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Program : Diploma in Information Technology

Course Title: Fundamentals of System

Course Code : 3262

Semester : 3 Credits: 3

Course Category: Program Core

Periods per week: 3(L:3 T:0 P:0) Periods per semester: 45

Course Objectives:

● To provide the basic concept of the operating system and its functions.
● To develop programs using shell scripting.
● To use Linux utilities and shell scripting to solve problems.

Course Pre-requisites:

Topic Course Code Course Name Semester

Basic Knowledge of IT
Introduction to IT system 1
Control structure and
Problem Solving & Programming 2

Course Outcomes:

On completion of the course, students will be able to:

Duration Cognitive
COn Description
(Hours) Level
Outline the basic concept of system software,
CO1 10 Understanding
operating system and program execution.
Illustrate Process Concepts, Ideas in Memory
CO2 Management, I/O Systems, file and Directory 12 Understanding
Illustrate the Concept of Linux Commands and
CO3 12 Understanding
Basics of Shell Scripting.
Summarize the Concept of Shell Scripting in Linux Understanding
CO4 9
to solve problems.

Series Test 2
CO – PO Mapping

CO1 2
CO2 2
CO3 2
CO4 2

3-Strongly mapped, 2-Moderately mapped, 1-Weakly mapped

Course Outline

Module Duration Cognitive

Outcomes (Hours) Level
Outline the Basic Concept of System Software, Operating System
And Program Execution.
Recall the concepts of Software, Application
M1.01 software operating system and System 1 Remembering
M1.02 Explain Usage of operating system. 1 Understanding
M1.03 Classify the operating system services. 1 Understanding
M1.04 Classify different types of operating systems. 2 Understanding
M1.05 Explain program execution. 1 Understanding
M1.06 List the I/O operation. 1 Remembering
Illustrate how the file system manipulation are
M1.07 1 Understanding
M1.08 Recall communication. 1 Remembering
M1.09 Explain error detection. 1 Understanding
System Software: Basic software system classification-Application software, System
Operating System: Operating System Overview, Usage and Services of Operating System,
Different type of Operating Systems.
Program Execution: Program Execution Basics, I/O Operations, File System
Manipulation, Communication, Error detection.
Illustrate Process Concepts, Ideas in Memory Management, I/O Systems, file
and Directory Management.
M2.01 Recall process 1 Remembering
Explain process state and Process Control
M2.02 1 Understanding
M2.03 Explain the need for memory management 1 Understanding
M2.04 Explain the concept and need of paging 1 Understanding
M2.05 Summarize segmentation 1 Understanding
M2.06 Explain virtual memory concept 1 Understanding
M2.07 Explain the Basic of input output system 1 Understanding
M2.08 Summarize file concept 1 Understanding
M2.09 Compare different file access methods 2 Understanding
M2.10 Classify various directory structures 2 Understanding
Series Test – I 1
Process Management: Process Concept, Process States, Process Control Block
Memory Management: Need for Memory Management, Concept and need of Paging,
segmentation, virtual memory. I/O System: Basics File System: file concept, different file
access methods- (Direct access method, Sequential access method, Index access method),
Directory Structures- (Single level directory structure, Two level directory structure, Tree
directory structure)
CO3 Illustrate the Concept of Linux Commands and Basics of Shell Scripting.
Recall Directory management commands and
M3.01 2 Remembering
its needs
Explain the different file management
M3.02 2 Understanding
Explain the General-purpose command and
M3.03 2 Understanding
need for them.
M3.04 Explain shell. 1 Understanding
M3.05 Summarize kernel. 1 Understanding
M3.06 Outline shell prompt. 1 Understanding
Explain shell scripting and advantages of shell
M3.07 2 Understanding
M3.08 Summarize Linux environment variable 1 Understanding
Directory Management Commands: ls, cd, pwd, mkdir, rmdir
File Management Commands: cat, chmod, cp, mv, rm,
General Purpose Commands: wc, od, lp, cal, who
Shell Scripting: shell, kernel, shell prompt, shell scripting, Advantage of shell script, Linux
environment variable

CO4 Summarize the Concept of Shell Scripting in Linux to solve problems.

Compare basic operators and its needs in Understanding
M4.01 2
shell scripting.
Recall the concept of Decision making and Remembering
M4.02 2
looping structures in shell scripting
M4.03 Illustrate shell looping concept 2 Understanding
M4.04 Summarize loop controls in shell scripting 3 Understanding
Series Test – II 1
Basic Operators: Arithmetic Operators, Relational Operators and Boolean Operators.
Decision Making: if else statement
Shell loop: while loop and for loop
Loop Control: break and continue statement.

Text / Reference

T/R Book Title/Author

T1 Silverschatz, Galvin, Gagne “Operating System Concepts” 6th edition
Richard Blum and Christine Bresnahan “Linux command line and shell scripting

Online Resources:

Sl.No Website Link

1 http://www.dbit.ac.in/cse/syllabus/system-administration-lab.pdf

2 https://www.linux.com/what-is-linux/
3 https://www.redhat.com/en/topics/linux/what-is-linux

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