of the Audit Committee
as invitees. The Company Secretary is the Secretary to the Committee.
The Committee met four times during 2009-10 on April 23, 2009; July 27, 2009; October 23, 2009 and January 22,
2010. The time gap between any two Meetings was less than four months.
Meetings attended during the year:
Director Number of Meetings held during the tenure of the
Director as a Member of the Committee
Number of Meetings
Dileep C. Choksi*@ 3 3
Samir Kumar Mitter 4 3
Vishakha Mulye*@ 3 3
Bruce Kogut* 1 0
S. Santhanakrishnan* 1 1
* was a Member only for part of the year.
@ inducted during the scal year 2010
b. Shareholders/Investors Grievances Committee:
This Committee was constituted by the Board to look into the matters relating to the investors servicing and to
redress the grievances of the investors.
Brief description of terms of reference:
z allot to the applicants, shares and other securities issued by the Company from time to time including allotment
under Employees Stock Option Schemes;
z approve registration of transfer of shares and other securities issued and that may be issued from time to time;
and approve or reject application for transmission of shares;
z approve/reject applications for dematerialisation, re-materialisation, subdivision, consolidation, transposition
and thereupon issue share certifcates to the shareholders;
z lay down suitable procedure and approve issue of duplicate certifcates of shares and other securities;
z decide the stock exchange(s)/depository(ies) in India or abroad, on which shares or other securities issued by
the Company are to be listed or delisted including offering/issuing such shares/securities through depositories;
Annual Report 09-10
z x record date and determine closure of Register of Members and Transfer Books for the purpose of payment
of dividend, interest, issue of rights/bonus shares or for such other purpose as the Committee might deem ft;
z redressal of shareholder and investor complaints such as transfer of shares, non-receipt of Annual Reports,
non-receipt of dividend declared, etc.;
z report to the Board about important developments in the area of servicing of shareholders and
z take initiatives for better servicing of the shareholders.
Composition of the Committee as on the date of this Report was as under:
Name of the Director Position
Samir Kumar Mitter Chairman
Ashok Jhunjhunwala Member
Amar Chintopanth Member
On April 24, 2009, the Committee was re-constituted by the induction of Mr. Samir Kumar Mitter as Chairman in
place of Mr. Hoshang N. Sinor and Dr. Ashok Jhunjhunwala as Member in place of Mr. S. Santhanakrishnan.
Majority of the Members of this Committee including the Chairman of the Committee are Independent
Non-Executive Directors. Mr. Shivanand R. Shettigar, the Company Secretary is the Compliance Ofcer and
secretary to this Committee.
The Committee met four times, during the year 2009-10 on April 24, 2009; July 28, 2009; October 23, 2009 and
January 22, 2010.
Meetings attended during the year:
Director Number of Meetings held during the tenure of the
Director as a Member of the Committee
Number of Meetings
Samir Kumar Mitter*@ 3 2
Ashok Jhunjhunwala*@ 3 3
Amar Chintopanth 4 4
Hoshang N. Sinor* 1 1
S. Santhanakrishnan* 1 1
* was a Member only for part of the year.
@ inducted during scal year 2010
The Investors & Shareholders complaints received during the year:
Opening Balance Received Processed Pending as on March 31, 2010
Instructions 7 494 492 9
Grievances 0 5 5 0
c. Board Governance Committee:
This Committee acts as a Board Governance, Compensation cum Nomination Committee.
Brief description of terms of reference:
z identify the prospective directors, evaluate the current composition and recommend appointment of directors;
z evaluate the current composition, organisation and governance of Board and its committees, Board of its
Subsidiaries, determine future requirements and make recommendations to the Board for approval;
z evaluate the performance of Board and Committees of the Company and its Subsidiaries;
z ensure that the Board and the Board of the Subsidiaries are properly constituted to meet its duciary obligations,
the corporate governance principles and best practices;
z determine as to the Director(s) who shall be liable to retire by rotation;
z formulate various codes of ethics, conduct and governance practices;
z evaluate succession planning and work with the Board for evaluating the potential successors to executive
management positions;
z evaluate and recommend to the Board, the compensation plan, policies and programs for Executive Directors
and Senior Management Personnel;
z review performance of Whole-time Directors of the Company and the subsidiaries, nominated by the Company
on its Board viz-a-viz KPA's (Key Performance Area) and to recommend the remuneration payable to them
from time to time by way of salary, perquisites, commission, allowances, performance bonus, stock options
z approve the policy for quantum of bonus payable to the employees.
During the year under review, the Board Governance Committee recommended to the Board the following matters
which were further approved by the Board of Directors:
1. Retention Incentive Scheme to Whole-time Directors and other key employees as a motivational tool.
2. Performance Evaluation and Bonus to Whole-time Directors for the year 2008-09.
3. Commission to Non-Executive Directors for the year 2008-09.
4. Bonus to Employees for the year 2008-09.
5. Induction of Mr. Dileep C. Choksi & Mr. Mahadevan Chandrasekaran as Additional Directors of the Company.
6. Reconstitution of Audit Committee, Shareholders/Investors Grievances Committee, Fund Raising and
Acquisitions Committee and Board Governance Committee.
7. Determination of Directors retiring by rotation and recommendation of their appointment at the 16
General Meeting.
The Board Governance Committee also recommended to pay commission to Non-Executive Directors upto a limit
of 1% of the Net Prot of the Company for a period of 5 years commencing from April 1, 2009 to March 31, 2014.
On April 24, 2009, the Committee was re-constituted by the induction of Mr. Mahadevan Chandrasekaran as a
Member in place of Mr. Suresh Kumar.
Composition of the Committee during the period under review was as under:
Director Position
Hoshang N. Sinor Chairman
Bruce Kogut Member
Mahadevan Chandrasekaran Member
Consequent to the resignation of the Mr. Mahadevan Chandrasekaran at the Meeting held on April 23, 2010, the
Committee has been re-constituted as under:
Director Position
Hoshang N. Sinor Chairman
Bruce Kogut Member
Annual Report 09-10
All the Members of this Committee are Independent Non-Executive Directors. Mr. Shivanand R. Shettigar, the
company secretary acts as the secretary to the Committee.
The Committee met three times during the year 2009-10 on April 9, 2009; April 24, 2009 and October 22, 2009.
The Meetings attended during the year:
Director Number of Meetings held during the tenure of
the Director as a Member of the Committee
Number of Meetings
Hoshang N. Sinor 3 3
Bruce Kogut# 3 2
Mahadevan Chandrasekaran*@ 1 1
Suresh Kumar* 2 2
* was a Member only for part of the year.
# one meeting participated through teleconference.
@ inducted during the scal year 2010
Remuneration policy and details of remuneration to all Directors are given on page no. 15 i.e under the heading - the
Board of Directors and sub heading - Appointment, performance evaluation, age & tenure limit and remuneration of
the Directors.
d. Fund Raising and Acquisitions Committee
This Committee was constituted by the Board to look into the matters relating to assessment of capital requirements
of the Company and subsidiaries, fund raising and recommendation and approval of acquisition proposals.
Brief description of terms of reference:
z to review all long term funding needs of the 3i Infotech group and make appropriate recommendations to the
z to approve acquisitions having a consideration between USD 10 million to USD 25 million per transaction and
report to the Board subsequently;
z recommend for Board's approval acquisitions with a consideration more than USD 25 million and
z noting and performance review of previous acquisitions.
On April 24, 2009, the Committee was re-constituted by the induction of Mr. Hoshang N. Sinor as Chairman in place
of Mr. Suresh Kumar and Mr. Mahadevan Chandrasekaran as Member in place of Mr. V. Srinivasan.
Composition of the Committee during the period under review was as under:
Director Position
Hoshang N. Sinor Chairman
Bruce Kogut Member
Mahadevan Chandrasekaran Member
Consequent to the resignation of Mr. Mahadevan Chandrasekaran at the Meeting held on April 23, 2010, the
Committee has been re-constituted as under:
Director Position
Hoshang N. Sinor Chairman
Bruce Kogut Member
As on the date of this report, all the Members of this Committee are Independent Non-Executive Directors.
Mr. Shivanand R. Shettigar, the Company Secretary acts as the Secretary to the Committee.
The Committee met four times during the year 2009-10 on April 23, 2009; July 27, 2009; October 22, 2009 and
January 21, 2010.
Meetings attended during the year:
Director Number of Meetings held during the tenure of
the Director as a Member of the Committee
Number of
Meetings attended
Hoshang N. Sinor*@ 3 3
Bruce Kogut# 4 2
Mahadevan Chandrasekaran*@ 3 3
V. Srinivasan* 1 1
Suresh Kumar* 1 1
* was a Member only for part of the year.
# one Meeting participated through conference call.
@ inducted during scal year 2010
Details of the Annual General Meetings (AGMs) held in the last three years.
Year Date and Time Venue Special Resolutions passed
2006-07 July 25, 2007
at 4.00 p.m.
Arya Samaj Hall, Plot No. 6, Sector 9A,
Vashi, Navi Mumbai 400 703
1. Amendment of Articles of Association with
regard to the authorized share capital
2. Capitalising Reserves by issue of Bonus
3. Issue of Shares under Employee Stock
Option Scheme 2007 to Employees and
Directors of the Company
4. Issue of Shares under Employee Stock
Option Scheme 2007 to Employees and
Directors of subsidiary and/or holding
2007-08 July 25, 2008
at 4.00 p.m.
Shri Saurashtra Patel Samaj Hall,
Plot No. 6, Sector 2, Sanpada (East),
Near Sanpada Railway Station,
Navi Mumbai 400 705
1. Appointment of Mr. Anirudh Prabhakaran as
Executive Director
2. Variation of terms of remuneration of
Mr. Amar Chintopanth, Executive Director &
2008-09 July 28, 2009
at 3.30 P.M.
Shri Saurashtra Patel Samaj Hall,
Plot No. 6, Sector 2, Sanpada (East),
Near Sanpada Railway Station,
Navi Mumbai 400 705
Commission to Non-Executive Directors
Retention Incentives to Executive Directors
i.e. Mr. Amar Chintopanth and Mr. Anirudh
3. Alteration of Articles of Association of the
Company with regard to insertion of clause
pertaining to appointment of nominee
directors by lenders of the Company.
The Resolutions were passed by show of hands at the above AGMs and none of the Resolutions were passed by way
of Poll.
Annual Report 09-10
Attendance of the Directors at the last AGM held on July 28, 2009
Name of the Directors
Hoshang N. Sinor
Ashok Jhunjhunwala
Dileep C.Choksi
Mahadevan Chandrasekaran
Samir Kumar Mitter
Suresh Kumar
Vishakha Mulye
V. Srinivasan
Amar Chintopanth
Anirudh Prabhakaran
No Extra-ordinary General Meeting (EGM) was held in the last three years.
Postal Ballot
During the year under review, the Company sought the approval of the Members by way of Postal Ballot pursuant to
Section 192A of the Companies Act, 1956 and Companies (Passing of the Resolutions by Postal Ballot) Rules, 2001 for
the following Resolutions:-
Date of the Notice Last date for
Receipt of Postal
Ballot Forms
Date of Result Name of the
Special Resolution Passed
April 9, 2009 May 17, 2009 May 19, 2009 Mr. N. D.Gupta Creation of security by way
of charge(s), mortgage(s) or
otherwise against the borrowings
of the Company
July 28, 2009 August 29, 2009 August 31, 2009 Mr. N. D.Gupta Issue of Securities of the Company
pursuant to Section 81(1A) of the
Companies Act, 1956
The Postal Ballot Forms were sent to all the Members along with Notice and the Explanatory Statement pursuant to
Section 192A of the Companies Act, 1956.
The Board of Directors appointed Mr. N. D. Gupta, Practising Chartered Accountant, as the Scrutiniser for conducting
both the Postal Ballots.
The results of the Postal Ballot were announced by the Chairman on respective date of results and were published in
the Newspapers. The results were also displayed at the Registered Ofce of the Company and also on the website of
the Company at: http://www.3i-infotech.com/investors/announcements.aspx
Results of the Postal Ballot Column I Column II
Particulars Ordinary Resolution
for Creation of
Special Resolution
for Issue of
Total number of equity shareholders who have cast their votes by
means of postal ballot forms
2,954 2,843
Less: Number of equity shareholders whose postal ballot forms
were rejected as invalid
(134) (169)
Results of the Postal Ballot Column I Column II
Particulars Ordinary Resolution
for Creation of
Special Resolution
for Issue of
Number of equity shareholders represented by valid postal ballot
2,820 2,674
Voted in favour of the Resolution 2,701 2,585
Voted against the Resolution 119 89
Total number of votes cast by the equity shareholders by means of
valid postal ballot forms
6,63,21,177 7,23,52,964
Number of invalid votes 36,759 48,664
Votes in favour of the Resolution 6,32,81,852 6,84,56,827
Votes against the Resolution 30,17,977 38,96,137
Percentage of votes cast in favour 95.42% 94.61%
a) Management Discussion and Analysis Report:
The detailed Management Discussion and Analysis Report along with risks and concerns is given separately in the
Annual Report.
b) Disclosure relating to material nancial and commercial transactions having a potential conict of interest:
During the year 2009-10, there were no material nancial and commercial transactions, having a potential conict
of interest entered into by the Company with the Directors or Members of Management.
c) Details of non-compliance, penalties, etc.:
The Company was not subject to any non compliance and no penalties or strictures were imposed on the Company
by Stock Exchanges, SEBI or any statutory or other authority on any matters relating to capital markets, during the
last three years.
d) Whistle Blower Policy:
The Company has been consistently adopting professional and transparent policies and practices in accordance
with the global standards of best practices and governance. As a part of implementing the global best practices, the
Company has put in place a Whistle Blower Policy to enable the employees to participate in fostering transparent
practices in the organisation. The Policy is put up on the Knowledge Management Portal of the Company, which is
an internal portal for the employees.
Under the Policy, employees are free to communicate any matters of concern in areas of accounts, fnance,
management, operations, employment and other affairs of the Company and its subsidiaries and discuss the same
in terms of this policy. Since the date of the Policy, no employee has been denied access to the Audit Committee.
e) Details of Compliance with mandatory requirements and adoption of non-mandatory requirements:
The Company has complied with all the mandatory requirements.
Annual Report 09-10
The companys status of Compliance with the non-mandatory requirements is given below:
1. The Board
As our Chairman is an Independent and Non-executive Director, the Company maintains an ofce for him at
the Corporate Ofce and provides a car for his ofcial duties.
None of the Independent Directors on our Board have served for a term exceeding nine years from the date
when the new clause 49 became effective.
2. Remuneration Committee
The Company has a Board Governance Committee, which also functions as the Remuneration Committee. A
detailed report on the same is given under point II. c in the report.
3. Shareholder Rights
The quarterly, half yearly and annual declaration of the nancial performance are posted on the web-site of the
Company and are also sent to the stock exchanges, where the shares of the Company are listed.
4. Audit Qualications
The Companys nancial statements are unqualied.
5. Training of Board Members
New directors, on being inducted to the Board, are made familiarized with the Companys Corporate Prole,
the Corporate Governance Code, Code of Conduct for Directors and Senior Management, Insider Trading
Code and the Company's policy for Unfair trading practices in securities.
6. Mechanism for evaluating the performance of Non Executive Directors
The Board Governance Committee evaluates the performance of the Non-Executive Directors every year
on the basis of well dened parameters and their recommendations are placed before the Board. The Board
notes the recommendations of the Committee while deciding the remuneration to be paid to the Non Executive
7. Whistle Blower Policy
The Company has laid down a Whistle Blower Policy, the details of which are given above in this report.
f) Utilisation of Proceeds from ssue:
During the year, the Company raised equity capital through a Qualied Institutional Placement (QIP). The details of
utilisation of proceeds received on September 25, 2009

through the QIP is as under :
Particulars Amount
(Rs. in Crores)
Amount received from QIP Proceeds 317.81
Less: Expenses incurred for QIP 10.53
Less: Debt Repayment 307.28
Balance Nil
The Companys periodic nancial results as well as ofcial news releases and presentations made to the institutional
investors and analysts are displayed on the web-site of the Company at www.3i-infotech.com. The nancial results are
normally published in Economic Times, Business Standard, Business Line, Free Press Journal (English) and Navshakti
(regional newspaper).
The Company has an Investor Grievance cell to address the grievances/queries of the shareholders. In order to enable
shareholders to raise queries and grievances, the Company has a separate email ID investors@3i-infotech.com
a) Details of ensuing AGM:
Day and Date Time Venue
Tuesday, July 27, 2010 4 p.m. Shri Saurashtra Patel Samaj Hall, Plot No. 6, Sector 2,
Sanpada (East), Near Sanpada Railway Station,
Navi Mumbai 400 705.
b) Schedule of the Board Meetings for consideration of Financial Results (tentative and subject to change):
Quarter Ended Date
June 30, 2010 July 27, 2010
September 30, 2010 October 22, 2010
December 31, 2010 January 21, 2011
March 31, 2011 April 22, 2011
c) Financial Year: April 01 - March 31
d) Date of Book Closure: July 10, 2010 to July 27, 2010 (both days inclusive)
e) Dividend payment date: Within 5 days from July 27, 2010.
f) Registrar and Transfer Agent:
The Company is a SEBI Registered, Category I Share Transfer Agent and handles Registrar and Transfer Agents
work in-house. The Company has adequate infrastructure to service its shareholders.
g) Share transfer system:
The Company as R&T agent has expertise and effective systems for share transfers.
h) Listing: The shares are listed on National Stock Exchange (NSE) and Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE)
i) Listing on Stock Exchanges and Codes
ISIN No. in NSDL & CDSL: INE748CO1020
Exchange Code 3IINFOTECH 532628
Monthly highs, lows and trading volume for FY 2009
Month National Stock Exchange Bombay Stock Exchange Total Quantity
High Low Trade Quantity High Low Trade Quantity
April-09 46.60 34.55 43,820,701 46.50 34.45 20,938,304 64,759,005
May-09 73.60 47.65 65,858,060 73.45 47.70 24,978,325 90,836,385
June-09 91.70 71.25 46,174,410 91.70 71.45 19,530,957 65,705,367
July-09 81.25 62.10 22,577,551 81.20 61.90 10,162,996 32,740,547
August-09 88.60 65.65 57,444,777 88.65 65.80 29,538,272 86,983,049
September-09 90.20 82.55 42,658,947 90.50 82.60 20,912,451 63,571,398
October-09 100.15 82.40 126,092,482 100.30 82.15 55,178,260 181,270,742
November-09 86.05 77.05 29,060,042 85.75 77.00 12,068,295 41,128,337
December-09 92.40 79.15 69,894,553 92.55 79.05 28,826,407 98,720,960
January-10 95.75 80.80 57,364,288 95.90 80.65 24,833,578 82,197,866
February-10 83.55 73.05 16,280,163 83.55 73.00 6,518,125 22,798,288
March-10 81.90 74.55 23,139,789 81.80 74.80 9,113,059 32,252,848
Annual Report 09-10
j) 3i Infotechs share prices versus the NSE Nifty
k) Distribution of holdings as on March 31, 2010:
Share holding of
nominal value of Rs.
Shareholders Share Amount
Number Percentage to total (%) Rs. Percentage to total (%)
Upto 5000 123,864 89.04 173,440,830 10.28
5001-10000 8,335 5.99 67,514,900 4.00
10001-20000 3,556 2.56 55,392,250 3.28
20001-30000 1,103 0.79 28,584,040 1.69
30001-40000 517 0.37 18,908,800 1.12
40001-50000 441 0.32 21,033,550 1.25
50000-100000 696 0.50 51,831,340 3.07
100001 and above 599 0.43 1,270,893,750 75.31
Total 139,111 100.00 1,687,599,460 100.00
l) Shareholding Pattern as on March 31, 2010:
Category Shares %
Government Financial Institutions 22,085,835 13.09
Nationalised Banks 279,800 0.17
FIIs 16,006,478 9.48
Overseas Corporate Bodies (OCBs) 1,100 0.00
Foreign Banks / Companies 4,608,669 2.73
Non-Residents 3,111,229 1.84
Mutual Funds 22,554,040 13.36
Bodies Corporates 14,220,693 8.43
ICICI Bank Limited - -
IDBI Trusteeship Services Limited (ICICI Strategic Investments
39,036,190 23.13
Other Banks 332,545 0.20
Resident Indians 46,523,367 27.57
TOTAL 168,759,946 100.00
No. of Shareholders 139,111 -

Share Price Vs NSE

NSE High Price High
m) Dematerialisation of shares and liquidity:
On March 31, 2010, all the shares of the Company are held in Dematerialised mode, except 55,320 shares, which
are held in physical mode.
n) Unclaimed Shares lying with Demat Suspense Account:
SEBI has vide its circular No. SEBI/CFD/DIL/LA/1/2009/24/04 dated April 24, 2009 amended the listing agreement.
It is now required for companies to credit the unclaimed shares of the Company arising out of the public issue
which could not be allotted to the rightful shareholder due to insufcient/incorrect information to a separate demat
suspense account. During the year, the Company opened a demat account having account no IN302902/47834376
for transferring unclaimed shares into the account.
The details of the aforesaid shares are as under :
Particulars Details
Aggregate number of shareholders and the outstanding shares -
in the suspense account at the beginning of the year
5 and 674 respectively
Number of shareholders who approached the Company for transfer of
shares from suspense account during the year
Number of holders to whom shares were transferred from suspense
account during the year
Aggregate number of shareholders and the outstanding shares lying in
suspense account as on March 31, 2010
5 and 674 respectively
The voting rights on these shares shall remain frozen till the rightful owner of such shares claims the shares.
o) Outstanding GDRs/ADRs/Warrants or any convertible instruments, conversion date and likely impact on equity
The Company has issued Foreign Currency Convertible Bonds as per the details given below;
US$ 50 Million Zero
Coupon convertible
bonds due in 2011
Euros 30 Million Zero
coupon convertible bonds
due in 2012
US$ 100 Million Zero
Coupon convertible
bonds due in 2012
Identication No. CB110317 CB110317 CB110317
ISIN XS0245867667 XSO292985727 XS0308551166
Initial Conversion Price INR 230 representing a
premium of 33% to INR
173, the reference share
price (closing price on NSE
on March 2, 2006)
INR 308.63 representing
a premium of 25% to INR
246.90, the reference share
price (closing price on NSE on
March 26, 2007)
INR 331.87 representing
a premium of 10% to INR
301.70, the reference
share price (closing price
on NSE on June 25,
Initial Conversion Ratio Convertible into 19,282.6087
common shares per
US$100,000 bond from April
25, 2006 untill February 16,
Convertible into 186.6312
common shares per bond of
Euros 1,000 each from May
13, 2007 until March 4, 2012
Convertible into 122.9698
common shares per
bond of USD 1,000 each
from September 5, 2007
until July 20, 2012
Current Conversion
Rs. 115.00 w. e. f. August
28, 2007
Rs. 154.315 w. e. f. August 28,
Rs. 165.935 w. e. f.
August 28, 2007
Annual Report 09-10
US$ 50 Million Zero
Coupon convertible
bonds due in 2011
Euros 30 Million Zero
coupon convertible bonds
due in 2012
US$ 100 Million Zero
Coupon convertible
bonds due in 2012
Current Conversion
Convertible into
38,565.2174 common
shares per US$100,000
bond each
Convertible into 373.2624
common shares per bond of
Euros 1,000 each
Convertible into
245.9396 common
shares per bond of USD
1,000 each
Yield to maturity 6.80% (semi annually),
if conversion option not
6.90% annual basis 7.05% per annum on
semi-annual basis
Number of Bonds
Converted as on March
31, 2010
Number of Bonds
repurchased as on
March 31, 2010
NIL 10,000 33,633
Number of Bonds
outstanding as on March
31, 2010
202 20,000 66,367
Amount Outstanding as
on March 31, 2010
USD 20.2 Million Euro 20 Million USD 66.367 Million
Expected number of
shares to be issued
7,790,174 7,465,248 16,322,273
Apart from these, there are no other GDRs/ADRs/Warrants or any convertible instruments other than the stock
options issued under the Employees Stock Option Schemes of the Company, which are outstanding.
p) Plant Locations:
As the Company is engaged in Information Technology Industry, it does not have any Plant.
The addresses of various ofces / GDCs (Global Development Centres) of the Company are given below:
1. Tower # 5, 3rd to 6th Floors, International Infotech Park, Vashi, Navi Mumbai - 400 703.
2. Tower # 6, 6th Floor, International Infotech Park, Vashi, Navi Mumbai - 400 703.
3. Unit No. 601, 6th Floor, Akruti Centre Point, MDC Central Road, Next to Marol Telephone Exchange,
Andheri (E), Mumbai - 400 093.
4. Unit No. 301, 3rd Floor, Akruti Trade Centre, Road No.7, MDC Road, Andheri (E), Mumbai - 400 093.
5. 2nd Floor, Sanghavi Chambers, 27, Janmabhoomi Marg, Fort, Mumbai - 400 001.
6. Iwing 1st & 4th Floors, Tex Centre, 26-A Chandivali, Off. Saki Vihar Road, Andheri (E) Mumbai 400 093.
7. 104/105, Ashirwad Build, Upper Ground Floor, Opp. Sardar Patel Seva Samaj Hall, Near Aditya Bldg,
Off. C.G. Road, Navrangpura, Ahmedabad - 380 009.
8. Ground and 2nd Floors, B-56, Sector - 57, NODA, Uttar Pradesh - 201 301.
9. Basement, 1st, 2nd and 3rd Floors, Kiran Plaza, 84, District Centre, Chandrasekharpur,
Bhubaneswar 751 016.
10. Ground, 1st, 2nd and 3rd Floors, Shantishree, No. 17/1, Hosur Road, Bangalore - 560 068.
11. Ground, Mezzanine and 1st Floors, Brigade Champak, 6/2 Union Street, Off. nfantry Road,
Bangalore 560 001.
12. 1st Floor (East Wing), Neil Rao Towers, No.118, Road No.3, Export Promotion Industrial Park, White Field,
Bangalore - 560 066.
13. Apartment Nos. A, B, C, D and E, 7th Floor, Apple Tower, Survey Number 125/10A of Edappally South Village,
Kochi, Kerala - 682 024.
14. Ground and 2nd to 7th Floors, Prince Techno Park, No.10, Old Mahabalipuram Road, Thoraipakkam,
Chennai 600 096.
15. 4th Floor, MBC Tower, 81 TTK Road, Mylapore, Chennai - 600 004.
16. 788/789, 1st to 3rd Floors, AVA Towers, Anna Saalai, Chennai 600 002.
17. 1st & 6th Floors, Rayala Towers, 158 (781-785), Anna Saalai, Chennai 600 002.
18. Ground Floor, Navbharat Chambers, Raj Bhavan Road, Hyderabad 500 082.
19. 5th Floor, Babukhans Millennium Centre, Somajiguda, 6-3-1099/1100, Off Rajbhavan Road,
Hyderabad - 500 082.
20. 3rd and 5th Floors, Prince nfocity-, R.S. Nos 283/3 & 283/ 4, Door No. 141, Kottivakam Village, Rajiv Gandhi
Salai (OMR), Kandanchavadi, Chennai - 600 096.
21. Unit Nos. 301, 302, 3rd Floor, Campus D, RMZ Centennial, Doddanekundi village, Krishnarajapuram, Hobli,
Bangalore-560 048.
q) Address for correspondence
Shivanand R. Shettigar,
Compliance Ofcer & Company Secretary
3i Infotech limited, Tower # 5, 3rd to 6th Floor, International Infotech Park
Vashi, Navi Mumbai 400 703
Ph: (91 22) 67928800
Fax: (91 22) 6792 8094
Email: co@3i-infotech.com
M.B. Battliwala
Senior General Manager
3i Infotech Limited, Akruti Centre Point, 6th Floor, M.I.D.C Central Road
Next to Marol Telephone Exchange, Andheri (East), Mumbai - 400 093
Ph: (91 22) 39145758/91-22-39145560
Fax: (91 22) 39145520
E-mail: investor.relations@3i-infotech.com / corporate@3i-infotech.com
3i Infotech Limited
Tower # 5, 3rd Floor, International Infotech Park,
Vashi Railway Station Commercial Complex, Vashi,
Navi Mumbai 400 703, Maharashtra
Ph: (91 22) 6792 8015/8206
Fax: (91 22) 6792 8098/99
Email: investors@3i-infotech.com
Mumbai, June 9, 2010
Annual Report 09-10
This is to certify that 3i Infotech Limited has put in place the Code of Conduct for the Board of Directors and Senior
Management. This code is applicable to all the Directors of the Company and the Members of Senior Management, who are
one level below the Executive Directors, including all the functional heads and heads of Business Geographies. The Directors
and Members of Senior Management have afrmed compliance with the Code of Conduct for the Board of Directors and
Senior Management for the nancial year ended March 31, 2010.
V. Srinivasan
Managing Director & CEO
3i Infotech Limited
April 23, 2010 at Mumbai
We have examined the compliance of conditions of Corporate Governance by 3i Infotech Limited for the year ended on
March 31, 2010 as stipulated in Clause 49 of the Listing Agreement with Stock Exchange of India.
The compliance of conditions of Corporate Governance is the responsibility of the Management. Our examination was
limited to a review of procedures and implementation thereof, adopted by the Company for ensuring the compliance of the
conditions of Corporate Governance. It is neither an audit nor an expression of opinion on the nancial statements of the
In our opinion and to the best of our information and explanations given to us and based on the representations given by
the Management of the Company, we certify that the Company has complied in all material respects with the conditions of
Corporate Governance as stipulated in the above mentioned Listing Agreements.
We further state that such compliance is neither an assurance as to the future viability of the Company nor the efciency or
the effectiveness with which the Management has conducted the affairs of the Company.
Chartered Accountants Chartered Accountants
Sd/- Sd/-
(R. P. Baradiya) (K. Venkatakrishnan)
Partner Partner
Membership No. 44101 Membership No. 208591
April 23, 2010 at Mumbai
Annual Report 09-10
The management discussion and nancial analysis is based on the consolidated nancial statements prepared in accordance
with the accounting principles generally accepted in India (GAAP) and in compliance with the Accounting Standards (AS)
prescribed by The Companies (Accounting Standards) Rules, 2006.
Introduction to the Company and its Businesses
3i Infotech is one of Indias leading IT companies and among the top 3 Indian Software Products Companies (source :
Dataquest). The Company provides software products, IT services and BPO services for the banking, nancial services,
insurance, manufacturing, auto, healthcare, life sciences and retail & consumer packaged goods industry.
The Company operates through a structure comprising of geographies, verticals, horizontals and support groups. The
geographies are the business drivers and are primarily responsible for business development. The verticals and horizontals
are practices which conceptualize and strengthen various offerings and are enablers to the geographies. The support
groups carry out a dual role of facilitating business and simultaneously exercising necessary controls.
The Company offers a range of world class products and end-to-end high quality business solutions in keeping with
the changing market conditions for various industry segments. 3i Infotech brings together advanced technology, robust
infrastructure, a large pool of talent and a proven global delivery model to provide services, such as - BPO services, software
services and IT infrastructure services, to companies around the world.
Innovation in design and deep domain understanding have helped 3i Infotech build products that solve some of the most
vexing problems faced by our clients. Our portfolio includes products catering to the operational requirements of varied
industries. This includes providing software solutions for the banking and nancial services industry (which includes
insurance, mutual fund and capital market sectors), and an enterprise resource planning package.
Through our IT service offerings, we provide clients with application development & maintenance, IT infrastructure
services, e-governance services, retail e-commerce, business intelligence, document management and business process
management, data warehousing and other online retail services like online tax ling and digital signature certicates.
Through our transaction service offerings, we provide clients with services such as payment remittance, cheque processing,
human resources and payroll management services, account origination, forms processing, printing and mail room
services, collection services, record management, registrar and transfer agent services, securitization and contact center
services. Our transaction service offerings cover the banking, insurance, capital markets, healthcare, energy, utilities and
telecommunications industries. Our top customers include some of the leading banking, insurance and nancial services
companies in India and around the world.
The Company services customers in over 50 countries across 5 continents and is focused on growing the existing customer
base by offering them the various service lines we operate in; continuously looking for opportunities to cross sell and upsell
to the existing customers. Our current customer base comprises over 1,500; including some that feature in the Fortune 500
List of Companies.
The Companys revenues have grown from Rs.424.05 crores to Rs.2,468.75 crores over the last ve years. This represents
a compounded annual growth rate (CAGR) of 55.3%; of which 24.1% has been organic and 31.2% inorganic.
The Company operates in ve nodal geographies namely North America, South Asia, Middle East, Africa, Russia and
CIS (MEARC), Western Europe and Asia Pacic with a current employee strength of over 15,000, spread across these
Financial Trends over the Years
* Prot After Taxation & Before Exceptional items and impact of discontinued operations has been considered for Net Margin
of FY10
40.7% 41.0%
12.2% 10.8%
FY06 FY07 FY08 FY09 FY10 *
GP Margin EBIDTA Margin Net Margin
FY06 FY07 FY08 FY09 FY10
37.8% 41.3%
Software Products IT Services Transaction Services
Gross Margins
54.3% 54.8% 54.1% 51.8% 52.4%
FY06 FY07 FY08 FY09 FY10


Annual Report 09-10
Analysis of Financials
Analysis of Prot & Loss Statement :
Rs. in Crores
For the year ended
March 31, 2010
For the year ended
March 31, 2009
Total Income 2,468.75 2,304.70
Total Expenditure 1,965.61 1,851.22
Prot before Interest, Depreciation, Taxes 503.14 453.48
Interest 144.83 94.95
Depreciation & Amortisation 81.41 70.06
Prot Before Taxation 276.90 288.47
Tax 10.95 22.05
Prot After Taxation & Before Exceptional Items and Impact of
discontinuing operations
265.95 266.42
In FY 2010, consolidated revenues were at Rs. 2,468.75 crores, as against Rs.2,304.70 crores in the previous year, a growth
of 7.1% over the previous year.
The Companys offerings are broadly classied into three distinct segments, software products, IT services and transaction
services. Product revenues contributed to 32% of the total income (35% in the previous year) and IT service revenues were
at 31% (33% in the previous year). Revenues from the transaction services business grew to 37% in the current year, from
32% in the previous year. This signicant increase is due to the acquisition of JPMCs National Retail Lockbox Business in
the US in the current year.
With respect to geographies, South Asia contributed to 26% of the revenues compared to 28% in the previous year. North
America was at 55%, up from 50% in the previous year. This increase is primarily due to the acquisition of JPMCs National
Retail Lockbox Business in the current year. Middle East, Africa, Russia and CIS (MEARC) contributed to 9% of revenue
from 10% in the previous year and Asia Pacic contributed to 4% of revenue compared to 5% in the previous year. Western
Europe was at 6% as compared to 7% in the previous year.
Customer Data
Customer Concentration Nature of Contracts with Customers
* excluding ICICI Group
ICICI Group (Top Customer) Top 5 Customers* Top 10 Customers*
Q410 Q409 FY10 FY09
9% 8% 8%
17% 17% 17%
Fixed Price
FY 09
FY 10
Time & Material
A snapshot of the Geography wise and Segment wise mix for the last ve years has been illustrated below :
Salary and cost of outsourced services and third party products continues to be a major component of expenses. The
Company does not carry any signicant bench and uses a combination of own and outsourced employees to manage cost.
As a percentage of total cost, this is around 84%.
The Operating Prot (Prot before Interest, Depreciation & Taxes) was Rs.503.14 crores, with an operating margin of 20.4%
during the current year, as compared to Rs.453.48 crores, representing 19.7% of income in the previous year.
The improvement in the operating margins is attributed to operating efciencies in product deliveries, rationalization of work
force, consolidation of ofces, cost rationalization across businesses, etc. As part of cost rationalization, our focus has been
in the areas of in-house training for employees, increasing direct sales and other cost control measures.
Interest cost increased primarily due to the full year impact of interest on loans availed during the previous year for the
expansion in the e-Governance business and for general working capital purposes. Similarly, depreciation cost also
increased because of these investments in the retail initiatives which was largely funded through debt.
The Companys rate of tax is around 4% of book prots. This rate is a combination of various tax rates across Geographies
the Company is operating in, including tax holiday benets. Tax for the current year ended March 31, 2010 was Rs.10.95
crores as against Rs.22.05 crores in the previous year.
Prot after tax and before exceptional items and impact of discontinuing operations is at Rs. 265.95 crores, as against
Rs. 266.42 crores for the previous year. The decline is due to the increase in interest and depreciation cost of around
Rs.61 crores. Net prot after minority interest, exceptional items and impact of discontinuing operations (explained below) is
Rs.33.46 crores as against Rs.282.01 crores in the previous year. The decline in the current year is mainly due to the impact
of discontinuing operations of Rs.260.46 crores.
Discontinued Operations
Commencing from March 2007, the Company had entered into agreements with some State Governments towards setting
up and operating Citizen Service Centers across those states for providing certain government services as well as non-
government retail services to consumers. The Company has decided to exit from the Master Service Agreements (MSA) of
some of the State Governments by paying a compensation of Rs. 10.92 crores under these contracts and further decided to
exit totally from this line of business owing to the prevailing business environment. Accordingly, the assets attributed to this
business are being carried as Assets held for Disposal, at their net realizable values. The resultant loss of Rs. 260.46 crores
(net of tax of Rs. 70.73 crores) has been written off in the Prot and Loss account under the head Impact of Discontinuing
FY06 FY07 FY08 FY09 FY10
7% 6%
Geography wise Revenue
South Asia MEARC North America
Asia Pacific Western Europe
36% 34%
28% 26%
29% 55% 50%
FY06 FY07 FY08 FY09 FY10
15% 14% 12% 13%
9% 8%
3% 3%
11% 8%
32% 37%
33% 31%
Segment wise Revenue
Banking Product Insurance Product ERP Product
Capital Markets Product Transaction Services IT Services
Annual Report 09-10
Analysis of Balance Sheet :
Rs. in Crores
As at March 31, 2010 As at March 31, 2009
Share Capital & Reserves 993.47 1,037.01
Minority Interest 8.19 21.16
Loan Funds 2,159.01 2,202.04
Premium Payable on Redemption of FCCB 123.73 109.45
3,284.40 3,369.66
Goodwill on Consolidation 1,810.71 1,700.40
Net Fixed Assets 428.49 692.37
Investments 10.10 3.60
Deferred Tax Assets (Net) 112.65 38.61
Net Current Assets 922.45 934.68
3,284.40 3,369.66
Some of the signicant Balance Sheet items have been discussed below :
During the year the Company had sought approval for equity issuances to the extent of Rs. 500 crores through a Qualied
Institutional Placement (QIP). This was executed in two tranches. In the rst tranche, the Company issued and allotted
37,500,000 fully paid-up equity shares aggregating to approximately Rs. 320 crores in September 2009. The second tranche
concluded on April 7, 2010 and the Company subsequently issued and allotted 22,900,099 fully paid-up Equity Shares
aggregating to approximately Rs. 180 crores, thereby concluding the capital raising activity.
Loan Funds
Loan funds comprise of rupee loans, foreign currency loans and foreign currency convertible bonds (FCCB); the break of
which is as follows :
Rs. in Crores
Rupee Loan 1,153.26
Foreign Currency Loans 494.77
FCCB 510.98
Total Loan Funds 2,159.01
Loan funds have reduced marginally to Rs. 2,159.01 crores in FY 2010 from Rs.2,202.04 crores in FY 2009. These loans
have been used for initiatives in the e-Governance business, earnout payments related to earlier acquisitions and new
acquisitions and for working capital requirements of the Company.
During the year, the Company bought back and cancelled FCCBs (out of the third and the fourth issues) of face value
of EUR 6,000,000 and USD 8,500,000 equivalent to Rs. 82.42 crores at a discount resulting in reduction of liability by
Rs. 29.19 crores. The same has been shown as exceptional income in the Prot & Loss account. The Company also
incurred an amount of Rs. 1.33 crores as professional fees towards advisory, legal and other expenses for various nancial
re-structuring assignments in respect of the aforesaid buyback. The same has been shown as exceptional expenditure in
the Prot & Loss account.
Cash Flows
Cash ow from operations (net) in FY 2010 is at Rs.342.23 crores as against Rs.523.90 crores in the previous year.
During the year, we had cash inows in the form of equity issuances by way of a Qualied Institutional Placement (QIP)
to the extent of Rs.320.31 crores. Issue expense for the QIP is Rs.10.53 crores. Net repayments towards loans taken
and FCCB buyback is Rs.125.78 crores in the current year as against an inow of Rs.626.03 crores in the previous year.
Dividend and interest paid during the year is Rs.175.51 crores as against Rs.123.67 crores in the previous year.
Earnout payments related to earlier acquisitions and new acquisitions are at Rs.252.90 crores compared to Rs.572.22
crores in the previous year. Cash outow for xed assets and other investing activities is at Rs.162.02 crores compared to
Rs.468.95 crores in the previous year.
Considering the above, our net cash balance is at Rs.180.56 crores as compared to Rs.244.76 crores in the previous year.
Goodwill on Consolidation
The excess of the cost to the holding company, of its investments in each of the subsidiaries over and above the share of
equity in the respective subsidiary, on the acquisition date, is recognized in the nancial statements as goodwill which is
tested for impairment on an annual basis.
Goodwill has increased to Rs.1,810.71 crores in the current year as compared to Rs.1,700.40 crores in the previous year.
Addition to goodwill during the year has been Rs.336 crores due to the acquisition of JPMCs National Retail Lockbox
Business and earnouts paid for some of the earlier acquired companies. Foreign exchange impact (loss) has been
Rs.225.69 crores.
Fixed Assets
The Companys gross xed assets have decreased to Rs. 644.55 crores in the current year from Rs. 799.73 crores in the
previous year and the net xed assets have decreased to Rs. 428.49 crores in the current year from Rs. 692.37 crores in the
previous year. The decrease is the result of the removal of project assets for retail initiatives from our xed assets due to the
discontinuation of the retail business.
Working Capital
A signicant part of the working capital is constituted by debtors and unbilled which is at Rs. 827.01 crores in the current
year as against Rs. 760.46 crores in the previous year. The increase is a result of the increase in xed price contracts in our
portfolio and reduction of time and material billing. Fixed price contracts are at 52% and time and material contracts are at
48% in the current year.
The Company has suitably streamlined its processes to develop a more focused and aggressive receivables management
system to ensure timely collections. The Company continues to monitor the debtors and unbilled amounts and is condent
at maintaining it at reasonable levels.
Current liabilities are currently at Rs.541.91 crores as against Rs. 426.83 crores in the previous year.
Forex Exposure
Our diversication into various countries has created a signicant natural forex hedge since the costs are also incurred
largely in those currencies. This has reduced the impact of forex uctuations to a major extent.
Internal Control Systems
The Company exercises internal controls through a formalized process of an authorization matrix from the Board to the
operating levels. The adherence to these controls is periodically reviewed by the internal audit process. The Companys
budgeting process at various levels monitors performance by business, delivery and support groups.
Annual Report 09-10
Enterprise Risk Management
The Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) at 3i Infotech encompasses practices relating to identication, assessment,
monitoring and mitigation of various risks to our business. Our ERM seeks to facilitate mitigation of risks that may affect the
achievement of our business objectives and impact stakeholder value. Risk management is an integral part of our business
model. The business practices at 3i Infotech are oriented to leverage the risk management to generate maximum reward
while keeping risks below a dened level. The Company also uses an appropriate dashboard for measuring and monitoring
key risks with an appropriate ERM framework. Annual risks survey is conducted across the Company to get a perspective on
key risks. Various steps are taken to increase risk awareness and effectively engage the organization in managing the risks.
Major risks identied include geographic and client concentration, attrition, managing of contractual obligations, etc. To
address these risks, the Company has increased its diversication across geographies, enlarged the basket of offerings and
is considering various steps for employee retention.
Human Resources
The Human Resources group has been working through various initiatives with an objective to enhance employee
competence and maximize employee contribution towards the organizational goals. We have rolled out many initiatives to
attract, retain and develop talent in the organisation. Our comprehensive training & development initiatives are aligned to
the skills and knowledge required to meet the long & short term corporate objectives. During the year, we have introduced
various interventions to enrich leadership skills and build team capabilities to create high performance teams. The learning
methodology includes customized offsites facilitated group wise along with classroom training.
Continuous development aided by various initiatives like an effective performance management system, competency based
assessments, 360 degree feedback, etc. pave the way for overall employee growth. A competency modeling & mapping
exercise was undertaken across various business units to identify critical competencies important for successful delivery.
Cautionary Statement
Certain statements made in the Management Discussion and Analysis report relating to the Companys objectives, projections,
outlook, expectations, estimates, etc. may constitute "forward - looking-statements within the meaning of applicable laws
and regulations. Actual results may differ from such expectations, projections, etc. whether expressed or implied. Several
factors could make a signicant difference to the companys operations. These include climatic and economic conditions
affecting demand and supply, government regulations and taxation, natural calamities, etc. over which the Company does
not have any direct control.
Annual Report 09-10
The Board of Directors of 3i Infotech Limited
1. We have audited the attached Consolidated Balance Sheet of 3i Infotech Limited (the Parent Company) and its
subsidiaries collectively referred to as the 3i Infotech Group as at March 31, 2010, the Consolidated Prot & Loss
Account and also the Consolidated Cash Flow Statement for the year ended on that date annexed thereto. These
Financial Statements are the responsibility of the Parent Companys management and have been prepared by them
on the basis of separate nancial statements and other nancial information regarding components. Our responsibility
is to express an opinion on these nancial statements based on our audit.
2. We conducted our audit in accordance with the auditing standards generally accepted in India. Those Standards
require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the nancial statements
are free of material misstatement. An audit includes, examining on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and
disclosures in the nancial statements. An audit also includes assessing the accounting principles used and signicant
estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall consolidated nancial statement presentation. We
believe that our audit provides a reasonable basis for our opinion.
3. a) The nancial statements of 2 subsidiaries, whose nancial statements reect total assets of Rs. 504.68 crores
as at March 31, 2010 and total revenue of Rs. 592.81 crores for the year ended on March 31, 2010 have been
jointly audited with other auditors.
b) We have not audited the nancial statements of 29 subsidiaries included in the consolidated nancial statements,
whose nancial statements reect the total assets of Rs. 2,590.99 crores as at March 31, 2010 and total revenue
for the year ended March 31, 2010 of Rs. 1,033.77 crores. These nancial statements and other nancial
information have been audited by other auditors whose reports have been furnished to us and our opinion is
based solely on the report of the other auditors.
4. We report that the consolidated nancial statements have been prepared by the Parent Companys management
in accordance with the requirements of the Accounting Standards (AS) 21 - Consolidated Financial Statements
prescribed by Companies (Accounting Standards) Rules, 2006 as amended from time to time.
5. Based on our audit and on consideration of reports of other auditors on separate nancial statements and on the
other nancial information of the components and to the best of our information and according to the explanations
given to us, we are of the opinion that the attached Consolidated Financial Statements read together with Signicant
Accounting Policies and Notes to Accounts in Schedule XII and other notes appearing elsewhere in the said accounts,
give the information required by the Act, in the manner so required and give a true and fair view in conformity with the
accounting principles generally accepted in India:
(i) in the case of Consolidated Balance Sheet, of the state of affairs of the 3i Infotech Group as at March 31, 2010;
(ii) in the case of Consolidated Prot and Loss account, of the prot of the 3i Infotech Group for the year ended on
that date; and
(iii) in the case of Consolidated Cash Flow Statement, of the cash ows of the 3i Infotech Group for the year ended
on that date.
For Lodha & Co. For R.G.N. Price & Co.
Chartered Accountants Chartered Accountants
R.P. Baradiya K. Venkatakrishnan
Partner Partner
Membership No. 44101 Membership No. 208591
Firm Registration No: 301051E Firm Registration No: 002785S
Mumbai. Mumbai.
Date : April 23, 2010 Date : April 23, 2010
Annual Report 09-10
Rs. in Crores
Schedule As at
March 31, 2010
As at
March 31, 2009
1. Shareholders Funds :
A. Share Capital I 268.76 230.75
B. Reserves and Surplus II 724.71 806.26
993.47 1,037.01
2. Minority Interest 8.19 21.16
3. Loan Funds :
A. Secured Loans III 954.65 939.37
B. Unsecured Loans IV 1,204.36 1,262.67
2,159.01 2,202.04
4 Premium payable on Redemption of FCCB 123.73 109.45
3,284.40 3,369.66
1. Goodwill arising on consolidation 1,810.71 1,700.40
2. Fixed Assets : V
A. Gross Block 644.55 799.73
B. Less : Depreciation 270.46 233.01
C. Net Block 374.09 566.72
D. Capital Work-in-Progress 39.40 125.65
E. Assets held for disposal 15.00 -
428.49 692.37
3. Investments VI 10.10 3.60
4. Deferred Tax Asset (net) 112.65 38.61
5. Current Assets, Loans and Advances VII
A. Current Assets :
a. Inventories 3.88 11.06
b. Sundry Debtors 542.60 483.10
c. Unbilled Revenues 284.41 277.36
d. Cash and Bank Balances 189.60 319.61
1,020.49 1,091.13
B. Loans and Advances 503.56 331.54
1,524.05 1,422.67
Less: Current Liabilities and Provisions : VIII
A. Current Liabilities 541.91 426.83
B. Provisions 59.69 61.16
601.60 487.99
Net Current Assets 922.45 934.68
3,284.40 3,369.66
Signicant Accounting Policies and Notes to Accounts XII
Schedules referred to above form an integral part of the nancial statements
As per our attached report of even date For and on behalf of the Board
For Lodha & Co.
Chartered Accountants
For R.G.N. Price & Co.
Chartered Accountants
V Srinivasan
Managing Director & CEO
Dileep C. Choksi
Director & Chairman of
Audit Committee
R P Baradiya
K. Venkatakrishnan
Amar Chintopanth
Executive Director & CFO
Shivanand R Shettigar
Company Secretary
Mumbai, April 23, 2010
Annual Report 09-10
Rs. in Crores
Schedule For the year
March 31, 2010
For the year
March 31, 2009
Income from Operations IX 2,448.54 2,285.64
Other Income X 20.21 19.06
Total Income 2,468.75 2,304.70
Operating, Selling & Other expenses XI 1,965.61 1,851.22
Total Expenditure 1,965.61 1,851.22
Prot before interest, depreciation and amortisation 503.14 453.48
Interest 144.83 94.95
Depreciation and amortisation (Refer Note no. 2.7) 81.41 70.06
Prot Before Taxation 276.90 288.47
Provision for Taxes
- Deferred Taxes (net) (6.10) 4.23
- Current Taxes 43.12 38.33
- Fringe Benet Tax - 2.33
- MAT Credit Entitlement (27.23) (23.30)
- Pertaining to earlier years written off 1.16 0.46
Prot After Taxation & Before Exceptional items and impact of
discontinuing operations 265.95 266.42
Add : Exceptional Income (Refer Note no.2.6(i)) 29.19 77.05
Less : Impact of Discontinuing Operations (refer note no.2.7) (260.46) -
(Less) : Exceptional expenditure (Refer Note no.2.6 (ii)) (1.33) (51.09)
Add: Share of prot in Associate - 0.25
Less/(Add):Minority Shareholders Interest (0.11) 10.62
Net Prot After Minority Interest 33.46 282.01
Add: Balance of prot brought forward 299.18 167.45
Less : Reversal of prot on sale of IPR (Refer Note no. 2.4.11 (b)) (18.27) -
Add : FCCB redemption reserve written back 234.16 -
Prot available for appropriation 548.53 449.46
Translation Reserve adjusted (228.55) 24.78
319.98 474.24
Schedule For the year
March 31, 2010
For the year
March 31, 2009
Less: Appropriations
- General Reserve 6.00 9.00
- FCCB Redemption Reserve 53.66 135.66
- Proposed Dividend - Equity Shares 25.32 19.61
- Residual Dividend Paid 0.02 0.02
- Proposed Dividend - Preference Shares 1.03 1.03
- Interim Dividend - Preference Shares 5.32 5.32
- Corporate Dividend Tax 5.38 4.42
96.73 175.06
Balance carried over to Balance Sheet 223.25 299.18
Earnings per Share
Equity shares, par value Rs. 10 each
Before Exceptional items and impact of discontinuing operations
Basic (Rs.) 17.21 19.02
Diluted (Rs.) 17.00 19.02
After Exceptional items and impact of discontinuing operations
Basic (Rs.) 1.73 21.01
Diluted (Rs.) 1.71 21.01
Signicant Accounting Policies and Notes to Accounts XII
Schedules referred to above form an integral part of the nancial statements
Rs. in Crores
As per our attached report of even date For and on behalf of the Board
For Lodha & Co.
Chartered Accountants
For R.G.N. Price & Co.
Chartered Accountants
V Srinivasan
Managing Director & CEO
Dileep C. Choksi
Director & Chairman of
Audit Committee
R P Baradiya
K. Venkatakrishnan
Amar Chintopanth
Executive Director & CFO
Shivanand R Shettigar
Company Secretary
Mumbai, April 23, 2010
Annual Report 09-10
Rs. in Crores
For the year ended
March 31, 2010
For the year ended
March 31, 2009
A Cash Flow from Operating Activities :
Prot before Taxation & Exceptional items 276.90 288.47
Adjustments for:
Depreciation/Amortization 81.41 70.06
Foreign Exchange loss/(gain) (8.46) (8.31)
Loss/(Prot) on sale/discarding of xed assets 2.75 1.04
Dividend Income (1.50) (0.29)
Interest earned (2.73) (2.00)
Interest paid 144.83 94.95
Provision for doubtful debts 13.93 18.38
Share of prot in Associate - 0.25
Impairment of acquired software & losses on foreclosure of contracts - 15.21
Operating Prot before Working Capital Changes 507.13 477.76
Adjustments for:
Trade and Other Receivables (137.13) (260.75)
Inventories 7.18 (11.06)
Trade Payables and Other Liabilities 27.65 364.04
(102.30) 92.23
Cash generated from Operations 404.83 569.99
Income Taxes (including FBT (paid)/refund received) (62.60) (46.09)
Net cash from Operating Activities - A 342.23 523.90
B Cash Flow from Investing Activities :
Acquisitions/earnout paid during the year (252.90) (572.22)
Purchase of xed assets (including Capital Work-in-Progress &
(169.80) (485.98)
Sale of xed assets 3.54 14.53
Purchase of Investments/application money (256.04) (146.87)
Sale of Investments 256.04 147.19
Dividend received 1.50 0.29
Loans and advances (given)/received back 0.01 (0.11)
Interest received 2.73 2.00
Net cash used in Investing Activities - B (414.92) (1,041.17)
C Cash Flow from Financing Activities :
Proceeds from issue of Equity Share Capital/QIP 320.31 1.20
QIP issue expenses (10.53) -
Payment towards FCCB Buy Back (54.55) (127.03)
(including advisory, legal, professional fee Refer note no. 2.6)
Proceeds from/(Repayment of) borrowings - net (71.23) 753.06
Dividends paid (including taxes) (30.37) (30.39)
Interest paid (145.14) (93.28)
Net Cash from Financing Activities - C 8.49 503.56
Net Increase/(Decrease) in Cash and Cash Equivalents (A+B+C) (64.20) (13.71)
Cash and Cash Equivalents as at beginning
244.76 258.47
Cash and Cash Equivalents as at end
2, 4
180.56 244.76
Notes :
1. The above Cash Flow Statement has been prepared under the Indirect Method.
2. Margin money of Rs. 15.54 crores (as at Mar 31, 2009 - Rs. 17.50 crores) and monies lying in escrow account of Rs.Nil
(as at Mar 31, 2009 - Rs. 57.35 crores) has been excluded from Cash and Cash equivalents and included in Trade and
Other Receivables.
3. Mutual Fund Units of Liquid funds of Rs. 6.5 crores (Mar 31, 2009 - Rs. Nil) has been included in Cash and Cash
4. Refer note no. 2.7 regarding discontinuing of operations.
5. Previous years gures have been regrouped / rearranged wherever necessary to conform to the current years
Signicant Accounting Policies and Notes to Accounts (Refer Schedule No XII)
Schedules referred above form an integral part of the nancial statements
Rs. in Crores
For the year ended
March 31, 2010
For the year ended
March 31, 2009
As per our attached report of even date For and on behalf of the Board
For Lodha & Co.
Chartered Accountants
For R.G.N. Price & Co.
Chartered Accountants
V Srinivasan
Managing Director & CEO
Dileep C. Choksi
Director & Chairman of
Audit Committee
R P Baradiya
K. Venkatakrishnan
Amar Chintopanth
Executive Director & CFO
Shivanand R Shettigar
Company Secretary
Mumbai, April 23, 2010
Annual Report 09-10
Rs. in Crores
As at
March 31, 2010
As at
March 31, 2009
I Share Capital
300,000,000 Equity shares of Rs. 10 each
(as at Mar 31, 2009 - 300,000,000 of Rs. 10 each)
300.00 300.00
200,000,000 Cumulative Preference shares of Rs.5 each 100.00 100.00
400.00 400.00
Issued, Subscribed & Paid - up
168,759,946 Equity shares of Rs. 10 each
(130,750,946 equity shares as at Mar 31, 2009)
168.76 130.75
200,000,000 6.35% Cumulative Preference shares of Rs.5 each 100.00 100.00
268.76 230.75
Notes :
1. Of the above, 84,788,331 Equity shares are allotted as fully paid-up Bonus shares (as at Mar 31, 2009 -
84,788,331 shares) by capitalisation of Securities Premium Account and accumulated prots.Also refer note no.
2.3 regarding shares issued through QIP.
2. The Preference Shares are redeemable at par on expiry of nine years from the date of allotment i.e. Mar 31,
II Reserves and Surplus
a. Securities Premium Account
Balance as per last Balance Sheet 212.95 285.17
Add : Received on allotment of equity shares under ESOS 1.99 0.99
Add : Received during the year on Qualied Institutional Placement issue
(QIP) 280.31 -
Less : Utilised towards QIP issue expenses (QIP) (10.53) -
Add/(Less) : written back/(Utilised) towards premium payable on
redemption of FCCB (14.26) (73.21)
470.46 212.95
b. General Reserve
Balance as per last Balance Sheet 25.00 16.00
Add : Transferred from Prot & Loss Account 6.00 9.00
31.00 25.00
c. Translation Reserve
Balance brought forward from previous year 88.63 (24.78)
Movement during the year (317.18) 113.41
(228.55) 88.63
Adjusted against Prot and Loss Account balance (Contra) 228.55 -
- 88.63
d. FCCB Redemption Reserve
Balance as per last Balance Sheet 180.50 44.84
Add: Transfer from Prot and Loss Account 53.66 135.66
(Less): Transfer to Prot and Loss Account (234.16) -
- 180.50
e. Prot and Loss Account
Balance as per annexed account 223.25 299.18
724.71 806.26
III Secured Loans
Term Loans 741.25 798.82
Cash Credit 213.40 140.55
954.65 939.37
Notes :
1. Security and terms & conditions for Term Loans :
a. Rs. 1.80 crores (as at Mar 31, 2009 - Rs. 1.46 crores) loan is secured by way of hypothecation on certain
Company owned vehicles.
b. Rs. 43.55 crores (as at Mar 31, 2009 - Rs. 93.53 crores) loan is secured/ to be secured by way of Equitable
Mortgage of certain properties of the Company situated at Navi Mumbai.
c. Rs. Nil (as at Mar 31, 2009 - Rs. 50.00 crores) loan is secured by way of hypothecation on certain movable
project assets.
d. Rs. 125.00 crores (as at Mar 31, 2009 - Rs. Nil) is secured by subordinated charge on all tangible assets
situated at Navi Mumbai and Goregaon.
e. Rs. 76.09 crores (as at Mar 31, 2009 - Rs. Nil) loan is secured by way of oating charge on certain book
f. Rs. 22.00 crores (as at Mar 31, 2009 - Rs. Nil) loan is secured by way of assignment of certain receivables
of 3i Infotech (Middle East) FZ LLC.
g. Rs. 472.81 crores (as at Mar 31, 2009 - Rs. 443.48 crores) is secured by way of pledge of shares of
3i Infotech Financial Software Inc, Regulus Group and are further secured by subordinated charge by
hypothecation of certain material tangible and intangible xed assets and mortgage of certain immovable
properties of the Parent Company.
2. Certain non-fund facilities of Rs. 40.04 crores (as at Mar 31, 2009 - Rs. 36.72 crores) and Cash Credit are
secured by way of oating charge on certain book debts.
IV Unsecured Loans
Foreign Currency Convertible Bonds (Refer note no. 2.5) 510.98 672.78
Loans from banks 692.85 588.92
Others 0.53 0.97
1,204.36 1,262.67
Rs. in Crores
As at
March 31, 2010
As at
March 31, 2009
Annual Report 09-10
V. Fixed Assets
Rs. in Crores
Particulars As at
April 1,
during the
Ded / Adj
As at
Mar 31,
Mar 31,
Adjustments For
Ded / Adj Upto
Mar 31,
As at
As at
Mar 31,
during the
Intangible assets
Goodwill 1.79 - - - 1.79 1.63 - 0.16 - 1.79 - 0.16
Software Products
- Meant for sale 7.94 - - - 7.94 2.17 - - - 2.17 5.77 5.77
- Others 198.12 - 51.77 18.79 231.10 43.82 - 34.91 3.65 75.08 156.02 154.30
Business &
49.66 - - 0.40 49.26 23.56 - 4.21 - 27.77 21.49 26.10
Tangible assets
Land - Leasehold 0.52 - - - 0.52 0.08 - - - 0.08 0.44 0.44
- Freehold 2.08 - - - 2.08 - - - - - 2.08 2.08
Buildings - Owned 1.49 - - 0.72 0.77 0.27 - - - 0.27 0.50 1.22
- Leasehold
32.34 - 0.25 - 32.59 5.28 - 0.00 - 5.28 27.31 27.06
60.40 - 5.14 3.66 61.88 16.03 - 11.42 2.48 24.97 36.91 44.37
Plant & Machinery
/ Electrical
Installations 29.14 - 1.26 4.46 25.94 8.79 - 2.52 0.79 10.52 15.42 20.35
Computers 142.73 - 41.05 20.62 163.16 88.19 - 21.45 13.42 96.22 66.94 54.54
Furniture &
36.81 - 1.97 3.98 34.80 12.59 - 2.93 0.81 14.71 20.09 24.22
Ofce Equipment 22.50 - 2.53 4.11 20.92 7.65 - 2.45 2.24 7.86 13.06 14.85
Vehicles 10.55 - 2.69 1.44 11.80 3.26 - 1.36 0.88 3.74 8.06 7.29
Project Assets
203.66 - 117.96 321.62 - 19.69 - - 19.69 - - 183.97
Total 799.73 - 224.62 379.80 644.55 233.01 - 81.41 43.96 270.46 374.09 566.72
Previous year 366.52 67.30 363.79 (2.12) 799.73 152.53 6.76 70.06 (3.66) 233.01 566.72
Capital work
- in - progress
(including Capital
2 & 3
125.65 - 120.00 206.25 39.40 - - - - - 39.40 125.65
*pertains to adjustments arising out of merger /acquisitions
1 Buildings- Leasehold include:
(i) Rs.20.85 crores (as at Mar 31, 2009 Rs.20.85 crores), Accumulated Depreciation - Rs.3.22 crores (as at Mar 31, 2009
Rs.3.22 crores) and Net Value Rs.17.63 crores (as at Mar 31, 2009 Rs.17.63 crores) being lease premium paid in respect of
building taken on lease for sixty years.
(ii) Rs.11.49 crores (as at Mar 31, 2009 Rs.11.49 crores), Accumulated Depreciation Rs.2.05 crores (as at Mar 31, 2009 Rs.2.05
crores) and Net Value Rs.9.44 crores (as at Mar 31, 2009 Rs.9.44 crores) being lease premium paid in respect of building taken
on lease for ninety nine years.
2. Estimated realisable value of project assets transferred to assets held for disposal - Rs.15.00 crores (refer note no.2.7).
3 Capital work- in- progress comprise
- advance towards project assets Rs.Nil (as at Mar 31, 2009 Rs.55.29 crores)
- others Rs.39.40 crores (as at Mar 31, 2009 Rs.70.36 crores).
4. Rs.0.00 crores denotes gures less than Rs.50,000.
Rs. in Crores
As at
March 31, 2010
As at
March 31, 2009
VI Investments
Non-Trade, Unquoted and Fully Paid-up
Long Term Investments
In Companies
a. 200,000 Equity Shares of Srilankan Rs.10 each of First Capital
Asset Management Co. Ltd., Sri Lanka
0.10 0.10
b. 37,500 Equity Shares of Egyptian Pounds 100 each of Nile
Information Technology
3.50 3.50
c. National Savings Certicate
0.00 0.00
d. 8% holding in Four Seasons Software, LLC, a S corporation,
Connecticut, USA
Less : Provision for diminution in the value thereof
2.10 2.10
2.10 2.10
- -
Current Investments
In Mutual Fund units
(Repurchase value as on March 31, 2010 Rs.6.5 crores)
6.50 -
Aggregate value Investments 10.10 3.60
$ Rs. 0.00 denotes gures less than Rs. 50,000
VII Current Assets, Loans and Advances
A Current Assets
a) Inventories 3.88 11.06
b) Sundry Debtors 542.60 483.10
c) Unbilled Revenues 284.41 277.36
d) Cash and Bank Balances :
i. Cash on hand 0.24 0.25
ii. Balances with banks:
in current accounts * 129.00 226.09
in deposit accounts 44.82 18.42
in escrow account 0.00 57.35
in margin money accounts 15.54 17.50
189.36 319.36
189.60 319.61
1,020.49 1,091.13
* Includes cheques on hand and remittances - in - transit 0.14 7.53
Annual Report 09-10
B Loans and Advances
(Unsecured, Considered good)
Loans to staff 0.29 0.30
Advance tax and tax deducted at source
(net of provision of Rs.98.47 crores;
previous year Rs.64.64 crores)
50.30 32.52
MAT Credit Receivable 67.56 36.99
Deposits 77.43 72.37
Advances recoverable in cash or in kind or for value to be received 307.98 189.36
503.56 331.54
1,524.05 1,422.67
VIII Current Liabilities and Provisions
A Current Liabilities
Acceptances 26.55 13.45
Sundry creditors 437.28 304.03
Advances received from Customers (including unearned income) 9.86 30.93
Interest accrued but not due 1.87 2.18
Other liabilities 66.35 76.24
541.91 426.83
B Provisions
Provision for employee benets 28.87 28.62
Provision for warranty - 8.40
Proposed dividend (including tax thereon) 30.82 24.14
59.69 61.16
601.60 487.99
$ Rs. 0.00 denotes gure less than Rs. 50,000
Rs. in Crores
As at As at
March 31, 2010 March 31, 2009
IX Income from Operations
Software Products 783.38 811.23
IT / IT Enabled Services 749.64 748.17
Transaction Services 915.52 726.24
2,448.54 2,285.64
X Other Income
Interest 2.73 2.00
Dividend - on current investment (Non-Trade) 1.50 0.29
Foreign Exchange gain (net) 8.46 8.31
Miscellaneous income 7.52 8.46
20.21 19.06
XI Operating, Selling and Other Expenses
Salary and related expenses 1,201.94 997.09
Recruitment and training expenses 3.09 10.12
Cost of third party products / outsourced services 447.84 512.66
Rent 90.02 86.91
Insurance 11.17 19.95
Travelling and conveyance 63.09 78.91
Electricity charges 15.36 16.63
Rates and taxes 7.50 5.94
Communication expenses 26.24 24.66
Loss on sale/discarding of Fixed Assets (net) 2.75 1.04
Printing and stationery 6.25 7.21
Repairs and maintenance - building 3.99 3.07
Directors commission 1.00 0.70
Legal and professional charges 18.71 17.01
Bank charges and other nancial charges 18.45 5.69
Selling and distribution expenses 15.84 17.46
Bad debts written off 11.56 9.02
Less: Provisions withdrawn (11.56) (9.02)
Provision for doubtful debts 13.93 18.38
Impairment of acquired software & losses on foreclosure of contracts - 15.21
(Nil; net of reversal of contingency provision of Rs.12.01 crores)
Miscellaneous expenses 18.44 12.58
1,965.61 1,851.22
Rs. in Crores
For the year
March 31, 2010
For the year
March 31, 2009
Annual Report 09-10
1.1 Overview of the Group
3i Infotech Limited (Parent) was promoted by erstwhile ICICI limited. The Parent and its subsidiaries are collectively
referred to as the Group. The Group is a global information technology conglomerate headquartered in Mumbai,
India. The Group undertakes sale of software products, software development and consulting services, IT enabled
managed services and Transaction services.
1.2 Basis of preparation of consolidated nancial statements
The consolidated nancial statements are prepared and presented under historical cost convention, on the accrual
basis of accounting, in accordance with the accounting principles generally accepted in India (GAAP) and in
compliance with the Accounting Standards (AS) issued by The Companies (Accounting Standards) Rules, 2006, to
the extent applicable. Accounting policies have been consistently applied except where a newly issued accounting
standard is initially adopted or a revision to an existing accounting standard required a change in accounting policy
hitherto in use.
1.3 Use of estimates
The preparation of the consolidated nancial statements in conformity with GAAP requires management to make
estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amount of assets, liabilities, revenues and expenses and
disclosure of contingent liabilities on the date of nancial statements. The recognition, measurement, classication
or disclosures of an item or information in the nancial statements are made relying on these estimates. Any revision
to accounting estimates is recognized prospectively.
1.4 Principles of consolidation
The consolidated nancial statements include the nancial statements of The Parent and all its subsidiaries, which
are more than 50% owned or controlled and have been prepared in accordance with the consolidation procedures
laid down in AS 21-Consolidated Financial Statements.
The consolidated nancial statements have been prepared on the following basis:
z The nancial statements of the Parent and the subsidiaries have been combined on a line-by-line basis by adding
together the book values of like items of assets, liabilities, income and expenses after eliminating intra-group
balances/transactions and resulting prots in full. Unrealized losses resulting from intra-group transactions have
also been eliminated except to the extent that recoverable value of related assets is lower than their cost to the
z The consolidated nancial statements are presented, to the extent possible, in the same format as that adopted
by the Parent for its standalone nancial statements.
z The consolidated nancial statements are prepared using uniform accounting policies across the Group.
z Goodwill arising on consolidation - The excess of cost to the Parent, of its investment in subsidiaries over its
portion of equity in the subsidiaries at the respective dates on which investment in subsidiaries was made, is
recognized in the nancial statements as goodwill and in the case where equity exceeds the cost; the same
is being adjusted in the said goodwill. The Parents portion of equity in the subsidiaries is determined on the
basis of the value of assets and liabilities as per the nancial statements of the subsidiaries as on the date of
z Entities acquired during the year have been consolidated from the respective dates of their acquisition.
1.5 Members of the Group:
3i Infotechs subsidiaries & step down subsidiaries are listed below:
Entity Country of
Percentage of holding Date of
1 3i Infotech Inc. USA 100% held by 3i Infotech
Holdings Private Limited
Jan 7, 2000
2 3i Infotech Asia Pacic Pte Ltd. Singapore 100% held by Parent
Nov 8, 2000
3 3i Infotech SDN BHD Malaysia 100% held by 3i Infotech
Pte Ltd
Sep 29, 2002
4 3i Infotech (UK) Ltd. UK 100% held by Parent
Apr 1, 2005
5 3i Infotech (Thailand) Ltd. Thailand 100% held by 3i Infotech
Pte Ltd
May 12, 2005
6 3i Infotech Consulting Inc. USA 100% held by 3i Infotech
Sep 26, 2005
7 Datacons Asia Pacic SDN BHD Malaysia 100% held by 3i Infotech
Pte Ltd
May 11, 2006
8 Delta Services (India) Private Ltd. India 100% held by Parent
Jun 30, 2009
9 3i Infotech Trusteeship Services Ltd. India 100% held by Parent
Aug 31, 2006
10 3i Infotech (Western Europe) Holdings
UK 100% held by 3i Infotech
(UK) Limited
Oct 20, 2006
11 3i Infotech (Western Europe) Group
UK 100% held 3i Infotech
(Western Europe)
Holdings Limited
Oct 20, 2006
12 Rhyme Systems Ltd. UK 100% held by 3i Infotech
(Western Europe) Group
Oct 20, 2006
13 3i Infotech (Western Europe) Ltd. UK 100% held by 3i Infotech
(Western Europe) Group
Oct 20, 2006
14 Stex Software Pvt. Ltd. India 100% held by Parent
Nov 7, 2006
15 E-Enable Technologies Pvt. Ltd. India 100% held by Parent
Nov 20, 2006
16 3i Infotech Holdings Pvt. Ltd. (i) Mauritius 100% held by Parent
Nov 20, 2006
17 3i Infotech Financial Software Inc. USA 100% held by 3i Infotech
Holdings Private Limited
Dec 18, 2006
18 3i Infotech Saudi Arabia LLC. Saudi Arabia 100% held by Parent
Dec 24, 2006
19 3i Infotech (Africa) Ltd. Kenya 100% held by 3i Infotech
(Middle East) FZ LLC
Apr 27, 2007
20 Black Barret Holdings Ltd. (j) Cyprus 100% held by 3i Infotech
Holdings Private Limited
May 8, 2007
21 Professional Access Software
Development Pvt. Ltd.
India 100% held by Black
Barret Holdings Limited
May 8, 2007
Annual Report 09-10
Entity Country of
Percentage of holding Date of
22 Professional Access Ltd. USA 100% held by 3i Infotech
Holdings Private Ltd.
May 8, 2007
23 aok In-house BPO Services Ltd. (a) India 100% held by 3i Infotech
BPO Ltd.
Jun 30, 2009
24 aok In-house Factoring Services Pvt.
India 100% held by Parent
Jun 30, 2009
25 KNM Services Pvt. Ltd. India 100% held by Parent
May 29, 2007
26 Lantern Systems Inc. (b) USA 100% held by J&B
Software (Canada) Inc
Apr 3, 2009
27 3i Infotech Kazakhstan LLC. Kazakhstan 100% held by 3i Infotech
Holdings Private Limited
Jun 29, 2007
28 3i Infotech (Middle East) FZ LLC. UAE 100% held by 3i Infotech
Holdings Private Limited
July 1, 2007
29 ePower Inc. (b) USA 100% held by J&B
Software (Canada) Inc
Apr 3, 2009
30 Manipal Informatics Pvt. Ltd. India 100% held by Delta
Services (I) Pvt Ltd
July 29, 2007
31 HCCA Business Services Pvt. Ltd. (a) India 100% held by 3i Infotech
BPO Ltd.
Jun 30, 2009
32 Taxsmile.com India Pvt. Ltd. (h) India 100% held by 3i Infotech
Consumer Services Ltd.
Sep 1, 2007
33 Antriksh Interactive Pvt. Ltd. (k) India 70% held by Taxsmile
.com India Pvt. Ltd.
Sep 1, 2007
34 Access Matrix Technologies Pvt. Ltd. India 100% held by Taxsmile
.com India Pvt. Ltd
Sep 1, 2007
35 J&B Software Inc. USA 100% held by 3i Infotech
Financial Software Inc.
Nov 1, 2007
36 J&B Software (Canada) Inc. Canada 100% held by J&B
Software Inc.
Nov 1, 2007
37 Objectsoft Group Inc. (b) & (c) USA 100% held by J&B
Software (Canada) Inc
Apr 3, 2009
38 3i Infotech Consultancy Services Ltd.
India 100% held by Parent
Nov 13, 2007
39 3i Infotech BPO Ltd. (formerly known
as Linear Financial and Management
Systems Pvt. Ltd.)
India 100% held by Parent
Dec 1, 2007
40 Exact Technical Services Ltd. UK 100% held by 3i Infotech
(Western Europe) Ltd.
Jan 29, 2008
41 3i Infotech Framework Ltd. UK 100% held by 3i Infotech
(Western Europe) Ltd
Feb 8, 2008
42 3i Infotech (Australia) Pty. Ltd. Australia 100% held by 3i Infotech
Asia Pacic Pte Ltd
Feb 5, 2008
43 3i Infotech Services (Bangladesh)
Pvt. Ltd.
Bangladesh 100% held by Parent
Mar 4, 2008
44 3i Infotech Insurance & Re-insurance
Brokers Ltd.
India 100% held by Parent
Mar 11, 2008
Entity Country of
Percentage of holding Date of
45 Locuz Enterpirse Solutions Ltd. (e) India 51% held by Parent
May 8, 2008
46 3i Infotech Consulting Services SDN
Malaysia 100% held by 3i Infotech
May 2, 2008
47 J&B Software India Pvt. Ltd. India 100% held by Parent
Jun 1, 2008
48 FinEng Solutions Pvt. Ltd. (f) India 60% held by Parent
Jun 9, 2008
49 Regulus Group LLC. USA 100% held by Regulus
Holdings Inc
Jun 10, 2008
50 Regulus Integrated Solutions LLC. USA 100% held by Regulus
Group LLC
Jun 10, 2008
51 Regulus West LLC. USA 100% held by Regulus
Group LLC
Jun 10, 2008
52 Regulus America LLC. USA 100% held by Regulus
Group LLC
Jun 10, 2008
53 Regulus Tristate LLC. USA 100% held by Regulus
Group LLC
Jun 10, 2008
54 3i Infotech Consumer Services Ltd. India 100% held by Parent
Jun 26, 2008
55 Elegon Infotech Ltd. (m) China 100% held by Parent
July 10, 2008
56 Regulus Holdings Inc. (g) USA 100% held by 3i Infotech
Financial Software Inc
Oct 31, 2008
57 Regulus Group ll LLC. USA 100% held by Regulus
Holdings Inc.
Jun 30, 2009
(a) In March 2010, the Parent Company has sold its investment in aok In-house BPO Services Ltd. and
HCCA Business Services Pvt. Ltd. to 3i Infotech BPO Ltd.
(b) During the year, 3i Infotech (Middle East) FZ LLC. transferred its entire membership interest in Objectsoft
Group Inc., ePower Inc. and Lantern Systems Inc. to J&B Software (Canada) Inc.
(c) Objectsoft Global Services Inc has been merged with Objectsoft Group Inc.
(d) Nile Information Technology (Nile) was considered as an Associate till June 2009. The Group ceases to
have signicant inuence during the year; hence the investment in Nile is now considered as a non-trade
(e) Refer note no. 2.4.2
(f) Refer note no. 2.4.3
(g) Refer note no. 2.4.4
(h) Refer note no. 2.4.5
(i) Refer note no. 2.4.6
(j) Refer note no. 2.4.7
(k) Refer note no. 2.4.9
(l) Refer note no. 2.4.10
(m) Refer note no. 2.4.11
Annual Report 09-10
1.6 Revenue recognition
Revenue from software products is recognized on delivery/installation, as per the pre determined/laid down policy
across all geographies or lower, as considered appropriate by the management on the basis of facts in specic cases.
Maintenance revenue in respect of products is deferred and recognized ratably over the period of the underlying
maintenance agreement.
Revenue from IT services is recognized either on time and material basis or xed price basis or based on certain
measurable criteria as per relevant agreements. Revenue on time and material contracts is recognized as and when
services are performed. Revenue on xed-price contracts is recognized on the percentage of completion method.
Provision for estimated losses, if any, on such uncompleted contracts are recorded in the period in which such losses
become probable based on the current estimates.
Revenue from transaction services and other service contracts is recognized based on transactions processed or
manpower deployed.
Revenue from supply of Hardware/Outsourced Software License/Term License/other materials is incidental to the
aforesaid services recognized based on delivery/installation, as the case may be. Recovery of incidental expenses
is added to respective revenue.
1.7 Unbilled and Unearned Revenue:
Revenue recognized over and above the billings on a customer is classied as unbilled revenue while billing over
and above the revenue recognized in respect of a customer is classied as unearned revenue.
1.8 a. Fixed Assets
Intangible: Purchased software meant for in house consumption and signicant upgrades thereof, Business &
Commercial Rights are capitalized at the acquisition price.
Acquired software/products meant for sale are capitalized at the acquisition price.
Tangible: Fixed Assets are stated at cost, which comprises of purchase consideration and other directly attributable
cost of bringing an asset to its working condition for the intended use.
Advances given towards acquisition of xed assets and the cost of assets not ready for use as at the balance sheet
date are disclosed under capital work-in-progress.
b. Depreciation/Amortization:
Leasehold land, leasehold building and improvements thereon are amortized over the period of lease or the life given
below whichever is lower.
Business & Commercial Rights are amortized at lower of the period the benets arising out of these are expected to
accrue and ten years, while purchased software meant for in house consumption and signicant upgrades thereof
and Goodwill arising on merger/acquired Goodwill is amortized over a period of ve years.
Project Assets/acquired software are amortized at lower of the estimated life of the product /project and ve years.
Depreciation on other xed assets is provided on straight line method at the rates and in the manner prescribed in
Schedule XIV to the Companies Act, 1956. In the case of some subsidiary companies, it is provided on straight line
basis over the estimated useful life of the assets given herein below:
Fixed Asset Useful life in years
Leasehold improvements 1 5
Furniture, Fixtures and Equipment 3 8
Vehicles 3 8
Computers 3 6
1.9 Investments
Trade investments are the investments made to enhance the Parent Companys business interest. Investments are
either classied as current or long-term based on the managements intention at the time of purchase. Long-term
investments are carried at cost and provision is made to recognize any decline, other than temporary, in the value of
such investments.
Current investments are carried at the lower of the cost and fair value and provision is made to recognize any decline
in the carrying value. Cost of overseas investment comprises the Indian Rupee value of the consideration paid for
the investment.
1.10 Accounting for Taxes on Income
Provision for current income tax is made on the basis of the estimated taxable income for the year in accordance with
the specic applicable laws.
MAT credit asset pertaining to the Parent and its Indian subsidiary company is recognized and carried forward only
if there is a reasonable certainty of it being set off against regular tax payable within the stipulated statutory period.
Deferred tax resulting from timing differences between book and tax prots is accounted for under the liability
method, at the current rate of tax, to the extent that the timing differences are expected to crystallize. Deferred tax
assets are recognized and carried forward only if there is a reasonable/virtual certainty that they will be realized and
are reviewed for the appropriateness of their respective carrying values at each balance sheet date.
The deferred tax assets/liabilities and tax expenses are determined separately for the Parent and each subsidiary
company, as per their applicable laws and then aggregated.
1.11 Translation of Foreign Currency Items
Transactions in foreign currency are recorded at the rate of exchange in force on the date of the transactions.
Current assets, current liabilities and borrowings denominated in foreign currency are translated at the exchange
rate prevalent at the date of the Balance Sheet. The resultant gain/loss are recognized in the Prot & Loss account.
Overseas investments are recorded at the rate of exchange in force on the date of allotment/acquisition.
All the activities of the foreign operations are carried out with a signicant degree of autonomy. Accordingly, as per
the provisions of AS 11 Effects of changes in foreign exchange rates, these operations have been classied as
Non integral operations and therefore all assets and liabilities, both monetary and non-monetary, are translated
at the closing rate while the income and expenses are translated at the average rate for the year. The resulting
exchange differences are accumulated in the Foreign Currency Translation Reserve.
1.12 Accounting of Employee Benets
Employee Benets in India
a) Gratuity
(i) Parent
The Parent Company provides for gratuity, a dened benet retirement plan, covering eligible employees.
Liability under gratuity plan is determined on actuarial valuation done by the Life Insurance Corporation of
India (LIC) at the beginning of the year, based upon which, the Parent Company contributes to the Scheme
with LIC. The Parent Company also provides for the additional liability over the amount contributed to LIC
based on the actuarial valuation done by an independent valuer using the Projected Unit Credit Method.
(ii) Subsidiaries
Liability for Gratuity for employees is provided on the basis of the actuarial valuation at the year end.
b) Superannuation
Certain employees in India are also participants in a dened superannuation contribution plan. The Parent
contributes to the scheme with Life Insurance Corporation of India on a monthly basis. The Parent has no further
obligations to the plan beyond its monthly contributions.
c) Provident fund
(i) Parent
Eligible employees receive benets from a provident fund, which is a dened contribution plan to the
Trust/Government administered Trust. In the case of Trust aggregate contribution along with interest
thereon is paid at retirement, death, incapacitation or termination of employment. Both the employee
and the Parent Company make monthly contribution to the 3i Infotech Provident Fund Trust equal to
a specied percentage of the covered employees salary. The Parent Company also contributes to a
Government administered pension fund on behalf of its employees.
Annual Report 09-10
The interest rate payable by the trust to the beneciaries every year is being notied by the government.
The Parent has an obligation to make good the shortfall, if any, between the return from investments of
the trust and the notied interest rate. Such shortfall is charged to prot & loss account in the year it is
(ii) Subsidiaries
Contribution is made to the state administered fund as a percentage of the covered employees salary.
d) Liability for leave encashment/entitlement for employees is provided on the basis of the actuarial valuation at the
year end.
e) All actuarial gains/losses are charged to revenue in the year these arise.
Employee Benets in the Foreign Branch
In respect of employees in foreign branches, necessary provision has been made based on the applicable
laws. Gratuity/leave encashment for employees in the foreign branches is provided on the basis of the actuarial
valuation at the year end.
All actuarial gains/losses are charged to revenue in the year these arise.
Employee Benets in Foreign Subsidiary Companies
In respect of employees in Foreign Subsidiary Companies, contributions to dened contribution pension plans
are recognized as an expense in the prot & loss account as incurred.
Liability for leave entitlement is provided on the basis of actual eligibility at the year end.
1.13 Provisions, Contingent Liabilities and Contingent Assets
i) Provisions involving substantial degree of estimation in measurement are recognized when there is a present
obligation as a result of past events and it is probable that there will be an outow of resources.
ii) Disclosures for a contingent liability is made, without a provision in books, when there is an obligation that may,
but probably will not, require outow of resources.
iii) Contingent Assets are neither recognized nor disclosed in the nancial statements.
1.14 Borrowing Costs
Borrowing costs directly attributable to acquisition, construction and production of qualifying assets are capitalized
as a part of the cost of such asset up to the date of completion. Other borrowing costs are charged to the Prot &
Loss account.
1.15 Impairment of assets
In accordance with AS 28 on Impairment of Assets, where there is an indication of impairment of the Groups assets
related to cash generating units, the carrying amounts of such assets are reviewed at each balance sheet date to
determine whether there is any impairment. The recoverable amount of such assets is estimated as the higher of
its net selling price and its value in use. An impairment loss is recognized in the Prot & Loss account whenever the
carrying amount of such assets exceeds its recoverable amount. If at the balance sheet date there is an indication
that a previously assessed impairment loss no longer exists, then such loss is reversed and the asset is restated to
the extent of the carrying value of the asset that would have been determined (net of amortization/depreciation) had
no impairment loss been recognized.
1.16 a) Securities issue expenses
Securities issue expenses, Issue expenses including expenses incurred on increase in authorized share capital
and premium payable on securities are adjusted against Securities Premium Account.
b) Premium payable on redemption of FCCB is amortized proportionately till the date of redemption and is adjusted
against the balance in Securities Premium account.
1.17 Lease
Where the Group has substantially acquired all risks and rewards of ownership of the assets, leases are classied as
nancial lease. Such assets are capitalized at the inception of the lease, at the lower of fair value or present value of
minimum lease payment and liability is created for an equivalent amount. Each lease rental paid is allocated between
liability and interest cost so as to obtain constant periodic rate of interest on the outstanding liability for each year.
Where signicant portion of risks and reward of ownership of assets acquired under lease are retained by lessor,
leases are classied as Operating lease. Equalized lease rentals for such leases are charged to Prot & Loss
1.18 Earnings Per Share
In determining the Earnings Per Share, the Group considers the net prot after tax and post tax effect of any extra-
ordinary/exceptional item is shown separately. The number of shares considered in computing basic Earnings Per
Share is the weighted average number of shares outstanding during the year. The number of shares considered for
computing diluted Earnings Per Share comprises the weighted average number of shares used for deriving the basic
Earnings Per Share and also the weighted average number of equity shares that could have been issued on the
conversion of all dilutive potential equity shares which includes potential FCCB conversions. The number of shares
and potentially dilutive equity shares are adjusted for any stock splits and bonus shares issues.
1.19 Inventories
Inventories consist of postage, paper, envelopes, hardware and supplies, and are stated at cost (computed on rst
in rst out or weighted average basis as the case may be) or net realizable value, whichever is lower.
2.1 Figures for the previous year have been re-grouped/re-arranged, wherever considered necessary, to conform to
current years presentation. The current years gures are not comparable with those of the previous year to the
extent of acquisitions/divestments made by the Group during the current year.
2.2 Capital commitments and contingent liabilities
Rs. in Crores
As at
March 31, 2010
As at
March 31, 2009
Capital Commitments*
- Estimated amount of contracts remaining to be executed on capital
account and not provided for (net of advances)
6.92 127.14
Contingent Liabilities
- Outstanding guarantees 7.19 6.70
- Premium on redemption of FCCB (Refer Note No. 2.5) 84.21 165.21
Estimated amount of claims against the Group not acknowledged as
debts in respect of :
- Disputed demands for Income Taxes 5.75 2.76
- Disputed Sales Tax Matter 1.08 -
- Customer claims 0.20 19.27
- Others** 18.38 0.74
*Including commitments pertaining to acquisitions, except where amount is not ascertainable as mentioned in note
**Includes expenses of legal cases relating to Registrar & Transfer Services, which are reimbursable by the Principal
to the extent of Rs. 1.21 crores (as at Mar 31, 2009 - Rs.0.34 crores).
2.3 (a) Pursuant to the shareholders approval at the Annual General Meeting held on July 28, 2009, the Committee
of Board of Directors of the Parent Company has, at its meeting held on September 25, 2009, issued and
allotted 37,500,000 fully paid-up Equity Shares, at a price of Rs.84.75 per Equity Share (including a premium of
Annual Report 09-10
Rs.74.75 per Equity Share), aggregating to Rs. 317.81 crores. The entire amount has been utilized towards the
object of the issue.
(b) Further, subsequent to the year end, the Parent Company has issued and allotted 22,900,099 fully paid-up
Equity Shares, at a price of Rs.78.60 per Equity Share (including a premium of Rs.68.60 per Equity Share)
aggregating to Rs 179.99 crores on April 7, 2010. These shares allotted rank pari passu with the existing shares
of the Parent Company with respect to the dividend as may be paid by the Parent Company for the year ended
March 31, 2010 and an additional amount of Rs 3.44 crores would be payable in addition to proposed dividend
on the equity share capital as on the close of the year.
2.4.1 Effective April 2009, the Parent Company acquired balance 49% paid-up capital of
a) aok In-house BPO Services Limited, New Delhi, for a consideration of Rs 15.67 crores.
b) aok In-house Factoring Services Pvt. Limited, New Delhi, for a consideration of Rs 2.41 crores.
c) Delta Services (India) Pvt Ltd., Mumbai, (DSIPL) for a consideration of Rs 15.93 crores.
d) HCCA Business Services Private Ltd., Mumbai, for a consideration of Rs 13.50 crores.
Excess of consideration over the value of the net worth is shown as goodwill arising on consolidation.
2.4.2 In April 2008, the Parent Company entered into a share purchase agreement with the owners of Locuz Enterprise
Solutions Ltd., Hyderabad, to acquire the 260,000 shares (representing 26% of the paid-up equity capital of Locuz
Enterprise Solutions Ltd.) for a consideration of Rs.6.93 crores. In November, 2009, the Parent Company acquired
further 25% stake in Locuz Enterprise Solutions Limited for a consideration of Rs 5.32 crores along with a commitment
to acquire the balance of the paid up capital at a future date for additional consideration payable on achieving certain
measurable criteria such as future revenue/protability etc., as per the agreement.
Excess of consideration over the value of the net worth of Locuz is shown as goodwill arising on consolidation.
2.4.3 In May 2008, the Parent Company entered into a share purchase agreement with the owners of FinEng Solutions
Private Limited, Mumbai to acquire the 60,165 shares (representing 51% of the paid-up equity capital of FinEng
Solutions Private Limited) for a consideration of Rs 17.73 crores. In June 2009, the Parent Company has acquired
additional 9% of the paid-up capital of FinEng Solutions Private Limited for a consideration of Rs 3.67 crores. As
agreed in the Share Purchase Agreement, in October 2009 the Parent Company made an upside payment of
Rs. 2.71 crores to the Promoter Shareholders of FinEng Solutions Private Limited. The Parent Company has a
commitment to acquire the balance of the paid-up capital at a future date for additional consideration payable on
achieving certain measurable criteria such as future revenue/protability etc., as per the agreement.
Excess of consideration over the value of the net worth of FinEng is shown as goodwill arising on consolidation.
2.4.4 In July 2009, Regulus Holding, Inc., acquired membership interest in Regulus Group II LLC. for a consideration
of USD 9.25 million (approximately equivalent to INR 44.99 crores) and possible obligations of USD 9.91 million
(approximately equivalent to INR 47.90 crores).
Accordingly, consideration paid (net of assets acquired) and further expenditure incurred of USD 9.9 miilion (out of
possible obligations) has been recognized as goodwill aggregating to INR 98.35 crores arising on consolidation.
2.4.5 In September 2007, the Parent Company entered into a share purchase agreement with the owners of Taxsmile.com
India Pvt. Ltd., Mumbai, to acquire the 1,040,000 shares (representing 26% of the paid-up equity capital of Taxsmile.
com India Pvt. Ltd., Mumbai) for a consideration of Rs 2.08 crores. In May 2009, the Parent Company acquired
additional 25% of the paid-up capital for a consideration of Rs 2.00 crores along with a commitment to acquire the
balance of the paid-up capital at a future date for additional consideration payable on achieving certain measurable
criteria such as future revenue/ protability etc., as per the agreement. In October 2009, the Parent Company
acquired the balance 49% stake for a consideration of Rs. 3.92 crores.
The Parent Company vide a Share Purchase Agreement dated December 30, 2009 has transferred entire investment
in Taxsmile.com India Pvt. Ltd. to its wholly owned subsidiary 3i Infotech Consumer Services Limited.
Excess of consideration over the value of the net worth of Taxsmile.com India Pvt. Ltd. is shown as goodwill arising
on consolidation.
2.4.6 In May 2007, 3i Infotech Holdings Private Limited, Mauritius, entered into a share purchase agreement with the
owners of Professional Access Limited to acquire 51 shares (representing 51% of the paid-up equity capital of
Professional Access) for a consideration of USD 2.04 million along with a commitment to acquire the balance 49%
of the paid-up capital at a future date for further consideration payable on achieving certain measurable criteria such
as future revenue/protability etc., as per the agreement . In November 2009, 3i Infotech Holdings Private Limited
acquired the balance 49% stake for a consideration of USD 2.45 million.
Excess of consideration over the value of the net worth of Professional Access is shown as goodwill arising on
2.4.7 (a) In May 2007, 3i Infotech Holdings Private Limited, Mauritius, entered into a share purchase agreement with the
owners of Black Barret Holdings Limited to acquire Class A shares (representing 51% of the paid-up equity
capital of Black Barret Holdings Limited) for a consideration of USD 10.20 million along with a commitment to
acquire the balance 49% of the paid-up capital at a future date for further consideration payable on achieving
certain measurable criteria such as future revenue/protability etc. In November 2009, 3i Infotech Holdings
Private Limited acquired the balance 49% stake for a consideration of USD 28.70 million.
Excess of consideration over the value of the net worth of Black Barret is shown as goodwill arising on
(b) In February 2007, the Parent Company had approved the grant of stock options to certain employees (including
Managing Director) in its subsidiary, Black Barret Holdings Limited. In January 2009, Black Barret had allotted
Class B shares to the said employees which was accounted as compensation cost in the current year amounting
to Rs. 5.50 crores.
In January 2010, 3i Infotech Holding Private Limited purchased these shares from the employees at fair value.
The difference of Rs. 8.13 crores between the fair value and compensation cost is accounted as Goodwill on
2.4.8 The Board of directors of the Parent Company have approved the Amalgamation of KNM Services Private Limited
(KNM), Stex Software Private Limited (Stex), E-Enable Technologies Private Limited (E-Enable) and J&B Software
India Private Limited (J&B) with the Parent Company . In this regard, the Parent Company has received an in-
principle approval from both the Stock Exchanges. The Parent Company is in the process of ling a joint petition with
KNM, Stex and E-Enable before the Bombay High Court and a single petition for J & B in Madras High Court.
2.4.9 In January 2010, Taxmile.com India Pvt. Ltd. has divested 30% of its stake in Antriksh Interactive Pvt. Ltd. for sale of
Antrikshs Product IPR CA Ofce, to Wolters Kluwer (WK) for a consideration of USD 2 Million with a commitment to
sell balance 70% stake for further consideration at future dates receivable on achieving certain measurable criteria
as per the agreement. The prot on divestment of Rs. 9.95 crores has been disclosed under income from operations.
2.4.10 In January, 2010, Delta Services (India) Private Limited, Mumbai has entered into business purchase agreement
with 3i Infotech Consultancy Services Limited to transfer its assets & liabilities at book values.
2.4.11 (a) In May 2008, 3i Infotech Ltd. and Yucheng Technologies Limited, China (Yucheng) entered into a joint venture
contract for the establishment of Joint Venture Company in China. In pursuance to this, a Joint Venture Company,
Elegon Infotech Limited (Elegon) was set up in China in August 2008, wherein the Parent Companys interest
in the equity was 51%. In June 2009, an Equity Transfer Agreement was signed between the Parent Company
and Yucheng, whereby, the entire 49% interest held by Yucheng was acquired by the Parent Company for a
total consideration of Rs 5.93 crores. In November 2009, Elegon Infotech Limited has become a wholly-owned
subsidiary after obtaining necessary approvals.
The aggregate amounts of the assets, liabilities, income and expenses related to Groups share till it was
considered as JV were as under:
Rs. in Crores
As at
March 31, 2010
As at
March 31, 2009
Assets - 22.27
Liabilities - 21.68

Annual Report 09-10
R]s. in Crores
For the year ended
March 31, 2010
For the year ended
March 31, 2009
Income - 0.50
Expense - 4.71
Rs. in Crores
As at
March 31, 2010
As at
March 31, 2009
Contingent Liability - NIL
Capital Commitments - NIL
(b) Income for the year includes Rs. Nil (for the year ended March 31, 2009 Rs.18.27 crores) arising out of transfer of
Intellectual Property Rights and Marketing rights in certain products to the Joint Venture which was recoverable
as per the Joint Venture Agreement. During the year, consequent to Elegon becoming a wholly owned subsidiary
as mentioned above, the aforesaid income has been included in opening reserves and corresponding assets
have been reversed on consolidation.
2.5 Foreign Currency Convertible Bonds (FCCB):
The Parent Company has issued Foreign Currency Convertible Bonds (FCCB) at different points of time, the details
of such FCCB issues are summarized as follows:
First Issue Third Issue Fourth Issue
Issue currency USD EURO USD
Issue size 50 million 30 million 100 million
Issue date Mar 16, 2006 Apr 2, 2007 Jul 26, 2007
Maturity date Mar 17, 2011 Apr 3, 2012 Jul 27, 2012
Coupon rate Zero coupon Zero coupon Zero coupon
Conversion pricepost bonus Rs. 115.00 Rs. 154.32 Rs. 165.94
Fixed exchange rate of conversion Rs. 44.35 Rs. 57.60 Rs. 40.81
Early redemption option * Yes Yes Yes
Conversions as at
March 31, 2010 29.80 million NIL NIL
March 31, 2009 29.80 million NIL NIL
Bought back as at
March 31, 2010 NIL 10.00 million 33.63 million
March 31, 2009 NIL 4.00 million 25.13 million
Contingent premium
payable as at - (Rs. in crores)
March 31, 2010 14.62 19.45 50.14
March 31, 2009 19.92 41.83 103.46
Note - The second issue was converted into equity as per the terms of the issue.
* Subject to certain criteria as per offer document.
2.6 (i) During the year, the Parent Company has bought back and cancelled FCCBs (out of the third and the fourth
issues) of face value of EUR 6,000,000 and USD 8,500,000 equivalent to Rs. 82.42 crores (for the year ending
March 31, 2009, EURO 4,000,000 and USD 25,133,000 equivalent to Rs. 152.99 crores) at a discount resulting
in reduction of liability by Rs 29.19 crores (for the year ending March 31, 2009, Rs. 77.05 crores). The same has
been shown as exceptional income in the Prot & Loss account.
(ii) The Parent Company has incurred an amount of Rs. 1.33 crores towards professional fees (for the year ending
March 31, 2009 Rs.51.09 crores towards the advisory fees, legal & other professional fees and other expenses
for various nancial restructuring assignments) in respect of the aforesaid buyback. The same has been shown
as exceptional expenditure in the Prot & Loss account.
2.7 Commencing from March 2007, the Parent Company had entered into Agreements with some State Governments
towards setting up and operating Citizen Service Centers across those states for providing certain government
services as well as non government retail services to consumers.
The Parent Company had decided to exit from the Master Service Agreements (MSA) of some of the State
Governments by paying a compensation of Rs.10.92 crores under these contracts and further decided during the
fourth quarter to exit totally from this line of business owing to prevailing business environment. Accordingly the
assets attributed to this business are being carried as assets held for disposal at their net realizable values. The
loss thereof of Rs. 260.46 crores for the current year (net of tax of Rs. 70.73 crores) has been charged to the Prot
& Loss account and has been disclosed as Impact of Discontinuing Operations, the computation thereof is given
Rs. in Crores
For the year ended
March 31, 2010
For the year ended
March 31, 2009
Revenue - 21.95
Less: Exceptional expenditure (including Rs.10.92 crores
as referred above)
40.92 9.05
Less: Project assets after taking into accounts realizable
value of Rs. 15 crores (for the year ended March 31,2009
Rs Nil) including capital work in progress
(Refer note no.2 of Schedule V)
290.27 183.97
Prot/(Loss) from discontinuing operations (331.19) (171.07)
Add: Tax impact 70.73 -
Net Prot/(Loss) from discontinuing operations (260.46) (171.07)
Rs in Crores
Assets 15.00 183.97
Liabilities 34.15 0.40
The Impact of Discontinuing Operations does not impact the Cash Flow Statement signicantly.
2.8 Goodwill arising on consolidation:
Rs. in Crores
As at
March 31, 2010
As at
March 31, 2009
Opening balance 1,700.40 1,003.10
Add: Additions during the year 336.00 540.45
Add/(Less): Translation Reserve (225.69) 156.85
Closing balance 1,810.71 1,700.40
2.9 (a) In the opinion of the Board, the investments, current assets, loans and advances are realizable at a value, which
is at least equal to the amount at which these are stated, in the ordinary course of business and provision for all
known and determined liabilities are adequate and not in excess of the amount stated.
(b) The accounts of certain Sundry Debtors, Creditors, Loans & Advances and Banks are however, subject to
Annual Report 09-10
conrmations/reconciliations and consequent adjustments, if any. The management does not expect any
material difference affecting the current years nancial statements on such reconciliation/adjustments.
2.10 Leases:
a. Operating Lease:
(i) The Parent Company has acquired certain Land and Building under a lease arrangement for a period of
sixty years at a premium of Rs.0.50 crores starting from December 4, 2000 for Land and Rs.15.62 crores
starting from March 13, 2000 and Rs.5.05 crores from March 1, 2003 for building and the same is being
amortized over the lease period. All other lease arrangements in respect of properties are renewable/
cancelable at the Groups and/or lessors option as mutually agreed. The future lease rental payment that
the Group is committed to make is:
Rs. in Crores
As at
March 31, 2010
As at
March 31, 2009
Within one year 89.75 102.30
Later than one year and not later than ve years 105.24 132.82
Later than ve years 2.45 -
ii) The Group avails from time to time non-cancelable long-term leases for computers, furniture & xtures
and ofce equipments. The total of future minimum lease payments that the Group is committed to make
Rs. in Crores
As at
March 31, 2010
As at
March 31, 2009
Within one year 65.78 25.74
Later than one year and not later than ve years 116.40 43.97
Later than ve years - -
b. Financial Lease
There were no material nancial leases entered into by the Group.
2.11 Deferred Taxation:
The breakup of net deferred tax liability/(asset) for the Group is as under:
Rs. in Crores
Deferred Tax Asset: As at
March 31, 2010 $
Current Year
(Charge)/Credit # $
As at
March 31, 2009*
Unabsorbed losses/depreciation 61.26 15.11 49.21
Expenses allowable on payment and others 25.93 (7.20) 33.29
87.19 7.91 82.50
Deferred Tax Liability:
Fixed Assets (Depreciation/Amortization) (25.46) (68.93) 43.89
Net Deferred Tax (Liability) / Asset 112.65 76.84 38.61
# Excludes exchange gain/loss in respect of foreign subsidiaries.
* Includes deferred tax balance in respect of companies acquired during the year.
$ After reversal of net Deferred Tax Liability of Rs 70.73 crores in respect of Discontinuing Operations.
2.12 Earnings Per Share:
The earnings per share have been computed in accordance with the AS 20 Earnings per share.
The numerators and denominators used to calculate Basic and Diluted Earnings per Share:

For the year
ended March 31, 2010
For the year
ended March 31, 2009*
Prot as per accounts (Rs. in crores) 265.95 266.67
Minority shareholders Interest (Rs.in crores) 0.11 (10.62)
Net prot after minority interest (Rs. in crores) 266.06 256.05
Less: Dividend on preference shares paid (incl. corporate
(6.21) (6.21)
Less: Dividend on preference shares accrued but not
declared (incl. Corporate taxes)
(1.22) (1.22)
Prot attributable to Equity Shareholders (Rs. in crores) A 258.63 248.62
Add: Prot/(Loss) due to Exceptional items and impact of
discontinuing operations (Rs. in crores)
(232.60) 25.96
Prot attributable to Equity Shareholders after
exceptional items and impact of discontinuing operations
(Rs. in crores)
B 26.03 274.58
Weighted average number of Equity Shares outstanding
during the year (Nos.)
C 150,319,823 130,696,488
Add: Effect of dilutive issues of options 1,839,361 -
Diluted weighted average number of Equity Shares
outstanding during the year (Nos.)
D 152,159,184 130,696,488
Nominal value of Equity Shares (Rs.) 10 10
Before exceptional items and impact of discontinuing
Basic Earnings Per Share (Rs.) for the year
A/C 17.21 19.02
Diluted EPS (Rs.) for the year A/D 17.00 19.02
After exceptional items and impact of discontinuing
Basic Earnings Per Share (Rs.) for the year
B/C 1.73 21.01
Diluted Earnings Per Share (Rs.) for the year B/D 1.71 21.01
* includes prot from associate.
2.13 Employee Stock Option Plan:
The Parent Companys Employees Stock Option Plan provides for issue of equity option up to 25% of the paid-
up Equity Capital to eligible employees. The scheme covers the managing director, whole time directors and the
employees of the subsidiaries, the erstwhile holding Company and subsidiaries of the erstwhile holding Company,
apart from the employees of the Parent Company. The options vest in a phased manner over three years with 20%,
30% and 50% of the grants vesting at the end of each year from the date of grant and the same can be exercised
within ten years from the date of the grant by paying cash at a price determined on the date of grant.
Method used for accounting for the share based payment plan:
The Parent Company has elected to use the intrinsic value method to account for the compensation cost of stock
options to employees of the Parent Company. Intrinsic value is the amount by which the quoted market price of the
underlying share as on the date of grant exceeds the exercise price of the option.
Annual Report 09-10
Summary of the options outstanding under the Employees Stock Option Plan (ESOP):
As at March 31, 2010 As at March 31, 2009
Options Weighted
average exercise
price (Rs.)
Options Weighted average
exercise price
Options outstanding beginning of
the year
26,737,126 105.87 24,051,354 104.20
Granted during the year 945,000 83.16 5,000,000 116.00
Exercised during the year (509,000) 49.16 (215,761) 56.02
Forfeited/lapsed during the year (2,007,202) 116.88 (2,098,467) 116.04
Options outstanding end of year* 25,165,924 105.29 26,737,126 105.87
Vested options pending exercise 16,800,424 96.25 11,710,899 81.10
*Includes 3,767,000 options granted to managing director/whole time directors and non-executive directors (for the
year ended March 31, 2009 3,587,000 options).
Weighted average market price of the shares with respect to stock options exercised during the year ended March
31, 2010 is Rs. 76.68 (for the year ended March 31, 2009 Rs. 75.68).
The following summarizes information about stock options outstanding:
As at March 31, 2010
Range of Exercise Price Number of shares
arising out of options
Weighted average
remaining life
Weighted average
exercise price (Rs.)
Rs 37 to Rs 50 4,720,714 5 48.93
Rs 57 to Rs 150 20,445,210 7 118.33
As at March 31, 2009
Range of Exercise Price Number of shares
arising out of options
Weighted average
remaining life
Weighted average
exercise price (Rs.)
Rs 37 to Rs 50 5,344,466 6 48.85
Rs 57 to Rs 150 21,392,660 8 120.12
Fair Value methodology for the option
The fair value of options used to compute net income and earnings per equity share have been estimated on the
dates of each grant within the range of Rs. 58.00 to Rs. 143.38 using the Black - Scholes pricing model. The Parent
Company estimated the volatility based on the historical share prices. The various assumptions considered in the
pricing model for the options granted under ESOP are:
As at
March 31, 2010
As at
March 31, 2009
Dividend yield 1.15% - 2.84% 1.72%
Expected volatility 50.63% - 57.91% 10% - 27.50%
Risk-free interest rate 5.71% - 6.36% 6.32% - 8.25%
Expected life of Option 3 - 10 yrs 3 - 10 yrs
Impact of Fair value method on Net prot and EPS before Exceptional Items and Impact of Discontinuing
Had the compensation cost for the Parent Companys Stock Option Plan outstanding been determined based on the
fair value approach, the Parent Companys net prot income and earnings per share would have been, as indicated
Rs. in Crores
For the year ended
March 31, 2010
For the year ended
March 31, 2009
Prot attributable to Equity Shareholders 258.63 248.62
Add: Stock-based employee compensation expense included in
net income
- -
Less: Stock based compensation expense determined under fair
value based method
14.70 8.03
Net Prot : 243.93 240.59
Basic earning per share (as reported) 17.21 19.02
Basic earning per share (under fair value method) 16.23 18.41
Diluted earning per share (as reported) 17.00 19.02
Diluted earning per share (under fair value method) 16.03 18.41
2.14 Related Party Transactions:
Directors/Key Management Personnel: Mr. V Srinivasan (MD & CEO), Mr. Amar Chintopanth (Executive Director &
CFO), Mr. Anirudh Prabhakaran (Executive Director & President South Asia).
Enterprise in which relative of key managerial personnel has substantial interest Cadenza Solutions Private Limited
The following transactions were carried out with the related parties in the ordinary course of business during the
For the year ended March 31, 2010
Rs. in Crores
Salary & other
PF & other
Perquisites Total
V Srinivasan * 13.87 - - 13.87
Amar Chintopanth 3.10 0.11 0.01 3.22
Anirudh Prabhakaran 1.54 0.03 0.01 1.58
* includes Rs 4.93 crores being Employee share based payment. Also refer note no. 2.4.7(b).
For the year ended March 31, 2009
Rs. in Crores
Salary & other
PF & other
Perquisites Total
V Srinivasan 1.77 - - 1.77
Amar Chintopanth 1.44 0.11 0.01 1.56
Anirudh Prabhakaran 0.90 0.03 0.01 0.94
Hari Padmanabhan 3.01 - - 3.01

Annual Report 09-10
Rs. in Crores
For the year ended
March 31, 2010
For the year ended
March 31, 2009
Directors, Key Management
Personnel and their relatives:
Expenses 0.62 0.65
Enterprise in which relative of key managerial personnel has
substantial interest
Income 0.09 -
Rs. In Crores
balance as at
March 31, 2010
balance as at
March 31, 2009
Enterprise in which relative of key managerial personnel has
substantial interest
0.02 -
Related party as identied by the management and relied upon by the auditors.
No balances in respect of the related parties have been provided for/written back/ written off except as stated above.
2.15 Disclosures pursuant to AS 17 Segment Reporting:
a) IT Service, Software Products and Transaction Service businesses have been considered as primary segments.
The Prot & Loss account of the reportable segments is set out here below:
Rs. in Crores
For the year ended
March 31, 2010
For the year ended
March 31, 2009
b) Segment Revenues:
Software Products 783.38 811.23
IT Services 749.64 748.17
Transaction Services 915.52 726.24
Total Revenues 2,448.54 2,285.64
c) Segment Results (Gross Prot):
Software Products 405.90 439.12
IT Services 297.41 270.89
Transaction Services 289.83 209.85
Total Segment Results 993.14 919.86
Unallocable expenses :
Operating, Selling and Other expenses 510.21 485.44
Interest 144.83 94.95
Depreciation & Amortization 81.41 70.06
Operating Prot 256.69 269.41
Other Income 20.21 19.06
Prot Before Taxation 276.90 288.47
Less : Taxes 10.95 22.05
Prot After Taxation 265.95 266.42
Add : Exceptional items and impact of discontinuing operations (232.60) 25.96
Prot After Taxation, Exceptional items and impact of discontinuing
33.35 292.38
Add : Share of Prot in Associate - 0.25
Less : Minority Shareholders interest (0.11) 10.62
Net Prot after Minority Interest, Exceptional items and impact of
discontinuing operations
33.46 282.01
Note: The segment operating prot is arrived at before allocating certain expenses to segments and such unallocable
expenses are separately disclosed as Operating, Selling and Other expenses.
d) Considering the nature of the Groups business, the assets and liabilities cannot be identied to any specic
business segment.
e) Disclosure of details of Secondary segments, being geographies, is as under:
Rs. in Crores
Revenues For the year ended
March 31, 2010
For the year ended
March 31, 2009
- South Asia 614.20 620.68
- Unites States of America 1,369.12 1,157.82
- Middle East,Africa Russia and CIS 217.10 236.90
- APAC 91.34 103.93
- Western Europe 156.78 166.31
Total Revenues 2,448.54 2,285.64
2.16 Residual Dividend represents dividend on shares issued (entitled to previous year dividend) between the date of
proposed dividend and record date.
Residual dividend of Rs 0.02 crores (inclusive of tax) (for the year ended March 31, 2009 Rs. 0.02 crores), is
appropriated out of Prot & Loss account.
2.17 Provision for Warranty and Contingencies:
Rs. in Crores
Warranty As at
March 31, 2010
As at
March 31, 2009
Opening Balance 8.40 5.51
Provisions made during the year - 4.87
Provision written back during the year 8.40 1.98
Closing Balance - 8.40

Rs. in Crores
Contingencies As at
March 31, 2010
As at
March 31, 2009
Opening Balance - 12.01
Provisions made during the year - -
Provision written back during the year - 12.01
Closing Balance - -
2.18 Amount of exchange difference (net) credited to Prot & Loss account during the year ended March 31, 2010 is
Rs. 8.46 crores (for the year ended March 31, 2009 Rs. 8.31 crores).
Signatures to Schedules I to XII
For and on behalf of the Board
V. Srinivasan
Managing Director & CEO
Dileep C. Choksi
Director & Chairman of Audit
Amar Chintopanth
Executive Director & CFO
Shivanand R. Shettigar
Company Secretary
Mumbai, April 23, 2010
Annual Report 09-10
Name of Subsidiary Company Financial year
of subsidiary
ended on
Number of equity shares held by
3i Infotech Limited and / or its subsidiaries
Extent of
interest of
3i Infotech
Limited in the
capital of the
Net aggregate amount of prots/(losses)
of the subsidiary so far as it concerns
the members of 3i Infotech Limited and
is not dealt with in the accounts of
3i Infotech Limited
Net aggregate amounts of prots/
losses of the subsidiary so far as it
concerns the members of 3i Infotech
Limited dealt with or provided for in
the accounts of
3i Infotech Limited
For the nancial
year ended on
March 31, 2010
For the nancial
year ended on
March 31, 2009
For the nancial
year ended on
March 31, 2010
For the nancial
year ended on
March 31, 2009
1 3i Infotech Inc., (USA) March 31, 2010 68,753,792 Shares of USD 0.30 each &
1,000,000 Shares of USD 0.01each

100% USD 2.20 Million USD 2.55 Million - -
2 3i Infotech Consulting Inc., (USA) March 31, 2010 3,095 Ordinary Shares of USD 1 each
100% USD 0.03 Million USD 0.45 Million - -
3 3i Infotech Holdings Private Limited, (Mauritius) March 31, 2010 4,419,874,144 Ordinary Shares of MUR 1 each 100% USD 0.07 Million USD (0.07) Million - -
4 3i Infotech Financial Software Inc., (USA) March 31, 2010 100,000 Ordinary Shares of USD 1 each
100% USD 0.35 Million USD (0.38) Million - -
5 3i Infotech (Africa) Limited, (Kenya) March 31, 2010 100 Shares of 1000 Kenya Shillings each
100% KES 21.66 Millon KES (14.08) Millon - -
6 Black Barret Holdings Limited, (Cyprus) March 31, 2010 1710 Class A Shares of 1 Cyprus Pound. 138
Class B Shares of 1 Cyprus Pound.
100% USD (1.11) Million - - -
7 Professional Access Software Development Pvt. Limited,
March 31, 2010 860,000 Equity Shares of Rs. 10 each
100% INR 28.84 Crore INR 32.15 Crore - -
8 Professional Access Limited, (USA) March 31, 2010 100 Shares of USD 1 each
100% USD (0.08) Million USD 0.08 Million - -
9 Lantern Systems Inc., (USA) March 31, 2010 500 Shares of USD 1 each
100% USD 0.07 Million USD 0.01 Million - -
10 3i Infotech Kazakhstan LLC., (Kazakhstan) March 31, 2010 Share Contribution of KZT 530000 (No FV)
100% - - - -
11 ePower Inc., (USA) March 31, 2010 3,000 Shares of USD 1 each
100% USD 0.03 Million USD 0.02 Million - -
12 J&B Software Inc., (USA) December 31, 2009 1,560,000 Ordinary Shares of USD 0.01 each **100% USD (0.42) Million USD 0.81 Million - -
13 J&B Software (Canada) Inc., (Canada) December 31, 2009 1,000,000 Shares of Canadian $0.000001 each
100% USD (0.02) Million USD 0.04 Million - -
14 J&B Software India Pvt. Limited, (India) March 31, 2010 162,195 Equity Shares of Rs. 10 each 100% - INR (0.34) Crore - -
15 Objectsoft Group Inc., (USA) March 31, 2010 200 Shares of No par value
100% USD 0.42 Millon USD (0.17) Millon - -
16 3i Infotech Asia Pacic Pte. Ltd., (Singapore) March 31, 2010 1,792,302 Ordinary Shares of SGD 1 each 100% SGD 0.18 Million SGD (0.79) Million - -
17 3i Infotech SDN BHD, (Malaysia) March 31, 2010 5,000,000 Ordinary Shares of MYR 1 each *100% MYR 7.66 Millon MYR 6.46 Millon - -
18 3i Infotech (Thailand) Limited, (Thailand) March 31, 2010 100,000 Ordinary Shares of THB 100 each *100% THB 10.45 Million THB 20.46 Million - -
19 Datacons Asia Pacic SDN BHD, (Malaysia) March 31, 2010 555,000 Ordinary Shares of MYR 1 each *100% MYR (0.01) Million MYR (0.12) Million - MYR 0.66 Million
20 3i Infotech (Middle East) FZ LLC., (UAE) March 31, 2010 500 Shares of AED 1000 each
100% AED 5.00 Million AED 36.00 Million - -
21 3i Infotech (Australia) Pty. Ltd., (Australia) March 31, 2010 50,000 Ordinary Shares of AUD 1 each *100% AUD 0.01 Million AUD (0.01) Million - -
22 3i Infotech (UK) Limited, (England) March 31, 2010 3,101,308 Equity Shares of GBP 1 each 100% GBP 0.53 Million GBP (1.66) Million - -
23 Delta Services (India) Private Limited, (India) March 31, 2010 400,000 Ordinary Shares of Rs. 10/- each 100% INR 0.83 Crore INR 0.68 Crore - -
24 E-Enable Technologies Pvt. Ltd., (India) March 31, 2010 152,600 Ordinary Shares of Rs. 10/- each 100% - - - -
25 Stex Software Pvt. Ltd., (India) March 31, 2010 51,000 Ordinary Shares of Rs. 10/- each 100% - - - -
26 3i Infotech (Western Europe) Holdings Limited (formerly
known as Rhyme Systems Holdings Limited), (England)
March 31, 2010 1,884,000 Equity Shares of GBP 1 each
100% GBP 0.92 Million GBP(0.89) Million - -
27 aok In-house BPO Services Limited, (India) March 31, 2010 30,900 Ordinary Shares of Rs.100/- each ****100% INR 0.08 Crore INR 2.02 Crore - -
28 aok In-house Factoring Services Private Ltd., (India) March 31, 2010 52,650 Ordinary Shares of Rs.10/- each 100% INR 0.48 Crore INR 0.12 Crore - -
29 KNM Services Pvt. Ltd., (India) March 31, 2010 50,000 Ordinary Shares of Rs.10/- each 100% - INR 0.08 Crore - -
30 Manipal Informatics Pvt. Limited, (India) March 31, 2010 100,000 Ordinary Shares of Rs.10/- each ***100% - INR (1.41) Crore - -
31 HCCA Business Services Private Limited, (India) March 31, 2010 52,932 Ordinary Shares of Rs.10/- each ****100% INR 2.66 Crore INR 2.14 Crore - -
32 Taxsmile.com India Pvt. Ltd., (India) March 31, 2010 4,000,000 Ordinary Shares of Rs.10/- each
100% INR 1.26 Crore INR (13.77) Crore - -
33 Antriksh Interactive Pvt. Ltd., (India) March 31, 2010 122,500 Ordinary Shares of Rs.10/- each
70% INR (0.01) Crore INR 0.01 Crore - -
34 Access Matrix Technologies Pvt. Ltd., (India) March 31, 2010 100,000 Ordinary Shares of Rs.10/- each
100% INR (0.00) Crore INR (0.01) Crore - -
35 3i Infotech BPO Limited (formerly known as Linear
Financial and Management Systems Pvt. Ltd.), (India)
March 31, 2010 50,122 Ordinary Shares of Rs.10/- each 100% INR (0.03) Crore INR (0.98) Crore - -
36 3i Infotech Trusteeship Services Limited, (India) March 31, 2010 5,569,762 Ordinary Shares of Rs. 10/- each 100% INR 0.37 Crore INR 0.62 Crore - -
37 3i Infotech Saudi Arabia LLC., (Saudi Arabia) March 31, 2010 500 Ordinary Shares of SAR 1000 each 100% SAR 6.36 Million SAR 1.72 Million - -
38 3i Infotech Services (Bangladesh) Pvt. Ltd., (Bangladesh) March 31, 2010 347,630 Ordinary Shares of Taka 10 each 100% BDT (1.55) Million BDT (1.14) Million - -
39 3i Infotech Insurance & Re-insurance Brokers Limited,
March 31, 2010 2,500,000 Ordinary Shares of Rs. 10/- each 100% INR (0.30) Crore INR 0.06 Crore - -
40 3i Infotech Consultancy Services Limited, (India) March 31, 2010 840,000 Shares of Rs. 10/- each 100% INR 6.29 Crore INR 0.06 Crore - -
41 FinEng Solutions Private Limited, (India) March 31, 2010 70,782 Ordinary Shares of Rs. 10/- each 60% INR 3.57 Crore INR 3.60 Crore - -
42 Locuz Enterprise Solutions Limited, (India) March 31, 2010 510,000 Ordinary Shares of Rs. 10/- each 51% INR 0.47 Crore INR 5.49 Crore - -
43 3i Infotech Consumer Services Limited, (India) March 31, 2010 29,877,551 Ordinary Shares of Rs. 10/- each 100% INR (2.79) Crore INR 0.71 Crore - -
44 Elegon Infotech Limited, (China) December 31, 2009 No Shares, only capital 100% CNY 0.17 Million CNY (12.19) Million - -
45 Regulus Holdings Inc., (USA) March 31, 2010 100,000 Class A Shares of USD 0.01 each **100% USD 6.85 Million USD 4.03 Million - -
46 3i Infotech Consulting Services SDN BHD, (Malaysia) March 31, 2010 2 Shares of MYR 1 each
100% - - - -
Held by 3i Infotech Holdings Private Limited, (Mauritius)
Held by 3i Infotech Inc., (USA)
* Held by 3i Infotech Asia Pacic Pte. Ltd., (Singapore)
** Held by 3i Infotech Financial Software Inc. and details include its subsidiaries viz., Regulus America LLC., Regulus Group LLC., Regulus Group II LLC., Regulus Integrated Solutions LLC., Regulus Tristate LLC., Regulus West
*** Held by Delta Services (I) Pvt. Ltd.
Held by Black Barret Holdings Ltd.
Held by 3i Infotech (UK) Limited and details include its subsidiaries viz., 3i Infotech (Western Europe) Group Limited, 3i Infotech (Western Europe) Limited, Rhyme Systems Limited, Exact Technical Services and 3i Infotech
Framework Limited
Held by J&B Software (Canada) Inc.
Held by J&B Software Inc.
Held by Taxsmile.com India Pvt. Ltd.
Held by 3i Infotech SDN BHD

Held by 3i Infotech BPO Ltd.
Held by 3i Infotech (Middle East) FZ LLC.
Held by 3i Infotech Consumer Services Limited
Statement pursuant to Section 212 of the Companies Act, 1956, relating to Subsidiary Companies

Entity Issued and
Share Capital
Reserves Total
Investments Turnover Prot/(Loss)
before Taxation
Provision for
1 3i Infotech Inc., (USA)
461.10 131.15 696.35 696.35 54.24 116.01 13.29 3.38 9.91 -
2 3i Infotech Consulting Inc., (USA)
0.01 38.63 43.52 43.52 - 43.19 0.18 0.05 0.13 -
3 3i Infotech Holdings Private Limited, (Mauritius)
1,216.22 1.45 1,359.45 1,359.45 1,210.15 - 0.32 - 0.32 -
4 3i Infotech Financial Software Inc., (USA)
136.88 14.29 912.57 912.57 296.95 39.71 4.22 2.66 1.56 -
5 3i Infotech (Africa) Limited, (Kenya)
0.01 0.64 6.51 6.51 - 5.98 1.82 0.51 1.31 -
6 Black Barret Holdings Limited
0.01 (5.14) (4.23) (4.23) 0.90 - (5.00) - (5.00) -
7 Professional Access Software Development Pvt. Limited,
0.86 77.93 84.26 84.26 - 75.49 28.85 0.01 28.84 -
8 Professional Access Limited, (USA)
0.01 (11.12) 62.44 62.44 - 161.36 0.69 1.04 (0.35) -
9 Lantern Systems Inc., (USA)
0.00 (4.69) 2.63 2.63 - 14.86 0.56 0.24 0.32 -
10 3i Infotech (Kazakhstan) LLC., (Kazakhstan)
0.02 (0.56) - - - - - - - -
11 ePower Inc., (USA)
0.01 2.93 5.92 5.92 - 23.77 0.25 0.10 0.15 -
12 J&B Software Inc., (USA)
68.65 (55.60) 44.64 44.64 - 111.78 (2.22) (0.35) (1.87) -
13 J&B Software (Canada) Inc., (Canada)
0.00 0.41 229.36 229.36 229.35 7.66 0.05 0.13 (0.08) -
14 J&B Software India Pvt. Ltd., (India) 0.16 7.55 7.72 7.72 - - - - - -
15 Objectsoft Group Inc., (USA)
0.01 5.81 18.72 18.72 - 55.46 2.93 1.03 1.90 -
16 3i Infotech Asia Pacic Pte. Ltd., (Singapore)
5.77 16.45 31.15 31.15 1.69 28.23 0.64 0.07 0.57 -
17 3i Infotech SDN BHD, (Malaysia)* 6.90 36.17 60.70 60.70 0.00 55.35 10.63 0.07 10.56 -
18 3i Infotech (Thailand) Limited, (Thailand)** 1.40 5.09 11.91 11.91 - 8.94 1.47 0.01 1.46 -
19 Datacons Asia Pacic SDN BHD, (Malaysia)* 0.77 0.24 0.85 0.85 - - (0.01) - (0.01) -
20 3i Infotech (Middle East) FZ LLC., (UAE)
0.61 69.05 186.08 186.08 3.51 162.66 6.13 - 6.13 -
21 3i Infotech (Australia) Pty. Ltd., (Australia)
0.21 (0.04) 0.51 0.51 - 1.08 0.04 - 0.04 -
22 3i Infotech (UK) Limited, (England)

21.05 131.36 278.41 278.41 144.45 4.37 3.58 - 3.58 -

23 Delta Services (India) Private Limited, (India) 0.40 6.87 7.27 7.27 2.82 25.47 1.11 0.28 0.83 -
24 E-Enable Technologies Pvt. Ltd., (India) 0.15 0.26 0.42 0.42 - - - - - -
25 Stex Software Pvt. Ltd., (India) 0.05 0.43 0.48 0.48 - - - - - -
26 3i Infotech (Western Europe) Holdings Limited (formerly
known as Rhyme Systems Holdings Limited), (England)

13.97 3.09 337.04 337.04 - 134.92 (4.96) (11.24) 6.27 -
27 aok In-house BPO Services Limited, (India) 0.31 4.60 14.62 14.62 - 37.01 (0.07) (0.15) 0.08 -
28 aok In-house Factoring Services Private Ltd., (India) 0.05 1.46 4.27 4.27 - 8.97 0.67 0.19 0.48 -
29 KNM Services Pvt. Ltd., (India) 0.05 0.39 0.44 0.44 - - - - - -
30 Manipal Informatics Pvt. Limited, (India) 0.10 1.38 1.48 1.48 - - - - - -
31 HCCA Business Services Private Limited, (India) 0.05 11.08 19.26 19.26 - 22.52 4.03 1.37 2.66 -
32 Taxsmile.com India Pvt. Ltd., (India) 4.00 (14.75) 12.78 12.78 1.49 1.42 1.42 0.16 1.26 -
33 Antriksh Interactive Pvt. Ltd., (India) 0.18 (0.19) 0.98 0.98 - 0.10 (0.02) (0.01) (0.01) -
34 Access Matrix Technologies Pvt. Ltd., (India) 0.10 0.11 0.21 0.21 - - (0.00) - (0.00) -
35 3i Infotech BPO Limited (formerly known as Linear Financial
and Management Systems Pvt. Ltd.), (India)
0.05 2.36 50.94 50.94 - 5.81 0.02 0.05 (0.03) -
36 3i Infotech Trusteeship Services Limited, (India) 5.57 (3.53) 4.70 4.70 - 2.97 0.60 0.23 0.37 -
37 3i Infotech Saudi Arabia LLC., (Saudi Arabia)
0.60 11.07 33.81 33.81 - 34.05 9.55 1.91 7.64 -
38 3i Infotech Services (Bangladesh) Pvt. Ltd., (Bangladesh)
0.23 (0.18) 1.57 1.57 - - (0.10) - (0.10) -
39 3i Infotech Insurance & Re-insurance Brokers Limited, (India) 2.50 (0.24) 2.48 2.48 - - (0.13) 0.17 (0.30) -
40 3i Infotech Consultancy Services Limited, (India) 0.84 13.61 57.69 57.69 - 66.00 6.75 0.46 6.29 -
41 FinEng Solutions Private Limited, (India) 0.12 13.77 16.68 16.68 6.50 14.71 5.39 1.82 3.57 -
42 Locuz Enterprise Solutions Limited, (India) 1.00 4.40 47.17 47.17 - 84.89 0.70 0.23 0.47 -
43 3i Infotech Consumer Services Limited, (India) 29.88 (2.09) 33.87 33.87 8.04 4.25 (4.07) (1.28) (2.79) -
44 Elegon Infotech Ltd., (China)

11.30 (8.57) 39.78 39.78 - 14.26 0.21 0.10 0.11 -

45 Regulus Holdings Inc., (USA)
0.01 49.21 598.60 598.60 - 705.33 35.49 4.62 30.87
46 3i Infotech Consulting Services SDN BHD, (Malaysia)* - - - - - - - - - -

$ Converted to Indian Rupees at the Exchange rate, 1 USD = 45.0301
S$ Converted to Indian Rupees at the Exchange rate, 1 SGD = 32.1979
Converted to Indian Rupees at the Exchange rate, 1 GBP = 67.8685
* Converted to Indian Rupees at the Exchange rate, 1 MYR = 13.7946
** Converted to Indian Rupees at the Exchange rate, 1 THB = 1.3978
# Converted to Indian Rupees at the Exchange rate, 1 SAR = 12.0231
$$ Converted to Indian Rupees at the Exchange rate, 1 AED = 12.2633
& Converted to Indian Rupees at the Exchange rate, 1 KES = 0.605
^ Converted to Indian Rupees at the Exchange rate, 1 KZT = 0.3111
^^ Converted to Indian Rupees at the Exchange rate, 1 AUD = 41.4051
Converted to Indian Rupees at the Exchange rate, 1 CNY = 6.6064
+ Converted to Indian Rupees at the Exchange rate, 1 BDT = 0.6633
Statement relating to Subsidiary Companies as on March 31, 2010
Annual Report 09-10
US Dollar In Million
As at
March 31, 2010
As at
March 31, 2009
1. Shareholders Funds :
A. Share Capital 59.68 44.23
B. Reserves and Surplus 160.94 154.54
220.62 198.77
2. Minority Interest 1.82 4.06
3. Loan Funds :
A. Secured Loans 212.00 180.06
B. Unsecured Loans 267.46 242.03
479.46 422.09
4. Premium payable on redemption of FCCB 27.48 20.98
729.38 645.90
1. Goodwill arising on consolidation 402.11 325.93
2. Fixed Assets :
A. Gross Block 143.14 153.29
B. Less : Depreciation 60.06 44.66
C. Net Block 83.08 108.63
D. Capital Work-in-Progress 8.75 24.08
E. Assets held for disposal 3.33 -
95.16 132.71
3. Investments 2.24 0.69
4. Deferred Tax Asset (net) 25.02 7.40
5. Current Assets, Loans and Advances
A. Current Assets :
a. Inventories 0.86 2.12
b. Sundry Debtors 120.50 92.60
c. Unbilled Revenues 63.16 53.16
d. Cash and Bank Balances 42.11 61.26
226.63 209.14
As at
March 31, 2010
As at
March 31, 2009
B. Loans and Advances 111.81 63.55
338.44 272.69
Less: Current Liabilities and Provisions :
A. Current Liabilities 120.34 81.80
B. Provisions 13.25 11.72
133.59 93.52
Net Current Assets 204.85 179.17
729.38 645.90

Note: The above Balance Sheet is just the conversion of Consolidated Balance Sheet of 3i Infotech Limited prepared
as per Indian GAAP in Rs. in crores. The conversion has been done at exchange rate of Rs. 45.03 as at March 31,
2010 and Rs. 52.17 as at March 31,2009.
US Dollar In Million
Annual Report 09-10
US Dollar In Million
For the year ended
March 31, 2010
For the year ended
March 31, 2009
Income from Operations 512.89 499.05
Other Income 4.23 4.16
Total Income 517.12 503.21
Operating, Selling & other expenses 411.73 404.20
Total Expenditure 411.73 404.20
Prot before interest, depreciation and amortisation 105.39 99.01
Interest 30.34 20.73
Depreciation and amortisation (Refer Note no. 2.7) 17.05 15.30
Prot Before Taxation 58.00 62.98
Provision for Taxes
- Deferred Taxes (net) (1.28) 0.92
- Current Taxes 9.03 8.37
- Fringe Benet Tax - 0.51
- Mat Credit Entitlement (5.70) (5.09)
- Pertaining to earlier years written off 0.24 0.10
Prot After Taxation & Before Exceptional items and impact of
discontinuing operations 55.71 58.17
Add : Exceptional Income (Refer Note no.2.6(i)) 6.11 16.82
Less : Impact of Discontinuing Operations (refer note no.2.7) (54.56) -
(Less) : Exceptional expenditure (Refer Note no.2.6 (ii) & 2.7) (0.28) (11.16)
Add: Share of prot in Associate - 0.05
Less/(Add):Minority Shareholders Interest (0.03) 2.32
Net Prot After Minority Interest 7.01 61.56
Add: Balance of prot brought forward 62.67 36.56
Less : Reversal of prot on sale of IPR (Refer Note no. 2.4.11 (b)) (3.83) -
Add : FCCB redemption reserve written back 49.05 -
Prot available for appropriation 114.90 98.13
Translation Reserve adjusted (47.88) 5.41
67.02 103.55
For the year ended
March 31, 2010
For the year ended
March 31, 2009
Less: Appropriations
- General Reserve 1.26 1.97
- FCCB Redemption Reserve 11.24 29.62
- Proposed Dividend - Equity Shares 5.30 4.28
- Residual Dividend Paid 0.00 0.00
- Proposed Dividend - Preference Shares 0.22 0.22
- Interim Dividend - Preference Shares 1.11 1.16
- Corporate Dividend Tax 1.13 0.97
20.26 38.22
Balance carried over to Balance Sheet 46.76 65.32

Note: The above Prot and Loss Account is just the conversion of Consolidated Prot and Loss of 3i Infotech
Limited (prepared as per Indian GAAP in Rs. in crores. The conversion has been done at exchange rate of Rs. 47.74
for the year ended March 31, 2010 and Rs. 45.80 for the year ended March 31, 2009.
US Dollar In Million
Annual Report 09-10
Auditors Report
The Members of
3i Infotech Limited
1. We have audited the attached Balance Sheet of 3i Infotech Limited (the Company) as at March 31, 2010 and also
the Prot and Loss Account and the Cash Flow Statement for the year ended on that date annexed thereto. These
nancial statements are the responsibility of the Companys management. Our responsibility is to express an opinion
on these nancial statements based on our audit.
2. We conducted our audit in accordance with auditing standards generally accepted in India. Those standards require
that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the nancial statements are free of
material misstatement. An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures
in the nancial statements. An audit also includes assessing the accounting principles used and signicant estimates
made by management, as well as evaluating the overall nancial statement presentation. We believe that our audit
provides a reasonable basis for our opinion.
3. As required by the Companies (Auditors Report) Order, 2003, issued by the Central Government of India in terms of
sub-section (4A) of Section 227 of the Companies Act, 1956 (hereinafter referred to as the Act), we annex hereto a
statement on the matters specied in paragraphs 4 and 5 of the said Order.
4. Further to our comments in the Annexure referred to above, we report that:
i) We have obtained all the information and explanations, which to the best of our knowledge and belief were
necessary for the purposes of our audit;
ii) In our opinion, proper books of account as required by law have been kept by the Company so far as appears
from our examination of those books;
iii) The Balance Sheet, Prot and Loss Account and Cash Flow Statement dealt with by this report are in agreement
with the books of account;
iv) In our opinion, the Balance Sheet, the Prot and Loss Account and the Cash Flow Statement dealt with by this
report comply with the Accounting Standards prescribed by Companies (Accounting Standards) Rules, 2006, to
the extent applicable;
v) On the basis of the written representations received from the directors, as on March 31, 2010, and taken on
record by the Board of Directors, we report that none of the directors is disqualied as on March 31, 2010 from
being appointed as a director in terms of clause (g) of sub-section (1) of Section 274 of the Act;
vi) In our opinion and to the best of our information and according to the explanations given to us, the said accounts
read together with note no. 2.10 (b) in Schedule XIII of Signicant Accounting Policies and Notes to Accounts
regarding computation of net prot for managerial remuneration considering loss from discontinuing operations
as capital loss and other notes appearing in the said Schedule and those appearing elsewhere in the accounts,
give the information required by the Act, in the manner so required and give a true and fair view in conformity
with the accounting principles generally accepted in India;
a) in the case of the Balance sheet, of the state of affairs of the Company as at March 31, 2010;
b) in the case of the Prot and Loss account, of the loss for the year ended on that date; and
c) in the case of Cash Flow Statement, of the cash ows for the year ended on that date.
For Lodha & Co. For R.G.N. Price & Co.
Chartered Accountants Chartered Accountants
R.P. Baradiya K. Venkatakrishnan
Partner Partner
Membership No. 44101 Membership No. 208591
Firm Registration No: 301051E Firm Registration No: 002785S
Place : Mumbai. Place : Mumbai.
Date : April 23, 2010. Date : April 23, 2010.
Annual Report 09-10
(i) (a) The Company has maintained proper records showing full particulars, including quantitative details and situation
of xed assets.
(b) According to the information and explanations given to us, the xed assets have been physically veried (including
electronic verication) by the management during the year in accordance with the phased programme of verication
adopted by the Company and no material discrepancies were noticed on such verication. The phased programme
is considered reasonable having regard to the size of the Company and nature of its business.
(c) During the year, the Company has not sold/disposed off substantial portion of its xed assets. However, refer note
no 2.8 in Schedule XIII regarding certain assets held for disposal in respect of a discontinued line of business which
in our opinion, has not effected the going concern status of the Company.
(ii) The Company is a service company, primarily rendering information technology services. Accordingly, it does not
hold any inventories. Hence, paragraph 4(ii) of the Order, is not applicable.
(iii) As informed, the Company has not granted/taken any loans, secured or unsecured to/from companies, rms or
other parties covered in the register maintained under Section 301 of the Act.
(iv) In our opinion and according to the information and explanations given to us, having regard to the explanations
that some of the items purchased are of special nature and suitable alternative sources do not exist for obtaining
comparable quotations, there is an adequate internal control system commensurate with the size of the Company
and the nature of its business for the purchase of inventories and xed assets and for the sale of goods and
services. During the course of our audit, no major weakness has been noticed in the internal control system.
(v) According to the information and explanations provided by the management, we are of the opinion that there are
no contracts or arrangements that need to be entered into the register required to be maintained under Section 301
of the Act.
(vi) The Company has not accepted any public deposits within the meaning of Section 58A and 58AA or any other
relevant provisions of the Act and rules framed thereunder.
(vii) In our opinion, the Company has an internal audit system commensurate with the size and nature of its business.
(viii) To the best of our knowledge and as explained, the Central Government has not prescribed maintenance of cost
records under clause (d) of sub-section (1) of Section 209 of the Act for the services rendered by the Company.
Accordingly, paragraph 4(viii) of the Order is not applicable.
(ix) (a) The Company is generally regular in depositing with appropriate authorities undisputed statutory dues including
Provident Fund, Investor Education and Protection Fund, Employees State Insurance, Income-tax, Sales tax,
Wealth-tax, Service tax, Customs duty, Excise duty, Cess and other material statutory dues applicable to it.
(b) According to the information and explanations given to us, no undisputed amounts payable in respect of Provident
Fund, Investor Education and Protection Fund, Employees State Insurance, Income-tax, Sales tax, Wealth-tax,
Service tax, Customs duty, Excise duty, Cess and other undisputed statutory dues were outstanding, at the year
end, for a period of more than six months from the date they became payable.
(c) According to the information and explanation given to us, there are no dues of Income-tax, Sales tax, Wealth-tax,
Service tax, Custom duty, Excise duty and Cess which have not been deposited on account of any dispute except
the following :
Name of the Statute Nature of
Period to which
amount relates
(In Rs.)
Forum where dispute is
Karnataka VAT Act, 2003 Sales tax 2008-09 10,779,920 Asst. Commissioner of
Commercial Taxes
(x) The Company has no accumulated losses at the end of the nancial year and has not incurred cash losses in the
current and immediately preceding nancial year.
(xi) In our opinion and according to the information and explanations given to us, the Company has not defaulted in
repayment of dues to banks.
(xii) In our opinion and according to the information and explanations given to us, and based on the documents and
records produced to us, the Company has not granted loans and advances on the basis of security by way of
pledge of shares, debentures and other securities.
(xiii) In our opinion, the Company is not a chit fund or a nidhi/mutual benet fund/society. Therefore, the provisions of
clause 4(xiii) of the Order are not applicable to the Company.
(xiv) In our opinion, the Company is not dealing in or trading in shares, securities, debentures and other investments.
Accordingly, the provisions of clause 4(xiv) of the Order are not applicable to the Company.
(xv) In our opinion and according to the information and explanations given to us, the terms and conditions on which
the Company has given guarantees for loans taken by others from banks and nancial institutions, are not, prima
facie prejudicial to the interest of the Company.
(xvi) In our opinion and according to the information and explanations given to us, the term loans were applied for the
purposes for which they were obtained.
(xvii) According to the information and explanations given to us, considering that subsequent to the year end, the
Company has received proceeds from QIP issue amounting to Rs. 179.99 crores and also a sanction of a term
loan of Rs. 350 crores, utilization of short term funds of Rs. 391.22 crores for long term investments as at the close
of the year stands addressed.
(xviii) The Company has not made any preferential allotment of shares to parties and companies covered in the register
maintained under Section 301 of the Act except employees stock options allotted to the directors of the Company
as per Employees Stock Scheme approved by the shareholders of the Company.
(xix) The Company has not issued any debentures in the recent past.
(xx) The Company has not raised any money by public issues during the year, or in the recent past.
(xxi) During the course of our examination of the books of accounts and records of the Company carried out in
accordance with the generally accepted auditing practices in India, we have neither come across any instance
of fraud on or by the Company, noticed or reported during the year nor have been informed of such case by the
For Lodha & Co. For R.G.N. Price & Co.
Chartered Accountants Chartered Accountants
R.P. Baradiya K. Venkatakrishnan
Partner Partner
Membership No. 44101 Membership No. 208591
Firm Registration No: 301051E Firm Registration No: 002785S
Place : Mumbai. Place : Mumbai.
Date : April 23, 2010. Date : April 23, 2010.
Annual Report 09-10
Rs. in Crores
Schedule As at
March 31, 2010
As at
March 31, 2009
1. Shareholders Funds :
A. Share Capital I 268.76 230.75
B. Reserves and Surplus II 626.34 515.90
895.10 746.65
2. Loan Funds :
A. Secured Loans III 401.82 257.16
B. Unsecured Loans IV 1,206.28 1,263.82
1,608.10 1,520.98
3. Premium payable on Redemption of FCCB 123.73 109.45
2,626.93 2,377.08
1. Fixed Assets :
A. Gross Block V 408.91 542.75
B. Less : Depreciation 179.06 162.48
C. Net Block 229.85 380.27
D. Capital Work-in-Progress 1.38 71.89
E. Assets held for disposal 15.00 -
246.23 452.16
2. Investments VI 1,724.84 1,455.42
3. Deferred Tax Asset (net) 92.35 24.64
4. Current Assets, Loans and Advances VII
A. Current Assets :
a. Sundry Debtors 250.07 136.41
b. Unbilled Revenues 67.55 67.56
c. Cash and Bank Balances 44.74 99.15
d. Other Current Assets - 37.33
362.36 340.45
B. Loans and Advances 419.33 349.84
781.69 690.29
Less: Current Liabilities and Provisions : VIII
A. Current Liabilities 162.62 190.79
B. Provisions 55.56 54.64
218.18 245.43
Net Current Assets 563.51 444.86
2,626.93 2,377.08
Signicant Accounting Policies and Notes to Accounts XIII
Schedules referred to above form an integral part of the nancial statements
As per our attached report of even date For and on behalf of the Board
For Lodha & Co.
Chartered Accountants
For R.G.N. Price & Co.
Chartered Accountants
V Srinivasan
Managing Director & CEO
Dileep C. Choksi
Director & Chairman of
Audit Committee
R P Baradiya
K. Venkatakrishnan
Amar Chintopanth
Executive Director & CFO
Shivanand R Shettigar
Company Secretary
Mumbai, April 23, 2010
Rs. in Crores
Schedule For the year
March 31, 2010
For the year
March 31, 2009
Income from Operations IX 519.99 527.24
Other Income X 14.48 11.49
Total Income 534.47 538.73
Operating, Selling and other expenses XI 263.15 267.57
Total Expenditure 263.15 267.57
Prot before interest, depreciation/amortisation and taxation 271.32 271.16
Interest XII 94.33 61.77
Depreciation and Amortisation (Refer Note no. 2.8) 40.50 47.99
Prot before taxation 136.49 161.40
Provision for Taxes
- Current Taxes 22.44 19.70
- Fringe Benet Tax - 1.81
- MAT credit entitlement (22.41) (19.67)
- Deferred Taxes (net) 3.03 0.55
- Pertaining to earlier years written off 0.44 0.40
Prot after taxation before Exceptional items and Impact of
Discontinuing Operations
132.99 158.61
Add : Exceptional income (Refer Note no.2.7 (i)) 29.19 77.05
Less : Impact of Discontinuing Operations (Refer Note no. 2.8) (260.46) -
Less : Exceptional expenditure (Refer Note no.2.7 (ii)) (1.33) (51.09)
Prot/(Loss) after taxation and Exceptional items and Impact of
Discontinuing Operations
(99.61) 184.57
Add: Balance of prot brought forward 84.21 74.70
Add: FCCB redemption reserve written back 234.16 -
Prot available for appropriation 218.76 259.27
General Reserve 6.00 9.00
FCCB Redemption Reserve 53.66 135.66
Proposed Dividend - Equity Shares 25.32 19.61
Residual Dividend paid 0.02 0.02
Proposed Dividend - Preference Shares 1.03 1.03
Interim Dividend - Preference Shares 5.32 5.32
Corporate Dividend Tax 5.38 4.42
Annual Report 09-10
Balance carried over to Balance Sheet 122.03 84.21
218.76 259.27
Earnings per Share
Equity shares, par value Rs 10 each (Refer note no.2.15)
Before Exceptional items and impact of discontinuing operations
Basic (Rs.) 8.35 11.57
Diluted (Rs.) 8.25 11.57
After Exceptional items and impact of discontinuing operations
Basic (Rs.) (7.12) 13.55
Diluted (Rs.) (7.04) 13.55
Signicant Accounting Policies and Notes to Accounts XIII
Schedules referred to above form an integral part of the nancial statements
Rs. in Crores
Schedule For the year
March 31, 2010
For the year
March 31, 2009
As per our attached report of even date For and on behalf of the Board
For Lodha & Co.
Chartered Accountants
For R.G.N. Price & Co.
Chartered Accountants
V Srinivasan
Managing Director & CEO
Dileep C. Choksi
Director & Chairman of
Audit Committee
R P Baradiya
K. Venkatakrishnan
Amar Chintopanth
Executive Director & CFO
Shivanand R Shettigar
Company Secretary
Mumbai, April 23, 2010
Rs. in Crores
For the year
March 31, 2010
For the year
March 31, 2009
A Cash Flow from Operating Activities :
Prot before taxation & exceptional items 136.49 161.40
Adjustments for:
Depreciation / Amortization 40.50 47.99
Foreign Exchange loss / (gain) (2.08) (6.30)
Loss / (Prot) on sale / discarding of xed assets 1.45 1.00
Dividend Income (1.32) (0.20)
Interest received (2.25) (2.54)
Interest Paid 94.33 61.77
Provision for doubtful debts 4.68 13.76
Impairment of acquired software and losses on foreclosure of contracts - 4.18
Operating Prot before Working Capital Changes 271.80 281.06
Adjustments for:
Trade and Other Receivables (126.84) 13.25
Trade Payables and Other Liabilities 171.05 92.73
44.21 105.98
Cash generated from Operations 316.01 387.03
Income Taxes paid (including FBT) (121.21) (31.04)
Net cash from Operating Activities - A 194.80 356.00
B Cash Flow from Investing Activities :
Purchase of xed assets (Including Capital-Work-in-Progress & advances) (129.66) (262.37)
Sale of xed assets 2.12 14.58
Purchase of Investments / application money
(280.79) (228.42)
Investment/ transfer of shares in subsidiary companies / application money (237.40) (101.23)
Sale/ transfer of Investments 256.04 147.19
Dividend received 1.32 0.20
Loans (given) / received back - subsidiaries 0.12 0.14
Interest received 2.25 3.94
Net cash used in Investing Activities - B (386.00) (425.97)
C Cash Flow from Financing Activities :
Proceeds from issue of Equity Share Capital 2.50 1.21
Proceeds from issue of QIP 317.81 -
Payment towards QIP expenses (10.53) -
Payment towards FCCB Buy Back (54.55) (127.03)
(including advisory, legal, Professional fee - Refer note no.2.7)
Annual Report 09-10
Proceeds from/(Repayment of) borrowings - net 58.91 291.80
Dividends paid (including taxes) (30.37) (30.39)
Interest paid (94.32) (62.26)
Net Cash from Financing Activities - C 189.45 73.33
Net Increase / (Decrease) in Cash and Cash Equivalents (A+B+C) (1.75) 3.37
Cash and Cash Equivalents as at beginning 36.03 32.66
Cash and Cash Equivalents as at end
34.28 36.03
Notes :
1. The above Cash Flow Statement has been prepared under the Indirect Method as set out in Accounting Standard - 3
on Cash Flow Statements prescribed by the Companies (Accounting Standard) Rules,2006.
2. Margin money of Rs.10.46 crores (as at Mar 31, 2009 - Rs 5.77 crores) and monies lying in escrow account of Rs. 0.00
crores (as at Mar 31, 2009 - Rs 57.35 crores) has been excluded from Cash and Cash equivalents and included in Trade
and Other Receivables.
3. Includes amount paid for acquisition of equity for the year ended March 31,2010 -
Subsidiary name Amount
(in crores)
Reference note
in schedule
aok Inhouse Factoring Services Pvt Ltd. 2.41 2.4.1
Fineng Solutions Pvt Ltd 6.38 2.4.3
HCCA Business Services Private Limited (4.59) 2.4.1
Delta Services Private Limited 15.93 2.4.1
aok BPO Services Private Limited (7.12) 2.4.1
Elegon Infotech Limited 8.50 2.9
Locuz Enterprise Solutions Limited 5.32 2.4.2
Taxsmile.com India Private Limited 2.08 2.4.4
4. Refer note no. 2.8 regarding discontinuing of operations.
5. Previous years gures have been regrouped/rearranged wherever necessary to conform to the current years
Signicant Accounting Policies and Notes to Accounts (Refer Schedule No XIII)
Schedules referred to above form an integral part of the nancial statements
Rs. in Crores
For the year
March 31, 2010
For the year
March 31, 2009
As per our attached report of even date For and on behalf of the Board
For Lodha & Co.
Chartered Accountants
For R.G.N. Price & Co.
Chartered Accountants
V Srinivasan
Managing Director & CEO
Dileep C. Choksi
Director & Chairman of
Audit Committee
R P Baradiya
K. Venkatakrishnan
Amar Chintopanth
Executive Director & CFO
Shivanand R Shettigar
Company Secretary
Mumbai, April 23, 2010
Rs. in Crores
As at
March 31, 2010
As at
March 31, 2009
I Share Capital
300,000,000 Equity shares of Rs. 10 each 300.00 300.00
(as at Mar 31, 2009 - 300,000,000 of Rs. 10 each)
200,000,000 Cumulative Preference shares of Rs.5 each 100.00 100.00
400.00 400.00
Issued, Subscribed & Paid - up
168,759,946 Equity shares of Rs. 10 each
168.76 130.75
(130,750,946 Equity shares as at Mar 31, 2009)
200,000,000 6.35 % Cumulative Preference shares of Rs.5 each
100.00 100.00
268.76 230.75
Notes :
1. Of the above, 84,788,331 Equity shares are allotted as fully paid-up Bonus shares (as at Mar 31, 2009 - 84,788,331
shares) by capitalisation of Securities Premium Account and accumulated prots.Also refer note no. 2.2 regarding
shares issued on QIP.
2. The Preference Shares are redeemable at par on expiry of nine years from the date of allotment i.e. Mar 31, 2003.
II Reserves and Surplus
a. Capital Reserve (on merger)
Balance as per last Balance Sheet 0.06 0.06
b. Securities Premium Account
Balance as per last Balance Sheet 212.95 285.17
Add : Received on allotment of equity shares under ESOS 1.99 0.99
Add : Received during the year on Qualied Institutional Placement
issue (QIP)
280.31 -
Less : Expenses on Qualied Institutional Placement issue (QIP) (10.53) -
Add/(Less) : Written back/(utilised) towards premium payable on
redemption of FCCB
(14.26) (73.21)
470.46 212.95
c. General Reserve
Balance as per last Balance Sheet 25.00 16.00
Add: Transfer from Prot and Loss Account 6.00 9.00
31.00 25.00
d. Translation Reserve
Opening balance 13.18 13.18
Movement during the year (10.39) -
2.79 13.18
e. FCCB Redemption Reserve
Balance as per last Balance Sheet 180.50 44.84
Annual Report 09-10
Rs. in Crores
As at
March 31, 2010
As at
March 31, 2009
Add: Transfer from Prot and Loss Account 53.66 135.66
Less: Transfer to Prot and Loss Account (234.16) -
- 180.50
f. Prot and Loss Account
Balance as per annexed account 122.03 84.21
122.03 84.21
626.34 515.90
III Secured Loans
a. From Banks:
Term Loans 221.67 143.94
Cash Credit 178.47 112.17
b. Other Bodies Corporate 1.68 1.05
401.82 257.16
Notes :
1. Security and terms and conditions for Term Loans :
a. Rs.1.80 crores (as at Mar 31, 2009 - Rs.1.46 crores) loan is secured by way of hypothecation on certain Company
owned vehicles.
b. Rs 43.55 crores (as at Mar 31, 2009 - Rs.93.53 crores) loan is secured/ to be secured by way of Equitable
Mortgage of certain properties of the Company situated at Navi Mumbai.
c. Rs. NIL (as at Mar 31, 2009 - Rs.50.00 crores) loan is secured by way of hypothecation on certain movable
project assets.
d. Rs.125.00 crores (as at Mar 31, 2009 - Rs. Nil) is secured by subordinated charge on all tangible movable and
immovable assets situated at Navi Mumbai and Goregaon.
e. Rs. 53.00 crores (as at Mar 31, 2009 - Rs. Nil) loan is secured by way of oating charge on book debts.
2. Certain non-fund facilities of Rs. 40.04 crores (as at Mar 31, 2009 - Rs.36.72 crores) and Cash Credit are secured by
way of oating charge on book debts.
IV Unsecured Loans*
Foreign Currency Convertible Bonds (Refer note no.2.6) 510.99 672.79
Rupee Loans from banks 691.51 588.54
From Subsidiaries 3.25 -
From Others 0.53 2.49
1,206.28 1,263.82
*Repayable within one year 648.01 428.41
V. Fixed Assets
Rs. in Crores
Particulars As at
April 1,
/ merger *
the year
Ded /
As at
31, 2010
31, 2009
/ merger *
ciation for
the year
Ded /
for the
31, 2010
As at
31, 2010
As at
31, 2009
Intangible assets
Goodwill 42.73 - - - 42.73 24.00 - 8.46 - 32.46 10.27 18.72
Software Products
- Meant for sale 7.94 - - - 7.94 2.17 - - - 2.17 5.77 5.77
- Others 65.36 - 46.58 0.02 111.92 27.76 - 12.34 0.01 40.09 71.83 37.60
Business &
Commercial Rights
44.62 - - - 44.62 23.95 - 3.81 - 27.76 16.86 20.67
Tangible assets
Land - Leasehold 0.52 - - - 0.52 0.08 - 0.01 - 0.09 0.43 0.44
- Freehold 2.09 - - - 2.09 - - - - - 2.09 2.09
Buildings - Owned 0.77 - - - 0.77 0.13 - 0.01 - 0.14 0.63 0.64
- Leasehold

32.34 - - - 32.34 5.27 - - - 5.27 27.07 27.07
27.27 - 1.78 0.32 28.73 7.90 - 4.32 0.06 12.16 16.57 19.37
Plant & Machinery /
18.17 - 0.88 2.11 16.94 7.07 - 0.82 1.54 6.35 10.59 11.10
Computers 65.88 - 26.59 3.85 88.62 31.68 - 8.72 1.89 38.51 50.11 34.20
Furniture & Fixtures 16.73 - 0.15 0.03 16.85 8.20 - 0.99 0.00 9.19 7.66 8.53
Ofce Equipment 7.22 - 0.57 0.09 7.70 2.74 - 0.31 0.02 3.03 4.67 4.48
Vehicles 7.45 - 1.07 1.38 7.14 1.84 - 0.71 0.71 1.84 5.30 5.61
Project Assets
203.66 - 117.96 321.62 - 19.69 - - 19.69 - - 183.97
Total 542.75 - 195.58 329.42 408.91 162.48 - 40.50 23.92 179.06 229.85 380.27
Previous Year 290.50 11.85 241.31 0.91 542.75 105.99 8.55 47.99 0.06 162.48 380.27 -
Capital work - in -
(including Capital
71.89 - 38.88 109.39 1.38 - - - - - 1.38 71.89
* pertains to adjustments arising out of merger / acquisitions
Notes :
1 Buildings - Leasehold include:
(i) Rs.20.85 crores (as at Mar 31, 2009 Rs. 20.85 crores), Accumulated Depreciation - Rs.3.22 crores (as at Mar 31, 2009 Rs.3.22 crores) and Net Value Rs.17.63
crores (as at Mar 31, 2009 Rs.17.63 crores) being lease premium paid in respect of building taken on lease for sixty years.
(ii) Rs.11.49 crores (as at Mar 31, 2009 Rs.11.49 crores), Accumulated Depreciation Rs.2.05 crores (as at Mar 31, 2009 Rs.2.05 crores) and Net Value Rs.9.44 crores
(as at Mar 31, 2009 Rs.9.44 crores) being lease premium paid in respect of building taken on lease for ninety nine years.
2. Estimated realisable value of project assets transferred to assets held for disposal - Rs 15.00 crores (Refer Note no.2.8)
3 Capital work- in- progress comprise
- advance towards project assets Rs.Nil (as at Mar 31, 2009 Rs. 70.36 crores)
- others Rs.1.38 crores (as at Mar 31, 2009 Rs.1.53 crores)
$ Rs. 0.00 crores denotes gures less than Rs.50,000
Annual Report 09-10
Rs. in Crores
As at
March 31, 2010
As at
March 31, 2009
VI Investments
Long Term Investments (Unquoted and Fully Paid-up)
Trade :
In Subsidiary Companies
1,792,302 Equity shares of SGD 1 each of 3i Infotech Asia Pacic Pte Ltd.,
6.98 6.98
3,101,308 Equity shares of GBP 1 each of 3i Infotech (UK) Ltd.

(as at Mar 31,2009 - 1,649,438 shares)
346.97 230.30
4,419,874,144 Ordinary Shares of MUR 1 each of 3i Infotech Holdings Private
Limited, Mauritius
(as at Mar 31,2009 - 2,197,953,620 shares)
697.75 296.22
500 Shares of SR 1,000 each of 3i Infotech Saudi Arabia LLC 0.67 0.67
400,000 Equity Shares of Rs. 10 each fully paid up of Delta Services (India) Pvt.
(as at Mar 31,2009 - 204,000 shares)
26.13 10.19
5,569,762 Equity Shares of Rs. 10 each fully paid up of 3i Infotech Trusteeship
Services Ltd.
0.01 0.01
51,000 Equity Shares of Rs. 10 each fully paid up of Stex Software Pvt. Ltd.
(as at Mar 31,2009 - 51,000 shares)
9.56 9.56
152,600 Equity Shares of Rs. 10 each fully paid up of E-Enable Technologies Pvt.
Ltd. (as at Mar 31,2009 - 152,600 shares)
12.27 12.27
NIL Equity Shares of Rs, 100 each fully paid up of aok In-house BPO Services

as at Mar 31,2009 - 15,759 shares)
- 7.12
52,650 Equity Shares of Rs. 10 each fully paid up of aok In-house Factoring
Services Pvt. Ltd. (as at Mar 31,2009 - 26,852 shares)
4.88 2.47
50,000 Equity Shares of Rs. 10 each fully paid of KNM Services Pvt. Ltd.
(as at Mar 31,2009 - 50,000 shares)
2.92 2.92
NIL Equity Shares of Rs. 10 each fully paid of HCCA Business Services Pvt. Ltd.

(as at Mar 31,2009 - 26,996 shares)
- 4.59
NIL Equity Shares of Rs. 10 each fully paid of Taxsmile.Com India Pvt. Ltd.

(as at Mar 31,2009 - 1,040,000 shares)
- 2.08
50,122 Equity Shares of Rs. 10 each fully paid of 3i Infotech BPO Ltd. (formally
known as Linear Financial & Management Systems Pvt. Ltd.)
(as at Mar 31,2009 - 50,122 shares)
16.11 16.11
347,630 Equity Shares of Taka 10 each fully paid of 3i Infotech Services
(Bangladesh) Pvt. Ltd (as at Mar 31,2009 - 347,630 shares)
0.20 0.20
840,000 Equity Shares of Rs. 10 each fully paid of 3i Infotech Consultancy
Services Ltd. (as at Mar 31,2009 - 100,000 shares)
8.09 0.10
510,000 Equity Shares of Rs. 10 each fully paid of Locuz Enterprise Solutions
(as at Mar 31,2009 - 260,000 shares)
12.25 6.93
70,782 Equity Shares of Rs. 10 each fully paid of FinEng Solutions Private
(as at Mar 31,2009 - 60,165 shares)
24.11 17.73
162,195 Equity Shares of Rs. 10 each fully paid of J&B Software India Private
(as at Mar 31,2009 - 162,195 shares)
0.47 0.47
As at
March 31, 2010
As at
March 31, 2009
29,877,551 Equity Shares of Rs. 10 each fully paid of 3i Infotech Consumer
Services Limited
4, 7
(as at Mar 31,2009 - 5,000,000 shares)
29.88 5.00
Elegon Infotech Limited, China 11.82 3.33
2,500,000 Equity Shares of Rs. 10 each fully paid of 3i Infotech Insurance &
Re-Insurance Brokers Ltd. (as at Mar 31,2009 - 2,500,000 shares)
2.68 2.68
NIL Redeemable Convertible Preference Shares of GBP 1 each of 3i Infotech
(UK) Ltd. -
(as at Mar 31,2009 - 14,518,699 shares)
- 107.67
Redeemable Convertible Preference Shares of 3i Infotech Holdings Private
Limited, Mauritius :
891,631,605 Series A - Redeemable Convertible Preference Shares of MUR 1
(as at Mar 31,2009 - 494,954,680 shares)
121.18 80.47
541,885,200 Series B - Redeemable Convertible Preference Shares of MUR 1
each (as at Mar 31,2009 - 541,885,200 shares)
90.96 105.75
1,780,361,142 Series C - Redeemable Convertible Preference Shares of MUR
1 each
(as at Mar 31,2009 - 2,682,600,000 shares)
298.85 523.50
Non-Trade :
In other Companies
200,000 Equity Shares of Sri Lankan Rs.10 each of First Capital 0.10 0.10
Asset Management Co. Ltd., Sri Lanka
National Savings Certicates
0.00 0.00
Aggregate Value Of Unquoted Investments 1,724.84 1,455.42
1 During the year, the Company has purchased 256,041,111 units( for the year ended Mar 31, 2009 - 147,186,601units)
and sold 256,041,111 units (for the year ended Mar 31, 2009 - 147,186,601units) of Mutual Funds.
2 100% of the equity share capital representing benecial interest in 600,000 shares held by 3i Infotech Inc, USA and
400,000 shares in Companys Name.
3 Transfered from 3i Infotech Inc, USA, representing 100% of the holding.
4 Refer note no.2.4 regarding further investments and note 2.4.5 regarding sale of investments
5 During the year, 14,518,699 preference shares of GBP 1 each are fully converted into 1,451,870 Equity shares of GBP
1 each.
6 During the year, 970,055,018 preference shares of MUR 1 each are converted into 970,055,018 Equity shares of MUR
1 each.
7 Transfered to 3i Infotech Consumer Services Limited.
$ Rs. 0.00 crores denotes gures less than Rs.50,000
Rs. in Crores
Annual Report 09-10
Rs. in Crores
As at
March 31, 2010
As at
March 31, 2009
VII Current Assets, Loans and Advances
A Current Assets
a) Sundry Debtors
(Unsecured, considered good unless otherwise stated)
- Debts outstanding for more than six months * 21.48 4.01
(net of doubtful debts provided for Rs.36.44 crores; as at Mar 31, 2009 -
Rs.45.57 crores)
- Other debts * 228.59 132.40
(net of doubtful debts provided for Rs.1.78 crores; as at Mar 31, 2009 -
Rs.3.03 crores)
250.07 136.41
* Includes amount due from subsidiary companies 125.80 70.65
b) Unbilled Revenues 67.55 67.56
c) Cash and Bank Balances :
i. Cash on hand 0.07 0.05
ii. Balances with scheduled banks:
in current accounts* 17.82 33.82
in EEFC accounts 0.06 0.54
in deposit accounts 15.02 0.04
in margin money accounts*** 8.42 2.69
41.32 37.09
iii. Balances with Non-scheduled banks:
in current accounts :
with HSBC Bank, Dubai, UAE
- 0.00
(Maximum balance held at any time during the year Rs.0.00 crores;
for the year ended Mar 31, 2009 - Rs 0.01 crores)
with HSBC Bank, Dubai, UAE
1.18 0.00
(Maximum balance held at any time during the year Rs.1.18 crores;
for the year ended Mar 31, 2009 - Rs 0.30 crores)
with Commerz Bank, Germany 0.05 0.05
(Maximum balance held at any time during the year Rs.0.05 crores;
for the year ended Mar 31, 2009 - Rs 0.05 crores)
with Emirates Bank International, Dubai, UAE 0.08 1.52
(Maximum balance held at any time during the year Rs.5.24 crores;
for the year ended Mar 31, 2009 - Rs 9.18 crores)

As at
March 31, 2010
As at
March 31, 2009
in margin money accounts :***
with Emirates Bank International, Dubai, UAE 2.04 3.09
(Maximum balance held at any time during the year Rs.3.09 crores;
for the year ended Mar 31, 2009 - Rs 3.09 crores)
in escrow accounts :
with Citi Bank Hongkong
0.00 57.35
(Maximum balance held at any time during the year Rs.57.35 crores;
for the year ended Mar 31, 2009 - Rs 69.58 crores)
3.35 62.01
44.74 99.15
d) Other Current Assets
Sale of Intellectual Property Rights Receivable (Refer note no. 2.9 (b)) - 37.33
- 37.33
362.36 340.45
* Includes cheques on hand and remittances in transit 0.14 7.53
*** Towards performance guarantees
$ Rs. 0.00 crores denotes gures less than Rs.50,000
B Loans and Advances
(Unsecured, considered good)
Loans :
To subsidiary companies 13.94 14.06
Advance against Share Capital to subsidiaries
(Share Application Money)
96.95 79.23
Advance tax and tax deducted at source 59.15 37.08
(net of provisions of Rs.61.39 crores; as at Mar 31, 2009 - Rs.36.70
MAT credit receivable 58.38 32.69
Service tax recoverable 0.56 6.27
VAT recoverable 1.70 1.46
Deposits 60.77 49.39
Advances recoverable from subsidiary companies 101.67 90.69
Other advances recoverable in cash or in kind or for value to be received 26.21 38.97
419.33 349.84
781.69 690.29

Rs. in Crores
Annual Report 09-10
Rs. in Crores
As at
March 31, 2010
As at
March 31, 2009
VIII Current Liabilities and Provisions
A Current Liabilities*
Acceptances 23.43 9.65
Sundry creditors
(Refer note no.2.5 for dues to Micro,Small and Medium Enterprises)
- Trade ** 116.44 140.01
- others 0.37 4.96
Advances received from Customers 2.27 4.43
(including unearned income)
Interest accrued but not due 0.02 -
Other liabilities 20.09 31.74
162.62 190.79
* There are no amounts payable to Investors Education and Protection Fund
** Includes amount due to subsidiary companies. 37.89 67.83
B Provisions
Provision for Employee benets 24.74 23.91
Provision for warranty - 6.59
Proposed dividend (including tax thereon) 30.82 24.14
55.56 54.64
218.18 245.43
$ Rs. 0.00 crores denotes gures less than Rs.50,000
As at
March 31, 2010
As at
March 31, 2009
IX Income from Operations
Software Products 95.13 130.03
IT/ IT enabled Services 330.50 309.87
Transaction Services 94.36 87.34
519.99 527.24
X Other Income
Interest 2.25 2.54
(Gross, TDS - Rs.0.00 crores; previous year Rs 0.15 crores)
Dividend - on current investments (Non Trade) 1.32 0.20
Prot on sale of investments (Refer note no.2.4.5) 4.14 -
Foreign exchange gain - net 2.08 6.30
Rent receipt 3.33 -
Miscellaneous income 1.36 2.45
14.48 11.49
XI Operating, Selling and other expenses
Salaries, bonus and other allowances 256.78 230.36
Contribution to provident and other funds 13.50 17.20
Staff welfare expenses 19.39 15.77
Recruitment and training expenses 1.23 4.30
Cost of third party products/outsourced services 114.14 103.85
Rent 62.95 49.96
Insurance 3.79 3.90
Travelling and conveyance 25.19 29.71
Electricity Charges 11.34 10.61
Rates and taxes 3.79 2.28
Communication expenses 11.51 10.75
Directors sitting fees 0.15 0.13
Loss on sale/discarding of xed assets (net) 1.45 1.00
Printing and stationery 2.16 2.49
Repairs and maintenance - building 0.94 0.90
Legal and professional charges 3.67 3.32
Bank charges and other nancial charges 10.73 2.94
Selling and distribution expenses 2.03 1.97
Rs. in Crores
Annual Report 09-10
As at
March 31, 2010
As at
March 31, 2009
Directors commission 1.00 0.70
Bad debts written off 11.27 6.65
Less - Provision withdrawn (11.27) (6.65)
Provision for doubtful debts 4.68 13.76
Impairment of acquired software & losses on foreclosure of Contracts - 4.18
(net of reversal of contingency provision of Rs. 12.01 crores)
Miscellaneous expenses 17.95 13.49
568.37 523.57
Less : Recovery from subsidiaries
a.Re-imbursement of costs by subsidiary companies (263.75) (168.40)
b.Corporate charges (41.47) (87.60)
263.15 267.57
XII Interest
- On term loans 82.58 58.56
- Others 11.75 3.21
94.33 61.77
Rs. in Crores
MARCH 31, 2010.
1.1 Method of Accounting
The nancial statements are prepared in accordance with Indian Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP)
under the historical cost convention on the accrual basis. GAAP comprises mandatory accounting standards issued
by the Companies (Accounting Standards) Rules, 2006, the provisions of the Companies Act, 1956 and guidelines
issued by the Securities and Exchange Board of India. Accounting policies have been consistently applied except
where a newly issued accounting standard is initially adopted or a revision to an existing accounting standard required
a change in accounting policy hitherto in use.
1.2 Use of estimates
The preparation of nancial statements in conformity with GAAP requires management to make estimates and
assumptions that affect the reported amount of assets, liabilities, revenues and expenses and disclosure of contingent
liabilities on the date of nancial statements. The recognition, measurement, classication or disclosure of an item or
information in the nancial statements are made relying on these estimates. Any revision to accounting estimates is
recognized prospectively.
1.3 Revenue Recognition
Revenue from software products is recognized on delivery/installation, as per the predetermined/laid down policy
across all geographies or lower, as considered appropriate by the management on the basis of facts in specic cases.
Maintenance revenue in respect of products is deferred and recognized ratably over the period of the underlying
maintenance agreement.
Revenue from IT services is recognized either on time and material basis or xed price basis or based on certain
measurable criteria as per relevant agreements. Revenue on time and material contracts is recognized as and when
services are performed. Revenue on xed-price contracts is recognized on the percentage of completion method.
Provision for estimated losses, if any, on such uncompleted contracts are recorded in the period in which such losses
become probable based on the current estimates.
Revenue from transaction services and other service contracts is recognized based on transactions processed or
manpower deployed.
Revenue from supply of Hardware/Outsourced Software License/Term License/Other Materials is incidental to the
aforesaid services recognized based on delivery/installation, as the case may be. Recovery of incidental expenses is
added to respective revenue.
1.4 Unbilled and Unearned Revenue
Revenue recognized over and above the billings on a customer is classied as unbilled revenue while billing over and
above the revenue recognized in respect of a customer is classied as unearned revenue.
1.5 a. Fixed Assets
Intangible: Purchased software meant for in-house consumption & signicant upgrades thereof, Goodwill and Business
& Commercial Rights are capitalized at the acquisition price.
Acquired software/products meant for sale are capitalized at the acquisition price.
Tangible: Fixed Assets are stated at cost, which comprises of purchase consideration and other directly attributable
cost of bringing an asset to its working condition for the intended use.
Advances given towards acquisition of xed assets and the cost of assets not ready for use as at the balance sheet
date are disclosed under capital work-in-progress.
Annual Report 09-10
b. Depreciation / Amortization:
Leasehold land, Leasehold building and improvements thereon are amortized over the period of lease.
Business & Commercial Rights are amortized at lower of the period the benets arising out of these are expected to
accrue and ten years, while purchased software meant for in house consumption & signicant upgrades thereof and
Goodwill arising on merger/acquired Goodwill is amortized over a period of ve years.
Project Assets/Acquired software are amortized at lower of the estimated life of the product/ project and ve years.
Depreciation on other xed assets is provided on straight-line method at the rates and in the manner as prescribed in
Schedule XIV to the Companies Act, 1956.
1.6 Investments
Trade investments are the investments made to enhance the Companys business interest. Investments are
either classied as current or long-term based on the managements intention at the time of purchase. Long-term
investments are carried at cost and provision is made to recognize any decline, other than temporary, in the value of
such investments.
Current investments are carried at the lower of the cost and fair value and provision is made to recognize any decline
in the carrying value. Cost of overseas investment comprises the Indian Rupee value of the consideration paid for the
1.7 Accounting for Taxes on Income
Provision for current income tax is made on the basis of the estimated taxable income for the year in accordance with
the Income Tax Act, 1961.
MAT credit asset is recognized and carried forward only if there is a reasonable certainty of it being set off against
regular tax payable within the stipulated statutory period.
Deferred tax resulting from timing differences between book and tax prots is accounted for under the liability method,
at the current rate of tax, to the extent that the timing differences are expected to crystallize. Deferred tax assets are
recognized and carried forward only if there is a virtual/reasonable certainty that they will be realized and are reviewed
for the appropriateness of their respective carrying values at each balance sheet date.
1.8 Translation of Foreign Currency Items
Transactions in foreign currency are recorded at the rate of exchange in force on the date of the transactions. Current
assets, current liabilities and borrowings denominated in foreign currency are translated at the exchange rate prevalent
at the date of the Balance Sheet. The resultant gain/loss are recognized in the Prot & Loss account. Overseas equity
investments are recorded at the rate of exchange in force on the date of allotment/acquisition.
All the activities of the foreign operations are carried out with a signicant degree of autonomy. Accordingly, as per
the provisions of AS 11 Effects of changes in foreign exchange rates, these operations have been classied as Non
integral operations and therefore all assets and liabilities, both monetary and non-monetary, are translated at the
closing rate while the income and expenses are translated at the average rate for the year. The resulting exchange
differences are accumulated in the Foreign Currency Translation Reserve.
1.9 Accounting of Employee Benets
Employee Benets in India
a) Gratuity
The Company provides for gratuity, a dened benet retirement plan, covering eligible employees. Liability
under gratuity plan is determined on actuarial valuation done by the Life Insurance Corporation of India (LIC) at
the beginning of the year, based upon which, the Company contributes to the Scheme with LIC. The Company
also provides for the additional liability over the amount contributed to LIC based on the actuarial valuation done
by an independent valuer using the Projected Unit Credit Method.
b) Superannuation
Certain employees of the Company are also participants in a dened superannuation contribution plan. The
Company contributes to the scheme with Life Insurance Corporation of India on monthly basis. The Company
has no further obligations to the scheme beyond its monthly contributions.
c) Provident fund
Eligible employees receive benets from a provident fund, which is a dened contribution plan to the Trust/
Government administered Trust. In the case of Trust aggregate contribution along with interest thereon is paid
at retirement, death, incapacitation or termination of employment. Both the employee and the Company make
monthly contribution to the 3i Infotech Provident Fund Trust equal to a specied percentage of the covered
employees salary. Company also contributes to a Government administered pension fund on behalf of its
The interest rate payable by the trust to the beneciaries every year is being notied by the government. The
Company has an obligation to make good the shortfall, if any, between the return from the investments of the
trust and the notied interest rate. Such shortfall is charged to Prot & Loss account in the year it is determined.
d) Liability for leave encashment/entitlement for employees is provided on the basis of the actuarial valuation at the
year end.
e) All actuarial gains/losses are charged to revenue in the year these arise.
Employee Benets in Foreign Branch
In respect of employees in foreign branches, necessary provision is made based on the applicable laws. Gratuity
and leave encashment/entitlement as applicable for employees in foreign branches is provided on the basis of
the actuarial valuation at the year end.
All actuarial gains/losses are charged to revenue in the year these arise.
1.10 Provisions, Contingent Liabilities and Contingent Assets
i) Provisions involving substantial degree of estimation in measurement are recognized when there is a present
obligation as a result of past events and it is probable that there will be outow of resources.
ii) Disclosures for a contingent liability is made, without a provision in books, when there is an obligation that may,
but probably will not, require outow of resources.
iii) Contingent Assets are neither recognized nor disclosed in the nancial statements.
1.11 Borrowing Costs
Borrowing costs directly attributable to acquisition, construction and production of qualifying assets are capitalized as
a part of the cost of such asset upto the date of completion. Other borrowing costs are charged to the Prot & Loss
1.12 Impairment of Assets
In accordance with AS 28 on Impairment of Assets, where there is an indication of impairment of the Companys
assets related to cash generating units, the carrying amounts of such assets are reviewed at each balance sheet date
to determine whether there is any impairment. The recoverable amount of such assets is estimated as the higher of
its net selling price and its value in use. An impairment loss is recognised in the Prot & Loss account whenever the
carrying amount of such assets exceeds its recoverable amount. If at the balance sheet date there is an indication that
a previously assessed impairment loss no longer exists, then such loss is reversed and the asset is restated to the
extent of the carrying value of the asset that would have been determined (net of amortization/depreciation) had no
impairment loss been recognized.
1.13 a) Securities issue expenses
Securities issue expenses including expenses incurred on increase in authorized share capital and premium
payable on securities are adjusted against Securities Premium Account.
Annual Report 09-10
b) Premium payable on FCCB
Premium payable on redemption of FCCB is amortized proportionately till the date of redemption and is adjusted
against the balance in Securities Premium account.
1.14 Lease
Where the Company has substantially acquired all risks and rewards of ownership of the assets, leases are classied
as nancial lease. Such assets are capitalized at the inception of the lease, at the lower of fair value or present value of
minimum lease payment and liability is created for an equivalent amount. Each lease rental paid is allocated between
liability and interest cost so as to obtain constant periodic rate of interest on the outstanding liability for each year.
Where signicant portion of risks and reward of ownership of assets acquired under lease are retained by lessor,
leases are classied as Operating lease. Equalized lease rentals for such leases are charged to Prot & Loss account.
1.15 Earnings per share
In determining the earnings per share, the Company considers the net prot after tax and post tax effect of any
extra-ordinary/exceptional item is shown separately. The number of shares considered in computing basic earnings
per share is the weighted average number of shares outstanding during the year. The number of shares considered
for computing diluted earnings per share comprises the weighted average number of shares used for deriving the
basic earnings per share and also the weighted average number of equity shares that could have been issued on the
conversion of all dilutive potential equity shares which includes potential FCCB conversions. The number of shares
and potentially dilutive equity shares are adjusted for any stock splits and bonus shares issues.
2.1 Capital commitments and contingent liabilities
Rs. in Crores
As at
March 31, 2010
As at
March 31, 2009
Capital Commitments * :
Estimated amount of contracts remaining to be executed on capital account
and not provided for (net of advances)
5.86 66.02
Contingent Liabilities not provided for in respect of:-
Outstanding guarantees ** 664.63 488.72
Premium on redemption of FCCB (Refer Note no 2.6) 84.21 165.21
Estimated amount of claims against the Company not acknowledged as
debts in respect of:
- Disputed Income tax matters 3.07 2.74
- Disputed Sales tax matters 1.08 -
- Customer Claims 0.20 0.02
- Others*** 18.32 20.00
* Including commitments pertaining to acquisitions, except where amount is not ascertainable as mentioned in note
** Includes Rs.NIL secured by way of equitable mortgage of certain properties of the Company subject to prior
charges created in favour of term lenders (as at March 31, 2009 - Rs. 443.48 crores).
***Includes claim in respect of legal cases relating to Registrar & Transfer Services, which are reimbursable by the
Principal to the extent of Rs.1.21 crores (as at March 31, 2009 - Rs.0.34 crores).
2.2. a. Pursuant to the shareholders approval at the Annual General Meeting held on July 28, 2009, the Committee of
Board of Directors of the Company has, at its meeting held on September 25, 2009, issued and allotted 37,500,000
fully paid-up Equity Shares, at a price of Rs.84.75 per Equity Share (including premium of Rs.74.75 per Equity
Share), aggregating Rs. 317.81 crores. The entire amount has been utilized towards the objects of the issue.
b. Further, subsequent to the year end, the Company has issued and allotted 22,900,099 fully paid-up Equity Shares,
at a price of Rs.78.60 per Equity Share (including premium of Rs.68.60 per Equity Share),aggregating Rs 179.99
crores on April 7, 2010 .These shares allotted rank pari passu with the existing shares of the Company with respect
to dividend as may be paid by the Company for the year ended March 31,2010 and an additional amount of Rs.
3.44 crores would be payable in addition to proposed dividend on the equity share capital as on the close of the
2.3 Employee Benet Plans
The following table set out the status of the gratuity plan as required under AS 15:
Reconciliation of Benet Obligations and Plan Assets
Rs. in Crores
For the year ended
March 31, 2010
For the year ended
March 31, 2009
Change in benet obligation
Obligation at the beginning of the year 13.12 9.35
Interest cost 1.02 0.77
Current Service cost 3.34 5.04
Benets paid (1.35) (0.77)
Actuarial (gain)/loss in obligations (1.87) (1.27)
Obligation at year end 14.26 13.12
Rs. in Crores
Change in Fair value of plan assets For the year ended
March 31, 2010
For the year ended
March 31, 2009
Fair value of plan assets at the beginning of the year 3.91 2.63
Expected return on the plan assets 0.30 0.22
Contributions by the employer - 1.79
Benets paid (1.35) (0.77)
Actuarial gain/(loss)on plan assets 0.15 0.04
Fair value of plan assets at year end 3.01 3.91
Rs. in Crores
Expenses recognized in Prot & Loss account For the year ended
March 31, 2010
For the year ended
March 31, 2009
Current service cost 3.34 5.04
Interest cost 1.02 0.77
Expected return on plan assets (0.30) (0.22)
Net actuarial (gain)/loss recognized during the year (1.71) (1.31)
Expenses recognized in Prot & Loss account 2.35 4.28
Annual Report 09-10
Rs. in Crores
Reconciliation or Present Value of the obligation and the Fair value
of the plan assets
As at
March 31, 2010
As at
March 31, 2009
Liability at year end 14.26 13.12
Fair value of plan assets at year end 2.71 3.91
Liability recognized in the balance sheet 11.55 9.21
Assumptions As at
March 31, 2010
As at
March 31, 2009
Discount Rate 8.00% p.a 7.80% p.a
Expected Rate of Return on Plan Assets 8.00% p.a 7.80% p.a
Salary Escalation Rate 6.00% p.a 6.00% p.a
The liability recognized with respect to Gratuity in the balance sheet in respect of Dubai branch as on March 31, 2010
is Rs 5.70 crores (as on March 31, 2009 - Rs. 7.16 crores).
The liability recognized with respect to leave encashment/entitlement in the balance sheet as on March 31, 2010 is
Rs.7.49 crores (as on March 31,2009 - Rs. 7.54 crores).
2.4.1 Effective April 2009, the Company acquired balance 49% of paid up capital of -
a) aok In-house BPO Services Limited, New Delhi, for a consideration of Rs 15.67 crores.
b) aok In-house Factoring Services Pvt. Limited, New Delhi, for a consideration of Rs 2.41 crores.
c) Delta Services (India) Pvt Ltd, Mumbai, for a consideration of Rs 15.93 crores.
d) HCCA Business Services Private Ltd., Mumbai, for a consideration of Rs 13.50 crores.
2.4.2 In April 2008, the Company entered into a share purchase agreement with the owners of Locuz Enterprise Solutions
Limited, Hyderabad, to acquire the 260,000 shares (representing 26% of the paid up equity capital of Locuz Enterprise
Solutions Limited) for a consideration of Rs.6.93 crores. In November, 2009, the Company acquired further 25% stake
in Locuz Enterprise Solutions Limited for a consideration of Rs 5.32 crores along with a commitment to acquire the
balance of the paid up capital at a future date for additional consideration payable on achieving certain measurable
criteria such as future revenue/protability etc., as per the agreement.
2.4.3 In May 2008, Company entered into a share purchase agreement with the owners of FinEng Solutions Private Limited,
Mumbai to acquire the 60,165 shares (representing 51% of the paid up equity capital of FinEng Solutions Private
Limited) for a consideration of Rs 17.73 crores. In June 2009, the Company has acquired additional 9% of the paid
up capital of FinEng Solutions Private Limited for a consideration of Rs 3.67 crores. As agreed in the Share Purchase
Agreement, in October 2009 the Company made an upside payment of Rs. 2.71 crores to the Promoter Shareholders
of FinEng Solutions Private Limited. The Company has a commitment to acquire the balance of the paid up capital
at a future date for additional consideration payable on achieving certain measurable criteria such as future revenue/
protability etc., as per the agreement.
2.4.4 In September 2007, Company entered into a share purchase agreement with the owners of Taxsmile.com India Pvt.
Ltd., Mumbai, to acquire the 1,040,000 shares (representing 26% of the paid up equity capital of Taxsmile.com India
Pvt. Ltd., Mumbai) for a consideration of Rs 2.08 crores. In May 2009, the Company acquired additional 25% of the
paid up capital for a consideration of Rs 2.00 crores along with a commitment to acquire the balance of the paid up
capital at a future date for additional consideration payable on achieving certain measurable criteria such as future
revenue/ protability etc., as per the agreement. In October 2009, the Company acquired the balance 49% stake for a
consideration of Rs. 3.92 crores.
The Company vide a Share Purchase Agreement dated December 30, 2009 has transferred entire investment in
Taxsmile.com India Pvt. Ltd. to its wholly owned subsidiary 3i Infotech Consumer Services Limited.
2.4.5 Prot on sale of investments of Rs 4.14 crores represents sale of investments in aok In-house BPO Services Limited
& HCCA Business Services Private Limited (wholly owned subsidiaries) to 3i Infotech BPO Limited (another wholly
owned subsidiary), vide agreement dated March 30, 2010.
2.4.6 The Board of directors of the Company have approved the Amalgamation of KNM Services Private Limited (KNM),
Stex Software Private Limited (Stex), E-Enable Technologies Private Limited (E-Enable) and J&B Software India
Private Limited (J&B) with the Company . In this regard, the Company has received the in-principle approval from both
the Stock Exchanges. The Company is in process of ling a joint petition with KNM, Stex and E-Enable before the
Bombay High Court and a single petition for J & B in Madras High Court.
2.5 As at March 31 2010, the Company has no outstanding dues to micro, small and medium enterprises. There is no
liability towards interest on delayed payments under the Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Development Act, 2006
during the year.
There is also no amount of outstanding interest in this regard brought forward from the previous year.
The above information is on the basis of intimation received by the Company, on request made to all vendors in the
course of vendors registration under the said Act.
2.6 Foreign Currency Convertible Bonds (FCCB)
The Company has issued Foreign Currency Convertible Bonds (FCCB) at different points of time, the details of such
FCCB issues are summarized as follows:
First Issue Third Issue Fourth Issue
Issue currency USD EURO USD
Issue size 50 million 30 million 100 million
Issue date March 16, 2006 Apr 2, 2007 Jul 26, 2007
Maturity date March 17, 2011 Apr 3, 2012 Jul 27, 2012
Coupon rate Zero coupon Zero coupon Zero coupon
Conversion pricepost bonus Rs. 115.00 Rs. 154.32 Rs. 165.94
Fixed exchange rate of conversion Rs. 44.35 Rs. 57.60 Rs. 40.81
Early redemption option * Yes Yes Yes
Conversions as at
March 31, 2010 29.80 million NIL NIL
March 31, 2009 29.80 million NIL NIL
Bought back as at
March 31, 2010 NIL 10.00 million 33.63 million
March 31, 2009 NIL 4.00 million 25.13 million
Contingent premium payable as at
(Rs. in crores)
March 31, 2010 14.62 19.45 50.14
March 31, 2009 19.92 41.83 103.46
Note - The second issue was converted into equity as per the terms of the issue.
* Subject to certain criteria as per offer document.
2.7 i) During the year, the Company has bought back and cancelled FCCBs (out of the third and the fourth issues) of
face value of EUR 6,000,000 and USD 8,500,000 equivalent to Rs. 82.42 crores (for the year ending March 31,
2009, EUR 4,000,000 and USD 25,133,000 equivalent to Rs. 152.99 crores) at a discount resulting in reduction of
liability by Rs 29.19 crores (for the year ending March 31, 2009, Rs. 77.05 crores). The same has been shown as
exceptional income in the Prot & Loss account.
Annual Report 09-10
ii) During the year, the Company has incurred an amount of Rs. 1.33 crores towards professional fees (for the year
ending March 31, 2009 Rs.51.09 crores towards the advisory fees, legal & other professional fees and other
expenses for various nancial re-structuring assignments) in respect of the aforesaid buyback. The same has been
shown as exceptional expenditure in the Prot & Loss account.
2.8 Commencing from March 2007, the Company had entered into Agreements with some State Governments towards
setting up and operating Citizen Service Centers across those states for providing certain government services as
well as non-government retail services to consumers.
The Company had decided to exit from the Master Service Agreements (MSA) of some of the State Governments by
paying a compensation of Rs.10.92 crores under these contracts and further decided during the fourth quarter to exit
totally from this line of business owing to prevailing business environment. Accordingly the assets attributed to this
business are being carried as assets held for disposal at their net realizable values. The loss thereof of Rs. 260.46
crores for the current year (net of tax of Rs. 70.73 crores) has been charged to the Prot & Loss account and has been
disclosed as Impact of Discontinuing Operations, the computation thereof is given hereunder:
Rs. in Crores
For the year ended
March 31, 2010
For the year ended
March 31, 2009
Revenue - 21.95
Less: Exceptional expenditure (including Rs.10.92 crores as
referred above)
40.92 9.05
Less: Project assets after taking into accounts realizable value
of Rs. 15 crores including capital work in progress (Refer note
no.2 of Schedule V)
290.27 183.97
Prot/(Loss) from discontinuing operations (331.19) (171.07)
Add: Tax impact 70.73 -
Net Prot/(Loss) from discontinuing operations (260.46) (171.07)
Rs. in Crores
As at
March 31, 2010
As at
March 31, 2009
Assets 15.00 183.97
Liabilities 34.15 0.40
The Impact of Discontinuing Operations does not impact the Cash Flow Statement signicantly.
2.9 a) In May 2008, 3i Infotech Ltd. and Yucheng Technologies Limited, China (Yucheng) entered into a joint venture contract
for the establishment of Joint Venture Company in China. In pursuance to this, a Joint Venture Company, Elegon
Infotech Limited (Elegon) was set up in China in August 2008, wherein the Companys interest in the equity was 51%.
In June 2009, an Equity Transfer Agreement was signed between the Company and Yucheng, whereby, the entire 49%
interest held by Yucheng was acquired by the Company for a total consideration of Rs 5.93 crores. In November 2009,
Elegon Infotech Limited has become a wholly-owned subsidiary after obtaining necessary approvals.
The aggregate amounts of the assets, liabilities, income and expenses related to Groups share till it was considered
as JV were as under:
Rs. in Crores
As at
March 31, 2010
As at
March 31, 2009
Assets - 22.27
Liabilities - 21.68
Rs. in Crores
For the year ended
March 31, 2010
For the year ended
March 31, 2009
Income - 0.50
Expense - 4.71
Rs. in Crores
As at
March 31, 2010
As at
March 31, 2009
Contingent Liability - NIL
Capital Commitments - NIL
b) Income for the year includes Rs. Nil (for year ended March 31,2009 Rs.37.29 crores) arising out of transfer of
Intellectual Property Rights and Marketing rights in certain products to the Joint Venture which was recoverable as per
the Joint Venture Agreement and subsequently converted to share application money.
2.10 Managerial Remuneration:
a) Whole-time Directors *
For the year ended March 31, 2010
Rs. in Crores
Name of Directors Salary & other
PF & other
Perquisites Total
Amar Chintopanth 3.10 0.11 0.01 3.22
Anirudh Prabhakaran 1.54 0.03 0.01 1.58
For the year ended March 31, 2009
Rs. in Crores
Name of Directors Salary & other
PF & other
Perquisites Total
Amar Chintopanth 1.44 0.11 0.01 1.56
Anirudh Prabhakaran 0.90 0.03 0.01 0.94
Hari Padmanabhan 3.01 - - 3.01
* Excluding contribution to the gratuity fund and provision for leave entitlement, since determined for the Company as
a whole but including monetary value of the perquisites computed as per the Income Tax Rules, wherever necessary.
b) Other than Whole-time Directors Rs. in Crores
For the year ended
March 31, 2010
For the year ended
March 31, 2009
Commission 1.00 0.70
Sitting fees 0.15 0.14

Annual Report 09-10
Computation of Net Prot under Section 198, 309 and 349 of the Companies Act, 1956:
Rs. in Crores
For the year ended
March 31, 2010
For the year ended
March 31, 2009
Net Prot/(Loss) as per Prot and Loss Account (99.61) 184.57
Add: Loss from discontinuing operations* 260.46 -
Net Prot/(Loss) after Taxation as per Prot and Loss Account 160.85 184.57
Add: Provision for Current taxes under Income Tax Act, 1961 3.06 2.24
Directors Commission 1.00 0.70
Net Prot/(Loss) to ascertain commission payable to Director 164.91 187.51
Add: Directors Remuneration 4.80 5.50
Directors Sitting Fees 0.15 0.14
Net Prot/(Loss) to ascertain remuneration to Directors 169.86 193.15
Percentage of Commission payable to Non whole time directors 0.61% 0.37%
Percentage of Remuneration paid to Directors 2.83% 2.85%
*loss from discontinuing operations have been considered as capital losses for the purpose of this compulation, based
on an expert opinion obtained.
2.11 Leases:
a. Operating Lease:
(i) The Company has acquired certain Land and Building under a lease arrangement for a period of sixty years at
a premium of Rs.0.50 crores starting from December 4, 2000 for Land and Rs.15.62 crores starting from March
13, 2000 and Rs.5.05 crores from March 1, 2003 for building and the same is being amortized over the lease
period. All other lease arrangements in respect of properties are renewable/cancelable at the Companys and/
or lessors option as mutually agreed. The future lease rental payment that the Company is committed to make
Rs. in Crores
As at
March 31, 2010
As at
March 31, 2009
- within one year 19.22 38.39
- later than one year and not later than ve years 9.81 17.71
(ii) The Company avails from time to time non- cancellable long-term leases for computers, furniture & xtures and
ofce equipments. The total of future minimum lease payments that the Company is committed to make is:
Rs. in Crores
As at
March 31, 2010
As at
March 31, 2009
- within one year 65.75 25.74
- later than one year and not later than ve years 116.34 43.97
b. Financial Lease:
There were no nancial leases entered into by the Company.
2.12 Auditors Remuneration: Rs. in Crores
For the year ended
March 31, 2010
For the year ended
March 31, 2009
Audit Fees 0.85 0.73
Tax Audit Fees 0.09 0.07
Certication Fees 0.33 0.13
Re-imbursement of out of pocket expenses 0.11 0.18
For Service Tax 0.14 0.14
Total 1.52 1.25
2.13 Cost of third party products/outsourced services includes: Rs. in Crores
For the year ended
March 31, 2010
For the year ended
March 31, 2009
IT Outsourced Cost 38.73 29.49
Commission on sales 1.33 0.81
Infrastructure Charges 13.35 11.03
Transaction Processing Charges 10.88 13.84
Non IT - Outsourced cost 22.53 15.07
Purchases Hardware/ Software 10.54 23.24
Repairs & Maintenance Computers 2.37 3.54
Non IT Facilities Management Rent & Ofce Expenses 14.41 6.83
Total 114.14 103.85
2.14 Deferred taxation:
The break - up of net deferred tax liability/asset is as under: Rs. in Crores
As at
March 31,2010 # *
As at
March 31, 2009 *
Deferred Tax Asset:
Unabsorbed losses/depreciation 42.13 33.73
Expenses allowable on payment and others (including provision for
doubtful debts)
21.30 25.92
63.43 59.65
Deferred Tax Liability:
Fixed Assets (depreciation/amortization) (28.92) 35.01
Net Deferred Tax Liability/(Asset) (92.35) (24.64)
* Deferred tax balance in respect of companies merged/business purchased during the year is included.
# After reversal of net Deferred Tax Liability of Rs 70.73 crores in respect of Discontinuing Operations.
2.15 Earnings Per Share
The earnings per share have been computed in accordance with the Accounting Standard 20 Earnings Per Share.
The numerators and denominators used to calculate Basic and Diluted Earnings Per Share are as follows:
For the year ended
March 31, 2010
For the year ended
March 31, 2009
Prot as per accounts (Rs. in crores) 132.99 158.61
Less: Dividend on preference shares paid (incl. Corporate
(6.21) (6.21)
Less: Dividend on preference shares accrued but not declared
(incl. Corporate taxes)
(1.22) (1.22)
Prot attributable to Equity Shareholders before exceptional
items (Rs. in crores)
A 125.56 151.18
Add: Prot/(Loss) due to Exceptional items (after considering
Provision for contingency) (Rs. in crores)
(232.60) 25.96
Prot/(Loss) attributable to Equity Shareholders after
exceptional items (Rs. in crores)
B (107.04) 177.14
Annual Report 09-10
For the year ended
March 31, 2010
For the year ended
March 31, 2009
Weighted average number of Equity Shares outstanding during
the year (Nos.)
C 150,319,823 130,696,488
Add : Effect of dilutive issues of options/QIP (Nos.) 1,839,361 -
Diluted weighted average number of Equity Shares outstanding
during the year (Nos.)
D 152,159,184 130,696,488
Nominal value of Equity Shares (Rs.) 10 10
Before exceptional items and impact of discontinuing operations
Basic EPS (Rs.) A/C 8.35 11.57
Diluted EPS (Rs.) A/D 8.25 11.57
After exceptional items and impact of discontinuing operations
Basic EPS (Rs.) B/C (7.12) 13.55
Diluted EPS (Rs.) B/D (7.04) 13.55
2.16 Employee Stock Option Plan
The Companys Employees Stock Option Plan provides for issue of equity option up to 25% of the paid-up Equity
Capital to eligible employees. The scheme covers the managing director, whole time directors and the employees of
the subsidiaries, the erstwhile holding Company and subsidiaries of the erstwhile holding Company, apart from the
employees of the Company. The options vest in a phased manner over three years with 20%, 30% and 50% of the
grants vesting at the end of each year from the date of grant and the same can be exercised within ten years from the
date of the grant by paying cash at a price determined on the date of grant.
Method used for accounting for the share based payment plan:
The Company has elected to use the intrinsic value method to account for the compensation cost of stock options to
employees of the Company. Intrinsic value is the amount by which the quoted Market price of the underlying share as
on the date of grant exceeds the exercise price of the option.
Summary of the options outstanding under the Employees Stock Option Plan (ESOP):
As at
March 31, 2010
As at
March 31, 2009
Options Weighted
exercise price
Options Weighted
exercise price
Options outstanding beginning of the year 26,737,126 105.87 24,051,354 104.20
Granted during the year 945,000 83.16 5,000,000 116.00
Exercised during the year (509,000) 49.16 (215,761) 56.02
Forfeited/lapsed during the year (2,007,202) 116.88 (2,098,467) 116.04
Options outstanding end of year* 25,165,924 105.29 2,6737,126 105.87
Vested options pending exercise 16,800,424 96.25 11,710,899 81.10
*Includes 3,767,000 options granted to managing director/whole time directors and non-executive directors (for the
year ended March 31, 2009 3,587,000 options).
Weighted average Market price of the shares with respect to stock options exercised during the year ended March 31,
2010 is Rs.76.68 (during the year ended March 31,2009 Rs.75.68).
The following summarizes information about stock options outstanding:
As at March 31, 2010
Range of Exercise Price Number of shares
arising out of
Weighted average
remaining life
Weighted average
Exercise Price
Rs 37 to Rs 50 4,720,714 5 48.93
Rs 57 to Rs 150 20,445,210 7 118.33
As at March 31, 2009
Range of Exercise Price Number of shares
arising out of
Weighted average
remaining life
Weighted average
Exercise Price
Rs 37 to Rs 50 5,344,466 6 48.85
Rs 57 to Rs 150 21,392,660 8 120.12
Fair Value methodology for the option
The fair value of options used to compute net income and earnings per equity share have been estimated on the
dates of each grant within the range of Rs. 58.00 to Rs. 143.38 using the Black-Scholes pricing model. The Company
estimated the volatility based on the historical share prices. The various assumptions considered in the pricing model
for the options granted under ESOP are:
As at
March 31, 2010
As at
March 31, 2009
Dividend yield 1.15% - 2.84% 1.72%
Expected volatility 50.63% - 57.91% 10% - 27.50%
Risk-free interest rate 5.71% - 6.36% 6.32% - 8.25%
Expected life of Option 3 10 yrs 3 10 yrs
Impact of Fair value method on Net prot and EPS before Exceptional Items and Impact of Discontinuing
Had the compensation cost for the Companys Stock Option Plan outstanding been determined based on the fair value
approach, the Companys net prot and earnings per share would have been, as indicated below:
Rs. in Crores
For the year ended
March 31, 2010
For the year ended
March 31, 2009
Prot attributable to Equity Shareholders 125.56 151.18
Less: Stock based compensation expense 14.70 8.03
determined under fair value based method
Net Prot : 110.86 143.15
Basic earnings per share (as reported) 8.35 11.57
Basic earnings per share (under fair value method) 7.37 10.95
Diluted earnings per share (as reported) 8.25 11.57
Diluted earnings per share (under fair value method) 7.30 10.95
2.17 Amount of exchange difference (net) credited to Prot & Loss account during the year ended March 31, 2010 is
Rs.2.08 crores (and for the year ended March 31, 2009 credited Rs.6.30 crores).
Annual Report 09-10
2.18 Related Party Transactions:
1. The parties where control exists -
Foreign Subsidiaries -
No. Name of Subsidiary Country of
1 3i Infotech Inc. USA
2 3i Infotech Asia Pacic Pte Limited Singapore
3 3i Infotech SDN BHD Malaysia
4 3i Infotech (UK) Limited UK
5 3i Infotech (Thailand) Limited Thailand
6 3i Infotech Consulting Inc. USA
7 Datacons Asia Pacic SDN BHD Malaysia
8 3i Infotech (Western Europe) Holdings Limited UK
9 3i Infotech (Western Europe) Group Limited UK
10 3i Infotech (Western Europe) Limited UK
11 Rhyme Systems Limited UK
12 3i Infotech Holdings Private Limited Mauritius
13 3i Infotech Saudi Arabia LLC Saudi Arabia
14 3i Infotech Financial Software Inc. USA
15 3i Infotech (Africa) Limited Kenya
16 Professional Access Limited USA
17 Lantern Systems Inc. USA
18 3i Infotech (Middle East) FZ LLC Dubai
19 J&B Software Inc. USA
20 J&B Software (Canada) Inc. Canada
21 Black Barret Holdings Limited USA
22 Objectsoft Group Inc. USA
23 Exact Technical Services Limited UK
24 3i Infotech Frameworks Limited UK
25 3i Infotech (Australia) Pty Limited Australia
26 3i Infotech Services (Bangladesh) Private Limited Bangladesh
27 3i Infotech (Kazakhstan) LLC Kazakhstan
28 3i Infotech Consulting Services SDN BHD Malaysia
29 Regulus Group LLC USA
30 Regulus Integrated Solutions LLC USA
31 Regulus America LLC USA
32 Regulus Tristate LLC USA
33 Regulus West LLC USA
34 E power Inc. USA
35 Regulus Holdings Inc. USA
36 Regulus Group II LLC USA
37. Elegon Infotech Limited # China
# considered as joint venture till September 09
Indian Subsidiaries
No. Name of Subsidiary
1 Delta Services (India) Private Limited
2 3i Infotech Trusteeship Services Limited
3 E-Enable Technologies Private Limited
4 aok In-house BPO Services Limited
5 aok In-house Factoring Services Private Limited
6 KNM Services Private Limited
7 Professional Access Software Development Private Limited
8 HCCA Business Services Private Limited
9 Manipal Informatics Private Limited
10 Taxsmile.com India Private Limited
11 3i Infotech BPO Limited (formerly Linear Financial and Management Systems Private Limited)
12 J&B Software (India) Private Limited
13 3i Infotech Consumer Services Limited
14 FinEng Solutions Private Limited
15 Locuz Enterprise Solutions Limited
16 3i Infotech Consultancy Services Limited
17 Stex Software Private Limited
18 Access Matrix Technologies Private Limited
19 Antariksh Interactives Private Limited
20 3i Infotech Insurance & Reinsurance Brokers Limited
2. Other related parties with whom transactions have been entered into in the ordinary course of business:-
Associates Nile Information Technologies, Egypt (Upto June 30, 2009).
Directors / Key Management Personnel: Mr. V Srinivasan (Managing Director & Chief Executive Ofcer), Mr. Amar
Chintopanth (Executive Director & CFO), Mr. Anirudh Prabhakaran (Executive Director & President South Asia).
The following transactions were carried out during the year:
Rs. in Crores
For the year ended
March 31, 2010
For the year ended
March 31, 2009
Subsidiaries 3i Infotech Inc
Income 33.42 21.63
Rent Expense 0.58 0.50
Financial guarantees given / (released) - 24.99
Purchase of Software 27.91 -
Corporate guarantees given/ (released) 135.09 -
Subsidiaries 3i Infotech Holdings Private Limited, Mauritius
Conversion from Preference shares to Equity 201.83 -
Investment in Redeemable Convertible Preference Shares 68.95 -
Advances given/(repaid) - (16.50)
Share application money pending allotment 51.72 -
Annual Report 09-10
For the year ended
March 31, 2010
For the year ended
March 31, 2009
Sundry Debtors (0.92) -
Advances 0.96 -
Investments made in Equity shares 199.70 -
Subsidiaries 3i Infotech (UK) Limited and its subsidiaries
Income 0.74 1.33
Investment in Equity Shares - 56.57
Conversion from Preference shares to Equity 116.67 -
Advances given/(repaid) - (53.77)
Share application money pending allotment 9.97 -
Subsidiaries Delta Services (I) Private Limited
Interest income - 0.22
Purchase of Services - 3.46
Income - 4.03
Advances given/(repaid) (2.82) (3.72)
Loan granted/(repaid) (0.79) (0.07)
Corporate guarantee given/(released) (8.70) 16.55
Investment in Equity Shares 15.93 -
Subsidiaries 3i Infotech (Middle East) FZ LLC
Income 13.49 27.47
Advances given/(repaid) (41.87) 44.46
Purchase of Services 0.06 -
Subsidiaries Taxsmile.com India Private Limited
Interest income 0.98 0.96
Income 0.94 1.23
Loans granted/(repaid) 0.74 5.74
Advances given/(received) (2.23) -
Investments made (2.08) -
Investments transferred to 3i Consumer Services Ltd 8.00 -
Subsidiaries Elegon Infotech Limited
Income - 0.06
Investment in Equity Shares 8.48 3.33
Transfer of IPR - 37.29
Share Application Money pending allotment 33.92 1.25
Purchase of Services 12.73 -
Subsidiaries Others
Income 34.58 18.17
Interest Income 0.11 0.84
Purchase of Services 78.61 34.61
For the year ended
March 31, 2010
For the year ended
March 31, 2009
Loans granted/(repaid) (0.08) (8.91)
Investment made/(transferred) 60.04 18.57
Advances given/(repaid) 54.15 10.69
Loans taken/(repaid) 3.25 -
Sale of Investments 45.01 -
Interest Expense 1.51 -
Directors, Key Management Personnel and their relatives
Remuneration / fees 4.80 5.51
Expenses 0.62 0.65
Rs. in Crores
as at
March 31, 2010
as at
March 31, 2009
Subsidiaries 3i Infotech Inc
Financial guarantees outstanding 20.26 28.70
Sundry Debtors 82.23 -
Sundry Creditors - 55.76
Corporate guarantees outstanding 552.97 443.48
Subsidiaries - 3i Infotech Holdings Private Limited, Mauritius
Investment in Equity Shares 697.75 296.22
Investment in Redeemable Convertible Preference Shares 510.99 709.92
Corporate guarantees outstanding - 422.6
Sundry Debtors - 0.92
Advances 0.96 -
Share Application Money 51.72 -
Subsidiaries - 3i Infotech (UK) Limited and its subsidiaries
Investment in Equity Shares 346.97 230.30
Investment in Redeemable Convertible Preference Shares - 107.67
Sundry Creditors 14.79 2.53
Share Application Money 9.97 -
Subsidiaries - Delta Services (India) Private Limited
Investment in Equity Shares 26.13 10.19
Loan Granted - 0.79
Other Advances - 2.82
Corporate Guarantees Outstanding 7.85 16.55
Subsidiaries - 3i Infotech (Middle East) FZ LLC
Other Advances 31.13 73.16
Subsidiaries - Taxsmile.com India Private Limited
Investment in Equity Shares - 2.08
Loan Granted 10.99 10.24
Advances 3.57 2.23
Subsidiaries Elegon Infotech Limited
Annual Report 09-10
as at
March 31, 2010
as at
March 31, 2009
Investment in Equity Shares 11.81 3.33
Sundry Debtors - 3.70
Sundry Creditors 2.55 -
Share Application Money 35.17 1.25
Receivables from sale of IPR - 37.33
Subsidiaries Others
Investment in Equity Shares 131.09 71.05
Loan Granted 2.95 3.03
Other Advances 66.85 12.47
Sundry Debtors 43.57 28.69
Sundry Creditors 20.54 9.62
Share Application Money 0.10 -
Loan Taken 3.25 -
3. Related party as identied by the management and relied upon by the auditor.
4. No balances in respect of the related parties have been provided for/written back/ written off except as stated above.
5. Maximum balances due from the above parties:
Rs. in Crores
Maximum balance
during the
year ended
March 31, 2010
Maximum balance
during the
year ended
March 31, 2009
a. Taxsmile.com India Private Limited 11.36 18.40
b. Delta Services (India) Private Limited - 1.12
c. HCCA Business Services Private Limited - 0.60
d. 3i Infotech BPO Limited (formerly Linear Financial &
Management Systems Private Limited)
0.54 0.48
e. aok In-house BPO Services Limited 2.17 4.15
f. aok In-house Factoring Services Private Limited 0.82 0.50
g. Professional Access Software Development Private Limited - 4.36
Other Advances
a. 3i Infotech Holdings Private Limited 10.20 88.56
b. 3i Infotech Trusteeship Private Limited 2.05 1.65
c. 3i Infotech Consumer Services Limited 8.58 120.15
d. 3i Infotech (Middle East) FZ LLC 152.13 174.51
e. HCCA Business Services Private Limited - 1.54
f. KNM Services Private Limited - 1.73
g. 3i Infotech Western Europe limited - 67.16
h. Delta Services (India) Private Limited - 52.48
Maximum balance
during the
year ended
March 31, 2010
Maximum balance
during the
year ended
March 31, 2009
i. aok In-house BPO Services Limited - 3.21
j. 3i Infotech Consultancy Services Limited - 4.90
k. 3i Infotech BPO Limited (formerly Linear Financial &
Management Systems Private Limited)
47.70 3.09
l. Aok In-house Factoring Services Private Limited - 0.40
m. Locuz Enterprise Solutions 0.08 -
n. Professional Access Pvt.Limited 0.89 -
o. 3i Infotech Services (Bangladesh) Pvt. Limited. 1.66 -
Note: As at March 31, 2010 none of the above Subsidiaries held any shares in the Parent Company (as at March 31,
2009 Nil).
2.19 (a) In the opinion of the Board, the investments, current assets, loans and advances are realizable at a value, which
is at least equal to the amount at which these are stated, in the ordinary course of business and provision for all
known and determined liabilities are adequate and not in excess of the amount stated.
(b) The accounts of certain Sundry Debtors, Creditors, Loans & Advances and banks are, however, subject to
conrmations/reconciliations and consequent adjustments, if any. The management does not expect any
material difference affecting the current years nancial statements on such reconciliation/adjustments.
2.20 Quantitative Details:
The Companys operations comprise of Software Development Consultancy, Services and Software Products.
The production and sale of software cannot be expressed in any generic unit. Hence, it is not possible to give the
quantitative details of sales and certain information as required under paragraphs 3, 4C and 4D of part II of Schedule
VI to the Companies Act, 1956.
2.21 Foreign exchange currency exposures not covered by derivative instruments as at March 31, 2010:-
Particulars As at March 31, 2010 As at March 31, 2009
in crores)
(Rs. in crores)
in crores)
(Rs. in crores)
Foreign Currency Convertible
USD 8.66 389.81 9.51 496.18
Euro 2.00 121.18 2.60 179.17
Secured Loan AED - - 0.01 0.13
Redeemable Convertible
Preference Shares
GBP - - 1.45 107.67
USD 8.66 389.81 12.02 627.14
EURO 2.00 121.18 3.00 206.73
Current Assets, Loans and
USD 2.19 98.83 0.00 0.26
SGD 0.29 9.38 0.36 12.44
MUR 0.63 0.96 0.57 0.92
SAR 1.28 15.40 0.61 8.45
KES 5.43 3.28 4.03 2.72
Annual Report 09-10
Particulars As at March 31, 2010 As at March 31, 2009
in crores)
(Rs. in crores)
in crores)
(Rs. in crores)
Current Assets, Loans and
AED 11.45 140.48 15.66 222.49
CNY 0.39 2.55 5.63 41.03
BDT 3.02 2.01 0.53 0.41
GBP 0.00 0.09 - -
Current Liabilities
GBP 0.22 14.79 0.02 1.40
USD - - 1.13 58.87
AED 8.90 109.19 13.73 195.13
2.22 Residual Dividend represents dividend on shares issued (entitled to previous year dividend) between the date of
proposed dividend and record date.
Residual dividend of Rs.0.02 (inclusive of tax) (for the year ended March 31, 2009 Rs.0.02 crores), is appropriated out
of Prot & Loss account.
2.23 Provision for Warranty disclosure as per Accounting Standard 29 Provisions, Contingent Liabilities and Contingent
Rs. in Crores
Warranty As at
March 31, 2010
As at
March 31, 2009
Opening Balance 6.59 5.11
Provisions made during the year - 3.35
Provision written back during the year 6.59 1.87
Closing Balance - 6.59
Rs. in Crores
Contingencies As at
March 31, 2010
As at
March 31, 2009
Opening Balance - 12.01
Provisions made during the year - -
Provision written back during the year - 12.01
Closing Balance - -
2.24 CIF value of imports & expenditure in foreign currency:
Rs. in Crores
For the year ended
March 31, 2010
For the year ended
March 31, 2009
a. CIF value of import of:
Capital goods 43.42 9.78
b. Expenditure in foreign currency in respect of:
(i) Cost of outsourced services and bought out items 0.80 0.35
(ii) Travelling and other expenses 12.04 11.05
(iii) Dubai branch expenses * (net of chargeouts) 7.47 8.47
c. Dividend remitted in foreign currency
Number of shares 4,634,536 4,634,536
Dividend for the year 2008-09 2007-08
Amount remitted 0.69 0.69
d. Earnings in foreign currency
(i) Income from operations 168.69 148.42
*Including Professional and Consultancy charges Rs.1.50 crores, (for the year ended March 31, 2009 Rs 1.58 crores)
and Commission paid/payable to agents Rs.0.04 crores (for the year ended March 31, 2009 Rs Nil).
2.25 a) Figures for the previous year have been re-grouped/re-arranged, wherever considered necessary to conform to
current years presentation.
b) Rs.0.00 crores denotes gures less than Rs. 50,000.
Signatures to Schedules I to XIII
For and on behalf of the Board
V Srinivasan Dileep C. Choksi
Managing Director & CEO Director & Chairman of Audit Committee
Amar Chintopanth Shivanand R Shettigar
Executive Director & CFO Company Secretary
Mumbai, April 23 , 2010
Annual Report 09-10
I. Registration Details :
CIN No : U67120MH1993PTC074411 State Code : 11
Balance sheet Date : March 31, 2010
II. Capital raised during the year (Amount in Rs. crores)
Public Issue Rights Issue
Nil Nil
Bonus Issue Private Placement
Nil 37.5
ESOS Allotment
III. Position of Mobilization and Deployment of Funds (Amount in Rs. crores)
Total Liabilities Total Assets
2,626.93 2,626.93
Sources of Funds :
Paid -up Capital Reserves and Surplus
268.76 626.34
Secured Loans Unsecured Loans
401.82 1,206.28
Deferred Tax Liability
Application of funds :
Net Fixed Assets Investments
246.23 1,724.84
Net Current Assets Miscellaneous Expenditure
563.51 Nil
Accumulated Losses Deferred Tax Asset
Nil 92.35
IV. Performance of Company (Amount in Rs.crores)
Turnover Total Expenditure
534.47 397.98
Prot Before Tax Prot After Tax & Exceptional Items & Impact of
Discontinuing Operations
136.49 (99.61)
Earning per Share in Rs. Dividend
(7.12) 25.32
V. Generic Name of Principal Product/Service of the Company (as per monetary terms)
Item Code No. : Not applicable
Product and Service Description : IT Enabled Transaction Processing Services
Software Development and Consulting Services
Development and sale of software products and services afliated to
these products
IT Infrastructure Networking & Facilities Management Services
Transaction Services
For and on behalf of the Board
V Srinivasan Dileep C. Choksi
Managing Director & CEO Director & Chairman of Audit
Amar Chintopanth Shivanand R Shettigar
Executive Director & CFO Company Secretary
Mumbai, April 23, 2010

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