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Academic Performance of Grade 12 Students in Personal Development

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Jerald Cano-og Moneva

Department of Education of the Philippines


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ISSN 2394-9686
International Journal of Novel Research in Education and Learning
Vol. 6, Issue 1, pp: (21-34), Month: January - February 2019, Available at: www.noveltyjournals.com


Sheena Marie Galarpe1, Missy Sta. Maria2, Frinvie Aparece3, Jerald C. Moneva4
1, 2, 3
Student, Jagobiao National High School, North Road, Jagobiao, Mandaue City, Philippines
Teacher, Jagobiao National High School, North Road, Jagobiao, Mandaue City, Philippines

Abstract: The extent of Academic Performance of Grade 12 students in Personal Development are important. It
has a big impact in the Academic Performances of Grade 12 students. The study was conducted at Jagobiao
National High School with a total of 78 chosen students in Senior High School. A survey questionnaire used to
gather and collect data from the participants. Chi-Square was used in treating the data. The purpose of this
research is to assess the academic performance of Grade 12 students in personal development. However, the study
revealed that the extent of academic performance are important in having a good academic performance of Grade
12 students in personal development. It also revealed that the academic performance of Grade 12 students in
personal development can change the academic grades of Grade 12 students in personal development. This study
can help the students to maintain the good grade of Grade 12 students in personal development. It also revealed
that the characteristics and attitudes of the students can affect their academic grades in personal development.
This study shows the importance of academic performance of Grade 12 students in personal development, it can
help the students to develop their skills in school-based. This study can help the students to have a good academic
performance in personal development.
Keywords: Assertiveness, Authenticity, Core self-evaluation, Courage, Emotional Intelligence, Enthusiasm,
optimism, and warmth, Extra-version, Flexibility and Adaptability, Humility, Internal Locus of control, Passion,
Personal Development, Self-confidence, Sense of Humor.

The extent of Academic Performance of Grade 12 students can influence their Academic Performance in Personal
Development. Every students should know what are the extent of Academic Performance that must apply to have a good
result or influence towards in Academic Performance in Personal Development of Grade 12 students.
According to Kuzmin, Kopylov, Kudryavtsev, Tolspotyatov, Galimou, and Ionova (2016), higher education ensure the
students professional training and to their ability to be independent. If the students are independent they are able to apply
the extent of Academic Performance that can help to their Academic Performance in Personal Development. According to
Hadassah Littman-Ovadia and ShiriLavy (2015), said that if there is strength to the characteristics of the students they are
able to express their thoughts, feelings, and behaviors, they can have a self-confidence and comfortable to show/express
their learnings.
According to Candeias, Rebelo, and Oliveira(2008), said that the culture, economic, social, and family become the model
of the students to be their motivation on how to be more perceive in applying their attitudes toward in their academic
performance. The attitudes of students are based also in the phenomenon that surrounds them. This professional attitudes
are able to maintain the good grades of the students towards in their Academic Performances in Personal Development.
The purpose of this study is to know the academic performance of Grade 12 students in personal development, researcher
aims to explore the different extent of academic performance of Grade 12 towards in Personal Development.
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Novelty Journals
ISSN 2394-9686
International Journal of Novel Research in Education and Learning
Vol. 6, Issue 1, pp: (21-34), Month: January - February 2019, Available at: www.noveltyjournals.com


Statement of the Purpose
This study aim to assess the level of Academic Performance of Grade 12 Students in Personal Development. This should
be answered by the Grade 12 students for the first semester in the year 2018-2019.
This also aims to answer the following questions:
1. What is the level of Academic Performance of Grade 12 Students in Personal Development?
2. To what extent is Academic Performance of Grade 12 Students in Personal Development in terms of:
2.1 Self-confidence
2.2 Humility
2.3 Core self evaluations
2.4 Trustworthiness
2.5 Authenticity
2.6 Extra-version
2.7 Assertiveness
2.8 Passion
2.9 Enthusiasm, optimism, and warmth
2.10 Sense of Humor
2.11 Emotional intelligence
2.12 Flexibility and adaptability
2.13 Internal locus of control
2.14 Courage
3. Is there a significant relationship of Grade 12 Students in Academic Performance in Personal Development?
Significance of the study:
This research is important for the students for them to know the Academic Performance of Grade 12 students in Personal
Development, as this research will be conducted. This will know the Academic Performance of Grade 12 students in
Personal Development. The students will also know the attitudes that can help them in their Academic Performances.
This study also benefits the students on how to deal their attitudes towards in their Academic Performances in Personal
Development. The students may gain understanding on how to deal with their attitudes affects their Academic
Performances in Personal Development.
It is beneficial for the students especially when they are educated enough by their teachers for their responsibilities.
Shall be relieve from getting stress when their child become responsible regarding on their Academic Performance.
Help a student on how to control and manage the attitude of every students to be responsible especially for the Academic
Performances of students.

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Novelty Journals
ISSN 2394-9686
International Journal of Novel Research in Education and Learning
Vol. 6, Issue 1, pp: (21-34), Month: January - February 2019, Available at: www.noveltyjournals.com

Definition of Terms:
Self-confidence is a positive belief of the students in having a prediction in the future in accomplishing what one wishes
to do. It is a self assurance in one’s personal judgement, ability, and power. It is a positive belief that in the future one can
generally accomplish what one wishes to do.
Humility is the ability of students of being humble in behalf of all school works. It can mean a recognition of self in
relation to a deity or deities, and self-debasement with the subsequent submission to said deity as a member.
Core self evaluations is the ability of the students in thinking or having a confident in their own abilities in every
performances and activities in school. Represent a stable personality trait which encompasses an individuals
subconscious, fundamental evaluations about themselves, their own abilities.
Trustworthiness is the ability of the students of trusting someone and be assuring that the trust will not be betrayed in
doing every task. Is a person in whom we place our trust and be sure that the trust not betrayed.
Authenticity has the ability of being real, not copied, true, and original in every school works of the students, have an
originality in your work. Create your own work, be true to your self
Extra-version is the ability of those students who’s behavior where someone enjoys being around with people more than
being alone. He/she can enjoy life through socializing people around.
Assertiveness it has the ability of students of being confident without showing aggressive in pursuing their goals.A form
of behavior that the person will be confident of a statement without need of truth, this affirms person rights without
threatening the right of another.
Passion is the ability of students of having a strong feeling or excitement in doing performances. Its admiration for an
idea, proposal, or cause to enjoy their interest or activity, excitement or emotion towards of being a person.
Enthusiasm is a strong feeling of active interesting in every performances of the students that they like or enjoy.Have a
strong feeling to perform, like any activities that so much give more interesting of a student. A strong warmth of feeling
or an interest.
Optimism is a feeling or belief of the students that what they hope for will happen in the future. Have a positive mind to
reach their ambition, and a believe of a student that they will achieve their goals in the future. More likely to cope with
stress and be physically healthy at all ages.
Warmth is the quality of being kind or friendly of the students in their classmates and teachers. Be respectful to
everyone, show you’re respect even they are older to you or not. Being kind to everyone
Sense of humor is a quality of being funny of a students to lessen stress of their classmates in doing school works. A
students that can give a jokes to their classmates in a nice way from being bored , that they can smile, amused or laugh in
something funny.
Emotional intelligence a capability of the students in recognizing their own emotions and of others. Having an empathy
towards others especially when they have a problem. A emotional information to guide and think of a behavior and can
manage or adjust emotions to adapt environment or achieving goals.
Flexibility is a capability of being able to change or to do different things in every school activities. A students that is
adjustable to the new environment, and able to socialize different kinds or attitudes of a student.
Adaptability is a capability of students of being able to change in order to fit in every performances and activities. A
students that can easily adopt every or any changes so that they can easily socialize to their friends or classmates.
Internal Locus of control is a belief of the students that he/she can influence events and their outcomes. Have a strong
belief in your self to face in front of many people in any occasion or event.
Courage is ability of the students to do something that you know is difficult or dangerous.Is the choice and willingness to
confront agony, pain, danger, uncertainly, or intimidation. Ability to be a positive thinker in every difficulties of a student
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Novelty Journals
ISSN 2394-9686
International Journal of Novel Research in Education and Learning
Vol. 6, Issue 1, pp: (21-34), Month: January - February 2019, Available at: www.noveltyjournals.com

Review of Related Literature:

The attitudes of students are important to be understood toward in their school and learning, learning can be affected by
different factors (Candeias, Rebelo, and Oliveira, 2008). Honour students are more likely to perform and participate in
non academic activities than non-honour students (Wolfensberger, 2004). The attitudes of students toward school and
learning is dependent on their school, school level, age, and parents (Candeias, Rebelo, Oliveira, and Mendes, 2010).
Students who are low in their self-esteem but higher interdependent level with others are students who think with positive
attitudes toward psychological help (Yeh, 2002). The attitudes of students are related to their academic scores for instance
with directly affect their academic performance (Janssen, 2014). Students who hold neutral and positive ones are less
verbal than the students who hold negative attitudes, because their attitudes can affect the achievement in academic
performances (Schau, 2005). It is good for the students to develop their positive mental attitude while they are still in the
early years of college for them to be ready to broaden their responsibility and maturity and to be more confident and
independent (Laguador, 2013). The attitudes of the students towards learning in mathematics can improve the student's
achievement (Khun-Inkeeree, Omar-Fauzee, and Othman, 2016). The attitudes of the students have a strong impact in
their learning toward in academic performances (Cahill, McDaniel, Frey, Hynes, Recipe, Zhao, and Trousil, 2018).
Academic achievement is predicted by attitude in learning (Veresova and Mala, 2016).
The cognitive variables of teachers are the most important than any other, because it can predict the academic
performance of the students through their questions it can help the students to think critically (Fehintola, 2014).
Perseverance is one the attitudes that considered a strength of courage that reflects to the academic performances of a
students (Littman-Ovadia and Lavy, 2015). Motivation, tenacity, trustworthiness, and perseverance are some of the
attitudes that can lead the students to success (Heckman and Rubinstein, 2001). Character has an effect in grades and in
interpersonal characteristics (Kern and Bowling III, ). Time management is one of the attitudes that is proven variable of
success (Renzulli, 2015). Even though effort is related to the attitude of students, it is still fails to be an important in
predicting the academic achievement of the students (Li, 2012). Avoidance to trouble is associated to high academic
scores (Bowen, Hopson, Rose, and Glennie, 2012). Those students who care likely to gain understanding are the students
who talk informally to the faculty members (Komarraju, Musulkin, Bhattacharya, 2010). Motivated or less motivated
students can still gain high grade point average (Janssen and O'Brien, 2014). The students who are high achievers are the
students who have positive study attitude (Sarwar, Bashir, and Alam, 2010).
The academic success depends only in cognitive aspect as well as the emotional abilities (Nasir and Masrur, 2010).
Teachers who are passionate can influence the performance of the students (Mart, 2013). The relationship of the students
toward in their peers, families, and teachers can affect their achievement on their academic performances (Murray-
Harvey, 2010). The instructor's positive reinforcement can affect their attitudes towards their study habits (Rhoads and
deHaan, 2013). The students who decide responsibly achieves more (Greenberg, Weissberg, O'Brien, Zins, Fredericks,
Resnik, and Elias, 2003). Students expect for their future as manifested in their positively increased views (Twenge and
Campbell, 2008). Health conscious students adapt using strategies which lessen stress (Hamaideh, 2011). Environmental
forces conflict with freedom and self-determination (Lefcourt, 2014). The positive and negative feedback of the
participants can affect the evaluations of the students towards in their academic performances (Guenther and Alicke,
2007). Students who are actively and positively thinking are less lonely students which may directly correlation with
students performances (Wang, Chen, Chen, Li, Harari, Tignor, Zhou, Ben-Zeev, and Campbell, 2014).
Therefore, students with positive attitude toward learning will succeed in achieving student’s good performance in
personal development.
Research Method:
This chapter discusses the methods utilized by the researcher, the design, respondents, environment, procedure/ data
gathering, instrument, sampling design and size, and data analysis procedure.
The descriptive research design was used in this study. Study also use survey method to collect data from the participants.
The survey questionnaire serve as the tool to answer the questions in where it has a big help to researchers to know the
results or findings of the perform study.
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Novelty Journals
ISSN 2394-9686
International Journal of Novel Research in Education and Learning
Vol. 6, Issue 1, pp: (21-34), Month: January - February 2019, Available at: www.noveltyjournals.com

The randomly selected senior respondents come from Jagobiao National High School-Senior High Department, North
Road, Jagobiao, Mandaue City, the respondents are responsible to apply the professional attitudes of students toward
behavior in Personal Development.The researchers selected the respondents by knowing its average in Personal
Development. We selected 78 respondents from Grade 12 students.
The researchers conducted a survey in Jagobiao National High School in North Road, Jagobiao, Mandaue City. The
school was divided into two departments the Junior High School and the Senior High School. The researchers conduct a
research about the Academic Performance of Grade 12 students in Personal Development.
Procedure/Data Gathering:
The researchers will ask a permission from the School Principal using the Transmittal Letter to allow the researchers to
perform the survey on the particular field. The Grade 12 students was selected to perform the study. The researchers
spend a lot of time on studying about the Academic Performance of Grade 12 students in Personal Development.
The information gathered from the researcher was supported by the Academic Performance of Grade 12 students in
Personal Development.
This study used an survey to assess the students to know their Professional Attitudes toward their Academic Performances
among Junior and Senior High students. We will evaluate if the students are applying their professional attitudes toward
behavior in Academic Performances. An survey is helpful for the researchers to determine if the students are using their
professional attitudes towards Academic Performance.
Data Analysis Procedure
The researchers submitted a transmittal letter to the head of the school to ask for an approval for the survey to be
conducted in Jagobiao National High School- Senior High Department. The survey was done last October 9, 2018. The
researcher distributed the survey sheet to the respondents and allowed them to answer freely. After answering, the
questionnaires were collected and analyzed by the researchers. There are 78 respondents who answered the
This chapter presents the findings, analysis, discussion and interpretation of data gathered wherein the objective is to
know the Academic Performance of Grade 12 students in Personal Development.
A. Page Layout and Font Face
Table 1: Self-confidence


1. I can do reporting in front of my classmates and teachers. 3.67 Agree
2. I feel more confident when talking to colleagues and teachers. 2.92 Neutral
3. I’m confident to perform an oral participation. 3.29 Neutral
4. I’m confident to perform in front of many people. 3.78 Agree
5. I’m confident to join any activities. 3.45 Agree
OVER-ALL MEAN 3.28 Neutral
Legend1.00-1.8(Strongly Disagree)1.81-2.60(Disagree)2.61-3.40(Neutral)3.41-4.20(Agree)4.21-5.00(Strongly Disagree)
The table above shows that the average of students is 3.28 in extent of their self-confidence towards in their Academic
Performance in Personal Development. The cognitive variables of teachers are the most than any other, because it can

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Novelty Journals
ISSN 2394-9686
International Journal of Novel Research in Education and Learning
Vol. 6, Issue 1, pp: (21-34), Month: January - February 2019, Available at: www.noveltyjournals.com

predict the Academic Performance of the students through their questions it can help the students to think critically
(Fehintola, 2014). The extent of academic performance can help to the Grade 12 students to have a good Academic
Performance in Personal Development. The table shows that there is a significant association in the Academic
Performance of Grade 12 students toward in Personal Development.
Table 2: Humility


1. I’m open to other ideas, thoughts, and accomplishment. 3.97 Agree
2. I respect and putting others before myself. 3.92 Agree
3. I can accept my mistakes. 3.97 Agree
4. I spend time to listen to others. 3.90 Agree
5. I’m grateful for what I have. 4.17 Agree
OVER-ALL MEAN 3.99 Agree
Legend1.00-1.8(Strongly Disagree)1.81-2.60(Disagree)2.61-3.40(Neutral)3.41-4.20(Agree)4.21-5.00(Strongly Disagree)
The table above shows that the average of students is 3.99 in extent of their humility towards in their Academic
Performance in Personal Development. Honor students are more likely to perform and participate in non academic
activities than non honor students (Wolfensberger, 2004). The extent of Academic Performance is useful and important
not just for those honor students but especially it is more useful in non honor students.
Table 3: Core self-evaluation


1. I have my own personality. 4.16 Agree
2. I have my own strategies. 4.19 Agree
3. I have my own abilities and control. 4.04 Agree
4. I do my positive work outcomes. 3.90 Agree
5. I have my self-esteem. 3.86 Agree
OVER-ALL MEAN 4.03 Agree
Legend1.00-1.8(Strongly Disagree)1.81-2.60(Disagree)2.61-3.40(Neutral)3.41-4.20(Agree)4.21-5.00(Strongly Disagree)
The table above shows that the average of students is 4.03 in extent of their core self-evaluation towards in their
Academic Performance in Personal Development. The attitudes of students towards school and learning is dependent on
their school, school level, age, and parents (Candeias, Rebelo, Oliveira, and Mendes, 2010). The table shows that the
Academic Performance of students are based on their school, school level, age, and parents. Their surroundings can affect
their Academic Performance in Personal Development.
Table 4: Trustworthiness


1. I don’t cheat every exam. 3.69 Agree
2. I’m fair to anyone. 3.81 Agree
3. I deserve to pass this school year. 4.03 Agree
4. Other people can rely on me to finish a task. 3.67 Agree
5. There are people who believe in the things I can do. 3.99 Agree
OVER-ALL MEAN 3.84 Agree
Legend1.00-1.8(Strongly Disagree)1.81-2.60(Disagree)2.61-3.40(Neutral)3.41-4.20(Agree)4.21-5.00(Strongly Disagree)

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Novelty Journals
ISSN 2394-9686
International Journal of Novel Research in Education and Learning
Vol. 6, Issue 1, pp: (21-34), Month: January - February 2019, Available at: www.noveltyjournals.com

The table above shows that the average of students is 3.84 in extent of their trustworthiness towards in their Academic
Performance in Personal Development. Students who are low in their self-esteem but higher interdependent level with
others are students who think with positive attitudes toward psychological health (Yeh, 2002). The table shows that those
students who are higher in interdependent level are the students who think positively towards in their Academic
Performance in Personal Development.
Table 5: Authenticity


1. I showed a genuine attitude towards my studies. 3.77 Agree
2. I don’t copy the work of others. 3.55 Agree
3. I make sure that the project I submitted be worth it. 3.73 Agree
4. I am happier to produce an output of my own. 4.50 Strongly Agree
5. I can create things with all what I have. 3.97 Agree
OVER-ALL MEAN 3.84 Agree
Legend1.00-1.8(Strongly Disagree)1.81-2.60(Disagree)2.61-3.40(Neutral)3.41-4.20(Agree)4.21-5.00(Strongly Disagree)
The table above shows that the average of students is 3.84 in extent of their authenticity towards in their Academic
Performance in Personal Development. Motivation, Tenacity, Trustworthiness, and Perseverance are some of the attitudes
that done lead the students to success (Heckman and Rubinstein, 2001). The table shows that the attitudes of students can
lead them to success in their Academic Performance especially in their Academic Performance in Personal Development.
Table 6: Extraversion


1. I am comfortable working with myself. 3.99 Agree
2. I am comfortable doing my activities without any help of others. 3.59 Agree
3. I am comfortable to answer without the support from others. 3.33 Neutral
4. I am not comfortable to support to work with others. 3.24 Neutral
5. I’m not comfortable in having many friends. 3.15 Neutral
OVER-ALL MEAN 3.46 Agree
Legend1.00-1.8(Strongly Disagree)1.81-2.60(Disagree)2.61-3.40(Neutral)3.41-4.20(Agree)4.21-5.00(Strongly Disagree)
The table above shows that the average of students is 3.46 in extent of their extraversion towards in their Academic
Performance in Personal Development. Time management is one of the attitudes that is proven variable of success
(Renzulli, 2015). The table shows that time management is important in all aspect in the Academic Performance of
students towards in Personal Development. It reveals that it is important for all Grade 12 students for them to have a good
Academic Performance in Personal Development.
Table 7: Assertiveness


1. I can communicate with other people whenever I like. 3.81 Agree
2. I like to push my ideas to others. 3.59 Agree
3. I can do something new and risky. 3.35 Neutral
4. I can begin things things right away. 3.38 Neutral
5. I like to start the task with or without the complete materials.
3.36 Neutral
OVER-ALL MEAN 3.50 Agree
Legend1.00-1.8(Strongly Disagree)1.81-2.60(Disagree)2.61-3.40(Neutral)3.41-4.20(Agree)4.21-5.00(Strongly Disagree)
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Novelty Journals
ISSN 2394-9686
International Journal of Novel Research in Education and Learning
Vol. 6, Issue 1, pp: (21-34), Month: January - February 2019, Available at: www.noveltyjournals.com

The table above shows that the average of students is 3.50 in extent of their assertiveness towards in their Academic
Performance in Personal Development. The positive and negative feedback of the participants can affect the evaluations
of the students towards in their academic performances (Guenther and Alicke, 2007). The table shows that the negative
and positive feedback of the participants in terms of communicating to others and sharing information can affect to the
academic performance of the students.
Table 8: Passion


1. Every performance I perform it wholeheartedly. 3.82 Agree
2. I like to join and perform every school activities. 3.46 Agree
3. I can spend much time with hobby. 3.5 Neutral
4. I can spend much of my time in doing all of my performances
and activities. 3.64 Agree
5. I'm able to do my activities wholeheartedly. 3.73 Agree
OVER-ALL MEAN 3.63 Agree
Legend1.00-1.8(Strongly Disagree)1.81-2.60(Disagree)2.61-3.40(Neutral)3.41-4.20(Agree)4.21-5.00(Strongly Disagree)
The table above shows that the average of students is 3.63 in extent of their passion towards in their Academic
Performance in Personal Development. The attitudes of students are related to their academic performance scores for
instance with directly affect their academic performance (Janssen, 2014). It shows that the attitudes of students toward in
their academic performance will directly affect to their academic performance scores.
Table 9: Enthusiasm, optimism, and warmth


1. I am excited to get a new information. 3.92 Agree
2. I have the ability to think in advance to achieve in my goals. 3.76 Agree
3. I am excited in doing my tasks. 3.56 Agree
4. I believe that every day is a lovely day. 3.81 Agree
5. I believe that things can be fine. 4.04 Agree
OVER-ALL MEAN 3.82 Agree
Legend1.00-1.8(Strongly Disagree)1.81-2.60(Disagree)2.61-3.40(Neutral)3.41-4.20(Agree)4.21-5.00(Strongly Disagree)
The table above shows that the average of students is 3.82 in extent of their enthusiasm, optimism, and warmth towards
in their Academic Performance in Personal Development. The attitudes of students have a strong impact in their learning
toward in academic performance (Cahill, McDaniel, Frey, Hynes, Recipe, Zhao, and Trousil, 2018). It shows that the
atittudes of students are important because it has a strong impact to the academic performance of students.
Table 10: Sense of humor


1. I say funny things. 3.82 Agree
2. I do funny things. 3.91 Agree
3. My acquaintances find my stories interesting. 3.67 Agree
4. I can engage people to laughter. 3.77 Agree
5. My jokes lift everybody’s mood. 3.68 Agree
OVER-ALL MEAN 3.77 Agree
Legend1.00-1.8(Strongly Disagree)1.81-2.60(Disagree)2.61-3.40(Neutral)3.41-4.20(Agree)4.21-5.00(Strongly Disagree)

Page | 28
Novelty Journals
ISSN 2394-9686
International Journal of Novel Research in Education and Learning
Vol. 6, Issue 1, pp: (21-34), Month: January - February 2019, Available at: www.noveltyjournals.com

The table above shows that the average of students is 3.77 in extent of their sense of humor towards in their Academic
Performance in Personal Development. Academic achievement is predicted by attitude in learning (Veresova and Mala,
2016). It shows that attitudes are important toward in the surroundings of students because it can help them to have a good
relationship towards each other and it affects their academic performance in personal development.
Table 11: Emotional Intelligence


1. I am concerned with the situation of others. 4.01 Agree
2. I am willing to motivate my group mates. 3.92 Agree
3. I show sympathy for other people in need. 4.01 Agree
4. I use my heart more than my reason. 3.95 Agree
5. I am willing to help my classmates. 3.87 Agree
OVER-ALL MEAN 3.95 Agree
Legend1.00-1.8(Strongly Disagree)1.81-2.60(Disagree)2.61-3.40(Neutral)3.41-4.20(Agree)4.21-5.00(Strongly Disagree)
The table above shows that the average of students is 3.95 in extent of their emotional intelligence towards in their
Academic Performance in Personal Development. The students who are high achievers are the students who have positive
study attitude (Sarwar, Bashir, and Alam, 2010). It shows that those students who has a positive study attitude are the
students who are high achievers in academic performance.
Table 12: Flexibility and Adaptability


1. I can adapt a new environment easily. 3.56 Agree
2. I suit myself to comfort when in difficulties. 3.67 Agree
3. I’m able to manage my behavior to fit or work better with
my classmates. 3.86 Agree
4. I do perform physical activities. 3.69 Agree
OVER-ALL MEAN 3.70 Agree
Legend1.00-1.8(Strongly Disagree)1.81-2.60(Disagree)2.61-3.40(Neutral)3.41-4.20(Agree)4.21-5.00(Strongly Disagree)
The table above shows that the average of students is 3.70 in extent of their flexibility and adaptability towards in their
Academic Performance in Personal Development. The attitudes of the students towards learning in mathematics can
improve the students achievement (Khun-Inkeeree, Omar-Fauzee, and Othman, 2016). The table shows that those students
who are willing to adapt and make themselves fit in the performances are the students who has a good academic
Table 13: Internal Locus of Control


1. I can control myself in times of trials. 3.76 Agree
2. I believe I can pass this coming next year. 3.92 Agree
3. I can hold my tempered at times of challenges. 3.65 Agree
4. I motivate myself to be a positive thinker. 4.12 Agree
5. I can manage myself. 3.91 Agree
OVER-ALL MEAN 3.88 Agree
Legend1.00-1.8(Strongly Disagree)1.81-2.60(Disagree)2.61-3.40(Neutral)3.41-4.20(Agree)4.21-5.00(Strongly Disagree)

Page | 29
Novelty Journals
ISSN 2394-9686
International Journal of Novel Research in Education and Learning
Vol. 6, Issue 1, pp: (21-34), Month: January - February 2019, Available at: www.noveltyjournals.com

The table above shows that the average of students is 3.88 in extent of their Internal Locus of Control towards in their
Academic Performance in Personal Development. Teachers who are passionate can influence the performance of the
students (Mart, 2013). The table shows that teachers and students are related to each to have a good academic
performance. It shows also that the extent of academic performance are more important for all Grade 12 students to have a
good academic performance in personal development.
Table 14: Courage


1. I can try things though danger is known. 3.53 Agree
2. I am willing to face consequences. 3.74 Agree
3. I can keep a sound mind at times of danger. 3.53 Agree
4. I am willing to face the challenges. 3.97 Agree
5. I don’t easily get panicked during fearful. 3.41 Agree
OVER-ALL MEAN 3.64 Agree
Legend1.00-1.8(Strongly Disagree)1.81-2.60(Disagree)2.61-3.40(Neutral)3.41-4.20(Agree)4.21-5.00(Strongly Disagree)
The table above shows that the average of students is 3.64 in extent of their courage towards in their Academic
Performance in Personal Development. Students expect to their future as manifested in their positively increased views
(Twenge and Campbell, 2008). The table shows that the students are the one who are expected to have a positively views
towards in their academic performance in personal development.
B.Table, Figures, Headings and Equations
Table 15: Academic Performance and Self-confidence

X2 X2(.05,3) Decision Interpretation

4.38 7.82 Failed to Reject Not Significant
The table shows that the computed value (4.38) of academic performance in self-confidence is less than the critical value
(7.28). Thus, there is no significant association. This can also inferred that students like participated and performed well in
the academic performance of students reporting and activities. Wang, Chen, Chen, Li, Harari, Tignor, Zhou, Ben-zeev,
and Campbell (2014) stated that students who are actively and positively thinking are less lonely students which may
directly correlation with students performances.
Table 16: Academic Performance and Humility

X2 X2(.05,3) Decision Interpretation

2.95 7.82 Failed to Reject Not Significant
The table shows that the computed value (2.95) of academic performance in humility is less than the critical value which
is 7.28. Thus, there is no significant. This can also inferred that students were participated and performed well in
academic area such as oral participation. Yeh (2002) stated that students who are low in their self-esteem but higher
interdependent level with others are students who think with positive attitudes towards psychological help.
Table 17: Academic Performance and Core self-evaluation

X2 X2(.05,3) Decision Interpretation

6.34 7.82 Failed to Reject Not Significant
The table shows that the computed value (6.34) of academic performance in core self-evaluation is less than the critical
value which is 7.28. Thus, there is no significant. This can also inferred that the students were participated and performed
well in academic performance of students such as oral participation, reporting, and activities. Greenberg, et. al. (2003)
stated that the students who decide responsibly achieves more.

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Novelty Journals
ISSN 2394-9686
International Journal of Novel Research in Education and Learning
Vol. 6, Issue 1, pp: (21-34), Month: January - February 2019, Available at: www.noveltyjournals.com

Table 18: Academic Performance and Trustworthiness

X2 X2(.05,3) Decision Interpretation

8.03 7.82 Rejected Significant
The table shows that the computed value (8.03) of academic performance in trustworthiness is greater than the critical
value which is 7.28. Hence, the null hypothesis is rejected. Thus, there is a significant. This can also inferred that the
students do not involve themselves in any school and community based like extra-curricular activities. Motivation,
tenacity, trustworthiness, and perseverance are some of the attitudes that can lead the students to success (Heckman and
Rubenstein, 2001).
Table 19: Academic Performance and Authenticity

X2 X2(.05,3) Decision Interpretation

10.09 7.82 Rejected Significant
The table shows that the computed value (10.09) of academic performance in authenticity is greater than the critical value
which is 7.82. Thus, there is a significant relationship between the authenticity and the academic performance of students.
This can also inferred that students do not involve themselves in any school based like extra-curricular activities and
Table 20: Academic Performance and Extra version

X2 X2(.05,3) Decision Interpretation

16.56 7.82 Rejected Significant
The table shows that the computed value (16.56) of academic performance in extra version is greater than the critical
value which is 7.82. Thus, there is a significant. This can also inferred that the students do not involve themselves in any
school activities.
Table 21: Academic Performance and Assertiveness

X2 X2(.05,3) Decision Interpretation

63.44 7.82 Rejected Significant
The table shows that the computed value (63.44) of academic performance in assertiveness is greater than the critical
value which is 7.82. Thus, there is a significant. This can also inferred that the students do not involve themselves in any
school activities and performances like role plays. The students who decide responsibly achieves more (Greenberg,
Weissberg, O’Brien, Zins, Fredericks, Resnik, and Elias, 2003).
Table 22: Academic Performance and Passion

X2 X2(.05,3) Decision Interpretation

2.60 7.82 Failed to Reject Not Significant

The table shows that the computed value (2.60) of academic performance in passion is less than the critical value which is
7.28. Thus, there is no significant. This can also inferred that the students like participated and performed well in
academic performance of students such as oral participation, reporting, and activities.
Table 23: Academic Performance and Enthusiasm, optimism, and warmth

X2 X2(.05,3) Decision Interpretation

6.92 7.82 Failed to Reject Not Significant
The table shows that the computed value (6.92) of academic performance in enthusiasm, optimism, and warmth is less
than the critical value which is 7.28. Thus, there is no significant correlation. This can also inferred that the students liked
to participate and performed well in academic performance of students such as oral participation.

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Novelty Journals
ISSN 2394-9686
International Journal of Novel Research in Education and Learning
Vol. 6, Issue 1, pp: (21-34), Month: January - February 2019, Available at: www.noveltyjournals.com

Table 24: Academic Performance and Sense of humor

X2 X2(.05,3) Decision Interpretation

9.13 7.82 Rejected Significant
The table shows that the computed value (9.13) of academic performance in sense of humor is greater than the critical
value which is 7.82. Thus, there is a significant. This can also inferred that students do not involve themselves in any
school activities.
Table 25: Academic Performance and Emotional Intelligence

X2 X2(.05,3) Decision Interpretation

7.28 7.82 Failed to Reject Not Significant
The table shows that the computed value (7.28) of academic performance in emotional intelligence is less than the critical
value which is 7.28. Thus, there is no significant. This can also inferred that the students like participated and performed
well in academic performance of students such as reporting.
Table 26: Academic Performance and Flexibility and Adaptability
X X2(.05,3) Decision Interpretation
16.58 7.82 Rejected Significant
The table shows that the computed value (16.58) of academic performance in flexibility and adaptability is greater than
the critical value which is 7.82. Thus, there is significant. This can also inferred that students who has develop their
flexibility and adaptability in academic performance do not involve themselves in any activities.
Table 27: Academic Performance and Internal Locus of Control
X X2(.05,3) Decision Interpretation
8.71 7.82 Rejected Significant
The table shows that the computed value (8.71) of academic performance in internal locus of control is greater than the
critical value which is 7.82. Thus, there is a significant. This can also inferred that the students do not involve themselves
in any extra-curricular activities.
Table 28: Academic Performance and Courage
2 2
X X (.05,3) Decision Interpretation
9.86 7.82 Rejected Significant
The table shows that the computed value (9.86) of academic performance in courage is greater than the critical value
which is 7.82. Thus, there is a significant. This can also inferred that students do not involve themselves in any school
based like programs.

This study has assessed the extent of Academic Performance of Grade 12 students in Personal Development. Based on the
results the contents self-confidence, humility, core self- evaluation, passion, enthusiasm, optimism, and warmth and
emotional intelligence, has a decision of failed to reject with an interpretation of not significant means that these content
does not significant the grade 12 students in the subject Personal Development of the senior high school students of
jagobiao national high school. While the content trustworthiness, authenticity, extra-version, assertiveness, sense of
humor, flexibility and adaptability, locus of control and courage has a decision of rejected with an interpretation of
significant which means that these content affect the academic performance of the grade 12 students in personal
development in where it affects their personality and development as a students. The development of students are
important on their daily lives, everyday they are developing, growing especially their personality as a students. As
students growing, their has a development and as they grow personality are being developed and change. In contrary to
the students academic performance in personal development, students are indeed develop their personal development,
they must have the exact personality and development based on their age and how they acts.The impact of the results to
students has been proved on the results where it also affect their academic performance. Generally, the extent of
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Novelty Journals
ISSN 2394-9686
International Journal of Novel Research in Education and Learning
Vol. 6, Issue 1, pp: (21-34), Month: January - February 2019, Available at: www.noveltyjournals.com

Academic Performance in the Grade 12 students in Personal Development has a big impact it also showed on the results
of the study where some personal development content has a significant association in extent to the Academic
Performance of Grade 12 students in Personal Development showed the significant association of extent in Academic
Performance of Grade 12 students in Personal Development. The results associates the impact of academic performance
of the grade 12 students on personal development where personality and development commonly talked.
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