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CIBSE Circadian Lighting Webinar

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Circadian lighting for health and wellbeing

Dr Paul Littlefair, BRE
Building a better world together
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Health implications of poor lighting

– BRE Trust project on Lighting and Health

– Inability to see hazards (low illuminance, disability glare)
– Glare causing headaches, sore eyes, muscle problems
– Flicker causing headaches, eyestrain, epilepsy
– Possible retinal damage from blue light content
– Mercury from fluorescent tubes
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Circadian rhythms

– Our bodies have circadian (daily)

rhythms which control our activity
– Light, especially blue light, suppresses
melatonin, the hormone that makes us
sleepy. Exposure to light at night, can
cause lack of sleep.
– Exposure to light during the day helps
regulate our daily rhythms of sleep and
– Lack of light can lead to ‘free running’
rhythms, sometimes with wakefulness
at night and sleepiness during the day.
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Light and circadian rhythms

– As well as the rod and cone cells which allow normal

sight, the retina contains special cells, intrinsically
photosensitive retinal ganglion cells (ipRGCs).
– ipRGCs produce a photopigment, melanopsin. This
transmits signals to the Suprachiasmatic Nucleus
(SCN) which drives the body’s circadian clock.
– The ipRGCs are especially sensitive to blue light, at
460 to 480 nm wavelengths.
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‘Circadian lighting, health and wellbeing’ project

– Daylight helps modulate circadian rhythms, providing bright light during the day,
but is not always available in workplaces and homes.
– Electric ‘Circadian’ lighting now widely promoted with bright, bluer light during the
day to synchronise circadian rhythms and promote alertness. Light becomes
dimmer and redder towards the evening when it is time to relax
– BRE Trust/ CIBSE project to investigate circadian lighting and obtain occupant
reactions to a real installation
– Included workshop, literature review, experimental monitoring, producing
– Literature review ‘RLRCL Report describing initial Literature Review on Circadian
Lighting’ available at https://www.cibse.org/knowledge/knowledge-
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Daylight- a natural illuminant

– Daylight gives high levels of blue enriched light

which are ideal for modulating circadian rhythms,
resulting in improved health and mood (Boyce,
Hunter & Howlett, 2003; Van Bommel & Van den
Beld, 2004; Kaida et al, 2007)
– Several studies have reported healing effects of
daylight in healthcare settings (Rashid & Zimring,
2008; Aries et al, 2013; Acosta et al, 2015):
§ Less pain medication, less stress (Walch 2005)
§ Shorter patient average length of stay (Choi et al,
2012; Joarder and Price, 2013)
§ Lower mortality rates in cardiac intensive care
unit (Beauchemin & Hays, 1998)
§ Quicker recovery in wards with view out (Ulrich,
1984) or better daylit (Evans & Ferguson, 2011)
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Daylight as natural illuminant

– Exposure to high levels of daylight within buildings can lead to increases in night sleep
quantity and quality (Figueiro & Rea, 2016). Workers in offices with windows in Chicago
study (Boubekri et al 2014) slept 46 minutes per night more in the work week than similar
workers without windows.

– Children in windowless schools have lower levels of

cortisol, which reduces the body’s resistance to
infection and the ability to concentrate or co-
operate (Kueller & Lindsten, 1992)
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What about electric lighting?

– In principle, exposure to bright electric light at correct times

of day may have similar effects
– However electric lighting levels may be:
§ Too low during the day
§ Too high during the evening / at night
and/or the light spectrum may not be right
– Increasing use of electric light has paralleled a rise in sleep
deficiency (Czeisler, 2013; Sleep Council, 2013;
Eisenstein, 2013)
– Exposure to wrong light, particularly at night, is likely to
disrupt the circadian system (Cajochen, 2005; Burkhart &
Phelps, 2009; Higuchi et al, 2011; Bedrosian et al, 2013;
Rahman et al, 2013)

Spectral power distribution

of different light sources
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Higher illuminance / higher CCT

– Improvements in academic performance at 1000lux / 6500K (Mott et al,
2012; Barkmann, Wessolowski & Schulte-Markwort, 2012; Sleegers et al,
2015) and under blue enriched lighting (Keis et al, 2014)
– No short-wavelength light during the morning → delayed melatonin onset
(Figueiro & Rea, 2010)
– Increased subjective alertness at 2500lux / 6500K compared to 500 lux /
6500K (Wilhelm et al, 2011)
– Increased sleep quality & duration, alertness and performance under
17000K compared to 4000K (Viola et al, 2008) and 2900K (Mills et al,
– Increased alertness & cognitive performance and reduced sleepiness
under 6500K compared to 2500-3000K, even at 40lux (Chellappa et al,
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Higher illuminance / higher CCT

– Studies on variable lighting conditions

§ Smolders et al (2012)
• Baseline exposure of 200lux at the eye for 30mins then 1000lux
for 60 mins (4000K, no daylight)
• 1000lux → More energetic and alert; Better cognitive
performance; Increased heart rate and physiological arousal

§ De Kort & Smolders (2010)

• Static lighting 500lux / 3000K vs. dynamic lighting 500-700lux /
• Automatic controls; Daylight dimming for luminaires near
• No significant differences on self-reported measures of
wellbeing and performance, including sleep quality, but higher
satisfaction with dynamic lighting
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User preference

– Begemann et al (1997)
§ Dynamic lighting 200-2000lux / 2800-5000K, adjustable by occupants
§ Preference for a daylight cycle as opposed to constant conditions
§ Preference for much higher levels of electric lighting → on average 800lux at desk level
was added to incoming daylight
– Zumtobel (2014) study on office lighting (over 2000 participants)
§ Below 40% satisfied with 500lux or less. Over 60% preferred at least 800lux
§ Vast majority preferred 4000K (41%) and 5000K (36%)
§ Tendency towards warm/neutral white (4000K) in individual offices and towards cool white
(5000K) in open plan offices
– However in a study by Moore et al (2003) occupants 140

chose a range of lower illuminances 120

Observed Frequency
– High illuminance levels can be associated with glare 40
<100 101-200 201-300 301-400 401-500 501-600 601-700 701+

Desktop illuminance (lux)

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Light at night – example: shift work

– Light at night in the blue wavelength range is likely to be particularly disruptive to the
circadian system (Cajochen, 2005; Burkhart & Phelps, 2009; Higuchi et al, 2011;
Bedrosian et al, 2013; Rahman et al, 2013)
– Shift working has been linked to a range of disorders including cancer, heart disease
and digestive illness (Schernhammer, 2001; Kantermann & Roenneberg, 2009; Hansen
& Lassen, 2012; Knutsson et al, 2013)
– Night workers sleep for over two hours less than day
– Light suppresses melatonin, which may result in
increased risk of cancer
– Employers can try to reduce night work and shift
– Rotate shifts quickly, with less light at night, to stop
disrupting circadian rhythms
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Conclusions of literature review

– Electric lighting can in principle help maintain circadian

– Building occupants tend to prefer the dynamic nature of
daylight as opposed to constant illumination conditions as
provided by traditional lighting design
– Variable lighting / higher illuminance / higher CCT / blue-
enriched light at the right time of day could help increase
alertness, performance and productivity
– Circadian lighting could help synchronise body rhythms
– More research-based evidence required to identify adequate
lighting conditions and control schedules so that circadian
rhythms are correctly entrained by electric lighting
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Circadian lux

§ The circadian effects of light are linked to the Equivalent Melanopic Lux (EML), a
proposed alternative metric weighted to the response of the ipRGC cells in the eye

§ WELL Building Standard v2 recommends at least 150 EML for electric lighting
alone, measured vertically at eye height from 0900-1300 every day of the year.
For maximum credits recommends 240 EML.
– 150EML equals
Ø 333lux at 3000K fluorescent
Ø 258lux at 4000K fluorescent
Ø 198lux at 4000K LED
Ø 147lux at 6500K fluorescent
Ø 136lux at 6500K daylight

§ These are vertical illuminances; horizontal lux typically twice this. Normal office
horizontal illuminance 300-500 lux.
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Experimental setup
– An office environment with constant
fluorescent light (mean 107 EML) was
refitted with variable LED lighting
– LED lighting could vary in colour and

6500 K

Mean EML

4000 K

3500 K
2700 K

8 10 12 Time 14 16 18
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Findings: phase 1
– 23 participants provided subjective
assessments of the space and did tests
to assess reaction time and
– With the LED system, the average
scores for subjective alertness on the
Karolinska Sleepiness Scale, both in
the afternoon and averaged across the
day, were significantly better. Reaction
times were faster too, in the morning
and across the day.
– However, there was no statistically
significant correlation between the
increases in circadian-weighted lighting
metrics and the variation in subjective
alertness or reaction time.
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Findings: phase 1

– There were no statistically

significant correlations between the
increases in circadian-weighted
lighting metrics and the variations in
– 12 of the participants agreed to wear
an Actiwatch device to monitor their
activity and sleep patterns; there
were negligible differences in sleep
metrics under the two different
lighting conditions.
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Experimental setup; phase 2

– White office desks changed to wood effect. Varying
LED lighting altered to give higher EML (condition 3)
– Compared with condition 4, where LED lighting was
retained but operated at constant level (mean 149 EML)
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Findings: phase 2
– 20 participants provided subjective
assessments of the space and did
tests to assess reaction time and
– Average scores for subjective
alertness were very similar with
both varying and constant LED
– There was no statistically
significant correlation between the
increases in circadian-weighted
lighting metrics and the variation in
subjective alertness.
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Findings: phase 2

– There were no statistically

significant correlations between the
increases in circadian-weighted
lighting metrics and the variations in
reaction time and concentration.
– 11 of the participants agreed to wear
an Actiwatch device to monitor their
activity and sleep patterns; there
were negligible differences in sleep
metrics under the two different
lighting conditions.
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Lesson 1: getting enough circadian light

– Still not clear how much circadian lighting is required. Did our installation
provide too little light before and after, or more than enough light before and
after? Did the participants get enough light by going outdoors (even though
studies were done in Feb/March and Nov/Dec)?
– Further research is required. Until then recommendations in WELL standard
and in other documents such as DIN SPEC 67600 need to be viewed with
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Lesson 2: controls

– Need effective controls that work

reliably, and exactly as programmed
– Vary light slowly
– Explain to users what is happening and
the purpose of varying the lighting
– People vary in their preferences for
lighting; conventional good practice is to
offer individual control but this can
negate circadian effects
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Lesson 3: a good visual environment

– Need a balanced visual environment to avoid over bright surfaces
– Use reflected light to avoid high contrasts and gloom
– Choose low glare luminaires with no flicker
– In the study space, people complained about light reflected from
white desks. This limited maximum light that could be provided
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Lesson 4: getting enough light late on

– Potential conflict between avoiding circadian

stimulus and having enough light to work by 1
– Solution: use warm white light, typical colour
temperature 2700K (domestic light bulb) 0.7
– 300 lux horizontal illuminance typically gives 60
EML at the eye with conventional LEDs at
2700K. 0.3

– Scope for reducing this EML further in future with 0.2

tailored spectrum, for example violet LEDs
350 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 750 800
Wavelength (nm)
Melanopic response 2700K LED 6500K LED
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Lesson 5: Light at eye varies over space

– Even with ‘uniform’ lighting and no

daylight, vertical illuminances vary widely
over space
– Under peak lighting in condition 2, light
falling on eyes varied from 142 EML to 413
EML, in the same space at the same time
– Mean was 218 EML, median 176 EML
– Difficult to ensure consistent ‘dose’ of light
for all occupants
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Lesson 6: people vary

– Circadian clocks run differently between

individuals (Holzman, 2010). Some people
(early chronotypes) get up and go to bed
earlier than others (late chronotypes)
(Roenneberg et al, 2003).
– For late chronotypes, bright light in the
morning may help reset circadian rhythms.
However this will be less beneficial for
early chronotypes.
– People’s lifestyle also affects light they
receive outside the workplace, especially if
they spend time travelling or go outside at
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Working at home
– Principles also apply at home during
– Work in daylit room where possible; position
screens perpendicular to windows to reduce
– Go outside in morning or at lunchtime
– Avoid bright lighting and screen use late in
the evening
– Keep to routine, even if on furlough
– US Lighting Research Center video ‘Sleep
better and feel better while working from
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– Lighting can influence circadian rhythms

– Dynamic ‘circadian’ lighting is brighter, bluer
during daytime, dimmer and redder in the
evening to aid relaxation
– A study in an office space gave inconclusive
– Individuals vary in how much light they
receive, both in workplace and outside, and
have different circadian cycles (chronotypes)
– Dynamic lighting needs to meet visual needs
both at peak and minimum levels
– Controls must work reliably
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Future information
– Final report ‘RI01 Research Insight 01: Circadian lighting’ available at
– Literature review ‘RLRCL Report describing initial Literature Review on Circadian
Lighting’ available at https://www.cibse.org/knowledge/knowledge-
– Published article ‘Evaluating dynamic lighting’, CIBSE Journal, Health and Wellbeing
Special, June 2019, 18-20. Available at
– BRE Information Paper ‘Lighting for circadian rhythms’
– BRE Trust Report ‘Lighting and health’ Priced publication; available from
building a better world together

Thank you

BRE Group
Watford, UK
WD25 9XX
+44 (0)333 321 88 11

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