Bnai Brith BOL2021 Web
Bnai Brith BOL2021 Web
Bnai Brith BOL2021 Web
EDITION 2021-2022
The force of the European Lodges
1 Introduction
Introduction 2
History Mission
In 1843, Henry Jones and 11 other Ger- B’nai B’rith is dedicated to improving the
man-Jewish immigrants gathered in Sin- quality of life for people around the globe.
sheimer’s Café on New York’s Lower East It is a national and global leader in advanc-
Side to confront what Isaac Rosenbourg, ing human rights; Israel advocacy; ensuring
one of B’nai B’rith’s founders, called “the access to safe and affordable housing for
deplorable condition of Jews in this, our low-income seniors and advocacy on vital
newly adopted country.” Thus, B’nai B’rith issues concerning seniors and their families;
(children of the covenant) was born. diversity education; improving communi-
ties and helping communities in crisis.
The original members’ first concrete ac-
tion was creating an insurance policy that As we are celebrating our 178th anniver-
awarded members’ widows $30 toward fu- sary, B’nai B’rith continues to play a vital
neral expenses, and a stipend of one dol- role around the world. Making the world a
lar a week for the rest of their lives. Each safer, more tolerant and better place is the
child would also receive a stipend and, mission that still drives our organization.
for male children, assurance he would be
taught a trade. It is from this basis of hu-
manitarian aid and service that a system
Pillars of Our Work
of fraternal lodges and chapters grew in 9 Human Rights and Public Policy
the United States and, eventually, around 9 Supporting and Defending Israel
the world. 9 Senior Advocacy and Housing
9 Helping Communities
9 To fight racism, xenophobia and anti- - In contact with the key officials, such
semitism as Chief Office of the Commissioner for
9 To strengthen the knowledge abou Human Rights, the Presidents of For-
Jewish presence through culture an eign affairs and Political affairs, ECRI
heritage (European Commission against Rac-
9 To encourage and train young Jewish ism and Intolerance) and the Commis-
adults for leadership in the Jewish com sioner for Human Rights
munities - Taking part in all the actions undertak-
9 To support the State of Israel en within the Conference of INGOs
9 To help the needy - Contributing to the drafting of the
Code of Conduct at the request of GRE-
B’nai B’rith Europe is actively represented
CO (Study Group against Corruption)
in 25 European countries.
and involved in the new drafting of the
B’nai B’rith Europe achieves all these Rules of Procedure of the Conference
through three levels of activities, out of
which, our main ones are:
Coordinating events
EU Advocacy 9 Series of conferences organized all
around Europe
9 Brussels office:
Events in partnership with other
− Working closely with the Europea
Jewish organizations (International
Commission (active participation in
Women’s Day, youth events, memory
Round tables and at High level working
trips, Holocaust remembrance com-
groups on antisemitism, regular consul-
9 Ceremony of the Jewish Rescuers Ci
− Launching projects with the EU Com tation in coordination with B’nai B’rith
mission World Center-Jerusalem
− Regular participation in conferences
and events organized with and by the Promotion of the
European Parliament
European Lodges
− Working closely with B’nai B’rith Inter
9 The Book of Lodges
national lobbyists
9 B’nai B’rith Europe website
− Briefings with the Ambassador of the 9 B’nai B’rith Europe newsletter
Mission to the EU and NATO
Permanent representatives in Stras-
Introduction 6
The Lodge was then forbidden following the to the authorities for all antisemitic and
ilementation of ZZD happened. xenophobic publications in social media
Zagreb, Croatia
9 Lectures on the State of Israel and the
history of the Jewish people
9 Exhibition about Israel
9 Concerts of Jewish Music
Lodges in Focus 16
Prague, Czech Republic
History 9
Investing and fundraising for re-
construction of rare musical instru-
The lodge was established in 1991 as a ments such as the grand-piano in
follower and legal successor of pre-War the Jewish Town Hall or the organ at
District X, with its seat in Prague. From the Jerusalem (Jubilee) Synagogue
the beginning the lodge gather respected in Prague
Jewish personalities, from film and thea- 9 Supporting individual projects
tre directors to journalists, medical doc- (books and CDs publishing)
tors and scientists. The lodge became an 9 Organizing and co-organizing con-
important one, forming and maintaining certs and other cultural events
today´s modern Jewish life in the Czech
Direction Board
Activities Jan Lerbretier
9 Monthly meetings of the lodge with in- President
teresting guests from both Czech Jew- Tomas Kraus
ish and non-Jewish communities (from
ministers and other politicians to musi- Vice President
cologists and film historians) Hanus Gärtner
9 Annual meetings of « Visegrad Coun- Secretary General
» lodges from Czech Republic, Petr Balajka
Slovakia, Hungary and Poland, recently
also Austria, under rotation principle
Alena Sipkova
9 Supporting individuals in need from the
Jewish Community
17 Lodges in Focus
Benny Levy
Pinchas Mizrahi
Lodges in Focus 18
Berlin, Germany
Düsseldorf, Germany
Activities Silke Goldin
Cultural activities (lectures and semi-
nars on topics of Jewish history, philos-
ophy and culture)
9 Activities in support of the State of Israel
and against antisemitism
9 Regular meetings with journalists and
politicians are being held (the round-
table discussion with members of the
parliament of the federal state of North
Rhine Westphalia)
9 One of the initiators of the “Israel Day”
(Israel Tag) in Düsseldorf in 2003 and
has remained since then one of the ma-
jor partners for the yearly event
Lodges in Focus 20
Budapest, Hungary
History Activities
B’nai B’rith Budapest Lodge is celebrating 9
International relations, especially fo-
its 30th anniversary in 2020. This period cused on building a strong network
makes everyone look back and evaluate within the V4 countries (Slovak Repub-
all of the events of the three decades. As lic, Czech Republic, Poland, Hungary)
the socialist regime ended in Hungary, 9 Conferences hosted by the V4 countries
members of the Jewish Community had (every fourth year, B’nai B’rith Buda-
the opportunity to join the prestigious pest Lodge welcomes the V4 members
organization of B’nai B’rith Internation- as well as the members of the Interna-
al. In 1989, Györgyi Bollmann and László tional B’nai B’rith community)
Korányi were supported by B’nai B’rith
Munich Lodge in the establishment of
the Budapest Lodge. With the support of Direction Board
the Hungarian Jewish Cultural Associa-
tion (Mazsike), the founding ceremony President
was held in February, 1990. In the begin- Peter Breuer
ning, the Know How Fund supported the Vice President
organization – not only financially. The Magda Vadasz
B’nai B’rith Budapest Lodge supported
Hungarian small businesses with courses, Secretary General
consulting and study trips. Moreover, the Eva Vadasz
lodge has been working on eliminating Treasurer
stereotypes against the Jews in the Hun- Viktor Hajos
garian society. The B’nai B’rith Budapest
Lodge became independent in 1994, and
ever since it has been financed by the
members and by grants.
Lodges in Focus 22
Livorno, Italy
Vice President
Activities David Liscia
9 Initiation of various projects such as Za- Secretary General
ddikim winds through two locations, the Danielle Cassuto
Monumental Cemetery and the Ceme-
tery of the Wolves (a project including Treasurer
the restoration and regular maintenance Paola Samaia
of about 100 tombs of Zaddikim)
9 A party dedicated to Israel during Yom
Hazmaut, to be repeated in Firenze and
Pisa as soon as Corona times will be over
Lodges in Focus 24
Rome, Italy
Vice President
Activities Mario Venezia
Activities Anette Vainer
Charitable events (financial contribu-
tion was sent to the Ukrainian Jewish
families living on the verge of poverty in
the city of Lvov)
9 International cooperation with our part-
ner Lodges (Emile Zola from Marseille
and Leopolis from Ukraine)
9 Organising lectures describing B´nai
B´rith and their missions and status
within the Jewish society
Lodges in Focus 28
9 Annual gastronomic-musico-cultural
Isabelle Ehrlich
evenings to celebrate the Judaism of
9 Adding of more than 60 Brothers and
Sisters presently active
9 Aiming to integrate the BBYO into the
loge and to rejuvenate it with students
so they also feel more supported and
integrated into a local community
Supporting the ones touched by the
negative implications of the COVID vi-
rus financially
29 Lodges in Focus
Zürich, Switzerland
Augustin Keller Lodge Zürich was estab- ers and sisters from lodges abroad or
lished in 1909. It is the oldest B’nai B’rith to pay a visit to Jewish communities
Lodge in Europe and active without any with long-standing and famous tradi-
interruption during both World Wars. The tion such as Riga, Vilnius, Thessaloniki
lodge is a traditional one with only male
members and currently having about one Direction Board
hundred fifty brothers.
Roni Wildmann
Activities President
9 Providing humanitarian aid and fina Ernesto Ferro
cial support for individual persons in Vice President
need Jonathan Kreutner
9 Giving donations (tzedakah) for a Jew
ish home for disabled persons, old age Secretary General
homes and Jewish schools supporting Patrick Brunschwig
and closely cooperating with the “Soci Treasurer
ety against racism and antisemitism” Oliver Guggenheim
and “Society Switzerland-Israel”
9 Providing financial support for school
trips to concentration camps
9 Supporting social, political and cultural
events of local Jewish organizations
and institutions
9 Running the Hillel House
9 Organizing regular monthly meetings
with lectures, talks and speeches
9 Yearly organized trips to meet the broth-
Lodges in Focus 30
Monica Rom
31 Lodges in Focus
The Netherlands
Activities Treasurer
Eron Wolf
9 Sponsoring yearly Hanukkah Concert
Supporting local kosher restaurants
during Covid-19 times
Fighting antisemitism in The Nether-
9 Organization of a holiday week in Neth-
erlands for 20 Israëli youngsters chil-
dren homes
9 Supporting two Jewish Hilleel student
houses in Delft and Utrecht
9 Financial support for Jewish education
and social activities, Maccabi
9 Education about the Shoah
Lodges in Focus 32
The Netherlands
9 Regular lodge meetings (followed by a
9 Invitations to attend lectures offered by
external presenters
9 Annual summer parties and a Channu-
kah party
9 Occasional gala dinners
Lodges in Focus 34
9 Organizing open debates broadly relat-
ed to Jewish life in Poland
9 Issuing public statements and open let-
ters condemning acts of antisemitism in
9 Organizing open and semi-open events
and discussions on various cultural, po-
litical, historical, and social topics
35 Lodges in Focus
Activities Vadim Golembo
9 Daily hot lunches at a canteen (Lwow)
9 Providing free medicines in Lwow, Ter-
nopol, and Ivano-Frankovsk regions and
volunteer doctors’ consulting
9 Monthly washing an ironing bedclothes
9 Monthly financially supporting appro-
priate number of clients in Lvov, Ter-
nopol, and Ivano-Frankovsk regions
9 Monthly food parcels and monthly fi-
nancial support for children from prob-
lematic families
9 Holding the Jewish holidays, lectures,
presentations, concerts and festivals,
assistance in publication of books by
Jewish authors
9 International Holocaust Center n. a. Dr.
A. Schwarz
Lodges in Focus 36
Kyiv, Ukraine
Secretary General
Activities Maya Samodiy
B’nai B’rith United Kingdom was founded B’nai B’rith United Kingdom is also very
in 1903 and gathers 13 Lodges. active contacting and working with other
European Lodges, such as the Kiev Lodge.
B’nai B’rith UK has a London Bureau of
International Affairs, playing a key role Alan Miller is the current President of B’nai
to maintain good relations with different B’rith UK.
political figures. B’nai B’rith UK also focus-
es on youth and young professional, with
B’nai B’rith Young Professionals (BBYP), a
very successful network.
Lodges in Focus 38
B’nai B’rith France has been active since B’nai B’rith Europe. Philippe Meyer is the
1932, and is the most important European current President of B’nai B’rith France.
section of the District. It gathers 40 Lodges
In this year’s very difficult context for the
divided in five regions: Paris, South East,
Jewish community of France, the Nation-
South West, East of France and Center of
al Office of B’nai B’rith France has main-
France. The national office is located in
tained its priority on political action and
was particularly mobilized against an-
B’nai B’rith France is member of CRIF, the ti-Semitism, anti-Zionism, BDS and the
Jewish representative council gathering defense of the values of the Republic,
different institutions in France. The French including secularism. This action has re-
section of B’nai B’rith has been very active sulted in public positions, numerous con-
in leading intercultural projects regarding tacts at all levels with the company’s deci-
interfaith dialogue and fighting against all sion-makers, a very active communication
kind of discrimination. policy aimed at enhancing BBF’s visibility,
particularly on social networks and the
Past presidents include former LICRA pres-
presence of people. in the media, and the
ident (International League against Rac-
use of B’nai B’rith’s traditional highways
ism and Antisemitism) Jean-Pierre Bloch
to convey the necessary messages.
and Serge Dahan, the current president of
39 Lodges in Focus
Direction Board
President Aviva DIANA
Mentor Claudia SHOSHANA
Vice Presidents Rui GONCALVES, Daniel VAJDA
Secretary General Anie DIANA
Treasurer Jean-Paul SPORTOUCH
Guard Catherine MOYSAN
Direction Board
President Gisèle MARUANI
First Vice President Albert MAROUANI, Joint VP : Anny BENSSOUSAN
Secondary Vice President Pierre LUMBROSO, Joint VP: Aimé KLEYER
Secretary General Michèle LUMBROSO
Treasurer Michèle DRAY
Guards Esther ASSOULINE, Sydney MARUANI
Direction Board
President Bernard MAX
Mentor Joelle CHARBIT
Vice President Jérôme CTORZA
Treasurer Jean-Michel SEKSIC
Lodges in Focus 40
Direction Board
President Huguette BENSHEMOUN
Mentor Corinne LEVY
Vice President on culture Sarah EDERY
Vice Presidents on holidays and recreation Michelle ERNST, Solange MOSKOVITZ-
Treasurer Annie AKRICH
Joint Treasurer Huguette BENSEMHOUN
Secretary General Francine KLEYER
Guards Francine TEBOUL
Guard on traditions Myriam POMERANC
Accounting Committee Jacqueline TOLILA
Social Committee Colette BUDIDAN
Direction Board
President Lucette MIZRAHI
Mentor Annie SAYAG
Vice President on culture Brigitte TANAUJI DAHAN
Vice Presidents on holidays and recreation Dominique SETBON, Philippe SAMOUN-
Secretary General Corinne SARFATI
Joint Secretary General Valérie ATTAL
Treasurer Paule COHEN
Joint Treasurer Barbara PIETRA
Guard Laurence LELLOUCHE
Joint Guard Daniel MIZRAHI
Social Committee Sarah ZERBIB Simon BENCHIMOL Denis SIBON
Frédérique SIBONI, Bernard UZAN Nicole HASSOUN
41 Lodges in Focus
Direction Board
President François DUPUIS
Mentor Nathalie SIBONI
First Vice President Marcelline CHLOUS
and Secretary General Marcelline CHLOUS
Secondary Vice President Olivier BERTRAND-MISRAH
Treasurer Brigitte AMOYEL
Guard Danielle CHETBOUN
Joint Guard Arlette CHOUMER
Social Committee Renée SALPHATI
Direction Board
President Danielle BENOLIEL
Mentor Jocelyne HADDAD
First Vice President Martine SCHALIK
Secondary Vice President Evelyne PRZYSWA
Secretary General Arlette SEBAN
Treasurer Rosine LEVY
Joint Treasurer Nicolle BENHAMOU
Guards Jean BENOLIEL and Jean Louis LEVY
Lodges in Focus 42
Direction Board
President Gilbert DE PAZ
Mentor Daniel HARROCH
First Vice Presidents Nicole ATTIA
Secondary Vice Presidents Gérard TORDJMAN
Treasurers Patrick CASSE, Maryse DARMON
Secretary General David BOUDARAGuards Alain DARMON, Roger DRI
Joint Secretary General Catherine SALIMPOUR, Rosine TCHERNEVITCH
Traditions Lyne DARMON
Guard Alain DARMON, Maurice SAYAGH, Gérard TEBOULJoint
Joint Guard Louise DEPAZ
Direction Board
President Eric FISZON
Mentor Brigitte ZAYDMAN
Vice President Patricia MARJENBERG
Treasurer Corinne SZERMAN
Secretary General Arielle SCHWARTZBERG
Guard Catherine FISZON
Advisor Henriette BENEDIC
43 Lodges in Focus
Direction Board
President Jacques SICHERMAN
Mentor Patrick HIRSCH
Vice President Solange DAVID
Treasurer François KEIM
Secretary General Yolande COHEN
Advisors Francis DAVID, Michel GERSTENHABER, Marylise
Direction Board
President Elisabeth RAPIN
Mentor Claudine KLING
Vice President Pierre ATTYASSE
Treasurer Jean-Pierre ROTH
Secretary Generals Salomon LEVY, Eliane SPIELMANN
Joint Secretary General Sylvie SCHLANGER
Guard Michèle ADJEJ
Joint Guard Paule BENSOUSSAN
Members Jean-Pierre ADJEDJ, Liliane DREYFUS, Gilbert NERSON,
Liliane NERSON
Direction Board
President Gérard TICOT
Mentor Hervé BRUNNER
Treasurer Michel DREYFUS
Secretary General Hervé KLAJNORMAN
Lodges in Focus 44
Direction Board
President Robert BADER
Mentor Nicole SIMON
Vice President Nadia HOFNUNG
Treasurer Denis TUCHEL
Direction Board
Co-President Josy BOUHADANA
Co-President Martine SASSON
Mentor Raoul MEYER
Treasurer Ezra SASSON
Secretary General Danielle LEW
Joint Secretary General Francine LAMBERT
VPR Grand East and in charge of relations with the Consistory: Jacques BOUHADANA
In charge of the conviviality commission: Françoise GRADWOHL
Head of the heritage commission: Thierry KOCH
Responsible for the geopolitical and Israel commission : Marcel KOHEN
Head of the cultural commission: Michèle REUTER
Auditor and person in charge of the computer management: Marc FRIEDMANN
Direction Board
President Jean-Claude SZMIDT
Mentor Pol Roger LEVY
Secretary Gneral and Treasurer Evelyne SZTARK
45 Lodges in Focus
Direction Board
President Babeth Ariane ZWEIBAUM
Mentor Jean-Pierre SOLERY
Treasurer Snéjina FRECHE
Secretary General Sophie BENMUSSA
Joint Secretary General Ingrid-Mery HAZIOT
Guard Evelyne SOLERY
Direction Board
President Marc HASSAN
Mentor Fabien DANA
Vice President Alain YAMIN
Treasurer Agnès AZOULAY
Secretary General Michel ARIE
Guard Pierre AZOULAY
Direction Board
President Jacques WEILL
Vice President François GOUGUENHEIM
Treasurer Jacques JAKUBOWICZ
Secretary General Michèle REHBY
Lodges in Focus 46
Direction Board
President Mathieu VALLENS
Mentor Avishaï LEGER-TANGER
Vice Presidents Déborah LICHENTIN, Déborah PUSZET
Treasurer Alain JACQUES
Secretary General Michel ALFANDARI
Reporters Olivier and Michelle LEVY
Direction Board
President Paul KRISSI
Mentor Maxim OUANOUNOU
Vice Presidents Charles BACCOUCHE, Charles LESELBAUM, Jean-Pierre
Webmaster Jean-Pierre SOLERY
Direction Board
President André FEINGOLD
Mentor Michel ZAKI
Vice Presidents Daniel SARBERG, Claudine BLEINES
Treasurer Henri MELNIK
Secretary General Jacqueline CHEKLER
Banner Carrier Michel LION
Advisor Nadine LEVY
47 Lodges in Focus
Direction Board
President Yves-Victor KAMAMI
Vice Presidents Gérard GUEZ, Lionel KORENBEUSSER
Treasurer Gérard LUMBROSO
Secretary General Joëlle KORENBEUSSER
Direction Board
President Patricia WASERMAN
Mentor Haïm MUSICANT
Vice President Annie LAKS, Julie MOÏSE
Treasurer Jean-Michel ZALC
Secretary General Suzanne ELLENBERG
Guards Emmanuelle ROZAN, Josette JAÏS
Advisors Jean-Pierre ALLALI, David LEVY-BENTOLILA,
Direction Board
President Frida ZEITOUNI
Mentor Michelle ROTMAN
Vice Presidents Jean-Daniel LEVY, Micheline SULITZER
Treasurer Claude BOKOBZA
Secretary General Georges NEU
Guard Régine HALIOUA
Advisors Maurice HALIOUA, Pascal KARSENTI, Viviane MEYER
Lodges in Focus 48
Year of creation: 2015
Direction Board
President Shlomo MALKA
Mentor Guy SABBAGH
Vice Presidents Danièle MALKA and Betty TEICHER
Honorary President Etienne LEVY-WILLARD, Stéphane TEICHER
Treasurer Ariette LEVY-WILLARD
Joint Treasurer Yvelise BENOUDIZ
Advisor Stéphane TEICHER
Secretary General Danièle MALKA
Joint Secretary General Marc BEDAYAN
Marshal Corinne KESSOUS
Year of creation: 2013
Direction Board
President Thierry BURY
First Vice President Albert PINTO
Secondary Vice President Marguerite BLANK
Mentor Jacques HALIMI
Treasurer José SPALENIEC
Secretary General Pierre KHALIFA Guard Isaac BENOUDIZ
Direction Board
President Armand ASSAYAG
Mentor Bernard ZENOU
Vice President Inès ASSUID
Treasurer Maguy ZENOU
Secretary General Pierrette ROSENBERG
49 Lodges in Focus
Direction Board
President Perla RELKIN
Honorary member André ELKRIEF, Arlette TESTILER
Mentor Jean-Marc ISRAEL
Vice Presidents Arlette TESTYLER and Perla RELKIN
Honorary Vice Presidents Claire RUBINSTEIN
Treasurer Monique ELKRIEF
Secretary General Claude ERRERA, Gérard BEHARD
Marshals Josiane SCHECROUN et Sarah BEHARD
Guard and Reporter Laurence SPIRA-WEIL
Advisor Mireille ISRAEL
Direction Board
President Sylvaine Ojzerowicz
Mentor Violette FIMA
First Vice President Martine OUAZANA
Secondary Vice President Esther GRAVE
Treasurer André OUAZANA
Secretary General Pierre SILVERA
Marshal Claire AMAOUA et Lydia LAÏK
Reporter Simone SEBAN
Guard Claude KRIEF
Webmaster André WOLF
Lodges in Focus 50
Year of creation: 1989
Direction Board
President Sylvia GOLD
Mentor Charles ABEHASSERA
Vice Presidents Jean-François LANDIER, Suzanne WAJZER
Treasurer Gilbert BERDA
Secretary General Gilles LORRAIN
Advisor Dominique SITRUK
Guard Roland LOEB
Direction Board
President Colette ARFI
Mentor Shalom BENCHEMOUL
Vice Presidents Marianne RODE, Gilbert CHICHE
Treasurer Julien ARFI
Guards Chantal HADIDA, Jacqueline KOPPLEWIZ
Advisors Chantal HADIDA, Monique LEVY, Gisèle
Direction Board
President Daniel MOENS
Mentor Viviane LUMBROSO
Vice President Philippe WAINTRAUB
Treasurer Jean-Claude LUMBROSO
Secretary General Clémence ADLER
Marshal Clémence ADLER
51 Lodges in Focus
Direction Board
President Jacqueline AOUIZERAT
Mentor and Guard Georges BOUHANA
Vice Presidents Isabelle HABIB
Treasurer and Marshal Georges BEN HARROCHE
Secretary General Mireille LEVY
Joint Secretary General Cecil BENSIMON
Year of creation: 1991
Direction Board
President Alain JOCHIMEK
Mentor Serge DAHAN
Vice Presidents Danielle HAIK and Serge NACCACHE
Treasurer Daniel HAMMER
Secretary General Florence HAMMER
Guard Simon BITTER
Direction Board
President Martine NATAF
Mentor Flora FLEURY
Vice President Dorothée ANISF
Treasurer Albert LIPKOWICZ
Secretary General Nelly WOLF HOHN
Reporter Felix NATAF
Juridical advisor Hélène LYS
Lodges in Focus 52
Direction Board
President Evelyne GEJZENBLOZEN
Mentors Martine BOCCARA
Vice Presidents Vanessa HELESCHEWITZ, Daniel MSIKA
Treasurer Lina MSIKA
Secretary General Annie BOCCARA
Joint Secretary General Raphaëlle SEBAG
Guard Serge CURIEL
Marshal Josée CURIEL
Reporter Myrna SEBAG
Conferences responsible Lisette HAZAN
Advisors Bernard COHEN HADRIA, Michel DANON,
Year of creation: 1979
Direction Board
President Michèle DRAY
Mentor Lucie ABRAHAM
53 Lodges in Focus
Year of creation: 1989
Direction Board
President Eric-Charles BOUHNIK
Mentor Joseph GOZLAN
Vice Presidents Jean-Charles GOLDBERG, Aimé OVADIA
Treasurer Brigitte GOLDBERG
Secretary General Eric SAIAG
Guard Charles LALOUM
Reporter Roxane CHOUKROUN
Communication Advisor Agnes SIMONPAOLI
Youth Advisor Laeticia LEVY
Advisor Jean-Jacques HADJADJ
Year of creation: 1992
Direction Board
President Marc ELBEZE
Mentor Patricia MIZRAHI
Treasurer Monique LANGE
Secretary General Lionel BERCAULT
Direction Board
President Francine COEN
Mentor Nicole GHEZ
Vice President Charles ZENOU
Secretary General Serge COEN, Sylvie SEBAOUN-GIL
Treasurer Alain FOURNIOUX
Advisors Henri DAHENNE, Elisabeth TELLING
Direction Board
President Guy FERMON
Mentor Maurice AZIZA
Vice President Jean BENAHIM
Treasurer Alain SEBBAH
Secretary General Annie BITAN
55 Lodges in Focus
Year of creation: 1971
Direction Board
President Céline FRIDOSKI
Mentor and Treasurer Madeleine MEDIONI-GONZALEZ
Mentor Eliette NIDAM
Secretary General Maryse FRIDOSKI
Guard Yvette COHEN
Direction Board
President Jocelyne ARDITTI
Claude SAADA
First Vice President Albert CATALAN
Secondary Vice President Hélène COHEN
Secretary General Jean DURAND
Direction Board
President Thierry MELKI
Mentor Henri-Luc SALFATI
Vice president Patrick MAUGERY
Secretary General Olivia MELKI
Lodges in Focus 56
Direction Board
Co-Presidents Michel LIEBERMANN and Joyce BENABOU
Mentor Thierry HOCHBERG
Vice President Léopold COHEN
Treasurer Emile ABECASSIS
Secretary General Bernard BENZEKRI
Joint Secretary General Malia MYARA
Joint Guard Philippe STIOUI
Year of creation: 1967
Direction Board
President Pierre GUEDJ
Mentor Jean-Claude NABET
Treasurer Max MARQUES
Vice President André LAYANI
Secretary General Roseline MARQUES
Joint Secretary General Michel SZTERNBERG
Advisor Albert ANKRI
Direction Board
President Jacqueline MATHIEU
Mentor Philippe SCHLOUCH
Secretary General Sonia SUPRAT
Treasurer Victor CHELLI
Guard Laurence CHELLI
57 Lodges in Focus
Direction Board
President Raphaël SIBONI
Mentor Daniele MOISES
Vice President Martine TIMSIT
Treasurer Etoile SELLAM
Secretary General Corine WULKMAN
Guard Susanna AZQUINEZER
Direction Board
President Bernard MASSOUBRE
Mentor Henri FITOUSSI
Vice Presidents Yves COHEN and Véronique AZOULAY
Treasurer Gérard RAPHAËL
Secretary General Ilan LEVY
Marshal Martine CAMHI
Guard Pierre WOLF
Direction Board
Co-Presidents Sylvie ALTAR and Nicole ELBAZ
Mentor Michèle EDERY
Vice Presidents Betty BOULET-BOUCHOUCHA, Liliane SEBBAG
Lodges in Focus 58
Direction Board
Co-Presidents Monique BENATAR and Laurence STEIN ROOS
Mentors Liliane COHEN and Emmanuelle KARO
Treasurer Sylvie NAHON
Secretary Generals Sylvie AMSELLEM, Cathy VALLUY
Guard Pascale IMBERT
Year of creation: 1985
Direction Board
President Ada SADOUN
Mentor Florent BORGEL
Treasurer Ada SADOUN
Secretary General Ariella COHEN
Marshal Danielle BORGEL
Communication Sidney COHEN
Direction Board
Co-Presidents Hervé NAHON and Alexis KARO
Vice President Marcel DREYFUSS
Treasurer Gerard LEVAL
Secretary General Yves Alain STORY
59 Lodges in Focus
Cannes, France
Catherine MOYSAN
Lodges in Focus 60
Metz, France
Marseille, France
9 European twinning with the Kosice Lodge
in Slovakia and with the Leopolis Lodge in
9 Lectures by academician Renée Drai Ben-
sousan, historian Carol Iancu, and Father
9 Gala evening for the 170th anniversary of
B’nai B’rith in the presence of the Presidents
of B’nai B’rith Europe and B’nai B’rith France
Lodges in Focus 62
Toulouse, France
Secretary General
Activities Roseline MARQUES
9 Conferences
9 Study boards of brothers and sisters
9 Participation in the Steering Committee of
the CRIF Midi Pyrénées
9 Social aid in the community and in Israel
BBE Projects and Events 64
BBE Talks was created in order to allow This project aims to inspire, inform, unite
Lodges to connect, to get to know each oth- the Lodges, all for the better future of the
er better and to develop their knowledge organization.
about specific topics.
The first three conferences were held with
Each conference is held online and focus- the focus on Italy, Hungary and Slovakia,
es on one region or one country. Lodges the topics tackled being cyber space and
from all over Europe have the opportunity terrorism, the current renaissance of Hun-
to present their activities, the Jewish com- garian Jewry and the history, life and fu-
munities’ initiatives and the updates on the ture of Jewish communities in Slovakia.
country’s Jewish communities’ situation.
The fifth BBE Talks conference took place Aji, made the
on the 4th of March 2021. The topic of it participants un-
was Antisemitism in Turkey – Our Expe- derstand more
rience. President Serge Dahan initiated about unique
the conference giving a few words about Turkish Antisem-
B’nai B’rith Europe. Vice President of the itism Arguments
Turkish Awareness Committee, Dogan and what Turkish
Pinhas, gave everyone an insight on the Jewish commu-
Turkish Awareness Committee and its ac- nities face in their own country and what
tivities. Right after, President of the Turk- is done in order to change that. The Pres-
ish Awareness Committee, Denis Ojalvo ident Serge Dahan concluded the confer-
and a young member of the group Erez ence.
On the 6th of April 2021, the sixth BBE cussion with the
Talks conference took place, in honor of Director of this
Yom Hashoah. It’s focus, this time, was on project, Ms. So-
‘Les Derniers’ project. phie Nahum.
The ninth BBE Talks conference took place sel Lodge of Tel
on the 26th of October 2021. The topic of Aviv, Lison Nad-
it was the French-speaking community in jar, gave every-
Israel - Stakes and Integration. President one an overview
Serge Dahan initiated the conference of her Lodge’s
giving a few words about B’nai B’rith work and what
Europe. President of the Tel Aviv Lodge it is like be-
- Joseph Wybran, Emmy Wybran, then ing part of the
followed with sharing her challenging French-speak-
story that brought her to the opening of a ing community in Israel. The later topic
Lodge in Israel, named after her late hus- was further tackled. Serge Dahan con-
band. Right after, President of Elie Wie- cluded the conference.
BBE Projects and Events 68
Commitments from sporting authorities
and clubs are gathered, in order to en-
sure that they are creating inclusive and
respectful environments wherein any ex-
pression of antisemitism or other forms of
hatred will not be tolerated. This includes
5 national workshops reaching 125 sport-
ing leaders, leading to concrete action
BBE Projects and Events 70
On the 11th of February 2021, B’nai B’rith and Fostering Jewish Life, coordinated by
Europe, along with major Jewish organ- Katharina von Schnurbein.
izations working with the EU institutions
The Roundtable commenced with an over-
view of the European Commission’s activi-
AJC TI, HIAS) attended the 17th Europe-
ties and planning, followed by each of the
an Commission Roundtable with Jewish
participating organizations giving insights
Organizations. The event is periodically
on their latest updates of past and upcom-
organized by the European Commission’s
ing events and actions.
department on Combating Antisemitism
73 BBE Projects and Events
On the 3rd and 4th of June 2021, B’nai tional authorities and stakeholders on the
B’rith Europe, along with major Jewish most important issues that the strategy
organizations working with the EU in- should address and concrete actions to
stitutions attended the European Com- tackle them.
mission Working Group on Antisemitism.
Vice-President for promoting our Euro-
The event is periodically organized by the
pean Way of life, Margaritis Schinas, pre-
European Commission’s department on
sented the work that paved the way in the
Combating Antisemitism and Fostering
fight against discrimination, racism and
Jewish Life, coordinated by Katharina von
The aim of the Strategy is threefold: I) to
The 5th meeting of the Working Group on
prevent and combat all forms of antisem-
combating antisemitism was a key event
itism (online and offline), II) to foster Jew-
to consult Member States and Jewish
ish life and safeguard Jewish heritage and
communities on their ideas for the first-ev-
III) to ensure and strengthen Holocaust
er EU Strategy on combating antisemitism
remembrance, education and research.
and fostering Jewish life. The strategy will
These objectives form the pillars that will
be adopted by the European Commission
guide the development of the Strategy in-
by the end of 2021, as announced in its
side and outside the EU. Each session fo-
Work Programme 2021. The objective of
cused on one of these pillars.
the meeting was to gain input from na-
Events and Highlights 78
This year is, without a doubt, one of the promoting positive narratives that high-
most ambitious editions of the Europe- light the contribution of European Jewry
an Days of Jewish Culture. The festival is to a more pluralistic and inclusive Europe,
framed within the context of the European that the theme for this year’s edition is:
project NOA (Networks Overcoming Anti- DIALOGUE.
semitism). It is under this umbrella, and
See a selection of events that the Lodges
with the intention of disseminating and
have prepared all around Europe.
Tolerancia Lodge -
Bratislava, Slovakia
On the 5th of September 2021, the Tol-
erancia Lodge of Slovakia has shown the
exhibition of artefacts from the Jewish
Museum in Prešov, in the synagogue of
Bratislava, as well as in the premises of
the synagogue.
by Henry Dunant Lodge - Geneva, Switzerland
On the 18th of March, Henry Dunant Lodge Françoissinger and Léonard Bernstein.
initiated its Kesher Day of 2021. Margot Leboyer enchanted everyone with
a concert on Jewish themes. The event
The day started with a conference in-
took place within Geneva’s Community
cluding the Kaddish, done by Maurice
Synagogue and was recorded via Zoom.
Ravel, as well as a discussion with Rabbi
This campaign started off in 2020 and During the first wave of the pandemic and
was mainly created in order to help Jews the lock-down, the Lodge also provided
in and around Zurich who had lost their Kosher food to elderly and sick brothers
jobs due to the Corona situation and/or and sisters who could not make the pur-
are looking for work. With the help of the chases for Passover.
Lodge’s network, they were able to place
In addition, during the summer vacations
candidates with employers.
support was offered to Orthodox Jewish
families with vouchers for kosher care.
by Tolerancia Lodge - Bratislava, Slovakia
The International Criminal Court recently In May 2021, the Lodge of Tolerancia, head-
opened an official probe against Israel for ed by Peter Werner, started a petition ad-
alleged war crimes committed during and dressed to the ICC, with the aim of in stop-
since the 2014 rocket war with Hamas in ping such misjudged accusations against
Gaza, as well as Israel’s actions to build Israel. This initiative was done together
and maintain Jewish communities in the with a good partner of the Lodge, with a
West Bank and eastern Jerusalem. branch in Slovakia - ICEJ (International
Christian Embassy Jerusalem).
Events and Highlights 84
by Lodges in Europe
by B’nai B’rith Côte d’Azur Lodges - Côte d’Azur, France
Isabelle Ehrlich Hilleel Lodge - from left to right: Eron Wolf Treasurer , David Cohen Paraira
Guard of Edmond Secondary Treasurer, Hanny Schatz Vice President, Orlando Heijmerink
Fleg Lodge President Michael Swartz Secretary General Franklin Weisz Mentor
Henry Wechsler From left to right: Sergiusz Kowalski - Vice Dr. Andràs Kain
Vice President of President of Polin Lodge, Andrzej Friedman - President of Raoul
Moses Rosen Lodge President of Polin Lodge Wallenberg Lodge
Bent Melchior was President of the BBE Danish Committee for Bosnia and was a
Continental from 1993 to 1999. Descended member of the executive of the National
from six generations of rabbis who have Council for Refugees. Afterwards, he was
lived in Denmark for almost three centu- particularly prominent in helping Sovi-
ries, when his father Marcus Melchior died et Jews in the 1980s as a member of the
in 1969, he naturally succeeded him as World Conference for Jews in the USSR:
Chief Rabbi of Denmark. He was born in “I was an upside-down refusenik. The
1929, the same year as Anne Frank, as he Soviet authorities refused to give me an
liked to recall. entry visa for fear I would bring about rev-
olution” (he stated in
Like most Danish
L’Arche, 1998).
Jews, he was able to
survive thanks to the After the fall of the
heroic behavior of his Berlin Wall, he be-
fellow Danish Chris- came involved in the
tians. This is how he reconstruction of Jew-
forged his philosophy ish communities freed
of life: “I survived the from the communists.
Holocaust. You can’t He mobilized, in par-
imagine how much ticular, the Scandina-
I appreciate every day”. After the end of vian lodges. Thus, in February 1990, the
the war, he joined the Haganah, the de- first Conference on Jewish Communities
fense army of the young Jewish state, in the Baltic States was held in Tallinn,
and participated in the guerrilla war of thanks to the efforts of Bent Melchior. The
independence. He then returned to Den- Stockholm Lodge offered a school bus to
mark, where he continued to be active in the Jewish community in Vilnius.
Zionist organizations, becoming Rabbi of
Once he was elected BBE Continental
Copenhagen in 1963, then Chief Rabbi of
president, he encouraged the actions led
Denmark in 1969.
by some lodges in the West, which wanted
His commitment to good causes went be- to twin with others in the East.
yond the limits of the Jewish community
On the 28th of July 2021, the world lost
as he was involved in many humanitarian
one of the greatest humanists out there.
causes and against Apartheid in South Af-
Rabbi Bent Melchior’s memory will forever
rica, against the intervention of America
be cherished and will be a blessing.
in Vietnam, and against the dictatorship
in Argentina. He was also chaired in the
A publication of
B’nai B’rith Europe
Non-Governmental Organisation (NGO)
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