The basics
The Speaking test is the same for Academic and General Training. It is a
face-to-face interview with an IELTS examiner.
You need to be aware of the language areas the examiner is looking for.
1 Fluency is a natural,
continuous flow of language
You can only develop this with lots of
2 There are two aspects to
vocabulary and grammar
One is range: use a variety of words
3 Pronunciation ensures the
listener understands you
You need to be clear and easy to
practice. Take every opportunity you for a single concept and use complex understand. Consider
can to speak in English with family, sentences. The other is accuracy: subscribing to a program such
friends, teachers... anyone you know your vocabulary and grammar must as Clear Pronunciation from
who speaks English. be correct. Listen to how educated ClarityEnglish which helps both
native speakers talk on the BBC with individual sounds and with
(Google BBC Radio 4 schedule); word and sentence stress,
practise talking on the same topic. intonation, connected speech
Record and assess yourself. and consonant clusters.