CS506 Solved Subjective Final Term by Junaid
CS506 Solved Subjective Final Term by Junaid
CS506 Solved Subjective Final Term by Junaid
(Solved subjective)
(23 to 45)
Junaidfazal08@gmail.com FOR MORE VISIT JUNAID MALIK
VULMSHELP.COME 0304-1659294
1. Stages of servlet life cycle:
a) Initialize
b) Destroy
c) Service
2. Tomcat Standard directory structure
Logical Operator:
Operator Name
&& Logical and
|| Logical or
! Logical not
Bracket ([ ]) operator
This operator can be applied to arrays & collections implementing List interface e.g.
ArrayList etc.
Index of the element appears inside brackets
For example, ${ personList[2] } returns the 3rd element stored in it
27.Difference between applet and servlet table are given just mention?
28.HTTP response and HTTP request?
HTTP response:
An HTTP response is made by a server to a client. The aim of the response is to
provide the client with the resource it requested, or inform the client that the action
it requested has been carried out; or else to inform the client that an error occurred
in processing its request
HTTP request:
An HTTP request is an action to be performed on a resource identified by a
given Request-URL. Request methods are case-sensitive, and should always be
noted in upper case. There are various HTTP request methods, but each one is
assigned a specific purpose.
29. You have to write the syntax of EL?
Answer: not sure
Syntax of EL
Expressions & identifiers
Arithmetic, logical & relational operators
Automatic type conversion
Access to beans, arrays, lists & maps
Access to set of implicit objects
30. You have to write 6 EL Operator?
Current Paper_10-FEB-2021
35. Write a code for an HTML page which contains two text fields for taking
name and address as input and a submit button when submit button is clicked
a Java Servlet should serve the user.
Required Information given below:
Form NameInfoForm
Local Host Http:// localhost8080
Form Method Get
URL Pattern /my form/
Servlet Name For Processing Servlet
36. MVC-Model-1 diagram is given you are required to write the names of
component with respect to the number given in Diagram.
Number Names
1 Browser
2 Request
3 Response
4 JSP Pages
5 Java Bean
6 Servlet Container
37. You are required to write a code for a java servlet to check wither it is new
user or not by using http session object.
If user visiting first time, Print “Welcome Back” in other No need to write
complete code of servlet Just write the cod for process request method.
38. In the context of tomcat server installation, you are required to complete
Variable Root Directory
Variable Root Directory
CATALINA-HOME C:\jakarta-tomcat-5.5.9
CLASS PATH "src/" folder ;-
39. Java does not allow the multiple inheritances. What are the alternatives of
multiple inheritance in Java?
40. Rewrite the URL by using Query String technique of URL Rewrite
Original URL:- http://myserver.comPorts/servlet/register
Updated URL:-
Attribute Values
Name Name
Address Pakistan
Contact 12345
Original URL
http://server:port/servletex /register
□ After adding parameters
http://server:port/servletex/register ?name=ali
If you want to add more than one parameter, all subsequent parameters are separated by & sign.
For example
□ Adding two parameters -
http://server:port/servletex/register ?name=ali&address=gulberg
41. Convert the following output tag of JSTL tag Library into Equitant Servlet
<C:Out.value = “${param.id}$” “default = null”
<c:out value = “param.id” default = “param.id” />
42. JSP life cycle method diagram is given:-
Just write the name of the given empty spaces.
43.There are typically four scope attributes, where an object of JavaBean can be
instantiated. You are required to list down all of them along with their data
Scope Attribute Data Structure
Page Objects may be accessed only within pages where they are created.
Request Only within pages processing the request in which they are created.
Session Only from pages belonging to same session as the one in which they
are created.
Application Within all pages belonging to same application.
44.The secret of wide spread use of Java lies in providing specific technology for
each layer. You are required to map the given technologies against
appropriate layer as given in the following table.
Technologies: HTML, Applets, DAO, Connectors, JSP/Servlets, Frameworks
(Struts, JSF etc), JavaBeans, EJB.
Layers Java Technology
Client Presentation
Server Presentation
Answer: First JOB and Second Job
46. Complete the missing code from the following, which is written in JSF to
create a submit button.
1. <html>
2. <h:body>
3. <h:form>
4. <h:commandButton
5. ="Login"
6. = "#{customer.loginActionListener}"
7. = "#{customer.login}" />
8. </h:form>
9. </h:body>
10. </html>
Note: no need to write complete code, just write the missing parts;
Note: Only write classes name in correct order. No need to draw or fill diagram.
1. GenericServlet
2. ServletRequest
3. ServletResponse
4. HttpServlet
5. HttpServletRequest
6. HttpServletResponse
48. Fill given table with correct tag symbols from following JSP tags.
Elements Description Symbol
Directive Provides global control of JSP
Scripting JSP comments
Scripting Declaration, used to declare instance variables & methods
Scripting Expression, a java code segment which returns string
Scripting Scriptlets, blocks of java code
Action Special JSP tags
Most importantly, if object/identifier is null, no NullPointerException would be thrown☺. For example. If the
expression written is:
51. Why yield( ) method use?
Allows any other threads of the
same priority to execute (moves
itself to the end of the priority
If all waiting threads have a
lower priority, then the yielding
thread resumes execution on the
52. What is the hidden comment in JSP?
A comment that documents the JSP page but is not sent to the client.
Examples :- <%@ page language="java" %>
53. Which method of ResultSetMetaData object is used to return the suggested column label for print
The getColumnLabel() method returns the suggested column label for printouts
54. What is the purpose of wait( ) , notify( ) and notifyAll( ) methods?
The wait(),notify(), and notifyAll() methods are used to provide an efficient way forthreads to wait for a shared
resource. When a thread executes an object's wait() method, itenters the waiting state. It only enters theready
state after another thread invokes theobject's notify() or notifyAll() method
55. What are the three stages of Servlet Lifecycle?
A servlet passes through the following stages in its life.
1 Initialize
2 Service
3 Destroy
You can specify param-value pairs for ServletContext object in <context-param> tags
in web.xml file.The ServletConfig parameters are specified for a particular servlet
and are unknown to other servlets.
The ServletContext parameters are specified for an entire application outside of any
particular servlet and areavailable to all the servlets within that application.
Its job list includes collecting user’s input, validating user’s input (on client side using
JavaScript like technologies OR on server side), presenting the results of the request
made by the user and controlling thescreen flow (which page/view will be visible to the
Business Layer
Also called application layer, it is only concerned with the application specific
functionality. It is used toimplement business rules and to perform business tasks.
For example, in a banking system, this layer will provide the functionality of banking
functions such asopening an account, transferring of balance from one account to
Calculation of taxes etc.
Data Layer
It is concerned with the management of the data & data sources of the system. Data sources
can be database,XML, web services, flat file etc. Encapsulates data retrieval & storage logic
For example, the address book application needs to retrieve all person records from a database
to display them to the user.
79. Why tracking is necessary
Answer:- (Page 295)
Many applications require a series of requests from the same client to be associated with
one another. For example, any online shopping application saves the state of a user's
shopping cart across multiple requests. Web-based applications are responsible for
maintaining such state, because HTTP protocol is stateless. Tosupport applications that
need to maintain state, Java Servlet technology provides an API for managing sessions
Versus PHP
• JSPs offer better language for dynamic part
• JSPs offer better tool support
Versus pure servlets
• JSPs provide more convenient way to create HTML
• JSPs can use standard front end tools (e.g., UltraDev)
• JSPs divide and conquer the problem of presentation and business logic.
88. How can we encode URL which is sent to Client?
Answer:- (Page 317)
HttpServletResponse provides two methods to perform encoding
• String encodeURL(String URL)
• String encodeRedirectURL(String URL)
If Cookies are disabled, both methods encode (rewrite) the specific URL to include the
session ID and returnsthe new URL. However, if cookies are enabled, the URL is returned
89. For what purpose c:remove tag is used.
Answer:- (Page 472)
c:remove action is used to delete a scoped variable, and takes two attributes.
90. What are implicit objects?? list any two.
Answer:- (Page 339)
To simplify code in JSP expressions and scriptlets, you are supplied with eight
automatically definedvariables, sometimes called implicit objects.
91. Garbage collection.
Java performs garbage collection and eliminates the need to free objects explicitly. When an
object has noreferences to it anywhere except in other objects that are also unreferenced,
its space can be reclaimed.
92. Differentiate between Sequential Execution and multithreading.
Answer (Page 226)
Every program has atleast one thread. Programs without multithreading executes
sequentially. That is, afterexecuting one instruction the next instruction in sequence is
executed. If a function is called then until the completion of the function the next
instruction is not executed. Similarly, if there is a loop then instructions after loop only
gets executed when the loop gets completed.
93. What are packages? And how they are organized?
Answer:(Page 328)
Many times when we get a chance to work on a small project, one thing we intend to do is to
put all java filesinto one single directory (folder). It is quick, easy and harmless. However, if
our small project gets bigger, andthe number of files is increasing, putting all these files into
the same directory would be a nightmare for us. Injava we can avoid this sort of problem by
using Packages.In simple terms, a set of Java classes organized for convenience in the same
directory to avoid the name collisions. Packages are nothing more than the way we organize
files into different directories according totheir functionality, usability as well as category
they should belong to.
94. What is the difference between custom tags and JavaBeans?
the context of a JSP page, both accomplish similar goals but the differences are:
Custom Tags JavaBeans
Can manipulate JSP content. Can't manipulate JSP content.
Custom tags can simplify the complex operations
much better than the bean can. But require a bit Easier to set up.
more work to set up.
Can be used in both Servlets and JSPs. You can
Used only in JSPs in a relatively self-contained
define a bean in one Servlet and use them in
another Servlet or a JSP page.
95. What is servlet context mean?
ServletContext belongs to one web application. Therefore it can be used for sharing resources among servletsin the
sameweb application.
96. What is validator? write types of built in validator?
Answer:- (Page 486)
Validators make input validation simple and save developers hours of programming. JSF
provides a set of validator classes for validating input values entered into input
components. Alternatively, you can write yourown validator if none of the standard
validators suits your needs.
Some built-in validators are:
Any numeric type, between specified maximum and minimum values
Any numeric type convertible to long, between specified maximum and minimum values
Length Validator
Ensures that the length of a component's local value falls into a certain range
(between minimum& maximum). The value must be of String type.
97. What is socket {2 m}
Answer: (Page 211)
A socket is one endpoint of a two-way communication link between two programs
running generally on anetwork.
98. What jsp scriplet {2 m}
A JSP scriptlet is used to contain any code fragment that is valid for the scripting
language used in a page.The syntax for a scriptlet is as follows:
<% scripting-language-statements %>
99. What types of web services available
Answer:- (Page 489)
Data providers
For example, a service providing stock quotes
Business-to-business process integration
For example, purchase orders
Enterprise application integration
Different applications work together simply by adding a webservice wrapper
100. w3c definition
Answer:(Page 488)
W3C recently has come up with a decent definition of web services. According to W3C,
―A Web service is asoftware application identified by a URI, whose interfaces and
binding are capable of being defined, described and discovered by XML artifacts and
supports direct interactions with other software applications using XML based messages
via internet-based protocols‖.
101. What is value binding and method binding
Answer:(Page 487)
JSF – Value Binding
Value binding expressions can be used inside of JSF components to:
Automatically instantiate a JavaBean and place it in the request or session scope.
Override the JavaBean's default values through its accessor methods.
Quickly retrieve Map, List, and array contents from a JavaBean.
The syntax of binding expressions is based on the JavaServer Pages (JSP) 2.0 Expression
Language. In JSP,expressions are delimited with "${}", but in JSF
they are delimited with
103. What is meant of keyword transient?
Answer:- (Page 487)
transient keyword is used to mark a field that should not be serialized
Checked Exceptions
• Must be caught or declared in a throws clause
• Compile will issue an error if not handled appropriately
• Subclasses of Exception other than subclasses of RuntimeException.
107. What are action elements of JSP? How these are written.
Answer:- (Page 367)
JSP Action Elements
JSP action elements allow us to work with JavaBeans, to include pages at request
time and to forwardrequests to other resources etc.
Expressed using XML syntax
-Opening tag <jsp:actionElement attribute=”value” ….. >
-Body body
-Closing tag </jsp:actionElement>
Empty tags (without body) can also be used like <jsp:actionElement attribute=”value” ….. >
-<jsp:getProperty />
□To include resources at request time
-<jsp:include />
□To forward request to another JSP or Servlet
-<jsp:forward />
□To work with applets
-<jsp:plugin />
108. Difference between page centric approach and page with bean approach.
Answer:- (Page 411)
Page-Centric Approach
A web application that is collection of JSPs. Generally this approach is followed to
get started withdeveloping web applications.The page-centric approach has lot of
draw backs such as the code becomes a mixture ofpresentation, businessand data
access logic. The maintenance and up-gradation of the application becomes a
nightmare. Scaling of such kind of application is also difficult andlots of code is
also get duplicated.
Page-with-Bean Approach (MVC Model1)
This approach is different from page-centric approach in a way that all the business
logic goes into JavaBeans. Therefore, the web application is a collection of JSPs and
JavaBeans. But still this approach isinsufficient to separate different kind of logics.
108. include method of dispatcher
Answer: (Page 282)
It allows a Servlet to include the results of another resource in its response. The two major
differences fromforward are:
Data can be written to the response before an include
The first Servlet which receive the request, is the one which finishes the response
It will be more cleared from the following figure. User sends a HTTPRequest to Servlet1.
Serlet2 is called byServlet1 by using include (request, response) method. The response
generated by Servlet2 sends back to Servlet1. Servlet1 can also add its own response
content and finally send it back to user.
109. main() with static and without static
Answer:- (Page 29)
If main is not static then the JRE have to create an object of the class in which main
method is present and call the main method on that object (In OOP based languages
method are called using the name of object ifthey are not static). It is made static so that
the JRE can call it without creating an object.
Also to ensure that there is only one copy of the main method per class
110. 2 steps of painting strategy
Answer:- (Page 187)
Subclass JPanel
Override the paintComponent(Graphics g) method
111. when run() method is invoked
When the start() method is invoked, the JVM creates a new thread and automatically calls
the run() methodand that is why a new thread gets started and not by calling run()
112. diff b/w encodeURL and encodeRedierstURl
Answer:- (Page 317)
encodeURL() is used for URLs that are embedded in the webpage, that the servlet
generates. For example,String URL = ‖/servlet/sessiontracker‖;
String eURL = response.encodeURL(URL);
out.println(―<A HREF=\‖ ‖ + eURL + ‖\ ‖>
…… </A>‖);
Whereas encodeRedirectURL() is used for URLs that refers yours site is in sendRedirect()
call. For example,String URL = ‖/servlet/sessiontracker‖;
String eURL =
113. Why is j2EE said to b multi tired application?
The J2EE platform uses a multitiered distributed application model. Application logic is
divided into components according to function, and the various application components
that make up a J2EE applicationare installed on different machines depending on the tier
in the multitiered J2EE environment to which the application component belongs. The
J2EE application parts are:
Client-tier components run on the client machine.
Web-tier components run on the J2EE server.
Business-tier components run on the J2EE server.
Enterprise information system (EIS)-tier software runs on the EIS server.
114. Why we need jsp as we already have servlet
While JSP may be great for serving up dynamic Web content and separating content from
presentation, somemay still wonder why servlets should be cast aside for JSP. The utility of
servlets is not in question. They areexcellent for server-side processing, and, with their
significant installed base, are here to stay. In fact, architecturally speaking, you can view
JSP as a high-level abstraction of servlets that is implemented as an extension of the Servlet
2.1 API. Still, you shouldn't use servlets indiscriminately; they may not be appropriate for
everyone. For instance, while page designers can easily write a JSP page using conventional
HTML or XML tools, servlets are more suited for back-end developers because they are
often written using an IDE -- a process that generally requires a higher level of
programming expertise.
115. What are the disadvantages of url rewriting?
Answer:- (Page 308)
The following Disadvantages of URL rewriting, are considerable: -
What if the user bookmarks the page and the problem get worse if server is not assigning a
uniquesession id.
Unlike cookies, state information stored in the URL is not persistent
This mechanism limits the client interaction with the server to HTTP GET request.
116. What is impact a java bean object can produce when it is stored in an
JavaBean object that is stored in Servelet Request object remain accessible for the duration
of current request.In other words until you continue to forward request to another
servlet/JSP the bean value would be available.
117. What are java beans
Answer:- (Page 356)
A java class that can be easily reused and composed together in an application. Any java
class that followscertain design conventions can be a JavaBean.
118. Can we overload main method?
Sure you can. But, the only method that will get invoked when you try to run the class is
the method withpublic static void main as the qualifier
119. What are output comments in
A comment that is sent to the client in the viewable page source.The JSP engine handles
an output commentas uninterpreted HTML text, returning the comment in the HTML
output sent to the client. You can see the comment by viewing the page source from your
Web browser.
JSP Syntax
<!-- comment [ <%= expression %> ] -->
Example 1
<!-- This is a commnet sent to client on
<%= (new java.util.Date()).toLocaleString() %>
Which listener interfaces are used to handle mouse events?
Answer:- (Page 130)
MouseMotionListener interface
Used for processing mouse motion events
Mouse motion event is generated when mouse is moved or dragged
MouseMotionListener interfaces is defined in JDK
as followspublic interface MouseMotionListener {
public void mouseDragged
(MouseEvent me);public void
mouseMoved (MouseEvent me);
Why client side validattion is used?
Answer:- (Page 480)
There are two good reasons to use client-side validation:
It's a fast form of validation: if something's wrong, the alarm is triggered upon submission of the form.
You can safely display only one error at a time and focus on the wrong field, to help ensure that
theuser correctly fills in all the details you need.
EJBs and JSP/servlet run on which server?
Answer: (Page 439)
EJBs and JSP/Servlets works in two different servers. As you already know, JSP and
Servlets runs in a web server where as EJBs requires an application server. But,
generally application server contains the web serveras well.
123. What are streams?
Answer:- (Page 85)
I/O libraries often use the abstraction of a stream, which represents any data
source or sink as an objectcapable of producing or receiving pieces of data.
Differentiate layers and tiers
Answer: (Page 435)
. Layers – represents the logical view of application
. Tiers – represents physical view of application
125. What is differences between getRequestDispatcher(String path) method using
javax.servlet.httpServletRequest or using servletContext?
The getRequestDispatcher(String path) method of javax.servlet.ServletRequest
interface accepts parameterthe path to the resource to be included or forwarded to,
which can be relative to the request of the calling servlet. If the path begins with a
―/‖ it is interpreted as relative to the current context root.The getRequestDispatcher(String
path) method of javax.servlet.ServletContextinterface cannot acceptsrelative paths. All path
must start with a ―/‖ and are interpreted as relative to current context root.
class Swap
public static void main(String args[])
{int a=1;
int b=2;
System.out.println("Before swap: a="+a+"b="+b);
System.out.println(" After swap: a="+a+"b="+b);
129. Why do we use doTag() method in tag handler class?
Answer:- (Page 435)
the dotag() method is used to implement/override to code functionality of tag. And
this is invoked when theend element of the tag encountered.
130. Why is direct call of paint() method not recommended?
Answer:- (Page 191 )
Painting is managed by system, so calling paintComponent() directly is not
recommended at all. Similarly calling paint ( ) method is also not recommended.
Why? Because such code may be invoked at times when itis not appropriate to paint
-- for instance, before the component is visible or has access to a valid Graphics
131. What is the preferred size of a component?
The preferred size of a component is the minimum component size that will allow
the component to displaynormally.
132. What is the difference between variable declared inside a declaration part and variable
declared inscriplet part?
Variable declared inside declaration part is treated as a global variable, which
means after translation of jspfile into servlet
that variable will be declared outside the service method as an instance variable
the scope is available to the complete jsp
Variable declared inside a scriplet will be declared inside a service method as a local
variable and the scope iswith in the service method.
133. why we need tiers as we already have layers?
Answer:(Page 437 )
Layers help in building a tiered architecture. Tiers are physically separated from
each other. Layers arespread across tiers to build up an application. Two or more
layers can reside on one tier.
134. What are the advantages of jsp over php?
Answer: (Page 330 )
JSPs offer better language for dynamic part
JSPs offer better tool support
135. List any two Scope of the Java Bean?
JavaBeans have scope, just like all variables. You declare this in the jsp:useBean
element when you use thebean for the first time. There are multiple scopes possible
for a bean.
They are:
1. Page
2. Request
3. Session
136. What type of data is sent to wbserver when user submits the button?
Answer:- (Page 270 )
When a user submits a browser request to a web server, it sends two categories of data:
Form Data
Data that the user explicitly type into an HTML form. For example: registration
information provided forcreating a new email account.
Business-to-business process
integrationFor example, purchase
151. What is the Difference Between Client Socket and Server Socket?
152. Write the Code Statement to remove the Value Associated with the
“amazonSession” of Objects “Session”.
It is Not Correct Reason.
158. Write Literals that can be used as an EL. Also Write there Possible Values
1. Javax.swing.*
2. Socket
3. getOutPutStream
4. is
5. writeObject(p)
167. Write the Missing Code
import java.io.*;
public ______ WriteEx{
public ______ void main(String args[ ]){
PersonInfo pWrite = new PersonInfo("ali", "defence",
try {
// attaching FileOutput stream with “ali.dat”
FileOutputStream fos = new _________("ali.dat");
// attaching ObjectOutput stream over FileOutput stream
ObjectOutputStream out = new ObjectOutputStream(_____);
// writing object to ‘ali.dat’
// closing streams
} catch (Exception ex){
} // end class
1. class
2. static
3. FileOutputStream
4. fos
5. fos.close
168. Write a Libraries of the Given URL and Prefix in RT?
CORE, SQL, XML, Internationalization/
169. Write a Libraries of the Given URL and Prefix in EL?
170. Extra Path Information Added Parameters Custom change URL type?
171. Write a code of Cookies when Refresh a page the Cookies hide?
Cookie c=new cookie(“myname”,”JUNAID”);
Cookie [] cookies=request.getcookies();
For(int i=0; i<cookies.length; i++){
Cookie c=cookies[i];
Out.println(“My name is :” + c.getvalue());
172. Layer by Layer View