DSM 5 Made Easy
DSM 5 Made Easy
DSM 5 Made Easy
• 1 manic episode (often preceded or followed • Elevated, expansive, or irritable • 5 of 9 SIGECAPS for 2 weeks (bereavement Dysregulation Disorder
by hypomania and depressive episodes mood ≥4 days exclusion removed) DSM-5 Mood Disorders
• Expansive, or irritable mood AND increase • 3 (or 4 if irritable) of DIGFAST o at least one is 1) depressed mood or 2) loss • Severe recurrent temper outbursts
goal-directed activity of pleasure (verbal/behavior) out of proportion to
• Disturbance in mood/function is situation Coding Bipolar &
o either >1 week OR requiring hospitalization observable by others, is ▪ Depressed mood (in kids: irritable)
• 3 symptoms of DIGFAST (or 4 if mood is only uncharacteristic, but not severe ▪ sleep • Inconsistent with developmental level Depression
irritable) enough to cause marked ▪ interest • 3 or more times/week
• Coding
o Distractible impairment ▪ guilt • Mood between outbursts is irritable or o By symptoms: Mild (2) vs
o Indiscretion o if psychosis or requires ▪ energy angry moderate (3), moderate
o Grandiose hospitalization, it's ▪ concentration • Present ≥12 months, never ≥3 months severe (4 or 5) vs severe (5
o Flight of ideas automatically mania without without with motor agitation)
good prognostic features
▪ appetite
o Activities ▪ psychomotor activity • In at least 2 settings o with psychotic features
o Sleep deficit • More Specifiers:
▪ suicidal ideation • Can’t be made before 6 or after 18 years o in partial remission vs in full
o Talkative o with catatonia old, but onset of criteria before 10 years remission
• Specifiers: See Right Column
• Manic episode that emerges during Cyclothymic Disorder • Can’t have >1 day meeting full
o unspecified
Depressive Disorder Due to Another
antidepressant treatment but persists beyond hypomania/mania criteria, and don’t • Specifiers:
the physiological effect is bipolar 1 • 2 years (1 year if <18), hypomanic Medical Condition occur exclusively during MDD or better o ex: bipolar 1 disorder, type
• Specifiers: See Right Column and depressive symptoms that explained by another disorder (can’t co- of current or most recent
never meet criteria for hypomania • Depressed mood or anhedonia secondary to exist with ODD, IED, or bipolar) episode,
or major depression another medical condition severity/psychotic/remissio
Bipolar 2
o symptoms half the time, and • Not better explained by another disorder n specifier and then:
• Hypomanic episode AND a major depressive never 2 months without o F.e.: adjustment disorder with depressed Premenstrual Dysphoric ▪ with anxious distress
episode symptoms ▪ with mixed features
mood, in which the stressor is a medical Disorder
• No manic episode • Specifiers: condition ▪ full criteria for manic or
• Specifiers:
o with anxious distress • Not exclusively during delirium • In most periods, ≥5 symptoms during hypomanic and 3
o current or most recent episode: hypomanic, Bipolar and Related Disorder • Specifiers: last week before starting period, start to symptoms of depression
depressed Due to Another Medical o With depressive features (full criteria not improve a few days after starting period, ▪ with rapid cycling (bipolar
Condition and become minimal week after menses only)
• More specifiers: met)
o with anxious distress o With major depressive like episode (full • ≥1 symptom ▪ ≥4 episodes in 1 year
o with mixed features • Bipolar criteria that's the criteria met) o Lability (either switch of polarity
consequence of another medical o With mixed features o Irritability or partial remission of at
o with rapid cycling least 2 months)
disorder Other Specified Depressive Disorder o Depressed
o with mood congruent psychotic features ▪ with melancholic features
o with mood incongruent psychotic • not exclusively during delirium o Anxiety
features • Coding • Depressive symptoms, clinical impairment, • ≥1 also present to total five including
▪ loss of pleasure OR lack
don’t meet criteria for another disorder, and of reactivity to
o with catatonia • Specify the medical condition above
pleasurable stimuli
o with peripartum onset Note: if met prior to onset of you want to communicate the reason o Interest, concentration, energy,
o with seasonal pattern schizophrenia, add "premorbid" Unspecified Depressive Disorder appetite, sleep, overwhelmed, physical ▪ 3 or more of
▪ applies only to the depressive episodes symptoms ▪ despair or morose or
• Depressive symptoms, clinical impairment, empty mood
• More Specifiers: Unspecified Bipolar and Substance / Medication-Induced
don’t meet criteria for another disorder, and ▪ worse in morning
o in partial remission vs in full remission Related Disorder you don’t want to communicate the reason Depressive Disorder ▪ early morning
• More Specifiers Persistent Depressive Disorder awakening (at least 2
o mild vs moderate vs severe • symptoms characteristic of • Depressed mood or anhedonia soon hours)
Substance/Medication Induced bipolar, causes (Dysthymia) after substance intoxication or ▪ psychomotor agitation
distress/impairment, but don't withdrawal or retardation
Bipolar and Related Disorder meet full criteria, and don't want • Depressed mood more days than not for ≥2 • Involved substance must be capable of
years (in kids can be irritable mood), requiring
▪ anorexia
• bipolar criteria developed during/after to specify the reason producing depression ▪ guilt
≥2 of the following, never >2 months without
intoxication/withdrawal of Other Specified Bipolar • Not exclusively during delirium ▪ with atypical features
o Appetite
substance/medication that produces
and Related o Insomnia • Specifiers: ▪ with mood congruent
symptoms (not exclusively during delirium) o Alcohol, phencyclidine, other psychotic features
o Energy
• Coding:
• symptoms characteristic of o Self-esteem hallucinogen, inhalant, opioid, ▪ with mood incongruent
o alcohol, PCP, hallucinogen, sedative, sedative/hypnotic/anxiolytic, psychotic features
bipolar, causes o Concentration amphetamine, cocaine, other
amphetamine, cocaine, other ▪ with catatonia
distress/impairment, but don't o Hopelessness o with onset during intoxication
• Specifiers: meet full criteria, and you want to • Clinically significant distress or impairment in ▪ with peripartum onset
o with onset during intoxication vs with onset specify the reason o with onset during withdrawal
function ▪ with seasonal pattern
during withdrawal
Brief Psychotic Disorder Schizoaffective Delusional Disorder
• >1 day, <1 month, with eventual full return to function • Major mood episode concurrent with Criterion A of schizophrenia • 1 month
DSM-5 Psychotic
• [Criterion A]: Presence of 1 of the following symptoms, at least • Delusions or hallucinations for ≥2 weeks in absence of major mood • Delusions but person doesn't meet Criterion A for
one must be bold episode schizophrenia Disorders
o delusions • Symptoms of major mood episode for majority of active/residual o hallucinations if present are not prominent and
o hallucinations illness related to delusional theme
o disorganized speech • Catatonia
• Specifiers: apart from impact of delusions, functioning is not
o grossly disorganized or catatonia behavior o bipolar type OR depressive type markedly impaired and behavior isn't bizarre Specifier
• Specifiers: o with catatonia • Specifiers
• 3 or more of the
o with marked stressor o first episode OR multiple episodes o erotomaniac following
o without marked stressor o currently in acute episode OR partial remission OR full remission ▪ theme of someone loving them symptoms
o with postpartum onset o Continuous o grandiose o stupor
o with catatonia o Unspecified o jealous o catalepsy
Schizophreniform o persecutory o waxy
o somatic flexibility
• >1 month, <6 months Psychotic Disorder Due to Another Medical o mixed o mutism
• Presence of at least 2 of the following symptoms (during a 1- Condition o unspecified o negativism
month period), at least one must be bold
• Delusions or hallucinations • More Specifiers: o posturing
o delusions o with bizarre content o mannerism
o hallucinations o developed due to another medical condition
• Not exclusively during delirium ▪ if implausible o stereotypy
o disorganized speech o first episode, in acute episode o agitation
o grossly disorganized or catatonia behavior • Specifiers: o first episode, partial remission o grimacing
• Specifiers: o with delusions o first episode, full remission o echolalia
o with good prognostic features o with hallucinations o multiple episodes, in acute / partial remission/ full o echopraxia
o 2 of the following features Substance/Medication Induced Psychotic Disorder remission • Coding: specify
▪ onset of prominent psychotic symptoms within 4 weeks of • Note: if met prior to onset of schizophrenia, add the associated
behavior change • Delusions or hallucinations "premorbid" mental disorder
▪ confusion or perplexity o developed after substance intoxication or withdrawal or
medication that can produce these symptoms Schizotypal (Personality) Disorder
▪ good premorbid social and occupational functioning
• Not exclusively during delirium
▪ absence of blunted or flat affect • A pervasive pattern of social and interpersonal
o without good prognostic features • Specifiers: deficits marked by acute discomfort with reduced Disorder Due
o with catatonia o with onset during intoxication capacity for close relationships and to Another
Schizophrenia o with onset during withdrawal cognitive/perceptual distortions and eccentricities of
behavior beginning early and in multiple contexts medical
Other Specified Schizophrenia Spectrum and requiring at least 5:
• 1 month of Criteria A symptoms, continuous signs for at least 6 Condition
months. o ideas of reference (excluding delusions of
Other Psychotic Disorder reference)
• Criterion A: 2 of the following, at least one must be bold
o odd beliefs or magical thinking inconsistent with • Catatonia, due
o delusions • Symptoms of schizophrenia spectrum that causes to a medical
subcultural norms
o hallucinations distress/impairment, but doesn't meet full criteria condition
o unusual perceptual experiences
o disorganized speech • use when physician wants to communicate the reason criteria isn't
o odd thinking and speech • Coding:
o grossly disorganized or catatonia behavior met o add the
o suspiciousness or paranoid ideation
o negative symptoms • Specifiers: o inappropriate or constricted affected medical
• Specifiers: o persistent auditory hallucinations o behavior/appearance that is odd, eccentric, or condition
o first episode, acute episode / partial remission / full remission o delusions with significant overlapping and mood episodes peculiar
o multiple episodes, acute episode / partial remission / full o attenuated psychosis syndrome o lack of close friends other than first degree Unspecified
remission o delusional symptoms n partner of individual with delusional relatives
o continuous disorder o excessive social anxiety that does not diminish with
o unspecified familiarity and tends to be associated with
o with catatonia paranoid fear rather than negative judgement
• symptoms
Unspecified Schizophrenia Spectrum and Other about self
characteristic of
o than negative judgement about self
• Not exclusively during course of psychotic disorder
Psychotic Disorder • Not exclusively during course of psychotic disorder
catatonia but
doesn't meet full
• Note: if met prior to onset of schizophrenia, add "premorbid" • Symptoms of schizophrenia spectrum that causes • Note: if met prior to onset of schizophrenia, add criteria
distress/impairment, but doesn't meet full criteria "premorbid"
• use when physician doesn't want to communicate the reason
criteria isn't met
Separation Anxiety DSM-5 Trauma & Stressor PTSD Acute Stress Disorder
DSM-5 Anxiety Disorder • Symptoms after trauma, persisting 3 days to 1
• Disturbance is ≥1 1 month
• 4 weeks in kids, 6 months in adults month
Generalized Anxiety Disinhibited Social • Criterion A: Exposure to actual or
• developmentally inappropriate threatened death, injury, or sex • Criterion A of PTSD
Disorder anxiety concerning separation Engagement Disorder violence in ≥1 of the following ways: • Presence of ≥9 symptoms
• 6 months of symptoms more days evidenced by 3 symptoms o Directly experiencing o Intrusion Symptoms
• child interacts with unfamiliar adults
than not Selective Mutism in ≥2 of the following
o Witnessing ▪ Recurrent intrusive distressing memories (in
o Learning a violent or accidental kids repetitive play)
• anxiety/worry about a number of • 1 month (not the first month of
o reduced reticence interacts with
event occurred to a close family ▪ Recurrent distressing dreams
events unfamiliar adults
school) member/friend ▪ Dissociative reactions (flashbacks)
• 3 of 6 symptoms of SITCOM (for o overly familiar verbal/physical
• failure to speak in specific social behavior
o Repeated exposure to aversive ▪ Intense psychological distress with
kids only 1) situations where there is an details of traumatic events
o diminished checking back with physiological responses to cues of event
o Sleep expectation, not the result of lack of • Presence of ≥1 of the following:
adult caregiver o Negative Mood
o Irritable knowledge or issues with language o Recurrent, involuntary/intrusive
o Tired o willingness to go off with unfamiliar ▪ Inability to experience positive emotions
o Concentrating
Specific Phobia adult without hesitation memories (in kids repetitive play) o Dissociative
• not limited to impulsivity (as in
o Recurrent dreams ▪ Altered sense of reality
o On edge • 6 months o Dissociative reactions
o Muscle Tension ADHD) ▪ Inability to remember aspects of event
• Anxiety/fear about a specific • extremes of insufficient care as
o Intense/prolonged distress at o Avoidance
Anxiety Disorder Due to object/situation exposure to cues that symbolize or
evidenced by 1 of the following:
resemble the event ▪ Efforts to avoid distressing memories,
Another Medical o immediate fear, actively avoided o Social neglect and lack of basic thoughts, or feelings about event
• Specifiers: o Physiological reactions to cues
Condition emotional needs, repeated changes o Arousal
o Animal of primary caregivers, rearing in • Persistent avoidance of stimuli
▪ Sleep disturbance
• Panic attacks or anxiety due to a o Natural environment unusual settings associated evidenced by: avoidance of
associations with the trauma AND/OR ▪ Irritable behavior and angry outbursts
medical issue o Blood Injection • Developmental age of at least 9 ▪ Hypervigilance
avoidance to avoid external reminds
• Not only during delirium o Situational months
that arouse memories ▪ Problems with Concentration
• Coding: include the name of the o Other • Specify: Persistent (if >1 year) and/or
• Negative alterations in cognition and ▪ Exaggerated startle response
medical condition Social Anxiety Disorder Severe (all symptoms at high levels)
mood as evidenced by 2 of the Adjustment Disorder
Other Specified Anxiety • 6 months Reactive Attachment following:
Disorder • Anxiety/fear in social situations Disorder o Can’t remember important aspects • Emotional/behavioral symptoms within 3
of event months of onset of identifiable stressor, and once
with possible scrutiny
• Significant, has anxiety, doesn't o fear of being negatively evaluated • Inhibited, emotionally withdrawn o Persistent negative beliefs about stressor stops symptoms don’t persistent >6 mo
meet criteria and you choose to
o for kids, can't be with adults
behavior toward adult caregivers oneself, others, or the world • Distress out of proportion to severity of stressor
communicate the reason it doesn't including both: child rarely seeks o Persistent distorted cognitions OR significant impairment in function
meet criteria, f.e.: Other Specified • Specifiers: comfort AND doesn’t respond to about event leading individual to
o Performance Only • Doesn’t meet criteria for another mental
Anxiety Disorder, generalized comfort when distressed blame themselves disorder, and doesn’t represent normal
anxiety not occurring more days • Persistent social/emotional o Persistent negative emotional state bereavement
than not Panic Disorder disturbance including at least 2 of the o Decreased interest in activities • Specifiers:
Unspecified Anxiety Disorder following o Feelings of detachment from others
• 1 month of concern o With depressed mood
o Minimal social/emotional o Inability to experience positive o With anxiety
• Significant, has anxiety, doesn't • Recurrent unexpected panic attacks responsiveness, limited positive emotions
meet criteria and you choose not with 4 symptoms affect, or episodes of unexplained o With mixed anxiety and depressed mood
to specify the reason • Alterations in arousal (2 of the o With disturbance of conduct
irritability/sadness/fearfulness following)
o includes when there's not even during non-threatening o With mixed disturbance of emotions and
enough info to make a more Panic Attack Specifier o Anger outbursts with aggression conduct
interactions with caregivers
specific diagnosis towards people or objects o Unspecified
• Same as panic attacks but it occurs • Pattern of extremes of insufficient o Self-destructive reckless behavior
Substance/Medication in context of another mental care evidence by one of the following: Unspecified Trauma and Stressor-
o Hypervigilance
Induced Anxiety Disorder disorder o Social neglect and lack of basic o Exaggerated startle response Related Disorder
Agoraphobia emotional needs, repeated changes o Difficulty concentrating
• Panic attacks or anxiety that occur of primary caregivers, rearing in o Trauma / Stressor disorder causing significant
soon after intoxication or unusual settings
o Sleep disturbance distress and you don’t want to communicate
• 6 months • Specify whether: with dissociative the reason
• fear/anxiety about 2 or more public • Not autism
• Not only during delirium symptoms Other Specified Trauma and
situations • Evidence before 5 years old, o depersonalization
• Specifiers: o fear is that escape is difficult developmental age of at least 9 Stressor-Related Disorder
o With onset during intoxication o derealization
o place is avoided months
o With onset during withdrawal • Specify if: with delayed expression (if o Trauma / Stressor disorder causing significant
• You can have agoraphobia and panic • Specify: Persistent (if >1 year) and/or ≥6 months after event) distress and you want to communicate the
o With onset after medication use disorder if criteria fits Severe (all symptoms at high levels) reason
_________ Use Disorder Non-Substance Phencyclidine Use Alcohol Withdrawal
• Problematic pattern of ____ leading to Related Disorders: Intoxication • Reduction in prolonged heavy use
DSM Substance-Related
impairment or distress manifested by ≥2 with Gambling Disorder • ≥2 within 1 hour of use • ≥2 developing hours-days after cessation
1 year:
o Vertical or horizontal o Autonomic hyperactivity Unspecified _______
o More/longer than intended • ≥4 of the following within 1 Related Disorder
year nystagmus, htn or tachycardia, o Hand tremor
o Unable to cut down numbness, ataxia, dysarthria, o Insomnia
o Time to obtain/use/recover o Increasing money, • __ disorder causing significant
Restless/irritable when muscle rigidity, seizures or o Nausea or vomiting
o Cravings / urges coma, hyperacusis distress or impairment but
cutting down, o Hallucinations or illusions doesn’t meet criteria
o Missing obligations unsuccessful efforts to cut o Dizzy, nystagmus, o Psychomotor agitation
o Social / Interpersonal problems back, preoccupied, incoordination, slurred speech, o Anxiety Unspecified Alcohol
o Giving up activities gambles when distressed, unsteady gait, lethargy, o Generalized tonic-clonic seizures Related Disorder
o Physically hazardous situations “chases” losses, lies to depressed reflexes,
o Specify: with perceptual disturbance
o Continued despite problems conceal amount, impacts psychomotor retardation, • As above
o Tolerance relationships or job, relies tremor, blurred vision, Caffeine Withdrawal
stupor/coma, euphoria
o Withdrawal on others for money • Abrupt cessation followed within 1 day of ≥3 Unspecified Cannabis
• Specify: • Specify if: episodic OR Opioid Intoxication symptoms: Related Disorder
o In early remission (3-12 months) or In persistent o Headache, fatigue, dysphoria, concentration, flu-
• Pupillary constriction and ≥1 of • As above
sustained remission (>1 year: Hallucinogen the following
like symptoms
o In a controlled environment Persisting Perception o Drowsy, slurred, memory Cannabis Withdrawal Unspecified
• Code based on current severity (# symptoms):
• Phencyclidine Related
o Mild (2-3), moderate (4-5), severity (>6) Disorder Specify: with perceptual • Heavy near daily use for at least a few months
• ≥3 symptoms of: Irritability, Anxiety, sleep difficulty, Disorder
Alcohol Use Disorder • After stopping hallucinogen, Other Use Intoxication decreased appetite, restlessness, depression,
re-experiencing ≥1 • As above
• As above perceptual symptoms that • ≥2 symptoms
physical symptom causes discomfort
Opioid Withdrawal Unspecified
Cannabis Use Disorder occurs while on the drug o Pupillary dilation, tachycardia,
sweating, palpitations, blurry
• As above Alcohol Intoxication visions, tremors, incoordination
• Either cessation of heavy use or admin of opioid Disorder
Phencyclidine Use Disorder Inhalant Intoxication
• Recent ingestion of alcohol • ≥3 symptoms of: • As above
• As above without withdrawal as a symptom • Problematic • Recent short-term, high dose, with o Dysphoria, nausea or vomiting, muscle aches, Unspecified Inhalant-
Other Hallucinogen Use Disorder behavior/psychological ≥2 lacrimation, pupillary
Related Disorder
changes after ingestion dilation/piloerection/sweating, diarrhea, yawning,
• As above without withdrawal as a symptom Sedative, Hypnotic, or fever, insomnia
• ≥1 sign / symptom Anxiolytic Intoxication • As above
Inhalant Use Disorder o Slurred speech, Sedative, Hypnotic, or Anxiolytic Unspecified Opioid-
incoordination, unsteady • ≥1 of the following: Withdrawal Related Disorder
• As above without withdrawal as a symptom gait, nystagmus, o Slurred speech, incoordination,
Opioid Use Disorder impairment in attention unsteady gait, nystagmus, • ≥2 symptoms of: • As above
or memory, stupor or cognitive impairment, stupor or o Autonomic hyperactivity, hand tremor, insomnia,
• As above without withdrawal as a symptom coma nausea or vomiting, hallucinations/illusions, Unspecified Sedative-,
• Specify: on maintenance therapy Caffeine Intoxication Stimulant Intoxication
psychomotor agitation, anxiety, grand mal seizures Hypnotic- or Anxiolytic-
Sedative, Hypnotic, or Anxiolytic • Specify: with perceptual disturbances Related Disorder
• ≥5 symptoms: • ≥2 of the following: Stimulant Withdrawal
Use Disorder o restless, nervous, • As above
o Tachycardia/bradycardia,
• As above excitement, insomnia, pupillary dilation, • Dysphoric mood and ≥2 of the following: Unspecified Stimulant-
flushed face, diuresis, GI elevated/lowered bp, o Fatigue, unpleasant dreams,
• Note: tolerance/withdrawal not met if under issues, muscle twitching, Related Disorder
medical supervision perspiration/chills, insomnia/hypersomnia, increased appetite,
rambling thought/speech, nausea/vomiting, evidence of psychomotor retardation or agitation
Stimulant Use Disorder tachy or cardiac • As above
weight loss, psychomotor Tobacco Withdrawal Unspecified Tobacco-
agitation/retardation, muscular
• As above inexhaustibility, Related Disorder
weakness/resp • ≥4 of the following:
• Note: tolerance/withdrawal not met if under psychomotor agitation depression/chest pain, o Irritability/frustration/anger, anxiety,
medical supervision Cannabis Intoxication confusion/seizures/dyskinesia concentrating, increased appetite, restlessness, • As above
Tobacco Use Disorder • Specify: the specific intoxicant depressed mood, insomnia Unspecified Other (or
• ≥2 within 2 hours of use:
• As above conjunctival injection, Other (or Unknown) Other (or Unknown) Withdrawal Unknown)-Related
Other (or Unknown) Use Disorder increased appetite, dry Intoxication • Withdrawal from other substance Disorder
mouth, tachycardia
• As above o Specify: with perceptual • Intoxication of other substance • As above
DSM-5 Neurodevelopmental Childhood-Onset Fluency ADHD Specific Learning Disorder Tourette’s Disorder
Disorder (Stuttering) • Inattention and/or hyperactivity- • Difficulties learning, with ≥1 of the • Both motor and vocal tics
Intellectual Disability
• Disturbances in normal fluency/time impulsivity that interferes with function, following difficulties for at least 6 (although no necessarily
• >1 Intellectual and adaptive functioning patterning of speech inappropriate for characterized by 1) and/or 2): months (despite provision of concurrent)
deficits in conceptual, social, and practical age and language skills, persists, onset in o 1) Inattention, ≥6 (for adults ≥ 5) of the interventions to target) • Onset before 18 years, tics
domains: following 3 must be met: early developmental, needs ≥1: following for ≥6 months, not solely o Inaccurate/slow reading wax/wane in freq, but ≥1 since tic
o Deficits in intellectual functions o Sound and syllable repetitions manifestation of oppositional behavior, o Understanding meaning of what is onset, not due to
confirmed by clinical assessment and defiance read substance/medical condition
o Sound prolongations of consonants
standardized intelligence tests ▪ Fails to give close attention to details o Spelling
o Deficits in adaptive functioning leading
o Broken words Persistent (Chronic) Motor
o Audible or silent blocking ▪ Difficulty sustaining attention o Written expression
to failure to meet developmental ▪ Doesn’t seem to listen when spoken to o Mastering number sense or or Vocal Tic Disorder
standards for independence and social o Circumlocutions
▪ Doesn’t follow instructions calculation • Motor OR vocal, but not both, for
responsibility o Words produced
o Monosyllabic whole-word repetitions ▪ Difficulty organizing o Mathematical reasoning ≥1 year since onset, onset before
o Onset during developmental period • The affected skills are quantifiably
• Anxiety about speaking ▪ Avoids tasks that require sustained 18 years, not due to
• Specifiers:
mental effort below expected for chronological substance/medical
o Mild, moderate, severe, profound Social (Pragmatic) age •
▪ Loses things Specifiers: with motor tics only OR
Global Developmental Delay Communication Disorder ▪ Easily distracted • Begin during school age years with vocal tics only
• Individuals ≤5 years when fails to meet • Difficulties in social use of verbal / non- ▪ Forgetful • Specify: with impairment in reading, Provisional Tic Disorder
o 2) Hyperactivity and impulsivity, ≥6 (for written expression, OR mathematics
developmental milestones in several verbal communication, onset in early
areas, and unable to undergo assessment developmental period, difficulties in: adults ≥5) for ≥6 months • Specify severity: mild (1-2 domains, • Single or multiple motor and/or
▪ Fidgets can compensate with services), tics, starting before age 18, present
of intellectual functioning (including kids o Communication for social purposes for <=1 year
too young to participate). Note: This o Changing communication to match ▪ Leaves seat when seated is expected moderate (1-2 domains, marked
category requires re-assessment context ▪ Runs/climbs when inappropriate difficulties), severe (sever Other Specified Tic
difficulties in several domains) Disorder
Unspecified Intellectual o following rules for conversation ▪ Unable to play quietly
o understand what isn’t explicitly stated ▪ “On the go” or “driven by a motor” Developmental
Disability • Symptoms characteristic of tic
• Not attributable to medical/neuro ▪ Talks excessively Coordination Disorder
disorder, cause significant distress,
• Individuals ≥5 years when assessment by condition, or low abilities in language ▪ Blurts answers before question but don’t meet full criteria, and
means of locally available procedures is domains, or autism/ intellectual disability completed
• Motor skill execution is below
expected chronological age, you want to communicate the
difficult due to sensory/physical Autism Spectrum Disorder ▪ Difficulty waiting turn manifested as clumsiness and reason
impairments. Reserved for exceptional
▪ Interrupts/intrudes others inaccuracy Unspecified Tic Disorder
circumstances and requires re- • Deficits in social communication and
assessment after a period of time. social interaction across multiple • Several inattentive / hyperactive-impulsive • Significantly interferes with
symptoms present prior to age 12, in ≥2 • Symptoms characteristic of tic
Language Disorder contexts, present in early developmental
settings, interfering with function
activities of daily living, onset
disorder, cause significant distress,
period, causing impairment in function, during early development
• but don’t meet full criteria, and
• Persistent difficulties in acquisition/use demonstrated by deficits in: Not exclusively during course of psychotic • Not better explained by intellectual you don’t want to communicate
of language, onset during developmental o Social-emotional reciprocity disorder, or another mental disorder disability, visual impairment, or a the reason
period, includes following: o Nonverbal communicative behaviors • Specifiers: neuro disorder
o Reduced vocab Other Specified
o Developing / maintaining relationships o Predominantly inattentive, Stereotypic Movement
o Limited sentence structure • predominantly hyperactive/impulsive, Neurodevelopmental
o Impairments in discourse
Restricted, repetitive patterns of
or combined Disorder
behavior, interests, activities, at least ≥2: Disorder
• Deficits quantifiably below expected for o Stereotyped or repetitive motor o In partial remission (fewer than full • Repetitive purposeless motor
age resulting in functional limitations movements, use of objects, or speech criteria met for past 6 months, still behavior • Symptoms characteristic of
causing dysfunction) neurodevelopmental disorder,
• Not attributable to sensory impairment, o Insistence on sameness • Behavior interferes with social,
motor dysfunction, medical/neuro o Restricted interests o Severity: mild (few symptoms, minor cause significant distress, but don’t
academic, or activities and may
impairment), moderate, severe (many meet full criteria, and you want to
conditions, and not better explained by o Hyper/hypo-reactivity to sensory input result in injury
intellectual disability or global symptoms, marked impairment) communicate the reason
• Specifiers: • Onset is early developmental period,
developmental delay o severity Other Specified ADHD not due to effects of substance or
Speech Sound Disorder o with / without accompanying • Symptoms characteristic of ADHD, cause neuro condition Neurodevelopmental
• Persistent difficulty with speech sound
intellectual impairment significant distress, but don’t meet full • Specifiers: Disorder
o with / without accompanying language criteria, and you want to communicate the o With or without self-injurious
production that interferes with speech impairment • Symptoms characteristic of
intelligence or prevents communication, reason behavior
o assoc with a known medical or genetic Unspecified ADHD o Associated with a known neurodevelopmental disorder,
onset during early developmental period cause significant distress, but don’t
condition condition
• Interferes with social participation or o assoc with another • Symptoms characteristic of ADHD, cause o Severity: mild (suppressible), meet full criteria, and you don’t
performance neurodevelopmental, mental, or want to communicate the reason
significant distress, but don’t meet full moderate (requires behavior
• Not attributable to congenital/acquired behavioral disorder criteria, and you don’t want to modification), severe (continued
conditions o with catatonia communicate the reason monitoring required)
DSM-5 Personality Disorders Antisocial Personality Disorder Avoidant Personality Disorder
• Pervasive pattern of disregard and violation of rights of others, occurring • Pervasive pattern of social inhibition, feeling
Paranoid Personality Disorder since age 15, >=3 inadequate, hypersensitive, beginning early
o Failure to conform to social norms with respect to lawful behaviors adulthood, >=4:
• Pervasive distrust and suspiciousness, intentions o Deceitfulness o Avoids activities with interpersonal
interpreted as malevolent, indicated by >=4: contact for fear of criticism, disapproval,
o Impulsivity
o Suspects they’re being exploited or deceived o Irritability and aggressiveness rejection
o Preoccupied with unjustified doubts about loyalty o Reckless disregard for safety of self and others o Unwilling to get involved with people
or trustworthiness unless certain of being liked
o Reluctant to confide in others for fear of o Consistent irresponsibility, repeated failure to sustain consistent work
behavior or honor financial obligations o Restraint with intimate relationships for
information being used maliciously fear of being shamed or ridiculed
o Reads hidden threatening meaning in benign o Lack of remorse
• Individual is >= 18 years old
o Preoccupied with criticized or rejected in
remarks or events social situations
o Persistently bears grudges • Evidence of conduct disorder with onset before age 15 years o Inhibited in new situations because of
o Perceives attacks on his character and quick to • Antisocial behavior not exclusively during course of schizophrenia or bipolar feelings of inadequacy
counterattack Borderline Personality Disorder o Views self as socially inept, unappealing, or
o Current suspicions regarding fidelity of spouse inferior
• Not exclusively during course of schizophrenia, • Pervasive pattern of instability of interpersonal relationships, self-image, o Reluctant to take risks or do new activities
bipolar or depression, or another psychotic affects, and market impulsivity beginning by early adulthood in a variety of because they may be embarrassing
disorder contexts, >=5: Dependent Personality Disorder
• Note: if criteria met before onset of schizophrenia, o Frantic effort to avoid real or imagined abandonment (don’t include suicidal
add “premorbid” self-mutilating behavior covered below) • Pervasive/excessive need to be taken care of,
Schizoid Personality Disorder o Pattern of unstable and intense interpersonal relationships, with alternating leads to submissive and clingy behavior, fear
extremes of idealization and devaluation of separation, begins in early adulthood in a
• Pervasive pattern of detachment from social o Identity disturbance: unstable self-image and sense of self variety of context, >=5
relationships and restricted emotional expression, o Impulsivity in >=2 areas that are potentially self-damaging (don’t include o Difficulty making decisions without
beginning in early adulthood, indicated by >=4: suicidal behavior below) excessive reassurance
o Neither desires nor enjoys close relationships o Affective instability due to a reactivity of mood o Needs others to assume responsibility
o Chooses solitary activities o Chronic feelings of emptiness o Difficulty expressing disagreement for fear
o Little interest in sexual experiences o Inappropriate, intense anger or difficulty controlling anger of loss of support
o Takes pleasure in few activities o Transient, stress-related paranoid ideation or severe dissociative symptoms o Difficulty initiating project
o Lacks close friends other than first degree Histrionic Personality Disorder o Excessive lengths to obtain nurturance
o Appears indifferent to praise or criticism o Feels helpless when alone
o Shows emotional coldness, detachment, or • Pervasive pattern of excessive emotionality and attention seeking, starting in o Urgently seeks another relationship when
flattened affectivity early adulthood in a variety of contexts >=5: a close one ends
• Not exclusively during course of schizophrenia, o Uncomfortable in situations where they’re not center of attention o Unrealistically preoccupied with fears of
o Interactions characterized by inappropriate sexually seductive or being left to take care of self
bipolar or depression, or another psychotic
disorder provocative behavior Obsessive-Compulsive Personality
o Rapidly shifting or shallow expression of emotions Disorder
Schizotypal Personality Disorder o Uses physical appearance to draw attention to self
• Pervasive pattern of social/interpersonal deficits, o Speech that is impressionistic and lacking in detail o Pervasive pattern of preoccupation with
marked by acute discomfort and reduced capacity o Self-dramatization, theatricality, exaggerated expression of emotion orderliness, perfectionism, control at
for close relationshi9ps, as well as o Is suggestible expense of flexibility, efficiency, beginning
cognitive/perceptual distortions and eccentricities o Considers relationships to be more intimate than they actually are in early adulthood in a variety of context,
of behavior, beginning in early adulthood and in a Narcissistic Personality Disorder
variety of context, >=5: ▪ Preoccupied with rules, lists, order,
o Ideas of reference (excluding delusions) • Pervasive pattern of grandiosity, need for admiration, lack of empathy, schedules until point of activity is lost
o Odd beliefs or magical thinking beginning in early adulthood and present in a variety of contexts, >=5: ▪ Perfectionism interferes with task
o Unusually perceptual experiences o Grandiose sense of self-importance completion
o Odd thinking and speech o Preoccupied with fantasies of unlimited success, power, brilliance, beauty, ▪ Excessive devotion to work/productivity
o Suspicious or paranoid ideation or ideal love to exclusion of leisure and friends
o Inappropriate or constricted affect o Believes he/she is “special” or unique and can only be understood by, or ▪ Over conscientious, scrupulous,
o Odd, eccentric or peculiar behavior or appearance should associated with, other special or high-status people or institutions inflexible on matters of morality, ethics,
o Lack of close friends o Requires excessive admiration or values
o Excessive social anxiety that doesn’t diminish o Has a sense of entitlement ▪ Unable to discard worn-out objects
with familiarity o Interpersonally exploitative ▪ Reluctant to delegate tasks or work with
• Not exclusively during course of schizophrenia, o Lacks empathy others
bipolar or depression, or another psychotic o Envious of others, or believes others are envious of them ▪ Miserly spending style
disorder o Shows arrogant, haughty behaviors/attitudes ▪ Rigid and stubborn