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LCS Notes Part 1

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\s* week of 6" comether x Roborat Form YP Date: tb, 202. Linear Contror S¥sTeEMs (3-1) Ee-311 Beoke- Feedback Cevtyol Control system iso robuth sprtem rece Picea sneer stata 0 Moke ig a High tequenct sigual end dicturbante igo lew frequency siqual a» Uncertainities ore “the hurdles af real tite which a System _exberiencet. ittolled ale ar zene nex ig an Refercwe rases oulpst Br the He eee fran = wecntpnate el Reference + ez cae Pete lp to steadbark sgeten = teonttetied ofp) Cer aE | peak Thee. phases. . 1 Rep recentation of System a Analyzation at sistem __2+ Designing ext sytem. Donel 1 Aston u Scanned with CamScanner Assignment ~ 1 Bek ub ont bhteyeat cictem ancl Hu ana a sitet cad Et Coc ole hem conti abst that elem Dettnitione bP Teetbark Fpetom- & =A qjstes fe Guide or woripulate various elements in cider 9 achieve ~checttied controlled ouithut ” Kinde - ben leob c4cteme Cnbuct is not_affected bf output only exctput ic 2: Cloted leo fYctems. . Branchece —Lineny Control Sycteme, Robutt couttol spiteme ete: —Hifes at toutrl_gyctomcr = * S10 sfctem (single tabat Single cutbat_Lineav Te. (nvariawt_cjste TF LMIMS gystem( Muttrble Input” tuttible Output “exctem) =Cevtoller Gov either be. planed in sutte path of feedloack_pelh——— = Sencar only sentec ever in the ouput while controler _i¢_actuiter 4 orks on _it* “=> Heart rate balancer bleed preceure, == Contfactton and Dilation af pubil — Cevittol c4cteme are nerescar because there aye Certain Himes when ¢ low rates wmuct be coutvolfed - Groale— L Stability eS Performance a: Robustness - CHAPTER — | = REPRESENTATION OF LCS = <2 can _be represented bj “Wancter_Function —e& Bifferente Equc da | ite shace model» uation Page] Yetory bp Scanned with CamScanner xd, etletl af the fine ye hays wodalive feedhirk jpnly Date: ifeb,2022 ofillator have pecilive feedback + mame fuput Desired tnbut-, reference input grey at) : Wr Ri) 4+ ee E! =) i Cts) Gvttolied ouilbul Referowe F Hertretert {Ae ff ei £19no} sa Lcatended 8t) [reedtny Hay]. <1) Twantfer Function Cit must be given or ever! sjétem J Soutce Si9val —- direction from input te autput 2. Sag Ce et “belueon cource and sink nede adding ety reed ain 30 Te {feeapnik (2 \ % Faawowl paths cowie of all “the element that ave presenti (n betticen Source ond Gk (Forward path) all the clement from output AChaded oy unchaded) —> Conttoller 1 Plant > et & — feedback RE) EL) Gis) cw) —_——+ LZ =< Loop A_ close path in which no node is traveled through twice . J ee fy G Gy ets) > Hy Page] Victory pti. Scanned with CamScanner = if b}—- Ye Date: Magen Gain Sats The _+trancler function fim a source to a sink node Tet f MeAK — = M is ‘the forward path taken iwt> Consideration. : Mis CuG -G w= CuGt Gin Moe Gs et IEE) Ske Is cum ot the toop gains non “touching te forward ate t Ars t — cum of te ” ” i 3 4 Lis ~ Guth Loe Gshs | ba == GG GisHy, q Lys ~ Gy Gists | Dye t-o=] y= t= sum of loch gains non touching to forward pate as Sr= S21 Toes] att ont tore aan tomm at pert att pce be peterbic til = 1— Lum of product et fs gaivc ns “fouclin) taken Casha eats Curttathyety) dots” See er eeear |" (oat. “Tranefer function = GiGi, GC) + Gry Ga W) BARS Sa aa ddi[did ss oo ddd di slsis ids ds oo OH OOS 4- Ceitbaagt ih, Rts) NOD Sals) Gags) Grats a Ferwovd paths Mix Gi yer Grady Gis Gy Ma = 614 626] 5 Gry taGry + Page Uectorg Scanned with CamScanner Arei~oaa a. rp, 1-0-1 1 = ( sum of att inctivid i = dividual loob faint) -+ Cum tain products of at_possible. —— Ree-teuchtug pairs) — Ccum of data preduck of ae eite = monatoudalng Fails) 4 Aa = Che hath this Cys thyty tty) FWancter functions MeaitMacea = GubrbryGrubrs Crt reusnSs = Tt latty) + abt ——SITATE VARIABLE Monets is a ede! that has o vst ode =o rancor function cast give ixformation about which elements of the. sastem ic more ignifcot ps0 We have awsthey technique + =+ Dynamical Syctom~ Eveluttfon A_sometling over fine. —: Te creqte a dynamical sctows sive a cat_of Variablec -the s4shen 2 m+ Input (Output » System tect (last ,Plowt 4 Covttoller) Variables ‘that dleceribe ‘the state of dynamical ~ system \c_called “Suniel of <4ctem variables) e the “tate Vaifabloc ¢ Memerd Variables) The _get of all_posttble qaluec af the ctnte variables i¢ “the tute char The _ditection_in which State variables change is called state vortry- and the path tc _catled ject of interconnected inked ratprs that describes tem —set of uct) eovttolled input e ] — oxegeneus input Csemethid from ercternal source : & ee 7 aesRu of rs rist inthe 2 « s " weather fatty” vunwarted slau) We, Page Victory ; Scanned with CamScanner model sf a prgsteal cuctems Aen deat inut jot ond cleo =a—Vaviabler yotate bi Hirct ~order_differe quation, cn IS febre, : db revitial ceuted | - equati ieCwhich icf p mei stale space te nek uni tra iQue nstey function ic _unique . ~ 'sput veetoy @ Outfit vertoy if ~2 wey ye ened [}— ya Rie gaan bat artable: We will ly dea = ~ See yey ef 1S apt cu Let uc consider “the cictom at a Single integrator : “= g ° ————f pb = Bh gts xo EN “ +A is not > 2 eae Gleed back b because i aco. 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Men (na T 14 de eA (eeaask LD requ) | } ® Moke -the simulation Diag yam @ Associate state vayiablec ic 1s be @ vwiting the equation for each cate variable 2%) Senblthee clements {hat move towarde the node & Ho acy Wz 4X4 (He to) ~ Fe, 4) 42.6 wt) fa = 1c) ® state Spote model melt) = Axtt)+ Butt) qad= Cxt+h uct) = os Se oe oe Eanes Sl alates [geo] [rate -q]] ES j yw Tre el[ed [4 te) ult) In gtd] Sb matix, ic cern beta OU arn ania sete pemute “Same Page |_] Uetorg Scanned with CamScanner GY et) = aC) CU = ENC XQ) = wth) Ten BCH) YO = Sete) + qty + Bult) Ke] Pe te] 4® eT ute) _—_——4 = Les feet abt et 4 a fC +4 6 ys |s 6 2| watt) | 5 Po] uct) ‘4 | xt i Question = 011 = ¢ Pee eee ee eae S244 orp 2 68424 6 ao gine As 4 2S OE Pee < ¢ S$ Scanned with CamScanner Type of cyclem: number of free witegrdters tm cycten. 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WS). cpt) 4D ut) Here, dtc) = Cst-ay! Take Laplace Tranctorm pide L'CSt-Aj! ctate trancifion matrix. = It ic a matrix ‘that tells ut how ctater will behave. only when there are initial Conditiont CA matrix). Question -ot: Bape ee es thou + [oo Obtain -the -tranc-fer function « eee ghee D=Le] ee eee Pr ee ee ee Page Ucetory Scanned with CamScanner (st-a)! = 1 1s1-A] Ststs)— Cry) = f= est = te A ScH6 2 | wists SS HHS [ss-al = Cct-ay! (sia) SqSth =r S45 Cst-A) B = | ascte s “gi ske S546 (st-A) B= f OE 3; cUsA)® {eg —in +5 4b T “S46 || © [| Fist | s SHS, g Ss 5t6 = CCsI-A)6 = f +_$ s+: Tee _8+8 S74 set S546 \ Page Scanned with CamScanner ro bbdadeeecleleerecdddel ll Date:. Quection—o2: oO Tale T at) Peco! [21 - | 2 ayafa 2 s1Pod] $ Z x) leb= | Differential Equations %tt) = > Cb) CY) = GC) AU) = - 2 y= 3%al4)-4 Act) + EE) 4cv= xt) +2% (tt) + HX.) Step— it; Model [Diadvam — ClontrelCavenical Farm) © Ge) Uy > 7? ns fact 2 . 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