CLF 7 2223 - 2T Module 4 The Bible
CLF 7 2223 - 2T Module 4 The Bible
CLF 7 2223 - 2T Module 4 The Bible
In the previous modules, we have learned that we can encounter God in many ways, such as
through prayer, worship, and in silence. Today, we shall focus on appreciating God’s presence in
His Living Word as recorded in Scriptures or salvation history.
▪ Describe how the Bible is the sacred, inspired, and inerrant Word of God and record of
“salvation history”.
At the end of this module, you are expected to submit the following:
▪ SHORT INSIGHT (on the Bible Text)
Stages of Formation of the Bible (“How was the Bible made?”)
The Bible did not fall from heaven by thunder or lightning, nor was it found in some mysterious
places. The formation of the Bible took centuries and many groups and persons were involved in
its process of binding.
Everything found in the Bible is based on religious or faith Much of the contents of the Bible
experiences of human authors (such as a prayer, a reflection came from oral traditions (word of
about God or about their experiences of God). For the mouth) handed down from one
Israelites, our ancestors in faith, the Exodus event led them to generation to the next – songs,
believe in God as their Lord and Savior. For the early Christians, narratives, prayers, and poems
the Resurrection confirmed their belief in Jesus. This led them memorized, proclaimed, and
to proclaim truth about Jesus throughout the whole world. preserved by the people.
Categories of Books of the Bible
The Bible has two parts – Old and New Testaments. The word “testament” comes from the Latin word
testamentum, which means “covenant.” (It is different from our use of the word today – a “will.”)
The Old Testament (also known as the Hebrew Bible The New Testament is the
/ Hebrew Canon / Hebrew Scriptures) is the first continuation and fulfillment of the Old
covenant by God to man through Moses – saving his Testament, whereby God sent Jesus to
people, the Israelites, from slavery and they became save humanity from sin. It has
God’s chosen people. Called tanakh (ְ )תַּ ַּנְ"ךin Hebrew, narratives and writings about Jesus’
the Old Testament is revered as the Bible of Judaism life and deeds and the beginning of the
and was originally written in 3 languages – Hebrew Christian communities. The categories
(most), Aramaic (few), and Greek (7 books). of books are:
The Old Testament has 46 books in Catholic edition 1. Gospels – four faith accounts of
of the Bible, while 39 for Protestant edition of the Jesus’ life and deeds, passion,
Bible. Christians regard it as important since its main death, and resurrection
themes and stories are preparatory and linked to the
mission and redemption of Christ, the fulfillment of
salvation and of all prophecies. It is subdivided into
three groups:
The biblical reference is the key to search any Biblical texts. It contains the book, chapter, and
If we don’t feel challenged in our lives, one possible solution might be to
read more Scripture! In both his word and our consciences, God prods us
forward. He asks more of us than we thought possible. He loves us just as
we are, but at the same time, he challenges us to be more. He does not just
want us to acknowledge that we are sinners, but also invites us to a genuine
"change of heart" or transformation of character for the better.
If we aren’t feeling that push, that challenge, on a regular basis, we can
open our Bibles and sincerely ask God to speak to our hearts. Try reading
the Sermon on the Mount (see Matthew 5—7) from start to finish; there is
certainly something here to challenge every reader!
Scripture can help us to pray better as we reflect on stories or lives of characters in the Bible. We see
ourselves reflected in the sorrow, pain and faithfulness of Job. We understand Jonah’s reluctance to do the
job God has set before him. We rejoice, laugh, cry and challenge God with the psalmist. To enter into God’s
word helps us to see, hear, feel and understand basic human responses … and then do better. We rise above
our fears, our sorrows, our difficulties, because we know God is with us. He never abandons us, and this is
what Scriptures are all about – the story of God’s eternal love and faithfulness.
We can relate to that story through a loving relationship with God. As you learned in Module 3 (God Reveals
Himself in Prayer), prayer is more than simply communicating with Him, but relating to Him out of love and
commitment. Saint Ignatius offers us basic steps on how we can dialogue with God in prayer with the
inspiration we draw from reflecting on a Bible text. We call this IGNATIAN MEDITATION or the IGNATIAN
Ignatian Meditation is allowing God’s word to speak to us through intimate encounter with the Scripture.
One way this could be done is through Lectio Divina. Lectio Divina, or “Sacred Reading”, is a slow, rhythmic
reading, and praying with scriptures. It is a very powerful way of encountering the living Word of God and
a form of prayer that invites you to read the scripture multiple times, taking note of words and phrases
that capture your heart.
- From the lyrics of the song POWER TO UNITE – READ THE BIBLE
(Official Hymn, National Catholic Family Bible Quiz Bee, 2006)
Let’s recall the basic concepts in the module. Answer the activity below. 😊
“READ THE BIBLE: THE POWER TO UNITE” by Elvira Go and Charo Unite
1. There’s a desperation that exists in the world, 2. Gather all the families of the world
a growing helplessness we’re at a loss to solve. We yearn and read with one voice. Let God’s
for peace yet fight for selfish reasons; we search for words fill you with hope and heal
meaning but fooled by illusions. your divisions. Increase your faith
What went wrong? Why does every day seem to get with the promise of salvation.
worse? In the midst of doubt and temptation, God gives Remove your doubts and heal the
us the simple solution. wounds. (r.)
*R: Read the Bible. The word of God will give you 3. Wake up, listen! See the world
strength to face the challenge of living. with new eyes. Walk in sunshine;
Read the Bible. Open it, feel it, understand it. It is the wipe the sadness; unite the colors of
source of our hope. mankind.
When life is too heavy to bear, when all seems lost and Peace is elusive, but with God we
unclear, read the bible and its message will wipe away can achieve it. His words have the
your fear. power to unite the human race. (r.)
1. Take the Word and go out to ev'ry land: 2. Take the Word to our neighborhoods and
shine the light of Christ for all to see! streets: shine the light of Christ for all to see!
May the lives of those we touch May we all set out to live in peace and
sing praise to God above. harmony. They will see and sing: (r.)
Let us sing, we'll sing:
3. Take the Word to the people in despair:
*R: With one voice we'll pass the Word along; shine the light of Christ for all to see!
with one voice, bring justice to the world. May our actions and our deeds
And with all the angels bring comfort to their needs.
we'll spread the goodness of God. And they'll know and sing (r.)
With all power and glory, the Word of God
shall reign. 4. Take the Word to the nations ev'rywhere:
shine the light of Christ for all to see!
May the witness of our lives
transform the world anew.
And we'll shine, we'll shine: (r.)
For each item, read the statement and provide what is asked for based on our class discussion.
(1 point each x 10 items = 10 POINTS; Passing is 6)
Choose which reflection point from Inflaming the Heart (either of the two Bible texts or either of
the two songs) struck you the most and write a 4-6 sentence reflection and explanation.
HOLISTIC (10) – Main ideas are properly related to the lesson with holistic synthesis, with no error in logic/flow of ideas.
COMPETENT (8-9) – Main ideas are properly related to the lesson with simple integration, with minor flaws in flow of ideas.
AVERAGE (6-7) – Main ideas are related to the lesson but discussed “play safe,” minimal, or with some errors in ideas.
LIMITED (1-5) – Main ideas lack unity, have some errors, sound awkward, or are difficult to follow,
OR… the answer is just a rearranged or “parroted” copy from the module content used.
Choose TWO items to answer from the choices below and provide a 5-7 sentence reflection or
explanation based on your overall understanding of the module.
A. How can the Bible give meaning and value to our life? (SAY SOMETHING MORE / JUSTIFY
/ EXPLAIN / EXPOUND YOUR ANSWER in 5-7 sentences.)
B. How should the long and complex history of writing the Bible affect our way of reading it?
C. Does memorizing all Bible passages serve as a guarantee to become a true Christian? Why
5-7 sentences.)
D. How can Ateneo Hearters concretely show appreciation of the Bible in their simple ways?
E. Do you think the Bible can be a helpful reading material even for non-Christians or non-
believers? How or why do you think so? (SAY SOMETHING MORE / JUSTIFY / EXPLAIN /
EXPOUND YOUR ANSWER in 5-7 sentences.)
F. Do you think it is fair for a Bible reader to insist on his/her own interpretation or "giving
of meaning" to a Bible text without understanding the original purpose of the writer? (SAY
G. There is a quote: "Proper reading of the Bible is like seeking proper medical advice from a
doctor. Self-medicating is dangerous." Agree or disagree. (SAY SOMETHING MORE /
HOLISTIC (10) – Main ideas are properly related to the lesson with holistic synthesis, with no error in logic/flow of ideas.
COMPETENT (8-9) – Main ideas are properly related to the lesson with simple integration, with minor flaws in flow of ideas.
AVERAGE (6-7) – Main ideas are related to the lesson but discussed “play safe,” minimal, or with some errors in ideas.
LIMITED (1-5) – Main ideas lack unity, have some errors, sound awkward, or are difficult to follow,
OR… the answer is just a rearranged or “parroted” copy from the module content used.