NATS Test Materials
NATS Test Materials
NATS Test Materials
Welcome to the NATS guideline document to Air Traffic Control. This online document should provide the foundation for your ATC studies when attending the initial ATCO recruitment tests with NATS. You will be tested on the content of this document during the test process therefore it can not be stressed enough how important it is for you to learn the information enclosed.
Introduction. NATS Services and Air Traffic Control. How Air Traffic Control is organised over the UK. Future developments within NATS How Air Traffic Controllers operate. Radar and Navigational Aids. Air Traffic Control over the Atlantic. Air Traffic Control at Airports. The Aircraft and Airlines that use the System.
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NATS Limited (NATS) provides air traffic control service at two en-route centres, Swanwick (including London Area Control Centre and London Terminal Control Centre), and Prestwick (including the Oceanic Control function), as well as at various aerodromes like Glasgow, Cardiff, Birmingham, Edinburgh, Aberdeen, Heathrow, Gatwick, Stansted, London City, Belfast, Southampton, Luton, Bristol, Farnborough and Manchester. NATS will be opening the New Scottish En-Route centre in 2010. The en-route centre at Swanwick, near Southampton, handles traffic over England and Wales as well as flights around the busy London terminal areas. Looking at both en-route and terminal traffic the centre handles in excess of 3 million movements a year. Despite the current recession the projected future growth of air traffic in the United Kingdom (UK) means that recruitment of Trainee Air Traffic Controllers (TATC) will continue. Successful recruits will join the team of professionals who work for NATS at the various units around the country. Posting takes place after successful completion of air traffic control training, which takes place at the College of Air Traffic Control (CATC) in Bournemouth. The following document is designed to explain some aspects of what an Air Traffic Controllers job entails and some information about the services, which NATS provides, and other aeronautical information.
The information contained in this document will also form part of the first stage of the selection. You are strongly advised to read it carefully.
are volumes of airspace where Air Traffic Services will be provided in accordance with UK Air Traffic Services Outside Controlled Airspace Rules. Class D airspace is for IFR (Instrument Flight Rules) and VFR use and an ATC clearance is needed and compliance with ATC instructions is mandatory. Controllers will separate IFR from IFR and will pass information on VFR to IFR flights. If the pilot of an IFR flight requests avoidance instructions then they will be issued. Aircraft flying VFR will be given traffic information on VFR and IFR flights. Control areas around aerodromes are class D, and in class D airspace, a speed limit of 250 knots applies if the aircraft is below Flight Level 100. Uncontrolled Airspace In uncontrolled airspace, class F or class G, aircraft may fly when and where they like, subject to a set of simple rules. Although there is no legal requirement to do so, many pilots notify Air Traffic Control of their presence and intentions. The pilot of an aircraft is responsible for determining whether or not the meteorological conditions permit flight in accordance with Visual Flight Rules (VFR). A pilot must fly according to Instrument Flight Rules (IFR) if the meteorological conditions preclude VFR flight and at night. Controlled Airspace Controlled airspace is provided primarily to protect commercial airliners and as such, aircraft which fly in controlled airspace must be equipped to a certain standard and their pilots must hold the necessary qualifications. Pilots must obtain a clearance from Air Traffic Control to enter such airspace and, except in an emergency situation, they must follow ATC instructions implicitly. Aerodrome Control Zones surround and protect major airports. Terminal Control Areas are normally established at the confluence of airways in the vicinity of one or more major aerodromes. The London Terminal Control Area is an example of this dealing with air traffic arriving and departing from London Heathrow, Gatwick, Luton, Stansted, London City, Northolt, Biggin Hill and from other minor airfields in the London area. Airways are corridors of airspace connecting the Terminal Control Areas and link up with airways in other countries too. Airways are normally 10 miles wide and have bases between 5,000 feet - 7,000 feet and they extend upward to a height of 24,500 feet. Upper air routes often sit above airways. Their vertical limits are usually Flight Level (FL) 250-FL 460. Airspace above FL 245 is classified now as class C airspace. It used to be known as Special Rules Airspace, then class B airspace. 6
Civil and military aircraft operating above FL 245 are subject to a full and mandatory Air Traffic Control Service. In controlled airspace each aircraft is separated from all other aircraft by internationally agreed standards. The Air Traffic Controller achieves this by allocating aircraft different heights or by issuing headings (vectors) so that the aircraft can be at the same height but a minimum horizontal distance apart. These rules vary depending on where the aircraft is flying. In the London Terminal Control Area for example, aircraft operating under radar control may not come within 3 nautical miles of each other at the same height. If they are less than 3 miles apart they must be separated by a minimum of 1,000 feet. However, outside the terminal control areas, aircraft operating under radar control must be kept 5 nautical miles apart if they are at the same level. If they are less than 5 miles apart horizontally they must be 1,000 feet apart vertically. Certain aircraft that fly above 29,000 feet must be separated from others by 2000 feet. These are aircraft which cannot comply with the reduced vertical separation minima, which was introduced in the UKs airspace in March 2001. The reason for the difference between the separation in the terminal and the en-route phase of flight is due to the speed of the aircraft. In the terminal area the speeds of aircraft tend to be slower due to the fact that they are slowing down to land or to hold at holding facilities for airfields. Aircraft are also more manoeuvrable at slower speeds. Outside Controlled and Special Rules Airspace NATS, along with other ATC agencies, provides ATC services to aircraft on request. In March 2009 the services outside Controlled airspace had name changes and radar advisory, radar information, and flight information services disappeared to be replaced by Deconfliction Service, Traffic Service and Basic Service. The other type of service that pilots can receive outside controlled airspace is a Procedural Service; this is a non radar-based service in which deconfliction advice is provided against other aircraft receiving a Procedural Service from the same controller. The avoidance of other aircraft remains the pilots responsibility. On certain routes, which are well used, but not busy enough to be classified as airways NATS has established Advisory Routes where pilots can receive an ATC service to ensure their separation from other participating aircraft. Safety is paramount in the aviation industry and NATS has a very open reporting scheme for many types of incidents. Controllers may at any time submit a safety observation report (CA4114) if they feel that a situation they encountered may be of interest in ensuring the same situation does not arise again. Pilots can also report if they feel a situation would or did lead to a loss of separation and in this instance it is mandatory for the controller to file a report. 7
Reports are also filed to keep on a database about level busts, vortex wake incidents, call sign confusion and sector overloads amongst others. NATS has dedicated teams of operational controllers and engineers who investigate all occurrences. This open reporting leads to a safety culture which is second to none.
FUTURE DEVELOPMENTS WITHIN NATS. NATS was at the forefront of introducing Reduced Vertical Separation Minima (RVSM). Aircraft that have had their altimeters checked to a high degree of accuracy and which can comply with other strict criteria have, for the past seven years, been allowed to fly across the Atlantic track structure with only 1000 feet separation above Flight Level (FL) 290 and below FL 410. This separation standard allows many more aircraft to fly through airspace where RVSM is allowed. On the 24th January 2002 three days before the New ENRoute Centre at Swanwick in Hampshire went operational, RVSM was introduced into the whole of Europe. NATS introduced RVSM in March 2001 over UK airspace and was the first European country to do so. When the New En-Route Centre (NERC) became operational, RVSM had already have been in operation in UK airspace for 10 months. The advantage of RVSM is that it allows more aircraft to fly at the higher levels where they can take advantage of burning less fuel. Above FL410 2000ft separation is used. A lot of development in aviation is to ensure that either safety is increased and that capacity is increased without safety being compromised. As we saw with RVSM NATS was at the forefront of introducing a system whereby capacity was increased. NATS is presently developing the Interim Future Area Control Tools Support known as IFACTS. When it becomes operational in 2010 it will help NATS to meet the projected demand of 3 million annual movements at Swanwick by 2015. IFACTS has 3 main objectives for NATS. Apart from increasing capacity IFACTS aims to eliminate paper flight progress strips and reduce the number of safety significant events. IFACTS aims to reduce the controllers workload by equipping them with tools to aid them in medium term confliction resolution. Trajectory prediction will also assist the controller by calculating where the aircraft will be in 14 minutes based on the aircrafts level, speed and heading. If the controller inputs any tactical clearances the system updates the trajectory. Tactical controllers will have the use of a separation monitor which will help them monitor the traffic in their sector and will display to the controller the interactions that are predicted to happen within the sector in the next few minutes. IFACTS also allows the controller to check what might happen if a particular clearance were to be issued to an aircraft. This is called a tactical what-if and this will superimpose on the radar screen the predicted trajectories of the aircraft involved. Both the planner and the tactical controller are alerted by an interaction vector which is triggered by the system when a confliction is
detected which is going to take place within the next 5 minutes. This alert is a high priority for the tactical controller.
IFACTS also provides the controllers with a tactical bay and tactical list. At present controllers use the flight progress strips to detect possible conflictions. The tactical bay and task list in IFACTS will not be used for detecting conflictions instead the tactical bay will list all the aircraft in contact and being controlled by the relevant sector and the task list will have data in it which is outstanding to that particular flight. For example if the flight has yet to be cleared to the level that it has been coordinated out at then this will be listed in the task bay. As soon as all the outstanding tasks are completed the strip will be removed from the task bay. Although the use of paper flight progress strips is being removed in the area environment with the introduction of IFACTS in 2010 NATS has already successfully introduced electronic flight progress strips (EFPS) at Stansted Tower in November 2004 and at Gatwick tower in April 2005. The same system was introduced at Heathrow in April 2007 when the new Heathrow control Tower became operational.
Mode S is a development to supersede the present Mode A and C technology and the limitations that this system has. At present the radars interrogate the transponders of aircraft and receive the information about the aircraft and its height. In areas of high traffic density, for example in the stacks around Heathrow the integrity of the mode A and C is sometimes adversely affected by the garbling of all the returns. Mode S will alleviate these shortcomings because the radar system will in effect target individual aircraft rather than trying to attempt to resolve all the replies. Another advantage of Mode S is that altitude reports can be in 25ft increments which is obviously a lot more accurate than the present 100ft increments. Mode S is the latest technology to come into operation in the London Terminal Area. After a series of development projects run by NATS Mode S offers 3 components to assist controllers in their work. The 3 components are a Track Data Block (TDB) containing Mode S data, a Vertical Stack List which displays the aircraft in the stack in a vertical form so the controller can continuously see the aircraft that are in the stack and the altitudes they are at and a Modem S data window which displays information relating to a highlighted aircraft. Information available consists of the actual and selected level, heading and speed, and the rate of climb or descent. The benefits of Mode S are that the controller should see a reduction in their RT workload because they can see the altitude of the aircraft in the stack and will 10
not need to ask the pilots, if the labels are garbling, as they do now. A reduction in level busts (where an aircraft climbs or descends to an incorrect level to the one issued by the controller) should also occur.
aircraft towards a position called ROGBI (a position on the MCT 157 degree radial) and then on towards the arrival into Luton. Some VOR's have an associated DME (Distance Measuring Equipment) with them. This shows the pilot how far the aircraft is away from the VOR. Less accurate than a VOR is an NDB (Non-Directional Beacon) which just emits a signal which the pilot navigates toward. The range of most NDBs is in the region of about 25 nautical miles whereas a VOR has a much greater range, in the order of 125 nautical miles. A lot of airfields have an NDB which can be used as an approach aid to the airfield. For example Leeds-Bradford has an NDB. There are some NDBs like the examples at Lichfield (LIC) and Westcott (WCO) which are used as en-route navigational aids and are not associated directly with any airfields. Much of the radar and navigational equipment is connected to remote control and monitoring systems at the Scottish and London Air Traffic Control Centres. This ensures that these services are maintained to a very high standard of reliability and that the information about failures is passed immediately to Air Traffic Controllers and also pilots.
aircraft and Approach Controllers must provide the correct vortex wake separation between aircraft on the final approach track for example a Boeing 737, which is a medium-sized jet, must approach the airport 5 miles behind a Boeing 747, which is a large jet and as such is classed in the heavy vortex wake category. However, if the 747 were to follow the 737, a distance of only 3 miles would be required. The Approach Controller will issue instructions to enable the aircraft to intercept the Instrument Landing System (ILS). The ILS is a ground-based radio guidance system, which transmits two directional radio beams, the localiser and the glide path. The localiser aerial, which is situated at the end of the runway, transmits a signal for about 25 miles along the approach path, defining the centreline of the runway. The glidepath aerial is situated at the side of the runway and transmits a signal which defines a descent path, which is usually 3 degrees. This descent path enables the aircraft to arrive at the runway threshold. The ILS has its own radio frequency, which the pilot can tune into. The pilot then receives indications in the cockpit advising him if he needs to fly up/down or left/right to keep on the correct approach path. When the aircraft is established on the final approach at between 6 - 12 miles from the runway the approach controller will transfer the aircraft to the Aerodrome Controller. Aerodrome Controller The Aerodrome Controller will either instruct the aircraft to land, or continue to approach if there is traffic occupying the runway having just landed or waiting to depart. After the aircraft has received its landing instructions and landed safely the Aerodrome Controller transfers the aircraft to the Ground Movement Controller. (At airfields with two runways such as Heathrow there are two Aerodrome Controllers. One is responsible for the departures and the other for the runway dealing with air arrivals). Ground Movement Controller The Ground Movement Controller (GMC) is responsible for an aircraft once it has vacated the runway. The Ground Movement Controller is responsible for the movement of all vehicles and aircraft on the airport. During the daytime and in good visibility, aircraft and vehicles are controlled by direct observation. When the visibility is low or during the night, aircraft are guided about the airport by red and green lights embedded in the taxiways. At some airfields a lighting control operator carries out this task. At less busy units the Ground Movement Controller carries out this function. At really busy units there is also a Ground 17
Movement Planner (GMP) who issues to the pilot the expected standard instrument departure that the aircraft is expected to fly on departure along with the transponder code that the computer has allocated to the aircraft.
1. Boeing 737-300/400/500 series 2. Seating 300 series, 128 standard, 400 series standard 146 with a maximum 171 seats. 3. FL290-370 4. 430 knots 5. Popular charter destinations and European short haul and domestic routes, e.g. London to Palma, London to Copenhagen and London to Edinburgh. 6. British Airways, Lufthansa and KLM. 1. Boeing737-600 /700/800/900 series known as Next Generation 19
2. 3. 4. 5.
Standard seating 108/128/160/177 FL330-410 460 knots Popular charter destinations and European short haul and domestic routes, e.g. Copenhagen-Dublin, London-Edinburgh, Manchester-Istanbul 6. SAS, Easyjet, THY and KLM.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Boeing 747-400 series Maximum 568, standard 390 FL310-390 500 knots Far East, Australasian and Transatlantic routes. London-Mexico City, 6. British Airways, Virgin Atlantic, KLM, Lufthansa.
1. Boeing 757-200/300 series 2. 200 series. Maximum 239, standard 178. 300 series. Maximum 289, standard 240 3. FL310-410 4. 450 knots 5. UK to the East Coast of US and European schedule, charter and domestic routes. e.g. Birmingham-New York, London-Moscow, Glasgow-Palma, London-Glasgow 6. British Airways, Monarch, and Icelandair.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Boeing 767-200/200ER/300/300ER series 200 series standard seating 210, 300 series standard seating 250 FL310-430 470 Knots European long haul, the Near East and all Transatlantic destinations and European charter destinations, e.g. London-Moscow, London-Jeddah, London-Dallas 6. British Airways, Alitalia, Thomson Airways, United Airlines. Boeing 767-400 series also fly through UK airspace. It has a maximum seating capacity of 305 seats and a standard layout of 261. Continental Airlines and Delta Airlines of America operate this type of B767.
1. Boeing 777-200/200ER/300 /300ER series 2. 200/200 ER series seats between 250-400 passengers while the 300 series carries between 368 and 450 passengers 3. FL310-430 4 .490 knots 5. Transatlantic and Near East routes, e.g. London to Boston and London to Dubai. 6. British Airways, Air France, United Airlines and Emirates. 1. Airbus A300 and A300-600 2. Seating on the A300 252 and on the A300-600 a maximum layout of 375 and a standard seating arrangement comprising of 266 seats. 3. FL290-330 4. 460 knots 5. European charter destinations, e.g. Manchester to Palma. 6. Monarch Airlines. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Airbus A310-200/300 Series Maximum 280, standard 210-250 FL310-370 470 knots There are very few operators of this type of aircraft left. Air Transat and CSA Airlines fly transatlantic routes like London-Toronto. Prague-New York. 6. Air Transat and CSA. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Airbus A318 Normal configuration 107 seats. FL310-370. 450 knots. European short haul e.g. London-Paris. Air France and Tarom.
Airbus A319 Maximum 148, standard 124 FL290-370 450 knots. European schedule, charter and domestic routes, e.g. London to Belfast and Manchester to Alicante. 6. British Airways, Air France, EasyJet and Lufthansa. 1. Airbus A320-100/200 series. 2. 100 series seats 130-140 and the 200 series a maximum 180 passengers with the standard layout being 150 seats. 21
3. FL290-390 4. 450 knots. 5. European schedule, charter and domestic routes, e.g. London-Newcastle, London-Paris, Dublin-Rome. 6. British Airways, Aer Lingus, Alitalia, and Air France. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Airbus A321 100/200 series Between 180-220 seats. FL310-370. 450 knots European schedule, charter and domestic routes, E.g. London-Rome, Manchester-Alicante, London-Edinburgh. 6. Lufthansa, Air France and BMI. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Airbus A330 200/300 series. Between 250-400 seats. FL310-410. 480 knots. High density short haul and long haul flights. Monarch, Swiss and Lufthansa.
Airbus A340 200/300/500/600 series Between 260-440 seats. FL310-410 480 knots. Transatlantic and long haul flights. E.g. London-Los Angeles and LondonLagos. 6. Virgin Atlantic, Lufthansa and Swiss. Deliveries of the Airbus A380 has started with Qantas, Emirates and Singapore Airlines amongst the first customers. The aircraft will be capable of carrying 555 passengers. At present they only operate into Heathrow airport in London. 1. McDonnell Douglas MD80/81/82/83/87/88/90. 2. The MD family of aircraft seats between 109 and 172 passengers. The MD87 being the smallest of the family with the MD88 and 90 seating the most. 3. FL290-350 4. 440 knots. 5. European charter and scheduled routes, e.g. Belfast to Vienna and London to Oslo. 6. SAS, Iberia and Alitalia 1. McDonnell Douglas MD11. 22
2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
Primarily used as a cargo aircraft now. FL280-370 480 knots. Transatlantic routes, e.g. London to Memphis FedEx, UPS and World Airways.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Fokker 70/100 Standard seating in the F70 is 79 and 97 in the F100 FL280-330. 430 Knots European short haul and domestic routes, e.g. Birmingham to Amsterdam, East Midlands to Jersey 6. KLM .Austrian Arrows. 1. 2. 3. 4 5 Embraer 135/145 37 and 50. FL280-370. 425 knots. European short haul and domestic routes, e.g. Manchester to Geneva and Southampton to Glasgow. 6 Flybe, BMI. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Embraer 170/175 The 170 has 70-80 seats and the 175 78-88. FL310-370. 450 knots. European short haul, e.g. Warsaw-Dublin Alitalia and LOT of Poland. Embraer 190/195 The 190 has 98-114 seats and the E195 108-122 seats. FL310-410. 450 knots. European short-haul e.g. Paris to Aberdeen. Flybe Air France. (Based on the Bae146-
1. Avro Regional Jet 70, 85 and 100 series. 100/200/300 series) 2. The RJ70 offers seating for 82-94 passengers.
The 85 series carries up to 112 seats The 100 series offers up to 128 seats. 3. FL260-330. 4. 400 knots. 5. European short haul and domestic routes, e.g. London to Glasgow, and Brussels to Manchester. 6 Brussels Airline and Swiss. This list of jet airliners is by no means complete and there still are certain aircraft which fly through UK airspace which have not been included. Some of the types are perhaps not as common today, due to the strict implementation of noise categories which aircraft operators must adhere to and the fact that they are older airliners which are being replaced by more modern, fuel-efficient aircraft. The information above and below is by no means definitive due to the fact that different airlines operate their aircraft in different ways and also in different configurations. The information below shows the propeller driven aircraft, which are commonly used on routes within UK airspace. The same information is shown as for the jet aircraft above. Seating capacities in propeller driven aircraft are usually less than 80 seats. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 1 2 3 4 5 6 ATR 42/72 Standard 42 seats for the ATR42 and 65 seats for the ATR72. FL170-250 250 knots. European short haul and domestic routes, e.g. Cork to Luton. Aer Arran. Fokker 50 Maximum 68, standard 50 FL150-230 250 Knots European short haul and domestic routes e.g. Manchester to Brussels VLM Airlines (City Jet) of Belgium.
1. Dash 8 series 100/200/300/400 2. The 100 series seats up to 45 whilst the stretched 300 seats up to 55 and the 400 series can seat up to 78. 3. FL140-250. 4. 250 knots for the 200/300 series and slightly slower for the 100 series and 280 knots for the 400 series. 5. European short haul and domestic, e.g. Bristol to Paris and Edinburgh. 6. Flybe and Luxair. 24
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
Jetstream 41. Maximum 29 seats FL140-250. 250 knots. European short haul and domestic routes, e.g. Newcastle to Southampton. Eastern Airways. Saab 340. Standard 35 seats FL140-240. 240 knots. European short haul and domestic routes, e.g. Manchester to Aberdeen. Loganair.
As well as these passenger aircraft there has been a marked increase in private business jet traffic. Aircraft like Gulfstreams, Cessna Citations, Dassault Falcons, and Canadair Challengers are now common throughout UK airspace. These aircraft can fly at slightly higher levels than passenger aircraft but are doing similar speeds to the likes of Boeing 757s. They are used for short trips around the UK and Europe and also for longer transatlantic or Far East flights.
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