Colombia. A Country Study - 2010
Colombia. A Country Study - 2010
Colombia. A Country Study - 2010
a country study
a country study
Use of ISBN
This is the Official U.S. Government edition of this
U.S. GOVERNMENT publication and is herein identified to certify its
GPO authenticity. Use of the ISBN 978-0-844^9502-6 is
for U.S. Government Printing Office Official Editions
ISBN 978-0-8444-9502-06
David L. Osborne
Federal Research Division
Library of Congress
Washington, DC 20540-4840
with the sponsoring agency, and managed editing and production, which
included providing numerous substantive and technical contributions;
Catherine Schwartzstein, who unflaggingly provided substantive and
meticulous editing, helped with layout for images and figures, and pre-
pared the index; Janie L. Gilchrist, who did the extensive word process-
ing and prepared the camera-ready copy; and Katarina M. David, who
provided technical help with processing the images, including scanning
those used for the artwork. Christopher S. Robinson, an outside contrac-
tor, prepared the book's graphics based on FRD drafts, as well as the final
digital manuscript for the U.S. Government Printing Office (GPO).
Finally, the book
editor acknowledges the generosity of the individ-
uals, diplomatic and international agencies and organizations, and the
U.S. government for allowing their photographs to be used in this
study. The illustrations for the cover and chapter title pages are based
on published illustrations of indigenous artwork found in books in the
Spanish-language collection of the Library of Congress.
Foreword .
Acknowledgments v
Preface xiii
Introduction li
David Bushnell
Exploration and Conquest 6
Colonial Government 7
Colonial Society and Economy 8
Religion and Culture 11
Antecedents of Independence 13
The Struggle for Independence, 1810-19 15
The Great Colombia Experiment, 181 9-32 18
New Granada: Weak State, Strong Parties, 1832-63 . . 23
A Failed Federalist Utopia, 1 863-85 28
Continuity and Change in Social Relations 31
Political Centralization and the Church-State
Alliance 32
The War of the Thousand Days and Loss of Panama,
1899-1903 34
The Presidency of Rafael Reyes 35
The Growth of the Coffee Industry 37
Relations with the United States 38
Decline of the Conservative 39
La Violencia 43
Growth Amid Mayhem 46
Instituting the Coalition Government 47
Sociocultural Changes 49
The Rise of Drug-Trafficking Organizations 52
The Spread of Leftist Insurgencies 54
New Departures and Continuing Problems 57
Geology 70
Geography 71
Climate 77
Environment 78
Indigenous Peoples 82
Racial Distinctions 86
Population Growth Trends 90
Immigration 92
Regionalism 93
Urbanization Trends 94
Population Displacement 95
Emigration 98
Demography 99
Social Strata Division 101
Rural Poor and Urban Poor 110
Income Effects of Narco-Trafficking Ill
Resources and Organization 112
Current Health Overview 115
The Pension Conundrum 117
Church, State, and Society 122
The Growth of Protestantism 124
Other Religious Expressions 125
Basic Education 126
University, Technical, and Vocational Education 130
Continuing Problems 132
Labor Markets 199
The Informal Economy 202
Social Expenditure 203
The Pension System 206
ArleneB. Tickner
Ann C. Mason
Historical Background 285
Modernization of the Military 286
Constitutional Authority 290
Organization of the Armed Forces 291
Conscription and Military Service 302
Military Education System 305
The Military Judiciary 307
Uniforms, Ranks, and Insignia 309
Defense and Security Spending 312
Bibliography 379
Glossary 421
Index 425
Contributors 447
List of Figures
The use of foreign words and terms has been confined to those
upon first
essential to understanding the text, with a brief definition
usage and additional treatment in the Glossary. A list of abbreviations
and acronyms of Spanish names, with English translations, can be
found in table A. The text uses the standard spelling of place-names
sanctioned by the United States Board on Geographic Names.
The book's formal information cutoff date for the chapters is
December 31, 2008. Certain parts of the text, however, contain later
information, added as it became available since the completion of
research. The Introduction provides a general update for 2009 and
early 2010.
Table A. Selected Spanish Abbreviations and Acronyms
Abbreviation „
. Organization
or Acronym
CAIs Centres de Atencion Inmediata (Immediate Care Centers; police posts in large
Table A. Selected Spanish Abbreviations and Acronyms (Continued)
or Acronym
Cepal Comision Economica para America Latina y el Caribe (Economic Commission for
Latin America and the Caribbean —ECLAC)
CGN Consejo Gremial Nacional (National Business Council)
CICAD Comision Interamericana para el Control del Abuso de Drogas (Inter- American
Drug Abuse Control Commission)
Conpes Consejo Nacional de Politica Economica y Social (National Council for Economic
and Social Policy)
Cra Comision de Regulacion de Agua Potable y Saneamiento Basico (Water and Basic
Sanitation Regulatory Commission)
CRIC Consejo Regional Indigena del Cauca (Cauca Regional Indigenous Council)
Table A. Selected Spanish Abbreviations and Acronyms (Continued)
Abbreviation „
or Acronym
Esmic Escuela Militar de Cadetes Jose Maria Cordova (Military Cadet School)
Finagro Fondo para el Financiamento del Sector Agropecuario (Fund for the Finance of the
Agricultural Sector)
Gaula Grupos de Accion Unificada por la Libertad Personal (United Action Groups for
Personal Freedom)
IEPRI Instituto de Estudios Polfticos y Relaciones Internacionales (Institute for the Study
of Politics and Foreign Relations)
Justapaz Justicia, Paz y Accion No Violenta (Justice, Peace and Nonviolent Action)
OCNP Oficina del Comisionado Nacional para la Policia (National Police Commissioner's
OIE Oficio de International des Epizooties (World Organization for Animal Health)
PAICMA Programa Presidencial para la Action Integral contra Minas (Presidential Program
for Integral Action Against Antipersonnel Mines)
PSUN Partido Social de Unidad Nacional (also seen as Partido de La U; National Unity
Social Party; Party of the U)
PUJ Pontificia Universidad Javeriana (Javeriana University)
RCN Radio Cadena Nacional (National Radio Network; it has radio and television
RNEC Registraduria Nacional del Estado Civil (National Registrar of Civil Status, or
National Registrar's Office)
Table A. Selected Spanish Abbreviations and Acronyms (Continued)
. Organization
or Acronym
Table B. Chronology of Important Events
20,000 BC Approximate date of earliest evidence of human occupation in what is now
AD 1000-1500 Flourishing of Tairona and Muisca cultures, respectively, in the Sierra Nevada
de Santa Marta and eastern highlands.
COLONIAL ERA, 1499-1810
1525 Rodrigo de Bastidas founds Santa Marta, first permanent Spanish settlement.
1536-38 Gonzalo Jimenez de Quesada leads expedition that conquers the Muiscas.
1550 Royal high court, or audiencia, is established in Santa Fe. Jimenez de Quesada
is appointed marshal of New Granada and councilor of Sante Fe.
1 564 Arrival in Santa Fe of first captain general of New Granada, whose appointment
represents consolidation of Spanish colonial government.
1615-50 Ministry of Jesuit Pedro Claver, later canonized, to African slaves arriving
through port of Cartagena.
1719 New Granada officially attains the temporary status of viceroyalty with Santa
Fe as its capital; its territory includes present-day Colombia, Ecuador, Panama,
and Venezuela.
Presidency of the New Kingdom of Granada, 1723-39
1783 Jose Celestino Mutis leads expedition to search out and describe all botanical
species in viceroyalty.
1 794 Antonio Narino is arrested and convicted of sedition for having printed a Spanish
translation of the French "Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen."
Table B. Chronology of Important Events (Continued)
United Provinces of New Granada, 1811-16
1816 Royalist forces retake Santa Fe (in May) and restore the colonial regime in most
of New Granada.
1819 Simon Bolivar Palacios wins Battle of Boyaca (August 7), delivering all of
central New Granada to the patriots; congress meeting in Angostura,
Venezuela, creates Republic of Colombia, referred to retrospectively as Great
Colombia (Gran Colombia), comprising all of former Viceroyalty of New
Granada, with its capital in renamed Santa Fe de Bogota.
1821 Congress of Cucuta adopts new nation's first constitution, which is strictly
1828 Bolivar assumes dictatorial powers and later survives assassination attempt (on
September 25).
constitutional president.
1837 Jose Ignacio de Marquez Barreto defeats Santander's chosen successor in first
1840^2 War of the Supreme Commanders is waged (and lost) by proto-Liberals against
the proto-Conservatives who follow Santander in office, a watershed in
development of two-party system.
1848^19 Liberal and Conservative parties evolve from main political factions in course
of critical presidential election campaign.
1849-52 Election of the Liberal Jose Hilario Lopez Valdez is followed by a succession of
reform measures: abolition of state tobacco monopoly (1850), abolition of
clergy legal privileges (1850), and final elimination of slavery, effective
January 1, 1852.
1853 New constitution grants suffrage to all adult males, enshrines full religious
toleration, and makes concessions to provincial autonomy, although stopping
short of outright federalism.
1854 Backed by disaffected military and artisans, General Jose Maria Dionisio Melo
y Ortiz carries out a successful coup (on April 19) against Liberal president but
is soon overthrown by Liberal-Conservative coalition (December).
1858 Still another new constitution establishes the Granadine Confederation and
creates a federal organization for entire country.
Table B. Chronology of Important Events (Continued)
1861 As provisional head of what is now called United States of New Granada,
Mosquera expropriates most church property and punishes the church for its
support of Conservatives.
1863 Liberals enact new constitution that carries both federal autonomy of states and
individual liberties to new extremes, while allowing states to limit suffrage
1870 Presidential decree declares primary education free, obligatory, and religiously
neutral throughout the nation.
1 876 Abortive Conservative uprising becomes brief but bitter civil war sparked in
large part by Roman Catholic indignation over education policy.
1878 Colombia grants concession to French interests for construction of canal across
1885 "Radical" Liberals launch a preemptive rebellion lest Nunez illegally change
the constitution, providing him with pretext to declare the 1 863 constitution
null and void.
1886 Under Nunez's auspices, new constitution ends federalism in favor of highly
centralized government and dilutes individual rights; United States of Colombia
is renamed Republic of Colombia and is organized into departments rather than
sovereign states.
1887 Concordat with Vatican restores special privileges to Roman Catholic Church
and offers compensation for lost assets.
1899-1902 War of the Thousand Days, a final failed effort by Liberals to reverse Nunez's
innovations, causes heavy loss of life and economic disruption.
1902 Hay-Herran Treaty is signed with U.S. government (in September), allowing
United States to complete Panama Canal.
1 903 United States approves Hay-Herran Treaty. After the Colombian Senate refuses
it (in August), a group of Panamanian politicians and foreign
to ratify
adventurers bring about Panama's secession from Colombia (on November 3).
1904-9 President Rafael Reyes Prieto, a pragmatic Conservative, introduces power
sharing with opposition, restores government finances, and promotes public
Table B. Chronology of Important Events (Continued)
1919 Colombian-German Air Transport Society, the airline that later becomes
Avianca (one of first airlines in hemisphere), is founded.
1922 United States pays Colombia US$25 million for loss of Panama.
1 928 Violent repression of strike by United Fruit Company banana workers produces
strong backlash against the company and the Conservative government.
1930 Liberal Party wins peaceful elections; in some parts of the country, serious out-
breaks of political violence follow; small Socialist Revolutionary Party formally
becomes Communist Party of Colombia.
1932-34 Colombia and Peru engage in a conflict over Amazonian territory of Leticia;
Peru recognizes Colombia's ownership of port.
in labor disputes.
1936 Constitutional reform (Codification of 1936) sets limits on property rights, per-
manently restores universal male suffrage, and reopens church-state conflict.
1941^44 Colombia closely collaborates with United States in World War II, declaring
war on the Axis in 1943.
1948 Assassination of Liberal leader Jorge Eliecer Gaitan (on April 9) provokes
wave of rioting (known as the Bogotazo but not limited to Bogota).
1950 Conservative leader Laureano Gomez Castro is elected president, with Liberals
boycotting polls as violence worsens in countryside.
1951 Gomez sends Colombian troops to fight alongside United Nations forces in
Korean War; Tropical Oil Company concession reverts to government and
forms basis for creation of Colombian Petroleum Enterprise (Ecopetrol).
1953 General Gustavo Rojas Pinilla stages coup to oust Gomez (on June 13) and
rules as military dictator, although at first with widespread Liberal and other
1954 Introduction of television; suffrage for women is adopted but takes effect only
when elections are held after the fall of Rojas.
1958 National Front is formed. Alberto Lleras Camargo takes office as its first
1963-65 Military offensive, with some U.S. overcomes most guerrillas and bandit
groups but fails to capture Pedro Antonio Marin, alias Manuel Marulanda Velez
or Tiro Fijo, and his associates, nucleus of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of
Colombia (FARC), formed in 1964.
1 965-66 Radical priest Camilo Torres Restrepo joins the Cuban-inspired National
Liberation Army (ELN), formed in 1964, and is killed in combat.
Table B. Chronology of Important Events (Continued)
1970 Former dictator Rojas runs for president and narrowly loses attempt to regain
power (on April 19).
1973 ELN is decimated by army campaign, Battle of Anori (August 7-October 18),
and internal feuds, but remnant survives to regain strength in next decade;
Nineteenth of April Movement (M-1 9) forms in October.
1979 U.S.-Colombian extradition treaty for drug traffickers comes into operation.
1980 M-1 9 members seize diplomatic hostages at Dominican Republic Embassy and
occupy it for 61 days.
1982 Novelist Gabriel Garcia Marquez becomes first Colombian to win Nobel Prize.
1984 Assassination of Minister of Justice Rodrigo Lara Bonilla (on April 30), by
narco-traffickers inspires first major, but unsuccessful, crackdown on illicit
drug industry.
1985 In Bogota M-1 9 members seize Palace of Justice (on November 6), which is
destroyed during army counterassault, with more than 100 deaths, including
half of Supreme Court; eruption of Nevado del Ruiz volcano destroys Armero,
a town in Tolima Department, killing 25,000 people (on November 13).
1989-90 Luis Carlos Galan and two other presidential candidates are assassinated in the
1 990 election campaign.
1989 Coffee loses first place among legal exports. M-1 9 disarms and creates a
political party (October-November).
1991 New constitution goes far toward decentralizing power and enshrines long list
of citizen guarantees.
1994 Ernesto Samper Pizano takes office as president amid accusations of accepting
narco-traffickers' contributions to his campaign fund.
1999 FARC kidnaps and murders three U.S. citizens, who were activists for
indigenous rights (in February).
200 1 FARC kidnaps popular former Minister of Culture Consuelo Araujo Noguera
and then murders her during army rescue attempt, provoking public outrage
against the guerrillas and the peace process (in September).
2002 FARC's kidnapping of a senator prompts President Pastrana to end peace talks
and to order army to retake FARC's demilitarized zone; FARC kidnaps
presidential candidate Ingrid Betancourt Pulecio and her colleague, Clara Rojas
(in February).
2003 FARC takes hostage three U.S. drug-control contractors —Keith Stansell, Marc
Goncalves, and Thomas Howes (in February).
Table B. Chronology of Important Events (Continued)
2004 Dialogue between the government and the ELN begins after Mexico offers to
mediate (in July).
Congress passes Uribe 's legislation allowing for presidents to serve two
consecutive terms (in December).
Controversial Justice and Peace Law, which grants AUC almost blanket
amnesty, goes into effect, increasing AUC rate of demobilization (in
2006 Parapolitics scandal begins: 12 pro-Uribe legislators are arrested for alleged
collusion with outlawed paramilitary groups (January-May).
Uribe easily wins presidential election in first round with 62 percent of the vote
(in May).
ELN and government tentatively agree to begin formal peace process (in
2007 FARC assassinates 1 1 regional legislators, kidnapped five years earlier in Cali,
when a military group attempts to rescue them (in June).
FARC members Raul Reyes and Ivan Rios are killed in cross-border
and Manuel Marulanda Velez, FARC's founder and its
strike into Ecuador,
supreme commander since 1964, dies (in March).
Supreme Court rules that a former legislator had received a bribe to ensure the
passage of the constitutional amendment that allowed Uribe to run for a second
term in 2006, prompting Uribe to call for a referendum on his rule (in June).
Table B. Chronology of Important Events (Continued)
2009 FARC releases a Swede, Erik Roland Larsson, thought to be its last foreign
hostage (March).
President Uribe visits President Barack H. Obama at the White House (June
2010 Inspector general of the nation endorses proposed referendum (January 13).
FARC military chief Jorge Suarez Briceno, alias El Mono Jojoy, reaffirms
FARC's armed struggle and rejects surrendering in letter to Military Forces
general commander (February 13).
Country Profile
Formal Name: Republic of Colombia (Republica de Colombia).
Independence: Colombia marks its independence from Spain on July
20, 1810, when criollo revolutionists established a ruling junta in the
capital city of Santa Fe de Bogota (present-day Bogota).
Historical Background
By the time of the Spanish Conquest, the Chibcha, numbering 500,000
and —
between two groups Taironas and Muiscas dominated the
split —
Central Highlands of what is now Colombia, where they had lived for
at least 2,000 years and had become the most advanced of the indige-
nous peoples. Gonzalo Jimenez de Quesada led the first conquering
expedition from Santa Marta to Sabana de Bogota (1536-39). In 1538,
when Jimenez de Quesada founded Santafe (Santa Fe during the colo-
nial period) in the Bagata zone of the country, Muiscas still lived in the
hills overlooking the settlement, but their notable system of political
centralization was crushed, and they became assimilated with the rest
of the population. Conquistadors Nikolaus Federmann and Sebastian
de Belalcazar led other expeditions in 1537-39 and 1538-39, respec-
tively. In 1719 present-day Colombia, Venezuela, Ecuador, and Pan-
ama formed the Viceroy alty of the New Kingdom of Granada. In 1781
anger over Spanish taxation led to the Comunero Rebellion.
In 1948 the assassination of popular Liberal leader Jorge Eliecer Gai-
tan instigated major political rioting in Bogota (the Bogotazo). Coun-
trywide violence, known La Violencia, which had begun in 1946,
continued to rage until 1958, when the Conservatives and Liberals
banded together in the National Front. The arrangement greatly
reduced political violence in the early 1960s, but by excluding dissi-
dent political forces, it contributed to the emergence of guerrilla
The National Front arrangement ended in 1978, but the tradition of pres-
idents inviting opposition figures to hold cabinet positions continued.
Following a constitutional reform convention, a new constitution was
adopted in July 1991. The election of Alvaro Uribe Velez (president,
2002-6, 2006-10), an independent, ended the Liberal-Conservative
duopoly of political power. Immensely popular for his handling of the
economy and his hard line was reelected to
against the insurgency, Uribe
a second term. In 2008 his popularity was strengthened by major set-
backs to the insurgent Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia
(FARC). In February 2010, a proposed referendum, which might have
led to a second reelection, was declared unconstitutional.
Size and Location: Colombia measures 1,138,910 square kilometers,
The country lies in the
or slightly less than twice the size of Texas.
northwestern part of South America, bordered by the Caribbean Sea to
the north, the North Pacific Ocean and the Isthmus of Panama to the
west, Ecuador and Peru to the south, and Brazil and Venezuela to the
Natural Resources: Colombia is well endowed with energy resources
and minerals, including coal, copper, emeralds, gold, hydropower, iron
ore, natural gas, natural nickel, petroleum, platinum, and silver. Its
coal reserves, totaling 7.4 billion metric tons, are foremost in Latin
America and are concentrated in Peninsula de La Guajira and the
Andean foothills.Colombia's natural gas reserves, totaling 4 trillion
cubic feet in 2007, and proven oil reserves, totaling 1 .45 billion barrels
in 2007, are located mostly in the eastern Andean foothills and Ama-
zonian jungle. There are abundant renewable water resources. Only a
small percentage (probably less than 3 percent) of Colombia's total
land area, such as the fertile Andean mountainsides and valleys, is cul-
tivated for crops.
but with major regional variation. The 2005 census found that 3.3 mil-
lion Colombians were living abroad because of insecurity and unem-
ployment at home; external migration is primarily to Ecuador, the
United States, and Venezuela. In 2008 some 29.4 percent of Colombi-
ans were aged 14 years or younger; 65.1 percent were in the 15-64
age-group; and only 5.5 percent were 65 or older. The estimated
median age in 2008 was 26.8 years. The birthrate was 19.9 per 1,000
people; the estimated fertility rate was 2.5 children born per woman.
The death rate was 5.5 deaths per 1,000 people. Overall life expec-
tancy at birth was 72.5 years (males, 68.7 years; females, 76.5 years).
The number of male homicide victims accounts for the significant gap
between life expectancy for men and women.
is one of Colombia's largest state companies and is the principal
agency involved in the field of social security, with responsibility for
pensions. Serious social problems include high rates of criminal vio-
lence; extensive societal discrimination against women, child abuse,
and child prostitution; trafficking in women and girls for sexual
exploitation; widespread child labor; extensive societal discrimination
against indigenous people and minorities; drug addiction; poverty; and
displacement of the rural population. Poverty remains widespread in
Colombia, where income distribution has huge disparities.The pro-
portion of the population living below the poverty line was estimated
at between 50 and 60 percent in 2005, according to the Comptroller
General's Office, with up to 40 percent of rural dwellers living in
extreme poverty. The Economic Commission for Latin America and
the Caribbean said that the overall poverty index had declined to 46.8
percent by 2005.
of 2.4:1. In 2004 Colombia had 279 institutions of higher learning,
including professional technical schools, technological schools, col-
leges, and universities.
Overview: In 2007 Colombia had the fifth-largest economy in Latin
America (after Brazil, Mexico, Argentina, and Venezuela), a status
expected to continue through 2010; by regional standards, it is a diver-
sified economy. Since 1991 a free-market economy has evolved
through measures such as tariff reductions, financial deregulation,
privatization of state-owned enterprises, and adoption of a more lib-
eral foreign-exchange rate. In 2007 agriculture accounted for 13 per-
cent of GDP, industry (including manufacturing and construction) for
29 percent, and services for the remaining 58 percent.
reforms, the income tax rate probably declined to 34 percent in 2008 and
to about 33 percent in 2009, with lower corporate taxes and a simpler
value-added tax. From a balance of 0.5 percent in 2008, the estimated
deficit for 2009 was 2.8 percent of GDP, 3.1 percent for 2010, and 2.7
percent for 201 1 Continuing foreign direct investment and other capital
inflows to the oil sector were expected to allow the government's widen-
ing fiscal and current-account deficits to remain manageable.
ceuticals, plastic resins and manufactures, textiles and garments, trans-
port equipment, and wood products. Construction, a growing sub-
sector, contributed an estimated 6.7 percent of GDP in 2005.
flowers began to earn more export revenue than the country's tradi-
tional products — coffee, bananas,and textiles. Colombia has become
the world's second largest exporter of fresh-cut flowers. In addition to
major oil and gas discoveries, mineral exports have strengthened the
economy. Significant nontraditional exports include agricultural prod-
ucts (cut flowers and sugar), mining products (ferronickel, gold,
cement, and emeralds), and industrial products (textiles and apparel,
chemicals, pharmaceuticals, cardboard containers, printed material,
plastic resins, and manufactures). The main destinations of 68 percent
of total exports in 2006 were the United States, 40 percent; Venezuela,
1 1 percent; Ecuador, 5 percent; Mexico and Peru, 3 percent each; and
External Debt: The foreign debt level was high; external debt rose to
US$44 billion in 2007.
transit system. Cali's transit system of articulated buses opened in late
2008. Medellin has a modern urban railroad connecting with the cities
of Itagui, Envigado, and Bello and an elevated cable-car system,
added in 2004, linking some poorer mountainous neighborhoods with
Metro de Medellin.
Civil Aviation and Airports: In 2009 Colombia had 992 airports (116
with paved runways), plus two heliports. Bogota, Rionegro near
Medellin, Cali, Barranquilla, Bucaramanga, Cartagena, Cucuta, Leti-
cia, Pereira, San Andres, and Santa Marta have international airports.
Bogota's El Dorado International Airport handled 579,000 metric tons
of cargo and 13.5 million passengers in 2008.
rate to 91 percent. In2008 Colombia had an estimated Internet pene-
tration rateof 32.3 percent and broadband reception rate of 3.9 per-
cent. In 2008 Colombia had five national channels, local and regional
channels, 76 registered providers of cable television, one company
broadcasting by satellite (DIRECTV), and about 12 million TV sets.
In 2004 there were almost 1,300 radio stations. Ownership of news
media is highly concentrated among wealthy families, national con-
glomerates, and major political parties. Journalists practice self-
censorship for fear of corrupt officials, criminals, and members of
illegal armed groups.
Bogota. In 2009 departments were subdivided into a total of 1,120
municipalities, each headed by a mayor. Citizens directly elect gover-
nors, deputies, mayors, municipal and district councils, and members of
local administrative boards. Department governors are popularly elected
for four-year terms. Each department has a popularly elected depart-
mental assembly that oversees actions of the governors.
Politics: For 150 years after their official establishment in the mid-
nineteenth century, the rival Liberal Party and Conservative Party
dominated politics. In recent years, a multiparty system has devel-
oped, and in 2002 Alvaro Uribe became the first independent presi-
dent in Colombian history. In the March 2006 congressional elections,
winners were parties associated with President Uribe, including the
Conservative Party in alliance with two main Uribista groupings. The
center-left Liberal Party is still the largest party in Congress but is cur-
rently relatively powerless, as is the leftist Alternative Democratic
Pole (PDA), but the Liberals have been moving to the center, while the
PDA has been consolidating its ranks and expanding grassroots sup-
port. After the March 2006 elections, 16 recognized political parties
had seats in Congress. Political parties generally operate freely and
without government interference. Members of independent parties
may be elected to regional or local office and may also win seats in
Congress, as may dissidents from the two main parties. President
Uribe has been very popular, owing to his success in improving
domestic security and socioeconomic conditions, particularly contain-
ing the guerrillas, significantly reducing high rates of criminal and
political violence, and reviving economic growth. The Uribe adminis-
tration has stressed combating insurgency by providing internal secu-
rity within the framework of democratic protections and guarantees.
Other priorities are international trade, supporting alternative means of
development, and reforming the judicial and tax systems.
cially the spillover from Colombia's civil conflict, including guerrillas
moving across borders, the flow of refugees, and the spread of drug
crops — activities of particular concern to the bordering countries of
Brazil, Ecuador, Panama, Peru, and Venezuela. Brazil is the second-
largest market in the world for Colombian cocaine after the United
States and a source for weapons for Colombian guerrilla and paramili-
tary groups. Relations with Nicaragua and Venezuela have been
strained over territorial disputes, Colombian complaints of Nicaraguan
and Venezuelan support for the Revolutionary Armed Forces of
Colombia (FARC), and from 2009, over Colombia's Defense Cooper-
ation Agreement with the United States. Under the Uribe administra-
tion, relations with the European Union (EU) have been cool, with the
EU critical of Colombia's counterinsurgency strategy and human
rights abuses.
National Security
joint, 1,200). In2008 the army ranks included approximately 7,000
officers and 26,000 noncommissioned officers (NCOs).
had 4 submarines, 4 principal surface combatants (corvettes), 84 patrol
and coastal combatants, 8 amphibious craft, and 6 logistical and sup-
port craft. In 2008 the navy received funds for programs including
modernization of its FS-6 guided missile corvettes and new maritime
patrol aircraft. Naval aviation had 1 1 aircraft and 10 helicopters. The air
force inventory included 85 fighter jets and 114 helicopters of various
kinds. In 2006 the air force signed a contract for 25 Brazilian Embraer
EMB-314 Super Tucano light attack aircraft, the last of which was
delivered in August 2008. The air force fleet of Israel Aerospace Indus-
tries Kfir TC-7 and C-7 aircraft and Dassault Aviation Mirage 5
Foreign Military Relations: Since the late 1980s, the United States
has been the primary provider of military training and equipment to
Colombia; other suppliers include Brazil, Spain, France, Germany,
Italy, and Israel. Many Colombian military personnel have received
training in the United States or U.S. instruction in Colombia. In
1999-2001 the U.S. government approved a US$1.3 billion aid pack-
age called Plan Colombia, mostly earmarked for military hardware for
antidrug efforts, such as a fleet of 71 helicopters for spraying coca
fields; subsequent aid also has been used for counterinsurgency. U.S.
support for counternarcotics efforts included more than US$2.5 billion
in aid between 2000 and 2004, making Colombia the third-largest
recipient of U.S. aid, after Israel and Egypt. In fiscal year 2004, how-
ever, Colombia became the fifth-largest recipient of U.S. foreign aid,
as a result of U.S. aid to Iraq and Afghanistan. Since 2004 U.S. mili-
tary aid also has focused on increasing state presence by improving
access to social services and supporting economic development
through sustainable growth and trade. The United States has continued
aid for counterinsurgency and counternarcotics efforts averaging
US$600 million per year through 2007; aid is devoted primarily to
training units of the Urban Group
Counterterrorist Special Forces
(Afeur). Colombia has one infantry battalion in Egypt in support of the
Multinational Force and Observers (MFO), an independent interna-
tional peacekeeping organization established by Egypt and Israel to
monitor the security arrangements of their 1979 Treaty of Peace.
Some National Police personnel served with United Nations peace-
keeping forces in Croatia and El Salvador. Between 120 and 150
Colombian soldiers were reportedly supporting the Spanish force in
Afghanistan by the end of 2009.
Internal Threat
Trafficking in processed cocaine and other illicit drugs accounts for
more than US$5 and represents between 2.0 percent and
billion a year
2.5 percent of GDP a year. Colombia is the world's leading coca culti-
vator and supplier of refined cocaine. More than 90 percent of the
cocaine that enters the United States is produced, processed, or trans-
shipped in Colombia. The country is also a growing source for heroin.
Stepped-up government actions against insurgents since 2002, with
significant U.S. military aid and growing professionalization of the
armed forces and police, kept the guerrillas mostly withdrawn into the
remote countryside. The FARC reaffirmed in mid-2008 that it has no
intention of entering any peace negotiations and would continue the
After drug trafficking, the main illicit industries are contraband, forg-
ery (principally of currency, clothing, books, CDs, and audio- and
video-cassettes), and, more recently, the theft of gasoline.
Isla de
Santa Catalina
Isla de
35' f jy-^
) S? n
( Andres .3'
J - Caribbean Sea
/ Isla
de San Andres
30 (Netherlands)
f 2
-O ^
'Hprtfi 10 y \Bucaramanga '
I ^
"Pacific \ Medellfn / 11 _
Ocean uibdo^ #._< j V 12 \ 7 Carrehof
Armenia*/ ./fcague!? ,\
1\ n./
^ i
21 -1/A Villavicencio
• Puerto i
/n/r/'cya )
Popayan >\. 29
\_ r- ' San Jose del
24 /_ "
\ j
Guaviare -
y # ^nc/a \ 28
Pasfo > ( Mitu
1 30
International boundary
Internal administrative
National capital > /
• Department capital
Boundary representation
nenesfzarilv authoritative
not necessaniy
50 100 150 Kilometers
74 70
Caldas 16
Caqueta 27
Casanare 1
Cauca 25
Cesar 4
Choco 9
Cordoba 5
Cundinamarca 17
Distrito Capital de Bogota* 22
Guaim'a 29
Guaviare 28
Huila 26
La Guajira 1
Magdalena 3
Meta 23
Narino 24
Norte de Santander 8
Putumayo 31
Quindio 20
Risaralda 15
Santander 1
Sucre 6
Tolima 21
Valle del Cauca 14
Vaupes 30
Vichada 19
Bogota also serves as the capital of Cundinamarca Department.
violently, for control of the government through the Liberal and Con-
servative parties. What Dix termed the inherited hatreds of a person's
identity, handed down from generation to generation, created an emo-
tional bond to the chosen party, carrying members not only to the polls
but periodically also into violent conflict with adherents of the oppos-
ing party. Constitutional order and institutional stability generally have
prevailed, despite the continuing violence.
The interparty violence finally abated under a power-sharing
arrangement during 1958-78 called the National Front (Frente Natio-
nal). The pro-Conservative Party stance of the Roman Catholic
Church and the anticlericalism of the Liberal Party had remained trou-
blesome for both parties for about a hundred years, even though
Colombia was the first country in Latin America to separate church
and state in 1853. The longstanding argument between the Conserva-
tive Party's advocacy of centralized government and the profederalist
Liberal Party's insistence on a decentralized form of state had been an
equally contentious issue. By the 1980s, the two main areas that had
so long antagonized the parties, church-state relations and centralism
versus federalism, had been largely resolved. By then, however,
Colombians were looking to third-party alternatives. The two tradi-
tional parties finally lost their duopoly of power in 2002 with the his-
toric election of independent Alvaro Uribe Velez (president 2002-6,
Colombia's autochthonous violence constitutes the central paradox
that differentiates its political system from other Latin American coun-
Great Colombia for a union of present-day Venezuela, Colombia, Ecua-
dor, and Panama, which was established at the Congress of Angostura in
Venezuela on December 17, 1819. Earlier, Venezuelan revolutionary
Francisco Jose de Miranda had conceived the name Colombia as a sug-
gested epithet for all of the New World, especially those territories and
colonies under Spanish and Portuguese rule. A more historically based
name would have been Nueva Granada (New Granada), considering
that Spain's Granada was the toponym of what is now Colombia for
most of the time before 1863. Nevertheless, the country adopted four
additional names, including the United States of Colombia (1863-86).
Finally, the 1886 constitution settled on the Republic of Colombia.
In his influence on Colombia's history, Bolivar towers over Colum-
bus (as historian David Bushnell's numerous references to Bolivar,
and none to Columbus, attest). Bolivar has not only Colombia's sec-
ond-highest peak named after him, Pico Simon Bolivar (5,775
meters), located on Colombia's Caribbean coast near its twin, Pico
Cristobal Colon (5,776 meters), but also one of Colombia's 32 admin-
istrative departments, more than a dozen towns, and Bogota's central
plaza. Moreover, popular reservations about the country's namesake
began surfacing in the 1920s, when Colombians and other Latin
Americans adopted an alternative name for the holiday known in His-
panic America as Dia de Colon (Columbus Day). The name Dia de la
Raza (Day of the Race) came to be preferred not only as an offshoot of
growing resentment toward the United States, which was generally
seen as interventionist, but also in acknowledgment of Columbus's
legacy of slavery and brutal conquest of Amerindians (some use the
term genocide).
Today, Amerindians constitute no more than 3.4 percent of the
Colombian population, and demographers struggle to make racial and
cultural distinctions between the mestizos, who account for about half
of the population, and the whites, who make up at least a third. The
Colombian population is ethnically homogeneous, compared to coun-
tries such as Brazil and the United States.
national unity has eluded the country. Indeed, despite its democratic
political system, common religion —
most Latin American coun-
tries, the vast majority of Colombia's population (between 80 and 90
Despite the country's still-serious domestic security problems,
Colombia's economy in recent years has been one of Latin America's
most robust, and the country has been a model of economic stability.
About US$40 billion in foreign investment flowed into the country
during the first seven years of the twenty-first century. Reliable data
exist only for the formal economy. In 2007 Colombia, with an impres-
sive gross domestic product (GDP —
see Glossary) growth rate of 7.5
percent (compared with -4.2 percent in 1999), had the fifth-largest
economy in Latin America.
The combination of an economic revival in 2007, a hard-line strat-
egy against the guerrillas, and improving domestic security and socio-
economic conditions enhanced President Uribe's image as a strong and
capable leader and made him immensely popular with Colombians; his
successes led to popularity ratings in the 70 to 80 percent range,
according to Gallup polls. During his second term, Uribe focused on
improving public finances, reducing inflation (at a record low of 2 per-
cent at the end of 2009), and strengthening economic growth. Never-
theless, Uribe faced fiscal challenges during the remainder of his term,
especially with an international financial crisis and a slowdown in the
economies of its main trade partners, including the United States,
which accounts for about one-third of Colombia's exports. In late
2008-early 2009, these conditions, which included the loss of 600,000
jobs in 2008, were seriously affecting the broader economy.
Colombia's GDP growth rate dropped 2.8 percent in 2008 and
probably did no better than about zero in 2009. The construction and
manufacturing sectors were down sharply in 2008, as were traditional
exports such as coal and coffee. However, energy, mining, and finan-
cial services continued to grow in 2008, and oil production rose. The
authors of the economy chapter point out that a key feature of Colom-
bia's economy has been a growing dependence on remittances from
abroad as a source of foreign exchange, but the Ministry of Finance
and Public Credit has estimated that this income may have dropped by
20 percent in 2009, resulting in a US$1 billion reduction in remit-
tances to US$4 billion.
The continuing juxtaposition of democracy, economic and political
stability, and —many years
internal conflict after other countries in Latin
America managed to overcome their own insurgencies —makes Colom-
bia an anomaly in the region. Colombia's insurgency is unique in the
world because of its longevity, being a relic of the 1960s. The Colom-
bian government has pacified a few of the illegal armed groups: the
Nineteenth of April Movement (M-19) and the Maoist Popular Libera-
tion Army (EPL) in the early 1990s, and the paramilitary United Self-
Defense Forces of Colombia (AUC) in 2006. Nevertheless, the diehard
leaders of the National Liberation Army (ELN) and the Revolutionary
Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) have sustained the insurgency.
Although the ELN has engaged in occasional peace talks since 2005, the
FARC has yet to demonstrate that
it is willing to undertake good-faith
being tried in a Colombian court would likely result in an automatic
30-year sentence and lawsuits from their victims, as well as a high risk
of being murdered in an overcrowded Colombian prison. They
believed that a U.S. court would reduce their sentences by up to 70
percent in exchange for testifying against the big capos who were
brought to trial, resulting in sentences of only two to four years. More-
over, they heard of fellow traffickers who, having settled their
accounts with U.S. authorities, were able to start new lives in the
United States.
The paramilitary warlords, guerrilla kidnappers, and drug kingpins
who have been extradited to the United States and tried in U.S. courts
have plenty of time to pine about a tomb in Colombia. For example,
Diego Fernando Murillo Bejarano, alias Don Berna, a paramilitary
chief extradited in May 2008, was sentenced to 31 years in prison and
fined US$4 million for smuggling cocaine into the United States. Sim-
ilarly, on May 1, 2009, a U.S. court sentenced Eugenio Montoya San-
chez, alias Hector Fabio Carvajal, a leader of the Norte del Valle Car-
tel, to 30 years in prison. On December 12, 2008, Montoya's brother,
paramilitary violence has been a serious problem for many campesi-
nos and cattle-ranchers, and it has discouraged investment in the agri-
cultural sector. The FARC and the ELN control all aspects of the drug
trade in their areas of influence; for example, they levy "taxes" at all
smaller, harder-to-reach crops. Moreover, aerial spraying of coca crops
along the border with Ecuador on December 11, 2006, caused a series of
diplomatic incidents with that country and damaged bilateral relations.
A U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO) report released in
November 2008 found that, although opium-poppy cultivation declined
by about 50 percent from 2000 to 2006, coca-leaf production actually
had increased by 15 percent over the same period. The report recom-
mended cuts in U.S. funding of the program.
The Uribe government strongly disputed a report by the United
Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) that illicit crops
increased by 27 percent in 2007. However, the government and the
UNODC agreed that the area planted in coca in 2008 decreased from
99,000 to 81,000 hectares, as a result of record aerial spraying and
manual-eradication efforts during the year. A collateral effect of the
concentration of eradication and interdiction efforts in the agricultural
zones of the interior was to displace coca-growing activity to the bor-
der regions and the Pacific coast.
Paradoxically, despite at least US$5 billion in U.S. counternarcotics
aid under Plan Colombia, Colombia remains the world's leading coca
cultivator and supplier of refined cocaine and a major source of her-
oin; in 2007 at least 70 percent of the cocaine entering the United
States was produced, processed, or transshipped in Colombia. Traf-
ficking in processed cocaine and other illicit drugs accounts for more
than US$5 billion a year and represents between 2.0 percent and 2.5
percent of GDP a year. However, only an estimated one-half of these
illicit revenues returns to Colombia.
The narco-terrorism that characterized the large drug cartels in the
last decades of the twentieth century has abated, but the drug-smug-
gling industry is now dominated by hundreds of smaller, lower-profile
After the 2002 election, the two once-dominant traditional parties
had to form alliances with some of the approximately 60 political par-
ties then formally recognized, most of which were not represented in
the Congress of the Republic (Congreso de la Republica) because they
were too small. As if confirming the demise of the two-party system,
Uribe easily won reelection on May 28, 2006, becoming the first
Colombian president in 100 years to be reelected, thanks to a constitu-
tional amendment authorizing reelection for a second consecutive
term. Moreover, he won by a record majority (62 percent of the bal-
lots) in the first round. With this strong electoral mandate and a work-
ing majority in Congress, Uribe began his second four-year term that
August. His congressional alliance included independents, some for-
mer Liberal Party members, and the Conservative Party.
As a multiparty, constitutional democracy and a unitary republic
with a strong presidential regime, Colombia is not unique in Latin
lary mechanisms (tutelas), to protect basic human rights. With the main
exception of these popular judicial improvements, however, Colombi-
ans reportedly have not been particularly impressed by the effect of the
new constitution on their quality of life and have been especially frus-
trated by the lack of congressional reform, such as the system for elect-
ing senators, and the lack of accountability of public officials. In short,
the new constitution has not proven to be the panacea for Colombia's
problems that many had hoped it would be. Instead, it has strengthened
presidentialism by allowing, be reelected
as of 2005, for a president to
to asecond consecutive term and to invoke a referendum on possibly
allowing yet a third successive term. In the view of some scholars,
presidentialism is a prescription for authoritarianism, as in Venezuela,
and the combination of presidentialism with a multiparty system is
especially inimical to stable democracy.
Colombia's poor record on human rights makes it far from being a
paragon as a constitutional democracy, despite a long history of party
politics, usually fair and regular elections, and respect for political and
civil rights. The systemic violence of the left-wing insurgents, right-
wing paramilitaries, drug traffickers, and common criminals, as well
as the often-indiscriminate counterinsurgency tactics of the Colom-
bian military and security forces, have resulted in egregious human
rights violations and massive population displacement.
Despite the persistence of serious problems, the government's
respect for human rights has been improving, according to the U.S.
Department of State's Country Reports on Human Rights Practices for
2008. A new Code of Criminal Procedure took effect at the start of
2008, raising hopes that it would reduce judicial impunity. According
to Freedom House, in 2007 Colombia's freedom of the press status
"improved from Not Free to Partly Free, owing to the increased will-
ingness of journalists to report critically on political issues such as
high-level corruption scandals, as well as a gradually improving secu-
rity situation," although, the nongovernmental organization (NGO)
added, "Colombia remains the most dangerous country for journalists
in South America." Although no journalists were murdered for politi-
cal reasons in 2008, three were killed in Colombia in the first half of
2009, as compared with four killed in Russia.
His electoral mandate to pursue further reforms in his second term
notwithstanding, President Uribe's stellar image began to be sullied, at
least internationally, in 2006, as reports of high-level governmental
corruption surfaced. The harshest blow yet suffered by Uribe and his
administration became known in 2006 as the parapolhica (parapoli-
tics) scandal, which exposed the alliance between paramilitary groups
and judicial branches, as well as the Military Forces and security per-
sonnel. The spreading parapolitics scandal and concerns over his
administration's human rights record caused the U.S. Congress to
reduce U.S. funding of Uribe's Plan Colombia. Although the scandal
did not hurt Uribe personally or even lower his popularity ratings, it
opened a fissure in his coalition. The Alternative Democratic Pole
(PDA), a left-leaning party, underscored the Uribe government's
weakened political influence by capturing the mayoralties of the three
largest cities —
Bogota, Medellin, and Cali in the regional elections
for mayors and governors held on October 28, 2007.
The parapolitics scandal has debilitated not only the executive and
legislative branches of government, but the judiciary as well. In 2008
relations between the executive and judiciary became increasingly
tense as a result of the latter 's investigations and prosecutions of legis-
lators with suspected ties to paramilitary groups — some of the 95 law-
makers under arrest or investigation in 2008 were Uribistas. Another
factor was President Uribe's frequent public verbal attacks on the judi-
ciary, particularly on the criminal chamber of the Supreme Court for
its role in the parapolitics investigations. On June 24, 2008, Yidis
International surveys that take such factors into account provide a
comparative perspective of Colombia's global standing. Colombia
ranked seventieth of 180 countries in Transparency International's
Corruption Perceptions Index 2008, a significant decline from its bet-
ter ranking in 2005 of However, Colombia ranked
fifty-fifth place.
general, the comptroller general, and the inspector general face a
major challenge. In addition, since May 2009, the paramilitary Black
Eagles (Aguilas Negras) have been waging a campaign of threats
against the Human Rights Ombudsman's Office, two of whose staff
members have been shot at, with one being wounded. A Human
Rights Watch report released in October 2008 summed up the implica-
tions for Colombia of systemic corruption and human rights abuses as
follows: "What is at stake in Colombia goes beyond the problem of
how to find the truth and secure justice for past atrocities. At stake is
the country's future: whether its institutions will be able to break free
of the control of those who have relied on organized crime and often
horrific human rights abuses to secure power." In an interview with
Semana in June 2009, Christian Salazar Volkmann, representative in
Colombia of the United Nations Office of the High Commissioner for
Human Rights, pointed out that there have been at least 50,000 victims
of disappearance in Colombia since the United Nations registered the
first case in the country in 1973.
The focus of the second Uribe administration has been on both secu-
rity and military aspects of the state of law and order in Colombia and
promotion of international trade, including the ratification of a coveted
free-trade agreement (FTA) with the United States. Other priorities
involve fiscal and judicial reforms, including removing responsibility
for prosecuting members of Congress from the Supreme Court and
vesting it instead in the Attorney General's Office; and alternative
development. The opposition's refusal to debate the Uribe govern-
ment's reforms has diminished their prospects. The Uribe govern-
ment's efforts to negotiate an FTA with the United States have stalled
since mid-2007. There has been strong opposition in the U.S. Congress,
which signaled its displeasure over the parapolitics scandal by postpon-
ing a vote on the FTA until after the administration of President Barack
H. Obama took office in January 2009. The delay may have reduced
the FTA's chances of approval, given the concerns of the U.S. Congress
over Colombia's record on human rights and labor standards. Accord-
ing to Freedom House, more than 60 percent of all murders of trade
unionists have taken place in Colombia. The National Union School
(ENS), a labor-rights think tank in Medellin, reported that more than
2,500 Colombian union members have been murdered since 1986. The
number of killings in 2007 dropped to 39 from 72 in 2006, but the ENS
reported 41 killings in 2008.
Despite its best efforts, the FARC failed to sabotage Uribe 's reelec-
tion in a landslide vote in the presidential election of May 2006 or to
disrupt his inauguration on August 7 by launching a mortar attack on
Narino Palace that killed 21 people and wounded 70 others. The gov-
ernment adopted new counterinsurgency tactics in December 2007,
using smaller-scale, more mobile military forces. According to a
report by the government's National Planning Department (DNP), ter-
rorist attacksdropped by 46.3 percent in Colombia in 2008, compared
to 2006. However, the report found that comparing figures for 2007
and 2008 showed an increase of 9.8 percent in the number of attacks,
as a result of an increase in terrorist incidents in the departments of
Antioquia, Arauca, Cundinamarca, Guaviare, and Meta, as well as in
the Distrito Capital de Bogota.
The demobilization of 30,150 AUC paramilitaries was formally
completed on April 1 8, 2006. According to Cambio magazine, by the
end of 2008 a total of 49,000 armed combatants reportedly had been
demobilized, including 32,000 former paramilitary group members
and 17,000 former guerrillas. Of those numbers, 22,000 were enrolled
in technical and vocational courses and about 9,800 were finishing
elementary or high-school studies; the whereabouts of roughly 17,200
were unknown. An associate professor of political science at Kean
University, New Jersey, who had interviewed many paramilitary
members, Nazih Richani, asserted at Georgetown University on May
7, 2007, that the demobilization was more myth than reality and that
the AUC command structure remained mostly intact. The director of
the National Commission for Reparation and Reconciliation (CNRR)
announced on April 28, 2009, that about 2,500 of the demobilized
paramilitaries had rearmed, but the rearmament rate was only between
5 and 15 percent.
According to other authoritative sources, not only had the AUC's
drug-trafficking networks continued operating, but they had retained
an active armed wing, principally for the settling of scores and the pro-
tection of narcotics shipments. Carlos Salgado, the director of the
humanitarian organization Peace Planet, told Notimex, the Mexican
state press agency, on October 18, 2008, that the appearance of AUC
redoubts in several areas shows that "paramilitarism is still alive." One
such new group, operating in the northwestern part of Uraba and in the
neighboring department of Cordoba, calls itself Gaitan Self-Defense
Groups of Colombia (AGC). Although the AUC initially was able to
demobilize largely on its own terms, most of the top well-known para-
military leaders were extradited to the United States. On May 9, 2008,
the Uribe government extradited AUC warlord Carlos Mario Jimenez
(alias Macaco) to face drug-trafficking charges and on May 13 extra-
dited an additional 14 AUC leaders for continuing to run their criminal
networks from prison and failing to pay reparations to victims.
In addition to the aforementioned insurgent, paramilitary, and
narco-terrorism threats, violence in Colombia often takes the form of
kidnappings and homicides. Colombia has had some of the highest
kidnapping and homicide rates in the world in recent decades. As of
mid-2007, some 24,000 Colombians, including 2,700 children, had
been kidnapped during the previous decade; 1,269 had died in captiv-
ity, and 3,143 were still being held according to El Tiempo. Guerrilla
100,000 inhabitants in 2006, was lower than that of some U.S. cities,
such as Detroit. In 2006 the Colombian city with the highest homicide
rate was Buenaventura on the Pacific coast at 144 per 100,000 people,
or 408 murders, more than seven times the rate in Bogota and more
than four times that in Medellfn. Although the urban homicide and
kidnapping rates reportedly had abated, with the former down by 6.2
percent and the latter by 14.3 percent in 2008, compared with 2007,
homicides, armed robberies, and extortion reportedly were on the
upswing in the main cities in 2009.
Despite lower overall kidnappings and kidnappings
rates, political
for ransom by common criminals and guerrillas have remained fre-
quent. Both criminal bands and the illegal armed groups have special-
ized in kidnapping for ransom, extortion, and robbery of businesses
and civilians. The FARC and the ELN have also kidnapped or mur-
dered numerous government officials, including members of Congress
and the Supreme Court of Justice. On February 23, 2002, the FARC
abducted its most high-profile hostage, Ingrid Betancourt Pulecio, a
Liberal Party senator and presidential candidate of the Oxygen Green
Party (PVO), along with her campaign manager, Clara Rojas. They
were en route to a preannounced campaign visit to San Vicente del
Caguan, Caqueta Department, where they intended to investigate the
ending earlier that month of negotiations for peace talks between the
government and the FARC. They entered the FARC-infested region,
which had been serving as a 42,000-square-kilometer, demilitarized
zone, despite an army warning.
The kidnapping of Betancourt, who has dual Colombian and
French nationality, prompted Jacques Chirac, then-president of
France, to immediately express his concern to Andres Pastrana
Arango As a result of Betancourt's kidnap-
(president, 1998-2002).
ping, the European Union added the FARC to its list of terrorist orga-
nizations only two months later. Although Pastrana characterized
Betancourt's kidnapping as akin to "kidnapping democracy," he
rejected a FARC demand that a prisoner-exchange law be passed as a
condition for releasing her. With the FARC being unwilling to engage
in peace negotiations, Pastrana's successor, President Uribe, followed
a no-negotiation strategy. The French government pursued all diplo-
matic options to win Betancourt's release, and Chirac again called for
her release in June 2005 and January 2006. Ironically, the French gov-
ernment's campaign to free Betancourt only strained its relations with
in southern Bogota. Galan's fight against drug trafficking practically pre-
ordained his assassination because he favored extradition of the traffick-
ers.That murder, combined with her long-held desire to help improve the
lotof ordinary Colombians, motivated Betancourt to give up the comfort
and safety of life as a diplomat's wife and, with her two children, move
back to Colombia a few months later. After working in the Ministry of
Finance (now the Ministry of Finance and Public Credit) and the Minis-
try of Foreign Trade (now the Ministry of Commerce, Industry, and Tour-
ism), she launched an unconventional campaign to become a Liberal
Party legislator with the aim of picking up Galan's banner, or at least
restoring the political morality that he represented, for she felt compelled
to confront corrupt elected officials. Starting without any money or pub-
lic recognition but waging a brilliant, grassroots campaign, she ran on an
idealistic, anticorruption platform and, to the surprise of the pundits, won
election in March 1994 to the House of Representatives (Camera de Rep-
resentantes), with the most votes of any Liberal Party candidate.
Betancourt quickly overcame a media-supported campaign by dis-
honest legislators to discredit her attempt to expose venality at the high-
est levels of the administration of Ernesto Samper Pizano (president,
1994-98) and won credibility with the public, albeit at the cost of
antagonizing corrupt politicians. Betancourt's two-week-long hunger
strike in the legislative chamber and her documented and televised, but
ultimately futile, exposure of presidential corruption further raised her
standing with the public but earned her Samper's enmity. Her protest
also made Betancourt and her family a target of death threats and an
attempted assassination. In response to Samper's Teflon-like ability to
deflect even documented evidence of corruption, Betancourt wrote a
book, Si, sabia (Yes, He Did Know), asserting that Samper knew that
his campaign received millions of pesos from the Cali Cartel. An ensu-
ing death threat forced her to flee the country with her family for the
second time in six months. In 1997 Betancourt waged a lonely and per-
ilous battle in the legislature in support of extradition of drug traffick-
ers. Ironically, thanks to the support of the Samper administration,
During her years of captivity (2002-8), Ingrid Betancourt became
what Maria Jimena Duzan, a columnist for the weekly Semana,
describes as "an icon of the resistance to the FARC." After her abduc-
tion, her family in Paris and the French press transformed hersome- —
what inauspicious ly into a Colombian Joan of Arc. A more
contemporary analogy is Aung San Suu Kyi, the Nobel Peace
Prize-winning author of Freedom from Fear and longtime prisoner of
conscience of the Burmese military regime, which denied her the
prime ministership to which she was legitimately elected in 1990.
In Bogota, however, the elite reportedly resented the global public-
ity over Betancourt 's captivity, regarding her as just one of the thou-
sands of irresponsible secuestrados (kidnap victims), who had allowed
themselves to fall prey to criminal or guerrilla organizations. One of
her fellow prisoners, a police officer, escaped in May 2007 after nine
years in captivity, and he reported that Betancourt had been tortured
and was kept chained by the neck for having tried to escape five times.
The officer's first-hand report, which included news of the location of
several groups of hostages in the departments of Guaviare and Vaupes,
prompted President Uribe finally to order the military leadership to
plan a rescue operation.
On November 29, 2007, the army intercepted three rebel emissaries
in Bogota and seized a letter from Ingrid Betancourt to her mother
along with video footage of several of the hostages, including the three
Americans. The despair and pain expressed by Betancourt in the letter
and her haggard image, which at least provided long-awaited proof that
she was still alive, awakened national and international conscience over
the plight of the hostages and made her case, in particular, a cause ce-
lebre. By 2008 the international condemnation over news of Betan-
court'sinhuman captivity apparently pressured the FARC into releasing
to Venezuela's President Hugo Chavez Frias four key hostages, includ-
ing Clara Rojas, on January 10 and four former Colombian legislators,
among whom was Senator Luis Eladio Perez, on February 27; all had
been held since 2001-2. By subsequently barring Chavez from partici-
pating in efforts to reach a humanitarian agreement with the FARC,
Uribe provoked another Colombian-Venezuelan relations.
crisis in
The kidnapping industry in Colombia and the murder of any captives
for whom ransom demands are not met (and even some captives for
whom ransom has been paid) seem to epitomize the cruel contradictions
of Colombian society. Tragically, almost a decade into the new millen-
nium, Colombia's political and criminal violence has continued to eviscer-
ate the country's great potential as one of the major South American
countries. Despite the lower levels of violence associated with the internal
conflict, common crime, they remain high by inter-
drug trafficking, and
national standards.The many Colombians who marched against the
FARC's hostage taking on February 4, 2008, in what was described as the
largest demonstration in Colombia's history (at least 1 million people took
part), showed the extent of popular outrage against this terrorist and crimi-
nal practice and the FARC itself
In the first half of 2008, the FARC suffered even more spectacular
blows, beginning on March 1, when the Colombian army attacked a
FARC camp on the Ecuadorian side of the border in the remote
Angostura jungle area. This action resulted in the death of Luis Edgar
Devia Silva, alias Raul Reyes, the FARC's second in command and
the first member of its seven-member Secretariat (the group's highest
command body) to be killed since the 1960s. Despite bellicose pro-
tests by Ecuador and Venezuela, the incursion revealed the extent of
the FARC's international support network in more than 30 countries,
particularly Venezuela and Ecuador. FARC ties with Peru's Tupac
Amaru Revolutionary Movement (MRTA) were confirmed by 107 e-
mail messages to or from the MRTA found in Reyes's computer files.
The death of Ivan Rios (nom de guerre of Manuel de Jesus Munoz),
the FARC's youngest Secretariat member, on March 6, 2008, was fol-
lowed on March 26 by the death of its oldest, the septuagenarian and
legendary but widely reviled Pedro Manuel Marin, alias Manuel Maru-
landa Velez or Tiro Fijo (Sure Shot). Although most Colombians
would like to forget Marin, Fernando Botero immortalized him in one
of his paintings, depicting him as a rotund figure clad in camouflage
uniform, holding an assault rifle and standing in a forest. Marin's suc-
cessor, Guillermo Leon Saenz Vargas, alias Alfonso Cano More, had
been a student leader in the law school of the National University of
Colombia in Bogota and, despite coming from an intellectual back-
ground, was described by Semana as "uncompromising and dogmatic."
Extensive files found on three laptop computers seized from
Reyes's headquarters caused enormous concern regarding the rela-
tions between the FARC and President Chavez and revealed broader
support by Chavez for the FARC than previously known. For exam-
ple, one e-mail, apparently sent by a Venezuela-based FARC com-
mander, Rodrigo Londono, alias Timochenko, to the FARC Secretariat
in March 2007, describes meetings with Venezuelan naval intelligence
officers. They offer the FARC assistance in obtaining "rockets" and
help in sending a FARC guerrilla to the Middle East to learn how to
operate them. In another e-mail dated early 2007, Luciano Marin
Arango, alias Ivan Marquez, describes meetings with Venezuela's mil-
itary intelligence chief, General Hugo Carvajal, and another Venezue-
lan officer to talk about "finances, arms, and border policy." Carvajal
offers to provide the FARC some 20 "very powerful bazookas," while
another Venezuelan general meeting offers Venezuela's port of
at the
communications technology, and, according to Agence France-Presse,
intelligence support providedby France, Israel, and the United States.
Paradoxically, the Colombian military achieved its most celebrated
success using nonviolent means. The operation may prove to have been
a decisive turning point in the FARC's four decades of warfare, for it
exposed the group internationally as a terrorist organization. Moreover,
the USB flash drives found on the two FARC jailers guarding the 15
hostages contained a trove of information regarding the service records
of 35 1 guerrillas from the FARC's Eastern Bloc, including photographs
of the subversives and their aliases.
In the weeks and months after her miraculous rescue, Betancourt
became Colombia's most celebrated personality and one of the
world's most famous women, transforming herself from liberated pol-
itician to global citizen, having taken up the cause of liberating the
world's forgotten hostages. Awards bestowed on her in 2008 included
France's Legion d'honneur and Spain's Premio Principe de Asturias.
Although Betancourt reportedly lost some popularity by leaving
Colombia (not surprisingly) three weeks after her liberation, she
returned to Colombia from France in November 2008 to make a tour
to protest against kidnapping, which included stops in the major South
American capitals. The tour helped to focus regional and world atten-
tion on the continued captivity of approximately 3,000 hostages in
Colombia. She pledged to do all she could to secure the release of the
FARC's 28 political hostages in particular.
Having taken up residence in France, Ingrid Betancourt publicly
ruled out running for president again in 2010. Uribe's popularity and
third-term prospects could have dissuaded her from becoming a candi-
date, and she acknowledged concerns over the security risk that she
would have faced. After her liberation, the FARC, reafYirming its status
as a terrorist organization, declared Ms. Betancourt, who is a private
Franco-Colombian citizen, a "military target." Moreover, Betancourt's
public statements in 2008 indicated her disillusion with politics in
Colombia, which she described as more about calculation, compro-
mise, and corruption than about serving the public. Betancourt
announced that she intended to spend most of 2009 rebuilding her life
and writing a book about her harrowing ordeal as a FARC hostage.
Other signs in late 2008 that the government was making progress in
the counterinsurgency war, against the FARC in particular, included a
40-percent diminishment in FARC-held territory and loss of urban net-
works; increasingly effective military actions against the insurgents;
and a sharp drop in the number of FARC attacks. Furthermore, there
was a considerable toll inflicted on the FARC by the army's offensive
against the guerrillas' jungle rearguard (1,893 FARC fighters killed in
2007) a sharp drop in
; FARC morale and increasing FARC desertions
(2,480 fighters in 2007 and more than 1,450 others in the first half of
2008) and as much as a 50-percent decline in FARC membership from
Oscar Tulio Lizcano, who had been held hostage by the FARC for
more than eight years, to army troops in a jungle town in Choco
Department on October 29, 2008. Bueno was then allowed to emigrate
to France, which had agreed to take in reformed FARC members not
guilty of crimes. There were reports that Bueno received a
US$400,000 reward or that Colombia provided him with a subsidy of
800 euros per month to live in France. In her new role as activist on
behalf of FARC hostages and defectors, Ingrid Betancourt accompa-
nied Bueno and his girlfriend on the flight from Colombia to France.
As the battered FARC becomes increasingly desperate in the face
of overwhelming national sentiment against its continued existence,
instead of making gestures to revive peace talks, it has been carrying
out indiscriminate acts of urban terrorism. Since July 2008, the FARC
under Alfonso Cano has committed several bombings in Bogota and
other cities, including one in Ituango, Antioquia, in August that killed
seven pedestrians and wounded 5 1 others. That month it perpetrated
more lethal car bombings in Cali, in which nine civilians were killed
and 31 others wounded. One of those bombings destroyed 10 of 18
floors of Cali's Palace of Justice building. President Uribe cited the
bombing of Cali's Palace of Justice as an example of narco-terrorism,
and the military attributed it to a FARC faction called the Manuel
Cepeda Vargas Group. The Cali police also blamed the group for
assassinating, on August 11, 2009, the Cali prosecutor who was inves-
tigating this bombing. Three days later, two suspects who had been
implicated were released from jail, leaving one perpetrator serving a
42-year prison sentence and another awaiting sentencing.
Minister Santos observed in March 2009 that the FARC had ceased
guerrilla war for the time being and replaced it with terrorist bombings
and attacks using antipersonnel mines against security and military
forces. The minister's dismissal of the FARC's guerrilla capabilities
may have been somewhat premature, however, because clashes
between the FARC and the army have remained common. Evidence
that the FARC is not a spent force and has been regrouping included
its cross-border ambushes and killing of 1 7 soldiers in early May 2009
sion, revealed that civilian control of the military and security forces
under President Uribe had not been as effective in respecting basic
human rights as some Uribistas had claimed. Trying to remedy this lack
of control and to repair the damage done to his own national standing,
President Uribe on October 29, 2008, dismissed 25 army officers,
including Montoya and two other generals and four colonels, over the
extrajudicial executions of at least 1 1 civilians who disappeared from
Bogota in early 2008. He also announced in early November that every
military unit down to the battalion level would have an appointed offi-
cial to monitor allegations of abuse. Another casualty of the military
purge, the army's 15th Mobile Counterinsurgency Brigade, which had
been accused of extrajudicial executions by the U.S. Department of
State's 2008 human rights report, was dismantled in January 2009. The
23rd Mobile Counterinsurgency Brigade, which replaced it, had 1 ,400
members who reportedly had received training in human rights. These
actions did little to dampen the false-positives scandal. By May 2009,
prosecutors had recorded 900 cases of extrajudicial killings, involving
1,708 victims (1,545 men, 110 women, and 53 minors). The number of
implicated members of the security forces had grown to 1,177, of
whom 15 were sentenced 30 years of prison for disappearing 11
youths in the Bogota of Soacha.
3, after holding him for eight years. Senator Piedad Cordoba Ruiz
mediated both releases. By the late spring, the intransigent FARC
leadership did not appear to be serious about adopting the M-19 and
AUC model of demobilization and political legitimacy. Instead, the
FARC seemed bent on a fight-to-the-end strategy. A Gallup Poll sug-
gested that the military successes achieved during 2008 had validated
Uribe's Democratic Security and Defense Policy. However, the con-
tinuing stalemate in 2009 suggested that the government lacked the
ability to defeat the FARC through only military means, at least in the
near term.
In 2009 the Uribe government remained mired in scandals. In late May,
the attorney general brought charges against the four former officials who
had successively headed the Administrative Security Department (DAS)
security service during 2002-8, accusing them of involvement in illegal
wiretapping and surveillance of Supreme Court justices, journalists,
NGOs, and opposition politicians. In addition, Uribe's two sons invested
in land that subsequently soared in value after the government designated
it part of a tax-free industrial zone. Another consideration was Colombia's
relations with the United States. The U.S. Department of State expressed
its opposition to a third term for Uribe. However, President Obama hosted
on August 14.
Once formally ratified by both countries, the new DCA would
allow the United States to lease access to seven Colombian military
bases for U.S. logistical support in countering drug trafficking by car-
tels and guerrilla organizations. President Uribe approved the pact, but
it still required authorization from Colombia's Senate, which must
decide whether to "allow the transit of foreign troops through the terri-
U.S. access to five army and air bases, including Major General
Alberto Pauwels Rodriguez Air Base at Malambo, near Barranquilla,
Atlantico Department; Captain German Olano de Palanquero Air Base
at Puerto Salgar, Cundinamarca Department; and Captain Luis F.
Gomez Nino Air Base in Apiay, Meta Department. It would also pro-
vide for U.S. access to two naval bases: AUC Bolivar, Cartagena; and
ARC Bahia Malaga, near Buenaventura on the Pacific coast. Two
other military air bases that could be used are Lieutenant Colonel Luis
Francisco Pinto Parra, also known as Tolemaida, near Melgar, Tolima
Department; and Larandia in Caqueta Department. On mutual agree-
ment, access could be granted to additional bases.
The DC A would also allow for the stationing of up to 800 U.S. mil-
itary personnel and up to 600 U.S. civilian contractors at Colombian
bases to support both drug-interdiction and counterterrorist missions
in coordination with the Colombian military. These levels of U.S. mil-
itary and associated personnel in Colombia are also governed by U.S.
statute, and the U.S. Congress already had authorized these limits in
October 2004, although the actual number of U.S. military personnel
in Colombia in 2009 reportedly was only about 280.
The DC A would not allow U.S. personnel to engage in combat
operations in the country, and the bases would remain entirely under
Colombian jurisdiction and sovereignty. A Colombian national execu-
tive committee is to authorize the number and type of personnel and
equipment deployed to each base. Furthermore, both parties agreed to
a security protocol for the entry, overflight, and landing of aircraft, as
well as the number of flights and the airports. According to the
Colombian air force commander, the aircraft arriving at the seven
bases would not be fighters but aircraft for tracking, logistics support,
intelligence collection, and airborne surveillance of drug trafficking.
Colombia's most important air base, at centrally located Puerto Salgar,
would be the first to receive U.S. upgrading investment, totaling
US$46 million.
In Julynews that the DCA was being finalized stunned the leaders
of South America. Instead of a "new alliance of the Americas," as pro-
posed by presidential candidate Barack Obama in 2008, South Ameri-
can leaders were suddenly confronted with the specter of what they
initially perceived to be a militarization and expansion of the previous
threat to Venezuela and himself in particular. Claiming that the accord
could "generate a war in South America," Chavez vowed to strengthen
his country's growing military buildup and announced that he had
informed the Russian government, Venezuela's principal arms supplier,
of his intention to double the number of tank battalions by buying doz-
ens of T-72 main battle tanks and other military vehicles. Venezuela's
earlier purchases since 2005 of US$4.4 billion worth of Russian arms
had already generated concern in Bogota about its neighbor's military
buildup and its greatly superior air force. Moreover, since July 2009,
Chavez has used bellicose rhetoric to spearhead a propaganda cam-
paign in Latin America against the DCA, criticizing even its granting of
immunity for U.S. personnel in Colombia usually considered a bilat-
eral matter between the two negotiating parties. Chavez has also por-
trayed the DCA as a U.S. conspiracy against Latin America designed to
reestablish U.S. "imperial domination" in the region.
Addressing the Chavez-led campaign to isolate Colombia for its
growing reliance on U.S. military and counternarcotics support, Presi-
dent Uribe pointed out at a multinational meeting held on July 23 in
Santa Marta that "Colombia has never been an aggressor." Rather, he
explained that "This agreement guarantees continuity of an improved
Plan Colombia," and that it is aimed at fighting terrorism and drug
trafficking. "These agreements are never made to create conditions to
attack third-party states," he stated. "This is excluded from the text,
the agreements themselves, and in practice." Uribe added that the pact
would allow the implementation of "joint responsibility between both
countries" under Plan Colombia.
In another attempt to counter Chavez's anti-Colombia campaign,
President Uribe made a whirlwind tour of seven South American
countries between August 4 and August 6 to explain the Colom-
bian-U.S leasing agreement. Brazil and Chile then suggested that
Bogota's bilateral military agreements are a sovereign matter for
Colombia. Although Argentina, Peru, and Uruguay also appeared to
be mollified by Uribe 's personal diplomacy, Argentina later that
month announced its opposition to the DCA.
President Chavez sent his ambassador back to Bogota in early
August, but he noted that Venezuela's "relations with Colombia
remain frozen" and "under review." Chavez had recalled his ambassa-
dor on July 28 because of a diplomatic row over the Uribe govern-
ment's announced discovery of a Swedish antitank weapon and
ammunition in a FARC camp that had been traced by serial numbers
to official Venezuelan stockpiles. Chavez failed to provide a credible
public explanation for how the FARC obtained the Swedish weapons
from the Venezuelan army, and, according to the Uribe government,
"Venezuela has provided no explanation whatsoever."
Nevertheless, Chavez's propaganda offensive against the DC A
effectively eclipsed the FARC -relateddevelopments and the apparent
clandestine support role played by Venezuela. Thus, Colombia, rather
than the Russia- and Iran-allied Chavez regime, became the cynosure
of regional concern and isolation. Calling the DCA a "declaration of
war against the Bolivarian revolution," Chavez announced in late
August that he would soon again be breaking diplomatic relations with
In addition to his diplomatic and military threats, Chavez also
began to use trade as a weapon to retaliate against the DCA. He
ordered a freeze on bilateral trade with Colombia, beginning with the
cancellation of imports of 10,000 cars made in Colombia, arranging
instead to purchase that many vehicles from Argentina. Chavez also
announced in August 2009 that Venezuela would stop all imports from
Colombia in 12 months; he also cancelled preferential pricing for Ven-
ezuelan oil and oil derivatives for Colombia. Colombia's trade with
Venezuela in this decade has been greatly to Colombia's advantage,
according to the National Administrative Department of Statistics
(DANE). In 2008 Colombian exports to Venezuela totaled US$6 bil-
lion, while Venezuelan sales to Colombia amounted to only US$1.2
billion. In the first five months of 2009, Venezuela was the leading
market for Colombia's nontraditional exports, absorbing 33 percent of
that category, followed by the United States, with 19.6 percent. In con-
trast, Colombia acquired from Venezuela only 1.8 percent of its total
observers viewed Chavez's drive to cast the DC A as a military threat to
the region as a way of supporting the FARC, in some ways his ally and
The DCA is not without its critics in Colombia, who included
Rafael Pardo Rueda, a former minister of national defense and a presi-
dential candidate; members of the judiciary's Council of State; and
some members of Congress. By allowing for a significantly increased
U.S. military and counternarcotics role in Colombia and by providing
immunity from Colombian laws to U.S. military personnel in Colom-
bia, the DCA raised national sovereignty issues with some Colom-
bians. Colombia's position reportedly is that legal immunity will be
applicable only to U.S. troops and not the U.S. contractors and civil-
ians to be hired to help implement the DCA. Basically, all immunity
cases are to be handled under the terms of already existing bilateral
agreements, such as the Mutual Defense Assistance Agreement of
1952 and the U.S. Military Missions in Colombia Agreement of 1975
(signed in Bogota in October 1974). Moreover, U.S. military courts
would not be allowed to operate on the bases. Nevertheless, negotia-
tors reportedly decided to defer the controversial immunity issue to a
future judicial cooperation agreement.
Some Colombian critics also expressed concern that the DCA
would accentuate Colombia's already tense relations with neighboring
Ecuador and Venezuela in particular, and risk further destabilizing and
militarizing the region. Colombia and Ecuador have not had diplo-
matic relations since March 2008, when the left-wing government of
President Correa withdrew its ambassador in protest of the Colombian
army raid on a FARC camp located just inside Ecuadorian territory.
Apparently in response to perceived cross-border aggression by
Colombia, Ecuador increased its defense spending by buying 24 Bra-
zilian fighter aircraft and six Israeli drones. Moreover, Ecuador
denounced the DCA as a threat to regional stability. Despite the tense
relations between Colombia and Ecuador, the Correa government,
apparently alarmed by Chavez's chilling warning that "the winds of
war were beginning to blow" across the region, announced in mid-
August 2009 that it would not allow Chavez to draw Ecuador into a
war with Colombia. Furthermore, both Colombia and Ecuador made
efforts that month to reach a rapprochement, with the mediation assis-
tance of the Carter Center.
In view of Chavez's continuing attempts to define the Uribe gov-
ernment's DCA
with the United States as a threat to the region, on
August 26 Colombia accused the Venezuelan leader of meddling in
Colombia's internal affairs and proceeded to lodge a formal protest
with the Organization of American States (OAS). Uribe succeeded in
dampening the regional firestorm over the DCA by debating the
agreement at a tense seven-hour summit of the Union of South Ameri-
can Nations (Unasur), held on August 27-28, 2009, in Bariloche,
Argentina. Consisting of the 12 presidents of the member countries,
Unasur is intended to serve as a regional interlocutor with the United
States and the European Union.
Uribe explained to his fellow Unasur members that the DCA is lim-
ited to fighting narcotics trafficking and terrorism within Colombian
territory and sharing tactical and operational intelligence as opposed to
strategic intelligence. He also reminded them of Chavez's frequent
military threats against Colombia and his campaign of intimidation.
Although Uribe attempted to raise other regional concerns such as ter-
rorism and military buildups by "certain neighbors," the meeting
focused exclusively on the DCA. Realizing that the outcome of the
summit would not be the cancellation of the DCA and that President
Uribe was not there to renegotiate Colombia's bilateral agreement
with the United States, the leaders of Argentina, Brazil, and Chile
toned down their criticism of the DCA. The fact that Unasur did not
officially condemn the DCA counted as a victory for Uribe. Neverthe-
less, most South American governments remained wary of the DCA.
Exceptions included Peru, whose minister of defense discounted the
notion that the DCA is a threat to South America. Following the Una-
sur meeting, those most critical of the DCA remained Bolivia, Ecua-
dor, Paraguay, and Venezuela.
In a sign of the times, President Uribe returned from the Unasur
summit ill with the H1N1 (swine) influenza. Colombia's National
Health Institute (INS) confirmed the diagnosis. It was not yet known if
Uribe contacted the virus in Argentina, which had many cases, or
before he arrived there. According to the Ministry of Social Protec-
tion, Colombia had 621 confirmed cases of swine flu by the end of
August 2009, including Uribe's, and 34 deaths, but the actual number
of those infected with the virus was thought to be much higher. Two
other high-level officials in the Uribe administration also contracted
the H1N1 virus.
On the domestic political front, President Uribe asserted, in a late
June 2009 interview with Semana magazine, that, "Today we have a
nation with more trust." This strengthened trust, he explained, derives
from his administration's policies of building democratic security,
investor confidence based on social responsibility, and social cohesion
based on Although the parapolitics, false-positives, and DAS-
outgoing minister of national defense replaced the civilian director of
Military Penal Justice with an acting director, a colonel, who subse-
quently transferred 40 of its prosecutors, or 30 percent of the military
who had been investigating the false-positives cases.
judiciary's staff,
Against backdrop of seeming abuse of the public trust, the
appointment in late July 2009 of Gabriel Silva Lujan, a close associate
of Juan Manuel Santos, as the new minister of national defense was
well received by Colombian politicians in general, who saw him as
someone with the executive skills needed to manage the powerful
ministry effectively. Trained at universities in Bogota and Washington,
DC, economics and political science, Silva had served as Colom-
bia'sambassador to the United States in the 1990s and had been serv-
ing as president of the National Federation of Coffee Growers
One of the first tasks of the new minister of national defense was to
decidehow to improve the defense of soldiers being investigated by the
number under investigation having ballooned. In
justice system, the
2009 Military Penal Justice had 17,000 unresolved cases; and the
Attorney General's Office, 1,117. Until 2008, when Congress approved
a law creating within the ministry a specialized Legal Defense Office
(Defensoria) for the Public Force (the armed forces and National
Police), these soldiershad to pay all their own legal expenses. This new
Ministry of National Defense office is staffed with attorneys who pro-
vide free legal counsel to members of the armed forces facing Military
Penal Justice courts. However, if a case begins with Military Penal Jus-
tice courts and then transfers to the Attorney General's Office, the min-
istry is required to continue its legal defense of the defendant in order to
guarantee due process. As a result, the ministry is obligated to fund the
defense of many military members who are, in some cases, eventually
revealed to have been working with criminal networks. Thus, to some
observers, it may seem paradoxical that the taxpayers should be financ-
ing the defense of military members indicted for murdering civilians,
whether for the false-positives massacres in this decade or the Palace of
Justice disappearances in 1985. In August 2009 a female civilian law-
yer became director of Military Penal Justice. Another initiative
launched by Minister Silva in his first month in office is called Plan
Patria (Fatherland Plan), which is aimed at strengthening military and
social efforts and state presence in the border areas. The idea was for
Plan Patria to focus initially on La Guajira Department's border com-
munities, which bear the brunt of unstable economic relations between
Colombia and Venezuela.
In August 2009, President Uribe had to propose a list of candidates
to replace the respected attorney general, Mario Iguaran Arana, whose
four-year term expired at the end of July. During Iguaran's challenging
term, he reactivated several investigations into the most serious crimes
in the nation's history that had looked as if they would remain
unsolved because of the statute of limitations. In the Palace of Justice
case, the military commanders of the disastrous counterassault opera-
tion and Belisario Betancur Cuartas (president, 1982-86) were being
investigated not so much for their responsibility for the resulting mas-
sacre as for their role, if any, in the disappearance, torture, and murder
of eight employees of the Palace of Justice cafeteria, three female visi-
and one female hostage-taker. Whether Iguaran's
tors to the cafeteria,
successor would be able to continue prosecuting these high-profile
cases remained to be seen. The Supreme Court was supposed to elect
the new on July 23 from the president's list of candi-
attorney general
dates. The leading candidate proposed by Uribe was Camilo Ospina
Bernal, a former minister of national defense and more recently
ambassador to the OAS, whose background was in administrative
rather than penal law. However, the Supreme Court, apparently unim-
pressed, declared that it would take its time in making the important
appointment in order to ensure that the candidates met the qualifica-
tions needed for the post.
The selection of Mario Iguaran's replacement as attorney general
was particularly consequential because his successor would have to
decide on how to handle no fewer than five scandals, several of which
could compromise top government officials. These scandals included
parapolitics, the DAS wiretappings, the assassination of Luis Carlos
Galan, the false positives, and "FARC -politics." In the last case, a for-
mer presidential candidate and two journalists were being investigated
in connection with several files found in Raul Reyes's captured com-
puters. In the parapolitics case, the new attorney general would have to
decide whether to close the case or to summon former Senator Mario
Uribe Escobar, cousin of President Uribe, to trial for his role in the
On August 14, 2009, the last day before the 20-year statute of limita-
tions in Galan's assassination case expired, the Attorney General's
Office ordered the arrest of General (ret.) Miguel Maza Marquez, the
information known earlier. With the drug cartels lurking like lobbyists
behind government officials, the selection for the post of attorney gen-
eral provided a likely indicator of whether the Uribe government was
serious about overcoming Colombia's culture of impunity or was sim-
ply condoning it for reasons of political expediency.
Uribe's 2006 electoral mandate permitted him to remain in power
until August 2010. As a first step toward a national referendum on
amending the constitution to allow him the possibility of a third suc-
cessive term as president, in November 2007 Uribe's allies began col-
lecting 5 million signatures (well over the 1.4 million needed to
initiate the proposal). Although the continuing parapolitics scandal
weakened Uribe's political capital in 2007, the military successes
against the FARC of Ingrid Betancourt
in 2008, particularly the rescue
and other hostages, and the generally favorable condition of the econ-
omy strengthened his popularity. Nevertheless, on October 29, 2008,
the House of Representatives rejected a proposed constitutional
amendment that would have allowed Uribe to seek reelection in 2010.
Arguing the undemocratic nature of extending Uribe's time in office,
the Liberal Party cited a letter in which Simon Bolivar said that "noth-
ing is as dangerous as to allow the same citizen to remain in power a
long time." Citing the need for continuity of his Democratic Security
Policy, Uribe persevered with his third-term stratagem.
On May 19, 2009, the Senate approved by a vote of 62 to 5 a mea-
sure that could lead to a referendum on whether the constitution
should be changed to allow Uribe to be reelected a second time.
Whether this vote reflected the popular will was unclear because 30
percent of the 102-member body had resigned as a result of the
parapolitics scandal and had been replaced by unelected officials, and
only 20 senators attended the final debate on this issue. Moreover, the
Senate's bill still had to be reconciled with the lower-house measure
that would bar Uribe from seeking office again until 2014. Before a
referendum could be scheduled, the Constitutional Court still had to
ratify the proposal. Then 25 percent of Colombia's electorate, or 7.2
million voters, would have to approve it. However, resistance to his
plan was significant in mid-2009. Sectors opposed to it included the
Roman Catholic Church, the business community, and news media.
Indeed, a growing concern in Colombia was that a constitutional
amendment allowing Uribe the possibility of a third consecutive term
would discredit him and put him in the same league as the leftist Pres-
ident Hugo Chavez of Venezuela. Foreign news media increasingly
portrayed President Uribe as authoritarian. For example, the May 14,
2009, issue of The Economist, the British weekly magazine that usu-
ally praised President Uribe, was critical of a third term for him, sug-
gesting that it would lead to an "autocracy."
On August 19, 2009, Uribe's prospects suddenly took on new life,
* * *
FARC increased the number of its offensive actions by 30 percent over
2008, and boosted its membership to 1 1,500. The ELN also appeared to
be strengthening and becoming more active in its areas of operation
near the Ecuadorian and Venezuelan borders.
According to the NGO, a continuous, seven-year counterinsurgency
offensive and more than 2,000 pending prosecutions for extrajudicial
executions were stalling the Military Forces, which reportedly had lost
the initiative in various parts of the country. Military resources had
declined, and casualties had increased, totaling an estimated 2,500 mil-
itary deaths or injuries in 2009, many of them caused by antipersonnel
mines. On December 21, 2009, the FARC kidnapped and murdered the
governor of Caqueta Department. A new generation of ex-paramilitary
criminal gangs was rapidly spreading throughout the country, including
to the outskirts of Bogota, Medellm, and a dozen other cities, and carry-
ing out more violent actions than the FARC and ELN combined. In an
apparent attempt to establish drug-smuggling corridors, these armed
gangs were operating on key highways to Bogota and its airport, Carta-
gena, and Uraba.
On the diplomatic front, relations between Colombia and Ecuador
had normalized, but Colombian-Venezuelan relations remained tense.
At the Copenhagen climate conference held in December 2009, Presi-
dent Uribe equated Colombia's counterinsurgency and counternarcot-
ics struggles with the fight against deforestation. He pointed out that
coca processing and trafficking in cocaine and lumber have been defor-
esting Colombia, threatening the country's biologically rich jungle and
rainforests that cover 5 1 percent of the national territory. Therefore, he
argued, cocaine-consuming countries have an obligation to provide
financial support for efforts to combat deforestation. Just before the
Andean Trade Promotion and Drug Eradication Act (ATPDEA) would
have expired at the end of 2009, the U.S. Congress extended its benefits
to Colombia for another year. However, the U.S. Congress had yet to
ratify the free-trade agreement, which is an economic priority for
* # *
public support that he received for his first reelection, scandals and
skeptical public opinion tainted Uribe's never formally declared third
presidential run. His chance to remain in power received its first signif-
icant setback on November 13, 2009, when the National Electoral
Council (CNE) invalidated the petition of the Uribistas because the
organizers had exceeded the legal limit of finance for the collection of
signatures. The inspector general of the nation presented to the Consti-
tutional Court on January 13, 2010, his opinion favoring the congres-
sionally approved referendum on a constitutional amendment that
would allow Uribe to run for a third successive presidential term, and
some determined Uribistas began calling for the postponement of the
May 30 election to permit the completion of the plebiscite process. In
early February, their hopes were quashed when a Constitu-
tional Court justice (a Uribe appointee) filed a 434-page nonbinding
opinion calling for the proposed referendum law to be overturned for
legal and electoral reasons. The national registrar subsequently cast fur-
ther doubt on the feasibility of holding a referendum on such short
notice, even in the unlikely event that the Constitutional Court were to
approve it. Finally, on February 26, the Constitutional Court brought
the contentious referendum issue to a definitive close by ruling 7-2
against the proposed plebiscite, because both the bill and the legislative
process that produced it were deeply flawed and unconstitutional. That
Uribe graciously accepted the court's ruling distinguished Colombia's
democracy from neighboring Venezuela's autocracy
The court ruling vastly altered Colombia's political landscape by
throwing the presidential election wide open. Political pundits and
polls began reassessing the field of candidates in a new light, which no
longer shone so brightly on the Uribistas. President Uribe was now
seen as having marred his historical legacy. Instead of uniting his fol-
lowers to ensure the continuation of his policies of democratic secu-
rity, social cohesion, and investor confidence, he appeared to have
leading presidential candidates looked strong enough to win outright
in the first round on May 30. Rather, surveys indicated that party alli-
heading the ministry for three years, Santos, whose family were the
main shareholders in El Jiempo until 2007, was a journalist and econ-
omist. Under his management, coordination between military and
police forces improved, the services made the legitimate use of mili-
tary force part of their war strategy, and the military scored major suc-
cesses against the FARC. However, the period was also marked by the
false-positives scandal. Running on the slogan "If not Uribe, Santos."'
Santos promised to build on Uribe's legacy. Although the early front-
runner, Santos lacked Uribe's high public approval ratings and was not
a shoo-in for the presidency. For example, Semana noted that a coali-
tion of adversaries could derail Santos in the second round.
The economic and social challenges facing Colombia's next presi-
dent were summed up by Roberto Steiner, director of the Foundation
for Higher Education and Development (Fedesarrollo), in a March 1
Top: An Amazonian indigenous geometric design, Archaeology Museum of
the Casa del Marques de San Jorge, Bogota
Courtesy Carlos Arturo Jaramillo Giraldo, Murmullos del lenguaje Uik:
La practica del mopa mopa: De lo recolector a lo sedentario, MedelUn,
1986, 77
Bottom: A Tolima-style indigenous geometric design
Courtesy Museo del Oro, Banco de la Republica; Banco del Pacifico
(Ecuador); and Casa de la Cultura Ecuatoriana Benjamin Carrion, El oro
de Colombia: Homenaje al Ecuador, Quito, Ecuador, 1982, 82-83
AT THE BEGINNING of the twenty-first century, Colombia exhib-
ited social and economic indicators that, with few exceptions, were
close to the Latin American norm. Yet forms of political and crimi-
nal violence plagued the country, with an intensity and duration that
had few parallels in the region. Neither could many countries in
Latin America or elsewhere in the developing world match Colom-
bia's record of persistent, albeit imperfect, adherence to democratic
forms and procedures. An examination of the historical path by
which Colombia arrived at its present situation offers no easy expla-
nation of these paradoxes but is a logical place to start.
The initial building blocks for the future Colombian nation were
the same as for its Latin American neighbors: Amerindian peoples,
European conquerors and colonizers, and Africans arriving as
slaves. During three centuries of Spanish colonial rule, these ele-
ments were unevenly combined into a new multiethnic society. The
Europeans and their descendants enjoyed a predominant share of
political influence, economic wealth, and social prestige, while the
Amerindians were assimilated or marginalized and inexorably
reduced to subordinate status. The latter was also true of Afro-
Colombians, even when they escaped from slavery. Yet for most of
the colonial population, Spain's control was light, and it was main-
tained less by force than by the mystique surrounding the monarchy
and by the influence of the Roman Catholic Church, which estab-
lished a strong institutional base and acted as cultural and ideologi-
cal arbiter.
Colombia played a preeminent role in the movement for indepen-
dence in Latin America. Once independence was achieved, however,
the country lapsed into relative obscurity, with a weak connection to
the world economy and, for many years, scant progress in the develop-
ment of infrastructure or public education. At the same time, peculiari-
ties of the political system, notably the rise of strong and warring
parties within a weak state, began to make themselves felt. Only with
the rise of the coffee industry, in the late nineteenth and early twentieth
centuries, did Colombia enter clearly on a path of economic modern-
ization. Coffee likewise seemed, for a time, to usher in a phase of har-
monious political consolidation. But by the mid-twentieth century,
dysfunctional aspects of social and political development were increas-
ingly evident as economic growth continued.
The successful transfer of power from one party to another by
electoral —
means in 1930 and again in 1946 something that in much
Colombia: A Country Study
of Latin America was still far from normal —seemed to confirm the
maturity of Colombian democracy. Yet in both cases, the transfer
was followed by outbreaks of violence in the backcountry. These
revolts were relatively short-lived in the first case, but the latter was
the start of what Colombians called La Violencia (The Violence),
which would wrack the nation for roughly two decades and then give
way marked the last four decades of
to the leftist insurgencies that
the century. The antagonism between the entrenched Liberal
and Conservative parties was a triggering mechanism in both 1930
and 1946, but the existence of deep rural poverty and illiteracy,
despite rising gross domestic product (GDP —
see Glossary) per cap-
ita and a modest beginning of social reform legislation, created an
Early Colombia
A stone divinity in San Agustin,
Huila Department
Courtesy Embassy of Colombia,
Washington, DC
Colombia: A Country Study
The first Europeans to visit what is now Colombia were the crew
of Alonso de Ojeda, who in 1499 led an expedition to the north coast
of South America. It reached Cabo de la Vela, on the Peninsula de La
Guajira, but did not tarry, because these visitors were interested in
trading for gold and pearls, not in colonization. As a member of
Ojeda's expedition, Amerigo Vespucci was among the first to
explore the Colombian coasts. Other early expeditions also came to
trade, or to seize indigenous people as slaves for sale in the West
In 1510 Ojeda, having been named governor of the coast as far as
Uraba in the west, returned to establish a settlement, named San
Sebastian, on the Golfo de Uraba not far from the present border with
Panama. Neither it nor other settlements in that vicinity survived long,
although from them explorers struck out toward the Isthmus of Panama
and elsewhere. A first permanent Spanish settlement on the Colombian
coast was founded in 1525 at Santa Marta; it was close to the territory
of the Taironas and would later serve as a base for conquest of the
Muiscas. Before that took place, Pedro de Heredia, on January 14,
1533, had founded the city of Cartagena, farther west along the coast
and with a magnificent harbor, thanks to which it became the principal
port of the colony as well as a leading Spanish naval base in Caribbean
Bands of Spaniards set out from Cartagena and Santa Marta for
the exploration and conquest of both coastal lowlands and the
Andean interior. In 1536 Gonzalo Jimenez de Quesada, a lawyer
turned military commander who was comparable to Hernan Cortes,
the conqueror of Mexico, or Francisco Pizarro in Peru, launched the
most important of these expeditions. He headed inland up the
Magdalena toward the land of the Muiscas, which he reached early
Historical Setting
in 1537 after losing more than half of his party to shipwreck at the
mouth of the Magdalena and to disease, insects, and hunger on the
march. After easily overcoming armed resistance, Jimenez de Que-
sada and his lieutenants occupied the entire Muisca territory and on
August 6, 1538, founded the city of Santafe (present-day Bogota,
known as Santa Fe during the colonial period), as capital of the New
Kingdom of Granada, as he called this new possession after his
birthplace in Spain.
Jimenez de Quesada shortly found his control challenged by two
rival expeditions converging on the same spot from different direc-
tions. One was led by Nikolaus Federmann, a German in Spanish
service who arrived from western Venezuela, and the other by
Sebastian de Belalcazar (or Benalcazar), a former lieutenant of
Pizarro coming north from Quito who had founded Popayan and
Cali on the way. Instead of fighting among themselves for the spoils
of the Muiscas, the three conquistadors referred the matter to author-
ities in Spain, who, not wanting any one conquistador to become too
Colonial Government
After some initial improvisation, a definitive form of political
organization took hold during the second half of the sixteenth cen-
tury. The highest official was the captain general of New Granada,
who from Santa Fe had oversight of all modern Colombia except the
far southwest (Pasto and Popayan), which initially was administered
from Quito in present-day Ecuador, and most of Venezuela except
the area of Caracas. He shared superior jurisdiction with an audien-
cia, which functioned as both administrative council and court of
appeal — separation of powers being foreign to the Spanish imperial
system. At an intermediate level, the colony was divided into prov-
inces headed by governors, whose and powers might vary. For
Colombia: A Country Study
Land in itself was of little use without people to work it, but there
were a number of ways to obtain the needed labor. As in the other
Colonial entryway, Bogota
Courtesy Embassy of Colombia,
Washington, DC
Colombia: A Country Study
Historical Setting
policy aimed to group them into villages where they would have
their own local magistrates and would continue to own lands in com-
mon (resguardos — see Glossary) just as before the conquest,
although under ultimate control of the Spanish and owing tribute to
the crown itself or, especially in the first century of colonial rule, to
individual Spanish encomenderos In practice, the Amerindians were
Colombia: A Country Study
Antecedents of Independence
Colombia: A Country Study
Historical Setting
Caracas and the rest of Venezuela, which had been little more than
nominally subject to the viceroy, would go their own way until in the
Colombia: A Country Study
Historical Setting
Colombia: A Country Study
and sorely damaged royalist morale. By the end of the year, patriot
columns fanned out and occupied most of the rest of New Granada
except the Caribbean coast and far southwest. Bolivar organized a
provisional patriot government at Bogota, naming Santander to head
it. Then, in December 1819, he was in Angostura (present-day Ciu-
Simon Bolivar Palacios,
1783-1830, bust portrait,
artist unknown
Courtesy Prints and Photographs
Division, Library of Congress,
Washington, DC
Colombia: A Country Study
Historical Setting
Colombia: A Country Study
Historical Setting
Colombia: A Country Study
for suffrage and gave the provincial assemblies a limited right to enact
ordinances on local affairs. One of its articles abolished the fuero, a
Historical Setting
Colombia: A Country Study
Conservative and that the parties bearing those names can be said to
have taken shape.
The victory of Lopez and the Liberals can be attributed not just to
the failure of government supporters to agree on a candidate but also
to their alliance with artisan groups antagonized by the tariff legisla-
tion adopted during the administration of the last Ministerial presi-
dent, Tomas Cipriano de Mosquera y Arboleda (president of New
Granada, 1845-49; president of Colombia, 1861-63, 1863-64,
1866-67), which sharply reduced duties on imported manufactures.
The alliance was strictly opportunistic, as Lopez and the Liberal high
command were not truly protectionist. They were lawyers, mer-
chants, and landowners, much like their Conservative counterparts,
and they had no stake in domestic manufacturing and in principle
favored an opening to foreign trade. Yet the alliance held together
long enough for the Liberals to enact a sweeping set of reforms.
They again expelled the Jesuits, abolished the last vestiges of slavery
and the colonial tobacco monopoly, authorized provincial assemblies
to divide up Amerindian communal lands into private plots, reduced
the standing army to a maximum of 1,500 men, and abolished libel
laws for the printed (but not yet the spoken) word.
The capstone of this flurry of reforms was the constitution of 1853.
It introduced for the first time unqualified freedom of worship and uni-
many Liberal military officers took the same view, and on April 17,
1 854, one of them, General Jose Maria Dionisio Melo y Ortiz, staged a
Historical Setting
Colombia: A Country Study
During the last stage of the civil war, in 1861, the Liberals changed
the name of the country from Granadine Confederation (as in the
1858 constitution) to United States of New Granada (Estados Unidos
de Nueva Granada, 1861-63). This action was followed by the adop-
tion, in 1863, of another constitution that restored the name Colombia
(more specifically Estados Unidos de Colombia, 1863-86) and took
federalism to remarkable extremes. The new charter divided the
nation into nine states, which could exercise any functions not
expressly reserved to the central authorities. They could raise their
own saw fit, issue
militias and, if they their own postage stamps.
They alone determined who had the right to vote, and more than half
used from the recent universal male suffrage,
this authority to retreat
which had not worked out wholly to the Liberals' satisfaction. The
constitution could be amended only by unanimous consent of all
states. And the national president was elected on a basis of one vote,
one state, for a period of only two years with no possibility of imme-
diate reelection. This weakening of the presidential office resulted not
just from theoretical considerations but also from the Liberals' real
distrust of their current leader, Mosquera, whose undoubted ability
was accompanied by a certain tendency toward megalomania.
The 1863 constitution took individual rights to similar extremes.
Now there was no possible limit on the spoken word. In addition to
abolishing the death penalty, the constitution guaranteed citizens'
arms and to practice freedom of religion, at least in prin-
right to bear
However, the Liberals were not quite prepared to leave the
Roman Catholic Church to its own devices, and therefore the charter
endowed both national and state governments with vague supervisory
Historical Setting
Colombia: A Country Study
course. Few people took part in general, casualties were few, and not
much properly was destroyed. However, the climate of insecurity
clearly worked against the creation of new wealth. The state of pub-
lic order thus contributed to a growing reaction against the Liberal
Rafael Nunez Moledo,
(president, 1880-82, 1884-86,
1887-88, 1892-94), as illustrated
in Harper's Weekly 71 (1885): 52
Courtesy Prints and Photographs
Division, Library of Congress,
Washington, DC
Neither the rise and of federalism nor the frequent civil war-
Colombia: A Country Study-
vast increase over the products' original prices. This situation was
beginning to change with such improvements as the introduction of
steamboats on the Magdalena and the gradual accumulation of wealth
from commerce or otherwise; meanwhile, to be rich in Bogota was
not the same as to be rich in Boston or Bordeaux.
The National Cathedral on the
Plaza de Bolivar, Bogota
Courtesy Inter-American
Development Bank
(David Mangurian)
which was formally adopted 1886 and would last more than 100
years —an exceptionally long any Latin American constitu-
life for
Colombia: A Country Study
Historical Setting
Colombia: A Country Study
Historical Setting
Colombia: A Country Study
scale. The new textile mills clustered around Medellm were import-
ers of cotton rather than exporters of finished cloth, but their grow-
ing importance was an indication of Colombia's belated and still
somewhat limited entry into the industrial age. They at least found
an expanding home market, including among campesino families
who until the rise of coffee could seldom afford factory-made cloth.
Like coffee growing, textile manufacturing was almost entirely in
Colombian hands, whereas the Boston-based United Fruit Company
controlled the banana trade, and U.S. and British firms had a stake in
exploiting Colombian oil.
The fact that Colombia's leading export industry, coffee with at—
least some presence in all parts of the country and multiple linkages
to other segments of the economy —
remained under native control
tended to mute the appeal of economic nationalism, in which respect
Colombia differed from much of Latin America. Total foreign
investment remained low, mainly because foreign capitalists saw
even greater advantages elsewhere. Yet most leaders of both parties
were favorably disposed toward foreign capital, however much they
might question the details of a concession or specific actions of a
foreign company. For this reason, the Colombian government
showed increasing interest in the very thing that led to Reyes's
downfall: full normalization of relations with the United States,
which supposedly would demonstrate to outside investors that a
friendly climate awaited them.
The man most closely associated with this renewed push for a set-
tlement with the United States was Marco Fidel Suarez (president,
1918-21). The career of Suarez, the illegitimate son of a campesino
woman and a schoolteacher, is one indication that class divisions in
Colombia have not been quite as rigid as often stated. Ideologically,
he was a stalwart Conservative and Roman Catholic traditionalist,
yet Suarez admired the more open society of the United States and
believed that Colombia's progress depended on close relations with
the leading hemispheric power. He therefore worked for ratification
of a revised treaty that normalized relations with both the United
States and Panama and provided for Colombia to receive a US$25
million indemnity from Washington. When Suarez perceived that
political opposition to him stood in the way of a favorable vote, he
resigned the presidency altogether, and under his interim successor
the treaty was approved.
In the United States, the oil industry had been the main private
interest pressing for the treaty, in the hope that Colombia would now
Historical Setting
Colombia: A Country Study
Historical Setting
Colombia: A Country Study
bia had for many years experienced nothing of the sort. Shaken by
the political agitation surrounding him, Lopez resigned from office
before completing his second term.
A passionate Francophile,
Santos had looked to the United States
to help supportboth France and Colombia and the rest of the world
against Adolph Hitler. The United States, for its part, as it first pre-
pared for and then entered the war, was anxious to assist reliable
friends on its southern flank. Hence, the tightening of formal
U.S. -Colombian relations while reflecting the growth of economic
and cultural ties and even a sort of ideological affinity between
Colombian Liberals and U.S. Democrats also had much to do with
developments on the larger world scene. Once the war began,
Colombia gave full cooperation to the United States both before and
after Pearl Harbor. The Santos administration never declared war,
but it expedited the supply of strategic materials and supported all
proposals for hemispheric defense collaboration made at inter- Amer-
ican gatherings. Wartime collaboration with the United States even-
tually reached the point of an outright declaration of war on the
Axis, made after Lopez had returned to the presidency and techni-
cally in retaliation for German attacks on Colombian snipping in the
Liberals liked to blame the vehemence of Conservative opposi-
tion on the supposed influence of European fascism, and undoubt-
edly Hitler and Benito Mussolini favorably impressed some
Conservatives. More Conservatives felt an affinity with the Spanish
variant of fascism under Francisco Franco. More important than for-
eign ideology, however, was the sheer frustration felt by Conserva-
tives over their loss of power. The major parties were in fact rather
evenly matched, although with the balance beginning to tip in the
Liberals' favor (thanks to the advance of urbanization, among other
factors). Conservatives insisted that they were the true majority and
were denied the power they were entitled to by Liberal chicanery.
After making this charge, Laureano Eleuterio Gomez Castro (presi-
dent, 1950-53) emerged as the party's national leader and with vitri-
olic passion denounced everything done by the Liberal regime.
As if Gomez's relentless opposition were not enough, the Liberal
leadership found itself attacked on another front by a dissident Lib-
eral, Jorge Eliecer Gaitan. A gifted lawyer and orator of middle-class
origin, Gaitan espoused a social democratic program not much differ-
ent from Lopez's Revolution on the March, but he assailed his party's
establishment as involved in a tacit alliance with its Conservative
Historical Setting
nage in the countryside, briefly shared the latter hope. But Ospina
refused to resign, the army gradually regained control in Bogota, and
the Liberal leaders reluctantly rejoined the government for the sake
of restoring order in time of crisis or, in the view of Gaitan's hard-
core followers, to form a united oligarchic front against the demands
of the people. Violence did diminish in the immediate aftermath of
Colombia: A Country Study
April 9, but it built up again, particularly as the date for new elec-
tions drew near. Before the next presidential vote, the Liberals again
left the government and at the last minute withdrew their candidate
Colonial architecture in Cartagena
Courtesy Lorenzo Morales
Colombia: A Country Study
Historical Setting
charge of it. His flirtation with the model of Peronist Argentina was
likewise evident in his sponsoring of a new labor confederation that
ostensibly rejected Colombia's traditional partisan feuding in favor
of a populist ideology similar to Peron's Justicialismo (Fairness).
However, this last effort was not very successful, and by angering
not only the existing unions but also the church, which had ties with
the UTC, it contributed to his overthrow. More lasting achievements
of Rojas were the introduction of television, in 1954, and the final
adoption of suffrage for women, by vote of a largely handpicked
assembly. Rojas named the first woman to a cabinet post, but he held
no election in which women could exercise their vote that hap-
pened only after he left office.
Another development of La Violencia was increased urbanization,
reflecting not just the pull of industrial employment and other urban
opportunities but also the flight of campesinos from strife-torn rural
areas. By the end of the 1950s, Bogota had finally surpassed 1 mil-
lion in population, and secondary cities grew rapidly as well, so that
Colombia continued to be an exception to the common Latin Ameri-
can pattern of a single primate city vastly overshadowing the rest.
Altogether the urban population was now close to equaling that of
the countryside. This shift meant that a greater percentage of Colom-
bians would have access to education and social benefits and also
that the pace of all sorts of change was likely to accelerate, with con-
sequences difficult to foresee.
Colombia: A Country Study
Historical Setting
Sociocultural Changes
The was due in part to disillusion with
strength of leftist guerrillas
the social and economic achievements of the National Front; yet
these were hardly negligible. Alberto Lleras Camargo (president,
1945^6, 1958-62) was the first president elected under its terms. In
1945^6 Lleras Camargo had filled out the term of Alfonso Lopez
on the and he then gained international prestige
latter 's resignation,
as the firsthead of the Organization of American States (OAS). Lle-
ras Camargo now pushed hard for a new agrarian reform law, which
passed in 1961. The purpose of the measure was to defuse social ten-
sions in the countryside, and although its main aim was to resettle
the landless —
or those whose plots were simply too small to support
a family — on public land rather than break up existing estates, there
was provision for the latter as a last resort. The main implementa-
tion, combined with some co-optation of campesino organizations,
came during the presidency of Carlos Lleras Restrepo (president,
1966-70), a cousin of Lleras Camargo and easily the most vigorous
of all National Front executives, who surrounded himself with eager
young technocrats. If subsequent administrations had shown the
same interest in the problems of the peasantry, it might have been
harder for the new wave of leftist guerrillas to gain a foothold; unfor-
tunately, such was not the case.
Progress in education was more striking. The plebiscite creating
the National Front specified that henceforth at least 10 percent of the
national budget should be devoted to education, and the target was
regularly exceeded. One was that the illiteracy rate, which had
been almost 40 percent, fell in two decades to around 15 percent.
Secondary enrollments doubled, admittedly from a very low level,
during the 1960s alone. Such quantitative improvements were all the
more notable in light of the rapid increase of population numbers
and thus of those needing schooling. The annual rate of population
increase reached a record 3.2 percent in the 1960s, and the figure
would have been higher except for legal and illegal emigration to
oil-rich Venezuela. Colombian officials were perfectly aware of the
Colombia: A Country Study
inflation. Net growth was most of the time unspectacular, but it was
at least uninterrupted. Governments did continue to promote import-
substitution industrialization, of which one result was the definitive
establishment of a Colombian automobile industry during the 1960s.
But export promotion was not neglected, with tax rebates favoring
the emergence of Colombia as the world's second-ranking (after the
Netherlands) exporter of cut flowers. The flower industry was based
primarily in the area around Bogota, which offered both a favorable
temperate climate and easy access to international air transport as
well as a significant increase in employment opportunities for
women. Other aspects of economic growth, along with the spread of
education, likewise helped more women to find work outside the
Historical Setting
home, and there was even one more legal change in women's status
when mothers were finally placed on the same footing as fathers in
authority over their own children (see Family, ch. 2).
The slow but steady economic growth and the sociocultural
changes that accompanied it did not meet everyone's expectations, of
had been launched
course, particularly given that the National Front
amid and promises of all kinds. The contrast
quite unrealistic hopes
with neighboring Venezuela and with the developed-world scenes in
movies or in the ever-more-widespread medium of television also con-
tributed to disappointment, and certainly much remained to be done.
Educational coverage expanded, but the quality was too often poor.
Infrastructure was sorely inadequate. A railroad from Bogota to the
Caribbean was finally completed in 1961, but there was no integrated
rail network, and that which the country had was soon deteriorating as
Colombia: A Country Study
illegal drugs were nothing new, but in the Colombian case the rapid
expansion of the drug trade in the last quarter of the twentieth cen-
tury had obvious destabilizing effects. The phenomenon first
attracted attention in the 1970s, when the isolated mountain range
just south of Santa Marta, the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, became
the source of large amounts of marijuana grown for the United States
market, but this was a short-lived boom. Production did not cease,
but the Colombian product was competing against improved North
American cannabis, and counternarcotics efforts likewise took a toll.
More serious was the emergence of Colombia in the following
decade as the leading supplier of cocaine. Colombia was not at first a
major producer of the coca plant and its coca paste derivative, which
came principally from Peru and Bolivia, but Colombia had compara-
tive advantages as processor and distributor. The country's location
Historical Setting
Colombia: A Country Study
1 i
back largely because of its success in extorting the German firm con-
structing a pipeline to transport the oilfrom newly developed fields
in the llanos. When that work was finished, the ELN kept on extort-
ing funds from oil-industry suppliers and contractors, local govern-
ment agencies, and private citizens, in the latter case through the act
or mere threat of kidnapping for ransom. It took to applying similar
tactics against other industries and in other parts of Colombia,
although, like the M-19, it avoided deep entanglement with illicit
drugs. The FARC did not show similar restraint. By far the largest
revolutionary organization, the FARC became larger still as it
Colombia: A Country Study
Historical Setting
work and special rights of children and adolescents. There was even
the right not to be extradited to the United States, because an article
prohibiting extradition of Colombian citizens was written into the
text on the understanding that in return the drug lords would mend
their behavior. A procedure of tutela was established whereby citi-
zens whose rights had been abused could seek a writ of protection
against the offending party. The new constitution also completed dis-
establishment of the Roman Catholic Church by dropping any refer-
ence to Roman Catholicism as the religion of the nation, placing all
denominations on an equal footing, and extending the relegalization
Colombia: A Country Study
A sculpture donated by
Colombian artist Fernando
Botero at the entrance to
Bogota s Parque La
Esperanza on 26th Street
Courtesy Lorenzo Morales
Colombia: A Country Study
* * *
Historical Setting
Chapter 2. The Society and Its Environment
Top: An indigenous geometric design, Museo Zambrano, Pasto, Narino
Bottom: An indigenous geometric design
Courtesy Carlos Arturo Jaramillo Giraldo, Murmullos del lenguaje Uik:
La practica del mopa mopa: De lo recolector a lo sedentario, MedelUn,
1986, 83
tures and its tradition of producing world-renowned novelists and
well as for its disparate and spectacular geography, ranging
artists, as
Colombia: A Country Study
The Society and Its Environment
Physical Setting
km ), which is mostly lagoons, 1,200 km2 and Banco de Quita Sueno,
400 km Several small Colombian islands also lie off the Caribbean
2007, the International Court of Justice at The Hague ratified the
Treaty of Esguerra-Barcenas of 1928, under which Nicaragua recog-
nized Colombian sovereignty over the Archipielago de San Andres,
Providencia y Santa Catalina, and Colombia recognized Nicaraguan
sovereignly over the Costa de Mosquitos.
Under the Treaty of Quita Sueno, signed on September 8, 1972
(and ratified in 1981), the United States renounced all claims to the
The Society and Its Environment
Colombia: A Country Study
As of South America, a combination of external and
in the rest
internal tectonic, volcanic,and glacial forces over the aeons formed
Colombia's present-day geology. Island-like outcroppings in the
eastern llanos are visible remnants of Precambrian times when
Colombia consisted of metamorphic rocks. During the 332-million-
y ear-long Paleozoic Era, which began 570 million years ago, the
ocean again invaded Colombia's Andean zone, as subterranean vol-
canic eruptions in the western part of the country spouted lava. In the
Triassic Period of the 143 -million-year-long Mesozoic Era, which
began 240 million years ago, the sea that occupied the Andean zone
separated into two parts after the Cordillera Central rose. Large lay-
ers of sedimentary rock were deposited during the Jurassic Period,
which ended with great igneous activity. During the Cretaceous
Period, the sea to the east of the Cordillera Central extended to Putu-
mayo in the south, while subterranean volcanic activity continued to
the west of the Cordillera Central. During the 63 -million-year-long
Tertiary Period of the Cenozoic Era, which began about 65 million
years ago, the seas withdrew from most of Colombia's territory, and
enormous formed along the Cordillera Occidental.
granite masses
The three began to take shape 12 million years ago. The
Cordillera Occidental and the Cordillera Central form the western
and eastern sides of a massive crystalline arch, which extends from
the Caribbean lowlands to the southern border of Ecuador. The Cor-
dillera Oriental, however, is composed of folded stratified rocks
overlying a crystalline core.
Tectonic movement of the Cordilleras continues today, as evi-
denced by frequent seismic activity. Indeed, Colombia remains part
of the Ring of Fire, an active seismic area that surrounds the Pacific
basin. The country is located where three lithospheric plates —
Caribbean, and South American converge, and their movement pro-
duces different types of geologic faults. Almost all of the country's
many earthquakes in recent centuries have occurred in the mountain-
ous and coastal regions. Recent major earthquakes include those in
Popayan on March 31, 1983, and in the nation's coffee-growing belt
on January 25, 1999; and one on March 6, 1987, on the border with
Ecuador, measuring 7.0 on the Richter scale. Recent earthquakes that
The Society and Its Environment
Colombia's most prominent geographical feature is the Andes, with
its three nearly parallel, trident-like Cordilleras that divide the country
from north to south between the coastal areas to the west and northeast
and eastern Colombia. Although geographers have devised different
ways to divide Colombia into regions, Colombian geographers prefer
to divide the mainland territory into five major geographic or natural
regions: the lowland Caribbean and Pacific regions; the Andean
region, which includes the high Andes Mountains, the intermontane
high plateaus, and the fertile valleys that are traversed by the country's
three principal rivers; the llanos region, lying to the east of the Andes
Mountains and bordered on the east by the Orinoco; and the Amazo-
nian region, which is the tropical rainforest {selva) south of the llanos
and the Ariari and Guaviare rivers that includes but is not limited to
Amazonas Department (see table 3, Appendix). Colombia also has a
very minor, sixth, insular region consisting of Isla de Malpelo and the
Archipielago de San Andres, Providencia y Santa Catalina.
Caribbean Lowlands
The Caribbean lowlands consist of all of Colombia north of an
imaginary line extending northeastward from the Golfo de Uraba to
the semiarid Peninsula de La Guajira in the northern extremity of the
Cordillera Oriental adjoining the Venezuelan border, an area bearing
little resemblance to the rest of the region. The Caribbean lowlands
form roughly a triangular shape, the longest side being the coastline.
Most of the country's foreign trade in general moves through Ba-
rranquilla, Cartagena, Santa Marta, and the other port cities along the
Caribbean coast. Inland from these cities are swamps, hidden
streams, and shallow lakes that support banana and cotton planta-
tions, countless small farms, and, in higher places, cattle ranches.
The Caribbean lowlands region merges into and is connected with
the Andean highlands through the two great river valleys of the
Magdalena and the Cauca; it is the second most important region in
economic activity. Most of the Caribbean lowlands population is
Colombia: A Country Study
a deep marsh, about 100 kilometers in width, that for decades has
challenged engineers seeking to complete the Pan-American High-
way. This stretch where the highway is interrupted is known as the
Tapon del Choco. Environmentalists have warned that the thick jun-
gle of the Darien region, a lush rainforest with one of the highest
degrees of biodiversity in the world, provides an essential natural buf-
fer zone between Colombia and Panama. Although the Tapon del
Darien (Darien Gap) is currently protected in both countries by its
national reserve status, powerful free-trade lobbies have been pres-
suring for paving the gap in the highway. The Norwegian Refugee
Council, a private foundation known for accurate reports, stated in
April 2007 that "paramilitary groups have displaced thousands of
indigenous and Afro-Colombian communities such as the Embera
and Waounan people in northwestern Choco to pave the way for proj-
ects such as a planned transoceanic canal, an inter-American high-
way, oil-palm plantations, and logging." Opponents argue that, in
addition to its adverse regional environmental consequences, com-
pleting the highway gap will only provide an easier route for smug-
gling drugs through what will still be an effectively lawless area. In
2008-9 Colombian guerrillas were increasingly retreating into Pan-
ama's Darien region to seek refuge, smuggle drugs overland, and
recruit indigenous Panamanian youth.
Pacific Lowlands
The Pacific lowlands consist of a narrow, sparsely populated,
coastal region of jungle and swamp with considerable, but little-
exploited, potential in minerals and other resources. Population den-
sity is no more than five inhabitants per square kilometer. The popu-
lation is mostly (80 percent) black, with the remainder consisting of
mestizos (mixed white European and Amerindian ancestry), mulat-
toes (mixed black and white ancestry), and whites. Buenaventura is
the only port of any size on the 1,306-kilometer coastline, making it a
popular corridor for illegal narcotics shipments. On the east, the
Pacific lowlands arebounded by the Cordillera Occidental, from
which numerous rivers run. Most of the rivers flow westward to the
northward to the
Pacific, but the largest, the navigable Atrato, flows
Golfo de Uraba, making the riverine settlements accessible to the
major Atlantic ports and commercially related primarily to the Carib-
The Society and Its Environment
bean lowlands hinterland. To the west of the Atrato rises the Serrania
de Baudo, an isolated chain of low mountains that occupies a large
part of the region. Its highest elevation is less than 1,800 meters, and
its vegetation resembles that of the surrounding tropical forest.
Andean Highlands
The Andean highlands region includes three distinct Cordilleras,
which constitute 33 percent of the country's land area. The Andes
divide into cordilleras near the Ecuadorian frontier. They extend
northwestward almost to the Caribbean Sea and in the northeast
toward Venezuela. Elevations reach more than 5,700 meters, and
some mountain peaks are perennially covered with snow. The ele-
vated basins and plateaus of these ranges have a moderate climate
that provides pleasant living conditions and in many places enables
farmers to harvest twice a year. Torrential rivers on the slopes of the
mountains are the source of major hydroelectric power potential and
add their volume to the navigable rivers in the valleys. On the nega-
tive side of the ledger, Colombia's mountains provide a place of ref-
uge for illegal armed groups that are associated with the cultivation
of illicit crops, such as coca and poppy.
The Cordillera Occidental, which extends from the Ecuadorian
border to the Golfo del Darien, is the lowest and least populated of
the three main cordilleras. Its western slope is not as steep as that of
the Cordillera Oriental. Summits are only about 3,000 meters above
sea level and do not have permanent snows. Few passes exist,
although one that is about 1,520 meters above sea level provides the
major city of Cali with an outlet to the Pacific Ocean. The relatively
low elevation of the Cordillera Occidental permits dense vegetation,
which on its western slopes is truly tropical. The eastern side of the
Cordillera Occidental, however, is a sheer wall of barren peaks.
The Cordillera Central also begins at the Ecuadorian border,
where several volcanoes are located, including the 4,276-meter Ga-
leras, which erupted most recently in February and June 2009. The
Cordillera Central is the loftiest of the mountain systems. Its crystal-
line rocks form an 800-kilometer-long towering wall dotted with
snow-covered mountains, all of which are volcanoes. There are no
plateaus in this range and no passes under 3,300 meters. The highest
peak in this range, the Nevado del Huila, reaches 5,439 meters above
sea level. The second highest peak, Nevado del Ruiz, erupted on
November 13, 1985, and more recently on April 15, 2008. Like the
Cordillera Occidental, the Cordillera Central at its northern end sep-
arates into two smaller sierras, or serramas, in the shape of two-
pronged forks.
Colombia: A Country Study
The agricultural village ofVillapinzon, Cundinamarca Department
Courtesy Inter-American Development Bank (David Mangurian),
Washington, DC
Characteristic red-tiled roofs in Boyacd Department
Courtesy Lorenzo Morales
Colombia: A Country Study
The Society and Its Environment
Colombia: A Country Study
including those of the Magdalena valley and the smaller Cauca valley.
The tree line marks the approximate limit of human habitation.
The temperate zone covers about 8 percent of the country. This
zone includes the lower slopes of the Cordillera Oriental and the
Cordillera Central and most of the intermontane valleys. The impor-
tant cities of Medellm (1,487 meters) and Cali (1,030 meters) are
located in this zone, where rainfall is moderate, and the mean annual
temperature varies between 19°C and 24°C, depending on the eleva-
tion. In the higher elevations of this zone, farmers benefit from two
wet and two dry seasons each year; January through March and July
through September are the dry seasons.
The cold or cool zone constitutes about 6 percent of the total area,
including some of the most densely populated plateaus and terraces
of the Colombian Andes, such as Bogota itself and its environs. The
mean temperature ranges between 10°C and 19°C, and the wet sea-
sons occur in April and May and from September to December, as in
the high elevations of the temperate zone.
In Bogota average temperature ranges vary little, for example,
10°C-18°C in July and 9°C-20°C in February. The average annual
temperature is 15°C, and the difference between the average of the
coldest and the warmest months is less than 1°C. More significant,
however, is the average daily variation in temperature, from 5°C at
night to 17°C during the day.
Precipitation is moderate to heavy in most parts of the country;
overall average annual precipitation is 3,000 millimeters. The heavier
rainfall occurs in the Pacific lowlands and in parts of eastern Colom-
bia, where rain is almost a daily occurrence and rain forests predomi-
nate. Precipitation exceeds 7,600 millimeters annually in most of the
Pacific lowlands, making this one of the wettest regions in the world,
especially in Choco Department, which receives an average annual
rainfallof nearly 10,160 millimeters. Extensive areas of the Carib-
bean permanently flooded, more because of poor drainage
interior are
than because of the moderately heavy precipitation during the rainy
season from May through October. In eastern Colombia, precipitation
decreases from 6,350 millimeters in portions of the Andean piedmont
to 2,540 millimeters eastward. In contrast, the Caribbean coastal La
Guajira Department is the driest place in Colombia, with an average
annual rainfall of only 254 millimeters.
In recent decades,Colombia has made important progress in pro-
tecting environment, not only by enacting laws and adopting new
The Society and Its Environment
Colombia: A Country Study
The Society and Its Environment
government has insisted that spraying drug crops with the toxic her-
bicide glyphosate is harmless, Ecuador's protests forced the Colom-
bian government to revert to manual eradication of coca bushes in
Also of concern to environmentalists is timber exploitation in the
jungles of the Amazon region and Choco Department, which are
estimated to contain up to 10 percent of the world's known species
of flora and fauna. Moreover, average reforestation rates are low
compared with other Latin American countries with big timber
industries. Mining activity and clearing of land for cultivation and
converting it to pasture for cattle raising are other causes of defores-
tation.Increased mining of gold, marble, and emeralds in tributaries
of the Magdalena, such as the Cauca basin, have resulted in rapid
soil erosion and increasing sediment loads. All these factors have
contributed to the Magdalena being one of the top 10 rivers in the
world in terms of sediment load. Studies of the Magdalena basin and
other assessments of land-cover change in Colombia have shown a
clear correlation between forest loss and expansion of agricultural
land. Deforestation in the Magdalena basin is estimated to be among
the highest in the world. It is considerably higher than the national
average, which was estimated at 1.4 percent per year between 1985
and 1995. The percentage of forest cover in the Magdalena basin
Colombia: A Country Study
time were the Muiscas and Taironas, who belonged to the Chibcha
group and were skilled in farming, mining, and metalcraft. The
Muiscas lived mainly in the present departments of Cundinamarca
and Boyaca, where they had fled centuries earlier after raids by the
warlike Caribs, some of whom eventually migrated to Caribbean
islands near the end of the first millennium A.D. The Taironas, who
were divided into two subgroups, lived in the Caribbean lowlands
and the highlands of the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta. The Muisca
civilization was well organized into distinct provinces governed by
communal land laws and powerful caciques, who reported to one of
the two supreme leaders.
The complexity of the indigenous peoples' social organization
and technology varied tremendously, from stratified agricultural
chiefdoms to tropical farm villages and nomadic hunting and food-
The Society and Its Environment
gathering groups. At the end of the colonial period, the native popu-
lation constituted about half of the total population. In the agri-
Colombia: A Country Study
A Wayuu woman at work in the salt reserves of
Manaure, La Guajira
Copyright Santiago Harker
are inAmazonia; among them are several families that some might
consider tribes sharing some cultural characteristics. They may num-
ber about 50,000 people speaking a considerable number of lan-
guages. The Amerindians from the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta are
another important group and one that shows strong social cohesion.
They include the Arhuacos, Armarios, Coguis, and Cunas.
Although all Amerindian peoples in Colombia have had some
contact with outsiders, the degree and effect have varied consider-
ably. Some tribes, such as the Makus, Chiricoas, Tunebos, and
roughly 3,000 remaining members of the Yagua tribe in the Amazo-
nia rainforest, have remained very primitive nomadic hunting and
fishing groups. One of the more isolated and hostile Amerindian
groups, the Motil ns, in the northeastern lowlands, have been known
to greet missionary groups and oil company employees encroaching
in their territory with poisoned arrows and darts. Yet other groups
are settled farmers with well-developed handicraft industries, and
some of the most successful tribes have developed effective methods
of raising cattle. Nonetheless, it was long difficult for Amerindians
to retain land that they traditionally held, especially in the highlands
where the competition for cultivable land is keenest.
Colombia: A Country Study
Racial Distinctions
Bogota pedestrians of various ethnicities
Courtesy Lorenzo Morales
Colombia: A Country Study
Colombia: A Country Study
A mestizo agricultural worker
Courtesy Inter-American Development Bank (David Mangurian),
Washington, DC
An Afro-Colombian man in front of a bicycle-repair shop
Courtesy Inter-American Development Bank, Washington, DC
Colombia: A Country Study
The Society and Its Environment
cao, and Santa Marta have Arab ancestry. The country's Arab
population, which reportedly numbers about 200,000, has produced
several members of Congress and the 1978-82 president, Julio Cesar
Turbay Ayala, who is of Lebanese descent, as well as pop star Shakira.
The Spaniards who settled Colombia came shortly after seven cen-
turies of warring with the Moors and from a region of Europe where
medieval traditions remained strong. Traditional premodern Spanish
values were not conducive to respect of central government laws or
authorities, and the isolation of many of the descendants of the con-
quistadors allowed them to remain fairly autonomous from the central
government and to maintain many of their independent, antigovern-
ment traits. These historical factors help to explain why Colombia
long remained remote from modernizing ideas and technologies.
As a country of five distinct mainland geographic regions,
Colombia is, not surprisingly, highly regionalist. The Colombian
state gradually took shape during the nineteenth century as a loose
coalition of four semiautonomous regions: the central Andean high-
lands, greater Antioquia, the Caribbean coast, and greater Cauca.
The latter included the city of Popayan, long known as a center of
elitist literary culture. In more recent
times, as during La Violencia
and the rise of the drug industry, regionalism was reinforced
Colombia: A Country Study
Urbanization Trends
The Society and Its Environment
growth and urbanization fell during the 1980s, the proportion of the
population living in urban areas increased from 57.5 percent in 1970
to 76.6 percent in 2005. Between 2000 and 2005, the urban popula-
tion grew 2.1 percent. By some estimates, the urbanized population
reached 78 percent in 2007.
By 2007 about 35 percent of the total population was concentrated
in the four main cities. According to official Colombian statistics, the
Population Displacement
Colombia: A Country Study
Codhes noted that the FARC guerrillas and the United Self-
Defense Forces of Colombia (AUC) right-wing militias were pri-
marily responsible for the exodus. Roughly 53 percent of the dis-
placed families who relocated to Bogota and Soacha blamed the
FARC for their current situation, while 34 percent held the paramili-
taries responsible. Another 4 percent attributed their plight to the
smaller pro-Cuban National Liberation Army (ELN) and the Maoist
Popular Liberation Army (EPL). Of the displaced families, 3 percent
accused the Colombian army, 4 percent pointed to unspecified other
groups, and 2 percent said they had been victims of unknown perpe-
trators of violence. The same report warned that "there is concern
over an eventual urbanization of the armed conflict in Bogota and
Soacha, where there have been reports of the presence of paramili-
tary groups, guerrilla bands, and the eruption of forms of violence,
especially against young people and social leaders."
Colombia's desplazados are far less visible than those in countries
such as Sri Lanka and Sudan because they settle in slums or shanty-
towns on the fringes of cities and society, interspersed among other
indigent communities, instead of living in tented refugee camps. One
salient effect of violence-induced migration is the loss of links
between migrants and their original communities, which are often
destroyed. Many rural-urban migrants lost whatever social links and
constraints they had, and their predicament caused them in turn to be
extremely resentful.
Among the essentially social as distinct from politico-military
or economic — effects of the illicit drug industry, the greatest was its
contribution to two roughly opposite population movements. One of
these involved people moving from towns and cities and established
farming areas to seek work on the frontiers of settlement, where
there are most coca plantings and processing laboratories. The other
was made up of mostly poor rural Colombians, who became despla-
zados when driven from their homes as a result of the conflicts rag-
ing in the country and sought refuge in the larger cities or even in
Panama, Ecuador, and Venezuela. In some cases, these people had
been caught in the crossfire between guerrillas, paramilitaries,
narco-traffickers, and armed forces. Others were escaping the attack
or threatened attack of armed groups who rightly or wrongly accused
them of giving aid to rival bands. Still others were forced off their
land by criminal elements, commonly narco-traffickers, who coveted
the land for themselves. Whatever the immediate cause of their pre-
dicament, population displacement constitutes one of the most criti-
cal social problems in Colombia today.
As of the end of 2007, more than 4.2 million Colombians had
been internally displaced since 1985, according to Codhes (see table
The Society and Its Environment
4, Appendix). By
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
estimates, the number is 3 million, still the second highest popula-
Colombia: A Country Study
The Society and Its Environment
The Colombian experience is remarkable for the abruptness and
magnitude of the declines in fertility and mortality after 1966.
Between then and 2000, total fertility fell by about 45 percent. A
variety of factors combined to produce the decline, and, as in most
countries, fertility patterns varied widely among Colombian socio-
economic groups, whose composition shifted substantially during
the period. In the late 1960s, for example, Colombian women living
in rural areas who had not completed primary education had a total
fertility rate of eight children, compared with 3.4 children for urban
Colombia: A Country Study
had on average seven children, a figure that fell to five in the 1970s,
four in the 1980s, three in the 1990s, and to 1.9 in the first years of
the new millennium, according to the Economic Commission for
Latin America and the Caribbean and the Latin American and Carib-
bean Demographic Center. The 2005 census found that approxi-
mately 66.7 percent of Colombian homes had four or fewer persons,
and the average number was 3.9. It also determined that 44.9 percent
of Colombians were single, 23 percent were married, and 23.1 per-
cent were living together as unmarried couples. These trends reflect
the new social and cultural roles of women and their increased edu-
cation, which have changed their expectations.
According to the World Health Organization, Colombia's infant
mortality rate (under one year of age) declined from 68 per 1,000
The Society and Its Environment
Colombia: A Country Study
being racially similar to those at other levels. The confusion over clas-
sification has affected most Colombians because most of them do not
define themselves as being white, black, or Amerindian, which are dis-
tinct and mutually exclusive groups, but as belonging to one of the
mixed categories. In addition to racial and wealth factors, Colombia's
classes are distinguished by education, family background, lifestyle,
occupation, power, and geographic residence. Within every class, there
are numerous subtle gradations in status. Colombians tend to be
extremely status-conscious, and class identity is an important aspect of
social life because it regulates the interaction of groups and individuals.
Social-class boundaries are far more flexible in the city than in the
countryside, but consciousness of status and class distinctions contin-
ues to permeate social life throughout Colombia.
The upper very successful in maintaining exclusivity and
class is
The Society and Its Environment
The Colombian family traditionally has been an extended one,
that is, a wide circle of kinship consisting of several generations.
Colombia: A Country Study
Men of the upper and middle class have always been paternal and
protective toward their dependents, trying to shelter their wives and
children from undesirable outside influences. The activities of
women were for many years severely circumscribed because of the
The Society and Its Environment
career as a lawyer and businesswoman and, since the 1980s, has held
ministerial portfolios and ambassadorships (she became Colombia's
ambassador to the United Kingdom in 2008); she has also run for
president twice (in 1998 and 2002). At the same time, women who
engage in these activities are considered exceptional by the general
population. Most upper-class and upper-middle-class women do not
take on full-time work after marriage but rather devote themselves
primarily to their homes, families, and church groups.
The Roman Catholic Church is the single most important force
affecting marriage and family life, and Roman Catholic marriage is
recognized as the ideal and the preferred legal, social, and sexual
basis of the family. Nearly all formal marriages take place within the
church, and most other turning points in the life of the individual
family member are marked by religious rites. However, in 1973 a
Colombia: A Country Study
new agreement replaced the 1887 concordat with the Holy See,
opening the way for increased acceptance of civil marriages.
Regardless of the increasing acceptability of civil weddings, most
middle-class and upper-class families still try to provide their chil-
dren with the most elaborate church wedding they can afford.
Despite the efforts of the church to encourage legal marriage
within the lower class, people in this group generally regard a reli-
The Society and Its Environment
Income Distribution
Colombia has achieved respectable if unspectacu-
In recent years,
lar —
economic growth an average rate of 4.75 percent per year dur-
ing the twentieth century as a whole, or 2.3 percent in per-capita
terms; yet the benefits have not been shared equally. Just how
unequal the distribution has been depends on the study methods and
Colombia: A Country Study
The reduction in poverty resulted primarily from economic
growth rather than specific antipoverty programs, although increased
education spending was a factor that certainly helped, for example,
by preparing unskilled Colombians to move up to, at least, semi-
A hillside urban tugurio in MedelUn
Courtesy Inter-American Development Bank (David Mangurian),
Washington, DC
Colombia: A Country Study
Ending up in the cities as they usually do, these migrants from rural
The Society and Its Environment
Colombia: A Country Study
citizens that —
were written into the 1991 constitution and in line
with the maldistribution of so many other goods and services in
Colombia there is an excessive concentration of physicians in the
major cities. The same is true of the availability of hospital beds, a
category in which Colombia, with 1.1 beds per 1,000 inhabitants in
2003, is not much better off than some of the poorest Latin American
countries and is outclassed even by Paraguay.
Both national and local authorities play an important role in the
health-care system, and in the provision of local services such as pota-
ble water and sewerage, the role of the national government has been
primarily that of facilitator. Departmental governments have long
operated lotteries, ostensibly for the support of medical and other wel-
fare programs. But with positions in the lottery administrations often
awarded as political spoils rather than for technical competence, mis-
use of the funds collected has been all too common. Municipal gov-
ernments, for their part, mostly lack sufficient funds and expertise to
The Society and Its Environment
Colombia: A Country Study
the care offered even to those who do have access is often of poor
quality, many middle-income and well-to-do Colombians opt to take
out individual prepaid medical insurance policies.
In an effort to bring some order into the existing patchwork of
state and private programs, the administration of Cesar Gaviria in
1993 sponsored the ambitious reform measure known as Law 100.
Like other neoliberal initiatives of that government, the aim of the
law was to carve out a larger role for private enterprise in medical
insurance (and also in pension benefits). It established two basic
forms of subscription, which between them were supposed to cover
the entire population, as enrollment was obligatory. One form is the
contributive regimen, whereby individuals with sufficient means
join health insurance companies (EPS), which are basically fund
administrators, receiving the quotas paid by members and then con-
tracting with health-care providers (IPS) for services to their affili-
ates as needed. The other basic division is the subsidized regimen,
for those unable to pay a full monthly quota, in which state subsidies
help cover the payments due from members, with the money going
to Administrators of the Subsidized Regime (ARS), which like the
EPS contract with providers to meet members' needs.
Some further changes have been made since 1993, but the basic
program set forth in Law 100 remains in effect. In 2007 DANE
reported that 78 percent of the population had access to the health-
care system. However, all this was achieved with some deterioration
in quality of the care given, for the government made a deliberate
decision to sacrifice the latter to the extent necessary to maximize
coverage. Longer waiting times for appointments and procedures are
just part of the problem; many of those enrolled in the subsidized
program, especially in rural districts, simply do not have reliable
access to modern diagnosis or treatment. The program generates
many complaints, not just over the quality of care but also over
numerous instances of administrative confusion, inefficiency, and
The Society and Its Environment
Colombia: A Country Study
half of the twentieth century, though the pace has increased mark-
edly since 1950.
People in the poorest regions and social strata suffer most from
preventable diseases, such as gastrointestinal disorders and certain
respiratory ailments, and they are the most likely to suffer from some
form of malnutrition if not from lack of calories, then from an
excess of the sugar, starch, and cholesterol-prone fats in the Colom-
bian diet. But they are relatively less afflicted by the degenerative
and chronic diseases typical of urban and higher-income groups,
such as coronary ailments and cancer. Nationwide, an increase in the
latter diseases is related simply to a declining birthrate and increas-
ing life expectancy, so the Colombian population is steadily aging:
with an increasing percentage of Colombians over 45 years of age.
the impact of geriatric issues must inevitably increase.
It is also true that Colombia's record in the reduction of infant
mortality from 35.2 per 1.000 live births in 1990-95 to 19.5 in 2008
is mediocre by Latin American standards. Maternal deaths are like-
wise high, at 1.3 per 1.000 births in 2005 as against 0.3 for Chile.
Many of these maternal deaths are the result of induced abortions,
performed outside the formal health system because of traditional
religious and legal sanctions: only in 2006 was abortion finally legal-
ized, and then only in very special cases. On the whole, it appears that
health improvements have been least evident for infants and children,
for while the infant mortality rate was 19.5 per 1.000 live births in
2008. the overall death rate was an estimated 5.54 deaths per 1.000
population. Roughly a third of Colombian children suffer from ane-
mia. And a fifth of the infant and child deaths are linked either to
diarrheal or respiratory ailments or to other diseases associated with
lack of pure water and poor sanitation and living conditions — all
more typical of rural areas. The benefits of better medical care and
living conditions are thus concentrated both in the upper age-groups
and urban environments. And many of the adult deaths are the
result of such social pathologies as homicide and vehicle accidents. In
the 1990s, homicide became for a time the leading single cause of
mortality in Colombia, reflecting not just the impact of political vio-
lence and the illicit drug industry but also other social problems and
generally poor standards of law enforcement.
Tropical diseases, including malaria, are endemic still in certain
areas; indeed, the currents of internal migration to or from the less-
developed tropical hinterland have helped spread not just malaria but
also yellow fever, which had once been considered almost extinct. In
addition to cerebral malaria, parasitic diseases such as leishmaniasis
are still endemic in lowland and coastal areas. The incidence of sex-
The Society and Its Environment
Colombia: A Country Study
The Society and Its Environment
Colombia: A Country Study
Catholics, but also the Roman Catholic Church maintains a far more
impressive institutional structure than any other religious body in the
country. The Colombian Roman Catholic Church is divided adminis-
tratively into 77 dioceses, of which 13 are archdioceses headed by
archbishops. Eleven others are technically classified as apostolic
vicariates; 12 of them are located in remote areas, but one is the
Ministry Ordinariate of Colombia. The archbishop of Bogota is just
one of three Colombians who, by appointment of the pope, belong to
the College of Cardinals. The Colombian Episcopal Conference
(CEC) represents the hierarchy as a whole. The Roman Catholic
priesthood numbers, in total, about 8,000, including roughly 5,700
parish priests and 2,300 who belong to religious orders. There are
more than 1 ,000 unordained brothers in
also slightly religious orders
and more than 17,000 Roman Catholic sisters. The ratio of Roman
Catholic priests to total population, at one in 5,575, is not really ade-
quate to meet the needs of the church but is among the highest in
Latin America, and, unusually for the region, members of the clergy
are predominantly Colombian natives.
The church further maintains an extensive network of schools to
educate the children of its members and any others whose parents care
to send them, although they might well need to pay tuition. The CEC
even has its own department of education to coordinate education pol-
icy and to defend church interests in the field of education. Both regu-
lar clergy and religious orders operate universities, including the
Jesuits' Javeriana University in Bogota, which is one of the country's
finest. Technically speaking, lay persons run other institutions of
higher education that have close ties to the church, in some cases
through organizations, such as Opus Dei. The church also continues to
operate charitable institutions, such as orphanages and hospi-
tals — alongside programs of social welfare and action that often
receive additional support from other sources, including state agencies.
Just as in other aspects of social and cultural life, there are important
differences in religious faith and practice from one class or geographic
region to another. Upper-class Colombians, with few exceptions, expect to
be married in and buried from a Roman Catholic church, have their chil-
dren baptized, and treat first communion as an important rite of passage.
However, in between these family landmarks and the principal festive
occasions of the church calendar, they are not always faithful in their reli-
gious practice. The intellectual elite, as in so much of the Western world,
is largely agnostic, although its members may still observe some of the
A religious artifacts store, Bogota
Courtesy Lorenzo Morales
other buildings, and the priest is a figure to whom the inhabitants look for
more than just spiritual he is likely to be involved even
leadership. Indeed,
and development programs.
in various state-sponsored social
The Colombians who are least observant of official Roman
Catholicism are the rural and urban population groups of the Carib-
bean and Pacific lowlands, where the presence of the institutional
church is weakest. Moreover, because free unions and households
headed by women tend to outnumber conventional family units in
the lowlands, a formal Roman Catholic church marriage is more the
exception than the rule. Religious belief nevertheless remains strong,
but again with a major strain of folk religion, including elements
drawn from the African heritage of so many coastal inhabitants.
Colombia: A Country Study
The Colombian Roman Catholic clergy had and still has the repu-
tation of being more conservative, politically and theologically, than
Latin American clergy in general. During the 1960s and 1970s, fol-
lowing the Second Vatican Council, the church in Colombia, as else-
where, felt the need to modernize its outlook and at the same time
work for the amelioration of social problems. Indeed, a recognizable
minority of the Colombian clergy was attracted to the tenets of liber-
ation theology (see Glossary), while also espousing a more rapid
pace of social and economic change. A fraction of this minority actu-
ally joined the guerrillas, Camilo Torres Restrepo being the best-
known example. However, although Father Camilo, who was killed
in battle in 1966, became a leftist folk hero, his actions and those of
the few others who chose the same path served to discredit the liber-
ationist movement within the clergy, whose only supporter within
the hierarchy was Bishop Gerardo Valencia Cano of Buenaventura.
The latter 's death in a plane crash in 1972 was a serious blow, after
which the radical movement among the Colombian clergy attracted
steadily less attention. The elevation of John Paul II to the papacy
further assured that orthodox clerical and lay figures would fill key
positions. And with a moderate liberal democracy as the country's
political system, it was easy for the bulk of the Colombian clergy to
be politically conformist while tending to pastoral duties. In fact,
starting at the time of the bipartisan National Front (1958-78), the
Roman Catholic Church as a whole in Colombia assumed what can
only be described as a remarkably low profile.
Naturally, there were exceptions. The Research and Public Edu-
cation Center (Cinep), for example, a think tank based at the Javer-
iana University, churned out reports highly critical of Colombia's
social system (although without giving any express comfort to
advocates of violent revolution) and thereby earned a reproof from
the hierarchy. Yet toward the end of the century, there was a modest
increase of political and other activism that is hard to categorize
under the usual labels. The clergy led a successful campaign to
make sure that the 1991 Constituent Assembly did not omit men-
tion of God in the preamble to the new constitution, and it has con-
tinued to lobby against any form of legalized abortion, euthanasia,
or recognition of homosexual partnerships. On these issues, liberal
and conservative clerics and lay leaders are for the most part united,
in defense of traditional morality. At the same time, however,
though with slightly less unanimity, the church has participated in
various efforts to facilitate peace in the country's internal conflicts
The Society and Its Environment
Colombia: A Country Study
any doctor who carried out such an operation, the decision was not
subject to appeal, and the first legal abortions in Colombian history
soon took place.
The Society and Its Environment
weight felt on major national issues in the way that the Roman Catho-
lic Church does through the CEC or otherwise.
Colombia: A Country Study
Although individual Colombians have excelled in literature and
other fields of intellectual endeavor, the country is not renowned for
the quality of its public and private educational institutions. With a
Basic Education
Under the 1991 constitution, the basic education cycle is free and
compulsory for all Colombian children between the ages of five and
15 and consists, at a minimum, of one year of preprimary education
(kindergarten), five years of primary school, and the first four years
of secondary education. However, the schooling offered does not
always meet these guidelines, especially in rural areas. Primary
education is provided for children between six and 12 years of age.
For those who have completed the primary cycle successfully, sec-
ondary education lasting up to six years is theoretically available.
Following completion of a first cycle of four years, secondary
A classroom scene at a primary school in the mountain town ofArmenia,
pupils may pursue a further two years of study, leading to the bacca-
laureate examination.
All standard indicators show significant advances over the last half-
century in providing Colombians with at least the bare rninimum of
skills required to function effectively as members of contemporary soci-
ety. At most basic level, adult literacy, Colombia has done even bet-
ter than Cuba, where the campaign to extirpate illiteracy was justly
celebrated but began from a much higher starting point. By the begin-
ning of the twenty-first century, the rate of illiteracy had fallen (naturally
depending on the definition used) to 8 percent, still more than twice the
figure for Cuba or for Argentina but better than Brazil (above 12 per-
cent) and of an order wholly different from the figure at mid-twentieth
century. Also positive was the trend in coverage of primary education,
whether gross coverage (the relation between total school attendance
and the population of primary school age) or net coverage (referring
only to the attendance of children actually of primary age). The former
of these two measurements went from 43 percent in 1950 to 87 percent
in 1970 and, after relapsing in the 1980s because of fiscal crises and
other distractions, reached 110 percent at the beginning of the twenty-
first century. By the latter date, net coverage —that is, disregarding the
Colombia: A Country Study
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Colombia: A Country Study
Colombia: A Country Study
political activists, but when serious unrest of any sort caused a uni-
versity to be closed for a length of time, as repeatedly happened, all
students suffered. The closures offered opportunities to new private
universities, ranging from substandard universidades de garage to
others that sought to emulate the rigorous standards of Uniandes,
such as the University of the North in Barranquilla. Private universi-
ties are now much more numerous than public ones and enroll the
largest share of the university-age population. Of the main private
universities, 14 are Roman Catholic and 26, nonsectarian. Both pub-
lic and private institutions are now endeavoring, with varying
Continuing Problems
The Society and Its Environment
Social Movements
From a societal as well as purely economic standpoint, the most
important structural problem facing Colombia today is clearly the high
rate of inequality, which ultimately also accounts for most of the short-
comings in health care and education. Among critical problems, the
plight of the desplazados, which is hard to deal with and difficult for
some Colombians to comprehend, is the most urgent. But other mem-
bers of Colombian civil society have sought to confront these and
other challenges with everything from ad hoc mobilizations to new
formal organizations, all these activities being conventionally lumped
together under the broad heading of "social movements." New move-
ments, focusing on human rights; the environment; or issues of ethni-
city, gender, and sexual orientation now preoccupy Colombians,
alongside older issues, such as the student, labor, and peasant move-
ments (see Other Parties and Political Movements, ch. 4).
As American countries, the university students' move-
in other Latin
ment Colombia enjoyed special prestige because of the supposed
idealism of its young members. Since the dissolution in the 1960s of
the National University Federation, students have lacked one primary
nationwide organization and instead have gathered in congeries of sep-
arate student organizations along political, regional, gender, or ethnic
lines, or following some other particular orientation. Since the 1970s,
there has been a decline in radical activism on university campuses,
even though it certainly has not disappeared. However, student groups
can still make their weight felt. Student marches, most involving sec-
ondary students from private institutions, helped convince the govern-
ment to convoke the 1991 Constituent Assembly. And any serious
project to reform the public universities can be counted on to bring
forth a slew of protest demonstrations that may or may not abort the
Organized reached a high point in membership
labor, for its part,
during the National Front era, when the unions enrolled approxi-
mately 15 percent of those Colombians who might potentially have
joined one. Since then, however, there has been a steady decline,
which the unification in 1986 of most of the labor movement under
the banner of the United Workers' Federation (CUT) was unable to
stem. By 1990 membership had fallen to 8 percent, although total
numbers had not changed much because of the increase in popula-
tion. The proportion today would be about 5 percent, with most
Colombia: A Country Study
The Society and Its Environment
adversaries. ANUC itself, under intense pressure from both the gov-
ernment and its supporters and the leftist guerrillas, was torn by dis-
sension and split into two main branches, neither of which could
speak with unquestioned authority on behalf of Colombian peasants.
Indeed, the fragmentation continued, although the splinter groups
still were able to stage protests against human rights abuses and
Colombia: A Country Study
The Society and Its Environment
held, and these are no doubt partly responsible for the erratic stop-and-
go application of spraying. Yet the environmental effects of armed
conflict pose an even greater challenge, and one impossible to fully
meet while the conflict drags on (see Environment, this ch.).
The women's movement, for its part, would seem already to have
achieved its main objectives: women's right to vote came late to
Colombia (in 1954), but even before the constitution of 1991,
women had obtained, in effect, full formal equality with men.
Women have been well represented in appointive positions up to and
including the ministries of communications, national defense, and
foreign relations, although their representation in Congress remains
low; and they still do not have the full reproductive freedom that
activists identify with an unrestricted right to abortion. In practice,
however, women's groups in recent years have been concerned
above all to protest the prolongation of armed struggle in the coun-
try, the violation of human rights, and, in particular, the widespread
violence against women not just as part of armed conflict but also in
the home and neighborhood, where not all ordinary males have taken
to heart the notion of equality between the sexes.
Gender issues also are involved in one of the newest social move-
ments of all, that of the LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgen-
der) community, whose members have become increasingly vocal in
their demands for respect and for access to such things as the partner
benefits normally extended only to those in heterosexual relation-
ships. So far, there has been little progress on the matter of benefits,
but the Sunday following June 28 has become the date of an annual
gay pride parade in Bogota that would have been unthinkable in 1990.
Nothing else, perhaps, so forcefully symbolizes the ongoing changes
from a society steeped in Roman Catholic tradition to one that
increasingly takes its cues from the global media — and from the spirit
of renovation sanctioned for better or worse by the 1991 constitution.
* * *
Colombia: A Country Study
The Society and Its Environment
Chapter 3. The Economy
Top: An indigenous geometric design for a gold earring, decorative motif,
Calima archaeological area
Bottom: An indigenous geometric design for a gold earring, decorative
motif,Muisca archaeological zone
Courtesy Museo del Oro, Banco de la Republica; Banco del Pacifico
(Ecuador); and Casa de la Cultura Ecuatoriana Benjamin Carrion, El oro
de Colombia: Homenaje al Ecuador, Quito, Ecuador, 1982, 72-75
FOLLOWING A LONG TRADITION of heavy state intervention in
and active management of the Colombian economy, the end of the
1980s and the beginning of the 1990s were years of wide-ranging,
market-oriented reforms aimed at promoting private-sector participa-
tion, enhancing trade, improving the performance of the financial
sector, and making labor and product markets more efficient. A new
constitution enacted in 1991 also had broad implications for the econ-
omy, in particular for monetary and fiscal policy, through the estab-
lishment of an independent Bank of the Republic (Banrep; hereafter,
Central Bank) and the promotion of fiscal decentralization.
These changes have made present-day Colombia a more diversified
national economy and better integrated with the world economy. The
service sector has continued increasing its proportion of the nation's
gross domestic product (GDP — see Glossary). Mineral exports and
remittances have become an important source of foreign exchange. The
country's longtime dependency on revenue from coffee has signifi-
cantly diminished. National and foreign private-sector entrepreneurs
now have greater involvement in the provision of public services and in
the exploration and exploitation of natural resources. Domestic con-
sumers have gained access to greater varieties and qualities of a wide
range of goods and services. In the meantime, the government has
strengthened its role as a market regulator.
The heavy burden on the fiscal accounts that resulted from imple-
menting fiscal decentralization led to a significant increase in the vul-
nerability of the economy to international shocks. Together with a very
unsettled domestic security situation, these shocks severely compli-
cated and delayed the achievement of several of the goals expected
from the broader market-oriented reforms. As a result, the second half
of the 1990s was a period of diminished and more volatile growth,
including, in 1999, the first and only recession since 1931. Overall, the
years between 1995 and 2000 were a period of disappointing economic
performance and deterioration of many social indicators.
During 2000-7 achievements in domestic security, a more prudent
fiscal policy, and a more benign international environment allowed the
economy to recover, unemployment to shrink, and economic prospects
to improve. Inflation decreased from more than 30 percent per year in
1990 to 5.7 percent per year in 2007, a level close to that of developed
countries. By 2005 Colombia ranked as a lower middle-income coun-
try, with a per capita income of US$2,735 and with a GDP that was the
Colombia: A Country Study
The Economy
1904-30, ch. 1). The period 1905-15 has been described as the most
significantgrowth phase in Colombian history, characterized by an
expansion of exports and government revenues, as well as an overall
rise in the GDP. Coffee contributed most to trade, growing from only
8 percent of total exports at the beginning of the 1870s to nearly 75
percent by the mid- 1920s. Beyond its direct economic impact, the
expansion of coffee production also had a profound social effect. In
sharp contrast to mining and to some agricultural products such as
bananas, which were grown on large plantations, coffee production in
Colombia historically developed on very small plots of land. As a
result, it generated an important class of small landowners whose
income depended on a major export commodity. Unprecedented
amounts of foreign capital found their way into both private invest-
ment and public works during this period because of the strong per-
formance of coffee and other exports.
The rapid growth and development of the economy in the early
twentieth century helped to strengthen the country so it was largely
resistant to the GreatDepression that began in 1929. Colombia con-
tinued to produce raw materials, and, although coffee prices collapsed
during the Depression, output continued to expand. Nonetheless,
social and economic improvements were uneven.
The expansion of the coffee industry laid the groundwork for
national economic integration after World War II. During the course
of the postwar expansion, Colombia underwent a distinct transforma-
tion. Before the 1950s, because of the steep terrain and a relatively
primitive transportation network, local industries that were only
loosely linked to other regional businesses dominated the manufac-
turing sector. Improved transportation facilities, financed directly and
indirectly by the coffee industry, fostered national development.
Greater economic integration soon became evident with the heavier
concentration of industry and population in the six largest cities. Cof-
fee's success, therefore, led ultimately to a reliable transportation net-
work that hastened urbanization and industrialization.
In addition to coffee production, economic expansion of both the
restof the industrial sector and the services sector took place in two
distinct stages.From 1950 until 1967, Colombia followed a well-
defined program of import-substitution industrialization, with most
manufacturing startups directed toward domestic consumption that
previously had been satisfied by imports. After 1967 planners in both
government and industry shifted the economic strategy to export pro-
motion, emphasizing nontraditional exports, such as clothing and
other manufactured consumables, in addition to processed coffee.
From 1967 to 1980, the Colombian economy, and particularly the
coffee industry, experienced sustained growth. Because of severe
Colombia: A Country Study
In the 1980s, the government played a simultaneous role as a leg-
islator, regulator,and entrepreneur, particularly in the provision of
public utilities and in the exploitation of major natural resources,
such as oil and coal. Colombia also used diverse trade -policy tools,
such as tariffs and quotas, in order to promote import substitution,
supplemented after 1967 by export promotion and economic diversi-
fication. To encourage exports, a competitive exchange rate became
a centerpiece of macroeconomic policy, together with several export
subsidies, including tax exemptions and subsidized credit. The initial
export-promotion strategy did not include import liberalization as
one of its components. A prominent feature of the export-promotion
strategy was that the Central Bank stood ready to vary the fixed but
adjustable exchange rate to compensate for domestic inflation, in
order to maintain the competitiveness of domestic producers. As a
The Economy
Colombia: A Country Study
The Economy
productivity. —
Another set of policies especially fiscal decentraliza-
tionand the constitutionally mandated social role of the state was —
mostly driven by political and social considerations. In the context of
a favorable international environment, these principles served the
country well until 1995. However, after 1996 several factors con-
spired to make the two sets of policies somewhat inconsistent and
quite costly. Furthermore, the reform momentum had largely evapo-
rated, so that several of the identified policy inconsistencies were not
Colombia enjoyed a fairly good economic performance in the first
half of the 1990s because of an initial increase in public spending,
and the wealth effect resulting from increased oil production, which,
however, peaked in 1999, and a greater role for the private sector.
However, continuous fiscal deficits led to higher public debt, and the
increases of both private and public foreign debt made the country
vulnerable to negative international shocks. Furthermore, a profound
political crisis emerged because of allegations that drug traffickers
had partially financed the presidential campaign of Ernesto Samper
Pizano (president, 1994-98; see Public Administration, ch. 4). The
political crises that ensued had two serious consequences for eco-
nomic policy. On the one hand, the government tried to enhance its
popular support through initiatives that were very costly in fiscal
terms, including significant wage increases for civil servants, partic-
ularly for members of the very powerful teachers' union. On the
other hand, the government's ability to engage the Congress of the
Republic (Congreso de la Republica) in meaningful reform van-
ished. As a result, a much-needed push to enhance public revenues,
including thorough changes to the tax code, did not happen.
Unsurprisingly, in the midst of the Asian and Russian economic
crises of the Colombia had its first economic recession in
late 1990s,
more than 60 The exchange rate came under severe pressure,
and the Central Bank devalued the exchange-rate band twice. The
sudden stop in international lending led to an abrupt adjustment in
the current account, which meant a large contraction in aggregate
demand. Increases in international interest rates together with expec-
tations of devaluation of the peso (see Glossary) caused rises in
internal interest rates, contributing to the contraction of GDP. The
recession and the bursting of a real-estate bubble also resulted in a
major banking The savings and loan corporations were espe-
Colombia: A Country Study
context of the agreements with the IMF, the Central Bank allowed
the exchange rate to float in 1999 and concentrated on reducing
inflation. The government also introduced several tax-enhancing
reforms and partial reforms of the public pension system, amended
the fiscal decentralization regime, strengthened the financial system,
and once again privatized several financial institutions that the gov-
ernment had taken over during the crises.
Colombia: A Country Study
and mining 4 percent. Since then the nation has gone from a predom-
inantly agricultural economy with a nascent manufacturing sector to
one dominated by the services sector (see fig. 4).
The Economy
consistent net export for Colombia, and coffee's dominance within the
country's agricultural exports remains largely unchallenged.
Perhaps the most significant sectoral change in modern times was
the creation of the National Livestock Fund (FNG) in 1993, adminis-
tered by the Association of Colombian Stockbreeders (Fedegan).
That fund has generated resources to tackle five major issues: sanita-
tion, commercialization, research and development (R&D), training,
and promotion of consumption. Although progress has been made on
all five fronts, perhaps the most remarkable achievements have
Coffee historically has been a major factor in the Colombian
economy. Since the middle of the twentieth century, however, its rel-
ative importance has been decreasing, largely as a natural outcome
of the country's development process. The increase in the share of
the services sector, as the nation has developed, corresponded to the
reduction of coffee in both GDP and exports. Whereas in 1985 cof-
fee exports represented 51 percent of total exports in value terms,
they represented less than 6 percent in 2006. However, the relative
decline in coffee's share of both GDP and exports should not imply
that coffee has ceased to be a determining factor both in economic
and social terms. The livelihoods of an estimated 566,000 families,
some 2.3 million Colombians, depend entirely on coffee.
The two most important increases in coffee's international price
per pound since 1821 occurred after the signing of the Inter- American
Coffee Agreement of 1940 and the International Coffee Agreement of
1963. Such real price peaks occurred in 1954 and 1978, inducing
increased production, enhancing inventories, and leading eventually
to lower real coffee prices.
In 2003 coffee registered a price of US$0.60 per pound, its lowest
price since 1821, because of the collapse of the International Coffee
Agreement of 1989, the expansion of production in Vietnam, and the
reallocation of production in Brazil toward the northern milder areas.
Moreover, between 1999 and 2002 Colombia shifted from being the
second-largest to the third-largest producer of coffee in the world,
behind Brazil and Vietnam.
Colombia: A Country Study
The Economy
Colombian bananas (excluding plantains) are another export suc-
cess story, in this case despite the violence that has long affected the
producing regions. Banana exports, which amounted to about US$525
million in 2006, are the third-largest legal agricultural export of the
country, behind coffee and flowers. In 2005 Colombia was the tenth-
largest producer, with 2.5 percent of the world's banana output, and
the third-largest exporter, with 8 percent of the world's exports after
Ecuador and Costa Rica. Output for export, mainly of the Cavendish
Valerie variety,is highly productive compared to international stan-
Cut-flower production represented 4.2 percent of agricultural GDP
in Colombia in 2006, generating 94,000 direct jobs and 80,000 indi-
rect jobs, and it is estimated that about 1 million Colombians depend
on income generated by the growth of flowers. Women account for
60 percent of the workers in the flower industry, and their terms of
employment are favorable in light of Colombia's overall labor mar-
kets. Nevertheless, working conditions, which may include exposure
to pesticide spray, are far from ideal. Flowers are produced by 300
companies on 600 farms, 20 percent of which are owned by foreign
Colombia: A Country Study
Sugar production, which represented 2.5 percent of agricultural
GDP in 2004, is concentrated in Valle del Cauca Department and is
based on sugarcane output. Colombia has about 1,200 sugarcane pro-
ducers, 14 sugar mills, and about 53 confectionary firms, the sector is
one of the most productive for sugar in the world.
The domestic market is highly protected through the Andean
Price-Band System (see Glossary), and thus, domestic prices are
higher than international prices, which has hurt consumers and pro-
ducers using sugar as an input. In order to avoid extra sugar costs for
the domestic confectionary industry competing in the international
markets, a joint program between domestic confectioners and the
sugar producers began in 1993, allowing the confectionary firms
access to sugar inputs for its exports at more competitive prices.
The Economy
Palm Oil
use for growing illegal crops, and a source of employment for former
members of illegal armed groups. However, the latter have some-
times displaced ethnic minority communities in taking over their
Colombia: A Country Study
Minerals — in particular coal, oil, and natural gas, but also emer-
alds, gold, and nickel —have played an important role in Colombia's
GDP and foreign trade in the last 20 years. Accounting for only 1.4
percent of GDP and 13 percent of total exports between 1980 and
1984, minerals represented about 5 percent of GDP and 42 percent
of total exports in 2006. The minerals industry has compensated to a
certain extent for the decreasing role of agriculture and has expanded
the importance of commodities for the economy as a whole. Colom-
bia is the world's leading source of emeralds, and illegal mining is
commonplace. However, production of precious minerals is small-
scale despite high international prices for minerals such as gold.
Colombia's coal output has increased consistently from 4 million
tons in 1981 to 65.6 million tons in 2006, when it contributed 1.4 per-
cent of the world's coal production. In 2006 Colombia accounted for
8 1 percent of the total coal production in Centraland South America.
Furthermore, 94 percent of Colombia's coal of very good quality
The Economy
tant revenues for the nation's public finances. In 2006 oil and deriva-
tives accounted for 26 percent of total exports (18.6 percent for oil
and 7.4 percent for derivatives). Oil is particularly important because
of its fiscal implications, which cut across several dimensions.
The state-owned Colombian Petroleum Enterprise (Ecopetrol) is
an important exporter and a highly profitable concern. The govern-
ment also subsidizes gasoline and other fuels by selling them locally
at a price below the comparable international market price, and this
subsidy is channeled through Ecopetrol. In 2004 rough estimates
suggested that while the central government was running a fiscal
deficit of about 5 percent of GDP, Ecopetrol was producing net of —
taxes and domestic subsidies —
a surplus close to 3 percent of GDP.
In addition, domestic fuel subsidies had a fiscal cost of between 1
and 2 percentage points of GDP.
Since 1974 Colombia has applied a system of association con-
tracts, in which the profits from oil exploration are divided in half
between the national government and private investors, both national
and foreign. Within that framework, Colombia's oil production
increased significantly in 1986, when the Cano Limon oil field
began operating, and was further enhanced in 1995, when produc-
tion began in the Cusiana and Cupiagua oil fields.
A higher tax on oil production came in 1989, with further taxes on
oil companies' profits in 1994. These measures, unfriendly to private
investors, played a key role in reducing the rate of exploration. As a
result, oil reserves, which increased 600 percent at their peak
between 1978 and 1992, have been declining since then. Similarly,
oil production, which increased more than 400 percent between 1979
and 1999, when it peaked at 838,000 barrels per day (bpd see —
Glossary), began a period of decline, totaling an estimated 529,000
bpd in 2006.
In 1999 this loss of private investors' interest led to a reduction in
the share of the income accrued by the state, from 50 percent to 30
percent of the total oil income. In 2000 the government modified the
royalties system, with variable coefficients based on output and rang-
ing from 5 percent to 25 percent. Although the tax system changed to
encourage exploration, private-sector investment has been slow to
rebound, among other reasons because the oil sector has been a direct
target of insurgent groups. Although no new major discoveries have
been announced and no new capacity was expected to be produced
before 2010, oil production increased in 2008.
The outlook for the oil supply is complex because of the trend of
decreasing oil reserves and the sharp increase in international oil
prices in 2008. The government was considering a variety of options
Colombia: A Country Study
to compete with other oil companies. In the initial sale of 10.1 per-
cent of the firm, almost 500,000 Colombian investors bought shares
in the company, which was listed on the Colombian stock exchange
that same year and is expected to sell an additional 9.9 percent of its
shares before the end of the decade. As Colombia's largest firm,
Ecopetrol should provide a significant boost to the overall level of
transactions on the Colombian stock exchange.
Natural Gas
Colombia's production of natural gas in 2007 was entirely for
domestic consumption, when it amounted to 7.7 billion cubic meters,
or 0.3 percent of world output. In 2005 Colombia had an estimated 4
trillion cubic feet of commercial natural gas reserves that should last
until about 2022. This natural endowment has been used since the
1990s, and monopolies on the Atlantic coast and in the eastern plains
(llanos) control production. Several firms provide transport,
although two National Gas Company of the Atlantic Coast and the
Colombian Gas Company control the main pipelines. Except in
Medellin, where the local public utilities company, Medellin Public
Companies, distributes gas, distribution is generally by private firms.
Coverage for residential use of natural gas in 2002 was 80 percent in
Barranquilla, 70 percent in Bucaramanga, 60 percent in Bogota, and
30 percent in Cali. Because of its high cost, the availability of natural
gas in rural areas tends to be limited.
The Economy
ever, since then the share has fallen considerably, down to approxi-
mately 29 percent of GDP in 2007. This pattern is about the average
for middle-income countries.
The spirit of the 1991 constitution led to reform of the Industry
and Commerce Superintendency (SIC) in order to foster competition
and protect consumer rights by strengthening its capacity to prevent
monopolistic activities and promote competition and market access.
Offenses against free competition, collusion, and abuses of market
power were defined, and the SIC gained the capacity to sanction
individuals and firms for violations. The changes also strengthened a
period of trade liberalization, increasing the degree of competition in
domestic markets after a long period of import- substitution industri-
alization and export-promotion policies (see Trade Policy and Trade
Patterns, this ch.).
Before 1990 it was common to have subsidized sources of credit for
Colombia: A Country Study
Colombia's construction sector has represented between 5 and 7
percent of GDP and between 5 and 6 percent of total employment in
recent decades. About 60 percent of the population owns homes.
However, financial intermediation (see Glossary) in the housing
industry traditionally has been low by world standards; total mort-
gages were 5 percent of GDP in 2008 and have never been more than
11 percent of GDP. Because of Colombia's strong rural-urban
migration, more than 70 percent of the population lives in urban
areas, but serious problems in housing quality, size, and access to
public services have created a housing deficit estimated at more than
40 percent. For many years, governments have played a major role
in the promotion of social-interest housing. In order to foster con-
struction, in 1972 the government introduced the Unit of Constant
Purchasing Power (UPAC). Based on it, a mortgage system in which
debts and interest payments originally were indexed to inflation
came into being and was quite successful in the 1970s and 1980s.
The UPAC increased private savings and thus the resources available
to finance mortgages, boosting the construction sector.
The construction sector boomed between 1990 and 1994 because
of a combination of factors, including greater competition and fewer
restrictions in the financial markets, increased capital inflows,
relaxed regulation and supervision of financial institutions, and a
loose monetary policy. The resulting housing-price hike, with
increases of 70 percent in real terms between 1990 and 1994, also
led to significant mortgage expansion during those years.
With the financial market reforms at the beginning of the 1990s,
mortgage companies faced stiffer competition from other financial
institutions, and, in order to compete on equal terms, demanded the
indexation of the UPAC Moreover, as
to prevailing interest rates.
real interest rates increased sharply in the second half of the 1990s,
among other things as a response to the Asian and Russian economic
crises when the value of housing assets began falling, many mort-
gage holders were exposed to negative equity, eventually losing their
The lack of demand and the excess supply of houses precipitated
a sharp fall in real prices. In 1998 house prices had dropped to 1991
levels. This situation further depressed the quality of mortgages and
loan guarantees in general, leading to a bust in the housing market
between 1997 and 2000. The UPAC was replaced in 2000 by the
Real Value Unit, which is indexed just as the UPAC initially
was — to inflation rather than to interest rates. Since then there has
been a slow recovery of housing prices and an even slower recovery
of mortgage volume.
Upscale hillside housing in the north of Bogota
Courtesy Lorenzo Morales
A cobblestoned street in Bogota
Courtesy Inter-American Development Bank, Washington, DC
Colombia: A Country Study
Man ufacturing
A key feature of Colombian manufacturing has been the high con-
centration of location and ownership. Some 30 percent of output in
2005 was produced in Bogota, 15 percent in Medellin, 11 percent in
Cali, 7 percent in Cartagena, and 5 percent in Barranquilla. Thus,
these five cities produced 68 percent of the nation's total manufactur-
ing output.
Three main Colombian economic groups control a significant share
of manufacturing output: the Antioquia Entrepreneurial Group (GEA)
focuses on food products, as well as cement, energy, and finance; the
Santo Domingo Group, on beer, soft drinks, and other investments;
and the Ardila Lulle Organization, on soft drinks, sugar, and other
related businesses. Manufacturing output in chemicals, motor vehi-
cles, and paper is concentrated in multinational firms. Public-sector
manufacturing consists mainly of oil refineries and alcoholic drinks.
Colombia has three official sizes of smaller companies: micro (those
with fewer than 11 workers), small (with 11 to 49 employees), and
medium (with 50 to 199 employees). These smaller firms produce 28
percent of Colombia's output and hire 46 percent of the workers in
manufacturing. In 2006 the most important manufacturing sector by
value of output was refined petroleum products, followed by chemi-
cals and chemical products, beverages, basic iron and steel products,
and milled and prepared animal-food products.
In 2005 the most important manufacturing sector for employment
was textiles and clothing, followed by chemicals and chemical prod-
ucts, plastic products, cement and other nonmetalic goods, and bever-
ages. Colombia's textile industry represented 9 percent of output and
23 percent of employment in manufactures in 2005, although the share
in output has been falling steadily since 1990. Between 2001 and
2003, Colombia was a net importer of textile inputs, while it was a net
exporter of apparel. The United States is the main export market for
Colombian textiles and apparel, followed by the members of the
Andean Community and Mexico. The sector has been one of the main
beneficiaries of the Andean Trade Preference Act and the Andean
Trade Promotion and Drug Eradication Act. The United States
extended these trade preferences to Colombia and other Andean coun-
tries because of their continuing fight against the production and dis-
The Economy
more dispersed. Colombia is a net importer of pulp and paper and has
been a net exporter of printed products for many years.
Vehicle assembly and vehicle components represent 2 percent of
manufacturing GDP and employment, and those shares have been fall-
ing in recent years. Colombia has automobile-assembly plants linked to
Chevrolet (the market leader), Renault, Mazda, and Toyota; motor-
cycle-assembly plants have links to Kawasaki, Yamaha, and Suzuki.
Vehicle assembly represents 70 percent of this subsector's GDP, while
vehicle components represent 30 percent. Since 1990 there has been
greater international competition in vehicle assembly, leading to
increases in the number of available vehicle brands and models. Over-
all, Colombia a net importer of vehicles, mainly from Japan, the
United and South Korea. Its main export markets are the
Andean countries, especially Venezuela and Ecuador.
Colombia: A Country Study
The share of commerce in Colombian GDP fluctuated between 10
and 12 percent in the period 1994-2006, very similar to the share of
commerce in developed countries, which tends to be about 11 or 12
percent of GDP. Data from the National Administrative Department
of Statistics (DANE) show that commerce has provided around 25
percent of total employment, more than half of which is in the infor-
mal sector and the remaining one-quarter in the formal sector (see
The Informal Economy, this ch.).
In the last few years, Colombia has seen the appearance of large
retail establishments, as has happened in other developing countries,
and as occurred in many developed countries some years ago. Such
large retail establishments, boosted by trade and investment liberal-
ization, have included national companies such as Olimpica and Exi-
to's Carulla Vivero. They have also included international firms such
as Casino, which in 2007 became the major shareholder in Exito,
and Carrefour (France), Makro (the Netherlands and South Africa),
and Falabella (Chile). Although the process of creating large retail
establishments may be far from complete, it has already resulted in
increased concentration in the retail business, the beginning of own-
brand developments, and technological improvements in informa-
tion. It also has shifted some market power from producers to large
Public Utilities
A typical restaurant, open to the streets and passersby,
in Bogota s Candelaria district
Market stands such as this one are found in towns throughout Colombia.
Courtesy Lorenzo Morales
Colombia: A Country Study
The Economy
Waste Collection
Bogota began transferring responsibility for waste disposal to pri-
vate firms even before the existence, since 1994, of the SSPD. Since
then private participation in waste disposal has increased. The SSPD
has more than 500 waste-collection firms registered, about 20 per-
cent of which are private. Approximately 80 percent of the users of
waste-disposal services regarded the service as good. Public cam-
paigns and economic incentives exist to increase public awareness of
the need for recycling, and some progress has been made, but there
is still a long way to go in promoting its environmental benefits.
Colombia has major attractions as a tourist destination, such as Car-
tagena and its historic surroundings, on the United Nations
which are
Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) World
Heritage List; the insular department of San Andres, Providencia y
Santa Catalina; and Santa Marta and the surrounding area. Fairly
recently, Bogota, the nation's capital, has become Colombia's major
tourist destination because of its improved museums and entertainment
facilities and its major urban renovations, including the rehabilitation of
Colombia: A Country Study
A street vendor at the entrance to a plaza in Cartagena
Courtesy Lorenzo Morales
Air Transportation
Colombia: A Country Study
The Economy
Inland Waterways
Before the twentieth century, Colombia's rivers offered the main
means of transportation, mostly linking regions with the Atlantic
coast, and the means by which vast parts of the country had contact
with the outside world. Colombia has four major basins around the
Magdalena, Amazon, Orinoco, and Atrato rivers (see Geography, ch.
2). Overall, the country has 24,725 kilometers of inland waterways,
74 percent of which are navigable. Of the navigable waterways, 39
percent allow for permanent major navigation, while 23 percent allow
for temporary major navigation. Inland waterways have been consis-
tently underutilized in Colombia. For example, in 2002 only 3 per-
cent of total cargo and only 5 percent of passengers were transported
by inland waterways.
Colombia's main river, the Magdalena, still provides services for
transportation, although stiffer competition from rail transportation
and especially from roads has meant that the Magdalena has special-
ized in transporting high-volume and low-cost-per-unit-weight
goods. In 2002 hydrocarbons transported on the Magdalena repre-
sented 80 percent of the total cargo transported via inland waterways.
The main transshipment ports on the Magdalena are La Dorada,
Puerto Salgar, Puerto Berrio, Barrancabermeja, Estacion Acapulco,
and Gamarra. The main specialized ports along that river are Imarco
(for cement) and Barrancabermeja (for hydrocarbons). A second
interoceanic canal system, to be built by dredging the Atrato and
other rivers and digging short access canals, has been proposed peri-
odically over the years but had not materialized by 2009.
International boundary
® National capital
• Populated place
^—^— Pan-American Highway
Proposed highway route I
Major road
h ——
i i
> Railroad
<J> Major airport PERU /
vj, Major port Leticia-
00 200 Kilometers
1 Boundary representation . w !v
100 200 Miles not necessarily authoritative
The Economy
Road Transportation
Colombia's road system originated in the first half of the twen-
tieth century. Transport by rail or river used to be oriented toward
exports, imports, and communication with the outside world. The
road network, in contrast, was designed to improve communications
across the country and locally. Road transport has had the largest
volume increase of the main forms of transportation, while train and
river transport lag far behind. This disparity can be explained partly
by the country's topography, the increasing size of Colombia's inter-
nal market, and by the road network being designed for domestic
convenience. Other reasons for the faster development of road trans-
port are the flexibility of road systems and some mistakes in rail-
road- and river-transport policy.
As of October 2008, Colombia had 164,257 kilometers of roads, of
which 13,467 kilometers, or about 8 percent, were paved, according to
the National Institute of Highways. Of the paved roads, 55.5 percent
were in good condition, 30.3 percent in bad condition, and 14 percent
in very bad condition (the remaining minute percentage was considered
in very good condition). Some 8,787 kilometers of Colombia's paved
roads were designated as part of the national highway network, of
which 46.9 percent were considered in good condition, 33.2 percent in
regular condition, 19.5 percent in bad condition, and the remaining 0.4
Colombia: A Country Study
runs north from Bogota to Cucuta and the border with Venezuela and
on northwest to Valledupar and Cartagena.
The fourth, fifth, and sixth major highway networks {trans-
versales) run east-west. The Caribbean Highway, which begins at
Paraguachon, on the Venezuelan border in La Guajira Department,
runs through the northern Caribbean lowlands, circumvents the
Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, and passes by Santa Marta, Barran-
quilla, and Cartagena all the way to Turbo in Antioquia Department.
Another highway runs from Bogota to Medellin, and a third horizon-
tal link goes from Puerto Gaitan in the eastern llanos (Meta Depart-
The Economy
Colombia: A Country Study
Bogota s innovative Trans Milenio mass-transportation
system uses dedicated lanes for articulated buses.
Courtesy Lorenzo Morales
Colombia: A Country Study
The Economy
state-owned institutions. For the most part, the gap between the
interest charged by banks for loans they made and the interest paid
by the banks for the deposits they received the so-called intermedi-
ation spread —
was high. This situation resulted from banks being
rather inefficient, with high administrative costs in relation to assets,
high taxes on financial intermediation, and a less-than-competitive
environment. Thus, the productive sector had limited access to rela-
tively expensive domestic credit, while access to foreign credit was
highly constrained.
In the 1 990s, reforms under the administration of Cesar Augusto
Gaviria Trujillo (president, 1990-94) promoted competition, creat-
ing a more efficient financial system that would support the transfor-
mation of Colombia's productive sector. The new measures eased
the entry of firms into the financial sector; improved regulation; and
encouraged bank business by simplifying mergers, conversions, and
breakups and by allowing foreign investment. The reforms also
privatized several public banks, liberalized interest rates, and
changed the emphasis of the financial markets from specialization to
a system of multipurpose banking. They also allowed the inter-
national best-practice standards for the financial sector —known as
Basel rules — be applied along with enhanced supervision by the
Banking Superintendency. In addition, Gaviria 's reforms reduced
reserve requirements, which were no longer used as primary mone-
tary policy tools; and encouraged financial institutions to participate
in the foreign-exchange market and offer a wider range of products.
These measures improved competitiveness so that new banks
could enter the market more easily, but they also increased the size
of banks and the capital backing of financial institutions. Eventually,
however, the positive effects of greater competition were neutralized
by the higher risk caused by a poorer economic performance and the
subsequent deterioration in the creditworthiness of finance compa-
nies. Intermediation spreads therefore remained at a high level.
Colombia: A Country Study
Bogota s new financial district on 72 Street
Courtesy Lorenzo Morales
Colombia: A Country Study
The Economy
Colombia: A Country Study
around that level to date. Overall, and despite its dependence on com-
modities, Colombia's export basket is today more diverse than in 1990.
The main exported manufactures include chemicals and refined oil
products, processed foods, basic metallurgical products, clothing, and
In 2006 the United States was the destination of 40 percent of
Colombian exports; Venezuela received 1 1 percent; Ecuador, 5 per-
cent; Mexico and Peru, 3 percent each; and Germany, Japan, and
Belgium, 2 percent each. These eight countries were the destination
of 68 percent of Colombia's total exports. The fact that the United
States is Colombia's most important trade partner explains why the
negotiation of the free-trade agreement with the United States has
been a major economic and political issue for Colombian officials
and for many of the nation's main pressure groups. In order to
enhance security and improve efficiency in its trade with the United
States, Colombian export companies have been allowed to partici-
pate in the Customs-Trade Partnership Against Terrorism program
of the U.S. Customs and Border Protection agency.
In 2006 some 25.5 percent of Colombia's exports were from the
Caribbean coast, that is, the departments of Atlantico, Bolivar, Cesar,
Cordoba, La Guajira, Magdalena, and Sucre, as well as Colombia's
Caribbean department of San Andres, Providencia y Santa Catalina;
16.9 percent were from Bogota and Cundinamarca Department; 12.9
percent were from Antioquia; and 7.4 percent were from Valle del
Cauca Department.
Colombia's import bill rose by 26 percent to US$30.1 billion in
2006. Of these imports, 80 percent consisted of capital goods and
industrial raw materials and inputs, and 20 percent of consumption
goods. In that same year, the United States provided 26 percent of
Colombian imports; China and Mexico, 9 percent each; Brazil, 7 per-
cent; Venezuela, 6 percent, Germany and Japan, 4 percent each; Ecua-
dor, 3 percent; and Spain, 1 percent. These nine countries were the
source of 69 percent of Colombia's total imports.
The Economy
Colombia: A Country Study
funds increased to more than US$1 billion between 1996 and 2000,
then depreciated steadily, and by 2003 had fallen to less than
US$700 million. In order to minimize the effects of speculative
financial flows on exchange-rate volatility, since December 2004
such investments must remain in Colombia for at least one year.
Foreign investments by Colombian companies have increased sig-
nificantly in the last two decades, from US$59 million in 1992 to more
than US$1 billion since 2005. They have invested, for example, in
cement producer group Argos and the ceramics and plumbing Corona
Group in the United States; the Corona Group in Mexico; the Peruvian
state oil company Ecopetrol; the Grupo Empresarial Interconexion
Electrica S.A. in Brazil, Panama, and Peru; Compania Nacional de
Chocolates in Peru and other Latin American countries; and the Ban-
colombia financial group in El Salvador. A wide range of smaller
Colombian firms are also making investments abroad in sectors such as
apparel and fashion design, food products, and restaurants.
Illegal Drugs
The illegal drug problem appeared in the 1970s, intensified in the
1980s, and has continued unabated since then. The Colombian gov-
ernment has tried many different policies since 1 990 to fight the ille-
gal drug trade. Gaviria put his administration's policy emphasis on
countering narco-terrorism — the combination of illegal drug busi-
nesses and terrorism. After the 1991 constitution banned extradition,
the government adopted a program allowing major traffickers to do
jailtime in Colombia in return for lenient sentences, and eventually
a group of drug lords headed by Pablo Escobar Gaviria took part in
it. As there was clear evidence that justice was neither thorough nor
impartial, the government attempted to transfer Escobar away from
the comfortable so-called prison that he had built for himself near
Medellfn; Escobar and several of his associates escaped. This situa-
tion forced the Colombian government to make major efforts to cap-
ture, dead or alive, key figures of the Medellin Cartel. Eventually,
several of those drug lords were put back into prison, or, like Esco-
bar, were killed. After serious allegations that the Cali Cartel had
financed his presidential campaign, Ernesto Samper's administration
captured the heads of the cartel, reestablished extradition in 1997,
and introduced court powers in order to allow the state to take pos-
session of properties obtained with funds from illegal activities.
The 1990s were years of significant increase in the area of coca-
crop cultivation, from 40,100 hectares in 1990 to 163,300 hectares in
2000. The 1990s also saw the start of opium-poppy cultivation, with a
production area in 1994 of 15,000 hectares. Besides, the Cali and
Growing to a height of two or three meters, the coca shrub
Colombia: A Country Study
The Economy
The economic effect of the illegal drug trade also includes the dis-
tortional effects that foreign-exchange revenues from such activities
have on legal production of goods and services. Furthermore, drug
proceeds foster corruption, fund contraband and money laundering,
jeopardize political stability, and weaken institutions. They have also
stoked Colombia's internal conflict. Recent estimates indicate that
Colombia's GDP growth rate has been diminished by about 2 per-
cent per year because of the deleterious effect that the drug-fueled
internal conflict has had on investment and productivity. The overall
effect of drug trafficking on the Colombian economy remains nega-
tive even though certain sectors, particularly the housing industry in
certain cities, may have received a boost from this illegal activity.
According to the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development,
between 1995 and 2006 the share of illicit drugs in GDP fell (see
The Rise of Drug Trafficking Organizations, ch. 1 Drug Trafficking
Colombia: A Country Study
The Economy
members elect the bank's general manager for a four-year term. The
five other board members are appointed by the president of the
republic for four-year terms. Every four years, the government may
change two of the appointed board members and must reappoint the
other three. No member may serve for more than three terms. Loans
from the bank to the government and to the nonfmancial private sec-
tor are severely restricted.
The new constitution establishes that the Central Bank's mandate
is guard price stability and that its policies have to be made in
coordination with overall economic policy. The 1991 charter gives
the Central Bank political and financial autonomy, but the Central
Bank has to present a biannual report on its activities to Congress to
ensure accountability. Despite sporadic debates about the objectives,
structure, operation, and independence of the Central Bank, since the
reforms were introduced in 1991, Colombia has managed to reduce
its inflation rate from 32.4 percent in 1990 to 4.5 percent in 2006.
its public and foreign debt burden. In that year, GDP fell 4 percent,
Colombia: A Country Study
The Economy
Colombia: A Country Study
The Economy
Colombia: A Country Study
The Economy
icies. Their timing has had some unwelcome results, such as a long
period of revaluation of the real exchange rate.
Labor Markets
Colombia: A Country Study
A seamstress in Bogota
Courtesy Inter-American Development Bank (Daniel Drosdoff),
Washington, DC
Flower vendors on the sidewalk at the entrance toBogota s main cemetery
Courtesy Lorenzo Morales
Colombia: A Country Study
and 2006 was 12.4 percent, which is very high by world standards.
The average unemployment rose from 1 1.4 percent between 1984 and
1989 to 14.9 percent between 2001 and 2006 (with a change in mea-
surement methodology in the latter period). The increase in the aver-
age level of unemployment has been accompanied by an increase in
the variance of unemployment. Recent studies show that in Colombia
unemployment hits women and young workers, mainly those with
only secondary education, the hardest. Unemployment also increases
as the level of income falls, affecting primarily the poorest groups of
the population.
The recovery of the economy meant that by 2006 some improve-
ments markets had occurred, notably a fall in the rate and
in the labor
duration of unemployment, an improvement in the quality of employ-
ment, and an increase in the number of jobs for young workers. The
benefits of the 2002 labor reform were still under scrutiny, and it was
too early to judge its full effectiveness. The aim of this reform was to
reduce employment costs and labor-market rigidities and to promote
the hiring of apprentices and vulnerable groups of society. It also
introduced an unemployment subsidy financed through a further
increase in the nonwage costs. Nevertheless, the high level of unem-
ployment remained one of Colombia's most serious economic and
social problems.
The Economy
Social Expenditure
Colombia: A Country Study
The Economy
Colombia: A Country Study
For many years, pension contributions were very low compared to
benefits, and the number of years required for contributions was also
low about 20 years, and as low as 10 years in some cases. Life
expectancy in Colombia has increased, but the retirement age has not
increased in proportion and is currently 55 years for women and 60
years for men and set to increase in 2014 to 57 years for women and
62 years for men.
Colombia's pension system has a solidarity component in which
workers with sufficiently high incomes make contributions to a soli-
darity pension fund, thereby contributing to ensure minimum pen-
sions for low-income workers covered by the system and subsistence
payments to elderly and low-income citizens, who are not covered at
all. Overall estimates suggest that the government subsidizes about
The Economy
After experiencing a severe downturn in the second half of the
1990s, Colombia began forcefully addressing many of its most press-
ing problems in 2000. Since Alvaro Uribe became president in 2002, in
addition to implementing the Democratic Security Policy, the govern-
ment also has attempted toimprove respect and protection of human
rights and community in the process of
to involve the international
reestablishing peace, law, and order in the country. During this period,
there has been improvement in indicators such as reductions in the
number of guerrilla attacks in urban areas, the number of homicides
and kidnappings, and the amount of land devoted to the production of
illegal crops. There also have been increases in the amount of traffic on
intercity highways and a reduction in attacks on the electric-power grid
and oil pipelines. Although all these indicators have generated an
improved social, political, and economic environment, it is not entirely
Colombia: A Country Study
The Economy
Colombia: A Country Study
under any democratic regime, and that are particularly strong in this
area. Improving the quality of information in general will be a major
challenge because it is not uncommon to find divergence in the data
provided by different institutions, such as the World Bank and
Consolidation of peace and minimal security conditions within the
country will be important to restore consumer and investor confi-
dence across all economy, and a boost for international
sectors of the
tourism as a source of foreign exchange. As such, a major question is
whether President Uribe's Democratic Security Policy, which so far
has yielded a short-term boost to the national morale as a result of its
major breakthroughs such as the submission to justice of the main
paramilitary leaders; the deaths of three members of the FARC's Sec-
retariat in the first half of 2008; and the death, capture, or demobiliza-
tion of many of the other members of the AUC and FARC can —
become a nonpartisan and permanent policy, delivering long-lasting
In 2005 the Colombian government proposed a long-term program
to commemorate the second centenary of independence in 2019. The
program outlines long-term goals for 2019 and policies to significantly
increase annual per capita income and to drastically reduce poverty,
indigence, and unemployment. The process of achieving such goals is
* * *
The Economy
Chapter 4. Government and Politics
Top: An indigenous geometric design, C. Jaramillo Collection, Pasto
Bottom: An indigenous geometric design, private collection, Pupiales
Courtesy Carlos Arturo Jaramillo Giraldo, Murmullos del lenguaje Uik:
La practica del mopa mopa: De lo recolector a lo sedentario, MedelUn,
1986, 87, 89
longed internal warfare constitutes the distinguishing feature of the
Colombian political system. Political violence in Colombia is largely
attributed to a complex history of political exclusion, repression of
opposition groups, social and economic inequality, absence of the
rule of law, and drug trafficking.
When Cesar Augusto Gaviria Trujillo (president, 1990-94) took
office, Colombia was also in the midst of a campaign of narco-
terrorism (see Glossary) inaugurated by the country's drug cartels in
order to impede the extradition of their leaders to the United States.
In August 1989, gunmen hired by the Medellin Cartel had assassi-
nated Liberal Party (PL) presidential candidate Luis Carlos Galan.
For Gaviria, narco-terrorism —and the social, economic, and politi-
cal costs associated with it —constituted a primary threat to Colom-
bia's democracy. The government subsequently enacted a plea-
bargaining provision, under which those individuals accused of
drug-related crimes would receive reduced jail sentences in
exchange for their voluntary surrender and confession of their
crimes. Nearly a year later, the Constituent Assembly, under signifi-
cant pressure from the country's drug-trafficking cartels, voted to
prohibit the extradition of Colombian citizens altogether.
The Constituent Assembly was convened in 1991, partly because
it appeared that the National Front (Frente Nacional, 1958-78), a
Colombia: A Country Study
Government and Politics
in the country.
Colombia: A Country Study
— |
Government and Politics
Colombia: A Country Study
Government and Politics
Administrative Departments
Colombia: A Country Study
Territorial Government
Government and Politics
tive boards, whose members are popularly elected.Each one also has
a local mayor, who is appointed by the mayor of the city. The Uribe
government was planning to introduce a bill that would allow for the
immediate reelection of local officials.
During the last year of the presidency of Belisario Betancur Cuar-
tas (1982-86), a law strengthened local government in Colombia by
authorizing the direct election of mayors and other steps designed to
achieve greater decentralization. Increasing civic protest in the mid-
1980s against political corruption and inadequate public services at
the local level had led to the adoption of these measures. A number
of administrative functions previously controlled by the central gov-
ernment transferred to the local level, although the scarcity of
resources, lack of technical and administrative skills, and low level
of social participation made decentralization difficult to implement.
The 1991 constitution accelerated and enhanced the process of
devolution by identifying decentralization, departmental autonomy,
and citizen participation as three fundamental principles of the
administrative organization of the country. The popular election of
governors and municipal mayors, previously appointed by the presi-
dent of the republic and departmental governors, respectively, gave
Colombian citizens under the 1991 constitution a direct means of
intervention in the control and execution of local public affairs.
Departments and municipalities for the first time had the right to
exercise self-government, to administer their own taxes, and to
receive and spend state income.
To this end, legislation provided for a series of resource transfers
from the national level to the departments and municipalities to
finance the provision of education and health services, particularly
for the poorest sectors of the population. State social spending grew
from 8.2 percent of gross domestic product (GDP see Glossary) in
1990 to 14.4 percent in 1998, slightly surpassing increases in total
public spending. Spending on education, health, and water and sew-
erage services increased in many departments. However, in 2000
President Andres Pastrana signed an extended-fund facility fiscal-
adjustment agreement with the International Monetary Fund, in
which the Colombian government promised to reduce regional mon-
etary transfers. Consequently, the executive branch presented a con-
stitutional reform bill that the Congress approved in 2001. In June
2007, the legislation on transfers changed again. Opposition parties,
labor unions, indigenous groups, and representatives of other social
sectors have proposed a referendum on reforms of the articles of the
constitution related to local transfers, arguing that the cutbacks in the
general system of participation have been overly severe. These
Colombia: A Country Study
Special Jurisdictions
Local justices of the peace have a special jurisdiction created by
the 1991 constitution. These judges are ordinary members of a given
community, who are appointed by civic and popular organizations
on the basis of their familiarity with the area's problems and their
social prestige. Justices of the peace are common individuals without
any legal training; they do not charge for their services; they conduct
oral, informal hearings on everyday, local matters; and their rulings
are based on considerations of equity according to the needs of the
community. The presence of justices of the peace nationwide has
improved local processes of conciliation and conflict resolution and
has provided the country's communities with important tools for
solving their own conflicts expeditiously and in accord with their
own social practices.
The constitution explicitly recognizes the collective rights of
Colombia's indigenous and Afro-Colombian communities. It grants
them seats in the Congress, requires the state to consult with tribal
groups before exploiting natural resources located in their territories,
and grants indigenous territories (resguardos) municipal status,
enabling them to administer their own resources. The constitution
recognizes the right of indigenous authorities to exercise judicial
functions within their respective territories, as long as specific
and procedures corresponding to the preservation of indigenous
practices and customs do not violate the constitution or other Colom-
bian law. Legal decisions made by the resguardo authorities have the
same weight as those made by ordinary judges. In practice, however,
legal norms pertaining to issues of public order normally have legal
priority over the protection of indigenous practices and customs, par-
ticularly when these are considered to protect a constitutional value
superior to the principle of ethnic and cultural diversity, such as the
protection of life or property.
Government and Politics
Colombia: A Country Study
Government and Politics
The Legislature
Colombian legislative authority resides in a bicameral Congress,
consisting of the Senate and the House of Representatives (Camara
de Representantes). Members of Congress are popularly elected for
four-year terms beginning on July 20 and can be reelected indefi-
Candidates are selected from multiple-name lists correspond-
ing to members of specific political parties or movements. The
Council of State can remove members of Congress from office for
misconduct, the existence of conflicts of interest, or absenteeism
(see The Judiciary, this ch.). The next candidate on the respective
congressional member's electoral list fills the vacancy resulting
Colombia: A Country Study
lute majorities of both houses approve the bill again, it is sent either
to the Constitutional Court (if the presidential objection was for con-
stitutional reasons) or directly to the president, who must sign the
bill without further objections.
Although, historically, political dynamics within the Congress
have mirrored the country's bipartisan system, driven mainly by cli-
entelism and party accommodation, political parties in Colombia
have experienced high degrees of fragmentation and disorder inter-
nally. They generally have low identification with the party platform
and ideology, low levels of party discipline in legislative and voting
practices, and low degrees of articulation of regional, local, and
national policies. Institutionalizing an opposition strategy within the
legislature is improbable, given the erratic nature of voting patterns.
For example, dissident factions within the government party often
exercise opposition, while sympathetic sectors within supposedly
oppositional parties regularly collaborate with the government. The
growing presence after 1991 of "independent" parties and political
movements claiming to represent an alternative to the Liberal Party
and the Conservative Party has altered this situation very little. How-
Plaza de Bolivar and the National Capitol,
seat of the Congress of the Republic
Courtesy Lorenzo Morales
Colombia: A Country Study
Government and Politics
didate to win the presidency in the first round of elections has been
Alvaro Uribe. In the event of a second round, one of the two candi-
dates obtaining the highest number of votes in the first round is
elected president by a simple majority.
Since 1932 congressional elections have been conducted using
proportional representation. The 1991 constitution stipulates that
100 senators be elected nationwide and two more be chosen by the
country's indigenous groups. The 32 departments and the Distrito
Capital de Bogota elect the members of the House of Representa-
tives. Each district, irrespective of its population size, elects two rep-
resentatives, and an additional representative is apportioned for each
250,000 inhabitants or fraction above 125,000 after the first 250,000.
Of the 33 electoral districts existing in 2008, three are large in size
(with more than 10 representatives), six are medium (ranging from
six to 10 representatives), 12 are small (between three and five repre-
sentatives), and 12 have the minimum number of two representa-
tives. A
special provision created by the constitution also enables
indigenous ethnic groups, Afro-Colombians, and Colombians resid-
ing abroad to elect a total of up to five representatives.
Senatorial elections, which are based on a single nationwide elec-
toral district, have led of those departments
to the underrepresentation
with small populations. In 2005, for example, 13 out of 33 electoral
districts had no senator in the congressional term that ended in 2006.
In contrast, the method used to elect the members of the House of
Representatives tends to overrepresent the smaller departments.
Colombia: A Country Study
Government and Politics
expenditures, sets the total limits and permissible amounts for indi-
vidual contributions, and apportions public funding according to the
number of votes obtained by each group in an election. In practice,
however, oversight is lax, providing considerable leeway for private
interests to contribute large donations to specific campaigns (see
Corruption, this ch.). In addition to the regulation of political cam-
paign contributions, a law of electoral guarantees went into effect in
June 2007. In order to guarantee higher levels of fair play, the law
limits the right of those holding political office to open new govern-
ment contracts and spend state funds four months before elections
are held. It also provides a certain amount of government financing
of the presidential campaigns of candidates whose parties obtain
more than 4 percent of the votes for the Senate.
The Judiciary
Although the suspension of rule of law happened formally only
once, during the dictatorship of Gustavo Rojas Pinilla (1952-57), the
frequent use of the state of siege during the subsequent three decades
led to significant restrictions of many constitutional rights and prin-
ciples. The existence of martial law and militias that applied their
own forms of law and justice in many parts of the country meant that
parallel systems tended to erode the credibility and effectiveness of
the judicial branch.
In the early 1980s, the members of the judicial branch began com-
ing under increasing attack by drug-trafficking, paramilitary, and
guerrilla organizations, undermining judicial administration and the
ability toconduct important investigations. The creation of the Attor-
ney General's Office (Fiscalia General de la Nation) strengthened
the penal justice system. Constitutional interpretation, previously the
mandate of the plenary committee of the Supreme Court of Justice,
became the responsibility of the new Constitutional Court installed
in February 1992. The judicial branch is divided into four distinct
The 1991 constitution also instituted a series of reforms in the
judicial branch that modified its administrative structure and the
application of constitutional oversight, transformed the penal sys-
tem, recognized alternative mechanisms for resolving legal disputes,
and introduced measures to protect the constitutional rights of the
population. Basic rights were expanded primarily through a tutelary
mechanism called a tutela, or writ of protection, which allowed citi-
zens whose rights had been abused to seek redress against an offend-
ing party.
Colombia: A Country Study
Supreme Court
The 23 -member Supreme Court is the highest judicial body in
charge of the country's civil jurisdiction. It acts as the court of final
appeal; judges the president of the republic and other high executive-
branch accused of wrongdoing; investigates and judges
members of Congress; judges other government, diplomatic, and
military officials; and reviews international agreements. It is divided
into four chambers —
agrarian and civil, constitutional, criminal, and
labor. The Supreme Court administers a series of lower courts at the
departmental and municipal levels and receives appeals on cases
originally presented to them. District superior courts constitute the
maximum judicial authority at the regional level. Circuit courts oper-
ate at the municipal level and handle cases involving large sums of
money and matters of considerable political importance. The lower
court system also consists of ordinary courts with jurisdiction over
civil, commercial, criminal, family, labor, and land cases; justice of
the peace courts with jurisdiction over minor civil and criminal
matters; and authorities of indigenous territories with jurisdiction
over indigenous communities.
The Supreme Court elects its own justices, who serve nonrenew-
able, eight-year terms, from a list of candidates presented by the
Superior Judicial Council (CSJ). The court elects the attorney general
from a of candidates proposed by the president of the republic, it
View of the rebuilt Palace of Justice from behind the statue of
Simon Bolivar. Photographs on the facade depict the
11 Supreme Court justices murdered during the
terrorist assault and military counterattack
that destroyed the old building on November 6-7, 1985.
Courtesy Lorenzo Morales
poses the of candidates from which the Council of State elects the
Colombia: A Country Study
Council of State
The 27-member Council of State oversees the legality of the admin-
government on administrative issues, and
istrative process, advises the
resolves conflicts between the public sector and society. More specifi-
cally, the Council of State serves as the supreme tribunal of adminis-
trative disputes; reviews the constitutionality of decrees issued by the
national government that are not under the jurisdiction of the Constitu-
tional Court; acts as the highest consultative body of the government
on administrative matters; rules on the of foreign troops, war-
ships, or military aircraft territory: prepares and
through the national
presents constitutional and other Legislative reforms; and reviews
cases concerning the status of members of Congress accused of
crimes. The Council of State, which is also the plenary body, is
divided into three chambers (government, consultation and civil ser-
vice, and administrative litigation). The Council of State selects its
Government and Politics
Constitutional Court
Colombia: A Country Study
Public Administration
Government and Politics
the jails.
and municipal ombudsmen (personerias), supervised by
the ombudsman of Bogota, are responsible for defending fundamen-
tal rights and other community interests, such as environmental mat-
ters and public services at the local level. The public role exercised
by the ombudsmen is very important, given that they are in direct
contact with local populations that are affected by the internal armed
conflict. Personerias cooperate with the human rights ombudsman
in promoting respect for human rights, implementing human rights
policies, intervening with local authorities when the fundamental
rights of the citizens in their respective districts are being violated,
Colombia: A Country Study
Political Dynamics
The Weakening of the Bipartisan System
The dominance of the Liberal and Conservative parties, their
entrenchment in local personalistic, clientelist networks, and a sys-
tem of representation based on special interests have been traits of
the Colombian political landscape since the midnineteenth century.
Traditionally, both parties have lacked discipline and failed to build
intermediate party organizations capable of linking local and
regional political processes with national-level entities.
The National Front power-sharing agreement in place between
1958 and 1978 weakened the two-party system, because it led to
fragmentation of the two parties and reduced their capacity for inter-
action with the national population. Urbanization and modernization
had the additional effects of eroding traditional party loyalities and
highlighting the incompetence of Liberals and Conservatives alike in
responding to basic social needs.
The 1991 constitution attempted to correct many of the political
distortions of the bipartisan system by facilitating the creation and
operation of new political parties and movements, reducing previous
barriers to political participation, and granting Colombian citizens
new rights to engage more actively in this process. However, the
electoral system remained unchanged, and intraparty competition,
fragmentation, and the presentation of multiple electoral lists
belonging to the same party or movement continued. In the 1994
congressional elections, the Liberal Party alone presented 134 lists
for the Senate and 293 lists for the House of Representatives.
Between 1991 and 2002, the total number of electoral lists that com-
peted for seats in the Senate and the House grew by approximately
45 percent and 55 percent, respectively.
Notwithstanding the crisis of the traditional parties, since 1991
the Liberal Party and, to a lesser degree, the Conservatives have
maintained a significant presence in the Congress and in departmen-
tal and local governments. Whereas in 1991 and 1994 the Liberals
won more than 50 percent of the seats in the Senate, their share
shrank to 48 percent and 28 percent in 1998 and 2002, respectively.
During this same period, on average the Conservatives won approxi-
mately 20 percent of the congressional seats. Both parties performed
poorly in the 2006 congressional elections, although the two adopted
Alvaro Uribe Velez
(president, 2002-6, 2006-10)
Courtesy Embassy of Colombia,
Washington, DC
Colombia: A Country Study
and economic elite supported her. Both Andres Pastrana and Alvaro
Uribe competed as independent candidates in the 1998 and 2002
elections, respectively, and won the presidency on political plat-
forms critical of the Conservatives and the Liberals. Ingrid Betan-
court Pulecio, a presidential candidate who was kidnapped by the
FARC on February 22, 2002, founded an "antipolitical" party, the
Oxygen Green Party (PVO), which had sponsored her bid for the
A second, related outcome has been the massive regrouping of
traditional politicians into new political parties and movements.
Such is the case of the Citizens' Convergence, the Democratic
Colombia Party (PDC), the National Unity Social Party (PSUN), or
Partido de La U, the Radical Change Party (PCR), and Team Wings
Colombia (Equipo Alas Colombia). What distinguishes these new
parties from the traditional parties is their lack of a single ideological
base and their loose internal coherence. Indeed, most constitute mar-
riages of political convenience and demonstrate unity that is largely
grounded in loyalty to President Alvaro Uribe. In the 2006 congres-
sional elections, this strategy allowed the pro-Uribe coalition to win
an absolute majority in the legislature. One year later, the 2007 local
and departmental elections also yielded favorable results for the
coalition — 18 governorships and 714 mayoralities — although these
newer parties obtained fewer votes overall than the Liberals or the
The 1991 constitution was largely successful in broadening the
Colombian political spectrum. Above all, the explicit recognition of
ethnic, sociocultural, and religious diversity in the constitution's
conceptualization of the nation encouraged indigenous and religious
groups to participate more actively in political life. Modifications in
the electoral system led to a proliferation of new political candidates
of varied origins. The aim of partial state funding for political cam-
paigns was to create at least minimal conditions of equality between
the newer movements and the two traditional political parties, and to
isolate both from potentially corruptive influences. There were new
guarantees of equal access to electoral information and to media
campaign coverage.
The of such modifications were telling. In the 1998 con-
gressional elections alone, more than 80 parties and movements pre-
sented candidates. Between 1991 and 2002, the total number of
political groups that occupied a seat in one or both of the chambers
of Congress increased from 23 to 62.
The creation of a special indigenous district electing two members to
the Senate and of a special ethnic district electing up to five members to
Government and Politics
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Government and Politics
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Government and Politics
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elected officials had been jailed awaiting trial, while another 62 mem-
bers of Congress had become official suspects. The list included a
former minister, a serving minister, and a cousin of President Uribe.
These tainted officials also included congressional deputies, senators,
mayors, governors, and assembly and council members, many of
whom belong to the political coalition that supports President Uribe.
Five of the groups associated with this paramilitary alliance in the
Congress Colombia Alive, Citizens' Convergence, Democratic
Colombia Party, Living Colombia Movement (MCV), and Team
Wings Colombia had the majority or all of their legislators linked to
the scandal.
Societal Institutions
The Church
Traditionally, Colombia's Roman Catholic Church has been one
of the most powerful and conservative in Latin America. However,
the 1991 constitution's explicit recognition of religious, ethnic, and
sexual heterogeneity and diversity as the basis of the nation reduced
the church's influence on the state. Moreover, the charter stipulates a
strict separation of the church from the branches of political power
and proclaims that religious education is not a requirement in public
schools. The extensive growth of other religious communities in the
last decade, most notably Protestant evangelism, gradually has
eroded Catholicism's base, although the Roman Catholic Church
itself continues to enjoy high approval ratings in public opinion.
In many respects, the Roman Catholic Church continues to be very
conservative. The church hierarchy has virulently opposed efforts to
legalize abortion, euthanasia, and stem-cell research in Colombia and
has been critical of the government's sex-education and birth-control
policies. Nevertheless, members of the clergy also have been visibly
active in seeking solutions to many of the most vexing problems faced
by the country today, including the armed conflict, poverty and inequal-
ity, and the drug trade. In August 1995, the president of the Colombian
Government and Politics
gets, in particular of the FARC. Since 2002 armed groups have killed
a dozen or more priests a year. According to Justice, Peace and Non-
violent Action (Justapaz), a religious NGO, in 2006 alone 15 reli-
gious leaders were killed, nearly 100 received death threats, and six
priests were kidnapped (see Religion, ch. 2).
News Media
Although Colombian law enshrined freedom of expression and of
the press before 1991, the new charter reformulated the constitu-
tional bases of press freedom by prohibiting censorship, and by
directly linking freedom of expression with freedom of information.
However, extralegal restrictions on the media continue to be signifi-
cant. The government attempts to manipulate information and to
influence media reports by using family, personal, or political rela-
tions. The important Colombian economic groups in the
clout of
media industry and the increasing acts of violence against members
of the press by guerrillas and paramilitaries have placed considerable
limitations on the media.
The ownership structure of Colombian mass media has shifted signif-
icantly since 1980. In particular, national radio, television, and newspa-
per conglomerates controlled by the country's principal economic
groups have replaced local media chains. Today, control over most
Colombian media is divided among three multimedia companies: Cara-
col Television, S.A. (Caracol), National Radio and Television of Colom-
bia (RNC), and Casa Editorial El Tiempo publishing company. Grupo
Bavaria and the Santo Domingo family owned Caracol (comprising a
private television network, a radio station, and Bogota's El Espectador
newspaper) until 2003, when the Spanish communications firm Prisa
acquired a majority stake in it. The Ardila Liille Oranization owns RNC,
consisting of the other private television network and a chain of radio
stations broadcasting throughout the country. And the Casa Editorial El
Tiempo, long owned by the politically and economically influential
Colombia: A Country Study
The Art Museum of the Central Bank in Bogota s Candelaria district
Courtesy Lorenzo Morales
Colombia: A Country Study
Nongovernmental Organizations
In the late 1990s, Colombia's internal crisis spurred greater inter-
national involvement in numerous issues in the country, including
law and order, human rights, humanitarian protection, the environ-
ment, and community development. Some of the most visible inter-
national organizations were Amnesty International, Doctors Without
Borders, Human Rights Watch, International Peace Brigades, Inter-
national Red Cross, and Save the Children; most of them have estab-
lished links with local civic organizations.
The number of international and domestic nongovernmental orga-
Colombia has expanded exponentially
nizations operating in since
2000. Although the activities of these organizations are extremely
diverse, NGOs working in the areas of development, forced displace-
ment, gender issues, human rights, and conflict have been particularly
significant. In 2004 there were approximately 1,300 national NGOs
registered with the Colombian Chamber of Commerce. The Colom-
bian Confederation of NGOs, an umbrella organization created in
1989, seeks to mediate between approximately 1,000 Colombian
NGOs and regional federations and national and international organi-
zations. The confederation also nurtures linkages between groups
specializing in the same issues throughout the country. The National
Network of Development and Peace Programs (Redprodpaz) is
another national network grouping together about 15 different
regional peace and development programs.
Government and Politics
Colombia: A Country Study
Ethnic Groups
Colombia's national population includes about 80 indigenous
groups located throughout the country and a large number of Afro-
Colombian communities, many of which inhabit the Atlantic and
Pacific coastal regions and the islands of San Andres, Providencia,
and Santa Catalina. Indigenous groups comprise approximately 3.4
percent of the total population and Afro-Colombians, 10.5 percent.
Hundreds of organizations represent these groups locally and region-
ally. At the national level, the National Indigenous Organization of
basin's cities. Some progress has been made in complying with the
Colombian state's constitutional obligation to ensure respect for
Afro-Colombians' territorial, economic, and cultural rights, and by
2005 more than 100 land titles had been granted. However, the
active paramilitary presence in and around Choco has lent itself to
the systematic, violent reappropriation of newly granted titles by the
paramilitaries. In other regions of the country, ethnic minorities have
been especially hard-hit by the extremely high concentration of land-
Government and Politics
Labor Unions
The Colombian labor movement represents only a small percent-
age of the country's workforce and has rarely played an active role in
national politics. Since the early 1990s, the scope of labor unions
decreased even further, given the perpetration of violence against
Colombia: A Country Study
2007, there were 26 murders of union members during the year, indi-
cating a considerable decline since the peak in 1996 of 275 murders.
Violence against unionized labor has concentrated in the areas most
characterized by acute armed conflict, abundant natural resources,
and disputed territorial control between guerrillas and paramilitaries,
Bogota s 50-story Colpatria Tower, Colombia s tallest building,
Colombia: A Country Study
Business Associations
At least 200 business associations exist in Colombia today, a more
than twentyfold increase since the 1950s. They vary in size, specific-
ity, geographical coverage, and longevity. The oldest Colombian
business associations have existed for more than 100 years. They
include the Society of Colombian Farmers (SAC) and the National
Federation of Coffee Growers (Fedecafe). Several associations, such
as the National Association of Industrialists (ANDI), which was
formed in the 1940s,and the SAC, cover a significant portion of the
national economy and represent various smaller industrial and agri-
cultural associations. Groups such as the Association of Colombian
Sugarcane Growers (Asocana) and the Colombian Association of
Flower Exporters (Asocolflores) are geographically limited to Valle
del Cauca and the plains surrounding Bogota, where sugarcane and
flowers are mainly grown.
The National Business Council (CGN), founded in 1991, speaks
for the most important business associations representing each sector
of the Colombian economy. The members of the council account for
approximately 60 percent of national production, even though only
16 associations are members. The original purpose of the CGN was
to support Cesar Gaviria's attempt to liberalize the Colombian econ-
omy and diversify the country's commercial relations.
Independent economic conglomerates also exercise significant
political and economic influence, given their size and their impor-
tance for the national economy. The most important ones are the
Ardila Liille Organization (soft drinks, beer, textiles, media, and
sugar); the Santo Domingo Group (beer, financial and insurance
services; the media; and, until the recent sale of the national airline,
air transportation); the Sarmiento Angulo Organization (construc-
tion, financial and pensions sectors, and telecommunications); and
the Antioquian Syndicate (construction, the financial and insurance
sectors, cement, and foodstuffs), which was the result of a concerted
effort to pool business capital in its department in order to fend off
potential outside competitors.
Colombian business has been relatively active in regional economic
integration effortsand in issues related to the internal armed conflict.
Inspired by the Mexican business sector's effective participation in the
negotiations leading up to the North American Free Trade Agreement
(NAFTA), various business associations participated as advisers to the
Colombian delegation's negotiations at the Group of Three (G-3)
Government and Politics
talks with Mexico and Venezuela during the early 1990s. The Colom-
bian business groups also were involved in their country's talks con-
cerning the Free Trade Area of the Americas and the bilateral free-
trade agreement, called the United States-Colombia Trade Promotion
Agreement, which Colombia began negotiating with the United States
in 2004. However, the U.S. Congress halted progress on the bilateral
agreement because of the parapolitics scandal and still had not
approved it by November 2009. Several business leaders also partici-
pated in the Colombian government's negotiating team during peace
negotiations with the FARC. Despite these initiatives, the business
sector is highly divided, making collective action extremely difficult.
Colombia: A Country Study
Government and Politics
Colombia: A Country Study
Ingrid Betancourt Pulecio,
a former senator, shortly after
being rescued on July 2, 2008,
from of FARC captivity
six years
Courtesy National Army, Ministry of
National Defense, Colombia
Colombia: A Country Study
Foreign Relations
Government and Politics
Colombia: A Country Study
Government and Politics
U.S. position.
Colombia: A Country Study
Diplomatic Relations
International Institutions
Minister of National Defense
Juan Manuel Santos Calderon
resigned in order to qualify as a
potential presidential candidate
2010 election.
in the
Colombia: A Country Study
any measures taken to resolve the war. The UN also has been highly
critical of the Uribe government's failure to comply with many of
the recommendations of the Colombian Office of the High Commis-
sioner for Human Rights for improving human rights standards in
the country, and on several occasions the government has accused
UN officials of being terrorist sympathizers.
The United States
Beginning of the drug issue in Colom-
in the 1980s, the salience
United States reinforced the dependent rela-
bia's relations with the
tions between the two countries and crowded other issues off the
agenda. Notwithstanding the willingness of previous governments to
collaborate with the U.S. "war on drugs," the terror campaign that
the Colombian drug cartels adopted in order to impede their extradi-
Government and Politics
tion to the United States led the Gaviria administration to focus its
Colombia: A Country Study
Government and Politics
Latin America
Close ties with the United States have tended to overshadow
Colombia's relations with the rest of the world, including its Latin
American neighbors. Nevertheless, regional relations normally have
been cordial, with the exception of long-standing border disputes
with Venezuela and Nicaragua, and more recently with Ecuador.
Colombia has signed free-trade agreements with Chile, Mexico, and
Venezuela. Since the early 1990s, the country has had a strong bilat-
eral trade agreement with Venezuela, its second-largest trading part-
ner. The Uribe administration favors extending these bilateral trade
agreements across the hemisphere.
The adoption of the respice similia doctrine between the late 1960s
and the early 1980s contributed to the establishment of further links
with similar, nearby countries, to more active participation in regional
organizations, and to efforts to create institutionalized frameworks to
nurture relations with regional counterparts. In addition to attempts to
strengthen the Andean group, President Barco, with his Venezuelan
counterpart, Carlos Andres Perez, initiated an ambitious program of
integration in Feburary 1989, designed to expand the scope of bilat-
eral relations beyond the border disputes that traditionally had domi-
nated. Colombia and Ecuador formed a similar bilateral border
Colombia: A Country Study
commission several months later. The G-3, also formed in 1989, pri-
marily had the goal of increasing political and diplomatic cooperation
among Colombia, Venezuela, and Mexico.
The explicit reference in the 1991 constitution preamble to
Colombia's commitment to promoting Latin American integration
signaled a tentative shift in the country's perception of its role in the
subcontinent. President Gaviria's Latin American policy stressed
regional dynamics and diversification of Colombia's foreign rela-
tions as part of a larger economic liberalization strategy. As well as
continuing President Barco's policies, under Gaviria Colombia also
nurtured relations with the Caribbean, assumed the leadership of the
Association of Caribbean States (ACS), and formed border commis-
sions with Brazil in 1993, Panama in 1993, and Peru in 1994.
During the first half of the 1990s, the border commissions contrib-
uted to more productive relations with Colombia's closest neighbors,
the expansion of its bilateral regional agenda,and considerable reduc-
tions in tensions with neighbors, particularly Venezuela. However,
heavier emphasis on traditional border security in the mid-1990s and
mixed success in implementing methods of handling shared problems
at the border tended to reduce the border commissions' effectiveness
and importance. More importantly, the intensification of the Colom-
bian armed conflict between 1996 and 1997 led to the prioritization
of security issues in Colombia's relations with its neighbors.
Although armed guerrillas have long been present on Colombia's
borders, their presence there began to increase during the second half
of the 1990s. In addition, movement beyond the borders became
more frequent, as well as isolated skirmishes between Colombian
groups and national forces from neighboring countries, and incidents
of violence involving local border populations. The increased U.S.
military presence in Colombia —
following the approval of Plan
Colombia in 2000 became a major cause for alarm in Brazil, Vene-
zuela, and Ecuador, given their fear of growing U.S. intervention in
the region. All five countries bordering Colombia (Brazil, Ecuador,
Panama, Peru, and Venezuela) adopted varying degrees of border
militarization in order to protect themselves from the spillover
effects of Plan Colombia, mainly the increased numbers of displaced
persons fleeing from armed violence, the growing presence of armed
groups on the border, and environmental and public health problems
caused by aerial fumigation of illegal crops.
The regional foreign policy focus of presidents Pastrana and
Uribe has consisted largely of requesting that neighboring countries
express their solidarity with Colombia's internal crisis. The Pastrana
government's strategy of seeking out Latin American support for
A FARC guerrilla of the 53d
Front with a South African
grenade launcher,
somewhere in southern
Cundinamarca Department
Courtesy David
Spencer Collection
both the peace process with the FARC and for Plan Colombia met
with limited success, particularly given the region's wariness of U.S.
involvement in Colombia. Uribe has insisted on the need for stronger
regional initiatives to combat terrorism and has consistently sought
the support of Latin America in declaring illegal armed groups, par-
ticularly the FARC, terrorists. On both counts, he, too, has been rela-
tively unsuccessful. Aside from a series of diplomatic statements
expressing regional support for Colombia's fight against terrorism,
neighboring countries have been reluctant to publicly identify the
FARC as terrorists, mostly because they disagree with President
Uribe 's portrayal of the Colombian crisis as a terrorist war and not
an armed insurgency, and because they are averse to further involve-
ment in the internal war. Colombia's emphasis on terrorism in its
foreign policy increasingly contrasted with the foreign policies of
several neighboring countries that had attempted to distance them-
selves from the counterterrorist and security policies of the George
W. Bush administration, with which the Uribe government strongly
Within worsening climate of regional relations, Colombia's
with Venezuela and Ecuador have been by far the
bilateral relations
most tense. Given the growing complexity of the border region, the
increased presence of illegal armed groups, and the many outstand-
ing problems characterizing Colombian-Venezuelan relations, coop-
eration between President Uribe and President Hugo Chavez of
Colombia: A Country Study
Colombia's relations with Europe, although long-standing, have
been of secondary importance compared to its relations with the
United States and within the region and have mostly been limited to
trade and investment flows. However, in the years following 1990
several factors converged to increase the relevance of both bilateral
and multilateral relations with the continent. First, approval of the
Special Cooperation Program in Europe, in addition to economic lib-
eralization and diversification of Colombia's foreign economic rela-
tions, led to considerable growth in trade and investment, thus
strengthening Colombian interdependence with Europe. Second, the
prioritization in the early 1 990s of issue areas in Europe that were of
lower priority to the United States, including human rights, develop-
ment, and the environment, led to increased efforts on the part of
Colombia to consolidate its political relations with the continent. In
addition to government interaction, a significant number of Colom-
Government and Politics
Colombia: A Country Study
In comparison to other Latin American countries, Colombia's
relations with Asia traditionally have been weak, notwithstanding
their formal commencement in the early twentieth century, in the
case of Japan. Unlike Chile, Mexico, or Peru, Colombia also has
been slow to strengthen its links with this part of the world, in partic-
ular with China, in the post-Cold War period.
Barco initiated diplomatic outreach with two visits to Asia in
1987 and 1989, followed by a visit by Gaviria to Japan in 1994 and a
tour to China, South Korea, and Indonesia by Samper in 1996. In
1994 the Pacific Basin Economic Council and the Pacific Economic
Cooperation Council accepted Colombia as a member. Although the
Samper government lobbied hard for Colombian admittance to the
Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC), in 1998 this organiza-
tion decided to freeze its membership for a period of 10 years, to
concentrate on achieving its main goal of promoting economic dyna-
mism and growth among its members.
Japan continues to be Colombia's primary trade and investment
partner in Asia, although current levels of interaction are low, given
visa requirements for Colombian travelers to Japan and what is per-
ceived by Japanese investors as an unfavorable business climate in
Colombia. However, private-sector interest in China has grown con-
siderably during the past five years. In 2003 about 400 representa-
tives of the Colombian private sector participated in the Guangdong
Sheng Fair, the most important commercial fair in China. In contrast
Government and Politics
The Colombian political system continues to pose a major para-
dox.The country has been able to maintain formal democracy and
relatively successful levels of economic, political, and social devel-
opment notwithstanding the existence of prolonged armed conflict,
humanitarian crises, human drug trafficking, cor-
rights violations,
ruption, and social and economic inequality. Colombia's political
future is largely tied to this contradiction. Indeed, as one of the few
countries in Latin America with an uninterrupted democracy for
nearly 50 years, Colombia has state institutions that can be consid-
ered fairly robust and stable.
The stated goal of President Uribe's Democratic Security Policy is
precisely to put an end to the internal armed conflict while reinforcing
democratic governance, yet the Uribe administration's "war against
terrorism" has tended to undermine fundamental constitutional rights
and guarantees, while stigmatizing certain sectors of Colombian and
international society. These include local and global human rights
organizations, ethnic communities, labor unions, journalists, and inter-
national institutions such as the Office of the High Commissioner for
Human Rights, which have been critical of Uribe's leadership. Negoti-
ations with the paramilitaries, although a fundamental component of
peace, threaten to pardon heinous human rights crimes committed by
these groups with inadequate reparations for the victims. Of equal
concern are the paramilitaries' close ties with the drug trade.
The Uribe government's hardhanded strategy earned it high
domestic approval and the support of the George W. Bush adminis-
tration in the United States, which regarded the Colombian president
as a key ally in the region. However, the U.S. Congress and opposi-
tion political groups within Colombia, including the Liberal Party
and the Alternative Democratic Pole, have become increasingly crit-
ical of the Colombian president. The country's political future will
depend largely on the outcome of the parapolitics scandal and the
Colombia: A Country Study
* * *
Government and Politics
Chapter 5, National Security
Top: An indigenous geometric design, C Jaramillo Collection, Pas to
Bottom: An indigenous geometric design, Museo Zambrano, Pasto
Courtesy Carlos Arturo Jaramillo Giraldo, Murmullos del lenguaje Uik:
La practica del mopa mopa: De lo recolector a lo sedentario, Medellin,
1986, 79, 81
COLOMBIA'S NATIONAL SECURITY situation is the most com-
plex in Latin America. A protracted armed conflict, chronic criminal
and political violence, and an illegal drug industry that supplies 80
percent of the world's cocaine have combined to create a security pre-
dicament of multiple dimensions. Colombia has an established tradi-
tion of political violence, as evidenced by the War of the Thousand
Days (1899-1902), the period of sectarian violence called La Violen-
cia (1946-58), and the internal armed conflict since the 1960s. Never-
theless, the country's security scenario in the first decade of the
twenty-first century involves a multifaceted maze of threats, human
rights violations, and diverse forms of violence. Colombia's security
problems are largely internal in nature, and yet they are also part of
complex transnational dynamics related to global markets for illicit
drugs and small arms.
Following a failed peace process with the Revolutionary Armed
Forces of Colombia (FARC) in the late 1990s, the government pursued
a two-pronged counterinsurgency strategy. It called for eradicating the
insurgency by means of a military offensive designed to defeat the guer-
rillas, or at least to force them into negotiations, and continuing the "war
The Military
Historical Background
Colombia's current armed forces had their origins in the militia
organized in 1811 by a rebellious league called the United Provinces
of New Granada (see Breaking the Spanish Connection, ch. 1). The
force —composed of poor, uneducated, campesino volunteers —was
Colombia: A Country Study
National Security
Colombia: A Country Study
the U.S. Army School of the Americas in the Panama Canal Zone. Two
years Colombia founded the first counterguerrilla-training center
National Security
Colombia: A Country Study
Constitutional Authority
National Security
the army, navy, and air force, whose collective mission is to defend
Colombia's sovereignty, territory, and constitutional order.
The constitution also establishes the executive's authority in the
matter of states of exception. It is within the president's legal mandate
of external war (Article 212) to respond to foreign
to declare a state
aggression, defend Colombia's sovereignty, meet the requirements of
a war in which Colombia is involved, or reestablish internal order. A
stateof internal commotion grants exceptional powers to the executive
when the ordinary powers of the National Police are inadequate to
maintain public order. Article 213 permits this state of internal com-
motion to be declared for a period of 90 days and to be renewed twice.
A declaration of war (Article 212) and a state of emergency (Article
215) require cabinet and Senate authorization.
The 1991 constitution, like its predecessor, stipulates that the Mil-
itary Forces and National Police are nondeliberative. The armed
forces are legally prohibited from political activity, and personnel
have no right of assembly for political purposes. Citizens in active
police and military service also have no right to vote.
Colombia: A Country Study
——— Advisory capacity
Line command
'Special forces include counterterrorist (Afeur), antikidnapping (Gaula), counterguerrilla, and antinarcotics units.
National Security
Colombia: A Country Study
National Security
Military Services
The Army
The effective combat strength of the National Army (Ejercito
Nacional) is considerably less than that suggested by the total strength
figures. Despite having a total of 226,352 members in 2008, well over
half of the army, or 128,818 personnel in early 2009, could not legally
be used for combat duty because they were serving their obligatory
military service. In 2008 the army ranks included approximately 7,000
officers and 26,000 NCOs.
The general commanding the army is assisted by a staff consisting
of a chief of army operations and an inspector general. The army dep-
uty commander is also the army chief of staff. This general oversees
the directorates of planning and information and coordinates opera-
tions, logistics, human development, and education and doctrine.
Various special units are under the direct authority of the General
Command of the Military Forces. The 3d Colombian Battalion, an
infantry unit comprising 31 officers, 58 NCOs, 265 soldiers, and
some civilians, is assigned to the multinational observer force in the
Sinai Peninsula. Between 120 and 150 Colombian soldiers are likely
to have joined the Spanish contingent deployed in Afghanistan by the
end of 2009. The Aviation Brigade is made up of a helicopter battal-
ion, an aircraft battalion, and the army's aviation school. The Army
Aviation School (EAE), originally known as the Army Aviation
Colombia: A Country Study
Branch School, has been part of the brigade since 2003. The EAE
moved from Tolemaida to Bogota's El Dorado International Airport
in 2004. The army's air capacity has expanded by more than 300 per-
cent since 1999 as a result of aircraft contributions by Plan Colombia,
even though the army's fleet size has remained fairly constant (see
table 5, Appendix). The Counternarcotics Brigade with four separate
battalions, created as a part of Plan Colombia, also reports directly to
the commander of the army.
By October 2007, the army had 20 mobile brigades, each contain-
ing four counterguerrilla battalions of approximately 375 personnel
each, with the capacity to undertake special missions in any part of
the national territory and to engage in night operations. Six of these
counterguerrilla units are special infantry battalions trained to oper-
ate in high-altitude zones frequently utilized by insurgents as strate-
gic corridors. The high-mountain battalion succeeded in driving
Soldiers from a Plan Meteoro company after arriving in Mocoa,
Putumayo Department. Since their formation in 2002, seven Plan Meteoro
companies have practically eliminated highway violence and
have also assisted in counternarcotics operations.
Courtesy David Spencer
An army special jungle group training in
Facatativd, Cundinamarca Department
Courtesy Narcotics Affairs Section Office, U.S. Embassy, Bogota
Colombia: A Country Study
and Arauca (the 18th). Various special units also operate in this divi-
sion, including the 2d Artillery Airborne Defense Battalion, the 5th
and 22d mobile brigades with a total of nine counterguerrilla battal-
ions, the Plan Meteoro 3d Company, and two Afeur units.
Cali is home to the 3d Division, based in Quindio, Risaralda, Caldas,
Valle del Cauca, Cauca, Narino, and southern Choco. It is composed of
the 3d Brigade, based in Cali, the 8th Brigade in Armenia, and the 29th
Brigade located close to Popayan. Also in this jurisdiction are the 6th
and 14th mobile brigades, six counterguerrilla battalions, the 9th Afeur
unit, and the Plan Meteoro 4th Company.
The 4th Division is headquartered in Villavicencio and operates in
Casanare, Guaviare, Guainia, Vichada, Caqueta, Vaupes, the extreme
southern territory of Cundinamarca, southern Boyaca, and the eastern
areas of the departments of Cauca and Meta. It has two brigades, the
7th, based in Villavicencio, and the 16th, which operates out of Yopal.
The Eastern Specific Command, also assigned to this division, is
territory previously under the 1st Division's jurisdiction, the 7th Divi-
sion provides more autonomy to operations conducted in the northwest
region of the country. This division encompasses the 4th Brigade sta-
tioned in Medellin; the 11th Brigade, which covers Carepa, Chigirodo,
and Monteria; the 14th Brigade in Puerto Berrio; and the 17th Brigade
National Security
The Navy
In 2008 the National Navy (Armada Nacional) had a total of 30,729
personnel, plus about 14,000 marines and 146 naval aviation personnel.
The navy operates in three naval forcesand four commands. The naval
forces are the Caribbean Naval Force, the Pacific Naval Force, and the
Southern Naval Force. The latter consists of the Southern River Fleet,
which controls and guards the Caqueta and Putumayo rivers. The first
of the four commands is the Marine Infantry Command, which oper-
ates on land along the Caribbean and Pacific coasts, on the island terri-
tories, and on the country's rivers, where its amphibious capabilities
can support the naval forces as needed. The second command is the
Coast Guard Corps Command, which operates two task forces, one
along the Caribbean coast and one along the Pacific coast. The third is
the Naval Aviation Command, which is equipped with some small air-
planes and helicopters. The fourth is the Specific Command (Comando
Especifico) of San Andres and Providencia; it consists of the General
Headquarters of the Specific Command, Naval Base No. 4, and a unit
attached to the Caribbean Naval Force.
Although the navy has maintained its traditional mission of defend-
ing the nation's maritime waters, the evolution of the internal conflict
during the 1990s also led to the development of new objectives. The
navy not only participates in antinarcotics activities through the detec-
tion and interception of boats suspected of drug trafficking, but its
Marine Infantry Command also became directly involved in the coun-
terinsurgent effort through a buildup on the nation's coastal and inter-
nal waterways. The navy also has two Gaula units.
The commander of the navy is assisted by a chief of naval opera-
tions and an inspector general. The Marine Infantry Command and
seven headquarters (jefaturas) report directly to the navy's deputy
commander. Naval Education oversees the Enap, the Naval School for
Noncommissioned Officers (ENSB), and the Marine Infantry School
(EFIM). Logistics Operations is responsible for the four largest naval
bases, in Cartagena, San Andres, Malaga, and Puerto Leguizamo on
the Rio Putumayo. Naval Operations commands the Caribbean Naval
Force, the Pacific Naval Force, the Southern Naval Force, the Coast
Guard Corps Command, and the Naval Aviation Command. Other
jefaturas include Plan Orion, naval intelligence, naval materiel, and
human development.
The commander of the navy's Marine Infantry Command is
advised by the marines' chief of staff. The Marine Infantry Command
has three brigades and one Riverine Task Group that patrol a total of
Colombia: A Country Study
16,000 kilometers of rivers and coastline and are under the opera-
of the chief of naval staff; two are coastal and riverine
tional authority
brigades, and one is a counternarcotics brigade. The 1stMarine
Infantry Brigade has three marine infantry rifle battalions, two coun-
terguerrilla battalions, and one command and support battalion that
conduct operations in 46 municipalities in Cordoba, Sucre, and Boli-
var. Based in Buenaventura, the 1 st Marine Infantry Riverine Brigade
consists of five battalions that cover the coastal regions in the depart-
ments of Narino, Cauca, Valle, and Choco. The 2d Marine Infantry
Riverine Brigade is based in Bogota and has battalions stationed
throughout the country on the Atrato, Magdalena, Arauca, Meta,
Guaviare, Caqueta, and Putumayo rivers. All six Nodriza PAF-III
riverine patrol craft are assigned to this brigade, including one on the
border with Ecuador. Each of these heavy, Colombian-built, counter-
insurgency ships is equipped with a small hospital, four M-60
machineguns, and a helicopter and can accommodate up to 200 sol-
diers. The Riverine Task Group operates out of Puerto Leguizamo in
Putumayo and is responsible for the border waterways with Ecuador
on the Putumayo and with Peru on the Amazon, as well as the Caque-
ta, Orteguaza, and Caguan. The Marine Infantry Command also has
The Colombian Air Force (FAC), the smallest of the armed ser-
vices, had a total of 10,150 personnel in 2008. This total included up
National Security
the Captain Luis F. Gomez Nino Air Base in Apiay, Meta, and oper-
ates four squadrons; it is responsible for counterinsurgency and offen-
sive operations. The 3d Cacom is located at the Major General Alberto
Pauwels Rodriguez Air Base at Malambo, near Barranquilla, Atlant-
ico, and operates two squadrons; it conducts search-and-rescue and
maritime patrol operations along the Caribbean coast. The 4th Cacom
is located at the Lieutenant Colonel Luis Francisco Pinto Parra Air
Colombia: A Country Study
The air force also has two air groups, which are smaller units than
the Cacoms and do not have their own operational aircraft. The East-
ern Air Group (Gaori) is located in Puerto Carreno, Vichada, and is
the launching base for joint operations in the Vichada, Arauca, and
Vaupes region. The Caribbean Air Group (Gacar) is based on Isla de
San Andres. Gacar 's mission includes the strategic and tactical
patrol of airspace and island and coastal areas and support for the
navy in its search-and-rescue missions. The FAC's training schools
include the Marco Fidel Suarez Military Aviation School (Emavi) in
the Cali suburb of Santiago de Cali, where officers receive instruc-
tion, and an NCO school (Esufa) in Madrid, Cundinamarca. The
other schools are the Aeronautics Military Institute (IMA), which is
part of the Superior War College, and the Helicopter School of the
Public Force (Ehfup) in Melgar.
Joint Commands
In 2003 the services took the first step toward a significant organi-
One of the military s Bell 212 helicopters after refueling at Perales
on the outskirts oflbague, Tolima Department
Courtesy Narcotics Affairs Section Office, U.S. Embassy, Bogota
Colombia: A Country Study
National Security
inates against youths from the lower social strata. Any male not
called up, but unable to pay the tax, has to perform service in order
to fulfill his military obligation. Furthermore, poor, rural draftees
bear a disproportionate share of active fighting because conscripted
high-school graduates, who are likely to be urban and more affluent,
are exempt from combat service.
The Military Service Law establishes that unmarried, male citi-
zens between the ages of 16 and 23 are eligible for regular enlist-
ment as NCOs or officers. As in the case of conscripts, enlisted men
have to pass physical and psychological tests. It is common practice
for individuals to enlist in the NCO corps upon completion of oblig-
atory military service.
Colombia: A Country Study
NCOs are trained in the Sergeant Inocencio Chinca Military
School for Noncommissioned Officers in Tolemaida, Tolima. The
training program lasts 18 months, and graduates qualify as military
sciences technicians. Continuing instruction and retraining of profes-
sional soldiers take place at the Training School for Professional Sol-
diers (EFSP), established in 2000 in Nilo, Cundinamarca. Training
lasts from three to six months. Individuals may enter the school
either directly or after having first fulfilled obligatory military ser-
vice. Aspirants to the NCO corps must pass screening by a board of
officers and preparatory exams. On meeting these minimum physical
and testing requirements, the individual is appointed to the lowest
NCO grade. With additional training, NCOs may be promoted fur-
ther. In 2003, with the assistance of the U.S. Southern Command,
Colombia created the rank of command sergeant major, with the aim
of strengthening senior enlisted ranks. NCOs promoted to command
sergeant major had first passed an intensive 11 -week training and
leadership course.
Colombia: A Country Study
remains overloaded.
Although the attorney general has the power to dismiss convicted
officers from service, high-ranking military officials accused of
human rights violations and brought to trial rarely have been con-
National Security
Colombia: A Country Study
National Security
Colombia: A Country Study
get preparation for defense takes place in the first half of the year, with
input from the Ministry of National Defense Planning Office, the Min-
istry of Finance and Public Credit, and the National Planning Depart-
ment (DNP) in the case of procurements. Before July 20 of each year,
a spending bill goes to the Congress, and prior to September 15 the
Senate (Senado) and the House of Representatives (Camara de Repre-
sentantes) decide on specific appropriations. After final congressional
and then presidential approval, the spending bill takes effect on Janu-
ary 1 Modifications to the federal budget are permissible, and defense
US$2.15 billion annually during the 1990s, placing fourth after Bra-
zil, Argentina, and Mexico in defense spendingamong Latin Ameri-
can countries. As a percentage of gross national product (GNP),
Colombia's defense spending increased from 2.3 percent in 1990 to
3.2 percent in 1999, contradicting a global trend of reductions in
defense outlays. Defense spending in 1999 as a percentage of GNP
was higher than the developed-country average (2.3 percent), the
developing-country average (2.7 percent), and the Latin American
average (1.5 percent). Defense spending in Colombia in 1999 was
second in Latin America only to Ecuador, which in the same year
spent 3.7 percent of GNP on defense and security. As a percentage of
overall government spending, defense and security outlays through-
out the 1990s remained constant at 15.9 percent. From 2001 to 2005,
Colombian spending on defense grew more than 30 percent after
inflation, from US$2.6 billion to more than US$3.9 billion.
National Security
Law Enforcement
National Police
Colombia: A Country Study
Pinilla, when the police force was moved from the jurisdiction of the
Ministry of Government to that of the Ministry of National Defense.
In 1962 the National Police came into being, assuming centralized
administrative and operational control over the multiple, individual
forces that had previously operated in the country's departmental
divisions.Along with the successful nationalization of the force, the
National Police also aspired to reassert its autonomy from the mili-
tary,although it remained within the Ministry of National Defense
with a marked military character.
The militarization of the National Police deepened when it entered
the "war on drugs" in the 1980s as the country's primary antinarcotics
body. The police force also was drawn into counterinsurgency opera-
tions as conflict dynamics and drug activities became intertwined, and
as the irregular armed groups increasingly targeted police posts in con-
flict zones. By the early 1990s, in the face of soaring crime rates, the
National Policecame under sharp criticism for having lost sight of its
primary function of protecting the civilian populations in urban areas,
and for the high levels of institutional corruption. A series of reform
efforts throughout the 1990s aimed to transform the military identity
of the National Police by increasing civilian controls, scaling back on
and reemphasizing conventional urban crime prevention
rural security,
functions. The National Police's public standing improved signifi-
cantly in the wake of this restructuring, although the force will likely
continue to play some military role in Colombia's future.
According to Article 218 of the 1991 constitution, the National
Police is a "permanently armed civilian force responsible for the
nation, and whose primary objective is to uphold the necessary inter-
nal conditions for the full exercise of public rights and liberties, so
that Colombian can live in peace." Like the military, the
National Police is and the
part of the Ministry of National Defense,
minister exercises formal operational command. In practice, the
president of the republic maintains direct communication with the
director general of the National Police.
In 2008 the National Police had 136,097 personnel plus a
mounted rural paramilitary force of between 8,000 and 10,000 mem-
bers. During the 1970s and most of the 1980s, the service had fairly
constant personnel numbers, but it doubled in size from 1988 to
2007. The director general of the National Police is a general with a
permanent staff that includes a chief of planning and an inspector
general. Next in the chain of command is a deputy director who
oversees individual directorates, each run by a brigadier general.
A November 2006 decree partially modified the structure of the
Ministry of National Defense and reorganized the National Police. It
National Security
divided the National Police into eight regions and created eight oper-
ational directorates (citizen security, carabineros and rural security,
criminal investigation, police intelligence, antinarcotics, protection
and special services, antikidnapping and antiextortion, and transit and
transportation) and six support directorates (schools, incorporation,
personnel, administration and finance, health, and social welfare).
At the national level, the police are further organized according to
the country's administrative divisions. Each of the 32 departments
has a departmental police command that supervises personnel
assigned to the various districts, stations, substations, and police
posts throughout the jurisdiction. There are an additional three
municipal police commands Bogota,
in the country's largest cities —
Cali, and Medellm. The departmental and municipal commanders
depend administratively on the central operational and support direc-
torates of the National Police but coordinate local operations with
governors and mayors, who have constitutional authority to super-
vise police commands. Police commanders have the rank of colonel
or lieutenant colonel. The Transit and Transportation Directorate
oversees all patrol agents and transit police in urban areas, including
those that staff the Immediate Care Centers (CAIs), which provide
neighborhood police services in large municipalities. Approximately
70 percent of police personnel are concentrated in urban centers, and
most of these are patrol officers. As this distribution suggests, the
primary police function is to provide security in urban areas. The
National Police, like the army and the navy, has a Gaula unit to
counter kidnappers.
The Carabineros and Rural Security Directorate supervises the
Mounted Police, or Carabineros Corps, a rural paramilitary police
force resulting from the 1993 reform to patrol and maintain public
order in conflict zones and in the national parks. Despite its reestab-
lishment in 1993, the Carabineros Corps is actually Colombia's old-
est police force, created by a law of May 18, 1841. Beginning in
1936, a Chilean mission helped to professionalize the corps. In 2006
there were 9,800 Carabineros officers, located principally in rural
areas and trained in irregular conflict and in the rescue of hostages.
Units of the Mobile Squadron of Mounted Police (Emcar), which
operate in 120-member squadrons, were formed in 2004 as a part of
President Alvaro Uribe's Democratic Security and Defense Policy
(usually referred to as Democratic Security Policy) to provide extra
support for police activities in conflict areas. Special Carabineros
Corps units also provide backup to urban police during public events
or civil protests.
Colombia: A Country Study
Antiriot police in Bogota
Courtesy Lorenzo Morales
Police officer ranks are similar to those of the army, but the insig-
nia differ. The ranking system in the National Police is a quasi-
military structure with three career tracks as in the army: superior
officers (generals, colonels, lieutenant colonels, and majors), subor-
dinate officers (captains, lieutenants, and second lieutenants), non-
commissioned officers (sergeant majors, master sergeants, sergeants,
and corporals), and police agents, who correspond to the army's rank
and file. A fourth rank, intended since 1993 to fuse subordinate offi-
cers and agents into a single category, has yet to be implemented
fully. The insignia of generals in the National Police are the same as
for the military. They have stars with 10 identical points that resem-
ble suns. Police majors, lieutenant colonels, and colonels use one,
two, or three bars, respectively, separate and surrounded by two lau-
rel branches joined in a semicircle. Lieutenants and second lieuten-
ants are identified by two and one stripes, respectively.
Overseeing the National Police is the National Police Commis-
sioner's (OCNP), which is
Office also under the Ministry of
National Defense. Created by a 1993 law, the OCNP serves as an
intermediary between the citizenry and the National Police. Under a
2000 law, the National Police adopted an executive-level rank and
insignia system for members of the OCNP. It allows National Police
NCOs to become OCNP agents after taking certain courses at the
ENP. Headed by a commissioner {comisario), the OCNP ranks also
Colombia: A Country Study
National Security
was implicated in the scandal and resigned on October 24, 2008, and
the president appointed her deputy to lead the DAS.
Judicial Police
Colombia: A Country Study
National Security
Penal System
Colombia: A Country Study
insufficient budget.
Colombia's high crime rate and the backlog of cases are the pri-
mary causes of the overcrowding. Alternative punishment mecha-
nisms for those convicted of minor offenses should reduce the prison
population. Only individuals arrested for crimes that carry more than
a four-year sentence and who are considered flight risks are held in
jail before trial. Judges may suspend prison terms for those con-
victed of minor crimes that carry a sentence of less than three years.
In the case of sentences between three and four years, judges rou-
tinely order house arrest. Much longer prison terms exist for serious
crimes, such as kidnapping for ransom, extortion, terrorism, and
drug trafficking.
Colombia's prison system is organized geographically into six
regional directorates: Bogota (central), Cali (western), Barranquilla
(northern), Bucaramanga (eastern), Medellin (northeastern), and
Pereira (Old Caldas). There were six maximum-security prisons in the
country in 2007, of which the Penitenciaria de Combita in Boyaca was
one of the best known because of the drug traffickers incarcerated
there. Smaller penitentiaries are located in Barranquilla, Ibague, Man-
izales, Medellin, Palmira, Pamplona, and Pasto. There are prison facil-
National Security
Colombia: A Country Study
rebellion in 1851 and a military coup in 1854. Civil war broke out again
in 1859, when Liberals declared their opposition to the Conservative
regime. The resulting Liberal Rionegro constitution of 1863 sparked
another period of fighting, during which Liberals and Conservatives
engaged in some 40 local conflicts and several major military battles.
The conspiracy of May 23, 1867, brought radical Liberals to power, put-
ting an end to four years of chronic instability, yet prompted a Conserva-
tive armed rebellionin Tolima and Antioquia that was suppressed by the
government. When Conservative-leaning Rafael Nunez Moledo (presi-
dent, 1880-82, 1884-86, 1887-88, 1892-94) was reelected in 1884,
Liberals started an armed uprising against the government that spread
throughout much of the country.
By century's end, the two main parties had splintered into multi-
ple factions, each promoting a particular political and economic
agenda. Liberal militants inspired by the earlier reformist policies of
Francisco de Paula Santander y Omana (president of New Granada,
1832-37) started another rebellion against the government in 1899
that became the War of the Thousand Days. After an early defeat, the
Liberal army persisted in a desperate strategy of guerrilla warfare
that dragged on for two more years. The defeated Liberals finally
sued for peace after nearly three years of fighting and more than
100,000 deaths. One of the most violent conflicts in Colombia's his-
tory, the War of the Thousand Days ushered in a new century, having
devastated much of the country.
National Security
Colombia: A Country Study
National Security
During the 1980s, the FARC developed into an independent, well-
established guerrilla movement with its own political agenda and
military doctrine. It more than tripled in size, with action spreading
from 10 fronts to more than 30, and expanded into new areas of
influence throughout the national territory. Paradoxically, peace dis-
cussions with the government of Belisario Betancur Cuartas (presi-
dent, 1982-86) in the mid-1980s fortified the FARC in two ways: the
guerrilla organization gained recognition as a legitimate political
movement, and the three-year truce permitted a steady buildup and
expansion. The FARC also gained strength in the second half of the
Colombia: A Country Study
1980s by its disassociation from the PCC. Both the decimation of the
internal class and ideological conflicts, the ELN did not become a
serious threat until the 1980s, when, under the leadership of the
priest Manuel Perez Martinez, the organization grew rapidly follow-
ing the discovery of oil in Arauca. Extorting oil companies not only
transformed its financial base but also contributed to ELN expansion
as it gained influence among local populations affected by socioeco-
nomic dislocations caused by oil exploration.
Other guerrilla movements that shaped Colombia's internal secu-
rity scenario during the 1970s and 1980s included the Quintin Lame
Armed Movement (MAQL), which was based in the indigenous
community in Cauca; the Popular Liberation Army (EPL), based in
the northern regions of Uruba and Alto Sinu; and the urban Nine-
teenth of April Movement (M-19). The M-19 became notorious first
for its armed occupation of the embassy of the Dominican Republic
in 1980, during which it held many diplomats hostage for 59 days,
and later for its dramatic 1985 seizure of the Palace of Justice, which
ended with the deaths of half of the Supreme Court justices, scores
of civilians, and all but two of the guerrillas involved in the takeover.
The organization demobilized soon after, forming a political party
whose members participated in the mainstream political process.
National Security
Colombia: A Country Study
A young officer communicates with his superiors while on a
counterguerrilla patrol near San Jose del Guaviare, Guaviare Department.
Courtesy David Spencer
Two counterguerrilla soldiers of the 7 Brigade pause
after a successful operation, Apiay, Meta Department.
Courtesy David Spencer
Colombia: A Country Study
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Colombia: A Country Study
Human Rights
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Colombia: A Country Study
FARC held more than 750 people captive, while the ELN continued
to hold 410 people. More than 4,000 people are still considered as disap-
peared. Between 1997 and 2007, more than 622 kidnapped Colombians
died in captivity.
Besides extortive kidnappings, politically motivated kidnappings
by the guerrillas continued to be a serious concern in 2008. Approxi-
mately 50 kidnapped victims were still being held by the FARC as
potential bargaining chips with the government, among them politi-
cians and members of the Colombian armed forces. The political
hostages had included former presidential candidate Ingrid Betan-
court Pulecio, who was kidnapped
in 2002 while campaigning, and
three American kidnapped in 2003 while working as drug-
control contractors with the U.S. military; they and 1 1 other hostages
were rescued in a spectacular blow to the FARC in 2008. Colombia's
minister of foreign relations in 2008, Fernando Araujo Perdomo, had
been held by the FARC for more than six years until his daring
escape in 2007. The June 2007 massacre of 11 assembly members
from Valle del Cauca, who had been kidnapped by the FARC in
2002, underscored fears for the future of hostages whose value is
measured in terms of their political bargaining weight.
Human rights abuses attributed to Colombia's military and secu-
rity forces were acknowledged publicly for the first time during the
Samper administration. International pressure by the United Nations
and the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights, the linkage
of U.S. military aid with Colombian human rights compliance, and
reforms in the military penal system have contributed to improve-
ments in the military and police human rights record since the late
1990s. According to the United Nations Office of the High Commis-
sioner for Human Rights in Colombia, violations by the security
forces are considered low, and all state agencies have made consider-
able efforts to increase their compliance with human rights norms.
However, credible allegations of serious violations continued to be
reported by this office in 2006. In addition to extrajudicial killings,
security forces committed 32 known acts of torture in the first half of
2006 and 74 in the first half of 2008, a 46-percent increase compared
with the first six months of 2007. To the extent that military partici-
pation in human rights abuses has declined, the paramilitaries, fol-
lowed by the guerrillas, have increasingly replaced security forces as
perpetrators of such violations.
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Peace Processes
Growing concern over the failure of counterinsurgency, the mili-
autonomy over national security, and the escalation
tary's excessive
of repressive authoritarian responses to the internal conflict during
the Turbay administration all led to consideration of a negotiated
National Security
Colombia: A Country Study
Antidrug Strategies
A soldier stands guard while
coca crops are fumigated.
Courtesy Narcotics Affairs
Section Office,
U.S. Embassy, Bogota
inals to turn themselves in, which would eventually lead to the dis-
mantling of the country's drug cartels. The Gaviria government also
created an elite search unit of both police and military agents, origi-
nally to hunt down Pablo Escobar following his escape from prison,
and pursue the country's other drug traffickers.
later to
Under the Samper government, antinarcotics strategies broadened
and the military reentered the "war on drugs." Samper not only rein-
stated Colombia's extradition laws but also stiffened sentences for
drug-related crimes. A new search unit was established to hunt down
the Cali Cartel, and an antinarcotics strategy led to increased fumiga-
tion of illicit coca crops. Military operations targeted destruction of
the drug business infrastructure in the southern part of the country
where coca cultivations dominated. With the installation of a radar
system from the United States in Vichada, aerial interdictions began
against suspected narco-trafficking flights.
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Negotiations in 2007-8
Colombia: A Country Study
offered release from prison, reduced sentences, and other judicial conces-
sions to paramilitaries in exchange for demobilization, surrendering
arms, and confessing all crimes committed as a way of providing repara-
tion to the victims' families. Compliant paramilitary combatants not
accused of human rights violations or war crimes would not be impris-
oned. Those accused of such crimes would receive a maximum of eight
years in prison, including exemption from extradition to the United States
under charges of drug trafTicking.
When ended in August 2007, approximately 32,000
the process
people claiming to be members of the AUC had demobilized, hand-
ing in more than 15,000 weapons, explosives, and pieces of commu-
nications equipment. Most analysts agree that the process has
produced positive results insofar as a significant number of paramili-
tary leaders are now in prison or in reintegration programs. Never-
theless, the volume of demobilized individuals far surpasses the
estimated number of AUC paramilitary combatants, raising concerns
that drug traffickers and other criminals have co-opted the demobili-
zation program in order to avoid legal prosecution, or that campesi-
nos were seeking access to the social and monetary benefits that the
Justice and Peace Law provides. Either way, the government's abil-
ity to control the process has been seriously questioned. The dispar-
ity between the number of decommissioned weapons and the
number of demobilized combatants has also led to speculation that
many paramilitaries have stashed arms for future use. The most seri-
ous concern about the demobilization process is that it has been
unable to guarantee the complete dismantling of the paramilitary
infrastructure. By 2007 more than 3,000 supposedly demobilized
individuals had been recruited by 22 newly formed paramilitary
territories abandoned by
groups that continue to vie for control of the
the AUC, especially in drug-trafficking corridors. This new genera-
tion of paramilitarism is principally active in the Caribbean and
Pacific coastal regions.
The demobilization process has also produced significant political
fallout in Colombia. The confessions of paramilitary leaders involved
in the truth and reconciliation process have compromised many
elected politicians and regional leaders. In one particularly dramatic
episode, the computer records of the paramilitary leader Rodrigo
Tovar Pupo, known as Jorge 40, revealed the names of 1 1 congress-
men who had signed an accord with the paramilitaries in 2001, in
which they committed themselves to supporting a new political order
in Colombia, presumably founded on values held by the AUC (see
InternalArmed Conflict and Peace Negotiations, ch. 4).
The Justice and Peace Law also provided for the creation of a new
National Commission for Reparation and Reconciliation (CNRR) in
A unit of the navy s Marine Infantry Command patrols the Guaviare,
which divides the eastern llanos from the Amazonian jungle.
Courtesy David Spencer
Colombia: A Country Study
opted for a military offensive against the guerrillas and has not
actively sought the resumption of peace talks. The lesson learned
from the Pastrana administration is that negotiating with the FARC
is a losing formula, and that a military solution is possible. At the
National Security
Colombia: A Country Study
agreement with the United States, which stipulates that it pledges not
to seek the prosecution of U.S. military personnel and other citizens
in the International Criminal Court for human rights crimes.
Regional Relations
Colombian-Venezuelan security relations are the most complex
and conflictive of the region. President Chavez openly sympathized
with the FARC's political platform, and Caracas is routinely accused
of providing material support and haven to the FARC in Venezuelan
territory. Chavez's ideological empathy with Colombia's guerrilla
movements was tested in 2004 following a series of incidents involv-
ing the FARC, the ELN, and paramilitaries in Venezuelan territory,
one of which resulted in the deaths of five Venezuelan soldiers. In
2004 Colombian police extralegally captured and then transported to
Colombia a FARC leader resident and naturalized in Venezuela, caus-
ing a near rupture in diplomatic relations. Although Colombia and
Venezuela maintain a binational border commission, security coopera-
tion is poor.
In addition to tensions directly associated with the internal armed
conflict inColombia, the territorial dispute over maritime waters in
the Golfo de Venezuela continues to plague bilateral relations. In the
National Security
Colombia's internal conflict has dominated its relations with
Ecuador. Ecuador increasingly has been concerned during the early
2000s by the growing presence of paramilitary and FARC units in
the Ecuadorian border region and the criminality and violence this
presence has engendered. There have been confirmed cases of kid-
napping and extortion in all the Ecuadorian provinces that border
Colombia. Coca regularly crosses the border to Ecuador, either for
direct export or for processing, and then usually reenters Colombia
as cocaine for export. Although the expected surge of refugees into
Ecuador because of Plan Colombia's fumigation policy did not
occur, there were approximately 6,300 Colombian refugees on Ecua-
dorian soil in 2003 and an estimated 600,000 Colombian citizens
who lived there irregularly. In response to what is seen as the Colom-
bianization of the country, the Ecuadorian government increased its
troops and patrols of the border region and restricted its traditional
open-border policy in 200 1 The Ecuadorian government has opted
for a modus vivendi with Colombian illegal armed groups in the bor-
der area, whereas Bogota has accused Quito of being too tolerant of
what it considers terrorist organizations. President Rafael Correa
Colombia: A Country Study
Of all the neighboring territories, Panama is the most vulnerable
to the volatilityof Colombia's security. Both the FARC and the para-
militaries openly operate along the 225 -kilometer-long border
through the remote jungles of the isthmus of Darien. These armed
groups routinely cross into Panamanian territory for provisions and
relaxation; and they also have engaged in combat and attacked vil-
lages for collaborating with the guerrillas or the paramilitaries, as the
case may be. A strategic transit point for arms and drug smuggling,
the border region is not only fiercely disputed by armed groups but
also plagued by Colombian and Panamanian criminal organizations.
The high levels of insecurity are compounded by the lack of a Pana-
manian military to defend its border, and by a police force with
insufficient capacity to effectively patrol the region. A 1999 agree-
ment between the Colombian and Panamanian naval forces strength-
A FARC guerrilla having lunch at a camp Cundinamarca Department
Colombia: A Country Study
The Colombian-Peruvian relationship is the least tense in the
region and is marked by the greatest levels of security cooperation.
Another regional geopolitical worry for Colombia relates to the con-
tested sovereignty of the Archipielago de San Andres, Providencia y
Santa Catalina, located off the Caribbean coast of Nicaragua. In 1979
the Sandinista government renewed historical claims to the islands,
charging that the 1928 Treaty of Esguerra-Barcenas, which granted
Colombia jurisdiction, was invalid because Nicaragua had signed the
agreement under pressure from the United States. Colombia responded
by dispatching a naval task force, a squadron of Mirage fighters, and
500 marines to the islands and constructing a new base to serve as
headquarters for the Caribbean Naval Command. During the 1980s, the
presence of Nicaraguan fishing boats irritated Colombia, although there
was no real threat of open conflict. Nicaragua's interest in oil explora-
tion near the archipelago led to renewed interest in the islands, and in
2001 Nicaragua instituted proceedings with the International Court of
Justice (ICJ) at The Hague, requesting recognition of its jurisdictional
claim to the islands and the fixing of a single maritime boundary and
Three FARC guerrillas using a laptop computer at a
temporary camp in Cundinamarca Department
Courtesy David Spencer Collection
economic zone between the two countries. After the Nicaraguan gov-
ernment granted four foreign oil companies a license to drill in its off-
shore oil fields within several kilometers of the islands in 2003,
Colombia claimed the concessions were in its maritime waters and
threatened to use force if drilling commenced. Colombia argued that
the ICJ had no competence to resolve the dispute, given that both coun-
tries had signed a legally binding agreement, whereas the ICJ resolves
Mixed signs for Colombia's security appeared in 2008. On the pos-
itive side, a seriesof unexpected and rather extraordinary events
related to the FARC in the first half of the year suggested the possibil-
ity that the Western Hemisphere's longest-running internal armed con-
flict could be entering a critical last stage. Although the FARC has
Colombia: A Country Study
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Colombia: A Country Study
peace process that is little more than a surrender, however, will not
be especially attractive to the FARC, which continues to espouse its
goal of exercising political power. The window of opportunity for
reaching a negotiated settlement to Colombia's conflict may also be
short-lived because of the FARC's partial disintegration and frac-
tures. The collapse of the guerrilla organization's central command
and the simultaneous creation of multiple, autonomous illegal armed
groups would foil chances to establish a decisive and lasting peace in
Negotiations with the paramilitaries are, on the other hand, pro-
ceeding apace. Although there are many uncertainties regarding the
judicial treatment of individuals accused of some of the worst human
rights violations, the generally successful demobilization of AUC
fighters and dismantling of paramilitary structures would represent
an important step toward ending Colombia's internal conflict. A
legal framework has been established for paramilitary disarmament
and reintegration into civilian life an attempt to reconcile the com-
peting goals of peace and justice. However, the approved bill has
elicited severe criticism, including accusations of being too generous
to the illegal groups. The success in the implementation of the law is
also threatened by the insufficient capacity of the Colombian judicial
system to expedite the number of cases and to determine whether the
demobilized fighters had complied with the requirement to confess
their crimes. At the same time, there was mounting evidence in early
2008 that many demobilized paramilitaries had regrouped in autono-
mous criminal organizations dedicated to narco-trafficking, while
others maintained their criminal operations during incarceration.
In early 2008, the Colombian government decided to suspend the
judicial benefits offered to most of the high-ranking AUC leaders
who participated in the process, arguing that they had continued to
commit crimes from prison following their demobilization. President
Uribe signed an executive order that led to the unexpected extradition
of 14 paramilitary leaders to the United States to be tried on drug-traf-
ficking charges. They included Salvatore Mancuso Gomez; Francisco
Javier Zuluaga, alias Gordolindo; Diego Fernando Murillo Bejarano,
alias Don Berna; and Rodrigo Tovar Pupo. This action effectively
placed the paramilitary leaders beyond the reach of the Colombian
justice system, raising concerns about the impossibility of trying
these persons for crimes against humanity under the Justice and
Peace Law in Colombia.
A wild card in the future of the Colombian conflict remains
cocaine. Even with redoubled fumigation efforts, it appears highly
unlikely that coca cultivations can be entirely eradicated by this
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* * *
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Colombia: A Country Study
0.04 inches
Centimeters 0.39 inches
Meters 3.3 feet
2,204 pounds
Degrees Celsius (Centigrade) 1.8 degrees Fahrenheit
and add 32
The following special weights and measures are also used in Colombia: libra=0.5 kilograms; carga= 125 kilograms;
arroba=\2.5 kilograms; vara=19.% centimeters; quintal=50 kilograms; cuadra=%Q meters; saco=62.5 kilograms; and
fanegada=Q. 64 hectares.
1831- 32 General Domingo Caycedo Santamaria, General Jose Maria Obando del Campo, and
Jose Ignacio de Marquez Barreto (vice presidents and acting presidents)
Early Liberals
1854 General Jose Maria Dionisio Melo y Ortiz (PL; by military coup)
Conservative Interval
1855- 57 Manuel Maria Mallarino Ibarguen (Conservative Party —PC; acting, to complete
Obando 's term, elected vice president)
1 857-58 Mariano Ospina Rodriguez (PC)
1861 Juan Jose Nieto Gil (PL), Bartolome Calvo y Diaz de Lamadrid (PC), and Julio Arbo-
leda Pombo (PC)
Colombia: A Country Study
A Liberal Era
1861-64 General Tomas Cipriano de Mosquera y Arboleda (now PL; provisional president by
victory in civil war, then elected to the office by constitutional convention)
1867-68 General Santos Acosta Castillo (PL; by coup that overthrew Mosquera)
1882-84 Jose Eusebio Otalora Martinez (Independent PL; as presidential designate, completed
term of Zaldua, who died in office)
1894-98 Miguel Antonio Caro Tovar (PC / Nationalists; as vice president, completed term of
Nunez, who died in office)
Conservative Hegemony
1898-1900 Manuel Antonio Sanclemente Sanclemente (PC / Nationalists)
1900-1904 Jose Manuel Marroquin Ricaurte (PC / Nationalists; as vice president, completed San-
clemente's term when the latter was overthrown by coup in 1900)
1909-10 General Ramon Gonzalez Valencia (chosen by Congress to fill out the term of Reyes,
who resigned)
1921-22 Jorge Holguin Jaramillo (PC; as presidential designate, completed the term of Suarez,
who resigned)
Liberal Reformers
1945^6 Alberto Lleras Camargo (PL; as presidential designate, completed term of Lopez, who
Contemporary Era
Colombia: A Country Study
Departmental boundaries of the natural regions may overlap.
Also includes Distrito Capital de Bogota (not a department).
Also includes Isla de Malpelo (not a department).
1985-94 720,000 7,886
A nongovernmental organization.
No information available for 1994.
Source: Based on annual data on Colombian displacement from Consultancy for Human
Rights and Displacement (Codhes),; and Internal Displace-
ment Monitoring Centre,
EE-9CascaveI 123
Ml 117 Guardian 39
BTR-80 80
EE-llUrutu 56
RG-31 Nyala 4
TPM-113(M-13A1) 54
M-20 8
Towed artillery
105mm M-101 86
Recoilless launchers
106mm M-^lOAl 63
Rocket launchers
89mm M-20 15
12.7mm M-8/M-5 5 18
OH-6A Cayuse 6
Mi-17-lV Hip 8
Mi-17-MD 9
Colombia: A Country Study
M-17-V5 Hip
UH-1H-II Huey U 30
Electronic Warfare
Antonov AN-32 1
B-727 9
Beechcraft C-90 1
CV-580 1
PA-34 Seneca 2
Utva-75 5
Tube launched optically wire guided.
n.a. —not available.
Source: Based on information from International Institute for Strategic Studies, "Colombia,"
The Military Balance, 2010 (London) 110, no. 1 (February 2010): 75.
Pijao (German T-209/1200) 2
Intrepido 2
Lazaga 2
Andromeda (ex-Piranha) 11
Arauca 3
Delfin 20
Diligente 4
LPR-^10 Tenerife 9
with Bell 212 or 412 helicopters 6
Rio Magdalena 11
Rotork 2
Hospital ship 1
Transport 1
Training (sail) ^
Naval aviation
C-212Medevac 1
Maritime patrol
PA-31 Navajo 1
Cessna 206 4
PA-31 Navajo 1
Antisurface warfare
AS-555SN Fennec 2
Bell 212 1
Bell 412 4
BK-117 1
Bo-105 2
Each diesel-electric submarine with eight single 533mm torpedo tubes with 14 surface-and-underwater target
heavy-weight torpedoes for antisubmarine warfare.
Italian SX-506, special forces delivery (midget submarines).
The four frigates Almirante Padilla, Antioquia, Independiente, and Caldas are each equipped with one
Bo-105 utility helicopter, two B515 ILAS-3 triple 324mm antisubmarine torpedo launchers, each with an A244
light-weight torpedo, two quad —
eight, in effect, each with one MM-40 Exocet tactical surface-to-surface mis-
sile —and one 76mm gun.
The training ship Gloria is a three-mast Spanish Bricbarca sailing vessel built in 1968 with a capacity for 125 sail-
ors. Still in use, the ship visited Shanghai and Manila in June-August 2009.
Source: Based on information from International Institute for Strategic Studies, "Colombia,"
The Military Balance, 2010 (London) 110, no. 1 (February 2010): 76.
EMB-312Tucano 12
IA-58APucara 3
Kfir C-2, C-12 20
KfirTC-7 4
Mirage COAM 2
5 5
Mirage 5 CODM 2 2
T-37C 4
Electronic intelligence
Ce-208 2
OV-1 OA Bronco 7
Special operations
ACM7T Fantasma 8
Aero Commander 3
SA-2-37A/SA-2-37B 6
Ce-650 Citation IV 5
C-26B 4
Arava 201 1
B-737 1
B-727-700 1
B-707 1
B-767ER 1
Ce-208 1
Ce-550 1
C-130B Hercules 4
C-130H Hercules 3
C-26 Metro 3
C-95(EMB-110P1) 2
C-295M 4
C-212 4
CN-235M 3
Do-328 3
F-28T 1
AC^17T 8
T-27 Tucano 13
T-37 Tweet 6
Mescalero 10
Ce-1 85 Floatplane 1
Ce-210 2
Ce-337G/H 2
Ce^lOl 1
Ce-^04 3
PA-31 Navajo
PA-3 IT Navajo !
PA-42 Cheyenne 1
PA-34 Seneca 4
PA-44 Seminole 1
Colombia: A Country Study
MD-500MD Defender 1
MD530MG Escorpion 4
H369HM 7
H500C 8
H500M 2
UH-1B Uroquois 2
UH-1H 6
UH-1H Iroquois 6
UH-60Q 2
Bell206B 11
H500C 2
H500ME 1
Bell 212 1
UH-lPHueyll 7
Bell412HP/SP 2
The Kfirs are in one squadron; being upgraded to C-10 and C-12; 13 more on order. The first four Kfirs were
received in June 2009, but one subsequently crashed while being tested.
The Mirages are in one squadron.
Plus four in storage.
Source: Based on information from International Institute for Strategic Studies, "Colombia,"
The Military Balance, 2010 (London) 110, no. 1 (February 2010): 76.
Ayres52R 3
Caravan 208 5
Caravan 208B 1
Cessna C-l 52 3
Cessna 206 5
C-26SA227-AC 4
C-26B 2
DC-3 1
King 200 2
King 300 1
OV-1 OA Bronco 5
Turbo Truck 1
Basler Turbo-67 11
Gavilian 358 12
Bell 206B 3
Bell 212 12
Bell 412 1
Hughes 500D 2
MD 500D 2
MD-530F 1
Source: Based on information from International Institute for Strategic Studies, "Colombia,"
The Military Balance, 2010 (London) 110, no. 1 (February 2010): 77.
Chapter 1
Colombia: A Country Study
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Chapter 4
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politica exterior en el Sigh XXI. 1st ed. Bogota: Friedrich Ebert Stiftung
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OEA, 1999.
Kline, Harvey F. State Building and Conflict Resolution in Colombia,
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Leal Buitrago, Francisco. La seguridad nacional a la deriva: Del frente
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Mason, Ann C, and Luis Javier Orjuela, eds. La crisis politica colombi-
ana: Mas que un conflicto armadoy un proceso armado de paz. Bogo-
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Santos, Boaventura de Sousa, and Mauricio Garcia Villegas, eds. El calei-
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Tickner, Arlene B. "Colombia: Chronicle of a Crisis Foretold." Current
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sary, 1995.
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politica colombiana: Mas que un conflicto armadoy un proceso armado
de paz. Bogota: Ediciones Uniandes / Universidad de los Andes, Facul-
tad de Ciencias Sociales, Departamento de Ciencia Politica / Fundacion
Alejandro Angel Escobar, 2003.
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Colombia: A Country Study
Chapter 5
Apter, David E., ed. The Legitimation of Violence. London: Macmillan,
Arnson, Cynthia, ed. The Peace Process in Colombia with the Autodefen-
sas Unidas de Colombia—AUC. Woodrow Wilson Center Report on
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Arocha, Jaime, Fernando Cubides, and Miriam Jimeno, eds. Las violen-
cias: Inclusion creciente. Bogota: Universidad Nacional de Colombia,
Centro de Estudios Sociales, 1998.
Atehortua, Adolfo Leon, and Humberto Velez. Estadoy fuerzas armadas
en Colombia: 1886-1953. Bogota: Tercer Mundo Editores / Pontificia
Universidad Javeriana, 1994.
Bagley, Bruce. "Narcotrafico, violencia politica y politica exterior de Esta-
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Bailey, John, and Lucia Dammert, eds. Public Security and Police Reform
in the Americas. Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press, 2006.
Baud, Michiel, and Donny Meertens, eds. Colombia from the Inside: Per-
Braun, Herbert. Our Guerrillas, Our Sidewalks: A Journey into the Vio-
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Colombia. Vicepresidencia de la Republica. Observatorio de Derechos
Humanos. Panorama actual del macizo colombiano. Bogota, 2002.
Colombia. Vicepresidencia de la Republica. Observatorio de Derechos
Humanos. Programa Presidencial de Derechos y Derecho International
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siones de la crisis humanitaria y de derechos humanos en Colombia.
Bogota, 2004.
Corporation Excelencia en la Justicia. Reforma constitutional de lajusticia
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Council on Foreign Relations. Andes 2020: A New Strategyfor the Chal-
lenges of Colombia and the Andean Region. New York, 2004.
Crandall, Russell. Driven by Drugs: U.S. Policy Toward Colombia. Boul-
der, Colorado: Rienner, 2002.
Cubides, Fernando. "Los paramilitares y su estrategia." Pages 151-200 in
Malcolm Deas and Maria Victoria Llorente, eds., Reconocer la guerra
para construir la paz. Bogota: Ediciones Uniandes, Centro de Estudios
de la Realidad Colombiana / Grupo Editorial Norma, 1999.
Colombia: A Country Study
Haugaard, Lisa, Adam Isaacson, Kimbcrly Stanton, John Walsh, and Jeff
Vogt Blueprintfor a New Colombia Policy. Washington, DC: Latin Amer-
ica Working Group Education Fund / Center for International Policy /
Studies, 2009.
Millett, Richard L. "Colombia's Conflicts: The Spillover Effects of a Wider
War." North-South Agenda Papers, no. 57 (September 2002): 1-2 1
Molano, Alfredo. "Coca, Land and Corruption." Pages 63-76 in Michiel
Baud and Donny Meertens, eds., Colombia from the Inside: Perspec-
tives on Drugs, War and Peace. Cuadernos de la Cedla, no. 18. Amster-
Vergara, 2004.
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Ariel, 1997.
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paginas_detalle.aspx?idp= 688. :
Vaicius, Ingrid, and Adam Isaacson. "The War on Drugs Meets the War
on Terror." International Policy Report. Washington, DC: Center for
(Various issues of the following publications, and their Web sites, also
Rights Watch reports, 1998, 2000, 2003-5; International Institute for Stra-
tegic Studies, The Military Balance (London), 2009-10; Latin American
Report (Bogota and Brussels), 2003-5; New York Times (2003); New York
Times Magazine, 2001; Programa Presidencial de Derechos Humanos y
Derecho Internacional Humanitario,;
Revista Cambio (Bogota), 2003; Semana (Bogota), 1999; and El Tiempo
(Bogota), 2002-3. In addition, relevant information was found at the follow-
ing Web Colombia, Armada Nacional,;
Colombia: A Country Study
Colombia: A Country Study
lxxvi, lxxxi, lxxxii, 220, 221, 247, 294, 296, 3, 8, 12, 20, 26, 82-86, 125; displacement
318-20, 342 and, 86; languages and, 84-85; laws and cus-
Advisory Commission on Foreign Relations toms, 88, 135; other rights of, 224; political
(CARE), 264 representation and, 57, 135
68, 106, 325, 351-52, 354-55, 356-57 Andes Mountains, 17, 70-71, 73, 76
agriculture (see also bananas; coffee; exports), Angostura, lxx, 18
59, 71, 76, 78, 134, 152-57, 216; and colonial antinarcotics strategy. See counternarcotics
economy, 5, 8-1 1, 144; and economic reform, operations and strategy
49, 152; and flower industry, 155-56; and Antioquia Department, lxv, 107, 176, 190, 358;
livestock, 11, 71, 76, 147, 152-53; and palm agriculture in, 37, 155; and drug trade, 190;
Colombia: A Country Study
Association of Colombian Banana Producers 1 76, 1 78, 222; growth of, 94-95; military role
(Augura), 155 of, lxxvii, 296; modem port of, 173
Association of Colombian Stockbreeders Basel rules, 181
(Fedegan), 153 Battle of Ayacucho (1824), 21
Atrato river, 72, 74, 173, 176 beer, 164, 165, 187
attorney general (fiscal), lxiii, lxxv, lxxxii-lxxxv, Belalcazar (or Benalcazar), Sebastian de, 7
234 Belgium, 186
Attorney General's Office (Fiscalia General Bellsouth, 178
de la Nation), lx, lxiii-lxiv, lxxxii, 218, 233, Bermudez, Gerardo (alias Francisco Galan),
238, 247, 271, 296, 308, 319-20, 322-23; 349
Human Rights Unit of, 337 Bema, Don. See Murillo Bejarano, Diego Fer-
AUC. See United Self-Defense Forces of nando
Colombia Betancourt Pulecio, Ingrid, lxvi-lxix, lxxii,
ausencia del estado (absence of the state), liii 223, 259, 327, 340
Australia, 279 biodiesel, 157, 187
Boca Grande, 300 Cali Cartel, lxviii, lxxxiii, 53, 188, 247, 251,
Bogota: li, liv, lxii, 39, 47, 76, 78, 95-96, 107, 329
130, 160, 186, 298, 300, 322, 326; in colonial California Public Employees Retirement Sys-
times, 7, 8, 15-18; Distrito Capital de Bogota, tem (CalPERS), 183-84
lxv, 222; founding as Santafe, 7; growth of, Calvo y Diaz de Lamadrid, Bartolome, 367
94-96; Plaza de Bolivar, 33, 55, 229; pollu- Cambio, 250
tion in, 80; postindependence, 18-19, 21-23; Camara de Representantes. See House of Rep-
and surrounding area, 156, 258; as tourist des- resentatives
Colombia: A Country Study
Chiquita Brands International, 155 colegios de garage (garage schools), 129, 130
Christian National Party, 125 bases, 301; Caribbean Air Group (Gacar),
Christian Union, 125 302; Combat Air Command (Cacom), 301;
Christianity (see also Protestantism; Roman Eastern Air Group (Gaori), 302; materiel, 301,
Catholicism), 9, 11-12, 119-25 302; Military Air Transport Command
Cienaga, 176 (Catam), 301; ranks and insignia, 309-11;
Cimarron Movement, 254 training schools, 287, 302, 305-7
cimarrones (maroons), 89 Colombian Association of Flower Exporters
Citibank, 184 (Asocolflores), 156, 258
Citigroup, 187 Colombian Association of Sugarcane Produc-
Citizen Commitment for Colombia (Compro- ers and Suppliers (Procana), 157
mise Ciudadano por Colombia), lxxxviii Colombian Chamber of Commerce, 252
Colombian Federation of Educators (Fecode), Republica), lx, lxii, lxiv, lxvi, lxxx, lxxxv,
129 21, 36-37, 57, 149, 198, 207, 217-18, 222,
Colombian Federation of Municipalities 227-30, 246-48, 267,312
(Fedemunicipios), 226 conmocion interior. See state of internal com-
Colombian Financial Superintendency (SFC motion
or Superfinanciera), 184 conquistadors, 7
Colombian Gas Company, 160 consejerias presidenciales (presidential advi-
Colombian Indigenous Movement (MIC), 243 sories), 210
Colombian Intelligence Service (SIC), 318 Consejo de Estado. See Council of State
Colombian Petroleum Enterprise (Ecopetrol), Consejo Superior de la Judicatura. See Supe-
46,58, 159-60 rior Judicial Council
Colombian Platform for Human Rights, Conservative Hegemony, 37, 39-40
Democracy, and Development (Plataforma Conservative Party (PC), li, lx, lxviii, lxxxvii,
Colombiana de Derechos Humanos, Democ- lxxxviii, 27, 34, 43^14, 123, 215, 228,
raciay Desarrollo), 253 240-41, 288, 324, 326; precursors of, 23, 25
Colombian Titling, 163 constituent assemblies in nineteenth century,
colonial economy, 8-9, 144 20, 32
colonial government, 7-11, 13 Constituent Assembly (1991), 57, 122, 135,
colonial society, 8-10 215,254, 341
Colpatria Multibank Network, 1 87 constitution of 1991, lx-lxi, 4, 57-58, 122-23,
Colpatria Tower, 257 143, 215, 219-20, 223, 274; anticorruption
Columbus, Christopher (Cristobal Colon), lii, measures and, 246-48; and decentralization,
liii 223; and economic reform, 148, 162, 166,
Columbus Day, liii 196; and environmental protection, 79; and
Comando Nacional Unitario. See National extradition issues, 188; and gender equality,
Unitary Command 107; and health care, 1 12; and judicial branch,
Comcel, 178 233; and minority representation, 83-84, 229,
comisiones (permanent congressional commit- 242-43; and national defense, 290-91; and
tees), 227 National Police, 314; and political reform,
commerce, 166 240, 242; and press freedom, 249; and refer-
Commercial Arms Control Department, 292 endum issues, lxi, lxii, lxxxiv-lxxxv, lxxxvii,
comptroller general, lxiv, 235 25, 26, 27, 28, 32-34, 57, 219, 286, 324
Comptroller General's Office (Contraloria construction industry, 39, 71, 162-63
General de la Republica), 218, 238, 312, 320 Consultancy for Human Rights (Codhes),
Computer Associates, 187 96-97, 253, 263
Comunero Rebellion (1781), 14-15 Continental Airlines, 172
comunes (revolutionary committees), 14 Contraloria General de la Republica. See
Concha Ferreira, Jose Vicente, 368 Comptroller General's Office
concordat (1887), 34, 106 Copa Airlines, 172
Colombia: A Country Study
lxxxvi cundiboyacense, 93
Cordillera Central, 32, 70, 73, 74, 78, 176 Cundinamarca, 16, 82
Cordillera Occidental, 70, 72, 73, 74 Cundinamarca Department, lxv, 91, 93, 95,
Cordillera Oriental, 37, 70, 73, 74, 76, 78, 176 156, 344,358
Cordoba Department, lxv, 89, 330, 332 Cupiagua, 159
Cordoba Ruiz, Piedad, lxxv, 264 Cusiana, 159
Corona Group, 188 Customs-Trade Partnership Against Terror-
Corporation Nuevo Arco Iris. See New Rain- ism (C-TAP), 186
bow Corporation
Corporation for Science and Technology for
the Development of the Naval, Maritime, d'Hondt method {see also elections), 232, 246
and Riverine Industry, 300 Dagua, 322
Correa Delgado, Rafael, lxxix-lxxx, 276, Darien, 170, 176-77
353-54 Darien Gap. See Tapon del Darien
corruption, lix, lxi, lxvii, lxxvi, lxxxiii, 54, 1 15, Davivienda, 184
191, 216, 223, 225, 246-48, 251, 296, 308, Day of the Race (Dia de la Raza), liii
314, 315, 319, 329, 345; and politics, lxiii, Death to Kidnappers (MAS), 56, 329
lxviii, lxxii; and the military, lxiii debt, external, 52, 147, 168, 192, 194-95
Corruption Perceptions Index 2008, lxiii debt, public-sector, lxxxix, 146, 148, 168, 183,
Corte Constitucional. See Constitutional Court 192, 195, 198, 208
Cortes, 15 decentralization, liv, 57, 128, 129, 143, 148,
Cortes, Heman, 6 196, 225
Costa de Mosquitos (Nicaragua), 68, 357 Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen,
costeno, 94 13
cotton. See textile industry decree laws, 219, 227, 236, 237, 314, 318, 339
Council of State (Consejo de Estado), lxxvi, defense budget and spending, 312-13
lxxx,218, 235, 236, 246 Defense Cooperation Agreement (DCA,
Council of the Indies, 8 2009), lxxvi-lxxxi
counterinsurgency and counterterrorism, lxi, Defensor del Pueblo. See human rights
counternarcotics operations and strategy, lviii, deforestation {see also forests), lxxxvi, 81-82
lxxi, lxxvii, lxxxi, 52-53, 56, 80-81, 188-91, Del Monte Fresh Produce, 155
216, 271-72, 276, 299, 301, 342-46, Dell, 187
360-61; and extradition, 53-54 Democracy and Security Foundation (Fun-
courts {see also judicial branch, military jus- dacion Seguridad y Democracia), 226
tice system, Supreme Court of Justice), democracy in Colombia, li, 4, 48, 122, 198,
234-38; indigenous courts, 234 215
crawling-peg system, 184, 192-93 Democratic Action M-19 (AD M-19), 243
Credit Risk Management System (SARC), Democratic Alternative (AD), 245
182 Democratic Colombia Party (PDC), 242, 248
Creole language, 88 Democratic Security and Defense Policy,
Cretaceous Period, 70 lxxv, lxxxiv, lxxxv, 123, 170, 207, 210, 217,
crime. See homicide rate; kidnapping; vio- 222, 261, 279, 315, 337, 346-47, 358
lence Democratic Security Policy. See Democratic
criollos (Creoles), 8-10, 11, 13-14, 15-17 Security and Defense Policy
Cuba, 11,259 demography. See population
Cuban Missile Crisis, 69 departmental assemblies, 222
Cuban Revolution, 49, 328 departments, administrative, 218, 221-22
Cucuta, 74, 95, 176 departments, territorial, 218, 222-26
desplazados. See displacement issues with, 81, 273, 300, 353-54; Colombi-
Detroit, lxvi ans in, 96, 98, 353; relations with, lxxix,
Devia Silva, Luis Edgar (alias Raul Reyes), lxxx-lxxxi, lxxxvi, 275-76, 353-54; and sup-
Dia de Colon. See Columbus Day education (see also colegios de garage; univer-
Dia de la Raza. See Day of the Race sities), 9, 12, 31, 34, 41, 49, 126-33; basic,
disappearance, lxiv, lxxxi, lxxxii ing on, 203-6; quality of, 128-30; and the
district mayoralty {alcaldia distritat), 222 Ejercito Nacional. See National Army
Distrito Capital de Bogota. See Bogota El Dorado, 6
Doctors Without Borders, 252 El Mono Jojoy. See Briceno Suarez, Jorge
drug addiction, 117 elections, lxi, 4, 7, 20, 27, 29, 37, 40, 48, 57,
drug trade (see also counternarcotics operations 218, 230-33, 242-46; and campaign finance,
lxxxiii, lxxxvi, 52-54, 56, 58, 93, 96-97, 111, and violence in, 48, 226; local, 52, 225; pres-
147, 219, 285, 322, 328-30, 332-33; coca and idential, lxxxiii-lxxxix, 231, 280; senatorial,
188-91, 251, 259, 332, 360-61; drug cartels, electricity, 73, 163, 168, 207
lxii, lxxv, lxxxiii-lxxxiv, 215, 259, 270, 329, ELN. See National Liberation Army
332, 340; effects on the economy, 111, 191; Embera people, 72, 84
and guerrillas, 55, 190, 259-60, 328, 331; her- emigration, 49, 98-99
Colombia: A Country Study
estado de exception. See state of exception Ferdinand VII (king of Spain), 15, 16-17
estado de guerra exterior. See state of external financial sector, 181-84, 187
war First Colombian Radio Channel. See Caracol
estado de sitio. See state of siege Television, SA.
Estados Unidos de Colombia. See United fiscal (attorney general), lxiii, lxxv, lxxxii-lxxxv,
States of Colombia 234
ETA. See Basque Fatherland and Liberty Fiscalia General de la Nation. See Attorney
ethanol, 156-57, 160, 187 General's Office
ethnic groups {see also Afro-Colombians; fish catch, 80
indigenous peoples), liv, 82-86, 254-55 Florencia, 298
European Community, 184 Florida, 263
European Free Trade Association, 185 flowers, 155-56
European Union (EU), lvi, lxvii, lxxxi, foreign direct investment (FDI), 147, 186-88,
184- 85, 261; aid from, 277; Colombian 195
exports to, 155, 191; relations with, 276-78 foreign relations, 264-79; with Asia, 278-79; with
exports, lv, 24, 32, 37, 40, 145, 174, 185; agri- 76, 77, 84, 85, 176-77, 309, 354, 356; and
cultural, 50, 145, 155, 156; direction of, lxxix, reforestation, 79
185-86; industrial, 163-65; mineral, 143, Fort Benning, 289
158; petrochemical, 158-59; policy, 146, Forward Operation Location (FOL), lxxvi
161; and ports, 173-74 Foundation for Higher Education and Devel-
Express Divorce Law (2005), 107 opment (Fedesarrollo), lxxxviii-lxxxix
extended-fund facility, 150, 194, 223 fourteenth monthly wage (mesada 14), 197
Extraditables, lvi, 321 France, lxxii, lxxiii, 1 87, 350
extradition issues, lvi, lxv, lxviii, 57-58, 215, Franco, Francisco, 42
235,251,321,342-43,348, 360 free-birth laws, 20,21,89
Freedom House, lxi, lxiv
Gaitan, Jorge Eliecer, li, 42-43, 288, 326 Great Colombia (Gran Colombia), lii-liii, 1 8,
Colombia: A Country Study
health and welfare (see also diseases; hospitals), ICSID. See International Centre for Settlement
1 12-19, 203; access to, 1 12, 1 14; budget for, of Investment Disputes
203; cost of, 115; and insurance, 113-15, Iguaran Arana, Mario, lxiii, lxxxii-lxxxiii
203; physicians, 98, 1 12; quality of care, 1 14 illiteracy {see also literacy), 4, 12, 29, 49, 126,
/o),218, 228, 263 informal sector, lxxxix, 98, 110, 118, 166,
del Pueblo), lx, lxiv, lxxii, 239 inspector general of the nation (Procurador
Human Rights Watch, lxiv, 252 General de la Nation), lxiv, lxxxvii, 218,
Hurtado, Maria del Pilar, 319 Inspector General's Office, 239, 308
La Violencia (1946-58), li, 4, 43^4, 50, 93, Lopez Pumarejo, Alfonso, 41, 49, 288
95,288,313,326-27 Lopez Valdez, Jose Hilario, 25-26
labor force, 8-11, 59, 144, 147, 164, 199, lowlands, 71-73, 74, 76, 78; Caribbean,
202-3 71-72; Pacific, 72-73,255
labor reforms, 41, 109, 200, 202 Luis Carlos Sarmiento Angulo Organization,
labor unions, 46-47, 110, 129, 133-34, 168, 184
200, 255-56; violence against, lxiv, 134
Laguna de Guatavita, 6
land mines, lviii, lxxiv, lxxxv-lxxxvi, 335
Macaco. See Jimenez, Carlos Mario
landownership, 8-1 1, 83, 84, 1 10
Macarena Sierra, 76
languages {see also Spanish language and cul-
Madrid, Cundinamarca Department, 301-2
ture), 84-85, 88, 89
Magdalena Department, 155
Lara Bonilla, Ricardo, 53, 329
Magdalena Highway, 176
Larandia, lxxvii, 344
Magdalena river, 6-7, 24, 32, 74, 80, 173;
Las Papas, 74
basin, 81; valley, 71, 76, 78, 89, 329-30
Latin American & Caribbean Demographic
Maicao, 92-93
Centre (Celade), 100
Makro, 166
Lauricocha (Peru), 77
Maku people, 85
Law 100 (1993), 114, 118
Malaga, 299
League of Nations, 325
Malambo, lxxvii, 301
Lebanese Colombians, 92-93, 126
Malcolm X, 126
legislative branch {see also Congress of the
Mallarino Ibargiien, Manuel Maria, 367
Republic), lxii, 218, 227-30
malnutrition {see also nutrition), 116
lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender (LGBT),
Mamonal, 174, 300
Manaure, 85
Leticia, 40, 287, 298, 325
monte (law of the jungle),
Mancuso Gomez, Salvatore, 252, 360
ley del liii
ary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC)
liberal factions, 30 Manta Base (Ecuador), lxxvi
279, 288, 324, 326; antecedents of, 23, 25 Maracaibo (Venezuela), lxxi
Liberty Mutual Insurance, 187 Marin, Pedro Antonio (alias Manuel Marulanda
libraries, 131 Velez, Tiro Fijo, or Sure Shot), lxx, 190, 327,
Living Colombia Movement (MCV), 248 Infanteria de Marina). See National Navy
8 ,
Marulanda Velez, Manuel. See Marin, Pedro mining industry {see also coal, gold, oil), 8 1
Antonio 158
Marxism, 328 Ministerial, 25
Medellin Cartel, 329 Ministry of Finance and Public Credit, lv, lxiii,
lvi, 53, 56, 188, 251, 321,
missionary activities {see also Jesuits), 12, 83,
Meta river, 300 92, 124
Methodists, 124 Mitu, 86,331,355
Mexico, 164, 185, 186, 188, 259, 273, 274, Mockus Sivickas, Antanas, 244
349 Mocoa, 298
Middle East, 269; migrants from, 92 money laundering, 147
migration, internal, 93, 94, 95-98, 110-11, Monteria, 296, 298
162, 199 Montesinos, Vladimiros, 356
Military Assistance Agreement, 287 Montilla, Mariano, 1
Military Club, 289, 295 Montoya Sanchez, Diego (alias Don Diego),
military education system, 305-7 lvii
Military Forces {see also Colombian Air Force; Montoya Sanchez, Eugenio (alias Hector
National Army; National Navy), lxxiv-lxxv, Fabio Carvajal), lvii
lxxxvi, 268, 290-302, 340, 358-59, 361; Gen- Montoya Uribe, General Mario, lxxiv
eral Command of, 291-93, 295; reserves, 295; Moreno Rojas, Samuel, 178, 245
uniforms, ranks, and insignia, 309-12 Morillo, Pablo, 17
Military Industry (Indumil), 289, 295 mortality. See population
military justice system, 307-9; Advisory Coun- Mosquera Garcia, Elda Neyis (alias Nelly Ari-
cil on Military Justice, 294; Military Penal la Moreno and Karina), 358
Code (2000), 307-8; Military Penal Justice, Mosquera y Arboleda, Joaquin Mariano, 367
lxxxii, 308-9; Supreme Military Tribunal, Mosquera y Arboleda, Tomas Cipriano de, 26,
292, 308 27, 28-29
Military Service Law (1993), 303, 305 mosquitoes, 79
Millicom International Cellular, 178 Motilon people, 85
minifundistas (smallholders), 1 10 motorcycle assembly, 165
Colombia: A Country Study
(1975), lxxx
National Gas Company of the Atlantic Coast,
National Health Institute (INS), lxxxi
National Party (Partido Nacional, 1856), 27 newspapers and magazines {see also freedom
National Party (Partido Nacional, 1884), 34 of speech; media), lxxxiv, lxxxix, 12,
313- 18, 340, 342; Antinarcotics Directorate, with, 67-69, 136, 273,356-57
316; Carabineros Corps (Mounted Police), Nineteenth of April Movement (M-19), lv,
314- 15; civilian control of the, 314; corruption lvi, lxxv, 54-56, 215, 243, 259, 328, 340
in the, 314; and counterinsurgency role, 316; Nobel Peace Prize, lxix
Mounted Police (Emcar), 315; ranks and insig- 252-53, 277, 349
nia, 317; transit and transport, 315, 316 Norte del Valle Cartel, lvii, 332
National Police Commissioner's Office (OCNP), Norte de Santander Department, 94
292,317-18 North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA),
National Radio and Television of Colombia 258
(RNC), 249-50 Northern Triangle of Central America, 185
National Radio Network (RCN), lxxix, 180-82 Norway, 349
National Reconciliation Commission (CCN), Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC), 72
248 "Noticias Uno," 250
National Registrar of Civil Status (also seen as Nueva Granada Military University, 295
National Registrar's Office —RNEC), lxxx- Nunez Moledo, General Rafael Wenceslao,
vii,218, 230 30, 32-34, 65, 324
National Salvation Movement (MSN), 243 nutrition, 59, 113
National Union School (ENS), lxiv Obaldia y Orejuela, Jose de, 367
National Unitary Command (CNU), 256 Obama, Barack H., lxiv, lxxvii, 273, 280
National Unity Social Party (PSUN), lxxx- Obando del Campo, Jose Maria, 26, 27
vii-lxxxviii, 242, 246 Obregon, Alejandro, li
National University of Colombia, lxx, 29, 130 OECD. See Organisation for Economic Co-
operation and Development
Native Americans. See Amerindians
oil industry, 37, 38-39, 76, 158-60, 185, 187,
natural gas industry, 160
208, 328, 332
natural resources, 81, 152, 158-60
oil pipelines, 55, 80, 136, 158-60, 207, 272,
Navarro Wolff, Antonio, 243, 245
344, 349
navy. See National Navy
Ojeda, Alonso de, 6
Neiva, 76, 176, 298
Olaya Herrera, Enrique, 40
neoliberalism, 115, 134,215-16
Olimpica, 166
Neruda, Pablo, lxvii
Olympic Radio Organization (ORO), 181
Nevado del Huila, 73
ombudsmen {personerias; see also Human
Nevado del Ruiz, 73 Rights Ombudsman's Office), 239-^0
New Granada, 7-15, 22
liii, Omega. See joint commands
New Kingdom of Granada, 7 Operation Check (2008), lxxi
New Rainbow Corporation (Corporation Nuevo Operation Marquetalia, 327
Arco Iris), Ixxxv-lxxxvi, 226, 253 Oracle, 187
New School (Escuela Nueva), 128-29, 204 Orbitel, 178
Colombia: A Country Study
Oxygen Green Party (PVO), lxvi, lxviii, 242 Patriotic Union (UP), 52, 56, 244, 328-30
Payan Hurtado, Jose Eliseo, 368
Paz de Rio, 46
Pacific Basin Economic Council, 278 Peace Planet, lxv
Pacific coast, 67, 71-72 peace processes, 259-61, 340-42, 347-50,
Pacific Economic Cooperation Council, 278 359-62
Pacific lowlands, 72-73, 78, 84, 94, 121 Pearl Harbor, 42, 326
Panama, liii, 23, 27, 35, 72, 176, 187, 188, Administrators of the Subsidized Regimen
265, 268, 274, 325, 354-55; Colombian ref- (ARS), 1 14; National Social Pension Fund
ugees in, 96 (Cajanal), 113, 117, 119; Pension Funds
Panama, Isthmus of, 4, 18, 29, 35, 72 Administrators (AFP), 207; Social Security
Panama Canal, 29, 35, 287, 325 Institute (ISS), 113, 117-19
paramilitaries, lvi, lxxxv, 53, 54, 56, 147, 256, Perez de Manosalbas, Santiago, 368
277, 280, 328-30, 332-34, 337-39, 346, 348, Perez Martinez, Manuel, 328
352, 353; armed forces links with, 57, 261; personal communications service (PCS), 178
lxxxi, lxxxiii-lxxxiv, 217, 247-48, 259, 279, Pico Cristobal Colon, liii, 74
334 Pico Simon Bolivar, liii
264-65, 267; and national defense, 290-92 Real Value Unit (UVR), 162
Presidency of Quito, 7, 8, 18 reform, political, lxi, 36-37, 240-41
presidential advisories (consejerias presiden- reform, social, 4, 40
ciales), 219 Regeneration, 30, 32
Presidential Program for Integral Action regionalism, liii, 65, 93-94
Against Antipersonnel Mines (PAICMA), Registraduria Nacional del Estado Civil. See
lviii National Registrar's Office
119 12, 25, 28, 34, 50, 57, 65, 119-23, 248-49;
remittances, lv, 98-99, 143, 194-95 clergy in, 12, 29, 50, 92, 120-23; and family
Renault, 165 life, 104, 105-7; and health care, 112; mis-
Renewed Socialist Movement (MSR), 341 sionary activities of, 12, 83; and proselytism,
Republic of Great Colombia (Republica de Roman Catholicism, 11-12, 20, 123; Opus
Gran Colombia), lii-liii, 18, 23 Dei, 120
(SSPD), 80, 166, 169 126, 128; health status in, 116; poverty in,
respice polum doctrine, 266 110; sanitation in, 113; violence in, 134-36
respice similia doctrine, 266, 273 Russia, lxi, lxxviii, 156
Restrepo, Luis Carlos, lxxv
Restrepo Restrepo, Carlos Eugenio, 368
Revolution on the March, 41 SABMiller, 165, 187
Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia Saenz Vargas, Guillermo (alias Alfonso Cano
(FARC), lvi, lviii, lxiv, lxvii, lxxi, lxxii, lxxx, More), lxx, lxxiii-lxxiv, 359
48, 54-56, 58, 96, 216, 249, 275-76, 339-41, Salazar Volkmann, Christian, lxiv, lxxiii
350, 352, 353-54, 358-62; and child combat- Salgado, Carlos, lxv
ants, lxxiii, 335; desertions from, lxxiii; and Salgar, Eustorgio, 368
displacement, 334; FARC-politics scandal, SAM, 172
lxxxiii; and forced recruitment, lxxi, lxxiii, Samper Pizano, Ernesto, lxviii, lxxxiii, 125,
86, 335; founding of, 327; future of, lxxv; 149, 188, 216, 247, 256; and foreign rela-
hostages of, lvii, lxvi-lxvii, lxix-lxxii, lxxv, tions, 268, 270-71,278
335-36; illegal drugs, 81, 188, 190, 328, 333; San Andres, 172, 299
international support of, lxx, lxxx; Manuel San Andres y Providencia. See Archipielago
Cepeda Vargas Group in, lxxiii; negotiations de San Andres, Providencia y Santa Catalina
with, lvi, lxxv, 259-60, 263-64, 270, 277, San Basilio del Palenque, 89
280, 332, 350; Secretariat, lxx, lxxi, lxxiv, San Martin, Jose de, 1
190, 358; strength of, lxxiv, lxxxv-lxxxvi, San Miguel river, 354
225-26, 329, 330-32, 347 San Sebastian, 6
Reyes, Raul. See Devia Silva, Luis Edgar San Vicente del Caguan, lxvi
Reyes Prieto, Rafael, 35-37 Sanclemente Sanclemente, Manuel Antonio,
Richani, Nazih, lxv 368
Richter scale, 70-71 Sanin Posada, Noemi, lxxxviii, 105, 241
Ring of Fire, 70 Santa Fe. See Bogota
Rio Treaty, 326, 351 Santa Fe de Ralito, 261
Rionegro, 156, 301 Santa Fe de Ralito Agreement (2003), 236,
Rios, Ivan. See Munoz, Manuel de Jesus 261, 342
riots, 14, 43, 288, 326 Santa Marta, lxxviii, 5, 16, 37, 71, 72, 93, 95,
Santo Domingo Group, 164-65, 249, 258 Spain, 3, 8, 13-14, 15-18, 186, 187, 278, 349,
savings and loan corporations (CAVs), 182 state of ecological emergency (estado de emer-
schools. See education gencia ecoldgica), 219
Scorsese, Martin, 1 19 state of economic emergency (estado de emer-
secuestrados (kidnap victims; see also kidnap- gencia economicd), 219
ping), lxix state of emergency (estado de emergencia),
selva. See forests 218, 291,339, 341,346
Semana, lvi, lxiv, lxix, lxx, lxxxi, lxxxviii, 250 state of exception (estado de exception), 218,
Senal Colombia, 150 291,341
Senal Institucional, 150 state of external war (estado de guerra exte-
Senate of the Republic (Senado de la Republica), rior), 218-19,291
lxxvi, lxxxiv-lxxxv, 35, 57, 218-19, 227-28, state of internal commotion (estado de conmo-
246; and minority representation in, 83 cion interior), 218-19, 291
Serpa Uribe, Horacio, 245 state of siege (estado de sitio), 219, 233
Serrania de Baudo, 73 state of social emergency (estado de emergen-
service sector, 165-70, 194, 202 cia social), 218-19
settlement, 5-7, 9, 1 1, 32, 82, 83 Steiner, Roberto, lxxxviii-lxxxix
Colombia: A Country Study
tierra caliente (hot zone), 77-78 tutelas (writs of protection), lxi, 57-58,
Unit of Constant Purchasing Power (UP AC), United Workers' Federation (CUT), 133-34,
162 200, 256
United Action Groups for Personal Freedom Universidad Nacional (UN, or Unal). See National
(Gaula), 292, 296, 299 University of Colombia
United Fruit Company, 38-40, 287 Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana (UPB). See
United Nations (UN), 253, 261, 268-70, 277, Pontifical Bolivarian University
(UNODC), lix, 190, 361 lxvii, lxix, lxxi, lxxxi-lxxxiv, 79, 94, 190, 207,
United Provinces of New Granada, 16, 22, 285 241^12, 245, 253, 261-64; and counterterror-
United Self-Defense Forces of Colombia ism, lxvii, 345, 346-47, 350, 358-60; and
(AUC), lv, 96, 190, 236, 252, 260-62, 330, defense, lxxix, 290; family of, lxxvi, lxxxiii;
332-33; and demobilization, lxv, lxxv, and foreign relations, lxxviii, 267, 270,
lxxxv, 335, 342, 348, 360 272-80; and human rights, lxxiv; and reelec-
United States, lxxxviii, 14, 187; Agency for tion in 2006 issue, lx, 217, 238; and reelection
International Development (AID), 157, 320, in 2010 issue, lxxvi, lxxxiii-lxxxvii, 280
323; assistance from, lxxvi, lxxvii, lxiii, 216, Uribistas, lxii, lxxiv
67-69; Congress, lxii, lxiv, lxxvi, lxxxvi, 185, Uruguay Round of the General Agreement on
217, 259, 273, 345; Customs and Border Pro- Tariffs and Trade (GATT), 185
tection (CBP), 186; Department of State, lxi, utility services, 166, 168-69
lxxv-lxxvi, lxxxi, 81, 253, 261, 333; Depart-
Colombia: A Country Study
War of the Thousand Days (1899-1903), 34-35, zambos (of mixed Amerindian and black
324 ancestry), 86, 89
Water and Basic Sanitation Regulatory Com- zona de despeje (demilitarized sanctuary), 332
mission (Cra), 169 Zulia State (Venezuela), lxxi
water supply and sewerage, 80, 112-13, 116, Zuluaga, Francisco Javier (alias Gordolindo),
169 360
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