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7th Sea - Numa

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The document provides an overview of the city of Numa, including its history, government, neighborhoods, culture and organizations present. It also outlines some game mechanics for a 7th Sea campaign set in Numa.

The neighborhoods described include Le Rovine, Pianura Dell'Inondazione, Vecchiacittà, Villaggio della Chiesa, Dioclasian, Il Gigante della Pietra, and Levanzo.

Alderac Entertainment Group is mentioned as owning the intellectual property for both 7th Sea and Swashbuckling Adventures.


T h e H e a r t o f t h e O l d


7 Sea

T h e H e a r t o f t h e O l d

"Many have dreamed up republics and principalities that have never in truth been known
to exist; the gulf between how one should live and how one does live is so wide that a
man who neglects what is actually done for what should be done learns the way to self-
destruction rather than self-preservation."

- Cristoforo Scarovese, Means to Ends

7th Sea and Swashbuckling Adventures are properties of Alderac Entertainment Group, Inc. All rights reserved © 2003

Project Manager Cover Design

Mark Edwards (Black Jack Rackham) F.C. Wesel (Ravenshadow)

Writing Layout
Mark Edwards (Black Jack Rackham) F.C. Wesel (Ravenshadow)
Alex Bero (Ceasar Vestini)
Mike Brisberg (Wino)
Dana DeVries (danar)
A. Scott Dundon (Magnus Sigmundsson) 7th Sea Created by
Laura Gullett (Rebecca Iavelli) John Wick & Jennifer Wick & Kevin Wilson
Katie White (Lady Grace)
F.C. Wesel (Ravenshadow)
Revenant’s Forum Community
P. Sauvineau
7th Sea™ and Swashbuckling Adventures™ are
properties of Alderac Entertainment © 2005. All
rights reserved. www.alderac.com

There are simply too many people to thank individually. However, those who stand out most are my family who
gave me enough time to finally put this bugger to bed; Ravenshadow, who, unasked, jumped right in to this project
with gusto and enthusiasm; and the fans of 7th Sea who clamored for more about their favorite game to the point
that they infected me with their madness. Thanks Everyone. Mark

Special Art Note

We have several pieces of art that were pointed out to us that fit the theme and ideas of this booklet perfectly but we
were not able to locate the original artists. If you find a piece of your artistic talents within this work please contact
us immediately so that we might credit you accordingly (and possibly add a link to your web-page, should you have
one) and or remove your works from the book if you so desire.

A Note On Publication
“NUMA: City of the Old” is in its entirety a fan-based work that hopes to flesh out some of the many interesting
locations within the world of the 7th Sea RPG. As a work of the fan none of the contributors were paid for their
efforts, and the ebook is to be distributed free of charge. Those interested in future projects should inquire at
Revenant’s 7th Sea Forum (http://revenants7thsea.aimoo.com/).

Thief’s Reprieve, Part One 5
Introduction 5
History 5
Government 7
Le Rovine 8
Pianura Dell'Inondazione (Pianura) 10
Vecchiacittà 11
Villaggio della Chiesa 13
Dioclasian 14
Il Gigante della Pietra 15
Levanzo 16
Trafori 18
Modern Numa 18
Culture & Tradition 18
Nations & Orders 20
Thief’s Reprieve, Part Two 23
Major Personae of the City 23
Minor Personae of the City 25
Personae of Mystery of the City 26
Previously Published NPCs 27
Your Guide 27
Thief’s Reprieve, Part Three 29
New Background 29
New Skills 29
New Swordsman School: Desco Numanaius 30
New Advantages 31
New Secret Society: Alumno Desco 31
New Equipment 33
New Poisons 33
Torture In Théah 33
Thief’s Reprieve, Part Four 38
Neighborhood Secrets and Hooks 38
Personae of the City (Major, Minor & Mysterious) 43
Desco Numanaius: Mastery 48
Quinque 49
Fiendish Beasts 49
Neighborhood Maps 51
City Map Back Cover

Section One: NUma

Thief’s Reprieve Empire, Numa is Théah. Or more appropriately,

Numa spawned Théah. And I should know, I take
tourists like you through her ancient heart and
Part One gravity-defying spires every day. My name is
Guiseppe Agostini and I will play tour guide for your
trip through the Cradle of Civilization.
Tino should have known better. After all, his
every instinct screamed at the wrongness of the Since you are reading this pamphlet, I assume
situation. But, what choice did he have, really? He you cannot afford my services in person? Ah well,
could spend the rest of his days rotting away in this there are many who cannot. However, remember as
dank, dark, festering cesspool of a cell, forgotten you read through this guide, that I have not attempted
under the tons of rock that was the Stone Giant. Or to give you a thorough history of this ancient city.
perhaps he would simply wait for any of a hundred of For what would such a treatise be, given an almost
his fellow prisoners to decide that a knife in the back 2500 year history? Such a tome would take up entire
would solve their problems? Or he could simply libraries (and if you are truly interested the Ancient
acquiesce to the Bishop’s plan. It was tantamount to Numan Library, which I describe more thoroughly
suicide of course, and the Bishop held no pretenses later, can give you a good head start on answering
otherwise. But like Tino, the Bishop seemed to realize just that question.).
that there really was no other choice. Instead, I want to give you, the reader, a flavor of
The Bishop stood impassively in the cell idly what influences converged to create the version of
staring at Tino while awaiting an answer. Tino this historic city that now exists. To make this easier
noticed that one of the Bishop’s Guards was for you, I begin with the historical, governmental,
absentmindedly kicking at a dead rat as though bored and religious influences. The bulk of this text,
by his duty. Turning slowly to face the guard, the however, comes with the descriptions of the various
Bishop stared with cold fury. Tino almost smiled “neighborhoods” which make up the heart of Numa,
when he realized that the guard might be staying their respective reputations and the places you will
behind when he left. That is, if he were lucky. The want to see (or stay away from) if you should find
good mood ended when he realized that he had, yourself nearby. To make this easier for you, I have
indeed, already made the decision. added several maps (an ‘overview’, and several more
detailed maps of the various neighborhoods).
“I’ll do it,” he managed to rasp out hoarsely,
before lowering his eyes and adding respectfully, But you must remember, Numa of 1668 is an
“Your Eminence.” exciting and dangerous city to live, visit or have
adventures in, and the locations described below are
meant to give you, not only a feel for the city, but
ideas with which to plan your adventures in this, the
most ancient of, cities.

“Many have dreamed up republics and
principalities that have never in truth been
known to exist; the gulf between how one
should live and how one does live is so wide
that a man who neglects what is actually done “Wise men say, and not without reason, that
for what should be done learns the way to self- whoever wished to foresee the future might
destruction rather than self-preservation.” consult the past.”
- Cristoforo Scarovese, Means to Ends - Cristoforo Scarovese, Means to Ends

People say that Théah’s history begins in Numa. As I mentioned earlier, it would be a Herculean
One would be hard pressed to argue against that. effort to fully describe the history of Numa. There
From her humble beginnings by the legendary are, however, four distinct eras in the history of
Numus as a trading center in the Levanzo hills to the Numa, which I would be remiss if I did not inform
seat of power for the Théah-spanning Numan

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Section One: NUma
you. These eras are the Old Empire, The Age of religious, and artistic pursuits. It is to the latter that I
Corentine, The Renaissance, and recent history. will next speak.
Certainly you’ve heard the stories, the The freedoms that Numa’s citizens enjoyed,
foundation of Numa on the banks of the Tigres, by combined with Numa’s position as neutral in the
the near-mythical figure of Numus. I won’t gainsay machinations of the merchant families, created a kind
such legends (the ancient Numan Library is chock of haven for the best and most innovative individuals;
full of books with similar stories). But one thing is masters who created great works of architecture
certain. Through a judicious use of good laws and including, statuary, painting, music, plays, etc.
good arms, Numa the trade center became Numa the However, during the later years of the 1300's Numa
seat of power of the greatest Empire Théah has ever went through a Renaissance. Masters of all forms of
known. For over 750 years Numa reigned supreme, art, who at other times would never have met,
and even the arrival of sorcery and the coming of the gathered in Numa, talked, discussed, argued, and
First Prophet and his Witnesses could not unseat her. inspired each other to even greater heights.
Eventually infighting; stupid, selfish leaders; and
For all the inspiration to further innovation, there
power-mad soldiers conspired to leave Numa ripe for
remained a dirty little secret.
her enemies. The Old Empire
Those who (for whatever
finally came to an end in 297
reason) could not contribute
AV when Eisen barbarians
to this renaissance were
finally succeeded in sacking
devalued, dismissed, and
Numa, leaving nothing but
often imprisoned. The
smoking rubble in their wake.
enfeebled, infirm and insane
You shouldn’t get the suffered the most. However
impression that Numa was common folk, merchants,
abandoned, far from it. While laborers, and the like, were
the population of Numa has also viewed with a certain
fluctuated throughout history, level of contempt for their
it has never been totally “common” occupations. Even
deserted. However, the power the church got involved in this
of the Numan Empire was as several cardinals
broken and those who stayed commissioned great works
in Numa stayed for reasons from the masters to fill the
other than political power. Cathedral of St. Mattheus,
That changed beginning in paying for such work with the
349 AV, when the Emperor Corantine, a devout coin of the common folk, while at the same time
Vaticine himself, unified the fractured sects of imprisoning, torturing and even killing the unwanted
Vaticine worship into the Reformed Vaticine Church. masses.
While this affected Numa only indirectly at first,
Most modern Numans will tell you, these ugly
Corantine ordered that the head of the church should
events occurred over three hundred years ago,
be Numa. Simple as that, Numa became a seat of
perpetrated by people long dead. However, I will tell
political power once again. It was from this reformed
you, and with some confidence, there are a great
Numa that several of the Crusades were launched,
number of unmarked graves in Pianura. The deceased
and the Hieros wars were fought. These events paved
have never received last rites and that can make for
the way for the wealthy merchant families to begin
unquiet spirits.
consolidating power, and eventually taking over
control of the government. However, none would go Currently, Numa is a bustling city full of all the
against the power of the Church and quite quickly it machinations and allegiances that you’ve heard of in
was decided that Numa would remain outside the rumors of Vodacce. Merchants seek to out-sell their
purview of the merchant families machinations. competition, and failing that, resort to less-than-legal
Given Numa’s newfound neutrality, and Vodacce’s means to rid themselves of their rivals. Men fail to
devotion to the Church, it’s not hard to make the leap treat one another with sufficient respect and duel for
that put Vodacce’s Cardinals in charge. the slights of their honor leaving wives and children
to suffer for their mistakes. The rich and powerful
Earlier I referred to Numa as the Cradle of
(both within and without the church) make and break
Civilization, so it should come as no surprise to you
rules as they see fit, following the writings of
that Numa often lead the way for new political,
Cristoforo Scarovese. Those powerful individuals

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Section One: NUma
leave only innocents to pay the consequences for One of the most important decisions he made
their actions. In other words, Numa is much like during his life was the Vicis Populus Vulgaris or the
every other major city on Théah. time of the common people. Despite having sole
authority, Numus traditionally gave one hour of his
The difference is, Numa did it first. For over
day to commoners who came to him with problems
2500 years, Numa has been the guiding hand, the
of a local nature. When the problems began spanning
shining example, and the groundbreaker, for every
several neighborhoods, the commoners began
major innovation. And Theus willing, she will
sending representatives. This tradition continued for
continue to do so. Welcome to Numa.
almost a hundred years after Numus’ death.
Eventually Numus and his successors came to
rely more and more heavily upon the people’s
representatives. After all, they were busy with threats
from outside of Numa (most notably the barbarian

invasions from Eisen and Ussura). Which in turn lead
to the creation of the Statio Responsal around 47
AUC. It was an abysmal failure. The representatives,
“The main foundations of every state, new
seeing that they had the ear of the Imperator sought
states as well as ancient or composite ones, are
to solidify their power base by suggesting a series of
good laws and good arms. You cannot have
taxes and levies against the wealthy merchants and
good laws without good arms, and where there
businessmen, essentially the people without a unified
are good arms, good laws inevitably follow.”
voice to the Imperator. For their part, the wealthy
- Cristoforo Scarovese, Means to Ends began electing their own representatives who
demanded the Imperator disband the Statio Responsal
in favor of the wiser leadership
When Numus founded this made up of the wealthy and
city, he created a power educated in Numa. Eventually,
structure in which final two different ‘houses’ of
authority (and thus the most representatives (one for the
power) rested in his hands. commoners and one for the more
Through his lifetime, this affluent) was created, the
structure appeared to have Imperator’s Senate.
worked. The city steadily
The creation of the Senate
increased its influence over a
served multiple purposes. It kept
larger and larger portion of the
the commoners happy by giving
Vodacce mainland. Rebellions
them a voice in the governing of
were almost non-existent and
their city. It kept the rich happy
from what little writing there is
because they could now make
on the subject, the populace
laws that allowed them more
appeared to have been content
advantages in business. It also
with their lives. However, most
kept the Imperator happy
scholars have agreed that had
because he could now focus his
more to do with the size of the
efforts on war and the
city than with the wisdom with which Numus made
accumulation of power rather than the ‘petty’
problems of the city.
This is not to say that Numus was a poor leader.
The drawback, however, was that, as the
Actually, quite the opposite, given his relative
Imperator granted more autonomy to the Senate to
inexperience leading others and ruling a vast, diverse,
make law, he lost power. Occasionally a very strong
and ever increasing accumulation of people, he did a
Imperator would take power and severely curtail the
remarkable job. Most importantly, however, he set
power of the Senate. This was the situation when the
the tone for leadership that was to follow. He choose
Senators made the bargain that brought Magic back
wise counselors, listened to his detractors and quickly
to Théah. Mad with power, the senators even turned
learned that the ability to change with the times, and
their wrath on the First Prophet when he sought to
admit mistakes was necessary for success.
speak with them. Eventually, in their madness, the

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Section One: NUma
senators ended up fighting against themselves, the Hierophant Modestus II, elected a group of five
Imperator, and even the citizens of Numa cardinals to oversee the day-to-day operations of the
city and see to the needs of all Numa’s citizens.
This was the situation when the Eisen barbarians
returned to Numa. This time, they left nothing but This is the way things have remained to this day,
rubble in their wake. despite the relocation of the head of the church to
Castille by the Third Prophet in 1012 AV.
In the years following the barbarian invasions,
there was little in the way of an organized
government. Records from this era are sketchy at
best. But it is known that various warlords seized
power for short periods of time and attempted to
implement laws, however, none was noted for
wisdom or length. Neighborhoods
Finally, around 330 AV, the Emperor Corantine,
and avowed Vaticine, began consolidation of power
in the area surrounding the river Dechane on what is LE ROVINE
now Montaigne-Castille border as he conquered more
area, what he found was that the Vaticine church had
been fractured. Many diverse cults had sprung up
around the teachings of the First Prophet. Corantine
successfully unified all the teachings and founded the
Reformed Vaticine Church. He also installed the
head of the church in Numa.
Over the coming years, people once again
flocked to Numa, and as the population increased, so
did the need for government. While nominally in
charge, the Vaticine Church was far too busy with
internal matters to intervene with the day-to-day At the very heart of the city lays the remains of
operations of Numa. Instead, it was the monks and many of the most magnificent structures of ancient
priests who’d traveled to Numa in throngs, who most Numa. While progress and the public’s desire to be
heavily influenced the government. They began close to such history have lead to revitalization at the
setting up monasteries, libraries, churches, and other edges of this area, the majority of the ancient city has
edifices dedicated to the New Vaticine religion. been preserved, as it was so long ago.
These organizations held a great deal of temporal
power (owing to sheer numbers and to force of arms). Originally settled in 1 AUC, by the near
Eventually, they began to make law and enforce it legendary Numus, Le Rovine represents the
within their particular domains. Without realizing it, boundaries of that original, ancient city. Almost 800
the feudal system had begun in Vodacce. years later (in 297 AV), this area was almost totally
leveled when barbarians from Eisen burned it to the
For some three hundred years, this system ground. What few structures remained were used as
remained unchanged, that is, until the coming of raw material. Left over stone and granite were
Carleman the Great. He was the first to conqueror scavenged to help build the newer structures. Le
and unify Vodacce. His plan was to build an empire Rovine received a reprieve from the scavenging when
that would far outlast his meager life. However, Carleman the Great unified all of Vodacce under one
quickly upon his death, his sons took to fighting flag. He declared Le Rovine a sacred place
among themselves. His son, Iago wound up with representing “the Cradle of Civilization.” The few
Vodacce. By all accounts, he was a backstabbing, revitalized areas were allowed to stay. However, all
evil, petty tyrant of a man who inspired not loyalty ancient buildings would henceforth be left in their
but rebellion. Eventually, three powerful merchant natural state in respect for the city, its citizens, and
families (the Delagas, the Lorenzos, and the Gallilis) their place in history. By ancient law, any businesses
acted to take Vodacce back, and thus began the rule here had to relocate outside Rovine each night at
of the merchant families. All of these families paid at sundown. Thus a steady stream of businesses
least lip service to the power of the Vaticine Church. dedicated to tourism and consisting of nothing other
Thus, while they scrabbled for territory, Numa was than a mortarboard or possibly pushcart began arising
left in the hands of the Church. The newly elected in this area. The only exception to this rule was the

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Section One: NUma
ancient Numan Library (housed, in part, in the Old 4,000 skeletons, all once Capuchin friars. The
Forum Building), which was permanently housed in finishing touch is the cemetery's telltale motto, a
Rovine. It was allowed to stay open until three hours somewhat gloomy reminder that reads, “We were
after the sun set. This is not to say that Le Rovine what you are, and what we are you will become.”
became a ghost town after sundown (if you’ll pardon
The church has been the center of attention
the pun), far from it. Many citizens of Numa laid
recently due to a painting by Renail Guidoro that was
claim to a house or room with a view near the edges
commissioned by the Cardinal Falisci. The painting
of Le Rovine. However, they knew Le Rovine
depicts the Second Prophet defeating the King of
became unsafe after dark. After the sun went down, a
Legion. The controversy lies in the fact that the artist
whole new form of business went into effect, one
depicted the King of Legion as having an appearance
which owed itself in equal parts to the lack of
that resembles the major-domo of the Church
influence from the Princes and the kind of policing
Council, Bishop Numanis.
which could be bought to look the other way. Those
who wished to have things a bit safer have headed
south to Nuovo Vecchiacittà.
Cuore di Numa Tours: A Numan tradition since well
Some of the interesting sites that can be seen in before your grandfather was born, Cuore di Numa
this neighborhood are; The Church of the Capuchins, Tours caters to the tourists of Numa. The brainchild
Cuore di Numa Tours, The Old Forum Building, La of the Agostini family, Cuore di Numa has locations
Torretta, the lovely Madame Francesca Delaga’s in most of the safer neighborhoods. The buildings
Boarding House, The Temple of Voltadi, Madame vary according to neighborhood standards, for
Donanoche’s Boarding House, and the Hippodromos example, the original Cuore di Numa Tours (in Le
Magnificens. Rovine) consists of nothing more than a large
mortarboard set up directly across the street from the
Hippodromos Magnificens. Conversely, Cuore di
Numa in Dioclasian serves hors d’oeuvres, and the
finest wines during tours. The current patriarch of
the Agostini clan, Guiseppe, came up with the idea of
publishing a pamphlet for ‘self-guided’ tours.

The Old Forum Building: Actually a collection of

buildings that encompassed almost one square mile in
Le Rovine, these buildings housed the Numan Senate
throughout the time of the Numan Empire. Much of
the buildings’ purposes had been lost to time;
however, the large oval building dominating the
center of the area was the site of the Senate’s
gathering and the site where the First Prophet
addressed the senators.
Currently it houses the Ancient Numan Library
as it has for centuries. It is the only ‘business’ in
Rovine allowed to stay open after sunset. Emperor
Carleman felt that a staple of a learned society was
their ability to learn from the past. Thus, the Ancient
The Church of the Capuchins: At the bottom of the Numan Library contains the most complete collection
bustling via Veseto, stands the Church of St. Maria of of scrolls, books and treatises on the history of Numa
the Witnesses, more popularly known in Numa as in existence.
“the Church of the Capuchins.” The friars of the
order wear cloaks of brown with a white cowl.
La Torretta: This tower is a wonder to behold.
Locals know this church well because it houses a Standing more than four stories tall, and built without
cemetery underneath. The vaults are covered with Sorte, it was constructed about 37 AUC. It originally
Baroque decorations that are neither of plaster nor served as a watch/signal tower to alert the city of
marble, but instead they are of the skulls, teeth, attack. Numa occupies the valley in the Levanzo hills
femurs, finger bones, and many other parts from over created by the Tigres River. As such, it is hidden

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Section One: NUma
between hills to the north and south. While this made for her guests and her own quarters. She has rooms
attacks in either of these directions difficult, it also for up to 10 lodgers and reasonable rates. However,
made advanced warning difficult. Originally there after years struggling through the Vodacce courts,
were 5 towers similar to La Torretta built in a line to she finds that foreigners are far more soothing and
the Numan frontier. However, Numan military only rents rooms to them. This also allows her to
conquests pushed the border far enough north to supplement her income by offering to provide
make the signal tower idea obsolete. Time and introductions and guidance through the turbulent
weather have taken their toll on the towers, and social scene.
currently there are only two left intact.

Hippodromos Magnificens: this sprawling edifice

Madame Francesca Delaga’s Boarding House: A housed the greatest spectacles of human and animal
maze of alleyways holding a number of boarding drama the world over. Ancient gladiators fought
houses known as the Path of Roses stands on the various opponents within these walls to the thrill of
border between Le Rovine and Nuovo Vecchiacittà. the crowds. The Hippodromos boasted the ability to
It is named for the practice of the owners to purchase house all of Numa within its walls. Rare was the
flowers at the end of the day from the marketplace event without a capacity crowd. An ingenious system
and strew them along the streets. The clashing of levers and pulleys allowed combatants to be
fragrances covers the normal reek of the city, though brought up from below or even lowered down from
some do not feel the scent of rotting flowers is a true on high. It has been rumored that the fight floor was,
improvement. on several occasions, flooded in order to bring sea
battles to the crowds.
One of the notable boarding houses is run by
Madame Delaga, a notorious prude and busybody.
She feels that any sort of erotic love is a slap in the
face of the divine and refuses to rent her rooms to PIANURA DELL'INONDAZIONE (PIANURA)
anyone engaging in carnal activities of any sort. Only
her cheap rates keep her house full of patrons, though
many are careful to conceal their activities from her.

The Temple of Voltadi: These ruins, located near the

center of Le Rovine once represented the center of
Numan life. Legend has it that the head of the ancient
Numan Gods, Voltadi, inspired Numus to settle here,
and promised the city would flourish eternally if
Numans made sacrifices to him. The temple once
housed the largest statue of Voltadi in the known
world. It was sacked, along with the rest of Ancient Located east Le Rovine and north of the Tigres
Numa in 297 AV, and the pieces used in other River, Pianura contains a number of swamps, tall
buildings pulleys Numa (chief among them, the marsh grass, overgrowth, and its own share of ruins.
Cathedral of St. Mattheus, see below) The few buildings that are still serviceable have been
built upon stilts to withstand the many floods that
seem to plague the area. Pianura originally laid claim
Madame Donanoche’s Boarding House: Snuggled to the most fertile ground outside of what is now
amidst a group of several other lodgings on the Path Falisci lands. Through an ingenious use of aqueducts,
of Roses are the boarding house of Madame Violetta pumps, and earthen/stone dams, builders in ancient
Donanoche. Violetta was once a minor courtesan, but Numa created a vast and highly efficient farmland for
the march of time took its toll and she was forced to the city’s use.
retire on her fortieth birthday. She still retains her Multiple disasters struck Pianura beginning in
elegant features and rapier-like wit. 1193 AV. That year, a series of torrential rainstorms
The first floor of her house consists of several along with runoff from Mt. Olimpia flooded the
small studies and dens that encourage quiet Tigres and overwhelmed the dams and ancient pump
conversations. The second floor holds the large systems. Those who survived abandoned the area and
dining room, capable of seating twenty, as well as a it remained submerged for some 5 months.
kitchen and pantry. The upper stories contain rooms Eventually those who returned, rebuilt, and a year

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Section One: NUma
and a half later, the dams were again overwhelmed, There is a charge for entry and most proceeds are
and the area flooded once again. Once more, a few used to bribe the officials who could make life very
foolhardy souls returned, and again a year later the difficult on the brothers. The rest of the entry fee is
area flooded. used to hire muscle, which dissuades those who
would get too rowdy or refuse to pay their debts. The
Later, in the early 1300's, during the height of
real coup the brothers pulled off, however, was in the
the Renaissance, hundreds of infirmed, mentally ill,
area of procurement. Several Cymbyr families have
and others who simply did not ‘fit in’ with the
agreed to provide the fighting game-cocks, which are
aesthetic of the time, were brought here and either
the favorite of fighting enthusiasts throughout Numa,
left, or killed outright. To this day stories are still told
via a deal who’s details are known only to them.
of this beggar or that tourist who stumbles across
some remains or, worse, a mass grave. Currently,
most consider the area cursed and only the truly
Sakin’el: during the dry season, one of the Cymbyr
desperate voluntarily spend any time here. Because
groups, the Tzigan, gathers here for purposes known
of this, and unbeknownst to most, a rather large
only to them. While they will entertain some guests,
contingent of Cymbyr have taken up residence during
by and large, they keep a low profile while inside the
the dry months. There are some three ancient bridges
city. It is this group that the Accorsi brothers have
(Coltivatore, Prigioniero, and Viti Appendenti) that
made a deal with to provide fighting gamecocks, and
still cross into this area.
as such, many of the creatures can be seen and heard
Some of the interesting sites that can be seen in when one approaches the camp.
this neighborhood are; The Pit and The Cymbyr
Village of Sakin’el.
The Pit: Throughout Numa’s long history, she’s had
an extensive relationship with fighting contests. Most
popular among them are the fights between trained
gamecocks. With the coming of the church, however,
such diversions are not only illegal, but also
considered immoral. Issues of morality and legality When Emperor Carleman conquered Numa, he
aside, the masses still have a thirst for such games. immediately began searching for a suitable spot to
They just need to be more discreet about where they house his army. He found it in the ruins of the Calx
engage in such activities. Enter Claudio and Paretis (which he later renamed Il Gigante della
Teobaldo Accorsi. Pietra, see below). However, armies have followers
While on the run from several debtors back in and those people must stay somewhere. Vecchiacittà
their home neighborhood of Vecchiacittà, they had grew up around the island to service the soldiers
occasion to hide out in some of the ruins left over housed on there. Unfortunately, most of Vecchiacittà
from Pianura’s flood. While there, they happened was located on the flood plain of the Tigres River.
upon several old basements and connecting sewer This river is noted for it’s flooding (see Pianura
tunnels. With a bit of work and a great deal more above). Eventually, those who could afford it moved
ingenuity than people gave them credit for, they above the flood plain. Those who remained were
cleaned out the basements and blocked up tunnels either too poor, aged, or crazy to leave, and the
keeping the area from filling up should more flooding neighborhood began its decline. All too soon, the
occur. They also carefully concealed the entrance military moved on, and the neighborhood fell into
under the arch of a little used bridge, allowing even harder times. Things temporarily looked up
spectators entry either by walking under the bridge or when the Vaticine Church announced that it would
travel via river. use the old soldiers barracks as a prison. That,
however, ended up being the nail in Vecchiacittà’s
To make it more difficult to be caught in the act coffin. The guards, already knowledgeable about the
(the only way they could be convicted of being neighborhood’s reputation, took their business
involved in illegal fighting), they made sure that elsewhere, which lead to even more desperate times
fights are held on random days. The only way to for those trying to make an honest living. Worse,
know when the next one will be is to be at the criminals who completed their sentence were
previous fight. That way, there are a limited number routinely set free there. Needless to say, the crime
of people who know, and they are already guilty. rate increased dramatically.

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Currently, this area consists of nothing more than he does provide. His stews and broiled fowl are
the lowest of low hovels. The only break in the particularly fine quality and none fault the extent of
unending poverty is the tourist shops which line the his wine cellar. In person, Ghioletti is a short, stout
roads leading to the three bridges heading into Il man with a flair for talking to people with gusto and
Castello and hence to Le Rovine. Even the tourist an excellent memory for both spices and customers.
areas have become dangerous as beggars and thieves
have taken up residence to prey on those tourists
staying in Levanzo. The church has increased police Copello Bondicci’s Locksmith: (Vecchiacittà)
presence threefold, however, this has yet to curtail Bondicci is a short, wiry man who is always ready
the criminal behavior. The only good news for this with a quick grin and a jovial word. He provides keys
neighborhood, or more accurately for Nuovo for the most difficult of locks anywhere in the city
Vecchiacittà, which is directly across the river from and many with legal and illegal needs know they can
Dioclasian, is that it is starting to be overtaken by the rely upon him. Only when he walks does anyone
more bohemian, urbane, middle class, artists, and notice his twisted and uneven gait, the result of a fall.
near-do-wells, which want to rub elbows with the
lower class (or at least pretend to). As a result, crime
has gone down and business, up.
Some of the interesting sites that can be seen in
these twin, yet opposite, neighborhoods are: Sugicci
Imports, Gustav’s Bakery, The Birds of the Sky and
Copello Bondicci’s Locksmith, Broken Tears Abbey.

Sugicci Imports: (Nuovo Vecchiacittà) Antoni

Sugicci runs the same Imports store his father ran,
and the same store his father ran before him. Given
the long history of the import business and the fact
that nothing untoward has ever been associated with
Sugicci Imports, it a reputation for respectability. The
Sugicci began with Montaigne and Eisen
connections, and have always provided fine imports
for a reasonable price. Broken Tears Abbey: (Vecchiacittà) This small,
dilapidated structure is one of the most pathetic
church structures within Numa that isn’t technically
Gustav’s Bakery: (Nuovo Vecchiacittà) Gustav classified as a ruin. It is known to nearly all of the
Gruber is a tall man with a terrible scar across his locals as “Gallandro’s House,” for it is where Sister
bald scalp who opened this shop after the mercenary Gallandro does the majority of her work looking after
trade became too much for him. He rarely speaks and the physical and spiritual well being of those less
never allows any expression to cross his face. fortunate and most often ignored by the more elite
Occasionally, he uses the razor-sharp knife he carries (within and without the church). The house is a
prominently on his hip to slice his loafs and dole out shelter for any who need it. A place where their
samples to patrons who scarcely believe the knife wounds might be treated when no other help is
display they just witnessed. However, the few times available.
that local toughs tried to bully him, they discovered
that he is deadly with every blade in his shop and the The Church and the Council all but ignore the
dozen he keeps concealed about his body. efforts, knowing full well that most of Numa could
care less about these people. They send token support
at best when the Sister gets too loud in her efforts. At
The Birds of the Sky: (Nuovo Vecchiacittà) one of any point in time there is talk of reducing the house
the finer restaurants in the city is known for its to ruin, but nothing more then talk has come to pass
unusual menu. Aldo Ghioletti, the owner and head thus far. Support from the Guard is minimal in
chef, serves the finest wines, breads, salads and Vecchiacittà, it is no different here, despite the frail
vegetables in sumptuous feasts fit for Merchant position of Sister Gallandro and the few who help
Princes. However, he does not serve any meat save her.
fowl. Most find this a peculiarity and enjoy the fare

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For the most part the house is left alone by the are not as magnificent as the current home of the
local mobs that vie for dominion of the streets as Vaticine Church (though one would be wise not to
many respect Sister Gallandro and her efforts, despite say that within earshot of any native Numan), it is
the fact that she doesn’t tolerate their activities. This never-the-less, awe inspiring. Built centuries ago, it
has a large part to do with the fact that while she boasts architecture from nearly every major period in
hates their actions she respects and loves them as history. While in other places, this might seem
fellow human beings. ostentatious, in the Cathedral, it adds to the sense of
history. Here and there throughout, visitors can see
More can be found on Sister Gallandro in the
stones scavenged from the Le Rovine section of
Dramatis Personae Section.
Numa, and it is rumored that the stones of the great
statue of Voltadi can be seen within its walls.


The House of Green Walls: In the midst of the
clerical residences lies an oddity, a gambling house
where no money changes hands. Two hundred years
ago, the Cardinals ruling the city placed a ban upon
wagering as it encouraged greed. But vice lies within
the hearts of every man, even priests. Several
Vaticine officials altered the wording of the ban to
allow gambling so long as money was not its object.
Afterwards, these officials gathered in one of their
homes for “friendly” games in which the stakes were
merely favors. The tradition continues to this day in
When Carleman unified Vodacce, he wanted to the House of Green Walls. Technically, the building
restore the Cradle of Civilization to its former glory. is a manor owned by the church for the entertainment
This ‘former glory,’ included restoring the Church to and housing of noble guests. However, few ever stay
its former position as both spiritual and temporal there. That way, the games may continue twice
leader of Numa. He set aside several hundred acres in weekly as they have for many years. Only ordained
one of the nicest areas of southwest of the ancient Vaticines may enter with an invitation and few below
city. This area, he proclaimed, was the sole province the rank of Bishop are ever invited. The staff knows
of the Vaticine Church, and would be used as they that discretion is their most important qualification
saw fit. He envisioned a great cathedral and enough and duty for they occasionally witness events and
space to house those who lived and worked there and discussions that affect the entire course of the
anyone else who had business with the church. It had Vaticine Church.
enough space left over for massive gardens and other
works of honor to Theus. However, that was not The Smithy of Soloman Antone: Soloman Antone
exactly how things worked out. The church, always was a soldier who traveled quite extensively. It was
in need of money, began allowing select businesses said that he even traveled to far off Cathay. Carleman
and residences to build on church lands with the handpicked him to create the Church Guard in 609
understanding that the individual’s would donate AV after he was crowned High Imperator. His first
their building when they no longer had need of it or undertaking was to create a weapon far in advance of
upon their death. When the original tenants began weapon design of the time. Using his knowledge
dying off, they asked the church to extend their need learned in Cathay, and improving upon it, he
to that of their family, and just like that, the church invented The Serpent Sword. As he came to the end
became a landlord. The church owns everything in of his life, he made it a point to teach the secret of
this section of Numa and it is only by their largesse creating the sword to several of his most worthy
that non-church business takes place here. students. To the most pious, he gave the smithy he
had created. His student, honored by the gift, changed
Some of the interesting sites that can be seen in his name to Soloman Antone, in order that the smithy
this neighborhood are; The Cathedral of Saint does not change names. This tradition has been
Mattheus, The House of Green Walls, the Smithy of passed down to this day. The current ‘Soloman
Soloman Antone, and Ecclesiastical Garb Antone’ Agostina Fabbro has owned the shop a little
more than three years.

The Cathedral of Saint Mattheus: while most would

agree that this cathedral and its surrounding grounds

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Ecclesiastical Garb: in theory, the Church provides Some interesting sites that can be seen in this
priestly robes and garments. Since these garments are neighborhood are: Patero’s, The Hanging Gardens of
of a consistent quality and design, this ensures that Numa, Evangelista’s School, and Manor Arachnidan.
the officials will not waste time and energy focusing
on appearance instead of more theological matters. In
practice, things stand a bit differently. A large shop
named Ecclesiastical Garb provides all the formal
garments. The shop employs ten tailors and produces
a rather average quality product on short demand.
Any official in the church may stop and obtain any
formal garb they are entitled to wear and have the
garment ready within twenty-four hours without cost.
However, the shop’s true focus is on providing more
discriminating buyers with a much finer garment.
Such robes are quite costly, but most feel that the
replacement of rare silks and satins for the more
plebian cottons is worth the money. Few high-
ranking officials in Numa would dare risk their
reputation by wearing simple garb when the far more
exotic is so readily available.

Patero's: Patero's began as a private estate in the
wealthy Dioclasian district. Patero himself was a
noted member of the Figaricci family, who some
believe could have been a great family if they had
played their cards right. Unfortunately, that was all
Patero liked to do, play cards. And dice. And gamble
As the power of the merchant princes began to on the slightest thing, like whether this leaf would
rise and families got richer and richer, the need to see fall faster than that one, or whether one courtesan
and be seen everywhere important eventually came to could hit a higher note than the other. He reduced his
the fore. Dioclasian was, quite simply, the result of family to near poverty, and in an effort to survive
extravagance gone mad. Every one of the merchant they ostracized him. But against all odds however,
princes, several of the cardinals and quite a few the constant stream of guests (and a few lucky bets)
bishops have owned, at one time or another, at least kept him in luxury until his death. He had no heir
one estate here. Between the massive estates, smaller, who would recognize him as father. An enterprising
more reserved (but still wealthy) houses have begun courtesan bought the estate, with the intention of
to crop up and included such luminaries as local retiring. She found that the reputation of the place
business owners, landlords, and several neer-do- continued on after the death of its founder, and
wells. Rather than the crowded, vertical architecture decided to cash in. Now, Patero's welcomes any who
seen elsewhere in Numa, Dioclasian boasts sprawling can pay into its high stakes games, and provides
edifices of beautiful and classic design, with massive amusement for those willing to pay a small premium.
gardens, grounds, fountains, and hedgerow. Those There are no crowds at Patero's. There are a few
businesses that seek to locate in Dioclasian (or even small and well appointed rooms, each with a couple
do business here) must have met with the approval of tables of this game or that, which change as
the residence authority that is elected from among participants come or go. It is not a casino in the sense
current residents. A carefully reconstructed ancient that there is a ‘house’ that attempts to profit on all
Numan wall (25 feet high and 12 feet thick) was built games. Instead, those who come to play leave tokens
to surround the neighborhood on three sides. The of gratitude to their hostess, as thanks for a pleasant
fourth was protected by the River. Private security environment, and run their games as they see fit.
(paid for by the residents) manned the walls and Patero's is a place to see and be seen, a constant party
patrolled the streets, to ensure that the poor and in slow ebb, open at all hours of the day and night.
destitute did not bother their betters.

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Hanging Gardens of Numa: There are two stories of see the amount of arachnids running loose beyond the
how the Hanging Gardens were created. The first was closed doors and deep velvet curtains. More on Voss
that, to keep his daughter safe, a rich merchant had a can be found in the Personae Dramatis section.
small garden created on top of the wall. It allowed
her to get fresh air and enjoy a bit of nature. At the
same time, it helped her avoid exposure to the
ruffians and cutpurses that hung around the small
parks and baths of Numa. Fellow Merchants and
Nobles, not wanting to be left out, also created small
gardens for their families to enjoy. Eventually, the
gardens were attached to each other, and a clever
water pumping system was created. It filled the
fountains in the gardens, and helped with the
watering of the plants. Through out the years,
gardens were built up and broken down.
The other story tells of a freak storm that came
In 739 AUC, General Cnaeus became Imperator
through the city, that had such high winds it tore the
of the Numan Empire. He was a hard man who’d
very ground up and relocated some of it on top of the
gone up through the ranks to become a successful, if
wall, and seeing it, gave the Merchants and Nobles
paranoid commander. He was hand picked by the
the idea of creating a garden above the city. With
Senate who wished to relieve him of his powerful
great engineering, and help from the Fate Witches,
army and place him where he would stand no chance
high rising gardens were created, along with a
of usurping the Senate’s power. Deprived of his
watering system that would also keep the fountains in
legions and worried the Senators would kill him, he
many of the gardens flowing, to help with the
began seeing plots from within. Most importantly he
believed that the senators (more specifically the
Several small zoos crisscross the gardens. magic wielding senators) were planning on killing
Colorful birds and small animals from across Théah, him should he seek to exert his authority.
add to the realism of the different parts of the garden.
He consulted with mystics and seers to see if
Head Gardeners and Gamesmen tend the cultivated
there was a way to avoid this fate and was told that so
areas of the gardens. However, some areas were left
long as he was building a palatial estate in the middle
to go wild, allowing for increased diversity. The
of the Tigres river, no senator would come to harm
garden is a popular place for private parties of the
him. Cnaeus immediately began diverting funds from
Nobles, and for a private tryst.
public works projects to build an island made of
stone in the middle of a wide section of the river. He
named his new home, the Calx Parietis (or Stone
Evangelista’s Fencing School: Parlaying his fame
Wall). As envisioned, it was more of an armed camp
and talent into riches, the famed prodigy Dominic
than estate. Just as work on the island was about to be
Evangelista, brought his fencing school to a place
competed (and prior to beginning work on the estate),
where people will pay to be seen with a genius. Thus,
Cnaeus was killed while traversing a peasant riot
the Evangelista Fencing School caters to only the
which had broken out to protest his diversion of
very rich and powerful. Dominic is a master of the
public funds. Interestingly, none of the Guardsmen
Ambrosia school, taught by Veronica herself. It is
attending him were harmed, and the riot ended almost
even rumored in certain circles that, when Veronica
immediately after the Imperator’s death.
passes, she plans to give Dominic her schools.
Later Imperators saw the strategic use of the
island and completed the Calx Parietis. Rather than
Manor Arachnidan: This is the business for the using it as a home for the Imperator, it was used to
well-known Voss family of Numa who are masters of house the growing legions that were fighting wars
the art of ‘spider-whispering.’ The location is divided increasingly closer to home. Emperor Carleman used
into several sections, mainly for the various types of it to house his own army until needed elsewhere.
stock maintained at the manor. The façade and the When the Emperor first laid eyes on the island and its
front quarter of the building do not reveal the buildings, he astonishingly remarked, “It looks like
plethora of arachnidan located deeper within. This is some great stone giant.” The name stuck.
mainly to ease the locals and casual visitors to the
manor, who would undoubtedly be quite horrified to

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For many years, the Stone Giant served various and crush the grapes to make wine. Artisans flocked
functions. Several of the buildings housed a library, to the area as cask and bottle makers were required,
much of it lay dormant, it was a home for squatters, as did numerous shops that purchased the wine and
and when the Cathedral of St. Mattheus was being sold it to the public. St. Nunnus (the patron saint of
refurbished, it was the temporary home of the winemakers) was adopted as the patron of Levanzo
Church. Then, in 1433, The Stone Giant got its as the feudal system began to break down, and the
current occupation, prison/watch headquarters. The Church looked away from their monasteries and more
Church, responding to City watch officials’ toward their parishioners. However, in Levanzo, little
complaints of overcrowding and manpower changed.
shortages, ordered that work begin on the Giant to
Certainly the peasants in Levanzo now paid their
refurbish several of the outlying buildings for use by
tithes directly to the church, but they were still
the watch. At the same time a massive renovation
employed in some capacity by the Monastery. Thus,
redesigned the Giant itself into a prison. Even the
the business of grape growing and wine making
bridges, which connect the Giant to the mainland,
continued unabated. That was, until 1193. The
were redesigned to make getting onto or off of the
torrential rains that flooded and destroyed Pianura
island extremely difficult, while at the same time,
also succeeded in destroying the grape vines of
allowing foot traffic to pass between Levanzo and Le
Levanzo. Worse, the flood had its way with the
Rovine. Currently, there are no privately owned
monastery. The seedlings and vine samplings, with
shops, businesses or homes on the Stone Giant.
which the monks could hope to rebuild, were also
Everything that goes on there is related to the watch
destroyed. With the destruction of the crop, there was
or the prison.
no wine to sell, and the entire economic system of
Levanzo was wiped out.

LEVANZO Eventually the monks were reassigned, and

Levanzo wine was no more. However, that was not
the end of the people of Levanzo. It was still an
idyllic location, and far less crowded than other areas
of Numa. Eventually, others moved in and Levanzo
became known for its simple, rustic living. The
promise of clean living brought out the artists,
craftsmen, and merchants by the cartload. Levanzo of
today still retains that rustic living, as there are no
buildings more than two stories tall anywhere. The
Levanzo Monastery still sits on the small hill to the
southeast, and more than a few monks have tried to
reopen it at various times in the last 50 years. Thus
In 404 AV, a devoutly Vaticine landowner by far, however, none have had much success with
the name of Carlos Trufigglio made a pilgrimage to bringing back the winery.
Numa. It was his intention to pay homage to the
newly reformed Vaticine church. However, legend Some of the interesting sites that can be seen in
says that he heard the voice of Theus telling him to this neighborhood are: The Shroud of St. Simon,
build in the foothills south of the city. Then and Bramante e Palladio, Alessio’s Il Grano, Theatre of
there, he determined to devote the rest of his life to Folly, and The Plaza of Commerce.
the Church. He used his entire fortune (as he had no
family to speak of) buying the land that now bears his
name and placing a monastery on a small hill in the Shroud of St. Simon: Even in Numa, the heart of the
southeast of the property. Soon, people who shared Church for Vodacce, there are those who give the
his vision also came to visit the monastery and devout pause. The curious morality of the Vodacce
settled. They tithed much of their income to the Vaticine regarding Fate Witches and courtesans is a
Church through the monastery. precarious dance between faith and pragmatism. No
doubt while some Church scholars privately vex
As time went on, and money got tight, less and about such fallen women, publicly it is not
less of the tithe went to the Church. Fortunately for considered wise do so. Likewise, it is not financially
the monks, the hilly volcanic dirt proved perfect for prudent to ignore the business opportunities they
grapes. Eventually the entire village was hired in one offer.
capacity or another to grow, weed, protect, harvest,

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Section One: NUma
One such opportunity presented itself to Alessio’s Il Grano: Fine cuisine is one of many
Teofania Aspasi. Originally from the Lucani regions, things that Vodacce is famous for, and Alessio’s Il
the widow Aspasi migrated to Numa after the tragic Grano is an example of a fine dining experience in
and senseless deaths of her sons in a duel. Alone and Numa. The proprietor, Alessio Cangi, has a
emotionally shattered, Teofania sought spiritual reputation for providing wonderful meals for parties
comfort in her faith. Like many Lucani women, she of two to two hundred. Il Grano has a nice view, but
was gifted in needlework and wanted to create one can only enjoy it from the outdoor patio or the
vestments for Church officials. Of course, already second-story balcony. The main building has no
established merchants usually handled such duties exterior windows. Instead, Il Grano has several large
and Aspasi found it difficult to get clientele. rooms that surround a large, busy kitchen. Skylights
and sconces accentuate an atmosphere that can be
Still, the Church appreciates those that work on
either intimate or festive, depending on the mood and
its behalf. A few kind-hearted priests were taken with
size of the party. Prices are above average, so if one
the devout widow's efforts and admirable skill and
has the means, a table can usually be found.
steered her towards dresswork,
whispering discreetly in a few ears
here and there of some of the nobles
Theatre of Folly: Classical plays
or upper-class merchants that
and operettas are a combination of
attended services that Aspasi's work
powerful speeches and strong
would do their women (wives and
music. These concepts are carved
mistresses both) quite well.
into the base of two pillars at the
Aspasi's shop and client list has front of the theatre, but carved into
grown in the four years since the crowns of both pillars is the
arriving in Numa. She has a keen eye word “Folly“. Inside the theatre
and touch for color and fabric. As the itself, the commoners are quickly
Church has helped her out, Teofania shunted to an open space before
offers that kindness in return, tithing the stage while nobles and church
monthly and taking in a few orphan officials find far more
girls from the nunnery under her comfortable, and expensive, seats
wing as apprentices. Hard-working, on the balconies that line the open
even as she reaches her 60's, spaces. A massive chandelier
Teofania still insists on doing all the provides bright illumination,
dye work of her dresses herself. Her though a series of rope-driven
rich purples, brilliant greens and shades can dim this to starlight in
deep blue-blacks are as highly an instant. The company itself
admired as her skill with a needle, focuses on the finest dramas and
something she takes a small amount comedies, though the follies of
of pride in. nobility are a common theme. In
order to prevent any nobles from
taking offense, the names of farm animals is used in
Bramante e Palladio, Architects & Contractors: place of the names of the noble families. For
Numan buildings designed and built over the example, any piece that refers to a Bernoulli would
centuries, from churches and public buildings instead use the name Gallo (rooster).
constructed of the finest marble and iron to
The Plaza of Commerce: A number of shops and
warehouses and peasant housing built from wood and
stalls surround the ornate fountain that dominates this
stucco, nonetheless have a distinctly Vodacce flair.
plaza. A statue of the First Prophet scattering
Buildings reflecting all styles, from the Ancient to the
breadcrumbs to the birds is almost completely
current Baroque, often reflect the slender strands of a
obscured by the leaping waters that surround it. A
spider’s web. Frequently, Sorte assists the more
merchant named Sebastiano Thale owns the entire
flamboyant and gravity-defying designs in their
plaza and rents out to these shops. Some claim that
construction, through utilizing the Arcana Spread and
anything is available here, but that is partially
various cards of the Major Arcana. Practical designs
because the shops usually change every few months.
are usually developed by Andrea Palladio and his
Most of the shops open with high hopes as the rent is
wife Annabella, but construction of some of the most
so low for the area. However, the shopkeepers
elaborate designs often require the cooperation of
quickly learn over the course of several months that
dozens of subcontracted Fate Witches.

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Section One: NUma
Thale has dozens of methods of extracting more To keep from being overrun by disease carrying
money from his tenets, whether that be a monopoly rats and other vermin, The Church has hired a small
on their suppliers, the right to levy additional fees for army of vermin catchers (called Uomini del Traforo,
any work done on his buildings, levying fines for or tunnel men) who crawl through the tunnels day
excessive use of the sidewalks or additional fees for and night. These men (and women) say that there are
the plumbing of the fountain. He is only able to many interesting things to be seen underneath the
maintain this through a series of bribes and city. They include ancient Numan graffiti, several
connections to high-ranking officials. The shops that hidden rooms (one underneath La Rovine is rumored
go out of business are quickly replaced and the cycle to be an ancient hiding place of the Witnesses), and
continues. in one case, an entire building.
However, a handful of shops have remained
constant for several years. Three brothers named
Basso own a carpenter shop, a blacksmith and a MODERN NUMA
mason. They’ve knocked out the walls to allow Surrounding these ancient neighborhoods in
customers to wander from one area to the other with almost every direction, are the modern, gravity
ease, though getting any assistance from the brothers defying structures that most see when they imagine
is difficult as all three are rather gruff. Next door, Vodacce architecture. While it is not my intention to
Analisa Calcatore runs a store specializing in musical ignore such magnificence, this area is, to my way of
instruments and sheet music. Beside that lies Scarto thinking, not the reason you’ve
di Tessuto where the chosen to visit Numa. If you
discriminating customers can wanted to see structures standing
purchase fabrics, leathers and out against sheer cliffs and defying
carpets in a dizzying array of the sky, you would be visiting any
colors and qualities. Another shop of the island cities to the south.
owned by Vinchenzo Granai is a No, what you came to see is the
bookstore that features books on heart of Numa, the Cradle of
seemingly every topic, though the Civilization, and the place where
owner keeps the place so dark and Théah began. In the
disorganized that customers can neighborhoods and sites described
rarely find anything without above, you will find all that and
assistance. The final shop that has more. For modern Numa you have
held its place for years is a small no better guide than to follow
tavern called Casa di Vino Dolce, where your eyes lead you. You find all manner of
where cheap wine and griddlecakes are available day modern conveniences, unique statuary, interesting
and night alike. marketplaces, bold art and the like. However, once
you’ve viewed the heart of Numa, those others pale. I
hope you’ve enjoyed this tour, and mayhap one day
TRAFORI you will let me show it to you in person.
While not a neighborhood as such, the vast
network of pipes, cisterns, tunnels, conduits, basins,
and the like, make up a large part of Numa life. Il
Trafori or The Tunnels, as they are routinely called,
are a hodgepodge of Ancient Numan construction;
add-ons or bypasses from various ages, and modern
Culture & Tradition
While not nearly as vast (nor deep) as, say,
Charouse’s network, the tunnels beneath Numa have CARNIVAL
an impressive array of conflicting, contradictory and
nonsensical plumbing. Numa's Carnival represents a milestone among
the city's most important folk traditions. It consists of
Numa’s citizens boast some of the cleanest city a huge public festival that lasts eight days, and ended
water in all of Théah. This is no doubt due to the on the night of Secundus 28th, with the beginning of
ancient Numan aqueduct that brings in fresh water Quadragesim (the “fortieth day" before Day of Fire).
from Lake Pulito some 34 miles to the northeast.

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Section One: NUma
Day of Fire is the anniversary date of the day liberties (sometimes towards the ruling classes of the
that the First Prophet was set afire at the stake for his clergy and the noble), which in other periods of the
crimes by the Numan Senate. The forty days before year would cause arrest, or worse.
this holy day are days in which those of the Vaticine
The first Carnival celebrations held organized
faith pay homage not only to the First Prophet, but
bullfights and knight tournaments. Besides the
also to all four Prophet’s. For many it is a time of
aforesaid entertainments, another event became
simple daily prayers and lighting of candles and
popular; an event known as “the rolling of the pigs.”
incense. To others it is has deeper meaning and is a
In this ‘sport’ a number of carts carrying pigs were
time of fasting and internalization. Actually, the
towed up to the top of a hill, where they were pushed
celebrations for Carnival start eleven days earlier, on
along its steep side. Rolling down the hill the carts
Secundus 18th, but since races and fancy costumes
tilted and smashed, while at the bottom of the hill a
are forbidden on Redi and Voltadi, the Carnival days
great crowd gathered, competing for the animals (or
are only eight.
what was left of them) in a huge and bloody brawl.
Around the mid fifteenth century the Hierophant
had the celebrations moved, as he came from Porta
Spatia. Here the common people's fantasy gave birth
to another bizarre and rather cruel competition: a race
along a mile long street, which was run by dwarfs,
cripples and the deformed participants. The people
enjoyed watching the strange competitors, and made
fun of them, also throwing all sorts of trash. In 1517
the then current Hierophant put an end to this
barbarous custom.
These cruel and disgusting events are of the past
(mainly) and today many harmless events take place:
fancy costume parades (characters inspired by the
Commedia dell'Arte, such as Harlequin, are
particularly popular), dances that last all night, the
throwing of pellets made of colored chalk called
confetti, and small fragments of colored paper called
sbruffi. The final action of Numa's Carnival, on the
final night, is the charming Candle Race, in which
participants carry a candle or a small lantern and, as
they ran, they tried to put out others' lights.
During the days of Carnival many wear fancy
costumes and masks are immensely popular. After
The use of holding fancy events before sunset this was still allowed, but wearing a mask is
Quadragesim began some six centuries before. In prohibited for security reasons. The masks are made
those early days the festivities were mainly of wax or papier-mâché. They are so popular that
tournaments. Later these games turned into street some sellers often make their year’s worth of
celebrations. Carnival was also importance Numan business out of them over Carnival days.
people because during this short period severe laws Even priests, friars and nuns could have fun, so
concerning public order (based on religious long as they did so in their own convents, never in
principles) could be broken. The Guard of Numa, the streets. If they are not outrageous they enjoy
being an arm of the Church, which rules the city and music, dances, rich meals, and even wear fancy
province directly, is strict in having these laws clothes. The only fancy clothing that enclosed nuns
observed during the rest of the year, particularly are allowed to wear, though, are the actual clothes of
during the forthcoming Quadragesim, when even their own confessors!
theatre plays can be forbidden so as not to disturb the
spirit of the time of reflection and prayer. The fervor The most awaited event for Carnival is the Race
in which these laws are enforced has a tendency to of the Crescent, i.e. a race run by Crescent breeds of
sway back and forth between more liberal and horse. This race long ago replaced the one run by
conservative lines, dependant upon who sits on the freaks, which is no longer allowed. The Crescent
Council. During Carnival the people often take Race is held eight times during Carnival, once for

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Section One: NUma
each of the carnival days, and it takes place just
before sunset. The horses race without a rider, easily
reaching their full speed before the race’s end where
a tarpaulin is hung so as to stop the horses. At the
tarpaulin, a number of grooms, boasting their courage NATIONS & ORDERS
and strength, dash among the animals attempting to
clutch them (the so-called Catching of the Crescents),
amidst a great chaos. As a prize, the owner of the NUMA ON NATIONS
winning horse is awarded an embroidered banner,
made of precious fabric. What makes the race Here’s a general account of what the average
dangerous for the spectators is the narrow width of citizen of Numa might think of a given nation and its
the street, which is often packed. The high class people, sort of the preconception they have towards
watch the race from the many balconies (on this foreign visitors.
occasion they are rented), but most of the crowd Avalon. Most Numans don’t really recognize the
stands in the street on a somewhat tall and narrow differences between the three realms within Avalon.
pavement, that ran along both sides of the road. To many Numans Avalon is not unlike that which it
Carnival does not automatically take place: each was to the Numa of old, an island surrounded by dark
year the people of the city awaited a specific edict by waters, filled with strange things seemingly on the
the Council of Numa that gives or denies permission edge of the world.
to hold the festival. Under the days of the most strict Castille. There’s a love/hate relationship with
(and darker) leadership of the Church, not only was Castille. After all, to the citizens of the city, Numa
the festival was cancelled, but there were no theatre should be the center of the Vaticine Faith. It is one of
plays, nor dances, nor any other fancy events that those things that does not overly affect day-to-day
took place in any part of the entire year, replaced by a life, but can be the source of heated debate when the
great number of religious rites, processions, and so topic arises and pride of one’s home is challenged.
on. Another time when Carnival is often canceled is
when the presiding Hierophant dies. During these Cathay. Little is known about this land and even
days many Cardinals and Hierophants fear revolts, fewer care about it, other then the merchants. The
because the opportunity of going around wearing Church doctrine, and thus the city doctrine, steps
masks enabled rebels and outlaws not to be easily heavily upon anything of or from Cathay.
recognized. In times of unpopular measures, such as Crescent. It is a land full of damned heretics and
the issuing of new taxes, or the like, any pretext barbarians and the Church weighs heavily upon
could be used to cancel street celebrations and fancy anything of Crescent nature or origin. (This can be
costume parades. For instance, in 1637 the official relaxed during Carnival.)
reason claimed was an outbreak of cholera.
Eisen. Many believe that Eisen is a rightfully
damned wasteland; ripped apart in war for their war
THE TALKING STATUES OF NUMA over the Vaticine Faith and Objectionism. Tales of
‘soulless wanderers’ only enhances this perception.
One tradition that Numan citizens have used to
Montaigne. There’s a general sorrow felt for the
oppose arrogance and corruption of the ruling class
Montaigne that are faithful Vatatince who have found
with no small sense of humor is that of the so-called
a tyrant in “le’Empereur” and a seething hatred for
'talking statues'. Over time the people have given
him and his unabashed demonstrations of contempt to
various nicknames to these statues.
all that is holy and good. Numans do not recognize
For nearly that last two centuries it has come to the title of Emperor from such a false and pathetic
be that late at night, satirical posters are hung upon a man; they barely can acknowledge him as a King.
number of statues that stand in well-known sites, so
Ussura. Little is truly known about Ussura.
that in the morning everyone could read them before
There are whispers of things strange and unnatural, of
the posters were taken away by the City Guard.
course. And the invasion initiated into its lands by the
Sometimes a poem was left, sometimes a joke. In Montaigne King is sometimes the topic over drinks
most cases their satire was addressed to the City and dinner.
Council. When he lived within Numa’s walls, the
Vendel. Like all Vodacce, Numan citizens
Hierophant was occasionally addressed. And the
dislike the Vendel greatly for the economic troubles
authors, of course, always remained unknown.
it has inflicted upon the lands of the seven Princes.

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Section One: NUma
Vestenmannavnjar. Like Ussura, Numa knows the sorcerous history of the city also is of interest to
little of these people other then what their history the Invisble College.
books and ancient scrolls recall from the days of the
Knights of the Rose and Cross. The Knights
Numan Empire. They see them as barbarians and
have only a minimal presence in Numa. There’s
worse. It is quite possible that no Vestenmannavnjar
currently no chapter house in Numa, but the Order
has stepped within the walls of Numa that wasn’t
does seek to establish one.
either a raider or a slave.
Los Vagos. Vagos has no presence in Numa as
they have enough issues in Castille to worry about.
SECRET SOCIETIES, ORDERS & GUILDS NOM. Like many places, NOM has a tentacle
Each society and order and guild has a possible within the city. It is filled with far too much power
presence or opinion, good or bad, about Numa. and perhaps the deepest secrets of Théah buried
under the streets to simply leave alone.
Die Kreuzritter. As the birthplace of sorcery
and the fallen throne of the Vaticine faith, the DK has Rilasciare. Numa is the birthplace of the
a definite interest and presence in Numa. They are Rilasciare as much as it was of Sorcery. The city is as
constantly on vigil for evil men and darker demons as close to a sacred place that the order has. However,
well as seeking out artifacts of faith that they might the stranglehold of the Church on the city and the
need to rescue. They also have an ally amongst the support of the Princes for the Council guarantee little
Council, whether he knows it or not. or no chance of change.

The Explorer’s Society: The Society has very Sophia’s Daughters. While the Daughters can
few, if any, friends within the halls of power in move a bit safer in Numa then they can in the
Numa, which is in its entirety an organization of the Princedoms this is not saying much, as the Church is
Vaticine Church. Still, it is not unusual for Society no ally to the Daughters and their cause.
members to seek out information in the libraries of Swordsman’s Guild. The Guild gets as much
the city, though they usually do it as covertly as respect as it does in the rest of Vodacce, which is to
possible. say it gets little. There is a guild house in the city,
Invisible College. As one would expect, the which is well maintained in honor of the prestige that
College has great interest in Numa. The politics and they city once held, and might very well hold in the
policies alone are of interest to the members, but future.
more importantly the ancient stores of knowledge and

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Section One: NUma

Thief’s Reprieve
Part Two
The sun hurt his eyes, but all the same, Tino OF THE CITY
welcomed it. Despite the urgency, he stopped for just
a second to bask in his newfound freedom. There in
the streets of Levanzo, letting the sun warm his face
for the first time in years, the Bishop’s words came to
him. “Captain Favero is meeting with one of the
Cardinals this afternoon. I need to know which of the
Cardinals, and what they talk about. The ‘good’
Captain has some rather dangerous ideas, and I need
to know if they are spreading.” With that, the Bishop
turned and strode from the cell, pausing only at the
door to motion Tino out. The memory faded as Tino
hurried on to his unannounced appointment at the
Hanging Gardens
Two hours later, Tino sat at a sidewalk Kaffe
shop some dozen yards from where he’d paused to
enjoy the sunshine. The pouch of coins the Bishop
had given him was considerably lighter, but the
expense would be well worth it. Unconsciously he
patted the new packet hanging off his belt. He did
not have to wait for long.
Tall and almost regal looking, the Captain
strode into view looking every bit the military man. Captain Favero is in charge of the city guard in
He paused outside a small bistro across the street general and Il Gigante in particular. He runs a very
from where Tino sat and surveyed his surroundings. tight ship and brooks no insolence or corruption. He
As his eyes crossed the street, he thought could feel is also aware that he is fighting an uphill battle
the Captain’s gaze boring into him. Within moments against an insurmountable enemy; that enemy being
sweat was dotting his brow, and Tino felt sure the the rules and regulations with which he is hampered
Captain would come over to return him into the Stone on a daily basis by the Cardinals of Numa.
Giant’s embrace. But for whatever reason, that He believes, as most do, that laws are the
moment never came. When he finally dared look foundation of civilization. However, he feels the
again, the Captain was sitting at a table with another spirit with which those laws were enacted is more
man. Tino wracked his brain but simply could not important than the letter by which criminals usually
place the face. escape justice. The object of his ire is Bishop
Numanus. Vincente feels the Bishop views the law
as a static entity rather than a living thing. He has
shared his frustrations with his good friend and
confidante, Cardinal Michel Durand del Falisci; thus
far he has been unable to convince the good cardinal
PERSONAE to beseech the other cardinals to look elsewhere for a
This section discusses just a few of the more Vincente is tall, a handsome man who looks
unique and dramatic people of Numa. From the well every bit the dashing young Captain. He wears his
known Major Personae, to the less powerful or hair short and well oiled. He keeps his face clean-
important Minor Personae to those with an air of shaven and insists that all his officers do likewise.
mystery. Gamemasters will find further information
and ideas for each in the Gamemaster Section.

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Section One: NUma
RENIAL GUIDORO gossip concerning the men’s attitudes towards one
another, Renaial decided to take his revenge on the
bishop by means of his own talent, at the same time
pleasing the Cardinal.
The painting of controversy has the Second
Prophet defeating a single representative of Legion in
battle, a supposed King of the Devils. Undoubtedly,
the face that the Second Prophet crushes under his
foot looks almost identical to that of the Bishop. It
seemed that Renail deemed that the Bishop’s
elongated face, thin hair, a scanty beard (and a often
noted strange look in his eyes) was the perfect model
for...The King of the Devils!
As one would very well expect, when the
painting was hung in the church, the Bishop
obviously complained over such an outrage. Renail is
said to have admitted the amazing resemblance, but
to have justified himself claiming, “…that the very
demon had appeared to me, and thus I know all to
Renial Guidoro is one of the most sought after
well his face, and if Bishop Numanis is so unlucky as
artists of Numa (and throughout most of Vodacce).
to resemble him, then I, a mere artist, am not to be
Born in Fontaine, he had come to Numa to complete
blamed.” Amused, the Cardinal has left the painting
his apprenticeship, and so became entranced with the
to hang in its place of honor at the Church of the
city he has settled here.
Renial is known not only for his masterful
paintings, but also for his extravagant character. A
handsome man with no small amount of wealth, he
always wears very elegant clothing. He is very keen
on gambling, some have accused him of being overly
so as he is known to spend entire evening playing
naught but cards. He is said to believe in witchcraft
and hexes and other superstitions. Also, it is said that
he suffers a fear of persecution; in particular, he is
said to live in the constant fright of being poisoned.
Recently Renali has come under the hard gaze of
the Church Council’s Major-Domo, Bishop Numanis.
Among Numa’s most important families are the
Numanis. Their social rank in the Vaticine Church of
Numa is easily understood considering the fact that
the family boasts a Hierophant amongst its bloodline.
For reasons not known Bishop Numanis and
Cardinal Michel Durand del Falisci (brother of Prince
Donello Falisci) seem to have no small amount of
animosity for one another. Cardinal Michel, once a
Capuchin friar, commissioned a painting of the
Second Prophet for the church of his old order. Devout to the point of fanaticism, Captain
Renial, outstanding artist that he is, was chosen for Mantovani devoted her life to the safety and
the work. protection of the cardinals of Numa. She has been in
charge of the Cardinal’s Guard in Numa for more
According to rumors, which probably contain years than most would care to remember and has
more than a speck of the truth, Renial become aware personally met over a dozen of the previous cardinals
that Bishop Numanis had slandered him at an event of Numa.
and offended his reputation in some way. So when
commissioned by the Cardinal, his ears full of the

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Section One: NUma
While still a capable swordswoman in her own However, none can complain about the efficiency
right, she prefers to organize and direct rather than with which he does his job.
engage in swordplay. Because of her extensive
Bishop Numanus is a short, pudgy balding man
history and fanatical devotion to the Vaticine church,
who hides his thinning pate with a severe monastic
she feels that it is her duty to protect all of the
haircut and a zucchetto.
Church. This includes the Cathedral and the
Villaggio della Chiesa., and by extension, all of
Numa. This sense of duty has brought her into
conflict with the newly appointed Captain of the City
Guard, Vincente Favero. She views his ‘diatribes’ as
nothing more than the rantings of a petulant child.
She has seen City Guardsmen come and go, and she
is not about to back down from this one merely
because he fancies himself handsome OF THE CITY
Domenica is a middle-aged woman who is
showing some signs of her age. Her shoulder-length
black hair is streaked with gray (a badge of honor she ALBERTO VOSS
wears proudly), and there are wrinkles around her
eyes and face.


Alberto is a simple man unnaturally talented and

gifted with spiders. The beasts simply adore him and
his whispering voice. Alberto may very well be the
best spider-keeper in all of Vodacce and noble ladies
of the various princely courts seek out his guidance
The good bishop has the enviable job of acting and talents. It is said that his father was likewaise
major-domo to the five Cardinals of Numa. It is his gifted and that his son has shown the talent, too. Not
responsibility to notify the cardinals of important surprisingly things of an unusual and sorcerous
goings on in the city and surrounding areas; ensure nature are not overtly appreciated in the church
that edicts and proclamations are recorded and controlled Numa, but Alberto's family have long
distributed to the citizenry; act as liaison with managed its affairs discreetly and with respect (and
governmental bodies located throughout the city; and bribes) paid in full (and often) to the Church.
oversee the day-to-day operations of the Cathedral of The family store is well kept and its neighbor has
St. Mattheus and the Villaggio della Chiesa. The yet to complain about and ‘loose stock.’ (If anything
good bishop’s cousin is Marcus Numanus, head the area seems quite free of other pesky insects.) The
librarian at the Ancient Numan Library. front of the store is decorated in a most elegant and
Known by reputation as a stickler for the rules, tasteful manner, with little hint or sign of what the
most people who have had occasion to interact with true nature of the shop is. Behind several sets of
him, leave with a sour taste in their mouths. heavy curtains however, it is a different world. Webs

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Section One: NUma
hang everywhere and all manner of arachnids climb are the envy of many a lady and the desire of more
and crawl and spin their way. Usually no less then a then a few men; even men who should not have such
dozen of the critters are crawling about Alberto's desires.
robes and more then one gentle customer has
watched as a few dozen more seem to try and follow
him about, not unlike a puppy dog might.
As valued, sought out after and proficient as he
is, one might expect that it would be both difficult
and expensive to arrange an interview with him and
one would be right. Alberto's services and opinions
PERSONAE of Mystery
are easily ten times that of the next expert.

Most any citizen of Numa would have little or no
knowledge of this man. To the majority of those that
may have heard of his name, he is a mystery inside of
an enigma; an urban legend. Only those closest to the
darker nature of man and the devil would have ever
come face to face with him. Those who know
anything know that he is a master of torture,
surpassed by none other. An artist of pain so natural
and beautiful in his manipulations that it is said no
man nor woman nor damned beast of legion can
resist his efforts.
While few can talk from experience, Darke is
said to be tall and thin but hard of body and infinitely
harder of soul, if he has one at all. They say his eyes
are a reflection of that darkness and that no light
reflects from their soulless gaze.

Sister Gallandro is a young and pious woman

who lives in the service of Theus. She is often found
among the ‘lesser peoples’ of the city doing what she
can to aid and comfort them. Sister Gallandro is a
very gifted and experienced healer, despite her young They say at night, especially on night when the
age. Sister Gallandro is morally above the politics of “Traitor’s Moon” hangs dangerously in the sky, a
the churches, though sometimes her naiveté in such Centurion Soldier of Numa’s ancient days…from the
things blinds her to the hubris of the Vaticine Church. time…walks the streets seeking vengeance for the
Sister Gallandro serves Theus, not the church. murder of her master Julius Caius. Some even
She fears nothing and no one save her Lord God. whisper that she can smell a betrayal as if it were a
This can sometimes make her unliked by those of a 10-day-old corpse, and seeks out such instances to
less pious nature. While Sister Gallandro has given bring her bloody sword to the foul turncoat.
up all worldly ties to her family in service to the Vorcius, though a hard fighting solder in her day,
Church, she still maintains strong connection to her was said to be a handsome woman despite her scars.
older brother, Petruccio, who often travels but makes Her apparition, usually seen dripping in the gore from
his home in Numa. Petruccio is a swordsman and the traitorous blood she has spilled often does not
duelist for hire who has a reputation for a mouth that enhance or convey such beauty if it is there.
is, "exceedingly faster and less sharp then his blade."
More then one man and woman has noted the
‘loss’ of Sister Gallandro’s beauty, given her vows as
a servant of Theus, to whom she had pledged all. Her
blue eyes and dark hair, which is often hidden away,

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Section One: NUma

Previously Published YOUR GUIDE

Teodoro Ciosa: A staunch religious patriarch
whose voice carries the Numan Forum, Teodoro is
well respected and there is said to be a petition
seeking to canonize him immediately upon his death.
(Vodacce p46, 73, 115, CotP, p119)
Ernesto Denzelli de Bernoulli: Ernesto is a
brother of Prince Bernoulli and is a powerful
supporter of Numan Independence. (Vodacce, p47)
Benedetto St. Vito: He has not spoken a word
since the day he witnessed a miracle in which a man
was brought back to life in an Elena monastery. He is
a strong supporter of Vodacce arts and artists.
(Vodacce, p47)
Carouso della Spada Lucani: He is a staunch
supporter of the Lucani family. More notably, he is Guiseppe grew up in the family that fairly
an outspoken proponent on returning the Heriophant invented the words ‘tour guide.’ So it was only
to Numa and many other modern (heretical) ideas. natural that, as he took over the family business, he
(CotP p71, 113) should look for ways to improve profits. He figured
Michel Durand del Falisci: This cardinal is the that, rather than creating a new idea, he would look at
only brother of ruling Prince Falisci, he is known for other major cities, see what was being done there,
his Montaigne sounding name and has a close and ‘borrow’ their ideas. For almost five years,
working relationship with Cardinal Durkheim. He has Guiseppe traveled the length and breadth of Théah.
something of a rivalry with Bishop Numanis. (CotP What he learned, he brought back and either used
p70, 112) outright or improved if he was able. As an aside to
his travels, Guiseppe learned a smattering of every
language and became proficient in many. He is
looking into language lessons for all his family and
possibly even the tour guides.

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The Game
Section Three: The Game

Thief’s Reprieve New background

Part Three
MOLE (Expanded)
It was well past sunset and the moon had risen
high into the air. Despite the fullness of the moon, Mole as previously described (Rilascaire p. 88)
Tino had difficulty seeing. Time, it seemed, was not involved members of that society who joined other
his friend, and three years spent not exercising the organizations (be they governmental, social, religious
skills of his craft had left him exhausted after a day or even another secret society) in order to spy upon
spent shadowing his prey. Tino had quickly them. The expanded Mole background should include
determined that the man with the Captain was one of any member of one organization that joins another in
the Cardinals. After a short time, the Captain and order to spy upon them.
his friend had picked up followers. They had tried to
hide their allegiance, but Cardinal’s Guards are not
known for their subtlety. Not to mention the halberds
they carried. So with the combination of the
Cardinal’s Guards and the Captain searching for
anything untoward, Tino had to play a careful game.
He had to maintain enough distance so as not to be
seen, while at the same time, staying close enough to
keep following.
A light showing in a dark apartment brought
Tino back to the business at hand. His prey had This skill costs 4 points for anyone not actually a
finally come down to business. As he started toward part of the Legionnaire system of Ancient Numa; it
the building, he saw the two guards stepping out onto cannot be reduced by any Advantage. Training in this
the veranda of the same apartment. They were skill was all but a way of life for Numan
drinking some beverage and made an effort not to Legionnaires, taking it in modern Théah is unusual.
peer indoors. All the better, his prey wanted privacy.
Basic Knacks: Footwork, Menial Tasks, Stand
That just made things easier.
Watch, Survival, Tactics
Alighting on the rooftop, Tino thanked his lucky
Advanced Knacks: Ambush, Bribery, Gaming, Hand
stars that his skills hadn’t deteriorated completely.
Signs, Incitation, Logistics, Long Distance Running,
Peering over the edge, he saw the guards below. He
Menace, Mooch, Scrounging
was in luck! They had set their mugs down to cool
and were leaning on the ledge. He rolled back onto
the roof and grabbed the pouch he’d purchased
earlier. “Only a few grains are necessary for SHORT SWORD
complete slumber.” his contact had said. The air
This skill represents expertise with the shorter,
was still this time of night, and that made for a
fatter blades of more archaic times then the leaner
perfect opportunity. Tino began sprinkling the
blades of various lengths in modern Théah. Swords
powder over the edge above the guards’ mugs. When
such as the Numan Gladius are a perfect example of
he saw that some had landed on the surface of the
fluid, he rolled back up onto the roof to wait.
Basic Knacks: Attack (Short Sword), Parry (Short

Only the more vile natured person would have a
skill whose sole purpose is that of inflicting pain
upon someone. A loss of Reputation is certainly
possible for someone if it were discovered of his or
her ‘hobby’. Those who interact with someone whom
they know is a torturer can obviously be strained. As

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Section Three: The Game
such, Gamemasters are encouraged to offer a Raise little less effective then when a group of Legionnaires
penalty during social situations as he sees fit. are standing as one.
Basic Knack: Interrogation, First Aid It is not a sanctioned school. There are no trade-
in bonuses for this. Additionally, the school costs 8
Advanced Knack: Cold Read, Menace, Natural
HP more at character generation.
Philosophy, Poison
98% of Théah likely doesn't even know it exists
outside of Numa and Numan historians; its not a
matter of a learning a skill it is setting oneself on a
rigorous path and way of life. It is nearly impossible
to get Exploit Weakness (Desco) without being a

New swordsman member of the school. Costs outside the school for
ranks should be doubled to tripled to reflect the
SCHOOL obscurity of the school. Only the most advanced
storytelling should reduce this cost.

DESCO NUMANAIUS Basic Curriculum: Legionnaire, Short

Country of Origin: Numan Empire
Swordsman Knacks: Beat (Short
Description: This school developed over Sword), Lunge (Short Sword), Wall of
a course of time into one of the elite Steel (Short Sword), Exploit Weakness
fighting methods of the Numan Empire. (Desco)
While all Numan Legionnaires could
fight, those trained in Desco were far and
beyond the regular Legionnaire. Often, Frugalis, Severitas and Fidelis are
one was not even approached to learn the the ideals that the Desco Swordsman
deadly fighting style until they were lived and died by, as such they are a part
beyond their 7th year of service. (A of fighting style at every tier.
Legionnaire pledged to serve 25 years to
Numa when he signed up.) As such, most Apprentice: A Desco is frugal in energy
often all were veterans of one war or and action: add Mastery Level to Total
another, for Numa's Empire was far Initiative. A Desco should be severe;
reaching and often in conflict with this focused, determined and not easily
faction or that region. dissuaded: add Mastery Level to Brawn
rolls versus Damage. A Desco is faithful
Today, in mid 17th century Théah, to his comrades: Add your Mastery Level
the art of Desco is all but lost. It's weapon to the Passive and Active Defenses of the
of choice, its brutal mindset, and themes Desco next to you, reflectively you get
are long out of fashion. Still, despite its archaic their bonus.
attributes, there are a small group of men and women,
nobles of city of Numa, in Vodacce, who study the Journeyman: A Desco is frugal in energy and
school and take to heart the ideals of the Numan action: He can burn a Action Die during a round to
Legionnaire. Their studies are, however, limited, in gain a Unkept Die on another action, be it defense or
that all traces of its mastery are lost to time, for no attack, as he waits for the perfect opportunity. A
document has been found today that describes the Desco should be severe; focused, determined and not
final tier of ability of the Desco Numanaius easily dissuaded: Add double Mastery Level as a
Legionaire; Those libraries and colleges that once bonus to all damage rolls. A Desco is faithful to his
contained the works had long since lost them to time, comrades: He can use an action to Parry an attack
war, fire and a variety of other tragedies. aimed at a fellow Desco Swordsman with whom he
fights alongside at no penalty.
The strength of the school was the practiced and
coordinated maneuvers of its training regime. Also, it Master: The Master level of Desco is lost to modern
promoted the unity of the Numan soldiery, that Théah and cannot be taken or learned by any modern
together any groups of comrades are better, stronger, swordsman.
faster and more powerful then any one. As such,
when alone the school's training, while deadly, is a

05/2006 Page: 30
Section Three: The Game
followers, were: Frugality, Severetyand Faithfulness.
A soldier should be frugal in every way: with money,
with energy, with actions. A soldier should be severe:

New ADVANTAGES focused, determined, not easily dissuaded, decisive.

A soldier should be faithful: to his unit, his army, the
officers and the people of Numa.


Alumno Desco
You are a member of the Alumno Desco, a
minor society who has found value in the old themes Alumno Desco is a society based almost entirely
and ideals of the Numan Legionnaires of ancient within the walls and surrounding countryside of
Numa and specifically those of Desco Numanaius. Numa. It is a small group of men and women who
have found value in the old themes and ideals of the
Dependent upon your rank within the order you Numan Legionnaires in general and specifically those
have access to the library of the society as well as its of the Desco Numanaius.
resources. You also have access to help or aid in the
form of other members of the society.
You received a finely crafted Numan gladius
upon membership acceptance. You may, in time, gain
access to the swordsman techniques of Desco


While the Castillian's have brought the art of
education to newfound levels, few can argue the fact
that Numa is the ancient heart of all that is today. It
has ancient libraries, museums and catacombs filled
with the writings of the some of the most influential
mean and women in Théah's past. Those who have
been canny enough to take advantage of the city often
find themselves well versed in scholarly pursuits. You
gain the Thean (R/W) language automatically. You
gain the Scholar skill. Lastly, you get a Free Raise
when getting around in the city.

Desco Numanaius is an ancient style of combat

and way of life reserved for the more advanced
soldiers of the era of the Numan Empire. They
New Secret Society cherished and paid service to Descoplinae, a minor
deity in the Numan pantheon who was the
personification of discipline. They believed in his
three ideals above all else: Frugalis, Severitas and
ALUMNO DESCO Fidelis. A soldier should be frugal in every way: with
money, with energy, with actions. A soldier should
be severe: focused, determined, not easily dissuaded,
Descoplinae: In Numan mythology, Descoplinae, a decisive. A soldier should be faithful: to his unit, his
minor deity, was the personification of discipline. He army, the officers and the people of Numa.
was commonly worshipped by Imperial Numan
Alumno Desco is far to small and elite to be
Soldiers. His meaning to them was both discipline as
properly known outside of Numa, but within the city
in self-control and determination,as well as discipline
it is. Alumno Desco is a society that is only secret in
as in a field of soldery. Virtue that was chiefly
that what one must be or do to become a member and
important to Descoplinae, and thus to his most devote

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Section Three: The Game
what occurs behind closed walls and doors is unwilling to go further with the discipline needed for
unknown. Those of the order are not too hard to spot. the higher ranks. This is the largest group. Some of
They are a frugal and severe group. Their fashion, the people within this circle could be a part of it for
lifestyle and manners all reflect the ideals of Frugalis, merely social reasons or because they might believe
Severitas and Fidelis. Also, some openly carry the in the ideals of the cause, but no will to pursue them.
ancient sword of the Numan Legionnaire, the gladius; Three Princeps must speak one for in order to be
those that do have surely studied the way of the invited by the Order even at this lower ranking.
Desco Numanaius swordsmen.
To become a member of the Princeps one must
As one might guess, the Alumno Desco have to have served no less then two years time as Hastatus
be very careful with how and where they do things. and brought into the next level by two members of
The Church hardly takes an appreciative view on the the Triarius. The Princeps are serious men and
mere idea that someone might be praying to or women, likely on the path to become Triarius
idolizing the Numan deity, Descoplinae. In fact, themselves. It is not until this level of acceptance can
doing so is quite enough for a hearing and possibly a one begin to study the Desco Numanaius school of
heretical burning, should right zealotry fall into place. fighting. Training as one is not mandatory, it is a
Therefore, the Alumno Desco are always very, very privilege.
careful when speaking of their ideals and ways
One must serve at least five years as a Princeps
outside the circle of the order itself.
before being welcomed into the Triarius. These are
In public, they respect the the most elite and secret members of
model that Descoplinae represents the Order. It is possible that those
and in no way pay tribute to him, within the Hastatus might very well
which would be blasphemous. In not even know who is or is not a
private, it is more then that. In Triarius, for there are some who, for
private, be it within the sanctuary of one reason or another, choose not to
the Order's halls or their own mind, reveal their identity. (When they
they of Alumno Desco see choose to retain their identity they
Descoplinae as much more then will often wear a simple bronze
some historical throwback. To these mask.) It is hard, though not
men and women, he is a power, and impossible to gain the rank of Triarius
he is venerated as one. This without being a least somewhat
veneration varies from member to learned in the arts of Desco
member; some thik of him as a man, Numanaius.
a elderly statesman or Senator or
Lastly there are the Consuls.
general of Numa who has grown in
Three men or women who make the final decision on
myth. Some consider him not unlike a Saint of Theus.
any matter brought before them. In the Order, their
Others believe him more like a powerful spirit or
word is the law. One does not even hear of their
aspect of Theus, perhaps like that of an angel. And
existence until admittance into the Princeps. In fact,
still others believe him to be much more then that.
one will not even see one (as far as they know) unless
It is important to remember that while they are brought before them, which usually means
Descoplinae is very important to the Order, the some calamity or tragedy has occurred...which likely
ultimate point of the faith of the Legionnaire is not means that the life of the Princeps is probably a short
idol worshiping, but instead focuses on the idea of lived thing.
being faithful to one's comrades and friends, to the
Day to day the Order isn't overly active, though
Order and to the city and people of Numa. In essence
it always seems to have a hand in this or that at any
the Order of Alumno Desco has developed into a self
given time. During times of crisis they might be more
appointed ‘home guard.’ They take the role of
forceful in showing their presence in the city. They
protectors, even if the people of Numa don't know or
are, at the least, very much interested in the health
don't care to be protected by them. In some way they
and vibrancy of Numa, so they try to have spies
are very much like the Knights of the Rose and
where they best feel they can help protect the city.
Cross, but in others they are as dark and willful as the
Die Kreuzritter. The Order is happiest when things are well in the
city and they can quietly lead their lives and the lives
There are three tiers within the Order. The first
of their fellow Numan citizenry in the ideals of
an most basic is that of the Hastatus. The Hastatus are
Frugalis, Severitas and Fidelis. But they are also
basically those who are new to the group or those

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Section Three: The Game
willing to join into small bands or units and patrol the
streets, acting to most of the city as vigilantes at best.
Despite honor, the Order can be quite dark of purpose None, see below / 24 hours / Special, see below
however, and the use of an assassin or poison is quite Also referred to as the faithful wife’s best friend,
acceptable to the Alumno Desco. this poison’s origins are lost to history. However, it’s
application is as much a repeated trend of the times
as it is social commentary. The poison itself has no
harmful effects. Repeated uses will not kill the victim
or cause irreversible lasting damage. What it does do,
however, is cause all the muscles of the face and
New equipment genitals to relax completely. The victim is left with a
hideously distorted face, and an inability to perform
sexually. This poison has long been used on cheating
husbands by their wives / mistresses / significant
SHORT SWORD others. It is especially interesting to note that because
These swords are shorter of length than a heavy of the length of time necessary for the poisons effects
weapon and wider of blade then to be noticed (24 hours), the
fencing weapons of modern Théah. victim often found themselves in
Swords such as the Numan Gladius the company of the ‘other woman’
are a perfect example of this. The at the time. Recovery from the
blades of these weapons are heavy poison can take days, weeks, or
and designed for goring an even months as the victim will
opponent, giving a Free Raise to need to exercise the afflicted
Lunges. Against longer (reach) or muscles (much like the cure for
fencing blades (speed) the archaic pins and needles)
blade suffers a +5 to the TN to
Parry in an Active Defense. They
do 2k2 damage.

New POISONS Rugen: [admiring his torture
contraption] Beautiful isn't it? It
took me half a lifetime to invent it.
DOMINIC’S REVENGE I'm sure you've discovered my
deep and abiding interest in pain.
Special, see below / Special, see Presently I'm writing the definitive
below / 1 Day work on the subject, so I want you to be totally honest
with me on how the machine makes you feel. This
A special concoction originally attributed to
being our first try, I'll use the lowest setting. [Rugen
Dominic Mondavi a distant relative of Acelde
activates the machine. Wesley writhes.] As you know,
Mondavi. His sister, an escaped fate witch had used
the concept of the suction pump is centuries old.
her magic to make him fearful of spiders. This
Really that's all this is except that instead of sucking
poison, it was said, helped him even the odds. It can
water, I'm sucking life. I've just sucked one year of
be spread on weapons and introduced via wounds
your life away. I might one day go as high as five, but
into the bloodstream. It is very powerful as it causes
I really don't know what that would do to you. So,
confusion to the victim. They are unable to
let's just start with what we have. What did this do to
concentrate and it is difficult to do fine motor skills.
you? Tell me. And remember, this is for posterity…so
In game terms all physical and mental skill rolls have
be honest. How do you feel? [Wesley cries and
their TN’s raised by 5 per application for the duration
moans in pain] Interesting.
of the poison
-The Princess Bride (1987)

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Section Three: The Game
Torture was long been used by many
governments and countries and organization. In the
Numan Republic, for example, a slave's testimony John Sheridan: You just have to say, "No, I won't"
was admissible only if it was extracted by torture, on one more time than they can say, "Yes, you will."
the assumption that slaves could not be trusted to - Babylon 5: Intersections in Real Time
reveal the truth voluntarily. Ancient and medieval
philosophers–notably, Aristotle and Francis Bacon–
were staunch champions of the utility of carefully
Torture is a very dark matter that reaches into the
monitored torture to the justice system.
utmost and despicable low of human nature. What
In much of Théah, medieval and many modern man is willing to do to it is simply tragic and
courts freely inflict torture, depending on the crimes horrible. As this is a roleplaying game, meant to be
of the accused and the social status of the suspect. played for fun, one would consider that such a
Torture is seen as a legitimate means for justice to subject would hardly seem desirable. However, the
extract confessions, or obtain the names of era in which 7th Sea rests and the reality and fiction
accomplices or other information about the crime. of that era often touches upon the darker aspect of
Often, defendants sentenced to death are tortured humanity, and thus torture. Mel Gibson’s ending
prior to execution, so as to have a last chance that moments in Braveheart is probably the most easily
they disclose the names of their accomplices. pointed too example, but there are more.
Here is a listing of torture methods you can A ‘Your Dumb Clause’ If You Don’t Know This
Google or check out on Wikipedia: Abacinate, Already: Roleplaying the depth of emotional and
Aggravated tooth extraction, Bastinado, Beatings and physical turmoil involved in torture would be far
physical violence, Blinding with light, Boiling, Bone beyond the normal scope of any game, and thus is
breaking, Branding, Burning/Cigar torture, often best handled “off screen” (such as Princess
Castration, Child abuse (physical), Choking, Cutting, Leia’s torture at the hands of Darth Vader in A New
Denailing, Disfigurement, Drowning or Water cure, Hope) and most assuredly not be LARP’d in any
Dry drowning, Elder Abuse (physical), Flagellation, fashion what so ever.
Flaying, Foot roasting, Foot whipping, Force-
feeding, Genital mutilation/ circumcision, Goat
tongue, Hair burning, Kneecapping, Limb/finger As being handled “off screen” there is little need for
removal, Mancuerda, Mouth stretching, Oxygen “torture rules” but in the event that your game might
deprivation, Peine forte et dure, Picquet, Pistol- get into a situation where some dice rolls might more
whipping, or beating with rifle butt, Pitchcapping, easily bring about a scene’s conclusion, we have
Rape, Incest and other forms of sexual assault, brought you the following:
Scalping, Scaphism, Sensory deprivation, Shabach
technique, Sleep deprivation, Sound (Extremely high
volumes, dynamic range, low frequency, noise
intended to interfere with rest, cognition and
concentration), Squassation, Starvation (forced), Interrogation is completed via the same way that
Strappado (also known as "reverse hanging"), Ta'liq most Repartee Actions are, though they have a
hanging from a metal bar., Tickling, Tongue removal, definite aspect of a physical element, like that of
Water boarding, Water torture, Whipping. combat. A series of roles are needed, the
interrogator’s skills versus the Resolve of the poor
Here is a list of torture devices you can Google creature being administered to, to break (mentally,
or check out on Wikipedia: Boot, Brank, Brazen bull, speaking) a victim.
Breaking wheel, Crocodile shears, Foot press, Foot
screw, Heretic's fork, Instep borer, Iron Maiden,
Judas Chair, Kia quen, Mancuerda, Pau de Arara,
Peace breaker's muzzle, Pear, Pear of Anguish, REPARTEE : TORTURE
Pillory, Rack, Scarpines, Scavenger's daughter, Trait Used: Wits (May add the Interrogation skill as
Scold's bridle, Spanish boot, Stocks, Tablillas, Tean Unkept dice)
zu, Thumbscrew, Toe breaker, Tucker telephone,
Horse rape. TN: (Target’s Resolve +1) x 5

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Section Three: The Game
mind games) can have simple mechanical effects.
Physical damage follows the normal rules of combat
Torture is any act by which severe pain, whether
and wounds. At a certain point, dice cease to
physical or psychological, is intentionally inflicted on
Explode. It is certainly possible for Gamemasters to
a person as a means of intimidation, a deterrent,
create a mental version of Flesh Wounds and
revenge, a punishment, or as a method for the
Wounds, using Panache and Wits. What mental
extraction of information or confessions. It is also
weapons might be used and what they might do as far
used as a method of coercion or as a tool to control
as damage is entirely up to the Gamemaster.
groups seen as a threat. Throughout history it has
been used as a method of effecting religious
conversion or political "re-education".
Strong Feelings on the Subject:
The torturer makes a series of Contested Resolve
A Gamemaster and Player might agree that their
checks against the target for each session with which
character has a lot to lose on a matter and they might
he works with his subject; which can be as little as
agree that the amount of Breaking Points needed by a
fifteen minutes to as long as several hours. When the
torturer to be more then the standard “Resolve x 10.”
roll is made, if the torturer is successful he gains a
If so, the Gamemaster can simply give a bonus to the
Breaking Point. He also gains an addition Breaking
victim. Perhaps allowing the victim
Point for every ten points he beat
to make a Resolve roll, the total of
the roll by. When the torturer
which is added to the total number
succeeds in gaining a number of
of Breaking Points needed to break
Breaking Points equal to Resolve
him. This is an immense bonus
x 10, he has broken his subject.
however and should be rewarded
Each time he fails to succeed on a
with care and with some cost to the
session roll however, he loses
victim, such as costing a number of
one-half the number of Breaking
multiple Drama Dice.
Points he has gathered thus far.
A Torturous Example:
Galiaus, one of the most feared Reputation Dice:
interrogators of all of the Ussuran
lands has been given a subject to Reputation dice can be used by
test his skills upon. Michael was, both the tortured and the torturer;
adding unkept dice to a roll for the
until recently, a part of the
Montiagne invasion force. torturer and a number of Raises to
Unfortunately he was captured the Resolve TN for the victim.
and is now being tortured for Usually a torturer will not be well
information on the Montaigne known enough to have and use
Reputation Points however, so they
war strategy. Michael is fairly
strong headed with a Resolve of four. This means may instead use one-half the reputation of their
that each session Galiaus must make a Wits Check master, so long as the victim knows who is torturing
them. Also, the master must be directly involved in
against Michael’s Resolve TN of 25 [(4+1)x5]. Each
time Galiaus wins such a roll he gains a Breaking the affair to use the bonus. For example, its not
Point. In this case he needs 40 of them to break enough that some no-name torturer in le’Empereur’s
dungeons is torturing you because that what they do
Michael to get what he needs from him.
down there to pretty much everyone. No, the torturer
When the victim’s breaking point is reached, he must get it directly from le’Empereur (the master) to
can attempt to “say ‘No’ one more time” and resist do the deed. Meaning that the master who’s
spilling his guts (in the figurative sense). He makes a Reputation is being flaunted has a direct investment
Resolve roll with a TN of 40. in the matter.
Reputation Dice might also be used by the victim
of torture to aid in “say ‘No’ one more time.”
Mind & Matter:
A Knight’s Vow:
Simply, damage to the human body (cutting,
bludgeoning, racking, etc.) and mind (deprivation, Knights of the Rose & Cross seemingly have an
immensely gross advantage in the Vow ability of

05/2006 Page: 35
Section Three: The Game
their Order. After all a statement of, “I vow that you gives into his punisher, who is simply not willing to
shall never get the location of Lady Corbeauombre’s allow another to suffer for himself.
child’s sanctuary from my lips,” could be quite a
It is quite often that the torturer will have to
problem for a torturer, if coming from a Knight.
prove his metal; to show the victim that he is quite
willing to do whatever it takes. If this “trust” is not
developed between victim and torturer, this becomes
The Cause So Great:
a matter of matching wits and can simply be resolved
Magistrate: The prisoner wishes to say a word. like any other session roll for Breaking Points. A
Wallace: FREEEEE-DOMMMMMM. torturer could gain a number of additional Free
- Braveheart (1995) Raises depending upon the secondary victim’s
relationship to the victim.
Simply put, some folks are willing to suffer and
die for something. As quoted above, William Wallace
in the film Braveheart is an example of such a person
and such a situation. In these cases the victim is A certain number of Advantages would certainly
going to die, with no hope of rescue, but in return affect a torture scenario. Here’s a list and how they
becomes a noble martyr for his cause. might come into play.
• Faith. As this Advantage is undefined to a large
extent, so it is left to the Gamemaster to define
Tell Me No Lies:
in this case.
Davian: Ethan, where’s the Rabbit’s Foot?
Hunt: The Rabbit’s Foot is in Paris. • Indomitable Will. The +2 unkept dice can be
Davian: It’s not in Paris. granted as a bonus in both the Contested Roll
-Mission: Impossible III (2006) and the “say ‘No’ one more time” phase.
During a session, when a torturer makes a Wits
roll, +10 is added to the TN needed. In the “say
Sometimes a victim might try and lie, to fool his ‘No’ one more time” phase, its bonus is as
captor into believing that he is giving up the normally used.
information when really he’s not. Sometimes these
lies can be proven true or false rather simply. • Man of Will. This Advantage has the greatest
Sometimes it would take a great deal of effort or time effect upon a situation involving torture. Quite
to verify or disprove; time likely not available to the simply, someone who has Man of Will simply
torturer or his or her master. is not going to break under any circumstance
that they do not want to.
It is not often that a torturer will simply take an
offering such as this without inflicting further • Pain Tolerance and Toughness. These
treatment, “just in case.” In fact, someone might Advantages can give bonuses in resisting
continue to torture even if he’s broken a subject, torture. It adds the normal bonuses to resist
simply not aware that he had succeeded in his tasks. physical pain as normal and generally gives a
+5 to all Contested Roll TNs.

The Blood of Another:

Owen Davian: Who are you? Do you have a wife? A THE REWARD OF TORTURE
girlfriend? Whoever she is, I'm gonna find her. I'm Should a hero undergo torture and live to survive
gonna hurt her. And then I'm going to kill you, right the ordeal, he should gain a nice number of Drama
in front of her. Dice as a result. This is left to the GM to decide
-Mission: Impossible III (2006) upon, but 5-10 of them, depending upon how intense
the situation was, would likely be a good reward.
It is quite possible, if not utterly likely, that a Note that these Drama Dice cannot be transferred
torturer might cause injury or lay cruelty upon into Experience Points.
another instead of the victim himself to cause the
victim to give up information. In these situations the
heroic victim of torture in most literature gives up or

05/2006 Page: 36

Section Four: Secrets

Thief’s Reprieve escaped from the Stone Giant earlier today, followed
the Cardinal, and poisoned his Guards. But, by the
grace of Theus was unable to complete the deed
Part Four owing to the presence of Captain Favero. You may
take him away, Captain Mantovani.”
Safe in the confessional, Tino knew he was home As Tino was being lead away still protesting his
free. The partition slid open and the voice of the innocence, Bishop Numanus was already planning
Bishop issued forth. “Tell me what you’ve found out,
his next step. With the thief framed for the murders
thief.” Tino thought about this business. No need to and a ‘conspiracy’ out to get Cardinal Durand del
go into the details of getting there, Tino instead Falisci, he was one step closer removing the
started with the rooftop.
Cardinal from office. “When you seek to remove
He’d only had to wait a few minutes for the thorns,” he chuckled to himself, “be careful you
guards to come back to their cups and seconds later don’t get stuck.”
they were sound asleep. After that he easily made his
way onto the veranda and from there was able to
overhear the whole conversation. He still didn’t
know which of the cardinals the Captain had spoken
with, even with the Bishop’s prompting. However, he
was able to state that they continually spoke of
“removing thorns.” This seemed to satisfy the Neighborhood
Bishop. Or at least Tino thought it did, as the Bishop
remained quiet throughout. Personae and Hooks
When he had finished his
report, the Bishop finally
spoke. “You’ve done well, my LE ROVINE
son. However, no one must
Madame Donanoche’s Boarding
know of this meeting, so you
House: Madame Violetta Dananoche
will wait here for 5 minutes
- In truth, there is another reason for
before leaving. That will give
her selection of boarders. She
me time to be elsewhere.”
converted to Objectionism during a
With that the Bishop rose and
lengthy time in the employ of an
Tino heard the sound of the
Eisen visiting the city. She rents
confessional door closing. He
rooms only to those who quietly share
sat alone in the dark of the
her faith. Given the nature of Numa,
confessional for quite some
any Objectionist who publicly
time with only his thoughts and
proclaims his religion opens himself
the hushed tones of a few
up to duels, harassment and
lonely parishioners scattered
assassination. However, in the quiet
about outside.
confines of Violetta’s house, they are
With his time up, Tino able to be more open about their faith
opened the door and made to and even spend time in the small
leave. However, what he saw chapel she has built in the basement.
stopped him in his tracks. The
Bishop was standing mere feet
away speaking to several men Madame Francesca Delaga’s
and women in the uniforms of Boarding House: Madame Francesca
The Cardinal’s Guard. He Delaga - Delaga also harbors a
overheard the Bishop saying, terrible grudge against Madame
“...of course, the law is clear.” Donanoche, a former courtesan who
The Bishop turned and Tino runs a nearby boarding house.
saw a slight smile, one completely devoid of humor,
on his face as he continued. “That man,” he said
pointing directly at Tino, “confessed that he is part of The Church of the Capuchins: The masterwork of
a conspiracy to kill Cardinal Durand del Falisci. He art by Renail Guidoro of the Second prophet

05/2006 Page: 38
Section Four: Secrets
defeating the King of Legion hangs in the church,
donated by Cardinal Falisci. This painting is the
source of some controversy due to the resemblance of
the King of Legion to Bishop Numanis. (See the
description of Renail Guidoro.)
While the Bishop has demanded the painting
removed and destroyed, the cardinal will not hear of
it, thus it hangs in the church. It is quite possible that
the Bishop might seek to have the painting stolen or
perhaps damaged in a small fire, but he must make
any such moves carefully and be sure that any actions
could never be proven to be connected to him.


The Pit: Claudio Accorsi - the more gregarious of
the two, Claudio is the older of the brothers (by some
4 years). Given his social connections and outgoing Sugicci Imports (Nuovo Vecchiacittà):
personality, people often assume that he is the idea
Antoni Sugicci - A middle-aged man with
man behind The Pit. Those people would be wrong.
graying hair and a softly confident presence. He
It was Claudio that got the brothers in trouble with
always knows what to say, and can always close the
creditors in the first place; he has a penchant for get-
deal. He makes no pretense about being a dangerous
rich-quick schemes and is always in debt. It’s only
man; he has never really lifted a sword, and doesn't
been through Teobaldo’s influence that neither of
want to invite violence into his life. He just wants to
them has ended up face down in the Tigres.
do business. He married young, and his wife gave
Teobaldo Accorsi - the true architect behind The him one child before she died of natural causes. His
Pit. Teobaldo is quiet and unassuming, but with a son, a young man of twenty or so, is working for him
dry and extremely sharp wit. Where others might and is busy making legitimate trading deals in
have given up on Claudio as a gambler and leach, Castille.
Teobaldo was able to find just exactly the right job
Currently, Antoni is playing a very dangerous
for him.
game. In addition to his legitimate business, he also
Plot Hooks: makes a good business fencing stolen goods out of
the back of the store and using the front to launder
A) The heroes are in the employ of one of the the profits. For three generations the Sugicci family
merchant princes (or alternately any powerful NPC) has been the go-to-guys for petty criminals and
it turns out that said NPC wishes to view a fight. muggers looking to trade their ill-gotten gains for less
However, none of the heroes have previously been to
incriminating cash. Its location has always been a
a fight and word on the street is that there isn’t a fight resource; close enough to the criminals to be
scheduled for quite some time, how can the heroes convenient, but close enough to the middle class to
get a fight organized and quickly?
maintain a veneer of respectability.
B) Claudio and Teobaldo are in a bit of a pickle.
Plot Hooks:
It turns out that they didn’t quite block off all the
tunnels, and this particular tunnel leads to an ancient A) The heroes need to unload something
mausoleum. Worse, ghouls who’ve previously taken sensitive, and fast. Maybe its some documents they
up residence in the mausoleum can smell the blood of shouldn't have, maybe they stole something, or
the combatants. And they’re hungry. maybe they just find themselves on the wrong side of
a convoluted plot. No matted the reason, they need to
C) A young child whose parent has gone missing get to a fence. Somebody knows somebody, and they
hires heroes. It turns out that there have been spates find their way to Antoni's door. Still, he hasn't
of recent ‘disappearances.’ Turns out that Claudio
survived this long by being foolish, and he may
and Teobaldo are getting themselves involved in require something of them to compensate for his risk.
some more ‘interesting’ fights. For a sufficient price,
they can even have people kidnapped to fight for rich B) The Church has learned about Antoni's
patrons amusement. operation, specifically that he has come into

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Section Four: Secrets
possession of some dangerous items. They don't want Plot Hook: Even after two years, Capello still
to go through normal channels, because that would fears that someone will discover his action, so he
alert the spies of the various princes. A concerned needs someone to retrieve the secret from its hiding
member of the clergy approaches some pious and place inside a safe without a key in a gargoyle on the
friendly heroes to do the job, quietly. Antoni is not tallest building in the city. Then he just needs
willing to give his life for trinkets; so getting the someone to break back into one of the most secure
goods is easy. But when assassins of the Qatihl'i buildings in Numa and replace the evidence before
show up, the heroes begin to wonder what they have anyone notices it is missing.
gotten into.

Broken Tears Abbey: (Vecchiacittà) Between

The Birds of the Sky (Nuovo Vecchiacittà): various elite members of the city and the most base
and degraded criminals, the abbey and good works of
Aldo Ghioletti - A handful of the regular patrons
Sister Gallandro are under constant threat.
know that Ghioletti is actually a member of a small
heretical group known as the Seven Hundred and Plot Hooks:
Seventy Seven. The group believes that Theus
A) Someone comes into the abbey, stabbed in
created 777 souls at the beginning of the world that
the back, warning the Sister to be wary of her life but
are continually reborn after death. However, when a
dies before he can give her details.
man commits a sinful or evil deed, his soul is
sundered and broken, and split into multiple bodies B) Someone from the Council has dropped a spy
when it is reborn. Most people, particularly the within the Abbey. Why would someone do this?
downtrodden and poor, have only a tiny fraction of a
C) One of the heroes is ambushed one night and
soul within themselves while nobles and the worthy
left for dead. When he awakens he is in the abbey
have greater portions culminating with the Prophets
and Sister Gallandro is taking care of him.
who bore a full soul within their bodies. Given the
terrible state of corruption in the world, many D) Sister Gallandro approaches the heroes. She
portions of souls now reside in lesser beings, such as tells them of a man they found in the river and
beasts, animals and fish. Only birds cannot bear a brought to her. How he has no memory and she wants
soul because its weight would prevent them from them to help him. What is it about the tattoo on his
flying. Only by generous and heroic deeds can a man back that has her so scared?
restore the lost portions of his soul. Part of this
group’s beliefs condemns the practice of killing or E) A satchel of guilders…enough to construct a
consuming any being with a soul, so they do not eat cathedral…has found its way onto the abbey’s
red meat or fish. Members of this heretical group doorstep. So why has Sister Gallandro contacted the
often dine here and gather in a back room once a heroes to ask them to find out who left it and return it
month to discuss their beliefs and proclaim their faith to them?
to one another. They do so carefully, however,
because the Inquisition has declared the 777 are
heretics and to be burned at the stake.

Copello Bondicci’s Locksmith:

Copello Bondicci - Before that injury Capello
was known as Volpe, the city’s greatest thief who
was able to pick any lock, slip through any crack to
reach his aim. While other men pilfered jewels and
paintings, he focused on vital information and
secrets. During his last job, he obtained proof of a
terrible secret, a secret that could tear the Vaticine
Church apart. To avoid that, he hid the proof and told
no one. But he ran afoul of some Vaticine guards that VILLAGGIO DELLA CHIESA
night and fell several stories to the ground. The The House of the Green Walls: A game at the
broken leg never healed properly, so he decided to House goes thusly. Each player receives 40 palm-
retire from crime and become a locksmith.
sized wooden discs called favori and places his

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Section Four: Secrets
signature or mark upon them. These are the stakes Pia - Pia is the current owner of Patero's, having
used in their games, though regulars often bring their won it in a game of dice form its previous owner (she
own custom-made favori. The most popular card suspects that the dice were loaded, but won't question
game is called Cardinal’s Folly. Each player is dealt a good thing). She has been very successful thus far,
3 face-down cards with betting after each card. Any and has used Patero's in order to free herself from the
player who do not drop out during the bidding reveal need of patronage. Rather than be beholden to one
their three cards and total their value (face cards are man, she now uses all of high society to support
worth 0 points unless all three cards are face cards herself, and couldn't be happier.
and then they count for 10 points each). The person
Plot Hooks:
with the highest total wins the pot. Ties, split it.
A) Pia won the ownership of Patero's with
At the end of the evening, the losers owe favors
loaded dice, as the previous owner kept a secret. She
to whomever won their favori, though generally if
was secretly under the thumb of some terrible group
two players have equal numbers of each others
who expected to use Patero's for their own ends.
favors, they simply call it a draw. The exact nature of
After she assumed ownership, Pia receives a
the favors owed is always handled in private and the
message; work for them or die. Never one to lay
losers may always refuse at the risk
down without a fight, she hires the
of a reputation of not paying his
heros to investigate, having heard of
debts and being barred from the
their reputation as just individuals.
House. Often, a person will redeem
multiple favori at a time for a more B) Pia has a very dangerous little
substantial favor. Some typical secret. Shortly after she won Patero's,
favors include helping research a she made a deal with some Eisen
matter of doctrine or local diplomats who stopped by for a few
information (1 favori), employing a rounds of cards. Now, she is one of
peasant in a menial position (1 the few people in Vodacce who will
favori), voting on a matter of little trade perhaps the most dangerous of
importance (20 favori), employing a goods: guilders. If the heros find out,
close relative in a position of power will they keep her secret, or will they
(20 favori) and voting on a matter sell her out to Prince Vestini's Hand,
of extreme importance such as the who are already on her trail?
election of a Hierophant (up to 400
favori). One tale told by regulars at
the House states that one of the The Hanging Gardens of Numa:
Hierophants was elected solely due
to an extremely lucky night at Guido di Saltalamarccia - Head
Cardinal’s Folly. Gardener, and a man who knows how
to keep his mouth shut. He makes a
small living working in The Gardens, keeping them
pristine, and blooming. He has his 2 sons, Roberto
DIOCLASIAN and Marcus as helpers, along with several other
Patero’s: workers that keep the fountains flowing and the
waterways clear. If anyone knows The Gardens
Stefano Pavlovich - Son of an Ussuran inside and out, it is Guido.
immigrant and a courtesan mother, Stefano is tall,
dark and handsome. He has a practiced manner that Roberto di Saltalamarccia - Elder son of
allows him to socialize with ease, and he is a constant Guido, and one who will take the position, once his
fixture at Patero's. Some think that he is the lover of father retires. He is the schemer of the family, and
the mistress, but the truth (which is an open truth to knows how to make a quick buck. He has taken to
those who think to ask) is that he is in the employ of growing particular mushrooms and other ‘useful’
the house. He is a skilled swordsman, and while he plants that are needed for making certain potions, be
does not interfere with fights between patrons, he is they for healing or for harm. He has scattered these
quick to step in if the duels should spill over and plants throughout the garden (though for the
disturb those who are not involved. He is also a mushrooms, he created a small room down inside the
fantastic card player, and has the amazing ability to wall, near a water source, to have a damp dark area to
clean someone out, yet make them recall the grow them in). He has also learned that certain plant
experience so fondly that they wish to return. extracts, when fed to the large cats, can make for a

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Section Four: Secrets
more interesting hunt, and he privately has put out Manor Arachnidan: The Voss family is fairly
feelers on the subject to several high ranking Nobles, stable but there’s always the possibility that they
as a added extra for their ‘private hunts’. might need a hand with something.
Marcus di Saltalamarccia - The younger son Plot Hooks:
(by 2 years), he is also the ‘muscle’ of the two boys.
A) Alberto's family has been attacked, his son
Whatever his older brother has scheming, Marcus is
abducted. Help Alberto get him back and a lot of
there to help him with it, to get his part of the gains.
people will be happy.
He has also taken to learning how to handle the big
cats from the Head Gameskeeper, especially the B) Guard a "special package" (read: Box Full of
lions, because of his strength. Spider) to its destination for Alberto. Then chase
after it when it is stolen.
Georgio Medicali - Head Gameskeeper for The
Gardens. His job is to keep the animals healthy and
happy, especially the large cats. He recently acquired
a pair of young lions LAVENZO
from a Montaigne
The Shroud of St.
dealer and is looking
forward to ‘trying
them out.’ Teofania Aspasi
- appears to be quiet,
Plot Hook: For
friendly and a devout
all of the garden’s
Vaticine. But in the
beauty, there is a
heart of this pious
darker side to it, and
widow lurks a
not all of it during
terrible madness...a
the night. It is called
pathological hatred
“ Il Gioco Di
for both Fate Witches
Cercare” (The Hunt
and courtesans.
Game). Several of
Teofania's sons were
the “larger” animals
used as pawns in a
kept in the gardens,
rivalry between a
are a few of the great
local lord's Strega
cats. A man found by
wife and kept
Dioclasian’s private guards to be guilty of ‘taking
mistress, manipulated both emotionally and
unwarranted advantage of woman’, or abusing
magically into the duel that led to their deaths by
children; a woman found cheating on her husband,
each others' blades. Seeing the callous disregard these
and other offenses, are given the option to ‘volunteer’
women had for innocents caused Teofania's mind to
themselves for Il Gioco Di Cercare. They are given a
crumble and she vowed that she would not rest until
small dull dagger, and a loaf of bread, and sent into a
she could eradicate as many of the "twin whores of
larger part of the gardens, where they have to make it
Legion, Sex and Sorte" from Vodacce as she could.
across to a chosen point (GM’s discretion), without
In her four years, Teofania has dispatched a little
getting killed by one of the cats, or tripping one of
over a dozen such victims. Her methods are slow and
the many traps built into the gardens. (These can be
devious. Once or twice every few months or so, when
anything that can be thought up by the GM, that
she has to make a dress for a Fate Witch or a
would work in the setting. The traps are well known
courtesan, she'll make sure to use one of her "special"
to the people who visit The Gardens often, so they
dyes. These dyes are heavily impregnated with
are able to avoid them, and some can be ‘turned off’,
arsenic salts. The result is usually a slow, lingering
though sometimes they are ‘missed or forgotten’ to
death in a span of months. Even in the Great Game,
be turned off on purpose.) Nobles make bets while
where assassination is commonplace, random killing
waiting for the outcome, while dining in style in a
is still hard to puzzle out especially when there are so
secure part of The Gardens. The height of The
many other obvious suspects all around. And given
Gardens makes it very hard for the convicted to try
the dressmaker's piety to the Church, she has done
and climb down the walls to escape, and archers are
nothing yet to warrant suspicion.
posted during the hunt, to keep this from happening.
The Garden can also be hired out for ‘private hunts.’

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Section Four: Secrets
Plot Hooks: Alessio’s Il Grano
A) A Fate Witch has been found poisoned and Alessio Cangi He is short, stocky, and very
circumstancial evidence points to her abused Vedova energetic man in his mid to late 40's. He starts his
sister. Vodacce justice is not known for being day very early and works late into the evening,
particularly merciful or patient. Or, in some cases, allowing himself a rest in the slow mid-afternoon
caring about the actual facts. Can the Heroes prove hours. Although he is an excellent chef, he leaves
the innocence of the accused in time? most of the food preparation to a well-trained staff,
and spends his time meeting and greeting patrons.
B) Sophia's Daughters are alarmed at the
growing deaths of Strega and courtesans that seem to Plot Hooks:
stem from Numa. They're frantically trying to piece
A) Il Grano has served as a meeting place for the
together just who could be responsible and why.
Seven Princes on occasion. One reason that the food
However, a few of the more extreme members of the
at Il Grano has a distinctive flavor is that Alessio uses
Bane faction of the Rilasciare are aware of the
spices from the Crescent Empire. He is guarded with
Daughters' activities and see this as a prime
this secret, as he doesn’t want to draw the ire of the
opportunity to throw off the yoke of partnership
Church and he doesn’t want to appear to be playing
between the Daughters and the Free Thinkers once
favorites with the Bernoulli’s.
and for all. It's a race to find the killer, but one side
wants to neutralize while the other wants to protect. B) The Heroes could be needed to
Who will get there first and which side in this protect/procure a shipment from the Crescent Empire,
situation will the Heroes choose? while avoiding the attention of the Church or any of
the other Princes.
C) The Fate Witch and the courtesan responsible for
the deaths of Teofania's sons have arrived in Numa
with their lord, their rivalry still in full swing. With
her enemies so close, Aspasi's madness has escalated.
Can the Heroes prevent more deaths from occurring?
If they find out Teofania's circumstances, will they
want to? Secrets of the


Brawn: 3
Finesse: 3
Theatre of Folly Wits: 3
Resolve: 3
While the scrawny owner Tigran Naticelli and Panache: 5
the slow-speaking playwright Andare Reni seem as Reputation: 22
far apart as night and day to most, they do share a Background: Lorenzo 2
secret. They are both members of a secret society Arcana: Commanding
named Lega di Folly, an offshoot of the Rilasciare.
Their plays portray the nobles of Vodacce as idiots
and buffoons, so busy dealing with manipulation and Advantages: Eisen, Vodacce (R/W), Combat
intrigue that they don’t ever notice the important Reflexes, Commission: Captain, Swordsman’s
aspects to life such as freedom or love. These themes Guild, Left Handed
have gone unnoticed simply because the plays are Ambrosia (Master): Feint 5, Pommel Strike 5,
extremely entertaining, the Theatre never focuses on Riposte 5, Exploit Weakness (Ambrosia) 5
any one noble family and the nobles are often so busy Athlete: Climbing 3, Footwork 5, Sprinting 3,
intriguing with each other that they’re not paying any Throwing 2, Leaping 3, Side-Step 4, Swimming 2
attention to the play itself. Captain: Strategy 3, Tactics 4, Diplomacy 4,
Incitation 3, Leadership 5

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Section Four: Secrets
Dirty Fighting: Attack (Dirty Fighting) 5, Attack rooms, a guest of one noble or church patron or
(Improvised Weapon) 4, Parry (Improvised another during the day to the seediest of card houses
Weapon) 4, Throw (Improvised Weapon) 3 the evening of that same day. Renail has been
Fencing: Attack (Fencing) 5, Parry (Fencing) 5 approached by more then a few groups seeking to
Firearms: Attack (Firearms) 3, Reload (Firearms) 2 recruit him including, the Invisible College and the
Streetwise: Socializing 3, Street Navigation 4, Rilasciare. Such attempts of recruitment have been
Underworld Lore 2 fairly coy and Renail is unsure at best as to what
these offers have truly been.
The good captain has only one secret, which, if Most recently, with the Numanis Devil Painting
revealed would spell disaster. He has an ancient, incident, he has come to the attention of the Die
though strong, tie to the Lorenzo family through his Kreuzritter through Cardinal Falisci and his friend,
mother’s side. He is aware of this shame, and it Cardinal Durkheim. They have most recently, taken
drives him to seek justice in all forms. to watching the painter to see if Bishop Numanis will
seek earthly revenge upon Renali.
He also secretly believes that Bishop Numanus is
up to no good. While he cannot point to any one act
or event, the good Bishop is simply too organized
and resourceful to have that simplistic a view of the CAPTAIN DOMENICA MANTOVANI
law. He also has a continuing professional friction
with the captain of the Cardinal’s Guard, Domenica
Brawn: 2
Mantovani (see below) over jurisdiction in and Finesse: 4
around the area of the Villaggio della Chiesa. Wits: 4
Resolve: 3
Panache: 3
Renial Guidoro Reputation: 15
Background: Vow 3
Arcana: Misguided
Brawn: 2
Finesse: 2
Wits: 4
Resolve: 3 Advantages: Castille, Eisen, Montaigne, Thean
Panache: 2 (R/W), Vodacce (R/W), Church Guard,
Reputation: 25 Commission: Captain
Background: Fear 3 Swords of Soloman (Master): Bind 5, Disarm 5,
Arcana: None Attack (Shield) 5, Exploit Weakness (SoS) 5
Hero Athlete: Climbing 2, Footwork 5, Sprinting 3,
Throwing 1
Commander: Strategy 4, Tactics 4, Diplomacy 2,
Advantages: Castille, Montaigne (R/W), Théan
Incitation 5, Leadership 3, Logistics 3
(R/W), Vodacce (R/W), Connections (several),
Fencing: Attack (Fencing) 5, Parry (Fencing) 5
Memberships: Social Clubs, Patrons (artistic),
Shield: Parry (Shield) 5
Servant (henchman)
Priest: Oratory 1, Philosophy 3, Religious Lore
Artist: Drawing 3, Sculpting 1, Painting 5
(Vatacine) 4, Writing 4, Theology 3
Courtier: Dancing 2, Etiquette 2, Fashion 2, Oratory
Wrestling: Grapple 4, Break 3, Escape 3
1, Gaming 4, Gossip 4, Mooch 5, Politics 1,
Scheming 1, Sincerity 3
Herbalist: Cooking 2, Diagnosis 1, First Aid 1, Flora Captain Mantovani has, indeed, seen many of the
3, Compounds 4 cardinals come and go. She has also had to perform
Merchant: Haggling 3 favors for them, whether they were good men or not.
Scholar: History 2, Mathematics 2, Philosophy 1, Domenica has given false alibis to cardinals sought
Research 1, Law 2, Natural Philosophy 3 for various crimes, she has bribed more than a few
Streetwise: Socializing 3, Street Navigation 3, young ladies not to mention the names of their
Shopping 1, Underworld Lore 1, Gambling 4 children’s fathers, and in one case, she personally
silenced a vocal detractor of one of the cardinals. All
Renail knows more then a few secrets, being these things she’s done in the name of Theus, and for
fairly deeply plugged into the social fabric of Numa. the good of The Church.
He rather easily finds himself in the most elite of

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Section Four: Secrets


Brawn: 2 Minor PERSONAE
Finesse: 2
Wits: 4
Resolve: 2
Panache: 2
Alberto Voss
Reputation: -35
Background: Mole 3 Brawn: 2
Arcana: Careful Finesse: 2
Villain Wits: 2
Resolve: 2
Panache: 3
Advantages: Castille (R/W), Vodacce (R/W), Eisen, Reputation: 25
Thean (R/W), Numan Education, Debater, Background: Lost Love 1,
Ordained, Membership: NOM Assassin 1, Rivalry 1
Henchman Arcana: None
Dirty Fighting: Attack (Dirty Fighting) 1
Firearms: Attack (Firearms) 1
Criminal: Gambling 4, Shadowing 3, Stealth 3,
Cheating 5 Advantages: Vodacce (R/W), Connections (Many),
Politician: Etiquette 4, Oratory 3, Socializing 2, Night Trained, Poison Immunity (all Spiders)
Diplomacy 4, Incitation 2, Politics 3, Rabble- Pyeryem (1/4 Blood): Knacks: Speak (Arachnids) 5
Rousing 3, Scheming 4, Sincerity 4 (See Notes Below)
Priest: Oratory 3, Philosophy 2, Religious Lore Courtier: Dancing 4, Etiquette 4, Fashion 2, Oratory
(Vaticine) 3, Writing 3, Theology 3 1, Gaming 3, Gossip 5, Memorizing 4, Politics 3,
Scholar: History 2, Mathematics 1, Philosophy 2, Scheming 4, Sincerity 3
Research 4, Law 5 Dirty Fighting: Attack (Dirty Fighting) 1
Doctor: Diagnosis 3, First Aid 3, Veterinarian 3
The good bishop was placed in his current Fence: Appraising 3, Socializing 3, Haggling 3,
position to influence the city of Numa and the Shopping 3, Underworld Lore 5
Vaticine Church for NOM. His ability to manipulate Fencing: Attack (Fencing) 1, Parry (Fencing) 1
the laws while ignoring the spirit of those laws has Herbalist: Cooking 3, Diagnosis 3, First Aid 3,
allowed him to run the city virtually unchallenged Poison 5
(that is save the suspicions of Captain Vincente Knife: Attack (Knife) 1, Parry (Knife) 1
Favero). In addition, because his responsibilities Scholar: History 2, Mathematics 2, Philosophy 2,
include acting as liaison between the cardinals and all Research 4, Astronomy 1, Natural Philosophy 3
governmental bodies, he has ensured that the
cardinals only hear what he wants them to. Sorcery Note: As a ‘quarter blood’ Alberto has only
the smallest touch of sorcery, enough to basically
He is aware of the relationship between Captain allow him to commune with spiders. How or where,
Favero and Cardinal Durand del Falisci. While he or by what breeding through out the years that this
would dearly love to get rid of the good captain, he is sorcery came from is something of a mystery, even to
a careful and patient man. He is quite certain that the Alberto's family, but it is a power they have had for
good Captain will provide his own noose. He is also several generations now.
aware of the friction between Captain Favero and
Captain Mantovani and encourages it as much as he While Alberto himself is a simple man many
is able. He thus keeps them from turning their efforts who visit him and seek him out are anything but
toward him. simple. He often innocently overhears things or is
simply told such things outright and thus, he knows
how to keep a secret.
Plot Hooks:
A) The PCs master wants to speak with Alberto
for some reason, and he wants to do it now. It is up to
them to make it happen. How busy Alberto is and
how long they might have to wait until he is not busy

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Section Four: Secrets
is up to you the GM. Alberto has many friends that This has to do with her upbringing with her brother
will not be pleased to see him unhappy in anyway. before she joined the Order.
Perhaps they will have to make a deal with another
Plot Hooks:
lord to let them have his appointment.
A) Sister Gallandro has an encounter with a
B) A Inquisition Knight is pushing his luck in
heroic PC when they are at their lowest point. She'll
going after Alberto. Bribe him away or Kill him, your
help them get back on their feet; physically and
master or benefactor doesn't care which. The problem
emotionally. She can inspire the greatness of others
is that the Knight is Alberto's third cousin...family
to come forth.
always makes these things so messy.
B) Sister Gallandro is trying to help the poor and
C) Guard a "special package" (read: Box Full of
down trodden of the city and needs some supplies,
Spider) to its destination for Alberto. Then chase
she goes to the heroes to ask them to get them for her.
after it when it is stolen.
They are maybe her only hope...how far will she let
D) A body is found. Who? Maybe a friend of the them go about the task...
PCs. A very good, lifelong friend is best. When they
C) Someone is killing Sisters in the city. Sister
check it out, thirteen spiders crawl out of the corpses
Gallandro won't stop her work. Can the heroes save
mouth and nose. The arachnids are their only clues
her when she becomes the target? And is the killer a
and no one knows spiders better then Alberto.
psycho, or is he an assassin, sent by the church itself
to eliminate her specifically (meaning the other
deaths were just decoys).
SISTER GALLANDRO D) Sister Gallandro's brother has come to town.
His name is Petruccio. He's a swordsman with a nasty
Brawn: 1 habit of hedonism and a big mouth all around. Sister
Finesse: 3 Gallandro asks the heroes to help him from getting
Wits: 3 into trouble. But it is they who will need the help
Resolve: 3 when he insults the absolute worst person he could at
Panache: 3
a dinner party...(I won't say his name, you already
Reputation: 16
Background: Vow 3
know it).
Arcana: Comforting

Advantages: Eisen (R/W), Théan (R/W), Vodacce

Secrets of the
(R/W), Above Average Appearance, Cloistered,
Dirty Fighting: Attack (Dirty Fighting) 4
Monk: Philosophy 2, Writing 3, Calligraphy 3, PERSONAE of Mystery
Menial Tasks 4, Theology 3, Seneschal 1,
Compounds 4
Priest: Oratory 1, Philosophy 2, Religious Lore Monsieur Darke
(Vaticine) 3, Writing 3, Diplomacy 2, Mooch 5
Rider: Ride 4
Servant: Etiquette 3, Fashion 1, Menial Tasks 4, Brawn: 2
Unobtrusive 3 Finesse: 3
Wits: 3
Resolve: 3
Sister Gallandro does not have any secrets. She’s Panache: 5
a good and noble person. Her biggest weakness is her Reputation: -15
foolish and loudmouth brother, Petruccio. Background: Moment of Awe
Arcana: Ruthless
More then a few men who have sought to harm Scoundrel
or take advantage of the Sister have discovered to
their great aches and bruises that she fairly capable of Advantages: Théan (R/W), Vodacce (R/W),
defending herself in often a most unladylike fashion. Connections, Friends at Court, Night Trained, Odd
Sleeping Habits, Scarovese

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Section Four: Secrets
Quinque (Master): Voice 5, Elemental 5, Instruments B) A PC's master has hired the PCs to pick up a
5, Machines 5, Substance 5 "special guest" and bring him to a man. Then they are
Artist: Composer 2, Drawing 5 to wait for the man's work to be completed. All is
Courtesan: Acting 1, Dancing 2, Etiquette 3, Fashion well, until the screaming starts from the other room.
3, Jenny 1, Masseur 4, Unobtrusive 3, Cold Read 5, Now imagine if your master was a Bishop of the
Gossip 2, Mooch 2, Poison 4, Politics 3, Sincerity 4 Church.
Doctor: Diagnosis 2, First Aid 4, Dentist 3, Examiner
C) The PC must undergo a trial of loyalty and
4, Quack 4, Surgery 4, Vivisection 6
purpose. Darke is called in to "interrogate" and test
Knife: Attack (Knife) 3, Parry (Knife) 3, Throw
the hero. (Check out "Comes the Inquisitor" episode
(Knife) 5
of Babylon 5 for an example.)
Merchant: Haggling 3
Spy: Shadowing 3, Stealth 3, Bribery 2, Conceal 3,
Cryptography 3, Interrogation 6, Memorizing 4
Torturer: Interrogation 5, First Aid 4, Cold Read 5, DECURION VORCIUS LUCENIUS
Menace 4, Natural Philosophy 3, Poison 4

He is known simply as Darke. What his real Ghost: GMG156-157

name is, only those from the orphanage he grew up in
would be able to tell, and unfortunately that burned Fear Rating:
down several years ago. Darke's trade is that of a 3 (Resolve TN 20);
5 (TN 30)
professional torturer & vivisectionist. There are few
men in the world who know the ways of a man's body
and how to twist it to his ends as Darke. No Villain
one...ever...remains unbroken once Darke begins his
work. No will, no matter what iron it might be made
of can resist his subtle manipulations, and no faith Effect: The ghostly apparition of Lucenius is
can shield one from the hard nature of his hooks and incorporeal and cannot be harmed by mortal
needles. weapons. While she hardly bothers to attack or
concern herself with most people she might
Darke himself is a severe looking man, tall and
encounter at times, if she does, she can attack with
gaunt, in every way a looming specter. His eyes are
her spectral gladius, doing 3k1 damage.
deep and of a blue so light in color that they are
nearly white. (It has been said that there have been If she encounters someone with a traitorous
times when he has merely walk into a room and look Background, Hubris or history she will know it upon
into the eyes of his object and the person has broken sight and will seek to destroy him or her. Against
under that intense gaze.) such a person her weapon's damage is 5k2. At times
she can sense such things as they happen in the city
Darke is one of the few men whose talents
and she might very well seek such actions out. If she
outweigh the justice of the Church, for he is as much
arrives, her wrath increases by 2 when she appears.
a man of Faith as that of a scientist, for so few are as
knowledgeable about the human body as he. He Porte is not affected by her presence. Nor would
charges exorbitant prices and never harms a man of the Montaigne trick with mirrors. Holy faith or other
the cloth. Unless, of course, its the Church itself that folklore inspired rituals might work to undo or force
brings the man to his tables. He has been known to away Vorcius, but until she comes to terms to what
travel the seven princedoms quite frequently, happened to her and the Emperor, she cannot be
however, Numa is always home and he always killed, only dispersed for a few days or weeks.
spends his winters there.
Plot Hooks:
GM Advise: GMs should use Vorcius sparingly. She
A) One of the PCs has fallen into an enemy trap. could be a very good warning to a character that is
Now he gets to meet Darke. This guy is going to get planning on doing something bad. She could, despite
the secrets, and it can hurt as much or as little as it her "villainous" aspect, show up to aid a hero who is
needs to. In the end, Darke should get away; he's as being betrayed. She is not a talker. She's a warrior
much a plot device as a force of ill nature. He'll likely who has spent a long time trying to make up for her
get away just as the other PCs are closing in on their loss of honor, growing more and more spiteful each
friend, who they've come to rescue. passing season.

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Section Four: Secrets
A Numan Legionnaire, Vorcius served nobly Dirty Fighting: Attack (Dirty Fighting) 3, Attack
during the days of Imperator Julius Caius as a (Improvised Weapon) 3, Parry (Improvised
Decurion (Sergeant) in the Numan armies. Before her Weapon) 2
death she was a master warrior and a veteran Guide: Climbing 2, Street Navigation 5, Tracking 3,
campaigner. Due to her honorable and steadfast Direction Sense 3
service in the legion and noted valor in battle she was Performer: Acting 2, Dancing 1, Oratory 4, Singing
assigned to the personal guard of the Imperator. 1, Cold Read 3, Memorizing 3, Storytelling 4
It was that fateful day in which the Caius was
brutally murdered by the Senators that Vorcius first Plot Hooks:
held her duty as a lifeguard to the Imperator.
A) With the popularity of Cuore di Numa, rivals
Unfortunately, the senators were both wise and canny
seek to gain any advantage. Guiseppe contacts the
in their planning and they had successfully devised a
heroes because several of his tour guides have been
means and way to separate the guard from their
attacked. Worse, they were attacked while doing
Imperator. Vorcius and the others were either killed
tours (making tourists worry for their safety). Can
or captured before they had even realized what was
the heroes find the perpetrators and deal with them
going on. Vorcius herself was captured, tortured and
quickly. Cuore di Numa’s future may depend on it.
eventually crucified by the Senate since she would
not renounce her loyalty to the Imperator. B) Unbeknownst to most, Cuore di Numa has a
side business which keeps them solvent. In addition
Today, nearly two millennia later, there are
to leading tours, they also transport messages
reports of a woman who walks the halls and streets of
throughout the city, and are not too curious about
Numa dressed in old Legionnaire armaments. They
what they are delivering. However, one package in
say she is bloody, as if from terrible battle, and that
particular, could spell trouble for a great many
she looks for her lost lord, the Imperator Caius.
innocents. The heroes could get involved in several
Some whisper that those who seek to betray their different ways, however, the important question is,
masters and lords are foolish not to be wary and that can they keep the message from getting delivered?
Decurion Vorcius Lucenius often seeks out such that
would do betrayal and does them great and terrible
and bloody punishment.
Plot Hook: It might be very interesting if a
female Heroic Character discovered that she looks
just like Vorcius, down to the mole on her cheek.
Could such a character find a way to bring the
ghostly form to some kind of peace? Could Vorcius,
through some ancient bloodline, manage to possess
swordsman MASTERY
such a woman, taking physical form through her?
The Master level of Desco is lost to modern
Théah and cannot be taken or learned by any modern
GUISEPPE AGOSTINI swordsman. It is provided here mainly to complete
the entry. If a GM wishes to incorporate it into his
game a good plot hook would be that a group
Brawn: 2 (possibly the player characters themselves) finds an
Finesse: 2 old manuscript detailing the third and final tier of
Wits: 3
ability of the Deco Numanaius. This "lost book" need
Resolve: 2
Panache: 2 not be in Numa, it could be any where in Théah, even
Reputation: 15 as far away as Avalon.Obviously such a discovery,
Background: Vow 3 should (when) word got back to the Desco would be
Arcana: Friendly HUGE deal for them.

Master: A Desco is frugal in energy and action: Can

Advantages: Castille, Eisen, Montaigne, Avalon, make an Attack as an Interrupt Action. A Desco
Cymric (ACQ), Inish (ACQ), Vendel, Ussuran, should be severe; focused, determined and not easily
Vodacce (R/W), Midnight Archipelago (ACQ), dissuaded: Adds his Mastery Level as unkept dice to
Linguist, Area Knowledge (Numa)

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Section Four: Secrets
resist Fear or Intimidation checks. A Desco is faithful must gain rank 4 in all the Knacks of the ability to
to his comrades: When with at least one other Desco gain the Adept level and Ranks 5 in all the Knacks to
Swordsman, he keeps his normal defense when Master it. This is simply not a school meant for
making a Lunge Attack. Player Characters and most certainly not heroic
characters. It is best used, if at all, off-screen or in
dramatic fashion.

QUINQUE Elemental: The use of various elements in breaking a
subject. Fire, cold, drowning, water, etc.
Instruments: The use of various tools such as knives,
"Know that there are five degrees of torture; first, the needles, pliers or even one’s own hands and other
torture of being threatened to be tortured; secondly, such utensils.
the torture of being conveyed to the place of torture; Machines: This is the use of large or more complex
thirdly, the torture of being, and bound for torture; devices then small hand-held tools.
fourthly, the torture of being hoisted on the torturing Substance: The use of toxins and poisons to facilitate
rack; and fifthly, and lastly, the torture itself." effects.
Voice: The art of simply speaking to extract
Quinque, to put it quite simply is the unnatural
means of inflicting ones will upon another. Through
the use of various tools, elements and suggestions the QUINQUE MASTERY LEVEL
practitioner of Quinque can break even the most Apprentice Degree: The use of a single Knack in
willful man or woman. interrogations. Each Rank gives a bonus of +2 to
There are man experts of the “art” of inquisition Interrogation rolls. So a Quinque practitioner with
throughout Théah’s courts, churches and local Instruments 3 adds +6 to his roll.
municipalities but Quinque is beyond even that even Adept Degree: The use of a two Knacks in concert
so much as a practitioner of Glamour Magic is in interrogations. Each Rank gives a bonus of +2 to
beyond the skills of a typical stage magician. Interrogation rolls. So a Quinque practitioner with
Quinque is not sorcery, not some arcane mystical Instruments 4 and Elemental 4 adds +16 to his roll.
element passed through the blood of one’s parents,
gained in some ancient bargain. Instead, it is a Master Degree: The use of a several Knacks in
reflection of the darkness within one’s own soul, a concert in interrogations. At this level of ability, a
manifestation of a great an empty place within Quinque Master can break anyone given enough
oneself that can be delivered upon another. In short, time. Advantages such as Man of Will and abilities
Quinque is shamanistic in effect, if not in name. such as the Rose & Cross Vow no longer aid or
fortify the victim from interrogation and torture.
While torture has long been a part of Théah’s
history Quinque has played only the smallest of roles.
Few have heard of the talent itself, and thank Theus
that fewer still have the darkness of the soul (Or the
complete lack of one?) needed to manifest the talent.
At any given point there has never been more then a
few agents, and until recently, never more then a
single master of Quinque. Today, in Théah, there are
Fiendish Beasts
three masters: Monsieur Darke of Vodacce, Galiaus
of Ussura and Brother Johun of the Vaticine
Inquisition of Castille. Undoubtedly the Crescent THE REMEMBRANCE MASTER
Empire and Cathay also have a few who have It was the skull of a human, one long since
obtained a high level of mastery of their equivalent of passed into heavens or hells undreamt of. And out
Quinque. from under the base of the skull stretched and
Mechanically, Quinque is treated as sorceries uncoiled a number of legs. Two at first, then four,
are, though it is shamanistic. The Quinque student five…eight, limbs spread out and lifted the skull and
began to shamble forward. Julian thought he could

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Section Four: Secrets
see the faint glimmer of something in the eye sockets but within 24 hours it goes away. (The toxin is
and he watched it as it moved, unable even to scream already at work, presenting a minute euphoria of
he was in such profound horror. which the usual result is that the victim is not
concerned with the attack.) A few days later the toxin
The Remembrance Master
begins to infect the brain. Mild euphoria continues
for a bit, but sleep begins to be plagued with
TN to be Hit: 15
nightmares. These nightmares are fueled by the
Brawn: 1
memories of the victim, taking pleasant ones and
Finesse: 2
twisting them into vile, horrid things that are only
Resolve: 2
thought about in the darkest places of the mind. Love
Wits: 5
making become rape, births of one’s children
Panache: 1
becomes the ripping free of monsters unimagined,
Attack Roll: Bite 3k1, Spittle 5k4
etc, etc. Soon enough, paranoia, visions of things and
Damage: Bite 1k1
other such mental tragedies occur. After a few weeks,
Knacks: Ambush 5, Leaping 4
the pain begins. Minimally at first, but it increases
day after day, never giving the victim a chance to
Description: It is said that sometimes, deep in rest. This pain, combined with the visions and
the catacombs of Numa and in other places of the instability of the mind usually results in the suicide of
world, that a spider will come upon the long the victim. If that is not possible, it takes another
abandoned skull of a truly evil person, and from it month to die, the results of which are sure to give
will hear the welcoming whisperings and it will make nightmares to those who see it.
that place, so touched with the
There are several theories as
dark essence of what was, its
to how to cure someone that has
home. It is said, that over time,
been affected, but thus far no
nature and unnatural are made
known cases of such cures has
into something new and
been documented. Some say that
something terrible. The Master
only the most benign and faithful
Remembrance is a twisted
hands can aid someone who has
corruption of both the arachnid
been thrust into the greater
that once crawled into the skull
darkness. Others claim that the
and the evil that was once the man or woman to
proper organs of the slain Master that infected the
whom the skull belonged, and in its metamorphosis
person must be made into a brew and injected into
becomes something utterly different.
the brain directly. Others claim there’s no cure at all
Special Abilities: and the only remedy is a merciful death.
Fear Rating: 4 Plot Hooks:
Unnatural Toughness: Treat the Remembrance A) A friend of the heroes has been infected by a
Master as if it has 3x the value of Resolve when Remembrance Master and unfortunately they have no
determining Dramatic Wounds. idea what is wrong with him. First they must
determine that his budding madness is something
Brood Mastery. The Master Remembrance can darker, then they must find out that he was in one of
gain dominance of arachnids, commanding them, the catacombs for one reason or another and then
controlling them to do its bidding. By the time a
they must uncover and face the true horror…
person sees the Master, he has likely been through
the brood, bitten a number of times and could very B) Alberto Voss has started to hear unpleasant
well be weakened by the many bites he’s received. things from some of his “friends”; a great and terrible
abomination has come to black-life and he seeks out
Feverous Discharge. The Master Remembrance a noble group of heroes to remove this foul blight.
can spit out a vile concoction that once it touches the
skin of a person, threatens to send that person into a C) A man has brought the characters together to
delirious fever of the brain that eventually leads to collect a Remembrance Master. He wishes to possess
the person’s death, though it is far more likely that it and study it. He’s not seeking to make a cure for
they will commit suicide prior to the several madness, but instead is trying to harvest the spittle
agonizing weeks it takes to die. for his own dark designs. Will the heroes discover his
plans before it is too late?
When infected the victim will have a sore spot
on his or her body wherever the toxin made contact,

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