Connecting Learning To Career Ou
Connecting Learning To Career Ou
Connecting Learning To Career Ou
Where we are 5
Endnotes 15
Executive summary
At Coursera, we view employability as an ecosystem: and employers in eight countries—Australia, India, enough to advance their career goals. At the same
a network of interdependent parts, none of which France, Germany, Mexico, Turkey, the UK, and the time, while employers still value traditional degrees,
can succeed without the others. This ecosystem U.S.—in collaboration with the market research firm, they increasingly recognize the value of skills-based
includes two primary actors: the first, students in higher Dynata. Our goal was to gain a holistic understanding credentials, like professional certificates, that are
education who are searching for their first, post-degree of the motivations, needs, and challenges that confront tailored to needs of specific jobs.
jobs; the second, employers who are looking to fill each of these groups as they strive, on the one hand, to
This e-book unpacks the data gathered in our survey.
entry-level roles. complete their studies and begin their working lives and,
It begins by describing the trends that are reshaping
on the other hand, to foster early-career talent and bring
By providing students with both a holistic education higher education and work—and, with them, students’
fresh graduates into their businesses. Our sample sizes
and job-specific skills, higher education has the expectations and needs. It then presents our top five
enabled us to obtain results with an industry-standard
unique ability to bridge both sides of this ecosystem. learnings, each of which contains an action for college
range of error at a 95% confidence level.
With this vision in mind, Coursera launched Career and university leaders to consider. It concludes with next
Academy, a solution that prepares students for in- The story that emerged from our data is definitive and steps that your higher education institution can take to
demand jobs with skills training and professional offers valuable learnings for college and university connect classroom learning with the career outcomes to
certificates from the world’s leading companies, leaders who seek to improve their competitive which students aspire.
including Google, IBM, and Meta. position in an increasingly crowded higher education
landscape. In 2022, students across the globe look to
In August 2022, following Career Academy’s launch,
higher education as a stepping stone to a promising
Coursera conducted a survey of 3,600 students
job, yet they feel that their institutions are not doing
When given 10 options, 43% of students identified Top three most important factors students consider when choosing a degree program
their ability to get a job among the top three factors
motivating their decision to enroll in a degree 59%
program. Employability was second in importance only
to a school’s location—and more important than its Ability to get a job 43%
Alumni network 5%
Other 0%
More than 50% of students struggle to both decide Top three challenges students face in deciding what job to pursue after graduation
what job to pursue and understand what employers
are looking for. Receiving a job offer is the endpoint
Finding jobs to apply for 57%
of a broader employability journey: one that begins
with becoming aware of and exploring a range of career
Figuring out what job or
options. Determining the skills needed to pursue a career to pursue
desired career, and acquiring these skills through a
Understanding what
focused plan of study, requires insight into industry employers are looking for 50%
Finding time to
devote to a job search 30%
Other 0%
Nearly 90% of students either agree or strongly agree Earning a professional certificate will Influence of professional certificates on students’
that earning a professional certificate will help them help me stand out to employers and get likelihood to enroll in a degree program
a job when I graduate (average %)
stand out to employers and secure jobs when they
graduate. Combined with the importance that students n=2,407
place on employability, this may explain why including 82% 82%
Strongly disagree or disagree Global U.S. Mexico Australia India UK France Germany Turkey
Professional certificates help hiring decision-makers When hiring recent university graduates: Very challenging
solve for their top two challenges: identifying and Challenges that employers face Challenging
Other 1% Other 1%
Employers both recognize and value professional Influence of a professional certificate on an employer’s n=1,218
certificates: they are on average 76% more likely
decision to hire a candidate for an entry-level role
(average %)
to hire a candidate who has earned one. When
presented with a range of hiring scenarios that include 85% 89%
76% 74% 78%
both a candidate with a professional certificate and 71% 71% 71% 71%