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Day 2

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▪ Control Statements

▪ Conditional/Statements(Selection Statements)

▪ Loops /Iterative Statements

▪ Jump Statements

Control Statements


▪ In this flowchart, the code will respond in the following way:

1. First of all, it will enter the loop where it checks the condition.
2. If the condition is true, the set of statements in ‘if ’ part will be executed.
3. If the condition is false, the set of statements in the ‘else’ part will be executed.


▪ The switch statement defines multiple paths for execution of a set of statements. It is a better
alternative than using a large set of if-else statements as it is a multi-way branch statement.

▪ In this Switch case flowchart, the code will respond in the following steps:
1. First of all it will enter the switch case which has an expression.
2. Next it will go to Case 1 condition, checks the value passed to the condition. If it is true, Statement block will
execute. After that, it will break from that switch case.
3. In case it is false, then it will switch to the next case. If Case 2 condition is true, it will execute the statement
and break from that case, else it will again jump to the next case.
4. Now let’s say you have not specified any case or there is some wrong input from the user, then it will go to the
default case where it will print your default statement.

Switch..case (Cont..)

While loop

▪ While statement: Repeat a group of

statements while a given condition is
true. It tests the condition before
executing the loop body.

▪ In this flowchart, the code will respond

in the following steps:
1. First of all, it will enter the loop where
it checks the condition.
2. If it’s true, it will execute the set of
code and repeat the process.
3. If it’s False, it will directly exit the loop.

Do..while loop

▪ Do-while statement: It is like a while

statement, but it tests the condition at
the end of the loop body. Also, it will
executes the program at least once.
▪ In this do-while flowchart, the code will
respond in the following steps:
1. First of all, it will execute a set of
statements that is mentioned in your
‘do’ block.
2. After that, it will come to ‘while’ part
where it checks the condition.
3. If the condition is true, it will go back
and execute the statements.
4. If the condition is false, it will directly
exit the loop.

For loop

▪ For statement: For statement execute a

sequence of statements multiple time
where you can manage the loop
variable. You basically have 3 operations
here: initialization, condition and

▪ In this flowchart, the code will respond

in the following steps:
1. First of all, it will enter the loop where
it checks the condition.
2. Next, if the condition is true, the
statements will be executed.
3. If the condition is false, it directly exits
the loop.

When we use while, do..while & for loops

▪ Scenario 1: If u want to travel by your own vehicle(two wheeler or four wheeler),You should know
how much petrol available in your vehicle and you know how much distance to travel.

▪ For loop --- Know the initial condition and no of iterations.

▪ Scenario 2: If u want to travel in a FLIGHT, You should buy a ticket then only you are eligible to
enter into the Flight.

▪ While loop ---- First satisfy the condition then Proceed.

▪ Scenario 3: If u want to travel in BUS, You can board the bus then buy the ticket.

▪ Do..while ---- Proceed first then checking.

Jump Statements

▪ Jump statement: Jump statement are used to transfer the control to another part of your program.
These are further classified into – break and continue.

Break statement

▪ Break statement: Whenever a break

statement is used, the loop is
terminated and the program control is
resumed to the next statement following
the loop
▪ In this flowchart, the code will respond in
the following steps:
1. First of all, it will enter the loop where it
checks the condition.
2. If the loop condition is false, it directly
exits the loop.
3. If the condition is true, it will then check
the break condition.
4. If break condition is true, it exists from the
5. If the break condition is false, then it will
execute the statements that are remaining
in the loop and then repeat the same steps.

Continue statement

▪ Continue statement: Continue statement is

another type of control statements. The
continue keyword causes the loop to
immediately jump to the next iteration of the

▪ In this flowchart, the code will respond in the

following steps:
1. First of all, it will enter the loop where it
checks the condition.
If the loop condition is false, it directly exits
the loop.
2. If the loop condition is true, it will execute
block 1 statements.
3. After that it will check for ‘continue’
statement. If it is present, then the statements
after that will not be executed in the same
iteration of the loop.
4. If ‘continue’ statement is not present, then all
the statements after that will be executed.

Input From the User

▪ Scanner class is to take the input from user which is imported from java.util.Scanner package.
Scanner input = new Scanner(System.in);

▪ Get Integer Input From the User

int number = input.nextInt();

▪ Get float, double and String Input

float myFloat = input.nextFloat();

▪ double myDouble = input.nextDouble();

String myString = input.next();


1. Write a Java program to get a number from the user and print whether it is positive or negative

2. Write a Java program to find greatest of 3 numbers.

3. Write a Java to display the multiplication table of a given integer using for loop.

4. Write a Java program count the number of digits of the number using while loop.

5. Write a Java program to reverse a number using while loop.

6. Write a Java program to check Number is Palindrome or not using while loop.


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