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Soybean My Paper 2

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The experiment was conducted at the Agriculture field of International University of Business
Agricultural and Technology (IUBAT), Dhaka during the period from January to June 2016. The
experimental soil was Sandy loam, a member of hyperthermic aeric haplaquept. The experiment
was laid out in a factorial experiment in Complete Randomized Design (CRD) with six
replications. Each replication was represented by a block which was divided into 6 plots. The
total number of plot was 54 and the size of each plot was 0.5mX0.5m. The crop used in this
study was soybean (Glycine max L. Merr.). The variety of the crop was BINA Soybean 3. The
study comprised of the eight Rhizobium bacteria and one control (without any treatment)
Bradyrhizobium inoculant treatments such as T1: Control, T2: SB-66, T3: SB-321, T4: SB-306, T5:
SB-316, T6: SB-343, T7: SB-394, T8: SB-433 and T9: SB-212. Treatments were randomly
distributed within the blocks. The overall results of the field experiment showed that
Bradyrhizobium inoculation was beneficial in nodulation, plant fresh weight, dry matter
production, plant height, seed yield and hay yield of treatment is SB-66. The SB-66 treatment of
soybean gave better results than other treatment and control inoculants, respectively. Use of
treatment SB-66 appear to be an effective method for successful soybean production, which may
also improve the soil health saving of costly synthetic chemical fertilizer and keep the soil and
environment free from pollution.

Key words: Soybean, Treatment, Biofertilizer, Strength Bacteria, growth, yield.

Chapter I


Soybean occupies the second position as oil source in the world. As a grain legume, it is gaining
important position in the agriculture of tropical countries including Bangladesh Legumes have
been building and conserving soil fertility since the beginning of agriculture. It has occupied the
top position in terms of oil source in the world and has been placed second in Bangladesh as a
good source of protein. In Bangladesh, about 100527 acres of land is under soybean cultivation
and annual production is approximately 69522 metric tons. The world average yield of soybean
is about 3 t ha-1 while that in Bangladesh 1.2 t ha-1 is only compared to other soybean
producing countries. This is mainly due to use of low yield potential varieties and poor
agronomic management practices.

Bradyrhizobium bacteria in symbiotic association with the leguminous plants are able to fix
dinitrogen (N≡N) from the atmosphere. Atmospheric air contains about 78% nitrogen in the
elemental form. This large amount of nitrogen can not be used by plants unless it is converted in
available form. Fortunately, the bacteria Bradyrhizobium japonicum can fix atmospheric
nitrogen (about 300 kg/ha/ya) in symbiosis with soybean (Kayser and Li, 1992). The effective
bacteria in the nodules fix enough atmospheric nitrogen not only for the growth and
development of the plant itself but also improve the soil fertility and productivity.
Bio fertilizer is substance which contains living microorganisms which, when applied to seeds,
plant surfaces, or soil, colonize the rhizosphere or the interior of the plant and promotes growth
by increasing the supply or availability of primary nutrients to the host plant.[1]

The objectives of present investigation were therefore, set as follows:

i) To evaluate the performance of different strength Bacteria treatment in soybean.

ii) To investigate the interaction effect of Bradyrhizobium inoculants on the growth, yield, and
nitrogen content of soybean.
iii) To study the correlation among different parameters of soybean as influenced by different
Bradyrhizobium inoculants.
Chapter II

Review of Literature
Abdalmohsin Rizgalla Khairalseed et.al (2015), Conducted an experiment was conducted
to check the effect of bio fertilizer, nitrogen and phosphorus on irrigated soybean. Nitrogen
and phosphorus were used at different levels to determine the effect on the soybean number
of nodules, shoot dry weight soybean yield, nitrogen percentages, and crude protein. The
most probable number (MPN) was used to determine the number of the rhizobium per gram
on the peat.

Manochehr Shiri Janagard et.al (2014), Conducted an experiment was conducted to check
the Soybean response to biological and chemical fertilizers. The differences between PSB
and NI in all these traits were not statistically significant. Inoculation of seeds with BJ alone
and dual with PSB showed the highest performance at 33% chemical fertilizer and further
increase in fertilizer had negative effect on soybean performance.

Gordana Dozed et.al (2014), Conducted an experiment was conducted to check the
Effect of microbial fertilizer on soybean yield in organic and conventional production. The
aim of this work was to determine yield of organic and conventional cropping technologies
and correlational dependency between surveyed characteristics. The average yield was
statistically very significantly higher (p>0.01) for 24.09% in conventional production
compared to ecological production.

Manal A. Attia, et.al (2013), Conducted an experiment was conducted to check the
Influence of applied bio fertilizer on productivity, quality and nutrient contain of some
soybean cultivars under slain soil condition. The different cultivars of soybean inoculation
with Rhizobium radiobacter (PGPR) not only decrease nitrogen fertilizer application, but also
improves soybean yield and yield components. We concluded that Rhizobium radiobacter
(PGPR) could be an eco-friendly alternative for reducing soil pollution caused by fertilizers
usage and reduce the impact of soil salinity.
Chapter III

Materials and Methods

The experiment was conducted at the Agriculture field of International University of Business
Agricultural and Technology (IUBAT), Dhaka during the period from January to June 2016.
Different materials and methodologies were followed during the experimental period are
described below. A brief description of experimental site, climate and weather, plant materials,
treatment of the experiment, land preparation, experimental design and layout, fertilizer
application, seed sowing, intercultural operation, data collection and statistical analysis etc. are
presented as follows. The cultivated variety was BINA Soybean 3 which was collected from
Bangladesh Institute of Nuclear Agriculture (BINA), Mymensingh.

3.1. Site selection and soil type

The experiment was set up on the medium high land in an open and sunny area. The soil was
having texture with 2:2(approximately) of loam to sandy loam with a of P H value 6.6 which is
suitable for soybean production.

3.2. Climate

The experimental area is situated under sub-tropical climate. The climate of the area is
characterized by high temperature and high rainfall with an annual rainfall of 75-125 cm during
January to July. Annual average rainfall is 1854cm (73inches) occurs between May to
September and annual average temperature is average Temperature of 25 °C (77 °F) and
monthly means varying between 18 °C (64 °F) in January and 29 °C (84 °F) in August..

3.3. Experimental lay out

The experiment was laid out as Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD). The experimental
area is divided in to 9 blocks representing the 6 replications and each replication was divided
into 6 plots which are equal in size i.e. 0.25m2 (.5m X .5m) plot size. There was a 30cm gap
from plot to plot for intercultural operations. Total number of plots was 54. The study comprised
of the eight Strength Bacteria and one control treatments. Treatments were randomly distributed
within the blocks. The data was analyzed using analysis of variance (ANOVA).

3.4. Treatment
1. T0 - Control (no treatment)
2. T1 - SB 66
3. T2 - SB 321
4. T3 - SB 306
5. T4 - SB 316
6. T5 - SB 343
7. T6 - SB 394
8. T7 - SB 433
9. T8 - SB 212

3.5. Land Preparation

The land was ploughed and leveled properly. Then the experimental area was layout as per
design. The designed plots were spaded three times after giving cow dung and also leveled.

Fig 1: Land preparation.

3.6. Fertilizer application

Fertilizer such TSP and MP were used as sources for P and K respectively. No nitrogenous
fertilizer was used during experimental period.

3.7. Seed Preparation

The Strength Bacteria was prepared in the IUBAT Agriculture Laboratory, Agriculture Division,
IUBAT University, Dhaka following the method of Vincent (1970). The amount of seed to be
shown in each plot was weighed (65g/plot) on the basis of recommended rate of 65kg/ha. The
seeds for each plot were then taken in a Petri dish. Strength Bacteria (liquid) was then added with
some molasses at the rate 15 ml per kg seeds and mixed well with the seeds thoroughly. For each
treatment, separate Petri dish and separate hand globs was used and care was taken to avoid
contamination of the treatment.

Fig 1: Mixing of Bio fertilizer.

3.8. Sowing of Seed

Seed inoculation was done on the 02 February, 2016 and the inoculated seeds were sown in the
field on the same day in afternoon. The spacing between the lines was 50 cm and between plants
within a line was 30 cm.

Fig 2: Sowing of seed.

3.9. Intercultural operations

Intercultural operations were done for ensuring and maintaining the normal growth of the crop.
Weeding, Thinning, irrigation, Plant protection measures etc. different Intercultural operations
were done during experimental time.

3.10. Harvesting

The crop was harvested at physiological maturity on May 13, 2000. The harvested plant
materials of l sq.m. were allowed to dry in the sun for 3 days. After drying, threshing and
processing were done plot wise carefully. Seed and straw yields were recorded plots wise, which
were then converted into yield in kilogram per hectare.

3.11. Data collection

The primary data were recorded from every plant of the experiment. Data on Plant height (cm),
Number of leaf, Number of nodule, Plant shoot weight (gm), No. of fruit per plant, Number of
seed, 100 Seed Weight (gm), Plant root weight (gm) and Number of nodule were recorded very
Chapter IV

Results and Discussion

4.1. Plant height (cm)

The plant height of different lines exhibited wide variation. The maximum plant height was in
Treatment 7 (SB 433) 202 cm and minimum height was in control 48cm respectively but in
average height plant height was in Treatment 9 (SB 212) 898cm and lowest plant height was in
control treatment 617cm.

Treatment Rep.1 Rep. 2 Rep. 3 Rep.4 Rep. 5 Rep. 6 Total

Control 96 48 121 86 102 164 617

SB-66 101 112 146 124 106 114 703

SB-321 153 120 158 145 146 152 874

SB-306 156 129 131 126 138 173 853

SB-316 153 138 129 148 104 122 794

SB-343 152 154 146 80 93 145 770

SB-394 140 101 105 133 134 135 748

SB-433 202 168 168 95 133 125 891

SB-212 176 105 149 161 153 154 898

Table1: Plant height.

4.2. Number of Leaf
The leaf is an important morphological character for plant. Number of leaf was different in
different plants. The maximum number of leaf was recorded after 60 days of sowing in treatment
3 (SB 306) (96) and minimum number of leaf was in treatment 8 (SB 212) 20. In average the
height number of leaf was recorded in treatment 3 (SB-306) 374 and lowest number of leaf was
in treatment 8 (SB-212) 147.

Treatmen Rep1 Rep2 Rep3 Rep 4 Rep5 Rep6 Total

Control 29 81 57 27 39 30 263
SB 66 84 65 69 60 33 39 350
SB 321 95 66 76 51 48 36 372
SB 306 63 96 86 36 42 51 374
SB 316 66 69 48 48 42 36 309
SB 343 48 59 20 48 33 33 241
SB 394 51 31 36 36 24 33 211
SB 433 36 72 45 18 24 34 229
SB 212 36 20 21 24 22 24 147
Table 2: Leaf number.

4.3. Number of Nodule

Nodule is an important plant part of leguminous pant for nitrogen fixation. In this experiment
height number of nodule per plant was recorded in treatment 8 (SB-433) 204 and minimum in
treatment 5 (SB-343) 2. The total height number of nodule was in SB-212 (444) and lowest
number of nodule was in SB-316 (128).

Rep1 Rep 2 Rep 3 Rep 4 Rep 5 Rep 6 Total

Control 11 5 121 5 40 49 226
SB-66 9 20 146 30 21 19 245
SB-321 20 42 15 98 31 30 236
SB-306 10 10 106 8 11 127 272
SB-316 41 16 9 29 5 18 128
SB-343 49 22 14 2 23 25 135
SB-394 68 40 9 20 21 119 277
SB-433 12 204 30 6 20 66 338
SB-212 121 11 43 117 8 144 444
Table 3: Nodule number.

4.4. Plants Shoot Weights (Fresh)

Plant shoot weight is important plant part for finding the vegetative growth of plant. The
maximum plant shoot was in treatment 8 (SB-212) 3358gm and minimum weight was in control
treatment 1164 gm.

Treatment Rep 1 Rep2 Rep 3 Rep 4 Rep 5 Rep 6 Total

Control 106 28 236 138 180 476 1164
SB-66 195 210 820 184 176 169 1754
SB-321 416 312 370 460 308 286 2152
SB-306 444 184 386 126 158 448 1746
SB-316 470 258 132 340 78 228 1506
SB-343 502 428 322 52 62 460 1826
SB-394 600 180 384 482 248 328 2222
SB-433 360 470 516 56 130 364 1896
SB-212 1118 212 392 604 512 520 3358
Table 4: Plant shoots weight

4.5. Number of Fruits and Seed in per Plant

The total no fruits in fruit per plant varied from 3 to 290 and total no of seeds in per fruit varied
from 5 to 580. SB-316 (290) had the highest no of fruits per plant over other cultivars SB 306
(250) fruit per plant followed it, respectively. The lowest fruit per plant was obtained from SB
212 (3).The total height number of fruits and seeds per plant were found in SB -316 varieties but
in average the total number of fruits and seeds ware found in SB-321 (552 fruits and 1196

Rep1 Rep 2 Rep3 Rep4 Rep5 Rep 6 Total

Treatment Fruit Seed Fruit Seed Fruit Seed Fruit Seed Fruit Seed Fruits Seed Fruit Seed
Control 92 184 15 30 125 250 17 34 4 8 6 12 259 527
SB-66 85 168 120 240 10 20 80 160 27 48 19 36 341 671
SB-321 171 340 140 280 163 326 35 70 30 60 13 26 552 1196
SB-306 250 500 63 126 127 254 7 14 4 6 30 60 481 956
SB-316 290 580 150 300 30 60 19 38 4 7 17 34 510 1002
SB-343 248 496 160 320 22 40 5 9 8 16 30 60 473 938
SB-394 120 240 108 216 195 390 18 36 7 14 20 40 468 929
SB-433 85 170 110 220 110 220 26 52 50 100 20 40 401 792
SB-212 76 152 53 106 17 34 17 34 3 5 5 10 171 335
Table5: Number of fruits and seeds in per plant.




600 Fruits


Con- SB-66 SB- SB- SB- SB- SB- SB- SB-
trol 321 306 316 343 394 433 212

Fig 1: Number of fruits and seeds in per plant.

100 Seed weight (gm)

Seed weight is very important for understanding the potential quality of seed. In this experiment
SB-306 and SB-316 seed weight was 8.2gm then SB-306, 8.0gm. The lowest seed weight was in
treatment 8 (SB 212) .41 gm.

Treatment Weight (gm)

Control 7.51
SB 66 7.83
SB 321 8.20
SB 306 8.18
SB 316 8.20
SB 343 7.94
SB 394 7.62
SB 433 7.50
SB 212 7.41


Bradyrhizobium inoculation was beneficial in nodulation, plant fresh weight, plant height, seed
yield and hay yield of soybean varieties BINA soybean 3. Among the eight Strength Bacteria
treatment and one control treatment on same varieties of soybean bradyrhizobial inoculant SB-
321 and SB-316 gave better results than other treatment. SB- 321 and SB-316 growth,
production and nodulation were batter then other treatment. Use of Bradyrhizobium inoculants
SB-321 appear to be an effective method for successful soybean production, which may also
improve the soil health saving of costly synthetic chemical fertilizer and keep the soil and
environment free from pollution.


1. Vessey, J.k. 2003, Plant growth promoting rhizobacteria as bio-fertilizers. Plant Soil 255, 571-

2. Bhuiyan MAH, Khanam D, Rahman MM, Ali MM (1998) Variation in the symbiotic
effectiveness of Bradyrhizobium strains of soybean. Bangladesh.J. Microbiol. 15(l), 25 - 30 .

3. BINA (1998) Studies on host-rhizobia interaction using 15N labelled fertilizer. Annual report
for 1995-1996. Bangladesh lnst. of Nucl. Agric. Mymensingh. Pp. 172-175.

4. Chomchalow S (1980) Production and uses of inoculum for soybean in Thailand Current 5.
Perspective in Nitrogen Fixation Proceedings of the Fourth International Symposium on
Nitrogen Fixation held in Canberra, ILO5, December 1980, p. 517.

5. Daramola DS, Danso SKQ, Hardarson G (1994) Nodulation, N 2 fixation and dry matter yield
of soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr.) inoculated with effective and ineffective Bradyrhizobium
japonicum strains. Soil Bioll, Biochem. 26, 883-889.


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