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Connecting Learning To Career Ou

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From Higher Education to Employment

How Your University

Can Connect Learning
to Career Outcomes
Table of Contents Executive summary 3

Where we are 5

Top five learnings 7

How to take action 13

Endnotes 15
Executive summary
At Coursera, we view employability as an ecosystem: and employers in eight countries—Australia, India, enough to advance their career goals. At the same
a network of interdependent parts, none of which France, Germany, Mexico, Turkey, the UK, and the time, while employers still value traditional degrees,
can succeed without the others. This ecosystem U.S.—in collaboration with the market research firm, they increasingly recognize the value of skills-based
includes two primary actors: the first, students in higher Dynata. Our goal was to gain a holistic understanding credentials, like professional certificates, that are
education who are searching for their first, post-degree of the motivations, needs, and challenges that confront tailored to needs of specific jobs.
jobs; the second, employers who are looking to fill each of these groups as they strive, on the one hand, to
This e-book unpacks the data gathered in our survey.
entry-level roles. complete their studies and begin their working lives and,
It begins by describing the trends that are reshaping
on the other hand, to foster early-career talent and bring
By providing students with both a holistic education higher education and work—and, with them, students’
fresh graduates into their businesses. Our sample sizes
and job-specific skills, higher education has the expectations and needs. It then presents our top five
enabled us to obtain results with an industry-standard
unique ability to bridge both sides of this ecosystem. learnings, each of which contains an action for college
range of error at a 95% confidence level.
With this vision in mind, Coursera launched Career and university leaders to consider. It concludes with next
Academy, a solution that prepares students for in- The story that emerged from our data is definitive and steps that your higher education institution can take to
demand jobs with skills training and professional offers valuable learnings for college and university connect classroom learning with the career outcomes to
certificates from the world’s leading companies, leaders who seek to improve their competitive which students aspire.
including Google, IBM, and Meta. position in an increasingly crowded higher education
landscape. In 2022, students across the globe look to
In August 2022, following Career Academy’s launch,
higher education as a stepping stone to a promising
Coursera conducted a survey of 3,600 students
job, yet they feel that their institutions are not doing

From Higher Education to Employment Executive Summary 3

Here are our top five learnings:
1 When given 10 options, 43% of students 4 Professional certificates help hiring decision-
identified their ability to get a job among the top makers solve for their top two challenges:
three factors motivating their decision to enroll in identifying and validating applicants’ skills.
a degree program.
5 Employers both recognize and value professional
2 More than 50% of students struggle to both certificates: they are on average 76% more likely
decide what job to pursue and understand what to hire a candidate who has earned one.
employers are looking for.

3 Nearly 90% of students either agree or strongly

agree that earning a professional certificate will
help them stand out to employers and secure
jobs when they graduate.

From Higher Education to Employment Executive Summary 4

Where we are
Today’s students approach higher education first post-degree job.3 In the U.K., the numbers are equally their education as “theoretical with little exposure to
with a specific goal in mind: to secure a job upon concerning: only 16% of university students and recent industry,” while only 22% agree that their academic
graduation. Across the globe, young adults are voicing graduates surveyed in 2022 felt very prepared for getting programs involved “work-based learning” that
their understanding of higher education as a route to a job. In India, tests of key business, communication, prepared them for “real problem-solving.”6
a promising career. In a 2022 study, 82% of students analytical, problem-solving, and coding skills have found
These gaps between higher education and industry
ranked job opportunities as their top criteria in choosing that 47% of engineering graduates are not employable in
leave students ill-informed about promising career
a path beyond high school, followed closely by the knowledge-economy positions.4
paths and without the concrete skills needed to
ability to develop real-world skills and increase their
As the nature of in-demand jobs, and the skills pursue them. In 2022, more than half of current
earning potential.1 A 2021 survey echoed these findings,
required to perform them, changes, higher university students and recent graduates in the U.K.
with 92% of students in the UK affirming that the ability
education is struggling to keep pace. By 2025, reported not knowing what job opportunities were
to gain employability skills was a key factor in their
advances in digitalization, data, and artificial suitable for them.7 A 2021 study found that the majority
choice of university.2
intelligence promise to create 97 million new jobs of recent graduates in the U.S. had not even applied to
While students increasingly look to higher education while displacing 85 million existing roles. These new
entry-level jobs because they felt unqualified and lacked
to achieve their career goals, their degree programs jobs require new sets and combinations of skills, from the skills listed in the job descriptions.8 This widespread
are falling short of getting them job-ready. Many analyzing, managing, and communicating data to inability of educated young people to enter the
higher education institutions are not meeting students’ critical thinking and advanced problem-solving. Yet, workforce has serious ramifications, not only for their
expectations for coursework that prepares them for without ties to industry, higher education institutions professional development and the economic prosperity
a successful job search upon graduation. Just 19% of have difficulty identifying these skills and integrating of the countries in which they live, but also for their
recent graduates in the U.S. agreed that their degree those that are lacking into their degree programs. senses of self-worth, self-efficacy, and hopefulness
equipped them with the skills needed to perform their In India, for example, most STEM students describe about the future.9

From Higher Education to Employment Executive Summary 5

At the same time, graduates are entering a job in affected industries, and business’ decisions to
market with intense competition for entry-level postpone recruitment, among other factors. In the U.K.,
roles. In today’s economy, getting hold on the first for example, persons under the age of 35 accounted
rung of the career ladder is exceedingly difficult. A for almost 80% of jobs lost in the first year of the
global analysis of nearly four million job descriptions pandemic.13 By 2022, less than half of the global youth
between 2017 and 2021 revealed that 35% called for employment deficit created during the pandemic is
at least three years of relevant work experience: a expected to be recouped.14
percentage that rose to 60% for coveted jobs in software
Despite these headwinds, the growth in technology-
and IT services.10 Without added, job-specific skills, a
based jobs provides immense opportunities for
university degree is no longer seen as sufficient by many
students who are prepared to seize them. In
companies. Indeed, since 2020, hiring in the U.S. for
the coming years, technological shifts will create
entry-level roles requiring a bachelor’s degree has fallen
myriad new, digitally-intensive jobs in fields such
by 45%: the sharpest decrease among all categories of
as software development, cloud computing, data
educational attainment.11
analysis, cybersecurity, digital marketing, product
These interwoven challenges confront higher development, customer success, and more.15 These
education at a moment of record global youth shifts, together with the global economy’s ongoing
unemployment. Long elevated, the global youth digital transformation, will open career pathways with
unemployment rate in 2021 stood at nearly 16%: more tremendous growth potential. Students who gain the
than three times the adult rate.12 The pandemic dealt skills needed to pursue these pathways will position
a disproportionate economic blow to young people themselves for professional success, both immediately
due to their lack of seniority, their concentration upon graduation and throughout their working lives.

From Higher Education to Employment Executive Summary 6

Top five

When given 10 options, 43% of students identified Top three most important factors students consider when choosing a degree program
their ability to get a job among the top three factors
motivating their decision to enroll in a degree 59%
program. Employability was second in importance only
to a school’s location—and more important than its Ability to get a job 43%

academic strength, reputation, and cost. As students 42%

Academic strength
increasingly base their decision to pursue higher
education on their desired career outcomes, colleges Reputation/brand 42%

and universities must take action to support student 31%

Range of academic programs
employability in order to remain competitive.
Cost of attendance 26%

Classes offered in-person 23%

Campus/social life 16%

Classes offered online 14%

Alumni network 5%

Other 0%

From Higher Education to Employment Top 5 Takeaways 8


More than 50% of students struggle to both decide Top three challenges students face in deciding what job to pursue after graduation
what job to pursue and understand what employers
are looking for. Receiving a job offer is the endpoint
Finding jobs to apply for 57%
of a broader employability journey: one that begins
with becoming aware of and exploring a range of career
Figuring out what job or
options. Determining the skills needed to pursue a career to pursue
desired career, and acquiring these skills through a
Understanding what
focused plan of study, requires insight into industry employers are looking for 50%

dynamics that many higher education institutions are

not equipped to provide. Colleges and universities must Preparing for interviews 50%

do more to bridge the gap between classroom learning

Not having the skills or
and industry needs—thus ensuring that their students experience needed to apply 32%

are prepared to successfully apply for full-time work.

Creating a resume 30%

Finding time to
devote to a job search 30%

Other 0%


From Higher Education to Employment Top 5 Takeaways 9


Nearly 90% of students either agree or strongly agree Earning a professional certificate will Influence of professional certificates on students’
that earning a professional certificate will help them help me stand out to employers and get likelihood to enroll in a degree program
a job when I graduate (average %)
stand out to employers and secure jobs when they
graduate. Combined with the importance that students n=2,407
place on employability, this may explain why including 82% 82%

professional certificates in an academic program makes 75% 77%

74% 72% 73%
students, on average, 75% more likely to enroll in that 11 % 69% 69%

program. By adding professional certificates to their

academic offerings, higher education institutions can
meet students’ demand for job-role-based learning—
and boost their competitive standing in the process.


Strongly agree or agree

Strongly disagree or disagree Global U.S. Mexico Australia India UK France Germany Turkey


From Higher Education to Employment Top 5 Takeaways 10


Professional certificates help hiring decision-makers When hiring recent university graduates: Very challenging

solve for their top two challenges: identifying and Challenges that employers face Challenging

validating applicants’ skills. When hiring recent

university graduates, 42% of employers report Finding applicants with the specific
skills needed for the job
16% 26%
difficulty sourcing candidates with the specific skills
Verifying that an applicant has the
needed for the job, while 36% struggle to verify that 13% 23%
right level of skills proficiency
candidates have the right level of skills proficiency. Assessing an applicant’s cultural fit
12% 21%
with my organization
These challenges apply to both technology and human
Determining if an applicant is ready for a
skills, which employers report are also the most difficult professional environment
11% 23%
to find in the applicant pool. By earning a professional
Evaluating the quality of an applicant’s
9% 21%
certificate, students both learn the skills needed for a academic credentials n=1,218
given job and demonstrate these skills through hands-
on projects. The result enables employers to solve their
most urgent hiring challenges, providing a powerful
signal that students will be successful if hired. Skills that are most difficult to evaluate Skills that are most difficult to find

Technology skills 58% Technology skills 49%

(e.g. computer programming) (e.g. computer programming)
Human or soft skills 57% Human or soft skills 56%
(e.g. critical thinking, communication) (e.g. critical thinking, communication)
Data skills 46% Data skills 49%
(e.g. data analysis) (e.g. data analysis)
Business skills 39% Business skills 45%
(e.g. sales) (e.g. sales)

Other 1% Other 1%

From Higher Education to Employment Top 5 Takeaways 11


Employers both recognize and value professional Influence of a professional certificate on an employer’s n=1,218
certificates: they are on average 76% more likely
decision to hire a candidate for an entry-level role
(average %)
to hire a candidate who has earned one. When
presented with a range of hiring scenarios that include 85% 89%
76% 74% 78%
both a candidate with a professional certificate and 71% 71% 71% 71%

a candidate without one, hiring decision-makers

repeatedly expressed a strong preference for the
candidate with a professional certificate. In line with this
finding, 92% of employers either agree or strongly agree
Global U.S. Mexico Australia India UK France Germany Turkey
that a professional certificate strengthens a candidate’s
application. College and university leaders can thus
have confidence that professional certificates will help
their students realize the job outcomes that they look to Strongly agree or agree: n=1,218
higher education to secure. Earning a professional certificate strengthens a candidate’s job application

92% 95% 95% 96%

92% 90% 91% 91%

Global U.S. Mexico Australia India UK France Germany Turkey

From Higher Education to Employment Top 5 Takeaways 12

How to take action
By adopting skills-based learning, higher education and succeed in a given entry-level role. Indeed, in a
institutions can fill gaps in their curricula and recent study, the vast majority (70% or more) of U.S.
directly connect their degree programs to the labor executives agreed that employees who have skills-
market. By thus aligning classroom learning with based credentials gain credibility and are better
industry needs, colleges and universities can help their performers than their colleagues who do not.16
students build confidence and accomplish their career
When combined with the findings of Coursera’s
goals. As students’ decision-making toward higher
survey, the case is clear: by earning a professional
education is strongly motivated by their desired job
certificate alongside their degree, students pair
outcomes, improving graduate employability is one of
their academic knowledge with job-specific skills
the most impactful steps that higher education leaders
that employers both recognize and value.17 By
can take to attract and retain students.
enabling students to discover in-demand career paths,
Employers are taking note, expressing strong build role-specific skills, and earn a professional
interest in skills-based credentials like professional certificate, all available through Career Academy
certificates as complements to traditional academic from Coursera, students connect job exploration and
degrees. When assured in quality and developed in learning with the needs of employers. The result is
partnership with industry, skills-based credentials more job-ready students and more resilient higher
like professional certificates provide a powerful signal education institutions.
to employers about students’ ability to perform

From Higher Education to Employment Top 5 Takeaways 13

Prepare your students
for in-demand jobs
with Career Academy
Career Academy from Coursera prepares students for
for in-demand jobs with skills training and Professional
Certificates from the world’s leading companies.
Students can explore different career paths, earn a
valuable credential, and access hands-on learning, no
prior experience required.

Contact us today to learn more about Career Academy.

From Higher Education to Employment Top 5 Takeaways 14

1. Question the Quo. ECMC Group. 2022. 13. Youth unemployment: the young workers hit hard by the
Covid crisis. The Guardian. 2021.
2. Paying more for less? Careers and employability support for
international students at UK universities. Higher Education 14. Global Employment Trends for Youth 2022. ILO. 2022.
Policy Institute. 2021.
15. The Future of Jobs Report 2020. World Economic Forum.
3. The U.S. Education System Isn’t Giving Students What 2020.
Employers Need. Harvard Business Review. 2021.
16. The Rise of Alternative Credentials in Hiring. SHRM. 2021.
4. Increasing Employability of Indian Engineering Graduates
through Experiential Learning Programs and Competitive 17. Are employers recognising alternative credentials in hiring
Programming: Case Study. Procedia Computer Science. 2020. decisions? ICEF Monitor. 2022.

5. The Future of Jobs Report 2020. World Economic Forum.


6. STEM Education in India. NASSCOM. 2021.

7. Early Careers Survey 2022. Prospects Luminate. 2022.

8. The U.S. Education System Isn’t Giving Students What

Employers Need. Harvard Business Review. 2021.

9. The Global Risks Report 2021. World Economic Forum. 2021.

10. Why inexperienced workers can’t get entry-level jobs. BBC.


11. Good Jobs in Bad Times. EMSI Burning Glass. 2021.

12. Global Employment Trends for Youth 2022. ILO. 2022.

From Higher Education to Employment Endnotes 15

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