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Module 1: Introduction to Early Learning Environment

Course Learning Outcome

Demonstrate knowledge and understanding on the importance of planning, setting up

and evaluating the early learning environment that promotes fairness, respect and care
encourage learning.
Lesson 1: Early Learning Environment
Lesson Outcomes: By the end of the lesson, you will be able to:
1. describe the characteristics of early learning environment; and
2. explain the importance of setting-up the early learning environment


How will you describe the picture? Why do you think it is important to set up the learning
environment appropriately? Write your answer in the space provided. (10 pts)

Description of the picture Importance of setting-up the learning

environment appropriately
From the picture above, I would say Setting-up the learning environment
that the learning environment is well- appropriately is very important for learners
organized, safe, and artistic. It appears because it is the physical environment that will
that learners are at the center of support the child’s academic development. This
learning because it is visually appealing, is another factor that influences student

which will foster a love of learning in each learning. It's where they feel safe and secure
learner. Furthermore, the deliberate as they pursue their interests. I believe that
display of text and labeling in all areas of through the learning environment, learners will
the classroom aid in the development of have the opportunity to be nurtured with love,
emergent literacy skills. Overall, the care, and support, which will increase their
classroom organization and all of the motivation and lead to greater success.
materials that fill it nurture students' In general, setting-up the learning
emerging skills in unique ways, allowing environment is essential because it allows
them to stretch their thinking, make new students to be true inquirers and explorers of
discoveries, and apply their knowledge, their own learning. Furthermore, it is one way in
which is the primary purpose of the which learners can collaborate as a team,
learning environment. celebrate each other's accomplishments, and
learn to accept failure as a learning opportunity.


What is early learning environment?

Learning environments are nurturing spaces that support the development of all
young children. They include classrooms, play spaces, areas for care giving routines,
and outdoor areas. Learning environments are well-organized and managed settings.
Four Key Features of Early Learning Environments
1. Safe and Secure
The safety of children is paramount, and the design of the learning space should
reflect this priority. Furniture should have rounded corners, with no sharp edges or
exposed hardware that children could catch their fingers or clothing on. Chairs should be
sturdy, so children don’t tip over. Cabinets that contain cleaning supplies or other
dangerous materials should be locked or placed at higher elevations, so children can’t
get into them. There should be clear sight lines throughout the space so that all children
are visible to adults — and adults are visible to children.
2. Developmentally Appropriate
Every piece of furniture needs to be geared toward children. For instance, chairs
should be the right height. There should be a six- to eight-inch space between the table
top and the tops of children’s knees when they’re sitting down, so their elbows can rest
comfortably. Tables can’t be too big, so children can reach across and get materials.
3. Easily Accessible
Early learning environments should contain shelving units where children can
place materials directly on shelves or in bins by themselves, without a teacher’s help.
Everything should be clearly labeled with both words and symbols, so that materials are
easily recognizable. When it’s time to clean up, all materials have a well-defined place,
so children can put things back where they belong.  This helps foster independence and

self-confidence, allowing children to develop behavior management and self-regulation
skills. When children accomplish a task and help clean up, it makes them feel good
about themselves.
4. Intellectually Stimulating
Early learning is about learning through play and communication. That’s how
children make sense of the world, by exploring and talking with each other. The
furnishings and materials in the learning space should facilitate this.
The environment should be equipped with elements that invite learning and
exploration both individually and in collaboration with others, such as open-ended
materials that don’t have a specific purpose but instead encourage imagination. For
example: building blocks and manipulative that allow for linking or constructing; objects
that let children experiment through trial and error; dual-sided art easels; sand and water
tables filled with sensory items. When we allow children to experiment, explore, and
collaborate, they are building foundational skills for later academic success.


A well-arranged environment should enhance children’s development through
learning and play. It facilitates classroom management and supports the implementation
of curricular goals and objectives (Catron & Allen, 2007). The way the physical
environment is designed and configured influences how children feel, act, and behave.
The physical environment allows growth and development through activities and
materials in defined play areas. Room arrangement for play activity plays an important
role in students’ social and language interactions. Poorly designed classrooms can
cause disruptions and negative social interactions among students and/or between
students and the teacher.
For example, having the reading and writing center next to the music area would
cause disruptions among children who are trying to concentrate on the skill of writing.
Students can become frustrated when they do not have an organized environment to call
their own (Clayton & Forton, 2001). The physical environment is a direct image of the
teacher’s planning and the student’s learning. It is where both teachers and students will
spend most of their time and a place they can call their own and relate to. It should be
well organized, comfortable, and personable and offer a variety of manipulates for
cognitive, social, emotional, and physical development (Catron & Allen, 2007).

Describe an early learning environment that it is conducive and safe for young
children. Kindly write your answer inside the box. (20 points)

A young child's early learning environment consists of spaces

and contexts in which he or she can grow and develop. It is also
referred to as a child's second home, where they feel safe, loved,
and cared for. A homey atmosphere in the classroom allows them
to feel more comfortable, safe, and secure as they explore,
discover, and make choices and decisions.
A conducive and safe early learning environment for young
children encourages learning through play with a diverse set of
materials and learning opportunities. It is also responsive,
containing features that involve all five senses and stimulate
thinking, open-ended outcomes and creativity. There could be a
variety of new and interesting areas and features, such as an art
corner, a dramatic play area, a science corner, a reading corner, a
math corner, and so on. Different parts of a learning environment
can have varying levels of stimulation, which has a direct impact on
how children play and learn. With this in mind, it is clear that a
diverse environment provides a variety of experiences and
opportunities for diverse young learners.
Every aspect of the learning environment is designed to meet
the individual needs of the children in the areas of physical, social,
emotional, language, and cognitive development. A well-planned
learning environment is structured to meet all those needs. That's
why teachers are responsible for creating a pleasing environment
that reflects the interest of the children. This, I believe, is what
makes the early learning environment conducive and safe for young

Rubric for Essay
Criteria Superior (9-10 Sufficient (6-8Minimal (3-5 Unacceptable
points) points) points) (1- 2 point/s)
Content & Extensive related Adequate Minimal related Very few terms
Development and significant related and and significant are selected
terms are included significant terms terms are and included in
in the essay are included in selected and the essay
the essay included in the
Organization & Concepts are filled Concepts are Structure of the Organization
Structure with details of clear and easy concept is not and structure
support for the to follow. easy to follow. detract from the
developmental Transitions concepts of the
milestone. The flow need developmental
has connective improvement. milestones.
concepts. Concepts are Concepts are
disconnected disjointed.
Grammar & Essay is tidy, main Essay is tidy, Essay is Essay is not
Spelling concept is easily main concept is somewhat tidy, tidy, main
identifiable, entire identifiable, the main concept is concept is
map is well map is mostly include, map is difficult to
organized and well organized somewhat identify, map is
legible and legible organized and not organized
legible nor legible
Source: http://www.astate.edu/a/irp/files/rubricsexampleswriting.pdf


In your own words, write down the importance of setting-up the early learning environment
properly. (20 points)

An early learning environment should be a nurturing and supportive

environment that promotes positive interactions between children. It should
be safe, stimulating, and developmentally appropriate for learners because it
is the physical environment that will support the child’s academic
development. A high-quality learning environment allows children and adults
to interact and play together in a variety of settings and with a variety of
materials. These environments welcome children, validate their thoughts and
feelings, and provide them with numerous opportunities to practice and
A well-arranged learning environment is integral to improving
children's development through learning and play. The way the physical
environment is composed and configured impacts how children feel, respond
and perform. The physical environment supports growth and development
through exercises and materials in defined play areas. Furthermore, a
positive environment is one of the most influential factors affecting student
learning. Such an environment fosters relevant content, clear knowledge
goals and feedback, opportunities to build social skills, and artifices to help
students succeed. Typically, the social, physical, psychological and cultural
factors present in a learning environment have a significant impact on the
learners’ learning abilities. If the learning atmosphere is not conducive to
gaining new knowledge or skills, it will be hard for learners to remain
engrossed or interested. Thus, it is important to have a conducive and safe
learning environment for young learners.
An early childhood education setting should be a place where children
discover a love for learning through a variety of play experiences. It is a
place where they feel free to make mistakes knowing they won’t be
chastised for it, but rather celebrated for their effort. Nevertheless. a
classroom environment is a space that students are eager to return to
*Please refer the rubric above

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