Enzyme-Assisted Extraction of Bioactive in Plant
Enzyme-Assisted Extraction of Bioactive in Plant
Enzyme-Assisted Extraction of Bioactive in Plant
Enzyme-assisted extraction of
bioactives from plants
Munish Puri1,2, Deepika Sharma2 and Colin J. Barrow1
Centre for Biotechnology and Interdisciplinary Sciences (Biodeakin), Institute of Technology Research and Innovation (ITRI),
Deakin University, Victoria 3217, Australia
Fermentation and Protein Biotechnology Laboratory, Department of Biotechnology, Punjabi University, Punjab 147002, India
Demand for new and novel natural compounds has enhanced recovery of bioactives, particularly from plants
intensified the development of plant-derived com- where the cell wall can inhibit extraction efficiency.
pounds known as bioactives that either promote health Enzyme-based extraction of bioactive compounds from
or are toxic when ingested. Enhanced release of these plants is a potential alternative to conventional solvent-
bioactives from plant cells by cell disruption and extrac- based extraction methods. Enzymes are ideal catalysts to
tion through the cell wall can be optimized using enzyme assist in the extraction, modification or synthesis of com-
preparations either alone or in mixtures. However, the plex bioactive compounds of natural origin. Enzyme-based
biotechnological application of enzymes is not currently extraction is based on the inherent ability of enzymes to
exploited to its maximum potential within the food catalyze reactions with exquisite specificity, regioselectiv-
industry. Here, we discuss the use of environmentally ity and an ability to function under mild processing con-
friendly enzyme-assisted extraction of bioactive com- ditions in aqueous solutions [6]. This method also offers the
pounds from plant sources, particularly for food and possibility of greener chemistry as pressure mounts on the
nutraceutical purposes. In particular, we discuss an en- food industry and even pharmaceutical companies to iden-
zyme-assisted extraction of stevioside from Stevia tify cleaner routes for the extraction of new compounds [7].
rebaudiana, as an example of a process of potential Enzymes have the ability to degrade or disrupt cell walls
value to the food industry. and membranes, thus enabling better release and more
efficient extraction of bioactives [8].
Plant-based bioactives Enzyme-assisted extraction methods are gaining more
Bioactives are metabolites synthesized by plants for self attention because of the need for eco-friendly extraction
defence and other purposes and have the potential to be technologies. A quantitative characteristic of enzymatic
used by humans for a variety of applications. Essential and processing in industry is represented in the literature by
non-essential bioactives are present in a vast range of foods relatively few enzyme applications. These include laccase
(such as fruits, vegetables and grains) and consumed as applied in bleaching in the pulp and paper industry [9],
part of the human diet. Evidence is growing that use of protease/ lipase applied in leather making [10], lipase
bioactives might help to promote optimal health and re- applied in the production of skin care products [11], and
duce the risk of chronic diseases such as cancer, coronary phospholipase applied in degumming of soybean oil [12]. A
heart disease, stroke and Alzheimer’s disease [1,2]. Bioac- particularly useful application of enzymes increases the
tives are obtained selectively from plants as specialty effect of solvent pre-treatment and either reduces the
chemicals and can be used as nutraceuticals, processed amount of solvent needed for extraction or increases the
foods to complement a balanced diet or as drug leads. yield of extractable compounds. Enzymes such as pecti-
Bioactive compounds in plants are typically present at nases, cellulases and hemicellulases are widely used in
low concentrations [3]. Unfortunately, solvent-based ex- juice processing and beer clarification to degrade cell walls
traction of bioactives often suffers from low extraction and improve juice extractability. The disruption of the cell
yields, requires long extraction times and the final product wall matrix also releases components such as phenolic
often contains traces of organic solvents, which decrease compounds into the juice, thus improving product quality.
the product quality [4]. Thus, the development of an effec- Enzyme-assisted extraction methods have been shown
tive and selective method for bioactive compound extrac- to achieve high extraction yields for compounds including
tion is important. polysaccharides, oils, natural pigments, flavours and me-
Methods such as cold pressing, super-critical fluid and dicinal compounds [13–17]. Recent studies on enzyme-
solvent extraction are used to extract bioactives from assisted extraction have shown faster extraction, higher
plants. However, the use of organic solvents for the recov- recovery, reduced solvent usage and lower energy con-
ery of natural products has several drawbacks, including sumption when compared to non-enzymatic methods. In
safety hazards, high energy input, low product quality, this review, we provide a brief description of quantitative
environment risk and toxicological effects [5]. There is a screening of enzyme applications, comparing the overall
need to develop optimized and comprehensive protocols for energy consumption of systems involving enzymatic pro-
cessing to systems involving conventional chemical proces-
Corresponding author: Puri, M. (munish.puri@deakin.edu.au) sing. We provide a brief description of enzyme-assisted
0167-7799/$ – see front matter ß 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.tibtech.2011.06.014 Trends in Biotechnology, January 2012, Vol. 30, No. 1 37
Review Trends in Biotechnology January 2012, Vol. 30, No. 1
extraction of bioactive components from plants and discuss (UAE), hydro-distillation and maceration with 70% etha-
recent progress in this field with particular reference to nol. The use of methanol during UAE produced the lowest
stevioside. recovery with results not statistically different from mac-
eration with 70% ethanol. Potential exists for combining
Bioactives extraction ultrasound as an adjunct with the other extraction proce-
Extraction is the most important step in isolating different dures to improve efficiency and yield [23]. Polysaccharides
types of bioactive compounds from plants. Ideally, extrac- and polyphenol were also extracted from kiwi fruit (Acti-
tion methods should be quantitative and time saving. nidia deliciosa) using different concentration of ethanol in
There are numerous methods that have recently been water. Ethanol (96%, v/v) extracted the maximum amounts
reported for the extraction of bioactives and these methods of pectic polysaccharides (estimated as uronic acid content
are summarized below. 1.7%) from fruit skin [24].
Microwave and ultrasound treatments have been inves-
Chemical extraction processes tigated to extract pigments from strawberries. Optimal
Chemical extraction largely depends on the type of sol- extraction was achieved using microwaves at 624 W, with
vents, energy input and agitation to improve the chemical a treatment time of 60 s, together with ultrasonic proces-
solubility and efficiency of mass transfer. The chemical sing for 40 s and a ratio of material to extraction solvent of
methods for bioactive extraction are widely used because 1:6 [25]. In another example, microwave-assisted extrac-
they are well established and easy to perform. Mixtures of tion (MAE) procedures were used to extract water soluble
acetone and water have been used as good solvents for the polysaccharides (WSP) from kiwi and cherry fruits. MAE
extraction of antioxidants [18]. Lipophilic compounds are was performed with 100 W of microwave power of 100 W
often extracted with non-polar organic solvents such as and at 140 8C. In this study, extracted WSP yields were
hexane or dichloromethane. Hydrophilic constituents in- lower than yields obtained from boiling water extraction
cluding lignans are extracted with polar solvents such as [26].
acetone, methanol or ethanol. In some cases, the addition Sonication has been used for extraction of anolignan
of polar solvents such as water to the sample can increase from Terminalia sericea. The roots were dried in an oven
the recovery of more polar compounds such as lignan (50 8C, 7 days) and subjected to sonication for 1 h before
glycosides [19]. overnight extraction with ethyl acetate on an orbital shak-
Subcritical water as an extraction solvent has been er. The extract was concentrated to powder form with a
explored to extract polar bioactive components from herbs yield of 0.021 w/w [27].
and foods. A recent study showed that 80% of oxygenates Supercritical carbon dioxide extraction (SC-CO2) is a
from savory and peppermint are extracted with subcritical promising and alternative process for concentrating flavo-
water at 5.2 MPa and 140 8C. Optimal extraction condi- noids from spearmint (Mentha spicata) leaves with high
tions such as particle size (1 mm), temperature (40 8C), recovery. Flavonoid compounds were extracted from
contact time, solvent–sage ratio (6:1) and ethanol–water spearmint using SC-CO2. The highest extraction yield
ratio affect the extraction of the active compounds. These (60.57 mg/g) was obtained at 200 bar, 60 8C for 60 min.
include rosmarinic acid (RA), carnosic compounds (CS) and The composition of the extracted yields was greatly impact-
essential oil from dried sage (Salvia officinalis). In this ed by the operating conditions. Optimized extraction
study, the highest yields (6.9% RA, 10.6% CS and 42% oil) conditions (200 bar, 60 8C and 60 min) yielded a high con-
of the three active compounds were obtained in 3 h [20]. centration (0.657 mg/g) of luteolin among all other detected
Derris indica seeds are a rich source of lipids. When flavonoid compounds [28].
soxhlet extracted with n-hexane for 12 h, ground seed Although there are advantages and disadvantages for
material (2 mm particle size) was found to contain 56% different bioactive extraction methods, there are general
crude seed oil high in linoleic acid content, which makes limitations to both the chemical and physical extraction
the oil nutritionally valuable [21]. The phenolic compounds methods. These general limitations include: (i) the raw
from coffee industry byproducts (coffee pulp, husk, silver material requires treatment prior to extraction; (ii) the
skin and spent coffee) were extracted using a mixture of chemicals and solvents used normally cannot be recycled,
isoproponal and water [22]. Examples of organic solvents thereby increasing cost and requiring removal of hazard-
used for the separation of bioactives based on their polarity ous waste; (iii) the methods are nonspecific and introduce
are given in Table 1. batch-to-batch variation; (iv) the methods of extraction
cause variation in product quality, such as a ‘bitter’ after-
Physical extraction processes taste due to presence of remnants of solvents; (v) solvents
Pressurized hot water extraction (PHE) methods offered such as hot water cannot always penetrate into the sample
higher phenolic compound recovery from Salvia officinalis core (due to cellulose fibrils in the plant tissue), resulting in
when compared with ultrasound-assisted extraction low extraction efficiency. These drawbacks can be partially
Table 1. Solvents used for the extraction of bioactive compounds from plants
Polarity of solvents Solvent used Product Refs
Apolar Cyclohexane, hexane, toluene, benzene, Alkaloids, terpenoids, [19,20,25]
ether, chloroform, ethyl acetate coumarins, fatty acids, flavanoids, terpenoids
Polar Acetone, acetonitrile, butanol, Flavanols, lectins, alkaloids, quassinoids, flavones, [16–18,21]
propanol, ethanol, methane polyphenols, tannins, saponins
Review Trends in Biotechnology January 2012, Vol. 30, No. 1
overcome by the use of enzymatic steps within the extrac- extraction of an antioxidant [32]. The enzyme at 0.1% w/w
tion process. increased extraction from 1.7 to 7.4 g/kg of raw material
dry weight. A second example showed improved yield of
Enzyme-assisted extraction processes lycopene extraction from tomatoes. Enzyme-aided extrac-
The successful application of enzymes for the extraction of tion of lycopene from tomato tissues using cellulases and
a variety of products, including the extraction of carote- pectinases under optimized conditions resulted in a signif-
noids from marigold flower or tomato skin [15,29], vanillin icant increase (206%) in lycopene yield versus control
from vanilla green pods [30], polysaccharide from sterculia experiments [33]. Similarly, lycopene-assisted pancreatin
[13], oil from grape seed [14] and polyphenols [17], indi- digestion of tomato skin provided a 2.5-fold increase in
cates that enzymes can also be useful for the extraction of yield. A digestion step prior to extraction by solvents was
bioactive compounds from other plant sources. Enzyme- necessary to efficiently extract lycopene from the raw
based extractions are the subject of continuing research material [29]. As another example, cellulose, pectin and
and have the potential to be commercially attractive. hemicellulose in grapefruit peel waste can be hydrolyzed
Enzymes have been used particularly for the treatment by pectinase and cellulase enzymes into monomer sugars,
of plant material prior to conventional methods for extrac- which can then be used by microorganisms to produce
tion. Various enzymes such as cellulases, pectinases and ethanol and other fermentation products [34]. Currently,
hemicellulase are often required to disrupt the structural cellulase is introduced at the liquefaction step to improve
integrity of the plant cell wall, thereby enhancing the the saccharification process (depolymerize hemicelluloses)
extraction of bioactives from plants. These enzymes hydro- in the treatment of sugarcane bagasse to produce bioetha-
lyze cell wall components thereby increasing cell wall nol. The cellulases improved saccharification (81 g/l total
permeability, which results in higher extraction yields of sugars), which significantly increased ethanol production
bioactives. Enzymes can be derived from bacteria, fungi, [35]. We have recently observed that enzymes can be used
animal organs or vegetable/fruit extracts. To use enzymes to disrupt the pectin–cellulose complex in citrus peel and
most effectively for extraction applications, it is important enhance flavonoid (naringin) production [36]. A list of some
to understand their catalytic property and mode of action, products of industrial importance [14,34–48] obtained
optimal operational conditions and which enzyme or en- using enzyme-assisted extraction in recent years is pre-
zyme combination is appropriate for the plant material sented in Table 2.
selected. In food processing, pectic enzymes are employed indus-
Enzymes have been used to increase flavonoid release trially for the extraction, clarification and concentration of
from plant material while minimizing the use of solvents fruit juices [49], extraction of pectin [43], extraction of oils
and heat [31]. One example of the use of an enzyme system [37], flavours and pigments from plant materials [14,16].
is in the processing of pectic polysaccharide for enhancing The enzymes most frequently used for oil extraction are
Table 2. List of bioactive compounds of industrial importance obtained by enzyme-assisted extraction from plants
Product type Product Source Enzyme used Maximum Refs
yield (%)
Oils and carotenoids Oil Grape seed Cellulase, protease, xylase and pectinase 17.5 [12]
Carotenoids Marigold flower Viscozyme, Pectinex, neutrase, 97 [13]
corolase and HT-proteolytic
Volatile oil Mandarin peel Xylan-degrading enzymes 15 [37]
Carotene Carrot pomace Pectinex Ultra SP-L 0.0064 [38]
Lycopene Tomato Pancreatin 2.5-fold [29]
Tomato Cellulase and pectinase 206 [33]
Capsaicin Chilli Cellulase, hemicellulase and pectinase n.d.a [39]
Colourant Pitaya Pectinolytic, hemicellulolytic 83.5 [40]
and cellulolytic enzymes
Anthocyanin Grape skin Pectinex BE3-L n.d.a [52]
Glycosides Sugar Grapefruit peel waste Cellulase and pectinase 0.6377 [34]
Oligosaccharide Rice bran Cellulase 39.9 [59]
Inulin Jerusalem artichoke Inulinase n.d.a [41]
Starch Cassava Pectinase enzyme 45.6 [42]
Pectin Pumpkin Xylase, cellulose, b-glucosidase, 14.0 [43]
endopolygalacturonase and pectinesterase
Others Vanillin Vanilla green pods b-glucosidase and pectinase 14–21 [30]
Flavonoid (naringin) Kinnow peel Recombinant rhamnosidase n.d.a [36]
Phenolics Citrus peel Celluzyme MX 65.5 [44]
Proteins Lentils and white beans Glucoamylases 50.3 [45]
Polyphenols Grape pomace Pectinolytic 98.1 [46]
Catechins Tea beverage Pepsin 80 [47]
Lignans Flax Cellulase and glycosidase 40.75 mg/g [61]
Soluble fibre Carrot pomace Cellulase-rich crude preparation 77.3 [48]
Abbreviation: n.d., not defined.
Review Trends in Biotechnology January 2012, Vol. 30, No. 1
cellulase, a-amylase and pectinase. Enzyme incorporation pomace [44,46]. Enzyme application improved the extrac-
in oil extraction processes produces a high content of tion of total phenolic content from 32.33 to 61.90%. In
antioxidant compounds in olive oil [50], defatted meal of another example, more pigment (anthocyanin) was
evening primrose and borage oil [51]. Enzyme (pectinases extracted during the vinification process when enzymes
and b-glucanases) usage further improved oil yield by 15% were applied on grapes skin [52]. Defatted grape seed meal
compared with the control, which corresponds to an oil is high in phenolic antioxidants. Enzyme-assisted oil ex-
yield increase of about 2 kg olive oil per 100 kg of olives traction gave a 59.4% yield improvement when compared
[50]. The quality of oils obtained by enzyme treatment is with a non-enzymatic oil extraction process [53].
relatively good as compared with hexane-extracted oils. Enzymes also increase the yield of extraction of poly-
Thus, enzyme-assisted cold pressing (EACP) is an ideal phenols and anthocyanins from blackcurrant juice. Com-
alternative for oilseed extraction because of its nontoxic mercial pectinolytic enzymes decreased particle size from
and nonflammable properties. 500 to 1000 mm to <125 mm and increased the phenolics
An increase of phenolic compounds (25.90–39.72%) yields from 1.6- to 5-fold in pomace [54]. The effect of
and sugars (12–14 g/l) have recently been observed after Thermobifida fusca cellulase on apple peel produced an
enzyme-assisted extraction from citrus peel and grape improvement in the yield of phenols and reduced sugar
b c OH
O OH d
18 11 O ii iii OH
13 e
20 f
1 CH2 O OH iv
10 9 i
2 15 O v
8 16 vi OH
3 5 7 OH
H3C 4
6 B C OH
TRENDS in Biotechnology
Review Trends in Biotechnology January 2012, Vol. 30, No. 1
Table 3. Maximum stevioside levels permitted in various 40.75 mg/g in hulls and 15.20 mg/g in whole seeds, repre-
foods [73] senting an increased yield compared to previous published
Food type Stevioside level (mg/kg) methods [61]. We have recently observed the feasibility of
Beverages 500 enzyme-assisted extraction of stevioside (a glycoside sweet-
Desserts 500 ener) from Stevia rebaudiana, which provides a higher yield
Yogurt 500 than conventional solvent extraction methods (Box 1). Re-
Cold confectionery 500 sponse surface methodology (RSM) optimized the enzyme-
Sauces 1000 assisted extraction conditions to maximize extraction yield.
Pickles 1000 The results demonstrated that enzymatic-assisted extrac-
Delicacies 1000
tion is highly efficient and a viable alternative to conven-
Sweetcorn 200
tional solvent extraction of stevioside (M. Puri et al.,
Bread 160
Biscuits 300
The traditional one-factor-at-a-time approach to process
enzyme-assisted extraction optimization is time consum-
ing and can ignore the interactions among various factors.
production and antioxidant capacity. Approximately 60 mg RSM enables evaluation of several process parameters
of reducing sugar equivalent was produced per g of apple such as time, temperature, enzyme type and concentration.
peel when treated with cellulase enzyme compared with It is a powerful and efficient mathematical approach [62]
only 20 mg using a non-enzymatic extraction method [55]. that has been successfully applied for developing, improv-
The most important parameters for assisted aqueous ex- ing and optimizing biochemical and biotechnological pro-
traction from five different citrus peels have been deter- cesses related to food systems, including production of
mined to be the condition of the peels, temperature of pectic polysaccharide [13], enzymes [63] and phenolic anti-
extraction, type of enzymes, enzyme concentration and oxidants from fruits [64].
citrus species [44]. A process for enzyme-assisted extrac-
tion of polyphenols from grape pomace has recently been Benefits of enzyme-assisted extraction
developed to pilot–plant scale. The introduction of The application of enzymes for complete extraction of bioac-
a120 min enzymatic step during treatment of pomace tives without the use of solvents is an attractive proposition.
resulted in 65.8% increase in anthocyanins yield. Economic Enzyme pretreatment of raw material normally results in a
feasibility of the process was enhanced by minimizing the reduction in extraction time, minimizes usage of solvents
enzyme concentration required for efficient extraction [56]. and provides increased yield and quality of product [7,16].
Similar results were observed for extracting antioxidants Prior knowledge of the cell wall composition of the raw
from blackcurrant pomace with a commercial cellulase materials helps in the selection of an enzyme or enzymes
enzyme [57]. useful for pretreatment. Decreased solvent use during ex-
Enzymes are normally applied in red wine clarification. traction is particularly important for both regulatory and
Improvement in chromatic (colour) and sensory character- environmental reasons, providing a ‘greener’ option than
istics of enzyme-treated wine in comparison with control traditional non-enzymatic extraction.
wine is normally observed [58]. In addition, an enzyme- Enzyme-assisted extraction of bioactive compounds
assisted extraction method proved to be more suitable for from plants has potential commercial and technical limita-
recovery of catechins (100% yield) from various milk tea tions: (i) the cost of enzymes is relatively expensive for
beverages instead of acid precipitation (74% yield) [47]. processing large volumes of raw material; (ii) currently
A cellulase enzyme was employed to improve the extrac- available enzyme preparations cannot completely
tion of oligosaccharides from defatted rice bran. The enzyme hydrolyze plant cell walls, limiting extraction yields
was effective in breaking down the fibrous matrix in rice of compounds, including the extraction of stevioside;
bran, facilitating the subsequent release of oligosaccharides. (iii) enzyme-assisted extraction can be difficult to scale
The extraction yield increased from 13.4% (control) to 39.9% up to industrial scale because enzymes behave differently
with 2% cellulase [59]. Similarly, pectinase from Aspergillus as environmental conditions such as the percentage of
awamori was demonstrated to improve protopectin extrac- dissolved oxygen, temperature and nutrient availability
tion from pumpkin. A 3 h enzyme hydrolysis improved vary. However, if the above limitations can be overcome,
protopectin yield (14%) over an acid-based extraction (7%) then enzyme-based extraction could provide an opportuni-
process [43]. A commercial cellulase improved extraction of ty to not only increase extraction yields, but also to enhance
flavonoids from Ginko biloba leaves. Enzyme from Penicil- product quality by enabling the use of milder processing
lium decumbens resulted in far better degradation of pow- conditions such as lower extraction temperatures.
dered dried leaves than Trichoderma reesei cellulase and
Aspergillus niger pectinase. The extraction yield under Process development for enzyme-assisted extraction
optimized conditions was 28.3 mg/g dry weight, which Unlike other non-thermal processes, such as high hydro-
was 102% higher than extraction without enzymes [60]. static pressure (HP), compressed carbon dioxide (cCO2),
Extraction of lignans (secoisolariciresinol) from flax (Linum SC-CO2 and high electric field pulses (HELP), enzyme-
usitatissimum) hulls and whole seeds was improved by assisted extraction can readily be tested on the laboratory
using cellulase and b-glucosidase. Both enzyme prepara- scale. Enzymes can be selected for specific functionalities as
tions proved to be effective for extracting lignin. Under well as for optimum process conditions, such as temperature
optimized conditions, the highest yield of lignin was and concentration. Although enzymes normally function at
(Figure_1)TD$IG][ Review Trends in Biotechnology January 2012, Vol. 30, No. 1
Enzymatic hydrolysis
Fii er
p p r
Spray drying
Filtration Natural compound (powder)
Feed injection
From process
-phy column
Figure 1. Enzyme-assisted extraction of bioactive compounds from a plant source. Images were taken, with permission, from the Minerva database, http://
www.cognitivesolutions.com and http://www.21food.com (Food & Beverage online).
an optimal temperature, they can still be used over a range creating an emulsion that interferes with extraction. There-
of temperatures, providing flexibility for both cost and prod- fore, non-aqueous systems are preferable for some materials
uct quality. Substrate particle size reduction prior to enzy- because they minimize the formation of polysaccharide–
matic treatment provides better accessibility of the enzyme protein colloid emulsions [65]. Enzyme-assisted extraction
to the cell to increase extraction yields significantly. In methodology for the extraction of bioactive components from
enzyme-assisted aqueous extraction, the enzymes can rup- various plant sources is summarized in Figure 1. However,
ture the polysaccharide–protein colloid in the cell wall the parameters impacting enzyme-assisted release of
Review Trends in Biotechnology January 2012, Vol. 30, No. 1
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cessing and storage is an important area of research. Also, 16 Sowbhagya, H.B. and Chitra, V.N. (2010) Enzyme-assisted extraction
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ITRI, Deakin University, Australia and Department of Biotechnology,
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Punjabi University, India. Authors are thankful to Anne Jones for
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