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Chapter 04

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Chapter #04

“Capturing and conversion of energy from one form to another in the living system and its utilization in metabolic
activities is called bioenergetics”
In the process of photosynthesis, the phosphorylation of ADP to form ATP using the energy of sunlight is
called photophosphorylation.

Oxidative Phosphorylation:
Oxidative phosphorylation is the process by which ATP synthesis is coupled to the movement of electrons through the
mitochondrial electron transport chain and the associated consumption of oxygen.

Substrate Level Phosphorylation:

Substrate-level phosphorylation is a metabolism reaction that results in the production of ATP by the transfer of
a phosphate group from a substrate directly to ADP.

“The process of conversion of light energy into chemical/food energy in the presence of chlorophyll and electron carriers
is called photosynthesis.”

Reactants of Photosynthesis:
The reactants of photosynthesis are:
1. Water:
Water is absorbed by the roots from soil and transported up to the photosynthetic organs through xylem vessels in
vascular plants
2. Carbon Dioxide:
Carbon dioxide enters into the plant through the stomata.
3. Light Energy:
Light is obtained from the sun.

Products of Photosynthesis:
Products of photosynthesis are:
1. Oxygen:
It diffuses in the surrounding through stomata.
2. Glucose:
Glucose may be utilized for the synthesis of complex carbohydrates such as starch, or may be used in the formation of
lipids or proteins. Some of the glucose is used to provide energy.

Role of Pigments:
When plants come in contact with the light, they absorb it with the help of colored compounds called pigments. There are
various types of pigments, which give different colors to the plants and absorb light of different wavelength. The
important pigments are:
1. Chlorophyll:
It can be distinguished into Chlorophyll a, b, c, d and e. Chlorophyll a and b more important and are present in a specific
region of chloroplast called “antenna” complex which absorb photons and transmit it to a chlorophyll-a rich region called
“reaction center”. Important features of chlorophyll a and b are
a. Chlorophyll-a:
The empirical formula of chlorophyll-a is C 55 H 72 O 5 N 4 Mg . It is blue-green in color
b. Chlorophyll-b:
The empirical formula of chlorophyll-b is C 55 H 70 O 6 N 4 Mg. It is yellow green in color

2. Carotenoids:
The chloroplast also contains carotenoids, which are various show different shades of yellow and orange. Thes eare
present in the thylakoid membranes. Carotenoids can absorb wavelength of light that is outside the absorption spectrum of
chlorophyll and transfer it to chlorophyll-a. Some carotenes also accept excess energy from chlorophyll preventing it from

Role of Light:
Light is composed of packets of energy called photons or quanta. When a photon of light his chlorophyll-a molecules, it
raises their energy and elevates electrons from the ground state to excited state. The excitation depends upon the type of
incident photons.
1. The red photons contain less energy and elevate photons to excited state I
2. The blue photons contain less energy and elevate photons to excited state II.3

Role Of Pigments
The set of wavelengths absorbed by a pigment is its absorption spectrum. the absorption spectra of three key
pigments in photosynthesis: chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b, and β-carotene. .

Chlorophyll a:
This pigment is found in all higher plants. It is the most vital pigment used in photosynthesis. Some
algae, cyanobacteria and anaerobic phototrophs also show the presence of chlorophyll a. It has a strong rate of
absorption. It absorbs violet-blue as well as orange-red light and reflects blue-green light. C ₅₅H ₇₂O ₅N ₄Mg is the
formula representing Chlorophyll a
Chlorophyll b:
This type of chlorophyll is seen in green algae and plants. It is an accessory pigment that aids chlorophyll a. This

pigment usually absorbs the orange-red light and reflects a yellow-green colour. C55H70O6N4Mg is the formula
representing Chlorophyll b.
Carotenoids are usually red, orange, or yellow pigments, and include the familiar compound
carotene, which gives carrots their color.  Carotenoids cannot transfer sunlight energy directly to the
photosynthetic pathway, but must pass their absorbed energy to chlorophyll. For this reason, they are
called accessory pigments.

Role of Water:
Photosynthesis is a redox process and requires H and electrons, which are provided by water. H 2 O is split and
electrons and transferred along with Hydrogen ion from H 2 O and C O2 reducing it to sugar.
1 +¿+2 e −¿¿
H 2 O → O2 +2 H

Role of C O2:
C O2 provides the carbon for the glucose. It enters through the stomata from the environment. Some of C O2 is produced
as a result of respiration

Process of Photosynthesis:
Process of photosynthesis takes place in two distinct steps

1. Light Dependent Reactions:

a. These reactions are the light reactions and they capture the sunlight and convert it into chemical energy
carrier molecules called ATP and NADP H 2
b. As the sunlight strikes the chloroplast, the electrons get excited and are transferred by a series of compounds
called electron transport chain to participate in vital reactions
c. These compounds include
i. Chlorophyll
ii. Membrane complexes
 Photosysstem I (PSI)
 photosystem II (PSII)
 cytochrome b/f complex (cyt b/f)
 ATPase complex
iii. Mobile electrons carriers
 Plastoquinone (PQ)
 Plastocyanin (PC)
 Ferredoxin (FD)
d. The membrane of the thylakoid is composed of two regions
i. Stacked region contain Cyt b/f complex, PSII and Light Harvesting Complexes.
ii. Non-Stacked region contains Cyt b/f complexes, PSI and ATP synthase complex
e. PSI and PSII contain identical chlorophyll-a molecules. chlorophyll-a associated with PSI show maximum
absorbance at 680 nm and molecules associated with the PSII at 700nm.

Electron Transport:
a. The light reactions start from the reaction center of PSII, which contain chlorophyll-a, it absorbs energy and
electrons get excited.
b. The excited electrons produced with P680 are rapidly transferred to the primary electron acceptor phaelophtin and
then to plastoquionone Q A and Q B , which are associated with a ferrous ion
c. Plastoquinone also accepts two protons and releases them in the lumen. It passes the electrons to Cyt b/f complex,
which donate electrons to Plastocyanin
d. Plastocyanin donates electrons to photosystem I, which transfer its electrons to Ferrodoxin through three
molecules of FeS.
e. These electrons are used in the reduction of NADP to NADPH.
f. The oxidized P680 produced by electron transport is re-reducted by an electron from H 2 O which is generated by
the water-splitting complex that is present on the luminal side of the thylakoid membrane and produces electrons,
H and O2

Chemiosmotic Formation of ATP:

a. The energy obtained from electron transfer is coupled to the formation of ATP as during the transfer, some
electron carriers pump hydrogen ions into the thylakoid lumen.
b. This thylakoid space becomes a reservoir of hydrogen ions and when they flow down the electrochemical gradient
through the ATP synthase complex, it generated one ATP against the passage to three hydrogen ions
c. This is called chemiosmotic synthesis of ATP as ATP formation occurs due to combination of osmotic and
chemical gradients.
d. The phosphorylation of ADP may be of two types.

i. Non-Cyclic Phosphorylation

When there is a linear transfer of electrons from water to NADP , and do not get back to initial source,
the process is called non-cyclic phosphorylation
ii. Cyclic Phosphorylation:
When there is a cyclic transfer of electrons and they are transferred back to Plastoquinone from PSI, the
process is called cyclic phosphorylation.

Three important events take place during light reactions:
i. Photolysis of water
ii. Reduction of NADP to NADPH
iii. Synthesis of ATP by photophosphorlation

2. Light Independent Reactions:

a. They are also called dark reactions or Calvin-Benson Cycle or reductive pentose phosphate cycle and result in
the fixation of atmospheric C O 2 into organic molecules.
b. As C O2 is reduced to triose phosphate, plants that use this pathway are called C 3 plants
c. Although Calvin cycle consists of 13 reactions involving 11 enzymes, it is divided into three distinct phases.
i. Carboxylation:
This is the first and the key reaction of the Calvin Cycle, where ribulose, 1-5 bisphosphate (RuBP)
combines with C O2 and finally produces two molecules. of glycerate-3 phosphate (G3P)
This reaction is catalyzed by the enzyme ribulose, 1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (Rubisco)
3 C O2 +3 RuBP →6 (3−PGA )
ii. Reduction:
This phase of Calvin Cycle consists of a series of reversible reactions and G3P is reduced to
glycerate-1,3-bisphosphate (G1, 3P) and then triose phosphate glyceraldehyde 3 phospate (GA3P)
and dihydroxyacetenone phosphate (DHAP) at the cost of NADP and ATP
6( 3−PGA )+ 6 ATP+6 NADPH 2→ 6(3−PGAL)+6 ADP+ NADP+6 Pi

iii. Regeneration:
Due to rearrangements, three carbon compounds are rearranged to form five carbon compounds and
RuBP is regenerated.
5(3−PGAL)+3 ATP → RuBP+ 3 ADP+ 2 Pi
a. During the cycle, 3 molecules of C O 2 fix three molecules of RuBP to produce 6 molecules of 3 Carbon
b. Five 3-carbon compounds are used in the generation of RuBP and one 3- Carbon compound is left, which can
i. Re-enter the cycle
ii. Used for starch synthesis
iii. Transported to cytosol for the production of Sucrose
c. A total of nine ATPs and six NADPH are used during the dark reactions for the formation of G3P, which is
the basic compound used in the formation of larger organic compounds.

Cellular Respiration:
“The process of breakdown of glucose with the synthesis of ATP is called cellular respiration”
Carbon dioxide and water are produced as by-products
C 6 H 12 O6 + 6O2 → 6C O2+ 6 H 2 O+673. KCal/mole
There are two types of respiration

Anaerobic Respiration:
a. The breakdown of sugar in the absence of oxygen is called anaerobic respiration
b. Some anaerobic organisms such as yeast, certain bacteria, some annelids and gut parasites can respire without
oxygen. Some tissues and plant roots also have the capability to respire anaerobically.

c. There are two types of anaerobes.
i. Obligate anaerobes, which cannot survive in oxygen
ii. Facultative anaerobes, which survive aerobically in the presence of oxygen but can survive in its absence.
d. When oxygen is absent or in short supply. The products of anaerobic respiration are either ethyl alcohol and
carbon dioxide or lactic acid
e. The process is inefficient in terms of energy production and only a small amount of energy is released because of
incomplete oxidation of glucose.

Aerobic Respiration:
a. The process of breakdown of glucose in the presence of oxygen is called aerobic respiration
b. The process of aerobic respiration is divided into three main stage.
1. Glycolysis:
Glycolysis is the universal energy harvesting process in all organisms. It occurs freely in anaerobic
environment within the cytoplasm. It is the process of breakdown of six-carbon sugar glucose into two
molecules of 3-carbon sugar pyruvic acid. It consists of two phases.

Energy Investment Phase:

2. Since two molecules of ATP are used during the first reactions, this phase is also called energy investment
phase. The process involves following steps
i. A phosphate is added to the sixth carbon of glucose by the breakdown of ATP
ii. Glucose-6 phosphate is converted to Frustose-6 phosphate with breakdown of another ATP
iii. Fructose-6-phosphate is converted to Frustose-1, 6-diphosphate with breakdown of another ATP
iv. Fructose-1, 6-diphosphate is broken down into two 3-carbon fragments called phosphoglycer-
aldehyde (PGAL) and Dihydroxy acetone phosphate (DHAP), which are inter-convertible

Energy Yielding Phase:

These reactions are associated with synthesis of ATPs so they are called energy yielding phase.
1. PGAL is converted to phosphoglyceric acid (PGA) with the help of enzyme dehydrogenase and to co-enzyme
NAD+¿ ¿. This is a redox reaction in which PGAL is oxidized by removal of two electrons ¿ and NAD is reduced
by addition of electrons.
2. Phosphorylation of PGA takes place by a phosphate group (Pi) present in cytoplasm and becomes 1-3 di
phosoglyceric acid (DPGA)
3. PGA loses its phosphate group of ADP forming ATP and 3-phosphoglyceric acid
4. 3 phosphoglyceric acid is converted to 2-phosphoglyceric acid
5. 2-PGA is dehydrated and converted into phosphoenol pyruvic acid (PEPA)
6. Another phosphate group is transferred to ADP forming ATP and pyruvic acid

Glycolysis can be summarized as
Glucose → 2 Pyruvic acid + 2 H 2 O
2 ADP + 2 Pi → 2ATP
2 NAD + 4 H +¿→ ¿ 2 NADH +2 H
4 ATP molecules are produced in the energy-yielding phase but two have been consumed in the energy investment phase,
so there is a gain of 2ATPs. The pair also yields two pairs of energized electrons and two NADHs

Break Down of Pyruvic Acid:

Each molecule of pyruvic acid can be broken down aerobically or anaerobically

Anaerobic Break Down/ Fermentation:

It is the anaerobic breakdown of pyruvic acid. It has two types

i. Alcohol Fermentation:
Each pyruvic acid molecule is broken into ethyl alcohol, which is toxic compound so they must revert to
aerobic respiration before the concentration exceeds their tolerable limit. The process occurs in two steps

First Step:
The 3-Carbon pyruvic acid is decarboxylated to produce 2-Carbon acetaldehyde

Second Step:
NADH + H +¿¿ reduces acetaldehyde to ethyl alcohol + ¿¿
+¿→ CH CH 2 OH + NAD ¿
CH 3 CHO+ NADH + H 32

ii. Lactic Acid Fermentation:

It takes place when there is a relative shortage of oxygen in animals during extensive exercise. Their muslces
respire anaerobically and convert pyruvic acid into lactic acid, which causes muscle fatigue and forces the
animals to rest until blood circulation removes lactic acid and supplies the deficient oxygen. Lactic acid forms
by direct reduction of Pyruvic acid by NADH + H

Aerobic Breakdown:
Pyruvic acid formed during glycolysis is converted to Acetyl-CoA by decarboxylation and conjugation with
Coenzyme A and transferred to mitochondria
Pyruvic acid + CoA + NAD +¿→¿ Acetyl CoA + C O2 + NADH + H

Krebs Cycle:
Acetyl coenzyme A participates in a series of cyclic reactions called Kreb’s cycle or Citric acid cycle. It
consists of following steps.
i. An enzyme separates CoA from Acetyl CoA and the acetyl fragment combines with four-carbon
compound oxalo acetic acid to form 6-carbon compound citric acid. During this process one molecule of
water is used and co-enzyme A is recycled again.
ii. Citric acid is isomerized to isocitric acid
iii. Isocitric acid undergoes decarboxylation reaction and forms α -ketaglutaric acid. A molecule of NADH
also forms.
iv. α −¿ ketoglutaric acid is again oxidatively decarboxylated and hydrated to form Succinic acid with the
formation of one molecule of CO 2, ATP and NADH each.
v. Succinic acid is converted to fumaric acid with the formation of FADH 2
vi. Fumaric acid is hydrated and converted into malic acid
vii. Regeneration of oxalic acid occurs with the oxidation of malic acid, which also results in the formation of
one molecule of NADH.

As glucose molecules split into two molecules of pyruvic acid during glycolysis, two cycles are required for each glucose
molecule. for each pyruvic acid molecules, there carbon atoms are removed as CO 2 and five pairs of hydrogen atom are
used to reduce NAD and FAD to NADH + H and FADH 2. The inputs and outputs of Kreb’s cycle are
Pyruvic acid + 3 H 2 O → 3CO 2 +5 ×2 H (in carriers)

Electron transport Chain

The third phase of aerobic respiration in which NADH2 and FADH2 which were produced by glycolysis are now
liberated to produce energy.
The chain involves the following steps.
a. A Co-enzyme Q
b. A series of cytochrome from Cyt b, Cyt c, Cyt a, Cyt a 3
c. ATPase complex

It starts with the oxidation of NADH2 which releases 2 electron and 2 Proton. The energy is also released duri g this
breakdown. This energy will be you utilized to synthesis first molecule of ATP. the NADH2 is oxidized by coenzyme
Q. The FADH2 is also oxidized by co enzyme and now the CO enzyme Q is oxidized by cytochrome b which is
oxidised by cytochrome C. At this stage energy is available which can be used by ATPase Complex for the formation
of ATP. After it, cytochrome is oxidized by cytochrome a and a3. The last cytochrome a3 is oxidised by an atom of
Oxygen and the electrons arrived with Proton. A molecule of water is formed by this combination. The synthesis of
ATP during electron transport chain in the presence of oxygen is called oxidative phosphorylation it takes place in the
inner membrane Cristae of Mitochondria

Occasionally plant oxidise sugar during day time without the production of energy called as photo respiration. During this
process carbon dioxide is released and oxygen is absorbed like aerobic respiration. It means RuBisCO performs
oxygenation instead of carboxylation during photo respiration.
RUBP reacts with oxygen producing one molecule of three phosphoglycerate and one molecule of glycolate .
The glycolate produced during this process diffuses into membrane bounded organelle called peroxisomes where
glycolate is converted into amino acid glycine.
The glycine rapidly diffuses into the mitochondria where two glycine molecules are been converted into amino acid
Serine and a molecule of carbon dioxide is formed.

Alternative Mechanisms for Carbon Fixation:

In the hot climates, plants close their stomata during the day to conserve water. This also decreases the supply of C O 2 for
the plants and RuBP starts combining with O2 to generate C O2 . It is a wasteful process and is called photorespiration.
Plants, which utilize alternate pathways to minimize photorespiration are called C 4 and CAM plants.

1. C 4 Plants:
a. These plants replace Calvin’s cycle with an alternate mode that forma a four carbon compounds called
oxaloacetate as its first product
b. Oxaloacetate releases C O2 which is reassimilated into organic material by Rubisco and Calvin’s cycle.
c. Example: Sugarcane, Corn and Grasses.

2. Crassulacean Acid Metabolism (CAM) Plants:

a. These plants open their stomata during the night and close them during the day to conserver water
b. At night C O2 enters the stomata and is incorporated in various organic acids, which release it during the day
when light reactions can occur.
c. This section of flora makes use of a procedure akin to the C4 section apart from the fact that they take carbon
dioxide in nocturnal hours and convert it into malic or aspartic acid. The vacuoles of their photosynthetic cells
provide a location to store them. As soon as the sun shines these plants shut their stomata and disintegrate the
malic acid to keep the carbon dioxide ratio high enough to avert photorespiration. This permits the leaves to
have their stomata shut with the intention of preventing withering.



1. Quantitative study of energy relationships and its conversion inside biological system is called _________
a) Biotechnology b) bioenergetics c) biocoenotics d) ecology

2. Of all the living species in this world, only about ________ million are autotrophs
a) 0.5 b) 1 c) 1.5 d) 0.25

3. In endergonic process, ATP_________

a) Acts as co-enzyme b) acts as co-factor c) acts as energy currency d) acts as an energy absorber

4. In endergonic process, ATP_________

a) Acts as co-enzyme b) acts as co-factor c) acts as energy currency d) acts as an energy absorber

5. Photosynthesis is a ________ process

a) Anabolic b) energy converting c) redox d) All

6. Not act as reactant as in the process of photosynthesis

a) Water b) CO2 c) light energy d) chlorophyll

7. The empirical formula for chlorophyll-a is ________

a) C50 H72 05 N4 Mg b) C55 H72 05 N4 Mg c) C55 H70 06 N4 Mg d) C55 H72 06 N4 Mg

8. The empirical formula for chlorophyll-b is ________

a) C50 H72 05 N4 Mg b) C55 H72 05 N4 Mg c) C55 H70 06 N4 Mg d) C55 H72 06 N4 Mg

9. Chlorophyll-a is _______ in color

a) Yellow green b) blue green c) green d) blue

10. Chlorophyll-b is _____ in color

a) Yellow green b) blue green c) green d) blue

11. First chemical reaction of photosynthesis starts from _______

a) Reaction centre of PSI b) Anter na complex of PSI c) Reaction centre PSII d) Anter na complex of PSII

12. _______shows the phenomenon of Photoreception (Phenomenon in which one pigment molecule accepts energy
of another pigment molecule)
a) Chlorophyll-a b) chlorophyll-b c) carotenoids d) phyccbilin

13. A photon of red light can elevate electron from ground state to _______
a) Excited state-1 b) excited state-2 c) excited state-3 d) excited state-4

14. A photon of red light can elevate electron from ground state to _____
a) Excited state-1 b) excited state-2 c) excited state-3 d) excited state-4

15. True about Photosynthesis

a) Blue photon provides more energy than red photon
b) Blue photon provides less energy than red photon
c) Both provides equal amount of energy
d) None

16. One NADH + H is equivalent to _______

a) 2ATP b) 3ATP c) 4ATP d) 1ATP

17. True about photo-system

a) P 700 is also known as PSII
b) P680 is also known as PSI
c) Primary electron acceptor P680 passes electron to Fd
d) Primary electron acceptor P700 passes electron to Fd

18. The end product of respiration

a) CO2 b) H2O c) both CO2 and H2O d) O2

19. Oxygen produce during photosynthesis comes from_______

a) CO2 b) H2O c) both CO2 and H2O d) atmosphere

20. Light reactions of photosynthesis of takes place inside ______

a) Chloroplast membrane b) cristae c) stroma d) thylakoid membrane

21. Dark reactions of photosynthesis of takes place inside ______

a) Chloroplast membrane b) cristae c) stroma d) thylakoid membrane

22. Major groups of complexes present in the Thylakoid membrane are _____
a) 5 b) 4 c) 6 d) 3

23. Complexes present in the stacked (Appresed) portion of Thylakoid membrane are _____
a) PSI, ATP synthase and Cyt b/f complex
b) PSII, LHCII and Cyt b/f complex
c) PSI, LHCII, Cyt b/f complex
d) PSII, ATP synthase, Cyt b/f complex

24. Complexes present in the Stacked (appresed) portion of thylakoid membrane are ________
a) PSI, ATP synthase and Cyt b/f complex
b) PSII, LHCII and Cyt b/f complex
c) PSI, LHCII, Cyt b/f complex
d) PSII, ATP synthase, Cyt b/f complex

25. _______is the primary electron acceptor for PSII

a) Phaelophytin b) plastoquinone c) plastocyanin d) ferridoxin

26. Oxidized PSII (P680) is re-reduced by accepting the electron of _______

a) H2O b) PSI c) Phaelophytin d) None

27. ______acts as an electron donor to PSI

a) Pc b) Pq c) Fd d) Phaelophytin

28. Oxidized PSI(P680) is re-reduced by accepting the electrons of

a) H2O b) PSI c) Phaelophytin d) None

29. _________pumps photons (H+) from stroma to the lumen of thylakoid

a) Pc b) Fd c) PSI d) Pq

30. Transport of __________ protons (H+) through ATPase complex produce 1ATP
a) 2 b) 3 c) 4 d) 5

31. The gas used in cellular respiration is

a) CO2 b) O2 c) N2 d) None

32. The gas used in photosynthesis is ______

a) CO2 b) O2 c) N2 d) None

33. Glucose is converted during glycolysis into

a) Urea b) uric acid c) pyruvic acid d) none

34. The calvin cycle consist of ________reaction catalyzed by ____Enzymes

a) 13,11 b) 12,11 c) 11,13 d) 11,12

35. _____CO2 + ______RuBP _______G3P

a) 3, 3, 6 b) 3, 4, 5 c) 2, 3, 4 d) none

36. One complete Calvin cycle consumes a total of __________ molecules of ATP and ____molecules of NADPH+H
a) 6, 9 b) 6, 8 c) 9, 6 d) 9, 8

37. The plants which form Oxalo-acetate as first compound during carbon fixation are called _____plants
a) CAM b) C4 c) C3 d) None

38. 1 glucose molecule produces ______ energy through aerobic respiration

a) 2827 KJ/ 673 K.cal b) 673 KJ / 2827 K.cal c) 7.3 K.cal d) none

39. 1 ATP molecule produces _______Energy through hydrolysis

a) 2827 KJ/ 673 K.cal b) 673 KJ / 2827 K.cal c) 7.3 K.cal d) none

40. Net ATP gain at substrate level photophosphorylation through Glycolysis

a) 3ATP b) 4ATP c) 2ATP d) 5ATP

41. Gross ATP gain at substrate level photophosphorylation through glycolysis

a) 3ATP b) 4ATP c) 2ATP d) 5ATP

42. Net ATP gain at substrate level phosphorylation through one complete Kreb’s cycle
a) 3ATP b) 4ATP c) 2ATP d) 5ATP

43. Total NADH + H produced through one complete glycolysis

a) 2 b) 3 c) 4 d) 5

44. Total NADH + H produced through one complete Kreb’s cycle from Acetyl co-A
a) 2 b) 3 c) 4 d) 5

45. One FADH2 is equivalent to ______

a) 2ATP b) 3ATP c) 4ATP d) 1ATP

46. Total FADH2 produced through one complete Kreb’s cycle from Acetyl co-A
a) 2 b) 3 c) 4 d) 5

47. Of the total solar energy, only ______% reaches to earth

a) 55 b) 45 c) 65 d) 50

48. Of the total solar energy that reaches the earth only _______% is absorbed by green plants
a) 2-3 b) 3-4 c) 4-5 d) 5-6

49. An ecosystem may have _____trophic levels
a) 2-3 b) 3-4 c) 4-5 d) 5-6

50. The rate at which the plants convert solar energy to chemical energy is called ________
a) Primary productivity b) gross primary productivity c) net primary productivity d) All

51. Net primary productivity is _______% of Gross primary productivity

a) 70 b) 60 c) 80 d) 90

52. The average efficiency of energy transfer from plants (Producer) to Herbivores (Primary Consumer) is about
a) 10 b) 20 c) 30 d) 40

53. The average efficiency of energy transfer from one Consumer to another consumer is about ________%
a) 10 b) 20 c) 30 d) 40

54. Flow of energy in an ecosystem is _______

a) Bi-directional b) re-cycle able c) poly-directional d) uni-directional

55. The generation of ATP by ETC coupled with H+ ion pump process is called _____
a) Photophosphorylation b) substrate level phosphorylation
c) Oxidative phosphorylation d) chemi osmotic phosphorylation

56. Site of glycolysis

a) Cytoplasm b) mitochondrial matrix c) inner mitochondrial membrane d) inner thylakoid membrane

57. Site of TCA

a) Cytoplasm b) mitochondrial matrix c) inner mitochondrial membrane d) inner thylakoid membrane

58. Site of ETC

a) Cytoplasm b) mitochondrial matrix c) inner mitochondrial membrane d) inner thylakoid membrane

1. B 13. A 25. A 37. B 49. C
2. A 14. B 26. A 38. A 50. B
3. C 15. C 27. A 39. C 51. C
4. A 16. B 28. B 40. C 52. A
5. D 17. D 29. D 41. B 53. B
6. D 18. C 30. B 42. C 54. B
7. B 19. B 31. B 43. A 55. C
8. C 20. D 32. A 44. B 56. A
9. B 21. C 33. C 45. A 57. B
10. A 22. B 34. A 46. A 58. C
11. C 23. B 35. A 47. B
12. C 24. A 36. C 48. A


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