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Independent Domination in Fuzzy Graph: Xi'an Dianzi Keji Daxue Xuebao/Journal of Xidian University January 2022

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Independent Domination in Fuzzy Graph

Article  in  Xi'an Dianzi Keji Daxue Xuebao/Journal of Xidian University · January 2022

DOI: 10.37896/jxu14.8/071


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2 authors:

Ramya Sekar Lavanya Prasad

RMK Engineering College Bharathi Womens College (Autonomous)


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Journal of Xidian University https://doi.org/10.37896/jxu14.8/071 ISSN No:1001-2400

Independent Domination in Fuzzy Graph

Ramya S#1, Lavanya S #2

Department of Mathematics R.M.K. Engineering College,
Kavaraipettai, Tamilnadu -601206, India.
Department of Mathematics, Bharathi women’s College, Chennai, Tamilnadu 600108, Chennai,
Tamilnadu 600108, India.
Abstract- The concept of fuzzy graph was introduced by Rosenfeld. Since then fuzzy analog of several graph theoretic concepts has
been developed by many authors. Domination is one such area which is of great interest. Minimum dominating set is one of the classic
graph problems which have attracted many researchers. Domination and its variants are defined by many authors using the effective
edge constraint. In this paper we define the independent domination number and independent edge domination number of a fuzzy
graph using the concept of adjacency and incidence and present an algorithm to find the independent edge domination number of a
fuzzy graph.

Keywords- Domination, independent domination, independent edge domination, Fuzzy graph

Domination is one of the main branches of graph theory. The diversity of application, availability of n-
number of domination parameters and the NP- completeness has made this topic a flourishing one. As in
graph theory domination is one of the strongest branches in fuzzy graph theory also. Domination in fuzzy
graph was first defined by Somasundaram et al., ([8],[9]). They have defined vertex dominating set,
independent dominating set and obtained several bounds for the domination parameter. They have also
studied the effect of removal of a vertex of G on its domination number. NagoorGani and Chandrasekaran
[5] discussed domination in fuzzy graph using strong arcs. In 1977 Mitchell and Hedetniemi first used the
concept of edge domination in trees. The concept of edge domination in graphs was defined by S.R.
Jayaram. He used the word line domination number and line dominating set instead of edge domination
number and edge dominating set. Arumugam and velammal[1] developed it further. They characterized
connected graphs, trees and unicyclic graphs using edge domination number and edge domatic number.
Graphs which are stable or critical with respect to a given property such as connectedness, coloring
etc. are of great interest in the field of the graph theory. Nevertheless the property of domination is
also quite interesting under the investigation of the stability and criticality concepts. A legion of
articles has been published under this concept by various authors in graph theory relating to different
domination parameters. Sumner and Blitch [2] in 1983 initiated the investigation of critical concept in
domination theory. They characterized the 2-domination critical graphs and studied the properties of k
critical graphs. They defined a graph G to be k- domination critical if addition of an edge decreases the
domination number to k-1, where k is the domination number of G. Further as an extension of this
work in 1990 Sumner [3] presented an in depth analysis of 3-critical graphs along with the concepts of
connectedness and independence. He also studied about domination perfect graphs. Thakkar and
Bosamiya[10] discussed about the critical concept with respect to the independent domination.
Nagoorgani and Vijayalakshmi [4] presented domination critical nodes in fuzzy graphs. In this chapter
we analyse the stable and critical concept of a fuzzy graph with respect to independent domination
number of a fuzzy graph.


Definition 2.1.1[8]

Let G= (σ,µ) be a fuzzy graph on V. let x,y ϵV, we say that x dominates y in G if ( ) σ(x) σ(y). A
subset S of V is called a dominating set in G if for every v ϵV-S, an uϵ S, such that u dominates v.

VOLUME 14, ISSUE 8, 2020 653 http://xadzkjdx.cn/

Journal of Xidian University https://doi.org/10.37896/jxu14.8/071 ISSN No:1001-2400

Definition 2.1.2[8]

A fuzzy dominating set S of a fuzzy graph G is called minimal fuzzy dominating set of G if for every node
v ϵ S, S-{v} is not a dominating set.
Definition 2.1.3[8]

The fuzzy domination number ϒ (G) is the cardinality of the minimal fuzzy dominating set of G.
Definition 2.1.4[8]

An edge e = xy of a fuzzy graph is called an effective edge if µ(xy) = σ(x) σ(y).

Definition 2.1.5[7]

Let G = (σ, µ) be a fuzzy graph on (V, X). A subset S of X is said to be an edge domination set in G if for
every edge in X − S is adjacent to at least one effective edge in S.
Definition 2.1.6[7]

A subset S of X is said to be a minimal edge domination set if no proper subset of S is an edge dominating
Definition 2.1.7[7]

The fuzzy domination number (G) is the minimum cardinality of the minimal fuzzy edge dominating
set of G.
In this section we have modified the definition of vertex domination and defined a new parameter called
the edge domination in fuzzy graphs.
Definition 2.1.8[7]

Let G= (σ,µ) be a fuzzy graph on V. A subset D of V is called a dominating set of G if every vertex not
in D is adjacent to at least one vertex in D.
Definition 2.1.9[7]

A subset D of V is said to be a minimal dominating set if no proper subset of D is a dominating set.

Definition 2.1.10[7]

The fuzzy domination number (G) is the cardinality of the minimal fuzzy dominating set of G.
Definition 2.1.14

A dominating set D of a fuzzy graph G is said to be an independent dominating set if its vertices are not
Definition 2.1.15

An independent dominating set of a fuzzy graph G is said to be a minimal independent dominating set if
no proper subset of it is an independent dominating set.
Definition 2.1.16

The cardinality of a minimum independent dominating set of a fuzzy graph is said to be independent
domination number and it is denoted by i(G).

VOLUME 14, ISSUE 8, 2020 654 http://xadzkjdx.cn/

Journal of Xidian University https://doi.org/10.37896/jxu14.8/071 ISSN No:1001-2400

Definition 2.1.17[7]

Let G= (σ, µ) be a fuzzy graph on (V,E). A subset X of VV is called an edge dominating set of G if
every edge not in X is incident to some edge in X.
Definition 2.1.18[7]

A subset X of V  V is said to be a minimal edge dominating set if no proper subset of X is an edge

dominating set of G.
Definition 2.1.19[7]

The minimum cardinality of an edge dominating set is called as the edge domination number of G and is
denoted by ϒ' (G).
Definition 2.1.20

An edge dominating set X of a fuzzy graph G is said to be an independent edge dominating set if its edges
are not adjacent.
Definition 2.1.21

An independent edge dominating set of a fuzzy graph G is said to be a minimal independent edge
dominating set if no proper subset of it is an independent edge dominating set.
Definition 2.1.22

The cardinality of a minimum independent edge dominating set of a fuzzy graph is said to be independent
edge domination number.

Now consider the following fuzzy graph G

Figure 2.1

The Independent dominating set of the fuzzy graph given in figure 3.6 is { and the independent
domination number is i(G)= 0.2+0.1+0.1 =0.4


A fuzzy graph G is said to be independent domination critical if its independent domination number
increases or decreases by modification in the given graph, otherwise it is said to be independent
domination stable graph. In this section we will discuss about it.

VOLUME 14, ISSUE 8, 2020 655 http://xadzkjdx.cn/

Journal of Xidian University https://doi.org/10.37896/jxu14.8/071 ISSN No:1001-2400

Consider the fuzzy graph given in figure 2.1. In this graph the removal of vertex results in

Figure 3.1

Now the independent domination number of the fuzzy graph given in figure 2.1 is i(G) = 0.7
Here the removal of vertex has increased the independent domination number.
Similarly the removal of vertex decreases the independent domination number of the fuzzy
graph given in figure 2.1, whereas the removal of vertex keeps unaltered the independent
domination number.
We now introduce the following sets
= {v ϵ V/ i (G-v) i (G)}

= {v ϵ V/ i (G-v) i (G)}

= {v ϵ V/ i (G-v) i (G)}
These three sets are mutually disjoint and their union is V(G).

Theorem 3.1.1:
If a vertex v belongs to , then we have
(i) v is not an isolated vertex
(ii) v is in every i-set of G
(iii) No independent subset D of V(G)- N[v] with | |≤i(G) can dominate G-{v}.
(i) Suppose v is an isolated vertex. Let D be a minimal independent dominating set of G . Then we have v
Therefore D-{v} is an independent dominating set of G-{v}.
i(G-v) = i(D-v)
<| |
= i(G)
Therefore i(G-v) < i(G)
Which is a contradiction since v ϵ . Therefore v is not an isolated vertex.
(ii) Suppose there is some i-set s of G which does not contain v. Now s is an independent dominating set
of G-{v} also. So i(G-v) < i(G) which is a contradiction.
Therefore v is in every i-set of G.
(iii) Suppose there is an independent subset S of V(G)-N[v] with | | ( ) which can dominate G-{v}.
Then i(G-v) < i(G) so v does not belong to which is a contradiction.

VOLUME 14, ISSUE 8, 2020 656 http://xadzkjdx.cn/

Journal of Xidian University https://doi.org/10.37896/jxu14.8/071 ISSN No:1001-2400

Remark 3.1.2:
A vertex v ϵ iff there is an i-set D containing v such that D-{v} is an Independent dominating set in
Thus if a vertex belongs to then it is said to be edge domination stable.


Any fuzzy graph can be represented in matrix form either as an adjacency matrix or an incidence matrix.
Here we have given an algorithm to find the independent edge domination number of a fuzzy graph
through the adjacency matrix representation of a fuzzy graph.
The Adjacency matrix of fuzzy graph G= ( ) is represented by a matrix where the rows and columns
are indexed by the vertex set V and the (i,j) entry is given by ( ) if i and 0 if i=j.

Algorithm to find a minimum independent edge dominating set and independent edge domination number of a given fuzzy

Step 1

Represent the given fuzzy graph through an adjacency matrix. Let E be the minimum independent edge
dominating set of the given fuzzy graph. Set E =
Step 2

Choose the minimum value in the matrix and encircle it.

Step 3

Let be the minimum value which corresponds to the vertices .

Step 4

Set E = E +
Step 5

Delete the rows and columns which corresponds to the vertices and form a sub matrix with
remaining rows and columns.
Step 6

If the resulting sub matrix is a null matrix or a column vector or row vector then stop the algorithm. The
independent edge dominating set is given by E.
Else Go to step 2.
Step 7

The independent edge domination number is given by cardinality of E.

Example 4.1

We consider a fuzzy graph with five vertices a,b,c,d,e whose membership values 0.9,0.3, 0.6, 0.5, 0.4 and
seven edges with their corresponding membership values 0.5,0.3,0.4,0.2,0.3,0.1,0.4.
The graph is given below in figure

VOLUME 14, ISSUE 8, 2020 657 http://xadzkjdx.cn/

Journal of Xidian University https://doi.org/10.37896/jxu14.8/071 ISSN No:1001-2400



c (0.6) d
Figure 4.1

The adjacent matrix 1 and 2 represents the membership values of edges and existence of edges between
the vertices.
a b c d e

a  0 0 0.3 0.5 0 
 
b  0 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 
c  0.3 0.1 0 0 0.4 
 
d  0.5 0.2 0 0 0.4 
 0 0.3 0.4 0.4 0 
e  
Adjacent Matrix 1

a b c d e

a 0 0 e2 e1 0
 
b 0 0 e6 e4 e5 
c  e2 e6 0 0 e3 
 
d  e1 e4 0 0 e7 
0 0 
e  e5 e3 e7

Adjacent Matrix 2

Execution of the algorithm:

Step 1


VOLUME 14, ISSUE 8, 2020 658 http://xadzkjdx.cn/

Journal of Xidian University https://doi.org/10.37896/jxu14.8/071 ISSN No:1001-2400

Step 2

The entry 0.1 will be encircled.

Step 3

The value 0.1 corresponds to the edge , (ie. edge whose vertices are b and c).
Step 4

Step 5

Columns and rows corresponding to the vertices b and c will be strike off.
Step 6
3 columns remain.
Go to step 2.
Step 3

The value 0.4 corresponds to the edge , (ie. edge whose vertices are d and e) will be selected.
Step 4

Step 5
Columns and rows corresponding to the vertices d and e will be strike off.
Step 6

No more entries remain.

Step 7

Independent edge dominating set is E.

Independent edge domination number is 0.5.

In this paper we have defined the independent domination number and independent edge domination
number of a fuzzy graph. We have discussed the critical concept with respect to the independent
domination number and also presented an algorithm to find independent edge domination number of a
fuzzy graph. There are varieties of network available say computer networks, telecommunication
networks, social network etc. Any type of network can be modelled as a graph using nodes and links as
vertices and edges. Fuzzy graph models will be more suitable to the real time problems to give a more
effective solution for the factors like capacity; cost, distance, etc. can be included in the model. The
concept of domination can be effectively used in constructing an efficient fault tolerant system. Further the
research can be extended in analysing the critical and stable concept more and also in finding the time
complexity of the proposed algorithm.

VOLUME 14, ISSUE 8, 2020 659 http://xadzkjdx.cn/

Journal of Xidian University https://doi.org/10.37896/jxu14.8/071 ISSN No:1001-2400

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VOLUME 14, ISSUE 8, 2020 660 http://xadzkjdx.cn/

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