Diseases: Space
Diseases: Space
Diseases: Space
$ 11.95
worst outrageous.
In their book Lifecloud, which has re-
ceived worldwide attention, Sir Fred
Hoyle, world-renowned astrophysicist,
and his associate, Prof. Chandra Wickrama-
singhe, argued that arrived on Earth
( Continued on backflap
Diseases from space
Fred Hoyle
Chandra Wickramasinghe
diseases from space. Text and diagrams copyright © 1979 by Fred Hoyle and Chandra
Wickramasinghe. All rights reserved. Printed in the United States of America. No part of this
book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission except
in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews. For information address
Harper & Row, Publishers, Inc., 10 East 53rd Street, New York, N.Y 10022.
isbn: 0-06-011937-3
Includes index.
1. Space medicine. 2. Communicable diseases — Etiology. 3. Diseases — Causes
and theories of causation. I. Wickramasinghe, Nalin Chandra, joint author. II. Title.
80 81 82 83 84 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
Acknowledgments ix
2 Pathogenic invaders 13
4 History of a disease 41
5 Spread of a virus 55
6 Anatomy of an epidemic 71
Bibliography 191
Index 195
List offigures
are harmful. Some have little or no interaction with plants and ani-
mals, while others serve useful functions. Bacteria in the gut of a
sheep break down cellulose in the grass eaten by the sheep into its
Descent from space
Descent from space
vered more than thirty organic substances present in the gas which
lies between the stars, particularly in dense blobs of gas out of
which new stars are continually being born. As well as the gas bet-
ween the stars, there are also myriads of small solid particles, often
called grains. Wediscovered two years ago that the heat emission
properties of these grains are uncannily similar to the known heat
properties of the commonest of all biological substances, the mater-
ial cellulose, which gives strength to the stalks of ground plants and
Descent from space
Descent from space
die, avery great deal of organic material would at first be left lying
around. Yet even such a great quantity of organic material, much of
it in the form of complex biomolecules, would not regenerate any
life. The material would become degraded into simple inorganic
molecules, much of it in a few months. Tree trunks would lie
around for some years, and peat bogs in high geographical latitudes
would persist for some centuries. But in a time exceedingly short
compared to a geological epoch the whole of even such a large ini-
tial supply of organic material would be gone.
Descent front space
ose, and even the nucleic acids and proteins in the dead cells of
plants and animals. For a proper understanding of the origin of life,
problem of how these complex biomolecules were
the difficult
formed from very much simpler organic molecules must also be
solved. Furthermore, we provided a vast quantity of organic mater-
ial as a starting point.
How, one might do biologists usually suppose that organic
molecules were produced? By the effects of ultraviolet light and of
lightning strokes in thunderstorms acting on simple inorganic
molecules - water, carbon dioxide, methane, ammonia, hydrogen
cyanide. These processes break up the simple organic molecules
into atoms and radicals which overwhelmingly recombine back into
the same simple stable inorganic molecules as before. Only a trickle
of the atoms goes into less stable organic molecules. The resulting
Descent from space
When, however, there is only a little rain, burning-up wins, and the
landscape is everywhere brown - we have the deserts of the Earth.
But of course before there was any life capable of regenerating itself
quickly there could have been no such race. In the presence of
oxygen, burning-up would win in a canter.
Descent from space
If one had certain knowledge that life really had its beginning
here on Earth it would of course be possible to infer an error in the
If life began on the Earth some four billion years ago, there is not
much to be predicted that we do not know already. But if life
originated in comets, life must still be there, because the physical
conditions in comets are very suitable to its preservation over vast
intervals of time. And comets are still with us today - about ten of
them come to the vicinity of the Earth each year. So if comets in
the distant past shed life onto the Earth, we had to consider the
possibility that comets were still doing so today. Suddenly therefore
the ideas and theories about the origin of life, apparently rooted in
the remote past, sprang for us into the immediate present. Was life
in the form of primitive bacteria still reaching the Earth? And could
viruses even be derived from comets? The idea seemed preposter-
ous, but in science one must steel oneself not to decide the correct-
ness or otherwise of ideas according to subjective prejudices. In sci-
ence, fact reigns supreme. So what were the facts?
Our readings of medical history soon showed examples of dis-
eases that fitted well with the infall onto the Earth of pathogenic
viruses and bacteria from space, to a degree where we became con-
vinced that the idea had to be taken quite seriously. We shall review
this evidence in later chapters, for the common cold in Chapter 3,
for influenza in Chapters 4, 5, 6 and for diseases more generally in
Chapter 8. Indeed we found many situations, of which the famous
historical incident described at the end of Chapter 2 is an example,
where bacteria and viruses from space seemed the only explanation
of the facts.
So it came about that the more we read and the more we probed
many and diverse arguments, the more surely we were pressed to
Descent from space
conceive in some warm little pond, with all sorts of ammonia and
phosphoric salts present, that a protein compound was chemically
formed ready to undergo still more complex changes. .’ The dif- . .
bodies, ponds which remained warm, not for a few months only,
but for millions of years. A further difference is that instead of
being supplied with ammonia and phosphoric salts our ponds are
supplied with highly complex organics, perhaps with all the
biomolecules that we discussed in our earlier book Lifecloud -
polysaccharides as an energy source, sugar-phosphate chains and
nucleotide bases for the building of proteins, porphyrins for assem-
Descent from space
Descent from space
zen surfaces that leads to the formation of the visible and famous
‘tails’ of comets, and also to the broadcasting of particles, some of
which on our view contain viruses and some of which are bacteria.
Bacteria evolving within comets are of necessity anaerobic, i.e.
out of contact with free oxygen. A small fraction of cometary bac-
teriawhich enter the Earth’s atmosphere could conceivably make a
transitionfrom the anaerobic state to an aerobic one, although the
vast majority may have perished. Aerobic bacteria on the Earth
may have originated in this way, namely as the surviving members
of the astronomically large number of cells which were shed from
comets. Viruses could be carried within living cells, or they could
be encapsulated in particles of either organic or inorganic composi-
From the arguments presented in this first chapter we find that
the case for a cometary origin of life, as well as for a continuing
infall onto the Earth of bacteria and viruses, is reasonably estab-
lished on a preliminary basis. Accepting this position, at first tenta-
tively, we shall proceed in succeeding chapters to discuss evidence
and arguments that transform what at first seems an implausible
hypothesis to a position with strong factual support.
Pathogenic invaders 2
likely that only a small fraction of all bacteria and viruses would
make the transfer safely. But because of its penchant for huge num-
bers, biology is well-geared to situations in which many perish, so
long as the few survive.
If it were not for the terrestrial atmosphere, safe arrival at the
Earth’s surface would not be possible at all. Incoming small parti-
cles would impact the hard ground directly, and would be instantly
gasified, as they must be on striking the Moon. This is the reason
why space-incident bacteria and viruses cannot be found at the sur-
face of the Moon. Yet while the Earth’s atmosphere provides for a
comparatively ‘soft’ landing, it does not remove all hazards. Entry
at high speed of a particle into the atmosphere inevitably produces a
heating of the particle. The smaller the particle, however, the cooler
it remains as it is slowed from its initially high speed by the Earth’s
upper atmosphere (the slowing down occurs at a height of about
120 kilometres above ground level).
The sizes of bacteria and viruses are therefore very relevant to
pathogens remaining cool enough not to become ‘sterilized’, and in
this connection the sizes of bacteria and of some well-known vir-
uses illustrated in Figure 2.2 are important. The calculations we give
in Appendix 2 show that for the size scale of viruses there is no
Pathogenic invaders
-i 700
- -600
- 500
- 400
- '300
- 200
100 200
l 1
1 1 i 1 If ! 1 1 1
_J L_ 1
-100 °32 100 212 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 °F
Pathogenic invaders
(1 ) Cocci
Streptococci Each cell is approximately a sphere with radius 0.5 /a
Pathogenic invaders
Borrelia recurrent!
Bacillus anthracis
Smallpox virus
Clostridium peifringens
Mumps virus
Escherichia coli
Brucella abortus
Influenza virus
Fig. 2.2 and shapes of bacteria and viruses: l/am=l millionth and
lnm= 1,000 millionth of a metre (adapted from C. G. A. Thomas, Medical
Microbiology, London, 1973)
Fig. 2.3 Schematic representation of pathogenic clouds settling at
ground level. The patches (shaded areas) cover about one third of the total
Pathogenic invaders
boat journeys with long periods at sea were frequent, there were
often reports of epidemics occurring many days after leaving the
last port of After recovering, passengers would sometimes to
Among the animals, far-flying birds are particularly exposed to
attack, since they are inevitablygoing to move sooner or later into
one or more of the dark blobs of Figure 2.3. Hence we may expect
birds to have evolved better immunities than more or less sedentary
land animals have done. For influenza, the most carefully studied
cross-species disease, this is certainly so.
The patches of Figure 2.3 can be generated at ground-level by
local obstacles - hills, woodland areas, buildings - as well as by
natural eddies of the air. As another example, hot air near a furnace
Pathogenic invaders
Pathogenic invaders
Pathogenic invaders
they longed for more eagerly than to throw themselves into cold
water; many of those who had no one to look after them actually
plunged into the cisterns. They were tormented by unceasing thirst,
which was not in the least assuaged whether they drank much or
little. They could find no way of resting, and sleeplessness attacked
them throughout. While the disease was at its height, the body,
instead of wasting away, held out amid these sufferings unexpec-
tedly. Thus, most died on the seventh to ninth day of internal fever,
though their strength was not exhausted; or, if they survived, then
the disease descended into the bowels and there produced violent
lesions; at the same time diarrhoea set in which was uniformly fluid,
and at a later stage caused exhaustion, and this finally carried them
off with few exceptions. For the disorder which had originally settled
in the head passed gradually through the whole body and, if a person
got over the worst, would often seize the extremities and leave its
mark, attacking the privy parts, fingers and toes; and many escaped
with the loss of these, some with the loss of their eyes. Some again
had no sooner recovered than they were seized with a total loss of
memory and knew neither themselves nor their friends.
The character of the malady no words can describe, and the fury
with which it fastened upon each sufferer was too much for human
nature to endure. There was one circumstance in particular which
distinguished it from ordinary diseases. Although so many bodies
were lying unburied, the birds and animals which feed on human
flesh either never came near them or died if they touched them. This
is the evidence: there was a manifest disappearance of birds of prey,
which were not to be seen either near the bodies or anywhere else;
while in the case of the dogs what happened was even more obvious
because they live with man.
Pathogenic invaders
The viral connection 3
The viral connection
of the influenza virus lies within animals other than ourselves. The
immediate difficulty with this point of view is that the influenza
virus exists in several types, each with many subtypes, and that the
subtypes which are found in other animals are not in themselves of
the right kind to attack humans in a clearly infectious way. Our
view is that influenza is found in both humans and animals because
we are all subject to the incidence of pathogens from space, with the
different types and subtypes of influenza virus picking out the par-
ticular terrestrial species that they are best able to attack. According
to our point of view pathogens like influenza and the common cold,
which are the ones without detectable human reservoirs, must be
renewed frequently and almost continuously from space, otherwise
they would quickly become extinct. Hence in looking for evidence
of the incidence of diseases from space, it is to continuously driven
cases like influenza and the common cold that we naturally turn,
rather than to potentially long-persisting diseases like smallpox.
The reason, of course, is that the incidence of smallpox from space,
if it occurred many centuries ago, would not be susceptible to
present-day investigation.
In this chapter we shall discuss the common cold, and in several
following chapters we shall be concerned with the strange
epidemiology of influenza. In particular, we shall be interested in
the question of whether or not these diseases are passed at all readily
from one person to another, for if person-to-person transmission
can be shown not to take place then it becomes hard to avoid the
conclusion that viruses do indeed settle down onto us from the
At first sight one might think the only procedure for verifying
the cometary theory of the origin of life would be directly through
a space voyage to an actual comet, by acquiring material there and
by returning to Earth with it. While we believe that visiting a
comet would inevitably have great scientific interest, we ourselves
have no explicit practical part to play in deciding whether or not
such a space voyage will be made in the future. We have therefore
turned our thoughts in other directions. We thought of high-flying
aircraft collecting micrometeorites from space, using a technique
essentially similar to the catching of flies with sticky paper. The
sticky paper would be returned to Earth, the microparticles picked
off it individually,and then examined for their inner contents. In
principle, one could then check to see if reproductive viruses and
The viral connection
The viral connection
they do for influenza, and perhaps also for the common cold, and
furthermore if the virus in question has no known reservoir, the
complications do not arise. The problem then simplifies to one of
incidence only. It is for this reason that we shall be so concerned in
The viral connection
would take about ten days for the disease to spread through a group
of, say, fifty By way of contrast to tins rather slow spread
by person-to-person transmission, we shall find many examples of
outbreaks of these diseases that are much swifter in their onset than
In the first place, those of us who suffer from cold in the head,
with discharge from the nostrils, generally find this discharge more
acrid than that which previously formed there and daily passed from
the nostrils; it makes the nose swell, and inflames it to an extremely
fiery heat, as is shown if you put your hand upon it. And if the
The viral connection
mon cold
its great nuisance value. In our view persistence indicates
The viral connection
Fig. 3.1 Incidence of the common cold (heavy line) compared with
ground temperature (thin line) as a function of time (after R. E. Hope-
The viral connection
The belief that cold causes colds is so widespread as, in most peo-
ple’s minds, to admit of no question. In one enquiry 64 % of those
questioned thought their colds were brought on by chilling.
Nevertheless, experimental proof is lacking. Experiments to test the
matter were carried out at the Salisbury Unit. In the first experiment
we took three groups with six volunteers in each. These, it may be
said, specially volunteered for the rather harsh treatment we gave
them. Three pairs took hot baths and thereafter stood about in bath-
ing attire, undried, in a cool corridor for half-an-hour or as long as
they could stand it. Then they were allowed to dress but still wore
wet socks for some hours. Most of them had a considerable drop in
body temperature and felt rather chilled and miserable. Three other
pairs received the dilute virus plus the special chilling treatment.
Chilling alone produced no colds. The group receiving virus alone
developed two colds; those with chilling and dilute vims got four
colds. . . .
The viral connection
carrying heat from sea to land can have its greatest efficiency. Con-
sequently in late winter the greatest rain-bearing storms sweep
from the sea onto the land. Such storms produce eddy transfers into
the stratosphere and they also generate electrical fields that reach far
up into the stratosphere. The direction of these fields is such that
they usually pull downward small micrometeorites which other-
wise would take years to fall through still air. To be effective, this
process requires the particles to be less than about five millionths of
a centimetre in diameter, a condition satisfied by virus particles.
Thus small micrometeorites are dragged down through the Earth’s
upper atmosphere more effectively in winter than they are in sum-
mer. A marked seasonal effect for the incidence of small virus-
containing micrometeorites is therefore to be expected.
The work of the Salisbury Unit is widely accepted as having
demonstrated that colds are not easily transmitted among normal
populations. To quote Sir Christopher Andrewes again:
The viral connection
The viral connection
I »
a jL
0 I
= One case
L i
= Ship ex Cape Town |
= Ship other than ex Cape Town
The viral connection
planned therefore to keep the whole thing under our own con-
trol by marooning our own party of explorers on our own desert
island. We learnt through Dr Fraser Darling of a suitable island,
Eilean nan Ron, lying one and half miles off the little port of Skerray
on the north coast of Sutherland. It was just over a mile long and less
than a mile wide surrounded by fairly steep cliffs but with one good
landing place. The island had a number of well-built houses on it but
had been abandoned by the inhabitants for economic reasons twelve
years earlier. It belonged to the Duke of Sutherland who kindly lent
it to us. A
few of the houses were readily made habitable and early in
July 1950a party of twelve volunteers was, not unwillingly,
marooned on the island. Most of them were students from the Uni-
versity of Aberdeen; in charge was an ex-superintendent of police.
They were to be there for three months, their summer vacation, the
longest period for which we could readily obtain volunteers. They
took with them all the stores and equipment they needed for their
stay; and they also had a small radio transmitter and receiver with
which they maintained daily contact with the mainland.
One man had a cold on arrival, July 8th; another case occurred on
July 9th and three more on July 11th. There were no more until the
isolation ended on September 19th. On that day a colleague and I
landed and made contact with some of the party to see whether any
stranger, even without a cold, could introduce infection. Nothing
having happened, another of our team arrived with five others; all
had just been inoculated in Aberdeen with one of our ‘pedigree’
colds, that is one which had been studied for some while at Salis-
bury. Meanwhile the island had been divided into three, each third
inhabited by a party of four islanders, who kept apart from the other
two parties. Each group was exposed under different conditions to
the newly arrived party, each of whom had either developed a cold
already, or did so very shortly after landing. The ‘colds’ had arrived
late in the day, but as early coids are probably the most infectious we
The viral connection
carried out the experiment forthwith and far into the night. It was a
fine night and a magnificent display of the Aurora Borealis made the
whole thing most romantic.
The six invaders with colds attempted to infect the islanders in one
of three ways. They occupied a room in one of the houses for three
hours in the absence of the four ‘natives (party A). To quote the
report: ‘During their occupation they were liberal in the way they
disseminated nasal discharge on playing cards, books, cutlery and
handles of cups, letters, chairs, door-handles and tables. They then left
the room, which was aired for half-an-hour before party A entered.
The invaders then occupied a room with party B, being separated
from them by a blanket stretched across the room but not quite reach-
ing floor or ceiling. This arrangement was intended, and in fact shown
by appropriate tests, to permit fine droplet nuclei to pass to the op-
posite half of the room while stopping coarse particles. Party C lived
and ate with the people with the colds for three days, allowing max-
imum exposure. To our intense surprise and disappointment, no colds
developed in any of the groups. Four more people with colds arrived a
few days later and were exposed to party A under conditions of max-
imum exposure’. Again no colds developed.
We then learnt, through our radio, of a crofter on the mainland
who had a cold, though not a very early, streaming one. He was
exposed to party B, talking round a fire for two periods of two
hours, and this time transfer was successful, three or four of the B s
developed colds within a few days. In reviewing the results we
inclined to think at the time that our ‘pedigree’ cold strain was
that by bad luck this was due to a virus of the same type as the
pedigree virus used in the later test.
The viral connection
The viral connection
The viral connection
much less understood in 1931 than it is today, and it does not seem
to us implausible that allergic attackswere added into Figure 3.3.
Modern investigations in the antarctic, when interpreted with
respect to the orthodox theory of transmission of the common cold,
are quite variable in their implications. M. Holmes, T. R. Allen,
A. F. Bradburne and E. J. Stott detail the movements of the RRS
John Briscoe, with respect to outbreaks of upper respiratory illness
on both the boat itself and following its arrival at the British base
at Stonington Island. These data agree well with orthodox theory.
On the other hand, A. S. Cameron and B. W. Moore, reporting
Fig. 3.3 Incidence of the common cold in Spitzbergen. The curve indi-
cates temperature and the vertical black columns the number of colds
occurring each week (fromj. H. Paul and H. L. Freese, American Journal
Hygiene, 17, 517, 1933)
The viral connection
History of a disease 4
History of a disease
ent in other European countries during this time. Then in 1552 the
disease disappeared as mysteriously as it had appeared.
The symptoms of influenza are clearly seen in a letter which Lord
Randolph sent from Edinburgh addressed to Lord Cecil in
November 1562:
History of a disease
The queen kept her bed six days. There was no appearance of
danger, nor manie that die of the disease, excepte some old folkes.
My lord of Murraye is now presently in it, the lord of Lidlington
hathe had it, and I am ashamed to say that I have byne free of it,
Certain Possible
— 1729-30
1732-33 —
— 1742-43
— 1761-62
— 1767
— 1775-76
1781-82 —
— 1788-89
1800-02 —
1830-33 —
— 1836-37
1847—48 —
— 1850-51
1857-58 —
— 1873-75
1889-90 —
History of a disease
* Data baaad partly on tha Laagua of Nations Health Organization's Actual t+UrmtolagUml Jtryora
Fig. 4.1 Annual death rate from influenza in England and Wales (from
Influenza: A Review of Current Research, WHO Monograph Series, 1954)
marks a sudden step function rise in the death-rate, a rise from which
we have never since quite recovered. A satisfactory reason for this
steep rise has not been given, but a possible explanation could be that
the years 1889—1890 marked the advent from space of new influenza
types possessing suddenly increased degrees of virulence.
The first outbreaks of the 1889 pandemic occurred in Bukhara in
May and June of that year. By October influenza had
Russia in
Tomsk in Siberia and to Leningrad (St Petersburg), and
spread to
by November and December the whole of Western Europe and
North America were engulfed. During the following four to six
History of a disease
called there. Then there was a puzzling long delay before the pandemic
reached Australia. This country seems to have been quite remark-
ably free of disease until early in 1919, despite all the ships which
put in there from infected ports, and despite all the attacks which
occurred in mid-ocean. The first influenza death in Australia oc-
curred at Sydney on 10 February 1919 and was reported in The Times
of London of 20 February 1919. It was claimed that this amazing
postponement was due to the imposition of strict quarantine by
Australian port authorities. Quarantine, however, has not otherwise
been found effective for influenza, nor could it have been enforced
to a degree that was complete enough to result in the abeyance
ofthe disease. (Medical reports from Australia, appearing in The Lancet
History of a disease
in late 1919, suggest that the quarantine claims had been much
exaggerated by a bureaucracy anxious to defend itself against wide-
spread criticism.)
Again there were glaring inequalities in the way ships at sea were
affected. Passenger liners arriving in Australia during the pandemic
recorded attack-rates aboard ship that varied between four and
forty-three per cent. And there were similar differences in the
attack-rateson crews of ships in the British Navy. There were also
gross differences in the behaviour of English public schools, an
issuewhich we shall take up in detail in Chapter 6.
The highly erratic behaviour of the influenza virus, which was
thus brought home so dramatically in the 1917-1919 pandemic, is
hard to reconcile with the usual orthodox idea of a person-to-
person spread of the disease. The virus apparently has the property
of being able to make leaps in days over many thousand miles on
the one hand, and is yet barely able to travel tens of miles in periods
of weeks or months. This is how Dr Louis Weinstein writes of the
1917-1919 pandemic:
characterised by high attack rates (50 per cent of the world’s popula-
tion was affected) but by very low fatality rates. The lethal sec-
. . .
four weeks after it was first detected in Chicago, the distance between
those areas being only 38 miles. . . .
History of a disease
lar age groupings that are concerned with similar daily occupations.
The late 1918 death-rate from respiratory diseases in Pittsburgh
exceeded that in Toledo, not by a few per cent or a few tens of per
cent, but by an enormous 400 per cent.
Moving on thirty years to 1948, the influenza pandemic of that
year began in Sardinia, spreading out from the initial region of inci-
dence in the way shown in Figure 4.2. Because it was the initial
focus, the situation as it occurred in Sardinia was the subject of
careful subsequent study. Commenting on the first appearance of
the disease, Professor F. Magrassi had this to say:
We were able to verify . .the appearance of influenza in
shepherds who were living for a long time alone, in solitary open
country far from any inhabited centre; this occurred absolutely con-
temporaneously with the appearance of influenza in the nearest inha-
bited centres.
History of a disease
infectious disease had taken firm root. . . .
History of a disease
History of a disease
the opposite way, by breaking the bond between the virus particle
and the red blood cell. The former type of spike, or antigen, is
called haemaglutinin (H), and the latter is called neuraminidase (N).
It is H
that is responsible for the attack, while enables the virus to N
gain egress from an invaded cell, thereby permitting the virus to
History of a disease
History of a disease
History of a disease
at present affected, and many sheep had died as a result of the epidemic.
Spread of a virus
According to our theory, which is that bacteria and viruses are inci-
dent from space, some diseases will be infectious and others will
not. On the usual view, however, which requires every disease to
have a permanent pathogenic reservoir indigenous to the Earth, dis-
eases are always ‘caught’, either through person-to-person transmis-
sion or through a transfer from animal to human. For influenza,
there is no known permanent human reservoir, and so it is usual to
postulate that one or more of the reservoirs existing in the animals
of Table 4.2 can emerge from time to time in an assault on the
human population. Emergence is thought to be associated with two
different subtypes of virus coming together in an animal host cell,
and with their genetic material becoming mixed during replication
in a viable way, thereby producing a new active subtype of virus
distinct from its two parents. It may happen that humans are sus-
ceptible to the new subtype. If so, it is argued, the new subtype
bursts out of its animal host into the human population, like a snake
breaking out from a hitherto closed box.
The generation of new subtypes of virus through a hybrid cross
is known to be possible, as we mentioned already in Chapter 4.
Although the process may be common in animals, cases in which
the new recombinant hybrid happens to be highly pathogenic for
man must be uncommon. Hence we cannot postulate that a new sub-
type, virulent for man, emerges simultaneously in many different
Spread of a virus
This was the so-called Asiatic influenza pandemic. The first report
was from Bukhara in Russia in May. At the start it spread very slowly
and it was not until October that it reached Tomsk and the
Caucasus. Then it spread rapidly westward and throughout the
of Schild,
1957 month C.
of sixth
The Epidemic
5.1 C.
= =
(2) © (from
Spread of a vims
made a leap, not along the popular air routes to New York or
Chicago, but to Montana. Week 46 shows a further stepwise
filling-in among the mountain states; and at last, six weeks from the
first outbreak, there is a leap to New York, but still not to Chicago,
Spread of a virus
i i i i i i i i
1967 65 60 52 44 34 24 14 04 1894 84
Year of birth
Fig. 5.3 Age distribution of 1/30 positive antibody titres to Asian flu,
before an epidemic in 1957 (plotted from data in S. J. Machin et al., Journal
of Hygiene, Cambridge, 68, 497)
Spread of a vims
comets, have eccentric orbits around the Sun with periodicities that
are mostly quite differentfrom (longer than) that of the Earth itself.
Micrometeorites from the same comet tend to extend in a ribbon-
like distribution along their orbit. Depending on the amount of this
extension, encounters with the Earth can vary from twice a year to
being exceedingly infrequent. For a compact cloud of meteorites, if
encounter is to take place, the Earth must not only cross the orbit of
the cloud but it must do so at just the moment when the cloud
happens to be at the crossing point. This will happen only very
rarely, because of the so-called incommensurability of the orbital
periods of the Earth and the meteorites. As the cloud spreads itself
more and more into a ribbon, however, it will take longer and
longer for all the meteorites to pass through the region of the cross-
ing point, giving an increasing chance for the Earth to arrive there
while the meteorites are still passing by. Indeed, with sufficient
spreading it will take longer than a year for the whole distribution
of meteorites to sweep through the region of the crossing point,
and then encounter will be certain to occur, every time the elon-
gated cluster of meteorites goes around its orbit. For micrometeor-
ites containing bacteria and viruses we can therefore have repeated
encounters with the same pathogen. The interval of 75 to 80 years
for both H2 N2 and H3 N2 suggests a connection with Halley’s
comet, which has a present-day period of 76.2 years, but which has
varied over the past two millennia from about 75 years on the low
side to about 79 years on the high side.
This is our first mention of an explicit comet, and it may be
wondered why we have not sought to develop our point of view in
terms of a roster of comets, giving dates when the Earth has actu-
ally crossed their paths, and then correlating the outbreaks of dis-
ease with the known encounters. But comets do not shed just one
cloud of micrometeorities. From a particular comet there will be
several, perhaps many, such clouds and each one of them will
behave in the manner discussed above. Moreover, the several clouds
of micrometeorites come to follow different orbits, because they are
disturbed in different ways by the gravitational fields of the planets.
Nor would such clouds continue to follow the same orbit as the
parent comet. The problem is therefore one of extreme complexity,
to which there is no simple solution.
It is possible to examine with radar techniques meteors entering
Spread of a virus
which are associated with comets were found, but with orbits that
were considerably variable from the original comet, and variable
one from another. This finding verifies directly the conclusion of
the preceding paragraph. Cometary debris is therefore a complex
Returning to the Asian flu virus of 1957 (H2 N2), and to the
Hong Kong strain (H3 N2) of 1968, if indeed these subtypes reap-
peared after seventy-five to eighty years of abeyance, the usual
theory of the recombinant origin of the antigenic shifts of the
influenza virus is in trouble. The situation turns on the significance
of the antibody content of the blood sera of old people (Figure 5.3).
This might seem a somewhat thin basis on which to reject a widely
held belief, and it is therefore of interest and importance that the
same phenomenon has now arisen in a more direct way. The
dominant strain of influenza virus from 1946 to 1957 was HI N1
(see Table 4.2). After 1957, this particular subtype disappeared,
only to reappear again in China in the Spring of 1977. Once again
HI N1 has now spread across much of the world. Here then we
have a direct verification that influenza subtypes can disappear and
reappear, which they should not do according to the recombinant
hypothesis. There is no difficulty at all, however, from the point
of view that influenza is a disease in man that is driven directly
from space.
The best example known to us that is suggestive of a person-to-
person transmission of influenza occurred on the island of Tristan da
Cunha in August 1971. The epidemic involved 96 per cent of the
284 indigenous islanders. It followed immediately after the arrival
of the boat Tristania on 13 August, as is shown in Figure 5.4. The
boat had come from Cape Town, an eight-day journey. On it were
five islanders who had visited Cape Town either for medical treat-
ment or on holiday. Three of these five had come down with acute
respiratory disease during the voyage and the other two did so
shortly after landing. The boat crew itself was not affected. The
alternative ways of explaining these facts are:
(1) A pathogenic patch of influenza virus hit Tristan da Cunha
Spread of a virus
Spread of a virus
Spread of a virus
Table 5.1
Attack-Rates %
Families Individuals
General Population 39 38 32 26
Physicians 56 52 34 33
Nurses 51 31 12 14
Pharmacists 15 33 7 17
Spread of a vims
peculiar disease anything at all might happen in just one such exper-
iment. We were therefore led to consider what else might be done.
By now we had rejected, for the psychological reasons we have
Spread of a virus
poraneously in the week 19-25 December 1977 for the widely sepa-
rated cities of Murmansk (68.59N, 33.08E), Kuibyshev (53. ION,
Spread of a virus
1977 1978
Fig. 5.5 Death rates from influenza in four widely separated cities in the
USSR during the 1977-1978 epidemic (from data supplied by Professor
V. M. Zhdanov)
Spread of a virus
Spread of a virus
space, by arguing that the virus gets sucked up from infected per-
sons or animals and is then blown around the troposphere by
winds. Because of the susceptibility of the free virus to deactivation
we do not think it would be possible to sustain this idea, but it is at
least arguable. What is not arguable any more is that influenza pass-
es from person to person like a bucket along a line. This idea is
now as dead as it should have been from the days of Charles
Anatomy of an epidemic \
breathed, there is the critical issue of whether the virus becomes free
while the larger host particle remains within the respiratory tract.
The drinking of a cup or glass of liquid may wash the particle down
into the stomach, and it may well be more or less random events of
this kind that decide the apparently capricious nature of attacks of
influenza and of the common cold. This is why there are so many
cases in which one spouse contracts influenza and the other escapes.
The discriminations of the disease are not to be explained by varia-
tions of immunity. Indeed to a first approximation (for any reason-
Anatomy of an epidemic
Anatomy of an epidemic
Table 6.1
the other hand if such particles once entered a city they could well
blow around for quite a long time, whereas virus embedded in an
organic capsule would tend to become stuck firmly to leaves and to
grass whenever it fell in the countryside, and so would not readily
be stirred up into the air again by the wind. There were ample
Anatomy of an epidemic
Fig. 6.2 Excess absences (per cent) above normal for Howell’s School.
The two curves show absences for whole school and for pupils in the first
two forms only
Anatomy of an epidemic
Fig. 6.3 Excess total absences (per cent) above normal for Howell’s,
Llanishen High and St Cyres Dinas Powis
Anatomy of an epidemic
Fig. 6.4 Excess total absences (per cent) above normal for Cardiff High,
Balfour House and Clifton College
Anatomy of an epidemic
eight cases into the dormitories where they had occurred, and as the
work proceeded she became more and more astonished to find how
many of the dormitories had only a single victim. If one were to
distribute 48 apples randomly into 85 boxes the most likely dis-
tribution would be 1 box with 3 apples, 7 boxes with 2 apples, 31
boxes with 1 apple, and the rest with nothing, the proportions of
the apple-containing boxes being given approximately by the
binomial terms
1 47 1 47.46
2 84 2
! 84 '
3 !
Anatomy of an epidemic
mind. Here was a situation that could hardly have been improved
upon in a planned experiment. From that moment onwards we
knew that influenza is not a transmitted disease.
It was also lucky that we had chosen to look at the dormitory
1 2 4 7 10 25 5 16 H
6 31 Hazelwood
14 24 13
11 12 23 3 21
13 19 15 H
0 0
H 9
18 |~28 29
26 27
0 n Bryn Taff
should not involve itself in the personal lives of the pupils of this or
any other school. Conceivably we might have gained from seeking
such information in particular cases, but in the long run we would
inevitably have introduced psychological bias into the results.
Is there any support for person-to-person transmission in the data
of Figure 6.5? Certainly not from groupings like (13, 15, 19) which
were contemporaneous, but what of the particular dormitory at top
left with victims 1, 2, 4, 6? Did victim 1 infect the others, or was
Average no.
of victims
expected in such
No. of such dormitories if
dormitories in assigned cases
No. of beds Hazelwood were distributed Actual no.
in dormitory and Taylor randomly of cases
6 3 9.18 10
5 2 5.10 4
4 2 4.08 5
3 2 3.06 3
2 i 3 3.06 ^ ,rA
l) 439 4
3 ) 1 . 53 } 3 )
Anatomy of an epidemic
one box and only 9 into the other, 28 into one box and 8 into the
other, and so on, the chance of any one of these unusual distribu-
tions turning up would be about 1 in 100. The chance was small
enough to make us suspect that we had come on a real effect, not a
mere statistical fluctuation, but perhaps not small enough to force
us to this conclusion, since the conclusion was far too remarkable to
be accepted lightly. Evidently the matter needed further investiga-
tion, and for this we had to look to schools outside the Cardiff area.
Eventually we were to receive a veritable torrent of information
showing that our first suspicions derived from the Howell’s data
were indeed correct. The incidence of the influenza virus is patchy
on a scale of a hundred yards, and probably on a scale even less than
this. We shall come to the explanation of this remarkable fact at the
Anatomy of an epidemic
Anatomy of an epidemic
Anatomy of an epidemic
Anatomy of an epidemic
30 Jan 1 7 2 6 8
31 5 10 3 7 6
1 Feb 3 12 1 6 4
2 6 10 2 3 5
3 7 8 6 3 4
6 3 4 26 9 5
7 1 4 26 6 3
8 2 4 22 4 3
9 1 1 25 3 3
10 2 1 20 5 3
13 0 4 6 0 0
14 0 2 3 2 1
15 0 3 1 2 0
16 0 2 0 2 1
17 0 2 2 2 0
Anatomy of an epidemic
Anatomy of an epidemic
we had found for the Cardiff area. But while in our own survey we
had not found much difference in the attack-rates on the youngest
and oldest pupils, we now found considerable differences for those
schools which reported attack-rates on both preparatory schools
and senior schools. Nevertheless, when we plotted the numbers on
the correlation diagram of Figure 6.8 we found that the points for
this limited sample of schools were scattered about a line of 45°
slope, indicating that any difference of susceptibility between the
younger and older pupils was really as unimportant as we ourselves
had found it to be. Some other much more important factor was
evidently involved in producing the scatter of points in Figure 6.8.
In our own survey all pupils had occupied the same buildings. Here
seniors and juniors were usually occupying different buildings. At
The King’s School, Ely, the situation was much the same as in our
own survey, and at The King’s School the attack-rates were: Senior
day pupils, 57 per cent; Junior day pupils, 56 per cent; Senior boar-
Fig. 6.8 Correlation of attack-rates for Junior and Senior pupils (Junior 5
to 13; Senior2il4).
The larger filled circles represent schoolswhere the Junior pupils have
been virtually unscathed. The eye can detect about 10% in the data
towards a higher attack-rate on Juniors. This is a fluctuation at about one
standard deviation which would arise at random with 30% probability; or
the bias could be due to a 10% increased susceptibility of Juniors to attack
by the influenza virus; or it could be due to the greater solicitude which
parents and school authorities generally have for Juniors. More data will
be required to decide between these three possibilities
Anatomy of an epidemic
ders, 56 per cent; Junior boarders, 57 per cent. This was another
hint of how crucially important buildings can be in their effect on
influenza attack-rates, a conclusion that was eventually to be driven
home to us with overwhelming force.
We also found no significant difference of susceptibility between
day pupils and boarders. For individual schools there were often
marked differences, which we expected to find because day pupils
occupy the whole catchment area of a school in the hours between
about 5.00 pm and 9.00 am (i.e. for two-thirds of the time),
whereas boarders remain at the particular location of the school.
But when the attack-rates were plotted on a correlation diagram, as
in Figure 6.9 with each point representing an individual school, no
significant difference remained. It so happened that many of the
Anatomy of an epidemic
that we could not have foreseen. There would have been no possi-
bility of designing a grandiose questionnaire bringing all this infor-
mation to light.
Here we shall confine the discussion of these special replies to one
topic, the influence of buildings on influenza attack-rates. As a pre-
lude to the discussion it will be useful to mention a few ideas in the
theory of probability. To illustrate the calculation of what is called
the ‘standard deviation’, we can consider the experiment of tossing
a penny n times. The standard deviation for this experiment is
obtained by taking the square root of np(p— 1), with p the probabil-
ity of throwing a head, and (1 — p) the probability of throwing a tail.
It is usual to think of a penny as being unbiased, by which one
Anatomy of an epidemic
Now we can ask what the chances are for fluctuations of various
amounts to turn up. 'Hie situation for the experiment of tossing a
penny 64 times is shown in Table 6.4. The table shows that in about
one such experiment in three the number of heads obtained would
turn out either to be less than 28 or more than 36 (i.e. outside the
range 28 to 36). However, one would need to do the experiment
about 1,000 million times before the number of heads would be less
than 8 or more than 56. If in practice one were to obtain less than 8
or more than 56 heads then it would be wise to suspect that the
penny was biased. Detection of bias in what is supposed to be a
random situation is indeed one of the main purposes of this kind of
fluctuation analysis, as for instance detection of bias in the spin of a
roulette wheel.
Result outside
Fluctuation more than: the range: Chance of happening:
Anatomy of an epidemic
Anatomy of an epidemic
should say that the chance against such a fluctuation (again if the
houses themselves were not involved) was 1 in 40 million. But
there are at least four other houses also with large fluctuations,
and CAI. If these are taken together with Col-
lege House, the chance of the Eton situation being ‘unbiased’ is as
little as 1 in 100,000,000,000,000,000. That is to say, one would need
Anatomy of an epidemic
Anatomy of an epidemic
Anatomy of an epidemic
able, when indeed the issue may depend only on where we may
happen to be situated in relation to local turbulence in the wind. For
some places the pathogen simply blows safely by, for other places it
strikes, as it struck at Latimer House, Headington (Table 6.3), and
Anatomy of an epidemic
23 Jan 27 Jan
27 Jan 30 Jan
1 Feb 3 Feb
4 Feb 7-9 Feb
18-19 Feb 21-24 Feb
Fig. 6.11 Average of mean wind speedx precipitation data for several
non-coastal meteorological stations
Anatomy of an epidemic
cerning the human nose. The human nose is not a directly scaled-
down version of an animal snout, such as is possessed by dogs,
pigs, bears, cattle and so on - animals that have evolved out in the
open. The human nose is a built-up version of an ape’s nose, which
consists externally of little beyond two adjacent holes in the face.
An ape’s nose probably fine for a creature living in a forest, pro-
Anatomy of an epidemic
The evaluation of the human nose would also permit one to con-
clude that transmission from individual to individual has never been
the dominant factor in the spread of disease, for transmission
would have happened in the forest just as much as on open ground.
Itwas therefore something which happened in open ground, some-
thing which could not be transmission, that generated heavy selec-
tion pressure for the human beak-nose. Moreover the
density throughout prehistoric times was low and could not
supported the reservoirs of bacteria and viruses that are required by
the transmission hypothesis. Prehistoric populations were like
modern isolated communities, and it is one of the tenets of the
transmission hypothesis that pools of disease die out in such com-
munities - as on Tristan da Cunha.
Throughout the history of our species open ground has been
highly dangerous, unlike dense unbroken forest which afforded
effective protection against the rain of pathogens from the sky. The
rain of pathogens was not steady. It came in devastating bursts, the
biggest bursts being separated by thousands of years. When the
bursts came there was slaughter of animals on a vast scale, all over
the open ground. Even animals with long snouts succumbed. In the
first part of the next chapter we shall consider aremarkable quota-
tion that will give us a valid impression of what happened on such
Isolation and pandemics |
Isolation and pandemics
Olympus with his bow and covered quiver on his back. As he set
out, the arrows clanged on the shoulder of the angry god; and his
descent was like nightfall. He sat down opposite the ships and shot
an arrow, with a dreadful twang from his silver bow. He attacked
the mules first and the nimble dogs; then he aimed his sharp arrows
at the men, and struck and struck again. Day and night innumerable
fires consumed the dead.
(Trans. E. V. Rieu)
Isolation and pandemics
if one side had clearly had the upper hand there would have been no
worthwhile story. Seen in the context of the structure of the Iliad,
the plague was clearly introduced by Homer as a stage-setting
device, and so one must naturally be suspicious of its accuracy. Yet
it is surely doubtful that any writer, however fictionally gifted,
tion which might well have been known to his audience, and which
if it were so known would carry him smoothly through his piece of
Moving forward eight centuries, we come to a more extended
quotation. Publius Vergilius Maro, Virgil to posterity, was a
farmer’s son. Born in 70 BC, he emerged around 38 BC as a poet
of repute. In 37 BC, or thereabouts, he began the composition of a
practical primer for the farmer, but written remarkably as a long
and splendid poem. Towards the end of Book III of the Georgies he
writes of the need for the shepherd to be constantly on the watch
for the health of his flock:
Isolation and pandemics
How clearly speaks the farmer’s son. Were the modern farmer
suddenly stripped of his disinfectants and antibiotics he could do
much worse than follow Virgil. So let us continue with the aston-
ishing final passage of Book III of the Georgies. It is important to
notice that the particular animals which Virgil mentions - dogs,
birds, swine, horses, even cattle - are just the animals which mod-
em research shows are attacked by the influenza virus (cf. Table
4.2). (It is also interesting that vims isolated from cattle in the
Soviet Union has been found capable of infecting cattle elsewhere.)
This correspondence of animal species suggests that the disease
described by Virgil was indeed influenza, although there would also
be bacterial secondary effects, and it suggests that his account of the
disease was in all respects correct. At first sight one might have
suspicions about the four lines beginning ‘The vast deep’s brood
. . Yet even here it is relevant that there have been reports of
antibody to Hong Kong virus found in seals, so that Virgil’s refer-
ence to the ‘seals that fled strangely up the river mouths’ was prob-
ably well-founded. Also it is interesting to compare Virgil’s ‘shy
deer and fleeting stags roamed round the houses .’ with the mod-
. .
Isolation and pandemics
Isolation and pandemics
Isolation and pandemics
Isolation and pandemics
We have taken the liberty of omitting parts of the report that were not relevant to our story,
and we have set in italics the important remarks. Note that Senator Weeks is not listed
among those present.
Isolation and pandemics
up to date is $107,000.
Isolation and pandemics
Gov. RIGGS: From the reports that I had about November 25, before
leaving there, 40 had died and about 300 were ill. The
naval collier Brutus, with officers of the Public Health
Service, was sent up there, and afforded some relief.
Isolation and pandemics
Sen. SMITH And ifyou keep up the ‘conservation’ that they have been
of Arizona: practicing up there, all the balance of them will leave or die
in the next few years.
Sen. SMOOT: Governor, may I ask you a few questions about the
estimated expense incurred? You stated that it was
$107,000. Do
understand that that $107,000
I is the
estimate of expenses incurred under your order?
Gov. RIGGS: Under my order and the order of the Bureau of Educa-
tion; yes, sir - the authorizations.
Gov. RIGGS: They have asked me if I would authorize it, and just in
the interest of humanity there I have taken the respon-
sibility and said that I would authorize it.
Sen. SMOOT: Has the Territory paid anything toward this amount at
Gov. RIGGS: In the last Red Cross drive they raised approximately
$160,000. Twenty-five per cent of that, or about
$40,000, remained in the Territory.
Gov. RIGGS: I beg your pardon; the Health Department of the Gov-
Isolation and pandemics
Senator SMITH What is the rate per cent of your taxation generally?
of Arizona:
The CHAIRMAN: What did you say the income from taxation in Alaska
is, altogether?
Gov. RIGGS: The income from the Territorial taxation - I will give
it to you exactly, Senator -
Gov. RIGGS: (Resignedly letting the cat come out of the bag): have We
that balance on hand still in the Territorial treasury.
Senator SMITH
of Maryland: Over $600,000?
Isolation and pandemics
Sen. KENYON: Can you not have a special session of the legislature to
take care of this matter?
Sen. SMOOT: You have not any doubt, have you, that if you took the
bull by the horns and spent $100,000 or $200,000 for
this purpose, the legislature would back you up in it?
Gov. RIGGS: I really did not think so, Senator, but of course it is not
a good thing to assume -
Sen. SMOOT: If they will not do that when they have the money in
their own pockets, why should they come to the Gov-
eminent and ask the Government to do it?
The CHAIRMANifSeefeiMg to settle the matter without having his own commit-
tee involved): You have the money there; the trouble is
Isolation and pandemics
of Arizona: For what?
Sen. SMITH That $215,000 is for the ordinary care of the Indians,
of Arizona: as you state. With the Indians scattered as they are in
Alaska, that is a very small item compared with what
we give for the support and education of the Indians
everywhere else - down in my country, and in Utah,
and all through the West. It has been wrong from the
start, and it is wrong now; but until we make a change
closer home -
The CHAIRMAN:(7Vot interested in a change nearer home): What difficulty is
there in the way of using this $600,000 now in your
treasury? Why can not that be used for the relief of
these people?
Gov. RIGGS: The people of Alaska consider that the money raised
by taxes from the white people of Alaska should be
spent for the improvements of the Territory. They
need the money in roads a great deal. They want to
spend more on roads; they want to spend more on the
white schools; they want to spend more on their own
sanitation; they want to have the Indians in Alaska
. . .
Isolation and pandemics
(In full voice): Our Indians are not given anything for
their support. They get not 1 cent for support. They
are self-supporting Indians. They have never been
reservation Indians. They have been roving Indians, and
fishing and trapping Indians, and have maintained them-
selves; and I would not be asking for any money for
these Indians except for this epidemic that has swept
the whole Territory and is causing all of this distress and
The CHAIRMAN :You must have gotten it from some fund. You said
you have expended it.
Gov. RIGGS: I have authorized the expenditure. I have not spent it. I
Sen. KENYON: Can you not keep on doing that until the legislature
Sen. KENYON: Governor, how much do you need, from now until the
legislature meets, to take care of this particular
influenza question?
Sen. KENYON: Yes. Now, how much do you need to get through this
Isolation and pandemics
The CHAIRMANS shall support it myself. I do not know what the Con-
gress will do with it.
Gov. RIGGS: ( Seeing that he has won): There is a good deal of feeding
to be done, too, Senator.
Sen. SMOOT: (Seeing that he has lost): Do you want to say anything
Gov. RIGGS: No; except that I sincerely hope this committee will
grant the relief that I am asking, because the epidemic
Isolation and pandemics
Plagues past and present \
Plagues past and present
Plagues past and present
is no significant movement of
the Indian state of Kerala. Since there
people between Kerala and Sri Lanka, there is evidence here of a
periodic ‘topping up’ of a viral reservoir over a fairly large geog-
raphical area. We would thus predict that if polio immunization
were stopped in the more advanced countries, a poliomyelitis viral
reservoir would be quickly re-established and the old disease pat-
terns would reappear.
The discovery of pockets of polio in totally isolated population
groups also suggests a continuing external input of virus. The Trio
are a group of Amerindians living in dense forests near the equator
in northern Brazil and southern Surinam. This terrain, which is
amongst the harshest in the tropics, has for long been preserved
from exploration because of the impenetrable thickness of sur-
rounding forest as well as rapid, unnavigable rivers. Furthermore,
the tribes inhabiting these regions are bow-hunters with a reputa-
tion for atrocities which had daunted many a prospective explorer.
Forest clearings initiated by the Surinam government began in the
late 1950s and by the early 1960s the Trio came under the scrutiny
of the outside world. To the surprise of the medical profession it
was found that poliomyelitis was present in these regions. Several
cases of polio-induced paralysis were found in persons whose ages
and histories placed the incidence of the disease to a date well before
the clearing of the forest. There could have been no conceivable
chance that the Trio tribe were infected by people outside their for-
est dwelling.
The bacillus-caused disease tuberculosis is another disease which
Plagues past and present
chronic form not confined to the lungs and often causes bony
rosy which date a presence of the disease at about 1300 BC. Lep-
rosy is also clearly recognizable in the Charaka Samhita, the Indian
medical treatise written in about 600 BC. Yet somewhat surprisingly
there is no reference to leprosy in the Hippocratic writings and in
later Greek and Roman medical writings until the second century
AD. A possible explanation of this lack of reference is that the dis-
ease disappeared at around the fifth century BC and that it reap-
peared in Europe early in the Christian era. Leprosy seems to have
been clearly described by Galen in the second century AD, and
there is evidence of its ravages on an Egyptian plummy of the sixth
century AD.
The viral disease trachoma, which causes great suffering and
often leads to total blindness, is still present in many tropical and
subtropical countries, as well as in certain parts of the United States.
The infection causes eyes to burn and ooze constantly and vision
blurs. The eyelids become crusty and distorted and corneas develop
scars which lead to blindness. The disease is first described in the
Papyrus Ebers which was written 1500 years before Christ. It is said
Plagues past and present
because the causative bacillus had been isolated and the mode of
spread of the disease had been discovered. The Frenchman Felix
Pouchet isolated vibrios the bacillus causing cholera, from the stool
community, in which drinking water has not been the medium of its
diffusion. . . .
With the removal of the water pump at Broad Street the epidemic
stopped and Snow’s suspicions were confirmed.
Epidemics of cholera have continued to occur at irregular inter-
vals in various parts of the world. From among the unidentified
throng of sufferers, the ciphers of history, a face stands out clear
and sharp - the Russian musician Tchaikovsky. Today, however,
cholera is not a life-threatening disease when it is competently hand-
led. Medical treatment involves careful rehydration of the patient
Plagues past and present
Plagues past and present
Fig. 8.2 Incidence curve for measles (from Viral Infections of Humans ed.
Plagues past and present
occurred around AD 160, and during the first few hundred years the
disease appears to have been exceptionally virulent.
Another childhood disease, mumps, is also caused by a virus and
is clearly described in the Hippocratic writings:
Although the climate was generally southerly and dry, in the early
spring there was a northerly spell, the very opposite of the previous
weather. During this time a few people contracted causus without
being much upset by it, and a few had haemorrhages but did not die
of them. Many people suffered from swellings near the ears, in some
cases on one side only, in others both sides were involved. Usually
there was no fever and the patient was not confined to bed. In a few
cases there was slight fever. In all cases the swellings subsided with-
out harm and none suppurated as do swellings caused by other dis-
orders. The swellings were soft, large and spread widely; they were
unaccompanied by inflammation or pain and they disappeared leaving
no trace. Boys, young men and male adults in the prime of life were
chiefly affected. . . .
Whether it existed before the fifth century BC and for how long is
not known. It seems
likely that the causative virus for mumps has
established a terrestrial reservoir which is periodically replenished
from outside.
The beginnings of chickenpox or varicella are difficult to trace.
This is mainly because of the difficulty of differentiating between a
mild attack of smallpox and chickenpox without recourse to vir-
ological investigations. Two viruses, however, herpes simplex and
which are either very closely related to or identical
herpes zoster,
with chickenpox, are of considerable antiquity. The virus herpes
simplex causes eruptions on the lips and nose which are called ‘cold
sores’. Eruptions of cold sores were described by the Roman
Plagues past and present
Plagues past and present
Plagues past and present
Fig. 8.4 If the Black Death had been spread by sea, the outer line would
have been earlier than the inner line, with the disease spreading in the
directions of the arrows
reason we know today is that the fleas which carry Pasteurella pestis
from rats to man quit the bodies of dead victims. The catapultors
rather than the Genoese would have got the fleas.
The successive half-yearly contours of Figure 8.3 are interpreted
by orthodox opinion as steps in the march of an army of plague-
infested rats. Humans with the disease collapsed on the spot, and
we think afflicted rats must surely have done the same. To argue
that stricken rats set out on a safari that took them in six months
not merely from southern to northern France, but even across the
Alpine massif, borders on the ridiculous. Nor does the evidence by
any means support in detail such an inexorable stepwise advance of
the plague. Pedro Carbonell was the archivist to the Court of
Aragon, a post that in its very nature could only be held by a per-
son with a clear appreciation of the difference between fact and fic-
tion. Carbonell reports that the Black Death began in Aragon, not
Plagues past and present
Plagues past and present
the pestilence had its origin in the air - ‘poisoned’ air was the
widely favoured explanation. It has been fashionable to decry this
view as an unsubstantiated superstition, although the state of tech-
nical understanding in fourteenth-century Europe was higher than
it had been at any earlier stage of human history. Modern commen-
tators have ignored the ideas of medieval doctors on the ground that
medical and scientific knowledge was then primitive. Yet this may
have been the very circumstance that permitted doctors to stumble
unwittingly upon a profound truth. There was no overpowering
edifice of scientific theory to stifle imagination, nor was there a sci-
entific orthodoxy that influenced a sifting of those correlations
which were respectable from those which were not.
If one is not irredeemably prejudiced by modern superstitions,
the contours of Figure 8.3 are a clear indication that Pasteurella pestis
hit Europe from the air. There was no marching army of plague-
stricken rats. The rats died in the places where they were infected,
just as humans did. By falling from the air, Pasteurella pestis had no
difficulty at all in crossing the Alps, or in crossing the English
Channel. Remote English villages were hit, however determinedly
they sought to seal themselves off from the outside world, because
the plague bacillus descended upon them from above; and against
an aerial assault all the precautions taken were of no consequence.
Milan, Liege and Nuremberg were comparatively unscathed
because it is in the nature of incidence from the upper atmosphere
that there will be odd spots where a pathogen does not fall, as in the
picture of Figure 2.3. So too did Bohemia and southern Poland
escape, even though these areas grew food just as palatable (we
think) to rats as everywhere else.
As in the case of bubonic plague, the causative micro-organism
for smallpox is almost certainly a recurrent visitor to our planet.
Smallpox, being highly infectious, is one of the most dreaded of
human diseases for which there is neither cure nor treatment. On
the average, four in ten smallpox victims die of the disease, and
survivors are covered with disfiguring pock marks. Man is the only
known host for the smallpox virus, which has such an exceptionally
long persistence that corpses of smallpox victims remain infectious
for many years. There are well-documented records of people being
infected from such corpses after thirty years of burial (P. Razell,
The ultimate origins of smallpox are lost in the mists of anti-
Plagues past and present
smallpox was present in China at the same time. The Jesuit missio-
nary Cibot stated that at the Imperial Palace in Peking, he had seen
a book entitled Treatise from the Heart on Smallpox, in which refer-
ence was made to the disease first appearing at the timeof the
Tsche-U Dynasty, 1122-249 BC
(Moore, 1815). If smallpox was
indeed present in the eleventh century BC, as the evidence strongly
suggests, it is equally clear that it was not present in either India or
Europe in the fifth and sixth centuries BC.
There is no reference to smallpox in either the Hippocratic writ-
ings or in the Indian medical treatises, Charaka Samhita and Sus-
hruta Samhita, completed around 600 BC. Smallpox seems to
have made its next appearance very early in the Christian era after
skipping a millennium. It was almost certainly prevalent in China in
AD 49 (Smith, 1871), and the so-called Antonine pestilence which
raged through the Roman Empire in the second century AD is rec-
ognizable as smallpox from the description given by Galen. Again,
mysteriously, it disappears for some 400 years. In view of the sever-
ity of the disease and its strongly disfiguring property an absence of
reference by writers in the early Christian era almost certainly
implies absence of the disease.
The next appearance of smallpox was half way through the sixth
century AD. It was prevalent throughout the Middle East and there
is good documentation of several Calephs in Arabia dying of the
Plagues past and present
and so on.
We have so far looked at a number of diseases which are present
today and which are known to have existed in the past. We have
traced the history of these diseases either indirectly through literary
allusions or directly in medical writings. There is also the possibility
that many ancient diseases existed which are now extinct. The
Plague of Athens which we discussed in Chapter 2 is an example of
such a disease. The English Sweats of the Middle Ages may have
been a particularly virulent form of the influenza virus, but if it was
so it was of a type which has never since returned.
The prospect of new disease taking us unawares is depressing.
Yet it is a possibility that is nonetheless real and it cannot be
ignored. The theory discussed in this book leads us to expect a pat-
tern of infectious disease which changes with time. We have seen
that such changes occurred in the past and we may expect similar
changes in the future, including the advent of new diseases from
time to time.
In July 1976 an American Legion Convention which was held in
Philadelphia had an unwelcome visitation. There was a highly local-
Plagues past and present
Disease against mankind 9
1 39
Disease against mankind
There are certain specially chosen bits of history that can be set
alongside each other with a tolerable measure of objectivity. Milit-
ary performance is an interesting example. We know the weapons
and their capabilities in various ages, we know the number of men
deployed on the battlefield in those various ages, we know the tac-
tics employed by the commanders. With the reasonable assumption
that men in one age were about equally as strong, brave or other-
wise, intelligent or otherwise, as in another age, it is possible to
match the different portions of the military tape-recording of his-
tory in a meaningful way. How would Alexander’s army at
Gaugamela in 331BC have fared against Henry V at Agincourt in
AD 1415? Questions like this become susceptible of an answer.
We suspect it to be axiomatic with most military theoreticians
that in such comparisons the later army is thought to have been
Disease against mankind
always the stronger. In each individual battle the stronger side wins.
And since battles are going on almost perpetually there must be,
one might suppose, a selective evolution towards greater and grea-
ter military power. How else could it be? Yet was Henry V really
stronger than Alexander the Great? The answer is, of course, an
emphatic no. Henry’s army was but a miserable immobile skirmish-
ing party that Alexander would not even have deigned to face him-
self, but would have expected any of a score of subordinates to have
Disease against mankind
Disease against mankind
Disease against mankind
situation held, with driven diseases the serious ones, like smallpox
and bubonic plague.
What of the future? Our view must be less optimistic than that of
the World Health Organization, or the Health, Education, and Wel-
fare Department of the US Government, which raises enormous
taxes each year by promising a similarly comforting future to
Americans. The day will assuredly come when appalling diseases
will once again be incident upon us from outside space. One hopes
that this day is still many centuries away. When it eventually
comes, medical science in alliance with the physical sciences will not
again be in the helpless posture that Thucydides described in his
account of the disease of 430 BC, nor again in the wretched state of
mind of the fourteenth century when the best judgment medical
opinion could offer for the cause of the Black Death was that it
constituted a punishment from God.
The long evolution of animals on the Earth appears to have estab-
lished the fortunate rule that the more virulent the attack of a
pathogen the greater is our immunity response to it. The existence
of a strong immunity response opens the way to the use of protec-
tive vaccines. This is because a strong response can be triggered by
a deliberately induced pathogenic attack that is far milder than the
main disease itself, as for instance in the use of a deliberately pro-
voked attack of cowpox as a defence against themuch more serious
disease of smallpox. Since it takes months and perhaps even years
for micrometeorites to settle down through the stratosphere, there
will be time available for the development of such vaccines. We
think the day will come when the upper atmosphere will be patrol-
led routinely for the incidence of pathogenic invaders from space.
The thoughtfully religious person who has read to this point will
not have passed our reference to ‘a morose and intolerant religion’
without misgivings, and perhaps not without the question: What
better have you people to offer in the way of an understanding of
the meaning of life? Nothing of a panacea. If there were a panacea
with any quality to it, then surely we would all know of it already.
A small chink in the curtain perhaps, opening up on still quite
unknown territory. We end this chapter with speculations that will
serve to introduce the next chapter.
Watch a vivisectionist at work. Then imagine yourself in the pos-
ition of the animal victim. So it is with all of us. We are all the
victims of an enormous vivisectionist experiment. In one respect
Disease against mankind
Viruses and evolution 10
Viruses and evolution
role at all, with say RSP, RSQ, RSR, RSS all treated for the purposes
Viruses and evolution
from space. This means that biological evolution has been largely
dictated by the addition of new heritable material from space, not
through continuing small modifications of existing material. We
can even imagine the occasional addition of a whole bacterium,
perhaps resulting in an increase, not just of the number of genes,
but of the number of the chromosomes of plants and animals.
The first encouragement to this idea comes from the study of the
past history of plants and animals, particularly with respect to rates
of evolutionary change. These indicate that the big steps in evolu-
tion occur in jumps, often sudden jumps from species to species (see
for example a review of Thomas M. Schopf, ‘Patterns of Evolu-
tion: A Summary and Discussion’, appearing as Chapter 17 in Pat-
terns of Evolution as Illustrated by the Fossil Record, Elsevier Scientific,
1977, ed. A. Hallam). The small mutational steps of Mendelian
heritable change are not well-suited to the understanding of such
major jumps, whereas the sudden incorporation of a substantial
new block of genetic material, such as the addition of an entire bac-
Viruses and evolution
virus consists essentially of a coil of a very complicated organic
chemical, nucleic acid, which carries with it all the information, the
specifications, necessary for making more virus of the same sort.
Knowledge is rapidly being gained nowadays, as to how a chemical
substance can carry instructions to the cell to carry out certain chem-
ical synthetic processes. The molecules strung along the nucleic acid
thread seem to act as a sort of mould or template, and other
molecules are assembled in contact with this thread to make another
elongated structure, the molecules of which are strung together in a
very precise manner. Associated with the nucleic acid is protein, a
primary function of which seems to be to protect the precious
nucleic acid from being destroyed by hostile chemical substances in
its environment. Another function is probably to make specific con-
tact with the cell to be infected. The protein may be wrapped round
the nucleic acid in a spiral manner, as in the influenza virus, or it may
be packed around it in a number of similar components to form a
regular crystal-like twenty-sided figure. This is what poliomyelitis
and probably rhinoviruses also look like, and they are just about the
smallest viruses known.
What happens when a virus infects a cell is probably something
The protein part of a virus makes specific contact with
like this.
something on the cell-surface. Then the cell ingests or takes the virus
up within itself. It may ingest the whole virus and break it up inside
Viruses and evolution
This may be true of the rhinovirus, yet other viruses have the
well-proven ability in some cases of not destroying host cells but of
developing a symbiotic relation with them. In some such cases the
viral genetic material is actually known to add itself to the host
Viruses and evolution
Viruses and evolution
Viruses and evolution
Viruses and evolution
the body cells, with the type-C viruses emerging and multiplying
rather in the manner of tumour-causing viruses. The latter are
sometimes acquired from outside, whereas the similar type-C vir-
uses are generated from within an animal.
The production of type-C viruses can also be inhibited. They
exist in profusion within the fetal placenta of mammals, but become
suppressed shortly before birth. It seems that the transfer of these
viruses into genetic material is a two-way process. The virus can be
incorporated into genetic material, and it can also break loose and
free itself from the cell. This it may do as an animal ages, or after a
number of generations have intervened. The view has grown
strongly in recent years that the spontaneous break-loose of type-C
viruses within animals is the principal cause of cancers, and there-
fore the research in this field - much of it at the National Cancer
Institute, Bethesda, Maryland - has been carried on intensively.*
*G. J. Todaro & R. J. Huenber, Proc. Nat. Acad.U.S.A., 69, 1009, 1972
R. R. Benveniste et al, Nature 248,
, 17, 1974
C. J. Sherr et al, Proc. Nat. Acad. Sc. U.S.A., 71, 3721, 1974
Viruses and evolution
will then gradually become spread from the initial site to the extent
to which animals can move out from that site. In the case of animals
in the old world, the spread is through the old world itself, not
across the deep ocean to the new world.
Diseases from space
15 7
Diseases from space
the planets Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars. This invasion happens
for about ten comets each year. During the few months that such a
comet spends comparatively close to the Earth, the heating effect of
the Sun causes evaporation of the outer layers, stripping the comet
like peeling an onion skin by skin. The resulting emergence of gas
and fine particles produces the visible coma and tail of a comet.
Because of the continuing approach of a few comets each year to
our vicinity, the Earth moves constantly through clouds of evapo-
rated cometary material. Several hundred tons of this material are
incident on the Earth’s upper atmosphere each year. The material
eventually to ground level.
Taking these four observations together, it is natural to suggest
from outside, through the entry into the
that the Earth received life
upper atmosphere of living cells shed by comets. There is no
requirement for the shedding process to have been efficient. The
analogy of seeds blowing in the wind, with few destined to take
root, comes readily to mind. It is sufficient for biological continuity
that the few should survive. The safe arrival of even a few living
cells would have carried the Earth across a huge chasm of biochem-
ical evolution, a chasm which would otherwise be well-nigh
impossible to bridge.
Such a sequence of ideas might not have been too distasteful to
orthodox opinion, which conventionally takes the Earth to be a
closed system, except of course for sunlight, which enters from out-
side. The Earth, however, is manifestly not a closed system. The
vertical distance to the ‘space’ above our heads is not more than an
hour’s drive in a car (cf. Figure 2.1a). It is the Earth’s gravitation
Diseases from space
Diseases from space
Diseases from space
differences of at least sixty bases for the whole of the genetic material.
We are doubtful, for reasons discussed in Appendix 3, that ran-
dom copying errors involved in the simple multiplication of a virus
could be responsible for this kind of situation. The many variations
of base attachments in the viral RNA
is indicative of enzymic repair
Diseases from space
pheric ozone was formed. There was then strong selective pressure
for the evolution of ultraviolet repair mechanisms. If life existed in
much its present biochemical form, there would certainly be selec-
tive pressure, but how could life exist in its present biochemical
form in the presence of damaging ultraviolet before there were repair
mechanisms? On a straightforward reckoning, this chicken-and-egg
situation is self-contradictory, although we can imagine an edifice
of further hypotheses that might permit the question to be ans-
wered in what is often described as ‘hand-waving’ style.
In our view, bacteria and viruses possess efficient ultraviolet
repair mechanisms simply because without them they could not
have made the journey safely from comet to Earth. The mechan-
isms evolved in the first place to permit the interchanges from
comet to comet that we mentioned in Chapter 1, the universal pro-
cess of shedding and seeding to which we attributed the biochemi-
cal unity of the solar system. Among the many billions of cometary
laboratories, only a system that evolved towards immunity from
radiation damage could have become a candidate for impressing
itself as the master system for the solar system as a whole.
that is to say, small solid particles of some kind, with sizes of the order of
1000 Angstroms. The dust can also be observed as it blocks starlight, for
example in the dark patches and lanes to be seen in the Milky Way.
We have tried to match the infra-red properties of the commonest of all
biological molecules, cellulose, to the observed astronomical sources. The
opacity r of a particular sample of cellulose is to be obtained simply by
taking the natural logarithm of the transmittance (e -T ) plotted in Figure
Al.l as ordinate, the infra-red wavelength in micrometres (microns) being
plotted as the abscissa. The laboratory spectrum for cellulose is shown by
the solid curve of Figure Al.l, the broken segments containing two relev-
ant modifications from the measured curve. The minimum at about 3 mic-
Appendix 1
Appendix 1
Inorganic Organic
HCO formyl
OCS carbonyl sulfide
HNO nitroxyl
NHa ammonia 4- Atomic H2CO formaldehyde
HNCO isocyanic acid
H2CS thioformaldehyde
C3N cyanoethynyl
Appendix 1
Wavelength (micrometres)
Fig. A1.2 Expected emission from the Trapezium nebula using data in
Figure Al.l. (Assumed temperature of dust is 175°K.) Dots are astronomi-
cal observations
Appendix 1
Wavelength (micrometres)
Appendix 1
There is no firm evidence from the infra-red observations for the exis-
tence of heterocyclic nitrogenated rings, but there is evidence from the
visual range of the radiation spectrum. Light from bright stars often shows
several broad absorption bands caused by the interstellar material through
which the star light passes on its way to the Earth. There is a particularly
strong feature centred at a wavelength of 4428 Angstroms. Attempts to
explain this feature in terms of absorption by common inorganic
molecules have failed, but some years ago F. M. Johnson pointed out that
the porphyrins (four C 4 N rings joined through the same atom, Fe, Mg
) have a marked absorption near this wavelength (F. M. Johnson, ‘Inter-
stellar Molecules and Cosmochemistry’, Annals of the New York Academy
Sciences, 194, 3, 1971. The agreement of a magnesium porphyrin with the
astronomical data, not only for the 4428 Angstrom band but also for a
number of other astronomically observed bands, is particularly good, as
can be seen from Table A 1.2, which gives details of Johnson’s results
(magnesium-porphyrin forms the basic part of the chlorophyll molecule).
Table A1.2*
Appendix \
Comets follow highly eccentric orbits when they first approach the Sun,
and small particles evaporated from their surfaces move to begin with in
similar orbits. Such particles are then subject to forces that in the long
term round out their orbits, ultimately converting them into nearly circu-
larforms, like those of the planets. As well as the gravitational influences
of the planets, scattering of sunlight - the Poynting-Robertson effect - is
important in producing this rounding-out of the orbits. The Poynting-
Robertson effect also causes a slow decrease in the average distance of a
small particle from the Sun. In the long term, the particle spirals into the
For our purpose here, the micrometeorites entering the Earth’s atmos-
phere can be thought of as being of two kinds:
(1) Those that quitted their parent comets long ago, and which are now
moving in nearly circular orbits close to the orbit of the Earth.
(2) Those that quitted their parent comets only recently, and which are
still moving in highly eccentric orbits, like the orbit of Halley’s comet
Appendix 2
flux near the Earth at the time of the large flares which occur near sunspot
maximum would expose a cell, or a virus contained within a cell, to a
radiation rate of about 1 Rontgen per second. At sunspot minimum, on
the other hand, the radiation rate would usually be at least a million times
smaller than this - i.e. less than one-millionth of a Rontgen per second.
Bacteria, especially if frozen, can withstand total radiation doses in the
range 10,000 to 100,000 Rontgens, whereas viruses can withstand doses
upwards of 1 million Rontgens. Since large solar flares last only for about
an hour, a single big flare would not be of drastic consequence, but very
many such flares would indeed be lethal to both bacteria and viruses.
Returning to the above two categories of micrometeorite, those of type
(1), which have been exposed for very many years, must have become
sterilized by solar X-rays. Those of type (2), however, may have spent
only a few weeks or months in the inner regions of the solar system.
Survival for a fraction of such particles is therefore likely, except perhaps
at times around sunspot maximum.
It follows from these considerations that for maximum viability we
must confine attention to bacteria and viruses that have quitted their par-
ent comets only recently, and which therefore are in highly eccentric orbits
around the Sun. Exposure to solar radiation will evidently be less for
newly evaporated particles on their inward journey before perihelion pas-
sage than for particles moving outwards after perihelion. The flux of such
inward-moving particles is greatest in mid-winter, when the terrestrial
hemisphere in which we happen to live leans away from the Sun. This
Appendix 2
orientation effect could well play a role in the seasonal incidence of dis-
From here on we shall consider, for the reason just given, only particles
moving in highly eccentric orbits around the Sun. Whereas meteoroids in
the range of sizes 0.1 to 1 cm vaporize on entering the Earth’s
atmosphere, giving rise to the meteors or ‘shooting stars’ visible to the
naked eye, particleswith dimensions appreciably less than 0.1 cm survive
entry into the atmosphere, eventually settling to ground level.
The kinetic energy to be dissipated by a micrometeorite of mass is m
£mv 2 where v is tbe speed of entry into the atmosphere. It is relevant to
the time available for radiating this energy as heat whether the particle
enters vertically or at a glancing angle. For vertical incidence, the time is of
the order of that required to descend a scale height H, and can be taken to
sufficient accuracy as 2H/v (i.e. descending a distance H at an average
speed of 0.5v), whereas for entry at an angle 6 to the vertical the time is
increased, by the factor sec 0 if the curvature of the Earth is neglected.
Subject to the latter assumption, the stopping time would be 2Hsec0/v,
which becomes infinitely large as the angle 6 tends to 90°. This infinity is
not real, however. When account is taken of the curvature of the Earth, it
is not har d to show that in the case of 0 near 90°, the stopping time is close
to 4VRH/v, where R is the radius of the Earth. About 0.1 per cent of
micro meteorites are involved in this extreme glancing angle situation.
Although this fraction is small, it is nevertheless relevant to consider this
case for obtaining the largest size that viable entering cells can have. It is
also relevant that cells, once having reached the Earth, can undergo a
biological multiplication in their number, so that their eventual population
may have little relation to the initially incident population. Dividing £mv 2
by the stopping time 4 VRH/v gives
1 mv 3
This formula determines the rate at which energy must be dissipated from
the surface of the particle.
During the moments when a particle is being violently impacted by
molecules of the air, the physical properties of the surface will be much
changed. There will be a large number of radiation oscillators distributed
through several atomic layers, which we think should permit the surface
to radiate heat at an optimum rate. Provided the particle is not too small
(larger in diameter than the radiated wavelengths divided by 2it), the
optimum rate is that given by the black-body formula. For a sphere of
radius a this is 4 tt a cr T where cr=5.669x 10~ is the Stefan-Boltzmann
2 4 5
a = 24 .
. VHR. (A2.2)
Appendix 2
We now discuss the quantities appearing on the right hand side of (A2.2).
The constant cr= 5.669X 10~ 5 is known, and so is the radius of the Earth,
R= 6.38x10® cm. In the glancing angle case, micrometeorites are stopped
by the atmosphere at a height of 130 to 140 km
above ground level, where
the scale height H
is about 20 km. When v is a specified velocity, equation
(A2.2) therefore relates the radius a of a spherical particle to the tempera-
ture T to which it is momentarily heated during the stopping process. The
critical quantity to discuss is therefore the entry velocity v.
Micrometeorites enter the atmosphere typically at speeds of about
40 km per sec, and we shall return later to 40 km per sec as the choice for
v. For the moment, however, we are concerned with the least value that
can possibly be assigned to v. Subject to an upper limit for T, above which
an entering cell would not survive, the least value of v determines the
largest value of the radius a of a surviving cell.
Consider a micrometeorite orbit with a perihelion distance (i.e. the clos-
est approach to the Sun) equal to the Earth’s mean distance from the Sun.
If the orbit is in the same plane as Earth’s orbit, and if the Earth happens to
encounter the micrometeorite, the encounter speed is either about 10 km
per sec or about 70 km per sec, according as to whether the micrometeor-
ite goes around the Sun in the same sense as the Earth or in the opposite
sense. The speed of 10 km per sec is the least choice for v, whereas 70 km
per sec would be the largest choice for v.
A micrometeorite entering the atmosphere accelerates as it approaches
due to the Earth’s gravity, and it might be thought that an allowance
should be made in the choice of v for this additional effect. Particles can be
captured by the atmosphere, however, in more than one encounter. The
first encounter must check the initial velocity of approach, leading to the
particle becoming gravitationally bound to the Earth. The first encounter
has the effect of making the particle a satellite of the Earth, with an orbit
that is gradually degraded in further passages through the atmosphere. The
choice v=10km per sec is therefore correct as a representation of the
most favourable situation for a cell to enter the atmosphere without
experiencing heat death. Putting v= 10 km per sec, H = 20 km,
cr= 5.669 X 10 -5 R=6378 km in (A2.2) leads to
Appendix 2
good correspondence with the very large cells found in South Victoria
Land by I. L. Uydess and W. V. Vishniac, Extreme Environments (ed. by
M. R. Heinrich, Academic Press, NY, 1976). The cells in question were
not those of individual bacteria but of colonies of bacteria living together
within a common cell membrane of radius 30 to 40/a.
We turn now to the typical choice, v about 40 km per sec, representing
the bulk of micrometeorites in eccentric orbits entering the Earth’s atmos-
phere. A similar calculation to that given above leads to a=3.04X 10 -^-4 =
_s 3
4.75x10'® cm, i.e. a radius of about 0.5/a, in good agreement with the size
of micrococci.
So far we have considered only spherical particles. For a rod-shaped
particle of length / and radius a we have radiation rate 27ra(a+/)<rT and ,
a volume 7ra
/in place of 4 tt/ 3 a
Neglecting a compared to /, we get
a=16 — VHR
instead of (A2.2). The radius of the rod is two thirds of the radius for the
spherical case, i.e. a = 0.32/a for v = 40 km per sec, but thereis no restric-
tion on the length of the rod. This result is again in good agreement with
the sizes of bacteria that were given in Table 2.1.
Consider now the effect of a single encounter of the Earth with a cloud
of pathogenic micrometeorites, the encounter occurring at the typical
speed of 40 km per sec. For how long will such an encounter provide an
infall of the pathogen to ground level? Since the fall through the tropos-
phere is rapid, we are evidently concerned in this question with fall to the
base of the stratosphere. Violent storms can accelerate the fall locally, but
it is the time of fall in still air that sets the overall duration of the attack.
Vol 275, 86, 1978). Solar X-ray emission depends very sensitively on the
sunspot cycle and it is therefore to solar X-rays that we should perhaps
turn for a connection between space-borne pathogens and the sunspot
Appendix 2
w(cm s* 1
cycle. X-rays are mutagenic and might be responsible for the antigenic
shifts of Figure A2.3. Displacements in timing due to the fall of virus-
encapsulated particles through the stratosphere could make an actual in-
cidence on the rising curve appear at ground level contemporaneously
with the time of sunspot maximum. The coincidences of Figure A2.3
shifts and the precise phase of sunspot maximum may
between antigenic
somewhat fortuitous. The strongest aurorae occur at sunspot
therefore be
maximum. Aurorae could also be important, through electrical effects
forcing the descent of small viral particles suspended in the polar regions
of the stratosphere.
Over a limited number of cycles, almost any phenomenon that happens
to have an approximately ten-year periodicity can be made to appear in
correspondence with the sunspot curve. The symptom of false correlations
Appendix 2
favourable to the idea. Taking sunspot maxima from 1760 onwards, and
comparing dates with those of the pandemics of Table 4.1, we have the
associations of Table A2.1:
Table A2.1
Date of Sunspot Maximum* Date of Pandemic**
1761 1761-62
1767 1769
1778 1781-82 (1775-76)
1787 1788-89
1804 1800-02
1830 1830-33
1837 1836-37
1848 1847-48 (1850-51)
1860 1857-58
1870 1873-75
1893 1889-90
’The three sunspot maxima of 1816, 1883, 1905, which do not appear in the table, were all
abnormally low.
“ Including both ‘certain’ and ‘possible’ pandemics from Table 4.1.
Appendix 2
Fig. A2.3 The relation of sunspot relative numbers (Rz) to the dates of
influenza pandemics (from R. E. Hope-Simpson, Nature 275,
, 86, 1978)
sensitive to X-rays, and so could not reach the Earth in a viable form
except in a period during which there was essentially no solar activity. Poss-
ibly too the marked historical variability of diseases that we discussed in
Chapter 8 may have a connection, not only with the underlying supply of
pathogenic material, but also with long-term variations in the X-ray emis-
sion of the Sun.
17 6
Appendix \
Figure A3.1 we can choose either strand and imagine going along it like a
corkscrew. As each sugar molecule is encountered, will one come first to
a CFR-phosphate attachment or to a ring-to-phosphate attachment? The
answer to this question depends upon which strand one chooses, because
for one strand the CFh attachments come first at each sugar molecule,
whereas for the other strand the direct ring-attachments come first. The two
strands are said to have opposite polarity which are written as + and —
Reading Figure A3. 2 down the page from upper left to lower right, the
bases to go with A, G, T, C cannot be arbitrarily chosen, and the follow-
ing pairing rules must be obeyed. Adenine always pairs with thymine, and
cytosine always pairs with guanine. These rules arise from the different
sizes of the molecules and the condition that the total length of the base-
pairs across the double helix must have essentially the same length, very
much as the ties across a railway track must always have the same length.
It is important to notice that, whereas the bases are strongly bonded to the
backbone of the double helix, they are only weakly bonded to each other.
Appendix 3
Appendix 3
cription into RNA (see below), the two strands of DNA separate at the
base-pairs. This separation would not be possible if the bonding between
the members of each pair were strong.
DNA acts as a blueprint for the eventual production of proteins, which
have the general structure shown in Figure A3.3, in which Ri, Ra, R» . . . ,
stand for the distinctive side-chains of amino acids. Although many more
than twenty amino adds can be synthesized in the laboratory, essentially
only twenty amino adds appear in the proteins of life, the ones set out in
Table A3.1. It is these amino adds, determining Ri, Rn in the protein,
. . . ,
that are coded for genetically by the triplets of base-pairs that we discussed
in Chapter 10. Although the logic of using a base-pair triplet in to DNA
determine a particular side-chain in Figure A3. 3 seems simple enough, the
details whereby this is actually done are highly complex. It has usually
been supposed that the complex intermediate steps in DNA—‘Intermediate
Fig. A3. 2 The details of the attachments of the four bases adenine,
guanine, thymine and cytosine to the sugar-phosphate chain in DNA. A
carbon atom always lies at the unmarked vertices of the ring structures.
Attached to such unmarked carbon atoms there are always suffident hyd-
rogen atoms to make up 4 valency bonds
Appendix 3
Steps-*Proteins are there for the good reason that they happen to be chem-
ically necessary to get the job of protein production properly done. In the
course of the present discussion we shall consider a very different and
profound reason for the remarkable nature of the intermediate steps of
protein synthesis.
A different form of genetic material is involved in the intermediate steps
of protein synthesis, RNA (ribose nucleic acid). RNA is also helically
twisted, but unlike DNA
the RNA in terrestrial cells has only one strand
- it is a single helix, with the sugar molecule ribose taking the place of
deoxyribose in DNA. Bases are also attached to the ribose sugar molecules,
but whereas adenine, guanine and cytosine appear as in DNA, uracil (U)
replaces the thymine in DNA. The first step of protein synthesis is for an
RNA transcript of the relevant gene structure on the DNA
to be produced
from one of the strands of the DNA. In this transcription ribose replaces
deoxyribose, and uracil replaces thymine. Thus if Figure A3. 2 happened to
be a bit of the particular gene and of the strand under transcription, the
resulting RNA would contain the corresponding bit shown in Figure
A3.4. The RNA so produced then makes a journey from the nuclear reg-
ion of the cell out through the cytoplasm which surrounds the chromo-
somes, a journey which gives the name messenger RNA (mRNA) to this
first form of RNA.
R, O H R, O H R, O H
r i i
h 2 n— c— c-n— c-c-n-c—
Fig. A3.3 Many linked amino acids form a protein
Appendix 3
Fig- A3.4 RNA copies one strand of DNA. This figure shows the RNA
copy of Fig. A3.2
In the outer part of the cell there are very many nearly spherical objects
with radii of about 1CT cm, the ribosomes. Ribosomes contain proteins
(about 40 per cent by mass), a little DNA, and a second form of RNA
known as ribosomal RNA
(rRNA). The mRNA
travels to one of the ribo-
somes where a third form of RNA, RNA
(tRNA), is activated by
the mRNA, and it is the tRNA molecules that at last do the job of putting
the appropriate amino acids together into the required protein. Whereas
* there is an mRNA for each protein, there is a separate tRNA for each
amino acid. What each individual tRNA molecule does is to associate a
triplet of bases with the corresponding amino acid specified by the code of
Table A3.1.
The on the DNA double helix has now coded
original base-pair triplet
for an amino acid through a curious sequence of steps. The triplet of
base-pairson the double helix first became a triplet of single bases, because
the mRNA was transcribed from one strand only of the DNA. The triplet
of single DNA bases became a triplet of mRNA bases (the same bases
unless thymine was involved, in which case thymine became uracil). Next,
Appendix 3
U C A G Base
Appendix 3
Appendix 3
it follows that 3xl0 10 animals are born in 3x10* years. The chance of a
specified base-pair change at each birth being 10"*, it is clear that after 3x 10*
years about 300 animals possess one or other of the required changes of
base-pairs, which means that the chance of a particular animal possessing
either change is 300-^-10®. And the chance of a particular animal possessing
both changes on the same chromosome is (300-M0®) 2 Hence for a popula-
etary theory, according to which comets exist in a vast halo with radius
about one-tenth of a fight year. Very few of the comets are in orbits that
bring them to the inner regions of the solar system, and the effective
lifetimes of these few are rather short. The supply of cometary viruses and
bacteria wouldtherefore disappear unless further distant comets were per-
turbed by passing stars into orbits that brought them to the neighbour-
hood of the Earth. To be effective in this respect, a passing star would
need to approach to within about one-tenth of a fight year of the Sun, a
situation that arises about once in a hundred million years. It is likely
Appendix 3
great quantities of DNA, have never come to very much. Indeed, the
amphibians are a clear demonstration of the feebleness of an evolutionary
process based only on gene duplication.
How then have the new genes responsible for the evolution of the
higher mammals been rendered useful? Let us return to the analogy bet-
ween genes and words that we used in Chapter 10. We should think of a
useless gene as a wrong word for the particular message we wish to
express, not as a random jumble of letters. Thus if there are standard sequ-
ences of letters appearing in many words, like the juxtapositions ‘que’,
‘ion’, ‘th’, ‘ing’, these juxtapositions will be maintained in the initially use-
less gene. By the addition of more and more viruses we have at our dis-
posal a longer and longer string of genetic letters satisfying the standard
juxtapositions of genetic language. Our aim now is to produce a meaning-
ful gene with (let us suppose) a known sequence of letters. This we do in a
logically simple way. We run along the sequence of the useless genes
blacking out letters until we come to the first of the required letters, and
this we allow to stand. If the first required letter happened to be ‘q’, then
‘u’ willfollow, as we require from standard juxtaposition, and this too we
allow to stand. Sooner or later, however, we arrive at an unwanted letter,
and then we continue striking out letters until once again we come to the
next wanted letter. Likely enough we will come to the end of the first
useless gene before we have managed to secure the full length of our
wanted gene. There we encounter an END marker rather than a letter,
but this too we shall strike out. Proceeding far enough, however, we must
reach the end of our wanted gene. So by a suitable masking technique we
can construct any gene we please. True the technique is likely to be waste-
ful of genetic material (i.e. DNA), but if we can acquire enough this DNA
difficulty overcome. From our point of view the wastefulness is advan-
acquire all the genetic material that has been going. Everything has been
grist to the mill. At the end of Chapter 10 we mentioned the example of a
type-C virus derived both from the great cats and baboons of the old
world, but not from baboons of the new world. With masking techniques,
similar in principle for the two species but different in detail, both great
cats and baboons could evidently make appropriate use of exactly the same
genetic material.
Appendix 3
Very recently, in the last two years, it has been found that the mRNA
which directs protein synthesis does indeed skip portions of the DNA
strand. Figure A3. 5, obtained by S.Berget, C. Moore and P. Sharp at the
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, shows mRNA matched against the
DNA strand from which it was transcribed. Jumping instructions for the
situation of Figure A3. 5 could in principle be represented or controlled by
base-pair triplets. Yet once again the time-scales required to change an
initially neutral arrangement of base-pair triplets to the required useful
forms by random mutations would be prohibitively long for the higher
plants and animals.
The general method described above for converting neutral genes into
useful ones, fitting as it does with the evidence of Figure A3. 5, and with
the curious example of genetic material shared by great cats and baboons,
raises a number of further questions that we shall now discuss at some
length. How is the jumping on DNA achieved, and how are instructions
for the jumping process passed from parents to offspring? Our answers to
these questions will be based largely on general argument, although we
start from an experimental situation.
Transcription from DNA begins with a piece of RNA much longer than
the ultimate mRNA, a piece so long that it often contains several genes
D. Watson, ibid, page 528; J. Paul in Control Processes in Virus Multiplica-
tion,ed. D. C. Burke and W. C. Russell, Cambridge University Press,
1978; I. M. Kerr in Control Processes in Virus Multiplication, ed. D. C.
Burke and W. C. Russell, Cambridge University Press, 1978). It was
thought formerly that this ‘pre-mRNA’ contained the required for mRNA
Appendix 3
18 7
Appendix 3
the DNA is relegated to the status of backing storage, with the main prog-
M/4 is of order unity for m
about 7. These values of m
could be
optimum for evolution, being neither too small nor too large.
Appendix 3
Appendix 3
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Chapter 2
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Chapter 7
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Chapter 8
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Chapter 9
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Chapter 10
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Chapter 11
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bridge University Press, 1976.
( Continued from front flap )
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