Presentation On Theme: "Cyber Warfare and National Security." - Presentation Transcript
Presentation On Theme: "Cyber Warfare and National Security." - Presentation Transcript
Presentation On Theme: "Cyber Warfare and National Security." - Presentation Transcript
2 Cyber Warfare
3 Cyber Security/Warfare
Cyber Warfare is Internet-based conflict involving politically motivated attacks on
information and information systems.Cyber warfare involves the actions by a nation-
state or international organization to attack and attempt to damage another nation's
computers or information networks through, for example, computer viruses or denial-
of-service attacks.
5 NEW Wars New ToolsIt has become abundantly clear that the next great frontier of
threats for nation states across the globe exists in the cyber realm. From government
and military to the private sector, various nations, industries, groups and agencies
have been the targets (and in some cases the ones who carry out) cyber attacks.
10 Offensive: (Proactive)
In many cases victims discovers the attacks many years, after they occurred when it is
too late to apply mitigation measures and the consequences are dramatic.For this
reason law enforcement and private companies are questioning the possibility to adopt
offensive techniques to mitigate cyber threats such as, the use of intrusive malware to
track the intruders or malicious code to spread in targeted “spear-phishing” campaigns
against those actors suspected to have originated the offensives.
12 Next Cold warIt is war; in fact it is already becoming the next Cold war. Cyber
operations are also becoming increasingly integrated into active conflicts.The US
President Obama remarked on May 29, 2009 at 60-Day Cyber Space Policy Review,
“Our interconnected world presents us, at once, with great promise but also great peril
19 ConfusionNow the question arises who is to decide what undermines the integrity
of Pakistan, or its relations with other states? Who exactly are the “friendly foreign
states”, and where would countries with which Pakistan has fluctuating ties such as
the United States (US) be placed?
10 Recent Attacks 2014: Anthem / Unknown 2015: China / U.S - OPM - Theft
Theft 80 mil medical records2015: China / U.S - OPM - TheftOutsourced Domain
Administration Support to Foreigners:System Administrators from: China and ArgentinaBoth
had ROOT Privileges.NO HACKING REQUIRED!Encryption Would NOT have helped!
14 Questions