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Coupling physical and machine learning models: case study of a

single-family house
Basak Falay1 Sandra Wilfling2 Qamar Alfalouji2 Johannes Exenberger2 Thomas Schranz2
Christian Møldrup Legaard3 Ingo Leusbrock1 Gerald Schweiger2
1 AEE-Institue
for Sustainable Technologies, Austria b.falay@aee.at
2 Institute
of Software Technology, Technical University of Graz, Austria gerald.schweiger@tugraz.at
3 DIGIT, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Aarhus University, Denmark, cml@ece.au.dk

Abstract Black-box approaches examine the system from the out-

side using input/output relations. Depending on the ap-
The emergence of Cyber-Physical Systems poses new proach, they are computationally efficient but compared
challenges for traditional modelling and simulation tech- to white-box approaches they lack in generalizability and
niques. We need to combine white, grey, and black box extensibility (Thieblemont et al. 2017). Beside white-box
models as well as different tools developed for specific and black-box models, grey-box models fall in between
subsystems and domains. Co-simulation is a promising (Harish and Kumar 2016). Several papers highlighted
approach to modeling and simulating such systems. This the importance of combining white-, grey-, and black-
paper presents a case study where a physical model of a box models for analyzing and optimizing Cyber-Physical
building’s heating system implemented in Modelica is co- Systems (O’Dwyer et al. 2019; Killian and Kozek 2016;
simulated with a machine learning model of a stratified Thilker, Madsen, and Jørgensen 2021).
hot water tank implemented in Python. The Python model
is exported as Functional Mock-up Unit using UniFMU. There are two options to simulate the interactions be-
Keywords: Co-Simulation, Functional Mock-Up Inter- tween subsystems; (i) the entire system can be modelled
face, Modelling, Machine Learning and simulated with a single tool referred to as monolithic,
(ii) already established models for the respective subsys-
1 Introduction tems are coupled in co-simulation (Gomes et al. 2018).
A recent survey discussed the advantages, disadvantages,
Future intelligent and integrated energy systems must have and challenges of co-simulation approaches (Schweiger,
a high degree of flexibility and efficiency to ensure reli- Engel, et al. 2018). This survey showed that experts con-
able and sustainable operation (Lund et al. 2017). Along sider the Functional Mock-Up Interface (FMI) standard
with the rapid expansion of renewable energy, this degree to be the most promising standard for continuous-time,
of flexibility and efficiency can be achieved by overcom- discrete-event, and hybrid co-simulation.
ing the clear separation between different sectors and by
increasing connectivity and the associated data availabil- In this paper, the physical parameters of a subsystem
ity through the integration of sensors and edge/fog com- (stratified storage tank) are not available. In this situation,
puting (Vatanparvar and Faruque 2018). All of these de- model calibration and parameter estimation approaches
velopments drive the transition towards so-called Cyber- can be used depending on availability of the measurement
Physical Energy Systems (Palensky, Widl, and Elsheikh data. On the other hand, machine learning models can
2013). Cyber technologies (sensors, edge/fog comput- be as well used to mimic the behavior of the system by
ing, IoT networks, etc.) can monitor the physical systems, construct relationships between input and outputs without
enable communication between different subsystems, and being dependent on the components parameters. Artificial
control them. Thus, the emergence of Cyber-Physical Sys- Neural Networks was used to model the stratified storage
tems poses new challenges for traditional modelling and tank in (Géczy-Vig and Farkas 2010). In this work, Ran-
simulation approaches. dom Forest (RF) was used to model the temperatures in
One of these challenges is that models need to com- each layer of the stratified storage tank. Since the states of
bine computational systems and data communication net- the other components influence the state of the stratified
works with physical systems. Furthermore, recent studies storage, we have created a co-simulation workflow where
showed that pure white-box models based on first princi- the machine learning and physical models can be cou-
ples deal with drawbacks such as time-consuming devel- pled. Physical and machine learning models are available
opment, validation problems or low computational speed at https://github.com/tug-cps/NextHyb2 . Un-
(Li and Wen 2014). Consequently, these approaches have fortunately, we cannot publish the data due to data privacy
limited use for complex systems such as intelligent build- policy. Therefore, we have additionally generated a syn-
ings outside of academia (Schweiger, Nilsson, et al. 2020). thetic, open-source data set.

DOI Proceedings of the 14th International Modelica Conference 335

10.3384/ecp21181335 September 20-24, 2021, Linköping, Sweden
Coupling physical and machine learning models: case study of a single-family house

2 Method the heat meters is between 01.02.2019 and 31.01.2020,

with a temporal resolution of 1 minute. Figure 2 gives
2.1 Heating System of Single-family House an overview of the data quality of the measurement data.
A single-family house with 180m2 floor area, located in White lines represent the missing data points and corre-
Austria with an annual energy consumption of 7500 kWh sponding periods. 4% of the measurement data is miss-
was analyzed in this work. Figure 1 gives an overview of ing; 65% of them falls into the period between November
the main components of the single-family house heating 2019 and January 2020, 25% of them falls into September
system. The house, equipped with a floor heating system, 2019. In addition to missing values, there are wrong mea-
has three different heat sources: (i) a solar collector with surements between November 2019 and January 2020 due
46m2 flat plate area, (ii) a stove which directly heats the to the failures in the meters.
house, and the excess heat feeds the storage tank and (iii)
an air-to-water heat pump. Additionally, an estimated 3m3
storage tank bridges these three heat sources in order to in-
crease the efficiency of the heating system. The house has
an indoor pool (24m3 ), which is heated by the hot water
storage tank or directly by the solar collector.

Figure 2. Missing data periods for the given measurement data

The missing parts of the data were imputed by taking

the profile of the previous day. Figure 3 demonstrates the
imputation of missing data points for four days in a row,
Figure 1. Overview of the single-family house heating system. given in dashed lines. The measurement data was ignored
Red line represents the supply and blue line represents the return after November 2019 due to the bad quality of data. The
temperatures. whole data set was resampled to 15-minute values to avoid
the over fitting the predictions of the ML model. After
The following rule-based control strategy of the heating post-processing, the dataset had 27840 datapoints. The
system is given below. resampled data was later used for training and testing for
the ML model.
• The priority of the solar collector is to maintain the
temperature of top layer of the storage tank at 52◦ . If 


this condition is satisfied, then the excess heat from 0LGGOHWRS5DZ


the solar collectors heats the indoor pool to 35◦ . %RWWRP5DZ
• If the solar collector cannot meet the heating demand %XWWRP3URFHVVHG
of the indoor pool and if the top layer temperature of 9ROXPHIORZUDWH3URFHVVHG

storage tank is higher than 52◦ , the storage tank heats  9ROXPHIORZUDWH5DZ

the pool. 

• If these conditions don’t satisfy or the temperature of 

the bottom layer of the storage tank drops below 35◦ ,        
the heat pump turns on.
Figure 3. Imputation of the missing data
• If the temperature of the stove is higher than 40◦ , the
excess heat is fed into the storage tank. One of the most critical features in the dataset is mass
flow rates from each component. Figure 4 shows the spar-
2.2 Measurement Data sity of the mass flow rates from each components. The
In Appendix, Figure A.1 shows an overview of the heating y-axis represent the total data points (27840) after pre-
system components and the locations of the heat meters. processing, the x-axis represents the mass flow values of
Temperatures are represented in (Tcomponent , mass flow the components. The black points in the figure show the
rate in dmcomponent . Four temperature sensors from top to values that are not zero and the gaps between the black
bottom respectively TStorage,1 , TStorage,2 , TStorage,3 , TStorage,4 points represent the zero values. Mass flow rate in the
are located at the storage tank. The measured data from stove has the highest percentage 99.8% of zero values and

336 Proceedings of the 14th International Modelica Conference DOI

September 20-24, 2021, Linköping, Sweden 10.3384/ecp21181335
Session 4B: Buildings

the mass flow rate in the CollectortoPool has the lowest Tank Storage
Input Features Output Features
ML Model
percentage with 86%.
Static Features

 TSolar,s(t), dmSolar(t), dmSolarStor(t)

Random Forest
Model 1
THP,s(t), dmHP(t)

TStove,s(t), dmStove(t)

 Trooms,r(t), dmrooms(t) Random Forest TStorage,2(t)

Model 2
Tpool,r(t), dmpool(t)

Pload, Tstorageroom

Dynamic Features Random Forest
Model 3

TStorage,3(t-1,..t-4) TStorage,4(t)
Figure 4. Visualization of data sparsity in mass flow rates of Random Forest
Model 4
each component TStorage,4(t-1,..t-4)

2.3 Physical Models Figure 5. Input/Output features of the applied machine learning
model of the storage tank.
The physical models were implemented in the Modelica
language (Fritzson and Engelson 1998). Model-
ica is an open source, a-causal, object-oriented and dynamic features are the four temperature layers of the
multi-domain modelling language. A discussion of storage tank with a 1-hour look-back time with interval
limitations and promising approaches of the Modelica 15 minutes and 15 minutes prediction horizon, see Fig-
language can be found (Schweiger, Nilsson, et al. ure 6. The measured data was split randomly into training
2020). All the models used in this system are based (80%, 50 epochs) and testing (20%). The model hyper-
on the Modelica IBPSA Project 1 library (Wetter, parameters are n_estimators = 100 which represents the
Treeck, et al. 2019) and the Buildings Library (Wet- number of decision trees that achieves the best trade-off
ter, Zuo, et al. 2014). Dymola was used to simulate between the accuracy and efficiency; max_depth that has
Modelica models (Brück et al. 2002). The following been set to an unlimited value so the nodes can expand au-
sub - implemented in Modelica are: Solar system tomatically; and min_samples_split = 2. The implemen-
(Buildings.Fluid.SolarCollectors.EN12975), tation was done using the Python framework presented in
heat pump (Buildings.Fluid.HeatPumps. (Schranz et al. n.d.) based on Scikit-learn.
CarnotTCon) and the indoor pool
(Modelica.Fluid.Vessels.ClosedVolume). The 1 prediction time step
energy demand of the house and the heat supply profile of 4 lookback time-steps
the stove were taken from the measurement data instead
of modelling these components. Since there was no t-4 t-3 t-2 t-1 t
weather profile acquired within the given data period,
Typical Meteorological Year 3 (TMY3) for Austria were Figure 6. At time t, four look-back time-steps are used to predict
generated from Meteonorm. one time-step in future with each step = 15 minutes.

2.4 Machine Learning Model

2.4.1 Model Performance Analysis
There was no available information of the system param-
Two criteria were selected to evaluate the performance of
eters of the storage tank such as the insulation material
the RF model: the coefficient of variation of the Root
and the thickness, the wall thickness, the height or the lo-
mean square error (CVRMSE) and mean absolute percent-
cations of the temperature sensors. Therefore, the stor-
age error (MAPE) given in Equation 1 and Equation 2.
age tank was modelled based on RF. RF is a combination
of tree predictors which splits nodes based on a best split q
of random subsets of the features, thus reducing the vari- 1
∑Ni=1 (Yi − Ŷi )2
ance of the tree model and increasing the overall predictive CV (RMSE) = ∗ 100 (1)
power of the model. Y
The RF model predicted the four temperature layers of 1 N Yi − Ŷi
MAPE = ∑ ( ) ∗ 100 (2)
the storage tank. An overview of the input features for N i=1 Yi
the model is given in Figure 5. The static input features
are temperatures, Ti , and mass flow rates, dmi , from the where Y is the true value, Ŷ is predicted value, Ȳ is the
solar collector, heat pump, floor heating and stove. The average of the true values over N test samples.

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10.3384/ecp21181335 September 20-24, 2021, Linköping, Sweden
Coupling physical and machine learning models: case study of a single-family house

2.5 Co-Simulation data based on each period starting time. Since the strati-
To integrate the ML model of the storage tank into the sim- fied hot water storage tank is a short term storage, the daily
ulation environment, the ML model must be exported as predictions are representative. In these three figures, 9
an FMU. The UniFMU tool (Legaard et al. 2021) was used days period for each season was chosen to show the model
to generate a Python-based FMU. Therefore a template prediction based on interactions of all heating supplies. In
of the FMU was generated using the command unifmu Figure 8, Figure 9 and Figure 10, the first subplot repre-
generate python name.
sents the comparison between the true and the predicted
temperature values of each 4 layers of the storage tank.
To specify the behavior the dummy example in List-
The true temperature values of the top layer, middle-top
ing 1, implemented by the generated FMU, is replaced
layer, middle bottom layer and the bottom layer are re-
with the components of the ML model. A benefit of this
spectively red, dark orange, blue and cyan dashed lines.
is that the scikit-learn code can be reused and inte-
The predicted temperature values are represented the same
grated into the FMU gradually. This makes sure that no
color code but in straight lines. In the second subplot, the
breaking changes occur. A crucial part of the FMUs im-
mass flow rates from different components are given. The
plementation is the fmi2DoStep method which instructs
mass flow rates stand for when the specific component is
the model to simulate forward in time for an amount of
turned on/off.
time corresponding to the time step. For the storage-tank
FMU, this is equivalent to running one or more inference
steps of the trained model.

Listing 1. Implementation of fmi2DoStep by storage model.

from sklearn.ensemble import
from sklearn.datasets import
def do_step(current_time,step_size,
return Fmi2Status.ok

Figure 7. Dymola layout of testing FMU-ML storage model

3 Results and Discussion
Figure 8 represents the frequently running components;
3.1 Validation of the ML model solar collector and pool heating for summer period. Based
Table 1 shows the model performance on the test data set. on these components inputs, the ML model shows good
The ML model is imported as FMU in Dymola. Testing aggrement with the measurement data during the summer
of the FMU-ML model with the measurement data is per- period. One of the static input features, "PLoad", which
formed in Dymola environment, see Figure 7. TStorage,4 indicates whether at least one component in the system is
and TStorage,3 are the worst predicted target value accord- on, is introduced to capture the cooling behavior of the
ing to the CVRMSE and MAPE. The discussion of Table 1 storage tank. It is observed in the summer period during
is supported with the results of the testing. the night when there is no load, the four temperature val-
ues of the storage tank decrease.
Table 1. Performance metrics of predicting the four target tem-

perature values: TStorage,1 , TStorage,2 , TStorage,3 and TStorage,4 using

random forest models 



TStorage,1 0.0097 2.3056 


TStorage,2 0.011 2.2656  WR3RRO


TStorage,3 0.0157 4.9064  +HDWSXPS

TStorage,4 0.0281 6.0215

Winter, spring and summer periods were chosen, aim-
ing to represent different boundary conditions. The only Figure 8. Storage temperature levels predicted vs measurement
difference in each test period was the initial values set for in summer period
the FMU-ML. These initial values of the static and dy-
namic input features were chosen from the measurement The cold return water from the floor heating is fed into

338 Proceedings of the 14th International Modelica Conference DOI

September 20-24, 2021, Linköping, Sweden 10.3384/ecp21181335
Session 4B: Buildings

the storage tank from the bottom and the middle layer. storage tank are as well input features. Once these values
These temperatures are expected to decrease as in the mea- are predicted wrong, the error accumulates to the further
surement data. In Figure 9, between 18th and 19th March, time steps. Results from these tests also show the the per-
when the floor heating starts, the predictions of the tem- formance of the TStorage,4 and TStorage,3 are worse than the
perature of the bottom layer fails. On the 19th March, other predicted target values.
when the heat pump is on, represented in the purple line,
the middle bottom temperature shows an increasing be- 3.2 System simulation
havior. However, it cannot reach to the values of the mea- In Appendix, Figure A.2 shows the system implementa-
surement data. On 20th March, only two components are tion in Dymola. All heating components explained in use-
on as in the summer period. On this day, the prediction of case are framed with dashed lines in the figure. The figure
the temperature values can catch the measurement data. is visually simplified by hiding the source/sink component
 inside of the ’StorageML_FMU’ component where the
 supply or return fluid from each component is fed to stor-

age tank. All the simulations are run in a virtual Ubuntu


 7UXH environment with 188 GB RAM and the Intel Xeon Sil-
 ver 4215R CPU @ 3.2GHz CPUs. Dymola 2021 FD01
 with Dassl solver and 10e-6 tolerance was used during this

 WR3RRO study. The system simulation with the FMU-ML was run

+HDWSXPS 10 times. The averages of the CPU times for the 32 days
6WRYH simulation with 15 minutes interval is 228 seconds. The

             CPU-time taken to calculate one grid interval highly de-
         pends on how the ML algorithm is implemented, number
of inputs features, number of processors.
Figure 9. Storage temperature levels predicted vs measurement
in spring period The translated model statistics are given in Table 2. The
originally described system has 1966 non-trivial DAEs,
The winter period is selected between February and after translation it is reduced to an ODE system with 42
March due to lack of winter representation from the data, continuous time states.
explain in Section 2.2. The bottom temperature layer of
Table 2. Model statistics:Translated model statistics of the
the storage tank shows a decreasing behavior due to the single-family house with the FMU-ML storage component.
floor heating as in the measurement data. However, due
to the control strategies when the heat pump turns on, the
FMU-ML Model
middle bottom temperature of the storage tank doesn’t in-
crease as in the measurement data profile. Constants 1733
Parameters depending 654

Continuous time states 42


Time varying variables 777


 7UXH Alias variables 1342

Sizes of linear system of equa- {5}
Sizes after manipulation of the {0}


 +HDWSXPS linear system of equations

 6WRYH Sizes of nonlinear system of equa- {6, 5, 3, 1, 1}
         Sizes after manipulation of the {1, 1, 1, 1, 1}
'D\V nonlinear system of equations
Figure 10. Storage temperature levels predicted vs measure- Number of numerical Jacobians 0
ment in winter period

From these three testing periods of the FMU-ML Figure 11 shows the results of coupling ML and phys-
model, it is observed that the temperature values of the ical models of the single-family house heating system.
storage tank is predicted better when there is only col- The first subplot in Figure 11 shows the temperature lev-
lector component is on. In Figure 4, data that represent els of the tank for a 32 days period. The second sub-
collector to storage and collector to pool is denser than plot shows which component is switched on and the third
the other components data. Therefore, these static input shows the load condition for the storage tank. Despite the
features can dominate the predictions more than the other same real-world control strategies implemented into sys-
static features which are sparse. Additionally, the dynamic tem, weather profile that represents the the measurement
features of the past predicted temperature values of the data is not available. The TMY3 from Meteonorm is used

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10.3384/ecp21181335 September 20-24, 2021, Linköping, Sweden
Coupling physical and machine learning models: case study of a single-family house


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Acknowledgements Schweiger, Gerald, Georg Engel, et al. (2018). “Co-simulation
The presented research is part of the project “NextHyb2” an empirical survey: applications, recent developments and
future challenges”. In: MATHMOD 2018 Extended Abstract
(FFG project number 881150) financed by the Austrian
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Research Promotion Agency FFG. We are grateful to Schweiger, Gerald, Henrik Nilsson, et al. (2020). “Modeling and
Klima Energie Fonds for sharing the data. We also would simulation of large-scale systems: A systematic comparison
like to acknowledge the contributions and the fruitful dis- of modeling paradigms”. In: Applied Mathematics and Com-
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September 20-24, 2021, Linköping, Sweden 10.3384/ecp21181335
Session 4B: Buildings

A Appendix
TSolar,s Trooms,s
TSolar,r T
dmSolar dmrooms rooms,r
dmSolar dmrooms
Collector Floor
TStorage,1 Heating
dmHP TStorage,2

Heat Storage Tank

Pump TStorage,3

T TStorage,4
dmStove Stove,r
Stove T
dmpool pool,r

Figure A.1. Overview of the system hydraulic flow. The supply pipe is represented in red, return pipe in blue. In each pipe, the
temperature and mass flow rates are measured.

Figure A.2. Dymola layout of the single-family house heating system

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10.3384/ecp21181335 September 20-24, 2021, Linköping, Sweden

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